#the sleeves are ONLY sleeves lmao. they’re tied to meet at his chest
shuckstruck · 6 months
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drawing new armor for REALSIES this time
in the past i’ve been very “there’s some kind of gap in the back for his wings and his armor fastens around them” but now i’m like. w/e like creatures with wings Would have to sacrifice protection for functionality. and armor covering only ur torso would still do a semi-decent job of protecting ur most vital organs
anyways this is just what i whipped up at 3 am last night i intend to go and adjust/detail this tonight. the neck/shoulder piece won’t be entirely gold but smthn slightly more reminiscent of a real one
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blahblahwritings · 4 years
Contracts and Captains - III.
A/N: I’m definitely making this a Billy fic sorry lmao. 
Words: 1844
Warnings: Drinking and vomit.
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It had been a month since Mr Gates had approached you and you had returned to him with a lead each week for them to hunt, bringing them and yourself plenty of money. You’d given them merchant ships carrying dyes, spices, tobacco, sugar and more that turned a favourable profit when brought back which didn’t go unnoticed by Miss Guthrie. Although you hadn’t talked since the job she needed, she seemed to have let the whole ordeal go after learning you were part of the reason Flint was bringing in more prizes.
The Walrus had returned early this morning and so you were currently walking down to the beach as they unloaded their cargo, hoping to find Flint or Gates to hand them another lead. It had taken a little while for you to find one this time so you had sent letters to some old friends in Port Royal asking for information which you were hoping would bear fruit. If not, you may very well be hunting out new employment.
The sun was still low as you found the crew, tired but in high spirits. They were laughing as they worked, and you’d caught word of a celebration at the tavern tonight as you passed by them to the old wooden dock. A longboat was slowly advancing toward the shore, the familiar faces of the captain and quartermaster among a couple of other crew members sat inside. You shot a friendly smile as they climbed out and quickly moved to join them.
“Another successful haul?” You chimed, gesturing to the surrounding crates and chests. The captain gave a small smirk, squinting against the light of the sun as Gates chuckled.
“Couldn’t have done it without your intel Miss Devereux, accurate as usual.” Mr gates clapped you on the back and you playfully rolled your eyes. “I assume you have our next target.” Flint said flatly. As much as you had proved they could trust you, he seemed a little cold to you since day one. He would give small smiles and be civil but never deviated into any kind of action that could be misconstrued as friendship. He preferred this to be more... professional. You were used to it with the men who would give you one off contracts but never in long-term work.
“I do, captain, here.” You dug through your pouch tied to your thick leather belt and handed him a piece of paper with times and coordinates scrawled across it. He inspected the page with furrowed brows before handing it to Mr Gates and nodded his thanks. “I have to take care of some business, I trust you’ll organise this, Gates. Excuse me.” He spoke briefly before leaving for the town.
“We appreciate you working for us, the crew are, of course, very happy with the results and if you’d like to meet them, I believe they’re having a celebration tonight if you’re interested.” He cocked a brow. The invitation was a little unexpected, seeing as the captain obviously seemed to be apprehensive about you. “Flint is Flint, he keeps everyone at a distance, you shouldn’t feel put off by it. You deserve a drink with the crew you’ve been working for and they should know who you are. Lord knows they’re curious having watched our little talks. If not for yourself, do it for me, I’m sick of the questions.” He laughed lightheartedly though you could tell there was some truth to his exhaustion with the crew. A chuckle left you. “Fine, but I’m not getting drunk.”
You were drunk. You’d damn the crew all to hell if you weren’t having such a good time. Gates had brought you along and introduced you to the men who were almost all intoxicated before you’d even arrived so they took to you very quickly, the armourer, Logan throwing an arm around your shoulders and offering you drinks. You drank for free mostly, the men refusing to let you pay as ‘a sign of their appreciation for your leads’.
