#transphobia et discrimination
freddieraimbow74 · 16 days
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Mon idole de jeunesse Mercury JAMAIS à payer un prof de chant , il à appris à jouer la guitare et le piano, et il à appris le solfège au collège. Moi j’ai appris le solfège au collège. J’ai jamais eu l’occasion d’apprendre le piano, mais j’ai un keyboard avec la batterie grillée. Personne de ma famille voulait que je puisse étudier piano pourtant la famille de mes parents et moi même ont l’oreille musicale, et eux jouent de piano. J’ai eu une vie dure, parents divorcés à mes 14 ans. Je suis l’aine, obligée de travailler en faisant de travail pénibles de ménage et restauration, même vendre dans la rue de produits que les gens stockés dans un petit local. J’ai souffert avec ma transidentité , et je n’ai pas fini tant que ma transition de genre soit faite. J’ai été toujours discriminé ; pour être moi même, pour mon genre de naissance que j’ai toujours rejeté. Discriminé pour la société et pour ma famille. Notre Freddie a eu plus de chances, il avait réussi donner de cours de piano que lui s’avait payer et les parents jamais l’ont a mis dehors. J’ai été obligé de quitter ma famille parce que mes parents étaient chacun chez soi , ma mère a eu trois hommes différents et mon père a une femme manipulatrice que nous a volé la pension alimentaire à mon adolescence ( je pouvais pas faire des études et ma mère n’avait plus de moyens) Freddie mercury a fait de ballet classique et à jouer un instrument mais jamais il a voulu payer de cours de chant. Lui , quand a connu Smile et après a crée Queen , les parents l’avait payer les études de graphiste, il avait une famille aimante. Moi, ma famille : m’a offert une identité que j’ai jamais demandé et une vie de discrimination et une souffrance depuis ma naissance. Jamais j’ai eu de mots de courage pour les études au collège, je voulais étudier quelques choses de manuel. Je n’avais pas envie d’étudiér le métier que mon père jamais fait ; comptable. J’ai était très malheureux avec ma famille et toujours je suis malheureux de que ma famille me rejette pour le fait d’être transgenre et j’ai caché ma transidentité pendant 50 longues années. Maintenant c’est le divorce d’un mariage raté pour les préjugés de ma famille et de la société que n’accepte pas les personnes transgenres comme des personnes humaines. L’unique chose que je dois faire avant de mourir c’est changer mon genre et mon identité ( me faire opérer et prendre la T) pour que je puisse être en paix avec moi et avec mon corps. J’ai une dysphorie que devient plus en plus grave psychologiquement. J’ai perdu l’appétit et c’est pas la première fois que j’ai des idées suicidaires. J’ai essayé dans ma jeunesse avalé des médicaments et avec l’alcool faire une surdose et attaquer mon foie pour me suicider. Et le gens continuent avec leur haine et leur transphobia a nous attaquer. Je commence écouter Queen a 14 ans quand tout mon cauchemar a commencé et j’ai chanté beaucoup de fois pour pas me sentir seul, maintenant je chante dans le karaoke de star maker de thèmes de Queen et de classiques de 70 et 80 . A moi, la musique, me donne la vie et Queen me remonte la moral et sèche mes larmes de souffrance et de stress psychologique . J’ai jamais pouvais pas faire c’est que je voulais sauf travailler dur et être payer une misère : survivre le jour par jour. Mal dans ma peau et beaucoup des émotions que les gens prennent le plaisir de se moquer dans une application karaoke ou chanter avec le cœur et le vécu a cappella n’as pas la place ; parce que c’est l’intérêt , le micro et leur pouvoir d’achat de médailles et vip . Donner de cours de chant avec un micro obligatoire pour que les transphobes ont le choix : ils sont considéré de musiciens et que tous les monde les paye ses covers de transphobes et j’en droit à ses moqueries en you tube pour avoir poster 2 o 3 covers avec ma voix qui plaît pas pour l’effet d’être une personne trans qu’attend les hormones et que je suis au début de transition ( j’ai eu droit a commentaire de que j’ai été hors ton , ils aiment pas mon accent de sud de l’Espagne, ils aiment pas l’effet d’être transmasc, )
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acewithobsessions · 9 months
Basic stuff:
Other blogs: @just-tryand-stopme @endwolldel @dailydoseofbill
I am a minor
Real name: haha you don't get to know
I am a cishet ace so don't be weird about that
Pronouns: idc do whatever
Stuff I post: Fandom stuff, memes, asexuality stuff, important stuff every now and then. I am your typical reblogger.
What to expect: inconsistency
Fandom stuff:
Fandoms I'm in: Artemis Fowl, Downton Abbey, The Legend of Hei, Nimona, Les Misérables, Cats are Liquid, Bill Wurtz, Corner Gas
Fandom tags:
lxh (for the Legend of Hei)
Les mis
Sometimes "Downton Abbey", but mostly "Thomas Barrow"
the rest are as just the names of the franchises
DNI if:
You discriminate people
You're going to be creepy
You're an uncensored 18+ blog
My personal rambles, thoughts, vent, etc. will be tagged with "ramblelele" (three "le"s, one for each word in my url).
Disclaimer: you may see me rb/post some Harry Potter or Fantastic Beasts content, but I do not support jkr or transphobia in any way.
My profile picture is a picrew and is also not my real appearance
My blog is a safe space. Do not derail my posts with hate.
Anything else? Idk? I'm an INFP 9w1. I am Christian. I don't vibe with eat the rich but I won't try and stop you from vibing with it. My ask box is always open :) et je peux parle un peu de Français, mais mon grammaire et autographe sont horrible. I write, but I almost never post it. I use the queue sometimes and try to reblog most of what I like. Normally it takes things a day and a bit to get posted, sorry :(
It's fine and great to tag me in picrew chains/tag games! Let me know if you don't want me to tag you.
I'll tag undescribed, video's and gif's
Note: undescribed videos and gifs will be tagged with "video" or "gif", whereas ones with descriptions will be tagged as "described video" or "described gif"
I think that's all?
oh yeah . . .
if you're wondering why my header image or banner or whatever it's called says "binden". . .
I'm leaving this here
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guiltyidealist · 11 months
what is ceterophobia? (wrt your dni)
also (sorry for second ask) i assume your icon flag is maverique?
Ceterophobia is a word for "enbyphobia" (or exorsexism) -- transphobia geared specifically toward nonbinary people + binarism -- that I made up because "enbyphobia" feels childish and silly to me, watering down the very serious subject it refers to (I, at least, have a hard time taking it seriously when the word makes me cringe).
