#tour bus playlist
elceeu2morrow · 2 years
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Louis updated his Tour Bus Playlist on Spotify! [8.31.22]
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awesomefringey · 2 years
Exactly 7 hours.
Saw a bit of Inhaler there. You know the opening act for Harry in 2023.
It’s maybe a bit of a bold statement, but I think Harry and Louis should date.
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Even in Louis songs or the songs that he listen while on tour (his tour bus playlist) you can come up with a conclusion that the relationship that Louis has with this person didn’t have a proper closure. The line that actually can back up that idea in walls is “I just hope I see you one day and you say to me…” Even when you listen to his tour bus play list you can sense that.
Take a look at those lyrics and judge by yourself.
- “I wonder if we’ll ever meet again. Talk about life since then. Talk about why did it end” Dakota by Stereophonics (this is my fav song of the playlist)
- “Don't waste your words. I don't need anything from you. I couldn't stand another second in your company. I couldn't ever bring myself to hate you as I'd like” I am the resurrection by the stone roses
- “I was thinking all about our situation” “when you gonna call me? When you gonna call me? Please, don't understand”- life is a game of changing by dmas
- “We must talk about our problems. We need to talk” Flux by Bloc Party
- “If we could wash the past away. Would we go our separate ways. Or do it all again? As if I can” Stoned in love by Chicane and Tom jones
- “An ending fitting for the start You twist and tore our love apart” Can’t stand me now by The Libertines.
At the end we’ll never know if he actually chose all this songs because he wanted to tell us something through them. But one thing for sure is that he has such a good taste in music and you guys should give his tour bus playlist a listen.
Oh it’s a very interesting playlist, isn’t it!
I went through the list back in 2020 and listed lyrics from each song, and when you read them together, it’s quite a story.
He did pick out the playlist back in 2020, and I feel like something shifted in the pandemic. Louis is happier and his outlook much brighter. His professional situation has improved just by being on tour. He’s looser, taking excursions, relaxing.I wonder what sort of playlist he would put together now… maybe we’ll have a new playlist soon (our heart rates are being conditioned to speed up when we hear Smells Like Teen Spirit).
Louis has exquisite taste in music, and he listens to so much.
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twopoppies · 1 year
idk who to ask but do you happen to know what happened to Louis' tourbus playlist? I haven't listened to it in ages and wanted to check it out again but I can't find it? Is it like deleted or anything? Would be sad because I loved that playlist :(
My experience with Louis' playlists is that each time he updates it, he uses the same playlist and changes the title and songs included. I've tried to find his old playlists through links on posts and they always take me to whatever his newest playlist is. It's very frustrating!
I think maybe @bluewinnerangel might have some of his playlists saved? Not sure though.
Anyone else have suggestions?
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nicoscheer · 4 months
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More videos
Amazing clip of the crowd singing rearrange
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Miles is on at like around 50 minutes in (the fact that they had to play fluorescent adolescent right before 😭😭)
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hldailyupdate · 2 years
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Louis has updated his Tour Bus Playlist for his 2022 World Tour! (31 August 2022)
Listen to it HERE!
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bluewinnerangel · 1 year
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is over now? (was it over then?)
part one: baby, was it over / when she laid down on your couch?
Of course everything had to blow up on Eddie's first first anniversary. He hadn't quite started to allow himself to shed his usual pessimism about celebrity relationships but was he had with Steve was starting to become permanent in a way that was wholly new to Eddie.
Eddie was used to sneaking through back doors, meeting in coat closets, finding partners in well appointed hotel rooms after being slipped a key at an after party but he had been hoping those days were over once a certain Steeeeve Harrington had siddled up to Eddie at a 30 under 30 event. Eddie and his Corroded Coffin boys had made the list as an apparently "revolutionary" mash up of gay pop and heavy metal. Corroded Coffin had actually laughed out loud when the proof of the article came through their publicist and Jeff had the audacity to blame Eddie's Conan Gray heavy break up playlist becoming too high on the band's tour bus rotation and inadvertently influencing their newest album. Eddie might have thrown his slipper at Jeff for the insinuation. It wasn't Eddie's fault that the band all happened to be going through some shit on the last tour and he was actually good a curating a vibe. Steve had come over to ask Eddie about his music after his red-headed friend had practically pushed Steve into Eddie's path narrowly avoiding a plate of passed apps. The rest was, as they say, history. Steve and Eddie had very quickly become permanent fixtures in each others spaces as they both preferred the general anonymity of takeout and movie nights versus paparazzi filled nights out.
They weren't exactly "out" as Steve's agent liked to insinuate that Steve and his acting partner Robin were in some sort of a will they won't they friendship based on their frankly insane on and off screen chemistry. Eddie really hadn't minded as he was perfectly happy to avoid being tabloid fodder or propped up as some sort of satanic succubus depending on what audience was buying. He understood Steve's unique position as somewhat in between a hollywood heartthrob and indie darling. His career obviously benefitted from fangirls and costars alike thinking he was attainable in some way. In some ways Eddie had become a third wheel to his and Robin's outings being drug along to whatever event the pair had to go to or attending one of Robin's artsy friend's gallery openings. He really didn't mind playing best friend in public because he and Steve spent almost every spare minute curled up into each other in one of their apartments or a hotel in a random city if Eddie was touring or Steve was shooting.
Before Eddie, Steve had been a very open serial monogamist with a string of short term high profile relationships until he met Robin and begin starring with her in almost every new film he was in. Right before Robin came into his life, Steve had a pretty public and nasty breakup with New York Times Entertainment critic Nancy Wheeler who left him for her photographer. Eddie and Steve had a lot of discussions about publicity and Eddie could feel the old scars of public humiliation and never pushed Steve to be more public than Steve suggested. They'd struck a good balance of providing support and reassurances in private and working with their publicity teams to avoid any articles that struck too close to old insecurities. Steve in particular was often the subject of gossip and suggestion that he slept with any woman he interacted with for more than a few moments. Eddie learned that Steve hated the rumors and was glad that Robin came along to cut some of that out.
