#who's most tired with L's shit? Light or Misa?
nerdynuala · 1 month
Had a vision at 3 am and instead of being concerned as I should, I turned it into a comic with the weak excuse of it being a healthy pose drawing practice (yeah no, there's nothing healthy about this)
Anyway L has found a new way to confirm if Light is Kira
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I would say he's Kira
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actuallylight · 7 months
It’s November 5. L’s death anniversary. The anniversary of me being L. The anniversary of “winning” against him. The anniversary of realizing how empty the world is without him. Also Destiel Day but that one’s hardly important.
I think I’m going to get vulnerable today.
TW: ED, SH, and sui mentions. Also lots of canon talk
I joke a lot about being God. I poke fun at this day and laugh it off like it didn’t happen. Mainly because it didn’t happen. This is just some random event that happened in an animanga series that I just so happened to be pulled from, trauma included.
I think the reason I make those jokes is to try and shield myself from the truth. I’m not Light. I’m not Kira. I’m not a college student. I just have false memories implanted in my brain that I am those things. Source separation is important, but it’s so, so hard. I want to be Light. I want to be able to express myself as Light free of judgement in order to heal. But the world tells me I can’t. Neither can Ryuzaki. Neither can Misa. Nobody can, not even our brainmades, because that’s appropriation.
I have tried so hard to forget November 5 and January 28. I have sat through those episodes and tried to not react but I can’t. November 5 was a turning point for me in canon. I was severely depressed before I got the notebook. I hardly ate, I didn’t see the point in anything, and I just wanted an out. I’ll get more into that on the 28th, but for now I’ll just say that the Death Note was my reason to live.
Then, as I matured and continued my mission, I met L. He was so infuriating. He was challenging. He pushed all of my buttons but he understood me. He saw me for who I was when no one else could. But I couldn’t let that happen. I had to kill him and win. I had to be God. So I did just that. He died.
I remember how it felt to have him die in my arms. He was so vulnerable. He clung onto me like I was his last hope. The light left his eyes and I wanted to laugh. I went home and wanted to gloat to Ryuk about winning, but I didn’t. I was hit with the realization that he was gone. My only challenger was gone. There was no point anymore.
I’ve done a lot of stupid shit both within my past lives and this one. I bleed to stop hurting. I starve to block out hunger. I want to die to feel alive. I get nightmares almost every single night reminding me that I am dead and so is L. We died and that was that. Sometimes I can feel his heart stop beating. Sometimes I feel mine stop too. We’re tied together in all of the worst possible ways but we still keep crawling back because we’re in love. We’re two doomed monsters just trying to find reasons to live in each other. We find life in the other despite the knowledge that we tried to kill each other and did.
There has not been a single day where I haven’t regretted November 5. I missed him. I still miss him even though we share a brain now. I’m so tired of the constant reminder that he was dead. We were dead. We got a second chance and we’re blowing it.
I want to take the last section of this post to talk about L. He’s the person who pulls me out of dark spaces. He reminds me that there is good in the world and not all people out there are evil. He bandages my wounds and hides my blades and pills when I’m at my worst. He’s the most caring person I know by far. I love him so, so much and I’ll never not regret the shit I put him through. All of the pain, death, and general suffering that I caused him. It’s my fault, but somehow he doesn’t care. I’m so grateful to him and I’m so sorry that it took me this long to say it.
I’m sorry, L. You are the best thing in my life. You didn’t deserve to die at my hand. I love you so much. I don’t know how you can forgive me so easily, but you have and I’m grateful. I still want to become a better person. Not just for you, but for the sake of the world and our system. I want to make things right. I want to live again.
I’m sorry.
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dragonsareourfuture · 3 years
Death Note/GN!Reader — PDA Preferences
⚠️some swearing and mentions of making out and stuff. Still sfw, but Matt’s mentions one or two suggestive themes. That’s about it~
One of my more recent scenarios for ya! I may or may not have accidentally written two entire paragraphs for Mello’s but it’s fineeee.