Inspired by the terms ceterosexual and ceteromantic, it's based in two roots:
Cet-: the other / that which remains
as seen in et cetera ("etc")-- "and all the rest"
-phobia: aversion toward / fear of
as seen in agoraphobia-- significant and irrational anxiety about being in unfamiliar or volatile situations, especially of being trapped in these places with no escape and no help if something goes wrong; possibly resulting in panic attacks or unreasonable avoidance of these places, which can get as severe as an inability to leave one's home
[ Side note: the -misia suffix would be a more suitable substitute, actually, for a lot of the -phobia terms we toss around. Using -phobia for bigotry kinda puts bias, hate, and discrimination on the same level as fear, anxiety, and illness; which is kinda :///
[ -misia draws upon the mis- root, which means "bad" and can be seen in words like mistake, misfortune, misspoke, misgendering, and misogyny. ]
So do n o t feel out of the loop for not knowing the word ceterophobia till now-- it's an extremely niche term that exists just in my lil' corner of the internet. Literally I've never seen anyone else use it yrfcqsxcghjk
@ second ask: yes 💛🤍🧡 yes gender with left not that shit
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stealth-worther · 8 months
my introduction post!
so excited to start my new blog on Tumblr!!!! I have been lurking around this place for quite some time, and I truly admire this platform's penchant for inclusivity of absolutely EVERYONE, regardless of race, age, sexual orientation, gender, ability, et cetera et cetera... not like the real world when discrimination is everywhere. like absolutely. as a way to give back to those around here, I figured, it might be worth sharing my slice of the world with this blog!
am neurodivergent in a fuck ton of ways - diagnosed with (low-medium support needs) ASD, likely ADHD, dyspraxia, probably dyslexia asw
suspecting C-PTSD because ABA is a bitch
suspecting fibromyalgia because i feel pain ALL THE TIME
gender: non-binary (they/them)
sexuality: pansexual
Minor. can tolerate NSFW content but if possible do it sparingly :)
East Asian. i am literally playing on impossible mode because that's how life is.
special interests:
taylor swift. her music covers every topic under the sun, and she's quite the expressive lyricist - her bridges are so good you could call her an engineer. feel free to ask me anything about her 1 2 3 LET'S GO BITCH
anime, esp spy x family, the storyline of this particular one is so very relatable, esp Loid Forger because of how he came back from his background and enjoyed the process of getting to his final mission
and the most important thing, that probably inspired me to make the blog in the first place:
mainly because of my dyspraxia weaving into my sensory overwhelm from autism, I would honestly really make do with a stroller / wheelchair in the future. I really hate having to bang and trip on things all the time, as well as general anxiety that comes from walking around. therefore, even if i'm mostly able bodied and can commit to large physical demands, i still think i could benefit from these mobility aids. however, i will still consider the needs of ACTUALLY disabled people as they've had enough shit thrown at them
as for how often and what i'll post, I don't really plan on posting / replying much as this is just something I'm doing on the side, but I'll log on somewhat often to post / respond etc. also, i'll occasionally share my opinion on anything really, especially stuff i mentioned here
I'm gonna dump most things in one blog because personally I feel my life is just one thing, one lifetime, one continuum; all my interests are related to each other
(DNI: general DNI criteria, your ableism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. special mention MUST be noted for BDSM-related blogs. this blog can easily be confused as one given my occasional mentions to human restraint, but such mentions are typically in reference to sensory needs, and has little to do with sexual kinks. BDSM blogs can fuck right off)
(Image ID: Loid Forger, the main lead in Spy x Family. The character is looking to the left of the image. He seems to be racially White in appearance, has a pointy nose, long black eyes, and has short golden hair, alongside a sharp face. In this picture, a shadow is seen across the left portion of his face with the eyes, nose, and mouth, whereas the right side with his ears appears to be brighter. / End ID)
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mpenvs3000w23 · 1 year
Risk versus reward in interpretation
Privilege is the absence of socially constructed barriers to access different social, economic, and  environmental services. Examples of privilege include being able-bodied, white, heterosexual, cisgender, wealthy, and being neurotypical. In essence, privilege is not the result of anything individuals have accomplished to improve their lives, but instead is the absence of barriers that impede the experience of marginalized and minority groups (Black & Stone, 2005). Privilege is present in all facets of life around us including in nature interpretation programming. For example, there can be inaccessible hiking trails for people with mobility disabilities or requiring a wheelchair, nature educational programmes are not necessarily designed for people with ASD, ADHD, or other neuro-divergences, costs associated with accessing nature-based programming include car access to remote locations (and as such may exclude people with financial constraints), programmes may exclude the voices and representation of minority and Indigenous groups, and there may be fear of discrimination based on gender or sexuality that can be faced in these settings (Beck et al., 2018).
Privilege is often a difficult topic to discuss since people who have a lot of privilege are often unable to relate to and cannot fully understand the experiences of minority groups. Since privilege is ‘inherited’ (based on predetermined components of our lives slated  from birth), those experiencing a lot of privilege do not always realize the barriers others face that they are not subject to. 
The biosphere itself is not responsible for notions of privilege and contrary to Aristotle does not have a ‘divine’ hierarchy of beings. Privilege is a socially constructed inequity across humans that is rooted in racism, ableism, ageism, homophobia, transphobia, colonialism, xenophobia, and ignorance to the experiences of ‘the other’ (Black & Stone, 2005). Therefore, it is our job as nature interpreters to deconstruct these socially constructed barriers and unlearn the ignorance and intolerance we have been conditioned with. Only by doing so can we create accessible and empowering nature-based programming for all people to benefit from (Beck et al., 2018). 
At our very essence, human beings of all demographics fundamentally must breathe in oxygen from the air, expel carbon dioxide, and repeat until death. Plants will absorb this carbon dioxide and perform photosynthesis, releasing oxygen as a byproduct, then us humans once again inhale the oxygen. No factor of demography can ever change this relationship. Trees do not have an interest in sorting through air molecules for who expelled the carbon dioxide, and they release oxygen into the air for all aerobic organisms to breathe in. There is no basis of colour, size, shape, or belief system for your validity in nature. Our ability to struggle and survive is a direct consequence of our environment, and for some sad reason, humans have created a lot of barriers that favour the white man.
Literature cited
Beck, L., Cable, T. T., & Knudson, D. M. (2018). Interpreting cultural and natural heritage: For A Better World. SAGAMORE Publishing.
Black, L. L., & Stone, D. (2005, October). Expanding the definition of privilege: the concept of social privilege. Gale Academic Onefile. Retrieved January 24, 2023, from https://go-gale-com.subzero.lib.uoguelph.ca/ps/i.do?p=AONE&u=guel77241&id=GALE%7CA138057509&v=2.1&it=r.
