#viserys ii x larra
sarcasticsweetlara · 5 months
How House Rogare affected Larra's life and views and Westeros.
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Obviously, House Rogare was greatly wealthy and full of clever people, they owned a bank and made trade agreements not only with the Targaryens but with the Martells as well, though obviously Aliandra did not have children with Drazenko as she must surely have married again after his death, maybe to a Wyl in order to show her subjects that Dorne will not bow to the Targaryens.
Larra was the youngest of Lysandro's trueborn children, and from what we know about all her legitimate siblings is that they were good warriors and seemed to value knowledge as Larra's oldest sister Marra owned many books and a library.
Even after the Lysene Spring it seemed Larra's brother Moredo and her sisters Marra and Lysara were fine and wealthy enough to receive Larra in her last days before her death.
I will not say they were pure with no ulterior motives, but that they were clever with their business.
Viserys' marriage with Larra emphasized they were all in with the Valyrian Customs as after all they had involved themselves not only through marriage but by finances.
Daeron the Young Dragon knew about the marriage of his uncle Viserys with Larra and at some point his plan was to do something similar and wed a wealthy noble either from Lys or Braavos (of Valyrian descent) whose family would not represent a threat to Westeros but still powerful enough to aid them in wars, just like Larra and her family did in the beginning; or who knows, maybe wed a Rogare but making it known he would not tolerate being fooled.
I think maybe their sigil was a mermaid to symbolize their international trade and their alluring courtesans' uncommon appearance, as they were said to have white blond hair, which is said to be rare even among Valyrians.
Larra herself had a willowy appearance as well as white blonde hair alongside blue-violet eyes probably. This means that among the Lyseni the Rogares were quite unique.
Larra knew she was in a foreign land in which they were not exactly patient with foreigners, and as I said before, Valyrian seems to have had no influence nor similarities with the Westerosi Language and its dialects are of course different to it as well.
We don't know the details of her whole relationship with Viserys, but we know that life in King's Landing must have been really hard for her to drive her away in the end, like it happened with Mellario of Norvos.
The Rogares raised Larra in a completely different way of how she was expected to behave in Westeros and the maesters may have ignored her subtle ways of assimilating and seen her retaining of her Lysene side as something bad thus making her more unpopular, just like they did with her mother-in-law Rhaenyra.
In a certain way Larra reminds me of Catherine de' Medici in that their lives were deeply marked by scandals and that at first both courts disliked them and that both of them married second sons who no one expected to become monarchs, if Larra had stayed in King's Landing she probably would have risen and helped her children, as well as introduce a new fashion and maybe Aegon IV would not have become so rotten, Aemon would not have felt he needed to make up for his brother's acts and married and had kids and Naerys would have been happier and maybe have had a better marriage.
Larra as a queen would have been so iconic and it would have helped later with the marriages done at different times of her great-great-grandsons Valarr and Daeron had with Kiera of Tyrosh and even make the court more inclusive and progressive, granted, it would have taken time but it could have worked.
As queen she could have created her own court, a difference between being the queen consort to being the wife of the Hand of the King (though we can say obviously that for a while as Aegon III seemed to have been absent as king, Viserys and Larra were the unofficial "First" Lord and "First" Lady of the Realm) and involved herself more with the Velaryons, Celtigars and Rhaena's daughters, as well as the old allies of the Blacks and slowly gain her own allies and loyalists. Larra's own father Lysandro reminds me of Piero di Cosimo de' Medici, Larra's intelligence helping Viserys II would have made the Kingdom prosper.
As a queen Larra's words would have had more weight and thus gained more respect and truly discipline Aegon IV in a more efficient way than Viserys did, and by having her mother by her side Naerys' life could have been calmer, Naerys could have inherited the crown Larra would have used, and maybe even name a surviving child of hers after Larra. Naerys would have loved wearing the crown of her mother frequently to show she was proud of the woman who gave birth to her, and that Westeros owed a lot to Larra Rogare as she had been first the Second Lady of the Realm as the wife to the Hand of the King and later the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms who had been so resilient through all her life in King's Landing.
Maybe Larra did try to keep in touch with her children but failed to keep going in the end.
