#superstars star maker
freddieraimbow74 · 17 days
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Mon idole de jeunesse Mercury JAMAIS à payer un prof de chant , il à appris à jouer la guitare et le piano, et il à appris le solfège au collège. Moi j’ai appris le solfège au collège. J’ai jamais eu l’occasion d’apprendre le piano, mais j’ai un keyboard avec la batterie grillée. Personne de ma famille voulait que je puisse étudier piano pourtant la famille de mes parents et moi même ont l’oreille musicale, et eux jouent de piano. J’ai eu une vie dure, parents divorcés à mes 14 ans. Je suis l’aine, obligée de travailler en faisant de travail pénibles de ménage et restauration, même vendre dans la rue de produits que les gens stockés dans un petit local. J’ai souffert avec ma transidentité , et je n’ai pas fini tant que ma transition de genre soit faite. J’ai été toujours discriminé ; pour être moi même, pour mon genre de naissance que j’ai toujours rejeté. Discriminé pour la société et pour ma famille. Notre Freddie a eu plus de chances, il avait réussi donner de cours de piano que lui s’avait payer et les parents jamais l’ont a mis dehors. J’ai été obligé de quitter ma famille parce que mes parents étaient chacun chez soi , ma mère a eu trois hommes différents et mon père a une femme manipulatrice que nous a volé la pension alimentaire à mon adolescence ( je pouvais pas faire des études et ma mère n’avait plus de moyens) Freddie mercury a fait de ballet classique et à jouer un instrument mais jamais il a voulu payer de cours de chant. Lui , quand a connu Smile et après a crée Queen , les parents l’avait payer les études de graphiste, il avait une famille aimante. Moi, ma famille : m’a offert une identité que j’ai jamais demandé et une vie de discrimination et une souffrance depuis ma naissance. Jamais j’ai eu de mots de courage pour les études au collège, je voulais étudier quelques choses de manuel. Je n’avais pas envie d’étudiér le métier que mon père jamais fait ; comptable. J’ai était très malheureux avec ma famille et toujours je suis malheureux de que ma famille me rejette pour le fait d’être transgenre et j’ai caché ma transidentité pendant 50 longues années. Maintenant c’est le divorce d’un mariage raté pour les préjugés de ma famille et de la société que n’accepte pas les personnes transgenres comme des personnes humaines. L’unique chose que je dois faire avant de mourir c’est changer mon genre et mon identité ( me faire opérer et prendre la T) pour que je puisse être en paix avec moi et avec mon corps. J’ai une dysphorie que devient plus en plus grave psychologiquement. J’ai perdu l’appétit et c’est pas la première fois que j’ai des idées suicidaires. J’ai essayé dans ma jeunesse avalé des médicaments et avec l’alcool faire une surdose et attaquer mon foie pour me suicider. Et le gens continuent avec leur haine et leur transphobia a nous attaquer. Je commence écouter Queen a 14 ans quand tout mon cauchemar a commencé et j’ai chanté beaucoup de fois pour pas me sentir seul, maintenant je chante dans le karaoke de star maker de thèmes de Queen et de classiques de 70 et 80 . A moi, la musique, me donne la vie et Queen me remonte la moral et sèche mes larmes de souffrance et de stress psychologique . J’ai jamais pouvais pas faire c’est que je voulais sauf travailler dur et être payer une misère : survivre le jour par jour. Mal dans ma peau et beaucoup des émotions que les gens prennent le plaisir de se moquer dans une application karaoke ou chanter avec le cœur et le vécu a cappella n’as pas la place ; parce que c’est l’intérêt , le micro et leur pouvoir d’achat de médailles et vip . Donner de cours de chant avec un micro obligatoire pour que les transphobes ont le choix : ils sont considéré de musiciens et que tous les monde les paye ses covers de transphobes et j’en droit à ses moqueries en you tube pour avoir poster 2 o 3 covers avec ma voix qui plaît pas pour l’effet d’être une personne trans qu’attend les hormones et que je suis au début de transition ( j’ai eu droit a commentaire de que j’ai été hors ton , ils aiment pas mon accent de sud de l’Espagne, ils aiment pas l’effet d’être transmasc, )
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n64retro · 2 months
Main titles released for Nintendo 64, by year*: 1996: Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire, Mortal Kombat Trilogy, Killer Instinct Gold, Pilotwings 64, Cruis 'n USA. 1997: GoldenEye 007, Star Fox 64, Diddy Kong Racing, Turok: Dinosaur Hunter, Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon, Mischief Makers, Doom 64, Duke Nukem 64, Bomberman 64, Blast Corps. 1998: Banjo-Kazooie, F-Zero X, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, 1080 Snowboarding, Turok 2: Seeds of Evil, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Mortal Kombat 4, Yoshi's Story. 1999: Pokémon Snap, Resident Evil 2, Super Smash Bros., Quake II, Donkey Kong 64, Jet For Gemini, Harvest Moon 64, Rayman 2: The Great Escape, Castlevania Legacy of Darkness, Shadowman, Beetle Adventure Racing, Star Wars: Episode I Racer, Mario Golf, International Superstar Soccer 2000, NBA Courtside 2. 2000: Banjo-Tooie, Excitebike 64, Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards, Mario Tennis, Ridge Racer 64, Sin and Punishment, Indiana Jones and The Infernal Machine, Perfect Dark, Ogre Battle 64, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, 007 The World is not Enough, Mega Man 64, WWF No Mercy, Mario Party 2. 2001: Paper Mario, Pokémon Stadium 2, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Animal Forest, Mario Party 3, Madden NFL 2002, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2. 2002: Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3. *the date for the titles in this poll matches the North American release.
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virgoilluminati · 8 months
World Class
next chapter
Chapter 4.
Previous chapter
A/N: hey guys! It's been a while, I'm so sorry that I haven't posted in AGES but I started Uni! And its honestly just one of the weirdest experiences of my life. This is the next chapter of this world class series, honestly dk when this will be finished or when the next chapter will be but enjoy :)
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: y/n being main character lmao (the angst is so extra and unnecessary but i wanted to make this story so extra). Jude Bellingham being a cutie pa tootie and swearing lol. 💕
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Liked by y/nmorrison, maryearps, lucybronze and 200,000 others
leahwilliamson we won the fifa match
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keirawalsh you may have won the battle but i will win the war 💥💥
leahwilliamson Leah 1, Keira 0. Easy peasy!
y/nmorrison @leahwilliamson I have now officially had a coffee overdose thanks to you two.
The soft morning light struggled to pierce through the curtains, and there you were, dragged into an unexpected adventure. Leah, the early morning dynamo and the team's captain, had leaped onto your bed with the grace of a ninja sloth.
"Rise and shine, superstar!" Leah declared, bouncing on your bed like it was a trampoline.
You, still half-asleep, attempted to process the bizarre situation. "Leah, what on earth are you doing?"
But Leah was on a mission, grabbing your wrist and dragging you downstairs like a determined detective chasing a criminal. Downstairs, in the living room, she pointed to the TV with the seriousness of an FBI agent about to crack a case.
"The TV."
You blinked, slowly realizing the gravity of the situation. "Leah, it's just a TV."
"No! It's FIFA!" Leah protested with the conviction of a conspiracy theorist. "I've been trying to beat Keira since the dawn of time, but she always wins. The only way I can beat her is by practicing."
You, still in your pajamas and jet-lagged from a recent trip to Spain, sighed. "When's your next game?"
"Today at 8 AM," Leah replied, her eyes gleaming with determination.
"So, let me get this straight," you said, trying to wrap your head around it all. "You woke me up at the crack of dawn to help you practice FIFA so you can defeat Keira at 8 AM?"
Leah nodded vigorously. "Exactly!"
You rubbed your eyes and reached for the coffee maker. "Alright, alright. But first, coffee. Lots and lots of coffee."
As you all gathered around the TV, your FIFA boot camp began. Mary joined in at 6 AM, bewildered by the early morning antics. "Leah, Y/N, what are you—"
But one glance at the TV, and she got it. "You've been sucked into the Keira vs. Leah saga, haven't you?" she asked, shaking her head.
You, already on your second cup of coffee, groaned and begged Mary to show you how to take a penalty kick, realizing that this absurd adventure had no end in sight.
As if on cue, the door swung open, revealing the towering figure of Bronze, the star defender. She surveyed the scene with an arched eyebrow and a bemused smile.
"What on earth is happening here?" Bronze asked, her voice a blend of curiosity and amusement.
Leah, still fervently determined to achieve FIFA greatness, answered before you could. "We're gearing up for the ultimate showdown with Keira. It's a matter of life and death, you know!"
Bronze chuckled, crossing her arms. "Alright, let me show you kids some of my international soccer wizardry." With that, she grabbed the controller from your hand and began demonstrating advanced maneuvers, earning impressed nods from the rest of you.
The living room had transformed into a battleground of FIFA enthusiasts, with tips and tricks flying faster than a Messi free-kick. The clock ticked on, the sun climbed higher, and the smell of coffee became a permanent fixture in the room.
Just when you thought your day couldn't get any stranger, the door creaked open again, and in strolled Daly. She eyed the chaos with a raised eyebrow, her imposing presence making the room feel smaller.
"What's all this commotion?" Daly asked, her deep voice cutting through the virtual crowd.
Leah, still on her mission to recruit everyone for the Keira vs. Leah face-off, eagerly explained. "It's Keira vs. Leah, Daly. I need to outmatch her at FIFA, and we're in intense training mode."
Daly considered this for a moment, then grinned. "Count me in. Let's give Keira a run for her virtual money."
With Daly on your side, your team was complete. The living room had evolved into a makeshift soccer arena, where tactics and skills were honed with determination. As the sun reached its zenith, you were more resolved than ever to dethrone Keira from her FIFA throne.
Keira, little did she know, was about to face a united front. A team of fierce competitors, armed with newfound FIFA skills, and fueled by caffeine and sheer determination, was poised to take her on in the virtual soccer showdown of the century. The saga had become a sideshow in itself, and it was only a matter of time before the epic showdown unfolded on the pixelated pitch.
The living room had been transformed into a battlefield of pixelated glory as Leah and Keira prepared to face off in the ultimate FIFA showdown. Each was seated on one end of the sofa, clutching their controllers like they were the keys to victory. On either side of the room, their respective teams had gathered, divided into passionate discussions of strategy.
Keira's dream team consisted of Millie, Chloe, Alessia, and Ella, all known for their formidable FIFA skills. The tension in the room was palpable as the match commenced.
Leah, her eyes fixed on the screen, whispered to herself with determination, "I've trained for this moment. It's time to show Keira what I'm made of."
Keira, on the other hand, couldn't resist a sly grin. "Ready to be humbled, Leah?"
The virtual soccer field came to life, but it wasn't just about the game; it was about the comical chaos that unfolded around it.
Millie cheered enthusiastically for Keira. "Go, Keira! Score that goal!"
Georgia, on Leah's side, leaned in and whispered, "I heard Keira practices her penalty kicks in her sleep. No pressure, though."
Alessia, trying to distract Leah, chimed in, "Hey, Leah, did you hear there's a new cafe in town? Great place to celebrate your impending defeat."
Ella, sipping on a smoothie, added casually, "Oh, sorry, Leah. Were you trying to concentrate?"
Leah's team wasn't about to be outdone in the banter department.
Daly couldn't resist mocking Keira. "Keira, did you confuse the FIFA controls with your phone again?"
Bronze joined in, feigning shock. "Oh no, Keira scored? Must be a solar eclipse or something."
Mary, pretending to be a commentator, announced, "And Keira makes a pass... to the wrong player. Classic Keira move."
The living room was a cacophony of shouts, laughter, and exaggerated victory dances. Even the cat decided to join the spectacle, chasing an imaginary ball across the floor.
Leah, nudging you for help, said urgently, "Y/N, give me some tips!"
You, struggling to concentrate amid the chaos, replied, "I can't, Leah! I'm still recovering from the espresso overdose this morning!"
As the match intensified, the score remained neck-and-neck, and the room's atmosphere became increasingly charged with suspense. It all came down to the final minutes of the game.
Keira, her nerves showing, urged her team, "Come on, team, we can't let Leah win!"
Leah, filled with unwavering determination, rallied her team, "This is it, folks! Let's show Keira what we're made of!"
Then, in a moment of sheer absurdity, Leah's team executed an unexpected maneuver, resulting in a goal that left Keira's team in stunned disbelief.
Leah's Team erupted into cheers, shouting, "We did it! We did it!"
Daly laughed heartily, "Looks like Keira's reign of terror is over."
In the final seconds of the match, Leah's team secured their victory, much to Keira's chagrin.