So here you were, sitting in the corner of the tavern, singing your heart out to some old shanty alongside the others, feeling like part of the crew yourself as the room swayed. Your mug was empty and you’d made the decision that if the room was moving as you were still, you shouldn’t drink any more. Then there was a bang as another mug of rum was put in front of you. You half grimaced, half cackled as you took it, sipping the dark liquid despite your head telling you otherwise.
This was going to be a disaster tomorrow. The moon was high in the sky as you stood from the table, walking outside in pursuit of some fresh air. You were leaning against the wall of the tavern, desperately trying to get the floor to stay straight as someone walked toward you.
“I’m assuming they’re having quite the night by the looks of you.” An unfamiliar voice sounded above you. It took everything you had to stand up straight and look at the man. He was tall, far taller than the others and he wore an old shirt, sleeves rolled to the tops of his arms. His arms, Jesus, they were big. You’d have been ashamed of staring at them for so long had you been sober but those thoughts quickly faded as you met his eyes. Your body wobbled and you pressed your shoulder against the wall to keep you upright. “I’m Billy Bones, Boatswain.” He introduced, scanning you to ensure you weren’t just going to tumble right there.
“Try sayn’ tha three times” You slurred with a giggle. He scoffed, a smirk apparent on his face, knowing you were trashed. “Am ‘Lizbeth Devreux” You smiled at him, offering a hand to him in greeting but stumbling in the process. He quickly steadied you, hands on your shoulders. You tried to play it off as if you were perfectly sober but, well, you weren’t at all. Your stomach lurched and you pushed away from him, turning and falling to your knees unceremoniously. You wretched twice before the contents of your stomach made an appearance onto the sandy floor. Billy’s nose scrunched up at the stench but knelt beside you, pulling your hair back so it didn’t get caught in the mess. You kept bringing up the liquids from the long night  for a few more seconds before collapsing back onto your behind, head leaning against the wood.
A groan of discomfort left you as you were forced to open your eyes again, the feeling of being spun threatening to make you vomit again. Billy gave you a pitiful smile and grabbed your hand, hoisting you up off the floor. “Let’s get you some food.” He said.
“I’m sorry ’m such a mess, I don’ usually get in this state.” You said slightly clearer than before, finding your footing. You hated that you’d just vomited in front of the boatswain of all the crew and he was handsome too which made it worse in your head. Another lighthearted scoff from him. “It’s alright, I guess you’ll just owe me one.” He jeered, raising his eyebrows at you and you laughed. “Deal.” You replied.
He had a hand outstretched behind your back, not touching but there just in case you were to fall again. Walking back into the tavern and through the crowd, you both found a seat at the bar and he ordered you some warm stew and bread. Stopping him as he went to pay with a few coins, you took out your own money and handed it to the barman.
“You’ve done enough and the crew have been paying for my drinks all night at least let me buy my own food.” You insisted. A smile found its way on his face as he nodded. You grazed at the meal, the feeling of it filling you taking away some of the nausea and decided to strike up a conversation. “Why aren’t you drinking with the rest of them?” You questioned, blowing lightly on a spoonful before eating it. His lips were brought into a tight line for a moment.
“I don’t drink very often and I’ve learned from past mistakes that drinking with the men has… painful outcomes.” He gave you another glance and a small smile. You snorted, looking away for a moment towards the crew, Logan was making his way over, bumping and crashing into every table and chair in his path until he reached you.
“Trus’ Billy Bones to take the lady to dinner.” He prodded, beaming. Your eyebrows flew up, nearly choking on your next bite. Billy rolled his eyes and looked at the armourer. “That is not what this is, I’m just making sure she was still in one piece after a night with you lot.” The taller man returned as you looked between the two of them. “Well res’ assured we’ve invited her into the crew with open arms and plenty o’ rum, she's a fine drinker and keeps up with the best of us.” Logan shot you a wink and a pat on the shoulder. “Now, if y’don’t mind I’m gon go see my beloved Charlotte.” His speech slurred as he turned on his heel and headed through the crowd and across the street to the brothel.
