al-firdaus · 2 years
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Assalamu ‘alaykum tumblr world,
Alhamdulillah, i started my own youtube channel to help and be of benefit to sisters around the world inshaAllah. Please do like, share, comment, subscribe and let me know if there are any videos you would like me to do as it would help me a lot.
My youtube channel
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muslumanincenneti · 2 years
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1432. Hz.Sa'd ibni Ebu Vakkas (R.A.) şöyle demiştir: Rasûlullah (S.A.V.)'ın yanında bulunuyorduk, bize: "Sizden biriniz her gün bin sevap kazanmaktan aciz midir?" diye sordu. Yanında oturanlardan biri, "Ya Rasulallah bir kimse günde bin sevabı nasıl kazanabilir?" diye sordu. "Yüz defa sübhanallah derse o kimseye bin iyilik yani sevap yazılır veya bin günahı bağışlanır." (Müslim, Zikr, 37) #islam #hadis #hzmuhammed #hzmuhammedsav #buhari #muslim #peygamber #peygamberefendimiz #peygamberimiz #zikir #zikr #zikrullah #subhanallah #subhanaallah #subuhanallah #yüz #bin #sevap #kul #aciz #iyilik #günah #af #mağfiret #tövbe https://www.instagram.com/p/CimLPF1D3GJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ynx1 · 10 months
We are to seek refuge from Shaytaan before reciting quran
The angels draw close to the one reciting quran and listen attentively
Usayd ibn Hudayr said he was reciting quran and saw a cloud tht was hovering and lights appeared while he was reciting. The messenger said “Those are the angels”
The devil completely opposes the angels and is their enemy. The angels attend and the devils flea!
SubhanaAllah if this doesnt make u wanna recite quran then what will 🗣️
- Germantown Masjid Summer Conference 🗣️
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ayaaesbaihi · 1 year
ٱهْدِنَا ٱلصِّرَٰطَ ٱلْمُسْتَقِيمَ
how important is hidaya (guidance) and how little we appreciate, wallahi it should be our first priority while making dua, and subhanaAllah we tend to ask for facility and we forget what guides us.
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strzqn · 2 months
Kita dan Kegelapan
Waktu aku lg pkpa di industri bln lalu ada salah satu kejadian yg membekas.
Sore itu waktu mau pulang tiba² hujan deres bgt, langit gelap, angin kencang, bahkan kantor hampir mati listrik 3x.
Tiba² temenku ke mejaku "na jangan balik ke kos km (30 menit dr kantor), ada tornado di deket tempatmu".
Tornado pertama di indo yg pernah diprediksi tdk mgkn terjadi.
Yap, klo ngikutin berita pasti tau posisiku lg dmn.
Dan ternyata salah satu titiknya deket sm kantor + termasuk jln aku pulang yg tiap hari dilewatin, ada jg titik di daerah kosku.
Tp setelah semuanya reda dan terasa aman, aku coba trabas krn besok aku ada presentasi jd perlu belajar.
Tp ternyata macet bgtt alhasil aku balik ke deket kantor dan akhirnya nginep di kos temen.
Besoknya waktu pulang aku balik ke kosku dan sepanjang jalan pulang ngeliat dampak dr tornado kmrn.
SubhanaAllah.. pohon tumbang, beberapa rumah & toko rusak.
Kebayang gak klo aku tetep maksa pulang ke kosku saat itu menerjang hujan, angin, macet, dll. Mgkn bs saja hal buruk terjadi.
Kadang kita gak hrs gass trs menerjang kegelapan hingga kita nuntut diri kita harus selalu berjuang.
Krn kadang cukup diterima saja gelapnya, slowdown, tunggu sampai gelapnya sedikit² jd lbh terang biar kalo siap melangkah lagi lbh keliatan jalannya.
Tentu bukan dgn berdiam diri saja. Hanya saja kita gak hrs terus berusaha keras, kita gak harus selalu kuat. Usaha kita gak harus selalu all out. Gakpapa, pelan² pun kita bs tetep lakukan yg terbaik..
