#theboyz headcanons
mae-gi-writes · 2 years
22:07pm . kevin moon 🌙
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Soft fluffy nights with Kevin when you've had a rough day.
"--so annoying!"
"Y/N calm down," Kevin lays a hand on your arm, halting you in your stormy pacing, the back and forth going on in your bedroom.
"I just--I was so pissed! They put responsibility on me, then they decide to change it up at the last minute!" You can feel the onset of tears filling up your vision, the frustration finally overcrowding your already-stressed out brain until you feel like you're breaking at the seams.
"Hey hey hey," Kevin doesn't hesitate, his arms coming in around you in a comforting backhug. But you're already crying at this point, head bowed and trying to keep your sobs silent. To no avail.
"It's okay," he murmurs into the shell of your ear, before pressing a kids to your temple, "you're okay. Shh."
He stays. Even when your sobs merely intensify as frustration floods through you like a tidal wave unable to be tamed, a tsunami that devours everything in its path until there’s nothing left to latch on. Kevin stays, even when it feels like the world is conspiring against you and you’re too fucking tired to do anything about it. He stays.
And then finally, when you finally stop shaking as the tears slowly dry up along your cheeks, Kevin leans into you with his mouth at the shell of your ear, “I’m here,” his murmur is soft, a comforting hug that causes fresh tears to rise in the back of your lids, “I’m here for you. I got you.”
“I’m—I—“ you gulp down shards of air like glass scratching against your throat. You blink back some more tears though you can’t feel the knot in your stomach anymore, as if that has released some of the pressure off your back to allow you to breathe, “I—I’m so sorry—“
“Don’t be sorry,” Kevin shushes you instantly, a furrow between his brows. You look up at him through a film of tears but he’s adamantly shaking his head before cuddling you even closer if that’s possible, “don’t ever say sorry for being sad, or annoyed, or frustrated. On the contrary, I want you to tell me these things. I want to know about these things.”
You close your eyes, nose buried in the fabric of his sweatshirt as you breath in slowly, feel his scent slowly comfort your insides like a cup of warm tea on a cold winter night.
Kevin has always been your anchor. You feel bad sometimes, you really do, especially when you come home in such a state and he’s already had his plate full at work, only to have to deal with your onset of tears as soon as he opens the door. So you try really hard to not make it obvious, to keep in your emotions so that you don’t bother him because you find it to be a burden.
But Kevin hates it, and he’s told you so multiple times. It’s just that you have a stubborn streak. And what you think is right is what you’re going to do at the end of the day.
Not the greatest way of looking at things, obviously.
It is only when a silence covers the room and buzzes with the aftermath of your thoughts that you hear Kevin's whisper, "you feeling better?"
You nod. You do feel better now that you've let out everything in your system, though you wonder whether that's just temporary. You hope not.
"Come on," he's already tugging you to the bed and before you can protest, has you seated on the mattress. He grabs the blanket cover folded at the edge of the bed and wraps it around your frame before sinking in beside you, an arm circling your frame.
"Want to talk about it some more?" He prompts you, guides you to give him an inkling of what you're thinking.
But you shake your head, "no. I don't want to think about it."
"Okay," his hold tightens. It's firm, and loving. It makes you want to sigh, "so let me tell you about my day."
He launches into this long-winded explanation about his day, from the fact that he went out of milk to the way his stomach had cramped up because of his lunch earlier that day and how his co-worker had pissed him off by submittibg his document late.
And it helps you. It really does channel your attention somewhere else and little by little, bit by bit, you start to forget about your initial frustration.
Your muscles loosen, your shoulders lose tension. You cuddle closer on impulse, wanting to sink into Kevin's warmth.
"And now you know everything there is to know about my stupid day even though nothing interesting has happened," Kevin tilts his head at you, a semblance of a smile painting his lips, "and it seems like you're better because you're trying not to laugh--"
"No I--" you can't help the giggle bursting out of you despite your earlier mood, "--you're an idiot, Kevin Moon."
He looks at you in shock, "hey, I'm trying ro get my girlfriend to smile. Don't judge me," he puts a palm on his chest and the movement is so dramatic that you cannot help but laugh a deep-bellied laugh.
It bounces throughout the room, loud in the silence that prevailed earlier and it feels nice to laugh after all the sadness has been hollowed out of your body as if you've been scraped raw.
"I still stand by what I say," a small smile plays across your lips as you lean in. Kevin doesn't hesitate to press a soft kiss to your forehead, nuzzling the skin there while you burrow deeper into his warmth, "you're an idiot and I...I'm very grateful to have you."
The honesty startles even yourself. You're not used to saying such things out loud and suddenly, you feel kind of vulnerable.
"Hey," Kevin nudges you, and then before you have time to register it, he's turned you to face him and grabbed onto your forearms.
Pressing his forehead onto yours, he looks at you with such tenderness that it makes you want to squirm.
"I love you."
You blink. Warmth floods your insides. Suddenly, it's a little hard to keep eye contact and heat rushes to your cheeks.
"Oh," you breathe, can't help the giddy smile that tugs your lips upwards. But it's impossible to keep eye contact, which is why you avert your gaze to his chest, "I--I love you too."
He grins and without warning presses a kiss to your lips.
It's short, but still leaves you breathless. As if you're kissing for the first time. Giddy.
Butterflies echo in your ribcage.
"I do though," you continue on, knowing that if you do not say this now you won't ever have the courage, "I love you so much and it's so scary to think that I've become so dependent on you but I--I'm so sorry for always being all cranky and ulset about stupid stuff. Honestly you shouldn't even have to deal with that--"
"Wouldn't you have done the same?" Kevin cuts you off.
"I--" you falter, hesitating, "I--yes. Of course I would--"
"Then that's all irrelevant because I want to be there," he locks eyes with yours, "for you."
A pause.
Then, you break out into a soft chuckle, "you're corny."
He grins, "apparently I have to, to make my girlfriend smile."
"Okay one, this is irrelevant to our conversation and two, that is weird for you to say."
You pull a face in response and he giggles before stealing another kiss from your mouth, "you're so cute. I want to keep you in my pocket and take you everywhere with me--"
"Hmm," Kevin feigns contemplation, before he tackles you into a hug and almost squeezing all air out of you, "nah. I think it's very relevant. Actually, it's always relevant."
Nose finding the crook of his neck before inhaling his scent, you close your eyes and bask in his essence, in the way his body feels against yours, in the strength of his arms around you to hold you to the ground.
He's home to you, and you'll never exchange that for anything.