Leah, grinning triumphantly, declared, "I did it! I actually did it!"
Keira, grumbling and refusing to accept defeat, growled, "Rematch. We need a rematch!"
As celebrations erupted and laughter filled the room, the living room had borne witness to a chaotic, comical, and utterly unforgettable FIFA battle. The rivalry between Leah and Keira had reached a new level of absurdity, and it was certain that this saga would be recounted with laughter for years to come.
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liked by judebellingham, leahwilliamson and 600,000 others
y/nmorrison football ilysm
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realmadridofficial thank you for coming to see us perform
y/nmorrison @realmadridofficial you guys never disappoint
y/nmorrisonno.1fan. Wait- she came all the way from australia? For a match?
user234 @y/nmorrisonno.1fan and it was jude's debut?
user345 are they making it official?
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liked by y/nmorrison,harrykane and 900,000 others
judebellingham Thank you to everyone that came out. Tonight was extra special. 3 points up, we go on...
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user190 extra special for what reason jude? 😏
y/nmorrison no.1 fan <3
user2457 not y/n using the same comment as jude earlier this week!
user567 guys! they are soft launching so hard right now.
You sat in your hotel room in Australia and a phone call come through. You answered, and fran's voice came through the line, tinged with concern. "Hey, Y/N, it's Fran. We wanted to talk to you about Jude. He's been a bit down lately. Missing you, I think."
Your heart sank at the thought of Jude feeling lonely and stressed. "Oh, Fran, I miss him too. I want to do something special for him. Can you help?"
Fran grinned, even though you couldn't see it. "That's exactly what we were hoping you'd say. We've got a plan to surprise him before the match. Wear his favorite color and bring his favorite flowers. We'll make sure he is ready."
The Santiago Bernabéu stadium buzzed with electric anticipation as you prepared for your most anticipated match of the season. Jude, your beloved boyfriend and the newly signed star player, was about to make his debut in the iconic white jersey. The air was thick with not just anticipation but also an underlying sense of suspense in the locker room.
Meanwhile, thousands of miles away, you found yourself in Australia for the Women's World Cup, where you were a talented soccer player yourself. Your team had a few days off, and while you were enjoying the thrill of the tournament, you couldn't shake the longing to see Jude before his momentous match.
You had planned meticulously, coordinating with Jude's teammates for your surprise visit. You knew that blue had always been his favorite color, and you had chosen a stunning blue silk dress to wear for this special occasion. In your hands, you held a bouquet of fresh white lilies, knowing they were Jude's preferred flowers.
As you entered the stadium, your heart raced with excitement, but there was an undeniable sense of suspense in the air. The journey from Australia had been long, but you were determined to be there for Jude on this significant day. Your presence would serve as a symbol of your unwavering support for each other's soccer careers.
The match began, and the stadium roared to life. You sensed that something extraordinary was about to happen, and the suspense was almost unbearable.
As the final whistle blew, signaling Real Madrid's victory, the crowd erupted in jubilation. Jude had played brilliantly, scoring a crucial goal. The suspense that had been building throughout the match reached its peak, and the stadium lights shone brightly, casting long shadows across the field. The cameras and microphones surrounded Jude as the interviewer started asking questions about the game and how he felt scoring the goal.
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liked by bbcnews,fifaofficial and others
skynews: Shortly after his much discussed transfer to Real Madrid, Jude Bellingham scores on his debut! Full interview in our bio.
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user120 his eyes are somewhere else...
user618 @user120 i think you mean on someone else 😏
user120 that boy is absolutely smitten 🥰
judebellinghamsswife this man is so fine, y/n is a lucky girl🔥
Jude began to speak, trying to keep his focus on the interview. But then, amid the chaos, his eyes searched the stands. And there, like a beacon in the night, he spotted you. Your blue silk dress seemed to glow, and the bouquet of white lilies in your hands was a vision of beauty.
The suspense that had been lingering suddenly exploded into a moment of pure astonishment. The crowd held its breath as Jude's face lit up with surprise and joy. His voice wavered as he answered the interviewer's questions, clearly distracted by your presence.
"You're stunning," Jude whispered, his voice filled with admiration as he gazed at you in your beautiful blue silk dress.
You blushed, a warm smile gracing your lips. "Thank you," you replied softly.
His eyes were locked onto you like a magnet, tracing every curve of your form. Unable to contain his affection, Jude leaned in and showered your face with a cascade of sweet, tender kisses, each one filled with his overwhelming love and joy at your surprise visit.
"Ew, Jude, you're sweaty," you teased, crinkling your nose as you embraced him.
"Just how you like," he replied with a playful smirk, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
You rolled your eyes but couldn't help but smile at his charm. You leaned in to hug him tightly, reveling in the familiar scent of his sweat and the warmth of his embrace.
As you shared this intimate moment, Jude's keen eyes caught sight of a nearby camera. Concern flickered in his eyes, knowing that your surprise visit might not sit well with some fans, and your typically discreet nature when it came to public displays of affection.
"Y/N," he murmured, his voice low and cautious, "there's a camera over there."
You, ever fearless and passionate, followed his gaze and spotted the camera as well. Instead of pulling away, you pulled Jude closer, capturing his lips in a sweet, lingering kiss. The audience erupted into a loud cheer, their love and support for the couple evident in the thunderous applause.
Your relationship with Jude had always been a beautiful blend of openness and privacy. While you never officially announced your romance to the public, it was an open secret among your closest friends, family, and avid fans. You chose to softly reveal your relationship to the world, letting moments of your love story unfold naturally, leaving fans to connect the dots.
Your relationship became a game of reading between the lines for your followers, who delighted in the subtle signs of affection you occasionally shared. There were stolen glances and knowing smiles, but never a direct confirmation of your romance. Well, until now.
Jude, momentarily surprised, couldn't help but smile into the kiss. He realized that sometimes, the world just had to know about your love. As you finally parted, he whispered, "Well, I guess everyone knows now."
You grinned mischievously, "Let them cheer, Jude. We've got nothing to hide."
In the post-match interviews, reporters couldn’t resist asking Jude about that iconic moment. “Jude,” one interviewer grinned, “that kiss with Y/N at the end there was quite a spectacle. Can you tell us more about your relationship?”
Jude, initially taken aback by the attention but never one to shy away from his feelings, chuckled and replied, “Well, I guess the cat’s out of the bag. Y/N and I have been together for a while now, and she’s an amazing person. We met through our love for soccer, and it’s been a fantastic journey together.”
Another reporter, eager to keep the conversation going, chimed in, “Jude, your girlfriend is a phenomenal player on the Women’s England team. Can you share your predictions for her upcoming match?”
Jude’s face lit up with enthusiasm. “Absolutely! Y/N is incredibly dedicated and skilled on the field. I have all the confidence in the world in her and her team. I predict they’ll give it their all and come out with a resounding victory. I’ll be there cheering them on, just like they were there for me today.”
Just as the interview was hitting a high note of positivity, a third interviewer, with a stern expression, jumped into the conversation. “Jude,” they began in a somewhat accusatory tone, “some people argue that women’s football is not the same as men’s football and that your girlfriend, Y/N, might have gotten away with some questionable plays. What’s your response to these critics?”
Jude’s smile faded, replaced by a determined look. He leaned forward and replied firmly, “I have to disagree with that sentiment entirely. Women’s football is just as competitive, skilled, and exciting as men’s football. Y/N and her teammates train just as hard, and they play with the same passion and integrity that I do. Accusations of cheating or undermining their abilities are completely unfounded.”
Jude’s words resonated with a sense of conviction, and it was clear that he was ready to defend not only his girlfriend but also the entire Women’s England team. The interviewer, taken aback by Jude’s strong response, quickly changed the subject, realizing that they had struck a sensitive chord.
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liked by user156, user781 and others
hellomagazine Real Madrid and English football player Jude Bellingham spotted kissing and holding hands with fellow english footballer Y/N Morrison after she came to a real madrid match during her camp at the womens world cup in Australia.
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user156 leave them alone, poor guy looks so bothered
user350 poor guy is just trying to get to his car and protect his girlfriend
user103 i heard one of the paparazzi started harassing y/n, and he had to step in. Why can't people just leave them alone man. They are humans too!
But as Jude and you tried to leave the stadium, you find yourself surrounded by a persistent crowd of fans and reporters. Despite Jude’s best efforts to steer the conversation towards your respective careers and love for the sport, the questions about your relationship grew increasingly personal and intrusive.
“Jude, can you tell us more about your romantic getaways with Y/N?” one reporter pressed.
You, visibly uncomfortable, interjected, “We’d appreciate it if you could focus on our soccer careers and the game we love.”
But the questions kept coming, probing into their private moments, and both Jude and you began to regret ever announcing your relationship in such a public manner. You exchanged frustrated glances, realizing that your intention to celebrate your love had unintentionally invited a wave of invasive curiosity.
Before you could reach the safety of the car, the relentless paparazzi continued to hound you, snapping photos and shouting questions.
Paparazzo 1: (shouting) “Jude, over here! Tell us about your relationship with Y/N!”
Paparazzo 2: (shouting) “Y/N, how does it feel to be with Jude? Any wedding plans?”
Jude, his patience exhausted, turned towards the paparazzi, his voice filled with frustration.
Jude: (shouting) “That’s enough! Show some respect! Give us some space!”
His voice rang out, commanding attention, and for a moment, the paparazzi fell silent, taken aback by Jude’s sudden outburst. In that brief respite, he continued to guide you to the car, determined to protect you from the invasive questions and cameras.
Furious at the paparazzi who had continued to hound you with intrusive questions and cameras despite your distress, Jude couldn't hold back any longer.
Jude: (shouting) "Can you all just fuck off."
His voice carried a powerful anger, and for a moment, the paparazzi fell silent, taken aback by Jude's fierce outburst. In that brief respite, he continued to guide you to the car, determined to protect you from the invasive questions and cameras.
But before you could reach the safety of the car, the situation took a horrifying turn. An angry fan, infuriated by his team's loss, shoved you away from Jude with a forceful motion. You stumbled backward, your shocked expression giving way to one of disbelief and fear.
Jude's reaction was immediate and protective. His face contorted with anger as he stepped between you and the fan, his voice laced with a threatening edge. "Touch my girlfriend again and I'll fucking kill you. I don't know who you think you are, but you're a fucking idiot. It's a football match get over yourself.
The fan recoiled, shocked by Jude's intense response. The surrounding crowd, already outraged by the fan's behavior, now watched in stunned silence as security personnel rushed in to apprehend the individual responsible for the attack. They ensured that you and Jude were safe from further harm.
Once inside the car, the overwhelming emotions finally overcame you, and you collapsed into Jude's arms, sobbing uncontrollably. Jude held you tightly, his protective instincts firmly in place, as you both sought refuge from the relentless scrutiny.
Inside the taxi, after the harrowing encounter with the fan, you and Jude found a moment of respite. Emotions still ran high, but the leather seats and the warm glow of the city lights outside offered a semblance of security.
Jude held you close, his protective instincts still coursing through him. The trauma of the fan's aggression weighed on both of you, but the taxi ride allowed a brief pause in the turmoil.
Y/N apologized softly, "I'm so sorry, Jude. I just wanted to surprise you."
Jude, gazing into your eyes, furrowed his brow in confusion.
"What?" he asked, curious.
You continued, "I'm sorry-"
Before you could finish, Jude cut in, a mixture of concern and frustration in his voice, "No. Why are you apologizing? You did nothing wrong. If anyone is in the wrong, it was that fucking fan. If I see him again, I'll-"
At that very moment, the taxi's engine roared to life, propelling you away from the chaos. The vehicle became your sanctuary as it glided through the city streets, the comforting embrace of the backseat cocooning you both.
A faint smile crossed your lips, appreciating Jude's protectiveness.
"You'll what?" you teased, looking at him.
Through the taxi's windows, the city lights passed by like a shifting dreamscape.
"I'll kill him.," Jude declared,before cringing. "He touched my girl. He atleast deserves a good punch."
As the taxi journeyed further from the ordeal, you and Jude found solace in each other's presence. Gratitude welled up between you, an unspoken acknowledgment of the support you had offered each other during a trying moment.
Amidst the hum of the engine and the soft glow of the taxi's interior, you shared affectionate glances. The city's rhythm became the backdrop to your unspoken connection.
Jude winced slightly as you two shared another embrace, the ordeal now safely behind you.
"What?" you asked playfully.
"Nothing, it's nothing-" Jude replied.
You pressed further, "No, what is it?"
Jude couldn't suppress a mischievous grin.
