#taken ifrit
magicdwells · 1 year
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Born Wigheard Greyson to English parents, he was thirteen years old when the Black Plague hit England and he fell ill with it himself. Without even realizing what he was doing, his Ifrit powers pulled life force from humans around him, even resulting in some of them dying faster from the plague. His family taught him about his powers over time. His mother constantly told him that he was destined for war if he would only toughen up, that sometimes they had to make sacrifices for the security of their family. It was in the mid 1400’s that his family murdered the Demoriane family. Wigheard and his uncle, Thomas, had stayed with the children of the Greyson clan during the slaughter, both feeling obligated to stop the attack but neither acting. 
Even though he disagreed with the actions, Wigheard stayed by his family and kept quiet about it, hoping to never speak of the slaughter again. In the 1500’s, the Greysons used their gifts of persuasion to secure their spots on the ship set for Roanoke. It was soon after settling that the Lamia family put their plan to leave the control of England into action, killing the humans and doing away with the bodies. They carved the word Croatoan into a tree in hopes of blaming the crime on a tribe and took the children miles away to a small place that they made their own. Wigheard had seen the entire slaughter, once again staying with the children and Thomas, and later his mother had informed him that it was “for their safety and freedom” and that he would not be permitted to stand to the side next time this sort of action was needed. Almost immediately after they resettled to a new area, Wigheard did some traveling to see the world himself, even as his mother begged him not to. At the end of the 1600’s, he returned home to find his entire village wiped out save for Thomas who had been hunting when the attack occurred.
In the coming years, Wigheard would come to join the Revolutionary War, wanting to bring freedom to the other settlers. His rage over his family’s slaughter made him a good soldier, as well as the memory of his mother’s assurance that he was made for war. He began to travel in and out of Romulus, fascinated by the society and reminded of the society that his family had made for themselves. As time went on, he fought for the North in the Civil War and took on the name Wyatt Greyson. During the war, he was nearly killed and nursed back to health by Charlie Engel. The two began an off and on relationship that would last through the years, faithful to each other every time they were together but permitted to sleeping with others in their time apart.
He returned to his uncle only for his Uncle Thomas to tell him that he had killed their Lamia community. He told him that the guilt of standing by while they murdered various groups of people to get their ultimate goal had been eating him alive for all of these centuries and that he had finally snapped. Thomas allowed Wyatt to kill him, even encouraged it, and Wyatt left immediately after doing so without looking back. He took on the name of Grey and fought in both World Wars followed by the Vietnam War. It was there that his view on the world cracked and everything that his mother had told him about his destiny and how killing for freedom was worth it fell away. The war was ugly and terrible, with children killed in front of him and neither side having any regard for human life. As soon as he returned home, Grey walked away from the life of wars and instead turned to professional boxing, even becoming a big name, almost as if with every hit he took he was paying back some of the pain he had caused.
It was in 2022 that Grey returned to Romulus. It was only because of the prompting of Charlie. He once again has been easily falling back into a quiet watch of the town. Thanks to the prodding of those that he knows in town, he has taken the job as a group counselor for those with trauma and focusing on the smithy, though sometimes he gets restless and falls into old habits, finding himself at the underground fight club.
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asleepinawell · 1 year
if hyth had been an ascian he would have greatly benefited everyone on all sides because he'd have been 100% onto fandaniel's bullshit early on and just have calmly murdered him without a word said
elidibus: where's fandaniel
hyth: he was planning to kill zodiark and restart the final days so I fed him to a morbol
elidibus: what
hyth: what
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klauswalz · 11 months
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dagaan · 11 months
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Some more Ifryets
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nostalgiaclown · 20 days
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mxsinizter · 1 year
In my bed writing a summoning fic for my fire ghoul oc Volcan <3
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valence-e · 1 year
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Asbestos and Mags were out there for almost half a year, can you imagine them trying to catch up with all the shit they missed back on the landship?
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xruiiii-blog · 4 months
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Papa Terzo with lil Ifrit & Zephyr 🖤
Here comes the blabbing…My friend and I had this hc about era3. Terzo became too powerful and the clergy started to feel threatened by him so they basically set him up and took everything away from him, including his ghouls. It was a hard time for Terzo. The clergy soon assigned new ghouls to the band. Terzo himself feels like an emo teenager tbh💀 like he needs to be taken care of instead of him taking care of others lol but he’s really trying…it’s like you suddenly put a emo kid on a babysitting job…I was looking at some lives during that era with the new ghouls and their energy is just unmatched. Especially Ifrit, I would like to think that he’s trying to cheer and hype everyone up but that level of hype scared Terzo lmao. When Zephyr joined him they bring the whole stage down! The Weasley twins of ghost…
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cerastes · 7 months
What's your take on MumuDoc in Lonetrail?
Muelsyse in Lone Trail felt, in many ways, like seeing someone diving in a pool, and at first, you're not alarmed. They know how to swim. You don't really think much of it. But then a minute passes, and they are still underwater. Concern sinks in, and you make your way to the pool, and as you're about to jump in, their head surfaces, they are back up. They cough, they tough it out, and are a bit nervous about diving again, but you're going in the pool with them now, and they feel more at ease.
Take this, intensify it a hundredfold, stretch it a hundredfold, and scrutinize it a hundredfold, and you end up with Muelsyse, in her barest form, like a diamond born from a chunk of charcoal that had too much pressure put on it.
I can see Muelsyse's dynamic with Doctor being romantic. I can see Muelsyse's dynamic with Doctor not being romantic. Both are fine interpretations, if you ask me, I mean, her theme song is very much a love song, and at the same time, she feels desperate to find anyone who can just... Empathize in even the slightest of ways to her. Either read is fine, outright discounting either feels a tad disingenuous.
Alienation. Complete and utter alienation, an edge sharper and more injurious than isolation. This is, if you ask me, the main theme surrounding the Rhine Lab arc and cast.
