#there is much more to this anime than sexy exorcisms
crimsonrrain · 28 days
I've been thinking about Hiyakawa for days now, being an adult carrying the weight of his childhood trauma, being a child who wasn't cared for enough, taught enough, loved enough, to learn how to be like everybody else. He is often unable to decode human behavior, he is often unable to recognize, understand and address his own feelings. He has this overwhelming need to be saved, since he was never actually saved as a boy, and he has been carrying this ever since. It is so tragic when he says “I m the only one who doesn't get saved” and “The vague emotion I felt was probably the desire to save someone. Saving someone else, would, in itself, also save me, who had always wanted to be saved”. Hiyakawa may be an adult, but he is still trapped into that little scared, unloved and lonely boy that he was, still trapped into that room in the basement. He keeps repeating that he needs to find his destiny - like a mantra, and I don't know if it actually has something to do with the supernatural, or if it is just his need to be loved. He has this big fear of abandonment, clinging onto Mikado and ends up being controlling. People warn Mikado that he should stay away from Hiyakawa because he is dangerous - “you 've got a rope tied to you. Like a dog.” People warn him that he should stay away, not to be swallowed up by his loneliness. But Mikado begins to understand Hiyakawa. “If there is a rope tying us together then, I should be able to pull it from this side, right? To pull you.” Mikado is the only one who can save Hiyakawa, not only because he understands, but because he loves him. Hiyakawa is the one who helped Mikado confront his fears and stop running away from them, and now Mikado is strong enough to help Hiyakawa back. For the first time he is a determined and strong person saying “I won't fail, I will bring Hiyakawa back, even if I have to put a leash around his neck!”
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volumehypeplay · 1 year
A Nun, a bunch of zombies, a viking farmer, a psychological sleuth and a trio of ghost hunters walked into a bar...
There hasn't been much going on at our local cinemas lately, so I have been jumping between shows like it's a game of the floor is lava. My lack of focus, often allowed me to find some shows I've been looking forward too, some so-so movies and a great suprise.
Prey for the Devil
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This one is a film me and @the-loose-braies have been wanting to watch for a while; fully expecting shlock. And the shlock delivered (a bit more than we expected).
The film follows Sister Ann as she prepares to perform her first exorcism on a demonic entity. The jump scares were fun, the little twist at the end was a nice and it's always good to see Colin Salmon in a movie .
If your looking for a movie to put on while doing some work, this one pairs as well as crispy onions do to a hotdog, and a well chilled can of pepsi/coke.
The Last of Us (ep 1-2)
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GIF by diver5ion
The hype for this show has been a bit crazy in my opinion, especially with the early reviews crowning this as the greatest achievement in achievements. Realistically, The Last of Us, so far, has been decent?
I won't waste any time retelling the story of this extremely popular game, but what I'll say is, what's worked, has worked brilliantly, while the rest to me shows, the narrative of the game isn't as brilliant as it let's on.
I've absolutely loved both cold opens to both episodes (especially the one set in Indonesia), really elevating the existing material and adding extra depth and world building where it previously didnt exist. Craig Mazin (the man behind Chernobyl) clearly has a knack for making the extraordinary feel relatable, with his small changes and touches throughout the first two episodes really helping me get engrossed.
I also loved the city-escape scene from episode 1 (almost shot for shot from the game) and the introduction to the clickers. To me though the episodes standout was Olivia Anna Torv. In only two episodes she fully sold me on her character, why she was important and went out with a bang (with one of the weirdest kiss scenes I can remember... urgh).
I'll be keeping an eye out on this one and fully expect it to keep on improving week, on week.
Vindland Saga - S2 (ep 1-3)
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I've been waiting patiently for the second season of Vinland Saga for years. The first season, has become one of my favorite seasons of any show (or anime) and Askeladd is probably my favorite villain (??) period. With that in mind season 2 has had a lot to live up to, but thankfully, the first 3 episodes have been fantastic.
I was made aware of the drastic tone shift from the prologue (to what now actually is the start of the manga) for a very long time, but honestly the story just flows. There has been no wild disconnect for me from season 1 to 2, whatsoever; yet the shift in character makeup (especially for Thorfinn) has been engrossing. Seeing the rage filled, revenge driven boy be turned into a shell of his formerself, completely devoid of want for life has been really powerful.
The scene where Throfinn steps in for Einnar (to spare his life) and receive cut after cut without moving a muscle. Only because he wanted Einnar to get back to work, told us everything we needed to know where Thorfinn is mentally at this time.
I really hope the show continues as well as it has started, because this really could end up becoming one of the best stories I've ever had the pleasure of watching. ↓
Poker Face (ep 1-2)
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We all love a good mystery right? Poker Face (created by Rian Johnson of Knives Out fame) recently released as somewhat a modern homage to Columbo (a show my wife loves). If Poker Face could be half as good as Columbo we'd already be onto a winner and thankfully, two episodes in, it's already been a wild ride.
Led by the awesome Natasha Lyonne, we've already had: shootouts, murder, attempted murder, theories on theories, chases and the sexy Benjamin Bratt. What I've loved so far is how the show has chosen to essentially do a case per episode but also tie the episodes together by an overarching story (something I really hope continues).
Really looking forward to sitting down and taking in the next 2 episodes before the end of this week.
Lockwood & Co (ep 1-3)
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I'm so happy doomscrolling on Netflix at 11pm led us to this. Lockwood & Co is a throwback to my yesteryears when I used to watch a lot more of these 'teenage' british shows. It has a bit of Misfits, Being Human and even Ghostbusters thrown in for good measure.
Created by Joe Cornish (Attack the Block) and based on a book-series, we follow 3 ghost hunters in London, trying to figure out The Problem. It's the perfect blend of serious and whimsical, with a really easy to follow story that has enough mystery for you always wanting to know more. It's the characters though, from the reckless Lucy Carlisle, to the oddity that is George Karim and the mysterious Anthony Lockwood that really get you invested.
You know I'll probably be done with this by the end of the day and I cannot wait.
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The rise of Reigen Arataka as the internet (sexy)man of all time.
I know the title is misleading, but I can’t be more obvious about the subject.
I’ll try to not take anything serious here. Although
If you’re chronic online enough, you may understand where this is going. You know the subject.
If not, believe me, you aren't losing any stuff here.
So… who is this Reigen we are talking about?
I don’t think there’s someone who doesn’t know him. Well I knew one (1) friend that actually didn’t, but he doesn’t count. Arataka Reigen is a predominant character from Mob Psycho 100, better known by the anime adaptation rather than the original manga mostly because the anime improved so much his persona (and the story adaptation, let’s be honest) that’s unrecognizable from the source material.
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Reigen is one of the closest characters to our young protagonist Shigeo Kageyama, nicknamed Mob. Owning a psychic agency, alongside Mob he helps customers with paranormal situations, using techniques such as exorcism to get rid of spirits. As he doesn’t have psychic abilities like Mob, whenever the teen is gone, he uses everything on his hands to make them believe he’s resolving the issue, most times manipulating the situation enough so he could get out unscathed. 
Even the anime gives him the chance to show epicness whether he demostrate special movements and skills that surpass our imaginations, instead of being embarrasing.
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Reigen is a truly charming man… in his own way, despite his average appearance and his con man’s eagerness. With dark eyes and short blond hair, he’s an emotive guy, with facial gestures that may be attractive, but also terrifying. Of course this is because of the manga drawing style, but as I said, mostly of the time it serves as a complete support to his personality rather than an obstacle.
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There’s also the fact that he uses a gray suit, that can be appealing to the users. Reigen also gesticulates actively with his hands, and the fact that he’s an actual “father figure” to Mob adds to his charm.
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I have to say, though, Reigen has a depressing layer too: He hides his essence by walls of false ego, using excuses like self-proclaiming himself as “the 21th century’s biggest psychic”, even without having powers. Reigen expresses that he avoids being himself because he fears that he can be a disappointment. He expels charisma in a side, but in the other he just succumbs into despair. Nevertheless his failures, he genuinely cares by his close relatives, kindheartedly. Even acknowledging the kind of man he is, the public empathizes with his situation instead of criticizing him, being then another aspect of his unquestionable charm.
