tekutiger · 7 months
For a while now I've been looking for a setting in FFXIV and I've finally found it. It's not NEW, but I don't think it's commonly known either.
I wanted the setting that changes the player's name color in chat, according to their role. For example, if they are tank, their name would be blue, if they are healer, their name would be green, and if they are DPS, their name would be red.
At first I thought it was this ⤵️
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The "Apply colors according to role." check mark option. But what that does, is this;
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It may be a bit difficult to tell here because I tried to edit names in the screenshot (attempting to be considerate of people). It's really hard to see the ONE tank in my Alliance (B). But that option color codes the names of players above their head, in your party. And It doesn't effect other players in your alliance. (I have my alliance name plates set to a color very similar to that green apparently... I might change it.)
After learning this (literally today), I went searching again and found the real thing. It's this ⤵️
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Found in Character Configuration > Log Window Settings > Button at the top right that says "Name Display Settings"
It'll open a new window called "Chat Log Name Display Settings".
I feel like this is rather hidden tbh 😅. But I was going over this topic with a couple friends in Discord and honestly this find is nice. We're all going to be using it 👌🏻
You can mess with the settings and apply them, and view how they'll look real time at the bottom with the small chat 'example' they provide.
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It's just one of those small quality of life things, y'know? It's not game breaking, but it's nice to have 😊
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shekyspeare · 1 year
{ وَأُدۡخِلَ ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ وَعَمِلُواْ ٱلصَّٰلِحَٰتِ جَنَّٰتٖ تَجۡرِي مِن تَحۡتِهَا ٱلۡأَنۡهَٰرُ خَٰلِدِينَ فِيهَا بِإِذۡنِ رَبِّهِمۡۖ تَحِيَّتُهُمۡ فِيهَا سَلَٰمٌ }
A oni koji su vjerovali i dobra djela činili bit će uvedeni, s dozvolom Gospodara njihova, u džennetske bašče kroz koje rijeke teku i u njima će vječno boraviti, njihov pozdrav će u njima selam biti.
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lastly-thepan · 7 months
Name: Teku Smiths
How to say it:
Ten, Mitts, Kuku
Place of birth
Tokyo, Japan
Current Resident:
Paris, France
Voice Claim:
Kuki shinobu from Genshin Impact
Bad guys
None (open)
Mother: Sharan Smiths
Father: Kai Smiths
Bad mouth
Wolf Miraculous
Hero Name:
She Wolf
Kwami name:
(No pic)
5’0 with blue eyes and black hair that reaches her shoulders, she wears a crop top and blue shorts.
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AAG - CI Griža podala predlog za ukinitev koncesije ter dokončno sanacijokamnoloma Griža pri Rižani 
Na Ministrstvu za naravne vire in prostor (v nadaljevanju MNVP), Sektor za rudarstvo, je v teku obravnava vloge za podaljšanje koncesijske pogodbe za izkoriščanje apnenca v kamnolomu Griža pri Rižani. Vlagatelj je podjetje VOC Ekologija d.o.o., ki je koncesijo pridobilo 14. 4. 2021, s pogodbo št. 0141-7/2020-16 (pogodba o prenosu). Koncesijska pogodba je bila podaljšana zaneksom, Dodatek št. 1,…
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turisiancom · 1 year
TURISIAN.com – Saat berkunjung ke Kota Bengkulu, Sobat Turisian jangan lewatkan berwisata religi dengen menyambangi Masjid Jamik Bengkulu. Sepintas memang tak tampak keistimewaannya, namun justru daya tariknya terletak dari sang arsitekturnya, yaitu Bapak Proklamator Indonesia, Soekarno. Lokasinya sangat strategis, berada di Jl. Letjen Soeprapto, Kelurahan Pengantungan, Kecamatan Gading Cempaka, Kota Bengkulu, Provinsi Bengkulu. Kalau melihat dari udara, posisi lahan masjid berbentuk segitiga. Terletak tepat di simpang empat yang membelah Jl Letjen Soeprapto, Jl MT Haryono, dan Jl Jenderal Sudirman. Dulunya Masjid Jamik Bengkulu masih berupa surau atau musala bernama Surau Lamo yang menurut Bahasa Bengkulu berarti Surau Tua. Pendiriannya oleh saudagar keturunan Bugis, Sulawesi Selatan bernama Daeng Makulle pada awal abad 18. Makulle sendiri merupakan seorang datuk dagang dari daerah Tengah Padang. Oleh karena itu, surau tersebut terkenal juga sebagai Surau Gadang atau Masjid Jamik Tengah Padang. Lokasinya tak jauh dari makam pahlawan nasional Sentot Alibasya alias Pangeran Diponegoro, yang terletak di Kelurahan Bajak, Bengkulu. Bangunan awalya pun masih sangat sederhana, beratapkan rumbia, dengan tiang-tiang dan lantainya terbuat dari kayu. Saat memasuki abad 19, bangunan masjid berpindah ke lokasi sekarang dan lebih berkembang. Masjid berada di pusat perdagangan serta berfungsi untuk mempertemukan banyak kalangan ketika salat lima waktu. Kemudian memasuki awal abad 20, para kaum tuo, begitu sapaan kalangan cerdik pandai dan ulama di tanah Sumatra, bersama masyarakat setempat bersepakat merenovasi masjid. Karena kondisinya mulai memerlukan perbaikan. Peran Soekarno Pada saat bersamaan, tokoh nasional Soekarno masuk ke Bengkulu pada 14 Februari 1938, setelah menjalani pengasingan selama empat tahun di Ende, Nusa Tenggara Timur. Oleh penjajah Belanda, Bung Karno menempati sebuah rumah sewaan milik pengusaha Tionghoa bernama Tjang Tjen Kwat. Alamatnya di Jalan Jeruk, sekarang adalah Jl Soekarno-Hatta, Kota Bengkulu. Baca juga: Yuk Liburan Dulu ke Pantai Panjang Bengkulu! Bung Karno kerap mampir ke Masjid Jamik Tengah Padang Bengkulu tersebut untuk melaksanakan salat. Kebetulan, letaknya sekitar 1,5 km dari rumah pengasingannya dan dapat ia tempuh dengan jalan kaki atau bersepeda onthel. Ia melihat bahwa masjid harus ada pembangunan ulang karena strukturnya sudah membahayakan jemaah saat salat. Soekarno pun tak asal bicara, sebab dia memang berlatar pendidikan insinyur teknik sipil dari Technische Hoogeschool (THS) atau kini menjadi Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). Seperti dalam tulisan Zein Abdul Baqir dalam “Masjid-masjid Bersejarah di Indonesia”, Bung Karno kemudian bermusyawarah bersama kaum tuo yang ia sebut sebagai bigotedly orthodox agar bersedia memperbarui masjid mereka. Gayung bersambut karena kaum tuo pun memikirkan hal serupa dan mereka mencapai mufakat bahwa Bung Karno sendiri yang akan mendesain rupa baru Masjid Jamik Bekulu itu. Presiden RI Pertama ini pun tak ingin menerapkan desain bangunan bergaya Timur Tengah atau Eropa. Sukarno punya gayanya sendiri. Desain Arsitektur Antikolonial Yuke Ardhiati dalam buku “Bung Karno Sang Arsitek” menyebutkan bahwa Bung Karno memiliki konsistensi padu padan gaya antikolonial dan mengedepankan konsep Indonesia. Itu memengaruhi model arsitektur karyanya pada periode 1926-1945. Ketika itu, Bung Karno tak banyak mengubah struktur bangunan. Namun lebih menegaskan paduan nuansa Jawa dan Sumatra pada desain Masjid Jamik Bengkulu itu. Bung Karno mempertahankan sebagian struktur bangunan dan hanya mengubah bagian atap, tiang masjid, dan menaikkan tinggi lantai hingga 30 cm, serta dinding naik lagi 2 meter. Bagian atapnya ganti berbahan seng dengan bentuk bermodel mansard atau atap tinggi bersisi empat miring curam dengan sedikit tekukan pada bagian bawah. Atapnya bersusun atau bertumpuk tiga melambangkan iman, Islam, dan ihsan. Baca juga: Liburan Seru di Wahana Surya, Waterpark Terbesar di Bengkulu
