teyvattery · 2 years
SCREEEE! I love your college au!!! Mind doing more Childe x fem or gn reader???? sorry for bothering!!! ( • ̀ω•́ )✧
ofc!! Childe's a v fun character & I definitely have a lot of college/modern au prompts ready 4 this guyy
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teyvattery · 2 years
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teyvattery · 2 years
marry me?
i take proposals v seriously 🙎🙎❌ sit down
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teyvattery · 2 years
☘️Introduction and Rules🌻
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welcome to teyvattery's charging station :)))
I write for everyone in Genshin Impact, although uploads are inconsistent because I only write for fun and in my free time.
I write fics that are either GN(Gender Neutral) or has an AFAB(Assigned Female At Birth) reader. To avoid confusion, I shall be making it clear at the very start of every fic if it's a fic that is GN with no gendered terms/body part mention, GN but AFAB, reader who uses she/her pronouns, and the like. I would prefer those who would send in requests tailored to them state their pronouns and/or how they wanted to be perceived, as my goal is to be a safe space where everyone could enjoy and be included. This also goes for reader's appearance. As much as possible, specific build/body type/skin color/hair type and color/etc would be avoided unless it's a specific fic (ex. Genshin Characters with a taller s/o)
Onto the topic of requests, I won't be promising to write every request however xD I am a person who has a fleeting personality. I could be very pumped up writing now, but at the same time I could be bored and leave my creations unfinished forever. It really just depends on my mood and my current supply of brain juice xD
I write about anything, except very triggering matters such as d;sorders and su!zide(especially if it's with reader). If in need of comfort, I shall write generalized comfort fics instead. Please understand. I am okay with death mentions however, in fics that require angst. But please do note that I will not go into explicit detail, and *if* I do shall be issuing warnings at the start of the fics without fail^^
I will be writing a lot of yandere/toxic fics. I would like my readers to know that I do not support/encourage these types of actions/people in real life. If someone starts acting like a possessive manipulative psycho bastard towards you, you shouldn't condone it either and call it out—those types of people do not love nor respect you. Fiction is very different from real life, it is not the romance you'd want, trust me.
NSFW fics are strictly for characters who are NOT minors/literal children. ALSO,,, NSFW are not for minors in general xD If you are a minor you are not encouraged to read my 18+ fics. It is not my responsibility if one chooses to read, but I would like to put it out there that while teyvattery is inclusive, minors aren't welcomed specifically in my 18+ fics. I would like for everyone interacting with my blog to have their age(or at least if they are a minor or not) on their profile, especially those who plan to send a request/prompt.
That is all! I hope you enjoy your stay in teyvattery~
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