#the farryman
grim-faux · 2 years
speek of comics, if anyone wanted to read the originals, someone uploaded the Little Nightmares with Six, on WattPad
I prefer the later digital comics and the atmosphere, and the openness of that world and these children surviving in a hostile world.
I love the originals, but the direction of LN seems like it hit a sharp corner and they took the whole concept in another direction in terms of lore, the children, and the monsters that want to destroy them. And I love that turn.
I would love to have more of the original beasts like the North Wind and the Ferryman in the new content/digital comics, or the Mirror Monster.
Also, F for Bandage Kid. These comics were still heckin dark and arguably more graphic than the digies.
But I love them all TvT
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flower-vixen · 5 years
The Merriment of a Farryman
A black sea
Humming gleefully
Merriment melodies
Swimming cross' easily
For open seas and rough tides
Swirling pools with maws open wide
Charon the farrymam
Perhaps more of watching as the sea tides volly
Merriment melodies
Spilling from his lips
A song quick sung
With the enchanting hymn
Of the wild dashing sea
Cross' the river styx
Cares not for the danger or folly
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boneswithgunsword · 3 years
So first things first my god damn heart is breaking from penny falling into orbit and possibly burning up on entry
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The fact is penny would have been fine holding up amity, then flying back in. But I don’t think so on re-entry, she has nothing to protect herself save for her body being possibly made to able to survive.
Now the other thing I noticed/realized is that
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A river of grimm could also be called a river of the dead, like the river styx. The boundary between earth and the underworld. The river that gods swore by, literally. And The river that made a man indestructible, except for in one weak spot on his body. Now doesn’t that sound a little familiar, perhaps someone isn’t as indestructible as they thought. The potential of the River Styx isn’t something to gloss over, but this is only a guess and assumption. But if we get a farryman (be it a grimm one, a human one or something else entirely) flowing down the river, I am taking that as 100% confirmation.
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firefliiedarch · 4 years
okay cerb's turn . since he doesnt even have a page yet .
first and formost . i have two versions of cerb . but thats only on how he looks . everything else is the same . also the way he looks can differ on who is looking at him . he has a similar treatment like anubis where whoever looks at him sees him differently .
He may either be super fluffy / furry ( long hair ) or a but in the short hair side with some scaling . his tail is actually a bit serpentine in his latter form but thar is cause cause there is an actual snake there . i mean either form hes gonna have a snake tail but one form ( the softer form ) you dont notice it .
soft form : for those he likes . scaled form : everybody else .
cerberus bites have VENOM in them . do not get bitten by him unless you are immune to that poison ( most gods are but mortals are not ) . even if you are immune , his bites are nasty .
depending on which head bit you , theres a different reaction . ( basically different effects / poisons )
dont pet him unless you are hades , perse , or zag .
cerb lowkey loves artemis too ( but hates apollo ) .
the heads are all one brain / one voice . they do not think separately . cerberus isnt 3 minds . he is ONE dog .
yes cerberus can talk , but he doesnt talk to the gods . he has a vow of silence . he cannot talk to them . however he will talk to mortals / souls and other supernatural creatures so long as they are not really part of greek pantheon or if they arent a well known god . ( yes he wilk talk to lesser known gods )
cerb is very cheeky at times when he wants to be .
he is a gatekeeper of the underworld . and yes . some missing souls happen to be due to cerb . he will eat them .
he loves charon probably more than hades and thanatos . but its probably cause he sees him more often and they work more closely together ( i mean its literally the farryman and the gatekeeper they will see each other more often )
despite having a single mind : i feel like ... the right most head is :P / the centre is :3 / the left is :T
he is a proud creature . you show him respect .
is capable of leaving the underworld but doesnt want to about 70 % of the time . when he does , he does his own thing and hades literally cannot stop him .
yea hades has been bitten by cerb . he will not stop cerb from roaming if thats what the hell hound wants . he knows he is screwed if cerb refuses to do his job . so yes the god gets to have his puppy vacation .
uh .... more to come when i think of more .
