#sooo many thoughts
angeart · 11 months
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I have Thoughts about this li'l fella. (yes, the thoughts are angst)
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dreamaboutwhathappens · 6 months
i LOVE how this article talking about her career references mastermind, the thesis of which is “none of it was accidental.” so many people love to find ways to discredit all of the work that she, herself, has done, but the journalist acknowledges — none of this was accidental. she is where she is because she is constantly, actively working at making the best, most genuine music she can while providing the fans the greatest experience possible. she IS a mastermind and she deserves that credit!!!!!
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kkaatzchen · 28 days
Need to actually write a story not just have these damn thoughts
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yugiohz · 2 years
shonen characters that look like 90s/00s yaoi men
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dearbraus · 1 year
my feelings about hange's death are changing esp with how it was framed in the manga.
tw mentions and discussions of suicide and aot spoilers below
initially, it felt very much like hange was committing suicide simply because there were a lot of breadcrumbs that hange was very unhappy with their position as comander which translated into what myself and i think a lot of others interpreted as depression given how dejected hange was. however, hange's reaction to realizing they were dead wasn't that of relief, or joy because it was finally over and they were at peace. their expression remained very neutral and quiet and when erwin tells them, they've done their duty it no longer feels as though he is reassuring hange that it's finally over for them but rather, is reassuring them that they made the right choice. and that choice being, sacrifcing themselves in order to stop eren.
i don't think hange wanted to die, but they knew that the only way to stop eren was to get that plane in the sky and the only way to do that was to hold the titans off for long enough for it to go into the sky. why they joked about having a super cool death, it wasn't a blaze of glory, they were trying to reassure levi that it was okay, that they have made their peace with this sacrifice and that they will dedicate their heart to the very end. hange has always had such a zest for life and was so eager to learn and while i think the war, eren, the jaegerists, and being commander did weigh heavily on them, i don't think they would have ever chosen to commit suicide simply because they were burnt out or "tired". and it makes hange's death even more tragic and that scene with the dead scouts even more impactfully. all of them died for the cause, for what they believed to be the greater good, they died a soldier's death. none of their stories were finished, they had so much to live for and so much to achieve and it was stolen from them.
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cosmicrzy · 7 months
the slow mobius's wife thing at the end of s7e5 was not funny it was sick and twisted
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tiredqueermushroom · 2 years
Post CR3 Episode 25 Thoughts: Fearne
Fearne finding out that her parents are still alive and are close by! Fearne seems to be little conflicted about Dusk's relationship towards her parents. She thinks that they may have forgotten her because the never mentioned her to Dusk, Dusk stopping herself from referring to herself as their daughter. Calling Birdie and Ollie "Mom and Dad" I-
We usually see Fearne as this upbeat and wild fae that is always up for chaos but this episode she was so anxious and nervous. They only thing comparable would be Dorian leaving but even then. This feels more frantic, so much happened on such short notice. Like she hasn't seen them in 90 years!?
Interestingly neither of her parents responded to Dusk being mentioned, when imogen contacted them
Just soo many thoughts, excited for the reunion.
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captmickey · 2 years
So what you do you think of RtMI's art style?
A can of worms ya opening up here, dear anon. Considering the uh... extremely split view of the new style, so I'll just put it like this.
Short answer: I love it and find it absolutely adorable. It grew on me, what can I say?
Long answer... under readmore because BOY DO I HAVE THOUGHTS ON THE ART STYLE.
I'm gonna be totally honest, it took me a minute to get adjusted to the art style, but after seeing it in movement and seeing Guybrush looking like, well, Guybrush, I quickly fell head over heels for it. I told it to others but the style reminds me of a storybook which is very fitting since the game is supposedly taking place between MI2 and MI3, and Guybrush is telling the missing story... why shouldn't it look like a story book?
And look at it, it's adorable!
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It's for sure different, it's simplistic, but also... it's Monkey Island. I don't know how to explain it, but seeing it has me go "Yeah, that there is Monkey Island", something about it gives me vibes of Curse and it might be the vibrant colors, the wacky designs, and the fact that is very cartoony. I absolutely love it. It took me a minute to get around to it, but the more I look at it, the more happy I am. Because I can look at these characters and go "Yes! That's them!"
Plus like.... look how cute Elaine is. She's adorable and I love her so much it hurts.
Now, I know that people want "the actual look" but like... what actual look? Fucking pixels? It's aggravating to me because Monkey Island has always been a game that changed its look ala Legend of Zelda or Final Fantasy, always evolving and updating its graphic with each new computer (SMI and MI2 was 16bit to photoscan, Curse as straight up 2D and EMI and ToMI were both evolved 3D).
So like, yes, the art style is different then what we're used to, true, but again, Monkey Island has never been known for consistency in terms of art style because of said evolution, a change of graphics and style is always jarring, I won't deny it, but like every style, it grows and finds its place and I think people aren't giving it the chance to shine. Pixels art is fine, but Monkey Island has never been a game to retread graphically OR artistically.
Like... look at this.
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That's all Elaine, but she's in six different "looks" and everyone knows that that's her. Same here, it's a different "look", but these two pictures are of the same goober.
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That's still Guybrush! As long as his voice and his wit is the same, they can have him look like a muppet for all I care because that's still Guybrush Threepwood to me.
Hearing people bitch (because that's what it is: people bitching) about it "not looking like Monkey Island" have clearly never been fans of Monkey Island. Because if they were, they should have seen this shit coming a mile away. People are entitled to not like a style, I know a few people (myself included), that aren't fans of Escape's look, some didn't like Tales, God knows SO many people laughed at SMI:SE Guybrush's hair, there's always something that someone isn't going to like, and if that includes Return's new look, then sure, you're entitled to not like it, that is VALID.
What is NOT valid, and people should feel humiliated and laughed at into the sun, is fucking harassing Ron Gilbert and the team about it. That golden rule we're taught when we're children? Got nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all? Fucking applicable here. If you don't like Return's look, that's on you, but don't go around being a fucking clown saying how it's the worst thing ever and then throw in personal threats at the goddamn team.
In short: Love the style, hate the fans who are being whiny little fucking bitches who don't know how to behave like reasonable adults and anyone that comes here to be shits will catch the block button, I don't care.
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ratkiddoo · 2 years
eating up these scarvi leaks like crazy
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1967-impala · 1 year
Everyone always talks about woodland cryptids, but what about desert cryptids?
Creatures that blend into the scrawny, crawling branches…. Creatures that have thorns sticking out of their spines and elbows…. Creatures that look like cactus skeletons scorched by lighting…. Creatures that give off the scent of creosote to lure in prey that’s desperate for a sip of water….
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ghost-bard · 1 year
I am eepy but i have many thoughts on the new riptide episdoe….
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ilostyou · 1 year
sometimes i’m so sure i’d never be able to fall asleep with someone else in the room let alone Next To Me but also i’m so genuinely sure i would fall asleep so much better if [redacted]
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foreversedici · 1 year
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goodgrlshelby · 2 years
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we should talk more about cities that are vampires. cities that are cold and wet and sink into your bones and stay there. cities that are hungry and want to live. dead cities that dont know they're dead and suck the life force of their people to maintain the delusion. cities with harbors that are actually mouths; one-way entries. cities that are devastatingly lonely and see consumption as love
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in my hatchetfield era rn. need to talk about it. need to scream about it. idk.
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