For those who say Larra is a random person who appears out of nowhere, remember her family is the reason Viserys was able to get back to Westeros, it may have been far away from ideal circumstances but in the end it helped House Targaryen with making alliances with Essosi and reaffirm their Valyrian otherness; maybe in another world Viserys could have traveled willingly as a man to Lys and met Larra there and then get married under both a Lysene ceremony and a Westerosi Faith of the Seven ceremony.
With this marriage House Targaryen was showing Essos they could have more unions in the future if they were willing to support the Targaryen monarchs as well.
Also, this way the Rogares helped the Targaryens in not having to rely ever again on certain family from Oldtown as the Rogare Bank was wealthier, thus showing House Targaryen would not be lenient with them, and Lotho, Larra's brother founded the Bank of Oldtown.
Whether you like Larra Rogare or not, we can not deny that her existence does influence House Targaryen and Westeros, and if she had been able allowed to still communicate with and visit her children, things could have been vastly different. Her death also impacted her family as they had now officially lost her without any hope and she had been buried away in Lys, and now they could only hold on to the memories Larra had left them, and in the case of her children to paintings, the stories of Viserys II, Aegon III and Daenaera and maybe the own recordings of Larra.
House Rogare may have received and given refuge to Aegon IV and Aerion, as well as also presented them Rohanne and Kiera as possible brides for Daemon Waters and Valarr and Daeron Targaryen (son of Maekar I and Dyanna), as most likely they had Valyrian blood that may have or not have been Rogare blood; also, maybe one or the two of Larra's sisters Marra or Lysara married into Westerosi nobility to gain more leverage, and Marra probably was the great-grandmother of Aelinor Penrose, while Lysara was probably wed to a Velaryon, Moredo to Bethany Hightower probably as Samantha Tarly did not try to do anything to them, and Drako Rogare probably was wed to Ellyn Baratheon (as she is not mentioned living in Westeros when the fates of her sisters are revealed) in an effort to bind themselves together, and the Rogares also could have presented Serenei to Aegon The Unworthy as an affair as Serenei could have ended up living with the part of the Rogare family that had been sent to the Brother Perfumed Garden.
Aerys II maybe could have also hoped to wed a Rogare to his son Rhaegar at first.
House Rogare does have a big impact on the story.
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asoiafzambi · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms, House of the Dragon (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen/Daemon Targaryen, Alicent Hightower/Daemon Targaryen, Larra Rogare/Viserys II Targaryen, Lysandro Rogare/Daemon Targaryen (implied) Characters: Daemon Targaryen, Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen, Aegon III Targaryen, Viserys II Targaryen, Alicent Hightower, Laena Velaryon (Daughter of Alyn), Alyn Velaryon, Baela Targaryen, Larra Rogare Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Angst, Age Difference, Child Marriage, Political Marriage, gifted child, Innuendo, Targcest | Targaryen Incest (A Song of Ice and Fire)
Summary: What could Alyn have brought from Lys now? A new batch of tapestries? More artefacts to collect dust in the Hall of Nine? Or long dead dragon eggs? Then Aegon will throw a fit again, Daemon sighed.
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fatum679 · 24 days
T/W mention of csa. Please lmk if you want me to stop bothering you w/my questions. I'm so disgusted with ppl calling Aemond a "milf hunter", claiming he was happy to have consensual sex with the brothel madame and pointig out by Wesrerosi standards, a 13 year old is already an adult. Like in spite the "Wesrerosi standards" we call Daenerys, Alicent and Helaena child brides, although by the abovementioned Wesrerosi standards, Drogo was a really decent, protective husband, Viserys I wasn't that terrible (he actually asked Alicent if she was ok), and the book Aegon, who was btw just 2 years older than his sister wife, used to get along with Helaena. I fear, however, that HBO is gonna give "Aemond the milf hunter" enthusiasts what they want, making the madame his lover, confidante and comfort person.
Hello! I'm glad you're interested in my opinion.
I've read these theories about Aemond lying on the brothel madam's lap. Even if this is true, there is no evidence that they had sex, the woman is fully clothed.
I don't support the theory that Aemond is a "milf lover", in the first season, when Aemond recognized her, he was embarrassed, he lowered his head and tried not to draw attention to himself. It's not normal for a 13 year old to have sex with a stranger. Viserys 2, also at the age of 13, had sex with his wife and she became pregnant from him, but they had love, they were happy together.
