Here’s some positivity for those who are frontstuck!
Many systems function by different members switching in and out in order to live their best lives. However, for some systems, one particular member or group of members may be stuck at the front, unable to switch out. These individuals deserve to be uplifted and treated with kindness! This post is for all the frontstuck system members out there!
🦋 Shoutout to system hosts who created their systems and are unable to switch out or fully leave the front!
❕ Shoutout to system members who switched in normally without expecting to remain at the front for long, but have been stuck in the front for weeks, months, or years!
💙 Shoutout to frontstuck system members who are unable to see or access their system’s inner world or headspace!
⛄️ Shoutout to frontstuck members who take care of their system’s bodies, social lives, school or work, and other important tasks!
🔹 Shoutout to frontstuck members who are tired or exhausted, and wish they could rest away from the front like other members of their system!
🤍 Shoutout to DID systems with frontstuck members - we promise having frontstuck members does not invalidate your system or your disorder in any way!
❄️ Shoutout to frontstuck system members who are not hosts, or who have other roles in their system that they fill!
💭 Shoutout to frontstuck members who spend a lot of time daydreaming, visiting their headspace, or building their paracosms!
🌀 Shoutout to frontstuck members who have never been able to switch out, regardless of their system’s origins!
🦢 Shoutout to frontstuck members who identify with terms like “specutien” or who use their own labels to describe their experiences!
💠 Shoutout to system members who go through long periods of being frontstuck followed by long stretches of not fronting at all!
☁️ Shoutout to systems whose members being frontstuck has caused them to deny their plurality or worry that they’re faking!
Having a frontstuck member (or members) doesn’t make you any less real as a system or any less welcome in the plural community! We promise that you belong here and you are a cherished part of these spaces and your own system just the way you are.
For all you frontstuck members out there, please know your hard work doesn’t go unnoticed! We recognize how much you do for your system and how challenging it can be to stay in the front all the time. We’re wishing you a future full of peace, rest, and happiness, even if you’re never able to fully switch out! Thanks so much for reading, and have a great day!
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(Image ID:) A pale orange userbox with a cluster of multicolored flowers for the userbox image. The border and text are both dark orange, and the text reads “all plurals can interact with this post!” (End ID.)
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velviflags · 10 months
CELESTE HEART » Specutien && Specusian
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Link to the flag/term : [X]
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plural-affirmations · 7 months
Shoutout to frontstuck systems!
This includes:
Specutien systems
Proxy systems
Median systems or subsystems that don't switch
Members in systems who wish they could front, but can't
Those who get stressed by the fact they can't switch
The ones who can "technically" switch, but never do
People who haven been frontstuck for a very long time
And anyone else I might've missed!
It's ok to only have one fronter, you're still very much plural! We love you very much, and your experiences are valid! You should be listened to! Never let anyone invalidate your system, you deserve to be taken seriously!
Take care!
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rr0ckstarr · 9 months
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[ID: a green userbox outlined in black; light green text on the userbox reads: "this user is specutien." on the left is the Specutien flag. End ID]
[ID: a green userbox outlined in black; light green text on the userbox reads: "this user is specutien." on the left is the Specutien flag. End ID]
this user is specutien; flags (link)
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funnier-as-a-system · 8 months
I'm sorry, I need to get this out somewhere and I'm kinda looking for advice ig (feel free to ignore if ya want ofc) ok so I have voices in my head (about 3, they all have names, personalities, ages ect and 2 of them have been around since i was 8) and alot of my friends say that it sounds like I have DID, which I mean I might but even if I do I wouldn't be able to get diagnosed, but anyways my issue is that I've never switched?? Like I've dissociated some at certain points but never switched, I didn't have schizophrenia nor do I suffer from delusions, so I've always joked that I'm just crazy when I tell people about them -✨️
As I read once in a post, "plurality doesn't require switching, but switching requires plurality". You don't need to switch to be a system, it's just a very common experience, to the point it's how a lot of systems discover their plurality. There are plenty of systems who don't switch often or at all, and instead experience their plurality through internal voices/communication, feeling influenced by their headmates, blurring, and/or only having partial switches, where (a) fronting headmate(s) don't completely lose control over the front, others just gain partial control.
If you're looking at the disorder/diagnosis side of things (which I assume you are based on your mention of DID), there is a diagnosis known as P-DID (Partial Dissociative Identity Disorder) that describes systems who rarely or never switch. Depending on where you live, you may not be able to be diagnosed with this, but I think looking into it and the community may help reassure you. There's also a general term for this kind of system, known as specutien.
