touhoutivations · 4 months
reimu's guide to 'when incidents keep happening and the world sucks'
"I've been there, you wake up and go 'not this shit again'."
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"Allow yourself to be angry. You have a right to. 'oh but anger isn't productive'- shut up. Anger is your soul telling you that what's happening isn't okay, you don't have to take this shit like a gentle maiden. But, don't let outrage consume you. It's easy to feel self-righteous and haughty and looking for more info, but then you just keep looking at upsetting info and not gaining any knowledge or direction. It's up to you to make sure you're not hurting yourself too, flailing a sword around yelling isn't gonna help anyone in a fight."
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"You're panicking. Catatonic and tense. It happens. You know what you need? A bucket of cold water dumped on your head. ...Okay I'm serious, half. I don't know all about it, but there's this thingy called the vagus nerve that controls how your body is responding, especially when you panic. If you can control your breathing with exercises, that helps it- but if you're super frantic, a mild 'shock' to the body like eating something super sour or splashing cold water on the back of your neck can help get you out of your head."
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"Don't be afraid to call for backup, and to check in on other people. I'm not saying rock up at someone's house and go 'hi oni that got kicked out of hell, that really sucks and i'm here because that must really suck that you're getting kicked out and i'm here to make you feel better about myself'. Do what you need for each other in the moment- organising, gardening, just flopping on the kotatsu? All good. The best way to remind yourself not everything sucks is to hang out with the things that make it suck less. Or even just neutral people, people that are just okay or even doctors and stuff can help you get out of that mindset of everyone's evil."
"And lastly, not to get all conspiratorial, buuut remember- if you're a bad guy, what's the best thing for you? For all the people that could beat their ass to give up, throw their hands and say 'can't be helped'. I'm not saying you gotta go out there gohei-blazing everyday, but if it helps to think of it, giving up and going all 'nothing matters' is letting them win. It's okay to give up for a day, and it's okay that you feel hopeless- but you gotta promise me that you'll dust yourself up and find that hope again. It's not about being invincible, it's about being getting up again."
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"So go out there and stand up! ...Or sit down, you do what you need to right now- but no curling up and withering away, got it?! Or I'm gonna throw a bucket of water on you!"
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touhoutivations · 9 months
"Human! I see your spine has become curled up like a wispy shrimp for the past several hours! As part of the Haniwa Corps, it is my duty to make sure you are protected! Please, join me in standing, stretching, swaying- so we can become nimble and malleable for whatever challenges lie ahead!"
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"To the left! Ha-ni ha-ni! To the right! Ha-ni ha-ni!" "Here is your program for today, please try at least some of these- and use any battle armour for ease of accessibility- whether they are casts, guards, canes or wheels. Humanity's heart lies in it's creations, and the vessel for those is our bodies- so we must do whatever we can to take proper care of it!"
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touhoutivations · 3 months
"You! Hey, yes you!" "Why aren't you dancing and jumping up and down with glee? Allow yourself some darn whimsy- wiggle your hands, go tippy tappy with your ankles, hum something, anything! You should never be ashamed of how you express joy, no matter how 'cringe' people make you think you are."
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"So c'mon! I've got a new solo I wanna test out on this awesome swing piece I've been working on, so vibe and jive~! Now a-one and a-two and a five six seven eight!"
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touhoutivations · 4 months
The new year is finally here! Aah, what a nice and fresh start~ Huh? It's been a few days? Well yeah, you gotta give a rest break from all the partying, and sip some amazake.
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What are your resolutions for the year? I reckon life should be about adding things, not taking them away- like when I first started at the shrine I was like 'okay this year I'm not allowed to get distracted ever!' but then I kinda realised that playing around with a ball or looking at the beautiful things around me helped me way more! Sooo that's why my resolution is to get lots of pats! A 10% pat increase compared to last year, minimum! Isn't that a smart goal? Hehe, don't just stand there- give me some scritches!
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Oh, and don't forget to put in the box what you wanna do this year!
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touhoutivations · 9 months
"People often say to me 'Waka- your power is so silly, getting stronger in water? That's so lame!' But did you know...apparently humans also get stronger- or at least, benefits from hanging around bodies of water! Whether it's the ocean, a lake, or even listening or looking at water or showering, sooo take some time for yourself to really quench that thirst- post those funny fish memes, drink a glass of the elixir. Come into the water, yes, I don't bite...hehe, maybe then I can get some more power?"