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pupgzut · 2 years
i did not just hear a cis straight man excuse jk rowling for her transphobia???? saying that is excusable n that she just wasnt informed enough ????? n trans dudes in the comments sections agreeing ??????? ( also excused the racism / anti semitisem related to the goblins cause ' we see they suffer racism so its fine :!!11!! she is showing it n saying it bad ::!!!!! ' )
but god cis ppl saying ' but even if u dont agree u shoudnt cancel her n boycott her !!!! ' stfu. just stfu.
also god ... someone said this ' Je peux comprendre que Rolling a peur qu'ils effacent "femme" à côté de "règles" et "grossesse", avec ce qu'elle a traversé, je trouve juste des tweets un peu border et maladroit' which translate to -> ' I can understand that Rolling is scared that they erased the ' woman ' side of ' periods ' , ' pregnancy ' because of what she experienced, i just find the tweets a bit clumsy '
listen im not transfem but ik some ppl that are hell one of my headmate is in the headspace but u cannot excuse her for the transphobic shit she said
also god im reading more comments n so many ppl r like
' i dont understand why ppl wont accept others ppl believfs n try to exclude them because of it ! we all are humans n we shoudnt fights eachothers like this '
n they are like but ppl are going to far to bully her !!!
idc. if ur a transphobic asshole that literally discriminate trans ( esp transfem ) ppl n advocate for conversion therapy u should die in a fcking ditch. u deverse to be bullied n harrassed omfg. like ppl like u do to trans ppl like thoses mf should just say that theyr transphobic that could be easier god
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tenebraebuzz · 30 days
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Here are our site rules ! Requirements regarding character creation and registration will be released with our app form.
First and foremost, we feel it's important to state upfront that we aim to foster an inclusive and inviting atmosphere. While the staff doesn't wish to get involved in member disputes and expects, for the most part, that an adult site can moderate their own behavior, we will not tolerate discrimination, doxxing, bullying, etc. You will be banned for any of those to keep this environment a safe space for its writers. On that note, we at Lux et Tenebrae do not share the harmful views of J.K. Rowling, whether that be reflected in her work or opinions online. We will not tolerate any of these stances here nor support its presence in the source material provided by her such as antisemitism, racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, or any form of discrimination. In light of these aspects, you will find that some canon material in our worldbuilding will be altered to provide a more inclusive and safe environment, especially in regards to some of the canonical families and their relations, or overall atmosphere otherwise found in the world. We are after all an AU site that though may possess challenging or dark themes, will be handling all topics with maturity, respect and sensitivity in which we expect our community to as well.
Lux et Tenebrae is a 21+ site due to the 3 / 3 / 3 rating for language, sex and violence. Mature themes may be explored in writing so there will be no exceptions to this ruling ─ if any member is found to be under 21, the member will be banned for their safety and ours.
In accordance with that, Lux et Tenebrae is hosted on premium jcink to accommodate these themes. Despite this, the staff expects everything to be appropriately warned for mature content.
─ Applications should have all relevant warnings at the top of the freeform and threads should be content warned in the replies ( with a [cw] in the title ). If mature themes pop up later in the thread that the writers were not expecting, the writer who started the thread should edit the first post and title accordingly. ─ If you are not sure whether to warn for something, it is better to be safe than sorry. Please take into account your thread partners’ triggers should they have them when suggesting a plot or thread as well. ─ Our only limitation is that we do not allow the explicit writing of incest, rape or the sexual abuse of adults or minors. These themes may be mentioned in passing when appropriately and clearly marked with the content warning in your freeform or when the surrounding situation is mentioned or played out but cannot be explicitly written on the board.
The staff expects everyone on the site to treat each other with respect as we do not wish to get involved in personal disputes but will if necessary, so please try to handle conflict privately or avoid interactions with a member that you might not get along with.
─ The only exception to this is would be past or present grievances that may pose a danger or harm to the community ( for instance, discrimination of any kind or known predatory behavior ). In that case, please approach the staff by opening a ticket on our discord chat. ─ We aim to make Lux et Tenebrae a safe space for everyone to express themselves creatively through writing and will do our best to make it that way.
Lux et Tenebrae prefers a third person, past or present tense form of writing for posts. If members wish to do a more experimental style of writing, we ask that the idea is cleared with all thread partner(s) beforehand.
Please keep in mind the main rule of rpg ─ godmodding is absolutely forbidden. Certain amounts of character navigation and powerplay is permitted with permission. If a thread or plot needs to be retconned for any reason, that will be up to the discretion of the writers but the staff does ask to be informed of any final decisions.
In a similar vein, all plot important ideas such as engagements, marriages, pregnancies, serious illness and death must be cleared by the staff before it is implemented into a thread.
If two or more characters are engaged in a fight thread or anything of the like, please discuss what a reasonable outcome will be judging on the capabilities of the characters in question. Members may also choose to use the dice on our discord to decide an outcome. Godmodding to inflict harm on another character is strictly forbidden.
We have no word count on threads and understand that post length varies depending on the writer, character and situation, though it is common courtesy to maintain the flow of a thread. That being said, there is an imposed word count of 400 words minimum for the freeform section to ensure that we get a better understanding of each character.
For the sake of uniformity as well as what is properly coded into the board, we do require that any threading templates in use be from what we provide in our site templates, as with our templates provided for our shipper and replies.
Lux et Tenebrae will operate on a ratio of 2:1 ─ two ooc months to one ic month. Site months will go from the 1st to the last day of the following month.
Lux et Tenebrae will run activity checks every one to two months dependent on necessity, and will require at least one post per character to be considered active during these times. However, some characters involved in subplots may require a stricter activity level. Characters who fail to respond to the check will be marked as inactive after its conclusion and be archived. Once a character is archived, the writer will have to reapply if they wish to return to the site. To reactivate a character, please make a note in the #moderation tab on the discord group chat once you have made a post on that character.
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If you are on absence, you will have a week ( seven days ) to return to normal activity before being marked inactive. Please reach out to the staff if you have difficulty meeting these checks or if your absence is going longer than expected.
If an archived character has less than 30 ic posts, the account will be deleted. Deleted accounts cannot be retrieved. Characters with over 30 ic posts will be moved to our inactive member group with time for you to retrieve freeform information, etc.
If your character was made for a wanted ad or connection to an archived or deleted character, you may choose to re - request said character, npc the character or retcon the details according to your discretion. Please reach out to the staff to clear your ideas before implementing it into site canon.
Discord is mandatory. It is not a requirement to participate in the chat but discord is where thread tags, announcements and other administration matters are handled so we require all members to join us here !
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The #nsfw channel is for content that is too risky for the general chat. Memes, jokes, gifs of your playbys are fair game but please do not post explicit personal content.
As mentioned above, the staff cannot possibly moderate every interaction had by our members as we will rely on everyone to handle matters as adults or avoid the members that they do not get along with. That being said, if someone truly upsets you or a discussion turns nasty in the discord group chat, please tag the staff ( @ staff ) to alert us to the matter.
If the staff hear of any bullying, passive aggression, actual aggression or any other form of harassment, we will step in to ensure the safety of the community. If someone has done something to make you feel uncomfortable, we ask that members feel comfortable to reach out to us personally or through opening a ticket.
Please do not use the @ everyone tag unless necessary.
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cyarskaren52 · 4 months
safehalton The transgender community has endured various forms of violence (and even death) simply for being themselves
We designate November 20 as Transgender Day of Remembrance each year
This day is intended to recognise and remember those we have lost to transphobia and commemorate people who continue to experience stigma and discrimination across the globe
This day also aims to raise awareness of transgender people's rights, the ongoing problems they confront on a daily basis, and the ways in which others can show them support, love, and hope.
