#the paris special basically made this canon and easy
zoe-oneesama · 27 days
Will you be explaining how YOUR Time travel works in your SL comic au?
We're just gonna have to go with canon on this one. This timeline is separate from canon but can be looked at and visited by anyone with the Rabbit Miraculous, thus the bonus with the Spider Man Meme.
Fu is just watching his own timeline and fast forwarding to the moment when their allies are free from Scarlet Moth's influence so he can swoop in to give them their Miraculous.
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yolowritter · 13 days
In Offense to Emilie Agreste
Hello there everyone, and- ...okay, put down your pitchforks, I haven't even started yet! Before an angry mob gathers 'round my blog, allow me to explain what today's rant is about. Unlike Lila Rossi, whose existence makes me want to hurl bricks at my screen whenever she appears, Emilie Agreste is actually a pretty interesting character. However, there are things about her (both canon and implied) that have me giving this picture-perfect gal a very intense side-eye. So today I'll be talking about what I think of her character, why I think she could have been written better, why she absolutely isn't a good person, and how the narritive does her a diservice by reducing this poor lass to an insignificant plot device, just so her clinically insane husband can have a reason to bully teenagers in spandex!
Firstly, let's quickly establish what we know about Emilie. I'll explain why I believe anything that isn't directly stated later, now it's just the basics. She and her sister Amelie are coming from a well-off family in England, presumably with quite high standards and expectations. We know little about her early life and it frankly isn't important, but she does at some point take an interest in the creative arts. She firsts meets her husband-to-be Gabriel when she arrives in Paris to further her education, and it's easy to assume they become friends due to similar interests. Then, later down the line, they meet Nathalie Sancoeur, with whom they scour the world to find the Miraculous jewels. After they do find the Butterfly and Peacock in Tibet, they all return to Paris and she creates Adrien Agreste, her son, using Duusu's powers. About twelve years later, she falls ill and "into a deep sleep" because the Peacock Miraculous was broken. This kicks off Gabriel's descent into madness and his crusade as Hawkmoth, which slowly drove him to insanity for reasons seen in this post. But still, this vague timeline leaves us with a lot of questions as to who she was as a person, and how she lived her life.
Before I delve deeper into this, I would quickly want to clarify the sources for the above information. We know from Represenation that Emilie met Gabriel when she went to Paris for educational reasons. I honestly don't remember if her field of study is mentioned, but considering she later stars in Andre's film "Solitude" it isn't hard to derive that said studies could be related. The high expectations from Emilie's family come from the fact that Gabriel had to change his name at some point in life, possibly because Emilie's parents wouldn't accept her marrying some "lowborn". Additionally, we know Amelie's marriage to Colt was arranged, so there definately is a sense of "securing the family lineage" here that exists in what remains of aristocracy today. In Passion, Nathalie is implied to be a treasure hunter of some sort at the time she meets Gabriel and Emilie, though how long she's been at the profession isn't clear. Still, they do work together to find the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculous. We see in Evolution that they are occupying the Agreste Manor with the Peacock in hand, so it's possible they purchased the house either right after their trip to Tibet or before. Other relevant information comes from the thumbnails of Emilie's videos and photos from the Passion episode.
As an aside, Astruc better give us that Tibet special, because I need more Agreste family Lore! These people made their drama the entirety of France's problem and while I respect that, I need to know more! Also, Thomas' quote of "a lot can happen when three people are in close proximity for a long time"? Pretty sure that's from Twitter btw, if you want to look it up. I see you, Thomas...I see you...
Anyway, onto exploring Emilie's themes as a character. From the very start of the show, we have a lot of clues that point to her being an angelic, kind and can-do-no-wrong type of character, at the very least in Gabriel's eyes. There is a whole other topic here about him being obsessed with the past and looking at it with rose-tinted glasses, but I digress. The portrait of Emilie in the atelier, her photo in Adrien's room, and Gabriel's fond remniscing all give us the idea that she was a wonderful, lovely person! In fact, we even get a bit of personallity added to her in the Simon Says episode, where Gabriel tells Chat Noir "you have some of her (Emilie's) flair for dramatics". So of course, she was goofy sometimes, which is a trait we see Amelie share at least a little of in the Felix episode, what with her Elsa-style entrance into the manor. For Season 1, we got plenty of information as to her character, even if we didn't know her name quite yet.
In Season 2 we get more of these examples of her being a wonderful person who is dearly missed, such as the whole plot with the above-mentioned Solitude movie, and Adrien wanting to go see it. Why exactly Parisian cinema is playing this movie in the first place considering what we know about Andre abandoning his career as a director is completely unknown and reeks of a plothole to me, but then again so do half the episodes in general. Point is, from very early on in this show we get a positive perspective on Emilie's character. Sure, there's a lot we don't know about her, but I'm sure her wedding day, her early years with Gabriel, their actual relationship, whatever she had going on with Nathalie, and the whole drama with her parents and later Amelie's husband isn't important...right?
Yeah no I'm not letting her off the hook. Aside from the obvious Adrien stuff that I'll get into in a bit, it seems suspicious to me that nobody can ever come up with anything negative to say about Emilie. And I don't mean a genuine character flaw, even if nobody is perfect, I mean just...something embarrassing? An old joke shared between friends from college, a little detail that sheds light at her sense of humor, even a fond recollection of something silly that happened in her youth. There's nothing. Aside from Gabriel saying she had a dramatic flair, which I will talk about, we know nothing about Emilie Agreste as a person. She barely feels alive, almost existing solely to be the "dead wife" archetype of the show. And okay sure, some of that is the fault of whoever was in the writing room when they try to bring her up. But come on, you're telling me Nathalie doesn't have a single memory or photo in that large stack of recollections that shows her being alive for once?
And of course I don't mean Emilie being literally alive, we see plenty of that. But think back to the photo with Gabriel, Audrey, Emilie and Andre for a second. As an example. I can't recal the exact details, but Emilie is standing to the side, closer to being out of frame than anyone else. In the middle of the shot, the other three seem to be having a good time, but she's only giving a polite, proper smile to her friends. Naturally, not every person out there is extremely expressive, but this is a safe space. Emilie is with close friends and everyone is enjoying themselves, yet her face looks like she came out of a portrait. When I noticed that little detail, I went running to find more. Aside from the videos that she left behind, we've never seen her speak or interact with any character excepting that Evolution scene where she first gets the Miraculous. So can we please think about this logically for a second? What kind of person is Emilie Agreste?
She was born in high society, with a lot of expectations on her shoulders and only her sister for company in her formative years, if Adrien and Chloe's sibling-like bond is anything to go by. And yes that's another post entirely, but they were childhood friends and he had almost nobody else his age to talk to, so I'm drawing a parallel. I won't speculate at all about Emilie's childhood, because frankly it's irrelevant to today's conversation. What I will say however, is that everyone we meet who has interacted with her has fond memories and good things to say about her. And every depiction of Emilie we get, even those not made by Gabriel, she seems to radiate perfection. And that right there is her character's theme. Being perfect. She presumably was the perfect daughter, the perfect (or at least a good enough) student to go to France in order to further her education, so on and so forth. But her family life very much isn't anything close to that. For one, her sister is stuck in an arranged marriage with an abusive a-hole who seems to have been spat directly out of a Texas steretype. There is no indication that Emilie knew about this, but...she also eventually let Colt borrow the Peacock Miraculous to make Felix. Clearly she entrusted Colt Fathom of all people with a magical artifact that can make sentient life, because sure, that seems perfectly reasonable!
Of course signs of abuse are hard to notice even when directly pointed out, but for the purposes of Emilie and Amelie, it seems fundementally against the good, pure and angelic character that Emilie has been presented as to even consider handing Duusu over to Colt. I'm ignoring the issue of Tomoe since that hasn't been explained, but there's clearly something wrong here. And now...now we come to Adrien's home life. We know that he has never been to public school before Origins, which happened only because Chloe enrolled him by the way, and Gabriel does allow him to go at the end of the day. We didn't know at the time, but it does seem reasonable for Gabriel to refuse him completely here, seeing that in hindsight, Adrien's class specifically becomes a hotspot for Akumatizations. But despite this danger, Gabriel still allows Adrien to remain in public school. Additionally, it's completely reasonable to assume that a pre-teen and later teenager would want more freedom to explore the world, and I find it incredibly unlikely that Adrien only expressed this after Emilie keeled over. Surely, this child would have wanted to make friends before then, especially if Chloe would brag about how many friends she has in school, which seems like a thing she would absolutely do to impress him. Sure, that last bit is speculation, but Chloe does act like this all the time in Season 1, so it's natural to consider that she did so before too! The thought of Gabriel being the permissive parent here, and therefore not the one keeping Adrien inside all the time...it really frightens me.
And just to be clear, this isn't a tinfoil-hat "Emilie is secretly evil" theory or anything like that. I'm just saying that she isn't perfect, never has been, and actually made a lot of mistakes during her life. Especially with Adrien. Because doesn't it seem like a loving mother's attitude to want to spend time with her precious son, showing affection and being with him at all times? As a reminder, unless the concept of adoption was never invented in this universe, Emilie Agreste could have just grabbed a child out of an orphanage at any point during her lifetime. But instead, she specifically wanted this one, Adrien. And what does she do to get her precious, perfect baby boy? Why, she scours the entire planet with her huband (possibly to-be) and her definately-not-side-chick Nathalie the treasure hunter to find a magic brooch that gives her the power to make him herself, exactly how she wants! Plot aside for a minute, doesn't that sound a little bit insane to you? The desire to have a child alone wouldn't drive anyone to go to such lengths, and this is assuming she is infertile or has some other problem that a good night under the stars with her pals Gabriel and Nathalie won't fix!
Clearly, Emilie had something very specific in mind when going through all the magical, mystical and half-maddening hoops that she had to go through in order to make Adrien in the first place! She practically dragged her husband and their friend on a worldwide trip just to find some tiny bird goddess stuck in a brooch! Are you reading this correctly? And then after Adrien popped into existence (presumably by being carried to term, etc.) Emilie made sure to shower him with love and adoration. But she also kept him isolated, and secure. This isn't as much speculation as it is just reading between the lines, but Adrien seems constantly awestruck throughout the show when presented with new experiences. Not to mention another disturbing thing, she was put inside the life support pod with Adrien Amok on her finger! That's a huge red flag, right in front of us, but it's been ignored because Gabriel is the one who uses it on-screen. Consider that by the time he does use the Ring, Gabriel is well on his way to utter insanity, considering that Shadowmoth is already unhinged enough to quickly evolve into Monarch once the conditions are right. Gabriel has absolutely no chill when it comes to terrorizing innocent people, or using Adrien's Amok to control him when need be. So why is there an implication of Emilie doing the same when she should have been perfectly sane and not driven to desperation because of a loved one's loss like her husband? Again, go check out this post for a full Gabriel analysis.
I'm not saying that Emilie was evil or crazy or a psychopath or anything of the sort. I'm telling you all that she had control issues. Among all the other stuff we know, and with said information pool being tiny to start with, Emilie Agreste seems so intersting! There should have been a whole plot point about removing the rose-tinted glasses that her death cast down on Gabriel, Adrien and Nathalie! There should have been flashbacks to when she was alive! We should have seen her interact and show love towards Adrien! To her credit, Emilie did see that her death was going to mess with Gabriel's head tremendously, and left him a little video politely asking that he doesn't become an internation terrorist. You know, just as a failsafe. It sure is a shame that she never had that conversation with her husband when she was still awake, or that to our knowledge, never said goodbye to Adrien. The public narrative is that she "disapeared". Are you joking me? Of course Gabriel covered everything up, but this is never adressed!
The writers have a ironically perfect character in their hands! Emilie is a mystery to the audience, she has a complicated relationship with both the show's main villains (Lila doesn't count if she's in barely a dozen episodes), one of the titular characters, and is also literally the reason why the show's events kick off in the first place! But we are shown nothing of her for over one hundred episodes of Miraculous! Even Ephemeral, one of the episodes I hate the most in the whole show, could have given us a glimpse into whatever Gabriel's restructured world would have looked like! It was the perfect oppurtunity for us to see Emilie up on her feet and actually having a role to play, instead of just discount Mrs Freeze! Yes I know her name is Nora, I know it's not the same situation, shush, I'm making a "Emilie is in the basement fridge" joke. The writers and Thomas did this woman so dirty it's not even funny! And I am offended at her, because at the end Emilie serves no purpose than to have Gabriel be "sympathetic" in Season 2! There are a dozen plot threads just dangling around for them to rip out of the ceiling and play with, but Emilie's very existence amounts to absolutely nothing! A gravestone would have served as a better character, because at least there could be something useful writen on it! Some kind of descriptor that gave us any insight into her personality!
But no, she's a blank slate! She's just some gal that showed up, found a magic peafowl and keeled over, ultimately leading to Adrien's sheltered home life, social awkwardness, and mommy issues! Because you cannot tell me that Emilie's parenting, no matter how well-meaning, didn't screw Adrien's early life up! She could have been the best mum in the world and it still wouldn't have mattered, because she considered him her perfect creation! Can you see the irony here? Can you observe the myriad of metaphors and the hundreds of ways this can get included in a story? Does Thomas Astruc and his team want me to have a mental breakdown??? Like, excuse me, honestly excuse me, but the sheer amount of offense I take both on Emilie's behalf and to her utter uselessness in this franchise is astronomical! I love this character! I really do! Wrote a whole alternate backstory for her where she and Nathalie are college roomates and everything! Heck, I love her so much that I did make her into a crazy psychopath in one of my AUs just so she can play a key part in that story as the Hawkmoth-equivilant! My love and adoration for Emilie Agreste reaches the god damned moon and back, but unless she actually has more than ten seconds of dialogue in some kind of flashback or prequel, I will continue to be offended! I'll continue to be pissed! And I'll continue to pray for the day where she becomes more than a practically irrelevant plot device!