Steve loved to be romantic and bring flowers and send gifts to Eddie when they were apart. Eddie had never had a partner who liked doting on him in such a loud way but he'd quickly become used to Steve's grand gestures and decided on their first anniversary Eddie would be the one to be romantic and mushy. He'd convinced Steve to block off a whole weekend to stay with Eddie. Eddie had set up an elaborate film projector on the roof of his apartment and found the reels for some of their favorite movies from the beginnings of their relationship. He'd already arranged meals from all of Steve's top cravings and stocked his apartment with all the snacks and comfort items they could want. Eddie had been looking forward to the weekend for at least a month and was buzzing with excitement as he waited for Steve to come over.
But then he waited. and waited. and didn't hear from Steve.
It wasn't like Steve to be this late or not let Eddie know what was happening. Eddie was catastrophising a little but he figured it wouldn't be overstepping to head over to Steve's. Eddie had a key so after a fairly hectic uber ride across the city he let himself into Steve's building greeting the doorman and front desk staff who knew him almost as well as Robin at this point. Steve's apartment was almost eerily quiet. There was usually always music or the sound of Steve and Robin bickering over the phone or in person so it freaked Eddie out when he pushed the door open and was met with nothing. He crept in quietly in case Steve was down with a migraine and set his keys down on the kitchen counter.
Eddie walked into the living room and almost backed straight out of the apartment. Nancy fucking Wheeler was sleeping on Steve's couch in his fucking college sweatshirt Eddie had become particularly fond of looking like she'd never left. Eddie had started to turn heel and run when Steve tried to interrupt him.
"Eddie, please, wait! I'm so sorry, there was a bit of a personal emergency, I was just about to call you, baby, please," Steve called across the room.
"I really don't want to hear it. It's our fucking anniversary Steve," Eddie answered as he was pulling his shoes back on.
"Sweetheart, I'm so sorry, I just lost track of time getting a few things handled before I could come over. Please. It's nothing, Eddie," Steve pleaded.
"Steve, it's not nothing. If it was nothing you would have been at my house like we planned. I guess I know why you never wanted to come out now. Of course you'd have been waiting in the wings for Nancy and the white picket fence and 2.5 kids and perfect hetero family bullshit," Eddie was being mean but Steve could fucking deal.
"Eds, that's not fair. She's just a friend and was in a tight spot. I literally was about to head out and come over," Steve held up the bag he had in his hand to indicate he was telling the truth.
"And would you have told me she was over at your place or let me find out the next time TMZ started a rumor about the two of you?" Eddie asked.
"Come on. She just needed a place to stay. It's literally not a big deal," Steve said.
"Steve, that's not an answer. You were going to keep me in the dark about this and I didn't even know you were still in fucking contact. I can't do this anymore. I just. I'm leaving. Don't follow me," Eddie said as he felt tears well up in his eyes.
"Eddie, please. Let me make it up to you?" Steve was almost begging.
"Steve our whole fucking thing is based on me trusting you that exactly this shit isn't happening and believing you when you tell me tabloids are just making things up about you. How am I supposed to be okay with your ex being on your fucking couch and you just never telling me?" Eddie asked as he started opening the door.
Steve looked defeated as Eddie started down the hallway but didn't try to answer. Eddie flagged down a cab outside and tried to hold back his tears the whole ride.
part two
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thefallennightmare · 7 months
Just Pretend-three
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*gif created by me. feel free to use, simply give credit*
Parings: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Warnings/Tropes: language, angst, fluff, smut, star-crossed lovers, right person/wrong time, cheating, talks of mental abuse.
Summary: “I can wait for years, heaven knows I’m not getting over you.” A story about two star-crossed lovers, that always find their way back because their souls are entwined. The universe desperately attempts to bring them together, no matter what the cost.
Authors Note: i hate how this took me all day to write. I just want to keep writing this story!
Collaborating With: @thescarlettvvitch(better give her all the love as well)
Tags: @thescarlettvvitch @ozwriterchick @waake-meee-up @notingridslurkaccount @niicoleleigh @sammyjoeee @xxrainstorm @dominuslunae @notmaddihealy @malice-ov-mercy @crimson-calligraphyx @iknownothingpeople @writethrough @thebadchic @blackveilomens Claudia on Tumblr @tobe-written @blacksoul-27 @loeytuan98
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I sat in the front lounge area of our bus on the couch with my legs crossed, laptop in my lap, as I scrolled through the Spotify playlist I finished creating. It was quiet up here, the rest of the guys of Hollow Souls were scattered throughout; Malcolm was out for a run around the block, Chase was hanging on Bad Omens bus, and Trey was still asleep in his bunk.
It was only 9:30 in the morning but I knew he would sleep most of the day away especially since it was our day off. We were already at the next city, parked in the venues lot, and since we didn't have to worry about sound check or setting up yet, we all did our own things.
Me? I had been debating all morning if I should create this playlist but in the end figured it was the best thing to do. I was touring with Bad Omens after all, shouldn't I be familiar with their songs?
For the next while I let Noah's voice blast through my headphones as I danced in my seat as Limits played, banged my head as Hedonist screamed in my ear, and felt my heart fall out of my ass when his soft voice of If I'm There buried deep in my soul. The lyric struck me right away and the pure raw emotion that oozed out of Noah made my heart skip a beat, almost as if I was about to pass out.
Fuck what Trey thinks, I need to watch these guys perform tomorrow night.
Malcolm came bounding up the steps, sweat dripping from his auburn hair that was falling around his bare shoulders in waves, and gave me a smile.
"Okay two things," I scrunched up my nose as he sat next to me. "How the fuck do you run so early in the morning, with your hair down no less? And you fucking stink."
"Oh, listening to our tour buddies I see," he ignored my observations by nodding to my laptop screen.
I shrugged. "I was the only one of us that wasn't familiar with them and now I'm pissed it took me so long to discover them. They're amazing."
Malcolm agreed with a nod. "Noah's voice has grown so much from their first album, it's actually impressive. It would be sick if we got him on a song for our next album."