Only in Westeros! as an exception, this can happen with mutual love, but not when it is a marriage of convenience and the partners do not love each other.
Aegon did not get along with Helaena in the book: “Princess Helaena was breaking her fast with her children when the Kingsguard came to her…but when asked the whereabouts of Prince Aegon, her brother and husband, she said only, “He [Aegon] is not in my bed, you may be sure. Feel free to search beneath the blankets”” “Though the good septon admits Prince Aegon was with a paramour when he was found, he insists the girl was the daughter of a wealthy trader, and well cared for besides”
I was thinking about why they gave this information that Aemond lost his virginity at the age of 13. If the writers went with the idea that Aemond is the father of Helaena's children, this is important information. The age difference between Aemond and Helaena is one year. He, like Viserys 2, could impregnate his sister at the age of 13.
If we consider the version that Aemond is not lying on Helaena’s lap, then I am inclined to the version where Aemond is with a girl who dressed up as Helaena and in her dress. Perhaps they will have sex, after which Aemond will suffer from the fact that he cannot be with his sister.
A person can have sex with anyone, but still love and desire to be with someone else. Daemon had many sexual partners, but he always wanted to be with Rhaenyra. And I compare Daemon to Aemond because it's obvious and there are parallels we see between Daemyra and Helamond.
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I'm not a fan of TB, but if you look at it objectively, Aemond and Daemon died for their queens. All these parallels are like a shot to the head. This shows their connection as characters, that this is one house with similar destinies. The entire Targaryen war is like a snake devouring itself - ouroboros.
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I still believe in Helaemond's theory because all these hints that were obvious in the series. But I understand that everything is in the power of the writers and they can ruin everything.
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drakaripykiros130ac · 8 months
Why are TG stans trying so hard to pair their greenies with Team Black members? It reminds me of Otto’s schemes - doing everything they can to try to latch onto even a small shred of power surrounding the Iron Throne so they feel like they get something, even though their faction started the war that nearly destroyed the whole dynasty.
You get nothing.
Aegon III and Viserys II are not going to end up with members of the faction who usurped and then killed their mother.
Leave Rhaenyra’s babies alone!
Aegon III chooses Daenaera Velaryon as his bride, at the suggestion of Baela and Rhaena, because he liked her, and it is a terrific match. The two powerful Valyrian houses finally unite, and this time in a very acceptable manner (not a Crown Princess forced to reproduce with a gay man, or an old king bedding a 12 year old).
As for Viserys - he did deserve better than Larra Rogare. Way better. But let’s not forget that the greens themselves are responsible for him being ripped from his family. He is lucky he survived (GRRM really is Team Daemon). As for Larra Rogare - this woman can’t be erased without erasing all the important plot points of the reign of Aegon III.
And I would much rather have all this come to pass than any possibility of Aegon and Viserys being forced to come together with any member of a traitorous faction that destroyed their young lives. Yeah, that’s right - you know who I am talking about.
So this whole “Why not keep Jaehaera alive…she is just a girl…”
Princess Visenya was just a baby girl too, so…
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ride-thedragon · 4 months
Nettles is the mother of two Queens.
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Nettles in Dorne.
She marries the Sword of the Morning. Cousin of the Martells, when they are called it isn't questioned after the birth of the Lord of Starfall's first child by her. Her other 3 children are also welcomed, a new occurrence. Two girls and a boy, brown skin, purple eyes, and silver locs. When they arrive, they are told that not a day off course is the Lord of Driftmark and his return to Dorne.
Nettles and Alyn.
She doesn't run away, facing the problem for what it was, against her husband's wishes. She barely recognises Alyn as he steps off the boat, and he doesn't believe it's her until he's close enough to see her nose scar and the three children behind her. A blonde girl is rushed past them to meet a healer, and he embraces her. A blond boy follows her, and she recognises Viserys in an instant. After three days of apologies and explanations, they learn the girl has died. The daughter of House Rogares died. A plan is constructed between both after seeing how quickly Viseyrs takes to her second daughter. Nettles returned with Alyn too driftmark with her first 3 children under a promise of safety.
The fate of 6 children.
Her two daughters assume the identity of Larra Rogare and Daenaera Velaryon (a ward of Driftmark) and are wed to Viserys ii and Aegon iii Targaryen under the hope that the children will restore the power of house Targaryen, two brother sister marriages between the children of the Rogue Prince. Her son is taken as a ward of House Velayron, and she retains the right to visit her children under false pretences and different assumed identities so no one discovers the plot. It is sworn away, and the histories carry on as they were.