“Well, good to know I kept up.” You laughed, turning and finishing the last of the stew. The world was surely spinning a lot less and you thanked Billy for looking after you. “What did he mean? Trust you to take a lady to dinner?” He sighed and his shoulders slumped as he looked back at you with a look that said ‘please don’t’. This only led you to be more curious, cocking an eyebrow and leaning in slightly. “Come on, you wouldn’t leave a lady in suspense would you?” A snigger left you as you teased him, knowing that you were anything but a lady. He snorted, the recent memory of you puking your guts up just an hour ago replaying in his head.
“The men like to joke, I just don’t think women should be bought, I mean good for them because they make a living and all but I prefer to earn their fondness.” He explained, a light blush on his cheeks as he stood. You tried not to smirk or laugh, your mouth struggling to stay in a straight line not because it was funny but because it took you by surprise, a big burly pirate wooing a girl with wine and chivalry. “Don’t- Please don’t laugh.” He chuckled, throwing his head back and betraying himself.
“No! No, it- you just shocked me a little. I don’t usually take pirates for the romantic type.” You grinned. “It’s sweet really.” You added hoping to reassure him. He huffed out another sigh.
“Come on, you should probably go get some rest.” He didn’t look you in the eye as he led you to your room, leaving you to sober up for the night.
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shortnotsweet · 5 years
Hello, your fiveya pride and prejuice had me on my knees. Everything you have writing for the umbrella academy is so nice, this fandom should be thankfull you are here making gold content. I'm not very creative and I still dont know which kind of prompts you would like, but the last au gave me some Elizabeth Swan vibes, so maybe you could do a Fiveya Pirates of the Caribbean Au? Whatever you make I'm sure will be wonderfull :)
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It’s 1732, and Governor Reginald Hargreeves and his two adopted daughters, accompanied by the family butler, Pogo, are sailing to Port Royal aboard HMS Crown when they come across a shipwreck. The lone survivor of the tragedy is a young boy, shaking and shell-shocked. A sympathetic Pogo begs Reginald to allow him to take him in - Pogo himself will rear and provide for the child out of his own wages.
Vanya clutches the railing and looks out into the wreckage, into jagged mountains of burning wood obscured by ink black plumes of smoke that cast a ghostly silhouette against the dreary sky and the great gray sea, and can’t take her eyes off of it. It’s a tragedy, with glowing embers peeking through the remains of the ship, keeping it alive and drowning in the water, and Vanya is fascinated.
I do not want to know what transpired here, she thinks. She doesn’t need to know, anyway - it looks like a wasteland, like something writhing and nearly dead, and then her father takes her by the shoulders and pulls her away.
The boy is raised in a fine household, alongside Reginald’s two young daughters, both of whom are handsome, intelligent, and composed. His truest and most constant friend, though, is Vanya.
The Boy starts out as a Will Turner of sorts, only more confident and living in relative comfort, except with the knowledge that he is an outsider even among orphans, and a survivor of something terrible. He longs to go back.
By 1742, the boy is merely fifteen and already deemed an academic prodigy in a vast array of scientific, mathematical, mechanical and historical studies.
By the end of 1742, he’s gone, vanished into the night and headed for the sea. Vanya, not for the first time in her life, is alone.
Years later, she’s grown into a beautiful yet confined woman. During a botched proposal, Vanya faints, due to a combination of heat, anxiety, and a too-tight corset, plummeting into the harbor below, only to be rescued by a mysterious man
Surprise y’all guess who it is
Five and his crew are under a curse that renders them undead corpses under the moonlight, burdened with immortality. Idk why he’s cursed, ig he just got up to a lot of pirate shit lmao. The gold of his father’s pocket watch is key to breaking this curse, and he’s returned to Port Royal after all these years to retrieve it, after he gave it to Vanya for safekeeping the day before he abandoned the Hargreeves household to rejoin the life of piracy
She agrees, of course, but he is soon confronted by both Reginald and Leonard, backed by the Navy, on account of 1) being a pirate and 2) trespassing and in order to safely escape he takes Vanya hostage
In his time away, Five has become captain of the dreaded Academy, the ship that his own father used to command before the wreck. Vanya initially disapproves of his life choices because he may be older now and like damn ok, but 1) hygiene 2) the ethical ambiguity of piracy and 3) you left me dude without warning ,, tf is up with that?
