This is a callout post for Mark/Raven/Mabel/Manus/Saturn/Mercury/Merc.
This person has bullied many people in the roleplay community, guilt tripped people by threatening suicide when called out on their actions, force their friends to choose between their other friends when Raven/Mark,etc. has a falling out with someone who they are mutual friends with, block evaded while claiming other users have done the same when many of us have just checked our blocklists to see if they have changed their url, stirred up drama by sending hate on anon to RPH help blogs about users who have criticized their actions,policed what content other roleplayers can write, screenshotted users easily identifiable rules to make into PSAs on their roleplay help blog, was associated with someone who took the url of someone who criticized them to call them a drama mongering idiot, bullied numerous people off of tumblr and victim blamed to avoid responsibility and garner sympathy.
They are now known to make blogs in order to get "revenge" on people who speak out against them, stalking anyone who speaks out against them to follow everyone they interact with in order to get their victims to lose roleplay partners / friends, only to deactivate / block the people they followed after they realized that no one would believe them.
The document includes screenshots of the incident on their ravenrpresources blog where they threatened suicide and claimed that they could do no wrong as they were autistic after taking a screenshot of a roleplayers rules and made it into a PSA for the RPC. The document also includes various experiences other users have had with this person where they have blame shifted, stalked, harassed and block evaded.
Known urls are: ravenrpresources, ravenrph, rp-promo-source, rp-meme-source,fluffernuttermemes, markedmuses, lavendermarker, blazkowicztm, bellbeckoned, goldgraft, shadowandsubstance,daatyiichud,unhollowedsouls,summoningsign,blazkoandco,resistandbite,everythingdealt, planetaryrph, mercuryrph,pikminrph, 
Known aliases: Mark, M-Mun,Raven,Mable,Manus,Saturn,Mercury,Merc.
If anyone has experiences please share. I want other people to know they aren't alone. If you want to be anonymous, you can make a sideblog and reblog/reply this post or I will open dms.
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spellsandpixiedust · 5 years
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“Oi! I can bloody see the lights’re on! Don’t be such a wanker and let me in!”, the young magician demanded. Carrying on negotiations with strangers via letter slot wasn’t what he would usually resort to, but the apocalyptic downpour called for desperate measures. And desperate he was indeed. 
“Ye’ll be rid of me as soon as this piss down’s over. Promise. Just lemme in, alright?! ...please?”
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lcyalhearted · 5 years
{ Starter for @unhollowedsouls ~ X }
Nancy pauses in her walk, moving towards the shadowed alleyway. She is not a stupid woman  - growing up in the throngs of London’s worst forces one to mature early - but let no one say she isn’t curious, either. Curious, and kind, and always helpful...
“Hello?” she calls, carefully moving forward, peering as best she can into the darkness. To her eyes, Nancy thinks another girl is there, slumped amongst the debris, but she can’t really tell. Is that a person, asleep? The unfortunate corpse of her kin?
Or just a life-size doll?
Hesitantly, Nancy reaches out.  
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witherow · 5 years
@unhollowedsouls liked for a starter...
Marrow had, for the seventh time that day, messed up. He stared up at one of the buildings bordering the alley, biting his lip as he tried to figure out what to do. On his own, he couldn’t do anything. He’d tried for a while, but it hadn’t worked.
Truly, he wished someone would show up and help him. He didn’t mind strangers in the slightest. In fact, he tended to completely ignore the “don’t talk to strangers” rule, much to Wither’s frustration.
Along came someone. His focus lingered on her appearance for a moment. Something was strange about her. She didn’t quite... fit. But any peculiarity escaped his focus within seconds. For now, only one detail mattered most to him. Her height. She was taller than him. That meant she could reach higher. Marrow breathed a sigh of relief and nodded at her.
“Hullo. Um... can you reach up there?” He pointed towards a windowsill. There was a ledge beneath it, with several potted plants — daffodils and daisies. To the Doll, something small, round, and red would also be visible, nestled amidst the plants. A rubber ball. Marrow couldn’t see the ball at all. It was too far above his head. But he knew it was up there.
