#tiend writes
tiend · 1 year
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
All the ones I haven't finished.
Ashes, Carrion, and Dust or Viewer Discretion Advised.
Ashes, Carrion because of the research that went into it - what happens when the battle is over, and only the dead remain, and how various countries determine what happens to them. The United Nations has instruction manuals you can download for "stuff like so you've stumbled on a mass grave, here's how not to screw it up for our forensic teams!", some of which I reused for They Also Serve Who Watch And Wait. Then trying to figure out how Yoda must have felt, having lost over 90% of the strike team, having felt them die, all bright and shining and people he'd known since childhood and then nothing.
Knowing that it was only the beginning of the war.
Viewer Discretion Advised because making propaganda set pieces out of dead and dismembered Jedi children seemed far too plausible for Palpatine, who was an expert at manipulating the news networks.
By then, too, Fox as I write him is heavily influenced by the Sith ascendancy as well, and his intrinsic decency and care for his men is tainted - he's trying, but he's no longer got much to try with so he's trying to distance himself from his own feelings as much as he can.
Plus, you know, the dead children themselves.
⌛ How long does it take you to write a fic, or a chapter?
Varies wildly. Sometimes it's like pulling teeth, sometimes it just pours out like the words have pressure in my brain. Depends how much worldbuilding I'm doing and how much I need to refer to previous stuff for consistency's sake.
I was just writing something I'd been hoping to finish for half a year now when a complete story popped into my head so I had to get that out of my head and into a document before I could get back to the original. Which is finished now, thank fuck.
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
On the strategy table, high in orbit, their task force been one half of a classic pincer movement, sweeping the Sep forces in front of them until they met up with Commander Njime’s people, rolling across the country in a thunderous wave, to push the occupying CIS forces so their backs were to the coast and the capital city. It hadn't been a bad plan, or so Morwen understood the lack of urgent communiques from Marshal Commander Bacara. Even Umbattzo and her unshakeable belief that all will be as the Force wills it hadn't countenanced an amphibious attack on the city. But the green welcome of the plains concealed a disastrous morass of defilades, minefields, droid cysts and - worse - they'd been unable to attain air superiority. Their combined advance had lost momentum. Stalled. Halted - and they were retreating. Back across the plains, falling back and further back and always, always with the matchless discipline of clone troops.
Morwen herself was running on the Force and fumes. In better times she'd lost entire hours lying on the sunlit ground, letting her awareness diffuse into the bustle of tiny lives. Now it seemed she spent most of the retreat throwing herself off the side of a juggernaut to lie in the churned, poisoned earth, coaxing it into defensive contours, bringing up the burned out hulks of armour just so, doglegs and baffles and chevrons, language she'd never had to know, and making it stack itself in parapets behind. She’d apologised endlessly to nothing and everything as she did so, uprooting trees and filling in burrows, hot tears rolling down her cheeks inside her helmet with the useless ruin of it all.  Gotten up, and kept moving until she needed to do it again, ditch and parapet and traverse, until the valley narrowed to a front the clones could hold. Stacked gabions made a wall across it, metres high; she'd tried to keep as much of the soil in situ as possible, in the hope that when they were gone the fragile ecology of the mountain valley could recover.
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stuckwthem · 3 months
hi! i love your writing and i wanted to ask you if i can request a kuku fic? and could you make it a little smutty? thnx!!
sweet nothing | esteban kuku
summary: tú y kuku vivís juntos, y todos los días después del trabajo lo único que queréis es correr a los brazos del otro.
tw: bien poquito smut
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cuando entraste en el salón, después de una ducha revitalizante y vestida con ropa más cómoda, viste a esteban sentado en el sofá con sus gafas leyendo uno de tus roteros de teatro, y sonreíste al verlo. formaba parte de tu rutina familiar después de un largo día de trabajo llegar a casa, ser recibida con cariño y poder pasar un rato de relax en el sofá con tu novio. 
la tele estaba encendida, emitiendo sonido ambiente, pero el actor no la estaba viendo, concentrado en las pequeñas palabras de las páginas, desplomado en el sofá. 
"¡vete para allá, que estás en mi lado del sofá!" te acercaste con un tono de falsa impaciencia sólo para romperle las pelotas, chocando tus rodillas contra las piernas de kuku.
esteban levantó la mirada, uniéndose a tus bromas mientras te fulminaba con la mirada por encima de sus gafas, observándote con falso fastidio. entonces te recorrió con la mirada, más concretamente se fijó en tu cálido pijama con estampado de monitos.
esteban soltó una carcajada y rodó los ojos cariñosamente, girándose perezosamente hacia el centro del sofá. 
"oh, perdona, no había visto tu nombre escrito en él", dice irónicamente, torciendo los labios. te tiras sobre el cojín antes ocupado por él, siendo acogida por el calor de su cuerpo.
"es mío por honor, esteban. ¿ves esa mancha aquí? la hice yo. mi territorio". señalando una pequeña mancha más oscura en la tela, exclamas con expresión seria.
"ah, así que ahora admites que has sido tú" el pelinegro entrecierra los ojos en tu dirección, acusadoramente. te aguantas la risa al recordar la vieja discusión que tuvisteis sobre las manchas en el sofá, en la que negaste rotundamente ser la culpable.
"sólo era cuestión de marcar tu territorio para momentos como éste", te encoges de hombros, con cara desdeñosa.
entonces los dos os reís, en un momento totalmente doméstico y habitual, que te ayuda a deshacerte de la tensión del día y a reconectar con esa buena energía. esteban te tiende una bolsa de gominolas ácidas, que aceptas encantada, arrojándote sobre el sofá, imitándole.
después de un rato de mirar al techo, repasando inevitablemente los pequeños detalles del día, te vuelves y te encuentras con un esteban cariñoso, con la cara vuelta en tu dirección mientras tiene una mirada divertida clavada en ti.
"¿por qué me miras así?", le preguntas enarcando las cejas, apoyando la mejilla en el mullido cojín del sofá.
"porque eres guapa y eres mi novia, ¿puedo?", reta, como si tuviera la respuesta en la punta de la lengua.
"¿incluso con este ridículo pijama?", preguntas, casi incrédula, abriendo los brazos para que pueda contemplar tu elección de vestimenta.
esteban sonríe, mirando brevemente el pijama que llevas puesto. coge uno de los extremos tejidos entre los dedos y finge analizarlo seriamente.
"ah, definitivamente. estos monitos sólo añaden encanto", responde, guiñando un ojo juguetonamente. "además, es el pijama más sexy que he visto nunca".
"¡parezco una abuelita!" discrepas, asombrada, exageradamente estupefacta.
"pues entonces, supongo que me gustan las señoras maduritas. serías una señora muy apetitosa" bromea esteban con una sonrisa maliciosa en los labios, mirándote de arriba abajo como si te estuviera evaluando.
jadeas de sorpresa, sorpresa y humorada, mirándole con los ojos muy abiertos y una enorme sonrisa en la cara, divertida. kuku abandona el rotero que estaba leyendo, lo deja a un lado y te atrae en un cariñoso abrazo sobre su regazo. le duelen las mejillas de tanto sonreír.
esteban olía a su suavizante de ropa limpia, a desodorante masculino y a jabón. olfateaste la curva de su cuello una vez más antes de separarte para oírle hablar.
"me está gustando mucho la idea de envejecer contigo ahora, ¿sabes?" murmura, con la misma sonrisa traviesa, mientras la punta de su nariz casi se encuentra con la tuya.
"idiota", su cariñosa maldición se convierte en una risita nasal.
sus dedos se pasean por la cara de kuku, contando cada peca a lo largo de su mejilla y luego bajando por su nariz. los ojos del actor se pasean por su cara, admirándola con calma, repasando cada trocito que desearía no olvidar nunca.
"¿cómo te ha ido el día?" preguntó esteban, apoyando la cabeza en el sofá para verla mejor. sus ojos recorrieron el resto de pecas de su cuello hasta el cuello de la camisa, haciéndola suspirar con la tentación de besar cada una de ellas.
"muy bien, un poco cansada como siempre" contestó, pasándose la mano por el pelo en un intento de arreglárselo. él le ayudó pasándole los dedos por detrás de las orejas, recogiéndole algunos mechones rebeldes. "te he extrañado todo el día"
esteban sonrió dulcemente, pasando la otra mano por su muslo izquierdo mientras la otra bajaba hasta su mandíbula, acariciándola lentamente con el dorso de los dedos.
"¿y lo tuyo?" le devolvió la pregunta, dejando caer la cara hacia un lado, apoyada en la mano de su novio.
