#tbh i feel like i was just yeeted back to 2016
sillyfudgemonkeys · 10 months
Unraveling the PQ(1&2) Timelines
In the spirit of P5T and figuring out where it takes place....Let’s do PQ! Whether you’ve figured it out or just want a guide to reference back, here’s the post for you! So looking at the dates and what is told.....:
Side P3:  The date Liz is telling us the story is unclear, she states "On the night of a typhoon merely a few days ago" and then the game states September 20, 2009 (aka last day of typhoon). So Liz’s story/Shinji’s cooking should be not long after 09/20/09, possibly between 9/25-10/3.
Side P4: stated to be Sunday, Oct 30, 2011 (after the pageant has ended, begins with a premonition for PQ1 before it takes place). The ending seems to be a variation on the Tues 10/11 study group scene
P3: 9/10-10/3? 2009, 9/10 at the earliest since that is when Tziah Block first opens, and we see them there. 
P3P: Somewhere between  9/16-10/2 2009 (I believe they mention Shinji cooking for the team, which is an event in his actual SL, thus I calculated the dates that SL event could happen at the earliest vs the latest). (2/12/24 edit: see below for explanation, but the dates might be closer to 10/1-10/2 now)
P4: Aprox dates 10/30-11/4 or 11/5 2011 (beauty competition seems to have happened since Teddie is seen in his crossdressing outfit, but Nanako hasn't been kidnapped).
P5: Somewhere around 10/29-10/30ish? 2016, ending is sometime after that but before 11/18 (aka Sae’s calling card date), they mention the current dungeon is moving along nicely so there’s probs a lot of time before that. 
Hikari during PQ2:  is in high school. Year somewhere between 2014-2016 (P5 is 2016). Unsure if she is a 1st, 2nd or 3rd year. 2014 is when Mako would've been a 1st year.
Hikari in PQ2′s ending/epilogue: 2016, same time as P5 epilogue, stated to still be a high school student, unsure if she is a 1st, 2nd or 3rd year.
I’ll need to run through them again (these are notes from when I went through it the first time, but I def need a refresher), PQ1 for the most part is def locked in tbh (I mean they give us the dates at the beginning of said games, at least when the Q1 events took place). Edit: PQ1 side P3 ending could be between 9/21-10/3 (I have a feeling something is happening between 9/21-9/24 which is why I didn’t choose an earlier date but it could be one of those, again these are older notes from a few years ago so I need to go back and check)
The only ones up in the air are the endings. PQ2 is a bit more.......loosey goosey. I’m tempted to say P3/P/4 are around the same time as PQ1....either because there’s a timeline where PQ1 didn’t happen OR right after PQ1 their asses got yeeted into PQ2 soon after akfjlsjf
If you have any thoughts/suggestions to help narrow it down, I’d be up for it! 
I guess P3/5D is next. And to make a timeline after that. 
Feb 12th, 2024 Edit: It’s possible that, at least on the FeMC’s side (since she was asleep in her dorm room for the events of PQ2, and we dunno how much time passes for P3/4/5 since waking up) she’s shown her uniform. It’s the sees one which they wear regardless of weather iirc. But she was studying before falling asleep so she most likely wasn’t going to Tartarus (tho tbh every1 on both P3 sides are wearing armbands for some gd reason outside Tar so it’s possible that the devs forgot/were too lazy to remove them). 
BUT if they did remember the timeline and weren’t just lazy with the models, it’s possible that the possible timeframe for PQ2 (at least on FeMC’s side) is 10/1-10/2 (with Shinji’s SL in consideration)
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5sosbitchfest · 5 years
Why Crusty is the Legit Worst: A Masterpost
So I mentioned a while ago in an ask that I could make an entire masterpost dedicated to why Crusty is the legit worst... and here it is. This is going to be a very long post, so bear with me.
Let’s start at the beginning, shall we?
1. The racist/fatphobic/xenophobic tweets
Much before 5sos was involved, Crusty was one of those wannabe LA influencer/model people who tweeted shit like this:
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Now, apparently she’s claimed that these tweets were faked and never apologized for them, but then again, when does she ever sincerely apologize? Oh wait, never. So, were these tweets faked or not? Well...
There are responses to the tweets on the left. Here are the responses to the top left one:
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Jac Vanek was one of Crusty’s old friends. They’ve been photographed and tagged in the same photos together. So, sure, people could have found out they were friends and faked the tweet/response to the tweet. However, 1. how and why would anybody go that far, and 2. if you look closely, the screenshot with the other deleted tweets and the screenshot with the response look like they were on different phones (the emoji, font, spacing between the letters/lines). Two different phones, eh? It’s almost like the tweet was real and could be seen on multiple platforms! Wow!
In addition, the tweet was sent out on February 8, 2013. Here’s another response to the supposed fake tweet:
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Same date, eh? And only less than an hour later! Who would go through so much trouble to fake the tweet, the responses, and even get it down to the dates that the responses were sent out?
Back to the first screenshot of all of her tweets:
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The bottom left one had some responses too! Here they are:
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Same date, a couple minutes later. Seriously, who would take the time to fake the responses down to the dates and times? It’s almost like... the tweet was real! *gasps*
Now, this response could possibly be one to the bottom right tweet:
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The only reason why I’m unsure of this one is because the time the response was sent out was three hours prior to the actual tweet, not to mention the month of the tweet isn’t really distinguishable in the screenshot. Even so, the response looks pretty nasty, and I’m sure it was to an equally nasty tweet from Crusty.
Now, I can’t find proof of the top right tweet being fake or real, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was, considering she has no problem saying “sleazy foreigners.” Of course, obviously, these tweets were deleted, which brings me to my next point.
2. She deletes tweets whenever she gets backlash, doesn’t apologize, and plays the victim card.
So back in September, she had a pretty epic Twitter meltdown (which is still up, she didn’t delete it), where she basically guilt tripped her entire audience, whether they “hated” on her or not.
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Uhhh... sure. I agree that you never know what someone is going through, but 1. these “trolls” you see are usually fans with valid opinions and reasons as to why they don’t like you, 2. the constant use of ‘do you want to do this’ or ‘do you want to be that’ is playing the victim card so hard and blaming literally anyone who reads the tweet, making them feel guilty, otherwise known as guilt tripping. Y’know, something that emotional manipulators/abusers do? Yeah, that, and 3. she just HAS to make the whole thing about her. Notice how she says “your words affect me” and puts "and any other person you’re bullying” in parentheses. Notice how she says “you don’t know if I’m depressed, going through trauma, etc.” Notice how she says “do you actually want to inflict pain, hurt, tears, & hate onto me & others?” She tried so hard to be inclusive... and failed. The whole thing is about her, and she just kinda threw in some other terms to make it seem like some kind of positive message for everyone, when in reality, it’s just her being a whiny brat.
Not to mention she just threw Messy into the mix and shaded Arz. Which, lol. Arz was literally her PR client. It’s actually very likely that she was the one who put Arz and Luke together. Hm.