"It's just... you smell like booze," he teased.
Smiling, you responded, "You like it."
With those words, you nestled your head on his chest, finding solace in the comforting rhythm of his heartbeat. The taxi carried you both through the city, offering a sanctuary where you could cherish these moments of connection and affection amidst the chaos.
y/ns story
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After the chaotic surprise at Santiago Bernabéu, Jude and you decided to make the most of your precious time together in Madrid and not let the match get to you. You strolled hand in hand through the enchanting streets of the Spanish capital, admiring the architecture, savoring delicious tapas, and enjoying each other’s company.
As you walked along the picturesque cobblestone streets, you couldn’t help but express your awe at the beauty of the city. “Jude, Madrid is incredible. I can see why you love playing here.”
Jude nodded, his eyes never leaving you. “It’s even more incredible with you here, Y/N.”
You found yourselves at a charming outdoor café, where you settled into a cozy corner table with a view of the bustling plaza. The warm evening breeze carried the scent of flowers and laughter from nearby tables.
Over glasses of rich Spanish wine, your conversation deepened. You talked passionately about your journey in the Women’s World Cup, describing the dedication and hard work that fueled your ambition.
“Imagine if you did win the World Cup,” Jude mused, a glint of excitement in his eyes.
“Jude,” you started, a hint of modesty in your voice.
“What?” He leaned closer, his gaze locked onto yours. “You must have pictured it! Imagine scoring the winning goal! It would be life-changing.”
Your cheeks flushed, but you couldn’t help but smile at Jude’s enthusiasm. “Hmm, I guess.”
Jude chuckled, his hand reaching across the table to gently squeeze yours. “You guess! Y/N! You’d be everywhere, I’d be chasing you around. Billboard after billboard. It would be inspiring—”
You interrupted, your voice filled with humility, “It would be pretty amazing, wouldn’t it?”
Under the Madrid moonlight, Jude and you felt closer than ever. Your love was as boundless as the cityscape before you, and you knew that no matter where life's journey took you, you would face it together, hand in hand, just as you did on that unforgettable night in Spain.
Your conversation about the future and the Women's World Cup continued to flow, weaving seamlessly into your dreams of a family.
"Imagine the things you could do with that kind of influence," Jude continued, his voice filled with wonder. "The futures you could inspire."
Your eyes sparkled with the possibilities. "And imagine our future. Imagine our kids running around and being able to play wherever we are in the world."
Jude's heart swelled with warmth at the thought. "Now that's something I would love to imagine..."
As you gazed into each other's eyes, your thoughts turned to the family you both longed to create together. Jude's expression softened with a dreamy smile. "I've imagined it, you know. Two boys who look exactly like me, brown scruffy hair, brown eyes, and that mischievous grin of mine."
You laughed, picturing the future he described. "Two little Judes running around, huh? They'd be a handful."
Jude nodded, his gaze filled with affection. "A handful, but they'd have your spirit and determination. And then," he continued, his voice gentle and dreamy, "our little girl, a perfect mix between you and me. With your beautiful eyes and my stubbornness."
Your heart melted at the image he painted. "Our family sounds incredible, Jude. I can't wait for that day."
You held onto that vision of your future, where love, dreams, and the joys of parenthood awaited you. In that moment, as you shared your hopes and dreams under the Madrid moonlight, you knew that your love was strong enough to overcome any obstacle life might throw your way.
The Madrid morning sun streamed through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the hotel room where Jude and you lay tangled in each other's arms. The night had been filled with laughter and whispered promises, but the dawn brought the inevitable parting.
You sighed softly as you gazed at Jude's peaceful sleeping face. You knew you had to leave for your training camp in Australia, but the thought of saying goodbye tugged at your heart.
Jude stirred, his brown eyes fluttering open as he felt your gaze on him. "Morning," he mumbled, his voice husky with sleep.
"Morning," you replied, your fingers tracing lazy patterns on his chest. "I have to go soon."
Jude's arms tightened around you, pulling you closer. "Can't you stay a little longer?"
You smiled sadly, brushing a strand of hair away from his face. "You know I can't, love. Duty calls."
Jude sighed, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. "I'll miss you so much."
You returned the kiss, savoring the taste of him. "I'll miss you too, Jude. But we'll be together again soon."
You both reluctantly untangled yourselves from each other's embrace and got out of bed. Jude, determined to make your last morning memorable, surprised you with breakfast in bed. He had ordered a delicious spread of pastries, fruits, and coffee, arranging it all on a tray with a single red rose.
Your eyes sparkled with delight as you took in the sight. "You really know how to make a girl's morning special, don't you?"
Jude grinned, handing you a pastry. "Only for you."
You spent your morning indulging in breakfast, sharing stories and laughter as if time were standing still. But the clock on the wall ticked relentlessly, reminding you of the minutes slipping away.
As the moment of departure drew nearer, Jude showered you with kisses and cuddles, trying to make every second count. His lips found yours repeatedly, and his arms refused to let you go.
"I wish you didn't have to leave," Jude whispered against your lips.
You held him close, tears brimming in your eyes. "I wish that too, Jude. I love you."
"I love you too," he whispered, leaning in for a tender goodbye kiss.
Then, with a heavy heart, you stepped out the door, leaving behind a piece of yourself in Madrid as you embarked on the journey back to Australia, where training camp awaited. Your love would endure the distance, and you both held onto the hope of being reunited soon.
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Liked by y/nmorrison, leahwilliamson and 1,000,000 others
judebellingham <3
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user1890 they finally announced it!
user3567 you guys!!! I am so happy for you
user2019 they are so cute!
y/nmorrison my no.1
judebellingham @y/nmorrison mine
125 notes · View notes
reblip-reblog · 1 year
Where to find Link:
(+characters dressed like him/referencing his appearance)
Will reblog with images
Standard "Legend of Zelda" Games -
Skyward Sword
The Minish Cap
Four Swords
Ocarina of Time
Majora's Mask
Twilight Princess
Four Swords Adventures
Breath of the Wild
Tears of the Kingdom
A Link to the Past
Oracle of Seasons/Ages
Link's Awakening
A Link Between Worlds
Tri Force Heroes
The Legend of Zelda
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
The Wind Waker
Phantom Hourglass
Spirit Tracks
Outside Standard "Legend of Zelda" Games -
Pre-Minish Cap
Pre-Four Swords
Pre-Breath of the Wild
Hyrule Warriors
Age of Calamity
Cadence of Hyrule
BS The Legend of Zelda
BS The Legend of Zelda: Ancient Stone Tablets
Link's Crossbow Training
The Legend of Zelda Game Watch
Zelda (Game & Watch)
Link: The Faces of Evil
Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon
Zelda's Adventure
My Nintendo Picross: Twilight Princess
Other Nintendo Picross Games
Pre-Skyward Sword Manga (Akira Himekawa)
Valiant Comics (George Caragonne)
Other LoZ Mangas/Comics/Books
DIC Legend of Zelda Cartoon
Captain N: The Game Master
Super Smash Brothers series
Mario Kart 8
F1 Race
Uniracers (Unused)
Super Mario Maker
Animal Crossing Series
Soul Calibur II
Donkey Kong Country 2
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
NES Tetris
Tetris DS
NES Remix
Death Road to Canada
Sky: Children of the Light
Monster Hunter
Dynasty Warriors VS/Samurai Warriors Chronicles3
Kirby Series (Sword Ability)
Yoshi's Woolly World
WarioWare Series
nintendogs + cats
AR Games
StreetPass Mii Plaza
Find Mii
Nintendo Land (LoZ: Battle Quest)
Nintendo Badge Arcade
NES Remix 2
Nintendo Cereal System
World of Warcraft
Yoshi's Island 4
Asterix & Obelix XXL 2
Scribblenauts Unlimited
Tekken Tag Tournament 2
Sonic Lost World
Dino Run
A Hat in Time
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Jump Rope Challenge
Phantasy Star
Final Fantasy (sort of)
Google Maps
Ittle Dew
Mable & the Wood
Super Mario Bros. & Friends: When I Grow Up
The Cat Mario Show
My Little Pony
Powerpuff Girls
Nintendo E3 x Robot Chicken
Golden Sun: The Lost Age (Unused; source code)
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga (Unused)
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (Unused)
((There may be more than one "Link"-type character in a single entry -- Hero's Shade, Fierce Deity, Linkle, Ravio, Animal Crossing player in Hero's Outfit + W. Link, Mario Kart Links + Outfit for Miis, the pre-characters listed above, etc.))
((I am counting characters who can dress up as Link, such as in BS Zelda, Sky: Children of the Light, Animal Crossing, the Badge Arcade rabbit, etc.))
((The same Link can appear in multiple entries.))
Got a lot of information from these sites:
‎Let me know if I missed or skipped over any that I should add to the list!
I might reblog this with images.
131 notes · View notes
0alanasworld0 · 9 months
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Request: hey girl can u please make a smut or a fan fic abt amir Richardson he is so fine and theres literally nothing abt him on the internet yet😭 tyy
Warnings: none
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“She’s super nice, man! What’s the worst that could happen?”
“Super nice and way out of my league! Fucking look at her, dude!” Amir whisper-shouts as the group all take it in turns to take a glance at you in your friend group.
It was a tough pill to swallow but Amir had a point. At 13 he had expected to have finally started showing his dad’s genes: a growth spurt that he felt he very much needed. He was the son of a star basketball player yet one of the smallest in the grade and he hated it. The thing he hated most was the fact that he stood no chance with you. There was no way in hell you would even spare him a glance so he supposed he just had to wallow in his misery.
Basketball certainly wasn’t an option for him so he looked to other options. You once again worm your way into his mind and he remembers something. one of his few interactions with you. 
“Oh hey you left your phone!” He calls out as you’re about to walk away. It was the end of the day and the last thing you needed was to let your phone hang around overnight and lose it.
As he picks it up, he gets to glance at your lockscreen and he’s intrigued. Number 22: Ziyech. He didn’t take you for a football fam but he sure as hell welcomed it. Of course you were cool like that.
He doesn’t have much time to think it over before you turn around and he can feel his heart in his throat at the sight of you. He’s fighting the urge to run away from you because the way you made him feel just wasn’t normal. Oh god you were smiling at him. Think, Amir! Think!
“Thank you so much! I bet I wouldn’t have seen it again if it stayed overnight!” You joke. You couldn’t help but take some enjoyment in his nervous giggles. He really was such a sweetheart but you didn’t want to scare him off. He was shy enough as it was so you thought it would be best to leave him be. 
“Sooooo… Hakim Ziyech?” 
“He’s not Messi but he’ll always be my favourite ever!” You gush, forgetting that you had to get going and continuing to elaborate on your love for the Ajax star. He listened to every word with a smile because he loved seeing you so engrossed and passionate. 
Amir treasured that memory with everything he had. His first of very few interactions with you. He’d somehow managed to keep up with you to the extent where he was getting almost as excited about it as you were. With every question he could see your eyes brighten up, your smile grew wider and you got a little bit louder. 
And that was that. He would try his luck at football. He gathered from your conversations with him that height wasn’t an important factor at all for the attacking positions. Sometimes even the opposite was true. Even his friends were hyping him up for it: he was physically fit enough, quick, a good decision-maker. He may have needed a little work on the ball but he would get there.
He spent hours on the internet looking for tutorials on the simple stuff, getting his friends to help him out and his parents gladly got him everything he needed. His dad supposed that if basketball wasn’t the path, some other sport would have to do.
When he got his chance to try out, he was a little bit messy; made some mistakes but he thought he’d done okay overall. And indeed he did: a place on his school team. Sure, it was as a 3rd choice midfielder but he supposed it would have to do for now.
Although when he had told you about it, he may have omitted the 3rd choice part. On complete accident of course. So when the day of his first match does roll around, he’s a little nervous to say the least. 
It gets to the week before and you’re of course buzzing more than he is.
“This is so exciting! You’re going to become a superstar, I just know it!” you exclaimed, jumping up and down and he could only smile.
“I don’t know about that…” he scratches the back of his head, looking around awkwardly and you furrow your eyebrows.
“Come on! You never know who’s around the corner in these things. They have to get them from somewhere, no?”
“Yeah like Brazil and England maybe! Why would they even think of looking in the land of ‘soccer’ ?!”
“It’s a huge talent pool! You gotta have a little faith and even then, I have more than enough for the both of us!” you bounce up and down on your toes and all he can do is smile. He’s been in love with you for longer than he can remember and here you are at one of his matches, buzzing with excitement at the idea of supporting HIM. How had he managed this one?
