#sella loves anons
stewieonthewall · 25 days
This is the link to the interview about the bouquet, it anyone is interested
thank you sm to everyone that finds links for me bc that shit is so tiring for no reason
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obsessive-evie · 5 months
hi hi!!
call me evie!
i write smut so read tags carefully!!! i’m a raging lesbian so if you’re a weird man please no.
i love all things women’s college basketball, mainly the women
i write a decent bit (if you remember detailed anon from sellas place a little while ago, hi!)
my masterlist!!
i’m open to, but not limited to writing for:
Aubrey Griffin
Kate Martin
Paige Bueckers
orrrr others? lmk!
ps i refuse to write y/n
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briteboy · 7 years
who? ramona? yes
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plxstic-flxwers · 7 years
brian sella loves u
I love him too anon, I love him too
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halzatron · 7 years
hello friend and also mat sella stan i would die for u ur amazing
you are so sweet anon *gives you anon hugs*
also i do love the fellow mat sella stans
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bokuroyaoya · 7 years
So apperantly you seem to like Dream Daddy. Would ya mind to rank the Daddy's in your prefered order? I'm curious as to who you like the most and who you like the least.
Hi Anon! Of course I can rank them Daddies! Muahua.1. Robert Small (He’s a precious angel and needs to be protected at all cost)2. Damien Bloodmarch (Srsly his route was the best. And I love his son.)3. Craig Cahn (Bro… he’s the best bro. AND RIVER IS THE CUTEST BABY!)4. Mat Sella (He’s such a cutiepie actually)5. Hugo Vega (Kinda strange fella, but cute anyway.)6. Brian Harding (He’s annoying with his competition thingy but he can be cute)7. Joseph Christiansen (Oh you don’t wanna start that conversation with me…)
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aneongravestone · 7 years
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Hello, lovely friends. I just reach 6000 followers and that’s totally amazing and unbelievable! 
During my whole life I never felt part of anything, but that changed when I became a twenty one pilots fan. I found the Clique and this band and they are my home since then. I know it can sound pretty silly, but I don’t care because it’s the truth. The Clique means a lot to me and each one of you too. I love you all and I don’t know what I would have done without you.
You guys are always here helping and being so kind and friendly. Everytime that you guys feel alone remember that you are not. We are here for each other and I’ll be always here to you. Thank you for everything you guys do for me and for this amazing fandom and band. You guys are amazing.
So here you will find SOME of my favorite blogs (the ones in bold are SOME of my mutuals). Sorry if I forget you! I love you too, but it’s a lot of people!
First I want to thank some people that have been my friends and have believed in me enough for both of us. I love you all A LOT and I’ll never be able to thank you guys enough.
So thank you each one of you for being always here and being such lovely and amazing people.
@12aclocksharp - @21-pantaloons - @21dashes - @21p - @21pgifs - @2happyboys 
A - C
@a-bleedingtrapdoor - @acciojoshler - @addict-with-a-playlist - @addictedun - @afrenwithapen - @ahathema - @ahouseofgold - @aliennjosh - @alittlefireinyou - @alientylerr - @alternativeaddicts - @anathxmas - @anisleoflightlessbirds - @anotherrefrence - @areafiftydun - @ashlybee - @backtomyrefuge - @badl4nder - @badlydrawntop - @beanboyjoseph - @beat-of-our-heart - @begoneyouseerain - @blurrryspace - @blurryfaceinspace - @blurrygeek - @blurryjoshua - @blurrypolarized - @blurry-duns - @blurrypandaa - @blushdun - @blvrryvxssel - @brokenlittleangeltheo - @bruisetyler - @bulletforthefew - @bulletproofatbest - @capriduns - @caradio - @chaigneau - @chilltyler - @clearlytyler - @cliquecompliments - @commandercosima - @copaceticbrainbox - @cowardly-trees 
D - G