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sisyphusmile · 1 year
The boy used to be a sojourner of her family
Now she becomes a sojourner of his
She is weak as he used to be
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maidragoste · 2 years
The Queen and her Husbands
Aemond Targaryen x Targaryen!Reader (Daughter of Rhaenyra) x Aegon II Targaryen
Summary: Greens wins AU. Rhaenyra Targaryen is dead, the war seems to be over but that doesn't mean there is peace. Your relationship with Aemond is strained after he killed your brother and he will leave you for Alys Rivers. As if that wasn't enough, now you have to marry Aegon, your mother's killer, to bring peace to the kingdom and stop Cregan Stark from continuing the war.
Masterlist Serie
Part 1: We'll be fine
Part 2: The Council
Part 3: Give me a chance
Part 4: I wish that too
Part 5: The Wedding
Part 6: Antidote
Part 7: I'm sorry
Part 8: Two Rhaenys
drabbles, one shots or lost scenes from the past or future of our queen and her two husbands
Cloack: Aegon is jealous that you make Aemond a cloak.
I Care About You: You remind Aegon that there are people who care about him.
3 people you thought you might marry + one of the people you married
You Can Do It: The twins are born. Aemond isn't by your side, but Aegon is.
Dad Aemond
Sapphire: Aemond is afraid of the twins' reaction to his sapphire.
You're doing the right thing: After an argument with your brother, you need someone to tell you that you are doing the right things and that your husband is there to support you.
Bastard: Aelor finds out that you are not his biological mother.
Unfair: After an incident between Baelon and Aelor you ask Aemond to talk to Baelon.
Sick: Daeron is sick and neither you nor Aegon is taking it well.
Worry: Aegon is worried about Jaehaera's future.
Answering questions, headcanons, etc.
Talking about Alys Rivers, Reader, Aemond and Aegon
Talking about the Rhaenys analogy.
How does Aemond react if Reader says he loves Aegon?
Did Alys really bewitch Aemond? + What happened between Alys and Aemond was not consensual
Talking about reader and her family
What’s happened to Rhaena and Baela? + More
Why didn't Reader fight in the war?
Talking about Alys' attempted murder of Reader
Talking about Viserys II and Larra Rogare + What would Reader do if Larra abandoned Viserys and the children?
Who is the father of Daeron and Reader's unborn baby?
Talking about Baelon's resemblance to Daemon
How is the father of Reader's current baby?
Would Aegon see the parallels between Baelon and Reader and him and Alicent’s relationship? + Who is the heir to the Iron Throne? + How would Reader react to Baelon's exile?
Baelon in the North + Will reader have any daughters?
More on Reader and Baelon's relationship
Family tree with all Reader's children
the last update of the masterlist was on in February 2024
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thesunfyre4446 · 2 months
Aegon III x Jaeheara
Viserys II x Daenaera
noooo i like larra rogare she's cool lmao
jaehaera goes to live with rhaena & her new hightower husband in old town, and they all live happily ever after <3
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grival · 3 months
it won't happen but if hbo ever adapted the regency of aegon iii, how do you think they would butcher the characters?
I think it would happen these things:
They would give aegon and viserys either the most homoerotic tension or they would secretly hate each other. there is no between.
age down larra rogare, imagine seeing shippers of larra x viserys ii
some weird dynamic between daenaera and the twins
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sarcasticsweetlara · 2 months
If Larra Rogare had become queen
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If Larra Rogare had stayed and survived, maybe things would have been better.
Larra could have finished adapting, (though we know the maesters will never acknowledge that) and started her own court.
She would have had own crown personalized and then pass it on to Naerys and later to Daenerys, and eventually Aelinor Penrose, as I headcanon Aelinor is her great-great-niece through her sister Marra Rogare.
Larra's court would have consisted of House Velaryon, Celtigar and some paramount lords but I feel like she would like to emphasize Targaryens are Valyrian dragonlords whether they have dragons or not.
Viserys could have asked for her council in how to tread around Lords and how to be a better father (as Larra certainly took care of her siblings, trueborn and illegitimate, younger or older) and be more efficient in discipline; and Larra would have counciled him about having a better relationship with Dorne and keep watching the Narrow Sea.