Warming up wasn’t much of a priority for him today since he wasn't even expecting to be on the field. So he’d spent a good amount of time simply searching for you on the bleachers. When he finally finds you among the crowd, you’re too busy talking to your friends to notice so he’s happy to just keep his eyes on you. He’s nowhere near as chatty as he usually is and the lack of snarky comments thrown in their way has his friends confused so they all take a second to see where he’s looking and of course they spot you.
“Damn did you invite her?!”
“She would have probably come anyway” he defends but to no avail.
“Nah man, respectfully I don’t think this is the kind of soccer she’s into, you know?”
They all nod in agreement and all Amir can do is desperately avoid any eye contact. Yes, he had invited you here but he didn’t need to be fed delusions about what it meant. 
“Damn bro, I thought you said she was out of your league…” his friend nudges him while the rest snicker. All out of love and relief of course. They’d watch their friend fawn over you for too long so seeing things finally move forward was a huge deal to all of them.
They can’t help but tease him further, all frantically waving and yelling in your general direction while Amir scrambles to stop them. But alas it's already too late and you’re gazing down at the group, eyes specifically on Amir as you smile and wave. He wasn’t nervous before, not like he was playing anyway, but now… he felt like he had to do something. Make you proud. You had given him the idea to try football after all. You had all this faith in him.
He wasn’t feeling anything like this before. The bench was comfortable but he only grew more antsy as the minutes ticked on. Did he seriously invite you here to watch him twiddle his thumbs? Embarrassing. 
But with some perfect timing, he sees his coach beckon him over. His teammates push him off the bench when he takes a little too long to react and against all odds, he’s going on. His 45 minutes to shine. His eyes blur as he runs into position and forgets to look up for you but you’re visibly ecstatic. Your own friends are teasing you for how fond you were over him.
He was nervous beyond anything he could express but he did everything he could to channel that into his game. It felt like a make-or-break in more ways than one, that was for sure. 
It was like a dream. It felt so easy, almost too easy. It was as if… no. He was doing well. And he simply couldn’t believe it. The minutes flew by and he only got more and more confident. He couldn’t even bring himself to care when his teammates were wasting his chances. Because at the end of the day, they were still HIS chances. 5 of them on his debut + some solid dribbles and tackles wasn’t bad at all.
Sure, they had lost. And by a slightly embarrassing margin but all he really cared about was that HE had done well. He had to have impressed you and that was the only thing that was on his mind as he searched for you, finally being able to find you as you made your way over to him.
He could care less about his friends snickering and hollering as he made his own way over, marching towards you as quickly as he could without going into a full-on sprint. Although he was tempted.
He knew you were going to be proud of him but he certainly didn’t expect you to throw yourself at him for a hug. Nearly knocked him off his feet but he manages to recover quickly enough and wrap his arms around you lightly. 
“I knew you could do it, see! You were amazing out there!” oh god his heart was back to being in his throat so he has to choke out his next words.
“I mean it’s only my first game, could be a purple patch for all we know…” you detach yourself from the hug too soon for his liking.
“Absolutely not, you’re gonna go big soon I just know it!” 
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He thinks back to your words quite regularly. You couldn’t have had any idea at the time just how right you were. You sounded so delusional back then, like you were just telling him what he wanted to hear. 
But years on, he’s finally reached that growth spurt that he had been praying for all the time ago and he has an agent negotiating with multiple clubs for him. And the best part of it all was that you were still by his side, seeing the fruits of your delusions coming alive. Not a hint of surprise on your end, you were always so sure of him.
Perhaps the only downside was that in spite of his newfound confidence, he was still stuck in that friendship stage with you. He had gained a lot more *attention* over the years but he still only had eyes for you. You still made him so fucking nervous but he had gotten better at composing himself. He had even gotten a little flirty, now being the one to make you all nervous and blushy. And he revelled in every second of it.
“I have something for you!” he reveals as he catches up with you in the corridor. He’s clutching his jersey in his hands.
“Isn’t that going to be a little big on me?” you tease, still taking it from his hands as he rolls his eyes.
“Oh please! You would look amazing in anything, especially one of my jerseys.” he says matter-of-factly and you can only blush.
“You should wear it to my match on Sunday!” you narrow your eyes to challenge him before he elaborates.
“Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaase! It’ll be all the moral support I need. All you have to do is sit pretty!” He tries to bargain but he knows that you would always be there to support him no matter what. He would drop everything to do the same for you as well. 
The interaction doesn’t happen too far away from his friends' lockers and they’re all eager to know whether he’s finally made a solid move.
“Just making sure she’s coming on Sunday! You can calm down!” Amir rolls his eyes, refusing to make eye contact with anyone as he pretends to go through his locker.
“Is that your jersey in her hand?” 
“Yeah I mean she is my best friend, totally normal stuff.”
“Well it would be if you still weren’t madly in love with her. Dude, it's been 4 years. She liked you when you were 5’3 for fucks sake. What makes you think she's switched up when you’re pushing to 6’2?!” 
“Yeah, she sees me as a friend! No need to complicate things!”
“Whatever, man.”
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Even further on, more years later and somehow you’re still there supporting him. You had to do it from afar for a good while but the affection hadn’t died at all. You couldn’t be prouder of each other as you fulfilled your dreams. Time would bring you back together eventually, he was sure of that.
An excruciating couple of years apart but he was beyond grateful that he had you there, in person, to support him in the biggest moment in his career so far. Now all he had to do was win. Make the long flight and scheduling all worth your while. Something was also telling him that this would be his chance. He had been waiting for the right moment long enough and he just knew that winning today would be just the confidence boost he needed.
It seemed like a pretty easy task, they had flown through the tournament thus far like it was nothing. He was certainly on his best form and he had looked forward to an excited facetime call at the end of every victory. 
That didn’t feel as certain today though. Things were tough. Much tougher than previous matches and although the whole team were made aware of it before, it was still a shock to the system.
Even with every single white shirt turning into a defender trying to knock him down, trying to intimidate him, he only had one thing on his mind. He didn’t just want to win. He NEEDED to win. He’s been dreaming of the perfect moment for years. He brought you all the way over to Rabat to watch him just like old times. It was so close, he could taste it. 
All they needed was an equaliser. And when the equaliser finally came they needed one more goal to hit it home. Egypt’s best off the pitch, down to 10 men. They HAD to win it now. 
You were just as nervous as he was; heart in your throat, shaky hands. It was a moment you had seen him work his ass off for and you wanted nothing but success for him. An international trophy at 21 felt like the perfect climax to his career thus far. 
Although he had a very clear mind as to where he wanted to stand with you, you had resigned to the friendship role a long time ago. There was a point in time at which you really thought he liked you. Everyone did at the time but with all the girls after him and a lack of movement on his end, you supposed that you were maybe imagining things. Or even worse, that feelings had faded on his end. You didn’t like to consider that possibility at all, it made you sick to your stomach.
He still meant the world to you so of course you couldn’t let him go like that but you always looked back with disappointment. You told yourself that you were more than happy to be his friend, and that the feelings would eventually fade. Yet no other guy made you feel the way he did. No one ever compared to him. You cursed him for the way he raised your standards so high as a mere friend, for the way he always lingered in your mind as the one who got away. 
None of that mattered in the moment because the way the stadium erupted upon the much awaited 2nd goal to put Morocco in the lead. You could feel your eyes well up with tears. Only 15 minutes on the clock and your Amir would be crowned a champion. You always knew. Even if he didn’t, even when it felt so far-fetched and fictional you always knew. Your Amir, your superstar. 
The 15 minutes feel like 15 years and your heart doesn’t slow down in that time until you finally hear that whistle. The noise of the stadium has you almost dizzy and the welled up tears start cascading down your face as reality kicks in. Champions of Africa.
You don’t even have time to think before you start sprinting down the steps and towards the pitch, pass in hand so you could get in as quickly as possible. Amir is already looking around for you so he catches sight of you quickly and begins his sprint towards you too.
The collision is heavy but thankfully he’s strong enough and manages to catch you in his arms mid-jump. You bury your face in his neck as he spins you around. Your head is spinning when he puts you down so you’re grateful for the way he brings you in for another hug, feet on the ground this time. You can only breathe out in relief as you gently squeeze your arms around him and run your hands over the expanse of his back. He reciprocates with a squeeze of your waist and a small kiss to the top of your head.
“I guess you were right.” he laughs. You look up at him, a silent request to elaborate.
“About the whole ‘superstar’ thing, remember? I mean you’re the smartest person I know but telling the future?! You’re something else!” 
You go to respond until you’re interrupted.
“Oh so here’s the happy couple!” none other than the captain chimes in, throwing an arm over Amir as you break the hug.
“You know, Amir has told us all about you!” he tells you loudly and Amir’s eyes widen. You can only smile and blush a little at his implication. Abde only ever joked but the idea of you meaning something more to Amir put butterflies in your tummy.
“I’ve mentioned you a couple times.” he attempts to clarify, shaking his head dismissively.
“HA! That’s such a lie and you know it! He doesn’t shut up, he’s basically obsessed with you I swear-” Amir manages to get a hand over his mouth before he can reveal any more incriminating information.
He manages to drag Abde away and gets a chance to give you a quick hug and a kiss to your forehead as a goodbye before leaving to go with him, reminding you of where to go once the trophy ceremony was over. He puts a thumbs up as you yell a reminder to him to get a photo with the trophy. The locker room celebrations awaited him and they always took a good while. He knew you hadn’t eaten much so he hoped you could grab a little bite to eat while you were there.
Once you’re out of earshot and walking away, he takes his chance to scold his friend.
“Seriously, dude?!” 
“What?! I thought I could speed things up, you can’t let this shit drag on forever, you’re only gonna start resenting each other and grow old and miserable. This is boring as fuck, just man up and tell her because it’s so obvious that you’re made for eachother it’s funny!” Abde shakes his head, walking off and jumpscaring another fellow teammate. Stupid antics aside, the captain had some wise words about him, Amir had to admit. His doubts still lingered and he still felt a desire to preserve the friendship he had built with you, keep it safe from anything and everything that could jeopardise it.
You were proud beyond words. The tears came quickly as you watched him receive his gold medal. You had seen him every step of the way. And even though you didn’t know it, you were the reason he picked the damn sport in the first place. His true passion and calling. Amidst the pride and joy, you still felt a pang in your heart. Years of supporting each other and the idea of your love being limited to a friendship hurt. You caught the way he used to look at you quite often. You, yourself, genuinely believed that he liked you yet years on and one giant growth spurt later, you wondered whether maybe he had lost interest along the way; with his newfound confidence and much larger dating pool. Some of those girls were true stunners and you made it a point to never stare as he conversed with them. It would only break your heart. The real shame was that if you had looked, you would see him reject them as kindly as he could. You would see them walk away slightly peeved and you would see him looking right back at you. Because even with everything that had happened, it still was and would always be you. But your attempts at hiding away and protecting yourself prevented you from seeing the obvious. 
Your back is to him when he comes to find you. The locker room celebrations finally over. He tried his best to not show his impatience in the locker room but they all knew. So he was not-so-forcefully kicked out so he could go to the one person he actually wanted to be around. 
He’s glad to see you eating and looking lively as you talked with some of the other family members that were there. He takes a moment to get a proper look at you while you still hadn’t noticed him. You were only wearing one of his jerseys and some baggy jeans but you still looked angelic to him. He knew you were tired beyond belief, your head probably pounding from the noise of the stadium but you still found it within yourself to smile with your eyes and light up the room like he’d always known you to do. Exhausted but still made those around you smile and chuckle. Your energy and beauty was apparent no matter what and he couldn’t get enough of you. His perception of you hadn’t changed since he was a kid, in fact they had probably only intensified. Even when he had girls fawning over him, his own friends telling him that he was now within your league he still felt so unworthy. Every glance in his direction, every smile, every word spoken, text sent felt like a Godsend. Come to think of it, he never really let himself think like this before, he pushed it away for the sake of preserving the friendship. So he could keep you in the only way he felt he deserved. 
At that very moment, the idea of staying only as your friend sounded like a version of hell. He needed more. All of a sudden, the urge to confront his feelings for you head on had grown stronger. He LOVED you. He wasn’t sure how he had managed to push the reality away for so long but it was so clear now. And you needed to know. 
He makes his way over, slightly speed-walking because he feared he would lose his nerve if he waited even a minute longer. It takes a little tap on your shoulder for you to finally notice him and the people you were talking to take it as their sign to walk away as you turn around. You immediately wrap your arms around him in a tight hug with your head on his chest. He hoped to god you couldn’t feel the way it was hammering away. You could tell when he was nervous without that but he hoped that somehow you hadn’t picked up on it this once. He reciprocates with the same love and enthusiasm, lifting you up slightly as you squeal. You don’t seem to be letting go of the hug any time soon so he opts to whisper in your ear.