@dailyjennajoseph - @davidthedad - @dearlywritten - @deathshands - @depresssssingthoughtsss - @dislap - @djspookybean - @djspookjim - @doebt - @dontbe2cool - @dork-with-a-uke - @dorkofhellskitchen - @doubtjoseph - @dronesforhands - @dunangelic - @dundundunnn - @duncare  - @dunflower - @dunluv - @dunplease - @dunpling - @dunsforhvnds - @dunwithdjspookyjim - @emotionalroadtrip - @emotionaldun - @emotionalphanintended - @empty-sky - @emptysky-screamin - @fairly-local - @fairlyathletic-quails - @fairlylocalpilots - @fairlylocaldun - @fearrwilllose - @fearthenightt - @fetustyler - @filledwithfirexhaledesire - @floral-tyler - @floralduns - @flossieboo - @flowerydun - @fornhaus - @fvandomtrvsh - @galaxyjishwa - @gaybess - @gh0styler - @glowingvessel - @glowinngeyes - @guns-to-a-fist - @guns2fists - @gunsxforxhands
H - J 
@handwrittentoplyrics - @hayleyperfectwilliams - @heathen-as-frick - @heathenpilots - @heathxns - @heavvydirrtysouul - @heavydirtybeansoul - @heavydirtyghoul - @heavydirtygifs - @heavydirtys0ul - @heavydirtyty @heavydirtysocks - @heinousheathen - @hellyeahtamara - @helpoursoulstonight´- @herowithabox - @holding-on-to-joshua - @holdingontotacobell - @hometownn - @hopelessdun - @houseofdun - @howboutsomedan - @i-like-twenty-one-pilots - @iamzero - @icicledun - @igniteit - @im-dunwithyou - @imfairlydun - @imonthedunandgo - @inaskeletonclique - @infinityonromance - @insert-super-cool-url - @insignificant-trashcan - @irlescapism - @isle-of-flightless-duns-x - @ive-been-thinkin-to-much - @j0shler - @jawshdun - @jennaaajoseph - @jennathecliquemom - @jishuasun - @jishwasbeard - @josephtvler - @josh-duns-for-hands - @josh1er - @josh1ersmut - @joshdwn - @joshguns - @joshisreal - @joshdunpictures - @joshlers - @joshsbestfren - @joshsduns - @joshuadunx - @joshyface - @jshlrs - @jukeboxthepilot - @justjennajoseph - @jylerandtosh - @joshuaduns
K - M
@kaykaymolly - @kissyfacehowell - @kokiri-kelly - @lacejoshler - @leadmetothepromiseland - @lesnbian - @lis-alis - @livefree-livehappily - @lovelyforestdun - @lovesickdun - @meandmyocd - @migraxne - @missyelyahwilliams - @mistyeyedpearl - @mochajosh - @mouseofgold - @mrmjstyeyed - @mrs-miisty-eyed - @multifandomasfuckk - @mutemathtop
N - P
@nepptune - @nicolevvictoria - @no-dun-intended - @no-phun-lntended - @nophu-n - @nophunintendun - @nopipintended - @ode--to--sleep - @ode-to-21p - @ode-to-smol - @odetoblurryface - @odetojebby - @odetodreams - @odetoslep - @odetotheheathens - @odetotylerrjoseph - @ofblackhcnds - @ofheathen - @ohiodun - @ohmyjennajoseph - @okayfrend - @one-more-time-with-feelings - @oneanddun - @ourgraine - @oursmolbeans - @outdun @outerspacejosh - @outlandishheroes - @p-r-0-0-f - @paramass - @philsass - @pilotsfans - @plummet-as-i-sing - @polarisetyler - @polariiize @polarize-dun - @polarizedsoul - @prettyheathen - @prettyyweeper - @prollydun
Q - S
@quietdun - @r-atbest - @raindownandestroyme - @rainyjosh - @random-clever-username - @regionalatbest - @regionalabest - @regionalatbehest - @regionalathighest - @rhymelikethis - @richyouths - @rosydun - @royalbands - @ruby-mp3 - @saddunflower - @secretlife-ofdaydreams - @semi-polarized - @sickcliqueart - @signinguptothiswasabadidea - @silenceoftheyouth - @silentinthetreeshello - @singitspookay - @siriusxmhits1 - @skeletalpilot - @skelecliques - @skeledun--clique - @slightlydun - @slowduns - @slowtowndun - @smolheathens - @so-dun-with-school - @sodunwithholdingontoyou - @sorrowlicher - @spooklyjosh - @spookyjim-joshua - @spookyjimandtyler - @spookyjimheathen - @spookyjimjamm - @spookyjimrippedmas - @spoookyjimxmas - @spoopyeggs - @starlitdun - @stars-anon - @stay-loww - @stavlow - @stay-sickasfrick - @stevenn-sella - @still-into-paramore - @strxngxer - @sunandsnow - @svagestarlight
T - V
@tacobellltylerrr - @tacopilots - @takeeittsloww - @takinmytimeonmyride - @taxicab - @tb-saga - @teamjennajoseph - @tearinmyheart - @thankstodun @thatdunlife - @thebandlands - @thejennajoseph - @thoseopeneyes - @topclique - @topinterviews - @trashler - @tru--ce - @trucce - @trxshyheathen - @trylerjoseph - @tvlerjcsephs - @twctyoncpilcts - @twenlyonepilots - @twentyonepilots - @twentnyonepilots - @twentydun - @twentyonefighters - @twentyoneblurryfaces - @twentyonecopilots - @twentyonecornflakesatthedisco - @twentyoneglutes - @twentyonemichiganbeaches - @twentyonepilots-gifs - @twentyoneqilots - @twenyonepilost - @twenyonepilots - @two-halves-not-one - @txlerjoseph - @tyguyjoseph - @tyjosephs - @tylerandthejosephs - @tylerasbabyanimals @tyleretta - @tylers-sink - @tylerisdunwithyou - @tylerisjoshsfriend - @tylerjosep - @tylerjosef - @tylerjoseoh - @tyleronapiano - @tylerrjoseph - @tylerrjosephsface - @tylersdismalchords - @tylersdoubts - @tylersfrend - @tylersinfectioussmile - @tylersilent - @tylersjosef - @tylersonepilot - @tylersoldtweets - @tyloween - @typler - @ufodun - @use-ur-glutes - @vessal - @vesselblurryface - @vesselof - @vssl
