#when you said that 'it obviously can't happen' or sth did you just mean the scrutiny that comes with him being seen out and about with
wernerherzogs · 2 years
hii, romantic anon here, take all the time you need to answer, I sent like a novel so I get that it requires a certain headspace to be in to respond hahaha
HELLO sorry for the delay!!! thank you for being understanding 💖 and of course i remember you!!!!!! still not sure you're not pulling my leg tbh BUT i am entertained and hooked on your story so i don't care
#BUT AD REM.#i'm stuck on a particular bit of what you said#when you said that 'it obviously can't happen' or sth did you just mean the scrutiny that comes with him being seen out and about with#Anyone or did you specifically mean you+him#because i'm gonna be blunt it sounds like you two have a Vibe going on and him having a girlfriend =/= being married or something#it's not ideal but sometimes you simply fall in love with people who are taken!!! and ik you're single atm but maybe he actually#reciprocates?#i'm not sure if i'd ever be that brave myself but you have like. two options here. or three#1. tell him how you feel and see what happens! maybe he'll realise this is worth a shot!#2. stay in this status quo of endless pining which eventually might become really unbearable and miserable#3. end this relationship to protect your feelings#do you think option 1. is something you'd be able to do?#because i don't know you nor him but i really think you should do it#sorry that me reply isn't that long but it really boils down to this: either you change this or you don't#asking him out/confessing is risky but like. if you DON'T do it at all comma won't that be worse???#unless being a pining friend is Enough for you and i think it's valid#i'm genuinely not judging. i've done this#sometimes you just can't bring yourself to taking that risk for some reason or other and that's life babey#cigarette emoji#take your time replying but tell me how you feel about option 1. anon#sending hugs ❤❤❤#anonymous#a response
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f0point5 · 8 months
Good evening :D
First off, I was sooo happy bout your last answer to my ask! I love writing those rambles and I'm always eagerly awaiting your answer.
I got incredibly excited when you said I was cooking at the same stove, with less ingredients, but anyways, and it got me thinking and thinking and I'm really stuck in this rabbit hole, I can tell you that.
So whenever my rambles make you feel like you need to spill your guts and tell me everything, you know my UN! ;)
Now back to the story at hand... this new part was perfect! In so many ways!!
Remember when I said I'm waiting for things to get spicy? I guess the kinda spicy I needed is indeed happening in those last couple of chapters!
When you let us in with the whole date gate and Clara setting them up back then, everyone was wondering if y/n had a thing for Max back in the days and how it wasn't a real date right away because he decided it wasn't one. Even before that story become public knowledge so many people were wondering if there once were feelings on her part.
Now WHY is noone talking about how it's sooo obviously been Max who's had a thing for her? Like it cannot be any other way! And she clearly doesn't know a thing about that!
What I'm still not entirely sure about is what her feelings were back then... I've said it before, she's so much more outgoing and tough and I think she's hiding things a lot better or let's say easier with her wit and by making fun of things... like with the hair cut. Saying she probably just made fun of it without meaning it. Did she really?
I'm still having a harder time understanding her, she's keeping more inside and shading the truth with bright colors and witty comebacks, whereas Max is easier to see through. At least with the snippets we get, they are easier to pick up on. If that even makes sense...
You put a lot of emphasis on the fact that they've know each other a long time and that Max is in the general public for a long time already. And I can't stop thinking about what kinda part that information plays in the greater picture. Because Max might feel a lot of things when it comes to how y/n perceives him or how he thinks she does, but he knows what he means to her. And he knows she's not there for the fame. But my brain is still stuck on your words and what you've possibly could have meant there...
The more you hint towards Max having a thing for her back then, the more I do get him... all the doubts with relationships and marriages and parents' mistakes and all aside, I've said so pretty early on and I stand by it that I believe he'd need a BROAD hint from her to actually make a step. And I get it. You keep saying in this house men need to man up and I'm all for it, but I just feel for him. I really do. Just assuming he's always felt like she's not interested in him physically, her whole attitude doesn't change a thing about that. Because she's always joking around it. Especially with her horny tweets and all. How is he supposed to know if she actually ever means any of that? I feel like it also doesn't sit well with him to consider the possibility that they might've missed a chance back in the days.
Y/n's words saying when has Max Verstappen ever not taken sth he wanted are on a constant repeat in my head thinking about all this. There might have been that one time where that assumption didn't fit at all. That one time might have been her.
However, I loved how Max openly admitted to letting the haircut grow out. Like he didn't even think about it or hiding anything or whatever. And when she picked up on what he was actually saying, he started deflecting and saying he didn't like it himself. Those two! Seriously... what I really loved about it was that she didn't let him of the hook as easily as I thought she might. And I do believe that's important! Because she needs to see those things, needs to understand what's been going on. Those details need to stick with her and pester her, because otherwise they'll keep staying stuck.
They do need to realize some things all on there own... but I'm a strong believer that they'll also need to realize that the other starts to realize or feel some things. Otherwise I doubt they'll ever move...
