hetalvetia · 3 months
So a Switzerland ship that isn’t talked about enough is Switzerland and Norway. I think more people should recognize that this is a nice ship.
THE OLDER BROTHER DUO !!!! they're so adorable together ... I'd imagine their affection is accidentally interrupted by their younger siblings a lot. ((They're both probably horrible at communicating with each other, leaving their younger siblings to do much of interpreting and translating for them TT
Also I've heard Switzerland has rubbed off on Norway some way or another ? Sveitserstil are a style of house in Norway (and other parts of the world as well) inspired by the Swiss
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fireandspiceland · 2 years
Ok I’ve decided to just go by EM instead of a anon name it does not relate to my real name in any way so we won’t have A problem I hope that’s ok with you :)
Anyways I’m listening to ABBA (I love ABBA) money, money, money and I just thought Switzerland and Netherlands the money/bada$$ work couple or Switzerland and Norway the sassy no pictures couple or maybe just maybe all three. Why? Some may ask BECAUSE money (and since Ned and Switzerland suck at love besides Ned reading love poems nor would absolutely go for them) but putting that aside MONEY IDEALS HONEY!
alright, then I'll tag your asks now so you can find them :)
tbh I love the idea of swissnod even tho I never really thought about them but like.. I still like them. and listen. switzerland and netherlands saving money wherever they can and at this point they are FILTHY rich but... they invest their money into Designated Sugar Baby Norway. except nor isnt a subby brat not all the time at least but when they feel like it nor is being paid to be a dom and call them both out for getting off on buying him cute stuff cause hell yeah humiliation kink why not.
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bone-evidence · 7 months
Ship ask!
Rarepair time! SwissNor
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A very rare pair indeed! Seems cute, I like that they can bond over skiing and cheese! If you have any fic recommendations I'd love to read them!
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doomspiral · 3 months
For the ask game: Asakiku and the rarepair SwissNor
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Im so. Im so sorry i coukd not care less but i do remember 2000's manga's complete obsession with the british so i get it.
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No thoughts, only 👀
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maryeve-the-bitch · 3 years
Winter boyfriends be like Sufin (Sweden sucks at hockey but Hockey boyfriends too ig. Sweden is after ski boyfriend) vs SwissNor (ski boyfriends) vs RusCan (hockey boyfriends and ice skating)
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ifindus · 4 years
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I have recently been made aware of SwissNor by @snorikefjell and regardless if it’s platonic or romanitc, I think their dynamic/friendship would be fun to explore!
These two have several things in common! They are both very invested in winter sports, especially cross-country and down-hill. They both have a passion for cheese as they have a long tradition of animal husbandry with cows and goats. The mountainous landscape is something they are both very familiar with as well, and they are both one of the richest countries in Europe and stand on the outside of the EU.
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asknorge · 5 years
Do you like cheese? And what is your favourite type?
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“But i like my cheese swiss. Like my woman”
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//said swiss woman -> { @songofthealps } //
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askswissnor · 6 years
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The love we get is the love we give.
APH | Nyo!Switzerland x Norway | Black & White
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xucarain · 7 years
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quick nyo SwissNor sketch
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I ship SwissNor, with Switzerland as the deme and Norway in charge. I imagine they'll bond over skiing. (That's not the only reason, though. I think their personalities work well together too.) -anon
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une-pomm3 · 9 years
I will have to draw some SwissNor for you guys hehe
Swissnor shout out!!
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songofthealps · 3 years
Day 7: Sunrise and Sunset
Pairing: SwissNor (Nyo! Switzerland and Norway, Lara and Lukas)
A little drabble in which Lukas reflects on himself and Lara, and how they balance each other out
Wordcount: 717
She was like a sunrise. Not just in the way that her long blonde hair caught the rays of a rising sun, making it look like it was golden in the early hours of the morning. In the way that her emerald eyes would open and the widest smile would spread across her face.