Anyway, I need to cool off. I need to have a drink. I need to relax and take a break before making the post in defense of poor Chloe, because she too got shafted by the narritive, just like Adrien's mum. Expect it sometime soon, or at the very least when I'm not going insane over the fact that despite directly causing every major event in this franchise to occur, Emilie Agreste is a bigger question mark than the dude in a banana costume. Seriously, what the heck is up with Mr Banana anyway? I'll be seeing you all soon, but until then, Stay Miraculous everyone!
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littlefreya · 3 years
omg i just stumbled across "jerk" and i think if i don't get more of your august walker pieces i'll die 😭😭 seriously i love a good hate fuck and more importantly, I LOVE YOUR WORK!!
Hey, bb!!! Thank you so much for this. Jerk actually has a part two called Easy Prey 💖
Anyway, since you asked for more August, here is my August Walker Masterlist
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Smut 🔥🔥🔥
Velvet Chains - Soft!August x Reader (smut. August Walker as a sex-worker, sexual intercourse, unprotected sex, loss of virginity, a depiction of bodily fluids, soft!August themes, a tinge of angst and August’s monster c… ) - For a generous fee, August Walker is yours. A man devout to pleasure, who will worship you for an entire night and make sure your first time is more than memorable. 🎃 NEW 🎃  
Prince of Darkness - Devil!August Walker x ofc (DARK! NonCon, kidnapping, stalking, breeding, exhibitionism, loss of virginity, supernatural stuff, sex in a cathedral, mention of heaven and hell.)🎃 NEW 🎃 The Devil ascends back to earth in search of his bride.
Dangerous Games - August x Reader x Walter Marshall (Smut, sex, MaleDom/FemSub, cockwarming, orgasm denial, male masturbation, praise, degradation, facial, mentions of DP and anal) You’ve got yourself into a perilous situation with two dominant men. Now the question is: which punishment will you choose.
More under the cut
Destroyer of Angels - August x ofc (Smut, Non-con, breeding kidnapping, loss of virginity, ) The cruel Duke August Walker takes what he wants and what he desires above all is a young maiden
Nice Day for a White Wedding - August x Reader (Explicit Smut, maleDom) What made you think you can get away from August?
Violent Delights - August Walker x Reader (Smut, facefucking, rough oral, depiction of bodily fluids, some eventual fluff, MaleDom/FemSub.) You will give August what he wants, you will let him fuck your pretty little mouth and come down your throat. His pleasure - is yours. 🎃 NEW 🎃  
Poison Honey - August Walker x Reader ( Passion, romance, sexual innuendo, a “thrill of the chase” if this may trigger anyone and mild alcohol use.) Everyone around you is too busy getting drunk and making out, while you are just dying for this dreadful Christmas party to be over. But just as you plan to leave, you catch the eye of a very hungry August Walker. 🎃 NEW 🎃  
Elevator Ride - August Walker x Reader (grinding, public fingerfucking, exhibitionism, depictions of sex, orgasm denial.) Riding the elevator with Agent August Walker, you believe he would never dare try anything with all these people around, but oh, darling, you could never be so wrong. 🎃 NEW 🎃  
Pink Umbrella - August x Reader (Fluff to smut, soft!August Walker, DD/LG, thigh riding, gloves fetish (it’s a thing now), dirty talk, a tint of angst and slight twist ending.) August is on a mission in beautiful Paris and had you join the ride, but while he wants you to stay safe at the hotel, you have other ideas.
Midnight Special - Artie Walker x Reader (Romance) The end of the summer annual BBQ is usually boring, but this one is about to take an interesting turn. 🎃 NEW 🎃
Hood Ornaments - August x Reader ( unprotected public sex, rough, maleDom/femSub, hair pulling, anal play, creampie, depiction of bodily fluids, profanities, praising and degradation, glove fetishism, exhibition) August fucks you at the parking lot while wearing leather glove
Jerk - August x Reader (male masturbation, lewd language, mentions of rough sex, degradation, anal and oral (both male and female receiving), depiction of bodily fluids and slight angst.)   August sits alone in his office, thinking about the one he can’t have.
Easy Prey - August x Reader (dark, kidnapping, bondage, dubious consent, teasing, dirty talk, gunplay, sweet degradation and praise ) Direct sequel to Jerk. Ring or not, August promised himself that he will make you his, in whatever mean possible and he kept that promise.
The Big Bad Wolf - August x OFC ( abuse of power, rough cage fucking, hatesex, unprotected sex, hinted breeding, risky creampie, possessive behaviour. On the safe side it’s borderline dub-con.) If there is anything August enjoys it’s breaking those who resist him. Now trapped in his little cage, the little bird has no where to fly to
Daddy’s Girl - August x OFC  (Explicit Smut, hatefucking)   She walks around pretending she is better than him. August is going to show her who is the king around here.
Afternoon Delight - August x Reader (smut, daddy kink, Cock warming ) You leave work early and come home to find August pleasing himself in your shower.     His Princess - August x Reader (Explicit smut, daddy kink, creampie) August works too hard and all day long, you miss him and decide to tease him with some photos of you in lingerie Thanksgiving - August x OFC  (Explicit smut, public fingering) August Walker, the hardened CIA agent is meeting his girlfriend’s parents for a thanksgiving dinner. She’d rather forced him into it. Now, how sorry is she going to be by the end of the meal?   One more touch before we die August x OFC (Explicit smut, romance) Set in a cabin on the mountain, August and his woman make passionate, desperate love. Sense Challange - Touch Bourbon and Candy August x OFC (Explicit Smut, daddy kink) After a frustrating day at work, August just wants to sit down and enjoy his princess, in any way possible.
Sweet & Spicey August x Reader  (Sub!August, oral, Smut + Fluff ) You get to pay August the favour and finally take control
Nasty - August x Rader (Explicit Smut, meta-voyeurism) August is fucking you and forcing you to watch while he is doing it. Basically, the dirtiest thing I’ve ever written.
The Director - August, Sy, Henry, Walter, Geralt x OFC (Explicit Smut - gangbang, breeding, anal, basically everything) He said no one touches her but him, but he is willing to make an exception, as long as it’s on his terms.  
Crimson - August Walker x Reader (Smut, period Sex, mentions of blood and such, dom possessive behaviour, slight breeding kink.)   🎃 NEW 🎃 Having Period sex with August
Black Tears -  August Walker x OFC (First-person POV, smut + angst) 🎃 NEW 🎃 There cannot be peace without first a great suffering, but how much suffering can a person endure?
Fluff 🌈🍧🧁
Kiss it Better - August Walker x OFC (3rd person POV Fluffy, sticky, gooey fluff and floof with a tint of naughty suggestion) 🎃 NEW 🎃 August takes care of his girl after she fell
Monster August Walker x OFC (Romance) They call him a monster, but he is your monster    
Shelter - August x Reader (Strictly soft sticky fluff) Lazy morning cuddles with August 🎃 NEW 🎃
Something Wicked - August Walker x Reader (Fluff) August sleeps tightly and you decide to exploit the situation. 🎃 NEW 🎃
Angel, can you hold me? - Soft!August x ofc (Angst to fluff) Bad guys need to be held as well
No More Tears - August Walker x OFC (August’s POV, Angst) On a cold autumn night, August muses over the girl he lost.
The New Order mini-series - August x OFC, Smut, romance (completed) FBI Agent Lizzy has no idea that her dominant boyfriend, August Walker, is a dangerous terrorist. Part 1|Part 2|Part 3|
The way to Hell - August x OFC, explicit smut & romance (Complete) Post Mi6, Alternate Canon. August escapes Hunt with his face intact and is currently the most dangerous man on earth. Unwilling to back down from his murderous agenda, he plots to continue where he stopped when a trained assassin is sent to bring him down. Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10| Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Tribute art and original design by @raspberrydreamclouds​ Run - Mini-Series - August x OFC, smut (Completed) She watched as August ripped armed men to shreds. Now the question stands, what will he do to her? Part 1 |  Part 2
Stalker Walker  🎃 NEW 🎃   Drabble series, August x Reader (Smut, stalking) [ 1 ][ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ]
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offtopicoverload · 3 years
What’s Willow like also? And do you have headcanons for Elisa? In the event I actually write something Elisa related. I’ve got too many ideas, yet not enough time or brain space and it’s annoying!
i’ll do elisa first and willow under the cut so i dont have to split these up to keep them short
also, dont trust me on these, i just say whatever comes to mind and try to pretend its canon
I highly recommend playing her route if you haven’t, dumping Marisol sucks, but it made me so much more confident in writing her for the Kissing Prompts
She’s obviously super flirty and outgoing, but also super sweet. I have a screen cap of her kissing MC on the nose on the terrace, and she does a lot of stuff like that
I feel like she’s the type to not know how to cook shit, she only eats takeaway unless her partner makes food for her
And if someone does make food for her, she gets super excited and thinks its the sweetest thing ever
She’s super competitive, even if it’s not totally intentional. It’s just drilled into her at this point that if she’s not the best at something, she has to become the best. She needs all eyes on her or it’s not worth it
I think this also means that she quits stuff pretty easy. Like maybe she gets curious about playing piano or something, but struggles with it a little and just quits almost immediately
That’s not to say she’s not artistic or talented outside of makeup and fashion, I think she’d be great at drawing and painting, especially since she has to know so much about colour theory to do makeup
I kinda wanna see her try body paint, like do something really insane, or try special effects makeup. I don’t see her doing it unprovoked, but if someone suggests it (or challenges her to do it) I think she’d really enjoy it
I think I put this in another hcs list, but she has a younger sister she dotes on. She buys her whatever she wants, takes her on trips, spoils her in the way she wanted to be spoiled when she was her age
And she’s obviously super open about sexuality, and I think her sister would be a big reason for that - she doesn’t want her sister to feel weird if she happens to be queer, or just being sexually active, and she honestly doesn’t want any of her younger followers to be shamed for embracing their sexuality
She really likes running, if she’s ever upset or pissed, she’ll just do a few laps around the block or something to calm down. Tho, it doesn’t always do much
I feel like she might not know how to speak another language, but be super interested in French maybe? And Paris is like her dream vacation? I dunno, maybe
I think she’s really affectionate, but is somehow different with a partner. Like she throws around ‘babes’ and a ton of compliments (very Priya-esque), but is a lot more genuine with a partner
If she gets an idea, she’s executing it as soon as she can. This applies to literally everything - makeup look? She’s doing it as soon as she gets home. Craving for the Italian restaurant three blocks away? You’re going tonight. The hot person sitting a few rows down on the train? She’s asking them out first chance she gets
She’s not the best at talking through feelings, she’s either alarmingly blunt, or avoids the topic as a whole. Like her confession in the kitchen? I think she does that sort of thing when she can only really benefit from it, but if she fights with her partner and talking about it will only cause another fight, she’ll ignore it and buy presents until they forgive her
Canonically likes to be spoiled, but also likes to be the one showing off. If she’s the one that makes the money, she’s cool with buying the big gifts, but her partner has to do something equivalent (like cooking lmao)
as for willow, she’ll be right under the cut
So for her time in the Villa, she was initially coupled up with Ibrahim, then Lucas, then Marisol, then Elisa. She also kissed Noah cuz Hope stole him and she fancied him a little. But after CA, that was very much so dead
I hate the canon Marisol breakup, so I’m ignoring it
Her and Marisol broke up amicably after it was clear they weren’t going to work out
Willow does not get jealous, like at all. If she’s with someone, she trusts them unequivocally, and if they break that, then no point stressing, just move on
So when Marisol got jealous after the Returning Henrik date, she did a horrible job comforting her, and they fought
Next day things had calmed down, but they still weren’t great, and the Day 25 Challenge showed they both had different priorities and just kinda clashed from being too similar
At that point, she’d been talking with Elisa, but keeping it platonic. The trust thing goes two ways, even when she fought with Marisol she would never have cheated on her, that’s not how relationships work in her mind
So she was always shutting Elisa’s flirtations down, but still basically saying she was cool to be friends for now, maybe something more at another time
She’s an only child to a single dad who worked a lot when she was younger, so her dog was like her best friend
It’s why she went into shelter work, to help other kids find best friends and give the animals better lives
She comes off like a stubborn hardass (which she is) but she’s also super soft and melts for any and all animals
Crazy good cook, it’s a huge hobby of hers and huge plus for Elisa lmao
It takes her a while to move to London with Elisa. Elisa doesn’t want to move a risk losing opportunities, and Willow just has a hard time leaving the shelter, but they end up hiring a few people before she leaves and that makes her feel better
She’s made a bad habit of accidentally upsetting people that she doesn’t mean to upset. Chelsea was a big one, she was just too harsh for her, and had to work on being nicer
But sometimes being mean helps, like when Lottie was on her girl code bs, Willow was not a fan and made that very clear
That also meant that she bonded with Priya a lot, and Hope after all the Noah drama settled
She originally wanted to be a vet and even started uni for it, but it was super stressful and she dropped out when the course load got too much and just applied to the shelter
She definitely empathised with Rocco for that very reason, as much as she couldn’t stand him and his flirting and just general attitude
She wasn’t ever super serious with any of the guys (other than Noah), they just didn’t appeal to her that much outside of being mates
She saved Lucas from stick or switch cuz they’d been coupled up and she got on with him pretty well
She hates parties and events and attention and Elisa has to nearly drag her out of the flat when they have somewhere to be
She also avoids Elisa’s livestreams as much as possible and will straight up leave the flat for like six hours with no warning if Elisa’s going to be working all day on a weekend
She’ll just grab a book and go to a park and sit until Elisa’s blowing up her phone and she has to go home and make dinner
That definitely causes some issues between them. Elisa’s always glued to her phone and can’t understand how Willow can go off the grid so easily and not care
They also fight over Willow’s whole trust thing. Elisa will get jealous or expect Willow to be jealous, and she’s totally fine, and Elisa just doesn’t get it
But Willow not really being on social media kinda helps that, and makes it easier for them to keep things private, and if anything, Willow forces Elisa to set some boundaries
Willow for sure gets a lizard at some point, maybe a gecko. I dunno, but Willow with a lizard just sounds so dope
She likes neutral and darker colours, most of her wardrobe is blacks and greys, and a lot of it mens or androgynous clothes
If Elisa successfully drags her to an event, she’s wearing a suit and just dutifully standing by Elisa all night until they can go home and watch movies until they fall asleep
She’s just super domestic and doesn’t even realise it, like she’ll fight Elisa on going out on dates until they just stay at home cuz shes very, very stubborn
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More than 900 notes on the “Lila gets Exposed” ficlet? I love you guys.