And most important of all, she could have stepped up as Queen Regent for Aegon IV alongside her daughter Naerys serving as Princess Regent as well, while waiting for her grandson Daeron to grow up and become king.
And Daeron could name both of them Queen Grandmother and Queen Mother.
This way Larra could have met her grandchildren Daeron and Daenerys (and her twin brother if he survives) and could have felt happier and Aemon and Naerys would have been happier as well.
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sweetestpopcorn · 11 months
i have being thinking about rhaenyra and all the things that happened to her, and it always reduces to being a woman
i see many comments about "if rhaenyra married harwin she wouldn't have been usurped" "she could not have bastards" kinda infuriate me because if rhaenyra was a man her mom wouldn't even die in child bed trying to give viserys as son, if she was a man none would say she is a "stupid whore" that lacks of political intelligence or anything misogynistic, if she was a man her claim would have never been questioned that much.
Also talking about gender i think about viserys ii like he was hostage , almost sold to a brothel by lysandro rogare, then turn into child bride at 12 o 13, but nobody says anything because he is a "man", i feel if he was a girl it would be worse, i don't know if i explain myself
Hi there!
The reason why the argument holds no ground whatsoever is because Rhaenyra having bastards - or suspected bastards since however obvious it was nobody could prove it - was not the reason for the Greens usurpation, the reason for the Greens usurpation was the fact that Rhaenyra was a woman.
I will say it again: it was the fact that Rhaenyra was a woman, and one who had three brothers at that.
Yes, the "Velaryons" princes were part of the argument against her being able to rule, but they were neither the main argument nor why any lord turned on her. In fact, I would actually call this plot point more of something George used so we the audience has troubles siding with Rhaenyra than actually something that significantly impacts the story. While the Greens do make a point and talk about the issue of the "Velaryon" princes, almost no one else does save Vaemond. Yes, eventually the Velaryons do side with the Greens, but the real damage comes from when Corlys does it, and he does not do it on account of the "Velaryon" princes.
I would recommend people talking about these argument to go over to "Fire and Blood" and give the "Green Council" scene another quick naughty read and take points. And read the entire Dance as well and look for moments in which Lord X or Lord Y says they are not siding with Rhaenyra on account of her eldest three heirs being illegitimate. No one does it.
While I am sure that marrying Harwin would have made Rhaenyra a lot happier than marrying Laenor - understatement of the century, I know - this in no way would have fixed anything apart from her reputation. Be that as it may, she would still be a woman.
I also agree that one of the main reasons as to why she is painted in such a bad light was because she was a woman, and yes, if she was a man no one would bat an eye. But maybe more than that, it was also the type of woman that she was.
You see Rhaenyra was very traditionally feminine, yet she held a very masculine role, one of power. But she didn't want to be a warrior, she didn't want to be cold or unfeeling, and she didn't want to do her duty. She wanted love and children, and she wanted to have her way. She had no problem reconciling who she was with her masculine role, but everyone around her did.
In a way she went against the norms of Westeros even more than would a woman who maybe had male interests.
As for your own arguments concerning Aemma I have to firmly disagree. Aemma was very young when she had Rhaenyra - only 15. Even if she was a boy, likely people would still push for her and Viserys to have more children. Look at Aerys and Rhaella. Rhaella had Rhaegar at 13/14 and though it took her more than a decade to have Viserys and she suffered numerous miscarriages, she was still pushed to have more babies.
As for Viserys II I am not quite sure I understand the argument, sorry. I can make a note, however, not about him but on Larra and invite anyone to ponder over how the people of Westeros and the fandom see her and demonise her. Much more let's say than again someone like Corlys and his situation with Marilda.
And again we have the man vs woman stand. It's natural in my perspective that the people of Westeros hold such a perspective, it is less so that many of the fandom take it at face value and don't reflect about what's happening. But at the end of the day, whatever.
Note: It goes without saying but everything I ever write about or say discusses the asoiaf canon alone. Keep redacted in the trash where it belongs and keep the tag out of my posts or spaces. Thank you.