“I lost my ball.” He grinned sheepishly and scuffed his shoe on the ground. “Threw it too high.”
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shadow-envy · 5 years
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A Vampires’ Recollection
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akindlymonster-a · 5 years
Starter Call || Accepting
“ ----eralt? Geralt! Can you hear me? ”
The voice faded in and out, alarmed and much too loud for the Witcher’s aching head.
“ Come now Geralt, open your eyes! Damned foolish Witcher... Where is that potion? Oh, of all the days to be noble, why did it have to be--- ”
A sharp sound, then another bloom of pain. Someone had slapped him.
“ Stay with me, Geralt, now is not the time for sleep! ”
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thelittlestdemon-a · 5 years
“Townspeople told me you cursed her into this,” Geralt gestured with a gloved hand to the pig beside him, which oinked as though in agreement, “That true?”
Ma'at stared at the man for a moment before her eyes drifted down to the pig when it snorted.  The old woman stared wide eyed for a good few seconds before she had to cover her mouth to keep from bursting out laughing.  Though her giggles could still be heard.
"O- One moment lad." Ma'at gasped between chuckles before shutting the door.  She could be heard laughing uncontrollably for a bit behind the wooden barrier before her laughter died down and she opened the door again.
She waived a hand, still trying to suppress her amusement as she looked at the pig again, though she was much more successful this time.  "I- I'm sorry lad this- This is just too funny."
She opened the door for them to come inside "Come in, come in.  I'm not the one who did it but I think I know who did."  She gestured to the chairs surrounding the fireplace in the main room "Please, take a seat.  I can fix this."  The witch disappeared for a moment into the next room before coming back with a bottle containing something blue and faintly glowing, and a bowl with some ground herbs at the bottom.
"Believe me you lad my curses are not so comedic.  My daughter however... Has a sense of humor."
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boredofcinder · 5 years
Lothric and Gertrude are sprawled companionably on the floor in Lothric’s tower room, surrounded by papers, a few writing instruments, and the rulers Gertrude uses to line up letters she can’t see.  They’ve traditionally been a bit frosty towards one another - Gertrude is the child their mother is allowed to have a relationship with, the child she can watch grow up - but trying to understand the Angel Gertrude saw has slowly been bringing them closer together.  
Lothric’s pretty sure they’re creating a religion.  
It’s been months since Gertrude met the Angel, but they’ve since found that Angels will intervene in your life and assist with miracles if you flatter them with a thought and trust them to help.  Gertrude found out first.  Losing her ability to speak from the encounter with the Angel has been isolating, and it felt reasonable to ask for answers, just in case.  It’s prayer, plain and simple.  They have yet to come up with a good theory for what Angels might want with humankind, but Gertrude has been having visions ever since her encounter, and she comes to Lothric’s room on the regular to share her dreams and ponder over their meaning.  It’s all very exciting.  It’s all very absurd.  They instinctively know not to tell the adults around them exactly what they’re doing, what forces they’re messing with.  It’s hard to say who they’re building all of this for.  But the Angels chose Gertrude as their prophet, and Lothric is the only one she knows of who is both mostly trustworthy and genuinely interested.  So it’s been their project.  A young prophet and a single young disciple.
There’s a knock on the door.  The Queen comes in with a large doll and hands it to Gertrude.  The doll’s dress has been mended!  The Queen knows how much Gertrude loves the doll, she wanted to bring it right away.  Are you two working on your roleplaying game?  And then the Queen is gone.
Lothric doesn’t even have the energy to indulge in self-righteous jealousy.  “You told her it was a roleplaying game?” he asks tiredly.  He doesn’t know what he’d do with a giant doll, but it’s lavish and expensive, and it means somebody loves you, so by extension he wants one.  