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touhoutivations · 9 months
mmh. i'm trying to get a job for the first time in a bit and i'm afraid i wont get it. the workforce is pretty hostile nowadays cuz everythings just like. shaking up all the time, you know. you think i'll make it? ~ sincerely, eientei's best (and hopefully employed) kon-consultant
Kukuku, I feel you. It's hard to get that bread, especially since the kappa started making all these pesky 'all-the-rhythmns'- but don't worry! As the "most wanted" in Gensokyou, I'd be glad to lend you some words- at a price~ I do specialise in gathering, so you came to the right place! There's a few factors, and…well…in the free market, you must utilise all your tools in a free-for-all.
Start with kon-nections if possible, check around if y'know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy. If you're fresh meat, it might help to ask around family, friends, acquaintances, your school or other community situation- if you got the ties, there's nothing wrong with usin' them. I'm not toooo well-versed in recruitment agencies, but they might be an interesting choice to flick through- but just check in with other people to make sure you ain't the one getting the short stick! (or at least, if you can get a longer stick elsewhere)
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Or, if your scoop ain't working, make the whole pool your net! Speedrun those resumes and chuck em like a paperboy into any and every inbox! After the 76th tapping session on your typewriter, the fear of rejection just becomes benign (those numbers can stack up, but at least you can brag about them? or put 'fast typer' on your resume) So for the first round, do any that you can speedrun- anything that wants you to do those shitty puzzles or rewrite criteria and all that junk? Save it for when you can do it
…And now for those jobs- it's a bit of a gamble- those speedy ones will have all these silly little kappa machines to say yes or no before they know your name. Those ones you do selection criteria on, they take more time, but they're probably taking time to look through too? But talking about yourself can be oh so draining- so whenever you get a question on one of these- save what you're saying for later people asking the same question. Have a big scroll of how fantastic you are.
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As for a little spice…well, I'm not saying to -lie- buuut dress yourself up. You love stealing an extra candy apple at a festival? 'Quick-witted and a fast-learner specialising in resource management.' Got involved in a black market and crashed the economy? 'Expert financial analyst with an eye for detail and graphic design. Experience in customer service and operating as an intermediary between divisions.'
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It's quite the fun and optimistic game, showing off your absolute best and truly being the ultimate gaslighting girlboss charmismatic consultant you can! Know what you're worth, know you are hot stuff even if those pitiful robots don't, and I know you claw and stumble your way into something!
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You can do it, just remember: Kon-sult, Kon-spire, Kon-trol!
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touhoutivations · 8 months
dear miss ibarakasen,
i was fired from my job today for insubordination after refusing to stock damaged goods on the floor. apparently doing what's right isn't good enough. i have nothing else to report, really, i'm just incredibly frustrated. i didn't think humans had such low standards. but yet here we are.
~ eientei's favorite kon-consultant
To my cherished kon-solutant,
I'm proud of you. I know it sounds, as you say, like the bare minimum- but what you did shows a strength of character that upholds the needs and safety of your fellow beings over menial concepts as profits. You have done your duty not only as a worker, but as a being, well. You absolutely did 'good enough', and especially if you are in these businesses, it's a vital trait to have.
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I know that especially in regards to pharmaceuticals, food- or anything that's especially for corporeal consumption- there are important guidelines and rules to follow to prevent harming another.
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Which is why I share your frustration at such a response from your former boss- a truly pitiful human. His abuse of power and slovenly manner is unbecoming.
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It's clear that you have the candor and grit to be a wonderful human, and I hope a suitable and fair workspace will find you soon. I'm aware searching for a job can be difficult, but as you've demonstrated- it'll come in no time. After all, the wiles of a fox will always inevitably draw in a target.
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…And…if you do want to…'accelerate karma' then…perhaps it might alleviate your negative feelings to give a deserved lecture on a review or standards authority site if it was particularly egregious.