There was the time she pissed off a bunch of Kpop fans when she tweeted this and automatically tried to patch it up:
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She probably saw how pissed people got and tried to fix it and make it seem like it was just a joke. Even still, people saw it as being quite fishy, and rightfully so. After all, it probably wasn’t a joke. And then shortly after, like a few weeks or something, she posted a link to a BLACKPINK song or something saying how good the song was. Ooookay.
Then we have the magazine fiasco:
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Basically people were angry because a magazine cover came out that featured mostly Luke and the other boys were kinda off to the side. Colliscool is some weirdly famous 5sos fan who is another wannabe LA influencer chick, and of course Crusty is kissing her ass because it makes her look nice. Anyway, if complaining about a magazine cover is “standing up for what you believe in,” what about actually important issues, like racism or homophobia or poverty? It’s a fucking magazine cover. And while it’s hard to hear, Luke is the lead singer, so it only stands to reason why he would be the main feature, tbh. But once Crusty compared fans to Trump, she received backlash, deleted these tweets, and never spoke of it again.
Let’s not forget how a few days later, the whitewashed photo of Calum came out, and people were angrier about that and thought it more important than the magazine cover (which I agree with), and Crusty didn’t say anything on the matter. People were pissed that she complained about the magazine cover and not the whitewashed photo of Calum, but those fans gotta understand that unless it involves Michael, she doesn’t give a shit. I mean, with the past xenophobic/racist tweets... her not saying anything makes sense.
Then there’s the more recent ordeal with Cardi B:
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She really thought her backlash was about Mac Miller not winning. And when a fan tried to explain why Cardi B is problematic, she went ahead and played the victim card again. For comparison, here’s how Debby Ryan, Josh Dun’s fiancee, responded:
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Not only did she acknowledge her lack of knowledge, she handled the situation by engaging with the people who were educating her, asking them for more information, and thanking them for educating her. Meanwhile, you have Crusty, who’s all like “WELL HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW I’M ONLY HUMAN” and... yes, Crusty, we’re all fucking human, but not all of us are assholes. She likes to tweet, delete, and yeet, as I like to put it.
And I’m going to put this out there for people who might try to argue with me: yes, I spent a good hour scrolling through her twitter to try to find any ounce of proof that she’s a decent person. I did find some rt’s and threads of her talking about mental health and racism (she was talking about the movie the blackkklansman and how it’s revolutionary or something along the lines of that), and she took part in that whole campaign last year to get young people to vote. Here’s the thing: yeah, those are good causes. But it’s really easy to seem like a good person online. It’s so easy to say things and not mean them. Also, just because someone may have liberal viewpoints or morals doesn’t necessarily make them a good person, especially if they don’t outwardly show it, which brings me to my next point.
3. She’s an asshole to fans.
That’s kind of a well-known fact, at least, to the people who can see past her bullshit. She will literally enter group chats with fans, get the twitter names of people who talk bad about her, and block them on her and Michael’s accounts. But of course, because she’s interacting with the fans, she’s seen as a saint because she’s just so sweet!!! And whenever people don’t see that, well, they get blocked. She checks her indirects, obviously, so if you so much as mention her name in a negative way, she and “Michael” will block you. Which is so fucked.
Remember when she was rude to some fans in Bali a few years back? If not, here’s the video. When people saw the video, of course she played the victim card again:
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Oh yes, because coming up with a bunch of excuses, mentioning the fact that you’re “crying in lax,” and using a thousand emojis really expresses how guilty you feel. Kiss my entire ass.
But that wasn’t the end of that! When Crusty went to Bali earlier this year, she met up with the very fan she was rude to after she sent the fan this DM:
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And of course, the girl fell for her bullshit because she got to meet Michael. She just had to make herself look like such a sweetheart before the big engagement! And sadly, it worked, the fan was happy, and Crusty was seen as a saint once again:
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She’s even a bitch from southy’s account:
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Like... what that person said wasn’t even that bad. Them breaking up is a perfectly plausible situation (if they were actually dating, lol), and yet Crusty literally cussed them out for bringing that up. Oof yikes.
4. The nature of her “relationship” with Michael.
Their first public interaction on Twtiter was back in 2014, when Michael was 18.
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This was right before Michael turned 19, so Crusty was 29-30ish (?) at this time (who the fuck knows, I’ll get to that later). It’s not exactly known if she was 5sos’ PR manager, but she was ATL’s, and since 5sos and ATL had worked together, it wouldn’t be surprising if she actually was/is 5sos’ PR manager.
So before Michael, Crusty had been dating a guy named Spencer. Crikey’s timeline starts in January of 2016, where Michael posted this photo of them:
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They were “dating” at that time, but neither of them went public until January 2017. However, Crusty continued to consistently interact with her ex Spencer on ig, all the way from January 2016 to May/June 2016, and it started to slow down after that, though she still liked some of his posts here and there. There was even an instance where Spencer sent her flowers in April, which... why would your ex send you flowers???
My belief is that Crusty was still with Spencer at the time she started “dating” Michael, technically cheating on him, and I have an idea in my mind that he probably got sick of it and finally decided to drop her. Which, good for him. After all, she left to be with someone eleven years younger than her just to gain money and fame. Yikes. And apparently there were rumors of her sleeping with Jack from ATL (when she was still with Spencer) when she was their PR manager... she liked to fuck her way to the top and didn’t give a shit about cheating on her boyfriend, I guess.
Now, I know the age gap is a heavily-debated topic, but here’s my stance on it: if the younger party is a full grown adult (I’m talking late twenties/early-mid thirties) when they start dating a person several years older than them, then sure, whatever. They’re basically full-fledged adults who are capable of taking care of themselves and have matured enough to a point where they can make rational decisions for themselves. Michael was twenty years old when he started “dating” Crusty in 2016. People make the argument of “he’s a mature adult he can do whatever he wants!!!” Um... in legal terms, yes, Michael is an “adult,” but twenty is nowhere near the age of maturity. I’m 19, and I know several people around that age, younger and older, who can’t make rational decisions to save their lives. Early adulthood is still a time for growing and figuring things out, and just because Michael is a famous musician doesn’t mean he isn’t still figuring things out. Also... do people know how Michael acted when he was 20? Watch him in interviews, I dare you to call him mature. I’m sure he’s mature in some aspects, but overall, he’s still a young adult who is still in a stage of developing maturity-wise.
So what does this have to do with Crusty? Well, with Michael being 20 when they started “dating,” that would make her 31. A 31-year-old woman dumping/cheating on her boyfriend (who was actually within her age range) to chase after a barely-legal dork from a decently famous pop punk group. Doesn’t that sound sketchy? In my eyes, she took advantage of everything in that situation: the fact she was a PR manager, the fact that Michael was young and naive, the notion that she would get more money and notoriety, and that Modest was probably in need of a beard, well... I’m sure she didn’t hesitate. For her, it’s a win-win-win situation. Just look at her! It doesn’t even look like she has to work that hard anymore, like she’s gone full LA influencer who gets sponsors up the wazoo and gets paid to be a beard. Her fucking dog is a walking advertisement (just look at southy’s ig page, it’s pretty much all sponsors). And no, I’m not saying she doesn’t work, but it seems like social media has taken up most of her life. And she barely even uses it for good/actually important issues. So there’s that.