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ellaak · 4 months
✉~Smau ✏~Written Series 🃁~Oneshot ☆~Headcanon ♡~Fluff ☔︎︎~Angst ☊~Crack ⌧~MDNI
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LEE HEESEUNG Mistletoe Mayhaps 🃁 ~ ☊ ~ ♡ @bluriki This fic made me giggle sm the mistletoe was the op fr NEW BEGINNINGS 🃁 ~ ☔︎︎ ~ ♡ @ikeuverse Crying. Belong To You 🃁 ~ ☔︎︎ ~ ♡ @jaeyunluvr ANGST TO FLUFF ARE SO GOOD ## Buy One, Take me ✉ ~ ☔︎︎ ~ ♡ @heeracha If they didn't have their happy ending I would've molded one with my own BARE hands. Falling In Love With Heeseung 🃁 ~ ♡ @wondipity THIS SHORT FIC OMLLL WIN ONE WIN ME 🃁 ~ ☔︎︎ ~ ♡ @jaylver THIS FIC HAS ME ON A CHOKE HOLD, also FUCK MATTHEW.
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PARK JAY What do you mean dad went to get the milk!? 🃁 ~ ☊ @orangflowalober Why do the children know what the milk joke means..... 21st CENTURY GIRL ✉ ~ ☊ @hoonvrs This was acc so funny the way they refused to believe jay
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SIM JAKE Nothing Here Yet...
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PARK SUNGHOON Always Forever 🃁 ~ ♡ @kairoot MY BB HOON 12 Days Of Christmas ✉ ~ ☊ @jebi-won SUNGHOON IS SO ME but my wishlist never came Return To Sender ✏ ~ ☔︎︎ @jjunberry I would've never speak to my sibling ever again.... Look At Me Now ✉ ~ ☊ @facechasers SECRET RELATIONSHIP TROUP >>>>> The Perfect Love Scheme 🃁 ~ ♡ @lovepookie I LOVE THE LOSER SUNGHOON AGENDA NOW WE DATE! ✉ ~ ☊ @boyfhee Sunghoon will always be so bbg Back Off! 🃁 ~ ♡ @delcakoo Hand bumping while I'm getting snacks is not romantic so MOVE Mirrorball 🃁 ~ ☔︎︎ ~ ♡ @rosenhypen HOLDING MY TEARS THE WHOLE FIC With Love, Sunghoon 🃁 ~ ☔︎︎ ~ ♡ @dazed-hee I WENT THROUGH SM EMOTIONS HOON WAS AN ASS Take a Chance With Me 🃁 ~ ☔︎︎ ~ ♡ @snghnlvr I FACEPALMED WHEN SUNGHOON SAID THAT Homesick 🃁 ~ ☔︎︎ ~ ♡ @aakomii The line 'take me home' did me IN Introducing You To His Fans On Vlive 🃁 ~ ♡ @nokacchan Sunghoon just being smitten The 24-Hour Dating Challenge 🃁 ~ ♡ @jaeyunverse Someone better confess to me in asters NOONA ✉ ~ ☊ @hoonvrs Play WOW by stray kids
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KIM SUNOO Guess who ✉ ~ ☊ @soobnny THE WAY THEY KEPT REFERENCING SUNWOO FROM THEBOYZ Let My Love Run Wild ✉ ~ ♡ @jaeminvore This was so sweet i’ll be putting on a suit, be tip toeing to you if you’re down for it 🃁 ~ ♡ @yenqa GET URSELF A MAN WHO'LL UP ON VALETINES IN A TUEXEDO AND GET IT DIRTY FOR YOU !!
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YANG JUNGWON Did I, A Side Character Became The Male Leads Wife!? ✏ ~ ☔︎︎ ~ ♡ @ateliertale JUNGWON COULD NOT LEAVE US ALONE Idol Crush! ✉ ~ ☊ ~ ☔︎︎ @enhas-bestie Wonyoung carried the last few chapters. Best Wingwomen FIRST & SECOND 🃁 ~ ☔︎︎ ~ ♡ @nkplanet I'LL FIGHT HER PARENTS. IT'S ON SIGHT
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NISHIMURA RIKI Love Dive ✉ ~ ☊ ~ ♡ @tzyuki KEEYNKI SOLOS. Shoot! ✉ ~ ☊ ~ ♡ @amakumos GENSHIN DATING APP REAL. CAN I BE YOURS? 🃁 ~ ♡ @mintsvnoo SMALL NIKI AND HIS INNOCENT ACTIONS YOUR HIGHNESS 🃁 ~ ♡ @nkplanet and people ask me why I have high standards Weird Cat Guy 🃁 ~ ♡ @boydepartment He didn't catch a cat..... THAT'S HER!! ✉ ~ ☊ ~ ☔︎︎ ~ ♡ @jakesgalxy I prayed for the previous CEO's downfall.
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OT7 She's Taken PT.2 ☆ ~ ☊ @star-sim THE FANS ARE SO SILLY Is Your Girlfriend Single? PT.2 ☆ ~ ☊ @star-sim DYING OF LAUGHTER QUITE LITERALLY Being Asked Out PT.2 ☆ ~ ♡ @wwonwonism Made me giggle Lipgloss & Kisses ☆ ~ ♡ @maeumi-jng WHEN IS IT MY TURN ooo You Want Me So Bad ☆ ~ ♡ ~ ☊ @sharkorok THE NICE TO YOU BUT RUDE TO EVERYONE ELSE TROUP IS GONNA BE THE END OF ME SELLING MY BOYFRIEND ☆ ~ ✉ ~ ☊ @luvyeni Something silly for valentines Enha reaction to their s/o crying after a member scares them ☆ ~ ♡ @yeeunjia This is me and my sensitive heart Enha getting you a snack you're craving at 3am ☆ ~ ☊ @n1k1tty Get urself a s/o who gets you what you're craving at unholy hours When You Can't Sleep Without Them ☆ ~ ♡ @angel1kisses Very Comforting
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kinkytbz · 3 years
⚠️: Cross Dressing, Sub!Chanhee, Dom!Reader, Praise, Blowjobs, Spanking.
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The dress was a little rumpled, but it was tailored perfectly, the bodice still fitting snug and graceful to his slim torso, dipping to reveal an expanse of his creamy neck. Chanhee looked down shyly as you eyed him like a predator and he was the prey. You reached down and gathered handfuls of the heavy skirt, it took you a moment to get beneath the petticoat to hike it up so you could reach beneath. When you did, you were startled to find another layer of thin satin. You couldn’t believe your eyes; beneath the skirt, Chanhee was wearing a pair of silky baby pink panties, clinging tightly to his ass.
“Fuck, Chanhee. Did you steal these off me, hm?”
“I-I thought you’d like me to wear them...”
He smiled and then his bashful eyes darted away again. You couldn’t help but touch, using your body to pin his skirt up as you slid your hands along the curves of his ass, then down, between his legs, where the fabric clung tight to his member.
“You were right, baby boy. You look so pretty in this...my perfect Princess.”
His heart swelled and his cheeks blushed at the thought of being called pretty, and a Princess. Your fingers slid lightly against the fabric and Chanhee moaned ecstatically, spreading his legs a little in spite himself. You turned your attention to his tiny waist; it was so beautiful, like a woman’s.
He smiled, teasingly and folded his arms, raising an eyebrow. He knew he was fucking beautiful. Your precious baby boy wasn’t always so obedient.
