#winterheart by hella
victorianitt · 5 months
I made a playlist for Hella's Winterheart fanfic because no one had done it before, and I needed it. Enjoy.
(I would appreciate a reblog so more people can see it. thanks ❤️)
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borealopelta · 4 years
1, 3, 4, 28, 29💖
1 - Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
Cracky fluff! Give me bickering and sweetness and dumb boys in love c:
3 - Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
I would never write or read mpreg, and i’m iffy about ABO too, unless it’s a 3000 word pwp with no mention of mpreg :’)
4 - How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them? 
Like a lot??? Like 10-ish??? Uh one of them is a sequel to (maybe) he won't find out what i know where Jürgs and Noel talk about things (a.k.a. Alex) and bond. it’s not my most well-received fic but i love it and i want to explore the last few sentences’ implications about ALex and Noel’s relationship.
28 - Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much. 
My forever favourite is @matthewgreywolf because he’s my best friend and also an amazing writer and always gives me amazing content bc we’re usually hyperfixating on the same thing. Second place is you, sweetheart, because your writing has such iconic vibes and you hurt Matthew so much, i can respect that. Third place is @goddamnhella, or just Hella on ao3, who wrote the absolutely amazing Winterheart and Off The Record, the most perfect and captivating Frostiron fics in the universe.
29 - If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
Uh my boy (won’t tag him again) Feb is writing an amazing (so far unpublished) fic and i have so MANY ideas to add to it i want to write them!!!
Thank you so much!!!! 💖💖
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indigowallbreaker · 5 years
Character meme: Natasha Romanoff
Sexuality Headcanon: Hmmmm do you know what? I’ve always seen her as Asexual. Maybe homoromantic but defo ace.
Gender Headcanon: Cis
A ship I have with said character: I. I honestly don’t know? 
A BROTP: Steve and Natasha are the perfect example of ride or die. How many times can I bring up ‘Winter Solider’? Amazing example.
A NOTP: I just… I can’t see Bruce/Natasha. I tried but. It doesn’t work in my head. It seemed so random
A random headcanon: You want her training you. She knows when you need a push and exactly when you’ve hit your wall. She won’t hold back but she also won’t just use you as a punching bag (unless you deserve it, Happy). All new Avengers train with her, if only to get over their initial fear. 
General Opinion: She’s badass and I don’t think the ensemble movies did well by her completely. I’d link you to Winterheart by Hella but I can’t fUCKING FIND IT. It’s a great example of a well written Natasha and the one I keep in mind while writing. 
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scyllaya · 6 years
Hey, I'm a long time frostiron fan and I recently checked my bookmarks on A03 and I noticed that a loooot of frostiron fics were deleted. Like Off The Record and Winterheart, you know anything about why? Like srsly, why??!?
Off the Record and Winterheart are both from Hella, so those fics were deleted when she deleted all of her fics from Ao3. 
I have not followed all of her posts, so I don’t know the details of why she deleted her stories from Ao3.
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bramblepaws · 6 years
this is totally off-topic from bcb so ignore if ur here for that lol but HHHH I HAVE..... EMOTIONS............. ABOUT FANFICTION
i just finished reading Winterheart and my GOD if it wasn’t one of the best and most heartwarming fanfics ive ever read. i dont even SHIP frostiron. i dont even read Avengers fics!!!! or, i didn’t, im hella shipping and reading that shit NOW, because, holy fuck. it was so good!!! it wrapped things up perfectly!!!! friendship!!!!! fuck!!??!??! GOOD
it . my god. i need to. like. be good at writing now, i gOTTA. i wish i had gotten into writing fanfiction. i think i ... need to... create a space for me to just allow myself to unapologetically create Bad Content until i improve at it, because it’s stuff like this that makes me ACHE for the ability to write well & draw humans at least passably. i need!!!!!! a space for myself to do this!!!! every time i try to create one it backfires on me tho because i get frustrated. i need......... to figure something else
ive thought abt making a DA account where i can just upload Complete Garbage but i usually end up floating away from it. maybe i’ll try to find something else that encourages art and community interaction in a similar way & use it as a test run for that site? but i dont know anyplace else that’s quite as, kind, i suppose, to beginners. i gotta think abt it. but jesus fucking CHRIST i want to create, i want to create something MEANINGFUL, i want to say something that has an impact!!!!!!
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