#thank you for 1.7k followers and all of the support on my recent posts despite being so inactive when it comes to writing!!
rayofsunas · 3 years
Ayo I just read your request page and got some thoughts with all those spin-offs (?) of Scara's mini-series!
He's probably gonna be SO heartbroken in those... Since reader is literally the only person in the world he actually loves and actually loved him back, and they've been together since FOREVER, I can only imagine how truly hurt he's going to feel when he sees her happy with someone else, moving on from him.
He'd first be so mad like THE AUDACITY OF THIS WOMAN TO LEAVE HIM LIKE THAT!! (he remembers clearly how he threw her out of his- their house). THAT OTHER MAN ISN'T EVEN AT HIS LEVEL! (that other man is actually better, he knows deep down).
Then he'd be... really sad even if he only looked angry. They had been together practically since they were born! It was only natural that they'd be together until they both died! Then why and how did she move on so fast when he couldn't even imagine himself loving anyone else but her?! What about everything they went through together, all those years they spent walking side by side?! ...Did all those years mean less to her than they had meant to him? Did she finally get tired of him? Did he take her too much for granted? Was he really such a bad lover that she'd take the first better option she found?
But does this mean he will give up? No, no he won't- He will try and do whatever it takes to break the new couple apart and take reader back! It was just a silly fight like the ones they always had and solved with no problem!! Or so he tries to convince himself.
And that's when reader and her new bae break his hopes and then just *insert angry sad scara noises* He has coming whatever they do or not to him tbh-
and that's about it! thank you for giving us such a good plot jae and thanks anons for having ideas with so much drama potential!! you're all amazing ✺◟( • ω • )◞✺
I agree!! reader and scara have been together so long in the baby daddy universe, so I think it would be quite hard, for him especially, to move on. he’s very difficult to deal with I imagine, and since reader is from his childhood, she’s seen him go through everything, supported him through a lot, and vice versa despite the relationship's current standings. he’s a pain in the ass, yes, but legit no other person in the world will treat him as kindly or as well as reader, so pushing her away was really not a good choice. you can still love someone, but not like their attitude, and I think that’s where reader is at when she decides to go find someone else. i agree with everything you've said; scaramouche would be so bitter about it, he may even get lost in what he was trying to achieve, which originally was trying to win the reader back over. but instead, i'd bet 100% he'd spend more time trying to one-up her new s/o, etc. smhhhh. AND NO THANK YOU! <3 everyone's support is immaculate, chefs kiss, ahh just so kind and sweet. all the anons have spectacular ideas, and everyone who has contributed to the plot and supported me has really shaped the story! <33
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mingjue · 3 years
Why do you have such a problem with cishet people? It's not like people can choose their gender identity or sexuality. I fully support trans positivity but it shouldn't come hand in hand with spreading more hate. Some of your posts are downright offensive and I'm amazed you haven't been banned for hate speech yet, ngl. I get not wanting people to follow/interact if they have opinions you disagree with, but when it's about something they have no control over? That's just childish. Sorry.
Anyways so in genshin impact I’ve managed to reach AR 54 in about 150 days iirc? I’m a more “casual” player as in I don’t play 8 hrs a day like some mfs but I still have a p decent acc
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I have Aether, Kaeya (obviously), & Zhongli ascended to 90 (but I still need to. Level aether and zhongli). This screenshot is a bit outdated bc chongyun (lvl 71 in this) is almost 80. Noelle and Lisa have been ascended to 80 too, just waiting for Chongyun to be done. After those three are 80 im gonna be bringing up Diona, Xingqiu, Bennett, and Sucrose for my next 4 (sucrose is ascended to 60 just been focusing on my 80s rn)
Basically I’m planning on bringing all characters I have and get to lvl 80, then I’ll 90 characters I really like Or they’re 5*s. So like. 5*s 90, then for rn all four of the free characters you get in the beginning will be lvl 90. + Barbara bc I love her so fucking much. Razor will also end up 90 bc he was my main DPS before kaeya!