While Mello was spending most of his time in the Mafia hideout, he absolutely adored showing you off in front of all his goons. They’d whoop and whistle as he placed an intense greeting kiss to your lips when you arrived, and you could tell he was thriving from not only the attention, but also these powerful Mafia members acknowledging the fact that you’re with Mello, none of them can lay a finger on you without getting absolutely wrecked.
But, as his physical and psychological state dwindled after the explosion and the scar on his face became the first thing people usually saw, he started liking pda a lot less. It made him paranoid that he’d look like a fool cozying up to you when his face looked the way that it did, which led to irritation and then to him just avoiding PDA altogether. It hurt your heart to see him so...defeated, wondering where his bite went. So, if you start to initiate PDA, pointedly giving his scar some extra love, he would be gently eased back into his more confident nature, but it will take time and a lot of patience.
Light thrives off of showing you off to the task force. It’s usually pretty innocent stuff since his literal father is there, too. He’s very adamant about convincing L that “yes, I do have human emotions and I am not a narcissist” so he’ll take every opportunity to hold you close, kiss you on the forehead, anything that clears him even slightly of being Kira. Oh, also because he loves you :)
L isn’t fond of the kind of pda where you two are eating each other’s faces in front of the task force or even really holding hands or cuddling. What he does enjoy is when you show him subtle displays of affection, such as calling him “sweetheart” or kissing his hair or forehead, and sometimes he’ll allow you to boop his nose.
He isn’t one for giving the affection in public, but sometimes he will take your hand, cup it in his own, and kiss your knuckles. This is usually used to say “hello” or “goodbye” nonverbally or to just show you that he loves you after a particularly hard day and the task force is still around so he can’t start complaining about them yet.
Having been teased and told to shut up constantly by his coworkers, finally having someone to flaunt provides a major boost to his ego. Whenever you’re together at headquarters he can’t help being all lovey-dovey. Pecking your cheek whenever he walks past you, writing you little notes and not being too quiet about it when passing them on to you, sometimes even encouraging you to read them aloud. This greatly annoys L and when Matsuda says that L’s just crabby because he’s single you have to grab Matsuda and book it outta there before L or Chief can chew him out.
Misa adores showing you off to literally anyone. She gets a real kick out of bugging Light and Ryuzaki with her ability to go outside and go on dates and do things with someone else without being handcuffed together. Y’know, those usual human rights that most people have. So imagine her delight when she remembers that she can annoy them by simply being cute with you in the same room as them! She’ll act like a koala bear, always latched onto you. She likes repeatedly pecking your cheeks and squishing them up as she insists you look like a “cute little pufferfish” when she does that.
He literally couldn’t give a shit who’s watching, usually it’s Mello (much to the blonde’s discomfort). Matt does not hold back. He’ll kiss you on the cheek, lean into you as he plays his games, or just fucking grab you and start making out. The Pope could be watching and he’d grab your butt. It literally doesn’t matter to him. In his mind, anyone who has a problem with it can fuck right off because he wants to show his baby that he loves them!
Also, Matt’s kind of a brat. He’ll tease you in public by embarrassing you with physical affection or, if you’re not easily embarrassed by that, he takes to seeing how far you’ll let him go with people around. Obviously you’re not feeling each other up in the middle of a store, it’s more along the lines of hugs, Eskimo kisses, burying his head in your neck or chest while claiming it’s too cold in the middle of summer. That kind of thing.
Shy boy, super shy boy. What can he say? He’s never been the type to really do that kind of thing. Hell, he barely goes out in public to begin with. Although sometimes, though it’s not really “public” since only the SPK is around to see, he will sit by your feet like a cat as he huddles on the floor and plays with his toys. He doesn’t complain when you give him head pats while he does this, and at times if he really wants your attention he’ll place your hand on his head for you. And sometimes, if the stars are perfectly aligned and he actually gets tired, Near will place his chin atop your lap and close his eyes like a little puppy. It’s the sweetest sight, but treasure it when it happens because that is RARE. But that’s about as close to PDA as he gets. If there are more people than the SPK around to witness, it’s a no-go altogether.