W - Z
@watduidu -  @wdbwotv - @weareaddictswithapen - @wearefairlylocal - @wellfallinline - @whateverdun - @whenrains - @whimsybrain - @whydun - @xblxrryfxcex - @youareoutofmymind - @yourplanstonight
Okay, so that was huge but I know for sure I forgot to add incredible people. I love you all. So I’m really sorry if you are not here. 
Anyway, hope you guys have a great day! Stay alive |-/
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Hi, I love your work it's amaizing. I read a story a a while ago. Where Katniss was kind of a nyphm that lives in a circle of trees. And Peeta is a merchant that sella dildos to noble ladies. I hope you can help me because I can find it. Thank you so much and happy holidays.
Follower Participation Days: Ask #145
Please specify the FPD ask number when reccing a fic.
Send us a message or fanmail with the story and author information.  It would be much appreciated if you could provide the link, but it’s not required. If you have to be on anon, ask here.
Check out the rest of the Follower Participation Days Questions!
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stewieonthewall · 16 days
Sella my sweet lovely darling, please could we have an update on the Covid fic? I know you hate this question but I must ask 🙏🙏 A sneak peek would make my week (note the rhyming❤️)
i have not touched it recently but you can have another snippet 🙏🏼 only bc you asked so nicely ☺️
atp idr what i’ve posted but here’s something 😭
The rest was history. They kept talking every day, went to great lengths to go to each other’s games in different states, and were told over and over how ‘special’ their connection was. Azzi didn’t get it at first. Paige was her best friend, but everyone had a best friend that they loved the way she loved hers, didn’t they?
It had taken a couple years, but eventually Azzi had figured it out. Paige wasn’t just her best friend, she was her person. There was never going to be anyone else. There was no fanfare, no announcement or confession, just quiet acceptance as a 16-year-old Azzi had sat on her bed and tried to make sense of her uncharacteristically messy thoughts neatly scrawled in a little purple notebook that she carefully kept hidden from her parents and siblings. She’d confided only in Stewie before vowing to never tell anyone else.
Just this once, Azzi had been glad that she wasn’t brave like Paige. She wasn’t ready to change everything, especially when she was almost positive that she already knew what Paige’s answer would be.
Azzi was disciplined, and she was able to keep up their routine, never acting in a way that would alert Paige. She knew their dynamic, and she could act accordingly. Well, mostly. It was so much easier when they were apart and Paige was just some pixels on a screen, just her goofy best friend.
When they were together, Azzi had to exercise nearly all of her self-discipline. Because when she was in the same room as Paige, she couldn’t ignore the way her eyes shone and her smile that was only ever kind. She couldn’t ignore the sharp lines of Paige’s body, from her cheeks to her collarbones to other places that she was definitely not supposed to be looking at. And she especially couldn’t ignore how physical Paige was; touching, brushing, and grabbing without a care in the world because she was just so full of love and had to get it out somehow.
So Azzi is worried. Not that she’ll get sick of Paige, but that she’ll ruin everything or somehow fall more in love, and she doesn’t even know which would be worse.
“AZZI!” Jon’s loud voice snaps her out of her thoughts.
She shakes her head. “What did you say?”
“I said thanks a lot for helping us with Paige’s stuff,” he grumbles, rolling his eyes as he goes inside.
“Sorry, I zoned out,” she calls to his back. How long had she been standing there? Shaking her head again, Azzi wanders into the kitchen where she finds her best friend talking to her parents.