“Can we talk somewhere quieter?” you reluctantly remove your head from his chest as you look up at him, slight concern in your eyes.
“Everything okay?” he nods vigorously, unravelling himself from your arms, holding your hand gently as he guides you away to a quiet balcony. 
It felt like destiny here. The cool, crisp air. Clear night sky, stars twinkling and the moon radiant as ever. It was a beautiful scene but you were still the one he couldn’t keep his eyes off of. He takes a second to get one more proper look at you before he begins.
He takes both of your hands in his and you now feel your heart starting to beat faster. You look down at where their intertwined as a way of avoiding those bambi eyes of his. The way yours looked so much smaller in his. The warmth soothing your cold fingertips and the nails that you had manicured the night before, much to his dismay.
“You’ve been there since I could barely kick a ball, you know?” he squeezes your hands gently, a small smile on his face as he recalls your first encounter. You finally look up at him, giving him a small cute one in return.
“You told me I was going to make it big even then, how did you know?”
“Entuition and delusion, love.” you joke and he chuckles a little, dropping his head down to calm himself before finally getting his confession out.
“It feels kind of like a soulmate thing, you know?” 
“Well yeah we’re best friends for life, aren’t we?”
“Sure but I was thinking of a different kind of soulmate…”
“I don’t follow…”
“I love you, in a soulmate way. You’ve been the light of my life since all the way back then and that hasn’t changed now. It just feels like we’re not just supposed to be best friends, you know?”
“Amir please…”
“I’m in love with you. Like pathetically and hopelessly in love. I don’t think I can do ‘just best friends’ anymore because I’ve always seen you beyond that…” he physically couldn’t get anymore words out so he hoped that would do and he could feel his heart ready to burst from his chest as he waited for your response.
The silence was loud, all-encompassing, almost suffocating and it felt like time had stopped as you tried to figure out what to say. He could see the cogs turning in your mind yet he had no idea what kind of reply awaited him. 
He’s perhaps a little too far in his own head because all of a sudden he feels one of your hands leave his and make its way to the back of his head. He was still trying to process things so his vision was all a blur. The next thing he feels is the greatest surprise. A soft pair of lips on his, like flower petals. Delicate and smooth and so so sweet and addicting. He freezes for a second, asking himself whether this was reality or not. It felt like one of his dreams, his mind was floating as the joy overtook him.
The hand still intertwined with yours lets go and find purchase on your waist, giving a light squeeze as he returns the kiss. It was so soft and gentle that it almost felt as if you weren’t there. Feathlight, perhaps still a little uncertain so he leans forward to deepen it. It was definitely real. He was still floating but it was real. And he couldn’t be more excited.
You take your time with the kiss, doing everything you could to make the moment last and you only part for breath, faces still only a few centimetres away.
“I love you too…” you whisper, still slightly breathless and panting from the previous events. You can only look into his eyes for a second before getting shy and hiding your head under his chin again. 
“Your heart is going at like 80 a minute you know? You should get it checked out.” you joke and he gently pinches your side.
“Can you blame me?” You both laugh together, content in each other's arms, staring out at the Rabat skyline and admiring the twinkling stars.
The moment is interrupted by an audience that Amir maybe should have expected. Of course his teammates arrive to finally witness it.
“It took you lovebirds long enough goddamn! Thought we would be stuck listening to him droning on for years to come, fucking idiot.” Abde shakes his head while the others cackle. You can only blush while Amir gives them as stern a look as he could manage. 
They finally leave after a couple more minutes of them berating him for waiting this long and your small breathy laughs turn into full-on giggles as you learn the true extent of his love. Looking back, you had both been a bit stupid. So scared of nothing when things were so blatantly obvious. But better late than never, you supposed. You finally had each other. You didn’t have time to think about the wasted years as you looked forward to what was ahead. Mutual feelings out in the open: shared passions and desire, a level of love and respect that spanned 8 beautiful years, excitement for the future. As if Amir’s night couldn’t get any better he finally had the prize he had been wanting from the very beginning. His CAN trophy and medal were great but he finally had you. Not just a best friend but a lover. 
You stay in your places for a while, continuing to admire the sky before turning to look at each other again. You narrow your eyes at the cheeky smile that makes its way onto his face.
“What are you looking at?” he doesn’t say a word, taking your breath away with yet another, slightly more desperate kiss which you’re quick to reciprocate. You both smile into it as you soak in the relief of the moment. Years of pining and he was finally yours, your superstar.
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Again, very long overdue lmfao. I know the Amir hype has died down significantly since the U23 CAN but i still adore him so i hope u guys like this too <3
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thats-biter · 7 months
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Oct. 29, 2023
That's what the Detroit Pistons want, and now. They have officially arrived, and are announcing it loudly for all to hear: this ain't a game, this is a coup.
Their version of an NBA takeover started last year, but no one except them saw this coming. Just how they contend now is a little beside the point, and they know it. On some nights, it might be the MotorCade, others, it might be hungry-hippo-smash-button Jam King Jalen Duren's ignition properties. Most nights it will be a mix of both and more. A lot more. Winning basketball starts and ends with many things, because that's how winning programs work. Success by onslaught. These Pistons won't stop, because to them, they're already better than you, and they have every intention of acquainting you with their rapidly realizing fever reality.
They're done waiting for the right time to strike. They're in the trenches now. What is happening could have something to do with the full Monty effect, which no one could have predicted. The gob smacked onlookers have yet been able to pin it down with them, just ask around. But the naked truth is this: Detroit Basketball is suddenly good again. Scary good.
They've already proven there's no risk in overstating their future. Any two eyes can see their infectious cohesiveness and shockingly mature crop of otherworldly talent on display. They are poised to make a legitimate winning run this year and are primed for a fury of attack against any opponent, simply as they currently stand. If you sleep on them, you've already lost. Take it from their opponents in the last calendar year. The Pistons will win this season, and they already know who's up next once it ends; it's them.
Cade Cunningham is a superstar incarnate at 22, and he is back in the pulpit to preach. Through the bumps and bruises dished by the best efforts NBA defenses have been able to offer him thus far, he's looking healthier and beefier than his million dollar plant-based diet, and is seeking to lead this subset of grateful peers to their first victorious NBA season ever as players. He's a current top 10 player in the league today, although still too unproven to wear the title, and is a generational talent in the making right before us. There is but one thing on his mind.
In his first effort for us, head coach Monty Williams has them drinking something, and it's working. Still among the youngest players in the NBA, Jalen Duren is a, or is soon to be, the premier center in the entire league for his absurd out-of-the-gym athletics and stat stuffing two-way contributions. OG Stew, the emotional Captain of the ship in Isaiah Stewart, is the team's life-blood and enforcer; their low-key, cold-blooded, secret-weapon stud. The NBA wouldn't dare question him on that. Should he stay within the role and not exceed it, Jaden Ivey is exactly the banshee 6th man we haven't seen here since the days of Lindsey Hunter, Mike James, and Vinny Johnson before them.
Rookie starter Ausar Thompson was another huge jackpot for GM Troy Weaver, a job securing draft selection for him, and likely the piece that puts them full over. From the moment of first tip in 2023, Thompson has quickly revealed himself to be a defensive mastermind and a star. He does everything a winning team needs, and nothing it doesn't. Not caring to score but when the opportunity presents, he has a total double-blind commitment to the cause. For him, it's not just about winning, it's about taking pleasure in the dirty work. He is a Piston, after all. He exudes unselfish discipline that even veteran Champion rafter dwellers won't help but admire. Rip, Isiah and the gang must be losing it. He appears before us now as the second coming of Dennis Rodman and Ben Wallace rolled into one, but with an offensive upside that evokes a young Scottie Pippin's finesse, toughness, and brilliance. He is our missing link, our difference maker, and he's ours.
Monty Williams might not have even had to glue this bunch together himself, as they apparently know their roles, and quite literally fight for each other, behind closed doors and against any opposition under the bright lights. They will not be taking no for an answer. Not these Pistons.
Did I mention the Pistons still don't have their leading scorer back, in Bojan Bogdanović? Time will tell the impact he is able to have with this new establishment pecking order. Bojan will have to answer to Coach and Cade upon his return; something he didn't have to contend with last year. His courtmates may have just exercised their natural right to make a talented but senior player like him completely expendable. The message for him is right now this: get in line, or just get out of the way.
Coach Williams comes to us loaded; with a scorching hot system, a self-assured voice, and most importantly, the bitterness of a too-soon playoff exit and abrupt firing after a Western Conference championship berth with his similarly stacked Phoenix Suns last summer. He's looking to rub some W's on the wound just to make a point. The betrayal trauma of the Ax from a club on the near cusp of championship level basketball seems to have ignited his current focus and vision, regardless of his new historic contractual arrangements with the organization.
They saw the glint in each other's eyes first, but now it's all in plain sight for us to see too.
Pick your angle with this group. They've been trying to tell us for a while. They also have a dynamic 3-point core that would make any GM cower to their knees. Detroit Pistons fans are currently witnessing a hostile shake down of the NBA. It's their world, we're all just living in it. They view themselves as a formidable threat to upset the entire balance of the NBA this season, and why not? On one hand, it's because they want it, but more importantly, it's because they can. We won't have to tell them otherwise, and we shouldn't. Whether they succeed this year is up to them and fate, not us, or the rest of the league. They're too good, and too young. They will run good teams ragged this year, if they can withstand the typical hyper-imposed fan expectations and seasonal adversaries that face any next big thing. The Pistons will be great sooner rather than later. The faces are new, but it's the same old Detroit Basketball we've always known and loved. IYKYK.
There's no reason to question the authenticity of their admission that they are singularly laser-focused on playing basketball the right way right now, and are going to do whatever it takes to take home the victory. They will fight, and they will rise and fall together. Again and again they've bucked the selfish play that sometimes clouds even excellent teams. They did that when they were losing too, remember. Success cannot change that ego is simply not a part of this group's DNA, but god given talent and a winning identity seems to be.
They are obviously here to make the mark of their bright, young lives, we just don't know how big the mark they'll leave is. However, we should consider that they might already know themselves how this should go. For now, they're content to plant their flag, and ready to lay waste on the battlefield with one of the most potent combinations of artillery in the NBA to back it all up. They're too dumb to be jaded, and likewise too inexperienced to slow down and consider the reasons not to be completely and utterly confident with every errant swing of the ball. Just wait until the Lakers and Bucks get a load of this high-efficiency bomb squad.
After nearly embarrassing Eastern Conference champion Miami Heat in their own home opener, everything they've displayed after that night has been a master course in perfect basketball, aside from the high turnover margin. That's to be expected though from teams doing whatever the hell they want out there. They're big, they're fast, they're relentless, and they play defense oriented team basketball with that same Detroit bred, blue collar "D" we know and love in this town. But above all else, they are gifted; and now they are sharing that gift with us.
Skeptics will spout, but the ring of truth is real. What fans at LCA are bearing witness to is quite possibly greatness out of thin air. This is the motherload we've heard about. The world will know it too, if they maintain their onslaught through the next week and the following. Troy Weaver and Tom Gores have made a perfect hire, and drafted a perfect group of kids. This is the vision, and the culture of the franchise is now immutably that of a winning one.
But will that change in the foreseeable future? It's hard to conceive of all this just vanishing, except by freak, career altering injury to one of the main cogs. But we don't need to think like that. Even the notion of something like that isn't deterrent enough to shake this eerie feeling, and it shouldn't. Cade is ready. Take his lead, just like Monty Williams and Jalen Duren have. The rest will follow suit. It's time to buy into his Pistons.
We've tried the free agent game here, and let's finally admit it; that has not and will never work in Detroit. But what has? Drafting smartly, making brilliant trades, and a little bit of luck and grit. On paper, this comeuppance both does and doesn't make sense. But that doesn't matter, because on the court, it does in spectacular fashion.
That's why they're different now. Everything has changed overnight in Detroit again. This happens in the NBA. It has to be the right cocktail for sure, but why not? The 2004, I mean the 2024 Pistons will have some playoff experience to garner before they can think past the Eastern Conference. We're clearly lucky, but come this and next April in the D, we'll know exactly how lucky we just got.
So it's true, they've done the unthinkable. They've actually captured lightning in a bottle, again. The Larry O'Brien Trophy is now locked in their foresight, and ready to be snatched by this rag tag squad of all-kill warrior bandits. They bear an uncanny resemblance to the likes of those Warrior bandits when they were at a similar point in their trajectory to greatness. The main difference though is merely fit, and not fury. It's a different puzzle with these Pistons, but it's the same kind of puzzle. Read it and weep.