Trans Resources:
🏳️‍⚧️The 519
🏳️‍⚧️Rainbow Health Ontario
🏳️‍⚧️PFlag Toronto
🏳️‍⚧️Trans Wellness Ontario
🏳️‍⚧️Talk Suicide Canada
Call: 1-(833) 456-4566 (Available 24/7/365)
Text: 45645 (Available 4pm-Midnight ET)
🏳️‍⚧️Trans Lifeline
1-(877) 330-6366
🏳️‍⚧️Egale Canada
🏳️‍⚧️Pflag Canada
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thegnmsolution · 11 months
'All schools must comply' – schools get heavy-handed against Pride backlash
FIRST READING: 'All schools must comply' – schools get heavy-handed against Pride backlash Two provinces have now warned school boards that a failure to properly observe Pride could be illegal Author of the article: Tristin Hopper Published Jun 06, 2023  • Last Updated 4 hours ago  • 5 minute read Ontario's Emily Stowe Public School flying the Pride flag. Photo by Calvin Leon/The London Free Press /First Reading is a daily newsletter keeping you posted on the travails of Canadian politicos, all curated by the National Post’s own Tristin Hopper. To get an early version sent directly to your inbox every Monday to Thursday at 6:30 p.m. ET (and 9:30 a.m. on Saturdays), sign up here ./ Story continues below TOP STORY As in-school Pride celebrations face growing signs of backlash across Canada, administrators are responding with stern reminders to school boards that these observations are not optional. “It is incumbent on all school boards to ensure all students – most especially 2SLGBTQ+ students – feel supported, reflected in their schools, and welcomed within our communities,” Ontario Minister of Education Stephen Lecce wrote in a June 2 statement to kick off Pride Month. He added, “that includes celebrating Pride.” On the evening just before June 1, teachers in the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board were sent a lengthy email reminding them that “2SLGBTQ+ representation” in the classroom is a “fundamental human right” protected by law. Story continues below “The exclusion or erasure of 2SLGBTQ+ identities from educational materials constitutes a form of discrimination,” it added. In B.C., Education Minister Rachna Singh opened Pride Month with a lengthy statement detailing how a failure to affirm and recognize students’ gender identity is a violation of the B.C. Human Rights Code. “All schools must comply with the Human Rights Code and demonstrate they are creating safe, welcoming and inclusive environments for our students and staff,” wrote Singh , adding “when students can see themselves reflected in the world around them through stories of same-gender parents or math problems that use ‘they/them’ pronouns in a school environment, it sends a strong message of acceptance.” Story continues below The somewhat heavy-handed statements seem to be a response to an emerging backlash against in-school Pride commemorations. Last week, the Toronto-area York Catholic District School Board narrowly voted down a proposal to fly the Pride flag at its Catholic Education Centre during the month of June. This year has also seen a phenomenon of mysterious mass-absences from Canadian schools in what is believed to be a silent protest against LGBT content in the curriculum. Last month, nearly one-third of the entire student population of London, Ont.’s largest elementary school was counted absent during a district-wide commemoration of International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia. Story continues below Sources speaking to Postmedia said that Muslim families seemed to constitute the majority of the absences, and a statement by the London Council of Imams did say they would “continue to work closely with (school board officials) to ensure that our voices are presented in the best manners while taking active steps to preserve the rights, beliefs and values of our children.” Inspired by the London absence, June 1 was soon pegged by the anti-abortion group Campaign Life Coalition as the National “Pride” Flag Walk-Out Day. “Try to recruit as many families as possible so that the number of absent students is unmistakably noticeable,” wrote the group in a statement announcing a number of “pray-ins” scheduled around Ontario for June 1. Story continues below Renfrew, Ont. student activist Josh Alexander also led a May 17 walkout campaign to protest a new Ontario school policy permitting bathroom access by gender self-identification. “Josh and fellow protesters are demanding that all schools ban biological males using female restrooms and change rooms,” reads a statement by Alexander and the group Liberty Coalition Canada. The largest manifestation of the walkout occurred in Calgary with a group of about 80 people, although it’s not clear how many of those were demonstrators and how many were counter-protesters . Only five to 10 years ago, Pride Month celebrations within the Canadian K-12 school system were relatively muted, if they existed at all. As recently as 2018, even the Toronto District School Board marked Pride Month with little more than a flag-raising and a contingent of teachers and staff in the official Toronto PRIDE parade. Story continues below Now, in school districts across the country, Pride Month will routinely include assemblies, craft projects , guest speakers, “spirit” days in which children are encouraged to wear rainbow clothing to class, and school-wide Pride décor. This week, a particularly extravagant pride celebration at a Newfoundland elementary school went viral on social media. A short video posted by St. Matthew’s School in the provincial capital of St. John’s showed children being greeted at the door by a teacher in a unicorn costume, before being ushered through hallways lined with teachers waving Pride Progress flags and blasting dance music. A version of the video circulated on the U.S.-based conservative Twitter account Libs of Tik Tok has now been seen more than 1.3 million times. Last year, Pride events in the Vancouver School Board included the painting of the rainbow flag on district infrastructure and the students of an entire East Vancouver elementary school being enlisted to march in a bespoke neighbourhood pride parade during school hours. Original article https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/all-schools-must-comply-schools-get-heavy-handed-against-pride-backlash/wcm/f8b7dcec-ebfd-4b56-98ea-1c93031e27cc/amp/ Read the full article
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theyoungturks · 1 year
Fox News is facing attacks from multiple right-wingers like Donald Trump and Matt Walsh for following New York laws about gender identity. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian discuss on The Young Turks. https://shoptyt.com/collections/justice-is-coming Watch TYT LIVE on weekdays 6-8 pm ET. http://youtube.com/theyoungturks/live Read more HERE: https://www.mediamatters.org/newsmax/newsmax-segment-condemns-fox-news-woke-bathroom-policy "ROB SCHMITT (HOST): According to the Daily Signal, Fox News employees are allowed to use bathrooms that align with their gender identity inside the building, rather than their biological sex. And they must be addressed by their preferred name and pronouns in the workplace. All these policies reportedly outlined in the company's employee handbook, according to the Daily Signal. The handbook promises that Fox is dedicated to expanding and strengthening reports – or, I'm sorry, efforts to sustain a more inclusive work environment. It also states that employees who are transitioning their gender have the right to be open about their transition and work in an environment free of harassment, discrimination, and without fear of transphobia. It doesn't even stop there. The handbook allegedly defines many LGBTQ terms like cisgender, gender fluid, and non-binary. They're citing the Human Rights Campaign as well, one of the most prominent LGBTQ organizations in the country as a source." *** The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Help support our mission and get perks. Membership protects TYT's independence from corporate ownership and allows us to provide free live shows that speak truth to power for people around the world. See Perks: ▶ https://www.youtube.com/TheYoungTurks/join SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: ☞ http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks FACEBOOK: ☞ http://www.facebook.com/TheYoungTurks TWITTER: ☞ http://www.twitter.com/TheYoungTurks INSTAGRAM: ☞ http://www.instagram.com/TheYoungTurks TWITCH: ☞ http://www.twitch.com/tyt 👕 Merch: http://shoptyt.com ❤ Donate: http://www.tyt.com/go 🔗 Website: https://www.tyt.com 📱App: http://www.tyt.com/app 📬 Newsletters: https://www.tyt.com/newsletters/ If you want to watch more videos from TYT, consider subscribing to other channels in our network: The Watchlist https://www.youtube.com/watchlisttyt Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey https://www.youtube.com/indisputabletyt Unbossed with Nina Turner https://www.youtube.com/unbossedtyt The Damage Report ▶ https://www.youtube.com/thedamagereport TYT Sports ▶ https://www.youtube.com/tytsports The Conversation ▶ https://www.youtube.com/tytconversation Rebel HQ ▶ https://www.youtube.com/rebelhq TYT Investigates ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwNJt9PYyN1uyw2XhNIQMMA #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews 230523__TB01FowNewsTooWoke by The Young Turks
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srlpdigitalpage · 1 year
Areas of work
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Much of the SRLP's work centers around legislative reform, especially surrounding prisons and what sends people there. Founder Dean Spade is particularly interested in the intersection of race and sexuality/gender expression, and crime related to these issues. As he puts it, hate crime laws "focus on punishment and have not been shown to actually prevent bias-motivated violence... Hate criminology laws strengthen and legitimize the criminal punishment system, a system that targets the very people that these laws are supposedly passed to protect. The criminal punishment system has the same biases (racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, xenophobia) that advocates of these laws want to eliminate."
