#thank u claudia
thekidsarentalright · 1 month
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Who is Patrick Stump these days? "(Pauses to think) I'm a dad, I'm a composer, I'm a nerd... and I sit around and try and help other people tell their stories."
Happy birthday Patrick, my favorite storyteller <3
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raayllum · 11 months
In regards to the post about people occasionally misunderstanding Callum and Viren's flaws, what have you seen people do with there characters that stood out to you as wrong? I only ask cause I'm very much a pantser of stories and write based of what vibes, so I want to know what kind of things to look out for.
Disclaimer: I am by no means an expert but I have been writing/analyzing for a long time, and now in a somewhat professional capacity, so here's just how I personally think of it / what I've personally seen in fandom. I also don't think pantsers are more inclined (from the writing friends I know, they tend to be more intuition based, which can serve you very very well) even if I am definitely a planner.
With all that out of the way, it basically boils down to ignoring all of Viren's virtues / good intentions, and modifying or ignoring Callum's vices and 'bad' intentions i.e. assuming that Viren's motivations are nothing more than being power hungry and selfish, and that Callum's motivations are always pure and good.
One of the things that I think that's really elevated my writing and analysis is digging my heels into like, examining things from a pyschological basis. What this means is looking not only at how a character's flaws or strengths manifest, but figuring out why and where they're stemming from. This is important for like, you can only write a character if you understand where they're coming from, as this process forms the basis for knowing character motivation (and therefore justification).
Because yes, Viren is power hungry and selfish, and we see in 4x02 he kind of knows that, but he's not admitting that or thinking that way for the bulk of the series. That may be how other characters / the audience sees his actions, but how does he see his actions? Understanding how a character can justify/rationalize things to themselves is important if you want to portray them as well rounded. Viren can say something contradictory like "We must be ready to sacrifice, even the things we love" about his family and "I have always been ready to do anything to protect my family, however dangerous, however vile" and have them both be simultaneously true, because most people — or at least, compelling characters — have contradictory notions or conflicts, and it's the war between opposing wants and desires that causes their internal arcs to well, happen.
Same thing for Callum. He doesn't mean to be a jerk to Ezran in either the beginning or ending of S1, we already know how much his little brother means to him and how nurturing he is, usually. But loving someone deeply isn't the same thing as always treating them kindly, as I'm sure most of us know. So Callum blows up, immediately regretting it in 1x02, and remaining far more of a jerk about it in 1x09 until he apologizes. If the takeaway is just that one of Callum's flaws is his temper, that's all well and good (and it very much is) but it fails to consider when and why his temper comes out. (Which, if you're interested on something more in depth, meta on that here.)
For example, for me, a lot (if not the bulk) of Callum's characterization comes back to a Core of wanting to protect/help his loved ones. Which sounds vague, but that's why the specificities are what matters. Callum's temper tends to come out, specifically, when he's frustrated that he can't do anything to help someone he loves, and he either lashes out at the person getting in his way or someone who is (unintentionally) reminding him of that helplessness. Callum's curiosity / ambitious pursuit of magic is also, to me, tied to that same core. He wants magic because he wants agency, and he wants agency because he wants to be helpful / useful.
If you understand why a character is doing something, it leads to being to extrapolate and place them in different / more intense scenarios, but still retain that main core.
For example, Claudia's primary core is to keep her family together. That's not a main motivation in S1, but it's shown in the way she takes care of her family (being Viren's listening ear and trusted with the more important task; trying to cheer up Soren and giving him hot brown morning potion) in ways that they don't really do for her (Soren goes along and helps out with her plans, but there's never an instance of him taking care of her in the same way, even if we still see that he cares and wants to protect her, i.e. doesn't tell her the truth about Viren). Then in S2 it becomes clear that Claudia's main motivation is to keep her family together, and that Core Want stays true even in increasingly insane or worrisome circumstances (S3, S4, S5) as well as explaining some of her more contradictory behaviour. Of course she's going to believe Viren over Soren with the gaslighting the second she's given an option to, because believing her father lets her keep them all together, and believing her brother means losing Viren.
Which is to say, maybe, that most of the mages we've seen in show (with the exception of Lujanne, perhaps, who's built a life among literal solitary ruins for the express purpose of leaving them as ruins) have a Fixer tendency. Magic allows them to fix the issues they see in the world - that's why they chase it.
Viren believes he has to fix the issue of an empty throne and the knife held at humanity's throat, and he's uniquely suited to know how to fix it (hence why he should be king); Claudia leans on her preparedness and perfectionist tendencies because if she's good enough, nothing bad ever has to happen to her family again, right? She can keep them together, she can fix this; Karim wants to fix the issue of humans and losing their way of life, "I will banish that darkness [...] We will be whole again"; and Callum wants to fix issues for his family (the assassination, the fake coup, Rayla's binding, Rayla's family, etc); "And he's my father. It's my duty to help him".
But what fixing looks like, of course, is also a matter of perspective, and that's where you get variety.