On a last note for today... do you know what kind of pressure you put on me saying my cooking wasn't that bad? I'm constantly feeling like I can't stray too far from that path, in fear of taking a wrong turn. :D
So feel free to hint some more, I love me some good new theories.
Have a great weekend! =)
Okay so, now DateGate is out there, I feel like I can shed a bit more light on the MaxY/N feud years. There was a lot of misplaced jealousy on her part. First, she was never as good at her sport at Max was at his, and I feel like her dad and Jos compared notes a pushy dads. She never measured up to what Max was achieving. Then, as they got older, She had quit competing in horse riding, which was the thing her dad wanted her to do, like Jos wanted Max to race. She was a big disappointment to her father while it seemed to her like all he did was please his. Then at 17/18, a time where everyone else is just trying to figure out who they might want to be as a grown up, she’s applying to universities, feeling nervous and insecure like most teens do…Max Verstappen becomes the youngest ever F1 driver. She was like, “dude seriously”. Let’s not forget the father who made her feel inadequate her whole life is sponsoring Max at this time, so she has a front row seat to everything he’s achieving, and her father has a front row seat to everything she didn’t become. There was a lot of bitterness there. And on top of that, he had the nerve to ignore her. Y/N definitely had a touch of Popular Girl Syndrome lol and Max never played ball, he just straight up pretended she wasn’t there, wouldn’t even muster the energy to be rude to her. I think it was jarring to her and made him seem super arrogant. Also, she maybe felt like he was siding with their dads, thinking she was just a nobody accessory and not worth any time.
And for his part, Max didn’t help by being so aloof. He’s always been very “if you don’t like me then fine” and he clocked quickly that she was standoffish with him so he ignored her. Also, he likely took one look at this pretty, vivacious teenager and thought “yeah not really my vibe why doesn’t she just go shopping”. He just sensed a bit of a stuck up attitude from her and was like, yeah I have things to do I’m not dealing with this. Very much put his blinders on and tried to ignore her existence.
I’m rambling so much omg
But about the haircut thing, that again is something that happened in 2016. Remember Daniel said he would talk to her that year because Max and Jos and her dad would ignore her? So she’s there in Abu Dhabi at RB, again there to see the Wunderkid on one of the few weekends she gets to see her dad and he’s somewhere with Jos talking about/watching Max. So she’s feeling a little bit shit and Daniel brings up Max and she makes fun of his hair. Whether she liked it, didn’t like it, or even really noticed it is irrelevant at that moment, she just wanted to hate him a little bit. She didn’t think Max would hear her.
I think you’re right. In an ideal world, Max would want a whole flashing sign. He’s probably used to girls approaching him, even in his younger years I don’t imagine he was rizzing up girls in the hours he spent at school or at the track. Very much strikes me as the type who needs a lot of coaxing to realise a girl is genuinely interested. BUT. Life ain’t fair and he’s got to man up.
Y/N is right about what she said…but there’s an addendum.
I know for a fact she was SHOOK at that revelation. Like, if it had been 2018, 100% she would have let him off the hook. But it’s the fact that her offhand comment could have affected him when they weren’t even friends that threw her off. And I think in her mind she was probably running through all the times when they were younger when she was kind of a dick to him thinking “oh damn was he actually listening to me?”. Like it’s…a moment of reflection for her…illuminating, if you will.
Lmao look out for me in your DMs because honestly I’m one glass of champagne away from hopping over to your stove and adding the SPICES.
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fandoomrants · 9 months
Soo, some thoughts on ep 6 and the show in general...
Gotta say, it's pretty messy and random, so you're warned if you decide to read it. But I think my url says enough about me so...
Spoilers ahead!
- Kinda weird how Sabine really found Ezra so easily and for less than a day all by herself and Thrawn didn't know if he's alive, sure BUT here's what I think might be the case:
I think they might have had some sort of an arrangement. Like, I don't believe Thrawn didn't have the resources and ways to find him, even if he had tried to hide. But also, Ezra and "his friends" are moving often but it didn't look like they were on the run. So, I believe that they had some agreement not to interfere with each other's ... doings and all. Like, yes, Thrawn sent the "mercenaries" after Sabine and told them to end them but it wasn't like he directly tried to interfere. It's same thing as how he seemingly helped Sabine and send her to find him. He just twisted the situation. So it could be something like that. Also, notice how Ezra didn't once mention Thrawn when he saw Sabine, didn't mention there's a threat or anything? I mean, sure he must know she's aware he would also be on the planet but if he thought of him as some threat, he would have probably said something.
-Still, Ezra was surprised by the...animal that Sabine came with. So, he either knows Thrawn and his people ride these, or he's tried to befriend one and it didn't work.