Cue childhood friends reconnecting in really awkward circumstances + maybe Stockholm syndrome
Luther, Ben, Klaus, and Diego are members of his crew. While Diego is a fantastic swordsman, Ben has a connection with sea monsters that allows him to dissuade nearby creatures from bothering their ship. Klaus is a mystic they picked up along the coast who can communicate with the dead - it’s through him that they learn the specifics of the curse.
Five glances down at her, sleeves rolled above his forearms, his hair dripping saltwater over his brow. “The Romans did it, didn’t they?” Honor among thieves is how the saying goes. “They encouraged it, actually, especially in children. Stealing. Steal from your enemies, steal from your neighbors, steal from your friends.”
At this, Vanya’s eyes narrow. “I wouldn’t steal from my friends.”
Five shrugs.
“It builds character,” he says, “and it builds world skills. If you’re a thief, then you’re fast, resourceful, and, most importantly, you’re still alive. That’s helpful. It can be a good thing, to be a thief.”
“The greatest empire of all time, after Britain, just a whole lot of thieves?”
“That’s Rome, then, a bunch of thieves. The empire essentially stole its own foundation from other civilizations, you know? Arches and aqueducts and art - even the Republic was based on direct democracy.” He leans back and looks at her from under his lids. The floor below them shifts and sways along with the rhythm of the sea, and Vanya leans against the mast to keep her horizon line steady.
“So you’re a history buff now?”
“I always have been,” Five says defensively. “Math is just more exciting. You don’t need to get caught up with the Romans anyway,” Five laughs. “We’re pirates.”
“I suppose I need to find a way to make myself useful, then?” Vanya crosses her arms, squinting under the white hot sun. “Be helpful.” Do as the Romans do.
“No, of course not,” Five says quickly, uneasy, bitter. “You didn’t join the crew, remember? You were kidnapped.”
Days into her kidnapping on the high seas, Vanya ditched her heavy ass dress for a practical pair of trousers and tied her hair up. The sun smiles down on them in a thousand yard stare, reflecting white off the crests of the waves that jostle the ship further away from land, and her white skin has already shown signs of browning. She can breathe, though, better and easier than she’s ever breathed in her entire life
The ocean never ends, but Vanya can see something flickering on the horizon, something that looms across the skyline and drags the sky down to meet it. It feels like hope, like dreams once dashed in her girlhood, and now that it has come out of hiding, unclothed and unabashed under an impossible white sun, Vanya can’t stop looking.
The Academy is still being pursued by the Royal Navy, and Five can’t just return Vanya bc they're not only on the run but they’ve got shit to do, aka curse-breaking shit. Plus, he really, really doesn’t want to
And deep down he can tell that she doesn’t want to either
“But you like it here, don’t you,” he accuses her, hard and fast because he knows she’ll be honest, and the strategist in him wants to size the queen, wants to take her home. “You were miserable back there,” Five reminds her, his own eagerness a tangible thing to his ears. “Reginald made you miserable. Jenkins made you miserable, hell, even Allison made you miserable.” Vanya’s gaze remains unblinking, but the corner of her mouth twitches ever so slightly, her lower lip dragging it down. The sight of it gives him pause, and he wants to stop for a moment, wants to apologize for it, but the conqueror in him leers in approval and he’s plowed too forward, too far already. “You wanted to leave, every second of every day. That’s what you told me,” Five reaches forward to take her by the shoulders, gently crowding her against the railing, and she looks up and into his face, dwarfed by his height. “You’re free now, you’re here. Reginald can’t get to you. Why would you want to go back?”