SRLP members acknowledge that the system is the problem with regards to discrimination towards gender. SRLP's organizers, lawyers and grassroots activists work on a variety of issues, including prison abolition, reform of gender-segregated facilities, and identity documents, as well as name changes, health care advocacy, ID replacement, criminal history, prisoner rights, access to gender affirming garments and hormones in prison, immigration relief such as asylum or Visas, naturalization, and other legal and social services.
In the court case Rodriguez v. Johnson et al., 20-year-old transgender woman Alyssa Rodriguez was incarcerated at the Red Hook Residential Center under the Office of Children and Family Services in Dutchess County, New York. Under their care, Rodriguez was denied her hormonal treatment, and disciplined for her effeminate gender expression. SRLP, in association with Lambda Legal, won Rodriguez a substantial sum of cash in return for the emotional distress imposed on her.
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The Arguments and Counterarguments
Although TERF stands for Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminism, Finn Mackay notes that the term is mainly used today to describe people who are transphobic. It is also mentioned that not every radical feminist is transphobic, nor is every person supporting the exclusion of trans people a feminist, let alone a radical one (2). The term TERF is often used by other people not as self description. People instead, describe themselves as ‘gender critical’ (Pearce et al. 681). The focus of gender critical ideology lies in biological notions of sex. Many people who have been labeled as TERF online consider it a slur. However, while it might be intended as an insult, it does not function as a slur partially because it addresses cis woman who are systematically privileged (Pearce et al. 683).
As mentioned in the post about the main issues, many gender critcal activists believe that sex is biological and entails the body. Gender, on the other hand, constitutes of masculinity and femininity. Both are socially constructed and therefore used as a tool of oppression, which means that they can not be an identity (Mackay 95). This notion of denying gender identity is perpetuated by gender critical activists, but can also be found in certain feminist ideologies. A radical feminist perspective considers gender a social construct, therefore it is not seen as “expression of biological sex” (Mackay 59). The crucial difference is that gender identity is acknowledged. Many radical feminist theories have pointed out that the goal of the feminist revolution has to be the “erasure of sex difference” (Mackay 63). Within radical feminism there are different ideologies, some which clearly show transphobia (Mackay 64). The way gender critical activists paint the idea of gender is that it would deny biological sex and as a consequence deny experiences, and potential discrimination, based on the sex someone was born with.
This brings me to the next point, that is repeatedly brought up by gender critical activists, which is that part of being a woman is experiencing oppression based on gender. The argument is that trans women are not women, because they have lived part of their life experiencing privilege on the basis of being perceived as male (Mackay 61). Because “women are oppressed as women” (Grant 34) it is argued that trans women lack the experience of womanhood. However, trans people will experience discrimination because they are trans. Trans women and trans people, in general, who experience discrimination are likely to experience suicidal thoughts and are therefore in need of therapeutical treatment (Herman et al.). Showing that trans people suffer as well from the pressure of conforming tosocial conventions.
In addition to the notion of trans women having had privileges in the patriarchal society, gender critical activists argue that easier access to legally changing one’s gender would erase lesbians. The argument here is that lesbian women would choose to transition to men, to escape the oppression they face living as women. Especially if the woman had a tendency of not conforming to gender stereotypes (Mackay 97). These thoughts can also be observed in J.K. Rowling’s essay where she expresses concern that girls could choose to transition if they did not fit into the conventional idea of a woman. Another argument brought forwards by gender critical feminists is that trans men transition “due to (…) sexual abuse and internalized homophobia (Mackay 110). Now, being lesbian and being transgender are two different things, albeit they do not cancel each other out. The idea that lesbians and girls, who do not conform to social gender roles, would go through the process of transitioning, which entails hormonal treatment and potentially surgery, to escape oppression, when it is known that trans people are a minority that faces bias and prejudice seems unreasonable (Grant et al.). Apart from being time consuming, the path to transition is full of obstacles. It is a lot of bureaucracy and doctors visits. Assuming that someone would thoughtlessly commit to such a life altering process strips people of their agency. While in theory it is easy to see where the idea of escaping patriarchal oppression by becoming a part of it comes from, this does not depict the reality of society. In reality transgender youth are at risk of losing their support network and becoming homeless when coming out in front of their families (Pearce et al. 686). Since transitioning is often a process stretching over years, it is a decision well thought through and not one made to please others.
Another notion that is often perpetuated by gender critical activists is that being female is connected with a desire for motherhood and an innate nurturing side (Mackay 99). Now, stereotypically motherhood and traits like empathy and compassion and have been attributed to women and where often used to justify women’s subordinated role in society (Tyson 86). It is the familiar role of the housewife and mother, whose sole purpose is to tend to her families needs. Often times activists connect this to the topic of pregnancy and childbirth, which certain groups of feminists feel like has been downplayed by patriarchy as means to oppress women (Mackay 100). The critique is that women have not received respect for what their bodies do during childbirth. This somewhat embrace of womanhood and the abilities of the body show the contradictions in the views of gender critical activists. On the one hand, there is an emphasize on the role that society has attributed to women, which further perpetuates the idea that womanhood and motherhood are intertwined. On the other hand, there is this supposed concern about women and especially girls, who do not fit into a gender confirming image and therefore are at risk of 'becoming' trans in an attempt to fit in.
