#varial heel
krutam · 2 years
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streetpiracy · 10 months
Is it varial heel(flip)? Or heelflip varial?
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dedicatedlongevity · 6 months
Skateboarding for the most part is tried and true..
You find a way and make it happen and people can follow suit,
I guess my perspective its more for problem solving and error correcting
Some people are heel flip people and kickflip is the go to but obviously learning both can be a bit difficult and both of them are directional roots
So I would prefer laser flip over tre flip because of the natural backwards jump with the board... Unless you can keep the board perfectly below you, I don't want to be jumping forwards but the movement is extremely unnatural to most.. I would have to kick a kickball with my left foot in order for the laser flip scoop to make sense, compared to the usual stepping motion
The majority of that is coming from the scoop, so varial heel and kick are more natural, inward heel and hard flip are difficult,
Front side and backside is similar but it's not as hard to navigate because it's more shoulder based and that's going to come down to the truth of skateboard which is that the flick of the ankle is the most important aspect... When you skate you'll feel it more in your thighs because your jumping which is wrong and you really should be feeling it in your calves... The ankle flick is what allows the board to snap which is the pop... If you put power into the ankle, your physically slamming the board against the ground forcing it into the air, which would be the same force that flips the board completely before it peaks ... Your thighs are most for speed and picking you legs up after the snap to allow time for the flip
Ankle to board to ground, thighs to air, board to feet, brace for landing
The swiping motion is the same for both legs but it's not just practicing the motion but also putting true force so the the board to do the trick on its way up you your feet
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dzpenumbra · 1 year
I don't really know where to start tonight. I felt like shit last night, slept like garbage too. Had dreams about my old landlords, glad to know that shit is literally still haunting me.
I decided to take it real easy today. I did some very light yoga, only neck and upper back. I played this new game I started last night, Ad Aspera - it's a Mars terraforming simulation kinda game, but with a story line, I'm really liking it so far, but it's definitely a game for a certain type of people.
I spent a good chunk of the night working on the hoodie. I got a lot done. I mean, a lot, there's really not a lot left to do on the back piece. There's an outer ring, some silver fill work, adding in more layering to the white, the black line work and then... I want to add shading to the whole thing, so... that'll be the final step. That will make it look absolutely nuts. It's already really popping out, the colors are very vibrant.
Honestly, not a lot else happened, it was a really low-key day. I spent a little time looking for local art collectives, see if I can find some other weirdos like me so I don't have to just blindly introduce myself to normies and weird them out. The first one that showed up on my google search was one through a local mental heath clinic... that was an art collective for people with mental health/substance use problems, or people with them in their lives.
My initial impression was... yep, this is pretty much where I belong, right? I mean, I went on an hour-long cruise yesterday and led to me having cascading trauma responses all throughout the rest of the evening, convinced that like... everything I do just pisses people off. Like I can't exist in a space without upsetting someone. Like... I tiptoe around my own apartment at 3AM to make sure I don't upset my downstairs neighbor, because I know how loud my upstairs one is. I often worry about how loud my keyboard clacks are. That kind of shit. I frame it in my head as common courtesy, politeness, kindness, compassion. And, to a degree, it is. But... it's also fear. Fear of punishment, fear of someone lashing out. Which is weird because... you'd think I, of all people, could take that. Right?
Like... the more I think about it... pretty much everyone I've known has lashed out on me. A very select few I managed to avoid before that happened... and I shouldn't say everyone of all time, but like... everyone of the past 7 or so years. Plus, middle child. Plus, black sheep. Plus, abuse victim. Plus, PTSD. Plus, artist. Plus, skateboarder. Plus, listens to metal. Plus, used to have a pink mohawk, more recently a 2 foot long braided mohawk (RIP). If someone was getting singled out and blamed, in my family at least, it was going to be me. I've been a patsy for a long time, including for other people that called me "friend" too. It's confusing... Why does it have so much power over me if I'm so... used to it? If I have so much experience?
I'm thinking of it in terms of snowskating, like... when I do a trick I'm barely familiar with? Like... varial heel, front shuv, inward heel, hardflip, something way off my normal path... It's scary as fuck. Like... I don't even want to get above the board, I feel like I'm just going to sack or eat shit. I have very little experience with flip tricks, with detaching from the board and reconnecting. There's a lot of faith and trust involved in that. And new rotations are just... yeah, you get what I mean, attempting to land that feels very similar to how most people feel just standing on a board for the first time. Alien, scary, like it's going to hurt you in some unknown way.