"Trey would immediately shut that down. He hates collab's between artists," I closed my laptop and set it on the small kitchen table next to me.
Malcolm sighed while running a hand through his long locks. "We really should talk about-."
"No," I sliced my eyes into him. "I'm not having this conversation with you when he's a few feet away from us. We can talk about it later when he's not around."
"Alright," he nodded. "I'm going to hop in the shower. Chase still with the Bad Omens guys?"
"I think so," I answered, watching as he stood and made his way to the bathroom.
"Cool. You should get ready, we're going to hang with them for the day. Wear something cute!" Malcolm called over his shoulder before the bathroom door shut.
I blinked slowly at the space in front of me for a few moments before staring down at my outfit; black leggings and an oversized shirt. Which would have been fine for a day of lounging on the bus but going out in public called for an outfit change.
And that Noah will be there has nothing to do with it.
Ignoring the voices in my brain, I trekked over towards my bunk where I had a suitcase already open, clothes folded neatly into small piles and rummaged through before deciding on a pair of biker shorts and one of our merch shirts I rolled up the bottom of to show off part of my stomach. It was a warm day in Wisconsin so I wanted to be comfortable.
As I slipped on my docs and finished french braiding my hair, Malcolm emerged from the bathroom also dressed and ready to go.
He nodded in approval. "Much better."
I snorted and patted his chest while walking past him. "Glad you think so."
"I think you should change your shirt though."
"What's wrong with my shirt?" I asked suddenly self conscious about the way I looked. "If it's showing too much, I can change-."
"Fuck," Malcolm sighed. "Trey's warped your mind so bad. No, Y/N. You look great, I'm just saying it would be better if you wore this."
He tossed me a different shirt, one I caught with ease, and when I held it in front of me I gave him a raised brow.
"Meet you at the OMENS bus. I'll text Trey to let him know where we're at," Malcolm pounding his knuckles with mine before leaving the bus.
With my bottom lip caught between my teeth, I decided not to dwell too much on the decision of wearing the shirt. That's all it was, a shirt. If he got upset about it, he can fuck right off. Once changed in the new shirt, I realized it was a bit long since it clearly was Malcoms who was atleast a foot taller than me. The shirt rested about mid thigh and covered most of my biker shorts. I let out a few deep breaths to center and calm myself, because the idea of hanging out with the guys without Trey made me nervous.
Yes that was it, not because Noah was going to be there. Ever since we hung out the other day, all I could think about was his tattoos or the way he instilled so much confidence in me as he spoke deeply about my lyrics. No one has ever had an in-depth conversation about my lyrics before since they all thought Trey was the one that wrote our songs. The only thing Trey was good for was his screams, which I had to admit were faltering. Our energy and connection on stage wasn't the same anymore but thankfully, none of the fans cared to notice. As long as Trey dared them a glance, they were happy.
So with the confidence from my conversation with Noah the other day, I walked out into the warm morning sun, bare legs and arms on display for everyone to see. While my right leg had no tattoos, every inch of skin was covered in ink. The bright rays burned my eyes, so I slipped on my sunglasses while throwing my purse over my shoulder and made my way towards Bad Omen's bus, hearing a round of laughter emanating from the back of it.
As soon as I walked up, the conversations continued for all but one. Noah, who was talking to someone I hadn't recognised, turned his attention to me and even through his own sunglasses, I felt the burning gaze from him as he took in every inch of my body. I shrank into myself as others started staring at me but Noah's was the most intense, and I ran my sweaty palms along my thighs.
"What?" I asked.
"Nice shirt," Folio smirked. "We haven't seen that design in a while. Almost forgot it was a Bad Omens design."
I fiddled with the bottom of it and shrugged. "If we can move on from my outfit choice, that'd be great."
The voices in my mind were screaming at me to run back to my bus to change and my feet turned when Noah's voice stopped me.
"You look good."
Three words.
Those three words ignited the blaze across my skin and all I could do was nod because I was so nervous to say something, afraid I would make a fool of myself. Noah also looked good. No scratch that, he looked fucking beautiful with his hair flowing freely across his shoulders and the white shirt he wore hugged his chest and arms in all the right places. The bottom half of his tattoos were on display and I couldn't help myself as I stared at them, something I didn't realize Noah was doing the same to me.
"Hey, I'm Matt," the man who was talking with Noah smiled.
"Y/N," I gave him a small wave.
"So," Chase spoke. "There's this really awesome zoo just around the block. Figured it be cool to check out?"
We all nodded in agreement and began walking in our large group; three of Hollow Souls, four Bad Omens, and two of their crew members. Matt, their manager, and Bryan, their photographer who had a camera slung around his neck. I walked in steps with Chase on one side of me and Nick on the other. Once again, Nick was looking down at the tattoo on my leg.
"You love to analyze the designs, huh?" I joked.
He shrugged. "I can't help it. Does the design on your leg have a meaning?"
It was a large tattoo of several Greek Gods sitting on top of Mount Olympus; Athena, Artemis, Ares, and Posiedon. My favorites.
"Uh, I'm a huge Greek Mythology nerd and these are some of my favorite Gods," I gave a sheepish smile.
Malcolm turned to face us as he began walking backwards. "Don't get her started on Zeus."
I pointed a finger at him. "Everyone thinks he's the most all mighty God when in fact, he was a douche! One of the worst Gods. Makes me so angry everyone puts him on a high pedestal."
Chase chuckled. "Way to go, Malcolm."
Noah walked ahead of me a few feet and as I continued to talk with Nick, I could see out of the corner of my eye when he would turn to face me; almost making sure I was still here. Soon the entrance to the zoo stood in front of us and as I pulled out my wallet to pay, I realized it was missing.
"What the fuck?" I murmured while riffling through my purse.
"Something wrong?"
Gazing up through my sunglasses, I saw Noah looking at me with concern. He pocketed his glasses so I could see the browns of his eyes sparkle in the sunlight.
"No. Well yea," I sighed letting my purse fall to my side. "I must have left my wallet on the bus. You guys ahead. I'll see you back at the venue."