Fun tidbit: she’s been working in the whole PR/entertainment realm since 2002. Michael was 7. Let that sink in.
Anyway, yeah, my point is that her “relationship” with Michael is pretty creepy. If the roles were reversed, that the younger was female and older was male, people would see it as creepy rather than “they’re both mature adults who can make their own decisions!!” 1. No, that’s a huge double standard, and 2. any time an older person goes after someone who is several years younger, regardless of sex, will always be sketchy in my (and a lot of other people’s) eyes.
5. She is a massive hypocrite in pretty much every way.
Oh, the positivity and sunshine her stans claim she spreads is more like a nasty downpour of hypocrisy and bullshit. Let’s start with this whole ‘spreading positivity’ thing she’s all about.
Crusty stans always say she’s all about spreading positivity and loving yourself and fuck the haters and blah blah blah. I already showed an example above of how she guilt tripped the fuck out of her audience, whether they support her or not. It wasn’t her trying to prove a point, it was straight up guilt tripping, especially because of how much she inserted herself into such situations. She could’ve worded it much differently that shed light rather than guilt.
And this whole being positive/loving yourself thing... well, that brings me to the age thing.
No one seems to know how old Crusty is. 34 is the mostly-agreed upon age, so let’s roll with that. It’s no secret she gets treatments, I mean, just look at this post:
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She literally admits to it. And unfortunately I can’t find screenshots of her raving about the intravenous vitamin treatments among other things, but I do remember seeing them (if anyone has them, let us know!)
And it’s been shown she loves to use photoshop (not just on herself either). I mean, how could you go from this:
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to this:
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She doesn’t even look like the same person! If anything, it looks like she’s gotten younger instead of older... oh wait.
And she always does that pouty-lip thing, and I have a friend who says she thinks she sees lip fillers, which wouldn’t be that surprising. I mean, just look at this old picture of her:
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Yeah, keep telling yourself that those lips are all natural.
Seriously... in pretty much every photo of her on her ig, she’s jutting her bottom lip out like it’s some duck face selfie from like, 2011. Please.
And her ass, well.
Here’s what we see:
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And here’s some reality:
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Bruh even Luke has a bigger ass than she does.
She posted a video on her twitter of her in the first picture saying something like “to all the people who think it’s photoshopped,” but y’know, it’s like... videos can be edited. Camera angles and poses can make an ass look bigger. Okay sis.
Fun fact: she deleted that picture of her by the pool, probably because people were making fun of how she literally had her bathing suit stuck in her ass. I mean, that’s what she gets for trying to make it look like she has one when she doesn’t.
Aaaaand here’s the heavy hitter:
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When my friend saw this photo, she said that if she didn’t know Crusty was Michael’s girlfriend, she would’ve thought she was his mom. Y I K E S.
You can see the age literally everywhere. Her entire face, neck, and even the skin on her elbow in the second pic (it’s one of the first things I noticed tbh). And this was literally back in Bali 2019. You know, not even four months ago? Like damn, the sun really did her dirty lol. These pics are why me and many others question her actual age. She seriously looks like she could be in her forties in these photos, which, if she is, then her “relationship” with Michael gets even more fucked up.
Oh and she doesn’t just photoshop herself. You have this monstrosity:
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Like what the fuck? Who are they trying to fool here????
And then this:
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That’s a really... interesting ear.
So yeah, what part of Crusty’s face/body/everything is real? Not much! So, if she’s all about positivity, loving yourself, embracing your flaws and "fuck the haters" and whatnot, why can’t she practice what she preaches? You’re getting older, get the fuck over it and start acting like it, maybe start accepting it and stop getting treatments that will probably eventually backfire (like in the Bali pic).
Moving on from her looks, her entire attitude is just extremely hypocritical. I saw how she tries to preach online about mental health and how important it is to take care of yourself, and then she does shit like this:
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So you’re just going to make fun of someone who’s struggled with severe drug addiction and eating disorder like that? She’s said on her twitter that her father was an addict, yet she’s going to make fun of someone who struggled with the same issue?
She’s considered a role model because she speaks out about this kind of stuff, including feminism, but let’s examine this a bit. This is her pinned tweet, and has been for a while:
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Good message, yeah? Oh, but then she interacts with disgusting trash like Musty Collins:
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Musty Collins, who puts on this whole sad boi~ act and then name drops 5sos to prey on underage girls. If Crusty’s so keen on empowering women, WHY DOES SHE INTERACT WITH A LITERAL PEDOPHILE WHO PREYS ON YOUNG GIRLS. Literally two of the most emotionally manipulative people in the world of 5sos. I guess that’s how they get along so well. They should just get together, but they wouldn’t because they’re too old for each other.
And of course it circles back to her fatphobic tweets. So much for empowering women.
Considering that spreading positivity is what she’s known for (besides being with Michael, yikes), it surprises me that she say something like this that goes against her entire spiel:
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Uhh... sis, you are a fake ass public figure trying to get people to like you by saying random regurgitated greeting card BS online. Her ig stories are always screenshots of positive~ messages that are usually found on pinterest or some shit (not shading pinterest, don’t worry lol). That’s some greeting card BS regurgitation right there. Basically what this comment is saying is that she’ll only be nice to people who she thinks worthy of being nice to. A “realist” my ass. I’ve already gone over how “real” she is.
And then you have these ridiculous tweets:
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“People are people no matter who they love or how old they are” “When did I say I was all about positive vibes?” Alright then.
I love how these tweets just SHOW how much of a hypocrite she is. Her entire “relationship” with Michael is shown through photos. Literally any time there’s a camera, she will take advantage of it and come up with an excuse to show off her relationship. Where’s the “human connection” you’re going on about? Oh wait, it’s not there, because their relationship isn’t real. Oops.
The second tweet.... just oof. She’s just tweeting about herself lmao.
I love how her excuse for her fucking up is just “I’M A HUMAN BEING WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT FROM ME!!!” Girl, in case you haven’t noticed, we are ALL human beings, just not all of us are assholes when we fuck up. And then she goes on about how “we are all just human beings and we should all love each other!!” Yeah, it all comes back full circle, one of hypocrisy.
And this isn’t really a reason why Crusty is the worst, just some tweets I saw that kinda made me laugh:
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“Luke who?” Oh I don’t know, the guy that your fiance’s actually in love with? HA. She wishes she could be Luke. It’s hilarious how jealous she is of him, how, whenever Lemon content comes out or the spotlight falls on Luke somehow, Crusty has to post about her and Michael’s relationship/engagement to get the attention back on her. Let’s be real, she’ll never be as gorgeous as Luke is, and Michael will never love her like he loves Luke.
So, in conclusion, Crusty is just a fake lying hypocrite. No amount of “this was in the past!! she’s changed!!” excuses will ever change my mind. After all, a lot of things in this masterpost were fairly recent. She might not tweet those horrible things anymore, but her old self shines through sometimes in the form of “I’M HUMAN I MAKE MISTAKES!!!” If she’s really changed, why doesn’t she show it?It’s because she really hasn’t, she’s just gotten better at controlling her social media presence. And that, my friends, is why Crusty is the legit Worst™.
