#yandere lu fierce deity
Far More Than Just A Mask
I'd like to thank @cloudninetonine for giving me the confidence to come out of the shadows and start posting the fics I write. I haven't really posted anything before, so I'm still figuring out how to use the Tumblr posting format. I'd also like to shout out @yanderelinkeduniverse @neverchecking @gliphyartfan @luimagines @yourlocaltreesimp and @wayfayrr as I was also inspired by their writings and content in general. To whoever stumbles across my fic and enjoys it, please go give these amazing people some love! With that being said, I'd also like to express my gratitude towards @linkeduniverse for their amazing work as their comics are what this fic is based off of. I hope everyone enjoys!
TW: Yandere themes, blood, possession, creeps be creepy
Your entrance into this journey filled with world hopping and a band of men all dubbed strange and woefully bad nicknames was… interesting. Thankfully enough, it wasn’t a truck send off level of isekai but it wasn’t the go to sleep and then wake up somewhere else type either. No, it was deciding to venture out at night for a rather dumb reason, immediately get lost, stumble across a strange portal, proceed to be chased into said portal by a pure black shadow with red eyes, and then stumble around in a forest you very much didn’t recognize. And then, of course, you stumbled across them.
They had dubbed their group The Chain since they were all Link (based on the expressions made when you were informed of this, it was clear who did and didn’t like the idea). After the initial shock based, you were suddenly bombarded with questions about… everything, really. The sheer amount of attention, combined with knowing a lot more than you should (in their eyes but they didn’t need to know that to the full extent), caused you to freeze. Well, internally freeze. As cooly as you could, you tried to answer the many questions thrown your way as truthfully as you deemed necessary.
“What’s your Hyrule like?”
“I don’t have one.”
“You don’t have one? What does that mean? Are you before Hyrule exists or did your Link… fail?” “I just don’t have one. It… never existed. A lot of what exists for you doesn’t for me- not outside of fairy tales, that is. Magic, fairies, multiple civilizations of different species, and more.”
“Why are your ears clipped? Is it a sort of fashion statement or a punishment?”
“Neither. I’m not Hylian, I’m human. Humans are similar to Hylians but we don’t have pointed ears and are usually a little taller than the average Hylian.”
“Why are your clothes so… weird…”
“They’re not weird to me. You guys certainly are, though.”
And the questions continued. After days of asking questions, which quickly broke past barriers and dug deeper than you were comfortable with, The Chain relented a little. It was clear as day that they didn’t trust you, not a bit, but they still “added” you to their little entourage. Dark Link, or Dink as they called him, had still pushed you through that portal like it did for the rest of them. Meaning, somehow, that you were fated to be a part of the Chain even though you were very far from being a Link. In truth, you knew probably half of them believed you might be colluding with the entity and were simply keeping tabs on you. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, as they say.
Thankfully, you weren’t a complete dead weight. You didn’t mind doing chores since you surely couldn’t battle. Despite some of your “exotic” looks (largely your ears, they’re still getting over that), merchants and townsfolk seemed to open up a bit easier to you. Plus, a lot of creatures from the mundane to mystical quite liked you for whatever reason. Were you not in the Champion’s Hyrule, that may not have stuck out as much as it did. On top of that, you knew first-aid better than most of them did. You were no genius in medicine, but you knew enough about the human body (thank you Forensic Files). You also had the “remedies” your Nana often chose over medicine- a lot less helpful in your world, but far more useful in nearly any Hyrule given the more mystical nature of, well, everything.
It took nearly two weeks for the mock friendliness to turn genuine and nearly a month and a half for everyone (including Legend, though he’ll deny it even if he were six feet under) to have a bit of trust in you. It wasn’t like the bonds they had with each other nor the ones you had with your friends back home, but it was something and that something showed. That fact certainly helped you sleep a bit easier during the night.
So now, here you sit around a campfire with the Chain after yet another day of traveling. Despite sitting in a circle, everyone was still a little grouped up and remained chatting in that group. Hyrule, Wild, and Wind were all conversing with each other in semi-hushed tones which made you believe some level of tomfoolery was sure to happen in the coming days. Sky, Four, and Wars were simply chatting about random things. Legend and Twilight were off on patrolling duty at the moment which was a bit of a balm for you given just how… prickly the Vet was in regards towards you at times (you knew it was mostly show, but that didn’t stop it from being aggravating). All of this left Time and you sitting beside each other in silence as one surveyed the camp and its occupants with a well-trained eye and the other lightly zoned out.
Although semi-zoned out, you weren’t entirely oblivious to the world. Your eyes drifted around and loosely observed the scenery although it was regarded as little more than static to your brain. By chance, your eyes drifted downwards and caught eye of a trinket that often sat on the hip of Time- a mask. Not just any mask, though. You hadn’t played Majora’s Mask before but you saw snippets of it and knew what the Fierce Deity mask was. You noticed from day one that Time- rather foreign in your eyes given the design you were used to- partly had the mask’s markings on his face. You had many guesses as to why that was, but you didn’t ask any.
“No- you can’t try it on,” Time speaks up as he quickly notices your stare at the mask. It jolts you a little as you didn’t realize just how long you had been staring at the aforementioned trinket.
“Oh? I wasn’t going to ask to but… well, now I’m curious as to why you don’t want me to. Is it special to you? I’ve never seen anyone else touch it before,” you ask as you stare at the mask in partly feigned curiosity, avoiding Time’s stare. Faking ignorance had grown to be second nature by now.
“Because everyone else knows that it’s good to stay away from it lest you risk tragedy. It’s a magical mask but the power it holds is… potent. Rather, who it holds,” Time cryptically answers with a small grin. It brings a little grin to your face as well that the mask wasn’t too sore a subject for the Old Man, but it was best to tread the waters lightly.
“Who it holds? There’s… a person in there?” You ask.
“Not just a person- a god. It’s called the Fierce Deity Mask as it holds a god of war within it. Put on the mask, and you become something of a vessel for him to use. Naturally, doing so is dangerous- extremely so- so don’t expect to be seeing it in use any time soon,” Time answers with a lit of strictness at the end.
“Can I… at least touch it? Or hold it?” You push, curious about many things in relation to the mask. What did a magical mask feel like in your hands? Could you feel the power of Fierce Deity wanting to be released? Could you maybe even hear him? Would your heart begin to pump loudly, as if trying to sync with a war drum? Time can practically hear your unasked questions, it seems, as he detaches the mask from his belt and hands it to you.
It’s weighty in your hands. Not heavy, but weighty. Its texture is smooth and makes it feel a little bit more like fine pottery than wood. Despite that, you knew you wouldn’t be able to break it by accidentally or purposefully dropping it (could it ever be broken? What would happen if it was?). Despite the chill in the air, the mask was warm. Something that could easily be attributed to being nearly sandwiched between your’s and Time’s body, but you felt like that wasn’t the case. Aside from that, the mask was almost… underwhelming. “What? Expecting something grand to happen?” Time lets out a short and breathy chuckle at the puzzled expression that must be on your face at the moment. “Yeah… I guess so,” You mumble, still holding the mask and looking at it in the eyes- or rather eye sockets. Randomly, you hold the mask up and away from you as if it were someone face to face with you.
“Hello, Fierce Deity, I’m (Name). A… pleasure to meet you? At least, somewhat…”
A beat of silence. And then another. And then another. And th-
“BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! D-Did you seriously just introduce yourself to a mask?!”
Your face burned crimson at Wind’s howling laughter and remark. Many others shared his laughter, including Time himself. Naturally, you looked straight down at your lap and didn’t even resist having Time take the mask back. So caught up in your embarrassing action, you and everyone missed the slight vibration the mask gave off. The second Time put the mask back on his hip was the moment you decided you’d turn in for the night.
Of course, your luck was little and fickle so some of the boys decided to poke at you further come the next day. While you settled beside a stream to wash clothes, it didn’t take long before Hyrule hopped over with a little grin as he propped up the Fierce Deity mask beside you. He made a little comment about how you appeared lonely before practically running off. Unsure of whether to snap at Hyrule or almost pity the god within the mask, you simply chose to go about your chores. You had a gut feeling that a few of the Links were likely lingering close by, so you did your best to stay tight lipped beside the mask. Which was hard since chore time (especially when it allocated some space between you and the boys) was also welcomed alone time. More often than not did you talk to yourself. Safe to say that having such time and space intruded upon left you a little… pent up for the rest of the day.
When the next laundry day came by, the same stunt was pulled (by Wild this time) but you couldn’t keep your silence. Camp was located a little further from the stream than it was at the previous site, so you felt a little more secure.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled out as you began to wash the pile of clothes beside you. By now, you’ve long grown used to the awful smell of them and you were thankful that, despite having a sculpted nose, the mask didn’t have nostrils. After a few moments of silence, you continued. “I, uhm… I’m sorry for the way that they’re treating you. Perhaps seeing the way I interacted with you that night caused them to grow a little too comfortable around you. I just ask that you forgive or at least tolerate the behavior- it’s an outlet for a handful of them. I know you’ve been with Time for awhile, so I know that you know full well the stress and trauma these boys have. It may seem like little to you given your rank as a deity, but I’m sure you’ve grown to understand mortals a bit better after hanging off the hip of one for years.”
After that, it felt like a dam had broken. Anytime you were off doing your chores, the Fierce Deity mask was there beside you. To the Chain it was a recurring joke that turned into a slight routine (something Legend hated since having something so powerful be near you was always something he despised). To you, it was finally a chance to talk- to vent without being judged. Well, you’re sure that Fierce Deity was judging you but you couldn’t hear him. Honestly, there were parts of your life that you likely sooner shared with the mask than you did with anyone else. It’s not like he can spill your secrets, anyway.
You wondered what he must have thought of you. An annoyance? A break? An interesting or perhaps strange mortal? Or did he just not care at all? Was he curious about your ramblings that described your passions, your home, your world or was it merely buzzing in his ears? You didn’t know and likely never would. At least, so you thought.
And it all started with a simple, and seemingly logical, decision from Time.
“I’m sorry- what? You’re wanting the Outsider to have the mask with them? Time, what the fuck?! We’re your sword brothers and we’ve hardly been allowed to touch the damn thing but now it gets to hang off of that witch’s hip?! What happens if we need to use it? Or what happens if they use it? We’re all screwed!” Legend practically screams as Time tells the Chain of his decision. You want to stand tall and face Legend, but you knew that his comment wasn’t entirely based off of his prickly personality (despite what may come out of his mouth). No, all of the boys were likely fretting over you having the mask given what it did to its wearer. If it could take down even a Hero of Courage, then what could it do to you?
“Enough!” Time snorted as he stared down the pink haired man. “The mask is not some secret weapon, let alone a toy (Wild, Wind, and Hyrule flinch), to be used at your leisure. That’s something this ‘outsider’ realizes better than seemingly all of you. As such, I’m entrusting it into their care to make sure it’s not abused. It is only for the worst case scenarios, do I make myself clear?”
“But the past few monster hordes have gotten stronger! I understand that (Name) acts as a field medic to the best of their ability but they stay away from battle when they can. It’ll be inconvenient and risky to let it be away from us for multiple reasons. What if a battle goes south fast and we can’t get to it in time? What if something tries to steal it from them? What if they have no choice but to use it and potentially lets Fierce Deity go on a rampage? I can guarantee that it’d hurt them,” Wars argues with a much more put together and logical rebuttal than Legend. That still doesn’t save you from the ever present glare the Vet has aimed at you and the mask.
“I’ve thought of all of this but I still believe this for the best. Besides, the hordes feel stronger because we’ve been dealing with smaller and weaker hordes for over a month now. Dink has been trying to soften us up a little and I can see that it’s worked based on our combined performance in the last battle,” Time huffs and deepens his scowl. He gives the Chain a thorough stare down before speaking again. “Anyone else want to pipe up?”
The only thing that spoke for about the next ten seconds was the breeze. After that short but tense “talk” was over with, the Chain was back on the move. Safe to say you were distracted as you and the boys traveled, though not by the gazes you felt on your person and on the mask. Rather… it was due to the mask itself. During the argument, it had been on your waist the entire time. With everyone focusing on whoever was taking their turn arguing with Time, they were all blind to the way the mask was reacting. Due to your close proximity to the mask for some time now, you knew full well that Fierce Deity could hear and see what happened around him from his wooden prison. He couldn’t speak, but he could make the mask buzz. He did it seldom, but seldom was not the word you would use for moments ago. Given how a lot of the boys still regarded him as an object, it must have pissed him off. Or, maybe, he was also a little pissed at how his new carrier was being treated. It was likely the former but you at least hope you’ve rubbed off on Fierce just a little bit by now.
‘On… put the mask on…’
Okay, maybe you’ve rubbed off on him a little… too much.
The freaky occurrences began to happen nearly a week after you were appointed as Fierce Deity’s new carrier. You didn’t notice the whispers at first as they were quiet and usually spoken while the boys were speaking. You also didn’t notice how the mask would move just a little bit whenever you set it down. Naturally, you couldn’t ignore it for forever- not as the mask only grew more active in regards to your ignorance.
The calls from the mask were getting closer by the day. It’s whisper- his whisper, grew louder for every night that passed. His voice was low and rumbling like a distant thunder, like an approaching storm. You’d put the mask on the other side of your tent (much to the displeasure of whoever you were sharing the tent with at the time) but it’d still end up only a foot or two away from you when morning came. Your once rather passive regard for the mask and the deity trapped within it was becoming… strained as the days went by. The boys noticed it, to the point you wondered if Time planned to take back the mask, but they (aside from a seething Legend) never commented on it. It should have come to the surprise of no one that the rising tension would eventually snap.
“You did pretty good out there today, Wind. I didn’t expect you to take out those three lizafols so quickly,” Wild complimented the young lad as he joined the group around the campfire.
“Ha, naturally! With my rate of improvement, I may even surpass the Old Man one day!” Wind puffed up his chest and grinned. The sight of his youthful happiness and high esteem caused the other men to either chuckle or feel a touch of nostalgia.
“Careful- we’ve seen what praise like that does to one of us,” Legend tsks as he side eyes Wars. The knight rolls his eyes but doesn’t clap back for once.
“It’s well deserved praise, Legend. Wind is truly improving- there’s no harm in letting him know,” Hyrule claims. The man opens his mouth to add more but is stopped when Twilight springs up from his spot and stands stiff as a board. The aura surrounding the rancher is tense as he eyes the tent farthest from the campfire.
“Uh, Twilight? What’s wr-”
“(Name)?” Twilight called out as he took a few steps towards the tent you were currently sleeping in. Due to his heightened senses, he could hear muffled grunts and whines of pain. Could you be having a nightmare? No, if it was a nightmare why did he feel so… worried? Scared, even? Based on the tense men around the campfire, they were starting to feel that as well.
Twilight walks, almost stalks, towards the tent. The wolf within was howling and snarling in the back of his mind, that something bad was happening. An almost shaky hand grabbed the fabric of the tent and… he stalled. Why? Why was he stalling? Why did it feel like he shouldn’t open the tent when he knew that he should? That he has to? That his friend- their friend- was in trouble? Why-
“Leave, Hero of Twilight. This is a private moment and you are not welcome.”
Twilight nearly flung the tent into the field.
A thrashing body was pulled from the tent and pinned down to the ground. Wild reached for the mask stuck to your face and tried to pry it away from you but it wouldn’t budge. While you weren’t transforming into the Fierce Deity, that didn’t mean you weren't under his influence at the moment. His voice had come out of your mouth, after all.
