#varchie art
gogenevieveart · 1 year
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The core four as the Scooby gang! Had to change up some of the outfit colors to balance things out and to go with the altered hair colors, but I think the vibe is somewhat maintained haha 😅 patreon commission for @monicaposh
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I missed out on varchie appreciation month, but varchie fandom appreciation is a year round event! I think they’re champs.
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goddessofwisdom18 · 3 months
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The Four Queens 🃏
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alpacalypseartb · 1 year
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Varchie ❤️💜
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walkingmusical · 2 years
“Is this about what happened in my bed chambers last night?” Lord Kade Arryn’s ward, Lady Veronica Lannister, said. “I had the maester make me a tea, you do not need to worry about my honour.”
But Prince Archie Stark was worried about her honour. In a perfect world, he could have expressed the feelings that overcame him when he was around Veronica, and no Lord in Westeros would care. Unfortunately they did not live in that world, and she would not be able marry now that they had slept together.
“You are promised to Betty Mormont.” Veronica added. “Do not weaken your crown by upsetting an ally, not on my account.”
She did bring up a valid point - but he and Lady Betty were only recently betrothed by his grandmother and her father. They only met a few times, and he honestly felt nothing for the woman. When he first saw Veronica, however, he fell for her instantly.
“The Mormonts understand honour.” Archie assured her. “They may not understand how my love for you overcame me, but they will understand the need to preserve your honour.”
If worst came to worse, Archie would promise his future heir one of Polly Mormont’s future children. As much as he wanted love for his own blood, he also wanted them safe. One might say that it was selfish to put them in that situation, but he couldn’t undo what happened between him and Veronica - and he didn’t want to, either. This was the best step forward.
“Besides, I cannot think of a greater honour than having you as my Queen.” Archie added.
Veronica blushed at that, which gave him a warm feeling in his chest. He loved these little signs that she was just as fond of him as he was of her.
“Would the North even accept a Lady from the Six Kingdoms as their Queen?” Veronica asked. “A Lannister one, at that.”
“Robb Stark died decades ago.” Archie assured her. “They’ll be uncertain at first, but they’ll come around when you serve them well on my council.”
“On your council?” Veronica asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I know you would not be happy simply bearing me children.” Archie said. “I will find you a role on my small council, and you can serve the Kingdom.”
The last thing he wanted to do was hold her back.
“I will still give you sons.” Veronica voice broke, a strong sound of joy in her tone. It was probably something her mother taught her to say to suitors.
Archie glanced up from the ground, where he was on one knee, and could see a tearful grin on her face.
“What if I want only daughters?” Archie asked, raising from the ground and reaching out to grab Veronica’s hand. “To one day rule as well as my grandmother does?”
The grin on Veronica’s face grew alongside Archie’s, and he knew then that it was settled. He would ride to King‘a Landing to stand before the elderly but enduring King Bran, and then he would return to the Eyrie and ride north with his bride.
Part II - Beggie
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susieporta · 9 months
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Le persone dicono molte cose con piccoli dettagli.
Un orecchino
Un paio di scarpe
Un colore di rossetto
Una scarpa allacciata in un modo piuttosto che in un altro
Messaggi si celano e si disvelano ovunque e basta davvero poco per aprire delle fessure in loro, che facilmente diventano dei varchi.
Per me è sempre stato così.
Non sono mai stata in grado di intessere relazioni superficiali nemmeno con il panettiere o con l’idraulico.
Inizio a scorgere qualcosa di loro, una parola non detta, un dente che sibila, un tic impercettibile e nella mia testa si fa largo una storia.
E quella storia vuole essere sentita, vissuta, narrata.
Sarà che ho una sorta di eccesso di vita che mi perturba e che ho bisogno di redistribuire tra più vite.
E allora capita che a volte immagino come sarebbe stata la mia vita se fossi stata una tessitrice afghana, o un tossico a new orleans, o se avessi avuto 5 figli e avessi fatto la casalinga nella mia città natale, o se fossi stata un allevatrice di cavalli in Irlanda, o un’ arredatrice a New York, o una Dj a Ibiza.
Questo eccesso di vita, allora si ricolloca, ma talvolta non basta e allora devo entrare nelle vite degli altri.
E forse è questo che mi ha spinto a stare tanti giorni della mia vita a sentire le storie degli altri, e a cercare nuovi dettagli, piccoli particolari, minuzie, abitudini…
In questi rigoli di palpiti umani, trovo un po’ di tregua da un qualcosa dentro che è in continuo movimento, e smania e si allarga e anche quando sono stanca, non mi lascia in pace.
Ho vissuto sempre un po’ tutto all’eccesso, anche le tristezze, le malinconie, ho dovuto spargere questa energia in tutte le fessure dentro le quali poteva consumarsi.
Ho letto le persone come si leggono i libri, e nella mia testa ho inventato mille storie come si fa quando si scrivono i libri .
Non ho mai pensato, invece di scrivere un libro.
Troppa pazienza, troppa costanza, troppa dedizione.
Eppure ancora altre vita vogliono essere vissute e narrate.