-On this topic, I don't exactly think Sabine's decision of not telling him how she found him was a bad decision on her side either. I believe she just really wanted to find him and she showed it, even though she took some... questionable decisions but honestly, for the people I care about, I would also do the same. She probably really thought Ashoka's dead or in any case, knew she couldn't really get out of this situation in any other way than eventually destroying the map and getting killed after that so she really had little to lose at this point. And the chance of seeing him again... I think it was tempting enough. Still, I'm pretty sure that wanting something and it actually happening are two different things so maybe she hadn't thought at all of how she would eventually explain it to him. Wasn't sure where she'll find him either. So, finally seeing him after 10 years, it's pretty logical she wouldn't want to spoil the moment by saying what she did too soon. But his "can't wait to go home" really hurt. Imagine how she's feeling. She doesn't even know Ashoka's on her way...
-Another thing. I'm pretty sure Ashoka's obviously going to survive and maybe find them soon but I think it's pretty clear that Thrawn will be returning with his new troopers and will play a bigger role in future productions. But I just can't help but wonder how they're gonna avoid him. Pretty sure they can't really fight him and his army. So, how are they getting out alive? And I really, really hope they're gonna ALL make it out alive, return and all of that...
-These troopers... We all agree they're some zombies or whatever, right?? Like, they can't be real people, where did they come from?
-Also, a very random thought but looks like Thrawn's ship is fixed? Does it not have the ability to get into hyperspace anymore or something? Like, what stopped him from leaving this place? (Might have been mentioned somewhere but I was too on edge so I must have skipped it.)
-Another thing that had me thinking. Skoll and Hati's exchanges this episodes were interesting. She looks a bit confused of what's going on but they spoke of the Order, she said "like me" while speaking how Ezra was trained to be a jedi out of it and all of that, yet he said they're not jedi. Also, they weren't detected as ones by the Night sisters unlike Sabine. Yet, not once did they call themselves anything different. Skoll only says something about "something better" or sth, and people have pointed out their sabers aren't exactly red, more like orange. Not sure about the last part but the thing is, they definitely not refer to themselves as Sith either. So, what are they really? Their clothes, her braid, they're also not typical for Sith.
-Also, I've seen a lot of people being angry at how some things about Thrawn from his book aren't mentioned and acknowledged. But hey, we just saw him actually show up. He was mentioned on the show before but it was all about how he might be alive, finding him, etc. Nothing much about him outside of that. Also, I don't think most of these things are even relevant to what's happening now. Now, it's all about him leaving the planet and this galaxy, finally. The question is, what then?
-Speaking of mentions though, like many other Rebels fans, I also wonder if Zeb is gonna be mentioned at any point. I think, just like what I already said about Thrawn's backstory, he's not really relevant to what's happening in this story right now (thought I'd love it if he showed up again at some point, maybe in later productions, hopefully reunited with some of the Ghost crew and his boyfriend/husband) . It's just that, even though it's basically a continuation of Rebels, the show is still called 'Ahsoka' and it's not Rebels season 5, she's already put to the side by other stories enough, and it doesn't seem like his presence now would be of any importance except for some small cameo in the last episode. But I still hope he gets at least mentioned, like Kanan was. Maybe in a conversation between Sabine and Ezra about what happened after he got pulled to another galaxy or something. Like, it's weird if nobody acknowledges him at all after all they've been through. Like, they were literally a found family and spend so many years together. I mention my friends all the time even if I haven't seen them in a while. And I think that based on the Mandalorian cameo, he must have had kept in touch at least with Hera.
-Hera... I hope we get to see her again, or at least get her mentioned in the last episode, and more importantly, what happened after she returned. Because there must be some consequences for what she did. Maybe if everyone sees Thrawn's return, it won't be too bad for her because it's going to prove her self-assigned mission wasn't pointless but they can't just leave her at "she might lose her job or worse" and never say anything again. At the very least, we have to see her and Ezra reunited too!
-Another thing about last episode. People seem to be so angry because of Ezra's hair. But idk, I think his hair was fine. The beard caught me a bit off guard and also, the eyes, though I hoped they'd be blue. Gotta admit, tho, these contacts are sorta creepy. But his animated version also had *very* blue eyes. But the hair... To me it was just made blue-ish to show it's very dark. Not sure if it makes sense but like, there's this shade of black that's almost blue when it comes to hair colors (admittedly, it's usually due to dye rather than natural black hair but still). So, in this sense, maybe it should have been darker. But I don't necessarily think it's such a big deal. Also, the actor just nailed him. He looks so much like the animated version, the way he talks and stands and all of that, his appearance altogether. Literally how I'd imagine him if he was in live action (again, except for the beard but he's not a teenager anymore so that's not so strange). So, the hair is a small detail. Also, the live action version of Jacen for example has such an odd hair that it almost makes me believe in some hcs from fans that Sabine would dye his hair to make him look more like his mother. It's very obviously dyed and I must admit, at first I didn't even notice it's green.