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Considering the “Tumblr Sexyman” phenomena on the Web, it was expected that Reigen could be considered as one.
(As a simple explanation, a Tumblr Sexyman can be any character from any source that is considered “sexy” by their fandom. It doesn’t need to follow any beauty canon though, but there are certain archetypes that sometimes appear as well. Some examples I can think are Bruno Madrigal from Encanto and The Onceler from The Lorax Movie.)
Okay, well, we now understand why Reigen can be seen as attractive as a wet furball of chaos and tragedy, but even with the anime being popular nowadays, how is it that there are non-otakus massively liking this character? What happened?
A historic moment in his career was the skyrocketing popularity from Twitter polls. In fandom circles, there was an increasing creation of polls aimed at different topics, such as “best character from X category” or “best femenine character from X saga”, among others. Of course, the internet took it upon itself to exceed its horizons, and the spark that provoked a media explosion was including Reigen in said votations.
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Of being “supreme twink” to “the hottest anime woman” to even being “Best Boss of the Award-Winning MMORPG Final Fantasy”, Reigen broke records in these elections, to the point where a trending hashtag #REIGENSWEEP was generated. Fans from the entire planet shared its notorious support to achieve his victory.
But the event that crowned him, reaching even for people who aren’t chronic online was the Ultimate Tumblr Sexyman election, a category that would finally fight face to face with no one more or less than Sans from Undertale. This event was so fought among the fans that a result with a very small difference was expected, but which opponent would take the victory?
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Finally, in the face of all the unexpected, Sans would dethrone Reigen from his unbeaten streak by 0.1%. The media coverage was so great that the whole world was aware of these results.
This led to even Toby Fox, the creator of Undertale and Deltarune, return to his Twitter account after years being inactive to post a short fanfic of Sans and Reigen fighting for the title.
Yes, this was truly a wild ride at the start of September. Not only this increased Reigen’s popularity, but it’s quite a coincidence that this collided with the day Queen Elizabeth of England died. This didn’t go unnoticed by everyone but created a new nuke to explode on the internet, and Reigen kept growing in relevance by the bizarre and the ridiculousness the users could offer.
Although not winning the election, Reigen was crowned as one of the sexiest characters on the Web, being titled also as everyone’s “little meow meow” and “disastrous babygirl”. I have to admit, after all of this researching (it’s me happily watching Mob Psycho 100 and voting in the elections as the responsible online citizen I am) I can see his appealing, the good-looking thing that got everyone drooling over his existence, but hey at least he slays with it.
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It’s funny that he even got related to Saul Goodman, one of the men of all time that also got his “time to shine” at the Pandemic Quarantine. Well, Breaking Bad had kind of the same explosion by fans, returning its popularity back as it should BUT with the price that the fans created a “fanon version” so separated from the original show thanks to meme culture.
We can say Reigen passed for the same train, but let’s be honest: with his own persona he can create the memes that can fulfill our souls without hesitating.
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- Kafi Díaz Durán.
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darkredehmption · 3 years
Class Is In
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#SL #ClassIsIn
Written by @DamagedBrother and @OfFeatherNFang 
I shifted uncomfortably. It wasn’t even the first time, but thank fuck, none of my new ‘students’ seemed to notice. As each of the Brothers filed in, taking various seats at the front of the room, I resisted the urge to up and fucking leave. Instead I clenched the black dry erase marker, my eyes straying to Zsadist, who watched me with a small, reassuring smile. My free hand absently brushed over the new scar beneath my shirt, reminding me of what I was doing, and why. 
My most recent hospital stay had ended only a few days earlier, and while I’d been approved to teach a classroom full of muscle clad, would-kick-the-shit-out-of-satan killers, I was still black listed from actually leaving the manse to go on rotation. So I had to take what I could get I guess.
As silence crept in with everyone settling the fuck down, I felt the even more uncomfortable weight of eyes on me, waiting for how I was going to wow them. I mean, this wasn’t a class on explosives, firearms, or the 52 ways you could kill a guy with your thumb. This was on the supernatural. Or, I guess, everything ELSE that was supernatural other than… well, us.
“Right, shit, well… here we go. Never been a public speaker, so bear the fuck with me while I figure this shit out,” I mutter, tapping the marker against my free hand. Rhage, helpfully, grinned and said ‘here, here’. 
“Well, let’s start by cutting straight to the why’s of being here,” I say firmly, looking to Zsadist and giving a small nod. “Z had a demon hitch a ride. He was possessed,” I say flatly. “And demons gossip around the lava water cooler worse than chicks in a high school. If we don’t start taking precautions now, we could be seeing more of them. Or more of what happened…”
I managed to keep myself from brushing the scar this time, but nothing could quell the furious fire burning in me to ensure Zsadist would never, ever have to go through that shit again. 
I couldn’t help but keep my eyes locked onto my male. I mean let’s face it, I always wanted my eyes on him. But even more lately with what had gone down recently. I could have lost him. Lost the most important person in life at the hands of myself. Well technically not myself, but still, this meeting was important. It was important for the Brotherhood to learn some knowledge on a new threat we had.
Shaking the thought from my head as I give my male an encouraging smile. He looked nervous as hell to be in front of the Brotherhood right now, about to teach them a thing or two of his enemies. Though I wanted to believe that my Brothers would behave and give them his full attention. 
I couldn’t help but notice Mal’s hand as it crept closer to the new scar that I helped make on his body. Yes, this wasn’t my doing completely, but my hand was the one wielding the dagger. I had to stop letting myself believe this was all my fault, because it wasn’t. 
The demons were another enemy that we needed to take down. So I made sure everyone was paying attention before my eyes landed on Mal once again. 
“I can honestly say I’ve never dealt with a demon possessing a vampire before, but then again, I don’t think the regular vampires they’re used to quite cut it…”
I frowned at that thought, but shrugged and kept going. 
“Anyway, we’ll deal with the other breeds of vampires in another lesson,” I say absently, shaking my head. “And ghouls… werewolves… wendigos… poltergeists… well, you get the idea.” I waved my hand as if it would dismiss all the other breeds of supernatural beasties I’d just thrown out there. “Demons are our most pressing issue. How to identify one…”
Turning to the white board, I popped the top on my marker and started to write as I spoke. 
“Flickering lights. While also a sign of a malevolent spirit, it can be an indicator that a strong demon is nearby. In their raw form, they look like dark black smoke. That smoke will seek access to your body through your nose and mouth,” I instruct, turning to look back at the Brothers. 
All of whom were staring at me, wide eyed and… damn, I wasn’t sure. Angry? Disbelieving? Incredulous? I couldn’t pin it. But this shit was definitely not what they were used to dealing with, and I was going to need to give them a minute to absorb.
“Uh… ask questions, if you want. If it… makes it easier.”
Whoa okay. That was a lot of knowledge my male just spilled. I was just accepting the fact that demons had entered our world, but all those other things? Hell no. 
As I looked around the room I couldn’t help but notice my Brothers with the same blank look on their faces. Vishous was the first one to recover. I watched carefully as he lit a blunt then leaned across his desk. 
“Well shit. Always figured there was more to life than just us and the humans.” Vishous said with a shrug. 
Rhage’s brows drew in as he raised his hand. I couldn’t help but laugh as he played the role as a student. Once called on, by the very sexy teacher, he drops his hand and unwraps a lollipop.
“So...like all those things you are saying is bad? But how can that be true? I mean...Hadrian is a shifter and he isn’t bad. Used for bad things, sure, but that isn’t his fault. I guess what I’m saying is, what is trying to come for us currently? Do the demons work with the other parties that were mentioned?”
Ah yes, Hadrian.
Even though we were connected, I had a weird feeling that Rhage was tight with the male as well. Rhage once told me that he can relate to Hadrian in some way and hopes that they would get the chance to spend more time together. 
Speaking of, I needed to check in with the shifter and make sure he was doing alright. We did manage to be on rotation together every now and then, but rarely did we have the time to chit chat. Maybe next time Mal was out fighting and I was at home I could see if Hadrian wanted to grab a beer. Couldn’t hurt.