“Don’t have attitude with me, Choi Chanhee.”
“What are you going to do about it, (Y/N)?~”
*(Y/N): ಠ_ಠ oi cmere u lil shit*
[Literally 5 mins later]
Chanhee cried out in a high, loud, sweet cry as he was brought to his first ever orgasm, his little body bucking and twitching and arching back as your hands held him in place, holding his twitching hips as you continued to suck and stroke his cock, moaning happily as it filled your mouth with hot, thick cum. Shivers ran up his little body, his mind gone blank white, his voice coming out in slightly girlish moans and mewls as the amazing pleasure continued.
You flipped Chanhee around so he was on his front, and you slapped his ass promptly, massaging his cheeks under the ruffles of the skirt.
“You look so good with this on. But to be straight with you, I much prefer taking it off of you.”
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mae-gi-writes · 2 years
Genre: angst, mentions of insecurity, comfort. Kevin is the best bf.
"Why do you love me?"
Kevin looks up in surprise, blinking up from his laptop screen for maybe the first time since he'd sat down in the very corner of the dusty library to finish off one of his many design projects.
This one is simple, he'd told you a few hours ago as you'd walked to campus, hands linked, easy because it has to do with psychology.
Psychology is, after all, Kevin's forte.
So it is no surprise that when those particular words fall from your lips, it only takes him a few seconds to read your expression despite your best efforts to wipe away any physical evidence.
"Y/N," Kevin's eyebrows furrow, "what's wrong?"
What's wrong?
What's wrong indeed?
It's this tightness that has been accumulating in your chest, it's that type of uncertainty that swims in your stomach at the thought that Kevin is far better off without you. Why does he even bother when it's clear you spend most of your energy consuming your insecurities and wallowing in pools of self-doubt?
"Something triggered this, didn't it?" Kevin adds on with a gentle expression as he shuffles a little closer. But you quickly avert your gaze, jaw tightening and hands fumbling with the pages of your notebook when the memory flashes through your mind.
"You know I didn't mean it like that," Kevin reasons through the phone. You can hear the smile in his voice amidst the traffic rush that rustles through the speakers on your side. He's on his way to his sister's birthday and no one can deny his excitement.
"Uhuh. How did you mean it then?"
"I didn't mean it like anything, I swear to god. Why would I even look at other girls when I have you?"
"That's what I ask myself every single time," you mutter into the phone, too soft for him to pick up on your words.
"Sorry I can't hear-- what'd you say?"
"Nothing," you raise your voice, clear your throat, "you know the song Ghost town by Benson Boone? Sometimes,..." something in your chest tugs uncomfortably, "sometimes...I feel like that. What he means. In the song."
"I know the song," he pauses, and when he speaks next, his voice turns gentle, "and you shouldn't. I-- there's no one that could make me happier, Y/N. Even if it's hard sometimes, you make me happiest," he shifts slightly on the other side of the phone, "might sound a little sappy but... it's true."
There's another uncomfortable pinch in your chest. Something lodges at the back of your throat, "yeah...until you get tired of it," your voice catches with emotion as you continue, choking up with unshed tears, "I always think you're...you're going to leave. Because it's not fair on you right? What you go through every time I cry or I miss you or I feel sad. I'm scared you might walk away from me someday. I wish you had someone better, someone that took care of you just as much as you take care of me."
Realizing that you've gone a little out of line, you start panicking and hurriedly add, "but that's a conversation for another time right?" You try laughing. You hope it's convincing.
Seems convincing enough, for Kevin laughs along with you, "yeah definitely a conversation for another time. I have a birthday to attend, and you...you need to sleep."
You try another forced laugh, "yeah."
You never did go back to that conversation. But it stayed with you, haunted your sleep, your dreams...till now.
Moving tentatively from his seat to the one next to yours, Kevin reaches for your hands gently, as if cradling a toddler. You don't pull away, though your try your best to avoid touching his shoulder wirh yours.
"Tell me," he murmurs softly, and you're glad that the library is empty at this time of night, with only two other tables occupied at the very far end of the room.
"Y/N," Kevin gently coaxes, and it's his voice. It's in his voice that you crack.
It suddenly comes rushing out of you like a dam whose walls broke down, "I just--I don't know why you love me. I don't know why you're with me," you take a deep, shaky breath. Try to stop the tears drom clouding your vision, "you're always trying to cheer me up, you're always giving and giving and it hurts to see you like this. I--I feel bad for doing this to you when these are my feelings and as much as you love me I'm scared that--" your voice breaks in that moment as you struggle to keep talking, "--that you'll just be fed up one day and leave."
The silence that follows breaks your heart. And filled with your too-noisy sniffles. You hate this, loathe feeling so...needy.
You feel like crying all over again and--
It's so pathetic.
"I'm sorry," you finally manage to murmur out through broken sniffles. Pulling your hands out of Kevin's in an attempt to wipe away the tears dribbling down your face, you don't see your boyfriend's hands coming up to cup your cheeks until it's too late.
He pulls you closer, wiping away the tears with gentle fingers as he searches your eyes. In his own orbs you spot the concern, the glimmer of worry and fear of not knowing what's going on in that petty head of yours.
You've always been reclusive in sharing your thoughts, maybe because you're so scared of what people might think of you. Of what he might think of you.
"Hey," he bumps noses gently with yours. He's so close you're sharing the same breath, "there's nothing to be sorry about, okay?"
You try turning away, but his hands are insistent, keeping you with him, "I...I know it's tough sometimes. It's tough for me too, honestly. Because I don't know what to do. I feel so helpless whenever I can't do anything to cheer you up."
"But I don't want you--"
He presses his index against your mouth, shushing you, "I don't care how many times you tell me that you're sad or you're feeling lonely or down. Or going through tough stuff. I don't care if you come crying to me every day just because. I don't care that you don't have anythig else to say apart from the fact that you don't feel well, Y/N."
The words flowing from his lips are merely above a murmur and yet, they're enough to bring tears to your eyes. You blink rapidly as Kevin keeps on wiping at your cheeks with a tenderness that makes your heart ache.
You lower your head and he leaves a chaste kiss atop your temple then, before pushing a few strands of hair away from your face, "I just want you to be honest with me. I--" a small breath escapes him, emotion taking hold of his voice, "I love you. And I--I want to be with you even if you have more bad days than good."
That's enough to break you. With another silent sob, your ducks, shoulders shake as Kevin tugs you even closer in a comforting hug. His arms smooth over your back in slow strokes, tucking your face into the crook of his neck as he lets you cry out everything you've been bottling up for so long.
"I...I'm sorry," you mumble out.
"Y/N, I told you to stop saying sorry or I'll atart bashing my head against the table."
You bite your lip, though it keeps trembling.
Kevin's hands grasp your shoulders before he pulls you back with a vigored fierceness that makes you shiver, "I mean it, I'm...I'll--I'll kiss you to death if you say that one more time."
"I mean," you start to laugh despite the hiccups, "I'm not going to complain about that."