There will always be supportive voices within the fan base and organization of any professional basketball team, but this core of assassins is already unequivocally better than anything we've had here in Detroit in over a decade. Better than Blake's, far superior to Reggie's and Andre's without him, these Pistons do what those groups never dreamed to flirt with; they just issued "hits" on every opposing team that dares to cross them, and they want your jewelry too. They don't negotiate, and there will be no survivors. Apocalypse be damned, the Detroit Pistons are now!
2:56 pm
Op-ed by Cameron Navetta
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salmankhanholics · 8 months
★ Salman Khan says Tiger 3 is 'as big as it can get'; reflects on completing 35 years in Bollywood!
Salman Khan is gearing up for the release of the action thriller Tiger 3, in which he reprises the role of RAW agent Avinash Singh Rathore
October 3, 2023
Salman Khan talks about Tiger 3 and completing 35 years in showbiz
Salman Khan made his acting debut in 1988 with Biwi Ho To Aisi and he completed 35 years in Bollywood recently. The superstar opened up about it and said, “People who have loved me since my debut, made me realise on social media that I have completed 35 years in cinema! It is a very special moment for me, filled with nostalgia, love, so much joy and also the pain when things didn’t go as per plan. But I have loved every minute of my journey in the Hindi film industry.”
Khan also spoke about celebrating the occasion with Tiger 3. "I’m glad to celebrate this personal milestone with the release of Tiger 3! I know that my fans love to see me doing action and I hope Tiger 3 is the perfect gift that they have been waiting for!", he added. The actor also said, "I love doing big action spectacles and Tiger 3 is as big as it can get."
Salman Khan is declared a traitor in 'Tiger ka message'
Last week, the makers of Tiger 3 released a video titled 'Tiger Ka Message' in which Salman's character opens up about his situation. He says that he has been labeled as a traitor to India after two decades of selfless service. In order to clear his family and save his reputation, Tiger will embark on a dangerous mission.
Tiger 3 is directed by Maneesh Sharma and produced by Aditya Chopra. Starring Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif, it is a part of the YRF spy universe. The film is slated to be released theatrically on November 10, coinciding with Diwali festival. The first film in the franchise, Ek Tha Tiger, was released in 2012. It was followed by a sequel titled Tiger Zinda Hai which was released in 2017.
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sonlisasims7 · 3 months
Introducing the Contestants
Hello everyone!
I'm Sabrina, a fairy-in-training and your hostess for the Foxbrook Generations Challenge. This challenge is simple: 30 lucky (or maybe unlucky) guys and gals have recently moved to Foxbrook to try to find love and maybe start a family. As a fairy, its my duty to ensure that everyone gets a happy ending, though things are not always quite so simple. Here I will be chronicling what has happened in the last week in the lovely town of Foxbrook, from new love and breakups, to cute dates, happy accidents, and even secret affairs. Nothing shall escape my magic eye, muahaha!!
So, without further ado, let us meet our new neighbors.
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Django Brigham
Gatherer, Hydrophobic, Lucky, No Sense of Humor, Star Quality
Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous
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Maria Pavone
Childish, Coward, Eccentric, No Sense of Humor, Slob
Jack of All Trades
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Yuuki Chaudhary
Coward, Flirty, Friendly, Light Sleeper, Loner
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Gulnara Johannessen
Angler, Dramatic, Frugal, Natural Cook, Unstable
Celebrated Five Star Chef
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Zeferino Marquez
Cant Stand Art, Coward, Green Thumb, Shy, Vegetarian
The Perfect Garden
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Yana Hobson
Cat Person, Charismatic, Dramatic, Easily Impressed, Loves the Outdoors
The Cat Herder
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Otobong Charbonneau
Bookworm, Great Kisser, Green Thumb, Technophobe, Unlucky
Golden Tongue, Golden Fingers
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Eadburga Kools
Dog Person, Excitable, Friendly, Neurotic, Savvy Sculptor
The Canine Companion
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Narcissus Koemans
Brave, Great Kisser, Kleptomaniac, No Sense of Humor, Unstable
Firefighter Super Hero
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Angeline Guerra
Athletic, Born Saleswoman, Green Thumb, Loner, Unlucky
Become a Superstar Athlete
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Ghulam Andreas
Adventurous, Hopeless Romantic, Hydrophobic, Natural Cook, Shy
Great Explorer
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Netta Blaha
Genius, Hot-headed, Loves the Outdoors, Lucky, Vehicle Enthusiast
Become a Creature-Robot Cross Breeder
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Adoniram Peter
Disciplined, Loves the Outdoors, Natural Cook, Rebellious, Unlucky
Physical Perfection
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Malati Sessions
Adventurous, Grumpy, Irresitable, Nurturing, Perfectionist
Seasoned Traveler
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Porir Romao
Athletic, Great Kisser, Grumpy, Heavy Sleeper, Perceptive
Pervasive Private Eye
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Gwenith Blake
Easily Impressed, Family Oriented, Genius, Heavy Sleeper, Vehicle Enthusiast
Surrounded by Family
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Georg Vob
Charismatic, Easily Impressed, Inappropriate, Schmoozer, Unstable
Super Popular
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Nadia Holt
Artistic, Clumsy, Grumpy, Light Sleeper, Mooch
Master of the Arts
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Aeneas Amundsen
Artistic, Dog Person, Handy, Lucky, Photographer's Eye
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Valeria Chaykovsky
Green Thumb, Hates the Outdoors, Nurturing, Proper, Socially Awkward
Perfect Student
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Ayaz Ahearne
Cat Person, Coward, Diva, Family Oriented, Proper
More than a Machine
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Gudlaug Millard
Diva, Eccentric, Perceptive, Vegetarian, Virtuoso
Vocal Legend
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Baraka Egawa
Childish, Insane, Light Sleeper, Mooch, Proper
Gold Digger
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Kirke Kinsley
Charismatic, Great Kisser, Hopeless Romantic, Lucky, Vegetarian
Master Magician
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Zack MacAlastair
Bot Fan, Cat Person, Hot Headed, Loser, Natural Born Performer
Celebrity Psychic
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Tambudzai Wang
Cat Person, Disciplined, Genius, Mooch, Vehicle Enthusiast
Martial Arts Master
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Filip Eliassen
Bookworm, Cant Stand Art, Loser, Neat, No Sense of Humor
World Renown Surgeon
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Nazli McGuire
Family Oriented, Never Nude, Savvy Sculptor, Social Butterfly, Unflirty
Descendant of da Vinci
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Hilding Robertson
Cat Person, Family Oriented, Neurotic, Schmoozer, Vehicle Enthusiast
Master of Mysticism
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Oydis Pavesi
Eccentric, Excitable, Mooch, Nurturing, Slob
Monster Maker
P.S. Here's a link to the Custom World being used in this playthrough
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one-album-wonders · 1 year
Coming Soon: UK Rock Superstars Tournament!!!!
From the makers of March Madness of American Rock Bands and America's Greatest Rock Stars (namely, me Liamofthemountains), comes the UK Rock Superstars Tournament!!
The tournament will begin on Monday, May 22nd. (I need a little break from moderating tournaments). Please follow this account if you're not already and reblog this post to spread the fun.
Until then, please use the submission form to nominate UK rock acts for the tournament.
I will accept nominations for any act from the UK that can reasonably fall under the most-generous definition of "rock" as long as they have commercially-released recordings of their music
there are five slots on the submission form but feel free to start a new form and nominate as many UK rock acts as you like
that being said, please don't submit that same rock act more than once as I'm hoping to use the nominations in the initial seeding
this tournament will include solo artists, bands, groups, duos, collectives, et al competing against one another
make sure the bands/artists are from the United Kingdom (England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland) or Crown Dependencies (Guernsey, Jersey, and Isle of Man)
bands/artists from the Republic of Ireland will not be part of this tournament (they fought a war for independence after all), but Irish-born artists who moved to the UK for their careers will be accepted
Have any questions or concerns? Feel free to send me a message or ask.
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readyforthegarden · 2 years
Bubblegum - Part Eleven
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Pairing: Jake Kiszka x Female OC
Warnings: Arguments, relationship talks.
Synopsis: When Eden signed her recording contract to become a pop superstar, she hadn't realized she wasn't just signing her creative freedoms away, she was signing much more. Her control over social media, her diet, and even her relationships. When she gets contracted into a relationship with some wannabe rockstar name Jake Kiszka, will she finally find her freedom?
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“We need to have some discussions.” Bryan said. “And we’re having them now.” Eden stepped aside, allowing Bryan into her home. He stormed past her, and began pacing the foyer. 
“I’ve let a lot slide over the years, Eden.” he shook his head. “We’re not even going to talk about the fact I had to learn you went to a tattoo parlor from another source. I stuck my neck out for you to get you signed, and how do you repay me? You belittle two of the best songwriters money can hire and embarrass them. And embarrass me. You represent not just yourself and your brand, you represent me, the label, and everyone there.”
“I’m not sorry.” Eden shrugged, moving past him and to the kitchen. Truth be told, she was anxious from his angry energy, and was fixing to get a glass of water or something to occupy her hands. 
“You should be, you little brat!” Bryan followed her, hot on her heels. “I’ve worked my ass off for you since the day we signed you. I fought for you, they never wanted to even consider you until I fought for you!”
“Fought for what?!” Eden spun around, seeing red as she looked at Bryan. “To change me into something I’m not? I came to you with my own songs, my own mind and my own voice! And bit by bit you stripped that away, and made me into this machine regurgitating music I don’t believe in!”
“I made you famous.” Bryan argued, slamming his fist on the counter, making Eden jump. “I took a midwestern hack from Hicksville USA and made her a world famous pop star. If I hadn’t done what I did, you’d be back home with your tail between your legs working at the local bar.”
“That may be,” Eden grit her teeth. “But at least I’d still be me. I’d rather be a nobody playing an open mic than what you’ve made me.” Bryan stared at her, watching her face get red from anger. Suddenly, it clicked for him, and he smirked. 
“Is this Jake’s influence?” he asked, a snarky tone in his voice. “You’ve become friends, then? Has he gotten in your head and told you that you can be anything you want?”
“He’s been more supportive of me in the past few months than you have ever been.” Eden snipped,  finally reaching up to the cupboard and grabbing a glass. 
“Just because his rock star dreams came true his way doesn’t mean yours will.” Bryan crossed his arms, leaning against the refrigerator as Eden opened the other door, grabbing her water pitcher. “I snap my fingers, and you’re left with nothing. This house, your car, the designer clothes and jewelry, everything you have will be taken away.”
“Then take it.” Eden finally shouted, slamming the glass down on the counter so hard it broke, shattering around her. She ignored the stinging in her palm, and stepped forward, crunching the glass under her feet. “Take it, and leave me alone.”
“We take Jake, too.” Eden faltered in her dominance, her eyes widening slightly. She had hoped Bryan didn’t see it, but the devilish smile the spread across his face and she knew he had her right where he wanted her. “He’s contractually obligated to date you. We take that contract away, there’s no more reason for him to be around.”
“We on our own terms now.” Eden admitted. “We don’t need your contracts.”
“Oh, but you’re wrong, Eden.” Bryan wagged a finger in her face. “See, the label that houses Greta Van Fleet is a subsidiary of us. If I think Jake is causing trouble with my biggest money maker, you, I snap my fingers and they’re dropped. Back to Nashville and trying to find a label to work with them again. Which, with my connections in the industry, will be incredibly difficult.” Bryan moved around the counter, going to the few lilies that were left from Sam’s apology bouquet at the lake and plucking one from the skinny vase. “Do you think your honey will really want to stay with the woman who destroyed his career?” Bryan watched as the wheels turned in your head. 
“You can’t do that to him. To them.” she whispered. Bryan rolled his eyes. 
“I can and I will, if it’s what it will take to get you to act right and do your fucking job.” Bryan sneered. “One phone call, and everything, and I mean everything is over. Got it?” Eden bit her tongue, nodding quietly. “Good. Now, we can move on to the good news. You’ve been invited to perform at the MTV Video Music Awards! Isn’t that great?!” his 180 flip from domineering boss to excitable manager made Eden feel sea sick, and she moved around him, grabbing a broom and beginning to sweep up the broken glass. 
“That is great.” she swallowed, bending down and gathering the shards in the dustpan.
