#wuxia drama
madeleineengland · 8 months
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Fairy Xiang Yun (Love you seven times; 2023)
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newhanfu · 1 year
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Wuxia Costume
via Hanfu Photographer: Bo He Bai
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mostlyfate · 2 years
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Side Story of Fox Volant (飞狐外传) 2022, dir. Lian Yi Ming.
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whumperer-86 · 9 months
Mysterious Lotus casebook ep26
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Interrupting the horny to recommend a great CDrama. It’s got amazing acting, funny bits, tragic bits. Badass martial arts, and a gay polyglot. It’s called Mysterious Lotus Casebook.
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lisia81 · 10 months
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Cosa posso dire? di sicuro sale prepotentemente al secondo posto tra i miei drammi preferiti (il primo è inspodestabile) e la puntata 33 si colloca in cima alla classifica di quelle in cui ho pianto più a lungo. 20 minuti ininterrotti e un magone che mi sa resteranno a lungo un record.
Ma è tutta la serie che crea uno sconvolgimento emotivo fortissimo e ti lascia quella consapevolezza che a breve non troverai qualcosa del medesimo livello.
The Untamed è difficile da gustare lentamente, ti incalza a proseguire. L'unico rallentamento l'ho avuto nelle ultime 3 puntate al tempio. Mi continuavo a chiedere: “ma quanto ancora deve tirarla per le lunghe Lan Xi Chen?”Ringraziamo il cielo che è intervenuto Nie Hauai Sang con il suo escamotage, perchè se no, nel 2023, fra Jin Guang Yao con la sua incredibile resistenza e l'indecisionismo di big brother Lan saremmo ancora li al tempio ad aspettare una fine.
Sicuramente lo rivedrò con più calma e maggiore attenzione, perchè nella testa ho alcuni punti interrogativi a cui, per ora, non ho trovato risposte. E spero di trovarle. 😬 Per fare due esempi stupidi: Lan Zhan come fa a riconoscere Wei Ying quando ritorna dall'oltretomba? dalla spada? dall'ombra che scappa? perchè quella poteva essere benissimo Nie Hauai Sang. Quando arrivano alla tomba e lo sente suonare, sapeva già che era lui. La loro canzone è solo una conferma indelebile. Dall’espressione lo sapeva anche nel bosco. Quando We Wuxian glie lo chiede l'imperturbabile Lan risponde sempre: “pensaci”. Beh, siamo in 2 a pensarci!
Per non parlare del piccolo Ah Yuan. Mi sembrava folle che i Wen lo avessero portato con loro a "chiedere perdono". E continuavo a chiedermi, ma sto bimbo che fine ha fatto? Si scoprirà che Lan Zhan lo ha trovato nella caverna febbricitante e lo salvato e adottato. Ma in quella stessa caverna non è stato bloccato per 3 giorni We Wuxian? quando si è liberato, il bimbo non lo ha visto? Lo ha lasciato li da solo, convinto di tornare? da mamma di una bimba più o meno di quell’età la cosa mi allibisce abbastanza.
Ho letto che quando è andato in onda su Tecent trasmettevano 4 puntate settimana. Quello che è l'antefatto (non posso chiamarlo flashback, vista la durata) è lungo più di 32 puntate. A finire la serie ci ho impiegato circa una settimana. Quando la storia è ritornata al presente, io giuro non mi ricordavo quasi più nulla della storia di Mo il pazzoide e della spada. Sono stata tentata di tornare indietro (cosa che ho fatto a fine visione). Sono 32 puntate focali. Il nucleo solido del drama. Le ultime 20 sono belle, ma stile caso di Benoit Blanc e mi mancavano i pezzi 😅. Comunque stavo dicendo, gli spettatori ordinari hanno dovuto attendere 8 settimane e poi racappezzarsi. Poveri loro.
Altra cosa per cui dovrò rivederlo è l'infinità di nomi. Verso la fine tra titoli, soprannomi, appellativi facevo veramente fatica a identificare chi chiamasse chi o di chi stessero parlando.
Non voglio stare qui a scrivere molto altro. Mi ritrovo molto nelle recensioni e nei commenti delle due cultrici su questo drama @veronica-nardi e @dilebe06. Voglio solo aggiungere 3 cose.
E' da qualche giorno che mi domando: se @dilebe06 non mi avesse acculturato sulla questione BL, bromance, censura ecc.. cosa avrei pensato del rapporto Wei Ying/ Lan Zhan? Una risposta chiara non me la dare. Vi è una frase che viene ripetuta spesso nella serie: "nessuno conosce fino in fondo il cuore di qualcun altro". Questo non è vero per i due protagonisti, perchè il loro spirito è lo stesso. Nel loro essere agli antipodi, vi è un affinità e complementarità unica. Che credo sia anche soggetto di gelosia da parte di Jiang Cheng. Probabilmente è più giusto dire che, per buona parte della serie non conoscano veramente cosa c'è nel loro cuore. Per carità indizi ce ne sono molti. Al di la delle dichiarazioni, degli sguardi, dei gesti più o meno ecclatanti, mi rimarrà il dubbio di quanti ne sarei riuscita a cogliere. Per fare un esempio stupido: dopo la fuga dalla stanza degli orrori, Lan Zan porta Wei Ying ferito nella stanza del silenzio. Li lo ritrovo profumato e impigiamato e appena si sveglia, il nostro tenero padrone di conglietti bianchi gli spalanca la camicia e controlla la ferita. Segno di un'intimità che mai ti aspetteresti dal pudicissimo Lan Zhan, ma che c'è. Comunque che sia amore, è fuori di dubbio. Il tipo di amore, sinceramente mi interessa e non mi interessa perchè è bello così come ci viene mostrato.