“Not all shifters are bad the way not all vampires are bad,” I conceded, nodding my head. “Hadrian is a special example too. Even in his world, being able to shift into more than one creature is rare. Most shifters, like werewolves, are bound to one animal.”
Pausing, I took in a breath, trying not to let myself be distracted by thoughts of Hadrian. The shifter being metaphysically bound to my mate was still a raw point for me, but I was working through it. Y’know. Slowly.
“But back to demons…” Lifting a hand to my shirt, I tugged down the collar just enough to reveal the pentacle tattoo across my chest. I also tried to ignore the quick way Z’s golden eyes narrowed at my potentially showing skin to his Brothers, but in this instance he was definitely going to have to breathe. “There are ways of ensuring a demon can’t possess you,” I explain. “This symbol is a protective one that repels demons. They can’t possess me. You can also wear the symbol, or other various amulets and protective talismans, to prevent it.”
Letting go of the shirt, I start a list.
“So, symbols. Talismans. Holy water,” I add, my tone rueful as I figured some of them were, undoubtedly, rolling their eyes. After all, holy water was also a mythical vampire repellent. “If a demon has already possessed a body, you can sometimes provoke them into revealing themselves by saying the name of God in latin.” I glance back at all of them. “Their eyes will turn a complete and glossy black with no iris at all. If they turn any other colour… well. Run like hell while screaming my name,” I say dryly. 
My eyes narrowed dangerously low when I watched Mal reveal his chest to my Brothers. Sure, they’ve seen his bare torso, but that doesn’t mean I wanted them sneaking a peek. 
Quickly my head snaps in Vishous’s direction when he starts sketching in the notebook he brought to Mal’s class. Leaning over my desk to look over his shoulder only to reveal a drawing of the tattoo my male wore on his chest. Vishous continued to underline the shape as I leaned back into my seat. He probably had a plan of making some amulets for us to wear while out on rotation.
Everything Mal described sounded...insane. But I knew first hand that this was serious, and everything that he was saying was true.
“I can’t believe we are going to turn into demon hunters!”  Rhage chimes in with a goofy smile.
I hold back a snort, turning my attention towards Tohrment as he clears his throat. All heads turn towards his direction.
“So...do these demons have a main purpose? Or do they just run around trying to find people to possess. Like we know what the lessers want...I was just wondering if these demons had an end goal.” Tohr murmurs as he crosses his arms. 
“Woah, hold your horses dragon boy,” I snort, shaking my head. “I don’t want to turn the Brotherhood into hunters. Believe it or not, there are hunters out there ready to track down demons and the like when they pop up and send them back to Hell. The ‘only’ reason I am teaching ‘anything’ right now is because… well, me being here could bring more of the nasties into our radar, and I want everyone at least prepared to handle it.”
Yeah. Fuck. I ‘so’ did not need to lead these leather clad killers into metaphysical battles. They were all about the bang bang motherfuckers, and you couldn’t waste a ghost or half the things I’d fought with just lead and blades alone.
“Case in point,” I continue, arching a brow. “Half the shit I deal with can’t be snuffed out with a few bullets or a well placed knife to the heart cavity, yeah? Banishing demons requires the seal of solomon and exorcism chants and a whole whack of shit. In the case of possession? Prevention is so much better than cure, so I just want everyone able to avoid it. Depending on who excels at these classes, I may go further to teach exorcisms.”
My eyes flicked to Zsadist, then to Vishous, the two I’d already pegged as most likely to be taught an exorcism. If Vishous didn’t go ahead and research the latin for it without me I’d be shocked.
“As far as a demon’s purpose…” I trailed off, sighed then shrugged. “Really, they want mayhem. They want souls. They don’t want to be in hell. So, all of the above and then some. The better their vessel, the more situated they are to get other demons up and included. So, a breed of rich, powerful vampires with all manner of weapons at their disposal would be ‘very’ appealing,” I add dryly. “So, to reiterate… demons flinch at the latin name of God, burn at the touch of holy water, have dark eyes and look like dark clouds of smoke when they come at you in raw form. Any questions?”
 Everyone kinda stayed quiet, some shook their heads as Mal asked if anyone had questions. Which honestly I was a little relieved at. That means that my Brothers were taking this seriously. Then again after they discovered Hadrian, and learned about shifters, they must believe that anything is possible at this point. 
“Think this is a good starting point. We need to continue on and train to be able to handle the demons. Mal is right in a sense where we don’t need to go out and look for demons to destroy, but more so be equipped to handle them if they get in the way from our main goal.” 
I couldn’t help but chuckle slightly as Rhage’s face fell. Maybe one day Rhage could go on a mission if any of Mal’s hunter friends ever needs a hand. Then again Hollywood actually might cause more damage.
Snorting at the thought as I look up to watch them file out slowly. Vishous stops in front of my mate to show him some things he wrote down then bumps his shoulder before following out after Butch. Figures V would be all about this. I’m sure he would be up all night doing research. 
I lean back in my desk, keeping my eyes on my mate as a private smile slowly forms on my face. Something that my Brothers wouldn’t get to see. Slowly I move to get up, the wooden chair creaking beneath me as I shift my weight off of it. 
“Well, that went...well.” I rumbled as I made my way over to the very handsome teacher. “What do you think?” My arms cross over my broad chest. 
With everyone getting the basics down and with no further questions, class seemed to be dismissed. As Vishous stopped to show me his mockup of the tattoo on my chest, I nodded, agreeing with his ideas of necklaces and arm bands bearing the symbol to protect the Brothers. They needed things that were easy to put on or keep close that wouldn’t get in the way of the fight. 
Waiting for Z to come up, I felt myself relaxing the closer he got, until he was right there and I was leaning over to steal a kiss.
“You think it went well?” I murmur, grateful to hear it. “Could you tell I was nervous? Teaching classes is not really my schtick, but everyone seemed to… take it well.”
Sighing, I leant against the desk at the front and gestured backward at the board and the notes I’d made. 
“I know this is new to everyone, but… I appreciate the enthusiasm.” Pausing, I looked my male over and felt a familiar and welcome rush of affection. “You okay?”
The kiss was soft and I welcomed it by sliding my arms around Mal’s waist. Holding my mate against me as my hand lifted to graze his cheek.
“Yeah, now that everything's okay and you are healed.” I murmur as I avoid his gaze for a moment. Trying not to picture the moment I stabbed my own mate in the chest. 
Clears my throat. “This is good. We needed this done in case we came in contact with another demon. It seems like everyone took it serious for the most part.” I snort thinking of Rhage then shrugs. “Do you feel good about continuing the lessons? I want to make sure every Brother is well equipped to take care of a demon if we come across one. Scribe, don’t need anyone else getting possessed and stabbing people in the manse.”
Mal could have died. So we needed to take this seriously and make sure everyone in the mansion was safe at all times. To think that we let a threat in, that I let a threat in, was unsettling.
Nodding, I rubbed a hand down my mate’s arm reassuringly, looking at the empty classroom. I’d already started to take precautions of my own. The second I’d been released from the med wing I’d sought out, of all people, Fritz, asking for a layout of the grounds and every entrance. From there, I’d gone to each one and set up holy seals - wards to keep out demons and trap any that tried to enter. 
“I’ve spoken with Vishous,” I murmur, still thinking about the wards. “I let him know about the wards I put near the entrances - asked him to figure out more permanent solutions to my chalk and salt displays. I think Fritz almost had a coronary when I drew on everything, threw salt everywhere, and told him he couldn’t clean it,” I add ruefully, flashing Z a smile. “But at least that’s a start. I should’ve thought of that when I moved in…”
The admission tasted sour on my tongue, and I looked away from the intensity of that golden gaze to better process my guilt. If I’d had devil’s traps set when I moved in, Zsadist and the demon hitching a ride wouldn’t have got past the door. He’d have been trapped, but performing an exorcism at that point would’ve been a lot fucking easier. But instead I’d been naive, thinking the demons and all the beasties I’d hunted would never find me in Caldwell. And Z had almost paid the price.
“I’m good with continuing lessons, not just on demons,” I said finally, letting out a breath. “And while I was honest when I said I don’t want the Brothers going hunting if I can help it, there is a perk to knowing I have back up if something goes down in our backyard.”
