#yandere cameron mahkent
anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
⭐️Stargirl Masterlist⭐️
Yandere Cameron Mahkent (general)
Yandere Cindy Burman/Henry King Jr (general)
Yandere Poly!Cindy Burman/Henry Jr (romantic)
Yandere Crock Family w/ Coach!Reader (platonic/romantic)
Yandere Henry King Sr/Brainwave (general)
Yandere Henry King Sr/Brainwave (platonic)
Yandere Henry King Jr (general)
Yandere ISA (platonic)
Yandere Jordan Mahkent/Icicle (general)
Yandere JSA (platonic)
Yandere Rick Tyler vs Yandere Cameron Mahkent (romantic)
Yandere Rick Tyler/Hourman (general)
Yandere Paula Brooks/Tigress and Larry Crock/Sportsmatser (general + nsfw)
Highs and Lows [Mahkent Family/Zarick Family] (platonic)
💕Love Letters💕
Yandere Cameron Mahkent (romantic)
Yandere Henry King Jr (romantic)
Yandere Henry King Sr/Brainwave #1 (platonic)
Yandere Henry King Sr/Brainwave #2 (platonic)
Yandere Jordan Mahkent/Icicle (platonic)
Yandere Larry Crock/Paula Brooks (platonic)
Yandere Rick Tyler (romantic)
Yandere Artemis Crock #1 (platonic)
Yandere Cameron Mahkent #1 (romantic)
Yandere Cameron Mahkent #21 (romantic)
Yandere Cameron Mahkent #25 (romantic)
Yandere Cindy Burman #33 (platonic)
Yandere Crock Family #2 (platonic)
Yandere Henry King Jr #16 (romantic)
Yandere Henry King Jr #27 (romantic)
Yandere Henry King Sr/Brainwave #28 (platonic)
Yandere Jordan Mahkent/Icicle #4 (platonic)
Yandere Jordan Mahkent/Icicle #8, #15 (romantic)
Yandere Jordan Mahkent/Icicle #19 (platonic)
Yandere Larry Crock/Paula Brooks #31 (platonic)
Yandere Rick Tyler #6 (romantic)
Yandere Rick Tyler #12 (romantic)
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anxiousnerdwritings · 3 years
in a situation with yan!mahkents: how would they react to reader running away from her parents (because they are mistreating her) but before they leave blue valley, they come by to say goodbye to Cameron?
At first Cameron would be happy to see Reader but when they start saying goodbye and how they’re leaving Blue Valley, he’s confused. He would try to get Reader to stay with them, assuring that they wouldn’t have to go back to their family. He’s more than willing to be their new family and he knows his family will feel the same. And for a moment Reader may consider it but they fall back to their original plan; leaving.
Now, I could see Jordan being well aware of Reader’s issues with their family and already having something planned to get the family out of the picture so that he can adopt Reader. He’s not happy about the treatment Reader gets from their family but he also has to be patient and play his cards right. Reader running away shouldn’t be surprising, yet it is. But what surprises him more and only proves that they belong with the Mahkents is that they came to say goodbye to them. Even if Reader only meant to see Cameron before they left, Jordan would be delusional enough to think they meant to see the whole family. It’s probably Cameron who comes to him first. Like, the second Reader dipped out Cameron was running to his dad or calling him. Depending on how far they get before Jordan has knowledge of their leaving, he would either come after Reader himself or he would send one of the ISA members after them.
Both Sofus and Lily would not be happy once they learn about the treatment Reader’s family dealt towards them. But all those feelings would be pushed aside when they hear about Reader running away. They know Reader will be brought home some enough so they have something to look forward to but they are definitely pushing Jordan to take care of Reader’s family when he gets back.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 3 years
Do you think yan!sib Cameron Mahkent would help reader to escape from Jordan?
If Reader and Cameron had a very close relationship then yes, most definitely. Cameron, out of the all Mahkent family members, is the one who cares the most about Reader and their wants and needs. Cameron feels terrible and guilty that he has much more freedom then they ever will. He would be more than willing to help them. Hell, the idea of escaping may even be his to start with. He may even runaway with them, that way he can still love and protect them but neither will be miserable.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 3 years
it’s so sweet that yan!brother Cameron mahkent would help reader to see their partner. I think that reader would definitely appreciate that!! 🥺
His main priority and focus is Reader’s happiness and so long as they don’t push him away, hide things from him or anything like that then Cameron will do what he can to help them out. And it also depends on the partner they have. Like, if he gets a bad feeling about them he’ll talk to Reader about. He’s not going to just allow you to be in a bad situation. What kind of brother would he be if he did?
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anxiousnerdwritings · 3 years
21 with romantic icicle jr/cameron mahkent 🥺
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21. “Did you really think you could just pack a bag and leave, like I wouldn’t put all my time and effort into finding you.”
     You were shivering so much that you couldn’t go back to sleep. You could even see your own breath. ‘What the hell was going on?’ you thought to yourself. You didn’t think you had left a window open or anything but maybe you did. With how exhausted you were with work and finals it wouldn’t have surprised you if you had ended up leaving something cracked open.