Ada filosofi khusus mengapa bagian atap dan plafon jadi tinggi seolah-seolah ingin mencakar langit karena melambangkan ketaatan kepada Tuhan. Ada ornamen tambahan, yaitu hiasan kemuncak atau menyerupai gada pada puncak atap. Konon, Sukarno terinspirasi oleh senjata gada milik tokoh pewayangan favoritnya, yakni Bima. Struktur Bangunan Masjid Masjid Jamik Bengkulu mempunyai tiga bangunan yang saling menyatu, yakni inti masjid, serambi, dan bangunan tempat wudhu. Pada inti masjid yang menjadi ruang utama salat berukuran 14,65 m x 14,65 m. Terdapat tiga pintu masuk dengan pembatas tiga pilar setinggi sekitar 2,5 meter. Menariknya, Bung Karno tidak menempatkan tiang-tiang penopang pada bagian tengah interior masjid sehingga menghadirkan kesan lebih lapang dan lega. Justru menyematkan tiang-tiang pada setiap sisi bangunan masjid dengan jarak teratur. Pada bagian kepala pilar-pilar ini terdapat ukiran motif sulur dari kayu jati. Total ada 19 tiang dengan ukiran kayu di atasnya, termasuk pada tiga tiang pembatas pintu masuk Masjid Jamik Bengkulu. Kembali ke bangunan inti, suasananya terasa teduh karena dindingnya tinggi, sekitar 7 meter hingga mencapai plafon yang terbuat dari kayu jati cokelat. Lalu ada lubang angin bersusun dua di tiga sisi bangunan, tepat sekitar 20 cm di bawah plafon. Sekitar 1 meter di bawah lubang angin, ada motif ayat-ayat Alquran berkelir emas mengelilingi keempat sisi dalam bangunan. Bagian utama masjid ini mampu menampung sekitar 400 jemaah. Lanjut ke bagian depan ruang utama salat Masjid Jamik Bengkulu, Sobat Turisian bakal melihat sebuah mihrab berbahan beton berukuran 2,5 m x 1,6 m. Dengan mimbar khutbah bergaya Istanbul Ottoman lengkap dengan empat anak tangga. Tepat di atas mihrab ada dua kubah mini terbuat dari bahan stainless steel. Pada bagian serambi, bentuknya seperti persegi panjang dengan plafon berlapis kayu jati cokelat. Serambi tersebut ada penopang tiang kayu besar persegi delapan. Sementara tempat wudu berukuran 8,8 m x 5,55 m. Tepat di belakangnya tampak halaman luas masjid yang biasa untuk parkir kendaraan atau sebagai area salat Id. Baca juga: Petualangan ke Gunung Kaba Bengkulu yang Memukau Berkat nilai sejarahnya tersebut, pemerintah pusat sejak 2004 telah menetapkan Masjid Jamik Bengkulu sebagai cagar budaya nasional. Hal ini semakin kuat dengan Undang-Undang nomor 11 tahun 2010 tentang Cagar Budaya. Masjid ini juga berfungsi sebagai objek wisata religi dan sejarah yang selalu ramai masyarakat lokal dan luar Bengkulu berkunjung.*     Sumber: indonesia.go.id
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zoranphoto · 1 year
Beč postaje raj za bicikliste
  Grad Beč i ove godine nastavlja s ambicioznim planom proširenja biciklističkih staza. U okviru 50 različitih projekata izgradit će se dodatnih 20 kilometara biciklističke infrastrukture. Uzduž staza sadit će se drveće kako bi boravak prolaznicima bio što ugodniji.   Od početka velike biciklističke ofenzive prošle je godine u Beču izgrađeno 17 kilometara nove biciklističke infrastrukture. Austrijska metropola ove godine planira oboriti rekord i izgraditi dodatnih 20 kilometara biciklističke mreže. Kako bi biciklistička infrastruktura bila u skladu s ciljevima postizanja klimatske neutralnosti do 2040., Beč u biciklističku mrežu do 2025. planira uložiti 100 milijuna eura. Samo prošle godine uloženo je 26 milijuna eura. Proširenjem i dogradnjom biciklističkih staza Bečani dobivaju dodatan razlog zbog kojeg bi se u svakodnevici i u slobodno vrijeme odlučili za ekološki prihvatljiv način prijevoza.   Riječ je o dosad najvećem projektu proširenja biciklističke mreže. Čak 70 posto novih dionica odnosi se na biciklističke i pješačko-biciklističke staze, 15 posto otpada na prave biciklističke staze, 64 posto projekta uključuje novu infrastrukturu (proširenje i dogradnja staza), a 36 posto postojećih staza poboljšat će se i optimizirati.   Tako će se u 4. bečkom okrugu Wieden u ulici Argentinierstraße, koja je inače jako prometna upravo zbog svog položaja jer vodi od centra grada do Glavnog željezničkog kolodvora pa sve do ruba grada prema Donjoj Austriji, automobilski promet smiriti, a ulica će postati prikladnija za biciklistički i pješački promet. Ulica je duga devet kilometara, a 2022. zabilježeno je više od milijun biciklista koji su njome vozili. Osim toga, ulica će se dodatno ozeleniti kako bi bila još ugodnija za boravak. Radovi će započeti najesen. U okviru projekta smirivanja prometa i ozelenjivanja okoline škole u 8. okrugu našla se i ulica Pfeilgasse. U gotovo 700 metara dugoj ulici biciklisti i pješaci imat će prednost.   Prošle je godine započeta takozvana velika biciklistička ofenziva i u 22. okrugu Donaustadtu, biciklističke staze će do kraja godine brojiti ukupno 14 kilometara. U njih spada i 3,5 metara široka dvosmjerna staza – rezultat uvođenja obavezne naplate parkiranja na cijelom području grada. Uzduž staza u tom gradskom okrugu posadit će se gotovo 200 stabala koje će prolaznicima pružati hlad u ljetnim danima.   Započeti radovi prošle godine na izgradnji prve bečke „mega“ biciklističke staze teku po planu i nastavljaju se i ove godine. Radi se o dionici koja će povezivati središte grada s Donaustadtom. Među njima je ulica Lasallestraße dužinom koje će biciklistička staza biti posebno široka. Ta ulica jedna je od najprometnijih u gradu, 2022. zabilježeno je preko milijun biciklista. Projekt obuhvaća još nekoliko ulica, a sedam kilometara duga „mega“ staza u promet će biti puštena 2024. Eurocomm PR Read the full article
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scp-113 · 3 years
*points gun at u* any hot wheels asks that you haven't gotten and wanna answer (or answer again if you had multiple answers for it)
i took an unreasonable amount of time getting back to this. i sorry pleas forgive me 😭
(ask post in question)
1) How did you first get into the series?
you. Mrs Tomiyeee Pasaro. it's entirely your fault. spent the past idk how many months (almost a year?) showing me amazing and cursed fan art
3) Favorite & least favorite movie?