“Dammit! (Name)!” Time bellowed, kneeling beside the scene with an equal mix of anger and worry. Worry because he knows- Hylia does he know what that mask can do and angry at himself. He should have taken the mask back the second it started to show signs of attachment. He should have never let you have it- never let you even touch it.
Suddenly, you went limp. Grunts stopped on the tip of your tongue as you let out a drawn out breath. As if it wasn’t just stuck to your face like glue, Wild yanked off the mask with ease. Aside from some redness and even blood on the outline of your face due to the struggle, your face was largely unharmed. In fact, it looked eerily… peaceful.
Your arms slowly closed in and you hugged yourself. In gentle motions that appeared strange to the Chain- as if it wasn’t really you moving your appendages- you rubbed your arms. Your face settles into a more so neutral expression as you eyes flutter open for just a moment to reveal almost entirely white eyes.
“Shhh… you’re alright now, I told you that it would only hurt for a moment. Shhh…,” Fierce Deity gently spoke out of your mouth before your eyes returned to normal. With a tiny groan, your head lolled to the side as you blacked out.
Safe to say that it was absolute chaos when you woke back up.
Strained voices were arguing somewhere nearby and it didn’t help soothe your forming headache. With wobbly arms, you tried to push yourself up but failed as strength seemingly refused to return to you.
“(Name)? Thank the goddesses you’re awake!” Four pipped up in what sounded like absolute relief. Such relief was short lived as you watched Four get up and run off. You tried to sit up again in your sleeping bag but the weakness in your body persisted. Why? Why were you so weak? You went to bed early, dammit!
A baritone chuckle rings in your ears.
“I apologize for that, dear one. Your lack of strength is due to my actions last night.”
The voice was a shock to your system. You frantically looked around for its origin but couldn’t find it. Your confused actions caused the voice to nearly coo.
“Be not afraid, dear one. I am here, with you. That is why you can hear me.”
Light flooded the tent as what seemed to be a multitude of Links trying to force their way in. Time, thanks to his bulk and armor, was the one who managed to force himself to your side. His grip on your face was almost harsh as he looked over your face with a scrutinizing eye. His hardened scowl made your heart drop into your stomach. Buried fears of the Chain turning on you started to surface as nearly everyone gave you heated glares.
“What did he do? What did Fierce Deity do?” Time questioned as he still held your face, not letting go.
Fierce Deity- of course, how could you forget? Your panic that night as you rolled over and into an awaiting mask. The fear as he grabbed onto your mind despite his gentle tone.
“The mask… I… I rolled over and then it was on my face,” You answer meekly, unsure of what words to use because Time looked like he was about to blow a fuse. Anxious and a little frightened by the Old Man, you rambled on. “I swear that I put it on the other side of the tent! I promise I would never put on the mask like that! I-I… I… I’m going to ask you to unhand their face, Hero of Time. Scaring them will not grant you answers.”
Time let go of your face like it would burn him. A few of the boys behind him instinctively reached for their swords but paused. Even with the blank, white eyes staring back at them, this was still their friend’s face.
“What have you done? Why have you possessed (Name)? How?!” Wars interrogated Fierce Deity as he stared back at him.
“I have not truly possessed them. I merely created a bridge between our minds. It will not let me control them like this for much longer. I can only do so because it is still… fresh,” Fierce Deity explains, a ghost of a smile present in his voice.
“Really now? I don’t believe that for a second! Why else would you create this mental bridge if not to have them as a vessel?” Wild piped up as he tried to get close to his friend’s body. He failed to do so as Time practically shielded you from him.
“Personal reasons. I needn’t explain them to you, but I will assure you that I will not harm them. No, I would never force these innocent hands to slaughter. Not unless they were without choice,” Fierce Deity claims. As he speaks, he rubs your hands together as if enthralled with how gentle they felt compared to the calloused and aching hands he was used to guiding.
“And what, in your mind, is ‘without choice’?” Time pressed, grabbing your hands with a scowl.
“Conflict follows this group like a pack of starving wolves. There have been many times where death nearly sunk its teeth into their neck. Times I wish they would have donned the mask so that I could protect them and get them to safety. Unfortunately, they still believed in the half-truths you all told them were the full truth,” Fierce Deity rumbles as he stares down at Times grip with a less than pleased expression.
“I am not comfortable with what you’ve done to our friend. I don’t know if any of us may grow used to or comfortable with this, but… we also have no way to remove you from them. That does not mean we will not look or try. Don’t grow comfortable with this… this bond. It. Will. Not. Last,” Time threatens as he doesn’t bother to hide his disgust or displeasure. With a motion, he orders everyone else to leave. The Chain leaves the tent one by one, but not before speaking their mind. Once alone together again, Fierce Deity lets his hold slip. One or more of the heroes would come back, with more questions, and they would do so soon. So he would enjoy this little break while he had it.
“They are gone for now, dear one. No doubt they will return shortly, so let us enjoy this piece of quiet while we can.”
You lay on your side, feeling dizzy from Fierce Deity suddenly grabbing the reigns of your mind. Although he backed off once the Chain left the tent, his presence within was close. It was almost as if he was laying behind you, wanting to wrap his arms around you. Wanting to hold you close and only stopped by his lack of physical form.
“I am glad you do not have a heightened sense of smell. Their worry, rage, and envy- oh their envy- would have burned your nose. Ah, but… let us dwell on that no longer.”
Your hand was puppeteered to reach down to your side. Your were made to unclasp the mask from your belt and bring it up close to your face. Rather than putting it on, Fierce Deity touched his “face” against yours. Forehead to forehead, nose to nose, and almost mouth to mouth.
“Mmm… so soft, as always. If I had need for sleep as you do, then I would not rest unless this is the sight that’s before me. And even then, I may be too enchanted to close my eyes.”
Phantom hands rubbed at your arms, your back, and then your cheek. They weren’t real, but with Fierce’s control of your imagination, they were. And you prayed that is was his influence, and not your own heart, that found it comforting and warm. You wanted to push back and take control but, due to the “fresh” nature of your bond, you would likely be at the mercy of the god for days.
“Rest, dear one. Rest your mind and body, you must still recover from our bonding last night.”
Those phantom hands circled around you and you feel as though you’re caged in an embrace.
“I will deal with the heroes should they come to disturb you. Know that I will not let them part us- not unless they’re looking to stir my rage.”
A kiss. It wasn’t real- it wasn’t, but the rough lips upon your forehead tempted your heart to will that they were.
“And I promise that one day, we will not have to rely on this spiritual bond. No, I will make up for these ethereal affections tenfold when I find out how to return to the material plane. No matter how long it takes. Not that we must worry about that, after all. Our time together… will be eternal.”
The next few days were perhaps the most tense you’ve ever experienced. Fierce Deity was a constant presence in your head, even as the bond between the two of you settled. He wasn’t chatty, but just rather curious and inquisitive. When he wasn’t asking questions about you, he was observing. He seemed to derive an almost twisted form of happiness whenever he saw how on edge everyone was around you now . He assured it was out of jealousy of him, not fear or hatred towards you. Were it actually out of new found ill-will… no, you weren’t going to imagine what the god would have in store for them.
True to his word, his hold over your mind lessened the more the bond settled in. No longer would you feel phantom hands wrapping around your own or resting on your shoulder. No longer would it feel like a large body was laying behind your own every night you fell asleep. No longer would it be his voice on your tongue to shoo away the boys should they do wrong in the war god’s eyes. No longer did it feel like he was breathing down your neck every waking moment.
In an attempt to hinder the god’s mysterious motives, you were quickly relieved of the mask he was bound to. It was once again on Time’s hip- now covered and tied up in cloth. Honestly, you were surprised it wasn’t buried into the storage of Wild’s Sheika Slate to create even more distance. Even with what happened, it seemed that Time didn’t have it in him to simply discard the mask. Perhaps he hoped to keep the deity in check, like he had done before you accidentally stirred the entity into action.
And it would seem that that is exactly what Fierce planned on him doing.
It was supposed to be a quiet night. The area was secure, dinner was cooking in the pot, and everyone but Time was idling around the fire. Wind chatted with you about every and anything that came to mind which pushed your focus onto the young man. With your distance from the mask and not thinking about Fierce, you felt nothing from the bond. You felt calm for the first time in awhile and everyone seemed to feel the same.
“Any idea when the Old Man is gonna be back?” Wars asks aloud, looking for nearly anyone to answer him.
“Soon. Dinner’s almost done and he’s not one to miss it. At least when I’m cooking,” Wild hums. It was a simple answer to a simple question, so no one said anything else. Still, it unnerved you. Time sought to set an example, so potentially being late to dinner was unlike him. Curious, you probed on the bond connecting you to Fierce. Even if he’d huff at you checking up on another man before him, you knew you’d get an answer. You always got an answer.
“I’ll look for him,” You state as you get up and walk off in the direction of where you last saw Time. Your sudden decision startled the boys and your nervous, almost haunted, expression did nothing to soothe them.
“Then I’m going with you. I don’t want you to getting close to him,” Twilight announces as he catches up to you. His tone left you with no room for an argument but you weren’t going to.
Not when Fierce was being eerily quiet.
You and Twilight took careful steps through the forest as he tried to retrace Time’s path. You both would stop and listen to the ambient sounds of the forest whenever something sounded off. The constant stopping and going only ramped up your nerves further as it kept punctuating Fierce’s refusal to communicate.
“I’m sure we’ll get an explanation when we find him. If you ask me, he might just be getting some alone time. He always does seem to have a lot on his mind,” Twilight piped up as he led you through the woods. The man offered a small smile but the strain on his face wasn’t lost on you. “Any word from him?”
“No. Nothing. It’s like… like there’s no bond at all,” You reply. “Ever since the incident, it’s never been like that. If anything, Fierce always made an effort to feel ‘present’.”
“Maybe… he’s also taking a break?” Twilight suggested, trying to be the optimistic. You shoot him a look and that optimism is quick to falter. Twilight doesn’t give up and faces you with an uneasy smile. He gently places his hands on your shoulders and rubs them a little. You feel that it comforts him more than you. “C’mon, think about it. You’ve said that he’s not as violent as we believe him to be, so m-”
“Remove your hands from them, Hero of Twilight.”
The air is squeezed from your lungs as Twilight suddenly pulls you into a shielding embrace. His fur pelt partly blocks your vision, but you can make out an imposing silhouette between the trees. How did the both of you not notice him?
Fierce Deity was striking. He has to at least be seven feet tall and he was clad in armor similar to Time’s but it was a steely silver, not gold. The armor was lined with white fur with an abundance of it on his collar. Long, flowing locks of white swayed in the night time breeze. Fierce’s silver-gray eyes were framed by strong and downturned brows. His stare was… intense, to say the least. But your eyes weren’t on his. No, you were focused on finding out why there were splatters of blood on him.
“What did you do?!” Twilight growled. “Where’s Time? What did you do to him?!”
“I won’t ask again, Hero of Twilight. Release them,” Fierce commanded as he began to walk towards the both of you. Twilight only seemed to tighten his hold in response. This was going to end up being ugly unless you did something.
“Stop!” You exclaim as you try and fail to wrestle yourself out of Twilight’s hold. Both men head your order but the tense atmosphere doesn’t dissipate. You shoot Twilight a glare but the hero returns it as he shakes his head. True to his word from earlier, he wasn’t about to let you get close to the god of war.
A strangle cough breaks the silence as someone stumbles through the brush. Thanks to the golden armor, you knew exactly who it was.
“Oh god, Time!” You exclaim as the older man leans against a tree for support. His face is banged up and actively dripping blood. His armor was smeared with the red liquid as if he had been trying to wipe off the blood over and over again. Blood bubbled up from Time’s lips as he tried to gurgle out words. The pathetic sight was enough to shock Twilight into action as he let go of you and zipped towards the injured man.
“Ancestor! What happened?! What did he do to you?” Twilight questions as he supports the bloodied man. More gurgles and grunts leave the man’s mouth as he tries to answer the younger man’s questions. It’s clear to all present that Time is in no shape to answer questions despite the desperate need for it.
“Take him back to camp and have him healed up,” You order. The order earns you a stern shake of the head from both Twilight and Time, but you refused to budge. “Now, Twilight! I’ll be fine, I promise.”
“Go take care of him,” Fierce chimes in as he looks back to the two men. “No harm shall befall them. You have my word.”
With a tough choice to make, you can see the exact moment when a hero’s instinct takes over Twilight. He lifts up Time and barrels through the forest back to the camp. In the blink of any eye, you’re suddenly left alone with the very person who had to have harmed Time. You’re so out of your league in the current situation that you probably couldn’t even see the playing field on the horizon, but you weren’t about to back down.
“My dear-”
“What did you do to him?” You confront as you stand up as tall as you can. It’s nothing compared to the towering deity, but you weren’t about to let that stop you. Fierce seems amused by your actions. He leisurely walks towards you with his hands by his sides and a small smile on his face.
“Nothing too rash, my dear. Just a broken nose and some scraps to the face. Head wounds tend to bleed quite a lot, as you know,” Fierce answers vaguely.
“Why did you hurt him?” You continue to question as you start to back up. You wanted to keep distance between the both of you in case you had to turn heel and run. Not that’d you’d get very far, but you could only hope.
“I didn’t mean to hit him hard. He came at me and I punched him, simple as that,” Fierce assured as he continued his approach. “Surely, my dear, you believe me? You know I would not hurt another without reason.”
“The mask- how did you escape the mask?” You press as you do your best to keep your distance.
“That wooden prison was old and ready to crack. I never saught to free myself from its binds as there was little in this world that tempted me forward. Well, little until you came around. Ah, I still recall how gently you held me in your hands that night…” Fierce hummed as he closed in. It didn’t take long for him to corner you against a tree. Frozen against the trunk, you could no longer keep space between the two of you. Fierce leaned down and grabbed your hands with his own. He pressed them against his face and he stares straight into your eyes.
“Hello, (Name), I’m the one they call the Fierce Deity. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Words evaded you, as did action. You didn’t pull away nor did you do anything else than having allowed Fierce guide your actions. The god chuckles at your frozen deer response as he moves his hands under your arms and lifts you up. You cringe as he holds you close and blood seeps into your clothes and the smell of iron assaults your nose. Fierce nuzzles against your cheek and buries his strong nose into your shoulder. In your shock, you can’t tell if he kisses your shoulder or if it’s just your imagination.
A growl reverberates through you as Fierce grits his teeth. His embrace tightens as he turns to face a small group of men. A near foaming at the mouth Legend leads the party of enraged me. Upon seeing you in the grasp of the deity, the rabid man refrains from attacking but it’s clear he’s waiting for his opening. A similarly enraged Sky, Four, and Wars follow behind him and a snarling Wolfie is quick to catch up with the group.
“Quell your tongue, Veteran. They’re already stressed enough,” Fierce huffs as he rubs a hand up and down your back.
“Then let them go! Can’t you see that you’re scaring them even further?” Sky argues as he adjusts his grip on the Master Sword. Unlike Legend, he’s not still on his feet as he begins to move in an attempt to flank Fierce. Wars and Wolfie catch onto his plan while Four stays steady beside Legend.
“They are shocked, Hero of the Sky. Their senses are overwhelmed at the moment from tonights events,” Fierce dismisses the claim. He takes his eyes of the men and looks at you. His voice his low and gentle when he addresses you. “Correct, my dear? You know I’d never want to harm or scare you.”