It all happened so fast; Noah pulling out his own wallet, asking for two tickets, and handing the person behind the counter the correct amount of change.
"Noah," I scolded. "You didn't have to do that!"
"Come on. They're waiting for us," Noah said with an extended arm in front of me.
The rest of the group hung back just inside the entrance as they watched us with their own wondering eyes.
I didn't move however, only kept a stern gaze on Noah through my glasses. "I had no problem going back to the bus."
He scoffed while dropping his arm. "Right, to sit with Trey while the rest of us have fun? How is that fair?"
I pursed my lips, unsure how to respond, so instead with a long sigh, I walked past him towards Chase who had a large smirk on his face.
"What?" I asked, slightly irritated.
He motioned to Noah behind me. "He was checking out your ass."
I never whirled around so damn fast before in my life and one of my braids slapped me in the face as I looked at Noah, who in fact was starting intently at me. When our gazes locked, he quickly averted his over to Bryan.
For the next while, I walked with Chase as we stopped every few minutes to check out the animals at the zoo. Halfway through our visit, I stopped to grab a pretzel with cheese thanks to Chase who paid. When we then stopped in front of a large sign showcasing the map, I gasped excitedly while pointing to it.
"They have wolves!" I turned on my heels towards everyone.
"So dogs?" Folio teased with a smirk.
I narrowed my eyes at him. "How dare you! They're not just dogs. Well, I guess they are since they descend from wolves. But-." My ramblings fell off my lips when I saw Noah staring at me.
"What? Do I have something on my face?" I wiped at my face, afraid there was dried cheese on it.
"No," Noah's voice was low. "I just like how you look when you're so passionate about something. It's cute."
Turning my face away from him so he couldn't see the way I blushed, I nibbled on my bottom lip. "We don't have to go see them."
"To the dogs-I mean wolves!" Folio exclaimed with a hand up in the air.
I all but ran to the encloser that was only a few feet away from where we were and as we approached the high chain-link fence, I bent low so I could peer through hoping to see them. With what I knew about wolves I wouldn't catch a glimpse because of the heat today. It was almost like this every time I tried to see wolves at any zoo.
Everyone stood back, a quiet hum of their conversations background noise, until with a frown I rose to my feet not realizing Noah was standing behind me. I felt his warm body heat envelope around me and I peered over my shoulder to him.
"I could stay here for hours just waiting," I admitted with a smile.
"We can stay," Noah suggested.
"No," I shook my head while turning to face him. "We can go. I don't want to make the others hang around for nothing."
His long lashes brushed across his cheek as he blinked slowly, eyes never once leaving my face. My heart was beating so fast at how close we were and I wanted to take a step back, I really did, but there was this invisible force that kept us tied together. It pulled my hand away from my purse strap to brush some hair out of his face but before the action took place, Malcolm's loud voice hollered over to us, breaking the trance we were in.
"If you two are done staring at each other, Jolly wants to go see the tigers!"
Retreating away from Noah, I scurried over towards the group of the guys as we made our way over to the next large encloser, Noah trailing slowly behind. While Jolly interacted with the tigers, I hung off to the side lost in my own thoughts. Often I would check my phone to see if Trey texted me but nothing. I was gone for hours already, wouldn't he have noticed we were gone?
Maybe he was still asleep?
I tried to think of scenarios of why he wouldn't text or call instead of thinking of how close Noah and I got back at the wolves. It was wrong of me to think of another man like that. It was also wrong for me to keep stealing glances his way all day or wondering what his skin on mine would feel like.
Almost in a trance of my own thoughts, I followed the group when we reached the petting zoo area of the zoo where you could feed deers.
"Oh, sick!" Nick exclaimed.
I, on the other hand, did not think so.
"Do you want too?" Noah asked me.
"I'll watch. You can't trust these guys, they'll try to eat your shirt." I said.
I watched him bend to his knees as a smaller deer came up to him, licking up the food from his open hand. Noah smiled brightly as the deer nibbled the cracker from between his fingers and I couldn't stop my smile as it pulled at my lips. It was one of those smiles where the skin next to your eyes crinkle and cheeks hurt from how hard your smiling.
His smile could make you forget all the bad in your life. It brought so much light to the darkness that filled my soul of the last few months. My stomach burned with something unknown and it scared me that one person could cause this intense feeling; who I wasn't even dating. Trey never once made me feel this way or even tried too. All Noah had to do was smile at me and I was on my knees in a puddle mess of desire.
"Are you going to keep staring at me or help?" He smirked up at me.
Embarrassed at getting caught, I reluctantly bent down next to him and took a cracker he extended towards me. "I swear if this little shit bites my finger, I'm going to kick your ass."
Noah bumped his shoulder with mine. "It's a deal."
"Okay, I'll admit this is kind of cool," I mused while scratching a deer on its nose.
When he didn't say anything, I turned my head slightly towards Noah but sucked in a breath when I realized how close we were. His warm breath fanned over my lips as his eyes tracked every movement of my tongue made as I licked my suddenly dry lips. We were so close I was afraid that if I leaned forward slightly, our lips would brush across each other. I could smell the lemonade he drank earlier as the scent tickled my nostrils.
Noah swallowed thickly, and a noise came out of the back of his throat as he went to say something but was cut off by someone's screams. For the second time that afternoon, we were broken out of our trance like state to see Nick and Malcolm running away from a group of deers that were chasing them.
"Uh," my voice stammered. "I should probably go help him."
Quickly rising to my feet, I left Noah behind to go save my idiot friend from a couple of deers that just wanted something to eat.
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A yawn fell past my lips as I stretched out my long limbs before leaning up against the cool metal of our tour bus, the cool night air wrapping around the small group of us. We all returned from the zoo a little while ago and while Bryan and Matt went to the crew bus and Malcom and Chase went back to theirs, I was standing with Folio and Y/N, as she pulled out some cash that she grabbed from her bus.
"Please take the money, Noah. I feel terrible that you spent your money on me," she extended the two twenty-dollar bills towards me while she clutched the small wolf stuffed animal underneath her arm.
Something I surprised her with on the way out of the zoo.