She was a sunrise in the touch of her hands to his, the way her body always felt a bit warmer, her loving hands moving over his arms and chest when she felt he needed some comfort. The way that she would pull him into a loving embrace, even as tears fell from his eyes, tucking his shoulder into her neck and letting him sob to his heart’s content. Fingers slowly brushing through his hair.
She smelled like what he’d imagine a sunrise felt like, when grass was fresh, and there was still dew in it. In the first cup of coffee that you’d brew in the morning, and then watch the rays of the sun start to kiss the ground of the earth.
Lara was warm, like the sun. It was in the way she’d read to the trolls that he loved so much, see them or not, fairy tales they’d heard a million times over, in the way she’d chase their many pets and fall down in the grass, laughing. She was almost always happy.
But, like the rising sun, she could burn once high in the sky. She burned with passion, fought for the things she believed in, and twice as hard when it came to him.
She was a loving radiance that you looked forward to at the start of each day, especially when you felt that the darkness of the night had lasted too long, and you were hoping for something to come and chase the nightmares away. When you first saw that loving radiance coming over the horizon, you felt the darkness of your own mind beat into retreat.
He needed that love, like the world needed the sun.
And he, Lukas, well, he was the sunset.
He’d always looked a bit more ethereal, more mysterious. As the world needed relief, and the sun was going down, the world started to feel more relaxed and sleepy. Calming, a sense of satisfaction, pride in what you’d done that day, that was Lukas.
He was more a sunset, his body always feeling slightly colder, touches that helped to cool the skin down. He moved more slowly, gracefully, would press his lips to her forehead with the faintest of touches. He’d slowly light up your world with the dying rays of the sun, in deep purples, pinks, and reds. Soothing was more the way he did things.
He liked the sunset, it was calm, they’d sit on the porch, and he’d wrap his arm around her shoulders. She’d say it was cold, and he’d pull her closer while she nuzzled into his neck. The sky would slowly start to get darker as the sun sank down. Sometimes he’d prefer to sit there in silence, other times he’d want to kiss softly, or dance.
She told him he smelled like the sunset might, like pine trees as the sun was fading, like a nice glass of wine you’d enjoy on the porch at the end of the day, with the slightest hint of cinnamon from the cookies they’d be eating.
He was cool like a setting sun, collected, calm. He’d choose his words carefully, rarely lose his cool, and be more delicate in what he did. He liked to read, considered himself a good poet, and secretly enjoyed baking. The garden the two of them kept always looked good, in part because he was so attentive to it.
Like the setting sun he could hide from the world, would keep things to himself when he wasn’t in the mood to deal with others. She knew those moods, knew them well, and she’d always come and curl up next to him, content just to remain there.
And like the darkness of the night would fade for the rising sun, his sorrows would too.
He’d do the same for her, he always did, knowing when she needed someone to just be there for her, and to love her.
Because, they needed each other.
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songofthealps · 3 years
Day five: Soulmates~
Pairing: SwissNor (Nyo!Switzerland and Norway) (Lara and Lukas)
Word Count: 1105
AU: Human, Soulmates
Lara was young, and just getting started in the world. In university, the woman was studying to be a medical doctor. Hours were grueling, and most of the nights she didn’t end up sleeping much, if at all. But, such was life. Thank whatever existed above that she didn’t have to be around her friends for spring break, she’d booked a trip to Norway, because nothing was going to be better than getting them off of her back.
Most, if not all, of them had found their soulmates. Lovely words written on their wrists that they’d gush about for hours on end while she tied her hair up and shoved her earbuds in. She did wonder, deep down in her heart of hearts, what was wrong with her. Was she too stubborn? Not pretty? Did the universe decide it needed more doctors and less lovers? When school was in session she didn’t have time to think about it, but now that it was out… She’d make sure she had no time to think about it.
The flight to Norway was quick enough for her liking, she’d grabbed her luggage, made her way through the airport as quickly as she could, and the caught an uber to the air b&b she was going to be staying at. Deciding that it wasn’t worth being cooped up all day in the home, she decided to go out and explore, heading off down the street to look around Bergen.