Gertrude looks uncomfortable.  She and Lothric discuss their family sometimes.  It’s a sore subject, but it does come up occasionally.  She knows he’d give anything to be doted on.  After a moment’s thought, she hands him the doll to borrow for the afternoon.  
They’re soon pulled back into their work.  They recently developed a teleportation miracle to help Lothric move places on his own, and now they’re tackling the problem of a miracle that will alert Gertrude of objects in her path.  How to go about it... a ball of light that makes noise if it hits things?  They should first try to see if they can reliably ask the Angels to send them a ball of light.  Once they can do that, they’ll write down the miracle.  Lothric can’t stop looking at the doll.  A sudden chaotic impulse says to pray for it to come to life, and he’s so positive that it won’t that he does.
The Angels are not in this to be doubted.  Lothric has an obscene amount of magic potential, and he’s made it clear over many prayers that they’re welcome to borrow from it to grant requests.  A pillar of light hums loudly from the ceiling and hits the doll like a lightning bolt, amid a wild flurry of divine feathers.  Lothric feels a lot of energy leave him all at once, and he falls gracelessly on his side with a surprised Oh.  Gertrude gasps and reaches for him, and he tells her he’s okay.  She helps him sit back up, and he invites her to scoot backwards with him, away from the doll.  She keeps tapping him and looking confused - what’s going on?  She’d know the sound of an Angel’s miracle anywhere.  She didn’t do it.  What did he do?  Is that a ball of light?  ...Something else?
Lothric can’t bring himself to admit to the foolishness he prayed for unless the proof really is too formidable to deny.  He sees the doll moving independently and swallows.  Oh no.  He opens his mouth and no sound comes out.  He tries again and manages, “I have made a mistake.”
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thexforgottenxones · 5 years
How I feel about this character:
Archie! He was the first character I ever roleplayed. Istill love him dearly. He’ll always be one of my favorite ouat characters, andreally one of my favorite characters of all time.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
The biggest ship I have for Archie is Archie with an oc, @fairestmusesofthemall‘s oc, Thumbelina. However, I also ship Archie with Emma,Archie with Killian, and Archie with both Emma and Killian at once. I don’treally have too many other ships for him, I think. I tend to love his platonicships and not get too much romance for him.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Archie and Henry. I always loved their relationship andconsider Archie to be Henry’s first father figure in Henry’s life. This shipwas always my favorite for Archie, and it trumps any romantic ship I have forhim.
I also love his relationship with characters like Marco andAugust. I wish we’d got to see more of that. They’re basically his family andit’s a shame we don’t get to see any more of that dynamic.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
Apparently that he was a good therapist. People would criticizehim al the time for his therapy skills, and they were usually taking things outof context. Therapists aren’t always on the clock and can talk to friendswithout giving them a session. Also, he’s qualified and the fact that he gothis degree from a curse means nothing. If Everyone can work ovens and drivecars with no problems, and Whale can give people modern medicine without poisoninganyone, then Archie knows what he’s doing in his practice. I got so tired ofthis argument before.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with thischaracter in canon:
Kind of like what I’ve said about Henry and August, I justwanted more of him. Every time he was on screen it was golden. I just wanted tosee more of him. I loved literally every scene he was in. He’s a greatcharacter. They just didn’t use him nearly enough. Apparently, the actor RaphaelSbarge said that a lot of scenes he filmed got cut. I really, really wish we’dleft more of his stuff in. It was all fantastic.
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pinetrce · 5 years
unhollowedsouls replied to your post: {...
((me @ fanartists who draw Soos Like That))
{ tell them to put their location on I wanna fight }
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skvllbug · 5 years
1: What does their bedroom look like?
☛ GET INSIDE YOUR CHARACTER'S HEAD! aka The Excessively Detailed Headcanon Meme - Accepting
Thanks @unhollowedsouls!
1: What does their bedroom look like?