Breaking Point is my favorite; you know why. idk if i have a least fav.. i like all of them :'( but if i have to pick: WR just because the best characters aren't in it
4) Favorite & least favorite character(s)?
Shirako is my man and I would kill for him. you'd think Taro would be my least favorite but if I'm honest, it's probably Monkey
5) Favorite & least favorite car(s)?
BASSLINE MY BELOVED!! and i don't care about any of the Metal Maniacs' cars. most are forgettable to me
8) World Race or Acceleracers?
Acceleracers. WR is fun but it does not have Shirako
9) Thoughts on the redesigns?
rrraaaaAAAAAAAA. you know my thoughts about Taro specifically. the rest grew on me, but his I will never forgive
11) Teku or Metal Maniacs?
12) Silencerz or the Drones?
Drones.. i'm a sucker for that aesthetic 😔
13) What ships do you like (if any)?
I forgot Kurt / Karma last time I was asked. begrudgingly the Teku parents. also Lani / Karma / Taro because i was talking to my partner about them. it has potential.
14) Thoughts on [insert character/faction/event/etc.]?
Taro deserved to say the fuck word here.
separate thought that i had when looking for the timestamp above: I have no problem with using "suspension of disbelief" when it comes to the physics of these movies, but sometimes it's just so.. wtf?? like every time one of the Teku cars lands and just bounces no problem?? I can't. (these two videos were cathartic for me lol)
16) Any crossover/AU ideas?
i briefly thought of a Voltron/Acceleracers thing. i already figured out which Teku members would have which lions. i'd have to give it much more thought tho if i wanna get everyone in it. i neglect the Metal Maniacs too much 😔
19) Do you have any unpopular opinions about the series?
World Race is fun and shouldn't be skipped. also, Vert is kind of a blah character. not his fault that the writers just seemed to like Nolo more
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shirakofan420 · 3 years
ayyo for the hot wheels asks: 2, 3, 4, 10, and 14 (tork and nolo (as separate characters, not their relationship))
2. What do you like most about the series?
I really love the little character interaction moments in between everything. The plot on its own isn’t super compelling, but I’m here for the drama and the stupid catchphrases
3. Favorite & least favorite movie?
ope forgot to do this one before i published--
I don't really have a strong feeling on a least favorite, but I really liked breaking point the most. It's the part where I start finding the plot most interesting.
4. Favorite & least favorite character(s)?
Ok so obviously Shirako is my favorite, but aside from him I really like Marky’s impact on the story & other characters. He’s my favorite asshole and I like thinking about him & Kurt bickering
I do not care for Monkey. I put up with him only when he’s with Sparky tbh
10. Favorite World Race team?
Good LORD I love the aesthetics of Street Breed so much. Obviously there’s not a ton shown of them, but the outfits and the colors are *chef’s kiss*
14. Thoughts on [insert character/faction/event/etc.]?
-Tork: He seems like a really cool dude. I wish we knew more about him than his conflicts w/ Marky & Nolo. He’s a capable leader for sure and we love that for him
-Nolo: tbh at the start I hated him so much. He was a total brat. Towards the end he obviously grows a lot and while I don’t know if I love the way the arc was handled, I think he’s still pretty cool. I don’t think he should’ve been the Teku leader after Tone died though. He’s too young and kind of irresponsible
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ty-talks-comics · 5 years
Best of Marvel: Week of July 31st, 2019
Best of this Week: Black Panther #14 (Legacy #186) - Ta-Nehisi Coates, Daniel Acuna and Joe Sabino
Since the beginning of this new series, we’ve been left wondering if this escaped slave, turned warrior, turned legend was the real King T’Challa. We’ve been introduced to an M’Baku, though M’Baku has been dead for years and a Nakia that isn’t an emaciated mess of a supervillain. There’s also a living N’Jadaka even though Killmonger too has been dead for a long time. We’ve gotten hints that maybe things aren’t as they seem, especially when Manifold shows up as a mind controlled slave. The last few issues had finally cleared things up and it’s official; the King i back.
The book begins with Manifold helping to evacuate the Teku-Maza, a group of alien warriors that have agreed to help the Rebel Maroons fight against the “King” N’Jadaka. In the middle of the evacuation, N’Jadaka’s forces appear from hyperspace and engage the Teku-Maza and the Maroon forces in battle. 
T’Challa, now with all of his memories back has finally contacted Wakanda Prime. Shuri, Storm and his mother all answer the call and tell T’Challa how the country has flourished despite his absence and that his request for aid in space might risk this newfound peace. Shuri even asks why should Wakanda Prime even be concerned with all of this and Nakia snaps back with the fact that N’Jadaka won’t just stop at the few galaxies that he has. Honestly, this should be a grave concern for them.
The Space Empire has managed to go unnoticed by the Black Panther and others for thousands of years. With the technology that N’Jadaka wields, it wouldn’t be a stretch to say that he could give Earth’s heroes a run for their money. Shuri’s dismissal of such things comes off as naive at best, but outright dangerous at worse. T’Challa is one of the smartest and most capable of Earth’s heroes and he too fell to the Empire.
The call is unfortunately cut short as the Teku-Maza’s planet of Agwe is under attack and only T’Challa and the rest of the Maroon Elite can stop the Empire. Under M’Baku’s command, T’Challa, Nakia and the Goddess Bast take the fight to the Empire.
I’ve been waiting for Acuna to come back for large scale battles such as this. His art style is absolutely perfect to capture the sense of scale, speed and harrowing nature of this kind of space fight. He also has the perfect Afro-Futurist feel to each scene with ship designs that feel, maybe West African in nature, as well as the M’Baku’s body modification and the design on his sash. The colors are heavy with striking reds, intense greens and screaming hot yellows. Some pages also have a bit of a holographic/3D effect in some panels that adds a little bit of a trippy factor, especially as Bast uses her powers.
The battle is harrowing with each side taking casualties. The Teku-Maza leader tells his men that no matter what happens, N’Jadaka must not escape and he has them arm a weapon called the “Core-Killer,” a weapon capable of destroying the planet it’s armed on as well as almost everything within close enough range. N’Jadaka tells his people to fire on the population centers of Agwe and the Teku-Maza leader tells the Maroons to retreat as the core killer has been activated. Bast chastises M’Baku as he resigns himself to ask his forces to retreat and the Maroons get away just as Agwe goes up in flames.
This war has cost so many lives and having to give up an entire planet of people is absolutely devastating. On the possible upside, a tyrant may have finally been destroyed, leaving his people able to find freedom much like the Maroons have. I think what I like best about this is the position it puts T’Challa in. He’s lost his people many times over, so either his heart is completely hardened to it, or he values absolutely every life lost that he himself was unable to save. I don’t know how he’s going to handle this stunning climax to the war, but I can’t wait to see. High Recommend.
Very rarely do we get to feel the cold of the hills of Cimmeria.