"es un poco pesado, ensayos y más ensayos, no quiero más leer ni una palabra", soltó, y se podía ver el brillo del cansancio en sus ojos marrones detrás de las gafas. "sólo he estado esperando este momento"
para satisfacer tu deseo, esteban bajó la mano hasta tu barbilla y te atrajo hacia un beso, lento y suave. el calor de su boca era agradable y familiar contra la tuya, encajando tan fácilmente en el contorno de los labios suaves y contorneados del actor. saboreaste el sabor cítrico del dulce ácido de antes y te reíste en el beso, rozando tu nariz contra la suya mientras inclinabas la cabeza hacia el otro lado.
las gafas de esteban empezaron a interponerse en la profundización del beso, y te apartaste rápidamente, retirando con suavidad la montura de su cara y colocándola sobre el brazo del sofá. sus miradas volvieron a encontrarse, tu sonrisa creció al poder ver la extensión completa de su rostro. inclinándose sobre su regazo, dejó un beso bajo las pequeñas arrugas que marcaban las comisuras de sus ojos, completamente adorables. sin poder contenerse, comenzó a repartir besos sobre su piel, sobre su ceja, sobre su frente, sobre la punta de su nariz. la risa de kuku era adorable y serena mientras aceptaba su arrebato de amor.
sus labios recorrieron la longitud de su cara, dejando un pequeño beso en el arco de cupido de sus labios y luego volvieron a buscar su boca, besándola sujetándola por ambos lados de la cara. era tan fácil amarle. las manos de esteban encontraron el dobladillo de la camisa de su pijama, y lo recorrieron lentamente por debajo, las yemas de sus dedos subieron lentamente por su torso, descansando alrededor de sus costillas, sujetándola. su pulgar acarició tranquilamente su piel en pequeños círculos. 
instintivamente, a medida que el beso se alargaba y te perdías en aquella sensación, deleitándote en el rincón de su boca, sus caderas comenzaron a rodar, lentamente, hacia delante y hacia atrás bajo tu regazo, convirtiendo el movimiento en una deliciosa fricción, arrancando débiles gemidos de la garganta de esteban, que no tardó en sentir cómo su miembro se tensaba bajo su palpitante núcleo. sinceramente, no necesitaba mucho.
rápidamente, el roce se convirtió en algo más rápido e intenso, calentándole todo el cuerpo y agitándole la respiración. era difícil incluso igualar el beso, que con el movimiento de vaivén se perdía cuando sus bocas se alejaban, limitándose a rozarse.
esteban no perdió el tiempo, agarrándola por la cintura y deslizando todo su brazo por detrás de ella, acercando sus posiciones y colocándola ahora debajo de él, tumbada bajo el cojín del sofá, sintiendo el ligero peso de su cuerpo y la presión de su polla entre sus piernas.
sediento, ansiando tu sabor, el actor se quitó rápidamente sus pantalones y bajó sus labios hasta tus muslos, mordisqueando la sensible piel del interior de tus piernas. 
tu cuerpo se estremeció ante la repentina proximidad de su boca a tus bragas, y el mero roce de la nariz de esteban con la tela bastó para que arquearas la espalda y jadearas.
"oh, de repente tu lado del sofá no es tan importante, ¿eh?", se burla, murmurando entre tus piernas, y tú te ríes, con la mente ya demasiado ida como para refutar sus insinuaciones.
━━━━━━━━ ✤ ━━━━━━━━
me estoy torturando con estas cosas, no aguanto 😣
gracias por la ask <33 ¡¡ ¡como lo has enviado en inglés (me dejé llevar y lo olvidé), lo traduciré y lo publicaré lo antes posible!!!
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Norwegian Bokmål for Total Beginners (January 2024 Crash Course)
18. Months of the Year
Welcome to day 18. Good news - months in Norwegian are more-or-less the same as they are in English and other Germanic languages!
januar - January
februar - February
mars - March
april - April
mai - May
juni - June
juli - July
august - August
september - September
oktober - October
november - November
desember - December
neste - next
forrige - last, previous
i år - this year
i fjor - last year
Grammar: Ordinal Numbers
Ordinal numbers are your numbers like first, second, third etc. Used for talking about the date. The first 6 are a bit wonky, but after that they're all very regular:
1st = første
2nd = andre
3rd = tredje
4th = fjerde
5th = femte
6th = sjette
7th = sjuende/syvende
8th = åttende
9th = niende
10th = tiende
11th = ellevte
12th = tolvte
13th = trettende
14th = fjortende
15th = femtende
16th = sekstende
17th = syttende
18th = attende
19th = nittende
20th = tjuende
21st = tjueførste
22nd = tjueandre
23rd = tjuetredje...
Basically, ordinal numbers largely end in -ende!
When you write the date in Norwegian, you just add a period after the number. So Wednesday 25th March would be onsdag 25. mars. As with days of the week, you don't need to capitalise the name of the month.
In 2024, I will...
If you want to say "in [month]," use 'i':
Jeg liker å gå på tur i mai. (I like to go walking in May)
'I' is also used with years:
Arne vil kjøpe hus is 2024 (Arne wants to buy a house in 2024)
To say "from... to," use "fra... til"
Vi spiller fotball fra september til desember (We play football from September to December)
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dayax19 · 1 year
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Kristhal nació en Zittau (Sajonia-Alemania) y vivió su infancia viajando constantemente la avenida Lückendorfer. Desde pequeña aprendió a hablar los idiomas fronterisos como el polaco y el checo, e incluido el alto y bajo sorabo. y por parte de su padre, el islandés. A pesar de su rapida comprensión idiomatica, sólo aprendió a escribir en aleman e islandés (y aveces sin querer mezcla los 2 idiomas y/o alfabetos/ Kristhal was born in Zittau (Saxony-Germany) and spent her childhood constantly traveling the Lückendorfer avenue. From an early age she learned to speak border languages such as Polish and Czech, including High and Low Sorbian, and on her father's side, Icelandic. Despite her quick understanding of the language, she only learned to write in German and Icelandic (and sometimes unintentionally mixes the 2 languages and/or alphabets).
Hay rumores de que Jonathan está asociado con “la muerte”. Hay un relato urbano que ronda a los alrededores del colegio: “según, si escuchas tocar a Jonathan en un lugar público, está tratando de purificar el alma antes de que se vaya al otro mundo”. La música que interpreta con la viola o la guitarra clásica se lleva la atención, y a pesar de no llevar relaciones estrechas con compañeros o adyacentes, se ha ganado el respeto (y temor) de muchos tanto fuera como dentro de la institución. Las personas no saben en qué tipo de persona se convirtió desde que sus padres murieron, sólo recuerdan que de niño era juguetón / There are rumors that Jonathan is associated with “death”. There is an urban tale that goes around the school: "according to, if you hear Jonathan play in a public place, he is trying to purify the soul before he goes to the next world". The music he plays on the viola or classic guitar gets the attention, and despite not having close relationships with peers or adjacent people, he has earned the respect (and fear) of many both outside and inside the institution. People don't know what kind of person he has become since his parents died, they only remember that as a child he was playful.
Jessica tiende a distraerse si está en ambientes aglomerados y urbanos, y constantemente hay que someterla a diversas actividades para alejar su mente “de la procrastinación”. Ha estudiado desde pequeña a tocar instrumentos como el contrabajo y el piano y ha aprendido a crear vestuarios para sus hermanas y a si misma (empezó a coser su ropa a los 12) / Jessica tends to get distracted if she is in crowded, urban environments, and constantly has to be subjected to various activities to keep her mind "off procrastination". She has studied from a young age to play instruments such as the double bass and piano and has learned to create costumes for her sisters and herself (she started sewing her own clothes at 12).
Dylan desde su niñez ha pasado de ciudad en ciudad por varias mudanzas, e interviniendo en varios colegios. A pesar de no tener amigos con un intervalo largo de tiempo, trata de conocer a todas las personas posibles. A los 10 años adquirió un amor a la gastronomía, y (a pesar de no gustarle según él) tiene habilidades para las matemáticas, contabilidad y estadística / Dylan since his childhood has been moving from city to city for several moves, and intervening in several schools. Despite not having any friends for a long period of time, he tries to meet as many people as possible. At the age of 10 he acquired a love for gastronomy, and (despite not liking it according to him) he has skills for mathematics, accounting and statistics.
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demiromanticmickey · 1 year
YES!!!! Also, not sure if you were aware, but Sammon actually wrote the original novel for all three of them!! I'm wondering if Make a Wish will be in the same universe?? (Also Sammon is a medical Doctor, which is why they are medically accurate)
I didn't know that! But I hope Sammon keeps writing these genre BLs because they all seem really cool! Doctor and BL novelist? Now that makes for an interesting resumé!
I wonder how all three shows would be tiend in together. Hmm.
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countessofbiscuit · 2 years
For the weird writers ask, how about 3, 17, and 23?
howdy archer :D
3. What is your writing ritual and why is it cursed?
Drinking, and I think that’s obvious lol. 
Bad humor aside, I’m much improved and actually I’d say it’s a reliance on setting-appropriate hand soap, as a sort of sensory stimulant. LUSH is expensive, y’all!
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
Oh dear, which current WIP D: I guess we’ll go with an in-progress Sev/Fi fic, which I hope to finish for RepComm Week in August. 
The lore: All of Heat Waves. Still-rising headcanons about what happened to Fi’s first squad. 
The history: @kungfuslipper got me started on tangerine tank tops and then I drew Fi in one. Since everything I do HAS to have context, like a mushroom above a fungal bed, the art sprouted a little Scorch-Sev exchange. @tiend happened to be writing a Scorch/'Bel fic at the time that put Delta squad in a place where I could pick them up. This Sevfika fic started growing from there, combined with an intense couple of weeks mainlining Breaking Benjamin. 
The detail: There’s a lot of it, mostly about how commandos move between theatres, what happens to RepComm characters after Triple Zero and before True Colours, what the fuck was operationally going on with Geonosis, and combat medics.  
Things that won’t make it into the text: I’ve never met something I couldn’t (eventually) incorporate. Frankly, most of the reason I write is to embed and play with information — for me, writing is less a catharsis than a puzzle. Besides, I’m not seeking to please any audience but me and folks of similar mind and taste, and I like my stories to be textured with detail! 23. Describe the physical environment in which you write. Be as detailed as possible. Tell me what’s around you as you work. Paint me a picture.
Answered here :)
Weird Writer Asks
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kungfuslipper · 2 years
Weird Writing Asks: 1, 25, 32 :)
Hey Biccy!
1. What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting?
*checks docs*
... I write in Arial because it's the default setting lol. I only care that it's sans serif, so easier on my eyes. I like Georgia or Cambria for poetry. Now that I'm thinking about this I'm probably going to go on an hour long study of fonts and learn all the hyper-specific differences between them.
25. What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story?
I feel like the correct answer to this question is that there aren't any -- stories I write are almost always based upon hyper-specific details about my characters. Everything about them is relevant.
However, this could be a misperception on my part.
32. What is a line from a poem/novel/fanfic etc that you return to from time and time again? How did you find it? What does it mean to you?
I love this question, so I'm going to offer one (or two) of each.
"You’ll have everything you need, whatever you want, except one thing — home.”
Republic Commando: Hard Contact
Karen Traviss, pg 35
This is the line that sold me on the Republic Commando novels --what Darman was thinking about life in the GAR as a clone.
This line perfectly captures the irony of military life. The relentless smothering sadness of non-places. The emptiness of the structure framing your duty. The longing for what you're always searching for, but cannot find.