-Now, having mentioned these transitions from animated to live action versions, I really think by far Ezra and Thrawn are the ones that fully nail it. Don't get me wrong, I really like how all of them are portrayed and I think they've done a pretty good job with the casting (maybe really overdid it with these blue contacts and made some of them look a bit creepy. Hera didn't have that bright eyes). But a lot of debates have been going around about how some don't feel exactly like the animated versions, especially Ahsoka, Hera and Sabine too. And hear me out. That's been 10 years. They've grown up. They've been through a lot. Ahsoka was pulled from a dimension right before dying after having just fought her former Master. Hera's been dealing with the aftermaths of all that happened, plus taking care of a child on her own. Sabine's family is probably dead, and her found family is scattered all over the galaxy(/ies). They're much more mature now. So it's not so strange that they're not going to be the same as they were before, when they were in their early twenties/thirties. But Ezra... Ezra probably spent the last 10 years communicating only with those small aliens he befriended. He's also been through a lot and all but he literally had no idea of what's happening back where he came from, had no touch with any people, humanoids, or anything, for 10 years. So, he really looks like the animated version and acts like it but it might be because he didn't have the chance to fully grow? Not trying to say he's still with a teenager mind or anything but there are certain cycles of growth people usually go through and this is usually influenced by interactions with others and experience. And he didn't have the chance to get much of this. He probably spent the better part of these 10 years doing pretty much the same things. So, he's logically not so changed when it comes to behaviour.
-Anyway, that's a pretty philosophical take so I'll just end this with: People seem to have very different opinions on ships and especially Sabine and who they ship her with. I personally don't mind either ship, nor I'm fully opposed to them. Yet I think my ultimate ship would be everybody x therapy.
And finally, I'll stop here. This is really messy but I just had to let it all out somewhere. Also, sorry if there are typos, it's pretty long and I'm still excited but also tired.
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greetings-humans · 8 months
heart of stone impromptu review
(i originally wrote this a few months ago with the goal of adding more stuff but I haven't had the time so I'm just gonna let it loose in the world and maybe reblog to add any further thoughts)
okay so like. let's get this out of the way first: I'm expecting a spy story. not the greatest mystery of the world or a never-before-seen spy tale or something. just your run-of-the-mill, fun, and nice spy story.
and this is what I got.
idk why everyone is so against this movie. it's got its undercover agent as a lead, some very good supporting cast, pretty fun twists, and yes some expected twists but so does every other movie.
[obviously, spoilers ahead] [there's a (blue colored) tldr in the end]
rachel stone is your stereotypical cool spy with a heart, but news flash- we haven't had a woman as a spy that does anything other than seducing people since- oh um ever? unless I'm missing something here.
and mind you, i mean a female spy, who doesn't just seduce people and who is also the main character. how many of those do we have? and how many in a reasonably big platform like netflix? like honestly? not a lot, I'm betting.
so yes, the basic narrative is mission impossible a bit to the left with a woman in the lead. is that so wrong? wasn't mission impossible at some point considered james bond to the left with an American twist (or sth)? no, I don't think this is bad.
some people have said that parker was a lousy villain. allow me to respectfully disagree here. he's an unexpected villain that makes sense and frankly, I'm rather glad that he wasn't just the love interest or something. parker has a history of being abused by those in power so he seeks his revenge and steals that power to get it. since he found himself lacking power when needed, it makes sense that parker decided to just take that power and act on his emotions and kill the people (and their families and staff) that disfigured him and nearly killed him. he's not logical or well-adjusted or anything. but that is precisely the reason why he's not a lousy villain. there are motives and reasons for what he does.
why did he kill king of diamond's family etc with that elevator? because he was emotional and angry and wanted to kill them and had the power to do so. why was he emotional? idk guys(g/n), did he get therapy for his trauma? was his trauma acknowledged in any way? did he get a fucking apology? no. which is why this is what happened. I'm not saying hooray he's mentally stable, but that doesn't mean badly written.
seriously, though, what part of parker seems badly written? I'm asking honestly here. because he makes sense to me as someone lead by emotions and trauma and a dash of creative license (which is expected of a spy movie).
oh and before someone says "he could have killed rachel from he beginning". guys (g/n). john wick, ethan hunt, james bond. how many times could their villains have killed them before the final confrontation of the movie? this is a spy movie. at some point, there will be creative license and if you can't ignore this glaring oversight then what are you doing watching spy movies? this is an integral part of pretty much all of them.
moving on to keya. this one was a pretty expected twist: keya will see the error of her ways and join stone, hooray! but she wasn't badly written either. she's 22 and her goal is to expose the rich assholes that get away with literal murder. she's not thinking logically and we can also assume that she needs therapy -but seriously tell me one important character from a spy movie who is perfectly relatable down to the murdering and killing. i honestly can't think of any, because I'm not expecting to relate to her on the whole revenge and murder thing. obviously, not.
she's also angry and emotional. and then her moral compass overrides that and now she's horrified and trying to prevent the worse. makes sense to me. she's not a revolutionary character, you guys, but that doesn't mean she's badly written.
the idea of some supercomputer AI being used by rogue agents to do shit for the greater good is a fun concept that is not expected to be realistic. i for one enjoyed a female spy with no love interest, no seducing, some solid support cast and sorta-friendships, who had to save the world/her agency for some reason or another. the idea of "secret spy gets duped and now has to save the world(ish) from the one doing the duping" is the skeleton of so many spy movies. and just like all of those movies, heart of stones added its own twist and comment to that
this is a spy movie. don't expect it to not be like spy movies. it's gonna have its unrealistic hand-wavey moments and it's gonna have its cool, action moments and its expected moments (because we've seen so many spy movies that we're never honestly surprised these days), and its not-so-expected moments. the cast was really good and the characters are some good spy movie characters. there's been way worse and there's probably been better. but that doesn't make this movie bad.