You shrink away from Fierce and refuse to look him in the eye. The actions draw out a sigh from the god but he doesn’t force a response out of you. Instead, you feel yourself sway with his body as he begins to move. There are shouts and orders from the other men to stay still but Fierce acts as if they were little more than the surrounding scenery.
“Let’s get you back to camp. You must be hungry after all of this excitement. Can you hold a spoon? I’ll feed you if you can’t,” Fierce murmurs to you as he walks. You nod in response and the god sighs again. “Come now, my dear, what has happened to that beautiful voice of yours? Do not tell me you’re so mad at me that you’d cut me off from such sweet melodies?”
“Why do you keep calling me that?”
Fierce slows to a stop. You can practically feel the puzzled expression radiating off of his face.
“My dear? What are you talking about?”
“Why are you calling me ‘my dear’?” You repeat as you pull away from Fierce’s shoulder. You can see his face scrunch up at your remark. You also see the men who confronted him following close behind.
“Because you are dear to me, (Name). You treated me fairly and sweetly, like I was a man- not a mask. You’ve told me more than what you’ve told anyone else. You always seemed happy to be near me for the longest time. Even after my brash actions that night, you still didn’t entirely recess into fear,” Fierce answers with a strong tone. “You may not realize it, but that is very important to me. You are very important to me and by the Golden Three do I intend on making that clear.”
Fierce resumes his large gait back to the camp. When he arrives, the reception is chilly. No one moves for their weapons but nor does anyone stay far away from them. Finally, Fierce sets you down onto the ground. You slump down to the soil below you as you take in deep breaths, unaware of how shallow your breathing had been before.
“Get a bowl of food ready- and don’t be skimpy,” Fierce orders as he stares down Wild. Wild grumbles something you can’t make out but he portions out a bowl for you. Fierce takes the portion from the cook before he can even leave the pot to give it to you. He settles himself by your side before shifting you into his lap. A spoon is brought up to your lips before you can argue. At the very least, Wild’s cooking never disappoints.
“Getting comfortable?” A rough voice breaks through the ambience of the night. A now healed but still beaten up Time stares down Fierce without a shred of fear. You immediately notice that he has both eyes open, and they’re both normal. Not to mention the fact that his face was now free from markings.
“Very,” Fierce curtly replies. He doesn’t bother to face Time as he’s focused on feeding you. The deity coos at you as your mouth is stuffed with food and your cheeks puff up as a result. The actions from the towering entity is… strange and off-putting to all present. The boys are stuck between glaring at the deity or cringing at his out of character actions. Fierce couldn't care less.
The evening passed by without much more incident. Everyone was jumpy and gave you and Fierce space despite the expressed distaste towards the new addition. There would be no knight in shining armor for you tonight, so you only hoped that Fierce would keep his word on treating you kindly.
Based on how he clung to you when it was time to go to bed, he seemed only further convinced he needed to assure you of that promise. He had shed his armor so you didn’t have to have metal pressing into you. He had also wrapped you up into a blanket burrito (something he made clear he learned from you and your ramblings) to limit the amount of skin on skin contact between you. He wasn’t blind to his intensity, so he was doing his best to restrain himself. You could only hope he’d keep up the will to do- for everyone’s sake.
“Sleep tight and sweet dreams, my dear,” Fierce whispered as he fiddled with the blanket covering you and stray strands of your hair. “I will be by your side the entire night, should you need me.”
“Okay…” You mumbled out as you wanted to do nothing more than hide away into your blanket. You closed your eyes but no amount of counting sheep would make falling asleep easy. Not with arms caging you to a man ever hungry for even your attention. Ever hungry for even a sliver of affection. By Hylia, what have you gotten yourself into.
“I love you, my dear,” Fierce mumbles as he believes you’re on the brink of falling asleep. “And remember… my love for your is eternal.”
And by the Goddesses, how do you get yourself out?
A wide and fanged smile cracks against the skin of your neck. A dark and hopefully playful chuckle leaves the god of war’s lips.
“You don’t.”
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neverchecking · 9 months
NSFW Alphabet- Fierce Deity Edition
And the winner of the poll (Which isn't technically over) is, in a surprising turn of events, Fierce! Sage had the lead for a while and then it was Legend, and then the man himself pulled ahead!
I was watching it the whole time while writing this like "you better not change."
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He's the silent broody type, but every touch of his is startlingly soft. But he's pretty good at aftercare, all things considered! He's probably the type to have a set routine that he goes through each and every time. A wipe down and then a bath and then probably letting you lay on his chest while he towel dries you off <33
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On his partner? Everything. He can't chose. That would be sacrilegious. He loves every part of you. Every bump, scar, insecurity is what makes you, you. And he'll be damned before he doesn't worship every inch of your entire being.
On him? (I'll have everyone know I almost put hands here. AGAIN.) Probably his back or chest. Now, I know that sounds weird, but it's the first place your hands mark in glorious streaks of white when he's buried deep within you. It's one of the only places he can wear the marks you have graced him with so proudly. It's where you sign your name and place your claim on his heart, soul and entire being.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Man cums a lot. Be forewarned. It's thick and it's creamy and there's always a lot. Another Link with those heavy breeder balls, you know? Ones just begging to be drained into your pretty little hole. Which is exactly where he does it. Every single time. Anywhere else is a waste.
And he refuses to be wasteful.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He is always secretly terrified that he could somehow in someway hurt you. So when you take control and ride him, bouncing up and down, over and over and over again, he just feels himself fall deeper into devotion for you. Because you aren't afraid. He's slaughtered thousands. And yet, you cradle him like he is a saint. This is only proven when your above him, using him like a toy and trusting that he won't do anything to take back control.
Because he won't.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Fierce was never one for sex. I'm gonna go right off the bat with that. In fact, you're probably his first. That being said, if he lets you sleep with him, he's probably finding ways to spend the rest of his immortal years with you. You aren't leaving him. He won't let you. He's only willing to learn your body. What makes you tick. Not anyone else. He has no care for anyone else.
And he's a fast learner.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary all the way. He'll do others, but I can't see him really enjoying them. With Missionary he gets to watch your facial features and the way you heave breath after heavy breath, watching as he disappears into your greedy little hole over and over again.
So yeah, he loves missionary. Even if a breeding press also has it's place in his chest cavity (bc I'm not sure if he has a heart hfof)
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
You're kidding, right?
This man has no sense of humor. Period. Maybe he'll give you a small twitch of his lips, but other than that, he's the same stoic faced, bare boned man he portrays. So if he doesn't laugh during the times he's clothed, there's like negative chances of him doing it when he's naked.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I like to think every part of him is strictly uniform. Every part. His pubic hair is nicely groomed and trimmed and still the same stark white as the hair on his head.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
I could go either way with this. On one hand, he probably doesn't know a whole lot about Romance. Just devotion. And his devotion is so whole and honest in a way I don't think I could truly describe. Everything he does is for you. Your attention. Your approval. Your everything.
On another hand, if his lover wishes for romance, he shall do all the research necessary to ensure he is properly versed in every courting method there is. Anything his darling wants. Their wish is his command.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Never. Not once. He has zero interest in touching himself. None at all. As far as he's concerned, his dick is yours and yours alone. He merely carries it around. He has no right to touch whats yours.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
There I said it. He's so into taking this pristine art of the Golden three and just absolutely ruining it. Making your eyes red and puffy with tears as you cry out for him, bruising the delicate flesh on your hips with a grip tight enough to keep you in place, claiming you in every way you claim him as the biggest fuck you to the goddesses who blessed you
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Anywhere private. He has absolutely no interest in sharing the view of you. That is his and his alone. He believes that sex is such an intimate thing, it's his holy time.
And he doesn't share
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Anything. Anything with you. You could breath in his direction and he's hard and ready to go. If you give him the opportunity, he'll worship you all day every day. Just give him the word.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Any form of physical harm. He refuses to do that. Absolutely refuses. His hands are stained with thousands of years of blood and he refuses to let yours be there as well.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Giving all the way. That is his purest form of devotion and that's his sacred time. He could spend hours down there if you'd let him. So please let him. Plus, he's a god at oral. He's so focused on you and your reactions, you have no complaints regarding his head game.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Anything his lover wants. If they want slow and sensual, he'll do it. Fast and rough? He's pinning them down. Long, hard drags? Done. Shallow thrusts that have you crying out? Anything you wish.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Hates them. Hates them hates them hates them. SO MUCH. He refuses to rush his prayers to you. REFUSES. It's frankly insulting to insinuate he would ever do such a thing. He is taking his time in taking you apart and not speeding up even for the end of the world.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Nope. No risks. Anything risking his time with you is a big no-no. That's his special time. His moment of prayer and devotion and it is not to be interrupted.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
All day and all night. The only thing stopping him is his partner pressing the red light. He can go forever if you'd let him. He has no limit. He is a Deity after all. <3
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
None. Hates them too. Why have something as stupid as a toy there to try and please you when he does it well enough on his own? Why have any form of an imposter when he is there? Why insult his abilities with knockoffs like that?
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He enjoys it at any given point, but not a lot. Just enough to have his lover crying out his name. Just enough to have them yearning for him in just a fraction of the way he yearns for them.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
SILENT. Wouldn't say shit if he had a mouthful. Why bother? Any noise he makes is just taking away from what your crying out and he refuses to distract himself from that pure choir. A hymn of his own making.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
If his lover asked, he'd let them peg him. He'd bottom for his lover. He'd give away any control if it meant keeping his lover. Want to wrap him up in satin red ribbons and keep his limbs starfished for your exploration?
He'd do it.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
PACKING BIG HEAT Like, it's almost too big to take. Ten to eleven inches with GIRTH, maybe twelve when hard. Veiny too and he's circumcised. Has the prettiest head, just a lovely red that you can't help but want to suck. And BIG BREEDER BALLS <333
Just drain them dry babes <33
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He could go at any time, he just hides it. You say the word and he's following like an obedient puppy.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Does not sleep. He's holding you and watching to ensure you take every breath he needs you to take. He's watching you all night just to make sure you live to see the next day <3
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yourlocaltreesimp · 8 months
Reader: "So eventually I'm like- alright"
Reader: "Being nice doesn't work, being nice gets me stalkers" *side eyes the chain*
Reader: "Being mean gets me crazy men who are attached to crazy woman" *side eyes dink*
Reader: "I'm just gonna ignore y'all now *walks away while fierce deity follows behind them*
Reader: (AND THEY LIKE THAT TOO!) *turns around and yells* LEAVE ME ALONE!
Yan!Chain and all the extras is essentially just a cult. Someone’s too nice? They’re getting a very stern talking to. Someone too judgmental? Getting called out immediately. Someone too rude? Well, I hope they have good locks. Considering you’ve got anywhere from 10 to like 12 heroes, the shadow king and quite literally God, the sky could come falling down and you’d be surviving and thriving.
Oh? And Guide AU? Yeah you’re never leaving. Don’t even try. You won’t get far. They won’t let you leave again. Why would they even try to keep living if not for you?
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Could you write a yandere FD where reader finds his mask and accidentally frees him? I find the idea of him stalking reader after his freedom and reader being helpless to get help due to what he is.
Order up!
There really isn’t enough FD stuff (that isn’t smut) ((but also in general)) So here you go!
Edit: Part 2
tw: yandere, murder, slaughter of animals, blood/gore
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝
The deity despised what he had come to. A being of such pure power, capable of ripping Termina away from Hyrule thread by thread, was now bound to not much more than a piece of wood. The feeble fears of incapable gods now made a mockery of who and what he was. His prison was bleached and painted with the same war patterns that defined his godliness with the eyes empty for its wearer. Two blank spots —weak spots— in the mask. For when they bound his form to such fragility, there was something of a loophole left behind. The hallowed eyes allowed the wearer to see, and believe they had some control over their actions as his consciousness began to muddle with their own. You see, within the mask there were no holes allowing them —the wearer— to breathe. Because while they wore the mask, likeness of his own face, they didn’t realise the rotting wood begin to mingle with their skin. None of them did. Too hungry for more of the power he could provide and blood he could spill they hardly realized what they were becoming. The paint was always the first to merge with the new wearer, the pigments staining the skin as a faint, ever fading —but never truly gone— reminder of what he was. The hair came next. Silvery white strands mixing with their own around their fringe, framing their face, much similar to his own now. Last was the eyes. Not many kept the mask long enough to ever really hand themselves fully over to him, but his conscience would continue to invade nonetheless. No one held the power to hold him captive in their minds, so a corpse they were rendered. Their eyes would lose their iris, and as the wearer weakened, their eyes would become vast pools of stark white. He heard in the travelers’ wisdom that eyes were the doorway to the soul. Perhaps that was why the eyes were the last part of a person he was bled into. His final act to them was conquering their souls. Where once, double helix sword in hand, he would have slain any thing —living or otherwise— where once he could’ve conquered anything, now he was left to the slow trickle of energy from collected souls.
He’s first made aware of you by your gentle touch. You fingers cup the edge of his face —what was of it now anyway— and attempt to make sense of who it was you were looking at. Perhaps is was they no longer worshipped him in Termina. Centuries could slip by him in this form and he’d not know better. Hand in hand with that, the paint on his mask could very well be greyed and chipped beyond recognition. Immortality was always more faulty than the mortals made it seem. While boredom could be sated with bloodshed and war, it was aging that couldn’t be so simply ignored. Despite the fact his consciousness was as it was from the second he was bound into what he was, it didn’t stop the wood from rotting nor the paint from chipping and fading. Much he was like the warrior constellations in the sky. While consistent across the birth and death of many civilizations, slowly he died with them. Not in the final splatter of blood like the matter of mortality, but it was death in all the way that matters. Perhaps Hylia proved that you can kill a god. Sure, she may have ‘killed’ demise, but cyclically, he was still her tormentor. With Fierce, his form was weak. Too weak to hold him further. Much like the mortals who believed they could shoulder the weight, this form would too crack and rot beneath the earth. His point still stood that in spite of every possible factor that your serenity shouldn’t have met with his ruthlessness, you’d defied fate nonetheless.
By your grace he loved to watch you. Mounted on the fireplace, he could see everything in your tiny cabin. He could watch you cook food for yourself, sing as you cleaned the dishes afterward, and especially the fact you often would fall asleep on the couch meant he could spend even longer admiring the curves of your face. You were incomparably precious to the world. He remembers the days of his youth in divinity, freshly given his purpose. He’d killed many in those days, like an executioner who’s axe discriminated against none. The worship he once had, the temples he’d once been graced with, the concubines left for him… Perhaps he wanted more than to watch you. Being so close to what he wanted, truly wanted, made him antsy. And you’d live through life like you’d not known better. You’d talk to people where he couldn’t monitor to keep you safe, you’d leave the protection he offered. He’d long for you while you sat just out of reach, tempting him to try something. And so he did. It seems years of rot made the wood fragile.
You were honestly quite disappointed the mask had broke. The wood was splintered across the floor, and with how old it was, it really wasn’t worth saving. Still, you collected the bits from across the floor and kept moving. The forest was still and quiet as you traveled, the wind would whistle in the trees and a murder of crows crowded around you. Unfortunately, you had no bread or shinies to spare aside from a small green rupee, which they normally would’ve cawed and kicked around. Instead, their beady eyes watched you, huddled high in the trees as you waded through the forest. You could feel their eyes on you the whole way past.