   Leaving what little warmth there was in your bed, you ventured off to check your windows and doors. Even with your socks on you could still feel the coldness of the floor and it made you shiver all the more, there was even what looked like frost on the carpet and everything else in your room. Reaching your bedroom door, placing your hand on the handle only to find it freezing cold to the touch and completely frost ridden as well.
   It took you awhile before you were able to force open your own bedroom door but when you did, you regretted it right away. You were hit with a frigid gust of air instantly, knocking you back a little. Pushing forward, you continue your trek to the other side of your apartment only to see everything frosted over. You were honestly perplexed at just how cold it was, it wasn’t normal by any means. The question of your current predicament was only now starting to dawn on you. 
   But before you have the time to try and process just what was going on around you something grabs your attention. Or rather someone. A figure makes itself known, walking out of its hiding spot to stand where the two of you could be face to face. It was a man that much was clear but nothing was making sense right now. You’re tired, your apartment has become an igloo and now there was a strange man in front of you. What the hell was going on?
   “Why did you have to run? I thought we were happy.” That voice was all too familiar but you couldn’t place where you heard it before. It sounded hurt, broken even. You didn’t know if you should be scared or feel bad. 
   “I don’t know you. How did you get in my apartment?” Either he didn’t hear you or he didn’t care to answer. He only started to speak again and every word was said with even more raw emotion than the last. 
  “Did you really think you could just pack a bag and leave, like I wouldn’t put all my effort and time into finding you. I love you and I’m not leaving here without you.”  
  This wasn’t good. Making a split second decision you run for the door just opposite of you. The man wasn’t close enough to grab you but you didn’t know if he was fast enough to catch you. Hoping this door wasn’t as hard to open as the other, you’re just about to reach for it when the door and the wall itself freezes over. Your only escape and it’s turned into a sheet of ice right before your eyes. 
Turning your head ever so slightly, you can see the man’s hand pressed to the now completely frozen wall. He did that. That was all him. The cold, the frost, the ice. All of it was him.
“You aren’t leaving me again. I won’t let you.”
The feeling of being shaken wakes you up. Opening your eyes your met with the very worried eyes of your adoring boyfriend, the same man from your dream.
“Cameron?” You asked.
“Y/n? Are you alright?” His voice was raspy from sleeping but it was still so gentle. Nothing compared to the cold and broken voice you heard before.
“Yeah, I’m alright Cam. Let’s just go back to sleep.” You tiredly smile, reassuringly.
“Are you sure? It seemed like you were really trying to get away from whatever it was you were dreaming about.” Looking at you one more time, checking to see if you were really okay.
“I’m sure. It was only a nightmare. I’m okay now so why don’t we cuddle and try to go back to sleep?” Giving in, Cameron scoots back into his spot next to opening his arms for you to comfortably cuddle him once again.
‘It was all just a nightmare.’ You tell yourself as you worm your way back into a comfortable spot within your boyfriend’s warm and loving arms. ‘Besides, Cam would never do something like that. He’s too sweet. Not to mention the ice powers, like that could ever be a thing. My imagination just loves to run wild, doesn’t it?’ You laugh to yourself. Cameron gingerly kisses your forehead before trying to go back to sleep himself. Not taking notice of the much tighter hold you’re in, you try to the do the same, hopefully this time with good dreams ahead.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 3 years
how do you think yan!platonic mahkents would react to reader having a secret relationship in a scenario where she isn’t really that close with any of them? Maybe they find some love letters from her s/o
No one would be happy about. I feel like Cameron’s would take it pretty hard. It’s about trust for him and he’s really trying to be there for Reader but they don’t trust him about anything, especially something like this and he understands but it still hurts that they didn’t tell him. Cameron may even be the one to tell the family since they probably spend the most time together and or go to schools together. He probably saw some sus behavior and mentioned it offhandedly not thinking too much into it only for this to come out.
Jordan is against this relationship or any relationship at all. He doesn’t have to meet the person to know they’re trouble if they’re in a secret relationship with his child. He’s not happy one bit and he wants all the information on them as possible. Jordan will force Reader to end the relationship or else he will take it into his own hands and if Reader knows what’s good for both them and their partner then they will listen to Jordan.
Sofus and Lily are definitely against the relationship, even more so then if Reader had come forward about it sooner. The hiding and sneaking around is what gets them the most. They do not like that behavior one bit.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 3 years
if someone else hasnt already requested this: yandere romantic rick tyler vs yandere romantic cameron mahkent??
Yandere Romantic Rick Tyler vs Yandere Romantic Cameron Mahkent
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They probably would have never crossed paths if it weren’t for you. Rick is impulsive, impatient and reckless, not to mention his anger issues. Meanwhile Cameron is more cautious, patient, and methodical. He’s calm, takes his time and thinks things through more than Rick usually would.