Runner Up: Conan the Barbarian #8 (Legacy #283) - Jason Aaron, Gerardo Zaffino, Garry Brown, Matthew Wilson and Travis Lanham
Conan doesn’t often return home as far as I know. He’s always off on an adventure in Zamora, Khitai, Stygia or any number of other places, not thinking of venturing back home. What makes this story so interesting is Conan’s sense of familiarity and how things are turned on their head when the people that he knew and trusted are suddenly against him. We see his normal rage and anger, but with a restraint that is almost never given to anyone else. It’s strange, but leave it to Gerardo Zaffino and Jason Aaron to give us another amazing tale.
The cold air wafts from Conan’s mouth, the warrior clad in a heavy pelt and a large rucksack on his back. He walks through the blizzard until he comes upon a collection of huts and a dog with piercing red eyes, the first sign that all is not as it seems. He is met by a man with two axes, likely the community butcher, named Ailill. Ailill prepares Conan some food while explaining a sickness that has infected the people of Conan’s clan and that the town shaman had run away. The sickness is one of the mind and as the panels go on, we slowly get a small twinge of dread until Ailill reveals that he himself and the rest of the villagers are infected, also with piercing red eyes.
Conan punches Ailill and tries to escape only to be cornered by the others and his Grandmother, who is drawn with a face almost as horrifying as Norton Sinclair’s from Gideon Falls. This is also one of the few times we see Conan truly afraid as he runs away into the forest to avoid killing his people. He is later found in the freezing cold, half dead, by the village Shaman. He nurses Conan back to a semblance of help and tells him that the curse upon his people was inflicted by a dark wizard by the name of Thoth-Amon, one of Conan’s arch-nemesis. The shaman asks Conan if he’s ready to kill everyone he loves and Conan replies that he had brought gifts for his people and that going South had saved him, so maybe it can do the same for them.
We see how Conan earns the name Conan the Cunning as he lays traps for his people using the gifts he had brought them. Sugar cubes for the dogs to keep them distracted, spices and grog to incapacitate some of the men and spiderweb rope from Zamora for others. Things look to be going surprisingly well until his Grandmother catches him off guard, allowing the others to catch up and corner Conan again. He fights hard, but also doesn’t want to kill them. 
Zaffino draws this scene expertly with flashes of Conan's rage juxtaposed against his feelings of live. He allows himself to be stabbed and battered while just trying to pummel strike or punch his friends. His lines are thick and he makes excellent use of hatching to shade everything. We get the sense of how strong everyone is because of their movements and how large they all are. Conan is the biggest, but his grandmother is still a wall of muscle and anger.
Faces are another thing of beauty as the madness in their eyes is clear. These people are without their faculties and act like simple hounds, hounds that can talk and use tools, but with the bloodlust of hungry animals. Thoth-Amon's hate of Conan reflects amazingly in them and their lack of restraint only makes things ever more brutal.
Garry Brown's colors also make things look so beautiful and desolate. Only a man as hard as Conan could come from a place that feels so cold and isolated. During the fight there are flashes of orange to indicate how dire the fight is becoming. There's also a deep red as Conan can see the snake coming out of the ear of the Dog Keeper, the first to be infected, showing who the true enemy is and true to form, green is a color of evil as the snake is the perfect shade of vile.
Conan's grandmother, able to break free of Thoth-Amon's control, cuts the head off of the dog keeper to keep him from hurting her boy. The rest of the villagers are saved and thank Conan for coming back to them, the good times don't last as the infected dogs return and all of the Cimmerians join together for another fight. 
I loved Jason Aaron's exploration of Conan's people. They're all the same breed of strong as Conan only they've never ventured out of their home. They're rugged, hardy and they'd have to be to survive in the wilderness as they do. It was also amazing to see Conan not kill people when usually a single swing of his sword is enough to begin a tear through armies. Truthfully, he would have done so here too if there were no other way, but he had faith that he could save them and it paid off.
Zaffino gets the most praise from me because of his art style. It rings back to the days of Marvel's 1970s-1980s Conan series with a sort of pulpy look combined with the expert techniques of the modern day. He conveys emotion, action and even tells a story through the art alone. He's got skills that makes me want to check out the other books he worked on.
Conan the Barbarian continues to excel as a fantastic story, not only through showcasing new and awesome adventures of the titular barbarian, but by continuing to remind us that by the end of all of this Conan will die. These happy times won't last and it's amazing that Aaron has managed to keep that thought looming in the back of our minds. Around every turn we get a new reminder and the dread comes right back. I can't wait for the next chapter in this story or the many others coming like Esad Ribic's story of Conan's youth. This book get another high recommend from me.
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nwbeerguide · 4 years
Sip NW Magazine Best of the Northwest Tap Takeover at Teku Tavern
Join us at Teku Tavern on Thursday, Nov 14 at 6pm for a Best of the NW tap takeover. All of Sip NW's 2019 double gold winners will be on tap (& bottle pours) for the evening! With more than 20 different newly award-winning beers and ciders, kegs will be tapped and bottles will be popped at 6 p.m., splashing into glasses until the booze runs dry.
Bonus: entry is free and bottles/drafts are priced accordingly.
Raffle ticket giveaways will be going on throughout the night and are sure to fill your closets and cupboards with gear from the winning producers, not to mention subscription deals to Sip Northwest magazine, the region’s premier voice on beverage. Brewers and cidermakers will be on-hand to chat with and cheers to the Best of the Northwest!
Come drink the best of in the Pacific NW, meet the brewers & cider makers, and win schwag!
Breweries & Cideries Participating: Two Beers Brewing Co. AVID Cider Company Bainbridge Brewing Bale Breaker Brewing Company Bauman's Cider Boneyard Beer Brownrigg Hard Cider Cloudburst Brewing Eaglemount Wine and Cider Finnriver Fremont Brewing Georgetown Brewing Portland Cider Co. Propolis Rootwood Cider Co Seattle Cider Company Sumerian Brewing Tieton Cider Works Urban Family Brewing Company WildCraft Cider Works
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brlog · 5 years
Kako sam i najavila u prošlom postu, slijedi nekoliko redaka iz Lukinog pera, gdje opisuje svoja razmišljanja, frustracije i događaje koje je proživio dok sam ja bila prikovana za krevet u Kon Tumu. 
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Slika 1: Gostujući autor Luka previja koljeno prije no što će odjurit u novu pustolovinu
Sve zdravstvene nedaće koje mogu zadestiti jednog putnika, snašle su Gogu; istovremeno, daleko iza neprijateljskih linija, u idiličnom ali izoliranom gradiću... ukazala se prilika da i ja napišem koju riječ sa svojim doživljajima tih dana, dok je glavna urednica bila na bolovanju.
Kon Tum, grad u unutrašnjosti uz granicu s Laosom, na Ho Chi Minh roadu, daleko je od klasičnih ruta zapadnjačkih, kineskih, ali i domaćih turista. Jedini zapadni gosti ovdje su backpackeri dovoljno ludi da sa svojim Honda Winovima ili XR150-icama odluče voziti na sjever prašnjavim cetama središnjih visoravni južnog Vijetnama. I oni tu samo prenoće, kako bi duži put od Dalata do Hoi Ana razbili na podnošljivije dionice. Ovdje su glavna atrakcija zajednice etničkih manjina koje naseljavaju obronke obližnjih planina i riječne doline. Manjine koje naseljavaju centralne visoravni Vijetnama najčešće su kršćanske vjeroispovjesti (podjednako katoličke, koja je nešto ograničenija, i protestantske koja dopušta animizam i štovanje predaka) kao posljedica brojnih propovjednika koji su pokrštavali putujući uzvodno rijekama u Vijetnamu.