A second line from Hard Contact that has stayed with me:
(Darman) His discipline was his self-esteem. He was a professional. He still thought about that uj cake, though. “Come on, get moving,” he said, very tired of the absence of comrades’ voices and seeking comfort in his own. He would be his commanding officer, just to stay sharp. “Shift it.”
Traviss, Karen. Hard Contact: Star Wars Legends (Republic Commando) (Star Wars: Republic Commando Book 1) (p. 81). Random House Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
When you've got nobody else, you've still got you. The grit he shows here speaks to me. This is extremely relatable because it's how I've learned to get through the hardest times. Imagine you are the strongest person you know -- become that person.
"His discipline was his self esteem."
I don't think I had seen the foundations of my personality and the indoctrination that lurked underneath it shouting at me so efficiently before.
Now for fics, here's a couple lines that left lasting impressions.
From "they also serve who watch and wait" by @tiend. First of your fics I'd read.
(Captain Keele to a Twi'lek postgrad student on a dig) “We died so Cham Syndulla’s men could get away,” he told her that night, standing in his own cleaned and pedestalled corpse, ready to be slid into the bag for transport to the autopsy tent in the morning. “We did our duty. Do you know - was it enough?"
I have nothing to say about this. Nothing I can say.
Now a section from Terms of Engagement :))
“Whoa. Save the bad-cop act for the dancer.”
“No.” Sev squeezed Fi’s wrists into one hand and pulled the binders from his pocket with the other, flicking them open. He clasped them—eloquently, he hoped—around Fi’s bare forearms. “I think you need to see it, too.”
Only Sev could handcuff someone eloquently.
It was like he’d emptied his clip into a chasm. Unsure if he'd hit anything. Achieving little except to reveal his position, exposed and thin against the horizon.
Fi didn’t say a word.
Time stretched. 
Sev didn’t know what to do, like the akk that caught the proverbial speeder. Eventually, he just rocked up gently against Fi’s backside, so he could feel that hard interest that Sev desperately wanted to hide somewhere. 
Beneath him, Fi softened a little. “Oh, Sev ... you’re impossible.”
Sev didn’t care about possibilities or probabilities just then. The certainty he wanted—that Fi hadn’t done this with anyone else—bothered him enough. Fi shifted his weight a fraction, just enough to slot Sev’s fat cock into the trench beneath his sweats ...
Your Sevfika stole my heart from day one. Fucking excellent, unforgettable scene. The visual at the end here, "slotting ... into the trench beneath his sweats" is wordplay that burned this visual into my brain forever. (Some day if I can find an adequate reference(s) I'll attempt to draw it.)
Ok, onto poetry. Going to be shameless here and offer a couple of my own lines.
It took a while to understand that even a grisly place is a place.
From my own long term healing process, unlearning dissociation, what I realized was that fearing your own emptiness is worse than what you originally feared. You can't fix this about yourself, at least not how and when you want to, so the only way forward is to accept the barren landscape that's full of nothing but howling wind and strewn weapons.
I craned over the seat to see out the window. 7 am, day was dawning over Madrid. It crept its fingers through that half-shuttered portal. Ever since then I’ve known that a sunrise is enough reason to be alive.
There have been a few salient moments in my life. This was one.
From a poem by Madisen Kuhn
Eager for the days to grow shorter, the sharpness of a blue morning, something like a beginning.
Just how Autumn feels.
Finally, a quote from Erin Bow.
No writing is wasted: the words you can't put in your book can wash the floor, live in the soil, lurk around in the air. They will make the next words better.
Weird questions for writers
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mikrokosmcs · 2 years
Favorites for Deoksu
☾ cute character questions ☽
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the basics:
name: sang deoksu age: 621 años zodiac sign: capricornio one good trait: es una persona muy leal one bad trait: tiende a sumirse en la melancolía muy fácilmente
one bad habit: se muerde las uñas one good habit: nunca lleva el trabajo al hogar one habit they can’t break: encerrarse en si mismo y no permitir que nadie le ayude en un problema one they’ve broken: no dormir letargos esporádicos durante su semana, gracias a ello puede lucir más humano what they’re afraid of: a la muerte
their parents names: Sang Dabin y Sang Somi their siblings names: Sang Myunghwan, Sang Jinjoo, Sang Taegi  y Sang Haeun favorite childhood memory: Una de sus memorias más preciadas y bonita, es quizá uno de los cumpleaños donde estaba toda su familia reunida, donde organizaron una gran fiesta en su honor y pudo acompañar a sus padres a su primera cacería favorite childhood toy: Deoksu tenía un oso polar de felpa que adoraba embarrassing story: Tuvo una época donde se negaba a ser un vampiro y quería ser un hombre lobo, por ende, era imposible hacerle comer y a comportarse como los de su clase favorite family member: Su hermano Myunghwan a story about that family member: Myunghwan le enseñó a hacer cebos para pescar, ambos iban juntos a los gélidos paramos congelados en noruega y pasaban las tardes enteras pescando en hielo. Ambos fueron perseguidos muchas veces por animales salvajes, recordando especialmente la ocasión de enfrentarse a un oso
what they prefer:
coffee or tea? Sangrita(?) pero en su universo normal, café showering in the day or night? Durante la noche taking baths or taking showers? Tomar baños tv or movies? Películas writing or reading? Ambas cosas, pero más leer platonic or romantic love? Amor romántico iced tea or lemonade? En su verse normal, té helado ice cream or smoothies? Smoothies cupcakes or cake? cupcake beach or mountains? montañas
song: Running up that hill - placebo band: Placebo sería lo más cercano que tiene a una banda favorita outfit: casual this one / más elegante this one place: su hogar, es su propio castillo moderno memory: el primer cumpleaños que recuerda person: yoobin, perdón sanshim(?) movie: Deoksu ama “pretty woman” y cualquier comedia romántica show: No mira televisión tbh
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kaasknot · 3 years
wip tag game
Rules: I will post all the names of all the files in my WIP folder,  regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous, and tag as many people as I have WIPs to do the same. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it.
thanks to @kweh-not-wark​ for the tag! i have literally too many wips to post them all, like there's 85 for the star wars fandom alone, and there's 17 different fandoms in my folder. but i'll tag the big ones that i'm currently writing or plan to write asap:
star wars
i'm gonna love you with my hands tied
a seven pillared worthy house
nothing beside remains
we dream of rising
codex behind enemy lines
trans preg codex
blood drinking
underage prostitution
ballerino dean
weaponsmith cas
tagging @countessofbiscuit @tiend @trillgutterbug and anyone else who wants to
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marcopolorules · 4 years
Tumblr media
"A menudo la literatura se convierte en un instrumento de poder; quien tiene las riendas del poder, desde ese momento las tiene bien sujetas. La cultura se encierra en casa y se hace representar por su sierva que es la subcultura.⠀ El mundo literario tiene entonces su gobierno que, como todos los gobiernos, tiende a satisfacer ante todo las aspiraciones de los más brutales, es decir, de los más fuertes, de entre sus súbditos. (...)"⠀ ⠀ "Literature often becomes an instrument of power; whoever holds the reins of power, from that moment has them well held. Culture is locked up at home and is represented by its servant who is the subculture.⠀ The literary world then has its government which, like all governments, tends to satisfy first and foremost the aspirations of the most brutal, that is, of the strongest, among its subjects. (...)"⠀ ⠀ J. Rodolfo Wilcock⠀ El delito de escribir / the crime of writing⠀ & Shannon Cartier Lucy @zollieoo (artist)⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #portraitart #portraitpainting #oilpaint #oilpainting #oilpainter #oilpaintings #oilpaints #oilportrait #oiloncanvas #oilpaintingart #oilfeature #contemporaryart #contemporaryartist #contemporarypainting #contemporarypainter #contemporarypaintings #newcontemporary #modernart #modernpainting #artgallery #contemporaryartgallery #figurative #figurativeart #figurativepainting #figurativeoilpainting #figurativeportrait #undergroundart #vagabondwho #marcopolorules #shannoncartierlucy https://www.instagram.com/p/CB0iqOtHRm3/?igshid=161uszaq5kgan
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tiend · 1 year
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
Wish There Was A Treaty, for sure! Somehow I had to get Fox and Riyo to believably want each other, and then find a way for them to actually be together in spite of you know, everything when they'd never interacted in canon and there wasn't much (any) fanon to draw on.
Seemed to work out though.
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
I'd be interested if I miss something you think is obvious; black humour, clones, way too many OCs, milwank, clones running into things that are outside their hypercompetent focus, making things complicated, gratuitous worldbuilding.
💖 What made you start writing?
Hardcase's death in Umbara. I was sick enough that watching some random episodes of a children's cartoon seemed like a good idea, got pulled in by the imagery, and then was all AW HELL NO when he was all "live to fight another day" and closed his eyes. So then I was all "how do I rescue him without disrupting the canon too much?" and invented Sparrow and the Lammergeier, started doing some research and a couple of weeks later I had a spreadsheet for my clone OCs.
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sirjustice464-blog · 4 years
well taken dude as planned
Click the links below 4 more dude
LOBINSON ong;ee tiende mondi nyiew door mar welding ma expensive than this 1
koth chwa eeh garbage, place gravel boom ya door/window, fence, table or gate
All placed in City garbage dude as all explained below
Cat feces makes Nikel when placed in the above in boom process
Broken glass or bristle container pieces as well as white flower petals or gravel makes stainless steel and even in sewer water dude
White guava, Dog feces, cassava or sweet potato makes aluminum wares as drinking water bottles and mugs dude as well as thermos and water coolers.
Okwaju as tamarind seeds makes stainless steal ware as well as doors or windows or gates as show below or orange, lemon, guava seeds when placed dude.
Okwaju juice or Lion feces makes even iron ware as doors or windows when placed in the above.
Cheater feces makes lithium and sodium periodic table elements as much as other cat/dog family animal feces makes others i know not as u cant keep on try many people to come out with the results.