This is one of the rare cases where I'm 99.99% certain what you're describing is systemhood (as opposed to cases where I'm more unsure or don't have enough info), so congrats, anon, welcome to the club! *toots tiny party horn* Again, switching isn't necessary to be a system, just the presence of more than one self, so if you've got that (which it seems you do), you can call yourself plural, a system, whatever! No need to stress, anon. Switching is just one aspect of system life, and it's certainly not a requirement.
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orange-orchard-system · 7 months
hi i hope this isnt weird. saw a mut rb your 'creative folk having characters talk to them' post and now im like of like. Oh.
ive had some plural friends clock me as 'vaguely plural' / had people assume i'm a system so im like. im having a 'perhaps my experiences are in fact, not universal' moment.
ive just never felt like it fits the bill for plurality, because ive always had a pretty tight grip on 'me' being the pilot / dont have altars switch out/in to talk like i see so often. its complex definitely but i guess im asking if there's any good resources for someone like me :?
(you can answer this privately or publicly, i dont mind either way)
Hi! Not weird at all. I see this somewhat often when people come to me about questioning if they're plural, and I think it comes from a lack of information about just how varied plurality can be. So, let me go over what your situation reminds me of.
Firstly, yes, there are resources for what you're talking about – and communities, too. There are plenty of systems who rarely or never switch, and they're called specutien systems and/or systems with P-DID (Partial Dissociative Identity Disorder). These systems may not experience full switches – as in, a total loss of control followed by someone else having full control – but they may experience switches where someone else has partial control, or are otherwise "close enough" to be able to communicate/affect them in some way without taking any control. These are known as co-fronting and co-consciousness respectively, and it's specifically what "talking to your characters" reminds me of.
There's also, of course, the possibility that you are experiencing full switches and are just forgetting due to amnesia, but if you don't have noticeable memory issues (noticeable by yourself or others, I should note, since the fun part of forgetting is you forget that you forgot), this probably isn't something to be too concerned about. If it is and/or you want to cover all your bases, try keeping a regular journal and see if there's any large gaps you can't explain.
Honestly, I recommend the journal for general purpose, too. It's a very useful tool for communicating, especially if you can't or don't switch; you can write down what your alters say to keep track of conversations, making sure you don't forget or mix up what was said, and use it as a sort of "evidence book" to yourself, especially if you add in other little details that support the idea that you're plural (such as, in your case, others assuming you're plural, too). Even if you've talked to your alters before, learning to talk to them as alters can be a new challenge to get used to, so try what techniques catch your eye and don't be afraid to take your time figuring yourself/ves out.
Of course, there's always the possibility that you're not plural, in the end, but hey, you're looking to learn something, ain't ya? Whether you are or aren't plural, you'll learn more about that aspect of yourself, and probably learn more about systems along the way.
To recap: specutien, P-DID, co-fronting, co-consciousness. Those are the four things I recommend you most look into, but you may find other topics or terms that you think may also fit you, so don't be afraid to explore those. Just looking up those terms on Tumblr will get you some folks talking about their own experiences, but there's also Pluralpedia as a wiki for plural terms, and at least two, maybe three, of those terms have been mentioned in academic and clinical papers about plurality, if you want to read those.
Hope this helps! Good luck figuring out yourself/ves!
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is-this-plural · 3 months
the protagonist of disco elysium?
that man is a specutien system to me yeah. god i should play disco elysium
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systemtermz · 4 months
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A system with a frontstuck host that requires other members to speak through that member, causing co-fronting and blurring.
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The frontstuck host of a spectuian system. Usually only the host by virtue of being frontstuck.
(This Blog was created to repost terms for the convenience and comfort of others. If you remake a reclaimed flag please tag me.)
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median-culture-is · 8 months
Specutien(?) culture is writing the word "we" in a scientific report and considering the ramifications of it in a way you never have before
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mechactually · 1 year
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specutien (link), aphantasian (link), artist / artiste / artista (link), brother figure (link), cassmate (link), dear (link), and destressor (link) word emojis
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luminae-system · 1 month
(Never did make an Intro Post. Placeholder!)
Luminae System! 🌟
[Pt: Luminae System! 🌟]
Quoigenic System of 3!
Collective name is Luminae or Lumina, They/Them (theirself or selves is fine) for collective pronouns. Feel free to call us Lumi affectionately if we are mutuals. We are bisexual and nonbinary collectively.
Bodily: 18 years old, latine 🇲🇽, afab perisex, birthday is June 22nd :3
Interaction is highly encouraged! Even a single like to our posts makes our day, reblogs are amazing, and golly we'd love asks.