The US Bathroom Bill
Within the gender wars one topic that is repeatedly brought up are bathrooms. The public discourse often focuses on gender-neutral bathrooms being potentially unsafe for women. This is due to the assumption that giving trans woman access to not only bathrooms ,but women-only spaces in general, would increase the risk of predatory behaviour and allow men with malicious intentions to dress up as women and take advantage of the situation (Zanghellini). The bathroom bill controversy shows how the debate around transgender rights affects the lives of people. In 2016 US-state North Carolina passed a bill that forbid transgender people to use the bathroom which “aligned with their gender identity” (Avery). The debate around bathrooms has resulted in issues about trans rights receiving increased media coverage. Trans people have noticed that this has caused an increase in violent and aggressive behaviour directed towards them (Avery). The increase in debate surrounding this topic does not only affect trans people. Mackay explains the case of a sixteen-year-old girl who was thrown out of the women’s bathroom as her outer appearance did not align with traditional ideas of femininity (100). This shows how people look closer who is entering which restroom, because they are aware of the debate. Who uses which bathroom is impossible to monitor and seems therefore an almost ludicrous debate. While it is argued that women need to be protected from harassment, it has just made it unsafe for trans people. The bathroom bill is relevant because bathrooms are often used as prime example why women-only spaces need to be protected, within the gender wars (Mackay 100).
Overall, it can be said that strict conventions and rules regarding appearance are constraining for all members of society in some degree. Gender critical activists are especially opposed to providing access for trans people when said access is based on self-identification (Finlayson et al.). The narrative of the man dressing as woman to infiltrate female spaces perpetuates the idea that all women are good and men are bad. While of course there are people regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation that exercise violence towards others, it would be wrong to divide men and women in either category.
Avery, Dan. LGBTQ rights fight reignited 4 years after N.C.'s 'bathroom bill' controversy. Nbcnews.com. N.p. 08 December 2020. Web. 25.06.2022. https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/lgbtq-rights-fight-reignited-4-years-after-n-c-s-n1250390
Finlayson, Laura et al.“I’m not transphobic, but…”: A feminist case against the feminist case against trans inclusivity. Versobooks.com. N.p. 17 October 2018. Web. 05.07.2022. https://www.versobooks.com/blogs/4090-i-m-not-transphobic-but-a-feminist-case-against-the-feminist-case-against-trans-inclusivity
Grant, Jaime M. et al. Injustice at Every Turn A report of the National Transgender Discrimination Survey. Transequality.org. N.p. 11 September 2012. Web. 01.07.2022 https://transequality.org/issues/resources/national-transgender-discrimination-survey-full-report
Grant, Judith. Fundamental feminism: Radical feminist history for the future (Second ed.). New York: Taylor and Francis, 2020. print.
Herman, Jody L. et al. Suicide Thoughts and Attempts Among Transgender Adults. Williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu. N.p. September 2019. Web. 30.06.2022. https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/publications/suicidality-transgender-adults/
Mackay, Finn. Female masculinities and the gender wars: The politics of sex. London, 2021. print.
  Pearce, Ruth, et al. “TERF Wars: An Introduction.” The Sociological Review, vol. 68, no. 4, July 2020, pp. 677–698, doi:10.1177/0038026120934713.
Tyson, Lois. Critical Theory Today: A User-Friendly Guide. Second ed., Routledge, 2006. print.
  Zanghellini, Aleardo. “Philosophical Problems With the Gender-Critical Feminist Argument Against Trans Inclusion.” SAGE Open, Apr. 2020, doi:10.1177/2158244020927029.
Want to know more ? See the other posts here:
1. What Are the Gender Wars?
2. A Short History of Trans Exclusion in Feminism
3. The Arguments and Counterarguments
4. The Impact of Social Media on the Gender Wars
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canyouhearthelight · 2 years
The Miys, Ch. 183
This chapter is the first in a while that I have very serious content warnings about. Yes, I should get better about those in general, and I am going to be better about them in the future, but I am SO SERIOUS about this chapter.
Warnings for:
- gender discrimination (including but not limited to gender presentation)
- transphobia
- racism
- classism
- narcissism
- descriptions of unpleasant noises (if you are capable of imagining the sounds that you read descriptions for, this chapter may set off misophonia)
To be clear, none of this is presented in a glorifying way, or even implied to be tolerated. Also, I had a friend who is transgender proof the chapter to ensure that it comes across as comical-villain, and not in the cute Doofenschmirtz way.  Still, I want everyone to be aware, just in case.
If you aren’t sure, my inbox is open and I will gladly send you a synopsis of the chapter.
Serious, serious gratitude to @baelpenrose and @quantumizedinsanity for hanging in there with me for this chapter.
“I don’t even know why I need to wear these stupid things,” I grumbled as Tyche tugged on the shoulders of my new ‘ceremonial robes’. “I’m just going to stand there and be silent. Why am I even required to be there?”
Letting go of the robes and grabbing my face, she shook me firmly. “You are going to be part of representing humanity to a new species, and you are complaining. Please tell me you understand how absolutely idiotic you sound right now.”
“I represented us to three alien species and a plague so far,” I pointed out, shaking her hands away from my face. “This time I’m not even allowed to answer questions, just direct them to Hannah and Parvati.”
“Thank the gods,” she muttered as she stepped back. “At least if you keep your mouth shut, you’re less likely to get yourself half-killed.” One scrutinizing squint later, she sighed. “You’ll do. Just… Don’t sit down or breathe too hard.  I would like to believe you can manage to avoid wrinkling them for less than an hour.”
I managed not to slouch as I sighed, entirely aware what was likely to happen if I let it pile against the floor - namely, Tyche re-steaming it with me inside. It wouldn’t even be the first time. “Just tell me you have to wear them, too?”
She shuddered. “Hannah and Parvati are standing in for me. All bodies are beautiful, et cetera and so forth, but these guys look less like birds than some cross between an orc and a pterodactyl. No thank you.”
Despite wanting to argue, I really couldn’t.  If Charly hadn’t warned me to actually look up what the Eko-mari looked like, there was a strong chance I wouldn’t have flinched until I actually met the party coming over from their flagship.  They weren’t terribly tall, thankfully - entirely too many species so far had dwarfed us by a large margin.  However, what they lacked in height, they made up for with the most alien physiology we had encountered so far: four feet tall, with five leathery wings where arms and a head would be on a human. Wickedly hooked talons protruded from the joints on each wing, functioning something like hands when used together.  When they weren’t flying, they moved on the ground in an ungainly hop, using a thick combination of a torso and a tail.  Apparently, on their home world, the tail-torso functioned to help anchor them to rocky outcroppings and any plant life that could support their weight.
There was also a warning in their file for beings with scent-receptors, which had sent me retching: It was a truth galactically acknowledged that Eko-mari smelled entirely dreadful.
All praise our saviors, I guess. I was still finding the urge to gag just thinking about it, and I hadn’t even met them yet. Somewhat fortunately - for various values of ‘fortune’ - I didn’t have much time to think about the issue.  Entirely too soon, I was standing with the rest of the Council, waiting for our guests and escorts to arrive, while resisting the urge to fidget.