The dead animals on your doorstep are not only mildly concerning, given their split open ribs, but incredibly creepy the longer it goes on. Clearly whoever was doing this was stubbornly persistent given their notes in a not very decipherable language. At first they left you a crow, the day they watched you. It had a small ring in its leg you didn’t bother to touch. The next was a badger, followed by fox, then an elk. Now, it was entirely beyond you who’d collect that many animals carcasses —you’d doubted they were hunted, given the large lacerations across their torsos— but it wasn’t much flattering. It wasn’t until you’d caved and cooked one of the elks and they’d kept giving you more that you’d considered they were trying to feed you. Sweet as that was, no one person had a use for that much elk. No one person could hunt that much elk. No person would see it right to draw a sigil in blood on the back wall of someone’s house in elk blood. No one person would help you.
You were still beautiful as you slept. He was glad now you were his spouse, though it did take you a while to get used to his courting. It was for the best though, you were well fed and protected now, more than any mortal man could hope to provide you with. He did enjoy killing all your other suitors. That tradition was always entertaining.
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moonhasmanyanimals · 1 month
I like to think the links would give you cute gifts. So here are the little things they would give you as said gifts.
Sage- I think he would give you either apple seeds or make you a stuffed animal. Like take up sewing just to make you one
Wild- Silly little earrings, Because I like to think he loves to match clothes. I think matching earrings from Gerudo Town. Or maybe like sage a stuffed animal but make it a little wolf.
Time- He would totally make you something, He's a total romantic guy. He would get you flowers or get you chocolates. Bonus if the Kokiri helps him make the chocolates (Yes I headcanon that those kids can make some good ass chocolate)
Twilight- Why do you want to know? Ok but for real. He would go into his wolf form whenever you ask. Because I bet Wolfie is stupidly fluffy. But if that doesn't satisfy I think he would get you A necklace from Zora's Domain.
Four- He makes you gifts, My man is a blacksmith. He would make you branclets or earrings of whatever you want. But if you want he'll take you on a date under the starry sky.
Sky- Speaking of skies. I think his gift would be to show you how to ride a loftwing in his Hyrule. Or get you a Remlit. Because have you SEEN those little cute monsters. He is also very romantic like time so he would get you Flowers or Chocolate or any candy you want.
Wind- Like I stated he's romantic for you while you see him as a little brother or your kid. Would get you flowers from the field and bring them to you. Maybe ask Time or Wild for some money to go get you some fruits in Kakariko.
Hyrule- While I would like to say he's in his late teens or early twenties, he doesn't have experience like twilight or time. I think he tries really hard with his gifts. He kinda goes off everyone else so maybe just a little date with some roses.
Legend- lovely hoarder of a man, he's such a loser and I love him so much for it. I think he's a little classy, Roses and chocolates yes. But also gets you a ring. He would take you to Lorule with enough begging.
Wars- Imma make it easy because i don't know much about him yet, So imma say that he gives you his clothes or let's you wear his scarf. Likes your time more then having gifts
Fierce deity- He seems to follow you around a bit. He likes your time and your hugs but if he were to give you something it might be a little spirit he has in his pocket (another random headcanon I have)
Dark Link (Dink? idk what his LU name is)- One of those cool skull horses. You know? He would teach you to ride it. He also would give you black roses or get matching outfits.
Ravio- anything you want. It doesn't matter. But he would also get you a stuffed animal.
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yanderelinkeduniverse · 8 months
can we take a moment to remember the fierce deity chain au where the chain become gods and trap y/n in a reality that looks like their home put is controlled by the chain
also we know twilight abuses doggo privileges, does legend abuse rabbit privileges?
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OMG YOU’RE RIGHT I REMEMBER THIS. Damn it’s been so long I should really redraw this or just the Chain’s FD designs in general.
Also, it’s hard to say whether or not Legend abuses his rabbit privileges since his circumstances are much different than Twilight’s.
For one thing, Legend doesn’t have unlimited access to the Twili artifact, that’s one of Twilight’s things. If he wanted to use it, and use it enough that he’s considered abusing his cute bunny form, then he’d have to steal the artifact far too many times for Twilight not to notice.
Plus there’s the whole pink hair thing and while I don’t think Legend would forsake affection just because he’s a little bit embarrassed about having pink hair(especially if (y/n) actually likes his pink hair) it also serves as a big obvious indicator that got bunnified to those who know.
Granted, this is all under the assumption that Legend needs to hide this during a time when they’re all still tumultuous with each other and their feelings. If they have a steady foundation and trust in one another then Legend could simply ask Twilight for the artifact from time to time. But even then Twilight isn’t letting him have it to very other day, y’know?
So the answer is, while Legend might want to take advantage of his rabbit form, he wouldn’t be able to one way or another.
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gliphyartfan · 6 months
@yanderelinkeduniverse @stars-for-thought @imprisioned-in-the-hole @screaming-until-god-hears-me @crestfallenmermaidan @ice-cream-writes-stuff @linked-heroes @eternadreeblissa
Howdy Howdy! Boy this one should have been posted a few days ago! Sadly I got rather sick and then how to deal with a few other things. I'm good-ish now!
But it's here! And I shall be taking a victory nap as a reward!
This one ran away from me. Did not expect it to follow the path it did. But it happened and I accepted my fate.
(Note to self: Never write about deities, they take full control of the majority of the story, making me write more than planned while they take center stage 😤)
What He saw was the sight of battle.
What He smelled was the scent of blood.
What He heard was the sounds of combat. 
What He felt was the ground rumble below Him and the shifting of the winds. 
Felt the scent of smoke and blood fill His lungs and escape. 
Before Him, beasts that cried for flesh. 
Behind Him, He sensed terror, caution, and pain. 
He did not need to look around to know why He was released. 
Unrestrained beasts that needed to be culled.
The Young Vessel's desire for their deaths urged him forward. 
Yes. He understood well His purpose for being called. 
He raised His sword, uncaring of the sight of beasts instinctively cowering before him. 
It was not an unusual sight for Him.
It was only natural that the weak kneel before Strength.  
It was the way of War. 
The weak bow to the blade. 
But foolishness comes to the weak sooner or later, shown as one of the beasts became brazen enough to charge forward, it's allies even more so as they followed suit.
He hefted His blade above His head. 
And the hoards quickly fell to His might.
There is a eternal repetition in battle. Repetition in war. 
Use your weapon. Kill your enemy. Move on to the next. 
The methods that war is waged may change as eras pass, but remove all the ideologies that each side has, and the bare bones of it all is the same as the very first war to ever be waged. 
There are the Victors, and there are the Defeated.
 All of them have blood on their hands. 
Gods are no different from mortals in that aspect. Despite what many, divine included, may say otherwise. 
If it were not so, the Fierce Deity would have no need to exist. Perhaps he would have long been granted the Fine Rest all souls earn inevitably. 
Imprisonment within the mask did not mean death of who He was. Even within the wooden cage, the Drums of War called to Him constantly. 
Battle urged Him to come. To lay waste against those He would claim as enemies. 
Having a hand in Majora's death was a satisfying return to the mortal plane. 
But to bond with the young vessel that He laid claim to. A soul that could hold His power without risk of corruption. It lead much change for Him.
He sensed the Soul long before he ever step foot in that place of mourning and memories. Sensed the touch of divinity that coated his soul. (A touch that displeased him, though he had not yet known why) 
A seemingly fragile shell with a Soul that wielded such uncanny Strength. 
The boy had been far from his reach when he had first been made aware of it's presence, yet the boy's soul strongly reached for Him, as if it had known Him longer than the mortal shell had lived.
Many times the connection they held, fragile as it was, would strengthen without warning, then weaken after some time. 
The sense of Divinity would ting within those moments. 
The soul echoed it's emotions to Him when their connection grew during those times. 
What emotions they were. 
The force of them all pulled at His attention, left Him unable to return to the silence that his prison wrapped Him in. 
Turbulent. Like a raging storm. 
Yet at some point, it dulled. Repressed itself deep within. Yet with focus He could feel the raging force within longing to be released upon those that had wronged it's shell. 
 The urge would sometimes overtake the boy.
When it did, the feeling of loss would overwhelm them both. It was an agony that He felt through his incorporeal being every single moment until the connection would fade back to fragility.
Soon the connection no longer fluctuated in strength. 
But it did grow closer. 
and with it's nearing, it was inevitable that He would come to learn the reason behind the turmoil he perceived within it.
Young, weary yet hardened eyes took in the lands that held his prison. 
Lands that did, yet did not, exist.  
Still, those same eyes took in the life in this world, saw it with familiarity that one his age should not have. 
He was a shell that was Weak. 
Or so He had thought. In the beginning, at the very least. 
He had not meant to speak to the boy when he sent foot within the land of timeless death, merely choosing to speak into the silence, aware that any answer would not be made. 
Yet He had not been displeased when the boy answered Him back without a moment of hesitation. Even less displeased when the boy was unbothered by His return to silence.
He watched how those eyes remained dulled and unfeeling as the cycle of repetition continued. 
 They did not waver even when He spoke to the boy.
And still He watched. Witnessed the cycles repeating themselves, over and over again in this Timeless land.
The boy collected the masks, assisted every person that he could, and with each mask granted to him, their connection strengthened. 
A question asked by Him for every moment the child Fell to the First Day. 
The child would answer without fear or question. 
The child who opened his very soul to Him.
It was...interesting...to watch this strange boy, to be allowed to witness all that made him who he was. 
To see the vessel grown to match the strength of his Soul, to sense His claim over him within those memories despite never having claimed him before. 
To witness the battles that had Once been fought by his hand. 
To see others with souls as strong as his. Hardened through trials that no mere warrior could face without becoming corrupted.
To see them all slowly soften within the presence of a mere mortal girl. 
She was a curiosity at most. Though an ignorable presence at minimum. 
A being from another reality all together. One that does not have active gods nor active magic. 
The world may have arose from Chaos but magic has always rested against the surface of the lands. To know of a world that exists without such foundations...that was what caught His eye. 
He supposed the girl had a way with words and actions. Easily able to ease the sorrows of His Vessel and his companions with well meaning acts of kindness. 
A maternal hand. Perhaps a touch uncommon for a woman of her age without young ones, but not out of the ordinary for someone to be naturally caring. 
She was a curiosity. But a dull one. 
In the beginning. 
Yet he watched the memories that may as well also be His as His Vessel sharpened his blade and slaughtered all those that dare endanger her. 
How he and his companions nearly tore one another apart in a bid to claim a place within the one who's heart they desired to protect and cherish. 
It was then He began to focus on who the woman was.
This woman was knowledgeable as a royal scholar, wise with words in a way that even the most experienced ambassadors could not best. 
A heart that opened itself to those that had good souls yet a steel gaze that was ready to pierce anyone who would dare to fool her. 
In a way, all that was lacking was physical strength. 
It was utterly fascinating to witness. 
The souls of the Hylian Lands, they grew too used to peace. Rarely was war fought unless the Demon heir rose to bring it forth. The souls here preferring to stay in their ignorant comfort as the Goddess sent her Chosen Sacrifice of the era to do her bidding. 
Yet this one soul, one without magic nor blessings... 
Yes...He longed to see how much this woman's strength grew. 
This woman was not as fragile as He first assumed. 
He wondered, how she would take to the blade. 
Perhaps a spear? Nothing so fragile as a Bow nor dagger. No, this woman would not be pleased fighting at a distance. 
He wondered what expression she would show as she felled her enemies? 
What gaze would pierce her dying foes as she cut into their flesh? 
She was truly an...enigma...
Fragile yet strong. 
Heart of kindness yet a heart willing to steel itself in the face of adversity and manipulation. 
The only true reason His Vessel and his brothers succeeded in hiding the actions they committed, was simply because she saw no reason to suspect them. 
They would not have done so well, had she viewed them as adversaries. 
Indeed, The being that He once was, in a time no longer existent, had assumed too hastily.
 She was a match for Him and His. More so than any of the Goddess' blood. 
A soul worthy of His blessing and protection. 
It would indeed take a strong soul to attract the hearts of those who the Goddess of the Hylian land would dare claim as Hers.
A sense of peace was instant her presence, one that His Vessel had never held before. 
A peace that spread amongst those His Vessel eventually claimed as Sword Brothers. 
Yet...even the Deity of War knew such peace was always at risk of being ripped from mortals who were not cautious. 
And inevitably, the woman was stolen from them. (From Him.) 
His Vessel and his brothers broken by her absence. (His immense displeasure at their failings) 
Then...power. Much of it. Colliding and mixing in ways such differences each power held should not. 
And then...His Vessel woke again. Body once more that of a child. 
Awakening just as He took notice of the sudden connection that they shared. 
One that should not have existed, yet had always been there.
It seemed the Vessel was as aware of their connection as He was. Perhaps that familiarity was enough for his mind,unbalanced as it was, to hold on. 
He supposed His being had been used for worse purposes before. He saw no shame in a fellow warrior finding a semblance of grounding within the presence of a comrade. 
When the moment came that his wooden prison was placed in his Vessel's hand, their connection solidified instantly. 
Odd it was, to feel such a...sense of rightness. 
This...was His Vessel. 
How the boy relaxed upon wielding His mask. His power, His Being, coursing through his mortal veins, as the young Vessel's form adapted to house His soul. 
As it was always meant to. 
( When He returns to His prison at the end of their battle with Majora, He ponders what thoughts would fill the Great Ones of the Beyond. Should they ever learn of the Goddesses' actions? What would the Great Ones think of the Divine Maidens, sending infants to fight Their wars?)
He recognized the souls approaching Him from His Vessel's memory.
Where the other warriors treaded cautiously around Him, these souls walked without fear nor arrogance. 
His Vessel was not pleased by their presence. 
(his hurt echoing through Him at the sight of them.) 
'Leave.' His Vessel's presence echoed within him. 
His Vessel? Unwilling to face them? Those that his heart claims as his own? 
Unwilling to face the possibility that they would view him with unfamiliar eyes? 
(Such an strong yet vulnerable soul His Vessel was.)
It was rather humorous to note. 
The two warriors drew near and stopped before Him. Each standing a bit further away as if in respect of His Presence.
Murmurs from the surrounding troops gradually spread out over the temporary encampment.  Easily ignored, He did not care for any attention paid His way.
He awaited their next action, silent as he was gazed upon by those that may or may not know Him and His well. 
The two sides stared at one another, His mind immediately noted similarities between the two men and his Vessel.
Both possessed powerful souls, His Vessel's own soul calling out to it's brethren. 
Their bodies relaxed, their hands visible. As if to assure him that they mean no harm. 
But their eyes, such gazes hid many intentions. Yet they were clear to Him with ease. 
...No, it was not that He was able to see their their facade. It was that they were not bothering to hide it from Him. 
They sought Him-sought out His Vessel whilst playing the part of oblivious men. 
And the intimidated men surrounding them, all were blind by such a weak farce.  
It seemed they were done with their inspection of Him as He was with them. 
The younger one took a step forward but was stopped by the elder one's arm. 
The elder one ('Captain' His Vessel's thought echoed through Him.), stepped forward, closing the space between then til he was naught by a few feet away. 
"May your sword never dull." The warrior greeted him, the corner of his lips turning upward in a faint smirk. 
"Though if it must dull, May it dull after your enemies are long since slain." 
It seems His Vessel saw fit to teach them proper greetings. Curious. (As was the surprising echoing from His Vessel.) 
"Captain," one of the men in the crowd whispered toward the elder warrior, "He's dangerous! Ally or no, we can't risk antagonizing him!"