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Slika 2: Manjinski Isus
Sam grad se sastoji od širokih bulevara i ulica s vrlo rijetkim prometom za Vijetnamske pojmove, što ga čini upravo ugodnim za provođenje vremena lutajući i vozeći se naokolo. Unatoč originalnom planu da u Kon Tumu samo prespavamo, ovdje smo se zadržali punih 7 dana. Homestay u kojem smo se nasukali se srećom pokazao kao pravo mjesto za zaglaviti. Cijene smještaja i hrane su bile više nego konkurentne, hrana koju je svaki dan spremala gazdina majka odlična i najskromnije rečeno obilna, ambijent i čistoća pristojni. Za usporedbu, soba s bračnim krevetom i zajedničkim wc-om koštala nas je 200.000 dongova (57 kn), a večere 70.000 dongova (20 kn). Bez konkurencije najbolji omjer uloženo - dobiveno na putovanju do sada. Red veličine dnevnog budžeta po osobi, hrana + spavanje + najam motora tih dana bio nam je nekakvih stotinjak kuna. Neodoljivo štene Lucy, gazda Duong i njegova majka bili su super simpatični i željni pomoći, čak je i plejada likova koji su se svaku večer izmjenjivali u homestayu bila zanimljivija i autentičnija od standardne postave backpackerskog hostela, generičkih, repetitivnih razgovora i stereotipa. Svatko u svojoj moto avanturi, pravo su blago korisnih putničkih informacija i životnih priča. Živio bijeg od masovnog turizma!
Za razliku od bolje mi polovice koja jedva da je mogla ustat iz kreveta, boravak u skučenom sobičku meni se činio kao traćenje vremena u Vijetnamu, a s obzirom na okolnosti zaključio sam da ću vrijeme u Kon Tumu najbolje iskoristit obavljajući nakupljene ‘uredske’ obaveze i istražujući okolicu dostupnu dnevnim vožnjama motorom.
Prva prilika za akciju ukazala se već prvog dana Goginog bolovanja. Gazda je odlučio voditi talijansko-kanadski par koji je odsjeo u sobi preko puta nas na trek po obližnjim manjinskim selima i pozvao me da pođem s njima. Gogu sam previo, spakirao u postelju i pustio u društvu njene novootkrivene guske. Započeli smo dan nabavom hrane za piknik, a onda smo se odvezli preko uskog visećeg mostića južno od grada na makadam koji meandrira prateći rijeku. Tu započinju sela s karakterističnim društvenim kućama u središtu sela - rongovima. To su drvene kuće s izrazito visokim slamnatim krovom čija je funkcija održavanje niže temperature zraka uz pod gdje se boravi. I stvarno, i za najvećeg zvizdana vrući zrak struji prema gore i zadržava se visoko uz krov, a dolje u sjeni je svježe i ugodno. Rong se koristi za razne društvene prilike, od sastanaka mjesnog odbora, preko proslava pa do održavanja nastave dok se škola renovira.
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Slika 3: Tipični seoski rong
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Slika 4: Unutrašnjost ronga s oslikanim gredama
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Slika 5: Krovna konstrukcija ronga - pravi mikado
Problemi manjinskih zajednica su brojni, od nedostupnosti ili niže kvalitete obrazovanja, manjka socijalne mobilnosti i prilika u životu, do sustavne političke diskriminacije zbog sudjelovanja manjiskih grupa u Vijetnamskom ratu na strani Amerikanaca itd. Jedna zanimljivost: Vijetnamci uz osobne podatke i adresu na osobnoj imaju vjeroispovjest i etničku grupu i sve navedeno se uzima u obzir kod svakodnevnih birokratskih procedura. Naravno, kao i kod ostalih bitki sa državnom birokracijom u Vijetnamu, dobro odmjereni mito znači više od etničke pripadnosti ili vjeroispovijesti. Manjine u Vijetnamu su vrlo osjetljiva tema o kojoj se i sami Vijetnamci ustručavaju govoriti, a u koju je moj uvid vrlo ograničen pa ovdje nema smisla dublje ulaziti u tu temu. 
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Slika 6: Klinci iz sela, improvizirane štule od bambusa
Dalje smo nastavili uzvodno uz rijeku gdje se peca i ribari, peru se djeca i veš, transportira se roba itd. Na vrhuncu smo suhe sezone, vodostaj je trenutno nizak i na mjestima ekipa mora pogurati tradicionalne drvene kajake kroz plićak. Kako se put penje uzbrdo, tu započinju rižina polja i kanjoni potočića koji teku s planine. Odradili smo klasični vijetnamski piknik uz slapiće i dogovorili s lokalcima da nas prebace kanuima nazad nizvodno za 100.000 dongova (29 kn).
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Slika 7: Opuštena vožnja brodićem
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Slika 8: Nema baš hlada
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Slika 9: Pranje robe
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Slika 10: Čuči mališa, vidi mu se piša
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Slika 11: Rižina polja
Kraj je ožujka, kišna sezona se očekuje kroz 2 mjeseca i centralna visoravan je obavijena rijetkom izmaglicom dima zbog spaljivanja jednogodišnjih usjeva kako bi se zemlja ‘resetirala’ za iduću sezonu. Ta poljoprivredna tehnika naziva se ‘slash and burn’, karakteristična je agrarnim zajednicama tropskih prostora i pripada najprimitivnijim agrošumarskim načinima gospodarenja zemljom. Sva šumska vegetacija na prostorima predodređenim za poljoprivredu i na postojećim poljima jednogodišnjih biljaka posječe se te nakon što se posušila na mjestu gdje je pala, zapali prije najplodnijeg dijela sezone, uglavnom neposredno prije dolaska monsuma. Početkom našeg kalendarskog ljeta, ovdje započinje monsumska sezona: kreću svakodnevni pljuskovi u popodnevnim satima i noću, a vegetacija buja i sve je opet zeleno. Na sasječenim i spaljenim poljima ponovno započinje ciklus i zemlja nahranjena površinskim slojem pepela bogatog nutrijentima daje temelje ubrzanom rastu zasađenih nasada.
Problem s takvom vrstom poljoprivrede je što požar osim korova i posječenih nasada jednogodišnjih biljaka istrijebi kukce i bakterije zaslužne za razgradnju odumrle vegetacije, eliminira vlagu iz zraka te narušava osjetljivo međudjelovanje biljnog i životinjskog svijeta i prirodni ciklus povratka nutrijenata u zemlju. Nakon cca 5 godina količina nutrijenata u zemlji se iscrpi i tada je potrebno nasade preseliti na novu lokaciju koja će se koristiti dok se postojeća ne regenerira. Jasno je da je ‘slash and burn’ održiv isključivo za male nomadske populacije koje uzgajaju kulture jednogodišnjih biljaka na velikim površinama zemlje. Nažalost, ruralne zajednice u tropskim područjima su sve samo ne male i bujajući problem prenapučenosti rezultira brojnim problemima takvog načina poljoprivrede: deforestacijom, gubitkom staništa i vrsta, ispuštanjem stakleničkih plinova u atmosferu, smogom i dimom u zraku, erozijom tla itd. To nas dovodi do, na ovom putovanju, meni osobno najvidljivijeg problema (uz neizbježan i sveprisutan problem plastike koja je posvuda i nepostojanja organiziranog gospodarenja otpadom): deforestacija i gubitak staništa. Vozeći se ruralnim dijelovima Vijetnama spaljeni dijelovi šuma i polja naprosto bodu u oči, noću ogromni požari pokrivaju padine planina uz cestu, a stalna izmaglica dima obavija centralne visoravni Vijetnama u proljeće. Moram priznat da su plastika i šume nagrizene ‘slash and burn’ poljoprivredom pokvarile moj dojam Vijetnama u cjelini. Naravno, ovo nisu problemi svojstveni samo Vijetnamu. Problem nepostojanja gospodarenja otpadom i okoliša pretrpanog plastičnim i drugim otpadom vjerojatno je izraženiji kod država poput npr. Indije, a vidljiv je posvuda u južnoj i jugoistočnoj Aziji. Slash and burn izaziva ogromne polemike u npr. Indoneziji gdje požari na plantažama palmi u proljeće izazivaju međunarodne incidente zbog gustog dima koji se širi u Maleziju i Singapur, u Brazilu Amazona svake godine gubi svoju površinu itd.