Chissà come
Chissà quando
Chissà da chi …
Proprietà letteraria riservata:
Ai sensi della legge sui diritti d’autore e del codice civile, sono vietati l’uso delle idee, la copia, la riproduzione di questo scritto o di parte di esso con qualsiasi mezzo: elettronico, meccanico, fotocopie,altro. È incoraggiata la condivisione dei testi, mantenendo integro il contenuto, e citando l’autore
La poire art
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lunamagicablu · 5 months
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Si stanno chiudendo, uno a uno, i portali per il mondo della magia. Perché i bambini non disegnano più varchi e griglie e accessi per saltarci dentro. (Fabrizio Caramagna) art by_deodorofloriano_ ************************** The portals to the world of magic are closing, one by one. Because children no longer draw gaps and grids and accesses to jump into. (Fabrizio Caramagna) art by_deodorofloriano_
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askandsmile · 1 year
be honest, do you think we have a shot of being endgame?
the million dollar question! and my very honest answer is, (under the cut)
the show is not over until it's over. in my opinion, we have a shot, but they also do. for a while in riverdale you could predict things using their old formula - that doesn't exist anymore. it's been two (basically three) seasons now that they admittedly changed their plans very last minute (not even just concerning ships, but the plot itself) and that makes the story very hard to predict. there's a lot of factors that go into this, too, like bts drama and the changes in the writers room and etc. but i do believe it comes down to what ras envisions for the ending, more than anything, and i think this is where the biggest shot lies.
BUT like i always said, even though i joke about it a lot, i don't think an endgame is what makes a ship great and what gets me shipping something. i've watched shows where i knew x&y didn't end up together from the get go and shipped them anyway. why? because there's so much more to a ship than an endgame. and it's okay, it doesn't take away from your ship or why you love it. and no one is able to change your mind if you don't want your mind to change. you always have your ship, their story, their potential, their fics, the art, the love they made you feel. this will remain with or without a happy ending. but of course i want a happy ending! i just don't think it's what's gonna make varchie a great ship, because it already is one.
so, yeah, i do believe we have a shot - the premiere spoke loads to me, and even with some screeners saying this/that i wanna see for myself the next couple of episodes to decide how i feel about it - and i do think they're still leaning a lot into the multiverse stuff so i'm always a bit skeptical of if it's gonna end in a 'regular' happy ending. i think it was the case for a long time, but i don't know how they look at it now that they introduced new stuff to the show canon, like magic, parallel realities, different versions of the same characters co-existing, etc. so my honest answer is that. we have a shot. ba have a shot. who knows! i'm here for the ride and to enjoy the cute content they'll provide to prove me that my heart made the right choice when it started shipping varchie.
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museenkuss · 8 months
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(non-professional translation): "For his lecture on 13th February 1547, Varchi tried to systematically negotiate the artists' arguments, to finally propose equality [between painting and sculpture] as a not very spectacular solution that could be accepted by everybody. Varchi justified the equality of the two arts with the fact that both of them were aiming for the same goal – imitating nature as good as possible. Similarly, Vasari’s Proemi di tutta l’opera in the first edition of the Vite would try to end the rivalry of the arts – which had allegedly been ignited “without reason” – by stating that both arts together with architecture were the daughters of disegno.”
[a few chapters earlier:]
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“John Shearman has pointed out that Vasari’s Vite are so lead by the idea of the rivalry between artists that those who tried to elude themselves from the contest were punished/met with disdain.”
me when I'm not to blame for anything at all.
[from the Bätschmann & Weddingen Intro to the new Varchi translation, 2013]
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artlimited · 1 year
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Varchi by Flavio Pellegrini https://www.artlimited.net/1051673/art/sculpture-varchi-wood-other-geometric/en/11805427
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gogenevieveart · 3 years
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Gossip Girl style masquerade ball with Bughead & Varchie at a fancy New York venue (based on the lobby of the Lotte New York Palace) 💫 patreon commission for @monicaposh
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satelliteinasupernova · 9 months
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A little drawing for varchie appreciation week!
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monicaposh · 3 years
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✨across the stars, varchie in the seventies✨
part six: little dreamer
step into this wildly glamorous decade where rockstar archie andrews can’t stop bumping into supermodel veronica luna. experience varchie’s red hot relationship as they navigate their life in the fast lane — filled with all the love and passion as always.
reposting this chapter with the commissioned artwork by the lovely @gogenevieveart ♥️
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theheavycrown · 4 years
Attention creators and crafters!
Times are hard and many are stuck at home in a variety of circumstances. Hobbies and passions are more important than ever, online shopping has become even more essential for finding goods, and small businesses desperately need support. I know I’m not alone when I say that I would love to see your talent—art, beauty products, clothing, and crafts—the people behind the blogs we follow have all sorts of things to offer. When surrounded by stress, it’s such a gift to see some good and find some joy.
If you have a Patreon, Etsy, Society6, Redbubble, OR a commissions post reblog this post with a link to your store so others can find it! 
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alpacalypseartb · 2 years
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The Archie gang in the Friends cast rolling stone cover!
Characters matched the best I could (Archie is 100% Ross)
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