Used drinking water bottles are made out of flower inserted in sewer water and when inserted in garbage makes even aluminum ware as much as broken glass pieces dude as Drinking bottles and cooking pots homey. Broken bulbs as well does the same job when placed in garbage.
Cobblers glue, cut tire pieces or worn out slippers when placed in the above or sewer water makes the modern day women saddles like masai walks with in Kenya. 4 good results u placed alongside hay or stones made out of garbage dude or dark smoke fumes bro
Writing pads or writing papers makes  steal ware as drinking bottles dude.
Inside of the pencil when placed in the above makes black diamond pieces as can be used in place of armored glass or gravel as its the hardest known substance on earth dude, or even auto-mobiles and many machines like hospital equipment dude.
Lion bones or made gravel placed in the above makes Big Rockets like the N-korean 1 dude
1 Piece of uvula placed in the above or any solution as dough or fruits makes Lamborghini car sport car and its utility bro while 2 makes like Range rover SUV cars while 3 makes limousines while like 10 makes long truck as trelas while 11 such pieces makes airplanes and drones, 15 makes rockets and more dude and even ripe whole peeled banana
Yesterday that white man walking with Dogs in Arafat furniture shop at lolwe made like more than 100 missiles and grenade launchers as guns within a tinkle of an eye dude as the raw material was readily available as sample of lolwe households were told to hide/keep their 1 week garbage 4 that work where many where give like 1 of the above to hide in their houses as some went to barren lands around and hid them underground as bury them as much as in the compounds 4 detectives not to unearth the same dude
Far from the above truths other Ugandans around as much as many tourists have made the same above here in East Africa and at agreed time/hour hurl the same on banks and police stations as much as those on vans on the road to create a next volatile state and steal money from such all country banks. As in a war can kill all people who can be corpse and all the army men, Govt can not manage people or overwhelm people who have known how to make machinery as above, with time they will kill all army men like with nucleus bomb, card-boards written with words inserted in garbage and the below inserted as water lilies or coconut stick broom and boom ya bomb bro, unless every1 goes to his land and dialogue given chance is when turmoil can stop dude.
Talk to the devil as in making machines in boom process to give you the map of all planets as with life as well, bearing from earth cities and distance dude. How can the white man know such distances when he has not reached such places dude, daytime lie bro, devil works bro.
Straight city paths as compared to curved town path as of Africa makes you dull and mundane in bed reason why many prefer Africa as not most developed cities as it improves their sex life, much greater sexual appetite and satisfaction than straight roads of most cities as planned cities.
When u place carrot, sausages made out of carrot or catapult Y shaped stick in garbage makes even saucer jets as synonymous with Russian made 1 as u can google both in the boom process.
Angel Gabriel signaling angels about judging facts to take Back to Mr. Hindu was hurled down as in revelation and Peter the rock resumed/took his position as in the links below dude
When u place maize cob in Garbage like 4 the whole estate and place the above makes even E-air-plane both in the boom process as in the link below dude
Made in Uganda car and plane in the links below
India airplane link as well get a glimpse of what’s in other links below
Uganda can be the African richest nation as the best attract you car or gadgets then grab ya mind then suddenly makes u leave the gadget and search 4 the owner is made out of Jack-fruit as Mfenesi in the boom process, not dull or bright but not even cool, falling less of than being cool dude and world nations where such are grown as they can import such, when mixed with rye gives not all that bright machine and that’s its utility, what a perfect combination as synonymous with mercedez cars and u can mix jack-fruit of equal percentage with any fruit, hay, used tires, bottles or chaff used to make gadgets in the boom process. Click the links below 4 more. Jack-fruit as well can be made much in the boom process but her gadgets not the same as of grown 1
Its 2 fold, u belittle 1 yet he has refused ya gay maneuvers which are well known and nothing pegged on me is bad as guilt whatsoever, if at all i could have died a sibling u could not have learnt automation as Kenya and the rest of poor world could be like in the 80′s dude. Now u talk kinda, pointing 1 but afraid as ya dubious deal faulted meaning i have worn my part as the war. Even if u say i got no money or was crying, the fact remains what u wanted as with jew/Egyptian long dead dude, no immigration of the Negros into ya nation as it more poor than rich than u thought dude. Better that way bro, and on ya side u stop wanting my food even wanting to ambush me on the roads. Selling artificial oil, gas, foods and exhuming caskets long gone even opening shops 4 petty theft and even illicit money online that u use to get those women u want. They fear as they can be attacked with other nations the belittled and at the same time have gotten leverage of making gadget so confident of the future not to get into the hard life they lived 20years back. They wanna get to 1 country yet those in their sphere they mistreat as above, so them also to take heed in other peoples nation. Scratch my back i scratch yours lets u r annihilated to be animals not human beings dude
Wanting all free from me but not even a single from them and that can not happen and they have gotten it dude. Kenya will never be rich than even SA and u got it dude and it hurts cause have waiting 4 along time. Charles Darwin theories hoax as Judgement and Hell found along Chicago Ave Minneapolis, MN. Me i have rewritten books as dismissed many laws many have studied in books without rest, waking up at night to master them as lies and u have submitted to the same and so fellows who is great, me or u? With ya u only abuse me in circles which do not gain international accreditation b4 u realize that am above ya to plan my ambush or claim that am of ya tribe yet we got DNA dude. U can be all killed and Nyanza and luo dialect remains with me to dispose it bro. Whats the hoot dude, even after ya death and having received formalin injection if u repent when people hear or record to post on YouTube, Fb or any social media fraternity 4 people to retrieve and hear u find ya way to heaven, so Mr Hindu we know clearly the remedy to what u r championing dude, so better stop. If u say the truck with belt water pump that harbor Ae technology is just made while other knows about it when it started operation then what u have been saying on people as seeing in ya eye are all lies pegged on the above case, so stop dude and accept triumph Mr Hindu, stop wanting my food again yet previously u belittled me, meaning u r insane to get by as the gimmick maybe dude. People also transfigure to images of others to implicate ya dude. Koth/seed mar chwa/okwaju treats aids dude, Nyamau fresh mouth herb can be made much as the leaves or roots as well as stem in the boom process by placing coconut African broom stick, pineapple, carrot, pumpkin, water lilies, charcoal water, orange fruit outer peel or sweet potato both in the boom process and with any food to be made much artificially dude. No worry in Africa dude when the above learnt as much as temperate lands in winter when oil finishes but we got away to replace Africa solar as E-car dude  
Built in Uganda airline by KEBI in the link below as well as E-Norwegian airplane
Am the Victor dude, Now u cant just talk with mouth wide open even if i die dude and that’s it homey. Shut that previously smelling mouth which my relentless efforts made much fresh 4 people to draw close to ya and wife not to divorce ya dude. Kebi saved ya ass big time dude
With making like Manhattan Island on water, u can use the armored glass as its much strong and rot not dude, where such is made out of Garbage, placed on it cut flower sample then hurl cold water and boom ya size u want armored glass as the devil can give you every road and street as much as cultivate lawns and sky scrapper if u draw all such not making later after the island is formed. The Kora brown translucence stone is the hardest and can be used to make our roads and buildings more than the normal 1, when sample of such place in garbage or cut diagonal such photos as in the link below placed then u spit saliva in the boom process and ya kora stone formed.
Take city garbage like collected 4 a week and mix with much water, then insert pieces of lemon into it, then spit saliva and in the boom process makes ya gravel, u can mix with sewer water 4 black dark ones which if u place in the boom process solutions as dough, hay, cereals or fruits makes any electrical gadget as home appliances, office furniture and appliances or cars when placed in the boom process as we place water lilies, orange outer peel, charcoal, coconut African broom etc. Even grains of fruits as lemons, oranges, mango, paw paw makes electronic when the above gravel piece placed while When u place dry mango seed, cassava pieces, avocado seed, cut ripe banana, jack-fruit yellow inside and maize in solutions that makes jets or sugar makes such in the boom process dude.
Chamama made gadgets grows wide ya face and makes u pimply but chamama made paints in the boom process are 1 of the coolest, so buy like a car made out of ripe mango, remove the paint and applies chamama made paint as explained above while cars made out of jackfruit if u draw close to them u see, kinda, tiny gray dots as tints and its known that way where people loving such hate the reverse as of chamama that draws u to it not as of rye that does the exact reverse. Most Jackfruit made gadget lovers love not smooth things as paints as many Arab women git such wide, non perforated type of skin, but of jackfruit which is like skin of people with tiny holes as sweet pores or goose pimply skinned people out of awe or 1 pumping cold moments to ya, hard to explain but at least gotten it dude. With paw paw made gadgets, people see u as loving ya self and self alone and even with paints. So dude, explore ya option b4 u come up with the car u drive to maintain respect and if wrong choice, remove paint as above and apply another as above. AS in the song link below
With pumpkin made like car is 4 the young who wants to be big or wanting other people 4 love who are aged than them, if u drive such cars, such women pity u as can consider ya and most preferably good with tiny or small car but not suv as the reverse is of jack-fruit made 1 dude. Got to know this, don’t just claim u r up to kids, thinking it will get always with u and no-where can overtake ya, don’t just be bongo lala, just there, wanting good as women always wants from men dude. Don’t get into women without nothing 4 society to have pity on ya.
When though as above ya plans cant be blocked or known as with Britain, will always be like that, as u want not people to tell ya and u want to control them as is only u who knows how to behave not them, when it goes bad with u, get to my position when u were above me not vice versa wanting from me to the of being like a kid, dude beware it will be the scene of this series movie where the black woman who was frustrated aiming the gun at his boss who knows how to see/look previously when his dubious ways had not been known as in the link below but UK people now don’t fear their cities being overtaken as they can expand Landon by building another Manhattan city island or residential land on its Atlantic coast as explained above. Put smile in ya face as the problem will solve it self as Landon is said to be crowded dude
Luo people like bibo, have u acknowledged am above u in thinking— hamano, hehe, have u dude, that way dude. I wanna hear the phrase ““we acknowledge u r above us dude“ again and again, Hamano and thats respect, where am snoring u dont come along and dude the same, got me dude, Hamano, Without me u could be still living in shanties and ya life could not have changed as now, True or false, that way dude, en hamamo, saying looking downward as a woman being seduced dude and that’s how it ought to be fro beginning.