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translightyagami · 6 years
✤Light and Beyond! (also, i want to let u know that I love all ur fics, and especially how u write all of the characters! ur really good, and i love ur blog!!)
who said i love you first?
beyond but he didn’t mean it. he was just joking around after watching light laugh, all hideous the way he does around ppl who don’t matter, but then light went very still and was super weird around beyond for, like, a whole week. when the week was up, he cornered him in the bathroom and told him if he ever said shit like that again, light was going to make sure he ended up just like him.
who laughs when the other trips?
oh if one of them even suffers the slightest misfortune, the other one will make a SCENE abt it. beyond is more likely to do this in public but light will do it even worse behind closed doors. he has lost his voice before laughing bc beyond ran into a pull door.
who pays the bills?
light does and he nvr lets beyond forget it. altho sometimes beyond will come into windfalls of money at certain points that he refuses to explain to light, mostly bc he doesn’t rlly understand where the money is coming from either. however, a very guilty and willfully ignorant roger continues to write checks whenever a nightmare abt quarter queen or whatever strikes him.
which one makes a bigger deal around the holidays?
neither of them. they hate the holidays. light visits his family in a very mechanical way and tells them he doesn’t know what’s happened to misa, she’s just run off the way celebrities tend to do. beyond stays home and eats all the chocolate covered popcorn light buys from his coworker’s kids for their fundraisers.
who’s more clumsy?
beyond is a bit more clumsy than light, who has the spine of the most well trained ballerina, but when light’s eyesight starts to go, he trips more often and oh this is just the jam on beyond’s toast to watch the god of the new world fall flat on his face.
who checks their daily horoscope?
beyond, who reads it aloud from the bathtub but nvr tells light which horoscope is his own. he mangles the pisces one every time and adds that “a figure from your past will come to visit” bc he nvr gets tired of the second long freeze that comes over light before he figures out the lie.
who sings louder in the car?
at first, beyond would screech out tunes in the car to bother light but after a month he realized that light’s experience with BOTH sayu and misa made him immune to obnoxious singing. now they ride in silence or talk abt whatever poor bastard beyond picked his teeth with the other night.
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste?
neither of them. light would nvr make such an error and beyond hates toothpaste. he does a mouth rinse and says that’s enough, then chases light for kisses with his nasty mouth.
who is more up to date in pop culture?
much like L, beyond is very caught up with all the latest teen magazines. he often reads the articles asking abt misa’s sudden disappearance out loud to light and, in buttery tone, asks him if he’s got any clue where the pop sensation has gone.
“oh i don’t know,” light says as he adjusts his neck tie before he gives beyond a scythe’s smile. “i think she’s gone underground.”
who insists on going to see the newest movies?
they don’t go to the movies bc beyond pirates all of them on his laptop and when light asks where he got incredibles 2, beyond feeds him a bad lie abt this being a special copy the theater loaned him. light doesn’t believe him but it doesn’t matter. he’s already weighed beyond’s soul and one more or less sin won’t change kira’s judgement.
who cries when the abused animal commercials come on?
oh big time beyond. he watches them with a narrative that replaces the sad animals with himself and he sobs through them with fantasized self pity. light just fast forwards thru those commercials. this is why they hv a dvr in the first place.
who’s the lighter sleeper?
beyond, bc he still holds onto a few L mannerisms. plus he can get away with eating with his hands while light “stone sleeper” yagami is snoozing.
who believes in ghosts?
beyond is on the fence but light definitely does. he won’t say anything but beyond sees him double check corners before they sleep. sometimes beyond’s whole body just feels like some kind of altar that light’s been praying at to get L back and he’s worried, you know. he’s let himself be a sockpuppet L before and he didn’t like it then. hving the real deal possessing his body? that’s way harsh, man.
who does the grocery shopping?
sachiko yagami, anyway next question….
who updates their facebook status more often?
they don’t hv facebooks but beyond has a finstagram that he posts emo poetry on. light found it and almost shoved beyond’s face in it but didn’t. some of the poems were actually sort of good. sometimes, he thinks he could love beyond but light’s heart is too small to fit another person when one is already taking up so much room still.
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serahne · 6 years
I was tagged by @kaedees​, thanks !
Rules: Choose any three fandoms (in any order), answer the questions and tag 10 people you want to get to know better
I choose these 3!