But when I try something I'm still not confident in... but I have experience in? Like... heelflip, or kickflip, or varial flip... There's still a fear element, but it's very diffuse. The fears are much more specific and narrowed to rare circumstances. Landing with your weight too far back and slipping out, landing primo, landing on your nose and digging the nose into the snow and eating shit. Point being, the experience gives you... information, detail... so after 500 kickflips, you've kinda got a good idea what to expect.
Speaking of being sick... I'll pick this up in a few. --- Ugh, I don't know if it's a stomach bug or something I ate, but my guts are not happy with me.
So... where I was going with that analogy is... if I have a lifetime of experience being blamed for shit... why am I so bothered by it? Why does it upset me?
I think it's the "nothing left to lose" thing. I've had this thought a lot over the past few months, I found it interesting. I have suffered a lot of loss recently. And I've started to get into this realm of being super self-protective and not taking chances. Of course... But the logic is framed as being part of "nothing left to lose". Like... I don't have a buffer left to lose. Losing a friend is painful, losing a family member too. Losing your last friend? I ramps up the gravity. So... when I think "I have very little left to lose", my brain doesn't go to "fuck it, let it ride" anymore. It goes to "save up, be cautious, be deliberate, be intelligent". It does the opposite. Instead of going "fuck it, I've got nothing left to lose", I go "I can't afford to lose this." It's all wired backwards, and it keeps me super insulated and "safe", but it prevents opportunities for growth.
I can protect myself from injury by never trying to kickflip the 2 set ever again. But if I never roll the dice on that... I guarantee I will never land it. And I've been struggling to not only pull the trigger on saying "fuck it" more often, but also to do it mindfully in ways that are as respectful of others in my vicinity as possible. It's a really tough balance. Like... I can just say fuck it, eat the tickets if the cops are going to be pricks about it... and just skate around the town every day. I can do that. But if I'm just pissing off my neighbors... is it even worth it? Agh.
So... needless to say... as I was getting to way back several paragraphs ago... I still have some pretty debilitating mental health shit going on. Like... I never leave my apartment. And I'm scared of people. And I have no friends. So... yeah, I'd say that's not good, mental health-wise... So... I'd definitely qualify for this art community thing. Here's the weird part...
I watched one of their videos, to get a feel for what kind of people are in the group. I try not to be judgmental, I really do... I just... have a bad history of being best friends with very destructive and unstable people. I have a history of befriending predatory people, and damaged people alike. Heroin addicts, alcoholics, severe trauma cases, literal prostitutes and strippers - give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. My history with these people has been... less than fortunate. I truly do see the good in people, the redeeming qualities, the potential. In everyone. I mean that. I see it innately. Which, I guess, is not a common quality? But it can blind me. Blind me to the wrongdoings of self-indulgent people. People who do not empathize, or consider the effects of their actions on others. Or I try to blind myself to it, as an act of politeness. It happens quite often.
So... I'm cautious about... meeting friends in a potential lion's den. I've been there before several times. That's... okay, that's not the weird part, this is the weird part. I watched that video and on the recommended video bar (embedded YT vid) was a thumbnail of my therapist... Yeah... I knew he was a crisis counselor, he let me know that, this was a video posted a year ago, and he's in it. And he works... at the place... that hosts the art community. At least, he worked... because he's currently trying to transition out and into private practice.
So... the first Google result... was an art community for people with mental health relevance in their lives... and my therapist can't recommend it because... he works there. And he can't even name where he works. And somewhere... in a hollowed out volcano in Southeast Asia... a supervillain is staring at a screen with this scenario on it and wringing his hands and cackling "yesss all is going according to plaaaan"...
So... I don't know what to do with that. I think it might be good for me to look for other groups... too. And not to just write this group off, but to maybe sit in on a meeting or something, or just do more research at least.
Another thing that was running through my head was... remember about that whole ADHD screening? Remember how I was going to get an ADHD screening done... in like... late December? It's late March. It's been almost 2 months since I saw the fucking doctor. So... I have an idea. And I feel a bit bad about this, but I really just need to get over it. I think I need to try to switch doctors to one at the health center in my neighborhood. At least... I need to try. It's much closer, it's like... walking distance. Or... semi-legal skating distance. Rather than getting the community car and taking that halfway across the city. That's point one. Two, because this doctor has not followed up at all, at any point, in like... 2 months. I feel bad because she was nice, and kinda... bohemian like me, you know? So... I felt like we clicked a bit, and I wanted to give that a shot... But... idk. So... I'll float the idea by my therapist on Thursday, since he was supposed to have open talks with that woman, if opening the doors with another doctor would be more practical at this stage, I'll give it a shot.