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candlespages · 2 years
So, got around to finishing the first Season (ST : Discovery) yesterday for the first time ;) Here are a few thoughts:
-I knew Lorca was a right bastard! I knew he'd left Cornwell there on purpose, and his lack of emotion after Landry 1's death makes much more sense! I could feel that he'd done sth fishy when the coordinates were inputted from his chair, and the way he wanted to have everything be the same as in the Mirror Universe, and all... dude was obviously trying to get sth, to delay the Discovery's return, and it feels strange that nobody thought to call him out on it?
-I am ambivalent about the emperor, I expect we haven't seen the last of her, that's certain.
-Cornwell being ready to commit genocide stroke me as... human, I guess, not right, not correct or anything, but she rationalized it like a human would, is what I mean? (to be clear, I think it's a horrible, frankly frightening and disgusting decision, but I expcet part of it is because it would be so easy to become that person? so kudos to ST: Disco to make us aware and reflect upon our dark side)
-Sarek and the other admirals participating and advocating/agreeing with this decision is... WTF??? No! Wat?! so I get that some might agree with it, heck, probably some might have been advocating or planning sth like this for a while, but all of them? Sarek too? That I can't believe
-Amanda just there to be there atm 🙄 it feels like she's even more background than in TOS/ST: IV and since I'm sure she must also have had an influence on Michael growing up, it feels ... weird. Like she's not even IN the picture, not properly at any rate (i don't think I'm expressing my thoughts properly there ^^')
-Wondering about Main Universe Lorca, then, what happened? Is he dead? When did the other one arrive, etc., were he and Cornwell together together or were they just hooking up, or exes who do, ...?
-L'Rell, want to see more of her, even though her character arc left a strange aftertaste... It felt like she was more interesting before her captivity on the Discovery. BTW, I get leaving her on the Discovey for plot reasons but it doesn't really make sense for in-universe (for me at least). The way L'Rell unifies the Klingons feels a bit deus ex machina, too, where are the actual Klingon political games? They're an actual society! They have laws and customs, etc.... the way it is portrayed feels more like "ok, we need to have an end to the war in 5 minutes at the end of ep 15, people, any ideas?" than sth actually well build from the start? No shade being thrown here, just a feeling that it was weird to me... (also the Klingon's heads? Still not over that new design)
-Now, we come to the thing w/ Ash/Voq. It's... weird. And not sth I would expect from Klingons from all I've seen of them in the franchise. Sleeper agents? Feels a lot more Romulan than Klingon to me, them being all about honour and stuff. Though I guess there is also the angle of them being more a destructive force attacking everything and anything instead of being unified. So... Idk, it's strange. Also, I can't even imagine the trauma, and the pain, and everything Voq/Ash must be going through, and the "solution" was also a bit... expedient? Idk man, this whole thing felt weird, though. I am not sure whether Michael's feelings on the matter were properly adressed either? And why do those ships not have a therapist on board, JFC! I wouldn't have wanted more agony, it's simply that the season didn't leave much time to adress everything in that situation, and I wish it could have taken it. Anyhow, the whole situation was strange, and I wish they hadn't gone to that angle.
-They killed CULBER!! Those bastards killed CULBER!! You know sth is going to end up badly for one of the characters when you only start to get to know them with their partner being in a critical state. That kiss before the 133 jumps broke me, btw... not sure I said anything about it before (?) We started to discover more about Stamets too in the eps just before, and... to have Culber be killed that easily? let's just say I hope he's gonna do us a Harry Kim ^^' I don't want to have a heartbroken Stamets, poor bean doesn't deserve that
-Saru makes for a competent AC, and I hope he ends up on that Captain's chair.
-Good dev for Tilly, nice to see her coming into her own
-Michael's dev was... Idk, some of the things made sense (like her not being over her guilt for what happened to Georgiou, not that she's actually the one who started the war or was responsible for her death, or why she was still torn about her "betrayal" of her Captain), some of the things felt... forced. The "bond" between her and Lorca, for example, which wasn't sth I could feel before, and suddenly, he makes her believe things, and she or Saru should have called him out, but maybe we can put that on the stress she was under. Her meeting with the Emperor felt also slightly gratuitous, like she's there to bring a Georgiou back in the original universe, or sth. There was a lot of good, though, ngl. Her reinstatement is merited, though I'm not sure I'd have made her a Commander right away. I don't know what to think about her command style yet, because we haven't seen much of it. Her relationship with Sarek, with Ash, with Georgiou, with Saru, all of these are a mess (and not necessarily her fault, I mean the whole thing with Ash is a mess anyway, and not of her own making, poor bean), and she needs medical leave and therapy, at least therapy anyway. Though, that Nature VS Nurture thing we could see in the Mirror Universe when she was talking w/ Georgiou, yes! here for it!