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Slika 12: Deforestacija...
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Slika 13: ...posvuda
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Slika 14: Tugica
Jednog od idućih dana, na preporuku našeg domaćina, zaputio sam se u nacionalni park Chu Mom Ray, nekakvih sat vremena vožnje na zapad, na samoj tromeđi Laosa, Kambodže i Vijetnama. Park je još uvijek projekt u nastajanju, ne postoji službeni ulaz ni prilazna cesta, već samo rđava rampa i portirnica napravljena od cerade na bijelom putu kroz rižina polja. Postojeći putevi u parku nisu markirani, mnogi su tek u izradi i vidljivo je da se još uvijek radi na novima. Sam park se sastoji od dvije međusobno okomite ceste sirovog izrovanog makadama koje ga presijecaju, planine Chu Mom Ray po kojoj je i dobio ime, te džungle koja ju okružuje. Došavši do vrlo skromnog središta parka, koji je više ograđeni vrt sa betonskom podlogom za parking motora i povećom kućom za osoblje, bez ikakvih mapa, letaka, osoblja koje govori engleski ili bilo kakvog korisnog sadržaja za posjetitelja parka. Najkorisnija stvar koju ova naseobina u parku nudi je reljefna maketa parka sa označenim točkama interesa u nečijem uredu u koji sam znatiželjno zavirio i pofotkao si točke interesa. Nakon inicijalnih problema sa sporazumijevanjem, uz malu pomoć Google Translatora, djevojke su mi objasnile da ne mogu nigdje bez vodiča čiji najam košta 200.000 dongova. Tu opciju sam glatko odbio, podučen internetskim znanjem i prijašnjim iskustvima iz drugih Vijetnamskih parkova. Mjera nametnutog uzimanja vodiča za ultralagano planinarenje i trekove daleko od bilo kakve prave divljine je nešto što me jako nervira još od Tajlanda i ne želim to poticati ni na koji način. Srećom, kontakt koji mi je dao omiljeni gazda homestaya ispostavio se kao direktor Parka. Nekoliko vijetnamskih rečenica telefonom kasnije, cure su u potpunosti promijenile retoriku, mogao sam slobodno motorom nastaviti u park i hodati dalje po volji sam. Cesta je prema svim prihvaćenim standardima očajna, ali sa XR150icom je bio čisti gušt konačno se voziti po zahtjevnijem terenu i iskoristiti puni potencijal motora koji tako dugo vozimo po relativno dobrim cestama. Sama priroda je ok, ništa posebno, prošetao sam se uz poviši slap koji zbog vrhunca suhe sezone nije bio posebno atraktivan, i dalje do vrha brda. Pogled s vrha, uz činjenicu da je park potpuno prazan (nigdje na putu nisam susreo nikoga, kako zapadnjaka tako ni Vijetnamca), bio je vrhunac iskustva koje mi je ovo mjesto pružilo. Bilo je to nekoliko sati ugodne fizičke aktivnosti koja mi očajno fali na ovom podugom putovanju.
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Slika 15: Maketa nacionalnog parka
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Slika 16: Pogled s vrha brda
Vijetnam je ispresijecan mrežom odličnih asfaltiranih cesta na iznenađujuće izoliranim prostorima, ali kao što je moguće pronaći predivnu novu cestu koja ne postoji ni na kakvoj mapi, šanse su i da će glavni, debelo označeni put na mapi ispast neodržavani krš propadajućeg vijugavog niza rupa ili jednostavno makadam ispresijecan strojevima, materijalom i kilometrima radova. Glavne ceste na mapama često su oštećene klizištima, potopljene izgradnjom brana i sl., a nove niču bez najave na mjestima gdje bi ih najmanje očekivao. Google maps tu ne znače puno...
Putovanje na dva kotača pruža jedinstvenu slobodu koju je teško ostvariti drugim sredstvima prijevoza; uklanja ograničenja vremena i kretanja koje postavlja putovanje vlakom ili busom, a stavlja putnika u puno direktniji kontakt sa okolinom od putovanja na četiri kotača. Na motoru nema ograničenja, karoserije, lako se približiti rubu ceste, pogledati u dolinu, zaviriti preko ruba klisure, prema obzoru, vrhovima planina, osjetiti mirise sa polja, u gradu, stati, parkirati i lagano se prebaciti u neku drugu aktivnost, ili neobavezno razgledati i nastaviti dalje... Ipak, zahtijeva određenu dozu avanturističkog duha, aktivno sudjelovanje, fokus na vožnju, strpljenje i fleksibilnost oko mogućih problema na putu, vremenskih (ne)prilika i vremena dolaska. Avantura je za mene smisao putovanja po egzotičnim mjestima poput jugoistočne Azije i mislim da su spomenute vrline potrebne svakom tko se upusti u nezavisno putovanje ovim krajevima, bez obzira na sredstvo prijevoza.
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Slika 17: Na motoru
Odrastajući u Puli, gdje među klincima postoji skoro pa rednečka strast prema vožnji i prčkanju ispod haube raspalih peglica, stojadina, thomosovih APN-a, skutera, ugrađivanju čipova, Marmitta, Akrapovića i ostalih pizdarija na motore, razvio sam odbojnost prema tim trendovima. Jednostavnije rečeno, moj interes za išta vezano uz mehaniku, vožnju ili koncept motora kao dijela lifestylea bio je ravan nuli. Štoviše, bio sam aktivni hejter cijele te priče. Sve se promijenilo prije nekakvih pet godina kad me sila prilika natjerala na putovanje motorom po Palawanu, otoku na Filipinima. Bilo je to vrijeme dok sam odrađivao semestar na sveučilištu u Tajvanu. U društvu nekolicine kolega s kojima sam dijelio kat u domu krenuo sam dvotjedni izlet na Filipine tijekom famoznog ‘spring breaka’ - pandana našim uskršnjim praznicima na faksu. Momci su bili iskusni vozači i odlučili su rentati motore kao najbolji način da obiđemo otok. Prije toga imao sam ograničeno iskustvo vožnje skutera, isključivo automatika, što po kvartu kad sam bio klinac, što u Tajvanu gdje je to bio glavni način prijevoza studenata. Na motor s brzinama prije toga nisam ni pomišljao, a kamoli znao kako se vozi. Ne želeći ispasti ubojica spike i ustopirati akciju, ubrzo sam popustio nagovorima i pristao unajmiti motor. Nakon ubrzanog jednodnevnog tečaja kojeg su mi momci dali i preznojavanja sa kvačilom na motoru od 250 kubika koji mi se tada činio kao neukrotiva zvijer, sutradan sam već vozio stotinjak kilometara uzduž otoka. Srećom, platio sam danak svojoj mladenačkoj ludosti samo u obliku nekoliko sitnijih ožiljaka i poderanih majica. Desetak dana vožnje po makadamu na Palawanu i 3 pada s motora kasnije, bio sam navučen na ideju putovanja na 2 kotača. Čvrsto sam odlučio iskoristiti sve prednosti motora i po povratku kući položiti A kategoriju i ovladati vještinom upravljanja motorom. Pet godina kasnije, internacionalna vozačka je u džepu, skuter parkiran u Zagrebu, a mi vozimo Ho Chi Minh roadom uz granicu Vijetnama i Laosa na sjever... 