The idea behind inaction and action is a difficult one within our practice- but just as you showed the positive power of inaction, there are also positive benefits to so called 'negative' actions. A kettle must allow itself to sing with steam, after all…
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touhoutivations · 3 months
"This is the Mountain's checkpoint! You may not stroll past until you have had a glass of water within this hour, gotten up and stretched and checked if you've eaten enough this day."
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"A lack of accordance to this order will cause me to detain you with a game of shogi with a side of tea and snacks until you have fulfilled the requirements. Keep on, my friend!"
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touhoutivations · 9 months
my anxiety disorder is terrible lately and I'd like some advice. from any of the taoists, especially seiga (they're my favorites and probably makes it obvious to my friends who is requesting this)
"Oh? I never knew I was so adored, how wonderful! I'm always happy to give advice to such a devotee, fufu~"
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"It's been a long time since I've felt worry… but outdated still are some perspectives on anxiety. Some say that it's 'from desires' that things like human suffering is caused…but I don't think that's quite true. If you'll allow me to be a bit wicked, desires such as wanting to feel in control aren't inherently bad. It's when these blind and block us that we slip up. Me telling you that your desire to not have anxiety is what's causing you to have it is simply inaccurate."
"Instead, wouldn't you argue the more Taoist approach is to operate within the tools you've been given? You cannot will the cage out of existence, but you can cut a hole in it, or gain the flexibility to travel the world within it."
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"With hardship, I want you to think of yourself not as a person struggling under a waterfall, but as one that serenely stares up at the surface, or one that controls a wave. Breathe, and I don't mean subtle invisible breaths, you are allowed to take up space in this world. Try to find a visual that helps you, whether that's winding a fishing rod up, a windmill, a hamster on a wheel, I like to think about such things when it comes to circular breathing, like winding yarn and then unravelling it."
"Congratulations, you've taken control. By merely a breath, you've commanded your body, you own yourself. Such power with such a small technique. Now, I shall teach you metamorphosis. Don't be scared, it'll take time. Now, accepting that the world will keep turning and to move past them is a bit boring. This is a technique Taishi-sama and Futo use too- grandeur. Invert that voice that insists you're inferior, and have instead a 'hype man' of sorts."
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"For example, how would Futo-san word it…'Begone! Foul thoughts- thou art clueless of the majesty of our lord, for thy seeth- they have seer-like ability, concerned with all- verily. Verily! They struggle, and yet- and yet- 'tis only a testament to a strength thee cannot comprehend!'" "Fufu, I should do that more often…Regardless, I promise you that you're well on your journey- and I believe in your conviction. After all, you have wonderful taste in exemplars~"
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touhoutivations · 9 months
ghost anon here - thank you again for the reassurance, i appreciate it. writing in again because i've got a crow tengu friend who's moving to an entirely new place and theyve been crazy stressed out about it - maybe a fellow reporter could weigh in about changing surroundings?
"Ayayaya, a new place hm?  That's always a tricky thing, whether you planned it or not- at least with me, I know I've had a few times where I've gotten my cove torched and had to…rebrand as it were, aha~" "I guess it comes down to how you feel about old and new stuff. Some need to cling to the time you have, some feel like it's some…doomsday clock- some throw themselves into the new, or some feel like it's invasive. It's hard to determine whether you're ready or what works. Whatever it is, I want you to know that whatever you feel- even if it's a contradictory whirlwind, is okay."  
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"Depending on how convenient it is- I think what would be helpful is to find homes away from your house. Whether that's near your future place, or near a workspace or somewhere else you frequent- try finding places that make you feel cozy and comfortable. Bonus points if they have flexible hours or they're public services that you don't have to spend money with."
"You have a nice tea place nearby? Try that item you always think about but never get- even if it's not that great, opening yourself up to change on your own terms can be helpful. Get comfortable, and ease yourself into experimentation and investigation! "
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"I sometimes think back to an old case I had with the doll on Nameless Hill. Where I offered her a soapbox about her whole 'doll liberation' thing. The results were as varied as they were catastrophic. Humans were devastated and tried to get their old dolls back, even if they got poisoned, some kids felt scared to let things go because they didn’t want to hurt them or get hurt if they became tsukumogami, some relived nice times, some painful scars… I got into a bunch of trouble up top for it. And Miss Melancholy wasn't happy because both doll and human felt chained to each other…
But oddly enough, the one that fixed the issue was the Misfortune Goddess. She wanted to try 'update' the old Nagashi festival, since the yamawaro were getting frustrated that dolls kept stockpiling- which, yeah- if I was a doll I'd be sad about if I got chucked in a river. So…Hina suggested 'recycling' that misfortune into fortune, transferring the memories and care you felt to another child- who would make something special with that doll, to so on and so forth. Thanking it for the time and company that it occupied, allowing a civil dismissal, and not feeling all gloomy and weighty.