$50 toy drone Kebi demolished as he bought just to find how it works and tells you. Men if u know shit stop cashing into 1 life, u can cash into his life yet get to hell as him gets to heaven as being in hell is only 1 week and rather hell so u r erased out the book of life. Decision yours dude. Just standing in hell no sweet thing as Kekvin out of curse, better kill every1 with siren gas so every1 gets to judgement 4 the world to start again, rather than this way which will never end as we got other planets as well. Other planet maps, white burnt wood fumes mixed with much water then raw mango pies placed in the boom process then the devil explain to ya in details whereabouts of other planets as distance from earth, its radius and continents in it. Jivu/wivu as Jealousy dude
Click the link below 4 more dude, of wanna bees/kich/nyuki, beatitudes with Christ bro
Car wheel digital compass direction as in the link below to aid new road users to reduce traffic accidents as it shows ya when wheel is not in straight position to take it back or bends demarcated as with how much to turn the wheel to negotiate such bends or corners
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sirjustice463-blog · 4 years
Machine making Gimmicks
Click the links below 4 more dude
LOBINSON ong;ee tiende mondi nyiew door mar welding ma expensive than this 1
koth chwa eeh garbage, place gravel boom ya door/window, fence, table or gate
All placed in City garbage dude as all explained below
Cat feces makes Nikel when placed in the above in boom process
Broken glass or bristle container pieces as well as white flower petals or gravel makes stainless steel and even in sewer water dude
White guava, Dog feces, cassava or sweet potato makes aluminum wares as drinking water bottles and mugs dude as well as thermos and water coolers.
Okwaju as tamarind seeds makes stainless steal ware as well as doors or windows or gates as show below or orange, lemon, guava seeds when placed dude.
Okwaju juice or Lion feces makes even iron ware as doors or windows when placed in the above.
Cheater feces makes lithium and sodium periodic table elements as much as other cat/dog family animal feces makes others i know not as u cant keep on try many people to come out with the results.
Used drinking water bottles are made out of flower inserted in sewer water and when inserted in garbage makes even aluminum ware as much as broken glass pieces dude as Drinking bottles and cooking pots homey. Broken bulbs as well does the same job when placed in garbage.
Cobblers glue, cut tire pieces or worn out slippers when placed in the above or sewer water makes the modern day women saddles like masai walks with in Kenya. 4 good results u placed alongside hay or stones made out of garbage dude or dark smoke fumes bro
Writing pads or writing papers makes  steal ware as drinking bottles dude.
Inside of the pencil when placed in the above makes black diamond pieces as can be used in place of armored glass or gravel as its the hardest known substance on earth dude, or even auto-mobiles and many machines like hospital equipment dude.
Lion bones or made gravel placed in the above makes Big Rockets like the N-korean 1 dude
1 Piece of uvula placed in the above or any solution as dough or fruits makes Lamborghini car sport car and its utility bro while 2 makes like Range rover SUV cars while 3 makes limousines while like 10 makes long truck as trelas while 11 such pieces makes airplanes and drones, 15 makes rockets and more dude and even ripe whole peeled banana
Yesterday that white man walking with Dogs in Arafat furniture shop at lolwe made like more than 100 missiles and grenade launchers as guns within a tinkle of an eye dude as the raw material was readily available as sample of lolwe households were told to hide/keep their 1 week garbage 4 that work where many where give like 1 of the above to hide in their houses as some went to barren lands around and hid them underground as bury them as much as in the compounds 4 detectives not to unearth the same dude
Far from the above truths other Ugandans around as much as many tourists have made the same above here in East Africa and at agreed time/hour hurl the same on banks and police stations as much as those on vans on the road to create a next volatile state and steal money from such all country banks. As in a war can kill all people who can be corpse and all the army men, Govt can not manage people or overwhelm people who have known how to make machinery as above, with time they will kill all army men like with nucleus bomb, card-boards written with words inserted in garbage and the below inserted as water lilies or coconut stick broom and boom ya bomb bro, unless every1 goes to his land and dialogue given chance is when turmoil can stop dude.
Talk to the devil as in making machines in boom process to give you the map of all planets as with life as well, bearing from earth cities and distance dude. How can the white man know such distances when he has not reached such places dude, daytime lie bro, devil works bro.
Straight city paths as compared to curved town path as of Africa makes you dull and mundane in bed reason why many prefer Africa as not most developed cities as it improves their sex life, much greater sexual appetite and satisfaction than straight roads of most cities as planned cities.
When u place carrot, sausages made out of carrot or catapult Y shaped stick in garbage makes even saucer jets as synonymous with Russian made 1 as u can google both in the boom process.
Angel Gabriel signaling angels about judging facts to take Back to Mr. Hindu was hurled down as in revelation and Peter the rock resumed/took his position as in the links below dude
When u place maize cob in Garbage like 4 the whole estate and place the above makes even E-air-plane both in the boom process as in the link below dude
Made in Uganda car and plane in the links below
India airplane link as well get a glimpse of what’s in other links below
Uganda can be the African richest nation as the best attract you car or gadgets then grab ya mind then suddenly makes u leave the gadget and search 4 the owner is made out of Jack-fruit as Mfenesi in the boom process, not dull or bright but not even cool, falling less of than being cool dude and world nations where such are grown as they can import such, when mixed with rye gives not all that bright machine and that’s its utility, what a perfect combination as synonymous with mercedez cars and u can mix jack-fruit of equal percentage with any fruit, hay, used tires, bottles or chaff used to make gadgets in the boom process. Click the links below 4 more. Jack-fruit as well can be made much in the boom process but her gadgets not the same as of grown 1
Its 2 fold, u belittle 1 yet he has refused ya gay maneuvers which are well known and nothing pegged on me is bad as guilt whatsoever, if at all i could have died a sibling u could not have learnt automation as Kenya and the rest of poor world could be like in the 80′s dude. Now u talk kinda, pointing 1 but afraid as ya dubious deal faulted meaning i have worn my part as the war. Even if u say i got no money or was crying, the fact remains what u wanted as with jew/Egyptian long dead dude, no immigration of the Negros into ya nation as it more poor than rich than u thought dude. Better that way bro, and on ya side u stop wanting my food even wanting to ambush me on the roads. Selling artificial oil, gas, foods and exhuming caskets long gone even opening shops 4 petty theft and even illicit money online that u use to get those women u want. They fear as they can be attacked with other nations the belittled and at the same time have gotten leverage of making gadget so confident of the future not to get into the hard life they lived 20years back. They wanna get to 1 country yet those in their sphere they mistreat as above, so them also to take heed in other peoples nation. Scratch my back i scratch yours lets u r annihilated to be animals not human beings dude
Wanting all free from me but not even a single from them and that can not happen and they have gotten it dude. Kenya will never be rich than even SA and u got it dude and it hurts cause have waiting 4 along time. Charles Darwin theories hoax as Judgement and Hell found along Chicago Ave Minneapolis, MN. Me i have rewritten books as dismissed many laws many have studied in books without rest, waking up at night to master them as lies and u have submitted to the same and so fellows who is great, me or u? With ya u only abuse me in circles which do not gain international accreditation b4 u realize that am above ya to plan my ambush or claim that am of ya tribe yet we got DNA dude. U can be all killed and Nyanza and luo dialect remains with me to dispose it bro. Whats the hoot dude, even after ya death and having received formalin injection if u repent when people hear or record to post on YouTube, Fb or any social media fraternity 4 people to retrieve and hear u find ya way to heaven, so Mr Hindu we know clearly the remedy to what u r championing dude, so better stop. If u say the truck with belt water pump that harbor Ae technology is just made while other knows about it when it started operation then what u have been saying on people as seeing in ya eye are all lies pegged on the above case, so stop dude and accept triumph Mr Hindu, stop wanting my food again yet previously u belittled me, meaning u r insane to get by as the gimmick maybe dude. People also transfigure to images of others to implicate ya dude. Koth/seed mar chwa/okwaju treats aids dude, Nyamau fresh mouth herb can be made much as the leaves or roots as well as stem in the boom process by placing coconut African broom stick, pineapple, carrot, pumpkin, water lilies, charcoal water, orange fruit outer peel or sweet potato both in the boom process and with any food to be made much artificially dude. No worry in Africa dude when the above learnt as much as temperate lands in winter when oil finishes but we got away to replace Africa solar as E-car dude  
Built in Uganda airline by KEBI in the link below as well as E-Norwegian airplane
Am the Victor dude, Now u cant just talk with mouth wide open even if i die dude and that’s it homey. Shut that previously smelling mouth which my relentless efforts made much fresh 4 people to draw close to ya and wife not to divorce ya dude. Kebi saved ya ass big time dude
With making like Manhattan Island on water, u can use the armored glass as its much strong and rot not dude, where such is made out of Garbage, placed on it cut flower sample then hurl cold water and boom ya size u want armored glass as the devil can give you every road and street as much as cultivate lawns and sky scrapper if u draw all such not making later after the island is formed. The Kora brown translucence stone is the hardest and can be used to make our roads and buildings more than the normal 1, when sample of such place in garbage or cut diagonal such photos as in the link below placed then u spit saliva in the boom process and ya kora stone formed.
Take city garbage like collected 4 a week and mix with much water, then insert pieces of lemon into it, then spit saliva and in the boom process makes ya gravel, u can mix with sewer water 4 black dark ones which if u place in the boom process solutions as dough, hay, cereals or fruits makes any electrical gadget as home appliances, office furniture and appliances or cars when placed in the boom process as we place water lilies, orange outer peel, charcoal, coconut African broom etc. Even grains of fruits as lemons, oranges, mango, paw paw makes electronic when the above gravel piece placed while When u place dry mango seed, cassava pieces, avocado seed, cut ripe banana, jack-fruit yellow inside and maize in solutions that makes jets or sugar makes such in the boom process dude.