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Slika 18: Vožnja kroz rižina polja
Koliko god mi draga bila činjenica da je Goga odlučno zakoračila daleko izvan svoje comfort zone i pristala u Vijetnamu putovati motorom, njezin paničan strah od moguće nasilne smrti na motoru ograničio nas je na izrazito duge i spore, cijelodnevne dionice vožnje, dane provedene na suncu i u prašini vozeći prosječnom brzinom od 40-ak km/h. Motori koje smo iznajmili kombinacija su cestovnog i malog off-road motora, nisu prejaki niti preteški za kontrolirati, a opet imaju dovoljno kvalitetne suspenzije za nošenje i sa najgorim blatnim i kamenim cestama. Nije da ona ne zna ili ne može voziti bolje, u ovih 3+ tisuće kilometara njezina vještina vožnje eksponencijalno je porasla, međutim psihičke kočnice su i dalje jake. Meni se taj način vožnje pokazao kao izuzetno fizički i psihički naporan. Teško mi je zadržati fokus na prometu i vožnji kroz dugo razdoblje pri jednoličnoj sporoj vožnji, a uspravan položaj sjedenja na motoru bez dinamičnih pokreta tijela i naginjanja ubija mi leđa. O vožnji na otvorenoj cesti dok je tropsko sunce u zenitu i bolovima u guzici nakon šestosatne vožnje bolje da ni ne govorim. To me ostavilo da žudim za malo aktivnijom vožnjom koju su mi naše Honde XR150 mogle pružiti na ovim cestama. Kao utjeha ostali su mi dnevni izleti na koje sam se ponekad znao uputiti sam ili bi išli samo jednim motorom.
Takva je bila i vožnja cestom kroz rezervat prirode istočno od ‘dugih planina’ - planinskog lanca Truong Son Dong koji odvaja centralne visoravni od ostatka gorja na istoku. U neposrednoj okolici Kon Tuma zemlja je ravna. Plantaže kaučuka ovdje su nasad izbora i pokrivaju zemlju uz prilaze gradu i okolnje obronke. Čim se pređe prvi red brežuljaka započinje prostor vrlo dojmljivog reljefa, potočići, rižina polja i manjinska sela. S druge strane planina nalazi se osvježavajuće netaknuta kišna šuma, bez sela, polja ili ožiljaka spaljene zemlje igdje uz cestu satima. U jednom trenutku, na samom rubu parka, na cesti mi se ukazao bizaran prizor. Usred ničega, dvije trake ceste pretvaraju se u kilometar ravne cesturine sa 6 traka nakon čega opet postaju skromni dvotračni cestuljak kroz šumu. Palo mi je na pamet da je to Vijetnamski pandan našem potezu autoceste kod Grobnika koji je za vrijeme Jugoslavije imao dvojnu funkciju: koristio se i kao cesta, i kao avio pista u slučaju nužde, ali nisam uspio pronaći službenu potvrdu svoje teorije. Cesta se nakon toga naglo spušta u dolinu i skreće zapadno kroz planinski lanac. Sunce je spektakularno zašlo iza dugih planina na zapadu, a ja sam zaokružio turu noćnom vožnjom natrag kroz planine južno od Kon Tuma.
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Slika 19: Pitoreskna cesta zavija kroz krajolik
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Slika 20: Plantaža kaučuka
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Slika 21: Riža posvuda
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Slika 22: Čisti zen
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Slika 23: Cesta ili avionska pista?
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Slika 24: Idila pred suton
Po povratku u homestay bilo mi je jasno da je Goga puno bolje. Večerašnja postava gostiju je bila za stolom, hrana servirana i svi su već veselo ćakulali o doživljajima i planovima za dalje. Došlo je vrijeme da se zorom oprostimo sa domaćinima, zajašimo svoje ždrijepce i odjašemo na divlji sjever. Falit će mi njihove raskošne gozbe na kojima se količina hrane ne smanjuje koliko god se trudio dovršiti obrok. Tu bih ovu tiradu, koju sam si dopustio dobivši glas na blogu, priveo kraju.
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tekutiger · 7 months
I'm not the quickest when it comes to finding new stuff in patches. I also don't always go to Reddit and look at the lists of 'stuff is found here or bought with this'. (rarely I do, those lists are handy btw.)
With that being said, today I found these on one of the PvP vendors (the Mark Quartermaster - on the Far Right).
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It's easier to find things when you check the box that says "Show only recently added items."
They added GC Trophies for housing 😮
Once upon a time, picking your GC and repping it used to be a thing... kinda. Okay, maybe even then it wasn't all that much of a big deal. But when you picked a GC and ran Frontlines, you were on that team.
At some point they added 'a fix' or 'a change' (whatever you want to call it) and there were games where you'd get thrown into random teams when players couldn't fill, or the queue times were long. But for the most part, you were on the team of your GC. Now days you pick your GC entirely on aesthetics or backstory of your OC, unless for something else. That's entirely on you. Now that change is permanent and every time you run a Frontline, you join as a Freelancer.
I'm one of those lazy -loyal 🤫 people where I pick a GC at the beginning of MSQ and I refuse to swap to another one even though I know I should. Swapping would benefit me, I'd get new achievements and GC exclusive items and I could always return to my first GC... it just seems messy as some things won't migrate with me 🙃
But that's not what I wanna talk about~. I really like these new housing items. We can buy them separately or as a set.
I'm going to post a bunch of screenies below of how these look spaced apart, and how I believe they were meant to be placed close together as a set.
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Twin Adders, a.k.a. 'Serpent'. ⬆️
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Immortal Flames, a.k.a. 'Flames'. ⬆️
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Maelstrom, a.k.a. 'Storm'. ⬆️
These being 7.5k Wolf Marks each, you'll need 22.5k Wolf Marks for a whole set. The 'Left' Trophy for all of them has an effect. For Serpent, cherry blossom petals fall. For Flames, steam rises. For Storm, water crashes out from the side.