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…Miss Melancholy hated it at first. She thought it was just 'shoving the problem onto someone else- and why am I seen as a problem anyway-' but…seeing a girl get an older doll from an elder, seeing the two of them stitch new clothes for her and repaint her faded eyes…I never knew dolls could cry but…yeah. And writing that article with Kagiyama's assistance…yes, it truly was one of my prouder moments as a journalist. …It really was, and I yearn for another masterpiece like that…ah-"
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"I'm getting off track here, but I mean that everyone has their own thoughts, feelings and journey about change- and it's going to take some time, even if you know the 'perfect' way to handle it. Be patient with yourself, that's the one thing you'll always be travelling with- ahaha~ But being able to find little gaps of happiness, a fantastical scoop anywhere you go- even if it's a lone autumn leaf on the road- you'll find many more homes to report to!"
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touhoutivations · 3 months
"Unforgivable, unforgivable, unforgivable."
"Do you truly see yourself in such a way? Truly a pitiful sinner- one of the two greatest sins; believe yourself faultless or believing yourself nothing but fault."
"If you want any hope of salvation, you must be accustomed to change. You wish to know my verdict? A verdict is something only to be dictated upon the end, until then it is only righteous to for me to offer guidance. Whether you're right or wrong at present is entirely irrelevant- a conviction now would only lead to self-assurance that you need not grow."
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"Instead, ask yourself- what is the way I can change now? What are the good deeds I can do today? Even if it's but a mere speck, even if it's simply keeping yourself alive- we are more than the sum of our actions and thoughts- but it is actions that sins and virtues are established. Settle your head, steady your hands- and do your best for the coming time."
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touhoutivations · 3 months
*rattle rattle*- THUD!
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Aw, I missed- I'll have to wait for the next person...hmph, well since you narrowly escaped me, I'll give you a reminder that you should drop in on that thing you haven't gone to in a while. Yeah. You know the one. When we're stressed, we often try to conserve ourselves and isolate, but that's the time when you -most- need to find a body to- ah, I mean, hang out in a community and do something together. I know, why don't you have them meet here? Why? Oh- uh...no reason.
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touhoutivations · 9 months
dear miss himekaidou,
i unfortunately have not been employed. so, i’ve been working on a few journalist articles, mostly as practice for my skills in case i ever decide to go into the practice and im worried that the articles i’ve been making aren’t of high quality.
how do you manage? i know such insecurities might be common in a profession such as yours, so…. any advice?
yours, eientei’s favorite kon-consultant
"Trust me, to start off- a great journalist is one that already is thinking about the quality of their work and doesn't shut their brain off for ideas. So I think you're off to a good start! It's hard, because while it's a job- you aren't gonna like, be able to push for the great caste system revolution-  I mean hard-hitting journalism all of the time. Sometimes you're gonna get stuck with 'Pick your favourite wagashi and we'll tell you your personality!'" "Buuut, I think there's something to learn from each article you write- even if you scrap them, you need only look. For example, I- loathe as I am to say it- did do such pitiful writing as that article- but the person that requested it also offered a coupon for a senbei stand… 'Dorayaki lovers are hot headed and there's more to them that meets the eye- but they can get caught up in their own world, so they should try some senbei!' 'Senbei lovers go with the flow, but don't pursue their own wants, so they should buy some more senbei!' I'm kinda curious, if I ran that article a week later, would I get a different result? There's a buncha conclusions and thoughts you could ask about the journalism even in such a 'low-quality' article."  