He grins then, before dragging you back into a bone-crushing hug that you return with renewed energy and faith that Kevin is, or might be, right.
"You swear you won't leave me?" Your words are warm against his nape.
"I swear."
"Even if I cry a lot?"
"Even if you cry a lot."
"Even if I get moody?"
"Even if you're moody."
"Even if I'm a pain in the ass?"
"Especially if you're a pain in the ass," he starts laughing softly and you join in soon after, the sound resonating in your ear and filling you eith the security you've been needing for awhile.
Just this reassurrance of his love for you is enough.
Kevin's fingers skittering across your jaw makes you lean back, look up just before feeling his lips press against yours. Soft, gentle, a reminder that you have his heart, and him yours.
You kiss back just as gently, noses brushing and a small smile tilting your lips upwards in affection.
"I love you," he murmurs against your mouth.
"No," you press one last kiss to the corner of his lips, loving how he chases after you with half-lidded eyes, "I love you."
A/N: been feeling very insecure lately and writing this as a reminder that the one that loves you will support you through the good and the bad days.
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mae-gi-writes · 3 years
Thrill Ride · Hyunjae (The Boyz)
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You ponder over your mixed feelings for Hyunjae during your shared quad ride. 
Genre: fluff! Enemies to lovers au
"I said faster!"
"I can't!"
"Ugh!" Hyunjae falls back, hands gripping tightly onto the metal bars lining the outer edges of your quad vehicle, "remind me why we're doing this together again?"
"Because you, my dear friend, are as single as a pringle," you shoot back amidst the wild grunts of the quad, "as am I."
It was supposed to be a fun day out with friends, enjoying nature and having fun riding quads, sightseeing and spending the day out in the sun. That quickly turned sour the moment you realized that all of your friends already had their other halves -- nobody had mentioned it was a group date! -- and that, since all single quads were taken up that day, you and Hyunjae were obliged to share a quad. 
That regret keeps on piling on the more you ride, what with the said young man constantly berating you for not driving to his liking when you’re supposed to be the one driving. 
"Have you never driven a quad before?” he shouts at you from behind, though it’s practically impossible to hear his words against the wind roaring through your ears. 
The quads before you are speeding up, cheers and shouts echoing through the air as a gust of dust slaps right into your face and stings your eyes, “no, I haven’t!” You shout back, “so you better not piss me off or I’ll--”
“You’ll what? You won’t be able to do anything at the speed we’re going!” 
“Oh shut up! Why did you come if you knew that we’d end up together?!” You snap back in growing irritation. Contrary to you, Hyunjae had known about the seating arrangements well before you did, and it astounds why he’s complaining so much when he had the choice not to show up. What a brat! 
“Because you wouldn’t have been able to ride it alone!” he yells out.
Oh. That kind of made sense.
“Then stop complaining!” you yell.
Your quad gives a sudden jolt and you yelp out, thumb slipping on the accelerator in panic as you feel yourself losing control of the vehicle. With actions too quick to comprehend, Hyunjae’s arms circle your frame, gripping the quad handles to keep it steady as he pushes down onto the accelerator. 
“This is all your fault!” you bellow, heart still running a hundred miles an hour from the sudden burst of adrenaline pumping through your veins. 
“Oh shut up,” his voice is close, practically echoing against your ear. The warmth of his back envelopes you, chest pressing to your back in a way that makes you tense up, “if it weren’t for me, we’d end up in the sugar cane fields.” 
He has a point there. Swallowing hard and deciding to stay quiet, you quickly spare a glance in his direction and almost gasp at how close his face is to yours. 
He’s kinda cute. 
You feel like slapping yourself at such scandalous statements. This is Hyunjae, the guy you’ve always bickered back and forth with ever since you ended up in the same dance class. It’s hard to forget that he’s well sought-out amongst the female population when he’s constantly poking fun at you every second of the day, but looking at him now, you can’t deny that you could spend all the ride marvelling at his features.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” comes his snicker. That instantly rips your gaze away with a scowl, “yeah and it might burn my camera in the process.” 
He chuckles -- much to your surprise -- and that makes your lips quirk up in a half-smile. 
“Look,” he nudges your hand with his and turning your head to follow his line of vision, another gasp falls from your lips as your eyes settle upon the glimmering landscape before you. 
Sugarcane fields span out before you, freshly grown and green. Smoke swirls through the air, dust fanning out over your face as the ocean waves welcome you with a roar, its aquamarine waters glimmering in the midday sunshine. 
You can taste the salt on your tongue, the coolness of the wind flapping against your face. And Hyunjae’s heat against your body. 
This is what it feels like to be free. To be one with the wind and the sun and the sea. 
You love it.
Further along the edge of the cliff is where the quads have stopped to admire the view and as your quad comes to a stop behind the last of them, your friends are quick to make fun of you.
“So you decided to stop fighting,” Juyeon smirks, clapping Hyunjae on the back as you trudge up to them, all dirtied and dusted in brown. 
“See how well you two look when you’re actually not bickering like cats and dogs,” Chanhee adds with a wink.
“Haha, very funny,” Hyunjae replies with a roll of his eyes, but not before cutting you a glance, one that you don’t fail to miss. Heat creeps up along the back of your neck as you fall into step behind the group, deciding to walk with the girls instead as you try to assimilate the overwhelming tide of emotions suddenly present in your chest. 
"Waa look at that!" One of your girlfriends cries out in delight at the tide of waves. She runs up to the cliff edge, arms spread as wide as an eagle as water splashes up the rocks. The rest of the girls busy themselves with taking pictures while you entertain yourself watching the foam build and retreat below.
"Hey Y/N, can you take a picture for me and Jacob?" His girlfriend asks and you're quick to oblige, stomach churning uncomfortably at how cozied up they look. Without embarrassment nor shame.
Heck. You're more uncomfortable than they are.
And thus comes the onset of couple photos, romance shots that get worse as the minutes slip by. By the time the guide asks you all the climb back onto your quad, you curse the heavens for feeling like the biggest third wheeler ever.
"Should make them pay you," Hyunjae's words are accompanied with a smirk as he turns on the engine.
"I'd rather not be witness to their displays of affection," you reply, gripping the quad handles behind you.
"Ha, as if!" Your cheeks -- despite your retort -- flood with colour and you're glad that the helmet is shadowing your features.
"Also, you might want to hold on to me."
You snort, "I think I'm good."
"Your loss."
You don't even have time to react as the quad jerks forward, a shriek tearing through your throat as your arms quickly find purchase onto Hyunjae's shirt. The latter cackles evilly as you shoot down the sugarcane field with the wind nipping at your skin and body jolting along the uneven path of rocks.
Bloody hell! Why in the world did he have to drive so fast?!
"I told you to hold on!" His voice is barely audible over the noise and dust.
"I'll take that as a compliment!"
You feel like kicking him in the face, for even though you can't see him you're pretty certain that he's grinning that annoyingly obnoxious smile of his.