Saria is alienated. She cannot find common ground with anyone else around her for the longest time. She used to have a shared dream with Kristen, but that bridge has burned and frozen and turned to ash all over. Kristen is alienated. She simply cannot see a point to anything except that obsessive doggedly persistent dream of hers, and it has been weighted more important than her humanity. Joyce is alienated. Forever a partial prisoner in her own head, there are few and far between that will ever put up with the unique intricacies of having to deal with someone that talks like her, has sudden Oripathy attacks like her, and falls asleep on the spot seemingly at random like her, fully cognizant of how high maintenance she can be on others. Ho'olheyak is alienated. On borrowed time, without kin or friend to call her own, living for a transcending mission far bigger than her and so, so small in the overarching beats of a world that can't be bothered to stop for her. Silence. Ifrit. Dorothy. Tin Man. I could go on. Alienated, all of them. Not isolated, because isolation would imply the lack of physical company. This is far colder, far darker. It's alienation. It's seeing the other side of the cliff, and no possibility of a bridge to connect it to your end of the cliff. Isolation stings, it's a pain you know is there. Alienation drowns, because you can see the surface, but you are convinced you'll never make it there, and it's a hundredfold worse.
Muelsyse is no different. Muelsyse is alienated, and goodness she has tried and tried and tried, she swims so, so hard to reach the surface, but she can't reach it. Being in Rhine Labs necessarily means you need to resort to some cutthroat cloak and dagger, it becomes routine, all for an ultimate goal, but is that ultimate goal even possible? With every step taken by Muelsyse, it seems two new steps materialized at the end of the staircase. Everyone she's met, for years now, has either been someone looking to use her, or someone she can use for her own advantage. Usually simultaneously. And it's in this context, when the 9 to 5 becomes tricking, blackmailing, snuffing and silencing that by chance, she comes across someone, possibly the sole person, that can actually understand the sheer weight on her shoulders: Doctor, someone who doesn't own their own past, but is shackled by it, someone who has no one to relate to, someone surrounded by sufficiently similar but ultimately infinitely different people to themselves, someone who by all means should be drowning in the same pool as her, but somehow, this person reached the surface. It's very easy to see why she'd become so utterly fascinated by this person, who shares many similarities with her, and yet, who seemingly has it so good, has it so sweet. It could have easily been jealousy, but end of the day, Muelsyse IS a sweet person. Yeah, she plays it up, always so cheerful and whimsical, but end of the day, Muelsyse is playing up something that is already there in the first place. Instead of jealousy, it brought her happiness, because maybe, just maybe, she could enjoy a bit of that je ne sais quoi that Doctor seems to have in spades and she is completely bankrupt of.
The first interactions between Muelsyse and Doctor are telling of this overwhelming rush of emotion: Muelsyse less talks with Doctor and more talks at them. She vomits words, emotion, whimsy, as if trying to put these emotions into words and actions after so long, emotions that was ready to never need to put into words in the first place. It eventually becomes a dialogue between two parties, but Muelsyse's interactions with Doctor are initially extremely one-sided, and they remain one-sided to some degree even moving forward. It was heartwrenching to me, honestly, to see the sheer joy Muelsyse radiated while around Doctor, because that is an almost manic amount of joy simply from possibly finding someone that gets it. Muelsyse has not had a bridge in so, so long, and suddenly, the finds someone that not only resembles her a lot, but also seems to have bridges in spades. Muelsyse and Doctor's dynamic should never be considered in a vacuum just between the two of them: One of the first things Muelsyse saw with her own eyes was that Doctor had a pretty friendly relationship, mutual respect included, with Saria. That, is immediately very telling of Doctor, given that Muelsyse understands exactly how difficult that is. We also know Muelsyse sneaks around Rhodes Island and chats with Ifrit now and then, and Ifrit also expressly has a very high opinion of Doctor. It simply makes sense that Muelsyse would feel as enthusiastic about her Dorothy's Vision brush with Doc, and all that Lone Trail entailed: It's terribly sad, because they don't even know each other, and even then, it's the shiniest ray of hope for herself that Muelsyse has had the chance to bask in: Doctor's essence, Doctor's existence, in and of itself, is a massive beacon of hope for Muelsyse.
And it's so damn sad, that this perfect stranger is the most familiar comrade she'll ever find.
Is this romantic love? Hell, the molotov cocktail of emotions involved might as well be, either now or in potentially in the future. Is it something unhealthily dependent? Yeah... Yeah. It might just be the euphoria of knowing that she can reach the surface, after all, that bridges, too, are possible for her to have, with not underlying motive, with no ulterior motive, without needing to offer something or to extract something. To put in the most basic of terms, Doctor, to Muelsyse, might as well represent the very first person in who knows how long that she can relate to at all. It is an immensely sad emotional starvation, and she finally found something to sink her teeth onto.
This is personal, but the way Muelsyse struck me, it felt to me that when she had even the barest of handles on Doctor, she related to someone for the first time in forever, and it shook her to her very core. It may have been the first time she saw, in someone else, a potentially happy Muelsyse.
It's extremely bittersweet. If you've ever dealt with alienation, think back on the first time you found someone who truly "got you". Add to that the fact that her routine of interacting with people had become to see others as tools, and to always be on the lookout for those wishing to use and expend you as a tool. Then, add to that that there are definitely more Elves, but Muelsyse is so fundamentally different to them that the sheer differences in temperament and culture make it so it's impossible for her to relate to them anyway. What could be lonelier than that? It's called Lone Trail for a reason, because alienation is a main theme for all of these people.
In finding the sole person that could possibly relate to her in circumstance and temperament, it's easy to see where Muelsyse's interest in Doctor comes from. Whether you interpret it as romantic or otherwise, it can't be denied that this immensely strong interest exists. It comes from finally seeing a way to reach the surface after the world told her for decades that she simply could only drown. Because Doctor is the only other person that could understand her in being the last of their race and in having no past and maybe even no future, and yet, Doctor having so many bridges, while she has none. I think Muelsyse craves companionship, not necessarily romantic, from Doctor, and, this is important, also wants to have what they have, and be part of it, of so many bridges built without ulterior motives.