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"I've been talking with that outside world human, and everything down to 'memes' and 'tagging systems' can show different sides of a story and the intentions of an article. Liiiike, there was this one time this crazy village man, Yoshimoto- he started raving about 'how there was some chemical the yamawaro were putting to turn the frogs into youkai'- and some newbie that wanted a week off just handed him a typewriter for him to start his rantings. But then when I actually used my thoughtography to check that river…well, he wasn't wrong? Sorta. The frogs were having extra legs- but when I wanted to write about it, up top said 'It's already been covered'. But it hadn't been. Not properly." "So how could I word it? I mean, 'Yamawaro machinery production found to have linkage in extra limbage of amphibian population'- bo~ring! What about '3 ramblings of Yoshimoto- Number 3 is suprisingly true!' and I slap a couple memes on it? Would that draw eyes? Is Yoshimoto actually concerned, or was this coverage intentionally from a crazy old geezer to discredit a potential problem?"  
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"These are like, the hard stuff that comes with our industry- especially if you don't get the freedom to go independent. But I know that by asking, you're off to a great start. You have to be asking questions, every time- how can I see this differently? How can I write this differently? How are -other- people writing stuff differently? What's language that's 'hip', what language is alienating? Seriously, can Aya stop using red circles and arrows in her articles like [Mii]Tube thumbnails?!"
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"Not everything is gonna be a magnum opus, and not every wagashi listicle is gonna be the lynchpin into your socialist uprising theory deprogramming toolkit- and that's okay. As long as you put questioning and engagement- actual encouragement of media literacy- at the forefront of your own work and viewership, I think that's more work than a lot of other grifter sheeple are doing. There's more than meets a camera's eye, and as long as you keep collecting, I know you'll become someone that will paint a better landscape for Gensokyou- so get your brush, and crow all you want, mmkay?"
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touhoutivations · 4 months
"Muahaha, foolish human...allow me to show you the true nature of misfortune...was that scary enough?"
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"Some people think fortune is just based on chance, which has some truth- but I tend to notice that misfortune is something that can pile up, because of a 'positive feedback loop'." "As an example- you're exhausted, you can't exercise or eat or do anything! But because you haven't eaten properly or exercised, you get even more tired- even more unable to eat, and so on. Your misfortune just keeps piling up! So what do you do?"
"The festival humans do for me is special not just because you have all these adorable dolls, but the very act of having a festival to float your misfortune away is something that's getting you out and breaking the cycle. The mentality of 'I have no misfortune now!' is just as crucial to helping yourself as it is to giving me faith that makes me help more! ...H-Huh?! No, I'm not just a placebo God, how impudent!"
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"Now I'm not saying 'it's a mindset' thing or that it's your fault, rather I want you to examine yourself and if you're contributing or stuck in a cycle, and how you can take yourself out of that cycle. Having food by your bedside, or trying to do passive stretches, or setting boundaries from toxic relationships. Self-care isn't all bubble baths and treats, it's about doing things that are good for you, even or especially if you don't feel like doing them."
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"Buuut, if you do want to try something good that feels nice, would you like to spin around and dance with me?"
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touhoutivations · 4 months
"'Just because others don't understand it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.' I want you to know that even if other people refuse to accept who you are, that denial doesn't mean anything in your existence. Fufu, after all- it's impossible to prove something doesn't exist."
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"You deserve respect, you deserve to have a voice. You matter- or rather, you -are- matter; the product of billions of years and the alignment of the universe and reactions that happened in a particular space in a particular time, a catalogue of inconceiveable and imperceivable events in order to be here. To demean yourself is to demean that plethora of the universe."
"Putting it that way, are you really so strange? Or a wonderfully fitted quirk of our cosmos?"
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touhoutivations · 9 months
"Sometimes when I'm down or tired, I love to SHOUT or Sing~ some phrases that come to mind. I've been trying to learn sutras, but even simple things like a cat's meow or Don't stop me nooooow! Always manage to brighten me up, especially when I get my broom-guitar going to rock out! I used to get teased a bit about it, but Byakuren says that I should never be ashamed of expressing my happiness, especially when it's such a joyous celebration! It really meant a lot to me. When I first started at the temple, I kinda hated it because I thought I had to be all stiff and quiet, and hide things like my tail wagging- like it is when I go to the village- but…with her help, and with the band becoming so big…I'm not ashamed!
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What are some things that make you happy? I'm giving you permission to rock out and proud*!"
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