And writting Lila liying stupidly and being caught stupidly is fun. so yeah, I might make this a series on different characters catching Lila lying. At least I have some idea on how Alya, Chloe, Nino, Rose and maybe Juleka might catch her. 
These are meant to be unrelated and one shots, but I will try to kept characters other than Marinette and Lila out of the fic that aren’t their so they can still form a coherent narrative if the reader want to feel like Lila was caught by everyone.
Lila gets Exposed As The Lying Liar Who Only Lies
Marc and Nathaniel.
“Did you want to see me?”
Marinette got inside the classroom of the art club, where Marc and Nathaniel were waiting for her.
“Hiya Mari!” greeted overenthusiastically Marc, guiding her to a seat near a table where Nathaniel and he had been working. They had something covered in cloth, which Marinette found a bit suspicious, but was used to how theatrically dramatically extra those two could get.
“What’s this?”
“Well, remember our comic?”
“Which one? Where Super Nathaniel saves me from Stormy Weather and Lady Wifi and then we ki…”
“NOT THAT ONE!” reacted Nathaniel not so quickly, blushing so much his skin got the same color of his hair. “Ahem. The one where Might Illustrator and Reverser teamed up with Ladybug and Chat Noir for…”
“The double date one or the one where they fight Queen Wasp?”
“… Queen Wasp.” Marc turned to Nathaniel. “You told her about the double date one?” Nathaniel shook his head, both looked at Marinette confused, but she just smiled innocently and sweetly.
“Ha! You guys are so transparent. I was just guessing”
Marc made a face “meanie” he added a raspberry for emphasis. Nathaniel just kept his red hue.
“ANYWAY. The comic with us as heroes being heroes alongside the heroes of Paris” said Nathaniel very quickly.  Marinette giggled at how easy was to push Nathaniel’s buttons.
“And you’re our Everyday Ladybug, so we decided it was only fair that you would join the team!”
“We actually wanted to say you’re the real Ladybug, but realized that would be a bit problematic… and Alya would freak out big time”
Marinette had never panicked and been relieved so quickly in her life.
“Yeah, right, clumsy old Marinette as Ladybug, who would believe a loser like me was a superhero?”
Nathaniel and Marc looked at each other.
“Marinette, sweetie…” Marc said, holding Marinette’s hand “We love you with all our hearts, brains and other internal organs, but if you dare to call yourself bad names ever again, I will be legally and morally obligated to slap you silly until you learn to appreciate the wonderful human being that you are.”
“Duly noted”
“SO! Since you have never been akumatized –kudos for that, by the way, you rock – we didn’t had anything to base your herosona with… so we started thinking, and your main forte is designing, but bringing stuff that you draw to life is sort of Mighty Illustrator gimmick…”
“It’s not a gimmick!”
“Right right… so, Nathaniel thought about the hat you designed and we basically took a peek at your sketchbook, and we decided that fashion was going to be your thing!”
They grabbed the cloth and pulled it at the same time, uncovering a series of illustrations of Marinette in several hero suits. Some very elaborate some more simple. The main one seemed to be a play on her normal clothes, with a dark pink bodysuit with white details, including a belt, a dark grey jacket, and a brooch that resembled the ladybug earrings, just in the same shade of dark pink as the body suit.
“We based her a bit on Ladybug. With the brooch she can switch between suits, and the brooch changes colors to match which suit she is using. Her standard outfit is the pink one, which we based on your clothes, and it gives her agility and strength. The other suits are more specialized, like the blue one allowing her to breathe underwater and swim more efficiently.  We’re thinking a rainbow theme, with 7 suits plus the pink one. We might squeeze a black and white one too, although that is Reverser gimmick.” Nathaniel looked at Marc with a sly smile. Marc rolled his eyes.
“Touche. Anyway, we call her Fashionette, unless you want to be called something else”
Marinette couldn’t help but notice that they somehow had made the power of the suits match the power of the potions that Master Fu had given her. Still, it was different enough from Ladybug to throw suspicions… even though Nathaniel had made an illustration of Ladybug, ‘Fashionette’, Chat, Reverser and Mighty Illustrator. To Nathaniel’s credit, he had made Ladybug with longer hair, taller and more muscular than herself. She then wondered if that’s how other people saw Ladybug or if it was just Nathaniel’s artistic view.
“Marinette as a hero? Wow, you guys are so talented!”
They had been so focused on their explanation of Fashionette that they hadn’t noticed that Lila the lying liar who lies had entered the art room. Marinette closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
“Oh, and you did a drawing of her with Ladybug, my best friend.”
“Well yeah. We’re making a comic and including Marinette as a hero with us. I’m sorry, who are you?” asked Marc sincerely, as he had no idea who this girl with sausage hair was, but felt weird for how she was talking.
“Oh, you don’t know me? I’m Ladybug’s best friend, Lila Rossi”
“Isn’t Ladybug’s best friend Chat Noir?”
Lila’s eye twitched, but decided that Marc probably would question her if she kept that lie. Marinette smiled wide at that, hoping that Lila would go, but alas, she just approached the table and grabbed one of Marc and Nathaniel’s comics.
“Oh, a comic book. Cool. I know Stan Lee, he basically based Spider-Gwen on me. I might be able to get you to meet him someday.”
The three art kids looked at each other, a bit confused.
“Are you going to use a Ouija?”
“Stan Lee died last year”
“And Spider-Gwen was created by Jason Latour and Robbi Rodriguez, not Stan Lee”
“I… I was just testing you. I meant he based Spider-man on me, way before he died, of course.”
“Didn’t know you had a time machine. Must be awesome”
“Lila, Spider-man was created in 1962, so either you have aged really well, or you have a time machine.”
“Ugh you guys, always misunderstanding me! I mean the spider-man from the movie!  He’s my best friend!”
“Didn’t know you and Tom Hiddleston were friends”
“Of course, we are very close!”
“Hiddleston is the guy who plays Loki. Holland is Spider-man.” Lila was speechless.
Marinette was using all her power to not fall from her chair laughing. Lila trying to outgeek Marc and Nathaniel, comic book fans extraordinaries, was the funniest thing she had ever seen. Even more fun than when Chloe fell in a puddle of mud.
“Ugh, you suck!”
Lila threw the illustrations to the floor, without noticing that Mister Perrault, the art teacher had gotten in the art room just that moment.
“What is going on?”
“This girl who I am still not sure who is” said Marc quickly, as he could see Lila was going to respond something “started trying to impress us with her lies, but since we didn’t believe her, she just threw our work”
“They were being mean to me!” Lila tried to sob, while the other three teens were gathering the stuff she had thrown.
“Regardless of what they might have said, I caught you on the act of trying to destroy the work of art they had done for Marinette, and if there is something I will not tolerate in my club, is precisely that. Follow me to the Principal’s office… whoever you are.”
The trio smiled. Marinette couldn’t help but worry at Lila being akumatized yet again, but she also wanted to put some input on her “super hero” persona that Marc and Nathaniel had created with so much love for her.
Art Teacher has no canon name, so I landed in “Perrault” after searching for french last names. If you don’t know who Charles Perrault is, I weep for your childhood. 
And I do accept suggestions for “Fashionette” canon name, which would be also my Akumanette, should I ever write one. 
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whenimgoodandready · 4 years
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You ever lost something in your life? Like a prized possession? Or a great opportunity that would’ve changed your life forever? Or even a loved one? I know I did, I lost all three of those! (mostly the third option). I had some nice treasures of mine that might’ve been misplaced, a lot of situations where I could’ve come out victorious and happy and even met some really nice people throughout my life only to lose them and never see them again. It’s sad. (sigh) That’s life, you love, you lost and it repeats. We must enjoy it while we can and if we do end up losing it, we still have our memories to look back on it and learn from our mistakes. Besides, we can still look forward to the new joys we’ll experience in life and if we’re lucky, we can keep it! Have our heroes learned to do that? Check it out!
Battle of the Miraculous
*Part 1:Heart Hunter-For the longest time, this was titled as “Loveater”, but now it’s just Heart Hunter....I don’t know why, maybe cuz of the copyright, I was just naming what was accurate. Anyways, it’s the Bourgeois’s anniversary and Gabe deliberately upsets the two by getting them into an argument over his present which is a type of “Get-Along sweater” and them becoming a giant Pac Man akuma that shoots/eats love cuz they seem to lack it between each other. They looked pretty stupid, I had a better image in my mind. I mean, it was built up to be this badass like villain that could destroy love and that got us all concerned for the love square and yet, w-we got a two-faced video game parody baddie! It’s a juvenile show, whattaya gonna do? Another thing is why the f*ck was Mayura in this! I thought Hawk Moth deliberately made it clear in “Ladybug”, which came after this, that she had to stop cuz it was worsening Nats health! (throws hands in the air) He doesn’t care, I give up with this guy, why the f*ck would I believe him!? HE’S MAD AND DESPERATE! F*ck Gabe/Hawk Moth! During that time, we see some nice moments of Lukanette, Adrigami and some Adrigaminette! We also see things we were dying for such as Marinette with her hair down (spoiled by “Cat Blanc” unfortunately) and Master Fu as Jade F*cking Turtle! Hallelujah! So they were savin’ that up for this finale huh, well, it’s about f*cking time! :P. This also marked as the death of the love square since Adrien/Cat Noir has finally learned to move on from Ladybug and pursue Kagami/Ryuko and Marinette/Ladybug considering the same for Adrien. Now you would think that since it’s the Bourgeois family akumatized, it would be the appropriate opportunity for Chloe to be given back her miraculous already, but she’s ignored yet again and this was the last straw for her. This can go about two ways: A.Ladybug refused to have Queen Bee cuz either she was exposed or she couldn’t stand her nagging her about giving her a miraculous or B.She chose Ryuko instead, despite her being exposed as well, either cuz she really needed her power to stop the villain or cuz she was trying to c*ckblock Adrigami (possibly the latter). The end I could relate to on Marinette breaking down over her full plate of responsibilities (and accidentally letting Hawk Moth know that Master Fu was the guardian when she forgot to detransform to meet up with him cuz she had a lot on her mind) cuz I’ve been through the same thing where I had to put up a tough front after making a huge mistake only to be unable to bottle it up for long and just burst into tears and have to be comforted by a loved one. It’s not easy and it doesn’t feel so good and you’re gonna need support to let it all out and let people know how you really feel.
*Part 2:Miracle Queen-I had an entirely different look for Miracle Queen in my head, but the canon look for her was basically what you can call as “Malibu Stacy with new hat”....yeah....just like that....Lame. Hawk Moth manipulates her anger at being constantly denied the bee miraculous and it’s what akumatizes her willingly as her third villainess form. Since she was forced to give up her superhero duties, she went with the idea of “If I can’t be a superhero, then there will be no superheroes!” and uses her hornet army to brainwash everyone in Paris and have all the members of Team Miraculous (minus the dynamic duo and Bunnyx) to expose themselves. (sigh) Well, guess we won’t be seeing them anymore in the show.......I think. The thing about it is, we need to remember that Chloe having a miraculous didn’t make her a better person like Marinette/Ladybug hoped, it made her worse! Everything she did as Queen Bee was mostly to help benefit herself. Unless she starts learning to think of others before herself, she’s banished from Team Miraculous! At last, we saw Dragonbug and Snake Noir in their combined Kwamies and I gotta say, Snake Noir was an improvement from Aspik, least in this case he had his own power to help save the day with the snake miraculous instead of just the snake. Much better! Now in the end, Master Fu passed on his guardianship to Ladybug and by doing so erased his memory of the miraculous duties to keep them a secret and what made Hawk Moth give up when it got too much for him to handle. Ha! Ha! Loser! Farewell, Fu! You will be missed, Thank you! It’s implied in the end that Adrigami and Lukanette just might be canon now that the heroes have moved on, but it’s probably for their future character developements until the true ship becomes endgame *cough*theicecreamstheclue*cough*.