Rick will make his hate for Cameron very evident. He thinks he’s sneaky and one hell of an actor and he doesn’t like it. So, he’ll try and intimidate him in the very beginning of finding out he has an interest in you too. If Cameron doesn’t back off then Rick won’t hesitate to get his hands dirty. He wouldn’t even necessarily need his hourglass to do some damage but it would certainly pack an even harder punch.
Cameron would be very calculating, using Rick’s anger and bad reputation against him. It may start out with him talking and being around you more often when Rick is close by just to get a feel for how he’ll react. Then he’ll get bolder, purposely going out of his way to get Rick worked up. He’ll even leave drawing and sketches of him and you together, innocent and not so innocent ones for Rick to find. Mostly sneaking them into his locker or something of the sort just to make it even more personal. (Rick will need as many people as possible to hold him back from killing Cameron then and there.)
Rick isn’t stupid, he knows that there is a complete difference between him and Cameron. He knows that he will always be seen as the bad guy out of the two of them and it pisses him off to no end. Rick will try his damnedest to work on his anger but he can only try so hard when someone else is purposely going out of their way to rile you up.
But Rick has a few tricks up his sleeve. He knows that little artist boy has a shit load of drawings of you and he’ll use that against Cameron. How did you think Cameron would react when he finds out his obsession doesn’t only know about his many sketchbooks but has also seen some of them?? How more creeped out could they get? Especially once they see the more NSFW ones.
This war between them will honestly probably never end until one of them is dead or they both are. They could both try and kidnap you, taking you as far as they can away from the other, but they both have their own connections to aid them. No matter what, neither Rick or Cameron will pull any punches when it comes to fighting for you. They both are determined and there isn’t any escaping them or their feud.
And there isn’t much of a chance in hell that they would share, not after everything they’ve already done to each other. Maybe if it was much earlier on before they actually started feuding, maybe then there could be even the slightest of a chance, but as of now they will stay enemies.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 3 years
you know that scene in the little mermaid after ariel saves eric: the next day, she’s in love, singing and overall just happy. — how do you yan!platonic mahkents are going to react to reader falling in love with a person and singing around the house. Just overall in love? 🦦💓
I think they all would be a little surprised especially if this type of behavior is so unlike Reader but they’re happy non the less to see them being more lively, in a good way. But once they find out it’s out of them being in love then their thoughts may change, especially Jordan’s. He wholeheartedly understands what it’s like to be in love if his experience with Christine is anything to go by but he just can’t wrap his mind around his child dating. Especially his ‘daughter’. If it were another son then no big deal but his bby girl is another story.
Cameron would probably be the only one who is really okay and understanding of it. Hell, he would even help Reader be able to see their partner/lover. He likes seeing them this happy and as long as Reader has no plans of cutting off him and the rest of the family, or just him then he’s happy to keep them happy.
Sofus and Lily would share Jordan’s thoughts and concerns. They saw how in love Jordan was and how crushed he was after he lost Christine and as much as they love and support Reader, they don’t want the same thing to happen to them. They don’t like someone coming in and trying to take their sweet darling away from them. They love seeing Reader happy and singing but they can’t allow this love to continue.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 4 years
Can you do a yandre of Cameron Mahkent from Stargirl?
Yandere Cameron Mahkent
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There's not too much to know about Cameron yet, but he's quiet and keeps to himself at school. He's also a talented artist, taking after his mother.
During the beginnings of his obsession with you, Cameron will draw you, it's all he'll draw. He'll dedicate countless sketchbooks filled with endless drawings and sketches of just you. He can't help but draw you in a variety of ways, he's even taken to doodling you when he's bored in class or while studying.
You won't even have a clue that Cameron likes you, let alone how much he likes you. He's keeps to himself, never really interacting with anyone, especially you unless it's asking for a pencil or something of the sort. You never played much attention to him,there was never a reason to. But you're all Cameron can pay attention to.
The two of you would have little interactions together nothing that would leave you feeling any way, but those little moments were everything for Cameron. He'd be thinking about them for awhile, like how your hands touched when you handed him a pencil, or like when you forgot to take notes and he offered you his (when he got them back, they smelled just like you.) Or that time when you forgot you hair tie so he took it, planning on giving it back to you but forgetting, ending up wearing it all day and just deciding to keep it (it smelled just like your shampoo.)
Cameron is the type who would be content just being friends with you. He just wants to be close to you any way he can. He wants to be the one you come to when you need someone to listen to, to vent to, to cry on, he just wants you to need him.
Being distracted by you has caused Cameron's grades to drop and his father takes notice, wondering what's wrong Jordan will confront his son. Finding out about his son's crush has him reliving old times with his wife. Jordan will encourage his son to make a move and talk to you be fore anyone else can come and take you first.
If you're already in a relationship, Cameron isn't going to be happy but he'll keep it to himself as long as he still gets time with you. But his dad and grandparents will take it into their own hands. They'll take care of everything just so Cameron can be with you, just you and him, no third party. They'll do anything to make him happy.
When Cameron does confess to you and you accept, he'll be over the moon, just in complete euphoria. He can't fully comprehend that you agreed to dating him.
