#yasuke matsuda x reader
thebusytypewriter · 10 months
So likeeeee Matsuda oneshot??? Maybe the two of them making out while on duty??? Or even just him bullying reader :33333 plssss (ok a more like formal idea would be Matsuda continuously bumping into reader in the hall and thinking he doesn’t like them when in reality he has a crippling crush on them and he’s just too tsundere to admit it or smth) (why is requesting smth off anon so scary to me)
EEE absolutely, Cressie! Thank you for requesting! I hope I do your bbg justice :D
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The first time Matsuda bumps shoulders with you while passing in the hallway, he earns himself a large red splotch on the sleeve of his good dress shirt.
No, it isn’t blood. Yes, he makes sure of it.
It’s paint, of all things. It makes sense, he supposes, given how you are the Ultimate Artist. The two of you have never really spoken, even though you both landed in the same section of the 77th Class, but that also makes sense. After all, his talent is strongly rooted in the sciences—neurology—while yours is among the arts.
Matsuda scowls as he dabs at the stubborn red spot with a paper towel. The arts, to him, are a waste of time. They can be a source of endorphins, but there are better, more efficient ways to acquire them than to just… well. He’s not entirely sure what it is that you do, but he can tell by your frantic running that it brings you more stress than joy.
(Like he should be the one to judge for that.)
The second time, it’s a green stain. The third, it’s black. Fourth, orange.
Matsuda’s running out of good shirts.
The fifth time he bumps into you in the hallway, paint finally remains out of the equation. Instead, you nearly knock him straight into the trash can with the sheer force of your hurry.
He catches himself on the wall and manages to avoid falling into the can, cursing all the way as you scramble to a stop. You’re babbling, he observes, mostly filled with apologies and questions about his wellbeing, all while you look at him with those large doe eyes. Matsuda spots a dry patch of blue paint on your cheek, as well as some in your hair. Your painter’s smock is absolutely littered with colorful stains, of course. He doubts you’ve noticed or even care at this point.
It’s rather… cute.
You’re reaching for him with a pinched brow. Shit, he must’ve missed everything you said. He smacks your hand away with a grumble. “Watch where you’re going, then, ditzy bitch.”
Leaving his first words spoken to you hanging in the air, he marches away toward the psych lab. He feels your wide-eyed stare burning into his back.
You don’t bump into him again after that.
Matsuda can tell that you’re avoiding him on purpose, probably so there isn’t a repeat of last time. He wonders for a moment if he went too far.
No, he reminds himself. You both may be Ultimates, but you’re very different people. You are a neurologist, working in a lab and making history in the sciences. They’re an artist that… that…
Not quite sure what possesses him to do so, Matsuda feels determined to find out what it is that you do in your art room. It’ll help him better understand the differences between the two of you.
Yes, that would be the only reason.
Nothing else.
Of course.
That’s what he tells himself until he’s staring at a half-finished canvas in the art room.
Instinctually, he identifies the subject as a brain—superior view of the brain, looking down at the two halves. On the left, open surfaces of the gyri are filled with numbers and letters and shapes and equations, all added in a brilliant collage made of both magazine and newspaper clippings as well as paint. It’s orderly and precise, just like the left brain is wired to be. He notices that it’s covered with a thin layer of plastic taped to the board, likely for protection.
The other side remains empty. Blank. In-progress.
You’ve returned to the room, a palette in hand—one with freshly-added globs of paint adorning it. He was willing to bet that you’d been preparing to finish the piece with all of that color.
He takes far too long to say something, anything, so you end up following his gaze to the palette. Your cheeks flush. “Oh. I, uh, couldn’t decide on a color scheme for the right brain yet, so I just brought them all over to compare. But you don’t care about that, right?” Before he has the chance to argue, you’re moving past him toward the canvas. “I heard that art bores you. The visit is appreciated, but you don’t have to stay. I don’t want to keep you from important things—”
Matsuda hates, he realizes, how you assume such things about him. It’s nothing against you—only disappointment in himself for not being crystal clear.
Much faster than he would care to admit, Matsuda turns and grabs you by the shoulder to stop that train of thought and clarify his affection—affection?—for you when…
For the first time, he bumps into you with too much force, and the edge of your palette catches on the canvas. The other end slips from your grip, and the entire surface lands paint side against the blank right brain.