Chamama made gadgets grows wide ya face and makes u pimply but chamama made paints in the boom process are 1 of the coolest, so buy like a car made out of ripe mango, remove the paint and applies chamama made paint as explained above while cars made out of jackfruit if u draw close to them u see, kinda, tiny gray dots as tints and its known that way where people loving such hate the reverse as of chamama that draws u to it not as of rye that does the exact reverse. Most Jackfruit made gadget lovers love not smooth things as paints as many Arab women git such wide, non perforated type of skin, but of jackfruit which is like skin of people with tiny holes as sweet pores or goose pimply skinned people out of awe or 1 pumping cold moments to ya, hard to explain but at least gotten it dude. With paw paw made gadgets, people see u as loving ya self and self alone and even with paints. So dude, explore ya option b4 u come up with the car u drive to maintain respect and if wrong choice, remove paint as above and apply another as above. AS in the song link below
With pumpkin made like car is 4 the young who wants to be big or wanting other people 4 love who are aged than them, if u drive such cars, such women pity u as can consider ya and most preferably good with tiny or small car but not suv as the reverse is of jack-fruit made 1 dude. Got to know this, don’t just claim u r up to kids, thinking it will get always with u and no-where can overtake ya, don’t just be bongo lala, just there, wanting good as women always wants from men dude. Don’t get into women without nothing 4 society to have pity on ya.
When though as above ya plans cant be blocked or known as with Britain, will always be like that, as u want not people to tell ya and u want to control them as is only u who knows how to behave not them, when it goes bad with u, get to my position when u were above me not vice versa wanting from me to the of being like a kid, dude beware it will be the scene of this series movie where the black woman who was frustrated aiming the gun at his boss who knows how to see/look previously when his dubious ways had not been known as in the link below but UK people now don’t fear their cities being overtaken as they can expand Landon by building another Manhattan city island or residential land on its Atlantic coast as explained above. Put smile in ya face as the problem will solve it self as Landon is said to be crowded dude
Luo people like bibo, have u acknowledged am above u in thinking— hamano, hehe, have u dude, that way dude. I wanna hear the phrase ““we acknowledge u r above us dude“ again and again, Hamano and thats respect, where am snoring u dont come along and dude the same, got me dude, Hamano, Without me u could be still living in shanties and ya life could not have changed as now, True or false, that way dude, en hamamo, saying looking downward as a woman being seduced dude and that’s how it ought to be fro beginning.
$50 toy drone Kebi demolished as he bought just to find how it works and tells you. Men if u know shit stop cashing into 1 life, u can cash into his life yet get to hell as him gets to heaven as being in hell is only 1 week and rather hell so u r erased out the book of life. Decision yours dude. Just standing in hell no sweet thing as Kekvin out of curse, better kill every1 with siren gas so every1 gets to judgement 4 the world to start again, rather than this way which will never end as we got other planets as well. Other planet maps, white burnt wood fumes mixed with much water then raw mango pies placed in the boom process then the devil explain to ya in details whereabouts of other planets as distance from earth, its radius and continents in it. Jivu/wivu as Jealousy dude
Click the link below 4 more dude, of wanna bees/kich/nyuki, beatitudes with Christ bro
Car wheel digital compass direction as in the link below to aid new road users to reduce traffic accidents as it shows ya when wheel is not in straight position to take it back or bends demarcated as with how much to turn the wheel to negotiate such bends or corners
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sirjustice462-blog · 4 years
How Machines made
Click the links below 4 more dude
LOBINSON ong;ee tiende mondi nyiew door mar welding ma expensive than this 1
koth chwa eeh garbage, place gravel boom ya door/window, fence, table or gate
All placed in City garbage dude as all explained below
Cat feces makes Nikel when placed in the above in boom process
Broken glass or bristle container pieces as well as white flower petals or gravel makes stainless steel and even in sewer water dude
White guava, Dog feces, cassava or sweet potato makes aluminum wares as drinking water bottles and mugs dude as well as thermos and water coolers.
Okwaju as tamarind seeds makes stainless steal ware as well as doors or windows or gates as show below or orange, lemon, guava seeds when placed dude.
Okwaju juice or Lion feces makes even iron ware as doors or windows when placed in the above.
Cheater feces makes lithium and sodium periodic table elements as much as other cat/dog family animal feces makes others i know not as u cant keep on try many people to come out with the results.
Used drinking water bottles are made out of flower inserted in sewer water and when inserted in garbage makes even aluminum ware as much as broken glass pieces dude as Drinking bottles and cooking pots homey. Broken bulbs as well does the same job when placed in garbage.
Cobblers glue, cut tire pieces or worn out slippers when placed in the above or sewer water makes the modern day women saddles like masai walks with in Kenya. 4 good results u placed alongside hay or stones made out of garbage dude or dark smoke fumes bro
Writing pads or writing papers makes  steal ware as drinking bottles dude.
Inside of the pencil when placed in the above makes black diamond pieces as can be used in place of armored glass or gravel as its the hardest known substance on earth dude, or even auto-mobiles and many machines like hospital equipment dude.
Lion bones or made gravel placed in the above makes Big Rockets like the N-korean 1 dude
1 Piece of uvula placed in the above or any solution as dough or fruits makes Lamborghini car sport car and its utility bro while 2 makes like Range rover SUV cars while 3 makes limousines while like 10 makes long truck as trelas while 11 such pieces makes airplanes and drones, 15 makes rockets and more dude and even ripe whole peeled banana
Yesterday that white man walking with Dogs in Arafat furniture shop at lolwe made like more than 100 missiles and grenade launchers as guns within a tinkle of an eye dude as the raw material was readily available as sample of lolwe households were told to hide/keep their 1 week garbage 4 that work where many where give like 1 of the above to hide in their houses as some went to barren lands around and hid them underground as bury them as much as in the compounds 4 detectives not to unearth the same dude
Far from the above truths other Ugandans around as much as many tourists have made the same above here in East Africa and at agreed time/hour hurl the same on banks and police stations as much as those on vans on the road to create a next volatile state and steal money from such all country banks. As in a war can kill all people who can be corpse and all the army men, Govt can not manage people or overwhelm people who have known how to make machinery as above, with time they will kill all army men like with nucleus bomb, card-boards written with words inserted in garbage and the below inserted as water lilies or coconut stick broom and boom ya bomb bro, unless every1 goes to his land and dialogue given chance is when turmoil can stop dude.
Talk to the devil as in making machines in boom process to give you the map of all planets as with life as well, bearing from earth cities and distance dude. How can the white man know such distances when he has not reached such places dude, daytime lie bro, devil works bro.
Straight city paths as compared to curved town path as of Africa makes you dull and mundane in bed reason why many prefer Africa as not most developed cities as it improves their sex life, much greater sexual appetite and satisfaction than straight roads of most cities as planned cities.
When u place carrot, sausages made out of carrot or catapult Y shaped stick in garbage makes even saucer jets as synonymous with Russian made 1 as u can google both in the boom process.
Angel Gabriel signaling angels about judging facts to take Back to Mr. Hindu was hurled down as in revelation and Peter the rock resumed/took his position as in the links below dude
When u place maize cob in Garbage like 4 the whole estate and place the above makes even E-air-plane both in the boom process as in the link below dude
Made in Uganda car and plane in the links below
India airplane link as well get a glimpse of what’s in other links below
Uganda can be the African richest nation as the best attract you car or gadgets then grab ya mind then suddenly makes u leave the gadget and search 4 the owner is made out of Jack-fruit as Mfenesi in the boom process, not dull or bright but not even cool, falling less of than being cool dude and world nations where such are grown as they can import such, when mixed with rye gives not all that bright machine and that’s its utility, what a perfect combination as synonymous with mercedez cars and u can mix jack-fruit of equal percentage with any fruit, hay, used tires, bottles or chaff used to make gadgets in the boom process. Click the links below 4 more. Jack-fruit as well can be made much in the boom process but her gadgets not the same as of grown 1
Its 2 fold, u belittle 1 yet he has refused ya gay maneuvers which are well known and nothing pegged on me is bad as guilt whatsoever, if at all i could have died a sibling u could not have learnt automation as Kenya and the rest of poor world could be like in the 80′s dude. Now u talk kinda, pointing 1 but afraid as ya dubious deal faulted meaning i have worn my part as the war. Even if u say i got no money or was crying, the fact remains what u wanted as with jew/Egyptian long dead dude, no immigration of the Negros into ya nation as it more poor than rich than u thought dude. Better that way bro, and on ya side u stop wanting my food even wanting to ambush me on the roads. Selling artificial oil, gas, foods and exhuming caskets long gone even opening shops 4 petty theft and even illicit money online that u use to get those women u want. They fear as they can be attacked with other nations the belittled and at the same time have gotten leverage of making gadget so confident of the future not to get into the hard life they lived 20years back. They wanna get to 1 country yet those in their sphere they mistreat as above, so them also to take heed in other peoples nation. Scratch my back i scratch yours lets u r annihilated to be animals not human beings dude
Wanting all free from me but not even a single from them and that can not happen and they have gotten it dude. Kenya will never be rich than even SA and u got it dude and it hurts cause have waiting 4 along time. Charles Darwin theories hoax as Judgement and Hell found along Chicago Ave Minneapolis, MN. Me i have rewritten books as dismissed many laws many have studied in books without rest, waking up at night to master them as lies and u have submitted to the same and so fellows who is great, me or u? With ya u only abuse me in circles which do not gain international accreditation b4 u realize that am above ya to plan my ambush or claim that am of ya tribe yet we got DNA dude. U can be all killed and Nyanza and luo dialect remains with me to dispose it bro. Whats the hoot dude, even after ya death and having received formalin injection if u repent when people hear or record to post on YouTube, Fb or any social media fraternity 4 people to retrieve and hear u find ya way to heaven, so Mr Hindu we know clearly the remedy to what u r championing dude, so better stop. If u say the truck with belt water pump that harbor Ae technology is just made while other knows about it when it started operation then what u have been saying on people as seeing in ya eye are all lies pegged on the above case, so stop dude and accept triumph Mr Hindu, stop wanting my food again yet previously u belittled me, meaning u r insane to get by as the gimmick maybe dude. People also transfigure to images of others to implicate ya dude. Koth/seed mar chwa/okwaju treats aids dude, Nyamau fresh mouth herb can be made much as the leaves or roots as well as stem in the boom process by placing coconut African broom stick, pineapple, carrot, pumpkin, water lilies, charcoal water, orange fruit outer peel or sweet potato both in the boom process and with any food to be made much artificially dude. No worry in Africa dude when the above learnt as much as temperate lands in winter when oil finishes but we got away to replace Africa solar as E-car dude  
Built in Uganda airline by KEBI in the link below as well as E-Norwegian airplane
Am the Victor dude, Now u cant just talk with mouth wide open even if i die dude and that’s it homey. Shut that previously smelling mouth which my relentless efforts made much fresh 4 people to draw close to ya and wife not to divorce ya dude. Kebi saved ya ass big time dude
With making like Manhattan Island on water, u can use the armored glass as its much strong and rot not dude, where such is made out of Garbage, placed on it cut flower sample then hurl cold water and boom ya size u want armored glass as the devil can give you every road and street as much as cultivate lawns and sky scrapper if u draw all such not making later after the island is formed. The Kora brown translucence stone is the hardest and can be used to make our roads and buildings more than the normal 1, when sample of such place in garbage or cut diagonal such photos as in the link below placed then u spit saliva in the boom process and ya kora stone formed.