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endless-weightless · 8 months
Random nameless ghoul headcanons (SFW and NSFW)
I'm taking the piss with all of these. And remember, kids, this is fanfiction!
I mostly just wrote about the current ghouls but I'm more than happy to write about any past ghouls if you guys want!
TAGS/WARNINGS: mating cycles, CNC, weed mention, primal play, polyamory and orgies,
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All of the ghouls have a specific scent but Mountain for some reason can emit any particular scent so long as it's earth related. He usually smells like pine trees and grass but if any of the ghouls are anxious leading up to rituals or just worried in general he'll make himself smell like lavender because he knows how calming it is.
Mountain is also victim to clothing robbery because he smells so nice and is SO DAMN TALL.
They're some of the most open-minded and accepting people you'll ever meet.
Full moons tend to have a weird effect on the ghouls. Not as bad as say a werewolf but they definitely become a bit more... feral. The less extreme effects would just be heightened senses and craving gamey meats more while the worst of the worst would be bordering violent and definitely nsfw (see nsfw for more on this). They'd probably call it a hunter's moon (badum tss).
All of their eyes glow very faintly in the dark.
Their pupils are like a mix of feline and just regular ol' human.
They all have claws but Aurora and Sunshine are the only ones who actually have them out because everyone else needs short nails to play their instruments.
They all purr when they're happy or they're experiencing physical affection, though the volume and intensity varies depending on the ghoul.
Mountain sleeps like a log unless he's sharing a bed, then he's everyone's teddy bear and always has an arm around someone whether he agreed to it or not.
Rain absolutely HATES throwing up.
Swiss and Sodo convinced Mountain to grow marijuana by letting him try some. The ghoul den now constantly smells faintly of weed.
All of the ghouls have their own bedrooms but prefer to cuddle with each other and usually just make a nest out of blankets and pillows in the main common room area and turn it into one giant bed for everyone.
Cirrus and Aether tend to take on an almost parental role in the group just to keep the newer ghouls in line which can be draining at times but rewarding in the end.
They all have black tails and horns that are pretty much identical with the only difference being everyone has a slight tint to theirs depending on their element (Sodo's are red, Rain's are blue, Phantom and Aether's are purple etc).
Their fangs aren't actually too sharp. Could be because they've just become blunter over time with less need to bite actual people.
Most of them straight up act like cats depending on how new they are to the mortal plane. Since Omega’s been on earth the longest, he acts more closely to a human than Phantom, who is fresh out of hell.
Zephyr gets really bad chronic leg pains which is why he's always sitting while performing and so quick to sit back down after finishing the Mummy Dust solo.
Aurora has super painful cramps leading up to her heat so Sodo has taken it upon himself to use his hands as a heating pad for her (which he will do for anyone in need of a heat pack).
If you had to make a spectrum of all the ghouls from most submissive to most dominant, it'd be Sunshine, Phantom, Rain, Cumulus, Swiss (ultimate power switch), Aurora, Ifrit, Sodo, Mountain, Zephyr, Cirrus, Aether, Alpha and finally Omega.
None of them are strictly doms or subs, they like experimenting and switching things up every once in a while to keep things interesting but they certainly have preferences.
They all enjoy both monogamous and polyamorous sex equally. Sometimes they just want soft intimate sex with one person or they're just craving multiple people.
Full moons don't make everyone horny in an "I need to impregnate someone/be impregnated now" way, they make the ghouls horny in a primal way...
Some of the ghouls that are more affected by the full moon or just enjoy primal play with a bit of CNC will sometimes ask some of the siblings of sin and/or you if you'd all be comfortable with letting them "hunt" you down.
Aether and Cirrus have sleepy and lazy sex when they're tired from dealing with the ghouls and need a break and some relief.
Mountain is always looking down the sisters of sin's and the ghoulette's tops to see their cleavage. In his defence he's pretty fucking tall and can't help that he has to look down to talk to people.
If anyone in the group, including you, are feeling lonely, stressed or just exhausted and in need of some kind of relief, all of the ghouls are more than willing to give head to anyone for hours, making sure they cum at least four times before they let them have a break.
All of them have a marking kink because of their need to mate during heats and ruts.
They all go just a teensy bit feral when they pick up on the scent of a virgin with Swiss being the most dramatic about it.
And if someone doesn't smell like a virgin but instead like ghoul, they still go feral because ghouls like sharing when the moon isn't full.
Aether feels the constant need to slap every ghoul and ghoulettes ass possible, even Sodo.
Aurora, Zephyr and Phantom the most handsy out of the ghouls.
Heats and ruts are already hellish enough, but what makes it worse for the ministry is how only half of the ghouls get their heats and ruts at the same time while the other get it the other half of the time, which basically means twice as many heats and ruts in a month.
that's all my lovelies, lmk if you want any more!
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eros-ghoulette · 1 month
Zeph and Ifrit are just cuddling on the couch in the common room, tails intertwined. It's been raining the whole day, Zeph's joints hurting more than usual. Ifrit holds them, kicking up his heat, the purr he can't stop from rattling through his chest. His head is pounding because it often does when it rains, a steady reminder of his disability. He doesn't complain. Zeph seems to be as comfortable as possible in that state, and that's most important to Ifrit.
But Zeph knows about the headache; they know that Ifrit hasn't taken any painkillers in hours, and they can feel the discomfort in his tensing body. But they also don't want to get up, knowing that it would simply hurt. So they text Aether, asking if he can get the fireghoul something, and Aether of course does.
Ifrit has his eyes closed, trying to concentrate on the steady rain and the quiet voice coming from the TV, but he simply can't. The scar on his head makes it impossible to concentrate.
He opens his eyes when Aether enters the room, and the thankful look he offers the quintghoul as he hands him a glass of water and painkillers is reflected with a soft shake of Aether's head. He points at Zeph and leaves the two alone again.
And all Ifrit can do is to kiss their neck, their hair, and everything his lips can reach, because he loves them so much.