Now, some general feedback on the series itself (keeping in mind that I've only seen the first season, here, so maybe some things will make sense later on)
-Why create a war with the Klingons, though? It makes sense as a way to create interest over the story, and to catch the attention of the potential audience, but still... I don't really like things added to the lore a posteriori, b/c it makes for chaotic in-universe history (and I need my history to be "linear")
-Starfleet tech feels inconsistent, even with TNG/DS9/VOY :
->holographic communication? a way to have a three-way call? we're in 2256! that's before Kirk's era, my guys! it's not supposed to be possible yet!
->a kind of "holodeck" simulation? it was presented as a "new thing" on the first TNG ep! (more than 100 years in the future)
->the lack of technical technobabble still bothers me. A "time-crystal"? ^^'
->Those jumps, they're going to have to explain them to me, in the context of TNG being outfitted with a brand new warp engine that enables them to go aroung to WARP 9.5 (forgot the exact number), jump tech being inexistant in SF in VOY, and also... just why create sth that they are going to have to destroy for it to make sense in the later in-universe history?
-Again, that new Klingon design *shudder*, even down to their clothes, and the Vulcan clothing seems dark for no reason
-Love all the little sound effects ref to TOS, and the data "solids" refs too ;)
-Loved the updated TOS theme song at the end ;)
-again, DISCOVERY theme song is great !
-The uniforms are great! Though we can't see who the red shirts are now xD
-love the ensemble cast, great characters! great dev atm, can't wait to see more!
-interesting Story Arc so far, even if I'm not a fan of everything! Want more of that episodical feel added to it, too, but can't wait to *discover* more (see what I did there? ;) )
-Asks some good questions and makes you reflect on some intersting things, but I would love to see more allegories and philosophy
-Again that thing with Sarek... just ... I see why you would do it, to make us more interested/invested in Michael, but she's actually interesting enough a character *without*, and it feels forced.
-Will probably start Season 2 next week ;) Because even though there are things I'm not happy about/not a fan of, I liked it a lot still, and the series offers a lot of possibilities for future storylines, and I'm here for it!
-Love the diversity! Could always be more, and expecting there shall be more! Hoping we get an alien captain too ;) (rooting for Saru to get that promotion!)
-Let them install a therapist on that ship, for Somebody's sake ! ^^'
In Conclusion, good series so far, want to see more!
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aks3raao1 · 3 years
The general idea of ALTERNATIVE is about what would happen if superpowers existed in the world and people were actually born with it (or obtained it in a really terrible accident) and the numbers were kinda obvious and the government decided to take advantage of it.
It's not a good VS bad conflict, tbh, it's multiple groups fighting against each other for what *they* think is right.
There's the Specialised Sector of the Government which regulates the Specialised (who were discriminated against heavily in the past and they had to struggle a terrible lot for society to see them as human beings and not bombs waiting to go off / weapons to be used) however, they are...shady as usual. In order to gain "protection" from human experiments by a faction of sincerely insane scientists (The Radicals who believed that the Specialised should be dissected and examined to see what caused them and whether they can breed such "exotic" (yeah) people from the research<= it was disbanded after the government passed a bill which declared the Specialised as "humans" and since human experimentation was wrong, they couldn't do it) the government had a condition for the Specialised which was that they would have to send the Specialised ones to a government mandated school which had rather dehumanising means of teaching (Eg: Sending teens to battlefields to investigate, basically moulding them to be child soldiers) and sign a form which said, "I pledge my soul and body to the betterment of the country. I promise to aid the country in any plan executed by the government by whatever means necessary", the violation of which led to a severe penalty.
Said goverment is split up, one part is saying that it's too harsh, one part says that they should be killed, one part says that they don't care and it's fine and that's that. However the first part is obviously in the minority.
Anyways, fed up with the government's crap, a group of people banded together to form a faction (Specialised Liberation Force) which gained ground and people for the multiple years they stayed in hiding.
Now, I have a theory that since the brains of a human are the most developed, then in such a scenario, psychic powers should be dominant.
And that's where parapsychology comes in (My Feluda phase aged like fine wine).
Basically, most paranormal Specialisations don't have a definitive mark to be considered a Specialisation and people with those are often considered to be odd and freaks and are often bullied. (Like, you really can't convince people that you are speaking to a ghost if no one can see or hear said ghost, at best you will be left alone, at worst, you will be forever branded a freak and bullied like hell).