At least you can enjoy the view, you think grudgingly to yourself as the sugarcane fields zoom by. The ocean is large and deep blue before you, a sea of marine depth sparkling under the heat of summer sunshine. The quads in front are gaining distance, dust rising from their heels and making you cough.
But you're not prepared for Hyunjae's hand suddenly jerking the quad forward to gain speed, "what the hell?!"
Hands instantly fisting into balls on the back of his shirt, you glare at the hearty laugh rumbling theough his chest.
A hand comes round to grab your wrist. You yelp, jump back only for Hyunjae to say, "hold on tight, Y/N!"
You're glad he can't see your face right now, flushed with heat and embarrassment as you hesitantly circle your arms around Hyunjae's waist. He speeds up in response and adrenaline runs up your spine as you zoom down the broken-up dirt trail.
Dear god, you can feel your heart pounding through your chest and you wonder if he can feel it too. Sweat dots your hairline as you pray for this moment to be over.
Except, your body is quite enjoying the sensation of having your chest pressed to Hyunjae's strong back. It might have escaped your notice, but he feels firm and warm and just so safe that you unconsciously shift closer, arms tightening ever so slightly.
It's a miracle you manage to stay alive when you finally stop at your next viewpoint; a huge expanse of beach overlooking beautiful aquamarine waves framed by rocks, one of the most visited alcoves in the neighbourhood.
"You can let go now."
As if struck by lightning, you whip your hands away and are rewarded by another of his chuckles as he turns to look at you, "why so shy all of a sudden? I swear you wanted to kill me just two minutes ago."
"Sh-shut up," you mumble while averting your gaze. He doesn't even seem fazed by what had just happened! After all, it's not every day you get to cuddle up to the man you hate the most.
Okay,...hate is a strong word. But still!
"Y/N, you okay?" Jacob asks as you descend from your quad, brows furrowed and concern painting his features, "you look pale."
"I'm fine. Just a little dizzy from the heat."
He doesn't probe any further, thankfully, allowing you to regain some of your composure while the rest of the group squabble over pictures and who looks best.
"Hey, we didn't get a picture of Hyunjae and Y/N yet," Juyeon's girlfriend points out and you swear you'll murder her.
"Oh yeah," Juyeon turns to you in realization, "come on then. Let me take a pic."
"Just for the memories," Chanhee quips.
You really don't want to. Not now, not when your insides are already messed up at the thought of Hyunjae himself. But Hyunjae -- as though he knows you're in a weak position -- nudges you forward, "alright, just for the memories."
Goddamnit, you curse inwardly aa Juyeon starts positioning himself, "you might want to get closer," he murmurs loud enough for you to hear.
Hyunjae shuffles on command, hand going into a peace sign. You try out a wobbly smile, unable to focus on anything but Hyunjae's scent.
"Y/N, you look like you're about to puke," One of the girls calls out with a giggle, "smile a little!"
So you try. You really do, though you probably look more constipated than ever. And that surprise evolves tenfold upon feeling Hyunjae’s hand circling your waist to pull you close enough for your shoulder to bump into his chest. 
“Smile,” he mutters through parted lips, oblivious to the heat spreading like wildfire through your cheeks.
“All good! Let’s go,” you almost slump away at Juyeon’s words, until you’re met with resistance. Looking up at Hyunjae with a frown and an insult ready on the tip of your tongue, it dissolves the moment you’re met with tender golden brown eyes. 
You can’t move. Why...is he looking at you like that? 
“What?” you blurt out. 
“Oh nothing, just...” his fingers come up to brush away something along your cheekbone, “you got dirt all over your face.” 
He chuckles, but it doesn’t feel mischievous or annoying. It sounds...
“Come on,” you’re brought out of your daydream when he knocks upon your forehead. Is that normal Hyunjae behaviour? You’re not quite sure, even as you settle in the front this time, jumping when you’re wrapped up in his arms and pressed up to his chest. 
You’re pretty sure it’s not the sweat that’s making you all uncomfortable and prickly. 
“So...when are you and Hyunjae getting together?” 
It’s almost dark when Jacob blurts out the question out of nowhere, the words lingering in the air like awkward bees as you turn to look at him in shock. 
The group has decided on hanging out by the beach to watch the sun set in the horizon after your little ride, which you took to your advantage to stay as far away from the said young man as possible. It’s not that you’re uncomfortable from the quad ride -- you are, but that’s not the point -- it’s just that you’re trying to come to terms with the fluttery hummingbirds ravaging through your ribcage. 
Maybe it is the summer heat making you fall prey to anything that can potentially become yours--
What are you even thinking?! You’re more than horrified by where your thoughts are leading you, so wrapped up in your own head that you forget to answer Jacob. 
“Hello? Earth to Y/N? Did I shock you or something?” 
“N-No!” You blurt out quickly, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Me and Hyunjae don’t get along that well. We only paired up because we had to. So no, and besides, we’re...we don’t like each other that way.” 
“Could’ve fooled me,” Jacob winks, which doesn’t help lessen the flush overtaking the back of your neck, “well maybe you can ask the person in question.” 
“Ask me what?” You want to curse aloud, turning to be faced with a dishevelled Hyunjae, topless and board shorts still damp from his earlier plunge, “what are you guys talking about so secretively?” 
“Oh Y/N can tell you,” Jacob says before you can protest. He dusts himself off, ignores your glare, and waves at the both of you before trudging back to the sea where the rest of the group are chatting amongst themselves.
Hyunjae shoots you down with an amused look. You answer him with a glower that makes him laugh. Settling himself beside you on the sand dampening your shorts, he says, "what were you and Jacob whispering about?"
"None of your business," you shoot back. It's easier without having him so close. Your head is clearer, your thoughts less chaotic.
"Mean," Hyunjae pulls out his tongue. He glances down at your still-dust clad legs, "so that's why it smells around here. I was starting to think it was me."
Your foot doesn't hesitate to kick him in the shin and Hyunjae grunts in pain as you reply, "you disgust me sometimes."
"Me? What did I ever do to you?" He gasps mockingly.
"Don't worry it's just you."
Glancing at the rest of your friends splashing about in the water, you then ask, "what do you want from me?"
"I need a reason to sit next to you now? You hurt me Y/N," he folds a leg against his chest, leaning his chin onto his knee to look at you through his rumpled bangs, "I thought we were comrades in crime now that we shared the same ride."
"It's partners in crime. And no, that doesn't automatically make us bffs."
"Don't deviate from the subject," his smirk is playful, annoyingly charming. Does he know how handsome he is? "What were you so invested in discussing with Jacob that your entire face turned red?"
Heat zaps through your cheeks on cue, "my face is not red!"
"Aaand we're back to the blushing," he chuckles, "was it about a boy? Maybe me?"
"Wh--Why would you care anyway?!” 
“So it’s about me?” 
“Wh--No! I never said such a thing!” 
“Whoa there princess,” he’s quick to lift his hands in mock surrender, more and more amused by your exclamations which you realize all too soon just gave you away.