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magicdwells · 1 year
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Alexander was born the elder of two twins to Lenora and Ward Walsh, a well known Ifirt family in Romulus. His life was fairly normal (as far as normal goes, especially in Romulus) at first. He learned to control his powers and exactly what they meant surrounded by a supportive family. Soon after he and his twin brother, Julian, had turned 15, their family left Romulus to go camping for the weekend. It was going to be a fun trip, it was going to be time for them all to have a change of scenery and spend time together. It only took less than a minute for their lives to change forever during that weekend. Xander had been tending to the fire with his father, listening to his brother and mother banter back and forth and then her sentence cut off and a shot rang out. He had looked up just in time to see her body crumple, another Ifrit standing behind her with a gun. It was an immediate response; Xander had charged him and attacked him himself even as the man managed to shoot her again. It was only after that that he finally succeeded disarming the gun but not before another shot got him in the shoulder. He hardly felt it, even as he proceeded to be beat badly before finally gaining the advantage. He was in a fit of rage, hardly even there at all, when he killed the man who had murdered their mother. It was only a minute after that that he had passed out himself. 
Xander refused to use his powers to heal himself, instead determined to scar, to have a reminder for how he had failed to save his mother. He began to close himself off to everyone outside of their family, maintaining his friendly exterior but shutting off the personal details, the things that made everything feel dark. Their dad’s mental health dissolved quickly after their mother’s death, and the boys were forced to care for him and run the business as best as they could. When they graduated, Xander was furious to see that their dad hadn’t come, particularly knowing what it had meant to Julian. But when they got home, Julian went upstairs to find him before coming back down. Xander had gone upstairs himself then, fully prepared to yell at their dad, but had only found a body on the bed. Stricken and stunned, he allowed himself a few moments to panic, to feel it, to stare. But he didn’t break down, instead walking out of the room and calling 911. 
After their dad died, Xander found himself struggling against the mentality that he had to take care of things, angry that he and his brother had been forced to grow up so fast and so young. He began to rely more on the parties he went to, fell into that lifestyle even more, even as he was helping run the auto shop and going to community college to study business. Every day felt like a struggle, but he refused to tell anyone, to seek help or to even admit his problems to himself. When they did come up, he got angry instead and would tell whoever had mentioned it to drop it. When he finished community college, he reluctantly left his brother and went to a university just two hours away, studying business so that he could better run the shop. When he returned, he took over the business side of things, allowing Julian to return to the mechanics part. After that, he joined in the mechanics when he found himself able to, but for the most part didn’t mind doing business even as he complained about it. He continued to party as a way to cope with everything he had seen and experienced, and acts as if he doesn’t have a care in the world in an attempt to convince himself of that very thing. Even as others tried to tell him that he needed to behave like an adult, he stayed set where he was, determined that he already grew up enough and he wanted to keep what irresponsibility he could have.
It was only recently that an accident occurred at the auto shop. Clark Vogel had been there overseeing handiwork when Xander’s trauma was triggered and he accidentally started a fire in what he thought was self defense. The fire consumed the shop and Clark succumbed to it even as Xander tried to save him but was pulled from the flames. Since then, he’s been even more closed off than normal. He doesn’t even go out to party, though he does drink and use weed inside the house, relying on others to get food and even his drugs and alcohol, only leaving when he has to. His depression got bad enough that it was one of the reasons that his father’s brother, Balthazar, came home to Romulus, but nothing has quite pulled him from his depression yet.
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eternal-kosmo-ghoul · 6 months
⭒❃.✮:▹ holiday hoes
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“so if you’re keen to listen, here’s an offer i’ll propose. let me work and i’ll provide you with a touch o’ that gold!” —liquid gold, lackadaisy
❝for the christmas spirit I’m going to be doing something… special, this year~
for the following days, i’ll be challenging myself to write an nsfw prompt that’s holiday related, based on the prompt list i gave myself. the masterlist will be posted soon enough, so stay tuned~❞ —kosmo
the list will update as each day passes. all fics are NSFW and must be read with caution!
ALL readers are gender neutral, however some fics may have gendered body language.
✿ prompts ✿
1. “all dolled up” — phantom x reader, lingerie
- you wanted to look extra pretty for phantom on the holiday season
2. “a different kind of warmth” — swiss x reader, cockwarming
- when the icy cold temperatures hits, swiss has his own unique way of warming you up
3. “gingerbread houses” — aurora x reader, food play
- what a fun little activity to do with aurora! surely she won’t have any other ideas in mind… right?
4. “red ribbon” — rain x reader, bondage
- there was leftover ribbon from gift wrapping that you decided to use, and maybe you’re just the best gift for rain
5. “naughty list” — terzo x reader, spanking
- how sad… you ended up on the naughty list, looks like papa terzo will have to ingrain some discipline into you
6. “candle queen” — sodo x reader, wax play
- the scent of the candles just made this year extra cozy, maybe sodo has some tricks up his sleeve for how to make things cozier
7. “frosted windows” — cirrus x reader, mirror sex
- the fogged windows are perfect places to trace pretty little shapes on, cirrus however has a different shape in mind
8. “come watch me play” — vessel x reader, exhibitionism
- vessel likes to put on a show for the christmas cheers. what kind of performance does he have in mind?
9. “unwrap your present” — cumulus x reader, stripping
- you came home from a long day of work, just finally getting that well deserved vacation. cumulus has a pleasant surprise waiting for you
10. “festive little fantasies” — copia x reader, toys
- your gift for copia surely got him excited….
11. “picture perfect” — iv x reader, aphrodisiacs
- ivy was not expecting this little christmas get together to get all.. steamy.. but now he has you all to himself
12. “not so angelic” — omega x reader, corruption kink
- the little angel that came down from heaven to spread the joyous spirit… surely omega won’t try anything
13. “holiday blow” — iii x reader, blowjob
- as iii is writing letters to his loved ones, you decided to give him a little treat underneath his desk
14. “stuffed like a present” — mountain x reader, cum bulge
- mountain wants to give you something that’ll leave you completely filled
15. “nice list” — secondo x reader, praise kink
- what a good pet you’ve been… and it looks like secondo has taken notice
16. “blind to the light” — ii x reader, blindfolding
- ii wanted to add more spice to the bedroom for this year, and spoil you prettily for his holiday affairs.