Paige is wearing a tank top. It looks like she’s put on some muscle since the last time Azzi saw her. Azzi stares at the ceiling. She’s fine. This is going to be fine.
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possessmeandcry · 7 years
Answer all the questions I want to know all your answers to all of them
oh jesus my man i'm on mobile i can't do a readmore0: Height // 5'1.5"
1: Virgin? // yup
2: Shoe size // 9 women's
3: Do you smoke? // no
4: Do you drink? // yeah
5: Do you take drugs? // not really
6: Age you get mistaken for // like 19? 
7: Have tattoos? // too afraid of needles
8: Want any tattoos? // yes but ^
9: Got any piercings? // ears
10: Want any piercings? // nope
11: Best friend? // ihateranch
12: Relationship status // single as shit 
13: Biggest turn ons // come off anon
14: Biggest turn offs // ^
15: Favorite movie // the room and father's day (2011)
16: I’ll love you if // you buy me things lmao (jk just love me)
17: Someone you miss // tommy wiseau
18: Most traumatic experience // any time i'm around my dad
19: A fact about your personality // i'm sad and i like vinyl too much
20: What I hate most about myself // everything
21: What I love most about myself // my eyes are okay i guess
22: What I want to be when I get older // a sociologist, spec. in politics
23: My relationship with my sibling(s) // good
24: My relationship with my parent(s) // love my mom my dad's satan
25: My idea of a perfect date // sleep and a nice dinner date, maybe going to a record store?
26: My biggest pet peeves // people that refuse to do their jobs
27: A description of the girl/boy I like // scroll down my blog friend 
28: A description of the person I dislike the most // tall, bitch, evil, weird hair
29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend // to protect them from my mood swings 
30: What I hate the most about work/school // getting up early
31: What your last text message says // oh no.. "i'm gonna fuck tommy wiseau"
32: What words upset me the most // "stop talking to me"
33: What words make me feel the best about myself // 
34: What I find attractive in women // taller than me
35: What I find attractive in men // taller than me
36: Where I would like to live // new york or another gigantic city
37: One of my insecurities // i'm too clingy and i overtalk to people who don't even really like me 
38: My childhood career choice // author
39: My favorite ice cream flavor // good question idk 
40: Who wish I could be // brian sella
41: Where I want to be right now // asleep on my friend's couch
42: The last thing I ate // mini m&m's 
43: Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately // the drummer from the thermals
44: A random fact about anything // both greg sestero and tommy wiseau speak french
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stewieonthewall · 23 days
I’m starting to see more Azzi edits on my fyp and the giddiness and butterflies i get every time i come across one oof 😅🫣 i’m in my early 20s now and all my life, every time i come across a pretty girl i’ve always just been like “damn i wish i was her” and tbh that’s still the way i feel but Azzi bro, like Azzi, man she’s the first and only one so far where i’ve gone “i wanna be with her”
omg this made me smile ☺️☺️
shoutout azzi for cracking that closet door open!! if paige can do it so can she!!
(to be clear anon i’m not assuming anything this is a joke i wanted to make bc of the epidemic of paige being ppl’s awakenings) (but if that was what you were saying then welcome to the club!)
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stewieonthewall · 25 days
More info on the summit. It is free to attend virtually & if anyone is specifically interested in just listening to Azzi, she is on from 11:05-11:45am with Julie Foudy, Hidalgo & Tessa
yes yes yes idk why i didn’t put the time but ty anon!
there’s more info here too if anyone is looking
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stewieonthewall · 4 days
hey now, don’t be putting ideas in my head 😂
i’m about one more dream away from sliding into her dms 😭 (i’m kidding, it’s just a joke y’all, i’m not a home-wrecker)
me when i dream abt nika 🫨🫨
see sometimes i feel sane and normal and sometimes i’m glad y’all are just as down bad as me 🙏🏼
not a home wrecker is so funny btw
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stewieonthewall · 11 days
sella, i feel like we have lived so many lives since that infamous moment last year and each life is deja vu every single time with the way we keep going in circles 😭
me in 6 omw to make my 20th account:
anon, i’m so glad you’ve been on this journey with me and i hope you’re reaching the same level of insanity since you’ve seen all that i’ve experienced
i truly dk if i love or hate this app
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stewieonthewall · 14 days
Sella, babes, you’re like one of the og pazzi truthers, they could never make me hate you 😌😂
lmaooo thank you anon 🙏🏼 much appreciated
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stewieonthewall · 22 days
this is the spit clip for anyone wanting it 😭
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