"Selagi kita di bawah, anggap saja kita sedang beristirahat & mari bersenang²"
*salah satu kalimat dr series yg pernah aku tonton ttg dokter sukses yg difitnah, bangkrut, & jd pengangguran. Tp bs bangkit dan bangun karir lg
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muslimahsoul · 4 months
Never stop making dua'a~ have high expectations of Allah
♡Allah knows you the best and He can accept your dua'a and reward you in ways you never even expected.♡
Allah knows your soul. He created it. Allah knows about every single atom in your body. Allah knows what those 40,000 cells of your heart think, feel and remember. Allah knows whispers of your soul, wishes of your heart that you are not aware of. He knows what you need and prefer before you realize, and He knows it in every possible detail. He knows what you don't know.
And you should know it... That when you are asking from Allah, you are asking The One who is in control of everything, The Absolute Authority, The One who owns the keys of the heavens and the earth, The Most Loving One, The All-Hearing and The All-Seeing One, The Giver of gifts, The Most Merciful, The Only One, The First and The Last, The Creator... You are asking The One who is The Owner. ♥︎
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dinaive · 6 months
mesti batu dan pokok witness great violence happen until Allah SWT made it talk. Because the world leaders kept silent about what happen to the Palestinian.
and still Allah SWT grant mercy to the Zionist by providing Garkad tree for them to hide. This is the only tree that will keep silent.
Allah still give them chance to turn and repent.
Hopefully most of them repent. . .
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biduanda97 · 8 months
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10 million achievable target by 100-% win yearls 2024c
So, the point is, 10% by six and times by 0.80 points
Of progressing achieve stacks and value perinvestmnents,..
So by 2024 - 6 is around shoulde be
4.8 million ,
Divide by 0.800 per many monthes,
800k divide by 10 success country influence and market condition ia 500 by 1000c
Cuality and companion cc.
500 subscribes or active user dan depo and running winning acc.
Alhamdulillah. This is hard game for all.
To maintain the quality of Master Signal by 10 perfect 10z
The point of behavior writting and magic subcoscious movements, and the god Reconstruct after you open that point power form of Natural ultra instict infront of Gode.
Mode, there is illiusion that comes from Allah itself.
The Dark will lightness the Shadow.
MoneyFlosw concept from The Bee Master,
The Money circulate by economy behavior.
We play the tables till we win,
InsyaAllah. See you at Jannah, mister Beeduanda,
The Life Legend from modern story,
Its for us to accept the Reality of Allah SubhanaAllah taala is behind us and cover All of us.
Amin Allahuakbar Muhammadan Rasullulah.
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hazelnutcheesy · 9 months
Belakangan sudah jarang posting karena SubhanaAllah segala puji bagi Allah dan segala hal baik dan buruk datangnya dari Allah.
Beberapa bulan terakhir ujian dan cobaan datang silih berganti, sambil ngelus dada, nangis diatas sajadah, ngelamun disela sela kesibukan kemudian istigfar, MasyaAllah sebegitu sayangnya Allah sampai dititik hidup udah rasanya mau menyerah dan putus asa tapi Allah masih kuatkan.
Berkali-kali rasanya hati goyah, gundah, gelisah tapi hati kembali dikuatkan bahwa semua ini milik Allah dan akan kembali ke Allah saja. Tidak ada yang perlu dikhawatirkan karena kamu tahu Allah selalu dihatimu (ngetik sambil nangis).
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al-firdaus · 1 year
I was sitting on my prayer mat and a realisation dawned on me and subhanaAllah, i couldn’t help but cry. I am living the du’as i had made 2 years ago, exactly the way i had made them but even better than i had imagined. Never stop making du’a for what you want, even if you think it’s impossible. Even if you feel like you will never get that far. Allah hears. Allah sees. Allah knows.
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badsha912 · 10 months
উম্মুল মু’মিনীন সাইয়্যিদাতুনা হযরত আছ ছালিছাহ ‘আশার আলাইহাস সালাম(১৩তম উম্মুল মু���মিনীন) উনার পবিত্র বিছালী শান মুবারক প্রকাশ দিবস। সুবহানাল্লাহ!
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lythra-henna · 1 year
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Info Ramadhan. Selamat beribadah buat semua warga yang beragam Islam dimana jua berada. SubhanaAllah. . #lythra #inai #inairambut #inaikuku #inaicelup #inaijari #henna #agentdiperlukan #ejendiperlukan #inaikl #inaiselangor #inaiserikembangan #inaimurah #inaiputrajaya #inaicyberjaya #inaisabah #inaisarawak #inaidaunasli #inaijohor #inaipahang #inaiperak #inaimelaka #inaiperlis #inaikedah #inaikelantan #inaiterengganu #inainegerisembilan #ramadhan2023 https://www.instagram.com/p/CqOzxRih8Vs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Repost.. subhanaAllah this is heavy.