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You’re free now. There’s nothing for you there, he tries to say, and she must get this, because her eyes go alight, just for a second, and her lip curls into a snarl.
The thing is, she’s much happier here, with Five and his crew and a great, endless sea, but she remembers Allison all too vividly, remembers that she left her alone without warning. Vanya knows that it’s like to be left behind, and the thought of Allison alone with only their father for company strikes something hollow and sinking into her chest, something like dread
“I don’t want to go back,” she snaps, harsher than he expected, and he lets go of her. “Of course I don’t.”
You think I want to go back to corsets and Reginald’s voice in every hallway of that old, evil house, and Leonard crowding me everywhere, acting like I’ve already said yes, and this stench of absence that follows me wherever I go.
Oh, she realizes, of course he doesn’t.
“Then don’t.”
Vanya glares at him, hard and herself, and he can see the betrayal sink into her face and settle like silt at the bottom of a glass.
“It’s because we’re family,” she says, and the fifteen-year-old in Five finds himself enraged because Vanya’s family is supposed to be here, with him.
“I need to see her again,” Vanya enunciates carefully, forming every word with a nervous kind of fear, like she thinks he won’t understand, and Five’s anger dissipates almost as quickly as it had risen.
They’re going to break that curse, and Five will be a real boy (man) again. Allison won’t be alone, because her sister will come back for her (just as Five came back for Vanya). They’ll all have real, red, beating hearts, and Five will have Vanya for himself and Vanya will have one thing all her own - she has an entire ocean to conquer and no regrets
For once, Vanya has a choice, and it’s a pirate's life for her
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zigsexual · 5 years
i am VERY interested
🤧💕 ok here is one for you, from the follow-up to vignettes that i have absolutely no intention of finishing because the plotline i made for it is literally a fucking novel anyway long story short this is right before drake gets shot lmao
word count is 1300+ feat. STUPID boys and also olivia; they’re at a ball and liam has been gone but now hes BACK
• • •
He stops listening to Riley when he hears the heralds announce Liam into the room, turning towards the doors and catching sight of him for the first time all week. 
He’s wearing a burgundy suit, tailored to perfection as they always are, shaking hands with some foreign dignitary while his smile lights up the room. He’s so disarmingly handsome that it takes Drake’s breath away, his eyes following Liam as he makes his way through the formal greetings. 
He can’t stop thinking about him, about kissing him and holding him and messing up that perfectly done hair, about the two of them in bed together, just nestled in close as the morning breaks through the curtains. He thinks about the way Liam always helps to fix his poorly-tied ties, the way he laughs at every bad joke, the way he threads their fingers together when Drake takes his hand. 
He misses Liam so desperately that it aches in him like a physical wound, every ounce of willpower straining to keep him from crossing the room and kissing Liam until he takes his breath away, too.
He doesn’t notice how clear his distraction is until he feels Riley’s hand on his arm. “Drake?”
“Hm?” He answers absently, still not listening. One of the palace staff whispers something in Liam’s ear, and he fiddles with a cufflink and nods in acknowledgement before turning to greet another well-wisher in the proceeding line. Drake watches him, so entirely in his element, so definitively royal that he feels his chest tighten. 
At his side, Riley lets out a laugh of realization. “Oh. How rude of me to interrupt.”
“Come on,” Drake tries to refocus, rolls his eyes at her. “That’s — it’s not…”
But it is, and he trails off, still gazing out at Liam, only a week removed and yet somehow more enticing than ever. He’s suddenly quite unsure how he managed to last this long without seeing him in the flesh, and even as the feeling makes him want to gag for its saccharine stupidity, he assures himself he will do whatever he can to stay close to Liam from now on. 
“Your boy looks sharp,” Riley teases, grinning at him now, which — ugh. “Maybe you should give him your number.”