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How much Targaryen blood is there really
So… I’ve been seeing some post come around about the Hightower Targaryens being less Targaryen than Rheanyra’s children. And this is not some post about how wrong someone is, or who is more or less. It just got my curious about how much % Targ is there still in the blood line to begin with. And I am sure there are far more precise ways to do this but…
Quick conclusion explanation below.
Jacaerys, Lucerys and Joffrey have the same percentage of Targaryen blood as Aegon II, Halaena, Aemond and Daeron. Which is 28.57%.
Daenerys has 26.08% Targaryen blood left. Jon has 25%. Shireen and Roberts bastards have 23.08%.
How much Targaryen blood is needed to bond with dragons? Cause it's not much apparently. Would shireen be able to bond with a dragon if given the chance?
If you take that Aenar is 100% Targ
Than his children Gaemon and Daenys are aswell, (disregarding that their mother might not have been Targ blood)
Which makes Aegon and Elaena also 100% T (they also have another unnamed sibling who we know marries ‘some’ lord)
Their children Maegon and Aenys are also still 100% T. Aenys however marries an unnamed/unknow lady, so after that, technically, it is no longer 100% T.
 T x ? = T?
So now it is 50% Targ for Aelys, Baelon and Daemion. Daemion (T?) also marries some unnamed/unknown lady.(?)
T? x ? = T??
We know that the Targ genes are strongest, more dominant,. So we continue with lets says still 33% Targ Blood.
Aerion (T??) marries Valaena(TV), who has a Targ decendend mother(T) and Velaryon Father(V).
T?? x TV = TTV??
Now it becomes trickier. The blood is now divided by  3 (technicly 4, but meh) different blood lines. 2x Targ blood, 2x unknown blood and 1x Velaryon blood. So 40% Targ, 40% ?, and 20% Velaryon. Is the blood of Aegon the Conqueror and his sister wives. Meaning that bood Meagor and Aenys are also 40% Targaryen blood.
Aenys (TTV??) marries Alyssa Velaryon (She has some massey blood, but we’re disregarding it.) (V).
TTV?? x V = TTVV??
So now we have 33 % of Targ, Velaryon and ? Blood. For Jaeharys and Alyssane. And therefor als 33% for their children. Aemon marries Jocelyn (if we say that Orys is also 40% Targ, 60% ?, and he marries Durrandon (B-blood)
Jocelyn: TT??? x B = TTB???
Makes Jocelyn also has 33% Targ blood. And 16,67 % Durrandon/Baretheon Blood.
Their children would be:
TTVV?? x TTB??? = TTTTVVB????? = T4V2B1?5
Making Rheanys still 33% Targaryen, 16,67% Velaryon, 8,33% Baretheon, and 41,67% a mix of different unknow blood sources.
Viserys and Deamon would still be TTVV??, so still 33% Targaryen.
Aemma is TTVV?? + A: 28,57% Targaryen blood. 28,57% Velaryon Blood, 14,3% Arryn Blood, and 28,57% mix.
Making Rhaenyra:
TTVV?? x TTVVA?? = T4V4A1?4
30,77% Targaryen, 30,77% Velaryon, 7,7% Arryn, and 30,77% mix.
The Hightower children are TTVV?? + H, making them: (same as Aemma) 28,57% Targaryen, 28,57% Velaryon, 14,3% Hightower, 28,57% mix.
Now Rhaenyra her children are: T4V4A1?4 + S : 7,14% Arryn, 7,14% Strong, 28,57% Targaryen, 28,57% Velaryon, and 28,57% mix.
So when it comes down to it, Jacaerys and Aegon II are exactly the same amount of Targaryen. So the argument about someone being more or less Targaryen is completly inrelevant.
Now if we look at Aegon III, we have Rhaenyra (T4V4A1?4) + Daemon (TTVV??)
Aegon III & Viserys II
T4V4A1?4 x TTVV?? = T6V6A1?6
Making them 31,58 % Targaryen, Velaryon and mix, and 5,26% Arryn.
I will skip Aegon III children because their line ends and goes back to Viserys II. Viserys II marries Larra Rogore (R). Making their children: T6V6A1R1?6, and therefor 30% Targ, Vela, mix and 5% Arryn and Rogore.
Aegon IV marries his sister Naerys so their blood stays the same, Daeron II is therefor still 30% Targ. His children however will also have Martell blood. T6V6A1R1M1?6, making them 28,57% Targ, Vela, and mix, aswell as 4,76% Arryn, Rogore and Martell.