“It’s next Friday, so from tomorrow morning, 7am, you’re booked solid until you walk off that tacky ass stage. You’re going to wake up, come to the studio to record the track, and then go to the studio for dance rehearsal. Break for lunch, come back, more dance rehearsal with the extras this time, and then dinner break. Once that’s done, you’re to come straight back here, and rest.”
“Okay.” Eden nodded. Bryan came around the counter, grasping Eden’s shoulders and holding her in place to face him.
“And your relationship with Jake? That’s over.” Bryan said firmly. “Real and fake. It’s done. Am I clear?” Eden felt her nose start to burn from holding back tears.
“Yes, Bryan.” he patted her shoulders and turned, making his exit. He called over his shoulder as he reached the front door.
“Get used to staying in with that flea bag again.” and with that, Bryan left. Eden took a few moments to get the courage to move, finally pouring the broken glass into the garbage and dropping everything, grabbing her phone and pulling up Jake’s text thread.
‘I’m not feeling very well, I think I’m going to stay in with Elton tonight and have a cuddle sesh.’
‘Aw babe, do you want me to come over? I can bring soup and a movie. I’ve heard that cuddling with me can make everything better.’ Eden let out a small sob at his quick reply, knowing that that was exactly what she wanted. But his career was on the line now, and she couldn’t risk all of the work he and his brothers have put in just to be able to see him again. 
‘I don’t want to risk you getting sick if I’m coming down with something.’
‘Okay, let me know if I can do anything to make you feel better, okay?’
Eden locked her phone screen and let herself finally cry. For the first time since she came to Los Angeles, she felt like herself when she was with Jake. While their meeting was completely inorganic, everything that grew between them had been, and he made her feel safe, and not only that, but wanted for who she truly was. Not what she could get him or what lists she could get his name on. 
And his brothers, god his brothers took her in like family. The only family she’d had since she left what little home she had. Josh was the older brother she’d always wanted, taking her under his wing and giving her advice about anything and everything, especially when it wasn’t asked for. Sam was her kindred spirit, goofy and funny, but always serious when he needed to be. Oh could he push her buttons, but she could push his right back. And Danny, the quiet eye of the storm. He could get loud and revel like the rest of them, but even when rowdy, there was a peace to Danny that Eden enjoyed. At the mountain cabin, they’d shared many early morning coffees together, talking quietly or not at all as they watched the sun rise.
And now, all that was gone. There was no way she could maintain a friendship with them and ghost their brother. Either way she turned the coin, the face was the same; she could continue to see Jake, get found out, and all of them lose their hard earned careers and they hate her, or she could ghost them all and avoid them, and they hate her.
“Elton,” she looked at her cat, her only true companion in her world. “Should we run away? Should we pack up our bags and move to Europe? Start a new life there?” Elton merely meowed before walking away. “Yeah, you’re right. I’d never fit in there.” she got up, going up to her room and flopping face first on the bed, groaning as she’d forgotten her fresh tattoo. 
🎶 🎶 🎶
Exhaustion was all Eden knew by the following Wednesday. Waking up at five in the morning to shower and brush her teeth, pack a gym bag with workout clothes, head to the studio for recording for near three hours, eat a quick, provided breakfast of pre workout drink and a granola bar before going to a rehearsal space and learning choreography and repeating it for five hours, starting over from the top every time she missed a step or moved “wrong”. Then from there to her home, where Bryan had made sure a personal chef was preparing a light dinner before she bathed, brushed her teeth and collapsed into bed. She barely had energy for the care of her tattoo, but made sure to keep up with it before finally crawling into bed and passing out.
Her dreams were horrible now. Always something to do with Jake, and him being angry with her. Which, at this point, he had every right to be. Eden had been ignoring his texts, calls, emails and facetimes. She’d only answered Sam once, when he’d asked if she was still alive, with one word. 
She figured Natalie or Bryan would’ve broken the news to him that they were over, she’d already seen articles online about their split. But still, he continued to try contacting her. Even Josh and Danny had reached out on his behalf, but she simply muted them. She couldn’t bring herself to block them, any of them, but she knew if she answered any of them, it’d open the rabbit hole. It was just easier to cut the cord here and now. As she laid in bed, she listened to the rain down pouring outside. As lightening lit up her bedroom, she closed her eyes, counting the seconds until the thunder cracked.
There was a banging at her front door, and Eden opened her heavy eyes, groaning. Her body was screaming at her to lay down and rest as she got up and the banging continued. Bumbling down the stairs she hurried to the front door, swinging it open and seeing Jake, his eyes bleary and narrowed, lips set in a thin line. He was drenched from the rain, his half unbuttoned shirt exposing his glistening chest. His damp hair was scraggly, almost like the day they met him. He was absolutely breathtaking.
“You won’t answer my calls, texts,” he began. “You’re freezing me out. My brothers too. There’s all this shit out there that we’re broken up. What the fuck is going on?”
“Jake,” Eden sighed, trying to think of what to say. “I’m exhausted, can we do this some other time?” she went to close the door, but he slammed his open palm against it, stopping her and pushing it open, walking in. 
“No.” Jake shook his head, his boots squeaking on the marble beneath them. “I think I deserve some sort of explanation. No matter how shitty it is.” Eden closed her front door and wrapped her arms around herself. Jake was staring her down expectantly, hands on his hips. 
“Do you want something to drink?” Eden asked quietly. Jake sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in irritation.
“Don’t change the subject, Eden.” Jake shot her a look. “What could be so bad that you stop talking to all of us? To me?” Eden bit her lip, mad at how easily she cried. “What did you do?”
“Nothing!” she cried. “I didn’t do anything! And that’s the problem.” the tears were flowing freely now. “Bryan came over that day I said I was sick, okay? He-he threatened my career and yours if I didn’t behave and follow my contract. Said that he would make sure your label drops you and that with his connections, you’d be lucky to find any other label that would take you.”
“I should have told you, but I knew you’d have tried to find a way for us to still be together, and if we were caught…” Eden’s voice caught in her throat. “I won’t be the reason your dream dies, Jake. It was just easier to ghost you all and make you hate me.” Jake was quiet for a few moments as he processed what she just told him. “Bryan’s been working me like a dog this week, I’m so tired. But I have to perform at the VMA’s on Friday night.”
“You look like you’ve lost some weight.” Jake muttered, shaking his head. He stepped over to Eden, taking her arms and unwrapping them from her body. “It’s only been a week. Come on.” he took her hand and led her to the kitchen. He let go and began going through her cupboards, finding a jar of peanut butter, and grabbing a jar of grape jelly and a small tub of butter from the fridge. He opened her bread box and grimaced at the low carb bread she was made to eat. 
Eden watched as he pulled a pan out of the cupboard and moved to her stove, turning it on and grabbing a knife and beginning to assemble his concoction. 
“I’m thinking.” was all he replied as he placed the sandwich into the hot pan, grilling it. Eden watched him silently, a lump in her throat as he flipped it, listening to the butter sizzle. When he was done, he turned off the burner, plating the sandwich and cutting it half, triangle style. Before he set the plate in front of her, he went to the fridge again, pulling out the carton of almond milk and pouring her a glass, before setting them in front of her. “Eat, please.”
Eden picked up the sandwich, taking a bite. While it was delicious, it weighed heavy on her tongue, and was hard to swallow while she waited for Jake’s thoughts on the whole matter. He was staring out the window at the storm, watching the tree in your backyard shake and shift in the wind gusts.
“I don’t care.” Jake said quietly, so quiet you thought it was your imagination. His eyes moved to yours, a look of fiery determination in them. “I’ve had my dream. I’ve lived the rockstar life I always wanted.”
“You can’t-“
“I can.” Jake nodded. “Josh has been talking a lot about his film ideas, Sam’s got a thousand projects he wants to start. Danny would be a crazy amazing producer. And I’ve got you.”
“But that’s just it, Jake.” Eden shook her head. “What if you give all that up and they still find a way to keep us apart? What if they don’t and we grow apart? Then what? I’ll be the dumb pop star you ruined your life for.”
“It’s not ruined if it’s for love.” Jake smiled softly, reaching across the counter and taking your hand. “I want this, I want us. And I’ll fight for us if you will too.” Eden’s eyes focused on the callused thumb that was swiping across the back of her hand.
“I want it too.” Eden whispered behind a soft sob, the tears flowing down her face. “I want it so badly.” Jake came around the island, taking her face in his hands and pulling her in for a kiss. Her hands gripped the front of his shirt, wanting to take in as much of him as she could, having missed him so much over the past week.
“I love you.” Jake breathed as he pulled away. Eden couldn’t help the grin that spread across her tear-streaked face. “We’re gonna figure this out, okay?”
“I knew you’d say something like that.” Eden laughed, her throat still thick from crying. 
“What can I say? I’m incredibly dependable.” Jake chuckled, kissing her one more time. “Finish your sandwich, then we’re going to go to bed.”
“You’re gonna stay the night?” Eden’s eyes were wide. Jake smiled as he went to the stove, taking the dirty and placing it in the sink, beginning to wash it while Eden took another bite of her sandwich, this time much hungrier than before.
“Of course.” he said over the sound of the water and scrubbing. Eden happily devoured her sandwich, gulping down the almond milk to wash it down. It was the fullest she’d felt in a few days, and she was so thankful for Jake and his culinary skills.
As they got settled her room, Jake going to her bathroom and grabbing a towel, drying his body after stripping down his damp clothing and finding a pair of boxer-briefs he’d left there before, laundered and waiting for him in a drawer. He turned on her TV, scrolling through the movie options, and settling on an old black and white gangster movie. Eden snuggled up into his side, holding him tightly at first, then loosening her grip as she fell asleep.
“Jake?” her soft voice called, heavy with sleep.
“Yeah baby?”
“I love you too.”
Taglist: @trafficwasabitch, @obetrolncocktails, @streamsofstardust, @sammiejane22, @myownparadise96, @gretavanbitches, @mamavanheat, @lunaindigoraven, @shutupdevvie @jakewhorecore @josiee-gvf @shesawomaninadream @writingcold @spicedandicedtea @niallsboxx @baguettejuliette @lallisonl @josh-iamyour-mama @gretavanflowerpower
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freddieraimbow74 · 7 days
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Il faut jamais sous-estimer et juger les gens ! T’es personne pour juger ses talents ni ses capacités. T’es une merde qui se prend pour le nombril de monde
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starmaniamania · 1 year
I found some old articles about the Tycoon project that I thought you would appreciate, @wildishmazz! There's not really anything comprehensive but I think it shows a little bit of how it went down.
As soon as July 1990, the Daily Mail wrote : "Master song writer Tim Rice is behind a new £1.5m rock opera that will open in London in the spring. He has translated and adapted Starmania - sweeping score by Michel Berger and original lyrics by Luc Plamondon - based on a French show about a Donald Trump-type tycoon who wants his corporation to control the globe."
Back then it said he already had a producer (David Land) and director (Frank Dunlop) lined up, but obviously nothing came of it. Meanwhile Plamondon and Berger had moved on to "La légende de Jimmy."
Then in Nov 1992 a Globe & Mail profile of Plamondon explains that the songs had been shown at a showcase at Andrew Lloyd Webber's estate (I put a long segment under the cut.)
And then in 1994 Plamondon gives a press conference saying he's "close to selling the production rights" to Tycoon (again??)
The whole thing is pretty much a mess, but also it sounds to me like Rice basically single-handedly revised a bunch of the show to be what he thought would be palatable to an English-speaking audience, which meant sanitizing it a lot. (Also apparently he's a Thatcher-admiring pro-Brexit Conservative, which does sort of make sense when you see what kind of changes he made tbh.)
And then when the show didn't actually get made in the UK but came back to Paris as the once-a-week English version, they changed some of the songs again to fit them as-is into the Furey staging.
It's not fully clear of course, but that's what I think after reading about it!
Image maker and breaker - Ron Conlogue - The Globe & Mail, Nov 7, 1992
ON the first weekend in September, theatre producers from around the world gathered in a converted church on composer Andrew Lloyd Webber's estate in Sydmonton, England, to hear runthroughs of promising new musicals. One was Webber's own forthcoming show, Sunset Boulevard. The other was a Canadian musical called Tycoon.
Its author, Luc Plamondon, sat nervously in the darkness and contemplated the English-speaking world he hopes to conquer. The denim- clad, 50-year-old Montreal lyricist is already a celebrity throughout the French-speaking world. His musical, Starmania (Tycoon in English) has played four times in Montreal and Paris, including one run in Paris that lasted for three years.
As a parolier, he has written important lyrics for Quebec stars like Diane Dufresne and French ones like Diane Tell. Composers who have set his songs to music include Claude-Michel Schoenberg, who wrote Les Miserables. Singers who have recorded him include Petula Clark and, improbably, actor Gerard Depardieu. And he has yet another musical, Sand et les romantiques, which opened at the Paris Opera last week.