17. “give you more” — zephyr x reader, overstimulation
- you decided to be extra generous to zephyr, and assist him when he’s in dire need of some love and affection
18. “my special gift” — sunshine x reader, thigh riding
- sunshine has a special way of showing off what’s hers.
19. “miss me on holiday season” — aether x reader, sexting
- aether is away for the festive spirits, that doesn’t stop you from missing him though
20. “just this once” — ifrit x reader, hate sex
- stuck in a log cabin with an old enemy, except ifrit’s been feeling extra lonely this christmas
21. “take me to church” — swiss x reader, blasphemy kink
- christmas is all about celebrating the birth of jesus… swiss wants to show you off to him
22. “forever ingrained” — vessel x reader, photography
- a new polaroid camera? vessel is getting a few ideas on what to do with it…
23. “christmas tree” — phantom x reader, public sex
- while searching for the perfect christmas tree, phantom finds himself needing some attention
24. “sharing is caring” — sodo and rain x reader, threesome
- sodo and rain learn to share their special gift
25. “merry christmas” — all era iv ghouls x reader, fuck party
- the ministry is all decorated in festive decor and it truly feels like the holidays are in season! now… what do these ghouls want to do with you?
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wrathofrats · 24 days
Mushy May Day 12- first time/ wound tending/first aid - zephrit.
Thanks to @forlorn-crows for the prompts and @gothdaddyissues for the divider!
Ifrit is stupid and Zeph just wants to bandage him up (and fuck him)
2.3k Featuring: homoerotic wound cleaning, idiots in love, zephs first time, first kiss too but-, I was only a little weird about blood, only a little I was good this time. But be warned there’s a couple sentences where I’m weird about blood. Also possessiveness. Also being weird about virginity. Did I mention that I promise this is fluff.
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“Why didn’t you think to wear gloves!?” Zeph tried not to shout, gingerly looking for a place to grab Ifrits arm so they could drag him upstairs, “why didn’t you let go when it hurt!?”
Ifrit cradled his free hand into his chest, attempting to stop the bleeding with shirt. Both hands were covered in small pin pricks that oozed drops of blood down his skin as he attempted to keep it from dripping onto the floor.
“I didn’t know roses had thorns until I had already grabbed them” ifrit attempted to defend himself. The roses laid discarded with blood around their stems on the table for another ghoul to find later. “I’m fine I promise, I can go clean up myself”
It was a sweet gesture that Zephyr wishes they could have appreciated more if it wasn’t for the fact that ifrit had attempted to hand them the flowers while blood freshly streamed down his forearms.
“Absolutely not. I didn’t trust you to know how to tend to your injuries if you don’t even know that roses have thorns”
“Zeph I’m fine,” ifrit whined, trying to hide that he was wincing every time he had to move his hands. He was shoved through the door of zephyrs bathroom with a small growl telling him to sit on the side of the bathtub. Zephyr rummaged through the cabinet under their sink, pulling out gauze and tweezers.
Ifrit sat palms up on the lip of porcelain. There was a small feeling of embarrassment that bubbled in his chest watching zephyr almost angrily gather their supplies. He truly was fine, ifrit wasn’t known for having a low pain tolerance, and knew enough to keep the wounds from getting some kind of nasty infection, but it was the scared look in zephs eyes that allowed himself to be dragged behind the smaller ghoul and into their bathroom in order to be taken care of.
A warm wet washcloth brushed over ifrits hands, earning a hiss from him at the stinging sensation. He instinctively pulled his hands away as zephyr reached to pull them back into his lap so they could wipe the drying blood away.
“Shit- Zeph don’t you have numbing cream or something?” Ifrit winced, tugging once again against zephyrs grip on his wrists.
“I do, but then what will you have learned?”
“That you love and care for my well being and the fact that I’m in pain?”
Zeph snorted in response. They tried to hide the small smile on their face as they lay the scarlet stained cloth on the tub next to ifrit, reaching for the tweezers. There were still small bits of dirt and plant matter in his hands, enough that couldn’t simply be washed out with running water. Black asymmetrical specks littered his palms while ifrit took a deep breath to try and prepare for zephyr digging them out of his skin.
There was a tenderness in the way zephyr worked. Knelt in front of ifrit with his large hands practically taking up both of their own, to cradle them and delicately pluck the splinters from his skin. Ifrit was easily twice their size. Broad and tall, cowered on the side of a porcelain tub while zephyr, who could easily be engulfed by his frame, had him making himself appear smaller for them to work on.
Ifrit couldn’t help but breathe heavily and grunt whenever zephyr dug out the deeper pieces. His skin was tender and raw from the cleaning, and every poke of the metal tweezers felt like another stab into his hand.
“You have to be almost done right?” Ifrit asked, jumping again from another poke.
“If you’d stay still this would go a lot faster ifs”
A part of zephyr didn’t want to admit to themself that they were absolutely drawing it out a bit. It’s not often they got the fire ghoul in such a vulnerable position. They tried to make their heart still everytime they had to look up at him. His sweet smiling face staring back down even if he was in pain. Only the word beautiful came to their mind whenever ifrit would look at Zeph in reassurance that he actually was ok.
It didn’t help that ifrit was making noises that had zephyr blushing like an idiot.
Small whines and grunts that could easily be taken for moans fell from his lips as zephyr spread the neosporin over the cleaned wounds. He’s sweet, stupid, but sweet and hearing him make such pretty noises has zephyr about to rip through their own skin to get on top of him. The way he looked down at Zeph through hooded eyes, softly whimpering, was truly more than they could bear.
The lewd sounds only got louder as Zeph wrapped his hands in gauze. It almost sounded on purpose, the painful edge lessening with every moan.
Finally zephyr stood up to look him in the eye. Their arms crossed, a frustrated red tint to their cheeks while ifrit gave them a shit eating grin. It was hard not to get lost in his eyes, no matter how distressed they were with the current situation. A warm orange red hue, like he contained the sun in his eyes himself. They were kind in nature, comforting and safe. Streaks of magma danced in his irises.