As for artifact building, I’ve only recently started worrying about it bc for the longest time my barbara-kaeya combo did it’s job as a freeze team, BUT, I’ve gotten a semi decent artifact set on Kaeya. Rn I’m trying to get him a new feather and goblet on him bc they’re a little scuffed 😭 the feather is only there bc it provides the last bit of crit rate + atk he needs to get 50% rate and 2k atk. Barbara is also getting new artifacts bc my melt team with diluc is able to clear lvl 90 maiden/viridescent— I’m also mildly building sucrose and xiao through it too when I manage to get a viridescent to drop. Zhongli has 32k health and provides decent shields, but I’m working on getting an Actual set on him after I’m satisfied with Kaeya and Diluc
As for diluc, freeze team can clear crimson witch, but literally NO DECENT WITCHES DROP so I’m running him on lavawalker/crimson and. 😭. It’s fine tho he has my best crit rate tho I want to get him a bit more atk and cdmg— he has 1.7k and he gets just above 2k w barbies ring, BUT his cdmg is still lacking (like 114?? Iirc?). After those four tho I intend to build xiao finally (who was . . . . . . My first 5* . . . . .), then on to Amber, Razor, & Lisa.
Weapons wise I have a half decent amount? R2 Lvl 90 proto rancour on kaeya, R5 Lvl 80 thrilling tales on Barbara, R5 60 black tassel on Zhongli, and R2 lvl 60 Proto archaic on diluc. I have a 5* catalyst book sitting on Lisa rn, BUT, I’m saving it for when Baizhu has banner if he turns out to be a catalyst user!!
Speaking of Baizhu, I currently have guaranteed pity waiting for him (thank you diluc) + 31 wishes saved atm (5000+~ primos) and I’m hoping to get 90 wishes saved for him + another 90 for his signature weapon Just in Case considering we still have a lot of time before he comes— he’s not even confirmed yet. BUT. He’s supposed to come with the chasm which should be after inazuma, that’s next update in July
As for world exploration I actually only have. One fucking section at 100% despite my AR LMFAO. Mondstadt is all around 70-80, with one 90, but Liyue is 50-60 bc I don’t like. Climbing that much 😭😭. That’s one thing w open worlds that messes me up bc I need something specific to do like Gather this item or Do this Quest and 😐 yknow. I am starting to actually pay attention to seelies/chests I walk by but it’s pretty rare bc I do commissions, grind domains/leylines, do teapot shit for like 2 hrs, gather ascension materials then log off. But it’s fine it’s whatever.
Following that with the teapot, I don’t have many screenshots on hand but I’ve been spending. A lot of time on it
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Kaeya isn’t on the bed he’s next to it. BUT. I have rooms made up for all of my current mains. Kaeyas room, Barbaras (incomplete) room, Zhonglis room, then Razor and Bennett share a room! I’m waiting on them to add more bedroom items for barbie. I’m using Emerald Peaks too so the waterfall one— my house is sitting on the highest island in the little small section next to the tallest waterfall and it’s just. Covered in bamboo/birch/amber
I’m going for a red/gold palette for the outside, tho I only rlly have one island decorated and it’s incomplete due to load 🥲, HOPING mihoyo addresses the load issue bc it didn’t improve for shit despite me having a lot of space left on my computer but it’s whatever.
Anyways I think that’s a bit it for what I’m doing on genshin, thanks for sending this stupid ass ask and letting me talk about it 🥰
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freckledoriya · 4 years
“no flash photography” (midoriya x reader)
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WARNINGS: none, just fluff!
SUMMARY: You’re a pro-hero photojournalist assigned to capture the number one hero, Deku. But what happens when you start catching feelings through your camera lens?
LINKS: ao3 | masterlist | requests are OPEN!
TAGLIST: at the end of the post, message me to be added/removed!
AUTHOR’S NOTE: this my fourth fic for @bnhabookclub‘s bingo event (see my bingo masterlist here). and a big thanks to @sunflower-kami-boi and @gallickingun​ for beta reading and supporting me!! 