The relationship will be the same as your friendship, not much will change at first but will gradually become what Cameron has dreamed of. The two of you are a typical young couple, save for Cameron's powers he's inherited from his father. He'll be like any other boyfriend with the added obsessive behavior.
On the other hand if Cameron does confess to you and you end up rejecting him, he'll be upset but he'll try not let it affect him, which is easier said than done. When Jordan finds out about the rejection, he'll decide to step in. Enlisting the help of Brainwave, he'll have him rewire your mind, brainwashing you to believe that you're in love with Cameron.
Jordan will present the "new" you to Cameron and he's conflicted to say the least. He's happy that you're actually acting like you want to be with him, but on the other hand this isn't you. But the thought of being with you no matter how, is much more tempting than anything else.
Cameron is a very caring and loving boyfriend, even if your relationship is built on false pretense and your basically brainwashed to love some guy you thought was your best friend at one point. He will treat you right and give you everything you want. He just wants to be with you, be close to you nothing else, can't you just give him that.
Whether you're willing or not, Cameron will be good to you. He won't hurt you, but there is the underlying fear of losing control of his powers and maybe even accidently using them on you. He'll never mean to cause you any harm or pain.
Cameron sincerely cares for you, too much even, to the point it physically hurts him to not be with you. He's put so much time and effort into the idea of being with you that he doesn't know what else to do with himself otherwise.
Also side note, but Cameron would totally gift you one of his sketchbooks filled with nothing but images of you. He'll do this while both being friends or being in a romantic relationship. He'll happily tell you everything about each piece of art he's created of you.
You're relationship will bring a lot of memories to Jordan, the two of you remind him of himself and Christine, but less brainwashy. Either way he's happy to see his son happy and he'll do anything to keep it that way.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 4 years
yan romantic cameron letters plsss... i need more yan cameron content of my artist baby
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To (Name),
I've memorized every detail there is about you from how your hair lays to the scrunch in your nose when you laugh, or the little wrinkles in your brow when you're concentrated to the way you run your fingers through your hair when you're anxious or stressed. I have so many sketchbooks all dedicated to you, some of them focus more on the smaller details about you then others do. My head is just filled with nothing but you and I have no intentions on changing that.
As nice as drawing you is and I love drawing you, it's only enough to keep my mind at bay. My sketches of you are nothing like the real thing, nothing could compare to the real you. But I feel like they make me feel closer to you. I've even sketched what I imagine our life to be or how our family will look, even the house and place we'll live in. I know they're just fantasies and dreams right now but someday they'll come true, I'll make sure of it. I'll bring my art to life in one way, shape or form.
I know I haven't really interacted with you much but I plan on changing that soon. By the way, I hope you'll like the few sketches I've sent with this letter. My favorite is the one of you sitting in the park, you looked so breathtaking that day that I just had to draw it.
Your Devoted Artist
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anxiousnerdwritings · 4 years
“How was your day sweetheart, anyone I need to get rid of?” Romantic yandere Cameron Mahkent please 😤 i miss my baby
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25. "How was your day sweetheart, anyone I need to get rid of?"
You had since grown use to Cameron's more suffocating and hovering behavior. He wasn't even reall that bad in regards to his tendencies and what not, especially once you took into count the whole picture. He definitely could have been far worse then he already was, but he was still your soft boy through and through. That would never change, at least you hoped it never would.
Now just because you'd grown use to his said behavior, that didn't mean you accepted or agreed with it by any means. The two of you had had plenty of conversation, even at one time arguments, about the matter. And Cam would promise he would tone it down, even just a little, and he would but something would always come up to bring back his obsessive tendencies.
Cameron loved you, there was no doubt about it. He loved you and everything about you, it's one of the things that lead him to this obsession with you. He would have done anything, he's still more than willing to do anything for you, but he knows that's not what you would want. Cameron hadn't always been as open with his unhealthy behavior, especially not with you. The two of you hadn't even always been together, he was always too shy to make a move. He guesses that's why he shut in on himself and his obsession for you started to fester.
He had never meant any harm by it, he didn't even really know what he was feeling at first once he had fallen into his obsession. All he knew was that he cared about you and you were what really mattered to him. He would watch you day in and day out, taking to drawing you whenever he had the time. If he didn't have time to work on an illustrated work of art of you then he took to doodling you or anything that reminded him of you. He had been far too insecure to really even talk long with you, little chit chats here and there were enough for him as long as he could hear your voice.
He had never thought once that you would have liked him back or liked him at all for that matter. It had taken you coming up to him and asking if he wanted to go on a date for him to even consider the fact that you had milked him too. What was more important was that you had seen him, you had been paying attention to him too and he never knew.
It was once the two of you started dating that his behavior really started showing. It wasn't anything major, it wasn't like he was threatening everyone who was so much as in the same vicinity. No, he never did that. He would just watch you, drawing you whenever he could. Hell, he had even taken to writing your name repeatedly on anything he could just he would never have a chance of forgetting it. You were a were of all of this, he had decided to spill everything once the two of you had been dating for quite awhile. He had even shown you all the sketchbooks he had dedicated to works of you.