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ofdaeseong · 5 years
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           is that a bird or a plane ? nah, it’s just IM DAESEONG. word on the street is that the TWENTY-SIX year old, CISMALE, looks an awful lot like MATTHEW KIM (BM). known to be AFFECTIONATE and KIND HEARTED, yet also COMPETITIVE and IMPULSIVE; they associate themselves with bloody hands from fighting, takes no shit, constantly has an extra helmet for his motorcycle, and a teddy bear disguised as a lion.
ok so daeseong was born in daegu but moved to los angeles at the age of 3, so he was americanised a LOT,, for the longest time, he spoke english better than korean and it was like that until he returned permanently to korea at the age of 14
they were always back and forth between the two over the years, but he still spent the majority of time in the states
they originally moved to los angeles because of his father’s job – he was a producer for a big network and he got an opportunity in america so they took off !! the network got shut down years and years later and daeseong’s dad was like LOL YEET and moved the fam back to korea !!
baby daeseong was v much full of energy and his parents tried putting him in a number of things – singing wasn’t for him, dancing was alright, but he still couldn’t remember the moves good enough, and instruments just weren’t his thing either – he did play piano, but that was thanks to years and years of practice. but anything else thrown his way wasn’t his thing.
his parents put him into american football to begin with,, and they learned quick enough that dae was also a pretty angry kid so he wasn’t afraid to run hEAD FIRST INTO PEOPLE
and so that’s the thing that got him put into boxing and ofc he thrived there,, he was taught so much and told to calm himself down,, it wasn’t aLL about fighting and he absolutely fell in love with it !! remember i mentioned he was alright at dancing???? that just helped him with his footwork in fighting
talking about falling in love with things, he fell in love with jinae and rory pretty quickly when he met the pair – they always seemed to make him smile, and as a quiet, aggressive kid, it definitely helped him a lot.
so like i said before he returned to korea at 14
he joined another gym there and life took off for lil dae !!! by that point he had been boxing for eight years, and those eight years led up to him attending and fighting in the 2008 beijing olympics – he didn’t win a medal, but he did do well enough where everyone was talking about him and would be keeping their eye on him for the next four years after that to see if he would be competing again
and he did !! he competed in the london 2012 olympics and thats when he brought a medal home for south korea in boxing at the age of 19 !!! he placed second after losing out to the united states,,, but ofc he was a lil happy about them winning bc he considers there a second home
because of the success, he was invited on a few variety shows and created an impression there too – granted that was back in 2012-2013, but he’s not interested in all of that now.. he prefers to let his work speak for himself
after his win, he opened up his own boxing gym so he could start teaching younger people, and those who were less fortunate so they could learn how to properly fight and fight for a sport, rather than anything else. it’s something he’s very proud of, and a place that has grown and grown through the years since late 2013-early 2014
ofc he competed in the 2016 olympics in rio and came home with a bronze medal,,, which BUMMED HIM TF OUT but he still took it as an honour – after that, he just had a few title fights here and there but he did absolutely nothing in 2017 concerning boxing, which had people questioning what was happening with daeseong
he decided to enlist to the military in may 2017 and served with the marines for 21 months. he’ll easily tell anyone that it’s the hardest thing he’s ever done, more so than fighting.
he got out in february of 2019 and instantly jumped back into his gym and into training again
he’s waiting for the right time to schedule a fight,, he knows he isn’t up to his standard that he was once at but he does want to get back into the ring for a legit fight
and it’s something a lot of people are waiting for since his return from the military
even more so, he wants that gold medal from the olympics before its too late,,, but gearing up for 2020 seems TOO SOON and waiting until 2024 is too long so he’s v v v v conflicted
he’s a real sweetheart despite doing something scary lol wants nothing but the best for people, always there to lend a hand, always there to help absolutely anyone around him
he’s v blind but always wears contacts so no one even knows about it lol he refuses to wear glasses just bc he feels like he looks v nerdy with them and got teased as a kid pretty bad !!! he’d only wear them in the morning or if he was spending all day in house
he has a lil pungsan puppy called byeol and he is v soft for that damn dog !! ask him about his puppy pls he’ll talk like it’s his damn child !!!
has a little sister called daeun,,, also would do anything for her or fight anybody
absolutely covered in tattoos -- legs, chest arms,, im eventually gonna figure out what he has,, he’s eventually gonna get his back and neck done too bc why the hell nOT
he’s kinda weird when people are fans of him as a boxer just bc he’s not used to it and he thinks he’s pretty normal !! so when people are like jUST WATCHED YOUR LAST FIGHT AND IT WAS AWESOME !!! he’d be like ,,,, cool :-) thank you !! JASDHFGDHS
DIY KING !!! he loves making headboards, tables,,, all that sHIT !! WE LOVE A MANLY MAN
his boxing nickname is ‘saja’ which is basically korean for lion so he will absolutely answer to that if someone yells it in the street at him lmao
he’s a girl group kpop stan n loves all that bubblegum kpop,,, ask him to dance to a twice song bc he’ll be able to do it ( also ps,,,,, stan weki meki thank u )
a Big Momma’s boy !!!1
always double ties his shoelaces just bc it’s such a routine for him
he’s not a big trash talker but like,,,, he’ll do it if he has to !!! kinda basing him off a fighter from where i’m from so he’ll have lil elements of him~ but he’s always respectful to opponents,, unless he has to step it up and make them terrified lmao
loves animated movies pls he’s a big kid in a 6′2″ man’s body 
still rocks grey sweatpants like,,,,, 95% of the time !! try getting him to wear something else bc it wont happen unless hes actually TRYING to look good
tbh i’m down for anything in terms of connections,, dae could obv do with a male/nb bestie tbh, someone he can talk to when he can’t speak to the girls in his life !! a past relationship who would have supported him before things obv went south ( it would have been like three/four years ago too tbh), family friends -- someone who is a friend of his little sister, maybe someone who is a fan of him fighting?? someone who has a kid or relative in his fighting programme for kids??? IDK YALL GIVE ME ANYTHING
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so that seraph post i said i was making a few days ago now...
im literally gonna be listing literally everything i know about seraphs and then hopefully crafting some theories. this is a masterpost so it got LONGG
tl;dr: the Seraph Guardians are actually created by the Eridians as Vault Defenders who use their knowledge of their own species as a way to better defend the Vaults than the biomechanical Guardians who only know Eridian stuff. Like the Flood in Halo. And also could tie into the Guardian Ranks at the end of BL3. but that part is just speculation.
the beginning of this is going to be (hopefully) all the voice lines from the Seraph Vendor. i spent a good hour spamming his store to try and get all of them. we’ll see if i succeeded.
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anyway here’s most, if not all, of his voice lines:
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VERY interesting.