Quickly dropping your gaze to the sand and turning your head away, you try to mumble out that he’s got it all wrong, only for him to laugh softly and say, “and you think I’d believe that?” 
Your heart jumps to your throat. His gaze is riveted on you now, focused and intense. Hands balling up into fists as you quickly hide them in your lap, you try to swallows and hold his eyes -- those beautiful doe eyes -- in an effort to show him that he’s not right. That you don’t have a crush on him.
You don’t! 
“You know, if you wanted to keep this a secret that badly,” you jolt in surprise upon feeling the softest brush of his hand against your knuckles. You recoil, but he’s too quick, grabbing it fully and tugging it open in his hold, “you should learn how to lie a little.” 
“I...” you can’t meet his eye, “I don’t know what you mean.” 
His thumb prods your chin up, just the slightest. Your head tilts up to his in fear of what you might see there. 
But instead of the disappointment, of the slight revulsion that might grace Hyunjae’s features, you’re faced with that same tender gaze he’d given you earlier. One that makes stars shine in his eyes. 
You can’t help but gape.
“Do you like me?” 
Hyunjae bursts out laughing, “see? Your face is like an open book!” 
He doesn’t have to elaborate. You feel so warm you might explode from the heat itself. Ripping your hand away as an overwhelming sense of unease settles over your shoulders, panic starts to churn in your stomach, crawl up your ribcage and stuff your throat raw with ideas you might not be so fond of. 
“Y/N? Hey, you alright?” Hyunjae’s voice seems distant despite him sitting so close. You don’t realize he’s touching you until you feel his hand squeezing your shoulder. 
You shudder then, not realizing that you’d been holding your breath all along. Hyunjae’s hand slips down your arm to your hand and he holds it in his own. He has big hands, you think absentmindedly, as his thumb starts tracing patterns over the back of your knuckles. 
“Sorry, I don’t know how to do this,” your mutter is barely above a whisper but Hyunjae hears it, for he answers, “No, I’m sorry. It was my fault. I shouldn’t have teased you so much.” 
“Well, at least you got something right. I do like you,” god, you can feel your ears burning, and it’s not just from the way he’s looking at you. It’s the way he cradles your hand in his, as though it’s so fragile that it might break, “and I...I don’t know what to do with all these stupid feelings when you obviously don’t feel the same.”
“Who said so?”
“Huh?” your eyes quickly flit up to his. Then back to his t-shirt. 
“Who said I don’t feel the same?” 
“Because you’re Hyunjae.” 
“So? Does that mean I can’t like you back or something?” 
“No but...well...I never thought it could be possible--” it’s when you look up at him that you gasp in realization that he’s blushing just as deeply as you are. 
Confusion washes through you. Followed by realization. 
Hyunjae likes you.
Hyunjae reciprocates your feelings.
Hyunjae, whom you always fight with, who never backs down from an argument and who’s always there i, one way or another.
“Well,” his huff breaks you out of your millionth trance, “I like you too, okay? Why do you think I tagged along? Definitely not for them,” he motions towards the boys with his arm, “I wasn’t about to third wheel all these couples for nothing.” 
Warmth spreads across your chest, over your cheeks and this time you’re not ashamed to be glowing bright tomato red in front of the young man who has just laid out his heart for you to take. It feels like summer buzzing through your ribcage, endless butterflies fluttering about in a dizzy feeling of euphoria. 
“So is this how you show your affection? By bullying me?” you ask teasingly.
“You do the same thing,” he retorts, turning fully so that he’s now facing you, “what did you want me to do? Buy you flowers or something? I feel like you might whack me in the face with them if I ever did that.” 
“I would,” you laugh, “that would be so satisfying.” 
“So,” he smirks despite the fact that he’s blushing as much as you are. Hand squeezing yours softly to bring your eyes back onto his, air gets stuck in the back of your throat at the tenderness swimming in the depths of his brown eyes, “wanna make it official?” 
Your eyebrow quirks up, “you’re going to ask me out on a date?” 
“No,” he leans closer as his other hand reaches up to cradle your cheek, “I’m gonna do better than that.” 
You shouldn’t have been surprised by the warm pressure of his lips against yours but a small yelp escapes you nonetheless, causing him to chuckle into your mouth. He kisses you, over and over, his mouth caging yours and hand sliding up to trickle through your locks. 
Wolf whistles are heard in the background, but Hyunjae is not having you pull away just yet. Instead, his tongue swipes over your bottom lip and cause you to gasp as he lifts his other hand to flip the boys off. 
“Don’t mind them,” he mumbles through the kiss, as if you have the actual power to do anything else but let him have his way with you, “they’re just idiots.” 
He’s so close, he smells so good -- like a mixture of boy’s shampoo and the aftertaste of the sea salt -- and you’re so wrapped up in the sensation of his tongue slipping into your mouth that you barely register your back pressing into the damp sand below you.
It is only when he pulls away that you are once more graced with the blush littering over his cheeks and out of sheer impulse, your hand reaches out to flutter over his cheekbone. 
“You’re blushing so hard,” you can’t help but giggle. 
“No I’m not,” Hyunjae mutters, head twisting to kiss your said hand. He leans down then to bury his face into the crook of your neck, successfully hiding from your vision and imprinting a kiss along your pulse point while doing so, “you’re the one who’s as red as a tomato.”
“So we’re a pair of tomatoes now.” 
“Hm,” you feel his grin, “seems like it.” 
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mae-gi-writes · 3 years
hi maemae, what about i got you by bebe rexha with either ju/sangyeon? 🙈
AHHHH Yu! MY NUMBER ONE MOOT WHO’S BEEN THERE FROM DAY 1! I HOPE YOU LIKE YOUR REQUEST <3 Heree we go for some sangyeon feels 🌹🌹🌹 Also I got carried away with this but oh welll this is what happens when you’re on a roll xx
I got you | l. sangyeon
Song request: I Got You - BeBe Rexha
Genre: angst/fluff
Everything has been so hard. 
Your work. Your social life. Your eating habits. Your entire life. 
You’ve carved yourself into a hole that keeps on crumbling upon you, piles and piles of responsibility that keep getting thrust in your face the more you try struggling. Work has turned into a boring, monotonous routine of getting to the office, spending eight hours straight staring at your screen, then going back home and collapsing onto your bed with no energy left. You haven’t seen your friends since forever and your phone which usually blew up with messages is now silent and empty, void of any human interaction that you crave for. 
It’s harder these days because of the pandemic and you know that this will pass eventually. You just can’t seem to figure out how.
Which is why you find yourself drowning in a bottle of wine by the time Friday evening rolls around. Sitting outside upon your porch and letting its bittersweet aftertaste drip down your throat like medicine, you’re not quite sure what you’re aiming for really -- whether it be to throw up or pass out -- until there’s a soft knock at your door.
Groggily opening up with a confused frown, you see none other than Sangyeon’s face and immediately reel back with shock. 