Unbeknownst to her, walking down the same street, but at a much more rapid pace was Lukas. The man was also in university, studying to be an architect. He was headed to his part time job at the café he worked at, helped to pay for university for him. And, like Lara, helped to keep his mind off of the fact that he also didn’t seem like he had a soulmate.
All of Lukas’s friends had theirs, and even his younger brother. If he had to look at the words that had formed on various parts of their bodies he was going to scream. He’d stopped checking himself daily for the words, deciding if he did have one they were taking too long, and he was no longer interested. The next person that asked was getting a coffee tossed at them, and hard.
A few hours had passed with Lara getting her fill of the sights in Bergen, and Lukas wondering how many more teens he was going to have to serve coffee too. It was right around the end of his shift when a woman who didn’t look like she was from here walked in. Lovely, might as well try English with this one.
“Hello, welcome to Kaffemisjonen. Can I get something started for you?”
“Oh, yeah, I’ll take an iced latte, and a slice of whichever cake you like the most.”
He’d called out to another barista to make the latte, and gone to get her slice of cake, when he came back to take her card, he raised an eyebrow.
“You’re without your soulmate?”
“I don’t.. I don’t have one.” She replied with the raise of one eyebrow.
“You might want to look right there.” He’d raised his finger to tap at his clavicle.
Lara, to her credit, shook her head. “No, I don’t have one, I didn’t have a mark this morning, excuse me. I’ll be right back.”
“….Weird.” He shook his head. “She wasn’t even worried about her ca—Oh.” His long sleeved shirt had moved down a bit as he’d moved her card, and he could see some words were formed there. His had shaking, he moved his sleeve down, “Oh, yeah, I’ll take an iced latte, and a slice of whichever cake you like the most.” And that was when he backed into the counter, shattering a few cups and plates in the process. Chest heaving, he didn’t even stick around long enough to clean, he simply rushed towards the bathroom, her card in his hand.
Lara, as this was going on, had locked herself in the bathroom, and with shaking hands was pulling down her shirt to see her collar bone. “Hello, welcome to Kaffemisjonen. Can I get something started for you?” Him, it was him. She’d never found her soulmate because he wasn’t from Switzerland, he was in Norway all of this time.
And she was crying.
Pounding on the door of the bathroom prompted her to splash some water on her face, and make her way to open the door. The person pounding wasn’t a woman with her kids, it wasn’t even a woman, it was the barista whose words were now on her body for the rest of her life.
“So um..” Lara was never lost for words, but this time she was having a hard time speaking through the lump in her throat. “It’s.. You, you’re my so… My sou..” She shook her head, the tears were coming again. “Sorry.”
It was odd for Lukas, seeing his words on another’s body. He looked at her, she was tiny, only about five feet tall, blonde, her hair was long, it looked to go to around the middle of her back, large emerald colored eyes. She was pretty, and he had no idea how he’d gotten her. But, fate seemed to know.
“Oh.. Don’t cry.” Perhaps she was upset that it was him. Sure, he was decent looking, tall, somewhat muscular, also blonde, eyes that were so blue they almost looked violet. Taller than she. “It’s alright, we’re in different countries so we don’t even have to…” At least he got to see her, and he had one.
“Can I hug you?”
It took him out of his mental beat down, and he could barely nod before she was wrapping her arms around him, and he was doing the same. She fit well in his arms, smaller, something he felt he needed to protect. He just pulled her closer to him, tugging her out of the way of the bathroom.
“I’m Lukas, you might as well know my name, I’ve been waiting for you all of my life.”
“Don’t worry, I’ve been doing the same, wondering when you’d come to me. My name is Lara. This is.. Shocking, but I feel so lucky.”
“We might live in different places, but I am sure the two of us can figure out something, make it work, we’re not that far.” He hadn’t let go, but neither had she.
“Mmmhm, might as well sit down and talk about it, but for now.. I think I’ll keep hugging you for a bit.”