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so im checking the wikia and i missed a quite a few
mostly cause i had seraph crystals on hand and i was the one spamming, so here they are: 
"I need Seraph Crystals. You must defeat a Seraph Guardian before you are worthy to look at my wares." "My wares are only for those who have defeated a Seraph Guardian." "I accept only Seraph Crystals. Go kill a Seraph Guardian, oh Vault Hunter, and THEN we will talk."
here’s the lines for actually buying something (which i could not spam bc i only have a few crystals atm)
"Good. Good." "It will serve you well." "These crystals will be... useful." "(creepy laugh)" "Give me more. More." "A wise purchase." "Really? You chose that one?" "That will hurt the Seraphs, yes." "A good choice." "Wonderful." "Can you feel their power?" "Beautiful, aren't they?" "Can you feel them looking back at you?" "The Seraphs' mystery in exchange for baubles." "The wonders of Pandora can be found even in its swamps." "The quest for the Crystals will take you to many places."
outside of those, pretty sure i got all the greeting and leaving messages. which is superb.
Now concerning like actual seraph items (most of the guns/shields/grenades are just like normal legendaries, nothing lore-ish on them afaik)
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also, ignoring the dragons because they’re from a BnB session, we have the seraph guardians themselves to look at:
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Hyperius the Invincible
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“I have pressing news -- a Hyperion engineer has gone mad with power out in the desert -- perhaps the alien thingies of this planet have perverted his mind or something, I dunno. I have a plan you will shoot him many times with bullets and he will die. Be careful, though -- he is very powerful. You may need to bring some friends as backup.”
Pyro Pete the Invincible who was apparently brought back to life and turned into a seraph guardian. that’s cool.
Master Gee who loves worms and has a bigg shield and hates acid smh
we also got voracidous
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“Imagine if you will a Stalker the size of a small building. Now imagine yourself killing it. It’s time to make that dream a reality my friend. I’ve found the stalker in question -- I recommend grabbing some friends and taking him out.”
starting with hyperius bc he’s the icon:
shade says he’s “gone mad with power... perhaps the alien thingies of this planet have perverted his mind”. unfortunately ‘thingies’ is kinda vague, but we’ll get to that in a secco.
when fighting hyperius he has a few minions, and when u kill them and/or his health gets low enough, he grows to a giant size. which, you know, isn’t normal human behavior. i don’t go outside a lot, but, like, im pretty sure it’s not.
then we got pyro pete and while he doesn’t grow to a huge size (bigger than he was before anyway) he does get a host of new attacks and an elemental type (corrosive)
we got master gee who has a nearly impossible to break shield and a health dome thing that provides fast regen (and he deals more damage the more damage he’s taken)
annnd finally we got voracidous who is p interesting. he’s apparently a ‘stalker the size of a small building’. voracidous is also protected by Chief Ngwatu who doesn’t appear to be a seraph guardian. vora seems to have corrosive abilities which is not normal stalker business afaik.
so we got a lot to deal with here.
so my assumption here in general is that the opening of the Destroyer’s Vault sent out Eridium into the world, and the opening of the Warrior’s Vault sent out Seraph Crystals/energy. I would say energy or something because the vendor does say ‘the blood of the seraphs’ when referencing the crystals. so i imagine their blood crystallizes when they die. 
and what theory does that tie into? this one! booyah! if u dont wanna click away, basically the unbreakable crystals we find/the eridium we find on other planets are the bodies/corpses/essence of something that died. the crystals Tyreen makes in the HBC are human crystals, the eridium that showed up on Pandora are Destroyer crystals (so they have different properties than the others) and the crystals on the other planets like eden-6 and promethea and also different than the eridium on pandora, thus making the eridium on pandora unique to pandora and explaining why its so valuable. it would also make sense because in TPS, you can see Zarpedon as she’s bleeding out after becoming a lost legion eternal, she’s bleeding glowing purple. i wouldn’t be surprised if that eventually crystallizes as well. shame she died on helios, it would’ve been awesome if we went to elpis and found a bunch of crystals in the shape of her body.
anyway moving on.
i also believe the guns/shields/grenades we get from the seraph vendor are not actual seraph weapons, i would not be surprised if he is using the crystals to upgrade the gear and give it the unique properties they have, kinda like e-tech weapons, except better in every conceivable way.
as for who the seraph vendor actually is? i... don’t know. some guy absorbing the seraph crystals? i wouldn’t be surprised. his eyes glow pink, it’s possible it’s a similar affliction to what the lost legion eternal have (except theirs is eridium, and his is seraph crystals). he alludes to the fact he can see the future, he’s constantly watching us, seems to WANT the Vault Hunter to succeed in killing the Seraphs (if only so he can get more crystals, i suppose). that’s mainly the reason i can’t see him as a seraph on his own, because why on pandora would he want us to kill the others? The Wild West Pyro mentioned they could have some type of 'rite of passage’ society, which is possible.
AND originally, if u go back thru my ooooold posts from like 2016/2017 you’ll see i originally assumed the war we were going to be fighting (end of TPS) was going to be the seraphs. that the eridians and the seraphs were enemies and fighting each other but TBH i have completely flipped my view.
while I was talking to The Wild West Pyro on discord and he mentioned this: “If you are turned into a Seraph Guardian, you are a Seraph”
which suddenly flipped a switch in my brain and reminded me of the Flood from Halo. and if that sounds weird, trust me, it is, but lemme explain what i thought:
okay so if you’re not familiar with Halo lore, the flood is basically an alien species that takes over hosts and converts other aliens to be like them. like zombie aliens. that’s like... putting it way simply and im a little rusty on my halo lore, however i do remember this: on occasion, the flood would keep the mind of a host conscious and use its knowledge to attack the other members of the host’s species. (TWWP mentioned that they specifically do this to keyes). that is, it would use the host’s memories and knowledge to gain the upper hand in combat.
so im suggesting that the seraphs are the Eridian’s version of that. because yes, the Eridians have the Vault Guardians and the regular Guardians defending their Vaults, but what about the people who are just straight up stronger than the Guardians and have steamrolled thru the Vault of the Destroyer already? They’d need defenders who were familiar with the combat strategies of the opponents. They’d need human-like defenders on their side. and outside of voracidous, all of the seraph guardians are human(oid?). the release date of the DLCs is Pirate’s Booty, Campaign of Carnage, Big Game Hunt, Assault on Dragon Keep. meaning the humanoid Guardians are all first, anyway. It could stand that the non-human Guardian was either a mistake OR as a last resort (as the only seraph guardians in TTAODK are the dragons and it’s a fantasy world). 
here’s my logic. I think the Vault of the Warrior was meant to be opened first. (I go into depth on that theory here.) if that’s the case, then we were meant to encounter Seraph Guardians long before the Vault of the Destroyer was opened (as we’d have to wait another 200 years, siren fuckery aside). The Warrior was meant to be a superweapon, and whoever opened the Vault had control. I’m a fan of the idea the Warrior was then to go and open the Vault of the Destroyer and kill the Destroyer if it could. The Seraph Guardians may have then been created for 3 reasons
1. A failsafe. if the VotW was opened by someone not on the side of the Eridians (not going to kill the Destroyer) then the Seraph Guardians would go and kill the controller and/or to stop any non-eridians from opening the Vault of the Destroyer.