Her eyes sparkled as she eyed the gift cart when we walked past it. "Would it be stupid for a grown woman to want a stuffed animal?"
She asked to Malcolm, who merely shrugged in response. So while she wasn't looking, I bought a wolf one for her.
I didn't miss the way her lips parted in surprise when I gave it to her. Or the way she let out a long shaky breath before muttering to herself.
"He doesn't even buy me anything."
She didn't have to say his name; I knew who she was talking about.
"I'm not taking your money," I shook my head.
Y/N groaned and tried to give the money to Folio who raised his hands as if the money was cursed. "I'm not taking it either, Y/N. When Noah wants something, there's no changing his mind. He wanted to pay for you today, accept it."
"Fine," she stuffed the money into her pocket. "But I owe you back with something, Noah."
Folio was fast to speak before I could even argue. "Why don't you come hang out on the bus with us for a bit?"
Y/N's body went rigid, eyes glancing over to her bus so fast I almost missed it.
"It'll be fun. Even for a bit," Folio smiled before walking up the stairs of the bus, leaving her and I alone.
Just the two of us.
For the first time all day.
I rubbed the back of my neck, suddenly very nervous. With the others around, I could act cool around her but now under her bright eyes, my knee buckled.
"It might be fun if you hang out with me-us," I quickly corrected myself hoping she didn't notice. "We could play Mario cart?"
I stared down sheepishly at my feet, trying to find the courage to ask a girl to hang out with me. Not that fucking hard so why did my voice waver every time I tried to talk to her.
"We could play monopoly but that wouldn’t end well. Jolly thinks he’s the bomb at games and we spend most of the time kicking his ass.”
Another quick glance to her bus as she shifted on her feet something I realized she was doing because she was nervous Trey would come out any moment. According to Chase, Trey didn't call or text her all day to see where she was or at least check in on her.
"Hey," my fingers brushed along the inside of her wrist, getting her to finally look at me instead of fear to her bus. The spark that shocked through us nearly had me rear my hand back from the intensity. "You don't have to go back, you know."
Her brows furrowed. "What do you mean?"
My heart pounded as I forced the words out of my mouth before I second guessed myself. "Stay till morning? Knowing Trey, he's probably going to be nursing a hangover in the morning so he won't even notice you're not there."
"Where would I sleep?" Her voice was hushed, barley above a whisper.
With me.
"We have extra bunks," I said.
She blinked for a long moment, letting my words process in her brain. She was highly debating my offer but in the end; she shook her head.
"It's been a long day and I should head back. I'm sure Trey is wondering where I am."
The disappointment was evident on my face and I had to bit my tongue not to lash out with a comment about how much Trey did in fact not care.
"Sure," I nodded. "Let me walk you back to your bus then?"
Clutching the wolf stuffed animal closer to her chest, she nodded with a smile playing at her lips. It wasn't a long walk so my mind was running rampant with something to say to keep the last little of this perfect day alive.
"I don't think I mentioned how much I like you in my shirt."
Shit, I didn't mean that.
"Our shirt. The band's shirt," I quickly recovered when I noticed the playful gleam in her eyes.
We came to a stop in front of the door of her bus, the lights off inside which meant that either no one was in there or they were asleep.
Her gaze darted to the windows back to me. "I had a really fun day today, Noah. Thank you."
My fingers itched with the need to brush a strand of hair that came loose from her braid but I resisted.
"Anytime, angel."
She raised a brow at me, a reddish tint creeping from her cheeks to the tops of her ears. "Oh, angel, huh?"
"Sorry, it kind of slipped out," I rubbed my chin nervously. "If you don't like it, I can-."
"No, I like it!" She rushed out. "A lot, actually."
That was an ego boost that I desperately needed. So, with a wink, I began walking backwards to my bus calling out in the dark night air. "Good because it stays, angel!"
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rosewaterandivy · 2 months
a light on in chicago - I. winning looks like losing (and i'm winning every time)
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summary: so it begins, Warped Tour ‘05 baby!
WC: 1550k
a/n: no, I did not forget about this little daydream. it’s coming on summer soon, which means nostalgia and concert going. pop-punk steve is alive and well, my friends!
masterlist || playlist
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"She never meant a thing to me, 'cept putting idealists in a body bag" - "Growing Up" // Fall Out Boy
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Steve has his Motorola Razr in hand before he reaches the top step of the bus, thumb pressing down on the keypad until 'ace' is selected and holds it to his ear. Tosses his snapback onto the table and sliding onto the banquet seat.
Hearing someone come up the steps behind him, he sees that Nancy has drawn the short-straw and now has to play babysitter.
“What are you doing?” It’s not a question so much as a reprimand.
“What do you think I’m doing? I’m calling her.”
“Like we haven’t tried that already, oh about a dozen times.”
Steve scoffs, kicking his feet up on the table. “Then I’ll keep calling until she answers or shows the fuck up.”
Nancy’s eyes roll to the back of her head, “You’re an idiot, Steve Harrington.”
Steve glowers at Nancy as the automated voicemail message recording fill his ears. He grumbles and hits redial just as he hears someone tramping up the stairs.
“I got her!” Eddie bellows, pausing at the top step to catch his breath, “I got her, s’fine Steve. You can calm your tits now.”
He falls onto the couch opposite of Steve and moves to light the cigarette between his lips. Nancy, quick as ever, snatches the cigarette from his mouth and snaps it in half. Eddie squawks indignantly, too caught up in Nancy’s flagrant disrespect to pay attention as a duffle bag is thrown toward him.
It lands with a pained grunt against his chest, “The fuck?” He coughs out, zippo falling between the seat cushions in the chaos.
“Shit Ed,” You huff, falling alongside him on the sofa, “Thought you were gonna catch that, my bad.”
He’s quick to accept your apology with a smile, arm thrown over your shoulders as the duffle bag falls to the ground.
“Steve,” You greet with a tilt of your head.
He snaps the phone shut and fixes you with a look.
“Ooh,” Eddie tsks. “Think mom’s mad.”