You had been taken aback, of course you were. This wasn't exactly normal, you had told him that and he knew it as well but he couldn't help himself. You knew he wasn't a harm to others or even really yourself, especially considering you had returned his feelings even being the one to start the relationship. You were committed to Cameron and you knew he was more than committed to you. You wanted more then anything to help him overcome his obsessive behavior tendencies or at least lessen them. You weren't going to leave him anyhow, no matter what. You loved him, he was your Cam and that word never change.
Walking through the entrance of yours and Cameron's home, you set your stuff down before walking into the kitchen where your fiance was there to greet you as always, "Welcome home! How was your day sweetheart, anyone I need to get rid of?"
"Cam, we've talked about that." You warned, sitting down at the kitchen counter. "I know, I know. I'm only joking That is unless there is someone I have to get rid of?"
"Cam, you know better then to joke about stuff like that. Besides, today is a very special day, remember?" You said trying to change the uncomfortable subject. "How could I possibly forget, Y/n? I only have it saved and written down all over, even thought about getting it tattooed, too." Now that made you let out a laugh.
"I got you something, Cam. I hope you like it." Getting up from your spot you went over to the things you had set down when you came home. Finding a nice looking gift bag, you went over to where Cameron was and held it out for him to take.
Chuckling, Cameron took it and began opening it. Gingerly pulling out the tissue paper, he found exactly what you had spent the last few weeks scouring for. Bringing his gift out, Cameron really took the time to take it in. It was a beautiful sketchbook, nothing compared to his much plainer ones. This one was a deep navy blue with silver calligraphy reading, "Always and Forevermore, Cameron and Y/n Mahkent"
"Happy anniversary!! I know it isn't much but I thought this one would be more special then all your other ones." You left a little bad getting him another sketchbook, but he goes through them all so quickly. You're pulled out of your musings by Cameron throwing his arms around you and holding you tight. Only pulling away to lay a kiss both on your lips and on your forehead, "I absolutely love it! I'll always love anything you give me, you should know that by now. But, really this is amazing, thank you."
"I'm glad you love it!" You should have know he'd like it no matter what, that's how he was after all. You were caught up in your own thoughts that you hadn't noticed Cameron pull out his own gift for you. His gift for you was also a sketchbook, one of his that no doubt held sketches and works of art based on you and your relationship. You always loved seeing what new ideas he came up with and whether he had decided to actually color them in or not. "Wow, I love it, Cam. I always love seeing your art!"
It had never crossed your mind that you may not be helping him at all, but only fueling his obsession all the more. If that were the case would you still stay by his side?
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anxiousnerdwritings · 4 years
#1 for Cameron Mahkent please?
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1. "Why would you want to leave? You already have everything here for you."
You would have never thought that befriending the art kid in high school would have gotten you to where you were now; looking for an escape.
How could you have predicted that he would fall so deep? How could you have been even somewhat okay with it in the beginning? Now look at you, trying to find a way out, looking for anything that would finally give.
You loved him, you still love him but this isn't how it should be. This isn't how he should be, this isn'twhat you wanted. You just wanted a little space now, something that was a rarity now. There was a time that you could spend every waking moment with him, watching him draw away on his many sketchbooks, but that feeling left you sometime ago.
You often catch yourself remembering when you still had your autonomy before things got as dark as they did. A time when you loved freely, when you were so in love that it blinded you from what was really standing in front of you.
"You love me, right?" "Of course, Cam. I wouldn't have married you otherwise." You laughed, you could never understand why he felt like he had to ask you same question every so often. He should know by now that your answer would be the same each and everytime he asked. Although, the smile he would never fail to show after hearing your answer always did warm your heart.
"I know I haven't been around in awhile, Mom, but me and Cam won'tbe able to make it up there for the holidays," this was the seventh time that you had to put her off, you knew she and your family were feeling neglected, especially with it being the holidays, but you and Cameron had already made plans.
"I just feel like you're putting us on the back burner. I know you're married now and you two have your own lives but you could still make time for your family, especially with the holidays coming up. I mean you seem to always have time for Cameron's family, why not us?" Okay, that hurt.
You hadn't thought that your family would have minded and you supposed that they didn't the first few times but you have been making Cameron's side of the family your priority. Sighing, "I'm sorry, Mom. I guess I have been prioritizing them over you. Why don't I come up there for a few days and spend sometime with you and the rest of the family. Maybe we can have a day just to ourselves, you and me." Hearing the soft chuckle of your mother, she agrees and you two set the date for when you'd go over there.
When you had told Cameron about your plans he was more than happy to spend time with your family until you said it would be just you going up there. He was a little taken aback, why couldn't he go to? "I think it would be nice for my mom and the rest of the family if I spent some alone time with them, but I'll only be gone for a few days and then I'll be back home and we'll go have dinner with your family as usual." He didn't like not being with you, even for as little as a few days but he understood that family was important so he would deal with it until you came back home.