“Riley, for the love of —“
“You don’t get to make fun of me for months and not let me have this,” she elbows him, laughing again. “Anyway, you know you want to ditch me for him. Can’t blame you; he’s a babe.”
Drake can only nod, embarrassed at how quickly Liam’s presence in the room has rendered him speechless. He must look like an absolute idiot, staring across the room at the King of Cordonia with hearts in his eyes. And yet he can’t bring himself to stop. 
“You two are disgusting,” Riley adds, surveying him with a smirk. “And after all the shit you gave me when it came to romance, too.”
“It’s different,” Drake says, not taking his gaze off Liam for a moment. 
“Different, my ass. I’m going to find Maxwell.” She pats him on the shoulder affectionately. “Have fun, lovebird.”
He’s still cognizant enough to manage a glare at her for that comment, but when he turns back, all is forgotten as Liam catches his eye. 
He’s crossing the room before Drake can compose himself, smiling so brightly it sparks a warmth in Drake, too. When he’s only a few steps from Drake, he hesitates, pausing for a moment before saying, “Hi.”
“Hi,” Drake answers, smiling back. 
They just smile at each other for a few seconds, drinking each other in, and then Liam glances off to the side, fiddling with his cufflink again. 
“Is that a new suit?” Drake asks. 
“Oh,” Liam’s gaze falls to his sleeve. “Yes, it’s something one of the local designers put together. Cordonian Ruby red, if you will. Well, a bit more understated than that.” He finally lifts his eyes, meeting Drake’s almost bashfully. “What… what do you think?”
Drake doesn’t even bother to lower his voice. “God, you look fucking incredible.”
That familiar blush creeps up in Liam’s cheeks, and he crosses his arms over his chest, embarrassed. “Drake.”
“I mean, Jesus — look at you,” Drake says, stepping forward and running his hands up Liam’s arms, across his shoulders, pausing at the lapel of his suit jacket before lifting his eyes back up to Liam’s. “You sure you can’t step away for a few minutes?”
Liam laughs, but his blush still deepens. “As much as I’d love to, duty unfortunately calls.”
“Okay, but consider this,” Drake lets his hands fall back to his sides, but not before trailing one down Liam’s arm to brush his fingers. “I want to kiss you.”
Liam’s smile is so bright and warm that Drake can’t help but reach out to touch his hand again. “Is that all?”
“Well,” Drake says, voice low as he traces a circle on Liam’s palm. “If I said out loud what I’m really thinking right now, your security team might arrest me.”
“We can’t have that,” Liam says softly, clearly enamored as he gazes back at Drake. “You’ll just have to save it for later.”
“Yeah,” Drake replies, “when we’re alone.”
Liam looks away, but Drake still catches the grin on his face. “A moment that could not come sooner.”
Drake takes his voice even lower, the next moment only for the two of them, the only two people in the whole world. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too. More than you know.”
“Ah, I think I have a pretty good idea.”
Liam touches his hand, the gesture a perfect complement to the softness in his eyes. “Someday soon we’ll never have to part from each other, I’ll make sure of it.”
Drake feels his heartbeat speed up just looking at Liam. When he talks like that, it’s all Drake can do to try and deflect from the way his blood goes hot all over. 
His guard down entirely, he lifts one corner of his mouth in a crooked smile. “You know I’d follow you anywhere.”
The two of them spend another charged moment locked on each other, staring like lovesick fools (which, well, aren’t they?). Slowly, and to his great displeasure, Drake begins to remember where they are. 
He clears his throat, reaching up to rub the back of his neck. “We shouldn’t… I mean, until things are… you know.”
“You’re right,” Liam sighs, giving him one last longing look. “I don’t want to start gossip we can’t control.”
“Exactly,” Drake says, whispering so only Liam can hear, “and you don’t want to start something you can’t finish, either.”
“Well, someone’s feeling particularly bold tonight,” Liam’s eyes sparkle. “Save some of that for later, won’t you?”