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itsmelanneme · 5 years
summary of  devine  comedy
The Inferno begins when Dante, in the middle of his life, is lost in a metaphorical dark wood ­ that is, sin. He sees a sunlit hill but it unable to climb it because three wild beasts frighten him back (these symbolize different sins). His journey towards to the inferno begins when  he, starts on ground level and works his way downward, he goes all the way through the earth and Hell and ends up at the base of the mountain of Purgatory on the other side. On the top of Purgatory there is the terrestial paradise (the garden of Eden) he unfortunately meet Virgil, who says that he has been sent by Beatrice to lead him to salvation. First Dante and Virgil go through the space outside Hell in the underworld, where the neutral spirits, who were neither good nor bad, are left to bewail their fate ­ neither Heaven nor Hell will accept them. Then they go to Acheron, the river of woe,where Charon the farryman of Hades who carries souls of newly deceased across the river of styx.An earthquake leaves Dante unconscious, and when he wakes up they are in the first circle of Hell, Limbo. In Limbo there are the virtuous non-Christians: ancient Greek and Roman heroes, philosophers, and so forth.they live in green meadows with a gentle sadness. Virgil was one of them.  They passed to the second circle, where the demon Minos judged the sinners and assigned them their place in Hell.In the second circle the lustful were punished by having their spirits blown about by an unceasing wind.Dante spoke with the spirit of Francesca da' Rimini, who had fallen unhappily in love with her husband's younger brother. He felt so sorry for her that he fainted from grief.       In the fourth circle they had to pass the demon Plutus, who praised Satan. There the avaricious and the prodigal rolled weights around in opposite directions, berating each other for their sins.The wrathful fought in the muddy water and the sullen sank beneath it and lamented in gurgling voices. The boatman Phleygas resentfully ferried them across, passing the wrathful shade of Filippo Argenti, who tried to attack Dante. They then came to the walls of the city of Dis, but the fallen angels inside barred their way. Fortunately a messenger from heaven came to their aid and opened the gates, then left. In the he sixth circle held heretics, who were imprisoned in red-hot sepulchers. Dante spoke with Farinata, a great-hearted Epicurean who predicted Dante's exile from Florence.They passed the tomb of a heretical pope.They came to a stinking valley. Taking a moment to get used to the stench, Virgil explained to Dante the structure of Hell. It was cone shaped and was made up of increasingly tight circles. In Dis they would see the punishments of the violent, the fraudulent, and traitors. These were more serious sins than those of the earlier circles. In the first ring of the seventh circle they passed the Minotaur and met a group of centaurs, who shot the sinners who tried to escape with their arrows. The first ring was made up of the violent against others: tyrants and murderers. These were tormented in a river of boiling blood: the Phlegethon.  In the second ring they found a black forest full of twisted trees. These were suicides: Dante spoke to one after seeing a broken twig bleed. They were interrupted by two souls dashing through the forest, chased by black hounds. These were those who had been violent to their own possessions: those who had squandered their goods.In the third ring there were the violent against God: blasphemers, sodomites, and usurers. These were punished by having to sit or walk around on flaming sand under a rain of fire. Dante spoke affectionately with one sodomite, Ser Brunetto, who had been something of a mentor for him when he was alive.Virgil called up the monster Geryon, who symbolized fraud, from the eighth circle, while Dante spoke with some usurers. Geryon took Dante and Virgil down to the eigth circle on a terrifying ride. The eigth circle was Malebolge, and was formed of ten different enclosures in which different kinds of fraud were punished.  In the first, Dante saw naked sinners being whipped by demons. He recognized one of them as Venedico Caccianemico, who had sold his sister to a lustful Marquis. He also saw Jason. These were panders and seducers: people who used fraud in matters of love. In the second, flatterers were mired in a stew of human excrement.
In the third, the simonists were punished by being stuck upside down in rock with their feet on fire. Notably, Dante spoke with Pope Nicholas III there, who predicted that the current pope would also be damned for that sin. Dante was very unsympathetic. In the fourth enclosure, diviners, astrologers, and magicians were punished by having their heads on backwards. Dante was sad to see such a distortion of humanity, but Virgil hardened his heart. In the fifth, barrators were flung.
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