“Don’t beat yourself up about that. Hell, I’m surprised this is the first time we have come in contact with them. With all the shit we dabble in you would have thought we would have seen them before” I shrug before reaching for my male. My hand cups his nape, forcing his gaze back to mine. 
“Hey. You can’t beat yourself up over this, just like you told me that I can’t even though I do.” I snorted. “It’s done and you are safe in my arms.” My voice cracks slightly at that, holding him a little tighter in my arms. 
“Everything is going well, and I’m grateful to have you teach us how to handle these demons.” I nod before slowly pulling away. 
“Now...come on, let’s head back upstairs…” 
My scarred lips turn up into a playful smirk as I start down the hallway. I couldn’t wait to have my male in our bed and to know that he was safe with me. 
#EndSL #ClassIsIn
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animehun7er · 3 years
It’s sexy time now or in anime terms, it’s ‘ecchi’ time now. After doing a list about some of the popular harem anime out there, why not compile another list, this time with popular ecchi anime. The ecchi genre has been a fan favourite for a long time. So much so that there are special fanservice episodes in anime from other genres. Though I am not an avid watcher of ecchi anime sometimes I do tend to dwell in them. If you are looking for some sexy anime the here’s a list compiled just for you. So, let’s see what are some of the top ecchi anime out ever. You can watch some of these best ecchi anime movies on Crunchyroll or YouTube. Most of these anime are erotic and hot
10. No Game No Life (2014)
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‘No Game No Life’ is a fantasy, ecchi anime. It has been made bright, colourful, and is filled with fan service. I liked the premise of the movie (though it has been done before). The base theme is that you have to play high-stake games to make critical decisions. Thus, this removes all kind of action, bloodshed, and war. So, if you are into that action anime then I suggest you skip this one. Sora and Shiro are one of the best online gamers. They are siblings who are not currently pursuing any sort of education or doing any jobs. Their online game username is ‘Blank’ which has achieved a sort of legendary status. They don’t go out much and feel that the real world is nothing but a lame game.
One day they receive an e-mail which challenges them to play a match of chess. This starts their adventures in another realm where every rivalry and problem is solved by games. The ruler of this world, Disboard, is Tet, who is the God of Games. This system of settling disputes and discord via high-stake games works pretty well for one particular reason. Both the parties must wager something equal in value to the wager of the opposite party. Now, the gaming genius duo Sora and Shiro has got a reason to play games. They must unite all the races of this world to play against Tet so that they become the new God of Games.
9. Kill la Kill (2013)
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‘Kill la Kill’ is an entertaining anime. There are two ways of watching this show. You can watch it as a parody of sorts and enjoy how it satirically criticizes the stereotypical anime paraphernalia. You can also watch it as a common ecchi, action anime with strong female leads and lots of funny scenes. Whichever way you choose you will end up having fun while viewing this show. Though at first, the series might feel a bit confusing and clichéd it matures gradually as the series approaches the end. Ryuuko Matoi is the protagonist of the series. Her father was an inventor. One of his inventions is a scissor-like weapon. It is the missing half of this weapon which serves as the only remaining clue of his murder that Ryuuko has.
With the remaining half of the scissor blade, she ventures out to find the killer of her father and avenge his death. Her investigation takes her to Honnouji Academy. It is a prestigious academy at the top of which is the cold and heartless Satsuki Kiryuuin, the student council president. Four people serve her and are known as the Elite Four. They have been given God Clothes by Satsuki which grants them superhuman powers. Ryuuko tries to fight one of them but looses and retreats to her home. There she finds a rare God Cloth which after coming in contact with her blood latches onto her. This gives her immense superhuman abilities.
Now, armed with power Ryuuko ventures once again to the Honnouji Academy to face Satsuki and her underlings to uncover the culprit behind her father’s murder.
8. Highschool of the Dead (2010)
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The only reason I decided to include ‘Highschool of the Dead’ is that I found it quite entertaining. Mind you it is nowhere close to some great ecchi anime like ‘Shokugeki no Soma’ but it is entertaining nonetheless. It is an erotic zombie apocalypse anime with lots of fanservice. There are some steamy hot scenes in this anime. It does not plan to intrigue the viewers with a complex and interesting plot or relatable characters (though at times you can relate with some of them) but rather let them enjoy a sexy little zombie apocalypse anime. So, if you are a fan of the genre then you might enjoy it.
The plot starts with the world suddenly amid a zombie apocalypse. People start turning into the undead. The entire social structure is experiencing a great demise as humans start feeding on each other. Takashi Kimuro is the protagonist of this anime. His friend, unfortunately, turns into a zombie. Takashi takes the harsh decision and kills his friend before he can harm anyone. He promises to protect the girlfriend of his friend. As they navigate through their school campus they meet a bunch of other students and a school nurse. All of them are trying to escape this predicament. They decide to bundle up together and work as a team so that they can survive this apocalypse.
7. Sekirei (2008)
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‘Sekirei’ is a popular ecchi genre anime and like lots of other anime in this genre, it too uses the supernatural theme. The series has some funny scenes and some over-the-top action sequences. The female characters, who are the centre of attraction for all ecchi anime fans, in this anime are quite pretty and sexy. They are nicely endowed and have voluptuous figures. Though it is common in these types of anime I felt that ‘Sekirei’ was somewhat misogynistic in its approach. It is one thing to make women wear skimpy and tight clothes (which is quite staple in any ecchi anime) but it is another thing to treat them as objects. This was one of the most obnoxious things about this anime. If you can get over this fact then it will become a fun little anime which you can either binge or watch an episode or two once in a while taking a break from your regular stuff.
Though Minato Sahashi is not an idiot he keeps struggling with academics. He tries hard but ends up failing the college entrance exams a second time. He and people around him lose their hope and think that Minato is a failure. But suddenly his life changes when a beautiful human-like extraterrestrial-being falls into his life (literally). Her name is Musubi. She is a Sekirei, special beings who kiss humans who possess a special gene to unhide their secret powers. Musubi brings out Minato’s hidden powers but now he is paired with her to compete against other similar pairs. What Minato doesn’t know is that there is far more danger regarding this than he thinks.
6. Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san (2018)
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Up next is another supernatural ecchi anime. If you fantasize about sexy supernatural or fantastical beings then you will enjoy ‘Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san’. There are 12 episodes in this series and each episode is around 23 minutes long. If you have ventured into the ecchi genre after watching anime like ‘Shokugeki no Soma’ then I will suggest you not to hang around this genre much, since most anime are not remotely like it. They are filled with lots of fanservice and buxom beauties and that’s mostly about it.
Fuyuzora Kogarashi is a medium and has been troubled by spirits since his childhood. He has been possessed many times but as he grew older he became more resistant towards the spirits and can now even exorcize them with just a punch. But he is poor and in need of a cheap boarding house to stay in. He finds it quite cheap to stay at the Yuragi manor. The main reason that this Manor is cheap is that it is haunted. But having dealt with ghosts most of his life Fuyuzora has no problem with it and starts staying in the house. The other tenants of the house are beautiful and sexy females. There he meets the ghost of the girl who is haunting the house. After Fuyuzora vows to help fulfil her lingering wish, the other members of the house reveal their supernatural nature.
5. Sankarea (2012)
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The next anime is an odd one. ‘Sankarea’ had one of the most unusual plots. The main character is Chihiro Furuya a boy obsessed with everything ‘zombie’. He is so into them that he even wants a zombie girlfriend. One day Chihiro’s cat Baabu dies. This makes him determined to create a resurrection potion. He finds one of the main ingredients in Rea Sanka’s, a girl who wishes to die, house. After the potion is complete Rea decides to drink it thinking that the potion will kill her. But the potion was successful and when Rea, dies in an accident she is resurrected from the dead thus, becoming a zombie. Though this situation may seem ideal for Chihiro he faces a lot of trouble to deal with Rea.
4. Mayo Chiki! (2011)
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Kinjirou Sakamachi had developed gynophobia, a fear of women, thanks to his mother and sister’s wrestling obsession. One advantage did come out of this though, his body has become very resilient allowing him to even brush off bumps from vehicles. But his fear is quite abnormal so much so that even a touch from a female can make his nose bleed. He ends up discovering that Subaru Konoe, who is the butler to his headmaster’s daughter, is a female. In exchange for secrecy, she promises to cure his phobia.