My final thoughts on this ep before the whole season here, after what Cat Noir learned in the previous ep, “Ladybug”, he finally got the hint that there was no future between him and his lady (which he also stopped calling her!) and that he should settle for what he can get. Marinette however, was reluctant to move on from Adrien as she’s still insecure about herself, but did so so she won’t interfere between Adrigami and make herself look bad for trying to seperate them (Pssst, it’s not permanent so you can calm down). It might be good for them though, they did a good job saving the day without all that love distracting them. Maybe they’ll be more competent than ever! Ryuko had come back! My friend was right! Lol! Here I thought she wasn’t gonna return! But is it serious now along with every other hero that’s been exposed!? (they’re on the poster for Season 4! (shrugs)). What we learned from Master Fu was when you pass on your guardianship, you lose your memories of what was related to it for safety reasons! Whoa! Now that it’s passed onto Marinette/Ladybug, does this mean she’s gonna suffer the same thing when she passes it on! That’s tearjerker worthy! :’(. Oh boy! As if balancing her social/love/school life and her superhero duties weren’t bad enough, she’s now the new guardian of the Miracule Box! Poor thing. Here come the headaches! Kinda feel bad for Chloe. Sure she was manipulated by Hawk Moth over her ignored hero duties by her own idol constantly, but she still willingly took the bait, after she refused the other time!, and now she renounced her worship of Ladybug and hates her as much as Lila does! How will this go next season? Well, rumor has it she’s getting akumatized yet again! (is this a seasonal running gag for her?). We are getting a new Queen Bee and I know damn well Chloes gonna hate that. However, maybe that means she’ll finally get that redemption arc the fans have been praying for? Fingers crossed. Gabe fixed the peacock miraculous though cuz he now has the deciphered notes Nat stole from Master Fu! Now he’ll be stronger than ever with Mayura! Don! Don! Don! This has been yet another “interesting” season. We got some answers, we got some questions still left answered and we got some new questions we need answers to! Let’s recap on went on:Lila is back and is finally a reoccurring character (only when we need the plot to be drivin’) and she’s gone to the dark side working both for Gabriel and Hawk Moth, we saw Thomas Astruc in animated form and the original concept work of “What-Could’ve-Been” for the show which is now a show-within-a-show using the “Ladybug PV”, we saw new villains and the new beings, sentimonsters, by Mayura and how they’re created/destroyed and some returning villains that came back stronger, new heroes from the miraculouses the fans predicted, Chloe was forced to retire as Queen Bee cuz her identity was exposed and now she too went to the dark side, we almost got the love square complete a few times before the reset button was pushed, we learned the history of Master Fu’s big mistake, Marinette and Kagami became friends, there’s gonna be a new Hawk Moth in the future! We finally saw the long awaited Cat Blanc that was major! and even (disappointedly) Felix (sadly no “Bridgette”) and much more. News from the next season, Luka and Kagami will be akumatized again, we’ll get new heroes, Kwamies, outfits and powers, we might still get the Halloween and Chinese Legend specials (Oh God! Please do!), there will be an episode with the the “OMG” factor as “Cat Blanc” and a new location called Swan Island! Sweet! Can’t wait! See you guys in the Fall when Season 4 comes out! I’ll be back with new ladybug frames for the reviews and gifs! Good-bye for now dear Miraculers!
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bytheanchorarchived · 5 years
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FULL NAME: Reid Lois Garwin PRONUNCIATION: ˌ rid ˈloʊəs ˈgɑrwɪn MEANING: Transferred use of the surname derived from the Scottish reid (red). The name arose as a nickname for someone with red hair or a red, ruddy complexion. REASONING: While I don’t know how much thought was put into his name, I take Reid’s name as being more connected to the metaphors and stereotypes usually associated with red haired people. In a way, he is also stereotyped this way. He is shown as bold and quick tempered and wild, and bratty, and brash, and while he can be all of those things it’s more of a first impression of him, the surface level, which I think works perfectly from what people think red haired people are like to what they really are like. Additionally Garwin means ‘rough’ which adds to that idea of his character. NICKNAME(S): Re, mostly by Tyler. And you know, troublemaker. PREFERRED NAME(S): Reid. BIRTH DATE: November 12th, 1990. AGE: 16-17 (canon), 19-24 (other verses) ZODIAC: Scorpio. GENDER: Male. PRONOUNS: He/Him. ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Biromantic. SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Bisexual. NATIONALITY: American. ETHNICITY: Caucasian. CURRENT LOCATION: Ipswich MA, USA (canon). New York City, NY (some verses), Paris FR (some verses) LIVING CONDITIONS: Boarding school dorm (canon), though his mother lives in town, she is constantly traveling and so Reid spends most of his time at Spenser Academy, sometimes choosing to sleep in his own empty house in the colony. TITLE(S): One fourth of the Covenant of Ipswhich. Water elemental. Troublemaker. Part of Spenser’s swim team. 
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BIRTH PLACE: Home birth, at the shared coven property, assisted by coven midwives. His mother was not happy about it. But it is the custom of the coven when it comes to the first borns of the line. HOMETOWN:  Ipswhich, MA. SOCIAL CLASS: Reid comes from an old family, part of the witches of Salem, who ran from the trials, and settled the colony of Ipswhich. As founders, they became important, and the whole coven turned out well off. To add to it, his mother also comes from a good family, mix of English and French, and she went on to be a big name in fashion business, having an eye for discovering new designers and the charm to acquire the best deals, she makes very good bank. So all in all, money is not something that really concerns him, as it doesn’t any of the boys. He was very well bred and raised, and what he does that clashes with it, he does so of his own will, on purpose. Which means, when he has to he knows how to behave socially perfectly, and chooses instead to dress down, and talk in slang, and act up. EDUCATION LEVEL: Complete High School at boarding school.  Reid was brought up in Spenser Academy since he first entered school, at age 5. At Spenser he took things such as French, piano lessons, and of course made it into the swim team. He tried joining several different other sports teams but nothing truly stuck like swimming. He always hated the rules and the uniforms and all that. More and more as he grew up and it all started to suffocate him. He loves to read, and does so frequently, but hates traditional studying and school in general. He doesn’t like anyone to know he can play the piano, so only the other three boys know this about him. He learned French because his mother has some French in her family, along with English, and often took him along to France and England for business or family trips.  FATHER: Joseph Garwin. MOTHER: Meredith Garwin. SIBLING(S): N/A BIRTH ORDER: N/A CHILDREN: N/A PET(S): N/A, he is a cat person though. OTHER IMPORTANT RELATIONSHIPS: [1] Caleb Danvers, Pogue Parry, and Tyler Simms. The four boys grew up together, and they represent the four families that made a covenant of silence, promising to keep their powers and magic as a whole in secrecy, after escaping the Salem which trials, and settling into a new land. They are each the eldest son of each of those families, and as such, are given the Power — which is to say that once they turned 13, they first received raw magic, into them, and at their 18th birthday, they will each Ascend and get the full share of their Power, become one with it, which will be with them until they die. Because of this, each generation is very close and dependent on one another to keep the others stable. Caleb as the eldest of the four, and the son of the man who caused the derail of the last generation, feels responsible for all of them, is the mom friend, and as such buts heads with Reid nearly constantly. They are usually at odds, since Caleb is quick to get annoyed and Reid can’t resist baiting him, however there is a point where they both meet, in their playfulness and boldness, and rise up together in shenanigans and dares. And at the end of the day, whenever either of them really needs someone, the other will always be there to help. “You know I got your back / I know you do.” Caleb represents the element of Fire, opposite to Reid’s water. Pogue is more the fun big brother friend, who also looks out for the others, but in a more relaxed, and somewhat irresponsible way. He joins in on the fun, and often wins out over them, he passes an air of more security and experience, and is usually one riled up by jealousy. Because of that, Pogue and Reid have a very companionable relationship, with Pogue usually being the one to try and keep the peace in the group, without bossing any of them around. He’s the one Reid shares his risque and bad behavior experiences with, he’s the one he goes to when he needs advice but can’t tell any of the others. They have a more level headed bond, and there are some things Reid’s done that only Pogue knows. Pogue embodies the element of Air, which is why he and Reid are so compatible with one another. Tyler is the one Reid is closest with in the world. When they were kids, Tyler being the youngest, due to his parents pulling away from the coven before his birth, was the easiest to pick on, and Reid would prank him a lot. Slowly, though, that turned into fondness, and later on protectiveness. Reid is fiercely protective of Tyler, and despite his blase facade, he will tear apart anyone who comes close to hurting the boy. Hanging out with Tyler is easy, because though they are very different people, Tyler never judges him. Tyler is often also very impressed by him, and his deeds, which Reid admittedly enjoys, specially because, deep down, he’s the one to admire him, for being as good as he is. Tyler is a good person. Studious and talented, and correct, and Reid both admires it, and enjoys it when he’s able to make him tag along with his crazy plans. Tyler is his best friend. And he is also the person with whom Reid is the most affectionate. They often just lie together in bed and read, or go walk around together in town, and get up to trouble sometimes. Tyler knows who he is better than anyone, and reads him more easily than the others. Tyler represents the element of Earth, who grounds him. IMPORTANT EVENTS: Just before Reid was born, the past generation’s coven started to derail. Caleb’s father was quickly becoming an addict to using the Power, which consumes the weak human body each time it’s used, and because of it he was causing an imbalance in the covenant. The others, unable to watch him consume his own life, and basically slowly kill himself, and after realizing there was no helping him, each reacted in their own way. The tension in their bond, caused the cycle of their births to be stretched, which means Reid was born almost a whole year after Caleb, and Tyler was born almost two whole years after the eldest. It was also because of the break int he coven that when Reid turned seven, his father couldn’t stand to stick around watching William Danvers decay anymore, and after many fights with Reid’s mother as he grew up, they decided to get a divorce, and Joseph left Ipswhich never to be seen again. From time to time, Reid gets a birthday card with cash in it, and some words, but he throws them away, and his father never attempted to have any further contact with him. When Reid turned thirteen, as said above, he got his first share of Power. The five years between thirteen and eighteen are considered test or trial years. It’s when the boys first get to experience magic, and learn what their powers can do, but not still in full capacity. Because it’s just a small portion of the real Power they will get at eighteen, the magic doesn’t decay them yet, and they have to learn to construct their own will power and backbone to restrain their use of it on their own, so that after they turn eighteen, they have learned to resist temptation before it’s a problem and don’t become addicted to it before they even start. This is a big source of his fighting with Caleb, since they have very different views on control and restraint, and Caleb has the burden of his father’s mistakes on his shoulders, which often lead him to judging Reid more harshly than he would otherwise. Reid also often will use more Power around Caleb, out of spite, than he usually does when they’re not together. Secretly though, he has a huge fear of everything they say about him being true, and him becoming the next weak link of this new generation, which is why he develop a finer and more layered control than the others, learning to use just the exact amount of Power needed for every given situation.  At the start of their senior year, just before Caleb turns 18 and ascends (becomes one with Power), a series of haunting events lead them to finding out the line of the fifth family, which used to be a part of the coven and they thought dead, has not ended. They find that descendants of that line have been growing up and decaying young and having sons and passing the Power along, outside the coven, without support or even knowledge of what it’s happening to them. Because of it, Chase Collins, their generation’s fifth member, comes after them thinking he’s found the answer to the consumption of the body by acquiring more Power. Since ascending means becoming one with it, he blackmails Caleb into giving him his full share, after he gets it, and therefore sacrificing himself in return for the safety of the rest of the coven. After a fight, William ends up giving up his own Power to his son, and Caleb defeats Chase with it. When Chase first starts acting up, though, Caleb blames Reid for it, and they spend a lot of time fighting over it. Reid also begs for the chance to help in the fight, but after Chase baits and hurt Pogue, Caleb refuses to let him, and Reid still resents him that, knowing well that Caleb could have easily died and left them behind.  MY REID GARWIN HEADCANONS COMPILATION ARRESTS?:No. Not because the cops didn’t try, but when Reid is in trouble he uses to get out of it. Unless he has been on a masochist roll and decides to punish himself allowing himself to get arrested, which would be verse dependent.  PRISON TIME?: No.
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PRIMARY SOURCE OF INCOME: Trust fund given to him by his grandparents, after his father left.  SECONDARY SOURCE OF INCOME: Whatever job he gets after High School while he’s trying to figure out his life. TERTIARY SOURCE(S) OF INCOME: He will eventually get inheritances from his mother’s side of the family.  APPROXIMATE AMOUNT PER YEAR: Unknown. CONTENT WITH THEIR JOB (OR LACK THERE OF)?: Pretty much. Reid is not the university type, and after High School he spends some time just trying to figure himself out. He gets jobs here and there, and might even follow one of the boys to college, but he’s not decided on a career and he is in no rush to. PAST JOB(S): N/A SPENDING HABITS: Reid is not a big spender. It is true that his rebel clothes are all mostly designer, but that’s pretty much it. He is even the only of the four boys who doesn’t have his own car, since his mother sees it as absurd and he doesn’t really have need to push on the matter. He mostly eats fast food, and or at Spenser, and his hobby can be sated by trips to used books stores, which can’t be considered expensive. MOST VALUABLE POSSESSION: Probably something Tyler gave him a long time ago, like a pendant or a ring / bracelet or something. 