Death Note
And since I started liking it two weeks ago, TWEWY
The first character you loved!
Kyoko Kirigiri shot through my heart, and she is to blame. You don’t understand, guys. I walked away from dr1 being so in awe with her, and I missed her so much in sdr2.
Probably Light ? It’s been so long, but I think I really loved him even if my fav in middle school was Mello ( oh, sweet teenage rebellion )
Fight me, but Joshua. I had positive feelings for other characters before meeting him, like Shiki or Mr. Hanekoma, but I’m nothing if not weak, so yeah. Also I was already curious about him before playing ~
The character you never expected to love so much!
I really did a 180 when it comes to Hiyoko ? She was one of my least fav character when I played for the first time, because of her behaviour toward Mikan. I guess I tried to understand her more, though, and I really like her now.
Near or Misa, definitely. I honestly can’t remember if I fell into the misogynistic mindset of the fandom back in the day, but I really fell in love with her when I came back a few years ago. As for Near, I’m surprised by how much I love him, when compared to middle school.
I didn’t really care for the Reapears all that much at the beginning, but I ended up really liking Kariya and Uzuki at the end. They work very well as a team, and their personalities really stuck out.
The character you relate to most!
Well, it’s not secret but Hinata. Also Sonia, Kiyo, Mahiru. I’m quite the mix.
... absolutely no one ? Like, don’t get me wrong, I love all these characters, and they totally make sense etc... but they are completely unrelatable. Maybe Near, if I really have to pick one.
Man, once again, I don’t know. Maybe Hanekoma, as he is the ‘watcher’.
The character you’d slap!
I don’t really believe in violence to change one’s character so hum... I don’t know. Probably Teruteru because this is probably the only thing he could understand. Human!Nanami deserves a bunch of slaps for all the shit she says, too. And I have to admit, Kokichi is very slap-able, haha.
EVERYONE, just to see how they would react, pff. Mello is very slap-able, especially as a 14-years-old. This boy just threw his life away for a matter of pride, jesus.
Neku, like, 80% of the same ? This boy has a gift to piss me off. Minamimoto is also super annoying.
Three favourite characters (in order of preference)!
Hajime, Kyoko, Maki ( and Ko, because three is too harsh, come on )
Light, Misa, Near
Joshua, Hanekoma, Uzuki
A character you liked at first but don’t anymore!
Mmm, hard to say. I still like her, but Kaede being here only one chapter makes that I didn’t love her as much as I thought I would.
Matsuda is the designated cinnamon roll, but I’m just over his character, and I’m tired of the fandom claiming that he did nothing wrong, when he isn’t the more upstanding guy, okay.
Konichi looked super cool, but ended up being pretty disappointing in my opinion. I just expected something more from her character.
A character you did not like at first but do now!
I didn’t really have my eyes on Angie, but she is one of the good surprise of ndrv3. Same for Miu, actually. I couldn’t stand Toko in dr1, but she became a fav in drae, too.
Honestly the DN characters are pretty much what they are, haha. Maybe Near ? I was more or less in the ‘Near is basically L’s proxy’, and added to that that the second part of the anime was botched... he wasn’t a fav.
I blame KH for it, but I liked Rhyme’s character more in it than in TWEWY. She is also a character who would be central to a potential future sequel so... I like her, haha.
Three otp’s!
Koma/hina, Nae/giri, Platonic Shuichi/Kaito/Maki
Meronia, Lawlight, Platonic L/Light/Misa
I have complicated feelings for Joshneku, I like Uzuki/Kariya and uh... Eri/Shiki could be more developped, but it’s cute from what we see in the game. I wish we saw more, haha.