My top priority right now is not the ADHD shit, I've all-but given up on that, honestly. Whatever. I'll just keep chugging energy drinks and sculpting my life around freeform wandering and bouts of hyperfocus, it's nothing new. My top priority right now is getting rid of this goddamn motherfucking bacterial scalp infection that has been plaguing me since November 2021. Since the month I quit smoking. It is horrible. I took antibiotics for it - both oral and topical - and it didn't kill it. I really don't want to take antibiotics again, I've been doing antifungal regimens for my foot fungus for like... over a month now. I want to be gentle with my body... But this shit? I swear... They're like pimples, but it's itchy and extremely painful, on my scalp and under my beard, they smell like garlic or onion when they pop, some the size of pimples, some can blow up to the size of my fucking thumb. I have no idea where they came from or why they won't go away, I tried antibacterial soaps, I've had my head steadily shaved to hopefully get the sun to help out, it just will not go away. It makes me super self-conscious, it's super painful and constantly uncomfortable and my body is constantly taxed by fighting this infection. I can only dream of the peace I will have when I'm finally free from it. And I really would like to bump that up the prio list.
I'll put the doctor stuff on the whiteboard, might as well.
Last, but not least, I found a minecraft mod that actually does desire paths! And it does them really well too, which is cool. I wish they were customizable in how many passes over a certain area for them to erode, but... it's effective and it's better than doing it manually. This is cool for me because then all I have to do is... clear grass, screenshot and explore. I don't have to manually add the paths in anymore. Pretty cool. And the paths are much more subtle when they start forming, they turn to dirt first before they turn to paths, and gradually turn to dirt at that... so it will encourage much more wandering. I'm pretty excited for that. I think that could be an interesting stream. Me literally walking back and forth through the woods between two shrines for hours, for an audience. I appeal to a very... niche audience... XD But hey, it's got shaders and shit, so... pretty cool, huh?
Bed time.
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Savannah Stacey Keenan in Cafe’s SONATA
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mostlyskateboarding · 5 years
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130w · 6 years
Stefan Janoski Reimagined - Chris Ray
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alphalesbian · 3 years
Feel like if I try really really hard I may be able to land an inward heel soon........
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rodolfohb · 3 years
Nollie varial heel
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makalakayaka · 2 years
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Varial heel w/ hands ;-;
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lixie-lovie · 3 years
OMG CAN I GET #12 THE PAINFUL HIGH FIVE WITH JISUNG i just think that would be rlly funny 🕺
OKAY THIS WAS WAY TOO FUN TO WRITE AND I GOT A LITTLE CARRIED AWAY I HOPE YOU ENJOY .. also i didn't know how to end this without going on too long oooof
{an incredibly loud and painful high five}
paring: skater!jisung x gn!reader
warnings: um skateboarding and very subtle threats
word count: 1,301
The skate park was crowded on this hot, balmy summer’s day. You were surrounded by your friends all chatting happily, sitting around and on a wooden picnic table set up outside of an ice cream truck only a few paces away from the main area of the park. Some of the boys, namely Jisung and Hyunjin, were currently away from the table. They had come by in a hurry earlier, while the rest of the boys and yourself were waiting patiently in line behind a couple of kids, just to let you all know they were having a “trick-off war,” before rushing off again. 
You took a slow bite of your watermelon flavored popsicle as you watched their movements carefully, laughing softly and shaking your head as Hyunjin pushed Jisung around for scaring him while he tried his last stunt. You took note that they were now grinning and forcibly shoving each other around as they made their way back to the table you were all gathered around. You felt your back straighten slightly and your eyes perk up at the sight of Jisung’s loose, cringy Hawaiian shirt flowing gracefully in the wind as you realized he was wearing the black shirt you had bought for him a week prior underneath. A small smile of pride graced you lips, until a sudden shout of your name shook you out of your crush-induced thoughts. 
Your eyes snapped in the direction of the noise and found Minho’s devilish grin staring back at you. You gave him a sharp look, before realizing the other two had approached, quite loudly, and you turned to give them your attention. 
