#still the most fashionable hexsquad member
midnights-dragon · 1 year
can’t stop thinking about him… MY BOY
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stellarcollison · 2 years
The Walk of Reality
Summary - Luz and the Hexsquad are walking to Luz’s home after being stranded in the human realm. All of it is from Luz’s pov. 
Warnings - Spoilers for King’s tide obviously 
Work Count - 1.5k
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After everything they had been through, Luz had allowed herself to believe that she and her loved ones could make it through anything. Eda was supposed to have made the draining spell useless, Belos-Philip Wittebane was supposed to have been exposed to all of the Isles as a fraud. They were supposed to have put this adventure to rest by now and be in the owl house relishing in their victory.
Luz was supposed to use this time to figure out the perfect activity to do on her very first date with Amity. 
Yet, it was not at all how the day decided to come to a close. In desperation, King had set free the Collector and Luz had never been more terrified of one being in her entire life. Not even Emperor Belos had shocked her as much as the powerful child-like deity had; she had replayed the moment he moved the moon with a swipe of his finger like it was nothing.
Now, the first people who had accepted Luz were stuck in the demon realm with someone who stopped Emperor Belos as if it were the easiest part of a fun game. Eda and King, not to mention Raine, Lilith, and Hooty were trapped with someone who had power like nothing Luz had ever seen. The remaining members of Cats, Amity’s family, Willow’s and Gus’s family are going to suffer. Luz couldn’t help but feel like it was her fault.
She couldn’t stop herself from thinking about it as she walked alongside Amity, Hunter, Willow, and Gus in the cold rain in the most unlikely of places; Gravesfield, Connecticut.
She couldn’t look at their defeated faces; to see Gus’s eyes widened in horror, Luz wasn’t sure if it was from what they had seen the Collector do or what he had seen of Belos’ memories. Then there was Amity who looked as if she was trying to compose herself but Luz knew better than that, she was worried about her family, her mother included. Hunter looked void of emotion as he stuck beside Gus in a brotherly fashion; it made Luz wonder how close they had become in the week she had been in hiding. Luz felt another blow of guilt as she thought about how he must be feeling. He had just gotten a taste of what friendship was and now he had been plunged into a terrible ordeal; he had watched his uncle, if Luz could still call him that, die. Luz knew that couldn’t have been easy.
She had taken Hunter’s place in order to keep him safe, and she had failed. Again.
There was Willow who seemed to be the one who was holding it together the best; her face was stern but through the darkness, Luz could see her eyes shining, she knew Willow was scared for her fathers.
Luz loathed how she felt at the moment. She felt so much guilt for helping Philip when she and Lilith traveled back in time. How did she not see through his facade? How could she buy into his lies so easily? If she hadn’t aided Philip in his journey, maybe he would never have been able to find the Collector, he would never be able to rise to power nor would he be able to get his day of unity. If it hadn’t been for Luz, everyone she cared about would still be okay; King wouldn’t have sacrificed himself to play with the Collector, and Eda would still have her magic.
Luz the human was so desperate to become a witch that she had caused so much trouble to people who didn’t deserve it.
Luz took a left, despite being gone for months and stuck in reflections the last time she was here, she was still capable of remembering how to get to her house from the abandoned home in the patch of woods. When Luz left, she didn't have a single friend and spent most of her time in her bedroom or around the neighborhood, it was muscle memory at this point.
Luz didn’t know what she would do when she went back home, she didn’t know what to tell her mother. Luz had been cornered into promising to never return to the demon realm last time she had seen her. But, Luz had to find a way back. She had to fix her mistakes and help save the Boiling Isles, even if it would break her mother’s heart to do so.
Luz would have to face that dilemma quickly since the five of them couldn’t hide out in the old abandoned house all night, there were leaks and Luz didn’t forget about the cameras that used to be set up there by that crazy man. More importantly, Luz didn’t want to stay around there when she could still vividly picture King being pulled away by the Collector on the opposite side of the door.