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PHYSICAL STRENGTH: Good physical strength, from years of swimming. OFFENSE: Reid is almost always ready to fight and go at it if he needs to. Specially to protect any of the boys, like when he stops a fight from escalating between Aaron and Caleb by making a friend of the former start puking. He is fast, a quick thinker, thinks outside the box, and strikes preemptively. He would be fairly unpredictable in a fight which is a good trait to have. Offense is the best defense. Reid uses his Power in his offense, and his power is connected to his elemental, water, which means his magic moves and reacts in a similar manner. DEFENSE: Reid is also extremely guarded, and always defensive. He has a tendency to just assume everyone expects the worst of him (which they usually do) and so his logic is what is the good in trying to explain things, or tell his side of the story if no one will believe him? And so walls up, attack mode he goes. SPEED: Reid is fast and slim, but nothing out of the ordinary for a swimmer. INTELLIGENCE: Highly intelligent and also intuitive, though it might not look like it. Reid is so good at getting to people because he’s very very good at reading them. He knows exactly what pushes them, or how to make them fall for something, or what is pissing someone off etc. Like his element (water) he runs deep, and as a child of a single mother, he has learned to anticipate what people are thinking and or feeling. The thing is he doesn’t always use it for good, but he does have high emotional intelligence. That’s why he can read complex books for hours, but systemic evaluation fails him and school bores him. He’s smart in out of the box ways. ACCURACY: Because Reid grew up hearing that he was the weak link in the group, the one more prone to becoming and addict and ruining everything, he spent countless hours training his control over power, and has the most refinement of all the boys. He never uses more than he has to to do exactly what he wants. Which is show by how the explosion of magic in his eyes is always very controlled, and only ever turns black when he absolutely needs full power (once when they all use it to levitate the car whilst running from the police, and another when he is fighting Caleb who is the most powerful of all of them). He has incredible focus and measure. As water is very versatile, so is Reid and his fighting technique. AGILITY: Reid has agile thinking, always understanding or seeing things before everyone else in the room. STAMINA: Reid has good stamina due to swimming and the Power. TEAMWORK: Reid can work in a team when he wants to, and has done it his whole life growing up with the boys. They studied together, learned about power together practiced together, went on vacations together, had sleep overs etc etc. He works in a team all the time, but he can get in moods where he needs to be alone. He’s definitely the most independent of the boys in that sense, because he goes out and does his own things, “had things to do”, while the others tend to move more in a pack, or with family. It depends on his will. TALENTS: Playing the piano, swimming. SHORTCOMINGS: Focusing for long periods of time, Cooking, Cleaning, Following Orders, Standardized Tests, Impulsive, Defensive, Pushes people away.  LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: English (native), French (not totally fluent). DRIVE?: Yes. JUMP-STAR A CAR?: Yes. More or less. With Power. CHANGE A FLAT TIRE?: Nope. RIDE A BICYCLE?: Yes. He owns one. SWIM?: Yes. Very well. PLAY AN INSTRUMENT?:  Yes, the piano. PLAY CHESS?: Yes. BRAID HAIR?: No. TIE A TIE?: Yes. PICK A LOCK?: Doesn’t have to. Power.
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FACE CLAIM: Toby Hemingway. EYE COLOR: Icy Blue. HAIR COLOR: Natural Blonde. HAIR TYPE/STYLE: Longish, disheveled. GLASSES/CONTACTS?: No. DOMINANT HAND: Right. HEIGHT: 5′11′’ feet (or 180 cm) WEIGHT: Unknown. BUILD: Slim, lean muscles, tending to the thinner side. EXERCISE HABITS: Daily swimming, plus cardio. SKIN TONE: Pale, white. TATTOOS: See this post. PIERCINGS: N/A. MARKS/SCARS: A few from scrapes with people or childhood ones, just minor pale cut ones. NOTABLE FEATURES: Striking blue eyes, bright blonde hair, broad shoulders. USUAL EXPRESSION: Smirking, smug, goading. CLOTHING STYLE: Over-sized, ripped, jackets, boots, beanie, fingerless gloves, fashionably rebel. JEWELRY: Yes. He wears rings and bracelets and pendants, it depends on his mood and his outfit. May also wear earrings. ALLERGIES: N/A BODY TEMPERATURE: Cooler than average, like water. DIET: Highly inconsistent. Take out, cafeteria food. PHYSICAL AILMENTS: N/A
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JUNG TYPE: ENFP ENNEAGRAM TYPE: Type 5. The Investigator ( Ego fixation: Retention. Holy idea: Omniscience, transparency. Basic fear: Helplessness, incapability, incompetence. Basic desire: Mastery, understanding. Temptation: Replacing direct experience with concepts. Vice/Passion: Avarice. Virtue: Non-Attachment. Stress: 7. Security: 8.). Type 4. The Individualist ( Ego fixation: Melancholy (Fantasizing). Holy idea: Origin. Basic fear: Having no identity or significance. Basic desire: To be uniquely themselves. Temptation: To overuse imagination in search of self. Vice/Passion: Envy. Virtue: Equanimity (Emotional Balance). Stress: 2. Security: 1.). Type 8. The Challenger ( Ego fixation: Vengeance (Objectification). Holy idea: Truth. Basic fear: Being controlled, harmed, violated. Basic desire: Self-protection.Temptation: Thinking they are completely self-sufficient. Vice/Passion: Forcefulness. Virtue: Innocence. Stress: 5. Security: 2.). MORAL ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good and or Chaotic Good. TEMPERAMENT: Sanguine. ELEMENT: Water. PRIMARY INTELLIGENCE TYPE: Interpersonal, Musical and Kinesthetic APPROXIMATE IQ: Unknown. MENTAL CONDITIONS/DISORDERS: Low Self Steem. Isolates himself emotionally. Doesn’t believe he is worthy of love, or that love is for him. Fear of commitment. Fear of depending on anyone else. Fear of happiness. Shocks people to test them. Blows things up for himself for fear of it not working out. Pushes people to see if they’ll push back. Doesn’t believe in happy families. Self-destructive behavior. SOCIABILITY: Reid is very sociable. He likes to be in large groups and to be the center of attention. He feels comfortable in large parties, and is popular in school. He likes to tell outrageous stories, to shock people and make them laugh. He can go from 100 to -100 quickly though, and suddenly need rest or isolation. He can find rest being alone with strangers, so he’ll often push close people away to think or breathe. EMOTIONAL STABILITY: Reid is usually pretty relaxed, but there are a few key things, or people (name Caleb) who get under his skin and make him feisty and irritable. He is prone to jealousy due to his fear of being replaced, and not being good enough for the people he loves in the first place, so that can mess with him. Other than that he usually doesn’t care about what people think of him, or what they say. He does as he wants, and only cares about what people say of his friends. OBSESSION(S): Taking control over his use of Power. PHOBIA(S): What they say about him being true, and him being addicted to Power as soon as he ascends and end up decaying and ruining the coven.  ADDICTION(S): None. DRUG USE: Recreational pot, smoking on and off. ALCOHOL USE: Reid drinks occasionally but only ever at parties or things like that. He can get plastered, and enjoys doing so, but it’s not often.  PRONE TO VIOLENCE?: Sometimes. But not often and not by everyone. Mostly idiotic people amuse him, instead of making him angry. 
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SPEECH STYLE: Reid purposefully talks in slang, abbreviating words, rarely saying them entirely, joining words together and using pet names and his own specific terms for things. His tone is relaxed, and drags a little, and he likes to say things that will shock people.  ACCENT: American. MA. QUIRKS: Talks with a smirk, sarcastic, slouches his shoulders, bites fingernails, hangs off people, very touchy, puts his arm around them, or uses them as head / leg / etc rest, specially so with Tyler. Makes people feel like they’ve known him forever when they talk. Can be mysterious when he wants to. Plays with things on his hands when he’s nervous. Looks down when avoiding subjects. Side smiles and shrugs a lot. HOBBIES: Reading, playing the piano (occasionally), swimming in the ocean, climbing (and jumping off cliffs). HABITS: Staying up late and sleeping in, drinking lots of coffee, reading in bed, sitting to watch the ocean, going off alone when there’s too much nervous energy in him. Falls asleep during class due to boredom and his escapades.  NERVOUS TICKS: Doodles to keep himself occupied and have an outlet for build up energy, will doodle on anything, from cash, to notebooks, to Tyler’s arms and hands. Clenches his jaw. Becomes antsy  and irritable. Can’t stay still. Will rather stand than sit down. Sits at the edge of his seat when he’s bothered, like he’s ready to get up at any moment.  DRIVES/MOTIVATIONS: Mastering his Power, protecting Tyler, not becoming the person people think he is. Keeping a good relationship with his mother. Standing out.  FEARS: Letting someone in and being abandoned. Being an addict. Not being good for committed relationships, turning into his father if he ever tries. Ending up alone. Self destruction. The future. POSITIVE TRAITS: Fun, Charming, Curious, Protective, Affectionate, Resilient, Spontaneous, Intuitive, Open Minded, Determined, Loyal, Honest despite what people think. NEGATIVE TRAITS: Self Doubting, Self Destructive, Reckless, Impulsive, Flighty, Jealous.  SENSE OF HUMOR: Sarcastic, ironic, dirty, forward, intelligent, cheeky, pop references. DO THEY CURSE OFTEN?: Yes. CATCHPHRASE(S): “Harry Potter can kiss my ass.” “Hell boys, Let’s drop in.” “Say my name.” “You kinda remind me of [my grandmother].” “You want me to stop? That’ll impress Harvard.” “It’s not over yet, boys.” “Big deal.” “I don’t see anyone else in here, do you?” “We were just playin’em.”  “I swear.” “Didn’t it, though?” FAVORITE QUOTE: “You know we got your back.“ FAVORITE QUOTE (ABOUT): “It’s always Reid.” REID SPEAKS (sample of my own Reid quotes)
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ACTIVITY: Thrill seeking, gambling, swimming, reading. ANIMAL: Cats. BEVERAGE: Beer. Coffee. Tea (he learned it from his mother). BOOK: Classics (such as Stephen King’s). CELEBRITY: N/A COLOR: Grayish blue. DESIGNER: Changes from time to time. FOOD: Chinese take out. FLOWER: Sea Lavender. GEM: Crystals. HOLIDAY:  Christmas. MODE OF TRANSPORTATION: Bike. MOVIE: Mystery and horror ones. MUSICAL ARTIST: Many. QUOTE/SAYING: “Selfish people live longer.” SCENERY: Mix of urban and nature. SCENT: Pines, coffee, cold salt (ocean). SPORT: Swim. SPORTS TEAM: Spenser’s Swim Team. TELEVISION SHOW: Supernatural. WEATHER: Fall. VACATION DESTINATION: England.
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GREATEST DREAM: Enduring the Power. GREATEST FEAR: Failing the other boys and his mother. MOST AT EASE WHEN: Surrounded by people, doing something fun. Or with Tyler. LEAST AT EASE WHEN: Cornered or being judged. WORST POSSIBLE THING THAT COULD HAPPEN: Become and addict to Power. BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: Believing there is a future for him. BIGGEST REGRET: Not having been there for Caleb regardless of his orders. MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: Being found out as bisexual by the other boys before he was ready. BIGGEST SECRET: He craves not to be who people think they are. His sexuality. TOP PRIORITIES: Proving himself, gathering attention, protecting the others. 
adapted from
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pilferingapples · 6 years
Les Mis Adaptations I Would Like to See
no snark, no sarcasm, these are just takes on the material that I’ve thought about or heard suggested but never seen done or seen done only rarely and would love to see in film or theater or  animation: 
- Digressions the Series:  a documentary-style take on the book that uses the digressions and side characters to do a series of Historical Documentaries in which the “ main” plot is revealed only through passing mentions or anecdotes with interviewees.
 Citizens of Digne mentioning the ex-con their saintly Bishop helped out, A How It’s Made on glass beads with the owner who took over the factory after Valjean/ Madeleine left, a historian doing a walk-and-talk Battle of Waterloo summation almost verbatim and mentioning Georges Pontmercy as one of the missing, presumed dead, soldiers,etc.  This is always suggested as a joke but I think it could really be amazing??  
the final one in the series could be “Grass Conceals and Rain Blots Out” and be a documentary about historiography, the struggles with preserving historical documents and landmarks, and the work of trying to recreate the past from these fragile things left to us-- “for instance, this little grave, off the beaten path. Who was this man?  why was he buried so privately and yet with such a poor marker?”-- and talking about how the interpretation of the past interacts with our hopes for the future. I seriously want this series so much ??
-I can’t think of a summary title: a version of the story focusing on Cosette, Marius, and along with that the Amis, Eponine, Gavroche, etc; specifically, one that gives no  backstory for Valjean or Javert at all, Cosette and Marius and the younger characters are the POV characters, and a core part of the plot is Valjean, who first appears as Cosette’s dear papa/ respectable “Monsieur Leblanc”, slowly becoming a figure of intense and borderline Gothic mystery, with, again, no  explanations until the post-wedding confessions. 
-Paris Atomized: 1828 to 1832 , but entirely and exclusively centered around Gavroche and his adventures; there’s a lot  going on there even in what’s right on the surface of the book, and it would be easy to weave him into even more of the cultural events of the time; Hugo all but gives him a seat for the Romantic Theater Explosion, and he’s canonically in the 1830 rebellion, apparently with a totally different set of revolutionaries!   the kid’s got a Story,  and I’ve only ever seen it as the sole focus in very short films, but it could be a whole movie, or even a whole miniseries!