“So! Who today would like to invest in the greatest offer you’ll ever receive, hm?” Jisung yelled out with grandiose. Hyunjin snorted loudly, hitting his arm and telling him to get on with it. “Alright, place your bets! 50 bucks each on the person who you think will be able to land the laser flips.” He said, his tone mocking and announcer-like. Chan and Felix giggled wildly as you tilted your head slightly. 
You raised your hand, albeit a bit sheepishly. “Um, guys..” You said, your eyes scanning the table full of boys slowly, “What’s a laser flip??” You heard uproarious laughter and felt your lips turning downward until a large, warm weight was settled around your shoulders. You whipped your head towards the bold soul touching you and found Jisung already staring at you with bright eyes and a wide grin. 
“Oh, my dear sweet y/n,” He said, swaying you slightly. You looked at the others around the table, now rapt with attention on the boy standing above you. “A laser flip is only the trickiest of tricks out there. First, you start with a front side 360 pop-shove it combined with the dreaded varial heel-flip!” He said, pumping his free fist in the air as he finished. “Woah!” He exclaimed as Hyunjin pulled his arm off of you and forced him back to the front of the table. 
“I'm gonna pop-shove you if you don’t pop-shut it.” Hyunjin grumbled. The table now in peels of laughter again. “So, what’s it gonna be? Who’s team is everyone taking??” Hyunjin directed at the table of people now pulling out their wallets. 
“I’m team Hyunjin!” All of the boys said simultaneously while throwing their 50s down on the table in front of everyone. Laughter fell from their lips yet again as a loud, betrayed gasp could be heard from the opposing party. Your hand waivered over your money as you thought about what move you should make from here until you felt two hands grasp your shoulders tightly and an overly dramatic groan come from behind you, pulling a loud laugh from your lips. 
“Y/n..” Jisung whined, “Please don’t tell me you’re against me too..” a heaving gasp left him as he hung all of his weight off of your shoulders, crying loudly. You sighed heavily, though the smile dancing on your lips betrayed your false annoyed action. 
“I’m team Jisung. Gotta make it interesting somehow, besides I have some money to lose.” You said, determined and laughing at the loud cry of your name coming from Jisung’s lips. Hyunjin nodded his head, laughing maniacally as he dragged Jisung by the back of his shirt and flipped his board into his hand making his way towards the area they deemed “war zone.”
You and all of the boys grew giggly, but silent as you watched the two set up for their tricks. Hyunjin went first and Jisung fidgeted anxiously behind him, biting his lips to keep from saying anything dumb to anger the later party. Hyunjin took a deep breath, before winking back towards the table (causing a chorus of groans and a particularly angry “get on with it!”) before taking off. He nailed the beginning of the trick, all people surrounding the table and even a few lingering parties nearby were now standing, anxiously waiting for the end, but before Hyunjin could finish he stumbled and tripped. His board flew forwards and he landed softly on his feet, a bit wobbly and groaning loudly at the loss. 
The table erupted into yells and protests while a cheer left your lips, but before you could celebrate too hard Minho glared at you, reminding you that you couldn’t earn your money until Jisung landed his. You groaned, rolling your eyes, as everyone sat back down slowly. Jisung hurriedly got ready for his turn, but you could see the nerves rolling off of him in waves, so you took a deep breath yourself and yelled out as loudly as possible. 
“You’ve got this, sungie!!” Jisung jumped, turning his head to flash a grin your way before blowing you a kiss and mouthing “all for you babe” back at you. He turned back around, an easy grin still on his lips (feeling like he had won already) before setting off to do his trick. He laughed as he finished the first part of the trick, everyone standing up in shock and awe, before flawlessly landing the varial heel-flip. Shocked whispers could be heard as you cried out in surprise. Jisung’s eyes went wide as he turned around to look at Hyunjin, who was now on the ground with his hand over his mouth.
Suddenly a cocky smile took over your lips at the same time Jisung began running back, Hyunjin in tow. You quickly stood before taking off in his direction, your hand raised for a celebratory high five, but Jisung’s excited momentum caught you by surprise as he neared and his larger hand came in contact with yours. Suddenly, like a gunshot, a loud slap could be heard resonating through the park. You froze. Everyone around you froze. The dumb grin on Jisung’s face turned into a sheepish smile as he called your name softly. The table of boys behind you were making shooing motions towards Jisung and Minho made a throat slicing motion before turning and looking away as if nothing happened.