I’m honestly tagging whoever is bored and wants to do it ~
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neowizone · 7 years
Since Netflix Changed so much about Death Note, I felt like also taking the basic plot of the manga and completely changing It to this mess:
Light was just a normal high school student, happy with his high grades, and proud of his strictly vegan lifestyle. That's when he came across the Death Note. He vows to rid the world of all criminals, shitty pop stars, and anybody who isn't vegan. Only one man can stop him: L. L is the worlds greatest detective who's cut himself off from the world and whose identity is unknown to all. The truth is, L was raised at Wammy's house, where kids are groomed to become genius detectives. However, L strayed from this path and instead decided to devote his life to the hip hop industry, where he was known as "Lil Chainz big doge", and dropped many big hits. After many trips in and out of rehab and three prison trips, Watari decided to bring him back onto the detective path, under the name 'L'. As Light begins to take over the world and wipe out all he has deemed to be evil, L begins to close in on him. That's when Misa Amane also finds a death note. She is also a vegan, and is very grateful to "Kira" for killing her dumbass sister who would never shut up about bacon. She stalks Lights Instagram, Facebook, twitter, tinder and Grindr until she finds his home address where she confronts him. But by this time L has found enough information on the two of them to bring them both into confinement. Light loses his memories by accidentally hitting his head on the metal bars of his prison bed, and he and Miss are released. Later on however, Light regains his memories because...plot-convenience. After listening to the radio and hearing "Jiggle Jiggle" by Lil Chainz big doge , and thinking the voice sounded familiar, Light learned L's true identity. Through surfing the web and direct messaging a creepy stalker fan of L's rapper alter ego, Light discovered L's true name to be L Lucifer Prancy Jefferson Frances Lawliet. His worst enemy...was dead. Until he found out that L had been hiding two little shits in an orphanage to be his successors. Near: a genius child who scored the highest grades in the institution, who had sincere morals and was the most intellectually capable person of succeeding L And Mello: a rejected 80's porn star who is basically your average angsty teenager going through a phase, who was too over emotional, wasn't as intelligent as Near, and was clearly prone to criminal behaviour. And L had difficulty picking between them....for some reason? As the case progressed, Near and Mello battled it out to be the next L. Meanwhile the world was starting to accept Kira, and the criminal world began falling to pieces. And every time you wanted to watch tv, all there would be to watch was a shit-ton of vegan cooking shows and Kira propaganda. Near scheduled a meet-up with Light via some weird online dating app, where he and Mello planned on capturing him and proving that Light Imagay was in fact Kira. However, Mello had to drop out of the fake date for a real date with his hooker friend Matt. So Near faced Light alone...(except for the snipers positioned all around where the meet up was so...) After being defeated Light resorted to his last hope, asking his previously irrelevant Shinigami to kill Near. But, The shinigami was too tired of Lights stupid salad reign, so instead killed Light. As Light lay there dying, his last thought was...my god I want some pork ribs right now!!!
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babypunter3000 · 7 years
The only good things about Netflix’s Death Note Movie
1. Willem DaFoe Green Goblining it up as Ryuk. 2. L for the first half before Watari got Death Noted. 3. The rockin’ soundtrack. 4. The time that-Okay, you know what? No, I can’t even leave just one fully positive post about this you know how much goddamn BULLSHIT it was that Mia/Misa and L were adapted as waaaay more in the wrong than Light was? In the manga and anime, Light was CLEARLY the main bad guy, careening himself farther away from “well-intentioned” and “maybe he has a point” and into “irredeemable soulless fascist dictator” with every chapter and episode. Hell, in the FIRST BOOK AND EPISODE, he clearly states that he will be “the God of this new world,” and his general “I don’t give a general fuck about other people” attitude could already start to be seen. In this adaptation, Light’s all just love and an old soul wise beyond his years who wants to HELP the world out of the goodness of his heart and sense of justice. And at first, it’s not to bad, you think to yourself, “hey, this could be alright. A narrative about how absolute power corrupts absolutely with a kid who only wants to kill the really bad guys, and even then is super freaked out about it. sure, whatever” But no. NO. It NEVER turns that way! Light ALWAYS only kills for “the greater good” and is constantly portrayed throughout this movie as this well-meaning kid who’s just in so much over his head you gu-uys! 