Danny✨️ - Main fronter, frontstuck host
Daena 🌑 - Reformed persecutor, Local edgelord (/aff)
Aelius 🐈‍⬛ - Protector/Caretaker (Getting the milk /j, unavailable at the moment)
For term nerds like us:
Specutien / Proxy system
Suspected P-DID? Heavy on the "not sure"
Dni under the cut bc long, tldr: Exclus, r@dqueer, transmed, sysmed, right-wing, anti good faith "contradictory" labels, pr0ship/c0mship, t3rf, sw3rf, r4dfem, discourse only blogs and NSFW blogs (interact through other blogs please), anti alterhuman, proshitrael, racist, ableist, bigots in general.
DNI is a long list, we block very freely, but here are the highlights.
Sysmeds, Anti-endogenic systems. We are very pro endogenic!
R@dqueers + Tr@nsid/tr@nsx (Arissomei, biid, and Chronosians welcome!)
Anti parogenic/willogenic/tulpamancy/Created systems (we support both terminologies, we feel like it's s not really our place to intervene as a very latine system!)
Blogs that are fully and only for syscourse. (Feel free to interact through other blogs, just don't reblog our stuff in there please). Or any blog that is only for any discourse, really
Believe "Demo systems" are a thing
Fakeclaimer of systems, or anything really.
Pro/complex contact harmful paras (we are pro-recovery, dont feel afraid if you have something like p-ocd! But if you are encouraging those sorts of things and/or celebrating them, please don't interact.)
On that topic, anti kink/sex work (whatever consenting adults do behind closed doors is none of your business)
Tr@nsmeds, T3rfs, sw3rfs, r4dfems, think nonbinary isn't real/valid, are weird about multigender people and their sexualities, etc. It's all transphobia
Think trans men & transmascs don't deserve their own word for their discrimination / anti transandrophobia
Anti Mspec mono (Bi lesbians/gays for example), anti he/him lesbians and she/her gays, anti lesboys and turigirls, etc. Basically anti good-faith "contradictory" identities that "make us look like a joke" (nice bootlicking, very clean. They surely will pick you)
Think lesbian is "nonman loving nonman" and viceversa (excludes multigender people, exorsexist)
Aro/Ace exclusionists. Yes, an Ace heteroromantic cisgender perisexual man is still lgbtq, and is not "invading our spaces"
Anti xenogender/neogenders, anti mogai, anti neopronouns, anti microlabels in general.
Being weird about nonbinary people in general, aka exorsexism.
Use amab and afab as a new binary to fit nonbianry people into
Intersexist, weird about the sexualities and genders of intersex people, weird about transfem afabs and transmasc amabs
PR0SHIP/C0MSHIP, C0NSANG, "Fiction doesn't affect reality in any way" (We have a more nuanced opinion than just "never depict anything bad, everything sanitized!" Hyper-antiship, but we are definitely not pr0ship. Ew.)
Proud and non/anti-recovering (N0)-M4Ps, Z00s, N3cros
Nsfw/kink blogs (nothing wrong! Just uhhhh, this is a sfw blog, and we'd like to keep it that way. Feel free to interact through another blog!)
Sexualizes age regression / pet regression or is anti these two (it's a coping thing)
Anti otherkin, otherhearted, otherlink, copinglink, alterhuman in general. (Host is cathearted/copinglink! @alterhuman-shenanigans )
Anti casual kin or "kin for fun". We understand the dilution of the term is a real problem, but please correct people and give alternatives, or just block and move on. Don't harrass people!
Think suibaiting and harrasment is okay under any circumstances. Even the most "evil" people don't deserve harassment. Block and report and move on.
Ableist of any kind. This blog is run by a very tired neurodivergent and undiagnosed physically disabled system.
That includes anti (informed and reasearched) self diagnosis. Yes, even for physical stuff, though that requires a ton more research and acceptance that you may be wrong (please seek professional help if you can, though that is a privilege, we know.)
Demonizes Cluster B personality disorders, weird about personality disorders in general, think Narc abuse is real (abuse is not an inevitable Evil Disorder thing)
Uses the R-slur (ableist af!), uses autistic as an insult, or uses "is it acoustic?" as a joke
Uses slurs that you cannot reclaim
Anti reclamation of terms used against us (Dy, Tr, Fa, etc.), think Queer is a slur, think Butch and Femme are Lesbian Only (careful with that t3rf koolaid)
Anti-ACAB, Anti-BLM, Pro-Shitrael, "Neutral" on the Palestinian Genocide, Right wing in general, "both sides are equally bad" ultra centralist bs (just say you are right-wing and/or accept that staying silent is still supporting abusers)
Antisemitic, think all Jewish people are Zionists and harrass them. (we are antishitrael, read above point)
Antichoice ("pr0life", but as soon as the kid is born don't care about providing support to the kid and their parent(s).)