“You’re cute when you blush wisp.” Ifrit muttered, giving a quick glance down to their lips, before returning their eye contact.
This could feel the heat radiate off of him, hear how his breathing hadn’t slowed down even though Zeph had long since bandaged him up.
“Shut up”
Zephyr leaned into ifrit, using their arms to steady themself on the tub, before encapsulating his lips with theirs. They could feel ifrit smile into it, as if this was somehow his masterful plan all along. The motions were almost too easy as if they had been ingrained in both of them all along, fated to end up like this.
Their movements feel slow and sweet like molasses. Only opening their mouths to quickly take a gasp of air before diving back in for more. Ifrit grabbed at zephyrs shirt first, using the fabric as leverage to stand up and pull them closer. An air of passion surrounds them, like they’d die if they ever had to stop touching each other.
Ifrit carded a bandaged hand through zephyrs hair, tugging lightly at the white and gray strands. He bit along their lip as he backed them up into the sink, using the newfound control to lick into their mouth as they gasped with the sharp pin prick of pain in their scalp. Unconsciously ifrit moved his leg in between zephyrs, pressing onto their rapidly hardening cock through their jeans.
“Wait- Zeph, '' ifrit panted, pulling away to take a chance to catch his own breath, “is this what you want? Are you sure?
“I’m sure, please ifrit” zephyr pleaded. They already looked a mess, hair sticking up in all directions with kiss swollen lips.
“This is your first right? I just don’t want to-“
“If you don’t fuck me right now I will put the thorns back in your hands”
The message was received loud and clear as ifrit took his turn to drag zephyr wherever he wanted them to go. He pushed them onto their bed, taking a second to take in the image of the air ghoul beneath him.
The usually grumpy and semi aloof nature completely drained in favor of a look of desperation and want. The usual upkeep now turned disheveled in ifrits wake. If ifrit thought that Zeph wouldn’t tear him to shreds he would’ve taken a picture so that he could savor it for a lifetime.
“Is there something wrong?” Zephyr asked, brow furrowed in confusion as to why ifrit hadn’t climbed onto them already.
“I just think you’re beautiful Zeph”
Ifrit straddled zephyrs waist, leaning down to kiss them once again, just to savor the taste of their lips. A mix of mint and his own spice from moments ago. Large hands tugged at zephyrs clothing. It’s meant as a suggestion, only if zephyr wanted to actually expose themself for him.
Ifrit wants to be a gentleman so badly, to go slow and take care of zephyr like they did for him. Soft touches and careful looks to ensure that they still look needy and not like they had changed their mind at any point.
“Wait ifrit your hands-“ Zeph struggled as ifrit reached to palm at the front of their jeans. “Shit- you really shouldn’t-“
“Let me do this for you darling, I can handle a little pain”
Zephyr could see the blood seeping through the bandages as ifrit looked for permission to undress them. It was dizzying, a weird arousing fear at watching him remove their clothing with blood soaked palms. If all the blood from their brain wasn’t currently aching in their cock they probably would’ve made him stop so they could patch him back up again, but with the hungry look in ifrits eyes as he admired zephyrs naked body, they couldn’t bring themself to care.
“Am I the first that gets to see you like this wisp?” Ifrit rubbed his hands over zephyrs exposed thighs, pushing them up and open for himself to admire. “Am I the first that you’ve allowed to touch you properly?”
“Let me see you ifrit come on, don’t tease me” zephyr whined. They threw their hands over their face in an attempt to hide their blush.
“Relax, I’ll take care of you Angel”
Zephyr opened their eyes to watch ifrit undress in front of them. Slow with a bit of a cocky smirk like he knows exactly what he’s doing to Zeph. Miles of toned muscle beneath his shirt, just leaving on a chain necklace he rarely takes off. Zephyr could drool at the sight of it if they had any less dignity at the moment.
They gasped when ifrit finally unbuckled and shimmed out of his pants. He was big, a lot larger than anything Zeph had ever put inside themself. Their own cock twitched on their stomach the thought of ifrit being inside them.
“You seriously just had that with you?”
Ifrit had reached into the pocket of their discarded jeans to pull out a small bottle of lube, beaming at zephyr’s obvious distress at knowing this information.
“You never know when you’ll need it” he laughed
He dispensed a small dime size amount onto the tips of his fingers, rubbing them together to warm it up while he settled between zephyrs legs once again. Their thighs moved out of the way instinctively, giving room for ifrit to smear some of the lube around their rim.
“Gonna go slow, let me know if anything feels bad”
Zephyr almost whimpered in pure anticipation when ifrit finally pushed two fingers into their hole, giving them a second in case they needed to adjust, before slowly pumping them in and out in an attempt to work them open. Ifrit littered kisses alone zephs pale skin, worshiping any place on their body that he could reach. He had never seen zephyr so vulnerable. Completely spread out, almost begging for what they want, all just for him and no one else.
“You can give me more ifs, stretch me out wildfire”
“ Don’t want to hurt you” ifrit pulled his fingers out to add a third, slowly letting zephyrs hole stretch around them. It was a bit awkward as ifrit attempted to work around the bandages on his hands, but watching Zeph practically writhe around his fingers was reward enough for the bit of pain.
“You’re not going to hurt me, but I will hurt you if you don’t fuck me already” zephyr grumbled, thrusting their hips down to try and fuck themself on his hand.
“Just can’t wait for me to claim you huh? Mold you around my cock before anyone else can?” He practically growled, shoving zephyrs thighs up higher in order to line his cock up.
“Make me yours ifrit”
It took all of ifrits self control to not immediately shove his cock in zephyr at their words. He tried to go slow, watching as zephyrs mouth fell open and their eyes screwed shut at just the tip. They were fucking tight, warm and wet and perfect.
A high pitched whine escaped Zephyr's throat once ifrit bottomed out. They had never felt so full, there was a painful pleasure in the stretch as Zeph tried to breath and adjust to his size. Ifrit trailed more small kisses along their torso, waiting for a sign that they were alright.