We then move on to Maekar, who marries Dyanna Dayne. T6V6A1R1M1D1?6, making Aegon V, 27,27% Targ, Vela, mix, and 4,55% Arryn, Rogore, Martell and Dayne. Aegon V marries Bertha Blackwood (W)
T6V6A1R1M1D1W1?6, making Jaehaerys II, 26,08% Targ, Vela and unknown mix with 4,35% Arryn, Rogore, Martell, Dayne and Blackwood.
Jaehaerys marries his sister, so Aerys II stays 26,08% Targ, Aerys marries his sister, so Rhaegar, Viserys and Danaerys are all 26,08% Targaryen, 26,08% Velaryon, 4,35% Arryn, 4,35% Rogore, 4,35% Martell, 4,35% Dayne, 4,35% Blackwood and 26,08% unknown mix. (I know this adds up to 99,99%, but that has to do with me not using all the numbers after the comma.)
Rhaegar his children by Elia Martell are T6V6A1R1M2D1W1?6, 4,17% Arryn, Rogore, Dayne, Blackwood, 8,33% Martell and 25% Targaryen, Velaryon and unknown mix.
And Jon snow would be the same, only then 4,17% Arryn, Rogore, Dayne, Blackwood, Martell and Stark, with 25% Targaryen, Velaryon, and unknown mix.
This has now made me question how much Targaryen blood is really necessary for dragon bonding. 25% seems to still be enough, so does that mean that there might be other people who might be able to do it.
Jaehaerys II has a sister who marries a Baratheon. So T6V6A1R1M1D1W1?6 + B (they started with Targ blood, but have not married into it for many generations so there is no way of knowing how much there is left. But no matter)
T6V6A1R1M1D1W1B1?6, 25% Targblood for Steffon, he marries and Evermont.
T6V6A1R1M1D1W1B1E1?6, 24% Targblood for Robbert, Stannis and Renly. Robert his children would be 23,08% Targblood, and same would be for Shireen. So would Shireen or any of Robert’s bastard be able to bond with a dragon if given the change? And when is there too little blood for a dragon to recognize it?
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drakaripykiros130ac · 8 months
Can someone fill me in?
What is this that I am hearing from greenies about HOTD possibly keeping Jaehaera alive and married to Aegon III and have Viserys II marry Daenaera Velaryon instead?
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What about Larra Rogare, the actual wife of Viserys II? Not to mention that Viserys doesn’t show up until many years after his brother is crowned king.
Are they that desperate to keep the green bloodline in the line of succession that they sprout these tales?
Sorry darlings, but that bloodline is gone. And it never should have existed in the first place, that’s why GRRM wiped it out.
Jaehaera will be replaced with Daenaera Velaryon and there is nothing you can do about it. Just because the writers take certain liberties which could make sense, doesn’t mean that they are going to change the whole line of succession just so your greenie feelings don’t get hurt.
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martellspear · 6 months
Why Aegon IV was a piece of shit?
-Born as the eldest of his generation, Aegon was the eldest son of Viserys II and Larra Rogare, being followed by his siblings Aemon and Naerys and his cousins Daeron, Baelor, Daena, Rhaena and Elaena. There is no mention of him being fostered anywhere, so his role models were his father Viserys (a workaholic who was always busy running Westeros) and his uncle Aegon III (a melancholic man who was avoidant of affection and could spend days without speaking to anyone). To rub salt in the wound, his mother Larra leaves when he is 4 years old, dying decades later, without closing the emotional wound she left on him (which explains his deplorable attitude towards women (specially Naerys because not only they were diametrically opposites in personality, but also tied to the schemes of his father Viserys, who he hated), he abandons them before they leave him, because she taught him to associate women with abandonment and hurt).
-He expected to be the guide of the Targaryen generations, so he trained hard with weaponry and wit (and to be the best)....yet he ended up being upstaged by his younger relatives: Daeron was a charismatic and popular general, Baelor had the love of the people because of his piety and Aemon was a preternaturally skilled warrior. Hungry for recognition and starved from affection, Aegon employed himself in the arts of seduction....and the rest is history.
Just wanted to say that I first read it as "Aegon VI" and my heart stopped for a moment 😹.