You love Izuku Midoriya: the way his freckles speckle his cheekbones, his ability to smile even through his toughest battles, the mess of green curls that are just begging to have your hands run through them. And then there are his hands: soft, yet calloused from fighting. When you interlock your hands with his, you swear you can feel electricity from his quirk pass from him to you. At least, that’s what you imagine holding hands with him would be like. 
No, you don’t love Izuku Midoriya. You love taking pictures of Izuku Midoriya. 
That’s the correction that you keep telling yourself. Your job as a hero photojournalist has been a journey, one that started out as a fangirl’s hobby and morphed into a profession as a photographer for the magazine Hero Weekly. More specifically, a photographer who was recently assigned to capture exclusively the world’s number one hero, Deku. 
The day that Midoriya was given the title of number one was the day that everything changed for you. You went from a respected photographer to what often felt like part of the paparazzi, following Izuku around the city as he fought villains, but also secretly taking pictures as he went out to dinner with his fellow heroes. That part of your job kept you up at night. You knew it was an invasion of his privacy, but you needed the approval from your boss. The guilt and fear crawled all over your skin, amplified only when you started catching feelings for the hero. But your dream of becoming a renowned hero photographer depended on it. So you pushed aside all the anxiety and did exactly what your manager asked of you: 
“I want to know who he’s dating, what he likes, dislikes, details of his quirk, extra bonus if you happen to get shot of him shirtless” your boss rattled off. 
Ever since All Might’s retirement, the magazine had been hurting for another star to focus on. It resulted in budget cuts and threatened lay-offs, leaving everyone, including you, on thin ice. And after years of waiting, young upstart Midoriya fit that bill perfectly. His curls seemed to frame his round yet somehow chiseled face. And those freckles. If his beautifully sculpted body wasn’t enough to get the fangirls on board, the freckles always got them. After all, he didn’t become number one solely from his nearly flawless track record with villains; it definitely didn’t hurt that he had a shy and modest smile that any woman would be enchanted by. 
You sure were.
But being assigned to Deku was an exhausting task. Following him around from battle to battle was hard enough, and you soon found yourself in a battle of your own-- one with your deep admiration towards the green-haired hero. You began to feel linked somehow with Izuku through your photos. It was as one-sided as you could get, with Midoriya never knowing your existence (a fact that caused an unbelievable amount of pain). Despite this, you felt like you knew Izuku personally, as if he goes on dinner dates with you at his favorite restaurant on the corner. Or that it’s he, not the press, that reveals his ticks and habits. You would sit a considerable distance away, watching through a cafe window, imagining yourself on the other side of the table from him. You’d laugh at his jokes, flirt and cause him to get all adorably flustered, and gaze longingly into his emerald eyes. You hope and wish that one day it won’t just be through a camera lens. 
You couldn’t help but feel some kind of intimate connection with the hero. After all, you experienced just about everything he did. His fights, his wins, his loses… every scar, every bruise, you were there for it all. So how could you not feel this way? 
It was all inevitable, and you gave right into it: reading everything you could find on him, even going to his regularly visited coffee shop on your day off of work. You knew the chances of running into him were slim, and yet you did it anyway. You were desperately chasing a feeling of closeness with him, and somehow sitting in a place that he visited gave you a piece of what you craved. 
You ponder this as you sit in the aforementioned cafe, sipping your coffee and going through the photos on your camera, jotting down notes. It’s crowded, the morning rush, so you pay no mind to the “ding” of the door opening and the tall hero walking in. It’s his voice when he orders that catches your attention, a voice unmistakably belonging to the one and only, Izuku Midoriya.
You quickly turn away and throw your hand over your mouth, wary of any sounds that might come out. This was different from when you would see him behind a camera lens. You weren’t doing work, surrounded by others clamoring to get a money shot. You were here as you, not just a nothing face behind flashing lights. 
When you turn back around, you half expect him to be gone, for you to have totally gone crazy imagining him. But, he’s still there. He’s in what must be his work out clothes: basketball shorts and a worn All Might shirt, looking as effortlessly perfect as every other time you’ve seen him. And that’s when it hits you. This is it. This is the chance you have to talk to him. 