“Move” Zeph whimpered. Ifrit rocked into them slowly, taking his time to really watch his air ghoul come undone beneath him. Zephyrs hands flew to claw at Ifrits back as he started moving in earnest, digging their nails in while their vision went blurry at the edges.
“Shit- ifrit fuck touch me please” their voice shook as they begged. Ifrit slipped his hand between their bodies to grab at zephyrs cock, stroking it in time with his own thrusts. They were wet, tip sticky with the pre that had dribbed down their shaft and onto their stomach. A pretty pool of arousal on their skin.
“Doing so well for me wisp, so fucking beautiful underneath me”
“Close” Zephyr gasped, attempting to rock their hips up into ifrits hand. A warm desperate feeling radiated through their stomach, tears forming on the tips of their eyelashes.
“Cum for me darling”
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drabblesandimagines · 4 months
reader comforts Clive after a nightmare?? I love ur writing sm <3
Thank you, anon! I've had this in my drafts for a while. Just some soft comfort, maybe a bit angsty! I hope you enjoy x
Clive Rosfield x reader
You awaken from a dreamless sleep, too exhausted by the day’s activities to dream, to find the chambers in darkness and dawn still a few hours away. You nuzzle your face back down into your pillow and close your eyes, expecting sleep to reclaim you quickly, dismissing whatever woke you up in the first place when a heartbreaking whimper echoes around the room.
You sit up then, wide awake - surprised you don’t rouse him from how you make the bed shake in your haste. Clive’s lying on his front, topless, a hand nestled under his cheek. His hair is more disheveled than usual, though you thought you would have awoken earlier if he’d been tossing and turning to such a degree. His brows are furrowed and his face twitches and a whimper of your name emits from his lips.
You’re struck by indecision – should you attempt to wake him, or is safer to let him wake himself? You wrack your brain, trying to remember if Tarja had ever shared any advice on the matter over the years spent together, moving cautiously to the edge of the bed to think.
There is no further time for deliberation as Clive wakes with a gasp, reaching out with one hand to your side of the mattress, hoping to find your slumbering form. When he can’t find the solace he so desperately craves, he pushes himself up, flustered – heart pounding, lungs heaving, eyes darting around - to find you sat nearer the edge of the bed, watching him carefully.
“Clive?” Your tone is cautious – not sure if he’s truly awake or still in the throes of his dream.
“Oh, thank the Founder,” he twists round and pulls you into his chest, wrapping his arms tightly around you, pressing his face into your hair. “You… You’re all right. It felt so real.”
“A nightmare?”
“Yes,” he says on the exhale, sounding breathless.
“Do you wish to talk about it?” You ask, cautiously.
“In a moment. I just…” He presses a long kiss against your crown, and you can feel his heart pounding through your cheek upon his chest. “I just need a moment, my darling.”
“Take as many as you need.”
You stay in that position for a while, your arms looped around him as best you can, sitting in the quiet as he keeps his chin upon your crown, trying to steady his breaths.
“It was…” He swallows. “I dreamt that Barnabas… He… He had you in fetters.” An arm drops from around you, seeking your hand instead to press a kiss to the pulse point of your wrist. “He’d… He’d taken you.” His other hand begins to rub up and down your back, attempting to ground himself once more with your presence, the warmth of your body. “His sword at your throat. And I was close, I could see you, and he demanded for Ifrit to show. But… he wouldn’t come to me, no matter how much I willed him to. And you were screaming my name, begging me for my aid – and I… Founder, I…”
His voice breaks and you pull back at once, wrapping your arm around his head to pull him down against your own chest, pressing the side of his face against your heart in the hopes that hearing its beat would bring him a semblance of comfort. Warm tears soon soak into the fabric of your nightgown, Clive’s frame wracking with soft sobs.
You can say it wasn’t real, that it wouldn’t happen… But there’s no denying the way Barnabas Tharmr’s eyes had flitted between you and Jill in Kanver - moments after he’d sliced a building in two, moments before Clive had barely escaped with his life, followed by a chase across the sea to rescue Jill from the bowels of his ship.
How Odin had taunted that he’d taken the wrong treasure with the way Clive screamed when the Enterprise was attacked.
You know what you need to say because he would never ask you to, so his subconscious has done it instead - but the words don’t come immediately. You settle for rubbing your palm in wide circles on his back, press kisses to his crown – try to give him any semblance of the comfort he gives you when you’re wrapped up in his arms, feeling the world is too much.
There’s a soft hiccup, a loud sniff as he lifts his head from your chest, rubbing his eyes with his knuckles.
He looks beautiful.
You chase his retreat and place a hand on his scarred cheek, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. He places his hand over yours, kissing you back in return, though not with his usual vigor - tinged with salt.
You’ll do this for him, no matter how much the idea hurts.
“I’ll stay.” You whisper.
There’s a pause. “What?”
You lean your forehead against his, wet your lips with your tongue even though they’re not dry.
“I won’t go to Ash. I’ll stay.”
He kisses you, fiercely.
“Thank you.”
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true-blue-sonic · 5 months
How would you describe Silver's personality?
Let's see... There's a few aspects of Silver's personality that I think strongly characterise who he is as a person.
Silver is determined. He has a strong desire to protect the future, to the point where he's made multiple trips to the past to stop disasters from occurring there and ensure the safety of his own time in turn. Related to this, Silver has an optimistic attitude and generally doesn't lose hope easily, as conveyed in multiple bios such as his one from Generations. Notably, he shoots down Infinite's statements about how he'll show the rabble that "there is no hope" immediately, asking "Does anyone but you believe your lies?!". However, this is not infallible: in both Rivals 1 and 2 there's moments wherein Silver loses his hope ("No! I'm too late!" in Rivals 1 when Eggman Nega goes to space to take a picture of the whole planet; "It's too late. I knew there was way for me to change the future…" in Rivals 2 when the portal to the Ifrit's dimension opens despite his efforts). However, it also takes little for him to get this hope back again: the very instance there's the slightest indication things can turn around, he's back on it again. This is seen in both Rivals games and also '06, where Elise pointing out she feels Sonic's presence in the wind makes Silver give her a rousing speech with the idea she can use the Emeralds to bring Sonic back again.