G.uzma’s bedroom is usually trashed as a result of angry outbursts. At best, the bed is not made, his trophies are unpolished (assuming they haven’t been knocked off their stands), and there’s a lot of damage to and writing on the walls and his personal belongings. His throne-like chair is mostly unharmed, so he spends more time sitting there than he does lounging on his bed. In fact, he’s more likely to sleep in P.lumeria’s pretty, tidy room than he is to sleep in his own, and he wouldn't damage her things. 
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gcrminatorarchive · 5 years
I want Osmosis!
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“You got Osmosis!”
// Thanks for reading, dear!!
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seaoftime · 5 years
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@unhollowedsouls said: “ hey , uh , what do you got there ? “ (-Soos, for Ford!)
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“Uhh, a smoothie?” Ford raised a brow, a smoothie held obviously in his right hand. In his left was some sort of contraption, perhaps one of Ford’s projects in a work-in-progress stage.
“Did you want one?”
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The ground below him is not cold, gritty sand, the color of an old corpse. Not this time. It’s dusty carpet, maybe green and white once but so trodden that it’s no longer possible to tell with certainty. One side of him is warm, a fireplace glowing red through the thin skin of his eyelids as he struggles to look at it.
Typically his waking dreams leave him in cold and hostile places. The empty beach, the rocky crags crawling with worms, but this is a home. Perhaps not his home, but someone uses this space. Lothric sits himself up slowly, peering at the weapons hanging on the wall. Hunter tools. Was this the home of a hunter? He can hear someone speaking outside, apparently to themselves. A woman’s voice. 
There isn’t anywhere to hide that he can see, and he has no idea what waits outside. Lothric sucks in a breath through his teeth, beginning to drag himself towards the open door. In his hurry he bumps the table. A vial of blood teeters and then falls from the edge, smashing itself against the ground.
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soulsfromfire-blog · 5 years
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"'Ere now, mate.” A hint of urgency, deftly threaded into the sneering stranger’s voice, helps to lend an air of authenticity to his concerns. The unsettling timbre of that bloody nuisance Sen’s pendulum arcades and the ambient rasps of the Serpent-Men roaming its labyrinthine heights pronounces what little silence there is around the wandering mischief-maker.
“That is top-class, that armour. Brilliant; absolutely tip-top, if I do say so myself.” Business as usual, the blackguard often enjoys softening up his prey before sinking in the lethal point. Behind the guise of the jovial flatterer is a ruthless devil, appraising the sun-crested armour’s worth in souls. Ahead is a precarious, narrow walkway: to pragmatics, like him or hopefully this cheery fella here, it’s a walk-in noose under the fetching name of Sen’s Fortress.
“Listen, it would be a right royal shame if you went and got it all spoiled in that muck –– cor, worse yet, you get some hissy so-and-so prod you off into the bleak unknowns! Between us plucky Undead, I happen to have found a secret way up.” With a slick wink, he pats his nose. “Not a word to the nasties, eh? Patches is the name, friend. Trusty Patches. Always on the lookout for a fellow traveller, I am. Gotta stick together, ‘specially in this day an’ age.”
@unhollowedsouls –– Solaire muse!
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ivakir · 5 years
"I'm not going to die in this hole." (-Geralt?)
   "No one doubts you. I was just worried that someone would have to take care of your equipment and your poor little horse if you die there. How lucky you are that there is no a greedy peasant who would sell it all to the nearest merchant and waste all money on vodka, but just me, an honest and respectable witch.
   Note for those who like to trust “honest and respectable witches”: never leave your things near them.
   Ivakir kicked a stone into the hole (which was actually a cave, just the entrance looked like a hole) and put her hand to her ear. The stone flew to the bottom and plopped into something soft, damp. She also heard another sound, as if someone’s thousand small legs were running around. 
   "If you want to know my opinion, it stinks of shit. And it’s not a colorful expression. And now go, I’ll wait right here. Next to your things. If you die there, I promise that I will personally hire peasants to pull out your torn body.“
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