“Jisung.” You said, a smile still eerily on your face. 
“Yeah?” He said, gulping. 
“I’ll give you three seconds to run while I see if my hand isn’t broken.” You spoke evenly, Jisung’s feet stumbling over themselves to back away from you and begin running in the direction of your friends. You quickly looked down at your aching, red palm before hearing the voice of Felix yelling Jisung’s name and something that sounded like “not the money!” before you made your break for it. 
“You get back here, you thief!” You yelled as Jisung screamed and pocketed the money. All that could be heard after were Jisung’s pleas and your friend’s laughter as your popsicle melted onto the brown sticky wooden table that fateful day of summer.
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harlemsince95 · 2 years
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Varial heel
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awarenessaslove · 4 years
Evan Smith - switch varial heel
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terribleco · 4 years
Ghost Town
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Coventry has never been a skate mecca, but fun can definitely be had on a skateboard in the city of peace and reconciliation. With that being said, over the last couple of years, some of the great spots I, and many others, grew up skating have been removed by Coventry City Council. With no plans for a new skatepark from the council, it can feel like the skate scene is constantly being slapped in the face with the number of places to skate dwindling. I spoke to some of the Cov locals about some of their favourite long gone spots, in an attempt to understand why our dead spots, no matter how innocuous, are part of skateboarding history. 
Header photo by Ryan Bradley.
I grew up skating in Coventry in the early 2000's. By the time I had started skating, the spots had been skated for decades prior, but still had plenty of life left as the new boom of skaters entered the city. The spots have always had a rough and raw quality to them, but then again that was part of the charm. Banks, ledges, rails, stairs, even the odd street transition - but all of them had a common aesthetic of a city that had been rebuilt and reimagined through a brutalist lense after the second World War. The spots are decent enough to get the attention of Stereo's Carl Shipman, Darkstar's Joe Hinson, and the respective Get Lesta and Baghead crews: so it stands to reason that they are most certainly important in British skateboarding history. 
Andy Clare, one of the OG Cov Street skaters, is the owner and operator of Spray Station - a graffiti shop in Coventry’s Fargo Village. He's a lifelong skateboarder in the city, having seen new spots crop up again and again. He remembers many of the spots from the 90's era, many of which were still present when I started skating, and only recently were demolished:
"Brickies was great, I grew up skating those banks and loved it there despite the terrible floor and smell of piss. The balcony spot (aka Virgin Wall rides) was fun with good flat, grindy ledges and steep banks. The marble bank/wallride behind the west orchards escalators was great, and there used to be some big square wooden benches too."
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P: Gaz Taylor boosts a melon out of Brickies for his “New Blood” article in Sidewalk.
Brickies, aka The Brickworks, was my favourite spot in the world. So much so, I wrote an obituary on this very blog when it got demolished last year. For many of us who grew up in Coventry, Brickies was endless fun: lip tricks, bank tricks, raw, unforgiving ground, and the openness of a skatepark made it the perfect challenge for anyone who enjoyed riding a skateboard. 
Gaz Taylor was part of the same generation of skaters as Andy, and has been skating in Coventry almost as long as I've been alive. Consistently adept at tackling the street spots in the city, he even got snapped doing a melon at Brickies in an issue of Sidewalk. Brickies wasn't his only favourite place to skate though:
"There was a flat bar outside the Belgrade theatre next to the fountain, about knee high.  Perfect for learning rail tricks on. I remember it used to shoot you off the end at speed as it was slightly down hill, that was really fun. Also, the old banks at Cov and Warwickshire Hospital were really good fun, that was a very long time ago though."
Ryan Stanway was one of the first skaters I met down the Memorial Park, before Terribleco was even a thing. Despite meeting at a skatepark, he is largely a street skater, and knows the spots of Coventry better than the back of his hand. He remembers one of the most infamous stair sets in Cov:
"Pigeon Shit has to be up high in the list of spots. It was the first decent sized set of stairs I landed tricks down when I was younger. There always used to be massive session there with 20 plus people all trying stuff." 