Aegon IV is the definition of "men in westeros should start their life at the night's watch and prove their way out". And I'm sure that if we wanted, we could make a longer list than that haha. Even though I'm not going to list all the other reasons, I'd like to add the tourney thing he almost did with Naerys (and everything he did to her, tbh). He's NASTY.
Seriously now, since we've been talking parallels for a while: Robert Baratheon x Aegon IV - the vigorous, handsome man, that loves hunting and has a bright future ahead of him but ends up being the opposite of what he was "supposed to be"; also, both are unfit to rule.
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horizon-verizon · 2 years
[Canon] Ages of ASoIaF Characters When Wed (Pt.3)
Aegon II Targaryen (15) x Helaena Targaryen (13)
Aegon III Targaryen (11) x Jaehaera Targaryen (8) [never consummated]
Aegon III Targaryen (13) x Daenaera Velaryon (6) ---> “the marriage was not consummated until long after Daenaera had flowered”
Viserys II Targaryen (8-12) x Larra Rogare (15-19)
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reginarubie · 2 years
Jonsa foreshadowing
This linked post contains the category of metas and posts about the Jonsa (Jon Snow/Sansa Stark) foreshadowing as the original posts (fixed on top of my page) was growing too large and was nearing the hundred links limits per post.
If you aren't a fan of this ship but you are open to it, this might be an interesting read (though much better authors and meta writers have written about them, than me) otherwise I suggest you steer clear if you they are your NOTP; or have fun with a self-indulgent read if you ship them.
Why do I ship Jonsa and do I think it will be canon?, would I change my mind?
Sansa/Alysanne/Larra & Jon/Jaehaerys/Viserys + Joffrey Dogett and Sandoq the Shadow why these couples do not foreshadows Sansan but actually Jonsa, an ask-induced analysis, Jonsa foreshadowing part I.
Sansa and Daenerys hearing the howl, different meanings why one is clearly about Jon and foreshadows life and safety and the other instead is about doom and House Stark rising from the ashes left behind, an ask-induced analysis Jonsa foreshadowing part II: A ghost wolf as big as mountains
Sansa and her lover's kisses an ask induced small post about foreshadowing that can be found in Sansa VIII, ASOS (the stealing custom and Bael the bard and his northern rose), Jonsa foreshadowing part III: Dawn stealing in her garden like a thief
Joanna and Tywin vs Aerys; Jon and Sansa vs Joffrey and vs Daenerys, cousins as power couples and parallels, Jonsa foreshadowing part IV: cousins and power couples (I will probably expand on this when I have time, because it has given me ideas, btw).
Jon and Sansa vs Jon and Ygritte, tenderness vs aggression, a short ask-induce analysis of the crystal mask un-melting on Ygritte's cheeks and Sansa's warmth melting the snowflakes kissing her cheeks, Jonsa foreshadowing part V: it's poetry, it rhymes
Jon and Sansa vs Ygritte, the mask and Ygritte as Sansa's decoy, a short ask induced analysis of other possible interpretations of Ygritte's mask melting on Sansa's cheeks and freezing on her face instead, Jonsa foreshadowing part VI: it's poetry, it rhymes part II
Jon the direwolf who will defend Sansa from the mastiffs coming after her and her claim, a short analysis of the foreshadowing we can find in Ghost vs black mongrel bitch in Jon I, AGOT kindly pointed out by an anon, Jonsa foreshadowing part V: he's a direwolf, not a dog (yes I am adapting Sansa's quote of ‘she's a direwolf not a dog’, so fight me, it works).
Sansa and Jon & Ned and Cat, a short ask induced analysis of the fact that both Cat and Sansa (+ other ladies) are shown with flowers in their hair (or hinted at) and what that could mean for the endgame (+ me gushing about NedCat because reasons), Jonsa foreshadowing part VI: ladies with flowers in their hair
Sansa and Jon courteous love and Arya and her ambitions, a short ask induced analysis, Jonsa foreshadowing part VII: flowers, and courteous love + the song of Arya Stark
Mythology essays [Jonsa] a series of metas that try to see if there are parallels between JonSa and other myths; JonSa foreshadowing part VIII: Love and Psyche
Jonsa mythology (2) — Jonsa foreshadowing, part IX: Osiris and Isis
Jonsa mythology (3) — Jonsa foreshadowing, part X: Orpheus and Eurydice
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