“What are you doing here?!” you screech out. If you had known, you would’ve tried making an effort with your appearance! Unconsciously, your hand finds its way to your hair in an attempt to detangle its knots.
“You look terrible,” is his response. He doesn’t wait before blundering past you into the kitchen and settling down what looks like a bunch of takeaway containers, “Why have you been avoiding my calls?” 
You flinch out of impulse. He’s right; you have been avoiding your maybe-boyfriend most of all, merely due to the fact that you can’t help feeling like a failure and wondering how lowly he must think of you. 
Sangyeon is the epitome of a hard worker, starting out as a mere waiter in a quaint noodle shop and toiling hard for two years before he got promoted as a sous-chef. Then, his manager has seen so much potential in him that Sangyeon got appointed as the head chef a year later. 
You know all this because you’ve seen him go through it and grow through every single obstacle sent his way, circulating in the same friend group and sharing the same passion for food. However, it hasn’t been long since this friendship has slowly budded into something you’d like to believe is a start of a romance.
Not that either of you made it clear. It’s something, but what? You’re not quite sure yourself. 
“Y/N? Earth to Y/N!” 
“Huh?” you snap back to reality, blushing upon realizing the lack of distance between your faces, “oh--sorry. What did you say?” 
“I asked you why you’ve been avoiding my calls,” there’s a tone of exasperation in his voice. But a little more than that. You’d like to believe that it’s concern, “are you okay, Y/N? You really look like--” 
“I’m fine,” you cut him off, turning away before he can spot the slight tremble in your lip, the slow tears building at the corner of your eyes. 
A warm hand grasps your forearm, “tell me.” 
It’s an order. One that you can’t help to oblige. You swivel around slowly, embarrassed that he -- your biggest crush -- gets to see you like this, in such a horrible, vulnerable state. 
You hate it. Yet, once the tears start silently carving silvery paths down your cheeks, there’s no stopping them. 
Sangyeon pulls you into his chest with a soft sigh, allowing his arms to encircle your waist while one of his hands comb through your hair. You cry silently in his shoulder, fully aware of the growing wetness seeping through his shirt, but his grip doesn’t lessen when you try tugging back. 
Instead, he holds you a little tighter, murmuring into your ear, “come on, let it out.” 
You’ve never been a fan of loud crying. Maybe it’s the fact that you’re so used to keeping in your sobs, stuffing your blanket into your mouth in order to restrain the tears, the pain, the suffering. But Sangyeon stays even so, hand continuously smoothing along your head and down your back in a way that renders you soft and mellow against him.
When you have no tears left to cry, he does the job of pulling away slightly so that his face hovers just millimetres from your own. You hope you don’t look like shit.
“I brought you some pasta,” he murmurs, “cooked by yours truly.” 
And you swear it’s the best fucking pasta you’ve ever eaten in your life. You’re not entirely sure how you manage to finish a whole plate -- considering you’d barely had any appetite these days -- but you have to admit that you feel much, much better after finally leaning back into your cheek with a full stomach.
Sangyeon eyes you from his side of the table, chuckling at the look of satisfaction on your face. 
“What?” you’re about to scowl, but then remember that you shouldn’t put your walls up so high. It’s only Sangyeon. Only Sangyeon.
"Should’ve started by giving you the pasta,” his eyes, warm and tender and just so fucking beautiful, sparkle in the dim light of the kitchen, “maybe then you wouldn’t have cried over my shirt.” 
“Oh shut up,” you snap back half-heartedly. He knows there’s no bite to your tone. 
His leg nudges yours underneath the table and, prompted to gaze up at him, he asks, “what’s going on, Y/N?” 
You bite your lower lip. Eyes fixing onto the table top before you, you decide to spill everything. Everything.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Sangyeon’s voice is rough wth concern, annoyance that permeates through. But you’re adamant on not making eye contact, so adamant that you hear his chair scrape back, then the soft pad of his feet over to your side of the table.
Warm fingers cup your chin, leaving you with no choice but to face him as your eyes quickly slip downwards.
"I didn't want to trouble you," is what spills from your lips in a soft murmur, "I'm not used to people worrying about me and I guess...I just got used to it. Dealing with that shit on my own."
You don't have to look at him to know that his gaze is soft and warm. It makes you want to curl up in his lap and burrow your face into hid chest, away from the world.
As if reading your mind, Sangyeon tugs you closer so that he can hug you properly, "I got you," his murmur brushes against your ear, "I got your back Y/N. And you can tell me anything. I don't care if you think it's none of my business. I want to know."
He holds you in silence for a while, the only sound echoing through your ears being his heartbeat. A soft thumping against his chest, vibrating with every breath taken.
It's almost like a miracle, the way your body softens underneath his touch like it has been waiting for him all along. With Sangyeon there, it feels easier to breathe, not to think so much.
"Thank you," you whisper, clearing your throat. You repeat yourself once more for good measure, to which he chuckles and presses the lightest of kisses atop your head.
"Next time, you'll tell me. Right?" He cocks his head to look at you.
You pull back slightly to gaze up at him in the dim back light of the dining room. It's crappy lighting and yet, it curves along his features so nicely.
"Fine," you mumble after realizing you hadn't answered him yet, "I'll try."
A smile breaks over his face. He kisses your cheek then, causing heat to spring up over your face, "that's a promise then."
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mae-gi-writes · 3 years
I was the one who asked abt songs req Can i req cold/mess by prateek kuhad for hyunjae🥺👉🏻👈🏻 thank you💗
Cold/Mess | Hyunjae (tbz)
Listening to: Cold/Mess by praheet kuhad
This love isn't supposed to last, they said.
The morning fog rises up in the city of Seoul where Hyunjae has lived all his life, curling thick around its skyscrapers and lulling the people slowly out of sleep. The distant blurry street lights are nothing but softened orbs in the greyscale tones filling up Seoul's winter morning, and nearby he hears his neighbour's feet crunching on snow as he takes out the trash.
"I'll miss this," you whisper so quietly that he hardly catches it, having to pause a moment before your words make sense. It's not hard, the sadness etched in your voice is clear enough.
"D'you have to go?" he jokes as he brings out your coffee that you accept gratefully, blowing over its top as the warmth seeps into your cold palms.
"Unfortunately," you glance back at him, a sad smile dancing on your lips, "all good things come to an end."
"So," Hyunjae takes the first sip of his own coffee, grimacing as the heat burns his tongue, "best thing about coming to Seoul?"
"Duh," you deadpan, "meeting the one and only Lee Jaehyun."
Making use of his first name causes his heart to skip a beat. Mostly everyone knows him as Hyunjae now. The Boyzs' fandom has grown since their appearance on Kingdom and while he's grateful every day for the endless support allowing him to pursue his dream to make music, this also comes at a price. And this price, for Hyunjae, is loneliness.
With you however, he never feels as lonely as he does. It's like a miracle, the day you'd walked into Creker ent for your internship exchange program. Five people had been assigned to The Boyz as makeup artists, set designers, costume designers etc. But you and him had hit it off from the very first day.