2. Aid for the Warrior. Maybe they didn’t think the Warrior alone would be enough to kill the Destroyer
3. failsafe #2. Maybe in the event the Warrior was defeated in combat, the Seraph Guardians were created in order to take its place. We know the SG only appear after the Warrior is killed in bl2, however if this is because the Vault was opened or because the Warrior was killed, we dunno for sure.
also, the vendor goes OFF about “true power” all the freakin’ time and how ‘the Seraphs hold many secrets’ etc etc. apparently these crystals are way more valuable than we’re giving them credit for cause this dude is off the wall about them. so while i think this dude KNOWS more than he’s letting on... i don’t think he’s actually a seraph. Could be a side effect from his increased time spent with said crystals. 
More reasons why I now think the Seraphs are actually of Eridian design and not a separate entity: sera guardians in bl1 and tps. Basically: Seraph is a reference to seraphim (a type of angel) and the Guardian hierarchy in bl are a reference to the Christian celestial hierarchy, flipped upside down (so sera is the lowest rank for eridians).  So the regular Sera Guardians are the Eridian Guardians, but then they also have Seraph Guardians which are basically humans (or other species) turned Guardians that use their knowledge of humanity and their fighting style to better protect the Vaults. I mean, also the fact they are titled Guardian. that was probably a big indicator I completely looked over.
Basically, the Eridians knew if the Vault of the Warrior was getting opened that the Vault of the Destroyer was likely to be opened next. So they had a failsafe put in place to keep that from happening. I guess maybe they didn’t predict the Vault of the Destroyer being opened first. OR they realized the Vault of the Warrior would help us find the Vault Map, which is a big no no. And the Seraph Guardians are around to help destroy it. It could also be that the Seraph Crystals are so important that they have their own chosen Guardians to protect them. like we saw how crazy Eridium/slag is, imagine how insane Seraph Crystals could be. Might explain why the Vendor is so wild and apparently knows all this shit he kinda shouldn’t. Could explain why he’s so hell-bent on us getting him the crystals in the first place. I mean, Lilith was pretty much the same way but with Eridium.
We also know the Seraph Relics are Eridian relics, but with unique effects. I don’t think that’s something to scoff at. We have the ‘Blood of the Seraphs’, the ‘Breath of the Seraphs’, the ‘Might of the Seraphs’, and the ‘Shadow of the Seraphs’. 
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My personal favorite, because of the line ‘Their return is to be feared...’. And what does this relic do? Grants bonus damage and health regen (after gaining second wind, which might be a gameplay thing). 
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“Their power courses through you...” - increased health and health regeneration
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‘Become the unstoppable force!’ - increased melee damage and override cooldown
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‘A shadow is a copy of self, only shadier’ - extra shot change (basically Tw0 Fang)
Unlike the other gear we get, these seem directly tied to Seraph lore. I always assumed ‘Their return is to be feared’ was to mean there is a war coming and the seraphs are on their way, but now? now i honestly believe the only thing they feared was the fact they HAD to return. Instead of being afraid of the Seraphs themselves, be afraid of whatever they’re coming back for. 
We also get lines like ‘Their power courses through you...’ (blood) and ‘Become the unstoppable force!’ (might) Which tbh i don’t really think if the Eridians were at war with the Seraphs, I can’t imagine them having relics with their names on top, with taglines like that. it seems too honorary, too kind i guess.
If you’re at war with someone, you don’t call them unstoppable to your own forces, you don’t make it seem cool that you’re using their power instead of your own. and the shadow of the seraphs thing, yeah i don’t know about that. i will say calling the shadow of the seraphs ‘shadier’ is probably a good thing, since y’know, if i was at war with someone, no one else could be shadier. so, again, probably not indicative of bloodlust between the two. like, if ur at war with someone, and u have access to their tech, then you’re going to take that tech and you’re going to rebrand it. you’re going to make it look like your own and you’re not going to have their name right at the top. Especially not when it’s calling them ‘Mighty’.
There’s also some other bits and pieces of knowledge surrounding Seraphs that make me think they’re related to the Eridians. For one, they’re big boys. voracidous is a stalker the size of a building. Hyperius becomes HUGE during his fight. pete and gee aren’t anything to scoff at either. What do we know slag testing does to certain individuals? makes them big big big boys. like bloodwing, or super badass [elemental] skags. Additionally, voracidous gets corrosive attacks, which isn’t a normal stalker thing, and iirc pete also gets a corrosive phase once he’s become a Seraph Guardian. And we know slag testing was able to give certain individuals elemental superpowers. 
In fact, let me draw your attention to Terry. Terramorphous has an eridian relic drop, called the Blood of Terramorphous. Terry lives in a Eridian ruins (that possibly were a Vault at one point) and I would bet that’s the reason he’s so big. I digress. The relic is legendary, not seraph. My personal theory is that when Hammerlock got his hands on the threshers from the moon (you know cuz they’re native to elpis, which was apparently a huge Eridian base... still not convinced eleseer is truly inside elpis without some wacky interdimensional space magic/tech) terry ended up (somehow) in the eridian ruins you find him in and he becomes the ‘defender’ of said ruins. Thus, he’s on the Eridian’s side by protecting their things. you can read the poem his drops make here: “His teeth made them flee in shame, His breath was of fire. His hide turned the mightiest tame; His blood could inspire.” So, similar to the Seraph Guardians, Terry, impromptu guardian of the ruins, gets a relic named after him: “Blood of Terramorphous” and the tagline is “his blood could inspire”. and I know that TPS happens long after the Eridians are gone (apparently), but it’s still an interesting comparison, because the Seraph Guardians we fight also appear after the Eridians are long gone. And similarly to the Seraph Guardians, Terry is pretty fuckin big and, unlike the other huge threshers we’ve seen in BL2, he’s considered a raid boss (just like the Seraph Guardians). He’s also able to charge himself with fire (like Pyre threshers), which I imagine is a direct result of his time spent in the Vault, cause, unlike Pyre threshers, he can choose when he’s on fire. And I imagine Pyre Threshers, like Super Badass [elemental] skags, are more than likely a result of slag testing or slag/eridium exposure.
I talk about that a lot more here, if you’re interested, including about how eridian ruins might be powering up since the opening of the Vault of the Destroyer (going from white to purple) which could explain the mass mutation of bandits across Pandora.
Actually, now that i think about it... maybe that’s where all this mayhem is coming from......
but i guess that’s a theory for another time cause holy HELL this got long.
Anyway, wouldn’t it be neat if the Guardian Ranks we get at the end of BL3 helped us tie in the loose ends the Seraphs gave us at the end of the BL2? We become Seraph Guardians as we’re chosen by the Eridians to protect the Vaults. Could help explain the bonuses lore-wise. Altho i think getting bigger every time u take a rank might cause some problems later on.