Silver is sassy, rude, and blunt. In Colours DS, he's got a clear opinion on Eggman's Experience the Future ride that is conveyed in quite a sarcastic manner ("They think THAT is what the future is like? Please." and saying Sonic should give it a pass), and he similarly expresses rather abrasive statements about people who are not his allies. Notably, even Sonic remarked once that Silver is getting on his nerves (in Rivals 1). He mocks Sonic in '06 after their first battle ("Hmpf! Is this a joke? How could someone like you cause the destruction of our world?"), and immediately rudely regards Knuckles after getting the information he wants out of him in Rivals 1 ("Got no time to explain it to someone like you… See ya!" followed by "Like I said before, I don't have time to deal with you right now. See ya!"). In Forces, he bluntly tells Knuckles "Who cares what it's called?" about Operation Big Wave, stressing the fact that a good strategy is more important than a good name. Overall, Silver also has a temper: especially in the Rivals games, he quickly goes to throwing hands when someone expresses scepticism about his mission or makes fun of him as a person. It certainly doesn't seem like he is okay with letting people walk over him!
In an interesting contrast to the above point, Silver is also kind and cherishes his friends dearly. In '06, he puts his entire mission to defeat the Iblis Trigger on hold when deciding to help Amy find her person she was looking for first. I am not actually sure why he does so: I think the fact the past is so beautiful and the people are happy there helped inspire him to spread that kindness to the girl who's been kind to him in turn so far? But Silver clearly cares for his friends and allies: in '06, he is distraught by the fact he'll lose Blaze to save the world, he is similarly seen with a hurt expression when Sonic's alleged death is brought up in Forces, and in Rivals 2, he is genuinely grateful to Espio for the help Espio gave him in stopping the Ifrit from destroying the world.
Silver is honest, to the point of being blunt also... and this thus means that he is not always taken seriously. In a Sonic Channel story, he tells a group of Soleannan officials that he is from the future and gives that as reason why he knows calamity will befall a specific place in Soleanna; this is precisely why he is not believed. In Rivals 2, he is very clear about needing the Chao to save the world: Knuckles and Rouge promptly determine that this is something highly unlikely and that his psychic powers must have made Silver "a bit goofy", despite the fact Silver is entirely correct.
Silver is not always correct in his thinking, but it is difficult to change his mind. It also seems that once he gets encouragement that he is perchance doing the right thing, he goes right back to his earlier ideas: seen in '06 with Blaze's statements about what must be done to change the future, where it took an intervention by Shadow and a trip to the past to change Silver's mind about Sonic in full. However, Silver does show the ability to be introspective. After his fallout with Amy in '06, he is sitting quietly by himself, entirely unengaged with his mission to destroy the Iblis Trigger and instead wondering if hurting one person to help many others is "right". In Rivals 2 he is the one who figures that just endlessly fighting is actually against his goal of collecting Chao, and thus he turns that very goal around into a battle with Sonic wherein the victory conditions are to collect the most Chao. And in Colours DS, he is the one taking note of the fact it feels like he and Blaze have fought together before, after Sonic points out they were in perfect sync.
Silver seems to like fighting and has a bit of a Blood Knight mentality. In Generations, he expresses happiness at brawling with Sonic again in a rematch (stating that it should be fun), and in Colours DS he is intrigued to find out what the robots in Sonic's era can do (but unfortunately has to face Orbot and Cubot, making him lament that there was no challenge). Similarly, in the Triumph cutscene of mission 2-3 in Colours DS, he almost begins one-upping Blaze about how he could easily have handled the likes of Orbot and Cubot by himself, to Blaze's displeasure. He thus also seems confident in his own abilities, helped by the fact his powers are tremendously strong and can do amazing feats.
Silver is sharp and takes note of small, almost insignificant details to come to correct conclusions. In Rivals 1, he notices "Eggman" is actually Eggman Nega due to his speech and mannerisms, as well as a small slip of Nega about how there'd be nobody to stand in his way in the past and future. He is also only shown as gullible in '06: in Generations, he originally fights Sonic because he's not sure if the real deal is asking him for the Chaos Emerald (thus not blindly trusting that someone who looks like Sonic actually is Sonic), and in Team Sonic Racing he is right on top of Eggman's plans with the Ultimate Energy Engine. In Rivals 2, he immediately determines at the first appearance of "Eggman" that it is actually Eggman Nega trying to pull the same trick as before, where he is shown to be correct as well.
This got very long, and I am certain I am missing some (or perhaps even many) things. I've written multiple posts about parts of Silver's personality before, but leave it to Tumblr to not return those to me, haha. But I think these are some of the most important aspects of Silver's personality! Lastly, there's also some things that are not explicitly stated but that I think do fit his personality well:
Silver appreciates the small things, things that other people might not notice so easily. His favourite thing is noted to be the blue sky in the Mario & Sonic games which is also shown with him stating that "the sky [of the past] is gorgeous" in '06, he marvels at the desert area of that game (that Amy notably shows more disregard for, asking him "What? You mean this desert?"), and he is multiple times noted to have awareness of the happiness of a whole world: the above quote is followed with "and everyone's happy", and in Colours DS he says "The sky is blue, and everyone's got a smile". A blue sky and the fact the people of the world all have a smile are not extremely noteworthy things, but they're clearly important enough for Silver to mention them both in two games.
Silver doesn't care much about what others think of him. The only time I can recall wherein he reacted crabby to someone poking fun at him is in Rivals 2, where Knuckles calls him crazy for thinking the Chao will be necessary to stop the world from being destroyed (here Silver's response is "I'll show you how crazy I am"). What he is doing furthermore also directly relates to him wanting to save the world, which could explain his annoyance at Knuckles not believing him. The only time wherein Silver has gotten anything akin to flustered in the games is, at the top of my head, '06 wherein Amy gets the jump on him and doesn't let him get a word inbetween her spiel before she drags him off to go find Sonic.
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