"You like kpop?" he'd asked you within the first five minutes of knowing you. You had merely shrugged though, focusing on evenly spreading the faint salmon eyeshadow over his lid, "it's alright. I used to listen to it when I was in high school. Now though, not so much."
"Well, I think we gotta change that."
You'd laughed, "you sound confident."
"Our music's cool," he'd grinned at you in the mirror, "you just have to see us on stage. You'll understand then."
He'd been right.
"Okay seriously though," Hyunjae repeats his question and watches with fondness dripping from his eyes as you try to think, lips pursing and biting the inside of your cheek in thought.
"Hm, I'd say everything," you admit, a sheepish smile flashing across your face, "I've never seen a city quite as alive as this one."
"You know, Seoul's only a few hours away from Hong Kong."
"That's true, but who's gonna pay for my ticket?" Your eyebrow arches questioningly. His shoulder brushes yours, pressing closer for warmth in the cold, misty morning.
"I would if I wasn't broke."
"You're far from broke."
"Would you come if I did?" His brow quirks up in a playful challenge.
"Hey, I'd accept a free plane ticket any time."
He chuckles, maroon orbs taking in your features in hopes of ingraining them to memory. Quiet mornings like these are his favourite, maybe because this is the only time he gets with you alone, the only time where he can steal a few snippets of happiness between busy schedules.
It's a moment for him to breathe. Here, with you.
"I'll miss our conversations," you say without looking at him, "and our little adventures to the city."
"The illegal ones?"
"Those are what I'm talking about," your grin widens, "our arcade competitions."
He hums, "those, not so much."
"Sore loser," you're giggling when he nudges you a little harder, only for his arm to wrap around your shoulder to tuck you into his side. You're more than happy to relish in his warmth and burrow even closer if possible.
Hyunjae sighs against your hair, before a soft kiss gets imprinted upon your temple.
Still, you don't try to understand the soft flame of desire burning between your bodies. You don't want to understand what this might be, don't want to read too much into it for fear that you might walk out heartbroken.
It's impossible to start a relationship right now, when Hyunjae is at the brim of success and when you're going to be miles away in a few hours.
"Hey," his voice brings you back to reality. That quickly turns to surprise at his next sentence, "you're gonna keep in touch...right?"
Your heart soars, emotion clogging up your throat, "yeah. If you want me to," you manage to mumble out into the crook of his neck.
"I want you to."
He leaves another kiss upon your cheek, lingering with all the possibilities that it might bring.
But still, you don't question it. You don't question anything.
Not even when he tilts your head up to press the softest kisses against yours.
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mae-gi-writes · 3 years
Tingles | Hyunjae (The Boyz Imagine)
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Requested! Hyunjae tries to distract you with some ASMR.
Poke. Poke. Poke.
"Hyunjae stop."
Still, he kept poking your shoulder.
Poke. Poke. Poke.
You tried brushing him off with your arm, to no avail. He was being as annoying as a newborn pup in need of attention.
Poke. Poke. Poke.
"Hyunjae," your tone was laced with warning.
"But I'm bored," he whined and you rolled your eyes. Eyeing the bag of forgotten chips on the counter, you made a grab for it and shoved it in his hands, "here, eat this if you're bored."
"I'll be done soon," your hand blindly reached out to ruffle his hair, pushing him away in the process as a soft reminder to shut the fuck up, "just give me a little more time."
Your fingers took a life of their own, losing yourself once more in the rhythm of the keyboard noises as you continued on pursuing your argument about the reasons for the farming of coral reefs in tropical islands. In the back of your mind, you heard some random crackling and some shuffling but quickly dismissed the noises as unecessary. The quicker you wrote this paper out, the more time you'd have to spend with--
Tingles shot down your spine. Hyunjae's breath bathed the shell of your ear, arms wrapping around you in a loose embrace with his chest pressed against your back.
"Hm?" You mumbled out, eyes scanning the word document.
Crinkle. Crack. Against your ear.
Jostling at the sudden sound, you turned your face to catch your boyfriend's teasing smile, probing you with those dark eyes of his as he munched on the chips you had just given him.
"What?" He threw you the most innocent stare that you replied with a pointed look, "what was that?"
"What? You're going to stop me from eating too?"
Deciding not to play that little game of his, you turned back to your computer and resumed reading your last paragraph.
The implementation of coral farming would inevitably lead to a sustainable marine life that would --
Crunch. Crunch.
His lips were pressed up against your lobe. Arms tight round your waist.
"Hyunjae," you let out a hiss of warning.
"You know," his whisper were just a breath of words that fanned against your inner shell, sending a skittle of sparks through your nerves, "I've always been curious about ASMR."
"Hyun. Jae."
Popping another chip in his mouth, he kept on allowing the sound to echo through your earbud, "seems like it works."
The effect caused you to squirm involubtarily in his hold, "you're not playing fair," you grumbled half-heartedly.
"I never play fair baby," he murmured, breath hot against your skin.
"Stop," your attempts to push him away were rendered useless as he held on tighter, "you're so annoying!"
His tongue darted out to lick your ear.
You gasped, body involuntarily curling into his on reflex and he didn't need much encouragement to start a slow, burning path of kisses along your jaw, much to the protests crawling up your throat.
"Hyun--Hyunjae--" your protests were quickly drowned out by soft whimpers when you felt him suckle onto a patch of skin right under your jawline.
Your hands flew up to his shoulders but he grabbed your wrists, pulled you close to land a kiss smack on your mouth.
When he pulled away, his eyes were shining, crinkled crescents pooling with such joy that it melted your heart slightly, "if I knew how sensitive you'd be I'd do that all the time."
"Oh shut up," your face flamed.
Chuckling, he dove in for another chaste peck, mouth lingering a little longer than necessary and you swore goosebumps broke along the length of your arms.
You hadn't noticed his hands that had slipped underneath your shirt, gently caressing circles upon your middle as his mouth chased your own, "kiss me and I'll leave you alone," he mumbled against your lips.
"For real this time?"
"For real," he pecked your mouth, "now kiss me."
So you did, grumbling softly under your breath as you turned and wrapped your arms around his neck, meeting his small fond smile the moment you kissed him.
His reaction was instantaneous; mouth parting underneath your own, he tightened his grip on your waist while his chest rumbled with a satisfied growl. You grinned despite your initial annoyance and kissed him a little deeper, a little longer, mouths fitting together like broken pieces of a puzzle.
Hyunjae was a gasping mess the moment you parted. You grinned, brushing away the strands falling into his eyes, "you gonna be a good boy now or do I need to chain your wrists together?"
"I mean," he wriggled his brows, "not that I mind--" he ducked when you swatted his head, "okay okay, yes I'll be good."
But the moment you turned to resume your work his arms wove around you in an instant. He nestled his chin atop your shoulder as he mumbled, "can I stay here though?"
"As long as you don't distract me again."
"Fine." Pause. "You'll make it up to me later though right?"
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