But what would you say? What could you say? What if he recognizes you as one of the no-life photographers who follow him around? Should you keep that a secret? Will he hate you? A thousand questions fly through your head as you ponder the possibilities. Should you call out to him? Would it be weird that you know his name? Do you call him by his hero name or his real name? 
He begins to walk past you after grabbing his coffee order. Your heart drops at the sight of him leaving.
Do something.
“Deku!” you call out, careful to keep your volume as low as possible as to not alert the other patrons around you. 
He quickly turns and looks at you expectantly. “Yes?”
Say something.
“I’m a really big fan!”
Anything but that.
But it’s too late. The words were spoken and reached Midoriya’s ears.
“T-Thank you,” he looks away, smiling as a slight blush appears on his freckled cheeks. 
“So do you take pictures?” he asks, nodding down to your camera on the table.
“Yeah,” you reply shakily, still deciding on how much information about yourself you should reveal. 
Izuku smiles at you. “What do you like to take pictures of?”
You swallow and nervously pick at your cuticles. You don’t want to lie to him, but you don’t exactly want to start off the relationship with him knowing you take secret pictures of him so that a magazine can sell. You tread carefully as you speak. 
“Heroes,” you reply simply. “I take pictures of heroes.”
Letting out an awkward laugh, you gesture to the seat across from you, inviting him to join you. 
“Can you show me some of your work?” He tilts his head in curiosity as he accepts your invitation to sit down. 
No no no no no. 
You embarrassingly know that the camera you’re currently holding contains pictures you took of the hero last night as he left his high-rise apartment. Thinking quickly, you pull out your phone and go to the Hero Weekly website, remembering that they ran a picture you snapped of Red Riot in battle last week. It wasn’t anything spectacular, just a photo you captured for fun when you happened to stumble upon the fight. Still, it was better than showing what was on your camera memory card currently. 
“Whoa, that’s a great picture of Kirishima!” he says ecstatically. “Is that from Hero Weekly? That’s impressive!”
His praise causes your stomach to do flips. “Thank you. I really appreciate that coming from you.”
“What got you into taking pictures of heroes?”
You sigh and look into your coffee cup, hoping the beverage will spell out the right words to say. 
“I’ve always really looked up to heroes. Ever since I was little. But I never bought into the “larger than life” hero personas that the rest of the media seemed to portray. They miss the most amazing thing about heroes: they’re human, just like everyone else.”
You look at Izuku shyly, unsure if you should be opening up to him like this after just meeting him. “When I photograph heroes, I like to ground them, see past the exterior. Capture their magnificent strength and power, but show that they have feelings, wants, and needs. They all have passions and flaws. And that’s what I love so much about heroes. They’re relatively ordinary humans that do extraordinary things.”
There’s a beat of silence that passes as Midoriya looks at you in amazement. He smiles and slightly bites his lip, obviously debating about the next thing he wants to say.
“Is that why you photograph me in private places?”
You feel your heart plummet. “H-How did you know?” 
Izuku blushes and rubs the back of his neck embarrassingly. “I kinda of… may have… noticed you a few times.”
You’re stuck in shock, your mind short-circuiting, leaving your mouth slightly ajar with no words coming out. 
Deku sees your frozen look and starts frantically waving his hands, speaking at a million words per second. “Not in a weird or creepy way of course just that you’re really pretty and sometimes when I’m out places I notice you trying to get my picture so sometimes I make sure to give you a clear shot, I really hope that’s okay, It’s not because I don’t think you’re capable of getting your own picture, I just-”
A fit of giggles escapes from your lips. “How are you even more adorable than I imagined?” 
He blushes as you try to stop laughing. 
But you can’t help it. All your worries and fears melt away and you’re left with all you ever wanted: sitting across from the blushing hero Deku in a cafe, pure happiness running through your veins. 
You don’t even notice the paparazzi capturing the moment from the bushes outside. 
@gallickingun @prismaroyal @wesparklebitch @bnha-violetnote @sunflower-kami-boi @shoutosteakettle @strwbrry-lia @ee-blue @shoutodoki @sadistiks @knifeewifee @viceofaladriel @saltie @khemz1312 @frenchspeakingfilipina @tessaisalbright @katsumi-kaminari @pixxiesdust @izukuwus​
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rhaenyratargayen · 3 years
happy new year!