C’è da dire che tra i due protagonisti vi è una chimica unica. Ed è quella che copre ogni magagna della trama e lo ha reso così popolare. Se sti due a distanza di anni non possono neppure incrociarsi con lo sguardo in pubblico, per il caos che ne è uscito, un motivo ci sarà. O si amano (99% si) o c’è dietro qualcuno di così geniale da aver capito che mantenere la fiamma fra i due farà sempre presa sul pubblico.
Santo Wen Ning che ha rivelato a Jiang Chen la verità sul nucleo d’oro. Ti ho sgamato subito che sei andato al tempio a cercare We Wuxian, per restituirgli il flauto come protezione. Lo avrai odiato, ma alla fine nel momento di maggior rabbia, non sei riuscito a trafiggerlo e alla fine come lo cercava Lan Zhan, lo stavi cercando pure tu e non certo per fare quello che non avevi fatto 16 anni prima! E comunque come in tutti i drammi: il non detto scava fosse profonde come le Marianne!
Ultima cosa il finale.
Quelle benedette collinette me le sono guardate e riguardate. Il punto è sempre lo stesso, solamente spostato di poco. L'idea che mi sono fatta è che non siano passati anni e We Ying sia ritornato. Lui si mette subito a suonare e Lan Zhan lo sente, dice fra se se che il titolo lo conosce già e torna indietro. Da li quello splendido il sorriso da contrapporsi allo sguardo affranto delle scene precedenti quando sembrava dovessero separarsi.
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My Journey to You
This is going to be fun, I said. Surely they won't break my heart, I said. I was wrong.
As usual, spoiler-free above the cut, spoilers below.
General Rating: 9/10 Fight Choreo: 11/10 Cinematography and CGI: 10/10 Acting: 9/10 Costume: 10/10 Scene/Setting: 10/10 Heartbreak Meter: 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔/10
At a lovely 24-episode run, My Journey to You is a wuxia drama with a rich plot, beautiful costuming and scenery, and downright stunning fight scenes. It is the story Yun Wei Shan, an assassin completing one last assignment in hopes of gaining her freedom. She infiltrates the Gong residence and experiences love and friendship, which leads to self-discovery alongside Gong Zi Yu, who is fighting for the respect of his family hidden in the mountains. The plot has many twists and turns, with many people working in secret for their own goals and forming alliances. No one has the full story until the end, not even you as the viewer. I truly enjoyed yelling at the screen and retracting my insults to certain characters.
The cinematography was beautiful for every shot. From the wide shots of the beautiful mountain to slowed shots in fights, everything was clear, lovely, and purposeful. I sometimes skip wuxia fight scenes if they feel repetitive or boring in their choreography. I did not skip a single fight here. The details were so intricate and crisp! The moves played off each other like a dance- this wasn't just wild slashing at each other and random leaps into the air- every move felt like the characters spent years learning their art.
So why does it get 9 broken hearts? This one made me cry at the end.
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Spoiler Review:
The romance between Yun Wei Shan and Gong Zi Yu took me by surprise not because I did not expect romance, but because I did not expect it to develop in a realistic way. Yun Wei Shan is not used to allowing other to see her feelings, and has grown to expect her trust to be betrayed. It only makes sense that, even after she allows herself to fall in love, she won't admit to it.
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Gong Zi Yu on the other hand was bound to fall in love at first sight, and the maturing of the character does not take that aspect away from him. He is steadfast in his love and loyalty to her, even if it makes him work 5x harder to protect his family.
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This is ALSO WHY IT BROKE MY HEART. I was fully expecting her to fake the love in the beginning, guarding my heart as she did her own. Her cold distance established a boundary that protect bother her heart and my expectations as a viewer. Little did I know goofy little Gong Zi Yu is incapable of loving quietly or in half measures; he bulldozed through her boundaries and won my affection. Little did I know the show would let me think in the FINAL EPISODE THAT THEY WOULD BE HAPPY only to snatch that happiness away! Don't get me wrong, it is very realistic. Of course she would get got by the assassin network she just took down. But for him to never know? For him to think she left him? That kills me.