Without a hint of regarded to the whispered warning, the captain pressed his sword hand horizontally across his abdomen, bowing deeply to Him. 
"We are honored by your presence, Great Deity, and your assistance in winning this battle." The captain spoke, voice calm and respectful "May we prove ourselves worthy of your continued favor in this war."
"...You speak well." Amusement sparked within Him as the men surrounding them jumped at His voice. 
Yet His Vessel's brethren were not phased. 
"I am honored by your acknowledgement." The captain replied smoothly, "I was taught well by a most trusted comrade." 
His Vessel had indeed taught him well. Not many would greet Him with such respect and sincerity. 
Even if His vessel was still displeased with the situation at hand. The urge to leave pulsing through their connection. 
...He naturally chose to ignore it. (The annoyance that pulsed soon after indicated that His Vessel was very aware of his intentional ignorance.) 
He observed the captain, noting His Vessel's emotions as he watched the man straightened. 
 Peace mixed with quiet joy. Yet also anxiousness and frustration. 
Truly was His Vessel willing to hide away in order to avoid facing what troubles him? 
Always so childish when it comes to matters of heart and soul. 
No matter to Him, He had no wish to linger amongst solders who could not muster the courage to look Him in the eyes. 
'I've faced my share of battles today.' He spoke to His Vessel, pulses of confusion and sudden panic swept through Him as He reached up and covered His face with His hand.
'Now you face yours.' And He released His hold on His Vessel, His power being pulled back into His wooden prison. 
Warriors watched as a bright flash of light consumed the surrounding area, exclamations filled the air yet the light faded as quickly as it appeared. 
Where the Fierce Deity once stood, now the men saw- 
"Is that a child?" 
The young boy, perhaps a bit younger than the Hero of Winds, stood there, mask in hand. 
Bafflement clear on his face as he stared straight at the Captain. 
"Hello Hero of Time." Warriors greeted him, a hand resting on his hip, his words inciting more whispers. 
Time blinked repeatedly, lowering his gaze to the mask in his hand. 
Slowly, his gaping mouth twisted into a scowl, and without a moment of hesitation, he threw the deity's mask to the ground before him. 
"Damned God!" He exclaimed angrily, even as the surrounding men because to quickly step back, faces rapidly paling at the young hero's actions. "A devil more like! Always putting me on the spot when I least want his damned input!" 
Warriors chuckled, which slowly turned into a laugh. 
Wind behind him, biting his bottom lip and trying to stay silent despite his shoulders shaking from his own laughter. 
"Oh, I haven't laughed like that in ages!" Warriors commented, still chuckling as they settled in a isolated corner of the encampment. 
It had taken some time to calm his men, but eventually he had managed to guide Wind and Time away with him. 
"They all looked like you insulted their mother." Wind snickered, legs kicking against the crate he sat on. "Then again, they'd probably look less insulted if you had." 
"Moments like this makes me wonder why I let that one put me in the spotlight." Time grumbled, sitting on the ground and resting against the crate Wind sat on. 
"Well, it seems he simply wanted you to stop trying to hide away." Warriors suggested, reaching behind him and unclasping the waterskin from his belt and holding it put to Time.
"Here, I doubt all that fighting in this soot filled air has done your tongue any favors." 
Time eyed the hand before accepting the waterskin and taking a drink. 
Silence reigned in their small corner.
Wind humming quietly as Time stared at the ground at his feet. 
"...How have you been, my sword brother?" Warriors asked watching as Time set the waterskin aside as he shifted slightly against the crate.
"...I suppose I could be worse." Time replied.  "I've been better, considering I don't feel quite as alone anymore."
"It's a nice feeling." Warriors agreed,  smiling at his brother fondly.
Another silence reigned as Time stared at the ground.
"…Do you want to talk about it?"
"What is there to talk about?" Time said, "I woke in a body I had long thought I would never be forced to wear again. Forced to see the faces of my allies look at me with unfamiliarity. To bow my head towards the Goddess' heir.  To journey again through places I never wished to traverse again." Time spoke through his teeth, his breath escaping in a hiss. 
"All while trying to differentiate between truth and fiction within the confines of my own mind." He laughed bitterly. 
"No, I don't have much going on in my life." 
"Well pardon me for assuming you've been struggling." Warriors commented sarcastically. 
He expected no answer to that but instead received only a scoffed laugh as Time leaned back against the crates once more. "Of course not. It would just be foolish on my part to assume otherwise, when the last time I was faced with the reality of a future that does not exist."
Warriors fell silent.
"But...you know it happened." Wind piped up. "We both remember it too, three for three. So that means the others must remember too." 
That earned an agreeing hum from Time who didn't utter anything else.
"But why didn't you find us?" Warrior continued, "Why not find us so you could share your burden with ones who knows what it feels like?"
"Because I... couldn't burden you with something as trivial as-" He cut himself off, "-I mean-" 
Time sighed, closing his eyes for a moment. When he opened them again, his expression was solemn, his youthful face contrasting with such an old expression.
"I'm...nowhere near the end of this curse." 
"How long will it be for you both, before we are all united once again." He asked, "One? Two? A few years at most?" 
Wind and Warriors stayed silent. 
"But what about me? Trapped in a child's body once again, and every aspect that comes with such a curse." 
"Pardon if this may sound offending, but is it truly as bad as you say?" Warriors questioned.
"You are not the one who must wait decades to reunite with everyone." Time snapped, turning his gaze away from them to glare up at the darkening sky.
"I logically thought of all the benefits that came with this circumstance of renewal. What I could improve from my previous path. What I could change." Time left out a quiet laugh, face twisting into a weak smile before it return to the frown it had.
"I tried to see everything from the perspective of someone who could return to our goddess with strength and wealth that would benefit her and her happiness." He shook his head, eyes closing. 
"But it was not returning to my past that hurt. Nor was it that all my efforts in the previous life was erased like wind blowing away words written in sand. To be looked at with pitying eyes who only see a child, no matter the efforts I do to prove otherwise." He opened his eyes, tears glistening at the corners and threatening to fall. 
"What truly hurts is the length of time that I must wait to return to you all. Not to even bring up the length until we reunite with our beloved." 
His eyes burned as the two other men stayed silent and patient.
(He hadn't even realized he had started shedding tears until Wind's hand gently rested on his shoulder and squeezed it tight.)
His voice broke as he spoke, though he swallowed down the emotion before letting out another sob.
"There's nothing I want more than for us all to be reunited again, even moreso being reunited with our beloved." He whispered, "Yet I can barely handle it. The pain, knowing I'll spend decades waiting for my comrades to come together once more. In a way, seeing you both now is like salt on the wound, a wound that is then grind down by one's heel." 
He took a deep breath and closed his eyes tightly, as a choked laugh escaped his throat.
"I'm sure you heard of the failed assault against the sorceress' forces? The one led by the Lieutenant General Doza?"
"He tried to lead an assault through the Palace of Twilight, right?" Wind  stated, "And failed half way through, along with the slaughter of most of his men. . After that, he sent a message requesting for rescue and stating that the sorceress' forces are stronger than ever."
"Which they now are, thanks to his disregard of the warnings they received." Time spat,  eyes opening wide as his tone went sharp and cold.
"He also claimed that he was 'caught unawares', and that if he had be 'properly forewarned', he would have succeeded."
"Something tells me he had been forewarned." Warriors remarked calmly.
"He was," Time answered, "By me." 
"...What?" Warrior frowned.
"Before he neared the palace, I had crossed paths with him. I recalled you mentioning last time how the previous assault also failed and I had approached him with 'advice.'" He explained with a scowl. "He laughed at me and told me little children should not play at being a soldier. He ordered some of his men to escort me to safety while he marched his men forward." 
"That arrogant-" Warriors pinched the bridge of his nose, exhaling sharply. "Seems the death of his captain took the last of his senses. I lent him some of my men. The very same ones who lost their lives there."
"The attack failed against the sorceress, as expected. The only reason there were any soldiers left to save was because I requested reinforcements after I was shoved to one of the far bases." Time continued.
"Didn't really stick around to see if they came in time, left as soon as I sent the message." 
"That explains why I was praised for my foresight in the rescue." Warriors muttered. 
"I knew how to make it seem like you wrote it, so I took advantage of that." Time sighed. 
"Lives lost due to arrogance and overconfidence in one's position. Worst part? He'll never admit to it. Even if I had been an adult." 
"Men like him never want someone else to order them around." Wind commented. "Is that why you've been sticking as the Deity?" 
"He's imposing enough to make sure no one tries to treat me like a child." Time answered smoothly. 
"Yet you were hoping that you could use him to bypass speaking to us." Warriors placed his hands on his hips, Time looked away. 
"I already told you why." 
"Yes, but why didn't you try talking to us sooner?" Warriors demanded. "The failed assault happened two weeks prior, where were you?" 
"Does it even matter?" Time asked tiredly. 
"Not particularly, but I'd still prefer if you would at least tell us why." Warriors said.
Silence reigned for awhile.
Finally, a sigh left Time's lips.
"I was scared." He admitted.
"Don't tell me neither of you were scared at the possible idea none of us remembered." Time scoffed. 
Silence descended upon them once more.
"I was terrified." He confessed quietly, "I was petrified of facing you both, of seeing your faces look at me with unfamiliarity." 
He rubbed his cheek with his hand, "I could barely stomach returning to my child's body. But seeing you both look at me with unfamiliar eyes? That would have broken me." 
"But we do remember." Warriors quietly stated, taking a step forward. 
"But I didn't know that yet, did I?" Time smirked weakly at him. 
"Believe me, hearing you greet the deity as you did and knowing you could only do so if you remembered." He sighed calmly, "It lit my heart with so much joy." 
"But then I suppose I became a coward in the time we have been apart. Here I was, willing to hide away so you would not see me like this." He motioned to himself. 
"So I attempted the coward's way out of speaking to you." He snorted softly. "And you saw how that turned out." 
Warriors took a step forward, then another. Slowly making his way to Time and kneeling before him. 
"I'm sorry my sword brother." Warriors said softly, making Time look at him. 
"Why are you sorry?"  He frowned, looking away again.
"If I'd known it meant you this much pain, I might have stopped and thought things through better." He shook his head.
"No..I-" Warriors sighed, "I'm sorry that out of all of us, you suffer the burden of years. Something no sword can defeat. That you would be left alone in your era with no true support. With no one who could hear your words and know it to be true." 
"I don't deserve such understanding, or apologies." His hands balled into fists, knuckles turning white and turning almost translucent under the strain. "None of us do for our arrogance." 
"None of us do," Warriors repeated in agreement, "But that doesn't mean we shouldn't be forgiven. Or rather, cared enough about, to forgive ourselves."
"We...have much to atone for. For trying to trap our beloved in a cage of our own making." He continued, "And for not being able to see it until it was too late."
He reached out slowly, taking hold of Time's shaking hands, and gave them both a gentle squeeze, Wind's hand never having left Time's shoulder. 
"But we are here. For each other. And we will stand beside you, until it is time for us to part once more." He slowly leaned his head down, pressing his forehead against Time's. 
"And when we reunite once again. We will stand by you, always. Just as you would always stand by us." 
Time stared at Warriors, mouth slightly agape.
His eyes shone bright with unshed tears 
Time blinked rapidly, the tears spilling freely. Warriors reached up and pulled him, and Wind, into a hug, letting Time bury his head in his chest and hold on tight.
"Let me go. Please." He said through his tears.
"Please Captain-"
"Let us have this." Warriors pleaded softly to him. 
"We won't let you go." Wind agreed firmly, burying his own face against Time's shoulder. "We don't want to, not when you need this as much as we do." 
They felt Time shudder against them, and soon, he nodded. 
 They held him closer, silent as they soon heard his sobs grow louder and louder.
"I'm sorry." He sobbed, pressing his face against Warriors' tunic. "I'm sorry." 
"We're here." Was all that was said in reply. 
Time said nothing more as he continued to cry. 
Allowing himself to finally let go within the arms of the few who had his complete trust.
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yandereunsolved · 2 months
︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶ Lost In Cyberspace ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶
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✎... 𝖸𝖺𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋𝖾: 𝖺 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗌𝗂𝖼𝗄 𝖿𝗂𝖼𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝖺𝗅 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗐𝗁𝗈 𝗂𝗌 𝗈𝖻𝗌𝖾𝗌𝗌𝗂𝗏𝖾𝗅𝗒 𝖽𝖾𝗏𝗈𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝗍𝗈 𝗌𝗈𝗆𝖾𝗈𝗇𝖾.
✎... 𝖶𝗁���𝗍 𝖽𝗈𝖾𝗌 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗍𝗐/𝖼𝗐 '𝗒𝖺𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗆𝖾𝗌' 𝗆𝖾𝖺𝗇 𝗈𝗇 𝗆𝗒 𝖻𝗅𝗈𝗀? 𝖨𝗍 𝗆𝖾𝖺𝗇𝗌 𝖺 𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗉𝗈𝗌𝗌𝗂𝖻𝗅𝖾 𝗉𝗈𝗌𝗌𝖾𝗌𝗌𝗂𝗏𝖾𝗇𝖾𝗌𝗌, 𝗈𝖻𝗌𝖾𝗌𝗌𝗂𝗏𝖾𝗇𝖾𝗌𝗌, 𝗏𝗂𝗈𝗅𝖾𝗇𝖼𝖾, 𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗅𝗄𝗂𝗇𝗀, 𝖽𝗎𝖻𝖼𝗈𝗇, 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗍𝗈𝗑𝗂𝖼 𝗋𝖾𝗅𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗉𝗌.
✎... 𝖳𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗀𝖾𝗋 𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀(𝗌) 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗍𝖾𝗇𝗍 𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀(𝗌) 𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝗌𝗈𝗆𝖾𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖨 𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗌𝗂𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗂𝗈𝗎𝗌. 𝖯𝖾𝗈𝗉𝗅𝖾 𝗌𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽 𝖽𝗈 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗂𝗋 𝖻𝖾𝗌𝗍 𝗍𝗈 𝗂𝗇𝖿𝗈𝗋𝗆 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗂𝗋 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋𝗌 𝖺𝖻𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝗐𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗒 𝗆𝖺𝗒 𝖾𝗇𝖼𝗈𝗎𝗇𝗍𝖾𝗋. 𝖨𝖿 𝖨 𝗁𝖺𝗏𝖾 𝗆𝗂𝗌𝗌𝖾𝖽 𝖺𝗇𝗒 𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌 𝗈𝗇 𝗆𝗒 𝗉𝗋𝖾𝗏𝗂𝗈𝗎𝗌 𝗐𝗈𝗋𝗄𝗌 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗄 𝗌𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽 𝖻𝖾 𝗉𝗎𝗍, 𝗆𝖾𝗌𝗌𝖺𝗀𝖾 𝗆𝖾.
✎... 𝖤𝗑𝗉𝖾𝖼𝗍 𝖽𝖺𝗋𝗄 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗆𝖾𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗒𝖺𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝖼𝗈𝗇𝖼𝖾𝗉𝗍𝗌. 𝖨 𝖽𝗈 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝖼𝗈𝗇𝖽𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝖺𝗇𝗒 𝗒𝖺𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋𝖾/𝗍𝗈𝗑𝗂𝖼 𝖻𝖾𝗁𝖺𝗏𝗂𝗈𝗋 𝗂𝗇 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗅 𝗅𝗂𝖿𝖾. 𝖨𝖿 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖺𝗋𝖾𝗇'𝗍 𝗂𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝖽𝗌𝗉𝖺𝖼𝖾 𝗈𝗋 𝗆𝖺𝗍𝗎𝗋𝖾 𝖾𝗇𝗈𝗎𝗀𝗁 𝗍𝗈 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽 𝗐𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝖨 𝗐𝗋𝗂𝗍𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝖽𝗈𝗇'𝗍.