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P: Moose throws a Varial Heel down at Pigeon Shit. Photo by Ryan Bradley
Pigeon Shit was a stairset in a "golden triangle" of spots in Coventry: an area surrounding the University where you couldn't walk for more than 10 seconds without encountering more skateable architecture. It was a long 4 set, merging into a 5 set as the landing was on a slight hill, and had a knee high ledge running along the right hand side. The ledge was battered from years of abuse at the hands of trucks and BMX pegs alike, but it didn't stop people like Kris Vile, Josh Walters, Ant Smith and others getting bangers on it. Josh's last trick in my vid "Batface" saw him getting a FS Tailslide Bigspin out on the ledge, and the same video saw Ralph Cooper close out his part with a switch hard flip down the stairs at Pigeon Shit. It was a proving ground for any half decent street skater in Coventry. 
Ryan Bradley, a regular contributor to this blog, lives out in the Warwickshire village of Cubbington, but his real home is at the street spots in the centre of Coventry. A regular of the scene for more than 15 years, Ryan's memory of street spots is pretty similar to my own. He remembers some of the more obscure spots and lesser remembered favourites:
"The pyramid spot at the old precinct entrance, next to New Look was so tight back in the day, and got so rinsed, especially by Tony Lui. The old blue fountain with transition at Belgrade was cool from what I remember, and was pretty fun to skate around in. The double death set, with the double rail that was right next to Brickies was great too. Obviously gotta mention Brickies itself, just because so much shit has gone down there for so long. There was a road gap on the hill in between the Boy's club and Gosford Street at the University library: I remember Duffman trying to conquer that, and I’m pretty sure they filled that in."
Some of the spots Ryan brings up were incredibly gnarly and were rarely skated. The double death rail didn't see many tricks go down on it, but Stan Byrne caveman boardslid it in the 2013 Terribleco video "Concrete Jungle". The road gap at the University library was like something straight out of San Francisco - a hill bomb spot with a gap over cobbles about the width of 1 and a half cars. The only person I know to have cleared it is Tony Lui. Finally, the old precinct pyramid spot was a small, whippy bank spot, which saw plenty of quick footed lip tricks go down from Tony Lui, Harry Myers, Kyle Smith and a wallie over the whole thing by Joxa. 
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P: Tony Lui boosts a FS ollie out of the Pyramid Bank spot. Photo by Ryan Bradley
New spots (at the time) like the Herbert were popping up a lot, replacing old 1960's architecture. It was a reminder that the city had been evolving and changing long before some of us even considered standing on a skateboard, or even before we were born. Gaz Taylor remembers dozens of spots I had never even seen in my time skating:
"Manual pads in Whitefriar's car park were popular in the 90's. Barrack's car park had some rad free standing painted curbs, and some small banks shaped like half of a pyramid that we used to use to get air out of. There was a small rail outside the transport museum with no run up, that was good for cave man slides."
"In the late 80's there was a mini ramp in the woods in Canley next to Tesco, built by Phil Hunt. I remember it had bright orange coping on one side and bright green on the other side. The paint would stay on your trucks for a while after. Safeway's car park on Holyhead Road had some rad slick curbs and some mud gaps. That was one of the main hang out spots for skaters in the early 90's too. Grindable window ledges of the Coventry tax office building were very good fun."
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P: An after dark session at the Virgin Wallrides. Photo by Ryan Bradley
This article was inspired by the demolition of the concrete benches at the Littern Tree spot - named after the pub nearby. Current skaters in the scene mourned the loss of the spot, but speaking to sources who have had an eye on the redevelopment a brand new hub of spots is planned. Old spots are great and we miss them when they're gone, but there's a lot to be said for the excitement of new architecture and the spots that are yet to be. 
Nostalgia and history are powerful things, and they definitely contribute heavily to skateboarding. The cyclical trends, the feeling of skating a park you haven't been to in 10 years, and the stories people tell of what trick was done at which spot. No matter what new spots are planned for Coventry, the old spots like Brickies, Virgin Wallrides, Littern Tree and Pigeon Shit will live on through what we remember about them, and of course the footage we got along the way. 
The Brooklyn Banks, Wallenberg, Hubba Hideout: These are all legendary, long gone spots that skateboarders talk about in hushed tones, but they don't compare to our own personal spots we grow up skating, and miss immensely when they are gone. I would give my left nut for the chance to skate Brickies again, without a shadow of a doubt. For every local spot that gets demolished, it takes fond memories of a whole skate scene with it. Everything is temporary, so skate your spots whilst you got 'em. 
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Andrew Reynolds // Baker 4
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mostlyskateboarding · 6 years
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