Showing up to Warped Tour after releasing a debut album that’s barley a month old in a brand new tour bus and the (mostly) full confidence of their record label has Steve stressed, for lack of a better term. Under the Gun had received generally positive reviews, despite the back and forth with the label over song titles and “overly loquacious” choruses.
While the label didn’t give you all carte blanche to do whatever you wanted on the record, there was the advantage of time this go ‘round. Honorable Mention’s first two releases, an EP and LP respectively, were recorded quickly due to lack of funds for more studio time, and after signing with Island Records, the four of you plus Nance had hauled out to California for three months to write and record.
It wasn’t easy, not by a long shot, composing as a band was rough, as was co-writing lyrics with Eddie, the both of you having vastly different styles. Add to that Steve’s penchant for vetoing things like hooks, verses, choruses, and song titles after hearing them just once while being fiercely protective over his own work— well, let’s just say everyone was happier once the album was locked and management had signed off on it.
So glad, in fact, that you’d actually booked it back to Chicago just to put some distance between you and Steve. Too much tension, all things considered, especially after the incident.
Robin pushes her obnoxious heart-shaped sunglasses into her hair and screeches upon seeing you in the tour bus.
She falls onto your and Eddie’s legs while Nancy looks on with a shake of her head and a fond smile.
“Glad to see that the three musketeers are back together,” Hop greets, hand affixed to the railing by the font steps. “Er, uh, four musketeers, I guess. Sorry Steve.” He nods to Steve and Nance, kisses his teeth before saying, “You rascals ready to go?”
“Now that we have our lead singer, yeah.” Steve grouses with a cross of his arms. Nance smacks the back of his head.
“So sorry Steven,” You say, voice laden with malice. “But in the event that I hadn’t shown up, I know that you could easily carry the burden of being frontman,” Eddie elbows you warningly. “As you have told me, many, many times.”
Hopper quirks a brow at you, unaccustomed to vitriol between the pair of you. “Okaaay,” He drawls, “Ignoring whatever the fuck that was, the first stop is Columbus.”
He goes over the details of what to expect, even though he’ll be there in person for the duration of the two-month tour. Nancy nods taking notes, because of course she does. Steve continues to glower at you because he’s got a stick up his ass. Meanwhile, you initiate a slap fight with Robin and Eddie out of sheer boredom.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Hop scolds you, “Would you cut that out? I already have one teenager to deal with, and I don’t need your bullshit on top of that.”
You perk up at the mention of his daughter, “Is El here yet?”
“She’s coming up with Joyce tomorrow to help with the merch tent.”
Momentarily dejected, you sit back against the cushions, legs in serious danger of going numb from Robin’s squirming. Murray climbs onto the bus during Hop’s little speech, settling in the driver’s seat with a deep sigh.
“Murray,” You say, “I’m so pissed you won’t be with us for the Canadian legs.”
You can feel Rob’s stomach contract in barely repressed laughter.
“Damn mounties,” Murray mutters under his breath, checking the mirrors and adjusting his seat.
“Yeah,” You continue, “It’s a real shame that they banned you from the country. And over what? A simple misunderstanding of—”
“I’m not a drug mule!”
Eddie snorts.
“What an unfounded accusation,” You say with a slow shake of your head. “I mean, what right do they have to do that? So you had some prescriptions, we’ve all been there.”
“Well, it’s a shit country, anyway.”
“Tell ‘em man!”
Steve lobs a water bottle toward Eddie’s head, he moves to avoid it and artfully flips him off.
“Y’done Ace?” Hop asks with a tap of his shoe. “We gotta get this show on the road and you know riling him up only makes his driving worse.”
“Oh,” You smirk, “I’m counting on it.”
Hopper ends the team meeting and says he’ll see everyone tomorrow for sound-check. As he leaves the bus, Steve grabs his phone and hat and heads to the lounge at the back of the bus. Robin scrambles off your lap to follow after him, but not before giving you a hug and kiss.
“Missed you babe!”
“Likewise!” You call after her and grab your bag from Eddie’s feet. “Shall we?” You inquire with an arched brow, offering him your arm.
“Sure thing, sweets.”
Leaving Nance and Murray to their own devices, you follow Eddie down the cramped hallway.
“So I’m over here,” He gestures to the right. “Nance and Rob are just there,” He points to the left. “Which leaves you and—”
“Don’t finish that sentence Edward.”
He turns with an impish grin, “What? Not looking forward to bunking with Steve?”
You roll your eyes in exasperation, “Clearly not.”
He’s already claimed the top bunk and throw his crap in it, like some rabid raccoon. You reluctantly toss your bag to the bunk underneath his.
“Why can’t I just bunk with you Ed?”
“C’mon Ace,” He wraps an arm around you, “Y’know I’ve gotta have space for my Sweetheart.”
You gag, earning a swat to the arm from him.
“How was California? Haven’t seen you in ages.”
He settles back against the sofa with you in the front lounge. Murray closes the bus door and pulls out of the parking lot. Nancy has made herself scarce, probably in the back with Rob and Steve, leaving you and Eddie to your own devices.
“Yeah, you high-tailed it outta there pretty fast.” Eddie says carefully, watchful as you tense up and begin to rifle through your purse. He lets you do that for a minute or two before continuing in the same carefree tone. “Wanna tell me why I found your Calvins in Stevie boy’s room after you left?”
You head moves so fast, he’s nearly worried about whiplash. In a flash, your eyes shrink back from their wide, shocked state as you try to school your features into a semblance of calm.
“Oh, he probably just grabbed ‘em by mistake,” You shrug nonchalantly, “We both wear Calvins so.”
“Sorry, let me clarify.” Eddie says with a wicked smirk. “Your thongs, Ace. Why would Steve have those, hmm?”
You scoff. “I don’t know. Maybe he was selling them online or something perverted like that?” You grab your journal and smack it down on the table. “Why were you snooping for my unmentionables, Edward?”
“Ah, you got me.” He laughs, fascinated by how quickly you rose to defense. “Was gonna sell them online. Guess Harrington beat me to it.”