The story of Malik bin Dinar, how he came to repent!!
He was a very pious and learned man. He was not a companion of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), but a Taabeii (successor of the Sahaba). He met Abdullah bin Abbas, Imam Maalik and Hasan Basri. His family was from Sijistan (or Kabul) who later embraced Islam. He lived a very austere life and earned his livelihood by writing the Holy Qur’an. He learned Hadith from leading scholar and narrated few Hadith from Hasan Al Basri. He died in 127 A.H. He was a beacon of light for new Muslims.
Malik bin Dinar narrates his story in the following way: “I was a policeman and very fond of drinking. I led a care-free life. I bought a beautiful slave girl whom I loved dearly. I had a daughter from her, a lovely child. When my daughter began to walk, I loved her all the more and she remained with me all the time. The innocent child had a strange habit. When she saw a glass of wine in my hands, she would snatch it and spill it on my clothes. Being fond of her, I never scolded her. As fate would have it, my child died when she was two years old and I was shocked and sorely grieved.
“One the night of 15th of Shaaban, I was drunk and went to sleep without performing Isha prayers. I had a horrible dream. I saw myself among those bring driven to the assembly of people on the Day of Resurrection. I heard a noise and felt something following me. When I looked back, I saw a huge snake chasing me. Ah! It was a horrible sight; the snake had blue catlike eyes, its mouth was wide open and it was rushing toward me furiously! I ran faster in terror, desperate for my life, the horrible snake still running after me and drawing closer.
“I saw an old man, dressed in elegant clothes with rich perfumes wafting all around his person, I greeted him saying, “Assallam-o-Alaikum” and he returned my greetings. I said, “For the sake of Allah, help me in my misery”. He said “I am too weak to help you against such a mighty foe; it is beyond my powers. But you must go on running; perhaps you may find some help”. Running wildly I saw a cliff in front of me and climbed it, but on reaching its top, I saw, beyond it, the raging fire of hell. Meanwhile, I heard a voice calling aloud, “Get back, for, you are not one of them (the dwellers of hell).
“I turned and began to run in the opposite direction. The snake also turned around and came after me. I saw again the old man in white robes and said, “Old man, can’t you save me from this python.” The man began to cry and said, “I am too weak to help you against such a mighty snake, but I can tell you that there is a hill nearby where they keep the ‘sacred trusts’ of the Muslims. If you go up that hill, you might find something of yours, kept in trust, which might save you from the snake.” I rushed toward the hill, which was round in shape, with a large number of open curtailed casements. The casements had golden shutters studded with rich rubies, and most precious jewels; on each shutter hung a curtain made of the rarest silk.
“When I was going to climb the hill, the angels called aloud, “Open the windows and raise the curtains and come out of your closets! Here is an unfortunate man in misery; may be you have with you some ‘trust’ of his, that might help him in his distress.” The windows opened at once, the curtains went up, and there issued forth from the casements a host of innocent children, with faces bright as the full moon. By this time I was utterly despondent, for the snake had drawn very close to me. Now the children called their friends, “Come out quickly, all of you, for the snake has come very close to him.”
Hearing this, more children came out of their windows, in large crowds, and among them I saw my own dear daughter who had died some time ago. She also espied me and began to weep, exclaiming, “By Allah! He is my own dear father.” She jumped on a swinging cradle, which seemed to be made from heavenly light (Noor) and darted across to me. Next moment, she was standing by my side and I took her to my bosom; she lifted her left hand towards me and with her right hand motioned the snake away.
The snake went away immediately. Then she gave me a seat and sat in my lap and began to stroke my beard with her right hand saying, “My dear father, ‘Has not the time come for the believers (who indulge in sins) that their hearts should submit in all humility to the remembrance of Allah and to the truth which is revealed’ (Al-Hadeed:16)”. I was moved to tears and asked her, “My daughter, do all of you know the meanings of the Qur’an? She replied “We understand the Holy Quran even better than you.”
I asked her “My dear child, what was this snake?” She said “It was your own evil deeds which had made it so strong that it was about to push you into Jahannam”. I asked “And who was that white-robed old man?” She replied “That were your good deeds and you had made them so weak with your scanty good deeds that he could not help you against the snake (though he suggested to you a means of escape.)”