Drake laughs, but as Liam turns to leave, he reaches out to catch his arm, voice even softer when Liam looks back at him this time. “I love you.”
Liam’s expression softens, a smile spreading across his face. He places his hand atop Drake’s for the briefest of moments, whispering back, “I love you too.”
And then he’s off, back into the crowd like the figurehead he is, the rest of the attendees drawn to him like the sun. 
He’s mine, Drake thinks, an embarrassing fluttery feeling blooming in his chest. That one is mine.
An unmistakeable voice to his left shakes him right out of his reverie. “You know everyone knows you’re his sugar baby, right?” 
He sighs, turning to look at Olivia with his arms crossed. “What do you want?”
“I’m just saying, you could be more subtle, is all,” Olivia takes a demure sip of her champagne, one eyebrow raised. “Every time the two of you so much as look at each other, it’s like a Nicholas Sparks novel fucked a Hallmark movie. I mean, Jesus — can you not go down on him in a bathroom beforehand or something? Get it out of your system?”
“You’re a real peach, you know that?” Drake says, rolling his eyes at her. She frowns, but doesn’t remotely let up. 
“I’m just giving you some advice on how to be more discreet, but if you want to keep eyefucking at every public occasion, go right ahead.”
“Well, stop watching, then,” Drake replies, frowning right back. 
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shima-draws · 6 years
Please feed me some Tododeku headcanons from your College AU
-I mentioned briefly in the AU intro post that Todoroki first meets Deku when Deku comes over to his dorm asking for Bakugou (Kirishima had sent Deku on an errand to borrow some of Baku’s notes). Deku stands waiting outside the room for five minutes and repeatedly knocking on the door like “Kacchan please I have to get to my assistant teaching job in ten minutes. Just give me the notes and I’ll leave” and when Todoroki finally opens the door to say He’s not here right now can you please get out of my face he sees Deku and then. That’s it. Everything’s over and he spontaneously combusts staring at this extremely adorable boy and there’s no return, he’s gay with a capital G
-Todoroki has an existential gay crisis every time Deku’s in the room and tries not to burst into flames every time he’s near him. Considering this is an AU without quirks that’s a pretty huge feat
-Every time Deku touches him Todoroki’s like “Oh god don’t make it weird Shouto just let him touch yo—and that sounds wrong I want to die” and yeah he totally enjoys every second of it tho he’ll never admit it out loud. And considering Todo was never fond of physical contact until he met Deku (Deku is VERY touchy-feely with all his friends) speaks volumes about that
-Todoroki pined after Deku for months and was literally at Deku’s beck and call every second of every hour. Deku could call Todo at three in the morning like “Oh gosh I hate to ask this but Toshi passed out and now I don’t have a ride back to the dorms and I’d hate to wake him—I probably woke you up too oh geez I’m so sorry I’m such an idiot but can you. Give me a ride maybe? YOU DON’T HAVE TO” and Todo will drop everything and rush out of the dorms to go pick him up at 3 AM. He buys Deku coffee in the mornings and he escorts him to lunch and he hangs out with him for study sessions. Todoroki is frighteningly attached to him and EVERYONE notices except for Deku lmfao
-When Deku calls Todo his best friend for the first time Todo nearly bursts into tears. Not because of the whole “friend” thing but because he’d never even had a best friend before (except maybe Momo) and he was so happy to even have gotten that close to Deku he didn’t even care about becoming his boyfriend at that point
-Todo’s the type of person to fall over himself to agree with Deku. Example: Deku will ask him what his least favorite flavor is and Todo will go “Uhh raspberry I guess” and Deku’s like “Oh really? I happen to love raspberry but everyone has their own opinions ^^” and Todo immediately goes “I was kidding. I also love raspberry” and Deku lights up EVERY TIME he’s a sucker for it
-Going off of that there are times when Todo doesn’t have strong opinions about things but Deku will mention smth about the subject and Todo immediately agrees like. “Fall is such a beautiful season, isn’t it? It’s my favorite!” “Yes. Mine too” When before he couldn’t really care less lol