3. Prison School (2015)
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Hachimitsu Private Academy is a popular all-girls academy until very recently when it decided to let boys enrol. After the first enrollment process, only 5 boys are selected. This puts them in a very awkward position as they cannot converse with almost any of their classmates since they are all female and ignore them. They try to find recluse in being peeping toms. But they are caught and thrown in the school prison for one month. Will they be able to survive or will they break?
2. High School DxD (2012)
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Issei Hyoudou is your everyday pervert who wants to own a harem someday. He enjoys peeping on women. One day he is asked by a girl. Unfortunately, the girl is a fallen angel who wants to kill Issei and is successful in doing so. End of story, right? Wait! Issei is then resurrected by Rias Gremory, a devil, who makes him her servant. Now, Issei must adjust to this new lifestyle and survive in the vicious world of devils and angels.
1. Shokugeki no Souma (2015)
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Souma Yukihira has been working as a sous chef under his father in their family restaurant. He is quite creative in his cooking style and entertains the customers with skilful culinary creations. His dream is to one day become the head chef of the restaurant. His dream is however cut short when his father closes down the business and enrols Souma in Tootsuki Culinary Academy. Now, he needs to work hard since only 10% of the students can graduate. Will he be able to survive the academy and its famous food wars?
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dapperfvck-arc · 7 years
FULL NAME. John Constantine NICKNAME. officially, Conjob, mostly from his days on the punk scene. On the esoteric side of things he may be referred to “The Laughing Magician” or, more derisively “a petty dabbler”. BIRTHDAY. May 10 (by original Hellblazer canon, he was born in 1953, but I’ve taken it upon myself to adjust his birth year to some time in the early 70s give or take) ETHNIC GROUP.  Caucasian NATIONALITY.  English (with strongly implied deep Russian roots) LANGUAGE.  English, basic grasp of most major European languages, profound fluency in dead/magical/infernal languages SEXUAL ORIENTATION. Bisexual af RELATIONSHIP STATUS. Verse/continuity dependent, though this blog is fairly heavily multi-ship. However, it should be noted that on the MCU continuity, John is in an exclusive, committed relationship with Matt Murdock ( @dcviltongued ) CLASS. Middle to lower class. Is very good at getting fast money (scams, gambling, dealing in magic artifacts/antiques of questionable quality and veracity) so may appear to be better off at certain times HOME TOWN / AREA. Liverpool, England, but has been living in London since leaving the family home at 17. CURRENT HOME. Heavily verse/continuity/thread dependent. John is a frequent traveller. PROFESSION. Somewhat verse/continuity dependent. Really it’s just a matter of whether or not he charges for exorcisms or magic rituals. My personal endgame for John is legitimacy. Like becoming a preternatural PI (and sometimes mundane) for hire or whatever. As a general rule though, his profession is con artist. He’s never worked a honest day’s work in his life. The closest he ever got was when he was a “rock star”. He could also be considered a professional gambler, patronizing horse tracks, underground card games, legal casinos, and I imagine can hustle at pool. Scams range from blackmail to using his reputation as an occultist to take advantage of people willing to pay for spell work.
HAIR. Short and usually rather messy. He rocks bedhead pretty aggressively. May be shaved and very short on the sides and styled into a faux to actual mohawk. He’s very blonde despite not getting very much sun as a general.  EYES. Electric blue, often almost fever bright. Deep and captivating, extremely intense straight on. NOSE. difficult to pin down due to the range of styles in which John have been drawn. Usually broad and more or less regular, occasionally somewhat crooked from being broken, though by and large, it’s portrayed as straight. Some artists, such as Moriat and Sean Murphy have drawn it as narrow and somewhat aquiline. I guess, I tend lean toward the former despite my deep love for Murphy’s interpretation of John, simply because I feel like my choice in FC is somewhat based on Tim Bradstreet and Leonardo Manco’s artistic interpretations of John, both of which I honestly adore just as well. FACE. Yet another loooong explanation here, I’m sorry. Artists tend to lean between giving him either a square face, classically handsome appearance (Steve Dillon, John Higgins, Ron Tiner, most of artists that have drawn him in the DC titles he’s appeared in), a broader, more every man appearance (Sean Phillips, Leonardo Manco to some degree, though later proved quite capable of drawing him stunningly handsome, and Tim Bradstreet), however still attractive but somewhat more haggard, stubbled, and/or slightly seedy in appearance, and finally a sharper, more diamond shape to his face featuring high cheekbones, a pointed chin and fine bone structure (Sean Murphy, Marcelo Frusin, and Moriat). Once more, in reference to my face claim for John, I suppose I tend to favour a more classically handsome appearance, simply because I like the idea of him having a pleasant, almost trustworthy face given that he is a con artist and considered an extremely good one (sometimes even the greatest con artist alive but idk whatever), and I feel like looking as dodgy as say, Frusin’s interpretation, I can’t imagine him being as successful as he is, you feel me? That guy looks like he’ll fuck you over for a corn chip. LIPS. Sensuous, faintly lined from his his smoking habit COMPLEXION.  Like any good Englishman that tends to move about by night and quite a bit dressed, John’s very pale. I do think he has a faintly pronounced undertone of pink. This colour will get brighter when he gets drunk, aroused, angry, or the exceedingly rare instance that he’s embarrassed  BLEMISHES. None SCARS. Aside from the scarification, which is better off detailed in the next section, and I ALWAYS FORGET TO MENTION THIS, he definitely has a long scar over one eye from a demon trying to cut it out with a blade. Since many magic rituals call for blood, I head canon that he also has faint scarring on his arms because he doesn’t practice human or animal sacrifice and his own blood instead.
TATTOOS. Arse tattoo of pine tree courtesy of Swamp Thing being a punk bitch, ritual tattoos faded into appearing as scarification. HEIGHT. 5′11 (184.34 cm) WEIGHT: prolly ranges between 150-160lbs (140 at his lightest) BUILD.  Long legs, somewhat of a broad upper torso, can be a bit soft in the middle. In general, he’s rather thin but his musculature is not usually very defined. In other words, no big, sexy pecs or cut abs. If anything he’s more sleek lines and narrow planes. ALLERGIES.  none USUAL HAIR STYLE. Freshly fucked USUAL CLOTHING. Dark suits, usually dark blue or black and trench coat, usually tan, has also been portrayed as black, yellow, or a mossy kinda green. In theory it could be said that these aren’t just differing interpretations from artists but that John owns coats in different colours, styles, and fabrics, but his favourite is the tan, longer style
FEAR. abandonment, amounting to nothing, not being able to protect those he cares about ASPIRATION. survival, making some kind of mark on this world, a measure of contentment POSITIVE TRAITS. Compassionate and determined, above all. Though not about to admit to it, he's still deeply idealistic. Strangely forgiving. He doesn’t really keep grudges. Loving, considerate, understanding, and rarely judgmental  NEGATIVE TRAITS. Those good things up above? They’re encased in a shell of harsh cynicism and apathy. Depending on his mood or particular part of his life depends on how hard a shell he is to crack. He may also experience depressive periods where he doesn’t give a shit about anyone or anything and just wants to drink. VICE HABIT.  Chain smokes, drinks, frequency dependent on what’s up in his life, though I do not believe he’s an alcoholic, sorry, because lol look, drinking a lot doesn’t mean you have a dependency. Indulges in drugs infrequently, mostly hallucinogens and weed, though I also tend to head canon that he flirted with a cocaine habit while fronting Mucous Membrane.  FAITH.  It’s complicated GHOSTS? Duh. He sees them plain as any living person AFTERLIFE?  Yeah, but uh, he doesn’t consider them eternal respites. They’re just planes of existence that he can either enter, leave, or pull people out. REINCARNATION? Maybe? ALIENS? I meeeeaannn....technically in DCU he’s acquainted with the concept of aliens and may or may not have fucked Hal Jordan POLITICAL ALIGNMENT. Liberal ECONOMIC PREFERENCE. comfortable  SOCIOPOLITICAL POSITION. working class warlock EDUCATION LEVEL.  Predominately self-educated. His frightfully intelligent and has been cited as having genius level intellect. Although I’m not sure I’d go so far as confirm that, I do thing he’s extremely clever and pragmatic. School bored him to tears and he was the type of kid the counselors and teachers say “exceedingly bright but unwilling to apply himself”. He reads voraciously, has an eidetic memory, and isn’t afraid of putting himself in new situations.