- the entire story but done only from the POV of the women; Valjean’s arrival is only seen through Baptistine’s eyes, we enter M-sur-M with Fantine and after her death the story moves to Cosette, etc.  Shoujo Cosette sort of did this, centering around Cosette, and it was really great!, but I’d like an even more exclusively altered focus.   There are tons of women in Les Mis, and enough of their story to build a basic framework of what they’re doing while the narrative focuses on the men in the story, and it would be great to see someone really go for that the way people do with Shakespeare all the time. 
- Les Mis the Even More Musical: a full-plot  musical/opera/whatever. FULL. PLOT.   ALL FIVE BOOKS. EIGHT-TEN HOUR SHOW PERFORMED OVER SEVERAL NIGHTS.  Group songs for the townspeople of Digne, M-sur-M, and Paris! SEVERAL for the people of Paris! A song about the history of the Petit Picpus convent! Victor Hugo as a narrator figure who comes in with songs about the digressions and the Super Specialness of Paris! Azelma gets a song and it’s heartbreaking !  The Madame la Marquise de R----- , Marguerite, the staff of the Corinthe, and Valjean’s last landlady share verses in a Bystander’s Song about being on the sidelines of obvious suffering and horror and trying to help with only very limited abilities to change it! Valjean, Fantine, Georges, and then Valjean again share a song about having to leave their children to what they hope will be a better life, with their different levels of confidence that it will be! EVERYTHING HAPPENS. THE WHOLE BOOK. BRING IT ON. 
-Les Miserables, Theo Gautier Edition: the entire cast is housecats, in costumes, with an offscreen narrator describing the scene and tossing in Squeaky Prompts. The script is, really, irrelevant.  
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partsofthemachine · 5 years
For the meta memes: one of the Umbrella Academy kids + your saddest Thought about them.
 I feel like you know me well enough to know that this was going to be just a big wall of sad that I’m mostly putting under the cut.
The Hargreeves in General: Empathy is a learned behavior and it’s not one that Reggie the Dick put a lot (or any) time and effort into teaching his children. So for the most part they learned how to be empathetic and how to communicate with other people from TV It’s the primary reason their communication with each other is so strained and assholeish; because no one TV cares about real emotions. And you just have theses seven people who barely know how to name their own emotions much less deal with each other’s emotions.
Also, the fact they learned communication from TV is a large part of the reason they refer to each other by nicknames like “bro” and “sis.” It’s very common on TV, and decidedly less so in the real world where you’re not constantly establishing your relationship for an audience. The even sadder part of that is that they just didn’t have names until they were 13, and then it was only on the advice of a PR team. In a lot of ways, their numbers feel like their actual names and their names feel like affectionate nicknames which is also why they never shorten them. (For example, it’s always Allison and never Ally.)
Luther: Honestly? Luther has always known on some level that everything Reggie put him through was complete and total bullshit. There’s really no way around it. He knows what he went through, he saw what his siblings went through. And all of it is bullshit. But Luther has to psych himself up and convince himself that it’s for the greater good, that there is a reason for all of this because otherwise it’s just his father wasting his entire life. And it’s him being too afraid to ever step out that door without a mission, without a plan and start any sort of life.
Naturally, his depression from this sort of isolation and arrested development was at its worst on the moon. It started very early when he could no longer convince himself that the “care” packages coming late or short on food wasn’t a simple mistake but a sign of how little Reginald actually cared about Luther or the “mission.” In order to convince himself that it mattered, that he had to get out of bed every morning, Luther named the plant he was studying Ben because he just fucking misses his dead brother and because he has a lot of guilt over how Ben died. Ben the plant didn’t survive the trip back to earth and, in a lot of ways, neither did Luther’s motivation to keep going. If he hadn’t been thrown immediately into mission mode (the funeral, the murder mystery, the Apocalypse), there’s a good chance he just would’ve stopped doing anything.
Diego: The deep, dark truth is that Diego feels like he’s the least essential person in the Academy. Throwing knives and holding his breath are not particularly useful powers. No one needs him in a fight, and certainly not as much as he needs to be in the fight. As much as he thrives on fighting, on being constantly in motion, on moving towards some nebulous something. Honestly, he genuinely believes that if he stops moving, stops fighting, he’ll just break.
That’s also why, even if he’s not the best at showing it, Diego is the one most concerned with his other siblings’ mental health. He’s aggressive and loud and even violent about it, but he is doing is level best to try and check in with Luther and Klaus (and Vanya that one time but he made her cry and run away). Because his brothers stopped and it broke them. And maybe he can fuel all that driving and fight from feeling inessential into something that’s truly useful for them as a family if they’re not a team anymore.
Allison: Real talk, Allison never actually got her way with her father. That was a story her siblings concocted due to her powers: her ability to get anyone to do anything she wanted as easy as breathing. And because there was perception that Reggie went easy on her in training, that he was more lax with the rules when it came to her. From the outside looking in, with all the dark thoughts they had about each other and Allison’s casual callousness, it was easy to be convinced that she somehow got special treatment.
The painful truth, however, is that Reggie had little to no use for daughters. Allison got off better than Vanya because her power was useful and she was a more focused toddler. Because Allison has always been focused. Ambitious. She saw what she want and she went after it. And what she wanted more than anything was to be Number One. Was to come out on top. Nothing she could do, though, could dislodge Luther and Diego from their places, and she knew that her place was only safe as long as Klaus was popping pills or Five was being defiant or Ben was too soft. So Allison took that pain and frustration and disappointment out on her brothers and let them just believe she was cold and heartless and that she got whatever she wanted.
Klaus: The reason that Klaus is significantly more tactile than his siblings is because he’s genuinely not sure if they’re ghosts or not. With the sole exception of Allison, Klaus has seen every single one of his siblings as a ghost. Klaus tried opening up to Diego once and only once. But because Klaus has been consistently lying about being able to see Ben’s ghost and none of their other siblings have died, Diego convinced Klaus to check himself into a psychiatric hospital for the first time. So Klaus is just torn between thinking his siblings might be ghosts and thinking he is genuinely crazy.
For a kicker, the fact he’s never seen Allison’s ghost makes it even harder on Klaus. Of all their siblings, Allison has come the closest to actually dying in front of him. Klaus has held her while she bled out from losing her arm and from having her throat slit. And he’s never seen her ghost. Not once. When he’s most cogent about it, he thinks that it’s because Allison is a miracle, she came to the edge of death and pulled herself back. But, sometimes, Klaus convinces himself she was never real at all and that’s why she can never be a ghost, why she can never stay wit him.
Five: Okay. There’s nothing really sadder about Five’s life than what’s already explicitly canon. But, listen. I think a lot about the fact that he isn’t really a person anymore. Five has spent so many years in isolation and sacrificed so many pieces of his soul to save his siblings that he doesn’t really actually know how to function in society. And it was fine when there was an actual mission he was working towards: stopping the Apocalypse.
The real problem is when there’s no long an apocalypse to think about. He spent so many decades trying to save his siblings that he has no idea how to actually live with them. They are entirely different people than the people he left and he doesn’t know how to function living with them in the mansion. And it’s not like any of them ever learned how to meet people or make friends. So it’s just this really painful thing that everything he worked for feels futile because the people he was trying to save were gone as soon as he was. But they’re also still there in a way if he can just figure it out.
Ben: Extremely unpopular opinion time. I think Ben deeply resents Klaus. It doesn’t bubble up very often because, on the whole, he’s trying to let that stuff go. An eternity is a long time to hold onto the grudges and petty bullshit that so plague the Hargreeves’ existence. So he taught himself how to let go of hurt feelings, mostly by attending rehab and support group meetings with Klaus.
But the thing that’s hardest to let go of is the fact that Klaus lied to their siblings. For five years. Years where the only thing Ben wanted was to be able to communicate with his siblings, to check up on them, to make sure they were okay. And instead of doing this one little thing for him, Klaus tried to drug him away with all the rest of the ghosts. Klaus openly and blatantly lied to his siblings for years that he couldn’t see ghosts anymore. That he couldn’t see Ben’s ghost. It kills Ben to be so close and so far at the same time and he has a hard time forgiving Klaus for the lastest and sustained bullshit.
Vanya: I want to bring in a piece of comics canon that didn’t traumatize me as much as what Allison went through, but is still something I think about a lot. When Vanya was seventeen, she was sent to a music conservatory in Paris on her own. This was only weeks after Allison left and basically came across as Reggie was just done trying to deal with his daughters at all. Because Reggie was just trying to wash his hands of daughters.
It’s honestly a very bittersweet time for Vanya. On the one hand, she was fully immersed in the one thing she’s passionate about and actually feels good doing. But, on the other hand, it was the first time Vanya ever truly felt lonely. Because she had six siblings on top of her growing up and even though they weren’t close to her, it didn’t feel hollow and empty and painful. Her time at the conservatory was definitely the darkest her depression has ever gotten and she actually felt better just being back in the same city as most of her siblings made her feel so much better and safe in a strange way, even if they’re still separated.
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kmalexander · 4 years
Homann: A Free 18th Century Cartography Brush Set for Fantasy Maps
I’ve been heads down working on the edits for Gleam Upon the Waves, so it’s been a while since I’ve shared any new resources for fantasy map enthusiasts, writers, cartographers, game masters, table-top role-playing game creators—whoever you are. But that doesn’t mean I don’t have a few things up my sleeve. Today, I’m excited to announce the release of my latest free historically-based fantasy-map brush set, which I’ve named Homann.
Are you a fan of fields? Are defensive fortifications your jam? Then Homann is the perfect set for you. Based on L’Isle de Cadix du Detroit de Gibraltar, a 1788 map of the Strait of Gibraltar, by Johann Baptist Homann, a prolific German geographer, cartographer, and wig haver. (Yeah, click on his name. You’ll see what I mean.) It’s a unique map. One that seems to be at war with itself. It’s reminiscent of a battlefield map at first, but you can see how it’s mixed with the traditional cartography of its time. At the same time, it flirts with being a nautical chart, not something you often find on maps like this. But that jumbled confusion makes sense considering the messy military history surrounding the strait.
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A unique map like this means the brush set extracted from it will be just as unique. The settlements are an unusual mix of pictorial illustrations and the traditional profile-style signs more common to cartographic maps of this era. Landforms are present but serve as a secondary backdrop to the strategic fortifications. Interestingly, a lot of effort went into detailing agriculture, and it’s not hard to see the amount of time the engraver spent on fields.
Since completing my Thirteen in Twelve project last year, I’ve been seeking out resources that separate themselves from the thousands of repetitive-looking maps from the 17th and 18th century. With all those quirks I thought Homann would stand apart while still working alongside any of my older sets, and I appreciate its attention to detail. It’s perfect for a wide variety of fantasy projects.
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Homann is a medium-sized set of often VERY LARGE signs—some of the cartouches are over a thousand pixels wide—so, yeah… the detail here is fairly intense. With over 400 brushes, I’m sure you’ll find plenty of use in your work. The full set includes the following:
13 Tents
90 Houses
7 Towns
6 Elevated Towns
2 Places of Worship
20 Forts
7 Unique Buildings
45 Fields
5 “Shoreline” Fields (These are less detailed than their cousins and were mostly found along waterways.)
45 Trees
100 Mountains
14 Mountain Pairs (Basically, two mountains close together.)
6 Mountain Ranges
15 Anchorages
2 Battle Markers
5 Map Elements
3 Ships (They’re big.)
16 Sounding Marks
30 Unit Positions/Markers
The button below links to a ZIP file that contains a Photoshop brush set (it’ll also work with GIMP and Affinity Photo) as well as a set of transparent PNGs in case you’re using a program that doesn’t support Adobe brush files. I’ve separated them by type: Settlements and Flora, Landforms, and Cartouches. They’re black and on a transparent background, so they’ll look broken if viewed in Chrome, but trust me, they’re all there.
download homann
As with all of my previous brush sets, Homann is free for any use. I distribute my sets with a Creative Common, No Rights Reserved License (CC0), which means you can freely use this and any of my brushes in commercial work and distribute adaptations. (Details on this decision here.) No attribution is required. Easy peasy!
Enjoy Homann? Feel free to show me what you created by sending me an email or finding me on Twitter or heck, leave a comment below. I adore seeing how these brushes get used, and I’d be happy to share your work with my readers (let me know in your message.) Let us see what you make!
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Homann in Use
Want to see this brush set in use? I put together a sample map, and you can see the results below. There are three versions, a black and white version, one colored, and a decorated sample. Click on any of the images below to view them larger. Perhaps this will inspire you as you get started on your own projects!
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Supporting This Work
If you like the Homann brush set (or any of my free brushes, really) and want to support my work, instead of a donation, consider buying one of my cosmic-horror soaked dark urban fantasy novels. The first book—The Stars Were Right—is only $2.99 on eBook. I think you’ll dig it. You can find all my books in stores and online. Visit the Bell Forging Cycle hub to learn more about the series. Tell your friends!
Not interested in my books but still want a way to support me? Buy me a coffee.
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 More Map Brushes
Homann isn’t the only brush set I’ve released. You can find other free brush sets with a wide variety of styles over on my Free Stuff page. Every set is free, distributed under a CC0 license, and open for personal or commercial use. I’m sure you’ll be able to find something that works for your project.