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songofthealps · 3 years
Day 4: History Prompt
Building of the Swiss consulate in Norway, 1847
Pairing: SwissNor (Lara x Lukas) 
Other characters mentioned: Switzerland ( Vash) & Nyo! Norway (Maja)
Wordcount: 907
The year was 1847, and the Swiss consulate was going to be opening in Oslo. Both Vash and Lara had come here to see it happening, and the whole way there she had to hear about Norway. Lara was told that the two that represented it, Lukas and Maja, could be kind of quiet people. However, it was revealed to her that both of their nations seemed to have the same general interests in mind.
Vash had spent more time with the Norwegian siblings, and didn’t seem to be too phased with going, “It’s simply another meeting,” He’d sighed, peeling and orange and offering Lara a half, which she declined. “We go, we see the consulate come into being, and then we get to do as we please.” For Vash, it would be sleeping, possibly spending some time with Maja. He seemed to enjoy the quiet woman. From her understanding, he didn’t get on as well with Lukas.
Once they were there, Lara calmly walked around, enjoying Oslo. It was different than her own home, but that was half the fun of leaving it. She made her way along, looking around until her bother held out his arm to stop her.
Before them stood the Norways, both tall, a bit slender, eyes such a deep blue they were almost violet, light blonde hair. They both were dressed in rather fancy clothing, as much, if not more, than the Swiss siblings. Coming to their sides, Lara and Vash shook hands with both of them and then resumed their place on either side of the Norways. Vash by Maja, and Lara by Lukas.
It was long, but their bosses spoke of relations, a desire for commitment in the fields of human security, peacebuilding, humanitarian policy and migration. Trade with the two increasing in general, and just all around positivity. While Vash seemed invested in all that was going to come to them, and all they’d be giving, Lara was more interested in the little puff that Lukas was doodling in his notebook, it resembled a rabbit, but with leaves for ears.
Noticing Lara was watching him, and not listening to talk of their nations’ getting along well, Lukas shifted a bit so she could see what he was doing. He doodled a bit more as they were sitting, showing her various gnomes, trolls, and fairies. By the end, the two were more engrossed in that than they were in the consulate.
Not for lack of responsibility, but it wasn’t like they were declaring war on each other, just mentioning that the two nations were going to be getting along well. It was a good thing, all good news. In time, history would make the two nations much closer, with decisions made on their stance of the EU, as well as the wealth both held.
For now, the meeting was ending and he was offering her the chance to take a walk. Maja and Vash seemed to be occupied with their bosses, so it was easy for Lara and Lukas to sneak past them, and then run. Deciding to make their way through the streets of Oslo.
“I have something I’d like to show you,” Lukas eventually spoke after they’d made their great escape, running from their families and bosses.
“As long as it isn’t a meeting hall, you have my interest.” Lara’d replied.
“Not a meeting hall, nei. Not quite.”
They’d walked a bit, mostly in a comfortable silence until they started to make their way through the trees, walking for a bit until they came to the very edge of a clearing.
“This,” Lukas had stated, moving his arm to show the place in all of its grandeur. “Is the Oslofjord. What do you think?”
“Beautiful, and much different than anything I’ve ever seen,” Lara had moved a bit closer to the edge of the trees, “Vast, and very wide. I think it has a mysterious air to it, but I find it a bit.. Irresistible. My land has many lakes, many, many lakes. But nothing like a fjord.”
Lukas had hummed in response, but then kept humming, until Lara had turned to look his way.
“Lara, a query, do you believe in fairy tales?”
“Depends,” She’d pressed her finger to her lips, noting the air’s temperature seemed to change when he asked her. “I like to think they exist, yes. Why?”
“Hypothetically speaking, if I were to tell you the little creatures I was drawing were.. Real. What would you say?” The haze he’d held on her was intense, and Lara almost felt chilly.
“I’d say I believed you and leave it at that.” The reply was honest, but also simple. She didn’t back down, holding his gaze. “Why? Are they?”
And he was back to humming, whatever the tune was, she didn’t recognize it, but she did find the air was getting a bit.. Warmer.