Any kind of policing bodily autonomy.
Etc. Will update as needed
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Hello! I’d love to ask if there are any terms for a system which has only one person in constant control, while the others are able to take minor control of the body, it is not fully as the host/frontstuck alter(?) ?
Hello, the terms frontstuck and specutien both may work in this situation.
With both of these terms, other headmates may cofront, be co-conscious, or have some amount of passive influence. These terms specifically refer to having one member who remains in the front. To us, what you are describing certainly could be a specutien system with a frontstuck host.
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velviflags · 11 months
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specutien and specusian flag emojis
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plural-affirmations · 5 months
Here's to proxy systems!
A proxy system is defined as "where one functions as a singlet (or approximately close to one[...]) due to a frontstuck host, yet members of the system are [...] distinct in headspace" [via Pluralpedia].
Shoutout to proxy systems who:
Are median
Have OSDD-1A or P-DID
Live life as a singlet most of the time, or only tell close loved ones about their system
Also identify as specutien
Didn't initially know they were a proxy system due to lack of information in plural spaces
Thought their system might've been something else at first, such as a kin system, or thought that they were just a singlet
Please know you are so important to us! You deserve as much place in the plural community as anyone else! Did you know how amazing you are? Well, now you do! It's going to be ok, and you'll get through anything you might be facing right now.
We love you!
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rr0ckstarr · 9 months
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[ID: a green userbox outlined in black; light green text on the userbox reads: "this collective is specutien." on the left is the Specutien flag. End ID]
[ID: a green userbox outlined in black; light green text on the userbox reads: "this collective is specutien." on the left is the Specutien flag. End ID]
this collective is specutien; flags (link)
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Perhaps it’s just my own interest in writing systems, particularly those who don’t fully understand their own plurality (especially not in common or community terms), but it often sticks out to me whenever I come across a character’s situation that sounds even vaguely plural. It’s the reason why I’m on and off considering creating a blog or online library of sorts where people can submit, browse, and find works with plural content out there — there’s plenty of content for it, but because the authors rarely know of plurality as a real thing and not just the concepts they come up with, it’s very difficult to find works including it if you’re purposefully looking for them.
That’s not really the point of this post, however. I recently came across a manga that reflects this very phenomenon, and it made me think of how varied and creative plurality (or at least, something close to it) can be in fiction when it’s not known about as something real. I’ve only just begun this manga, so I cannot speak to much on it, but I find what I’ve read so far very interesting. I’ll summarize what I know of it so far, but I’ll try to keep spoilers light in my summary, so anyone else who wants to read it can go in mostly blind.
The manga in question is called It’s My Destiny to Be the Hero’s Savior (sometimes translated with minor spelling or grammar differences). The main character, Aria Eldio, discovers her consciousness can travel to a library containing knowledge from her past life (and is said to be the same study she had in her previous life), while her body remains in the physical world where she left it. In this library resides a “spirit-like being” named Pi, who assists Aria as best she can while not being able to leave the library. She’s not a figment or creation of Aria’s mind, either — it’s explicitly mentioned that Aria was surprised to find her in her library and had never seen her before then. It’s also noted that Aria typically travels to this library when under extreme pain and distress, but she can do it outside of those circumstances, too, although Pi has no knowledge of which circumstances Aria is visiting the library under unless she tells her. They’re also able to transfer physical objects in and out of the library, presumably through the use of magic.
Obviously, not a story meant to be about a system. However, one could draw parallels between system members going to and from their innerworld, especially of a host visiting a headmate who can’t front for whatever reason. If this were a real-life example of a system, they’d likely consider themselves something like spirigenic and trauma-based (although perhaps they may also consider themselves traumagenic, given the circumstances of Aria finding the library and Pi in the first place), and find similarities with P-DID and specutien systems. They’re also a system with good communication but no apparent memory sharing, meaning that in a system (and somewhat medical) context, they’d probably be considered to have high amnesiac barriers but low dissociative barriers (aside from Pi’s apparent lack of connection to the body, of course). If they were to switch and Pi controlled the body, she’d likely have what would be considered a case of blackout amnesia and have to rely on only what Aria’s told her about the life she lives to go about her day.
I really enjoy seeing and analyzing these unintentionally plural characters, so maybe I’ll write more posts about ones I see in the future. I already know of at least one other manga like this, but I can’t recall the name at the moment... Eh, I’ll find it again eventually. For now, I’ll keep reading this one.
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