Meanwhile, Misa has been taken from her canon form as a devout Kira worshiper who was used and abused by Light to his own ends without a shred of emotion for her and has been turned into the love of Light’s life and THE REAL VILLAIN OF THE STORY! You see, Light didn’t really want to kill all those people and usher in a new era of Kira rule! It was all MIA’S influence and hen-pecking that drove Light to kill all willy-nilly! I mean, there’s this scene in the movie where Mia is showing Light a pro-Kira website where people are suggesting new people for Kira to kill, and Light brings up a point where some of the criminals could just be regular innocent people that have a beef with the poster. Mia basically tells him “Who cares? Any kind of petty crime or personal slight is good enough of a reason to kill for me! Let’s make out!” and they both go on their merry ways writing in the book. Like, fuck the writers for tossing out Light’s original characterization and motives to turn it all into a sexist, lazy, “It was all the EVIL WOMAN’S fault for tempting that poor boy!” narrative. And then Mia is killed off by Light on screen right after they have a fight where she is portrayed in the most clingy, shrewish way possible. She even says that she only killed all those people to get closer to Light. She had no justice-dog in this fight like the original Misa had. She was just in it so that Light would date her, and she somehow turned out to be the most murder-happy one after Light introduced her to the whole thing. And I’m sure that the neanderthal who wrote this drivel is patting himself on the back for writing such a great fucking script. And you’re supposed to feel bad because of course she dies by falling into a giant flower display and of course she has to be pretty when she dies. Fuck you. And while we’re on the subject of this movie going out of it’s way to justify and excuse A MASS MURDERER, let’s talk about how the movie treats L. For the first few minutes of his screen time, I honestly thought they did a good job. True, all he was doing was copying L’s mannerisms from the show and being deductive, but it was nice to see something from the books being portrayed accurately in this tire fire of a movie. But you know how everyone loved the original manga and anime for Light and L’s high stakes game of cat and mouse and how they would constantly one-up the other using their wits and intelligence and plenty of insanely thought out plans? Yeah, that’s also tossed right out the goddamn window in this one. Instead, we get an hour of L and Light basically shouting “Come at me, bro!” and emotionally lashing out at one another until one of them finally does something stupid enough to lose. It’s a race to the goddamn bottom, like the mental version of watching a drunken fistfight in a back alley. There’s no finesse, there’s no skill, just watching two guys shouting, “I KNOW YOU’RE KIRA!” and, “YEAH, WELL, FUCK YOU, KIRA’S THE GOOD GUY AND WHAT DO YOU KNOW ANYWAY?!” at each other for an hour. And L gets such a raw deal in this movie. I think he technically lives at the stupid non-ending (you don’t see Light die in the film, btw. You see Mia die, of course, because she’s an EVIL WOMAN!1! who DESERVED IT!!1, but of course not fucking Light), but even then he has even less dignity than in the manga and anime where he dies halfway through. L, in the manga, anime, and this trainwreck of a film, is the eccentric big-time elusive detective who picks up the task of finding out the identity of Kira to stop him. The only difference is that the manga and anime didn’t go out of their way to fucking destroy him. And I’m not just talking about the plot point in this failure of a motion picture that has Light easily put Watari’s name in the Death Note (yes, Watari is his real name in this and they just parade his name and face around without a worry in the world, I mean, what did you expect to happen?) that puts L into a tailspin. I’m talking about how the narrative treats L, the guy who’s trying to stop A MASS MURDERER from killing, as another bad guy, clearly in the wrong, because Light’s just trying to make the world a better place, yannow? First, he falls apart because Watari is missing and is in the hands of Kira, which okay, I don’t blame him, but he never gets past that. For the rest of the movie, he’s on the verge of tears, he can’t think straight, he’s blinded by emotion. He only manages to figure out a key point at the very end, and this was after Light openly confesses to what it is. Secondly, L is never able to officially out Kira. In light of this, his higher-ups unceremoniously fire him, leaving him an even bigger wreck. This happens around the exact same time Light is explaining to his dad what his master plan in the climax was, which is the only kind of smart thing that ever happens in this movie and is almost reminiscent of it’s source material. Point being, the narrative wants you to believe that Light is competent, L is incompetent. But you know what scene was the ultimate “fuck you” to L’s character as well as containing a horrible implication and clearly