Ok ok ok. Let's talk about Shangguan Qian: I hate her. I really do. She made me so anxious and so angry with every move she made. The actress is amazing- every time she smiled, she gave me a sick feeling of dread. The character? Awful, in a good way. She was written so well- as time went on they showed us how someone becomes as self serving as she is. Do I think she loved Gong Shang Jue? Yes, but it didn't matter. At every turn, she will make the decision that best serves her. So I think she's a lying lie face. I think she lied about the baby. I think she lied. I feel so bad for Gong Shang Jue, as she really pried open his heart with a crowbar and crawled in only to trash the place before she left. Funny enough, I think she did him some good. That heart is still open a crack.
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While we are talking about Gong Shang Jue, let's also talk about his baby brother. I call him and Gong Yuan Zhi the Scorpion Brothers, with Gong Yuan Zhi affectionately titled the Scorpion Baby. I love my little Scorpion Baby and his little poisons and his deep loyalty to his brother. It's all so cute. Has he killed people? Yes, but it made him happy so we're going to ignore that. Has he tortured people? Again, stop asking questions. My Scorpion baby has never done anything wrong ever. Ever. As for his brother, Shang Jue was such a compelling character. The show first pitches him to us as a noble villain- after all, if we didn't know there were spies in the Gong residence, he would be the one we suspect for every slight, just like Gong Zi Yu does. But just as he painted as a villain, the show gives us glimmers of him as a loving person. He protects Scorpion Baby and holds his undying loyalty. He reprimands a servant for going into politics when his father's death is announced. He acts decisively, not cruelly, and as we learn that he lost a baby brother and his mother, it makes sense why he so fiercely protects the family despite how uncomfortable it might make others. Ugh, I love him. I wanted the best for him. And Shangguan Qian just...left him loving her.
The plot of Wufeng attempting to take down the last holdout against their power while the sons of the Gong family are fighting for power (while not realizing they are fighting for the same thing: keeping their family safe), and a MEMBER OF THE FAMILY working against everyone to go scorched earth to avenge his parents? Wow. Every twist and turn was well done, and it played well on the needs and motivations of each character, so it didn't feel forced. The puzzle pieces all fit in the end.
Would I recommend this drama? Yes, if you can take the pain.
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Chen Chuhe's many faces in wuxia dramas throughout the years (1/?):
Meng Xinghun - The Meteor, Butterfly and Sword (2010)
Ye kai - The Magic Blade (2012)
Su Mengzhen - Heroes (2022)
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lantianlong · 10 months
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Gu Mang
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sablejak · 1 year
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Got a killer review on Vol. V of Bright Morn of Issareth, my Wuxia serial running on Amazon’s Kindle Vella platform.
Volumes are: 
Volume 1 - The Arrival
Volume 2 - The Journey
Volume 3 - The Awakening
Volume 4 - The Red Book - Part I
Volume 5 - The Red Book - Part II
and volume 6 is being written now and is slated for late April uploading. 
The webpage for Bright Morn of Issareth has a lot of information about the stories, the characters, art etc. (artist is Rachel Anne Jones), and there’s also more art on the Pinterest page. 
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scifikimmi · 1 year
I've been watching a lot of wuxia cdramas lately and I thought it would be fun to make a bingo card with some of the tropes I've noticed that are common:
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Sorry if the font is a little small. I made it on a bingo card maker online so I couldn't edit the spacing.
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ionazeva · 1 year
Favourite friendship trope ever in drama series (wuxia edition):
A random bunch of talented individuals being loyal and besties with this someone who (pretends to) look like a nobody, realises that they are friends with somebody in their martial arts world.
TLDR: A nobody collecting his bunch of talented friends like Pokémon and them to realise that that he is a somebody, after everyone keeps hunting them down/ giving them special treatments.
Imagine when the realisation sinks.
The chaos that ensued.
Disbelief. Denial. Anger. Acceptance. Amazement. Yet the loyalty remains. The friendship grows stronger.
“So… he’s actually THE crown prince? The one we've been, ahem, talking about (read: spilling tea) behind their backs??”
“This guy is definitely NOT the crown prince. He’s just someone who looks like the crown prince.. right? RIGHT?”
“Bro??? You could have just mention it EARLIER before we end up dead?? because of the assassins that were hunting you down??— nevermind.”
“Oi, what else are you hiding from us?”
Bonus edition: Among the friend group, one is a just naive blooming youth, one is from a rival clan, the rest are just… powerful and talented.
You want to need to watch this in real wuxia drama?
Blood of Youth. 10/10 for beautiful costume, perfect acting and chemistry, not so cringey cgi, top humor and thrilling story that won't bore you halfway the 40ish episodes (each episode is only 30+mins). Just remember to note their names and relationships down and let your mind get blown.
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whumperer-86 · 6 months
The Inextricable Destiny ep21
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whumpy-gems · 2 years
When you hear this, you know shit is about to go down 😝
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loveallserveall · 1 year
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the starry love ep. 2 icons
like or reblog if you save :)
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Chen Chuhe's many faces in wuxia dramas throughout the years (3/?):
Meng Xinghun - The Meteor, Butterfly and Sword (2010)
Ye Kai - The Magic Blade (2012)
Su Mengzhen - Heroes (2022)
previously on: 1/2
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