Nyx (yes that's where she comes in)'s power is Omni Manipulation and when I say she can manipulate everything, I mean it. It includes the minds and the paranormal things as well. Of course there are restrictions and repurcussions but that's that. Anyways, she is the leading advocate for Specialised people and is the reason human experimentation was banned like that (she's a product of one herself so personal experience) and she has seen the discrimination the Paranormals faced. The Non-Specialised people chucked them out, calling them Specialised and that they belong with the Specialised ones. The Specialised people didn't believe them and thought that they were pretending to be cool and didn't understand the discrimination they faced and since their Specialisation wasn't visible, it really didn't matter and that they apparently did not suffer like them and should just join the creepy fortune tellers or sth.
Anyways, Nyx being Nyx thought, "How about I create a fabulous party by using the minds of these love starved people :D" and created the Paranormal Assembly with the intention to protect the ones with Paranormal Specialisations. She's the Chairperson of it and the Deputy Chairperson is Astra (she used to be a detective with a Paranormal Specialisation called "Ghost Footprints" which let her figure out the path a particular diseased person had taken in their lives) and it's a rather big Assembly with a lot of people (fifteen heads under the Chairperson) which is spread all over the country.
Oh and
Due to the advent of Specialisations crime rates and techniques had increased, so the government realised that they would need to fight fire with fire (or whatever) and opened a new branch in the police called "Specialised Police Faction" (which basically dealt with Specialised and unsolvable crimes, at the surface level anyways) and one in the military as well. Astra used to be in the Specialised Police Faction as a detective before joining the Paranormal Assembly.
And well, about the Radicals. They did disband but some of them were recruited by the government after a dramatic apology and to test something. (Basically to create an artificial Specialisation from the information gathered prior to the disbanding. They did succeed but it created a whole mess (Specialisation: Steal. It allows one to take the Specialisations from the corpse of a Specialised person provided it's not more than 48 hours old.). Basically, it killed the guy who was using it after taking three Specialisations but it became a sentient Specialisation and lived on until one of the antagonists of the story chanced upon it and it fused with her and caused her to become the target of multiple groups. Nyx saved her from that but also purposefully took her as a weapon and caused her to end up half traumatized for the stuff she had to deal with).
Anyways, the main story starts when the Specialised Liberation Force make their first move and start assassinating the ones who were against the freedom of the Specialised and it creates a HUGE mess and a Civil War breaks out in the whole country.
[Nyx needs to breathe but if she does, society falls apart....]
......talk abt complicated. I'd die within a minute
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crazyyfilmyfreak · 4 years
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The Devil All the Time ( 2020 )
"There's a lot of no-good sons of bitches out there"
Okay alright first of all 
This is not your generic go-to netflix crime thriller if you are watching it with that intention everything is wrong with you 
This Film is dark , not just dark but dark as hell which is filled with gore elements which also includes a multi layered story telling and the film is filled with a group of astonishing cast members and every one of them has a potential to carry the whole film on their shoulders with no hard work but just with grace and ease so these reasons altogether might have over hyped few people's expectations and i think that is the main reason why i am seeing some mixed reviews here and there online or maybe just because you started watching this film with a very wrong intent or wrong mind set like i said before and i am stressing this so much because of in my opinion this film is just perfect maybe there are flaws obviously every film will have flaws but i just couldn't see them ? Maybe because i am a big fan of tom holland i might be little biased but to me this film is top notch and this is a perfect film film 
Now speaking about the cast & film overall 
This is a very slow paced slow burning piece of art 
It takes you to the places you can never think of mentally and it makes you feel completely lost in emotions by the end of the film making you numb 
Antonio Campos is a fucking genius i love his way of story telling 
He's honest , he knows what he is doing , he loves taking risks and he never fears when ever he goes out of the conventional film making style and i very much love how he connected every character in the film like i mean every character in the film is interconnected and if you remove any one character you will feel the void , disturbance and unbalance in the film. 
Film lovers might argue with me or hate me for saying this but i feel this film is so much better than christine 👀🤝🏻 atleast to me ? And this is coming from a person who also loved it a lot 
Now the cast 
I cant speak about everyone in the film because this has such a long list of talented actors 😭 who rocked in the film i am only going to speak abt some of my favourite performances as of now i promise to speak about every other cast member and their performance in the later days coz i am very sure this is a film i am going to talk a lot from now and this is also a film that i am going to watch and enjoy in the future days 
I have been seeing this dude's films even before the civil war where he played the spidey role and i always felt he was a very raw and potential actor since his childhood but after seeing him in civil war and spider man hoco its just impossible for me to not like him as an actor ? HE IS SO GOOD ON SCREEN and he makes you believe everything when ever he's on screen maybe its swinging from wall to wall or putting a donut or whatever into a guys mouth while kicking his ass and making it look bad ass af🔥 few might feel this are such a silly examples to say but to me this is about how tom brings a realistic approach to a scene and makes it good and i have always been a big fan of tom holland since spiderman hoco and this is nothing related to tdat but y'all might already know timothee was the second closest option of mcu to cast as spidey and tom grabbed that role ever since tom is just busy with mcu films and where as timothee had a incredible and unbelievable growth as an ACTOR for real to me that is stunning because he did it in such short of span and to me as fan of tom holland part of me was always loving him as spidey but a big heart of me felt a void and sad because tom is missing a lot of great opportunities which has a chance to showcase his real acting abilities which made me think what if timothee got the spidey role instead of tom? Maybe we would have seen a serious tom holland as an actor and this thought killed me everytime but everything happens for a reason and tom holland is undoubtedly the best spidey we have ever got and anyways when films like tdat happen many people realise and understand how great and how fucking incredible tom holland is as an actor and i love when everyone appreciate him for this !! It makes my heart very happy and this is the exact reason why this film is so personal and special to me 
Sorry for completely deviating from the film but this is tumblr and i am not a serious film critic lol so forgive me. 