I woke up to so many sweet messages from friends and mutuals here on tumblr, and I decided I wanted to join in (late, sorry) on the sappy, new years post trend. 
I first of all just wanna say thank you to all of you who have commented, liked, or reblogged any of my fics or other creative works, you guys mean more to me than you will ever know. I cannot thank you enough for your endless support and encouragement. I became a harry potter blog back in october and posted my first harry potter fic on october 29th. Since then, I have written many more fics, met and became friends with some other amazing blogs on here and reached almost 1.7k (6 away!?) followers. so, thank you, for being my little rock stars and supporting me!
okay sappy time, 
@gcdric // lanie, my bestie boo, my wife, my shining star. I love you. thank you for being one of my closest friends not only on tumblr but in real life. I love our chaos on discord and receiving 2am asks from you lol. you’re the george to my fred, the ginny to my hermione, and I love you so so so much. I look forward to many more stupid conversations and amazing memories. 
@slytherinsunrise // katie, my other half, my slytherin, infj, freddie girl. I LOVE YOU. thank you for blessing us with captain daddy and dr. weasley and all the other phenomenal works you’ve put out. you make me laugh so damn hard, and your laugh is genuinely one of my favorite sounds (dont fight me on this, I know you hate it). 
@thisismynerdyself // momica! the molly to my ginny, I look up to you so much. you make me feel all safe n comfy and I just adore you (and kovu). thank you for always supporting me and sending me kind words whenever I need it. I adore your “1/1″ fic review replies and all the pics of baby kovu. I look forward to our friendship growing in 2021. 
@wandsandwheezes // mya, my stunning girl. you are truly one of my favorite people on this planet. you’re so talented, I cannot get enough of your fics. I adore you and girl you could get it 👀. thank you for making me laugh and giving me butterflies when you call me princess. I love you xx.
@starlightweasley // my darling zahra. you were one of the first friends I made on tumblr, and your positive energy never fails to make me smile. You’re insanely talented. I remember the first night we really grew close, having a one on one in the discord voice chat talking about god knows what. you’ve always been so supportive and I adore you to pieces. 
@valwritesx // my val val! you absolute queen. good lord you’re talented, I mean seriously I could read your fics all day (and I do). You were one of the first harry potter blogs that reached out to me and made me feel welcomed in this space. you’re so special to me val val, and I look forward to seeing our friendship grow. I love you! 
@oh-for-merlins-sake // STEF, my queeeen. you sexy bitch, I love you. our friendship has only just begun but I know it will continue to blossom from here. you make me laugh so hard and in the short time we’ve talked I have just absolutely fallen in love with you. I love you bitch, and I aint ever gonna stop loving you, bitch. 
@theweasleysredhair @harrysweasleys & @ickle-ronniekins // chloe, alexa, and erica. I’m grouping you guys together because you are the big three I really looked up to when starting my blog. I continue to look up to you now as well. You’re all ridiculously talented and so sweet, I hope to develop individual friendships with you all in 2021. i love you guys xx. 
@loony-loopy-lupinn // soph! we have not had many one on one talks, but you always make me smile in the chat and here on tumblr. I love you, and I look forward to seeing our friendship grow! 
@whiz-bangs78 // jess, you chaotic little bitch i fucking love you. you’re so funny, you make me laugh so hard every time I see you in the chat. I adore you and your incredible writing talent. 
@lupinsclassroom // kendall! my darling girl! we’ve only just recently become close but I look forward to seeing us grow as friends. I adore our chats about sleepy freddie and bouncing ideas back and forth for fics. I love you doll. 
@plant-flwrs // sweetheart, I adore you and I’m so grateful we’ve been chatting these past few days. you’re writing is insanely phenomenal, like I come back to your fics weekly. I hope you have a wonderful new years! 
and to all my sweet babies that have made this year such a wonderful one despite all the chaos and tragedy. I hope to see our friendships grow this year, I look forward to every chat I have with you guys :’)
@heloisedaphnebrightmore @andromedaa-tonks @darthwheezely @lumosandnoxwriting @breadqueen95 @feetoffthetablee @vivianweasley @cappsikle @rogueweasleys @pansydaisy @george-fabian-weasley @rekrappeter @awritingtree @thisismysketchbook @pigwidgexn @phuvioqhile @iliveiloveiwrite
if I forgot anyone, feel free to yell at me, okay I love you. 