No one spoke as they followed Luz, they hadn’t since the demon realm; even Gus whose dream was to one day visit the human realm couldn’t find the joy in it. Luz walked straight down the road, Maplewood road, the street she would walk after getting off the bus everyday while she was in school. The only sound in the night was the raindrops hitting the concrete and their footsteps.
The five reached the south end of Maplewood road, Luz halted for a moment; this was her street, the street she had resided on since she was a child. Now, she felt like a stranger as she walked down it. Her neighbors’ homes were still painted the same color, the same cars were parked in the driveways, the only thing that was different was the shape of a newborn bush on the Song lawn. Luz had also changed so much, she was no longer the girl who allowed her daydreams to take over her life, she no longer reenacted moments in her Azura books that caused chaos around her.
After three houses down, Luz stopped in front of a modestly sized home with a gray roof and many windows along the front. Luz could easily see the dark silhouette of the wood that made up the backyard, but her eyes remained glued on the windows that were lit up. Her mother was awake and that was when Luz realized that she wasn’t sure what time it was. She didn’t know if the demon realm’s time was faster or slower than the human realm’s but she did know that it had to be late enough for the townsfolk to not be out and about.
She wondered what her mother was doing, she wondered what Vee was doing. Maybe they were watching a tele novella, it was one of the activities she often did with her mother, or maybe they were cooking; Luz couldn’t think about eating now.
Luz wasn’t certain how long she had been standing in front of her driveway, but it had to have been long enough for her friends to shuffle around in question as to why she hadn’t continued moving. Luz’s brown eyes began to sting and she swallowed an emerging lump in her throat. She took a step onto the pavement that looked like a sea of black water and continued forward. She wondered if her mother would sense the shift in her daughter, she wondered if she would be disappointed in her for causing such trouble to good people. Luz really hoped that her mother wouldn’t be disappointed in her for all that she had done or for the fact that she was going to break her promise of remaining in the human realm. Luz could reinstate that promise after she was sure that King, Eda, Lilith, Hooty, and everyone of the Boiling Isles was safe and the Collector was stopped.
Luz began walking up the steps and came to a stop, she pressed the round button and felt a strangeness for having to use the doorbell of her own house but what other choice did she have? Her eyes began stinging again and she held her head as high as she could. Before, Luz was so excited to be able to introduce her girlfriend to her mother, to show her first friends, Willow and Gus, around her town. Now, she could get all that, but she got it in such a terrible way.
It was only a few seconds before the door swung open and there stood Luz’s mother in the flesh. A look of shock had invaded her face at the sight of her daughter and four other young adolescents with pointed ears; all five with cuts over their exposed skin and weary expressions.
Luz was happy to see her mother after such a long time, but her sadness was far too strong to dilute.
“Hi mom…” Luz said as cheerful as she could while choking back a sob. Her eyes began to sting again and she knew there was no way she could prevent the salty tears from revealing themselves. “I’m back.”
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Hello, it’s me, the guy who asked what if Skara was in thanks to them, any chance of a sequel to that with “For the Future”?
Your chances are so good I’m about to make them 100%!
I remember that prompt, and after relooking at it, I’m still pretty happy with it, with one exception: Using my power as the author to retcon, Skara will no longer be dressed as a Bard, but as an angel, both to work opposite Willow’s demon motif and because it’s cuter.
Aside from that, again, this isn’t a full rewrite, simply an integration of Skara into the story (or better into the story, since she’s actually in FTF, though not nearly enough if you ask me). If you’d like to see the original post for the ‘Thanks to Them’ version of this, click here!
Skara is there with the rest of the Hexsquad members at the start of the episode, wandering the forests and being grateful to be home. When she see’s Willow with the plant illusions, she’s the one who smiles, entranced, before the birdsong startles Hunter, and the four catch up with Amity, Luz, and Camilla.