FATHER.  Thomas (dead, murdered by the Family Man) MOTHER.  Mary Anne (died in child birth) SIBLINGS.  Cheryl (murdered by husband, currently residing in Hell), an unnamed twin brother referred to as the Golden Child or Boy, the true heir to the Laughing Magician (stillborn, soul was later absorbed by John in trippy magic ritual, only to be expelled later in life when it was revealed that...uh...he was influencing John’s destiny to be perpetually sabotaged. Hellblazer’s a weird comic, you guys) EXTENDED  FAMILY.  Gemma, his niece. They have a rather stormy relationship. Chas, his best mate. Lovers may also be included in this. NAME MEANING. John: Jehovah has been Gracious/Shown Favour (lmao) Constantine: Constant, steadfast, generally referred to as “The Constant One”
HISTORICAL CONNECTION. Is strongly implied that John’s related, if perhaps distantly, to Constantine the Great.
BOOKS.  Prefers non-fiction MUSIC. Rock music, most notably 70s and 80s era punk rock. Likes the Pogues. Given the stack of evidence that John skirts the edge of the Goth scene cos he likes the aesthetic on women, I have a feeling he’s adopted into his music tastes. The Cure, Smiths, and Cocteau Twins in reference to an 80s mixtape John might make. Which i question the Smiths heavily, but The Cure and Cocteau Twins seems fairly legit. I bet Kit loved the Cocteau Twins. In that same vein of thought, although I tend to think John doesn’t like electronic music, he may have adopted some industrial bands into his preferences but he’s not about to talk about ti any time soon. DEITY.  Whichever one doesn’t hate him HOLIDAY.  doesn’t care MONTH. same SEASON.  Fall PLACE.  London or New York, in the case of sentimentality that he will never be able to get back to, the years when he was bumming around Ireland with Brenden and Kit WEATHER. Overcast SOUND.  He’s a city boy through and through, even if he may get frustrated with society on a whole, so he’s comforted by city sounds more than silence SCENT.  A freshly poured pint, the first cigarette of the day, skin and sex sweat TASTE.  Gin FEEL. He’s a sensualist. Body to body, breathing another person’s breath, his please, another person’s pleasure, his pleasure, all that good stuff. I also feel like he enjoys being drunk or stoned for the sake of having his thoughts dulled to a degree. He’s the sort of man who has lots of thoughts and situational observational input. John is basically perpetually mentally overstimulated and he likes the relief from that in inebriation. ANIMAL.  Fox  NUMBER.  hahaha idea numerology man COLOUR.  warm and neutral tones
TALENTS. So many. He’s a jack of all trades in a lot of ways. He can pick a lock, displays some artistic talent in that he can draw very intricate magic circles and sigils, if you consider that John wrote Venus of the Hardsell, he’s clearly got some ability to express himself in lyrics and words, i like to think he can play guitar, is apparently good with delicate craftsmanship (he used to help Dani build furniture for her dollhouses. This is canon by the way), suppose you could say he can sort of sing, but that’s debatable, and of course he’s very manipulative and speaks very well, is educated enough to be able to bullshit through various situations. TURN ONS. Total ass man, loves a great ass on a man or woman, dark hair, dark eyes, strong men, he’s a switch, but loves being manhandled and dominated to a degree, by either gender, honestly, danger, open affection, being wanted, loved, and cherished. So many things, honestly. John Constantine is easy. TURN OFFS.   Hardcore kink HOBBIES. Sleep, pub crawls, pretending he’s normal, reading TROPES. Con man with a heart of gold, charming bastard, unrepentant rogue, urban magician, supernatural detective, living legend AESTHETICS. smoke, chalk dust, wind and rain swept streets, London after midnight, narrow, dark alleys, haunted places, rumpled bed sheets, messy hair, dive bars, wicked smiles, deep kisses
MAIN  FC. Ewan McGregor // comic caps from various issues he’s appeared ALT  FC. Keanu Reeves for my filmverse OLDER  FC. Don’t have one as yet YOUNGER  FC. Ewan McGregor   VOICE  CLAIM.  Jason Stathem
Tagged by: @vamptrampbamf Tagging: lmao fuckin everyone.
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fictionalwonder · 6 years
True Blood Season 4 Review
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Ok It's done. The guessing and spoiling is over for another 9 months leaving us with only a serious fangover and an unprecedented post season body count. True Blood Season 4 was bat shit crazy even more than Season 3, the timeline of such memorables as jar of Talbot and spine ripping TV. So now post Season 4 finale whether you were calling for a Scream award or thought the whole thing blew chances are you're about to embark on 9 months of TB withdrawal. Yup even the haters feel its absence. So let's savor the moment in a post finale look at the best and worst of True Blood Season 4
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THE BIGGEST THANK GOD MOMENT: Wee Marcus and gang finally putting Tommy and us out of the misery that was Tommy Mickens sorry ass life. As soon as he went skinwalker you knew his days were numbered. Sam Tramwell was brilliant doing Tommy doing him and who didn't cheer when said Tommy/Sam fired Sookie! She is the worst waitress ever! Talk about sick leave; is she ever at work for more than half a shift!?! The fall out from his death will certainly carry us through season 5, where we can only hope Sam has some modicum of hope at returning to just running the bar and attending anger management sessions.
Close second was Sookie decisively shooting Debbie Pelt in the head, even though she begged her not to. Yup, we had to wait till the very end of the season for evil, laughing while pouring Talbot down the drain Sookie, to return.
BEST OMG MOMENT: Ginger riding the coffin - nuff said.
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Scary and sexy are often one and the same on True Blood, and this year Eric Northman ripping out, here to be known as, Juice Box Roy's heart will be stamped on my brain as a shining TB moment. Countless screamed everywhere, I had know idea THAT could be sexy! Give Skarsgård a raise!
BTW the T-shirts were on sale a mere 3 hours post show.
BIGGEST WTF MOMENT: Sookie and Eric snow shower then frak in Narnia. I've never read the books but the post Spellbound roar over The Vampire, The Witch and The Shower Stall, chocked up the blog commentary for days. I suspect because nothing could ever live up to this sacred cow of the sookiverse sexcapdes, Ball and company for better or worse decided not to go there; thus sparing us from more Skinmax test reels by getting out of the shower faster than they got in
MOST IMPROVED: King Bill - sure
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he's damaged goods nailing his great great great great granddaughter and watching his ex screw his brain-damaged frenemy but sans Sookie round his neck, Bill was standing a bit taller this year. He even had a sense of humor, and Bill with balls is actually kind of hot. The developing bromance between him and Eric turned out to be one of the best parts of the season close.
MOST POTENTIAL: Laurel and Hardy move over. With Sookie out of the way Bill and Eric make an an awesome tag team, dissing each other on the pyre then cooperatively staking and decapitating Nan and troopers. Here's to more of Bill and Eric's excellent adventure in Season 5.
MOST IN NEED OF IMPROVEMENT: Sookie got enough of her spunk back to blow Debbie Pelt's head off, sure, but seriously she spent most of the season literally on her back, well sometimes on top. She was once a gifted mind-reader; we saw that maybe twice this season. Instead we learned more about her castrating powers when it comes to boyfriends. She mommied Eric into a hoody wearing puppy dog, did the dirty with him in every room of grandma's house and then kicked him, alongside Bill, to the curb come finale. In four seasons she truly did go from virgin to love em and leave em fangbanger. The classless moves have got to stop if the Stackhouse angle is to survive. We need an even slightly relate-able protagonist. I'm hoping another eligible lady moves to town, though god forbid she get a job at Merlotts - the most dangerous workplace in America.
SOOKIE'S ONE REDEEMING FEATURE SEASON 4: Sookie had unbelievably great hair this season. I swear to god I saw the camera man reflected in her locks in Eric's cubby.