I asked “What are all of you doing on this hill?” She replied “We are children of Muslims, who died in infancy. We shall live here till the Day of Resurrection, waiting to be reunited with you when you come to us at last and we shall intercede for you with our Lord”. And then I awoke from the dream, with the fright (of the snake) still heavy on my heart. I turned to Allah in repentance, as soon as I arose; and abandoned all my evil ways.
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waytoislamsunnah · 1 year
SubhanaAllah 🕊😍
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irzhps · 1 year
cerita kemarin.
tepat seminggu yang lalu, fakhra sakit demam. mungkin emang karna kecapean sih, terus hari minggu minum es krim juga. anak sakit tuh kaya langsung otomatis bengong dan 'hhhh' gitu deh pokoknya. akhirnya dibawa ke klinik, langsung dikasih obat. tapi sampe hari rabu ngga membaik juga, bahkan panasnya sampe 39.2, "haduuhhh😢😢" dalem hati udah kek hhh jangan kenapa-kenapa dong. tes darah akhirnya, ini juga perjuangan banget subhanaAllah🥲🥲 bener-bener dipegangin ngejerit nangis kenceng bgtt, dan udah beres ambil darah tetep nangis teriak2 gitu sampe akhirnya dia tidurrr.. setelah hasil darah keluar, ternyata gejala DBD..... 💔💔💔💔
dopping obat, tapi minuman larutan untuk naikin trombosit nggamau diminum, minum obat makin susah mungkin dia bosen tiap saat minum obat bykkkk bgtt. sampe akhirnya jumat pagi ambil darah lagi, makin turun trombositnya.
"yaudah bu pa, kayanya ini harus di opname. karna ini baru hari ke 5 tapi trombositnya turun banyak" patah hati kesekian kali.... hhh.. menguatkan hati, tapi pas sampe ugd aku nangis juga akhirnya. ngeliat fakhra nangis sekejer-kejernya, teriak-teriak mau ke mobil, sampe semua mata di ugd itu ngeliatin aku dan fakhra yang ngga bisa diajak kerja sama sama sekali. tapi ngga lama dari itu, dia akhirnya bisa tenang juga. ikut tenang lagi hati mama.
sampe akhirnya, besok hari ketemu sama dokter spesialis anak. katanya, ini bukan demam berdarah. tidak ada indikasi demam berdarah, karna trombosit turun itu bukan hanya melulu karna demam berdarah. anak demam, otomatis trombosit turun. ternyata anakku inflamasi di paru-parunya. iya, karna batuk. sampe demam ngga turun-turun, dan kondisinya demam sampe 39.2 waktu itu. wahhh gila ya...... 🥲 kata dokter ini pnemonia, tapi masih ringan... alhamdulillah. mungkin itu adalah satu hal yang bisa aku syukuri sebagai ibu. agar tetap waras. dan berharap badai ini pasti berlalu..
hari ketiga dirumah sakit, dokter bilang bisa melanjutkan pengobatan dirumah, alias rawat jalan aja.. akhirnyaaa.. bisa pulang. alhamdulillahh huhuhu..
langsung beberes buat check out rumah sakit (?) lagi nunggu infusan habis, ada suara tangisan rame banget dari luar.
"itu siapa ya yang meninggal?" penasaran nanya ke suster.
"anak kecil bu 10tahun. anak satu-satunya lagi. gara-gara DBD, dibawa kerumah sakit sudah keadaan shock anaknya." langsung banget ikutan sediihhhhhh. kebayang ngga?!?!? kebayang ngga kalau itu anak aku yang diposisi itu?!? duh ya Allah.. alhamdulillah banget anakku masih dikasih kesehatan. ngga kebayang dan ngga bisa terbayangkan sih kehilangan anak gimana rasanya😭😭 anak sakit aja udah ngga utuh sih hati tuh. mending mama yang sakit, adalah kata-kata yang dulu ngga relate, semejak punya anak YA AMPUN IYA BIAR MAMA AJA YANG SAKIT BIAR MAMA AJA YANG NGERASAIN😭😭😭 huhuhu..
nak..nakk... sehat selalu nak. semoga mama dan papa juga sehat selalu, biar bisa selalu jaga kamu🥺🥲🤗
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dinaive · 6 months
kekejaman zionist, sampai satu hari nanti, batu dan pokok bercakap.
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