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mahkari · 6 years
tag game
tagged by: @shewasthewind (you stinky lil snake)
1. drink - water
2. phone call - therapist’s office 
3. text message - a friend
4. song you listened to - waving through a window
5. time you cried - hhhheeuhh like when my friend told me i wouldn’t have cared if she killed herself
6. dated someone twice? - yes unfortunately 
7. kissed someone and regretted it - nope
8. been cheated on - yup
9. lost someone special - y u p
10. been depressed - was diagnosed with it in 2016, i’ve been getting better at managing it since then
11. gotten drunk and thrown up - i don’t drink,,
Favorite colors
12. orange
13. very light purple
14. pastel yellow
In the last year have you-
15. made new friends - yuppers, jess and roger
16. fallen out of love - not sure
17. laughed until you cried - yes,,
18. found out someone was talking about you - yeah i did, they were being a homophobic ass and i started laughing rlly hard
19. met someone who changed you - uh yes,, i met 2 new people who actually made me feel confident about my sexuality 
20. found out your friends are - not the best emotional support
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - i don’t have fb
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - dont have it
23. do you have any pets - yep!! i have a boxer named roxeanne and 3 cats
24. do you want to change your name - i’d like to legally change my name to kari but i don’t look like a kari lol
25. what did you do for your last birthday - invited a friend over and we laughed at old yearbook photos
26. what time did you wake up today - 11am
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - making fun of my sister for making pancakes at 12 in the morning
28. what is something you can’t wait for - my official change to catholic school
29. when was the last time you saw your mom - right now,, she just walked in the door
30. what are you listening to right now - my mom and sister put groceries down
31. have you ever talked to a person named Tom - yes,, i talk to him almost everyday,,, he’s called my dad
32. something that’s getting on your nerves - the fact that my wrist was sprained for 2 days and now it doesn’t hurt and i don’t know why it was sprained in the first place
33. most visited website- youtube, deviantart (always have it open) and tumblr
34. hair color - like a dark brown with some light parts
35. long or short hair - it goes to my shoulders so long i guess
36. do you have a crush on someone - thought i did but i dont even know
37. what do you like about yourself - my double jointed arms,, they fun to freak people out with
do you want any piercings - eh not rlly
39. blood type- do you think i know that
40. nicknames - snake, rat, bitch, slut (all brought to you by @beepbeepbitchesarecrazy )
41. relationships status - sad and alone 
42. zodiac - sagittarius
43. pronouns - she/her
44. fave tv shows - stranger things, old spongebob episodes mostly, and documentary now
45. right or left handed - right
46. ever had surgery - no and i’d be too scared to get it
47. tattoos- i want one but i dont have any
48. piercings- none
49. sport - i did softball for like 2 years do that count
50. vacation- i wanna go back to nyc
51. trainers- nvjjdvjnn
More general
52. eating - i had 3 pancakes this morning,,
53. drinking - i was drinking water but now i need more
54. I’m about to watch - nothing bc im reading
55. waiting for - america to get nuked already
56. want - to have a pretzel
57. get married - i’d like to get married but im not too sure
58. career - meteorology or animation, either one works
Which is better
59. Hugs or kisses - hugs
60. Lips or eyes - eyes
61. Shorter or taller - why can’t they be my height???
62. Younger or older - older, i feel weird liking someone younger,, maybe if they’re like a few months younger i’d like them but idk
63. Nice arms or stomach - idk
64. Hookup or relationship - relationship
65. Trouble maker or relationship - trouble maker gnndsjjd
Have you ever
66. kissed a stranger - nope
67. drank hard liquor - no but i did drink wine once and i literally spat it out
68. lost glasses - thought i did, but they were on my shirt
69. turned someone down - i guess
70. has sex on the first date - i’ve never had sex oops
71. broken someones heart - i dont even know bc the dick said that a lot but would always say he was lying afterwards
72. has your heart broken - yeet
73. cried when someone died - yeah
74. fallen for a friend - i dont even know bro
75. been arrested - no??
Do you believe in
76. yourself - i guess
77. marcels - i dont know what that is truthfully
78. love at first sight - nah
79. Santa claus - n o
80. a kiss on a first date - sure
81. angels - nope //am an atheist,, kinda ironic how i’m going to catholic school right??
82. best friends name (s) - jess, roger, sometimes sidney but she a lil brat
83. eye color - brown
84. favorite movie - IT, book of henry, and incredibles 2 if i could see it thx 
85. favorite actor - jack dylan grazer, finn wolfhard, and jaeden (basically everyone involved with it and stranger things tbh)
tags: @peachywise @20gayteeneds @thetheatregal @blacklodgebeautyqueen @itchytoaster @beepbeepbitchesarecrazy //i just chose the first few tags
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drunkoctopusinc · 4 years
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Saw this on Instagram and not gonna lie- it kinda bugged me. Some of these points are accurate, some I disagree with but I see the argument for, others are out and out wrong. Usually the inaccuracies are due to purpously inflammatory phrasing, which is understandable since its a meme but the issues are to important for the language to stand fully uncriticed. Basically, I know it’s just a meme but I wanna pick it apart since this stuff is important and quite frankly I’m a little bored.
“Total support for Isreal”
This is true of the official platforms for each party. That being said I think it’s important to note you will find Democratic candidates and office holders with more moderated views on Isreal and (increasingly so) candidates who strongly support Palestine. There is no such moderation or diversity of opinion on the Republican side. If you want to cast your vote for someone who doesn’t support Isreal you might find that in a Democrat especially in the House of Reps, so be sure to look up your local candidates because they might surprise you on this one.
“Do Wall Streets bidding”
Wall Street is basically begging for Dodd-Frank to be repealed, and no Democrat is gonna do that. A Democratic administration created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and since 2010 there have been 3 separate bills introduced by Democrats to improve/reinstate the Glass-Steagall Act. (The most recent was a bi-patrician bill sponsored by Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), John McCain (R-AZ), Maria Cantwell (D-WA), and Angus King (I-ME)) I understand how a lack of success can make it feel like Democrats are just doing Wall Street’s bidding, but that’s not the case. There are certainly differences in the level of regulation Democrats are asking for, but the broad strokes is Democrats want regulations put on Wall Street, while Republicans believe Wall Street can be trusted to do whatever they want.
“Unlimited Military Spending”
Much to my chagrin, this is true. Regardless of party affiliation it’s good for any elected official to say they brought jobs to the district, and more fighter jets mean more jobs building fighter jets. No one wants to rock that boat.
“Hostility to Russia, Iran, & China”
This one has multiple parts with varing degrees of debatablity. For Russia the Obama Administration tried to soften relations but Putin basically responded “No thanks Toots” and proceeded to violated Ukraine’s sovrienty, back a dictator using chemical weapons on his own people, and meddle in our elections. Basically the Dems tried but it’s a two way street and Russia’s gotta be on board too. Meanwhile Trump and the Republicans seem to be fine with Russia paying militants to kill Americans and undermining democratic norms in the 2016 US elections as well as a bunch of other European elections so seems like they want to get along with Russia whatever it fucking takes. So I’d say there’s a pretty big difference on that one.
Regarding Iran, there’s not much difference between Democrats and Republicans. Both are skeptical about Iran and don’t want to risk the alliances we have with other middle eastern nations in order to tighten bonds with Iran. HOWEVER, the Iran Nuclear Treaty was a huge step forward in calming tensions which damn near every democrat supported. And the Republicans basically yeeted it into the sun for no good reason. So at least democrats don’t want to make shit worse with Iran. As for China 100% hositlites would have remained the same with a Dem and probably most Republicans. But at the moment Republicans support an active trade war with China which is only making our relations with them worse. So for both Iran and China the Dems gotta get at least some points for not wanting to make shit worse.