But this resonant Quebec voice fades to silence wherever English is spoken. "The Americans won't listen if it's in French," he says with rare chagrin. "Their ears are stopped up." His words will have to be carried into the anglophone world by others.
These others won't be nobodies. Plamondon's first release in English, The World Is Stone, is sung by Cyndi Lauper and has already reached the top 10 in England. Tycoon has been translated by Tim Rice, the author of Evita and Jesus Christ, Superstar. Twelve of its songs were recently released as an album in England, sung by the likes of Tom Jones, Nina Hagen, Ronnie Spector and Peter Kingsbery. The potential rewards are great, but nonetheless it is a painful thing for a lyricist to entrust his words to others.
In this remarkable November, with Sand et les romantiques playingat the Paris Opera, La Legende de Jimmy set to open in Montreal, and negotiations continuing toward a possible production of Tycoon in London's West End next year, Plamondon can hardly keep his hands on everything.
Of all these projects, Tycoon seems to excite him the most. It's hard for English-speakers to grasp, but the dominance of English pop music is so total that writers in other languages feel that they are missing the party. Even if their own party includes 60 million French speakers. "If you don't sing in English," says Plamondon disconsolately, "you can only sing in your own country."
Enter Tim Rice.
It was in 1988 that Rice, on the advice of a friend, went to see Starmania, then the hit of Paris. "It's not easy to hear rock lyrics in another language," he recalls over the phone from London, "but I could look around and see what was happening to the audience. They were ecstatic."
Rice's hit shows, written before his rupture with Lloyd Webber, are in the past now. On his own he did Chess, which did not succeed. Suddenly, he found himself looking at "a dynamic show with an amazing number of strong songs."
Plamondon was, to put it mildly, flattered by Rice's proposal to translate the show. He hesitated when told that the title Starmania would sound banal in English, but acceded to the change to Tycoon. And as a lyricist, he understood that Rice could not translate word-for-word into English. Musically, it can't work. "Of course he re-conceived the songs and put his own mark on them," says Plamondon. "I was honoured by that." And he is tickled that the project has at least got Rice and Lloyd Webber having lunch together.
But there is one more problem. English-language pop, for a number of reasons which mostly read "American," is homogenized and timid beside French music. Plamondon, who once wrote a sardonic song called Disneyland, knows it. He has watched his friend Celine Dion agree to sing a monotonous range of songs ("love, love, love, it's all so standardized") as the price of breaking into the American market. By contrast, she recently recorded an album of Plamondon songs whose titanic display of voice and passion eclipses her English albums altogether. "I hope the people who like her in English once in a while will listen to her in French," he says wistfully.
He expresses no such reservations about Tycoon, of course. But listening to the album, I couldn't help but notice that Rice had deleted the bits he didn't think an English-speaking audience would listen to: the sex symbol doesn't talk about men masturbating on her photograph, for example; and the businessman who wants to be an artist seems to have lost his poetic edge.
And Rice is also concerned about the story being set in the future. "Our scene is not very kind to shows set in the future," he says nervously. "We've got to make sure we get it right."
Getting it right, making it work may mean losing what makes Plamondon Plamondon. The song of Monopolis, from Starmania, foreshadows a world where there is no room for different voices:
From New York to Tokyo / Same thing everywhere / We take the same metro / To the same empty square / Single file, right there / Who can think of the sun / When the neon flares / And the radio blares / And we all dance the same / Day is gray, night is blue
But in the end it will not really matter what happens to Plamondon in English. The essence of what he is and does happens in French.
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fourseasonsfigs · 2 years
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Luminous Club
Time for glamour shots! And our first foray into the JZEU, the Junzhe Extended Universe of fig pairings.
The fig maker says this these two are in a story about "college student Fang Yan x superstar Gu Chijun". Fang Yan is from Gong Jun's Shining Like You and Gu Chijun is from Zhehan's Castle in the Time.
I absolutely adore this set...Gu Chijun of course is the (literal) star of this show. The fig maker designed him to go in a special wave martini glass, but it seems as if demand wasn't high enough to make it. Which is a real shame, because it would have been absolutely perfect.
She put him in a pink flamingo on the shop listing, which reminds me that I still need to buy this little set off of Taobao. The flamingo is TOO CUTE to resist posing him with!
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As it was, I liked the cocktail glass concept so much that I went down to the local vintage shop and hunted around until I found a tiny martini glass, then filled it up with some crystals that were serving as a vase filler.
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I've seen other buyers pose him with roses, a glass with pearls, in an underwater scene (a Mermaid Prince!), a bar - he's just so small and precious and perfect!
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The set came with a tiny orange that fits in Fang Yan's hand or Gu Chijun's lap. Speaking of his lap, there's nothing to see here, this is G-rated.
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I was really worried about this fig breaking during transit. It is resin, which is quite fragile, and Gu Chijun's luxurious mane of hair makes his head quite large indeed. His head is perched at a saucy angle on his very delicate neck, which some folks had snap right off in transit. Fang Yan's fingers are also (naturally) long and delicate as well, and some other poor folks lost those in transit too.
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Thankfully, this set arrived in perfect condition - Gu Chijun's head was a little wobbly, but I put some resin glue in the seam to reinforce it, and he seems pretty solid now. I do handle him with kid gloves though, much like Fang Yan in his outfit here.
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Speaking of Fang Yan, his outfit is actually a perfect rendition from this exceptionally entertaining video from Shining for You, that I'll just leave here...and back away slowly from...
Material: Resin
Fig Count: 10
Diorama Count: 2
Rating: This club is hoppin'!
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boonesfarmsangria · 2 years
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Foals’ Jack Bevan’s Favourite Things
As the UK’s festival circuit returns after a two-year hiatus, rock and roll stars across the board are dusting off their leather jackets and plugging in their amps as they return to the fields for a long-awaited season of live music.
This Friday, June 24, indie superstars Foals will be taking to Glastonbury’s Pyramid stage to blast hits old and new into the screaming crowd with Jack Bevan bringing the noise on drums.
The drummer, one third of the Oxford-formed outfit, is at home in the kitchen as he is on a headline stage. His lockdown project saw him team up with cult condiment-maker Sauce Shop to create his idea of the perfect hot sauce, christened Holy Fire Hot Honey.
Oozing luxuriously from the bottle, the dark sauce is a combination of sweet and sour with habanero chilli bringing fire to the proceedings and sweet honey acting as the kiss after the kick.
The sauce is part of Foals official merch as they hit the road on their new UK tour. We collared Bevan for a quick chat about how cooking is the new rock n roll.
Food is clearly your passion, after music. What inspired you to collaborate with Sauce Shop?
I spent a lot of time in lockdown experimenting with cooking and getting kind of obsessed, so to be able to create a product from scratch like this is really cool. I’ve always loved hot sauce and was fascinated with these shops in the US that just sell hot sauce and have all different kinds of flavour profiles and ingredients.
Hot sauce is definitely becoming a bigger thing over here now, and once I discovered Sauce Shop (their Buffalo Hot Sauce is so good). I was a big fan and have been buying their products for some time now. It’s actually a bit of a dream to have created Holy Fire Hot Honey with them.
What do you recommend slathering Holy Fire Hot Honey on?
Holy Fire Hot Honey goes really well with a variety of foods, I’ve tried it on all sorts now. My favourite would be covering pizza, chicken wings or anything barbecued with it. I’ve been interested in hot honey and whilst our product is a hot sauce, it’s technically a hot honey because it’s 60 per cent honey with a habanero chilli. It’s spicy and fruity but really sweet as well. You have to work with the sweetness but it compliments so many other flavours.
Can we expect more Foals food launches?
There’s nothing on the horizon, but that’s not to say there won’t be in the future. The collaboration with Sauce Shop has been a passion project that has aligned perfectly with our tour of the new album, and we’ve been able to add Holy Fire Hot Honey to our merch, so it would take something special to follow this launch.
What’s your most used kitchen appliance or cooking tool?
It’s a toss up between my KitchenAid stand mixer and my Instant Pot. I make my own butter a lot in the KitchenAid as well as pasta dough and cake batter etc, but I use the Instant Pot for making rice congee, slow cooking meat and stews a lot too.
Festival season is back in full force for the first time in two years. Which one are you most looking forward to this summer and why?
It’s got to be Latitude, we’re so excited to be playing there again. It was the first major festival we ever headlined and it has grown a lot since we were last there.
What are your three must-have travel essentials while on tour and why?
I bring my Nintendo Switch everywhere. I’m big into RPGs and it’s a great way to kill time on the road. I take my Apple Airpod Pros everywhere too - I cycle a lot and because of the ambient mics I can listen to the road and a bit of music and directions at the same time.
My last one is a steamer - all my shirts get creased in my suitcase so I always need to steam them before a show.
What piece of tech couldn’t you do without?
I’ve had a Brompton for years but they’ve just recently upgraded me to a T Line. It’s an unbelievable bit of gear. So light and it means I can get out and about easily and explore cities wherever I am.
EveningStandard || Interview || Abha Shah
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ubaid214 · 23 hours
Cute Beauty: Designer Baby Clothing Variety for the Discerning Parent
In the world of style, luxurious understands number bounds, not even the smallest ones. Gone are the occasions when child garments were just functional; today, they're a statement of style and sophistication. Pleasant to the region of designer baby clothes, where every sew is crafted properly, and every clothing is a tiny masterpiece.
A Fusion of Style and Purpose
Designer baby clothes symbolize a mix of fashion and function like never before. These outfits aren't only aesthetically attractive but additionally meticulously designed to offer comfort and operation for infants and toddlers. From soft natural textiles to revolutionary patterns that accommodate the wants of growing bodies, each piece is really a testament to the marriage of type and practicality.
Unmatched Quality
One of many hallmarks of designer baby garments is their unparalleled quality. Luxury designers spare no cost when it comes to sourcing the best products and hiring specialist craftsmanship. Every seam is carefully attached, every button firmly fastened, ensuring that every outfit withstands the rigors of babyhood while maintaining its style and charm.
Exclusivity and Confined Editions
On earth of custom baby garments, exclusivity reigns supreme. Several luxurious manufacturers present limited release selections, presenting distinctive styles and elaborate detailing that set them besides mass-produced alternatives. These limited-edition parts not only include a little exclusivity to a child's clothing but also offer as valued heirlooms to be passed on through generations.
Fashion-forward Models
Simply because they're small doesn't suggest they can't make a large style statement. Designer child outfits often feature fashion-forward styles that mirror the latest trends in person fashion. From miniaturized types of runway appears to playful images and daring shades, these clothes allow kids expressing their character from an early on age. best baby clothes
Superstar Impact
The recognition of designer baby outfits has been more fueled by star culture. High-profile parents usually dress their children in the latest designer duds, setting styles and striking fashion-conscious parents across the world. From red carpet performances to social media marketing threads, celebrity infants are becoming style symbols in their particular correct, driving need for luxury child wear.
Environmental and Ethical Criteria
While luxury can come at a price, many custom child clothing models are also devoted to environmental and honest considerations. From using sustainable resources to ensuring good job techniques, these models are significantly aware of these impact in the world and society. As thorough consumers seek out eco-friendly and ethically made possibilities, designer baby garments are developing to generally meet these demands.
The Ultimate Appearance of Enjoy
For most parents, dressing their child in designer clothes is not only about creating a manner statement; it's a means of expressing their love and affection. As soon as a child is born, parents want nothing but the most effective due to their baby, and designer baby clothes give you a real term of that sentiment. Whether it's a handcrafted cashmere onesie or even a couture-inspired dress, these clothes are imbued with enjoy and treatment, making them really special.
To conclude, designer child clothes signify more than simply outfits; they're a image of luxury, design, and love. While the need for high-end baby wear keeps growing, makers are driving the limits of creativity and advancement, developing a earth where also the littlest fashionistas can make a huge impression.
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krizlaine · 1 day
If you take anything away from those interviews, let it be that Kim Hyeyoon is a superstar. She has the makings of someone who is bound to outshine and outlast others in an industry as fickle as entertainment. You have proven so much Hyeyoonie!
I’m so proud to be your fan. 🌸🌸🌸
She is so humble, we all know she’s a King maker. She makes her co-stars shine because she is a brilliant actress and she inspires and challenges them to reach their highest potential. Her co-stars’ words, not mine. Hyeyoon can downplay it however she can, but her work, her awards and their testimonies are proof of how talented she is.
Happy na tanan kagab’e subong kasubo naman kay Hyeyoon.
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