-After they get together oh my god Todoroki is so clingy. But the good kind of clingy. If he isn’t attached to Deku at the hip 24/7 he’s either texting him or calling him they are in contact ALL THE TIME and Todo can go five minutes without him before going “I miss Midoriya :’(“ (and Baku’s just like “Oh my god you are so fucking pathetic” and Todo shames him by saying back “Says the guy who couldn’t even keep it in his pants around Kirishima for ten minutes and would wake me up at ungodly hours because of your highly disturbing sex drive” LMAO) There are times where they’ll go maybe an hour or two without seeing each other and then one of them will enter the room and they’ll run at each other like one of them just returned from a war that went on for ten years and everyone says they’re so extra but they like putting on a show to be dramatic and mushy lol
-Todoroki still shies from physical affection from anyone else, but with Deku he LOVES IT. He always invades Deku’s space; you will rarely find him without his head on Deku’s shoulder or in his lap hugging his waist or having Deku play with his hair or even them holding hands :’) They’re the super affectionate super cuddly couple and everyone goes “Aww” at how cute they are haha. Especially since Todoroki’s hair is a little longer than in canon Deku plays with it a LOT and ties it into little tiny braids in the back sometimes
-Todoroki’s taken to playing sappy love songs in their dorm room whenever he knows Deku’s coming home from class or from his job with Toshi, and Deku can usually hear it from down the hall so he grins really wide and runs into their dorm room and sweeps Todoroki up and kisses him all over!! It’s their “welcome home” routine!
-Deku will offhandedly mention not having something or wanting something (like that one post I just made a little bit ago haha) and Todo will buy it for him immediately because he’s rich and he uses his dad’s credit card so he doesn’t give a shit about how much money he blows on his boyfriend lol
-Todo’s the type of boyfriend that will stay up late with Deku if he has to study, even into the early hours of the morning. So 4 AM will pass by and Deku’s like “Please sleep baby” and Todo’s like “No, wan’ sleep with you” and Deku’s heart MELTS and he’s like “Screw studying come ‘ere I wanna hold you” and Todo crawls into his lap
-Because Deku works with Toshi and they work on actual flight engineering Deku works out a lot and has a lot of muscle from carrying around plane engines and shit like that. Hence him being able to lift Todoroki with one arm and Todo going into cardiac arrest because it’s TOO MUCH TO HANDLE Deku’s just too perfect and strong and pretty and it’s not fair
-You bet your ass they wear each other’s clothes all the time. Deku especially loves wearing Todo’s clothes, especially his jackets and hoodies because Todo’s a bit taller and more filled out than Deku so Deku swims in his clothes and it’s the cutest thing (every time Todoroki sees Deku do the sleeve thing with his hoodies he tries not to have a stroke)
-They watch a lot of movies and Todoroki goes deep into breaking down the musical soundtrack (because that’s his major) and instead of watching the film like he’s supposed to Deku just watches Todo instead (Todo: …And that’s why I actually hate that they played that song for the credits. …..Were you even watching the movie?Deku: No I was watching you to be honest hahaTodo: ……… *squeaks* oH)
-They send each other a lot of cute selfies and they both nearly explode at every one and gush to their friends about it (“Look at him he’s so PERFECT even when he’s just standing there, I keep wondering when he’ll decide he’s done with me and it HAUNTS ME”)
-Todoroki “I’d rather die than let Midoriya go” Shouto
And of course the best interaction from this stupid post:Deku: *does anything*Todoroki: *clutches chest* Oh my god. Holy shit. Oh. Oh my god, fuck, shit–*wheezes* Th-that’s. Hhh. I’m–wow. Wow. You’re so perfect? *sobs* I love you. I love you so much. I’m so gay. I’m so fucking gay. Like, gay, gayest, gay beyond belief, holy shit. Marry me?Deku: Shouto I was only making cereal are you. Okay
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