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MOST IN NEED OF A HUG: From defending herself against zombie slurs to losing an ear, Pam had endured what must go down as the worst week in her hundred plus years. She lost her maker to back country fairy vagina and her face rotted off. And things weren't exactly looking up when we left her, blood tears running down her cheek, hugging Ginger.
Why did they do that to Pam!!! Well for one reason she gave TB viewers some of the best gore the show has ever delivered. Still, writers, you better fix her. At the end of the day we really just want to look at Kristin Bauer being gorgeous and acting snarky.
Coming in second is Hoyt who despite the bitterness of his bad boyfriend rejection could really use a little lov'in right now, if not some of Summer's biscuits.
#1 Bloodworks takes the stakes as a no contest winner. Besides being just the cutest couple in the world, Brian and Any's post show cocktails and theatrics amount to sometimes slurry worded and always hilariously astute recaps. I swear by mid season you look forward to Andy and Brian's upload as much as the episode itself. With its "staking points" and "do bad things" they were the best thing that could happen to a mediocre TB episode. Brian Juergen and Andy Swist @campbloodbuzz @andyswist http://campblood.org/Newblog/
#2 Think Heroes True Blood Review is tried and true. Roth Cornet has hosted solo for two seasons, and this season Jenna Busch was on board. Roth's reviews are first-rate often delving deeper than the show deserves. Busch does a good job of keeping things in the watercooler-moment mood of the short vlog format. The two combined offer a sometimes giggle ridden but always insightful True Blood take. Jennings Roth Cornet @JRothC | http://www.jenningsrothcornet.com/ JennaBusch @JennaBusch | http://girlmeetslightsaber.blogspot.com
#3 BloodBites is family friendly fair with this sister and brother team showcasing familial bonds and blood-dipped funny bones. Reenacting then reviewing a given episode's wtf moments, Blood Bites has cross-gen appeal. It's quality YouTube content you could show your grandmother and your eight year-old niece, who you know are both watching True Blood too.
Honorable Mention My Future Lover's Reason to Ship Sookie and Eric Spawn of You Tube strictly for Team Eric members, My Future Lover's play by play captions to the best and worst Sookie Eric moments capture at least half the audience's joy, tears and tv punching moments.
True Blood in Dallas Straight up fan founded talkshow and review of both book, show and TB culture with revolving guest reviewers each week. A steady dose of all the criticism only a Stackhouse booklover can bring, Talk Blood is laced with plenty of Charlaine Harris loving that fellow fans can appreciate.
Listen to internet radio with True Blood in Dallas on Blog Talk Radio
Best Recaps
Pros and Cons True Blood by Meredith Woerner nails it everytime. for a no holds barred, tell it like is play by play pro con style. This is one of the funniest and most astute TB recaps out there. Meredith Woerner @MdellW | http://io9.com/people/MeredithDW/posts/
After Eltons WTF recap by Steven Frank is an imaginative post morteum with major plot points reviewed then rated in Grace Jones Vamp limps.
Jef With One F's music and episode recap for the Houston's Press is a creative spin that lets the show's lead track set the tone for review and analysis. Jef With One F @HPRocksOff
Best Blogs
Talk True Blood Digging deep and ranting in the best way, Talk True Blood goes so far as to offer scene by scene body language analysis of major characters.
Buddhism and True Blood Dedicated to Alan Ball and the wheel of life, Buddhism and True blood reminds us that life is suffering especially in Bon Temps
True Blood Underground Do you really know what's going on in Bon Temps? Conspiracy theories abound as TB Underground calls out Alan Ball on his addictive mind control experiment.
FINAL WORD Four seasons later there is still a bit of blood left in the series, and while fairy-finger-cop-outs and super silly, supernatural assumptions do show signs of laziness in the writers room, True Blood still does deliver some amazing TV. Godforbid we get bogged down by process oriented stuff like how amnesia Eric lost his shirt post-spell or ends up on a bonfire tied to Bill between episode 11 and 12. Things like how come no one reports a death in Bon Temp anymore or WHO IS running Merlottes only get in the way of a good story or at least a good "oh no they didn't" jaw drop.
I suspect, forty eight episodes later, TB writers actually relish every shark jumping moment as much as fangbanging spectacle. They know they can get away with it because they know how dedicated, creative and forgiving their fan base is. Plus narrative logic be damned, camp and drama are fine edges to play on, and they deserve applause for taking even tasteless risks.
For every bit of hocus pocus cgi True Blood throws at us, such as the anime forcefield surrounding Moon Goddess or the ridiculously bad fx exorcism of Mavis, there was a Pam getting a skin peel or Eric ripping the heart out of juice box Roy to make up for it. For each ridiculous Scooby Doo and the gang moment, there was a Vampire A-team or death by pencil. For each and every minute we tolerated Andy, we had a shot of Ginger riding a coffin or Eric drinking the whole fairy. True Blood IS very uneven but it IS very fun.
So that caps summertime Sundays and True blood still remains my ultimate guilty pleasure. The culture and coverage this year has been as much fun as the show itself and made Sundays feel like a party. I think Alex Skarsgård sums it all up in this quote,
“At 7 in the morning, I’m hanging from the ceiling in a Nazi uniform with fangs in[my mouth]. I look over and I see [Allan] there in his Nazi uniform hanging like a puppet. We’re about to descend down to kill this wolf, you know? And that was the moment where we just looked at each other like, This is what we’re doing for a living?‘”
Yup, IT IS! And even more surprising I CAN"T believe I'm watching you do it and not only that but loving every minute!
0 notes
Fetishism on a Full Moon
I was on the subject of kink clubs with my two Chinese co-workers. I love those ladies. They are very cerebral and I feel intellectually fed when I talk to them so I always get off on hump days, at least brain stimulation wise. I asked them if they get the whole Full Metal Jacket reference, one did and the other did not. One was bothered by it and the other was above the opinion of others. I’ve been told myself by my Anglo counterparts that I am exotic looking which made me immediately feel compared to a Macaw from South America. I’ve been called a fiery spitfire, a hot tamale, the iconic curvy Latina, the sexy Spaniard, you name it. I often live in a margin, afraid to come out because I find a lot of men predatory. So I peek my head out and force myself, even when unsafe if need be because I am often alone and have no choice. My inner guard dog snarls at them at a molecular level. My spirit becomes snowed in and then I spent the whole next day shoveling an entrance out. 
Weird happenings have always occurred to me and the more so on full moons. Maybe it is the she wolf in me. I will howl tonight in attempt to connect with my spirit animals for protection. My spirit friend’s are the crow and the elephant. I know I have others in there too but my spirit healer said I need to connect to my heart chakra more and that is where they will be revealed..in dreams, visions and visitations. The crow is always visiting me and I thought that it was a SoCal thing but the crow does not speak to all. It is a tempestuous animal, like myself, highly selective when it decides to be social and the social aspect having to be centered around something more meaningful than small talk. 
Aquarians enjoy authentic, intellectually stimulating conversations. I have often said that I cannot meet someone where they have not met themselves. My friend, Tony cut out on me. A couple days ago he said, “Just when I thought you were cool, you go on diagnosing me!” like a capricious child. I like Tony but he is a man child. He spends his whole day high, always in a mental fog in it and outside the bounds of reality. He is 30 and still lives with his Mom who caters to him and baby’s him. I don’t respect him for that and it also triggers me because my kid brother is spoiled in the same way. Tony has never had a relationship and does not know how to cultivate one. He plays games. He deleted me on Facebook on an impulse whim, he did the same for his Dad who didn’t agree on something he posted. I don’t like FB for the reason that my Mom tries to control me even there. After several requests were shot down, I finally gave in and added her and after 6 years, she feels she can tell me what to post and she misinterprets things. She will always see me as a child she can control and since I’ve been an outlier to that for some time, she tries to secure portals of loopholes that will grant her access to having a say in my life. 