Zatta: A Free 18th Century Cartography Brush Set for Fantasy Maps
This extensive hachure-focused set (those are the fuzzy caterpillar mountains) was taken from Antonio Zatta’s 1775 map of southern Portugal. Striding the line between the late-18th and early-19th century this set is perfect for flintlock fantasy, steampunk, or anything similar.
Janssonius: A Free 17th Century Cartography Brush Set
A topographical brush set with a nautical focus based on Johannes Janssonius’ 1650 nautical chart of the Bay of Bengal. Along with the standard symbols of settlements, flora, and landforms, I’ve also made sure to incorporated a whole host of maritime signs—rocks, sounding marks, shallows, and a whole bunch more.
Vischer: A 17th Century Cartography Brush Set
Based on the amazing Archiducatus Austriae inferioris, an incredibly detailed map of lower Austria created by Georg Matthäus Vischer in 1697, this is the largest set I’ve released. Loads of detail and a unique approach to rendering forests and landforms aids this set in standing apart. A perfect set for the right project.
Braun: A 16th Century Urban Cartography Brush Set
The brushes within this urban-focused set are based on the incredible work of Georg Braun taken from his Civitates orbis terrarum—easily one of the most significant volumes of cartographic antiquity. The detail and density represented in these symbols give an extra layer of texture and is perfect for the right fantastical city map.
Ogilby: A Free 17th Century Road Atlas Brush Set
Taken from John Ogilby’s 1675 book Britannia, Volume the First, this set allows the creator to recreate road atlas from the 17th century in stunning detail, placing the traveler’s experience front and center. With over 800 brushes, this is my most extensive set to date and useful for a variety of projects. Several bonus downloads are also available, as well.
Van der Aa: An 18th Century Cartography Brush Set
This regional map set is based on a map by Dutch cartographer and publisher, Pieter Van der Aa. It’s a beautifully rendered version of the Mingrelia region of northwest Georgia. While not as extensive as other sets, the size of the map allowed for larger brushes that helps highlight the uniqueness of each symbol. It also features a failed wall!
Gomboust: A 17th Century Urban Cartography Brush Set
My first brush set to focus on creating realistic maps for fantastical urban environments! Gomboust is a huge set, and its symbols are extracted from Jacques Gomboust’s beautiful 1652 map of Paris, France. His style is detailed yet quirky, isometric yet off-kilter, packed with intricacies, and it brings a lot of personality to a project.
Harrewyn: An 18th Century Cartography Brush Set
Based on Eugene Henry Fricx’s “Cartes des Paysbas et des Frontieres de France,” this set leans into its 1727 gothic styling and its focus on the developed rather than the natural. It’s hauntingly familiar yet strikingly different. If you’re looking for more natural elements, Harrewyn works well alongside other sets as well.
Popple: A Free 18th Century Cartography Brush Set
This set has quickly become a favorite, and it’s perfect for a wide variety of projects. The brushes are taken from 1746’s A Map of the British Empire in America by Henry Popple, and it has a fresh style that does a fantastic job capturing the wildness of a frontier. Plus, it has swamps! And we know swamps have become a necessity in fantasy cartography.
Donia: A Free 17th Century Settlement Brush Set
While not my most extensive set (a little over one hundred brushes), Donia boasts one of the more unique takes on settlements from the 17th century. If you’re looking for flora, I suggest checking out other sets, but if you want to pay attention to your map’s cities, towns, castles, churches, towers, forts, even fountains, then this is the right set for you.
Blaeu: A Free 17th Century Cartography Brush Set
Based on Joan Blaeu’s Terræ Sanctæ—a 17th-century tourist map of the Holy Land—this set includes a ton of unique and varied signs as well as a large portion of illustrative cartouches that can add a flair authenticity to any fantasy map. Elegant and nuanced, everything works within a system, but nearly every sign is unique.
Aubers: An 18th Century Cartography Brush Set
An 18th Century brush set based on a map from 1767 detailing the journey of François Pagès, a French naval officer, who accompanied the Spanish Governor of Texas on a lengthy exploration through Louisiana, Texas, and Mexico. A unique southwestern set with a few interesting deviations—including three volcanos!
L’Isle: An 18th Century Battlefield Brush Set
A departure from the norm, this set is based on the Plan Batalii map, which was included in a special edition of The First Atlas of Russia in 1745. A detailed view of a battle during the Russo-Turkish War of 1735–1739. Canon! Units! Battles! Perfect for mapping out the combat scenarios in your fantasy stories.
Widman: A 17th Century Cartography Brush Set
A 17th Century brush set based on the work of Georgio Widman for Giovanni Giacomo de Rossi’s atlas published in 1692. A fantastic example of Cantelli da Vignola’s influence and a solid set for any fantastic map. This is the workhorse of antique map brush sets—perfect for nearly any setting.
Walser: An 18th Century Cartography Brush Set
An 18th Century brush set based on the work of Gabriel Walser with a focus on small farms and ruins and a robust set of mountains and hills. This is a great brush set to see how Vignola’s influence persisted across generations. It was etched over 80 years after the Widman set, but you’ll find a few familiar symbols within.
Lumbia: A Sketchy Cartography Brush Set
A sketchy style brush set I drew myself that focuses on unique hills and mountains and personal customizability. My attempt at trying to channel the sort of map a barkeep would draw for a band of hearty adventurers. It includes extra-large brushes for extremely high-resolution maps.
Lehmann: A Hatchure Brush Set
Named after Austrian topographer Johann Georg Lehmann creator of the Lehmann hatching system in 1799, this is a path-focused brush set designed for Adobe Illustrator that attempts to captures the hand-drawn style unique 19th Century hachure-style mountains. This set works perfectly in conjunction with my other sets from the late 18th century.
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jellojolteon · 7 years
Hi! I know you get a lot of asks on the grey long Ay but I was curious about something. How are some of the main characters supposed to get Akumatized. Eg. Nino wanted Adrien to have a birthday party but that didn't happen because Gabe was being a jerk, or Alya when she got Akumatized because she wanted to find out LB secret identity. I know this might be too much to ask but I'll ask anyway. Could you make a master list of how the Champions were made in this AU? (pt. 1)
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No, no worries! Every ask I get makes my day! In fact you made my dreams from last night come true by filling my inbox haha ;u;
So as a basic pretense, the champions still come about the same way; the folks who get made into Champions are still upset about something when Greyling reaches them, but it’s the handling thereafter that makes the difference between what Hawkmoth does and what Greyling does. I can still make a master list for you of people who have been akumatized up to S1 (sorry if I miss anyone lol), but there are only a handful of changes. 
As for Chloe? An excellent question. I think it’s complicated because she’s still Adrien’s oldest friend and now she’s indirectly doing him a huge favor, but he is also much quicker to wake up to the bully she’d become since he see what she’s like when he “isn’t watching”. 
Unfortunately for this end of the story I’m more interested in the interactions between the main three, so it’s likely that a lot of this, if I can get this big ol thing off the ground, won’t make the actual cut.
(See below cut- numbering is not indicative of order, but if order is important I’ll mention it. Also note that this may change in the final go, if I get there.)
1. Stoneheart - This is LB’s first fight against Tux and while the theory of it is the same, Greyling does not exist yet to bring Stoneheart to life. Marinette encourages Ivan much the same way as she does in canon and he and Mylene still get together.
2.  Stormy Weather - We’ll go with this one as Greyling’s first Champion. Aurore loses the weathergirl competition, but Adrien tells her that if it’s recognition she’s looking for, he might be able to help. Help he does.
3. Mister Pigeon - Ramier gets chastised by the police for feeding the pigeons. Adrien consoles him (somewhat regrettably considering his allergy) and tells him that pigeons are not inherently bad, and that a good way to show how honorable and invaluable pigeons can be might be for Ramier to help enlist them to fight Tux. This champion marks the beginning of Mari’s internship.
4. Lady Wifi - Alya snoops in Chloe’s locker, she pitches a fit, gets suspended. Greyling comes to her explaining that he knows her intent was innocent, and that if she really wants to show everyone she’s the bigger person, perhaps she can help him fight Tux today. Alya is of course like “oh fuck, I’m communing with my homegirl’s crush” and wholeheartedly agrees. Things look dire, and hers is the first instance of possession we see. I’m going to (unoriginally) henceforth call this special “ability” the Butterfly Effect.
5. The Bubbler - Mari introduces Adrien to Nino and Alya via video chat. Adrien is super excited to have friends and both Nino and Alya want to meet him. Adrien’s birthday is soon and Nino suggests a party. Gabe never yells at him directly but Nino finds out from Adrien that it’s a no and gets upset on Adrien’s behalf. Greyling suggests later, when Tux attacks, that it’s no birthday but hoo boy would Adrien think it great if Nino helped fight one particularly nasty adult. It might help get all those negative vibes out.
6. Copycat - This one might ultimately not happen in the AU, just because the pretense is so intertwined with the canon dynamics.
7. Kung Food - This is the first time LB witnesses and must repair a cataclysm death. Mari is lucky that her Uncle is in town to help her through the experience. Greyling reasons with Kung Food in Chinese (which is much better pronounced than in the show) that the cooking competition isn’t the end of the world, and that he’ll help him get another chance to prove himself in a fair environment.
8. Darkblade - not sure where this one falls, but when D’Argencourt loses the mayoral election, Greyling explains that maybe he can help show Paris true nobility by standing up to another person who has usurped the peace.
9. Vanisher - Greyling catches Sabrina at a low point when Chloe is snubbing her. He points out that there are many many unsung heroes throughout history but if it would help her, he might be able to arrange something that would get her recognized in the form of assisting LB.
10. Antibug - Here’s a fun one! This one doesn’t go super hot but I think this is where Chloe develops a little bit. Greyling tells Chloe that if she really wants to make a good impression on LB, maybe getting in the way isn’t the answer. But what if she was a champion instead? Chloe is too bitter to be working alongside LB at the moment, but things eventually turn out ok, even if it involves Tux getting the upper hand for a bit there.
11. Horrificator - Mylene is scared and Greyling explains that sometimes it takes some help to face your fears. I’ll help you face down the scariest monster in all of Paris, and I assure you that you’ll always be able to face your fears after that. This one is also a bit of a shaky one but it works out ok because as she grows bigger, Tux gets more frightened by her.
12. Timebreaker - another that I’m not sure happens? I feel like time travel is a bit of a slippery slope in this AU for some reason.
13. Princess Fragrance - After Chloe belittles Rose, Greyling compliments her heart and says that helping him fight tux might be a good way to prove Chloe wrong. (Aside: I can’t imagine a lot of these kids would normally have the sense to take down a murderer. But Ladybug hasn’t lost anyone yet and the trust they put in her to keep them safe is immense)
14. Reflekta - You might see that showing Chloe what a good person looks like is a pretty common thread here. Greyling gets good at convincing people that Chloe is wrong and that fighting Tux with the things she demeans about them is a great way to prove it. She slowly learns.
15. Evillustrator - Nath wants a date with Mari, and also for Chloe to Not. This one doesn’t go well.
16. The Puppeteer - This is where Greyling figures out that Tux is his dad. In his rage, he makes a very bad decision to send out Manon after Tux. Granted she’s not doing anything directly but still. Ladybug deadpans him a look through Puppeteer and he has an ‘oh shit’ moment. He pulls her out and goes for Simon Says instead.
17. Simon Says - Adrien isn’t quite ready to let go of his petty yet and this is just as much for himself as it is for Simon. Nooroo and Adrien have an important talk about choosing champions after this battle is over.
18. Heartbreaker - Much of the same spiel about proving Chloe wrong, though I don’t know how his powers could be of threat to Tux. Not sure if this one makes the cut.
19. Rogercop - After getting fired, Greyling hits Roger with the whole “If you really want to serve and protect, boy could I really use your help.” After Roger’s proven bravery against Tux, he regains his job. There are probably more long-winded effects of this in the au but I’ll have to get there before I figure it all out.
20. Animan - When Kim insults Otis’s prized panther, Greyling suggests that maybe a catfight is exactly the kind of shakeup Tux needs, and it would certainly prove Kim’s ridiculous comments wrong. As for Alya and Nino getting together? I can still see them getting locked in the exhibit for their own safety.
21. The Gamer - Mari and Adrien kick ass in a gamer tournament, and Max gets upset because he’s overthrown by someone he’s never even met. Adrien just has a lot of time to play video games when he’s shut in, y’know? But Adrien realizes he may have gone a little too hard and requests Max’s help defeating Tux. He fluffs Max’s confidence by pointing out what a skilled and analytical fighter he is. Ladybug could use someone like that (instead of someone who sits from afar… hm…) in her fights against Tux.
22. Guitar Hero (pffff oops) - “Hey Jagged Stone, you know what would absolutely skyrocket your popularity? Riding around Paris on a DRAGON while blasting a cat man with SOUND WAVES. Does that sound like some killer album art to you? It sure does to me. Also I’ll throw in glowy tentacle hair as a bonus, I’m a big fan of your work actually.”
23. Pixelator - Greyling says, “Hey, man, maybe let the guy have some space, y’know? Being famous is stressful. Here, if you really want to be like him though, help me fight this guy.” Please don’t ask me how that works Greyling just gets real good at his job at some point.