Take city garbage like collected 4 a week and mix with much water, then insert pieces of lemon into it, then spit saliva and in the boom process makes ya gravel, u can mix with sewer water 4 black dark ones which if u place in the boom process solutions as dough, hay, cereals or fruits makes any electrical gadget as home appliances, office furniture and appliances or cars when placed in the boom process as we place water lilies, orange outer peel, charcoal, coconut African broom etc. Even grains of fruits as lemons, oranges, mango, paw paw makes electronic when the above gravel piece placed while When u place dry mango seed, cassava pieces, avocado seed, cut ripe banana, jack-fruit yellow inside and maize in solutions that makes jets or sugar makes such in the boom process dude.
Chamama made gadgets grows wide ya face and makes u pimply but chamama made paints in the boom process are 1 of the coolest, so buy like a car made out of ripe mango, remove the paint and applies chamama made paint as explained above while cars made out of jackfruit if u draw close to them u see, kinda, tiny gray dots as tints and its known that way where people loving such hate the reverse as of chamama that draws u to it not as of rye that does the exact reverse. Most Jackfruit made gadget lovers love not smooth things as paints as many Arab women git such wide, non perforated type of skin, but of jackfruit which is like skin of people with tiny holes as sweet pores or goose pimply skinned people out of awe or 1 pumping cold moments to ya, hard to explain but at least gotten it dude. With paw paw made gadgets, people see u as loving ya self and self alone and even with paints. So dude, explore ya option b4 u come up with the car u drive to maintain respect and if wrong choice, remove paint as above and apply another as above. AS in the song link below
With pumpkin made like car is 4 the young who wants to be big or wanting other people 4 love who are aged than them, if u drive such cars, such women pity u as can consider ya and most preferably good with tiny or small car but not suv as the reverse is of jack-fruit made 1 dude. Got to know this, don’t just claim u r up to kids, thinking it will get always with u and no-where can overtake ya, don’t just be bongo lala, just there, wanting good as women always wants from men dude. Don’t get into women without nothing 4 society to have pity on ya.
When though as above ya plans cant be blocked or known as with Britain, will always be like that, as u want not people to tell ya and u want to control them as is only u who knows how to behave not them, when it goes bad with u, get to my position when u were above me not vice versa wanting from me to the of being like a kid, dude beware it will be the scene of this series movie where the black woman who was frustrated aiming the gun at his boss who knows how to see/look previously when his dubious ways had not been known as in the link below but UK people now don’t fear their cities being overtaken as they can expand Landon by building another Manhattan city island or residential land on its Atlantic coast as explained above. Put smile in ya face as the problem will solve it self as Landon is said to be crowded dude
Luo people like bibo, have u acknowledged am above u in thinking— hamano, hehe, have u dude, that way dude. I wanna hear the phrase ““we acknowledge u r above us dude“ again and again, Hamano and thats respect, where am snoring u dont come along and dude the same, got me dude, Hamano, Without me u could be still living in shanties and ya life could not have changed as now, True or false, that way dude, en hamamo, saying looking downward as a woman being seduced dude and that’s how it ought to be fro beginning.
$50 toy drone Kebi demolished as he bought just to find how it works and tells you. Men if u know shit stop cashing into 1 life, u can cash into his life yet get to hell as him gets to heaven as being in hell is only 1 week and rather hell so u r erased out the book of life. Decision yours dude. Just standing in hell no sweet thing as Kekvin out of curse, better kill every1 with siren gas so every1 gets to judgement 4 the world to start again, rather than this way which will never end as we got other planets as well. Other planet maps, white burnt wood fumes mixed with much water then raw mango pies placed in the boom process then the devil explain to ya in details whereabouts of other planets as distance from earth, its radius and continents in it. Jivu/wivu as Jealousy dude
Click the link below 4 more dude, of wanna bees/kich/nyuki, beatitudes with Christ bro
Car wheel digital compass direction as in the link below to aid new road users to reduce traffic accidents as it shows ya when wheel is not in straight position to take it back or bends demarcated as with how much to turn the wheel to negotiate such bends or corners
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sirjustice457 · 4 years
EAT in ya kitchen not living room as in the links below, see this tumblr followings 4 more dude
Click the links below 4 more dude
LOBINSON ong;ee tiende mondi nyiew door mar welding ma expensive than this 1 
koth chwa eeh garbage, place gravel boom ya door/window, fence, table or gate
All placed in City garbage dude as all explained below
Cat feces makes Nikel when placed in the above in boom process
Broken glass or bristle container pieces as well as white flower petals or gravel makes stainless steel and even in sewer water dude
White guava, Dog feces, cassava or sweet potato makes aluminum wares as drinking water bottles and mugs dude as well as thermos and water coolers.
Okwaju as tamarind seeds makes stainless steal ware as well as doors or windows or gates as show below or orange, lemon, guava seeds when placed dude.
Okwaju juice or Lion feces makes even iron ware as doors or windows when placed in the above.
Cheater feces makes lithium and sodium periodic table elements as much as other cat/dog family animal feces makes others i know not as u cant keep on try many people to come out with the results.
Used drinking water bottles are made out of flower inserted in sewer water and when inserted in garbage makes even aluminum ware as much as broken glass pieces dude as Drinking bottles and cooking pots homey. Broken bulbs as well does the same job when placed in garbage.
Cobblers glue, cut tire pieces or worn out slippers when placed in the above or sewer water makes the modern day women saddles like masai walks with in Kenya. 4 good results u placed alongside hay or stones made out of garbage dude or dark smoke fumes bro
Writing pads or writing papers makes  steal ware as drinking bottles dude.
Inside of the pencil when placed in the above makes black diamond pieces as can be used in place of armored glass or gravel as its the hardest known substance on earth dude, or even auto-mobiles and many machines like hospital equipment dude.
Lion bones or made gravel placed in the above makes Big Rockets like the N-korean 1 dude
1 Piece of uvula placed in the above or any solution as dough or fruits makes Lamborghini car sport car and its utility bro while 2 makes like Range rover SUV cars while 3 makes limousines while like 10 makes long truck as trelas while 11 such pieces makes airplanes and drones, 15 makes rockets and more dude and even ripe whole peeled banana
Yesterday that white man walking with Dogs in Arafat furniture shop at lolwe made like more than 100 missiles and grenade launchers as guns within a tinkle of an eye dude as the raw material was readily available as sample of lolwe households were told to hide/keep their 1 week garbage 4 that work where many where give like 1 of the above to hide in their houses as some went to barren lands around and hid them underground as bury them as much as in the compounds 4 detectives not to unearth the same dude
Far from the above truths other Ugandans around as much as many tourists have made the same above here in East Africa and at agreed time/hour hurl the same on banks and police stations as much as those on vans on the road to create a next volatile state and steal money from such all country banks. As in a war can kill all people who can be corpse and all the army men, Govt can not manage people or overwhelm people who have known how to make machinery as above, with time they will kill all army men like with nucleus bomb, card-boards written with words inserted in garbage and the below inserted as water lilies or coconut stick broom and boom ya bomb bro, unless every1 goes to his land and dialogue given chance is when turmoil can stop dude.
Talk to the devil as in making machines in boom process to give you the map of all planets as with life as well, bearing from earth cities and distance dude. How can the white man know such distances when he has not reached such places dude, daytime lie bro, devil works bro.
Straight city paths as compared to curved town path as of Africa makes you dull and mundane in bed reason why many prefer Africa as not most developed cities as it improves their sex life, much greater sexual appetite and satisfaction than straight roads of most cities as planned cities.
When u place carrot, sausages made out of carrot or catapult Y shaped stick in garbage makes even saucer jets as synonymous with Russian made 1 as u can google both in the boom process.