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hchan-main · 4 years
Tastes Like Heaven
Haechan x Reader
Fluff, no warnings
1.7k words
A/N: this started as a 200 words drabble... Idk how it became this. Not edited! I'll make the post look pretty tomorrow :(
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You were late. It was already the second semester of your first year in college and during all that time you had never been late. Or at least not this late. You checked the time on your phone, juggling between your backpack, your broken umbrella, your wallet, your soaked sketchbook, and whatever was left of the sandwich you prepared that morning because you were oh so sure that you had enough time to put something in your stomach before the long day that awaited you; 9:45 am, class had already started forty five minutes ago and you hadn’t even reached the building. Thanking the skies that the rain had stopped, you stuffed all your things back to your bag and with a loud huff, focused all the energy you had left to run as fast as your legs allowed you to your first class that day.
By the time you got there, random strands of hair had already stuck to some parts of your forehead and cheeks and your chest rose and fell at a fast pace following your shallow pants, forcing you to take a few extra minutes to steady and fix yourself before slightly sliding the main door of the room. The professor looked at your apologetic expression with surprising sympathy, probably noting that for the first time you were not already in a seat by the time he arrived, and signaled you to come in. “Sorry…” you say in a quiet murmur and with a quick pace went to where you usually sat next to your friends; eyes now fixed on the ground and an embarrassed sigh escaping your lips.
The day had barely even started but you already knew it was going to be a long one, one of your hands went to rest on your forehead to give support to your head on top of the table as you tried to generally explain to your friends what had happened. Your short story only being interrupted when your eyes locked with Lee Donghyuck, sitting a few rows in front of you. Both of you quickly showing the surprise on your faces to later advert your eyes back to the teacher.
It didn’t take too long for the class to finish since you had arrived on time for the last 20 minutes of it. “I still can’t believe you didn’t remember that your umbrella was broken. I told you to get a new one like three times last week!” one of your friends nagged “I know, I know. I’m dumb, you’re right. Can you stop?” you answered, already irritated enough by everything that had happened that morning at the time you hanged your backpack on one of your shoulders.
“Uh… y/n?” the unfamiliar voice immediately caught your attention, turning around just to find Donghyuck standing behind you with a rather awkward expression; a mixture of worry, disgust, and discomfort. It was quite shocking, honestly. Of course you knew who he was; the tanned skin decorated with tiny moles in a few places that seemed to be so soft to the touch, the pouty lips, rounded doe eyes, and the dark honey tinted hair had had picked up your interest some times before; especially because it had been more than a few times that you had caught him staring at you. But you two had never said a word to each other before that day.
However, any kind of excitement was instantly stopped by the look on his face. “Oh, hi…” You say, his features slightly easing the frown. “Is there something wrong?”
“That’s what I wanted to ask” He was quick to answer, his right hand finding the spot at the back of his neck as he avoided your eyes with a tilt of his head “I thought that maybe this could make your day a bit better?...” he added, handing you a pack of Oreos as he bid goodbye and left the room at a swift pace. As awkward as it was, you still considered the gesture as sweet since your only other source of food was the half eaten soggy sandwich hiding in the depths of your bag. Not putting too much thought into it, you opened the package and guided one cookie to your mouth as you hurried to your next class, your friends fast to question you and gossiping about what had just happened. You let them be as you once again sighed, at least you were not going to have to survive for the rest of the day on an empty stomach.
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 8:32 pm; your last class had finally finished. As you reorganized your things to leave the room, your thoughts went back to when you wondered that morning how hard the day was going to be. Your hands grasped the now dried sketchbook that despite not dissolving because of the rain, it didn’t go back to its original state; the pages now crinkly and colors and lines faded. You kept it in your grip as you walked outside, your steps stopping only when they reached the main door of the building. It was raining again, not as hard as in the morning but it was still going to be an unpleasant trip; the sky was already dark and none of your friends had that last class with you.