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︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶ Information ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶
↺ be respectful | not afraid to block ♡
↺ mixed media and multi-fandom
↺ most frequent fandoms include: American Horror Story (ahs), Legend of Zelda/Linked Universe (loz/lu), Yandere(s) (yan), Game of Thrones & House of the Dragon, X-men, Batfam
↺headcanons, one-shots, aesthetic boards, etc...
↺write my hyperfixations— my content changes
↺want to be added to my tag list? Fill out this tag list form.
↺draft poll (closed): which yandere lu character do you wanna see next?
↺requests allowed, interact all you want. :) just be within the fandoms I listed—see what I usually write.
↺^ I write suggestive themes but not full out nsfw/smut. ^
↺character request limit: 5 (unless you are requesting poly! Chain)
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мαѕтєяℓιѕт вєℓσω ꨄ︎ꨄ︎ꨄ︎
ꨄ︎ Key: pink = ahs; orange = yandere oc; green = loz/lu/lm; red = x-men; white/black = the bear; blue = Batfam/DC Characters; ☾ = miscellaneous fandom ꨄ︎
‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𝖬𝗈𝗈𝖽 𝖻𝗈𝖺𝗋𝖽𝗌 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Violet Harmon
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Tate Langdon
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Kit Walker
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Austin Sommers
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Misty Day
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Cordelia Goode
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Kai Anderson
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Hotel (S5)
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 James Patrick March
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Dandy Mott
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Jimmy Darling
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Kyle Spencer
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Link
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Zelda
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Fierce Deity
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Peter Maximoff
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Erik Lehnsherr
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Charles Xavier
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Raven Darkholme
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Scott Summers
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Kurt Wagner
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 John Constantine
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Bruce Wayne
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Dick Grayson
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Tim Drake
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Jason Todd
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Damian Wayne
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Jack Napier 'Joker'
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Jonathan Crane
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Harleen Quinzel
☾ Gojo Satoru
‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊
✎ 𝖳𝖾𝗑𝗍 𝖯𝗈𝗌𝗍𝗌 ✎
✎ Yandere Link(s) | Part 1
✎ Yandere Link(s) | Part 2
✎ Yandere Link(s) | Part 3
✎ BOTW Champion(s)/Sage | Part 1
✎ BOTW/TOTK Champion(s)/Sage(s) text posts | Part 2
✎ Legend of Zelda Villain(s) text posts | Part 1
‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊
ᰔᩚ 𝖠𝖾𝗌𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗍𝗂𝖼 𝖻𝗈𝖺𝗋𝖽 𝗐/ 𝖽𝗋𝖺𝖻𝖻𝗅𝖾 ᰔᩚ
ᰔ Yandere James Patrick March
ᰔ Yandere Tate Langdon
ᰔ Yandere Kit Walker
☾ Yandere Luke Cooper
ᰔ Yandere Violet Harmon
ᰔ Yandere Kai Anderson
ᰔ Yandere Jimmy Darling
ᰔ Yandere Wild
ᰔ Yandere Sage
ᰔ Yandere Time
ᰔ Yandere Hyrule
ᰔ Yandere Wind
ᰔ Yandere Kyle Spencer
ᰔ Yandere Fierce Deity
ᰔ Poly Yandere Wild & Sage
ᰔ Yandere Twilight
ᰔ Yandere Sky
ᰔ Yandere Legend
ᰔ Yandere Warriors
ᰔ Yandere Sidon
ᰔ Yandere Peter Maximoff
ᰔ Yandere Charles Xavier
ᰔ Yandere Erik Lehnsherr
ᰔ Yandere Poly Cherik
ᰔ Yandere Four
ᰔ Yandere Ravio
ᰔ Yandere Dark Link
ᰔ Yandere Vaati
ᰔ Yandere Ghirahim
ᰔ Yandere Bruce Wayne
ᰔ Yandere Richard 'Dick' Grayson
ᰔ Yandere Jonathan Crane
ᰔ Yandere Carmen 'Carmy' Berzatto
☾ Yandere Thorfinn
☾ Yandere Canute
‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥��°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊
✧ 𝖧𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖼𝖺𝗇𝗈𝗇𝗌 ✧
✧ Yandere James Patrick March
✧ Yandere Tate Langdon
✧ Roses are Red; Violets are Blue - ,, yandere pre death Tate
✧ When You Fell From Heaven - ,, yandere JPM with an angel reader
✧ Dissect Me, Doctor - ,, yandere JPM with a psychologist reader
✧ Breath of a Yandere - ,, Yandere Wild
✧ Yandere Poly Chain with a demi-god(dess) reader - ,, unpolished
✧ Yandere Poly Chain with a Yiga Clan reader - ,, unpolished
✧ Yandere Poly Malon & Time with reader - ,, unpolished
✧ LM — Imagine reader guiding the Links in the maze
✧ Following The Tides - ,, aged up ↑ yandere Wind
✧ Fool Me Once - ,, you being James successor
✧ Clip A Hummingbird's Wings - ,, James's s/o trying to escape
✧ F.I.T — Fucking In The Afterlife - ,, yandere ghost Kai Anderson
✧ Macabre Monster - ,, yandere pre & post death Kyle Spencer
✧ Sweet Tea & Stalking - ,, yandere Jimmy Darling with a famous reader
✧ The Honey In My Honeycomb - ,, yandere Kit Walker pre and post Asylum
✧ You're My Cult Leader - ,, yandere Kai Anderson
‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊
⟿ 𝖮𝗇𝖾-𝗌𝗁𝗈𝗍(𝗌) ⟿
⟿ One false promise leads to another
⥉ yan Kai Anderson × fem aligned reader
⟿ God's Design
⥉ yan fem reader nun × Kit Walker
⟿ In Death & Life
⥉ James Patrick March x fallen angel gn reader
*ೃ༄ ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ *ೃ༄
╰─▸ ❝ (2) мαѕтєяℓιѕт ꨄ︎ꨄ︎ꨄ︎ ❞
*ೃ༄ ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ *ೃ༄
37 notes · View notes
cloudninetonine · 3 months
Hi, this is my first time asking someone anything before as I’ve largely existed as little more than a ghost on this website for the longest time. I’ve just not wanted to interact or feel the need to until now. Anyways, I’ve been cooking up a little LU x reader fic that I had first planned on keeping to myself, but I’ve always wanted to share my writings with people who seem to enjoy fanfics similar to what I write. It’s a lot about Fierce Deity and the slow progress he makes in escaping from the mask that binds him thanks to the “help” of the reader. Safe to say that there are some shenanigans involved, creepy and fun. Yandere, I would say (I’m still getting used to writing yandere content so I don’t know what else to list his behavior as). Your thoughts?
Love myself some creepy and fun behaviour, I live for that shit, you can see that heavily in APA FMKWJDNE- you should definitely go for it (if you haven't already because I'm a slow responder KFMKWND) I'd love tk read something like that!!!
12 notes · View notes
rinstaro · 1 year
May i ask. Are yandere lu links off the table like yandere sky, time, dink, fierce deity,
not at all !! though i will warn that as much as i engage in the content, i've never written yandere stuff !!! so please bear with me while i figure it out. id love to write something though <33 lets expand my horizons together
6 notes · View notes
A Divine Devotee
It's finally here and I'm at 100 followers! It's still sinking in for me but I wanted to do something to celebrate. Given how loved "Far More Than Just A Mask" is, I decided that a part two to it would be great for my 100 follower fic. Getting it written, like all of my fics, was something of a process so I hope it's at least as good as the first part. Hope you all enjoy!
TW: Yandere themes, blood, descriptions of a violent ritual, gore, cannibalism (accidental, technically), nudity, Fierce goes absolutely mental and no one has a Good Time TM
Learning to live with the Fierce Deity in the flesh was something you expected to be akin to a thorn in your side. He was, in a way, just that. Were he not tasked with something, he was beside you. Even if he wasn’t by your side for whatever reason, that didn’t mean he still wasn’t with you in some capacity.
That strange bond he forced created between the two of you was still present. With every passing day, it seemed to weaken but you doubted it would every go away. In the present, it was hard to send little more than a handful of words over the bond, so the two of you relied on emotion. You never really thought about what it would feel like to be emotionally connected to another person (much less a god) but what you got wasn’t something you expected.
Emotion did not radiate off of him in a way you could sense it. It wasn’t some visible aura around him nor did it replace your own. Rather, it was a feeling in you body. Your being would alight with a hot flash at his anger or your extremities would slowly turn numb and freeze at despair. Your lungs would stutter and your eyes would sting with his sadness and your heart and brain would flood with dopamine at his joy. Not matter how he felt, it was always extreme.
Yet, when you once asked him what your emotions felt like, he described it as trying to sense the presence of a mouse. Your emotions, quite simply, were but a whisper to him. Despite that, he claimed he always did his best to sense and feel them. You had no choice but to experience his emotions so he felt it only fair that he try to do the same.
It had confused you, at first, as to why it was like this. Why he was so extreme and you weren’t in the eyes of the bond. Although he may be “talkative” with you, he’s typically quiet and rather neutral around the rest of the boys. All it took was some few minutes of thinking when the answer quite literally appeared in his name.
Fierce Deity.
He is a god and you are a mortal. Gods, in comparison to mortals, live at an unreachable extreme. It would certainly explain why Fierce always had that air of intensity to him. It would also explain why you felt so minute in comparison to him. It made you worry about what the future may hold. Would he eventually grow tired of how little you were in relation to his divinity? Would his boredom lead to him simply leaving or acting upon his name towards you and the group to amuse himself? Pessimism was easy to reach your mind nowadays and you know (you hoped) that such thoughts could never come true, but your brain refused to shut up.
Large bulky arms secure themselves around you and startle you from your spiral. The smell of rancid iron assaults your nose and the seeping wetness of your clothes makes it clear that you’re going to say goodbye to yet another outfit. A weighty head rests itself upon you and the rumbling hum that sounds though the chest pressed against your back resonates through your nerves. As the arms strengthen their embrace even further, you find yourself being slowly lifted from the ground.
“What ails you, dearest?” Fierce inquires. He audibly huffs and puffs in the scent of your hair but such oddities have long since lost their weird factor on you.
“Nothing too important, Fie- uhm, honey. Just my brain not wanting cease its ramblings. What… about you?” You respond as you look down at the arms around you. He wasn’t drenched in blood but it was certainly splattered on him. Not in huge amounts (at least huge in comparison to the typical gore he seemed to wear), but enough to tell you that something- or someone- was now dead. For the sake of not developing a headache, you hoped it wasn’t the latter.
“I brought us food. Elk,” Fierce stated. Ah, that would explain the strange and distant cry you heard some thirty minutes ago. And, for the next thirty minutes, you’d be avoiding the bloody scene that would now be accompanying camp. The double helix sword Fierce wielded was great against monsters but too rough against prey. As such, he simply resorted to using little more than his hands when it came to ending them. You had seen the end product of this method only once and it was sight that you vowed to never look at again. The bent neck, torn skin, smashed head, and splinters of bone poking through the pelt… ugh, there goes your appetite.
As silence continues to permeate the atmosphere, the embrace around you eventually loosens. Fierce’s footsteps crunch and squish on the forest floor as he moves away from you. He stops once he’s fully in view and you can’t help but stare at his face. It would be wrong to say he was anything less than beautiful. His face- his true face- was so similar yet different to the mask made in his likeness. His tattoos, still red and blue and angular, were more weathered like warpaint. His hair, still silvery white and straight, had turned into billowing locks due to the passage of centuries. And his eyes- oh, those eyes- were still so intense. They didn’t glow white hot with rage and were no longer blank slates. Rather, a ring of steely gray and blue surrounded his pupils. The colors reminded you of both the swinging steel of battle and the common hue of blue that existed in the eyes of most of the boys. A small feature, you wonder, that may have been picked up from Time.
“If you choose to accompany me to go get cleaned up… then I assure you that there will be more to look at then,” Fierce offers with a slight lit in his voice. His lips are ever so slightly turned upward as are his brows. Perhaps not as poetic as Wars’ pick up lines, but still effective enough to get your heart pumping.
“Well, after you got me dirty, I have little choice but to join you,” You sigh and follow behind the man. He lets out little more than a small chuckle, one of triumph, but you don’t let it get to you. Had you declined his invitation, he’d no doubt be left in a cranky mood. And, whenever Fierce was feeling all around unpleasant, it would always lead to most unpleasant things.
As you walked behind the god, you vaguely noted how the forest started to thin out before stopping completely. Stretching out before you was a sizeable lake. It was hours away from Ordon, hence why you never saw it in game or never heard Twilight mention it, but it was a reminder that there was so much more to every Hyrule than a screen could ever show. The surface of the water was still and stained a variety of oranges and pinks with the setting sun. Even after basking in the spring sun for the entire day, the water would undoubtedly still be cold.
A clinking sound catches your attention and you look over at Fierce just in time to see his chestplate fall to the ground. By now, his hands are fiddling with the buckle of his belt and you advert your eyes away. This wasn’t the first time you’ve both seen Fierce naked or bathed with him, but there was still a layer of reserve you had towards him. You had accepted the fact that you were now his lover (not that you were going to be left with any other choice) but there were certain aspects of a romantic relationship that you weren’t ready for yet. Perhaps it was because you were scared of taking such a leap. Or, maybe, your feelings didn’t run deep for the god like his surely did for you. Whatever the case was, constantly adventuring, fighting, and dealing with the Shadow made it hard to try and sort out such complex thoughts and conflicting emotions. For now, you had little choice but to go with the flow.
Once Fierce had waded deep enough into the water to where only the start of his hips and the beginning tufts of his happy trail peaked above the water did you go about getting undressed. The deity was kind enough to keep his eyes trained elsewhere until you were in the water much like him. An involuntary grunt fell from your lips as you waded into the cold waters but the sooner you got washed off, the sooner you’d be out of the lake.
After a quick dip below the surface to fully wet your body, you were whisked into Fierce’s arms. He carefully placed his arms around your midsection as not to touch an private parts of your body. The warmth that radiated from him was welcome in the face of the biting temperatures of the lake. Without his armor or thick clothes to cover up his body, you had full view of picturesque divinity. It wasn’t superhero level of muscle nor veiny, but was certainly a warrior’s build. The expanses of his muscles were only heighted or barely hidden by a suitable layer of fat. The fat only added to his weight to make him more solid and even harder to push around as well as helped soften any blows that may befall him. Unsurprisingly, his body was littered with scars of battles and wars waged so long ago that the history books likely couldn’t recall them. His hands were wide and large as well as covered in callous. You felt envious of the ways he made certain flaws and imperfections look so desirable.
“You ought to work on ‘shutting up’ your brain more often, dear (Name). It’s no wonder you experience so many headaches,” Fierce hummed out as he began to card a hand through your hair. With a few kisses placed to the crown of your head, you were distracted enough from your thoughts yet again to focus on the now. You didn’t bring any soap with you, but you hadn’t been splattered with blood like Fierce was. For now, the water should be enough.