demonstrating a crucial flaw in the movie? Near the end of the movie, L has a gun pointed to Light’s head in a back alley. He’s desperate, and Light is shouting about the page of the death note stuck in Mia’s textbook that’s the key to saving Watari (because he’s such a GOOD GUY, you guys!) Since L has no goddamn idea what Light is talking about, and just knows that he’s the guy who killed 400 people and possibly his only friend, he ignores him, and turns to a man who just walked out of his shop, begging him to help and shouts, “He’s Kira!” The man stops and gets clarification that yes, Light is Kira, and then proceeds to knock L unconscious with a wooden plank to the head because he’s a fan of Kira as Light runs off to safety. Did I mention yet that L is black in this movie while Light is white? A black detective who’s implied to be the best of the best and is completely in the right is struck down because the bystander was a fan of the white mass murderer he was trying to stop. It doesn’t matter that “Oh, but Kira was only killing bad guys!” because fuck you, the movie itself established that Light and Mia were killing people on a whim and not bothering to check sources for libel. I will repeat, THE MOVIE POINT BLANK HAD A BLACK PROFESSIONAL STRUCK DOWN TO PROTECT THE WHITE MASS MURDERER THAT THE NARRATIVE TRIES TO PLAY OFF AS INNOCENT. Seriously, this whole movie exists around the premise that a greasy white boy who murders people needs to be cared about and protected from a woman and a black man who somehow convince him to commit more murder against his will because boobies or want him to stop committing murder at all costs. Ryuk, the death god that patiently walks Light through how to kill someone, doesn’t even get as many “DANGER! THREAT TO LIGHT’S SAFETY!” vibes as Mia and L do. The narrative is like, “Yeah, he’s a death god, what do you expect? BUT THIS WOMAN AND BLACK GUY ARE GONNA BE THE DEATH OF THAT POOR NAIVE BOY!” This kind of shit belongs in a trump rally, not in my movie based on a story where the main, privileged, young man was portrayed as an honest to God mass-murdering dictator who yes, must be fucking stopped. And you wanna know the dumbest thing about this movie? There are no stakes. None. The narrative wants you to care about the lives of a couple of murderers because they make a cute couple and are a pair of “good kids” who have glitter on their tongues (yeah) and are white (or at least, that’s what I’m guessing, since the only black character in the movie is treated as a hindrance and a joke even though he was in the right the entire time). Everyone in the movie’s world that isn’t a cop LOVES Kira. The movie is forever showing you pictures of people at Kira shrines, or holding, “I Love You, Kira!” or spraypaint on the walls that says “Kira Lives!” We never see the dystopian hellscape that ultimately was Kira’s world, where everyone was scared fucking shitless because Light was killing anyone who so much as looked at another guy funny. And don’t tell me that there was no crime ever in that world, there was just unreported crime. And we never see any followup to the scene where they just decide to kill people because anonymous sources online told them to. We never see any distraught partners breaking down on the news because their husband died of a heart attack for a crime he didn’t commit. We never see any innocent people die, or at least innocent people who are quickly brushed off as “cannon fodder” and are never mentioned again after they are killed (ie, the twelve FBI agents). Kira is just worshiped by EVERYONE to the point where if he just came out as Kira, nobody would be able to touch him because they’d be coming out of the woodwork to protect him (as demonstrated in the paragraph above). The only reason he DID possibly die in the end is because Light gave L the means to. If he never mentioned the Death Note, he would basically be unstoppable, because everyone in this movie is either SO DUMB or SO IN LOVE WITH KIRA. And while this movie is so bad it’s hilarious to watch and deserves a good MST3K-ing, it’s also so fucking infuriating with it’s fucking worship and embracing of this fucking white boy mass murderer to the point where they had to make characters from the original work into worse versions of themselves to prop him up while decrying anyone who opposes him as “the real bad guys.” These writers are the kind of people who pass a gang of white kids vandalizing a car to call the cops on a black kid sleeping in one. These writers are the kind of people who would say, “Well, of course she got raped, she constantly teased boys with her short skirts!” The writers are the kind of writers who would describe a white male shooter as, “teen genius suddenly snaps! Unfortunate incident for former varsity football player. His friends talk about what a great guy he was on page six.” Seriously, the next time someone scoffs at you for suggesting that white male privilege exists, show them this goddamn movie a bunch of grown ass adults made and went, “Yep, this’ll do!”
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