“I’m not sure why you’re so nervous,” Parvati whispered. “You don’t even have to speak. You just get to stand there.”
“You have no idea how hard it is to project authority when you don’t know the answer to anything,” I hissed back.
“Silence projects wisdom,” she muttered. “The rest of us have to figure out how to talk while holding our breaths, if the file is correct. Just don’t pass out and you’ll be fine.”
Before I could respond, a message chimed into my databand.  Swearing, I flicked it open to set it to the ‘sleep’ setting, and blanched. There was a message from Xiomara, who was facing forward with a stone-straight face. Both of you shut the fuck up.
Pretty sure Parvati’s was nicer, as she just blushed and murmured “Love you too, babe,” before flicking her datapad away and calmly placing her hands behind her back. After what felt like an hour of sweat rolling down my spine and the back of my knees, an alert sounded to let us know that the Eko-mari were arriving. How, I wasn’t sure - there wasn’t anything on the Ark even vaguely resembling an airlock.
My curiosity was scorched away by a bright flash of light that left me seeing spots. Right, I complained to myself, trying not to blink too hard in case it was rude. The flash of light that got me on the ship. Still doesn’t answer the question, note to self to ask someone. Preferably not Noah.
The spots finally faded enough that I could see three oil-black forms that vaguely resembled the images I had found.  The shape was right, at least, although the color was all wrong - Eko-mari were supposed to be a bruise-like purple, right?  The sharp inhale that accompanied my confusion answered my question: for such a pungent species, I wasn’t getting anything resembling a smell.  Bivouac suits, I realized, resisting the urge to hit myself in the forehead. Glancing at my fellow Councilors, their suppressed smiles confirmed that they couldn’t smell anything either, and were pretty relieved.
 The smiles were short lived, unfortunately. As Simon stepped forward to greet them, a sharp whistle pierced our brains and sent shivers down every human spine in the room.  The translation came through a moment later, and didn’t make anything better. If anything, it made us wish we had the smell instead.
“A gendered species. How primitive. Disgusting.”  The one in the middle thudded forward in an ungainly hop, presumably the one that had spoken. “And they dare to send a mutilated one to greet us, as well.”
“Clearly a misguided attempt at mimicking civilized species,” a shorter, staccato whistle stated, coming from what seemed to be the one to the left, which was twitching two of its wings.
What the - “We can hear and understand you,” I interjected, forgetting my supposed silence in the face of how abominably rude they were being.  Parvati gripped my wrist and dug in her nails to keep me from speaking further, but her posture was stone-rigid in agreement at their behavior.
When Pranav stepped forward, I thanked every deity I could invent.  Like myself, he took any social offensiveness as a deeply personal slight, even if it wasn’t directed at him. “This is the truth,” he ground out. “We are quite capable of understanding what you are saying, despite how primitive you seem to believe we are.”
For all the good it did. “A progenitor,” the first one told its companions before it seemed to deign to speak directly to us. “And they have translators. Impressive, for mammals.”
Arthur, Charly, and Tyche’s glaring absences suddenly made entirely too much sense.  They would have torn these guys to pieces.  Probably.  They certainly would have tried.
Silent up until this point, the third one flapped and thudded until it was in front of Pranav. “We are the Eko-mari, representatives of the fleet that has been sent to escort you to your sanctuary.”  This one blasted noise at us like a foghorn.  Somehow, I had the impression that it was speaking slowly and loudly, like we were idiots.  Granted, for all I knew, this was just how this one sounded, but after the tea-kettle/chalkboard hybrid the other two seemed to speak in, I doubted it.
Polite to a literal fault, Pranav extended his hand. “This is how my species greets those they hope are their allies.”
Fog-Horn flapped backwards quickly, away from the hand. “You threaten your allies with your appendages!? Savages.”
Shit. This was going downhill faster than a greased up weirdo on a slip and slide. To his credit, Pranav simply lowered his hand to his side and held it there tightly. “We will be more than happy to greet you in your custom, if you can advise what that is. We were unable to find any information that would allow us to accommodate you.”
“Accommodate!” Tea-Kettle shrilled. “We are not cripples who require accommodation.  It is your species that is being accommodated entirely too far.  We are only on this ship to collect your prisoners before we leave you to your burrows and your filth.”
Burrows?? Filth??! The Ark was a beautiful and incredibly clean ship, with enormous corridors capable of letting Miys stand at full height with room to spare, even before the increased gravity had shrunken them somewhat.
I started to open my mouth again, ready to give these pint sized assholes a piece of my mind, when Xiomara marched next to Pranav and stood at a crisp parade rest, arms and hands carefully behind her back. Her posture made the gesture seem more like an attempt to avoid touching them, rather than a nicety, and she barked her words. “The pirates have escaped. There are no prisoners to retrieve.”
No apologies, no explanations, and certainly no groveling. She was playing by their rules.
“A gestator,” Chalkboard screeched. “At least this one is not mutilated.”
“No one here is mutilated,” Pranav asserted stiffly.  Even he was reaching the limits of his unfailing politeness.
Fog-Horn extended the claw of one wing directly at Grey Hodenson. “This one is damaged, and you dare allow them to greet your saviors.”
“You can expect nothing else of digressives,” Chalkboard responded before turning their back.  Xiomara’s fingers twitched, and I suddenly wondered if she had a weapon hidden somewhere.
Oddly, I wasn’t even worried if she did.  I actually hoped she had more than one.
“No prisoners to retrieve, only humans and Hujylsogox on this vessel. We would not ask you to stay longer.” The Go the Fuck Away was crystal clear to every human present, and probably to Miys as well, although they elected not to say anything.
“Good. We take our leave of you,” Tea-Kettle whistled, bringing the curve of a claw to a device on their bivouac suit.
It seemed like they were signaling to return to their vessel, as both the others made the same gesture.  To our abject horror, they instead added insult to injury and vented the air that had built up in their suits during their brief visit.  It was only when the hissing stopped that we were again blinded by the flash of light and treated to the sight of all Eko-Mari being gone without a trace.
Well, almost no trace. All of us were holding our breaths and shuffling away as quickly as the robes would permit to avoid the odor we had believed to have been spared from. True to form, my heel caught on the hem of mine, sending me to the floor and knocking the breath out of me.
Instinct took over and I gasped for air.  From the files we had been able to find, I braced myself to either smell or taste one of the more foul odors of my life, but it never came.  In fact, either I had hit my head, or I was hallucinating - all I could smell was…
“Gardenia?” I asked the ceiling from where I was still flat on my back and entirely confused. “Hey, everyone?  I thought they were supposed to stink?”
Huynh, braver than the rest, ventured closer to me and sniffed the air before helping me sit up. “They smell like a botanical garden. Jasmine, honeysuckle, something like that.”