Fierce begins to ladle water across your shoulders before you can even cup your own hands. Once fully wet, the man goes about rubbing your skin both to wash off any blood or grime but to also soothe your muscles. Even with the rough skin that coated his palms and fingers, his touch and motions were gentle. The gesture was nice and a welcome feeling to the stiff knots littered throughout your neck and shoulders, but it was also strange.
Not strange in the fact that it came from your lover, but from a god. It was the mortal, no matter the nature of the relationship, that did acts of service for the divine. Brought them food, made sacrifices in their name, and lived, breathed, and died by their beliefs. They’d heed every order given to them no better than a well trained dog. There were, of course, exceptions to this standard.
And Fierce was quiet the exception.
He acted as if you were the sole reason he existed. He brought you food, gifted you things from trinkets to treasures, and even shouted out your name in battle as if it was waged for you. Even with your hesitance towards him at times, he never once faltered in the way he acted. Any positive sign from you, from a compliment to something like a kiss on the cheek, only seemed to embolden him further. You had to be scarce in affection with Fierce even if it may have seemed harmless at the time.
Gods are dangerous beings, after all. Their sorrow drowns lands and their anger scorches the earth til’ naught but ashes remain. Their envy chokes the life out of whatever it can bind itself around and even their happiness can lead to slaughter. But their love? That’s a whole other beast to deal with.
Whenever Fierce felt as if he hadn’t been given enough affection recently, he sought to gain it by doubling his efforts. Instead of picking the ripest grapes from the vine for you to snack on, he’d uproot the whole plant and drag it back to camp for you. Instead of gifting you a new tunic or bracelet, he’d dump entire wardrobes of clothing and accessories upon you (kindly cleaned of gore, naturally). Instead of handing you a few monster parts he picked up after battle as a little trophy, he’d make let you watch him harvest them. He’d force ask you to tell him which parts to tear away next. From ripping out teeth and twisting off horns to gutting them and pulling out their innards, he did it. Given a monster’s tendency to puff away into nothing more than smoke upon death, the beasts were always forced to stay alive.
Yet, after receiving love and affection, he could be even worse. Smothering to the point you weren’t allowed to do nearly anything without his “help”; walk, eat, change, or bathe. He’d be willing to bite at anything that came near the two of you during his moments of love, leaving you with little choice but to distance yourself from the rest of the group. In the moments where he was nothing short of lovesick, you were left with very few options as to calm him down. Some days you’d have to act indifferent towards him to get him to back up whereas others required you to just submit to the affections like a doll for him to hug and squeeze. If you didn’t manage to subdue him fast enough… bad things happened.
Like right now.
You had been whisked away from your bed in the middle of the night. Despite your pout and complaints, Fierce did little more than hum as he carried you out of the castle. The guards that were littered about the grounds hardly acknowledged the two of you (most certainly out of fear of what Fierce would do to them). The only familiar face you passed by was Impa, but the woman only spared you what you believe to be her attempt at a sympathetic gaze (no doubt Wars had filled her and Zelda in on the relationship between you and the deity).
As Fierce’s long legs carried you through Hyrule castle and out of the city’s protective walls, you could only fathom what awaited you. He was always one to make sure you had a proper amount of sleep each night, so this deviation in routine had your stomach twisting. As he began to venture into the woods, a little tune was hummed under his breath and his fingers idly tapped against your back. A harmless gesture any other day or situation, but it meant he was excited. No doubt to show you something and to explain his scarce presence over the past few days.
“You’ve always shared a lot of your culture with me. Food, celebrations, talk of your society and how it functions, and even what love is like in your world,” Fierce finally broke the silence of the forest (why are the woods quiet? Why can’t you see any fairies fluttering around?). “I thought, perhaps… I could do the same. It’s not much, but I still want you to enjoy a few things I did back when I was in my prime.”
With those partially cryptic words finally spoken, you were set down on your own two feet and spun around. In a small clearing of the forest now sat a little feast. Placed upon a round but sizeable table were multiple plates of decadent food. Some dishes were familiar to you such as a fragrant seafood stew prepped with lobster, crab, prawns, and fish. Strips of glazed and tender gourmet meat rested upon a suitable bowl of rice. There was also a charcuterie and meat board loaded with all sorts of treats. The sight was enough to get your stomach rumbling and you sat down in the smaller chair at the table. With the hot and fresh food before you (no doubt kept that way with the use of a little magic), your worries could wait for a moment.
“This is but a sliver of the food that use to grace the tables I ate at. While this little feast lacks many things, mainly ambrosia and entertainment, I do hope you enjoy it,” Fierce states as he watches you dig into whatever was closest to you. The food tasted just as amazing as it looked and smelled, so Fierce had to have gotten help from someone. Perhaps Wild or the cooks at Hyrule castle? Whoever it was, you were grateful to them.
As you enjoyed some of the gourmet meat and rice bowl, another plate was slid over to you. It appeared to be a standard plate of steak but the meat on the plate wasn’t beef. It looked similar to beef, but it sooner looked like a filet than a steak. Not to mention that the smell may have been meaty and savory, but not beef like. It was also generously covered in a thin, dark sauce and plated with a small pile of what you imagined was the Hyrule equivalent of home fries.
Curious to try the new dish, you moved it closer and brought your fork and knife to it. You did your best to slice against the grain and pulled away with a good bite of the meat. After a quick dip in the sauce it came with, you plopped it into your mouth and began to chew. It was soft and tender and had a similar mouth feel to regular steak, but the taste was far from that simple. It had the meaty heaviness that came with red meat but it’s taste was a bit closer to poultry. The tangy sauce helped cover up the subtle, bitter aftertaste of the food.
“What do you think? It’s the one dish I prepared myself,” Fierce commented as he watched you. He practically seemed to be on the edge of his seat and his eyes bore straight through you. His eagerness towards your commentary was strange given how innocent this little date night had been so far, so you decided to not question it too much as not to ruin the mood.
“It’s an interesting taste. It tastes good and the sauce is a good pair for the meat, but it’ll still take some getting used to,” You replied before taking another bite out of the meat. Since this was the plate Fierce had specially prepared himself, it would be nice of you to finish it.
“I also made a drink. It’s not as close to the mortal made ambrosia as I hoped it would be, but I hope you enjoy it,” Fierce pipes up yet again as he hands you a wine glass full of what looks similar to red wine. It’s darker in color, though, as well as more opaque. When you go to taste it, you also notice that it’s just a bit thicker than normal wine. While there is the taste of grapes and alcohol in it, there’s also a noticeable twang of raspberry and something else you can’t put your finger on. Much like the meat, there was subtle, bitter aftertaste. You offer Fierce a nod of approval and, for the moment, that’s that.
The midnight meal passes by rather peacefully. The forest is still all too quiet for your liking but at least you and Fierce keep each other company. When it eventually becomes too much to take so much as another bite out of any of the food, the deity also sets down his utensils along with you. As you sit and digest your food, Fierce goes about packing up the leftovers and storing them in his own enchanted pouch.
Instead of picking you back up and taking you back to the castle, Fierce beckons you to follow him closer into the forest. You comply, albeit a bit sluggishly due to a full belly and the early stages of fatigue. Wherever he’s taking you next mustn’t be far or else he would’ve picked you up.
The next spot he takes you to is dark and ill lit by moonlight. You can make out what appears to be a… tub? It’s clearly filled with liquid and had all kinds of petals scattered around it and in it. Underneath the earthy and floral scent of the scene, there’s another smell that you turn your nose from. With it being smothered by everything else, though, the most you can describe it as is a stale musk.
Gently, Fierce begins to pull away the pajamas covering your body. He keeps his actions slow and steady so you could make him stop at any time. You don’t as you understand he wasn’t going to do anything bad to you and, before long, your night clothes and underwear are neatly put to the side. Fierce helps you into the tub and let’s your body slowly sink into the liquid. There’s a noticeable thickness to the liquid- like a thinned out syrup. Aside from that and the smell, it was only luke warm. Were there more moonlight or just any light in general, you’d be able to properly see the color of the liquid.
Fierce kneels down by your side and begins to rub the liquid into the parts of your body that aren’t submerged. He says little aside from a few orders to move one way or the other. Whatever elixir it is that you’re bathing in is also added into your hair and generously applied to your face. Your best guess is that this was some sort of soak that Fierce must have done to himself way back when. Whether it was going to be beneficial for you or not would be something you could get figured out later.
“I imagine you’re curious about all of this,” Fierce murmurs out as he continues to “wash” your hair. “The meal, this bath, and what more I may have planned…”
“Well, yes… that’s been in the back of my mind the entire time,” You confirm after a moment of hesitance. That telltale churning in your gut was starting to act up but you did your best to hide it. You weren’t the only one nervous, though, as Fierce also seemed to be getting anxious as well. It buzzed through the bond like a bee’s nest. Nervousness was a rather rare emotion for the deity and it made your blood run cold at whatever he may be planning.
“Remember… how I promised that my love for you is eternal? Well, it is but… you’re not,” Fierce sighs and the bond is flooded with sadness that threatens to make you sob until the sun rises. Thankfully, it doesn’t last for much longer as Fierce seems to focus his train of thought elsewhere.
“Y-Yeah?” You cough out after a bit. Fierce remains still and silent for a few moments despite your stare. Slowly, his eyes meet yours and the intensity that stirs within them could have been enough to kill.
“I think I’ve figured out a solution to that.”
What did he mean by that? Was… was he planning on turning you into a god? Or, at the very least, immortal? There’s little else his comment could be interpreted as. But how would such a thing even be possible? As far as you can recall, you’ve stumbled across nothing in Hyrule or its history that hints at mortals being able to ascend to divinity.
“Fierce, how… is that even… I-”
“You need not stress, dearest. The process has already begun and you’re fairing quite fine so far,” Fierce smiles.
You nearly leap out of the tub and scramble across the ground. Your wild dreams of escape are shattered as Fierce quickly wrangles you into his hold and attempts to calm you down. He even tries to send calming and relaxing sensations across the bond but it does little to soothe your frantic mind. Not only that, but you managed to get to a point in the forest where there was more moonlight. The pale light illuminated your bare skin and it only showed red. Red, red, red, red, red.
It’s blood. You had been soaking in blood.
By some miracle, you managed to not upheave tonight’s meal. That didn’t stop you from kicking and screaming to get away from Fierce. Unlike times before when he had crossed a line, Fierce showed no sign of backing off. He kept you pinned to the ground and simply took any blow you sent his way head on. It was simply a matter of letting you tire yourself out.
“Shh… it’s okay, you’ll be fine, (Name),” Fierce hushed as he pressed the side of your head against his chest. His heart beat was slow and steady like a bass drum. It contrasted the never ceasing allegro of your own heart and you worried that, at this rate, you’d end up fainting.
After quickly adjusting his embrace around you, Fierce lifts you up and carries your body to the next destination of this “date night”. Your kicks had lost their wind and had become little more than wiping your foot against him. You try to look at anything but the red ick still clinging to you or Fierce. Vaguely, standing just above the tree line and nearing the horizon lines, were the tallest towers on Hyrule Castle. It was so far away that you couldn’t really see the flags mounted on their peaks flapping in the breeze nor would anyone there be capable of hearing the loudest scream you could make (would anyone even come to your rescue if they heard you? Who in their right minds would think to try and fight against a god?)
Something cold and hard presses against your back. Your view shifts as Fierce lays you down on stone and quickly goes about securing your arms and legs. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that he’s laid you flat on an altar. What ritual he had planned was for him to know and for you to cruelly find out.
“I’ve never wanted to hurt you before and I still don’t. I will never feel the urge to harm you but… I have to do this. If I don’t, then you’ll become victim to your mortality and I’ll be left alone. I can’t exist without you anymore, (Name)... I can’t,” Fierce whines and that sadness from earlier crashes over you again. Your thoughts turn to the darkest possibilities given your current state, but things are made abundantly clear when a hidden dagger is pulled from beneath the god’s linens.
You’ve never seen a dagger that looked so ritualistic before. It’s blade was carved and sharpened from the tooth of a beast and runes or words of a language you couldn’t read were etched into the blade. Its handle was made from stained and wrapped leather that had a few brilliant feathers bound in it. For the first time since properly meeting him, you could see Fierce’s hand shake as he poised the blade.
“I think… you’re ready. You’ve been strengthened enough to take my blood tonight. You’ve drank, ate, and bathed in my essence. Now, it is time for it to enter your veins- raw and unfiltered,” Fierce muttered. With care and precision, the blade was brought to your skin. Enough pressure was applied so that it began to cut through the layers of your skin. He stopped just shy of your sternum and began to pull the blade down the length of your torso. It was a slow and agonizing pain you couldn’t describe so you only screamed. You screamed and screamed and screamed. You fought against the bindings that held you but it was to no avail.
The blade finally stopped just past your pectorals before pulling away. Fierce laid the blade against his hand and sliced in deep. A small sputter of blood spattered out as a result and it feels like fire when it makes contact to your open wound. The pain is only amplified tenfold when Fierce presses his cut palm down on the slash of your chest. Your voice raises to an octave you didn’t know was possible as what feels akin to liquid fire begins to spread through your chest. This is only worsened by the icy sting of sadness and despair as Fierce struggles to keep a lid on his own emotions. You can see his lips moving and know he’s mumbling something but you can’t tell if it’s some kind of mantra to complete the ritual or a shoddy attempt at keeping himself calm.
As his blood spreads out further and further, you find that the world is becoming more and more incoherent. Black spots smudge your vision and static feels your ears. Fierce’s face, contorted into so much pain and anguish, is the last thing you see before passing out.
Your mind feels as though it’s drifting around on the inky waters of unconsciousness. Even though this feeling is unknown to you and you don’t know what awaits you when- if you wake up, you feel peaceful. There is no pain to feel and no sights to disturb you. All you sense is your body drifting along and the occasional noise. The noise is that of someone speaking or shouting or crying- you can’t tell. It’s so distant and sounds as if it’s underwater. It’s like a siren call that plays on your curiosity and empathy to open your eyes. To wake up and investigate or comfort whoever it is that’s calling for you.
“...p… wa… up…”
Perhaps you weren’t unconscious. Maybe you were dead? It’s possible given the… trauma? That you just went through? (What happened? The pain the pain the pain the pain the pain the pain It’s all gotten so blurry? Golden Three preserve me save me)
“Ple…. wake… please, (Na… up…”
Were you now drifting down the River Styx? Maybe, maybe not. It had always been portrayed as hellish and depressing, but you felt so peaceful. Maybe Hyrule just had a nicer one that home did.
“Golden Three, please… pray that they… return them to… give me back my…”
Hmm… the waters were beginning to feel a little choppy. Were you finally arriving at your destination? Whatever that meant…
“(Name), please! COME BACK TO ME!”
Your eyes snapped open as breath returned to your lungs. You were stuck staring straight up at the inky abyss above you. Somehow, the night sky was now bespeckled with glittering stars and you could better make out the twisting and mixing nebulas of color.
Your head lolled to the side and you saw that Fierce had devolved into the dictionary definition of a mess. Tears streamed down his cheeks and smears of red were all over him. His hair was bunched up and knotted- no doubt from him pulling and tearing at his own hair. Heavy and harsh breaths racked his frame as he was nearly hunched over your body. His stillness was enough to convince you he had turned to stone until his entire body seemed to go lax. He toppled over and landed across your bare skin but neither you nor he cared much about that at the moment.
“You came back… you came back…” He gargled out. His voice, once deep and smooth, was now crackly. He buried his face against your body to hide his expressions from you as he clung to you like a child to their blankie.