Angel Gabriel signaling angels about judging facts to take Back to Mr. Hindu was hurled down as in revelation and Peter the rock resumed/took his position as in the links below dude
When u place maize cob in Garbage like 4 the whole estate and place the above makes even E-air-plane both in the boom process as in the link below dude
Made in Uganda car and plane in the links below
India airplane link as well get a glimpse of what’s in other links below
Uganda can be the African richest nation as the best attract you car or gadgets then grab ya mind then suddenly makes u leave the gadget and search 4 the owner is made out of Jack-fruit as Mfenesi in the boom process, not dull or bright but not even cool, falling less of than being cool dude and world nations where such are grown as they can import such, when mixed with rye gives not all that bright machine and that’s its utility, what a perfect combination as synonymous with mercedez cars and u can mix jack-fruit of equal percentage with any fruit, hay, used tires, bottles or chaff used to make gadgets in the boom process. Click the links below 4 more. Jack-fruit as well can be made much in the boom process but her gadgets not the same as of grown 1
Its 2 fold, u belittle 1 yet he has refused ya gay maneuvers which are well known and nothing pegged on me is bad as guilt whatsoever, if at all i could have died a sibling u could not have learnt automation as Kenya and the rest of poor world could be like in the 80′s dude. Now u talk kinda, pointing 1 but afraid as ya dubious deal faulted meaning i have worn my part as the war. Even if u say i got no money or was crying, the fact remains what u wanted as with jew/Egyptian long dead dude, no immigration of the Negros into ya nation as it more poor than rich than u thought dude. Better that way bro, and on ya side u stop wanting my food even wanting to ambush me on the roads. Selling artificial oil, gas, foods and exhuming caskets long gone even opening shops 4 petty theft and even illicit money online that u use to get those women u want. They fear as they can be attacked with other nations the belittled and at the same time have gotten leverage of making gadget so confident of the future not to get into the hard life they lived 20years back. They wanna get to 1 country yet those in their sphere they mistreat as above, so them also to take heed in other peoples nation. Scratch my back i scratch yours lets u r annihilated to be animals not human beings dude
Wanting all free from me but not even a single from them and that can not happen and they have gotten it dude. Kenya will never be rich than even SA and u got it dude and it hurts cause have waiting 4 along time. Charles Darwin theories hoax as Judgement and Hell found along Chicago Ave Minneapolis, MN. Me i have rewritten books as dismissed many laws many have studied in books without rest, waking up at night to master them as lies and u have submitted to the same and so fellows who is great, me or u? With ya u only abuse me in circles which do not gain international accreditation b4 u realize that am above ya to plan my ambush or claim that am of ya tribe yet we got DNA dude. U can be all killed and Nyanza and luo dialect remains with me to dispose it bro. Whats the hoot dude, even after ya death and having received formalin injection if u repent when people hear or record to post on YouTube, Fb or any social media fraternity 4 people to retrieve and hear u find ya way to heaven, so Mr Hindu we know clearly the remedy to what u r championing dude, so better stop. If u say the truck with belt water pump that harbor Ae technology is just made while other knows about it when it started operation then what u have been saying on people as seeing in ya eye are all lies pegged on the above case, so stop dude and accept triumph Mr Hindu, stop wanting my food again yet previously u belittled me, meaning u r insane to get by as the gimmick maybe dude. People also transfigure to images of others to implicate ya dude. Koth/seed mar chwa/okwaju treats aids dude, Nyamau fresh mouth herb can be made much as the leaves or roots as well as stem in the boom process by placing coconut African broom stick, pineapple, carrot, pumpkin, water lilies, charcoal water, orange fruit outer peel or sweet potato both in the boom process and with any food to be made much artificially dude. No worry in Africa dude when the above learnt as much as temperate lands in winter when oil finishes but we got away to replace Africa solar as E-car dude  
Built in Uganda airline by KEBI in the link below as well as E-Norwegian airplane
Am the Victor dude, Now u cant just talk with mouth wide open even if i die dude and that’s it homey. Shut that previously smelling mouth which my relentless efforts made much fresh 4 people to draw close to ya and wife not to divorce ya dude. Kebi saved ya ass big time dude
With making like Manhattan Island on water, u can use the armored glass as its much strong and rot not dude, where such is made out of Garbage, placed on it cut flower sample then hurl cold water and boom ya size u want armored glass as the devil can give you every road and street as much as cultivate lawns and sky scrapper if u draw all such not making later after the island is formed. The Kora brown translucence stone is the hardest and can be used to make our roads and buildings more than the normal 1, when sample of such place in garbage or cut diagonal such photos as in the link below placed then u spit saliva in the boom process and ya kora stone formed.
Take city garbage like collected 4 a week and mix with much water, then insert pieces of lemon into it, then spit saliva and in the boom process makes ya gravel, u can mix with sewer water 4 black dark ones which if u place in the boom process solutions as dough, hay, cereals or fruits makes any electrical gadget as home appliances, office furniture and appliances or cars when placed in the boom process as we place water lilies, orange outer peel, charcoal, coconut African broom etc. Even grains of fruits as lemons, oranges, mango, paw paw makes electronic when the above gravel piece placed while When u place dry mango seed, cassava pieces, avocado seed, cut ripe banana, jack-fruit yellow inside and maize in solutions that makes jets or sugar makes such in the boom process dude.
Chamama made gadgets grows wide ya face and makes u pimply but chamama made paints in the boom process are 1 of the coolest, so buy like a car made out of ripe mango, remove the paint and applies chamama made paint as explained above while cars made out of jackfruit if u draw close to them u see, kinda, tiny gray dots as tints and its known that way where people loving such hate the reverse as of chamama that draws u to it not as of rye that does the exact reverse. Most Jackfruit made gadget lovers love not smooth things as paints as many Arab women git such wide, non perforated type of skin, but of jackfruit which is like skin of people with tiny holes as sweet pores or goose pimply skinned people out of awe or 1 pumping cold moments to ya, hard to explain but at least gotten it dude. With paw paw made gadgets, people see u as loving ya self and self alone and even with paints. So dude, explore ya option b4 u come up with the car u drive to maintain respect and if wrong choice, remove paint as above and apply another as above. AS in the song link below
With pumpkin made like car is 4 the young who wants to be big or wanting other people 4 love who are aged than them, if u drive such cars, such women pity u as can consider ya and most preferably good with tiny or small car but not suv as the reverse is of jack-fruit made 1 dude. Got to know this, don’t just claim u r up to kids, thinking it will get always with u and no-where can overtake ya, don’t just be bongo lala, just there, wanting good as women always wants from men dude. Don’t get into women without nothing 4 society to have pity on ya.
When though as above ya plans cant be blocked or known as with Britain, will always be like that, as u want not people to tell ya and u want to control them as is only u who knows how to behave not them, when it goes bad with u, get to my position when u were above me not vice versa wanting from me to the of being like a kid, dude beware it will be the scene of this series movie where the black woman who was frustrated aiming the gun at his boss who knows how to see/look previously when his dubious ways had not been known as in the link below but UK people now don’t fear their cities being overtaken as they can expand Landon by building another Manhattan city island or residential land on its Atlantic coast as explained above. Put smile in ya face as the problem will solve it self as Landon is said to be crowded dude
Luo people like bibo, have u acknowledged am above u in thinking— hamano, hehe, have u dude, that way dude. I wanna hear the phrase ““we acknowledge u r above us dude“ again and again, Hamano and thats respect, where am snoring u dont come along and dude the same, got me dude, Hamano, Without me u could be still living in shanties and ya life could not have changed as now, True or false, that way dude, en hamamo, saying looking downward as a woman being seduced dude and that’s how it ought to be fro beginning.
$50 toy drone Kebi demolished as he bought just to find how it works and tells you. Men if u know shit stop cashing into 1 life, u can cash into his life yet get to hell as him gets to heaven as being in hell is only 1 week and rather hell so u r erased out the book of life. Decision yours dude. Just standing in hell no sweet thing as Kekvin out of curse, better kill every1 with siren gas so every1 gets to judgement 4 the world to start again, rather than this way which will never end as we got other planets as well. Other planet maps, white burnt wood fumes mixed with much water then raw mango pies placed in the boom process then the devil explain to ya in details whereabouts of other planets as distance from earth, its radius and continents in it. Jivu/wivu as Jealousy dude
Click the link below 4 more dude, of wanna bees/kich/nyuki, beatitudes with Christ bro
Car wheel digital compass direction as in the link below to aid new road users to reduce traffic accidents as it shows ya when wheel is not in straight position to take it back or bends demarcated as with how much to turn the wheel to negotiate such bends or corners
Counterfeit products, make a bar code software on phones to detect the same when no company placed automated vending machine.
They now champion less kids not as earlier as to increase a/c no that can withdraw cash from 2goinvoice which name has been changed and not told many people as it can be like its predecessor dude.
Nyagot NAIROBI commuter buses belongs to Kebi adopted mother, as many have known now cropping the town as Arabs and whites wanting it easy from him yet he is very categorical in his stand that’s not his biological mother but happy are we as DNA has been done. White people stop that shit, take it to another some1 bro. Don’t turn back like the Russians are doing continue being rude as always and sponsoring hooliganism do not relent girl. Told them how motor bike spare parts made as much as vehicle, managed to make the same sell and be rich dude
Even chamama leaves and succulent seed part makes 1 of the best paints and cars that neither draws people away from it or to it but just there, not deemed kiddish or youth or too much grown but just there dude.
If getting out was my way out, getting out i will get out, no 1 whom am more than can bar me and get me straight getting out i will get out even u Mr Hindu, Kikuyu or Russian if u don’t shoot me, getting out i will dude, u cant stop me bro. U can prolong ya ejaculation but not my getting out bro wanting to reap where u did not saw youngling.
Portacabin housed in the links below made by Garbage inserted inside water lilies or dry cassava/white sweet potato pieces or all named in sirjustice390 tumblr a/c in the boom process. Make such 4 ya citizen and place in credit dude to eliminate always up-to ya house syndrome to judge ya dude, or cut the photo diagonally even 4 inside rooms with same measuring scale, making the foundation and placing garbage on dug ditches and boom ya house and 4 container u just place in open air and save the ass of ya tribe dude big time
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countessofbiscuit · 2 years
wip tag
rules: write the latest line from wip and tag as many people as there are words in the line. make a new post, don’t reblog.
Tagged by @a-aristippus and @trashbrain2000 back when I had no honest WIPs :p But I am expanding on a drabble to hammer out my ideas about the legalization of the GAR and how Riyo understands her and Pantora’s relationship with galactic events:
Centrepieces atop white linen displayed the diplomatic emblem of the senator to be seated; as Commander Fox signed the guestpad, the maître d’ droid scurried to prompt the Pantoran flag at one of the unbooked tables against the vast window wall. 
tagging: @theirrationalfan @kungfuslipper @tiend
will futher bend the rules and add something from my current art WIP:
Tumblr media
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