You scramble back, aghast, as the palette remains adhered to the canvas, colors oozing out from beneath the wood.
“Shit,” he finally says. “Sorry. Sorry, that wasn’t intentional. I can… I can pay for new supplies to replace the wasted ones. I can hire someone to restore it. I can fix this.”
“No need.”
Startled by the dismissal, Matsuda simply blinks at you. “…Huh?”
You’re smiling. You’re smiling, and it does weird things to his stomach. The surprise has worn off, it seems, while you pull the palette from the canvas gingerly. “As a great man once called it, this is a… happy accident.”
Sure enough, when the palette is removed, a swirl and spattering of color is left over top of the right brain’s section. A good portion of your lining is covered, but it’s still visible enough to trace over again. All things considered, it’s an impressive visualization of the creativity of the right brain in comparison to the left, not to mention appealing on its own.
“Thank you,” you mumble, the flush on your cheeks mirroring the heat in his own when he realizes he’d been saying all of that aloud. “But I should be giving you at least some of the credit. I-If you want it, that is. I know art’s boring to you.”
The faintest of smiles pulls at his lips without permission. “…I’m beginning to see the appeal.”
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forbidding-souda · 1 year
Hii! I'm sorry yo bother You, can You please do "Yasuke with a S/o that has TDAH"? :D
Matsuda Yasuke with a S/O who has ADHD
my husband picked this one bc i couldn't decide which one to do next
i have an advisor meeting tomorrow so we get to see if i can get a teaching credential while at this school rn or if i have to wait until afterwards smh
-Mod Souda
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❤ He noticed your behavior habits quickly and was able to identify them. He didn't comment on it at first.
❤ He did have to bite his tongue when it came to not commenting on certain things like whenever you'd interrupt him or when you'd lose concentration whenever he talked about something he likes.
❤ ^ When you annoy him with these things he always pinches your cheek.
❤ You watch him chew out other students but he's never had that negative energy when it came to you. You always worry about irritating him too much, and you worry about accidentally pushing him away because of it.
❤ Sometimes he'll sit down and let you ramble while he works. He likes to noisy air, plus listening to you talk gives him butterflies.
❤ You have very strong opinions about a lot of things, which he thinks is funny, until you disagree with him on something and then he'll passionately debate you (yet still hardly see your side).
❤ You'll have to have tough skin to be able to date him because he has a dry, insulting-type sense of humor. His conversations are filled with: "if you say so...", "uhm, okay...", "i guess?", and passive-aggressive things like that.
❤ You get to play with his hair whenever he's sitting down (he's most likely reading). He'll also lay on your lap as you sit up in bed.
❤ He'll let you mess with the buttons on his shirts, even on school grounds in classrooms, and then glare at people if they do a ?????.
❤ He kisses your forehead a lot, which includes grabbing the back of your head in a less gentle way than you'd hope he would.
❤ His romantic gestures are usually aggressive because he doesn't consider being on lovely-dovey.
❤ You forgetting certain details about things he's mentioned before drives him insane but he doesn't mind re-explaining things.
❤ Sometimes he'll give you directions like "can you grab that for me" and he'll watch you stare directly at it, but not realize that that is what he is talking about.
❤ ^ "I don't know where it is, I can't find it"
❤ "Ok."
❤ There have been many conversations about the same topic, that go the same way, but neither of you really care. He doesn't mind hearing stories he's already heard before and you don't mind telling them again (which comes you forgetting you even told it before).
❤ He is always impressed by your skills in multi-tasking because that's not something the average person is even capable of doing, and certainly not him either.
❤ He'll force you to play chess with him because he wants to see what your mind can do.
❤ He makes you do a lot of activities for this point ^ he is really interesting in your brain. He hasn't met a lot of people like you.
❤ So he'll observe you a lot. You hardly notice, but when you do you just smile at it, a bit flattered that he watches you with such love in his eyes.
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strwbbericrumb · 10 months
Masuda x Depressed Reader.. but it's just them arguing for 30 minutes and then comfort
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Remember too take care of yourself if you are having suicidal thoughts please reach out to someone! - Mod Servant
This might be a bit ooc it's my first time writing for Matsuda!
You walked into Matsuda's room you were nervous but you felt like you had to ask him you had to tell someone...