“Are you still upset?” You heard that unfamiliar voice again. Your eyes widening when you met Donghyuck’s bright curious pair.
“Kind of?... I ran out of my apartment too quickly this morning and my backpack fell on a puddle of water. I also forgot my umbrella broke last week. It’s been kinda shitty today” you said, the outburst of words feeling almost natural next to him. “but I think the worst is that my sketchbook barely survived, so many of my drawings faded with the water…” you continued, only then taking another look towards him, his contorted frown back on his face. “The cookies did help though, thanks”
You noticed a slight smile spreading on his lips, the furrowed eyebrows going back to their resting positions as he hit the floor with the tip of his umbrella a few times. “I can walk you home, if that helps too” it took you some good ten seconds to actually analyze his words “… or not?”
“Oh no, no. I mean, yes. That’d be nice, thank you” Donghyuck laughs at your alarmed tone, his smile finally widening to his maximum extent as he pushed the door open for you. As you stepped outside you thought, maybe the day wasn’t that bad after all.
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As days passed, Donghyuck and you started to talk more. You’d meet sometimes for lunch and he’d walk you home some others.  It was hard for you to think of a moment of your life where you had laughed more than when you were spending time with him. He was charming and witty, always knew how to get back at people with his words. He was also annoying, he made fun of you and his friends, but somehow always knew when to stop, when the joke had gone too far. And perhaps, that was what annoyed you the most.
He always seemed to know when you were feeling down and he would make a clown of himself until you were laughing again and your heart beating hard against your chest, cheeks flushed and smile wide at how much he cared. It annoyed you to know how fast you had fallen for him and his antics. But honestly, when he came at you, eyes big and bright as ever and a cheeky grin plastered on his face to ask you out for a date, you didn’t even doubt to say yes.
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It wasn't until a pair of weeks into your relationship that you noticed there was this thing about him that you have been wondering for a long time now. As you got to know Donghyuck better, you realized that there were some times when his face would distort in disgust. It happened at random moments and it didn't seem to be connected to someone else in particular, but you always brushed it aside.
This time, the two of you were sitting at a new café that had recently opened near campus, the large windows that went from the floor to the ceiling allowing the natural light to shine on your table and the strong smell of coffee along with the cozy atmosphere made it a perfect spot to study. "What's wrong? You didn't like the cake?" You asked him, worried because of the deep frown on his expression.
"It's just..." Donghyuck doubted, his eyes going from the speaker behind you back to your eyes, a troubled sigh leaving his lips "you're not gonna believe me"
"what?" The confusion in your voice didn't take long to settle on your expression as well "try me"
He hummed, his right hand cutting a tentative portion of the cake in front of him before looking back at you "I have synesthesia" he confessed as he took the piece of the pastry to his mouth "I can taste sounds" Donghyuck added before you could ask for more information about what he had said.
"Taste sounds as in?..."
"The song that was playing tasted like brussel sprouts" he told you as he took another bite of cake, as if trying to wash away the previous unpleasant flavors.
"That's... That's crazy" your voice went lower in volume as you were still trying to process the new information, the dots quickly connecting to your previous thoughts "is that why you get randomly upset?"
"I don't get upset, but some flavors are not what you'd like to taste without expecting them" he explained once again "like when you're angry. Your angry voice tastes like Jaemin's favorite coffee" you laugh at his expression when he acted out drinking the mentioned beverage.
"wait, are you serious?? Then what does my voice taste like normally?"
"you really want to know?" You nodded immediately, Donghyuck's smile not taking too long to hang on his plump lips "like strawberry Oreos" you laugh at the comparison, a bit embarrassed as you lifted one of your hands to hide your content grin with your palm. His mischievous smirk not taking too long to follow after you "Wanna know what your laugh tastes like?"
"Oh no"
"It tastes just like heaven" was his last line before bursting into loud laughs as you tried to attack him by throwing him a scrunched napkin while he winked at you.
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