But if you look at Viren's desire to fix things - in his case, to ward off weakness - you can understand the through line of his actions. He wants to fix the danger they're in of killing Avizandum and leaving an heir; his desire for more power and knowledge (tools he can use to create solutions and thereby inflate his self importance) tempt him away from killing Zym; he holds onto the egg so that elves and dragons can't 'use it' the way he would. "An empty throne is a beacon of weakness" "[A child king] will make weak choices!" And Viren is man of strength; a man who can get a grip and compartmentalize and repress and do whatever needs to be done to protect humanity. To fix the magical inequality and banish the Xadian threat.
Whereas when you look at our non-mage characters, they tend to have different cores. Rayla and Soren are clear cut Protectors, for better or for worse. Ezran and Janai both continually seek Change and healing. And often times these goals can go hand in hand! Wanting to protect someone can be a Fixer urge (Claudia, Viren, Callum); wanting to fix your mistakes by Protecting someone can also work (3x09 with Soren; Rayla with Zym). But that could be a whole dissection/analysis for another day.
Back to Callum and Viren.
I think sometimes stripping them down to more monstrous or angelic forms comes from people thinking only one thing can motivate a character at a time, even though we as humans obviously have multiple motivations or responses at a time, particularly for villainous characters.
Viren can turn back to help the Queens of Duren because he feels guilty (this was his plan), he wants to help and knows he can make a difference, and because he wants to feel like a hero. Callum can be accepting Rayla unconditionally and be hurt about it and still trying to protect himself a bit in 4x09 by saying "I know" while not going after her; the same action can be growth and regression simultaneously.
When you write a character, you have to approach them from an interior to exterior process - the old phrase "everyone is a hero in their own mind" is certainly true, or rather, "everyone justifies their actions some way or another" - which is largely the opposite of how you view a character as an audience member. Not that the two can't be conflated or overlap, they certainly do (and you do want to be aware of how your characters may or may not come off to well, your audience) but it is a different kind of process.
For example, for Viren, he genuinely believes that what he's doing is what's best for humanity > his own gain. And while he's clearly lying and doing a lot of things out of self importance / convenience, the fact that he Believes the lie means that the lie doesn't really matter, internally, because it's something he either dismisses or doesn't think about at all. And Viren does have admirable traits: loyalty (and I would say most people have conditional loyalty anyway), cleverness/intelligence, ambition, hardworking, globally minded, etc. But a lot of this stems from Wanting To Be Special/Important (his core, arguably, and one I think a lot of people would relate to) and when that doesn't often pan out, he crumbles. Him having an inflated sense of self importance means that he's used to thinking he probably knows better than other people (and gets very frustrated when they don't listen and/or agree with him) and thinking you know better than other people also bodes very well with, if taken to extremes, blatantly dehumanizing them (omg dark magic ideology hi!). He presents as being confident and smooth and knowledgeable, but every time we see him alone/internal he's almost always a hot mess or wracked with guilt/doubt, and he's not very good at adapting to shit, like at all, even if he's great at being cruel/brutal and pragmatic. He's also often times awkward when presented with openly joking/teasing affection, is a guy who waves to little kids, makes dorky jokes with his best friend, and genuinely loved (loves?) his kids once upon a time.
For Callum, a lot of his traits are a double edged sword as well. His attention to detail is born from his curious and observant nature. This allows him to be incredibly nurturing and considerate, but also lets him go for the jugular and what would hurt the most in a fight when his temper gets going. He wants to make his loved ones lives better/easier, but this can sometimes be at the expense of what they need or being overprotective. This can sometimes tie a bit into Viren's own "I know better than you" even if Callum doesn't usually go that far, as he has more self awareness. He has a strong sense of right and wrong but is willing to bend without defense if he thinks the ends justify the means (i.e. never defending his dark magic use, and unlike Claudia, believing/knowing that dark magic is wrong - whereas she doesn't think anything of the sort - but using it and being tempted by it anyway, even if he rejects it in 2x08). His determination is great but can lead to him being obsessive, even if he's also good at knowing his limits / when to yield and fold on things, and will often fold first. While this is great in his relationships and doing relationship repair, it's not so good for his goal setting, as it means he can have a defeatist attitude and then grow frustrated when that "I can't do the thing I want to do / do anything" comes in full swing. This makes him lash out because he hates feeling helpless, particularly when it comes to the people he loves, and all of that circles back to what I've said above, in that he loves his self proclaimed "inner circle" more than "anyone or anything". Just cause he's sweet and goofy and caring doesn't mean he doesn't have teeth (a temper, a ruthless side, etc).
TLDR; characters contain multitudes in their internal psychology and if you can figure out what a character's psychological core is, you'll have a much larger but more cohesive range to write from, emotion / action(s) wise. Feel free to give your happier, more sunshiney characters an edge / claws and fangs (just because someone is nice doesn't mean they're good; external presented attitude is not everything and certainly not necessarily morality) and your edgier, evil characters some redeeming and/or admirable qualities.