It only took a talk from his father for him to start rethinking letting you leave by yourself. He understood that family was important and that would never change but why did you have to go by yourself, why couldn't he tag along? His father said that your family may be trying to get between the two of you, trying to put a wedge in your relationship. That couldn't be true, right? Your family wouldn't do that, would they? This only sparked anxiety in him, he could go with you and still give you the space you need with your family, why couldn't you two just do that. At least he would be with you.
His grandparents were no help, only fueling what his father's words had already started festering. Were you secretly trying to leave him? There was no way, you wouldn't do that to him? Right? Of course not, he trusted you, but he couldn't trust your family completely. What if his family was right? What if your family was trying to get you away from him? He couldn't let that happen, you were the best thing that happen to him.
You were packing to leave for your visit to your family when Cameron came in and sat on your shared bed, "Are you sure I can't still come with you? I'm sure your family wouldn't mind." "I'm sure, honey. I think it's what they need right now, but we can visit them again together after I come back, I'm sure they'd like that." As much as that made him feel a little better, it didn't soothe his anxiety one bit. That overwhelming fear that he had only felt once before, when the two of you were back in school, was back with a vengence.
He trusted you, he would always trust you but that didn't mean he trusted other's, especially not your family. As much as he loved them and they made him feel like part of the family, you always came first and you always would.
"I'm sorry, Y/n, but I don't think you should go. Besides, why would you want to leave? You already have everything here for you." Freezing, you stop what you're doing and look over to where he was sitting with his back facing you, "Are you serious? I may have everything here but I don't have my family. I gave them up to move closer to yours and I've also been putting them off to spend more time with your family, so why can't you just let me have a few days alone with mine, Cameron. I've already told you that I'm coming back home, why aren't you trusting me with this."
"I know, but what if they don't want you coming back to me? What if they want you to leave and stay up there with them longer then a few days? I just can't let that happen." Walking over, you kneel in front of him, grabbing his cold hands, looking up at him, "They would never do that, they know where I want to be and who I want to be with and that's you, Cameron. I would never leave you. I love you and I'll always come back to you no matter what."
Looking into your eyes he could see that you meant every word, pulling you close he holds you tight, "I love you too, but I just can't trust them. Not with you at least." And that was all you heard before feeling a cold sensation and seeing Cameron fade in and out before everything went dark.
"Y/n, you love me right?" Being pulled out of your thoughts you look over to Cameron, he was asking the same question as always. He looked expectant, anxiously awaiting your answer like usual. "I- I don't..know... anymore."
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anxiousnerdwritings · 4 years
Could you do a letter from cameron mahkent♥️🥺
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You can find this here anon!🥰
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anxiousnerdwritings · 3 years
how do think yan!dad jordan and yan!grandparents would react to Cameron helping reader with escaping them?
I think they all would be disappointed honestly. Like, it’s Cameron’s job to be their eyes and ears when Jordan and the grandparents aren’t around. To find out that Cameron actually aided Reader in their escape and maybe even ran away with them would be a slap in the face really.
Jordan would be upset, undoubtably. He’s tracking both Reader and Cameron. He’s dragging them both home, where they’ll stay and continue to be part of the family. Cameron at this point will share the same disdain Reader has, at least towards Jordan. I think Lily and Sofus would do really good at playing innocent in regards to their roles amongst the family and all the things they’ve had a say or have taken part in.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 3 years
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Highs and Lows
Tw: mentions of deaths, drug usage/drug abuse, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempt, and yandere themes
It had been a while since you felt that sense of belonging, that familial security. After what had happened to your family the Zarick’s had been kind enough to open themselves and their home up to you. They made you feel like family and not some charity case. They were all so loving and inviting, you couldn’t believe just how lucky you’d gotten.
That was until tragedy struck once again. Joey had died in a freak accident on the way home from school.
You weren’t the same after what happened to Joey and no one should have expected you to be, especially since you had witnessed the accident first hand. You were traumatized and scarred. All you saw when you closed your eyes was the same horrific scene repeating and it wouldn’t stop.
When you thought things couldn’t get worse Wiliam died shortly after finding out about Joey. You could still remember his reaction, how he ran out of the house with some kind of intention in mind, leaving you and Denise in pieces. You never would be able to know what he had planned when he abruptly left that night.
If only you knew it would be the last time you saw him, maybe you could have tried harder to stop him.
After that Blue Valley didn’t seem like home anymore. Denise just wanted to get away from anything and everything that reminded her of what she and you both lost. You were more than willing to leave when she brought up moving. You wanted to get away just as much as her. Everywhere you looked you were haunted by the memories of two loving people who were taken away far too early. It was just you and Denise now and you both wanted nothing more than to leave your ghosts behind.
Everything was set and ready to go. Denise even seemed more rushed than before to leave Blue Valley behind. The two of you were in the car and everything seemed normal. The radio was playing but it was only to fill the silence. Neither of you knew what to say, a part of you felt guilty for leaving yours and the Zarick’s home. It felt like you were abandoning Joey and William but that warmth from before just wasn’t there anymore.