“What… happened?” You finally croaked out as you took in your surroundings. Everything was so… sharp. In focus. You could make out the the individual veins on the leaves of nearby trees. You could see dew beginning to form on grass a distance away from where you were laying. Fluttering high above the trees, you could also see the flying and swooping forms of bats. Its like you were looking at everything through the lens of a telescope.
A metallic rattle then click alerts you to the shackles (when did those get there?) on your wrists. Fierce had managed to get up and was working on getting you freed from them. Once unbound, he wasted no time in scooping you up and hurrying through the forest. You gripped onto him as tightly as you could before you felt him come to an abrupt stop. Icy cold water was splashed over your body and Fierce used his shirt to wipe you off. The shirt was quickly stained red and you hadn’t realized you were positively coated in dried blood.
As your skin was cleared of the red ichor, you realized that your chest looked rather weird. The skin was scarred but the scar itself was strange. It was a thin but long and straight line down your chest. It wasn’t your skin’s natural color, but silver like it was made of metal. Feeling it confirmed that it was still your skin and nothing else.
You turn your head upwards to ask Fierce a question but not even a word gets the chance to fall from your lips as Fierce kisses you desperately. Romance and love aren’t the present emotions to be felt in the kiss- it’s despair and relief all wrapped up in an overwhelming amount of guilt. The kiss lasts long enough that you eventually have to claw at Fierce’s chest to push him away. Sweet air flies back into your lungs and you’re left huffing and puffing yet again.
“I’m sorry… I’m so sorry,” Fierce whispers as he hangs his head low. You knew he was apologizing for more than just the rather crude kiss, but your brain was in a fog. You still couldn’t place what had happened for him to be so distraught.
“I remember… eating? Yeah, we were eating in the forest and then you took me somewhere. I was soaking in… in something but after that… everything’s a blur…” You mumbled out and massaged a sudden ache in your temples. Trying to remember what happened, even if it was only a small detail, made your head pound.
“I…” Fierce starts to speak but stops himself. Amongst the whirlpool of emotions in his eyes and bubbling behind the currently closed doors of the bond, you could see that Fierce was thinking. He was thinking about how to phrase his next words carefully. It was odd behavior coming from him given that he preferred to be bluntly honest. “It… doesn’t matter anymore. Things spiraled out of control for a moment but… but everything is okay now. I promise.”
It didn’t exactly feel like a lie (It is it is it is run run run run no longer trust him, don’t love him, stop listening to him, stop) but it wasn’t the truth. Whatever happened had scared Fierce- a man you once thought incapable of feeling fear. Because of that reason alone, you took his word.
“Let’s get back to the castle before the boys or the princess start to wake up,” You state as you try to take control of the situation. It works as Fierce nods and stands up. He lets you stand on your own two feet while he runs off to go get something. After a minute, he returns with your night clothes in hand. He doesn’t speak up or do anything as you get dressed. Once it’s time to start heading back, he doesn’t pick you up but rather walks alongside you, hand in hand.
The small yet noticeable deviations in Fierce’s habits made it clear he was still in some state of shock. You didn’t know what to do to snap him out of it or if you should just let it run its course. You decide on simply intertwining your fingers with his and giving his hand a gentle squeeze to let him know that you’re here and you’re okay (no no no no no no no don’t do that, don’t encourage him, it makes things worse, so so so so much worse).
“(Na… (Name)?” Fierce whispers out. His tone makes him sound like a distraught child wanting to call out to their parent or older sibling. It’s fear and hurt ready to break past the dam that’s barely holding it in.
“Yes, honey?” You hum and give him a small smile.
“You’re… here, right?” Fierce asks. The snarky part of you wants to scoff at the question but you understand that now’s not the time for that.
“Yes. I’m right here,” You confirm and squeeze his hand again.
“You… won’t… ever leave me, will you? I don’t want to be alone again,” Fierce mumbles. Your heart clenches (no, don’t, don’t feel sympathy for the monster) as it’s clear Fierce is thinking back to the time he was trapped in the mask. No doubt being left along for decades, if not centuries, between wielders left him with a fear of abandonment. God of war he may be, it didn’t mean he wasn’t (a monster, a torturer, a villain) without feeling.
“I won’t leave you. I won’t leave you or the boys. You’ve all been through so much and deserve some kindness after all of the cruelty,” You claim, your voice stern and firm much like the statement itself.
“You… love me? You love me, right?” Fierce finally asks the question that had been brewing in his chest. His eyes, ever the window to his soul, showed all. The searching, the yearning, the despair, the anguish, the fear, the worry, the sadness, the hopefulness, the happiness, and the love (the insanity, the madness, the darkness).
“Fierce, I… yes… yes, I do love you,” You admit. It was true (no it wasn’t). Perhaps it was because he never gave up on you despite how conflicted you felt. He waited and was there for you every step of the way without even having to ask. It may have been intense, it may have a bumpy ride, but you were here now. Here with your hand in his and with a clear mind (it’s all so warped and foggy, he won’t let me think straight).
“Will you love me for eternity?” Fierce inquires. His tone is a bit lighter now, as are his eyes. It’s as if the increasing weight of the world was finally lifted off his shoulders. He was still patiently waiting for your answer.
Don’t say it…
“Eternity is a long time, honey…”
Eternity is forever, I’ll be trapped with him forever…
No, please…
“Yes, Fierce…”
No… no…
“I will love you for eternity.”
138 notes · View notes
neverchecking · 7 months
Day 1: Macro- With Fierce Deity
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Kicking it off hot~ This one was so fun to write and I'm rather happy with how it turned out!
Smut so Minors Do Not Interact. If I find out a minor has interacted with my blog, I will block you.. Thank you!
Smut CW: Size difference, Fierce being a BIG BOY, there is penetration, but I tried to keep it pretty gender neutral! Let me know if I missed anything or accidently gendered it and I'll fix it!
This is Day one of My Kinktober so be sure to come back and check out the other days! Friendly Reminder that all of my smut is tagged 'Cindersins' including this, but this will also be tagged as 'Cinder's happy halloween' along with the run of the mill smut tags.
Kinktober Masterlist <<< >>> Day 2
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“There you go.” His voice rumbled in his chest, low and deep, rolling in dark purrs along your back. 
If there was one thing everyone knew about the deity behind you, it was that he, simply put, was big. An absolute unit of a being. Bringer of wars and harbinger of conflict. More blood than you could fathom had stained his fingers, drowning his soul until it had flickered from the once hopeful light to a fiery inferno of rage and hatred. He had sat upon a throne of bones and skulls, torn from the very enemies he laid to rest. 
Until he had met you.
You were a direct contrast to him. Soft and naive. A being so untainted by the remains of life and the cruel corners of it, you had no choice but to shine. To push back any shadows daring to marr your own soul. To remain as untouchable as you were untouched. To remain cleansed and pure. As if plucked right from the monastery's doorstep. An unwept tear shimmering in the moonlight. 
His precious jewel designed just for him. 
You had awed over every little thing he was capable of. Every tale of gore and horror spun about his capabilities had others regarding him much in the same way he did himself. Like a monster capable of snapping at any given point. But you? You never held any animosity or ill will towards him. No, you remained as open and caring as you always had. Asking in the sweetly unimpeachable tone for him to lean down, only for you to bestow upon him a crown of chain linked daisies and other flowers. Pleading with him to reach a fruit too high for your delicate hands to even brush and thanking him with a press of your lips to his cheeks. Even when crossing bogs and swamps, while you had been hesitant at first, you now happily climbed onto his shoulder, perched there like a little bird while he effortlessly carried you across. 
If you allowed him the privilege he’d be your chariot for as long as you desired. To feel the heat of your skin, with blood coursing through your veins, was something so startlingly beautiful to him. It was a complete contrast to the flash of heat he’d get when slashing through an enemy and their own blood would slick against his cheeks and jaw. Every part of you that made you alive was something he held near and dear. Counting your breaths while you slept and nearly panicking when you missed one or it was delayed by a mere half a second, hearing the pounding of your heart while you went on about what type of butterfly you saw that day or how many deer crossed the paths behind you. Even just the patter of your footsteps beside his, three of yours for every one of his, was such a reliable beat to him. 
Even the pulsing of your walls as you clung to him, whimpering out in either pain or overwhelmed lust as you continued letting your hips fall. He had expressed his worry for you, that he would be too big for someone of your stature, but you had brushed him off, calling him ‘Silly’ for even implying such a thing. He didn’t see the connection, as it wasn’t an attempt at being humorous, but allowed you to think that way. 
You had explained that it was all about muscle work. About relaxing them and stretching them, making them used to the intrusion before it happened. It just so happened that he had the fingers necessary to do it. You had taken three, which had pumped in and out of your twitchy little hole with great difficulty at first, before they were soon sliding in and out easily. Then you had become impatient, pushing his hand out and instead moving to straddle him. His cock bounced against your ass as you gently cupped his cheek. With your free hand you moved the head of his cock to prod against you, locking his lips with your own as you moved to sit down. It was a struggle with the same muscles that were so accommodating before now clenching, refusing him entry as you tried so desperately to force them to relax. When that didn’t work, he let the first praises slip past his tongue, which was so suddenly weak willed when pitted against your fiery determination.  
To his surprise it had worked. Inch by inch disappeared into you before you were sitting on his lap, panting in heavy breaths as you leaned into him. He rubbed your back with a heavy hand. 
“Guess you were right. It did fit.” 
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yourlocaltreesimp · 7 months
Totk!Link, about Y/N: You wanna know what I confessed in there? What my greatest sin was? It was how many times I let them down.
Yan! Chain, your cult, with additional members is so much more that it’s difficult to wholly sum up. But I will try.
NOT their official hcs for this page, those will be written at a later time.
I subscribe to the belief that this man is feral. He knew who you were and that you were his guide immediately and fell pretty much immediately. On grounds of sanity, he doesn’t have much. The malice and gloom swirling in his blood did it’s number on his sanity to the point he was already a madman when the chain happened upon him, not that it was readily apparent though. Before, he made the obligation to his forced status as hero. Polite, helpful, strong, silent, You get the deal. But boy oh boy, that shit went down the drain faster than a korok on a rocket. Once his eyes caught yours and he was returned to your side, he could care less of Hylia or the Triforce, let alone Zelda. Link had a new deity, a new purpose, a new person for which he was wholly devoted for. Only this time around, his deity smiled back at him, his reason for living thanked him for his sacrifices and his utter devotion towards keeping them alive was something he yearned to do. To have blood staining his hands as you fall asleep safely within his arms… arm, but that’s aside the point
He struggled to remember your guidance, he’d admit. Your kind smiles and expansive wisdom blurred in his memory, like a candle snuffed out. He could see the remanents, those smoky memories proof that your familiarity was well placed…. but he never got to see the warmth that you had. But it was when the flame in his heart was relit that he remembered exactly why he forgot you. And boy was he livid. Hylia stole his life, his freedom, that which he knew. But Hylia also stole his love, bitter that you held it instead of her. And so, you were ripped away from him too soon. And of course, he suffered in Hylia’s wake. Afterwards, he’d do anything possible to stay by your side, to cherish you as you deserved. The goddesses were dead to him, you were far more deserving of that place. He’d worship the ground you walked on if you asked, bring Hylia kneeling before you and strip her of her immortality if that’s what you wished as vengeance. In long and short, no matter the cost, he’d be there.
Fierce deity
He didn’t really know you per say. He knew of you, though. He knew of you rather well. He watched behind his companions eye, learning all he needed to know about you. Learning the planes of your face and curve of your body. The nuances of your personality and tells of your ways. He memorised you, so that even as many moons passed and you became dust, your face would be fresh in his mind. Fierce had grown accustomed to confinement, stuck as another entity lodged within the Hero of Time, spirit locked away within the mask, stuck as nothing more than a war deity no more useful than the lives he could reap. But you made him long for more. To be by your side, to be your safe haven, to be worth more than a tool. He wanted to be yours, for that was far more valuable than immortality.
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luimagines · 3 years
LU Boys height
Tolerance to the outdoors
LU boys with kids
LU boys and their sweet tooth
A Little Chain TLC
Merperson S/O
Time’s Age
Yandere Chain Who All Love the Same Person
LU Voice Headcanons
Hand Holding!
Can the Chain lie? No
Chain’s Bad Habits and How Deal With Anxiety/Bad Days
Chain’s Love Language
Age of Calamity Link Headcanons
Reader has magic powers
He is Your Husband
LU Boys as Dads
There’s a Girl in the Group!
Droid AU
Eldritch S/O
Fairytale Au (600 Follower Raffle)
They Have a Tall S/O
Introducing Their S/O
Reader Acts like a Cat the More They Shift Into One
Reader is Touch Starved 
You Tell Him You Want a Divorce
Group Scenarios Part 1
Crushing on Reader with Ghostly Abilities.
Heroes of Old, Time Not Found
Wind Get Some Seashells
Magical Girl AU
You and Warrior become his Parents
Meeting the Colors
Four Splits up and Gushes About you
Dad! Four picks up his kid from school
Minish! Four x Reader
Finding Him Injured
Four Gets No Mercy (600 Follower Raffle)
You Use the Four Sword
Soulmate au
Color Centric Masterlist
Sunny, Sleepy Cuddles
Legend Comforting Reader After a Nightmare
Romantic Headcanons
Legend is Using the Bunny to his Advantage
Legend’s Secret Friend (800 follower raffle)  
Mirror Mirror
Jealous Boy
Wild x Older Sibling! Reader
Homecoming (700 follower raffle)
Impromptu Camping (900 Follower Raffle)
Tree Date
Two in a Bush
Father Figure! Time x Reader
Time After Time
Tending to Temptations
Time and Spell (900 Follower Raffle) 
Father Time
King of Kings (Dragon au)
To Cope
Dragon Time
Hyrule Comforts You
Fairy Flutters In a Faraway Forest
Confident Hyrule
First is Not Ok Part 2
Soulmate au
First and Reader are Just Friends
Smitten First
First Realizes He Likes You
Romantic Headcanons!
There’s Only One Bed
Ravio’s New Dating Service
Fierce Deity
Silent Devotion
Filtered Flirts
Smitten Fierce Deity
Soft Deity
A Glass Rose   A Steel Thorn (Part Two)
Good Guardian
Non X Reader Scenarios
100 Follower Special!
Enno cant get their crap together Part 1 Part 2  Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 
Baker and The Beast Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Pot Smashing Competition 
Kokiri Traveler
Team Rocket Blasting Off Again! Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
Trapped In a Tunnel (800 Follower Prize)
That Dragon AU (x Warrior) Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 TBA
Looking for Someone
Stories Sent in by Asks
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moonhasmanyanimals · 23 days
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yanderelinkeduniverse · 5 months
Reader: "So eventually I'm like- alright"
Reader: "Being nice doesn't work, being nice gets me stalkers" *side eyes the chain*
Reader: "Being mean gets me crazy men who are attached to crazy woman" *side eyes dink*
Reader: "I'm just gonna ignore y'all now *walks away while fierce deity follows behind her*
Reader: (AND THEY LIKE THAT TOO!) *turns around and yells* LEAVE ME ALONE!
(At this point, it's safe to say reader is a yandere link magnet with how many alternate versions of link swarm her like a bunch of honey bees to a field of flowers 🤣😂)
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8fcnfoE/ (this is the audio they’re referring too)
Heavy is the head which where’s the crown, it seems like wherever this girl goes she ends up with at least one(1) admirer of the insane variety 😂
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