He watched as you saunter toward the back of the bus, on a mission to extricate Rob from Steve’s clutches. Wonders how long the standoff will be this time and who will break first: you or Steve.
It was only a matter of time.
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awesomefringey · 2 years
louis has also talked about and liked inhaler for quite a while before harry had them for his opener
Can someone please set them up on a date?!
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bloodybreakupscene · 11 months
heyyaa, HOW ARE YOUUU? 。 ゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。
i hope you’re doing well!! i was wondering if i could request some gwen stacy x fem! reader dating headcanons! 🙏🙏
please and thank youu!!!<33
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gwen stacy x fem! reader
-> gwen stacy dating headcannons (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆
-> hello!!! i'm doing good thank u for sending this in, the idea is so cute ^__^ hopefully i did ur request justice (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) , n e wayzz she def listens to alex g she is the number one alex g fan ♡⁠(⁠˃͈⁠ ⁠દ⁠ ⁠˂͈⁠ ⁠༶⁠ ⁠)
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• i feel like she’d confess first, but it’d be in private and right after you two hung out so that way if you'd reject her she could quickly run back home never to be seen again. but, her overthinking was all in vain, as you accepted her confession.
"and i've felt this way, for. . a while! and it's okay if you don't feel the same way—"
"aw, i'd love to be your girlfriend, gwen."
"i know i know it's weird—"
"gwen i like you too."
"i knew you wouldn't feel the same way but i just—"
• at the beginning of your guys' relationship she feels very insecure and is unsure of herself, she knows she's closed off, she knows she's not the prettiest, but all of these thoughts seem to vanish as you hold onto her hand and give her a soft smile, a smile that reaches the depths of her heart and ignites a feeling of emotions she hadn't felt in a long while.
• all of your hangouts before felt like dates to her, so she doesn't really have the need to go out to a fancy restaurant or go to the park for a picnic, she feels as if there's enough romance and passion within your hangouts it could count as a date.
• she keeps her identity from you, it's a huge secret, like a lock it in a safe and throw away the key kinda secret. her identity already cost her one lover, she doesn't want it to cost her another.
"what are your thoughts on spiderwoman?
"hm? oh! uh, i don't really care for her."
"haha that's kinda funny, i don't either but i thought you would!"
"what makes you say that? 😒"
"i don't know, i always see you after i see her, so i thought you were a fan or somethin' i dunno 😣"
• loves touring music stores with you, she'll always try and show off her knowledge about the drums because it's the one thing she feels confident in, she'll go on and on about it as you watch how her face lights up and lips curl up in a smile as she talks.
• speaking of music, she loves, LOVES, listening to music with you. she believes that music says a lot about a person's aesthetic, personality, taste, etc. so when you both are just sitting on the school bus, on a field trip, you'll share a pair of headphones listening to a playlist you both contributed to.
• she doesn't deal well with jealousy, she'll let it bubble inside her until it goes away, which it eventually does. whenever gwen sees you with another person she can't help but imagine that you like them better than her, that you'll eventually see that she isn't the best and that you deserve better.
• aside from this, you guys are a very cute couple! no denying that. she'll most likely spend more time at your house than hers, being around you and your family is (embarrassingly) one of her favorite things, just watching a movie or helping with dinner makes her life feel normal and domesticated.
"do you wanna come over for dinner tonight? my mom's making [insert dish here]."
"duh, oh my god her food is so good!"
"pfft, you're so cute 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩"
• cuddling is her favorite thing to do with you, whether its at your home or hers she just enjoys embracing you because it's a situation where she feels calm. her father walked in on the two of you holding each other, fast asleep on the couch completely disregarding whatever movie you were watching. he's glad his daughter has moved on and finds comfort in you.
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brandogenius · 4 months
Could you do boygenius (as a band not together) younger!artist or younger band (like teens or early twenties)? They are always talking about making their shows and the industry safer for people, especially the younger artists and I feel they would meet artist(s) and just try to help them out as much as they can and become sort of protective over them bc their so young and the boys know how bad it can get. Like just them helping them out and hanging out and what they’d be like at award shows and stuff. Thx!
i love this sm omg!
HC - boygenius & younger! artist
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- they take you under their wing 100%
- you go on tour with them and they try to make it accessible for you
- you have a badge around your neck for all shows for security to verify you’re apart of the tour and over 18
- in the studio recording harmony vocals for their album
- “it’s past your bedtime now- time to go to bed”
- phoebe teasing you all the time about being the baby of their little group
- you are a solo artist but everyone groups you with the boys while you’re on tour
- morning coffee runs with julien
- in the tour bus lounge area listening to music while lucy knits, phoebe writes and julien reads
- especially if this is your first tour, the boys want to make sure it’s special
- phoebe helping you set up your in ear monitors before you start soundcheck
- “they are boygenius’s unofficial little sibling”
- coming out on stage during salt in the wound, running around with lucy and phoebe
- phoebe about to bark at people in the twitter replies upon seeing hate comments about you
- “don’t listen to them. you’re way cooler than they’ll ever be man”
- going award dress shopping with the boys. they bring you with them. grabbing a bunch of dresses off the racks to try on and get everyone’s personal opinion
- sticking by your side for your first award show. intertwining arms with julien and lucy
- a lot of pre show photo dumps, behind the scene tour instagram photos
- phoebe doing your makeup before the show. sitting in front of you putting on eyeliner
- lucy doing your lipstick with her signature red
- lucy letting you borrow some of her books to read whilst on tour
- the trio sticking up for you when a crew member / security man is being a bit unfair
- late night karaoke in the tour bus. singing your hearts out until 5am
- “what do you mean you graduated highschool last year? holy shit i feel old”
- phoebe and julien specifically love to call you kid
- “grab the guitar case, kid”
- youre around the age of 19-20 so there’s a rough estimate age gap you and the boys of like 10-9 years
- they honestly become your family on the road. helping and trying to cheer you up when you feel homesick
- hyping you up during photoshoots
- sharing spotify playlists / making spotify blends with each of the boys and sharing each others music
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bluewinnerangel · 1 year
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liknws · 10 months
good for the plot line [ masterlist ]
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⎯⎯ PAIRING: han jisung x oc ⎯⎯ TAGS: rockstar!3racha plus jeongin, non!idol au, lovers to exes to enemies, one tour bus instead of one bed trope, subtweeting but in songs dropped during concerts ⎯⎯ RATING: 18+, mature ⎯⎯ WARNINGS: excessive drug and alcohol use, addiction & recovery (reader is an addict), mentions of sex and sexual themes (non explicit), depression & anxiety experiences, each chapter will have it's own warnings
⎯⎯ SUMMARY: it's been three years since the break up, three years since leaving the band you helped start, three years since you've even talked about your ex. not only have you been able to avoid talking about him, but you've been able to avoid him all together. until that same band you helped start decides to change labels and not a single person warned you that your safe place was about to be invaded by three men you'd do anything to avoid.