Everything seemed so cold and dark, like all the light had been sucked out. This place was only a reminder of sadness and hurt. Even the good times couldn’t outweigh the burden in your hearts.
It was quiet for a while longer before Denise spoke up, “This is for the best, (Y/n). There was nothing left in Blue Valley. Not anymore. It’s just us now.” She was trying to keep her voice from breaking and you were trying to keep your tears at bay, but you knew she was right.
You were all she had now and she was all you had.
And that was the last thing on your mind before a crashing noise hit your ears. Both you and Denise were sent rolling.
When you open your eyes again, you were waking up in the hospital back in Blue Valley. You were obviously hurt, body aching from the ordeal it had been through. It’s only when you try to sit up that you realize you aren’t alone.
A firm, yet gentle, hand pushes you to lay back down. Looking up, you’re greeted by a man you’ve never met before. You’re too caught up in your staring and confusion to realize he’s speaking, “You shouldn’t try and strain yourself. Not after the ordeal you’ve been put through.”
Once you’re laying back comfortably again, the man fixes his suit and heads back to a chair off in the corner, you assume he had been occupying it before you awoke.
It’s unsettling to say the least and all the more ominous, the way he stares at you that is. His gaze is intense and it scares you. It’s like he’s trying to see everything that you are and everything you’ve ever been. The coldness of the room doesn’t help ease your anxiety. If anything it adds to it, making you feel all the more vulnerable.
“I’m sorry, I haven’t properly introduced myself. I am Jordan Mahkent, I am- well, I was a friend of William’s.” Oh, so he was familiar with your past adoptive father? That made you feel a little more at ease.
“Oh, um...okay. By chance do you know where Denise is? I would really like to see her.” For some reason it feels like the room’s gotten colder. It doesn’t help that you can’t quite read the expression on Jordan’s face. That is until it turns into one of sympathy.
“I’m sorry, Y/n, but Denise didn’t make it.” You could feel all the air leave your sore lungs. What the hell was he talking about? Denise didn’t make it? But she had been right next to you the last you remember.
Throat dry you try to speak again, “What so you mean? She was there, I was with her and she was fine!” You’re choked up, tears streaming down your face. You don’t even notice that Jordan is now sitting next to you, wiping your tears away with a hand considerably colder than normal. He’s trying to be comforting but all you can focus on are his words echoing in your head.
“I’ve got you, Y/n. I’m here for you now.”
There wasn’t a single day that passed without Jordan visiting you. You had to stay awhile longer in the hospital to recover, especially given you had woken up from a coma due to the crash. You didn’t mind though, you didn’t feel right being back in Blue Valley and you were still processing how you lost everything in a matter of a few days.
But Jordan was nice. He was patient but most importantly he was there for you. He seemed kind enough. He would even tell you stories about when he and William were close. It was comforting hearing about William, especially in his youth but it still hurt to hear his name knowing full well he wouldn’t be coming back.
The day of you getting discharged, Jordan had offered that you stay with him and his family. Thai scenario felt oddly familiar. Similar to how you’d been brought into the Zarick family. You couldn’t deny that it was a kind gesture and it’s not like you had anywhere else to go.
His family was just as welcoming as the Zarick’s had been. You kept trying to remind yourself that these people weren’t your past family but the memories and comparisons just wouldn’t leave you alone. You couldn’t quite put your finger on whether it was healthy for you to think this way or not.
It hurt, that much was for certain. It didn’t help that you felt like you were not only replacing your old family but that you were also using these nice, generous people to fill a void in you from everything that you’d lost. It didn’t feel right at all to you and the Mahkent’s definitely didn’t deserve it either. They were just trying to do a good thing after all.
You tried giving what you could to this new family but it was hard. You were obviously depressed and still dealing with what happened to the Zarick’s. You just wanted your family back. You just wanted your Joey, your William and your Denise again. You just wanted to be home with them, where you were happy and content. The only thing that seemed to make you feel better were the pain killers the doctor had prescribed and they didn’t make you feel anything. You’d guess that the numbness was better than the hurt in the long run. Not to mention it helped keep away the horrible images in your head of Joey’s death, even if only for awhile.
And sometimes, if you were lucky, you could see William, Denise, and Joey. It was as if they were right there with you, like the four of you were together again. It was nice to say the least. It gave what you needed, even if it was just a little taste of it.
Fortunately for you, your injuries and trauma were severe enough that you were given a prescription of painkillers to refill as long as you needed them. You could feel numb and be with your family again whenever you needed to, as long as you had that prescription.
As hard as you tried to keep this away from anyone else, especially the Mahkents, you weren’t very successful. Jordan knew something wasn’t quite right. He was understanding that you would need time to adapt and get comfortable with them but he thought you would surely grow to love and be part of his family by now. Don’t get him wrong, Jordan was seeing you trying to be involved but it wasn’t enough. You were still holding back.