At the Owl House, Skara hangs around downstairs with Camilla, Willow and Gus. When Willow and Gus tell their story to Camilla, she’s enthralled and laughing. When the three leave to help Hunter, though, Skara see’s Willow’s vines grow where she steps. She’s confused, but doesn’t say anything for fear of making things more awkward.
In Bonesburough, Skara is the one to grab Willow when she runs to talk to her dad.
Since Skara wouldn’t be in New Hexside, her role in the original episode is replaced with the Abomination student with the giant horns. IDK why, I just think it be cool to have her say stuff. She’s an underrated design, ya know?
When they reach New Hexside and Willow gets pulled aside by Viney, Skara joins them, hugging the two together in a bear hug and grateful to have the EE-Girls back together again (she immediatly realizes that name is terrible and vows to never use it again).
When Skara learns Boscha’s queen, she’s the first one to call hogwash on the whole thing. She begins to rant about how terrible the idea is, so much so that ‘Miki’ has to drag her out while she’s still ranting.
When Willow’s looking at the photo of her and her dad’s, Skara notices and places a comforting hand on her shoulder.
When Willow leaves after seemingly making Hunter feel worse, Skara follows her to try and help, though Willow doesn’t acknowledge her. When Boscha calls Willow out, Skara tries to get in between the two, but Boscha pushes her aside, before the two are knocked out.
Skara wakes up in the pit as the others are tossed in. She gets seperated with Matt and Amity, and Boscha begs them both to join her again (making Boscha not only a confirmed toxic sapphic but also a polyamerous toxic sapphic). However, Matt accidentally makes a hole with his Construction magic that Skara falls into.
(For this bit lets rewrite it so that Willow is somewhere further undergroud and that Hunter, Gus, and Skara have to fall further down so they can see her so we can get both the Boscha scene and this).
Skara slides down the tunnel, collapsing on top of a pile of vines near Gus and Hunter. As Willow’s power grows less stable and her panic worsens, Skara is able to wiggle free, summons a harp, and in true Steven Universe fashion, is able to help her calm down with the power of soft, therapeutic music and words of affirmation. She tells Willow it’s ok to feel how she feels, but that she’s one of the most genuine and wonderful and kind and pretty and strongest Witches she knows, and nothing Boscha says to bully her can change that! She helps try to soothe Willow, who lets all her emotion out, which still causes a cave in that Hunter can save them from, though with Gus on his back and Skara in his other arm. Willow hugs Skara and tells her she’s grateful for her, to which Skara blushes, but hugs back.
Luz’s “I MISSED A LOT” moment here is Skara smashing a guitar into Kiki’s head as she yells “DON’T YOU DARE SHOOT MY WILLOW”
When Boscha and New Hexside joins to help take down Kiki, Skara thanks Boscha for doing one not entirely evil thing in her life. Boscha rolls her eyes in response, but still says ‘Thanks.’
At the Titan’s Skull, Skara guesses Luz’s Palisman is gonna be ‘something weird and awesome,’ which she is correct about. She reacts to Stringbean the same way Luz originally redacted to King, with the Palisman reacting in a similar manner.
As Gus and Hunter do something brotherly, Willow jokingly asks Skara if she really thinks she’s pretty. Skara’s response is to take a deep breathe and say as quickly as possible “YESANDIREALLYLIKEYOUIHAVESINCEBEFORETHEENTRAILSANDITHINKITBESUPERCOOLIFAFTEREVERYTHINGWEGOOUTSOMETIME!!!”
Willow’s response is slight surprise, followed by a smile, and a confirming hug.
And that’s it; the Skarlow rewrite for For the Future! One of two, anyway! Someone asked for one from the perspective of if Skara had stayed behind, and I’ll probably be doing that soon. But in the meantime, I hope you all enjoyed, and I hope I can do this for ‘Watching and Waiting’ as well!
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