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acharya123himal · 3 years
Dr. Anoop Bastola appointed as Director of Teku Hospital
Dr. Anoop Bastola appointed as Director of Teku Hospital
14 July, Kathmandu. Dr. Anoop Bastola has been appointed as the Director of Shukraj Tropical and Communicable Diseases Hospital. Dr. An official of the Ministry of Health and Population said that Sagar Raj Bhandari has been appointed as the Director by a ministerial decision of the Ministry of Health and Population. Bastola, a class 11 student, was earlier the chief advisor of the hospital. Born…
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allaboutforexworld · 3 years
Valid Points: What to Expect When Ethereum 2.0 Undergoes Its First ‘Hard Fork’
Valid Points: What to Expect When Ethereum 2.0 Undergoes Its First ‘Hard Fork’
Eth 2.0 is looking at its first hard fork this year. The Ethereum Foundation-backed research team is currently organizing schematics for a mid-2021 backward-incompatible change to the Beacon Chain, according to a Jan. 14 developer’s call. This hard fork is really not a hard fork in the traditional sense, Teku client project manager Ben Edgington pointed out. Rather, it’s a warmup before sharding…
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thecryptoreport · 3 years
Valid Points: What to Expect When Ethereum 2.0 Undergoes Its First ‘Hard Fork’
Valid Points: What to Expect When Ethereum 2.0 Undergoes Its First ‘Hard Fork’
Eth 2.0 is looking at its first hard fork this year. The Ethereum Foundation-backed research team is currently organizing schematics for a  mid-2021 backward-incompatible change to the Beacon Chain, according to a Jan. 14 developer’s call. This hard fork is really not a hard fork in the traditional sense, Teku client project manager Ben Edgington pointed out. Rather, it’s a warmup before…
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khalilhumam · 4 years
Hunger striking surgeon struggles to reform Nepal's inadequate health care system
New Post has been published on http://khalilhumam.com/hunger-striking-surgeon-struggles-to-reform-nepals-inadequate-health-care-system/
Hunger striking surgeon struggles to reform Nepal's inadequate health care system
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“They compelled me to do so”
Dr. Govinda KC on the 13th day of his eighth hunger strike at the Institute of Medicine, Maharajganj. Image by Esushant via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0.
On September 14, activist and retired surgeon Dr. Govinda KC — who has been routinely leveraging his own well-being to demand reform of the country's health care system — began his 19th hunger strike at a temple in Ranichaur, a village in Nepal's Jumla district. Doctorstory Nepal, the collaborative social media account of several Nepali doctors, tweeted:
beloved ones without access to health service. He has spend his 150 days in hunger to bring justice to people. He is in his 19th fast onto death and we call him “Pagal” I wish I could be pagal like him. But I don’t have such strength. But why not support him and his cause, — Doctorstory Nepal-सेवा नै धर्म होl (@DocstoryNepal) September 25, 2020
“Pagal” is a term meaning “mad” or “crazy” in Nepali. Dr. KC's demands include providing timely treatment to both COVID-19 patients and those with general ailments, putting an end to the country's lockdown and preventing a surge of infections by taking safety precautions. He is also advocating for medical services to be free and accessible to the public, and wants those involved in corruption in the medical sector to be exposed. On September 22, as Dr. KC's health began to deteriorate, Nepal police forcibly took him to the National Trauma Center in Kathmandu, where he refused all treatments. Instead, he went to the Maharajgunj Teaching Hospital, where he continued his hunger strike. In a press conference on October 1, Minister for Foreign Affairs Pradeep Gyawali urged Dr. KC to end the strike, saying that some of his demands have already been met and the government is working to fulfil the rest.
Leading by example
A former senior orthopedic surgeon and professor at Nepal's Tribhuwan University Teaching  Hospital, Dr. KC retired in October 2019, after 26 years of service. In the wake of several natural disasters, he was part of international humanitarian missions to India, Myanmar, Pakistan, the Philippines and Haiti. In Nepal, he has used his own savings to visit remote villages and provide free medical treatment for the poor. Despite the fact that Dr. KC has waged several hunger strikes over the past nine years, there has been limited progress. On each occasion that the government negotiated with him and reached an agreement, he would end his strike — but the government never implemented the promises it made. In an interview with Image channel in October 2019, Dr. KC explained:
In the beginning, I thought politicians were unaware of the challenges people in remote villages face; I later realized that politicians are not here to serve the country, but to serve their own personal agenda and make money. That's the reason I have to return to my hunger strikes, again and again — they compelled me to do so.
Public vs. private health care
The COVID-19 pandemic has put additional pressure on Nepal's already shaky public health system, which lacks infrastructure, resources and transparency. Staff and resources are spread so thin that many people are losing their lives in the absence of timely medical attention. The Ministry of Health has come under fire for making what many feel are irresponsible and unethical decisions with regard to the pandemic, including its decision to expand the use of ineffective rapid test kits. There have also been irregularities in the purchase of certain medicines. Although stories of the government's positive actions occasionally make headlines, public hospitals in Nepal are generally poorly equipped and still centralised, making access difficult for citizens in remote areas. In contrast, private hospitals — which are often owned by political leaders and other powerful people — are unregulated, expensive, and free to operate without government interference. Most wealthy Nepalis, including politicians, travel overseas for medical treatment, raising questions about whether public funds are used to pay for these trips. In a tweet addressing the unreliability of care in private hospitals, netizen Sudin Sayami, who posted a graphic in solidarity with Dr. KC, noted:
मेरो छिमेकी कोर्ना भएर वयोदा अस्पतालमा ७ दिन सुतेको ५ लाख सकायो, निको भयो। अर्को छिमेकी टेकु अस्पतालमा ६ दिन सुत्यो पैसाको नामै लिएन, निको भयो एकजना आफन्त ग्राण्डी अस्पतालमा ८ दिन सुतेको १५ लाख तिर्यो र मर्यो। बिरामी हेर्न नि दिएन, लाश पनि हेर्न दिएन यसैको लागी लड्दैछ पागल बुढो pic.twitter.com/Ki15X5g2R1 — सुदिन
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(@SudinSayami) September 29, 2020
My neighbor had corona; he spent seven days in Voyoda Hospital and spent 500,000 Nepali rupees [4,270 United States dollars]; he recovered. Another neighbor who spent six days in Teku Hospital recovered and was not charged for his treatment. A relative who spent eight days in Grandi Hospital paid 1,500,000 rupees [US $12,810] died. No one was allowed to see either the patient or the dead body. That's what the crazy old man is fighting for.”
Public support for Dr. KC
Thousands of Nepalis who have followed Dr. KC's journey — including medical doctors, politicians, celebrities and members of the public — believe that his demands are legitimate. They have therefore taken to social media platforms to support the cause, using hashtags like #IAmWithDrKC, #WearewithDrKC, and #SaveDrKc to speak out and call for action:
सरकार कम्तीमा हामी ३ करोड नेपालीको लागि भए पनि डा. केसीको माग पुरा गरी जीवन रक्षा गर ! यस्ता चिकित्सक शायद अब फेरी जन्मिदैनन ! #IAmwithDrKC #SaveDrKC pic.twitter.com/BVV9CQqC9u  — Punya Bhandari (@PunyaBhandari1) September 30, 2020
[The] government should fulfil Dr. KC's demands and save his life, at least for the sake of 30 million Nepalis! Such doctors may not be born again!
The National Human Rights Commission has also urged the government to protect Dr. KC's life and make public the details of agreements signed with him in the past. In addition, it has asked for a progress report on the government's implementation of the agreed-to demands.
Efforts not in vain
Despite the challenges, Dr. KC's efforts have brought about some positive changes — most notably, the passing of the National Medical Education Act, which finally paved the way for reforms and standardisation efforts in medical education. This new legislation means that issues like admissions, examinations and fees will be decided by the country's Medical Education Commission. Scholarship quotas for medical education and the monitoring of university faculty have also been increased. Dr. KC's ongoing journey, however, indicates that there is still work to be done: his protests aren’t being fully heard and pressing issues in the country's health care sector are still not being given the attention they deserve. Until they do, Nepal will continue to fall behind global health standard and Dr. KC will, quite likely, continue his hunger strikes.
Written by Benju Lwagun
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