“Care to dance?”
That broke her from her thoughts. Lukas wanted to dance, in this random place, at this random time?
“Alright, sure.”
Placing her hand in his, Lukas lead them off in a dance, one she’d come to recognize over the years as she visited Norway, with creatures humming along that she could not see. However, if she stopped, and listened closely, she’d swear she heard music. Little did she know it would be the start of beautiful relations, not just for their countries, but for them as well.
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songofthealps · 3 years
Day 3: Culture 
In which Lara and Lukas try to make fondue with brunost~
Pairing: SwissNor ( Nyo!Switzerland and Norway) (Lara&Lukas)
Word Count: 658
“It isn’t going to work, liebling.”
Lara wasn’t talking about her relationship with the man who represented Norway. No, she was talking about the fact that he’d presented her with something that looked like chocolate and cheese had a baby. When she said they were going to have fondue night, and tasked Lukas with getting cheese, she didn’t anticipate that he was going to get.. that.
“What?” Lukas had been sitting across from her, holding Lara’s Norwegian forest cat, Liebe. Said cat was purring, content that her owner, and the man that represented the land she was from, basically lived together.
“This.” Lara lifted the.. Whatever it was, into her hand, looking at it before she moved to smell it. “It’s a cheese, I think? It doesn’t smell like chocolate..” Her eyes said chocolate, but her nose said cheese.
“Brunost, Lara, it’s brunost” Lukas was already laughing, reaching across the table for a cheese slicer, and slicing a wafer thin piece to hand to her. “It’s just a cheese, dear.” Tugging her wrist, he lead her around the table to let her sit in his lap, popping the cheese into her mouth. “Very popular in my home, it’s ‘typically Norwegian’ or so people say.” Wrapping his arms around her middle, Lukas leaned his chin on her shoulder. “Do you like it?”
Lara, to her credit, wasn’t unhappy about her current seating situation, and had obediently opened her mouth when he’d sliced the cheese for her, slicing one for him in turn. As his arms wrapped around her, and he’d asked the question, she had popped the piece into his mouth.
“I do like it, yes. But in Switzerland we’d use something like Swiss cheese, or gruyere. Very different taste and textures to this brown cheese of yours.” She’d already looked in their fridge, and neither of those cheeses were to be found. Hence why she’d asked Lukas to pick some up on the way home.
“Suppose it could work,” She’d commented, leaning forward to slice another piece, “if we went for a sweeter fondue, something that might go well with fruit? Could make something else for dinner, believe we have lox.” Lara leaned back in, nuzzling into the groove between his neck and his shoulder.
“Mmm, lox are fine. Do you want it on bread? Maybe with cucumber?” Lukas was already planning, their cat perking up at the word “lox.”
“I’d be fine with that, I’m more amused that you found a way to marry two of our foods together, assuming this doesn’t taste bad. Let me up?” She’d asked, pressing her lips to his once before she stood, opening their fridge. “Oh, and can you cube that?”
Listening to Lara, Lukas slid the cutting board over, grabbing a knife and starting to chop as Lara came back with arms full of fruits, cream, vanilla, sugar, and water.
As Lukas was cutting, she placed fruits near him, particularly apples. “Your national fruit, babe.” She’d commented as he was rolling one back to her. “And yours.”
She’d poured cream, vanilla, sugar, and water into the fondue pot, warming it up and then gesturing for him to add the cheese. “It’s going to be sweet, but I think that’ll offset the apple.”
Once it had reached a temperature she’d deemed hot enough, she took one of the apples slices Lukas had prepared, dipping it into the mixture.
“I’ll admit that I am either really insane for this, or we’re really smart,” She’d commented, watching him dip one as well. Moving to his side, she laced her arm through his so they both could place the apple into the others mouth.
“You know, it’s not bad,” Lukas spoke around his piece of apple, hand before his mouth. “I like it, sweet. But also sour?”
“Should have known, take two of our favorite things, and make it just that much better.” Lara had chirped back, leaning in to nuzzle his cheek.
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