Confused but curious, the rest of the Council came back slowly, and all of them were shocked to find out that we weren’t joking. “Wait,” Eino squinted thoughtfully. “The pirates are on our side and were reasonably nice after a misunderstanding, the fleet sent to protect us are profoundly rude and judgemental - “
“Assholes,” Xiomara corrected. “Gender discriminating, racist, classist assholes.”
“Right, that,” Eino corrected. “And the universally agreed upon worst smell in the entire galaxy is…” He sniffed again. “Something floral?”
Simon just sighed. “We befriended a plague, I don’t know why any of the rest of this surprises you anymore,” he pointed out.
Hannah laughed softly. “I’m just thinking about how we could have saved all the chili peppers we used for weaponry and instead just used air freshener and lemon juice.”
“This is why I hate politics,” I groaned, falling onto my back again and covering my eyes before peeking at Xiomara.
“Pretty sure galactic politics hate us right back,” she murmured, arching an eyebrow at me.
“If they insult Grey or anyone else on this ship again, I’m letting Arthur have them,” I warned.
She nodded. “I’ll even give him back his sword to see that one.”
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pays-place · 2 years
Work-Family Conflict & Spillover
While work-family conflict is present in every family, there had been little research done on LGBT families and if the conflicts differ from heterosexual family structures. More research had been done but it was mainly focusing on LGB (lesbian ,gay, and bisexual) families. Today, some research has been done on Transgender families and how conflict plays a role. A Transgender individual is going to receive more judgement and discrimination throughout the day than most others. This is going to cause a build up and likely more problems will arise at home, such as acting out from the individual, or being withdrawn. (Hafford-Letchfield et al., 2019) A transgender person will be facing multiple levels of discrimination depending on the many other ways they may choose to identify. These could be ways that they are open about with their family, or it could be things that are so horrid they bottle up, never to be spoken of again. These things can cause spillover, which is short term affective changes by one member of a family. These changes could be frequent, which would cause even greater conflicts to take place at the family level.
If we think of the amount of discrimination a trans individual could face in the working sphere, we will start to understand how work-family conflict can play a role in transgender families. We know that there are higher rates of transgender people unemployed, and high rates without health coverage. This can cause financial problems, which are known to be the number one cause in relationship issues. When we account for the discrimination that can be faced at work such as transphobia, mislabeling, deadnaming,etc, we can see how the buildup, and the spillover occurs. We can reverse the roles and still see negative effects. If the family is the group being unsupportive and having prejudice against the individual, then work can start to be seen as a haven for this person. This can cause things such as work overload, which will eventually lead to a burnout. This can also lead to spike in numbers of temporary homelessness, and severe levels of poverty, which are sometimes harder to identify in transgender family types.(Schmitz & Tyler, 2017)
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Hey, I know my blogs been kinda quiet lately...
I’d like to thank you guys for sticking with me; I know I’ve said I’d make more autistic memes(I know y’all seem to like those a lot) and I’m sorry I haven’t made any more in the past two months
However, this brings me to the point of this post: I can’t really run this by myself the way I’d like to, so I was wondering if anyone would be interested in joining this blog so we could get more content out to our fellow autistics?
Some requirements:
no homophobia, transphobia (and yes, even trans people who are nonbinary or genderfluid, et cetera); basically, no discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community
No supporting Autism Speaks (for obvious reasons)
Must be at least 18 please
Don’t be rude to people asking questions, even if it may seem obvious
Can make memes (and it doesn’t have to be a complicated one; I literally just slap some text on a picture)
If you have any questions or are interested in doing this blog with me, don’t hesitate to ask! My inbox and my messages are always open
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Hey so uh. my mom refuses to call me by my chosen name and pronouns and says that the gender spectrum is pop psychology. She has a master's in psychology and she says that because of that she knows better. Do you guys have any peer-reviewed studies about the gender spectrum, non-binary identities and the effects of misgendering on youth?
Kai says:
Yes, I have some, but disclaimer I have not read all of these, only skimmed most of them so I’d recommend reading these through and choosing which ones you may want to show your mom. Most of these are not about the gender spectrum or nonbinary identities specifically, but many of them do mention that nonbinary youth exist. Also apologies for messy formatting, as these are pulled from my research and one of my friends’ research, and apologies for any possible repeats:
American Psychiatric Association supports transgender healthcare:https://transgenderlawcenter.org/archives/1717
Transgender youth who transition and have support have better mental health than those who cannot:https://www.jaacap.org/article/S0890-8567%2816%2931941-4/fulltext
“Transitioning early is beneficial for transgender children”https://m.csindy.com/coloradosprings/transitioning-early-is-beneficial-for-transgender-children/Content?oid=4890405Medscape: Good Outcomes With Early Transition in Transgender Youthhttps://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/875569
NPR: Parent Support May Help Transgender Children’s Mental Healthhttps://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2016/04/11/473292576/parent-support-may-help-transgender-childrens-mental-health
   Mental Health of Transgender Children Who Are Supported in Their Identities
The Impact of the Parental Support on Risk Factors in the Process of Gender Affirmation of Transgender and Gender Diverse People
Family Functioning and Mental Health of transgender and Gender-Nonconforming Youth in the Trans Teen and Family Narratives Project
Support and Caring for Our Gender-Expansive Youth
Human Rights Campaign Resources for Trans Youth and Families
Gender Spectrum Resources for Parents and Families
Affirming Vs. Non-affirming Parenting Behaviors
Factors that foster and promote resilience in LGBT people include family acceptance, connection to caring others and a sense of safety, and the availability of quality, culturally appropriate mental health treatment. (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Surgeon General, 2012)
Familial support is associated with good mental health outcomes among transgender children allowed to exhibit their gender, by changing their names, clothing, pronoun use, and hairstyles. (Olson, Durwood, DeMeules & McLaughlin 2016)
Socially transitioned transgender children have notably lower rates of internalizing psychopathology than previously reported among children with GID living as their AGAB. (Olson, Durwood, DeMeules & McLaughlin 2016)
Gender-affirming medical therapy and supported social transition have been shown to correlate with improved psychological functioning. (Connolly, Zervos, Barone, Joseph & Johnson 2016)
A statistically significant improvement in mental health, self esteem, and satisfaction with life were shown in trans youth with very supportive parents, when compared to those with less parental support. (Travers, Bauer, Pyne & Bradley 2012)
Social support and affirmation of gender identity play a critical role in developing resilience in transgender and gender nonconforming people. (Bockting et al. 2016)
Transgender people whose immediate families are supportive are significantly less likely to have negative experiences related to economic stability and health, such as experiencing homelessness, attempting suicide, or experiencing serious psychological distress. (James, Herman, Rankin, Keisling, Mottet & Anafi 2015
Trans people who received social support were significantly more likely to present with fewer symptoms of depression. (Boza et al. 2014)
Parental support for gender identity, social support, reduced transphobia, and having any personal identification documents changed to an appropriate sex designation were associated with large relative and absolute reductions in suicide risk. (Bauer et al. 2015)
Social support increases quality of life and discrimination decreases quality of life in individuals with gender dysphoria. (Basar, Oz & Karakaya 2016)
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