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charleswatford · 1 year
sometimes I picture little 15 year old Baz reading Interview with the Vampire and laugh. can you imagine reading that, of all books, to try and find yourself? find community or answers? not in the metaphorical, homo-erotic subtext way I'm meaning reading about the child vampire turning into a manipulative maniac and the sad wet dog of a main character having to sit there and take it. what the fuck. my poor boy.
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spirallingstarcases · 10 months
aaaand now i’m done :) gn everyone thanks for the bday wishes and to the people who indulged my fob magical girlie no stream delusions and for not reposting the same vids as me because then i would’ve deleted mine and had used my phone storage for nothing
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knifeslidez · 2 years
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figured id try doing some femcr
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extremely funny how Jared is absolutely not one of the characters meant to be on the love interest table at any point however comma he is achingly kind and a scientist and devoted to the detriment of himself and is part of a secret society and has hot doomed disabled swag and so the fandom wants to fuck him so bad everybody's making Claudia look stupid
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fereldenshero · 10 months
i sort of miss my trans jay pfp... sighs
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josephtrohman · 10 months
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trentskis · 2 years
claudia derby day
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wiltingdecay · 2 years
No reason
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lucio back in the day whenever rowan or asra existed near him
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thekidsarentalright · 3 months
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from now on we are snemies or whatever </3
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raayllum · 10 months
me watching S5 in which rayla and viren get better while callum and claudia get worse:
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squidsavior · 8 months
Maya: I escaped death like 3 times. Me:
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lesbianalicent · 1 year
what's your top 10 female characters?
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OKAY. this isn't in a specific order or with any explanation as to why because we would be here for. years possibly
alicent hightower. obviously
taissa turner. also obviously
fang runin
eadaz uq-nāra
margo hanson
mary winchester. yeah
sansa stark but book sansa bc i don't acknowledge the existence of the show
shiv roy
there are probably venn diagrams to be made here
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zorkaya-moved · 1 year
I'm gonna sing you a lullaby From when I was young, young like you Let this sweet little rockabye Rock your world tonight you're the special kind
While the stars shine bright and we say goodnight I'll be by your side sing a lullaby I kiss your cheek and you fall asleep To this melody (melody) With this lullaby
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wolfofwinchester · 1 year
For this solstice, she would find a warm cloak of mullberry purple folded neatly. Tucked in would be another brooch – a silver crescent moon with an accompanying little star. Finally, a pair of new gloves – he had noticed that hers were getting rather worn.
Pop! and Crack! went the Countess’s bones as she rose from her sudden winter slumber at her office desk, head rolling on her shoulders and fingers working to rub the kinks out of the back of the neck. Not the best sleeping location, but she was a one-woman army in taking safety measures around the manor. Winter’s Solstice was full of nothin’ but spook tales for a good portion of the servants of the manor, not one of ‘em knew the ghouls were getting daring by clawing at the windows and the doors, emboldened by the night and thinning of the veil. Hard work tackling the entries of this ridiculously enormous house, but hard work payin' off for the cozy feeling settled back into the wide, wooden halls. Statues no longer turned their heads, nor grabbed things they shouldn't. Portraits weren't in halls they had no business being in. Reflections stopped trying to crawl from surfaces and make floorboards shift and creak with their tight, hooked grips.
There was only warmth. Gods, she was exhausted.
Yet, the stern brows that wore heavy on her forehead since the morning grew lighter the second those tired eyes of hers clocked in on the rich mulberry color folded just across the way. A subtle pop of the neck again with a curious tilt, shaken off with a rolling shoulder as she pulled the cloak over and parted it to examine it more closely with a quizzical expression.. and warmth melted over her like butter, the gleam and glitter of the brooch peeking right back.
“Now, where did you come from?” Claudia mused, plucking up the moon and star to display against her palm. Gorgeous and silver, her most favored and precious of metal. She might not know the where, but she knew the who, and she placed her knuckles to her lips with a smile, an indirect kiss for the gift. The cloak dragged over her shoulders and fastened crumbled but comfortable around them, digits eagerly plucking free the worn gloves to slip on the new ones. Cold as ice as they always were, she couldn't help working the poor things to the bone though, and the material suffered. The stiffness in her joints eased with rotated rubbing, building a fine warmth that made her breathe with some relief. A kiss, a kiss, a kiss to the knuckles.
Next, the green brooch shining vividly over her throat was adjusted, the new accessory resting below it closer to the heartbeat in her neck. The mirror she kept on her desk tilted in her direction to show the display, reflection adjusting both donnings while she herself primped the collar to make it easier, set nicer. There, nice and fanciful. Her reflection then gave a wink and tipped the end of the mirror until it plopped face down on the desk with a quiet clatter, hidden for a certain someone's comfort.
Claudia's chair creaked with her weight, pushed back from the desk as a hand rested on her knee. She spoke aloud despite no one being in the room - no one visible, that is. "If you're lookin' for a seat, you know my lap's always a welcome place, my tender sugar spook."
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