⎯⎯ PLAYLIST: gfy - blackbear / i hope - gabby barrett / be alright - dean lewis / plot line - emlyn / war with my mind - crimson apple / break your heart worse - crimson apple / youre not special - maggie lindemann / b.o.m.b. - emlyn / my happy ending - the weight of atlas / bite me - avril lavigne / marry me - thomas rhett / shes so gone - naomi scott / like we used to - a rocket to the moon / need to not - jordan davis / back to december - taylor swift / breakups - seaforth / hate my favorite band - nightly / heartless - the weeknd
click here to listen to the playlist!
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⎯⎯ STATUS: ongoing
001 — it's all felix's fault 01.5 — our song 002 — "i hope." 003 — wants vs needs
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⎯⎯ Q & A: accepting
meet and greet
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coffeeghoulie · 9 days
Mushy May Day 29: Girls' Night
Cumulus, Aurora, and Cirrus take a night to unwind in the middle of touring.
Thank you so much to @forlorn-crows for putting Mushy May together, and to @ghuleh-recs for making us the dividers <3
We're in the home stretch!
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Above them, the fluorescents buzz, just faintly flickering like one of the bulbs needs to be changed soon. Aurora leans heavily into Cirrus's side as they wander down the aisles of some local drugstore she can't quite remember the name of, and she wraps her arm around the littlest ghoulette's shoulders. She doesn't need to be quintessence to feel just how tired Aurora is. She knows the feeling intimately, the exhaustion sunk deep into the hollows of her bones.
They're picking up toiletries, Aurora's just about to run out of deoderant, Cirrus out of glasses wipes (she doesn't wear glasses, but she keeps them on hand for her mate because Lucifer knows Cumulus can never find them when her glasses are smudged)
"You doing alright, Borealis?" Cirrus asks, leaning to press the words to the crown of Aurora's head. Her hand rubs soft circles on Aurora's shoulder.
"Mhm," she hums, leaning further into Cirrus's side, fingers curled around the handle of their shopping basket.
Cumulus turns into the aisle they're in, hands full of bright colored foil packets, a bright look in her eye. When they had parted ways as they stepped into the store, she had looked just as tired as the two of them. Cirrus chirps curiously, quiet enough that none of the human shoppers can hear her.
"They've got face masks, and they sell liquor here, should we sneak a bottle of wine onto the bus and have a girls' night when we get to the hotel?" Cumulus asks, slipping the foil packets into the shopping basket without waiting for an answer.
Cirrus's posture eases, pulling Aurora tighter against her side as Cumulus gently takes the basket from her. "That sounds fucking wonderful, songbird. Rory, how about you?"
She shifts, tucked under Cirrus's arm. "Sounds fun, I mean, I don't think I'm up for drinking tonight. But I'll do everything else."
"Then we can skip the wine," Cumulus kisses her cheek, smoothing back bubblegum pink hair. "Though I did see, when I was getting the masks, there's a sale on nail polish. Maybe we redo those pretty claws of yours."
It's Aurora's turn to light up, and the three of them head back to the cosmetics aisle, picking a few bottles of bright, fun colors. Before they head up to the register, they make a quick pit stop in the snacks aisle, tossing a few boxes of assorted chocolates in the basket as well as a few salty snacks.
They smuggle their haul onto the bus, careful to make sure that the boys don't see what they're up to. Though, Cirrus thinks, it must be totally obvious that something's up. They're all much lighter on their feet, a little brighter eyed than they were fifteen minutes ago.
When they get to the hotel, the pack splits into their usual pairs. The girls slip into their room, flicking the deadbolt and tossing their duffle bags onto the far bed, the one that will go unused as the three of them curl up into their roost for the night.
Aurora takes one of the drugstore bags to the bathroom, setting out the face masks, not wanting to get them on the white hotel bedding, while Cirrus and Cumulus set out the snacks. "Who calls dibs on the shower?" Aurora asks as she comes back into the main room, moving to her bag to find a clean set of pajamas.
"How about you, borealis?" Cirrus hums, nudging her back towards the bathroom. She chirps in thanks, glamour fading away as the peach-colored gills on her throat flutter. They each quickly shower, scrubbing the grime from travel from their skin and hair, before settling at the bathroom vanity, looking at the various masks they'd picked up from the drugstore. Aurora pulls her phone out, turning on a playlist the three of them had curated on a low volume.
Cirrus sits on the closed toilel, eyes shut as Cumulus hums, carefully smoothing on undereye masks while Aurora braids her hair back. She passes packets of peel off mask to Cirrus and Cumulus, and Cirrus smooths the mask over Cumulus's face, caressing her mate's cheek.
It's quiet, save the music playing from the phone speakers. Cumulus turns, paints Aurora's mask onto her skin, and the little ghoulette leans into the touch, her feather-tipped tail wagging happily, thudding against the vanity. The bottles of nail polish sit on the counter, pinks and purples and blues, and the energy's lighter than it's been in the last week of Rituals and travel.
There are snacks waiting for them, and maybe the bed's not as familiar as the three of them would really like. But it's there, ready for them to cuddle up, feeding each other chocolates and salted nuts and dried fruit, talking about everything and nothing at all until they fall asleep, refreshed for another round of Rituals.
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