It wasn’t until Cameron came to him, worried about you that he started to see a different change in you. You seemed spacey and not really in the moment but that was understandable given your medication. It was some pretty strong stuff after all. But Jordan took note to ask about it at your next checkup. Thankfully you had to have mandatory checkups and your most recent one was coming up.
But Jordan was going to have a talk with Henry, not only for some information on this specific medication but also to have Henry tell him just what was going on in that head of yours.
Your check up went well. You still need your medication but the dosage as been dropped. Once your assigned doctor heard that you were acting just a little too out of it they thought it was about time to decrease your medicine, even though the before amount shouldn’t have affected you like that. After that was said and done, Jordan left you at the vending machine and headed off to Henry.
It didn’t take him long to find Henry nor did it take Henry long to read your thoughts. But once Jordan heard what was going through your head, he couldn’t quite pinpoint how or what he was feeling exactly. One thing was for certain though, he was going to be monitoring your medicine intake from now on.
You knew you had a problem. You were conscious of that and you had tried to stop but you couldn’t bring yourself to. You wanted the hurt to stop, you just wanted to stop feeling altogether. And that’s just what you got when you took a few extra pills then prescribed. You guess you should have been more mindful. That’s why when Jordan started handing out your medication a part of you was relieved. Maybe things could get better. Maybe you could get better. But then that all too familiar itch was back and you were in need.
But Jordan was determined to not to let you destroy yourself. He didn’t care what you lost at this point. You had something new and alive right in front of you. You had a family right in front of you. But you weren’t seeing them. You weren’t seeing him. You weren’t seeing anything anymore.
It’s all getting to be too much. Everything is getting to be too much.
You’re starting to feel too much. You’re starting to feel everything.
Everything is so overwhelming and erratic.
Your emotions are so overwhelming and erratic. What do you do? What is there to do?
Before you know it, your standing at the very bridge where Joey’s accident happened. You’re only standing, staring off, not a single thought passing through. Then you’re somehow over the railing, standing on the edge of one of the steel beams holding the bride up. It’s only now that a thought comes to mind, one single word: Jump.
But you don’t really want to, do you?
You would get to be with your family again.
But then you would be leaving behind another family.
You would finally not have to feel anything anymore.
But you would be hurting others in the process.
You could be happy again.
But would you really?
You’re crying now. You can feel the tears, you can taste them from the corner of your mouth. You can hear something. You can hear someone calling out to you. Turning your head, you see Jordan running over towards you. He’s panicked but his voice is calm.
“Y/n? What are you doing over there??? Come here. Come on, I got you.” He’s holding his arms out for you. He’s here for you. That’s when it hits you, the realization of what you were just about to do. And you’re scared, reaching out to him. Jordan gets close enough to grab hold of you, pulling you over the railing like nothing.
He’s clutching you close, so close it hurts. But it’s a good hurt. It means you’re there with him, that he has you safe in his arms. It doesn’t even matter how cold he is anymore.
You’re sobbing now, clutching at him just as feverishly. “I’m sorry!! I’m so sorry!! I didn’t mean it! I don’t want to die!!!”
He tries to console you, still holding you so tightly. His voice is calm, soothing as he says, “You’re okay, you’re safe now. Everything’s going to be okay, Y/n. I promise.”
No, you don’t want to die. Of course you want to see William, Denise and Joey again. You want nothing more than to finally be reunited with them once more but you just can’t.
Not yet. Not now.
And they can wait. The’ll wait for as long as they have to. They’ll always be waiting for you.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 3 years
Out of all the fandoms you do, who(se) do you think is the best romantic, platonic (brother sister like) and parent yandere(s) to stuck with?
Best Platonic (brother and sister)-wise: Joey Zarick Stargirl, Mike Dugan Stargirl, Charlie Bradbury Supernatural, Jo Harvelle Supernatural, Nero Devil May Cry, Seth Clearwater Twilight, Emmett Cullen Twilight, Heidi Volturi Twilight, Victoria Twilight, Chris Redfield Resident Evil, Kol Mikaelson The Originals, Dick Grayson DC, Barbara Gordon DC, Stiles Stilinski Teen Wolf, Nightcrawler X-men, Pietro Maximoff Marvel, Johnny Storm Marvel, Wally West DC, Barty Allen DC, Stephanie Brown DC, Miles Morales Marvel, Robb Stark Game of Thrones,
Best Platonic (parent)-wise: William and Denise Zarick Stargirl, Barbara Dugan Stargirl, Balthazar Supernatural, Gabriel Supernatural, Esme Cullen Twilight, Charlie Swan Twilight, Coach Finstock Teen Wolf, Nemesis Resident Evil (he tries), Alfred Pennyworth DC, Harley Quinn DC, Rogue X-Men, Lois Lane DC.
Best Romantic-wise: Nightcrawler X-men, Cameron Mahkent Stargirl, Joey Zarick Stargirl, Sweet Pea Riverdale, Fangs Riverdale, Isaac Lahey Teen Wolf, Robb Stark Game of Thrones, Willas Tyrell Game of Thrones.
(This is all I could think of.)
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