24. The Mime - Fred’s meddling understudy tricks him into missing a performance, but Greyling sees an opportunity for the most kickass show of Fred’s career. He’s not wrong.
25. The Pharaoh - unfortunately, another one I’m not sure happens? Remnants of this ep might be involved though, with Jalil helping LB uncover some of the history of the miraculouses. Looks like the Kubdels get off easy in this story haha
26. Volpina - Lila’s compulsive lying gets her into a sticky situation (probably actually not with LB tho) and Greyling tells her that maybe he can give her a true story about herself worth telling. Greyling has been itching to get out for a few attacks now and this is where he finally gets the opportunity to go out. He just has a bad feeling about things and goes out to check. As I mention in the comic about their first “meeting”, Greyling’s intuition is correct and he saves LB from a nasty head injury as she passes out on top of a building from a previous wound. This also incidentally marks, for the most part, the end of Greyling’s use of others to fight. He still brings a few out (maybe I’ll get to integrate some from S2?) but this pretty neatly ties up most of the pre-outside timeline.
Sorry this got so long, but thanks again for the ask, @randomstar365! I hope this is a satisfactory answer. 
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vishwaspur · 7 years
Much as I hate Pinky, I felt she hit right at Gauri's insecurity about her equation with Omkara. Today's episode added to the heartbreak I'm already suffering from yesterday's episode, specially the Julia story scene, which you brilliantly analyzed in your episodic analysis. Why isn't Gauri leaving? I want a conversation between Gauri and her Shankarji, like right now, where she is demanding answers from him. Also, are the rumors true of a separation track coming up next for Rikara?
I’ll admit..I had to watch the Queenie scenes today by pausing a lot of times in between. It was just so hard to see you know? To watch a woman who I KNOW has done so much in her life, who is capable of doing so much more..struggle with English and feeling like a “moron” because of her inability to pronounce a complicated English word.  But I will admit, this insecurity was handled BRILLIANTLY! The writing for this entire issue was handled damn cleverly.
Gauri was still rattled by Pinky’s previous jibes. She hadn’t gotten any comfort from Omkara after that and then Pinky gets another reason to hit an already sore spot for Gauri. I really liked how Pinky told her that her position was the similar as Gauri when she married into the Oberoi but she had a strong backing of her naam, khoon, khandaan which became stronger once Shivaay grew up. She basically told Gauri she had support both inside and outside the house which made sure Pinky’s position was never weakened. This was the worst anyone could’ve said to Gauri in her current state of mind. A person can take on the world if they know there is someone who has their back firmly. Gauri may have that belief in her Shankarji but as seen yesterday, her fears about her position in her own life are so strong that they have even overpowered her faith in Shankarji.
There was nothing wrong in Omkara’s reaction. He didn’t intend to insult Gauri because she couldn’t pronounce the medicine’s name. But he’s just a human! He was already worried for Pari and in that moment he had no time to entertain Gauri’s attempts to prove she can win against English. Later he did apologize to her for his behavior and in his way, he was being considerate to her when he said he’ll take care of these things by himself in the future cuz he knows she struggles with them. But Gauri was in that state of mind where every word sounded like a jibe to her already wounded pride. And right now Gauri has nothing BUT her pride to herself. Though we have to consider that Omkara doesn’t know why she is reacting like this. His reaction would be much different once he finds out what has triggered Gauri to consider herself a “moorak” when he knows just how much confidence she has in her own self.
The reason Gauri isn’t just packing her bags and leaving right away is cuz Omkara has made her stay. Plus, MAAAAAAAAA is already in the house and she wants to show her that everything is okay in her marital life which leaving the house wouldn’t exactly help in establishing. I completely agree with us getting Gauri’s conversation with Shankarji at least. Because while it’s easy to guess what’s going on in her head..a canon confirmation would help. Omkie ke dimag ka koi toh raaz nahin pata chal raha..Gauri ka kuch sira mil jae!
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learningrendezvous · 7 years
Painting and Drawing
Host: Larry Withers
It's one thing to know the parts of the body, it's another to put that knowledge into action. This video takes the artist to the next level by examining a variety of human activities including running, walking, jumping, lifting, carrying, kicking, throwing, pulling, and more. Working from the live model using different camera angles, classical illustrations and animation, this program breaks down, frame by frame, the component movements of the body, and how the various sections of the body work together to accomplish complex tasks. Chapters in this video include: How the Bones Work How the Muscles Work Major Sections of the Body Relationship between Balance and Movement
DVD / 62 minutes
Host: Larry Withers
This is the only video of its kind produced specifically to address the needs of today's artists and art students. This video takes the art student through the various sections of the body describing the surface forms, underlying bone structure, and how they combine to allow the human form to move. This video surveys the human body highlighting: muscular and skeletal systems simple and complex muscle groups crucial joints and body mechanisms visible landmarks proportions body mechanics
DVD / 52 minutes
Host: Larry Withers
This video is designed to assist the artist and art student in rendering the human head. This video addresses those topics critical in understanding the anatomy of the head including: bones of the cranium and face muscles of the head and their functions surface forms that define the face canons of proportion of the head characteristics of gender and age facial expressions
After viewing this program artists will have a solid base of knowledge about the human head which can be applied to their own work.
DVD / 41 minutes
With Maxine Wade
Demonstration of Basic Drawing, Shapes, Textures, Portrait & Figures
In order to understand the basic of drawing and painting we must observe the constantly recurring basic geometric shapes in things, the landscape, a still life, a figure study observation is the key then, as an artist you can transform the subject using a variety of media and techiques, to express your individually.
Maxine hold the distinction of Bachelor of Education in Visual Arts, Art and Studio Arts Teacher, Maxine teaches in Box Hill and Boronia High Schools, Secondary Colleges and Art Societies.
Demonstration: Basic Drawing - Still Life shapes, Figure etc
DVD / Approx. 55 minutes
With Hiltrud Barfus
Complete demonstration of various charcoal sketches of Female Nude Model.
"I believe to draw is to observe and translating that vision is the challenge. The human figure remains the most consistent and inexhaustable source of inspiration - the subject with which we can develop self awareness. The mood and medium are the tools of expression - an important ingredient of every drawing." Hiltrud teaches art to many schools and art societies. She has won many awards and commendations.
Demonstration: Charcoal Sketches - Nude- Line Skills
DVD / Approx. 55 minutes
With Jo Armstrong
Demonstration of China Painting, preparation, various stages of painting
Jo has trained in art at the Methodist Ladies' College and Technical College, Launceston and China painting studies with Moira Treacher and at seminars with artists from Australia and Overseas. With oven ten years experience, using porcelain as her canvas, Jo displays her artistic talent.
Demonstration: China Painting - Flower design, materials, various painting stages and detailing
DVD / Approx. 55 minutes
Host: Sharyn Pak
The array of colors available to today's artist is staggering. That's why it's more important than ever that the artist have a command of color theory and color mixing. This program is a "hands-on" course on color mixing designed to give the artist the knowledge and practical experience needed to mix colors - oils or acrylics - with complete confidence.
This video is structured around the four basic characteristics of color: hue value intensity and color bias.
Once you know how to manipulate these characteristics, mixing any color becomes easy.
DVD / 67 minutes
With Syd Tunn & Wendy Henderson
Syd Tunn was born in Melbourne in 1946. Studied art from 1962 to 1965 at Caulfield Institute of Technology, majoring in painting, life drawing and printmaking.
Still Life in acrylics, Reed Pen making and usage, An inside to Etching.
With Anke Arkestyne
Complete demonstration of Delft Pottery, slip moulding and Underpainting
Host: Larry Withers
The traditional artist's wooden manikin is more than a benign studio prop. It's a great tool for practicing figure drawing, while testing your knowledge of human anatomy. In this video Larry Withers shows you how to pose and render the manikin, and then to transform your drawing by smoothing out the contours, dding muscle groups and landmarks to create a life-like figure drawing. This program features demonstrations on drawing the human form from several angles, and creating action poses using the manikin.
DVD / 77 minutes
With Richard Linton
Richard Linton was born in Melbourne - Victoria, Australia. Drawing at an early age and particular interested in all things nautical.
Richard began in photolithography after studying among the first at the Australian School of Printing. His first serious painting of a sailing ship was in 1957 and after some years made painting his profession. With his knowledge of printing Richard produces the highest quality limited edition prints of his work.
One of the few marine artists commissioned by the Franklin Mint to have his paintings reproduced in the old method of hand lithography in Paris at the famous house of Moulet renowned for the reproductions of Chagall, Matisse and Picasso.
Brochures were printed in five languages and marketed worldwide.
His love of history and meticulous attention to detail makes him a world authority on the subject and unique in todays art world.
With Jill Schmeling
Demonstration of Papers, Pastels method, Charcoal Demo, Colour Pastel Demo
Give me some colours, whether they be oils, acrylic, watercolour or paster, a free day and a little classical music and I am away. Jill is self tought, commenced painting in watercolour, echibiting age 17. Has won many awards. Her works are sold Australia wide, Wales, England, Canada and New Zealand.
Demonstration: PASTEL PAINTING - Materials required, method, charcoal and colour exercises.
DVD / Approx. 55 minutes
Host: Larry Withers
Drawing is a skill, like riding a bike or throwing a ball. The key is to understand what you're drawing. Once you understand your subject the act of drawing becomes a less daunting process. In this video, Larry Withers will show you how to draw by introducing and building upon a series of simple drawing skills. Now anyone, regardless of art experience can learn to draw... and draw well.
CHAPTERS: Materials and tools Looking for simple shapes Drawing simple shapes Creating tone Importance of light and shadow Constructing your drawing Drawing a still life Drawing a landscapes Rendering difficult objects
DVD / 92 minutes
Host: Larry Withers
Artists often use measuring techniques to achieve more accurate, realistic effects. Measuring is used to calculate relative sizes and proportions and is useful for still lifes, landscapes and even figurative art. Today we use several measuring methods including: comparative, sight-size and triangulation. In this video, Larry Withers demonstrates these technique using simple artist's tools. The program is divided into chapters starting with a review of materials and tools and a section on general advice on how to achieve reliable consistent results. In the following chapters, you'll see the step-by-step process as well as the concepts involved with the different measuring techniques.
DVD / 50 minutes
Host: Larry Withers
Step into the clogs of famous Dutch artist, Vincent Van Gogh as we demonstrate his painting techniques while copying one of his well-known "Sunflowers" compositions. In this program we'll look at Van Gogh's life and legacy. We'll review the tools and materials he used - his paint pallet, the brushes he used, his canvas, etc. Finally, follow a step-by-step demonstration of his painting methods.This program includes numerous reference materials including a printed reproduction of Van Gogh's "Sunflowers," downloadable PDF files, and a Special Features section with transfer grid and painting details images.
DVD / 66 minutes
With Dawn Martin
Complete demonstration, setting up, blocking in, painting picture
With Esther Erlich
Demonstration of painting in Acrylics Esther's flamboyant style brings to her charatertures both a humorous and provocative quality
With Richard Weatherly
Complete demonstration from Field Studies, Sketches to complete painting
With Elaine Burge
Complete demonstration from blank canvas to finished painting
With Jennifer Paull
Complete demonstration from blank canvas to finished painting.
Host: Larry Withers
Knowledge and practical application of perspective is important for any serious artist. Perspective can seem perplexing, but with proper instruction it's really quite simple. Through five separate demonstrations Larry Withers will show how to use techniques of perspective to create more realistic drawings.
The topics covered are: One, two and three-point linear perspective Atmospheric perspective
Plus these related perspective techniques: Circles in perspective Figures in perspective Creating shadows Reflections Roads and rivers in perspective Tile floors Bridges with arches Stairs and ramps Equally spaced objects (poles, trees, etc.) Measuring/dividing spaces, lines, boxes Roofs and gables
DVD / 78 minutes
With Ninon Phillips
Ninon's formal art training was as a graphic artist, textile and silk-screen printer.
Working from life her renowned drawings and paintings show clearly her love and understanding of her furry and feathered friends.
Host: Larry Withers
A properly stretched and primed painting canvas is a pleasure to work on, and can help ensure the longevity of your work. By preparing your own canvas you can determine the size, canvas grade, and quality of materials. In this video, you will learn step by step the methods for stretching and priming your canvas whether you're working in acrylics or oils.
Included are sections on: Basic materials Assembling stretcher frame Stretching your canvas Sizing using rabbit skin glue Priming with oil primer and acrylic gesso Preparing panels for painting Canvas care and maintenance
DVD / 35 minutes
With Andre Sollier
Demonstration of Sumi-e, brush stroke techniques, making ink, brushes, painting several designs.
Appointed war coorespondent painter for the French Paratroop Army. Now teaching sumi-e painting at Universities, Technical Colleges etc.
Demonstration: SUMI-E PAINTING - Traditional making ink, Chinese brush stoke exercises, design, and landscape painting.
DVD / Approx. 55 minutes
With Reg Cox
Demonstration of Materials, Painting techniques, Painting a Seascape.
Reg studied advertising art at the Royal Institute of Technology and has worked professionally in this field since 1946. He paints a wide range of subjects including Land, Sea, Snow, Cityscapes, Boat studies and Farm scenes etc. Reg has won many awards and the praise of art collectors both in Australia and Overseas.
Demonstration: WATERCOLOUR - Coastal Scene.
DVD / Approx. 55 minutes
With Ron Russell Fletcher
Complete demonstration from Pencil sketch to finished Painting
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