Back to Tony...I met him at work, three years ago. He said he felt like a Frankenstein and I was the fair maiden he couldn’t figure out why, would talk to him. In the Maxx comic book series, my ex (Fred from Scooby Doo, yes, I was his Daphne) said that he was the Maxx and I was the daintily feminine blonde. These guys have felt like monsters and have low self image and worth. Tony said he wanted to be a chef on a cruise ship and be gone for 8 months out of the year. he said I was his only friend here. That made me sad. He’s working two jobs again. He immerses himself in over working because he avoids living outside of an institutionalized kitchen. His Dad left when he was 3. He feels hyper vulnerable when he puts himself in a position of susceptible rejection. He asked me last Thursday if I wanted to smoke and watch Star Wars (it was May the 4th) and I said I couldn’t because I was en route to Hot Yoga (on my bike). He flat out felt dejected and lashed out in the days that ensued for this declination. A week earlier I asked if he wanted to go to the local bar we go to after work and he denied with hefty, “Nope!” and later added the, “Can’t do it, smalls,” for the softening effect. I didn’t get butt hurt over it. Tony was getting into Buddhism and introspection and I was really proud of him, especially since he did so in a position of vulnerability (he quit his job and had $2 to his name). It was at this point in time where I felt his heart chakra saw across to mine and he was disciplining himself to not smoke and not smoke with staff and be, “more serious,” about life. A couple weeks after, he went back to his old ways and started smoking with staff because he said they called him a snob who kept to himself when he wasn’t smoking and because it’s a social lubricant for him, he extended the “peace,” pipe to them and instantly changed their perception of him in their eyes. 
I visited Tony at his restaurant on my bike. I saw him in the line of cooks, through the window. With hand gestures, I signaled one of the main cooks to flag him down for me, he thought I was flirting with him. I made an arm silhouette of a “big, tall guy,” and right at that moment, Tony turned, catching me pretty much with my arm outline of an ogre, lol. His kitchen staff asked him who that cute girl was. I don’t know what he told them but he confuses our friendship for more than it is. I like his comic book side and I used to be able to talk to him. I can’t anymore. He told me a man approached him, asking if he wanted him to mentor him. Tony was weirded out. The man asked, “On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being best, how satisfied are you with your life?” Tony answered with a solid 8. I said to Tony that he had a blockage. I said this because I was tired to Tony running away from his emotions and now mine. I tried to sit with him over tacos and open up but Tony was a ticking clock. I felt rushed and heavy, with my emotion caving in my chest like an anvil. I don’t know if he had any idea but to be rushed along like that sucked. It would have been better that he stayed home, over me sharing some heartfelt things and him pushing them down some assembly belt, only to never come back to them. So, this is my issue with Tony. He lacks intimacy that I need to maintain a friendship. I can’t be faked out to someone who is in denial about themselves (faking their own selves out). I don’t buy it. I’m too keen on my own authentic self to not be able to spot out who is not their authentic self. Aquarians revel in genuine relationships. We are genuine, warm hearted people. Most Aquarians I knew were like me, independent, creative, artist types with big hearts.
I’m reading, “The Brain that Changes Itself.” In it, I read that oxytocin is something we need to partner up and be able to shift and meld in compatibility to our partner. The other side of Oxytocin (according to “Psychology Today”) is that it can promote envy and self boasting. Well, Oxytocin helps us to unlearn so, for example, I was devalued, shamed, and abused in my formative college years in my cumulative relationships. Oxytocin raises the bar for me so each new relationship I take on was better than their predecessor. Oxytocin helps soften or eliminate trauma so that one can love again, as if they have never been hurt. I always wondered why I was like this, thinking all the while I was a doormat to abuse. My first boyfriend and I were going into anal sex for the first time. I wasn’t for it because we were Christians and anal (think Ali G interviewing Posh Spice) was still considered taboo and lewd back then, even though it was a loophole to “remain,” a vaginal virgin. I just remember my first bf saying with revelry, “I’ve never done this before!” As if it was some kind of virgin island he encroached upon by accident and was going to name and post a flag pole in. I hadn’t either. He knew that but he didn’t keep my shared truth in mind, it was as if it was all about him and for him and so there I was at table top, all fours and then I collapse into cow pose. When I felt the pain and his overwhelming hype of having to get me drunk on a very hot day to have gotten that far with me was where I felt my spirit unyoke from me. 
My soul was on the ceiling and I was watching the experience from a disassociated front seat, not interjecting, just helplessly observing as if it was someone else because in my heart, this would never be me, more precisely, at least never, carried out in this way. This wasn’t my first disassociation but it was the most dramatic and it was the abolishment of a lot of, “firsts,” that day. Since an exorcism took place downstairs, my car was broken into (all my modeling portfolio from Suicide Girls and some amateur takes and my paintings and high end studio clothes, robbed) and I witnessed a young boy overdose from heroin in an abandoned car (needle in his arm) and there were fired gunshots, I was trying to collect myself against events that traumatized me on many and different levels. Sometimes I think that I went through too much at once or over time that my tolerance threshold is so low that the slightest degree below optimal could catapult me into crisis. Sometimes my hormones play into that. I would’ve liked sex to have started out different for me but I can’t undo that. I did one take of EMDR and it softened the very cathartic frozen memory for me. That first boyfriend recently found me on FB and tried to add me. Even though me and him had gone through novels of usual event to befall on couple’s and still survive, we didn’t. He changed and I changed after that. He tried to come back into my life for years after but once someone closes the threshold, I am like the floating spirit, disassociated from them. I am there but unreachable. 
Once someone has done enough/too much or I have, they are gone to me. My soul no longer recognizes them, much in the way that a foreign organ transplant will not take or in the case of animals, a mother ewe will not recognize a baby lamb that is not her own. She will however, if she is injected with oxytocin. I don’t think I will respond with as many injections of Oxytocin and while simultaneously on the “love,” drug (ecstasy). There is a part of me that gives up and shuts down. I just stop trying and once that is established, I will never be the same toward the person again. This is why I try to make it easy for people and give them my cheat sheet to my coding but they are lax and unmoved and don’t respect my plea to take it seriously until it’s too late.  I see my ex husband’s YT channel and his tag labels me as, “wife.” men don’t tend to acknowledge a loss until much later than a woman. I feel like they are out of touch with their emotions and live in denial to a large extent. 
My old spirit guide texted me today with the words, “You do deserve a healthy relationship,” “sounds like you miss your ex because you wrote that you two have unfinished business.” I didn’t know he read my blog. I write here the way people who transition from a warm building out into the cold outside comment on the weather (saying the observation to self or aloud to whomever ears it falls on but with no attempt for attention). I do miss him and I probably will for a while. I miss elements of him and who he was. Like me, his executive functioning was compromised. He had poor word recall. I even noticed that he would trip on curbs...something with his gross motor. He had good intention but would overcommit to ideas or in offering to lighten your load because his follow through (like ADD me) was poor. Both of us would have to change the plasticity of our brain and it’s mapping for a relationship to work. We would need outside help because our internal supervision can be poor. 
Most of me feels, with great sadness, that it is a loss cause. I gave him too many chances, only for him to intensify his retention in his ritualistic ways. this gave to minimal relief for me because I have rituals as an Ocelot but they did not impair a relationship in the ways a bachelor who fears commitment and only reinforces his bachelor behavior, does. 
My new spirit healer asked me out to dinner. I’m kind of intimidated by him, not just because he’s obscenely attractive but mainly, because he’s so knowledgeable. For only being 29, he has a prestigious career in Oncology and helps people and offers pro-bono reiki. We like each other’s eyes. I’m scared to enter into something with him. I know he’s a Tantric and things have already gotten quantum with him, upon our first meeting. I felt like I had met him before.  I guess I need to inventory myself but he helps me. I feel like we were communicating to each other telepathically before we even met because I felt something move within me when I picked up his business card at juice crafters. He said he had not even placed business cards there. That was the weirdest thing. I think the Universe aligned us for some reason (unknown to me yet). He fascinates me in the way something on the tip of your tongue does. It’s that intrigue where you don’t know what to call it but it feels familiar and you know you know what it is somehow. It will  be revealed to me. All I know is that I feel safe with him, like he’s a guardian angel and there is no animal lust. We respect each other, as if we only see our souls and not the encasement, though we love each other’s eyes.
I will make a meditation schedule as he advised and I will howl at the moon tonight. Today some things have fallen into place and I will let the rest lie where they lie.
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