And speaking about his performance in the film he is just surreal and outstanding . The character that he played is a very complicated one not many relate to that character but every one can understand his emotions, actions and intentions in the film and all the credit goes to tom for bringing a life to that character and playing it in such a beautiful way listen to me very carefully when i am saying this not many actors from this generation can bring bundle of emotions at the same time in a same scene but tom holland does that with such an ease and i stg i am not exaggerating if you watch the film you will know what i mean !! And i am very proud to say i am his big fan 
Now Robbert pattinson 
What the fuck should i talk about this asshole 😂🖕? 
My dude's been killing it since remember me and as an actor like i said in the Tenet Review he has matured a lot as an actor since good time and he played a very powerful and sick role in the film i am not gonna spoil it for others just go and watch the fucking film atleast for him he did a great job and i dont understand how the women and gays are dealing with him? Seriously even as a straight guy its hard for me to concentrate on the film or scenes where ever he's present because this asshole is so fucking hot and sexy 👉👈 The directors should either deglamorise him by making him fat or bald or just hide his face with prosthetic make up or sth just like how directors hide tom hardy's face in every film he's in 🙄. Now coming back to his performance its really hard to dominate him when ever he's on screen dude just want all the attention towards him , such a selfish actor huh 
Bill Skarsgard 
He played a very important and crucial role in the film he maynot have big screen time but we can totally feel his presence through out the film i think this one sentence explains how important his character is to the film and how well he potrayed the role and he's the only guy in the film who got an incredible character growth throughout his journey in the film
Harry Melling 
It would be very unfair if i dont speak about harry's performance in tdat 
DUDE KILLED IT . HE SCARED ME WITH HIS EMOTIONS AND EXPRESSIONS . He didn't even a play a negative role but he just added a lot of depth not only to his character but also the film with his intimidating portrayal 
Sebastian stan 
This is the most honest and a very raw performance from Sebastian stan so far ( i am saying this based on the films that i have seen of his ) i just wish he had more screen time thats the only thing that i didnt like in the film also there are so many blanks that needs to be filled about his character 
Eliza Scanlen
I dont remember her from any film or tv series that i have seen before but she's outstanding in the film , the character doesnt have much something new to offer so i can't speak a lot for her but as far as the character concerned she did her best and her performance is a impressive one and many people are gonna love her . 
Riley Keough 
Unlike the previous films & tv series she's been in 
This film gave her a very challenging role and she's the only women in the film who's been through ups and downs and has a very complicated but a impressive character growth with minimal limitations and dimensions 
She was fabulous and incredible . It just stuns me how the character has begin and how it ended at the end 
And special mention to jason clarke and the old couple who played grandparents ( kind of ) to Arvin Russel and lenora . Not all heroes wear the cape. 
Finally despite the mention of god several times in the film this is not really about god at all its about the DEVIL , The DEMON that carries and plays a very pivotal role in the film you cannot see it but you can sense it and feel it 
Its about the blind faith, its about the irreversible & inescapable fate . I really love how Antonio Campos has connected all the dots by the end of the film with a very impressive film making and with a steady gothic theme running till the end internally and i haven't completely finished the book ( The devil all the time ) but if anyone really wants to completely bring the book life they cannot do it in a single film it will take you atleast 4 or 5 tv series to do so but Antonio Campos did it with a single film and added a very deep meaning to the core of the film w/o deviating from the roots of the book & even touched the aspects like duality of a man and some of you grateful fucks are complaining about him 
OBVIOUSLY films ard subjective but you all need to be more open about this film 
In simple words please fucking watch this film guys 🤗❤ 
This one is not for everyone but everyone will have atleast a small aspect in the film that y'all are going to like / love / hate / discuss about. 
The devil all the time is violent , brutal , honest and perfect in every possible way atleast to me and i really want you all to watch it if you're into such type of stuff 
Remember No country for old men ? Now make it 10 times more violent but add some meaning to it with a realistic approach but more slow burning drama and a little bit of darkness ... now that is what The Devil all the time is .
Gif credits : Milesgmorales
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