“Full Spectrum Dominance.”
Yes. Both parties want the US to a strong political and economic force on the world stage without any major foreign threats. (TBH I struggle to see the problem with this because that dominance could be used to give every nation wi-fi and tasty cookies just easily as to perpetuate rampant injustice especially when its so vauge as to what they mean by Full Spectrum Dominance. But I don’t have nothing against you if you don’t want the US to persue dominance as goal.)
“Let Money Rule politics”
Campaign finance reform is a complicated issue because there isn’t 1 clear answer for how to do it. Campaigning costs a lot of money and candidates have to get that money somehow, unfortunately there isn’t really an answer for how it needs to be done that can’t in some way be attacked for not going far enough or not solving the real problem. So while Democrats generally try to find solutions and create reform, it is perfectly understandable and reasonable to feel they aren’t actually solving anything. However I think it’s important note (given how important this years election is) that Joe Biden has been very consistent on voting for campaign finance reform for the past 40 years, even going so far as to create a system of public funding for congressional elections in the early 90s. So if this is a high priority issue for you Joe Biden has a strong record on it.
“Neoliberalism Rocks!”
I’ve found online the term “neoliberalism” is used to describe such a wide range of policies it’s becoming less and less clear exactly what a person means by saying “neoliberalism.” So how accurate this claim is really depends on how you define “neoliberal.” That caveats aside, traditionally both parties have their neoliberal cohorts, and they do wield a far bit of power since they usually are the “deal makers” who talk more with the other side and create the compromises which get broad enough support to pass. However, the Republican Party has been drifting away from neoliberal policies for some time and has been completely sprinting away from them since trump was elected. For example here are some policies self described neoliberals love which recent republicans have taken a massive shit on; Free Trade, easier immigration, and a carbon tax. Neoliberals are inherently in the middle so yes both parties have neoliberal segments (Bill Clinton, Bush Senior for example) but Republicans are rapidly running further and further right, so if not already accurate to say “Neoliberals universally identify as democrats” it will be soon.
“Spy on Everyone!”
This is a bit hyperbolic but yeah mostly. While there are officals on both sides who want to stop or at least curb the survalince state when talking about the respective parties as a whole there aren’t big differences on changing this, at least not public ones.
“Screw the Old and the Poor!”
This one is just so wildly overstated as to be impossible to really discuss/debate effectively. I could say this is false because both parties agree we should strive to eleminate poverty but they differ on how. I could also say this is true because neither party has proposed a solution which would actually help end poverty, or I could say this is false because the Democratic platform includes issues like raising the minimum wage and expanding the social safety net which will help the poorest Americans. There’s no way to really analyze for accuracy because its so broad and emotional that it’s really more of an opinion statement than anything. (To be clear, there’s nothing inherently wrong with such a statement. In many ways they are critical to the nations broader political discussion. it just doesn’t lend itself to what I’m looking to do with this post and I felt it would have been dismissive to just say “it’s an emotional argument so I don’t care”) The only substantive thing I can say here which still fits into my general structure is no candidate wants to do anything against old people because old people vote in big numbers. It’s the reason despite talk of cutting medicare and social security Republicans haven’t actually tried anything substantial on those issues.
“Oligarchy not democracy”
This is another one that gets caught up in definition. If you use the strictest definition of democracy and a broad definiton of Oligarchy then yes this is right but otherwise it really depends on how you define oligarchy. The majority of Americans have the right to vote, thus they have a say in what our government does. This would generally meet the most common definition of democracy and neither party wants to change that (at least not officially.) there is no bi partisan call for the wealthiest 1% or even the wealthiest 10% of Americans to have exclusive control over our governance. Of course that’s the most inflammatory version of this statement, and I doubt that’s what the person who wrote it was saying. The more likely definition of oligarchy this person was using is a government where an elite class hold a disproportionate share of political power rather all political power. In which case it’s very very hard to agrue the US isn’t an oligarchy. I mean even if we put aside the more heavily debated question of how strongly political power and money are, I think everyone would agree my senator has more political power than I do. Plus, the founders didn’t want “mob rule” they were terrified of a populist leader rising up, so they didn’t create a pure democracy. Instead they made republic, which one could argue is simultaneously an oligarchy and a democracy. This means when anyone looks to maintain the current american system even in the broadest strokes it could be agrued they’re supporting oligarchy over democracy. However you could just as easily argue they’re supporting democracy. The line between oligarchy and democracy aren’t as clear as we’d like them to be. (And of course when you bring the “how strongly are political power and money connected” debate back into the picture it only gets more obscured). Now, to finally get to my point, the degree to which the US is an oligarchy is unclear and so is the degree to which each party supports maintaining the oligarchical elements. However I think saying that either party doesn’t support democracy is inaccurate. BUT I also think it is vital that we recognize under Trump the Republican Party has tolerated repeated undermining of our democratic system risking serious and dangerous backsliding into totalitarianism. The Democratic Party has not engaged in this backsliding at all and has fought against it as much as they can, and you absolutely must understand that as you vote this fall.
“Vive US imperialism!”
Yeah this is pretty much spot on. I mean I don’t think either political party is looking to conquer Cuba or to steal Baja California from Mexico but yeah the bulk of people in each party are at the very least not invested in reducing what has been called “Neo-imperialism” which is almost certainly what this statement is referring to, so while I could get this on the technically but that would be disingenuous.
“outlaw third parties”
Third parties are legal. No one wants to make them illegal, the constitution also wouldnt let them. The problem is our voting system makes third parties mathematically unstrategic. You could argue they are functionally unallowed and there’s no insensitive for either party to change that so the idea here isn’t to far off, but outlawing third parties is such a bold claim, and that mathy disadvantage is drastically reduced in local races. So if you support a third party or want to create a third party, go for it. Just know that your efforts will be best spent starting local.
“Crush the left”
Pretty sure “the left” here means self described socialists and further left in which case yes. the establishment of both parties are still scared by the s-word and even worse the c-word because no one wants to be the USSR. But there are loads of people who would define the left as the democrats and the Democratic Party doesn’t want to crush Democratic Party. (It doesn’t mean to be a self destructive idiot but sometimes it just can’t help itself) so again I know what they’re going for here but little astrisk for other people might not.
“Regime change is cool.”
If regime change was something both parties liked there would be US troops in Venezuela right now. The oldest Democrats might not be out and out against all regime change but no democrat (and plenty of Republicans quiet frankly) want to repeat the Iraq War. When it comes to regime change worse case something democrats and republicans disagree on and best case something they both agree is bad.
TL;DR- there are key differences between the political parties, regardless of what a meme might say. It’s not the 90s anymore so those differences are pretty big and only getting bigger. To each there own on who and what they support, so do your research and learn which party and which candidates best represents your values.
PS- if it’s Donald Trump go jump of a bridge.
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