''Hey Matsuda do you ever want to just die?''
"All the time. Why? What stupid crap happened?"
''Nothing, its fine.''
"Bullshit. What happened?"
''It's just that.. recently I've had thoughts of killing myself…''
"Hm. That sounds like a "you" problem. Not my issue."
''Fuck off''
Yasuke rolled his eyes. "Whatever."
Yasuke was about to go back to his work but decided against it. "Do you wanna talk?"
''...yeah'' you said awkwardly
"So tell me what's wrong. I'm not gonna call you a whiny loser if that's what your worrying about."
You laughed for some reason
"Hey! I'm serious! I'm not gonna call you a weakling or something." Yasuke was lying by the way
''I wanna hang myself.''
Yasuke was annoyed but held back the urge to call them a moron. "Why?"
''Uh... idk?'' It was just hard to explain but you guess emotions are like that
Yasuke was still annoyed. "You want to end your life and you don't even have a reason why. You have the IQ of a f*cking fly!"
''Go fuck yourself!!''
"Why don't you cry to someone who cares? Because I could less if your gone."
"Aw! I hit a nerve and the baby's gonna throw a fit! Cry me a river."
"Do you have a crying fetish or something? dumb dacryphilac!!''
"Do you have dumbfuck syndrome or something? You're the one who's whining like a f*cking child!"
"Only when you stop crying like a child who had to be taken away from his mommy's breast."
"Oh, did I hit a nerve again? Don't act like you've never sucked on your mommy's tits to get milk."
''That's why your moms dead!!'
Yasuke froze for a split second. Then stood up and was going to grab you by your throat. "What the f*ck did you say?"
Yasuke grabbed your throat. "Shut up you goddamn freak! Do you think I like to talk about my mother's death?!"
"Do you think I like trying to tell people about my struggles and then they make fun of me?!"
Yasuke was so pissed he slapped you in the face. "My mother is gone! I had to live in a foster home for years after she died! Do you know how f*cking difficult it is to tell your friends and classmates that your mom is gone?"
You were tearing up it was overwhelming you trusted him...
... Yasuke was silent. He slowly let his grip off of you, then looked down. Then he went to sit back down in his office chair, looking down at the ground.
You started crying...
Yasuke was going to make fun of you. But he didn't. Instead he stayed silent. His eyes slightly filled with tears. He was reminded of his childhood. He felt bad. "You want a hug or something?"
"Then come here dumbass."
You hugged him
''Your so mean when your being nice...''
"Shut up." Yasuke hugged you as hard as he could. He tried to hold in his tears. He started to calm down a little bit.
The only things that could be heard is soft cryingg
Yasuke held you close to him, and just hugged you. "Calm down y/n. Come on. It's going to be alright."
Alright that's it I'm tired I'm sorry - Mod Servant
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yasukematsudadefender · 6 months
If Matsuda saw all the fan fics on ao3 with him and y/n he would kill himself I swear
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celamoon · 1 year
hey guys
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bluemoondust · 2 years
♡General Yandere Headcanons♡ — Danganronpa Protagonists
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Just wanted to write these out for each main protagonist, especially since they're all pretty unique in their own ways. I just love the protagonists, though!
Also, since it's multiple characters, these will be shorter than writing for just one character. So if you'd like to ask for general headcanons for any of the following individually, feel free to do so!
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Warning(s): Obsessive Thinking/Behavior, Stalking, Possessive Behavior, Violence (not towards Darling), Clingy Behavior, Delusional Thinking/Behavior, Mentions of Murder/Death (not referring to Darling), Gaslighting, Manipulation, Mentioned Drugging (Sedation), Suffocating Behavior, Guilt Tripping, Invasion of Privacy (Documents/Personal Information from Darling and Others)
Naegi Makoto
The tamest yandere out of this bunch (his sister being a close second). Makoto is the type of yandere who has complete trust in you, but does have his moments where insecurities eat at him. Even so, there is no ill thoughts towards those who might show an interest in you. It's something that happens, but he just wishes that they'll get over you. However, in terms of those who have more sinister motives, Makoto is less passive as he worries for your safety.
Makoto can be described as your typical, textbook definition of the standard yandere; although with some differences here and there. He is just as obsessive as any yandere can get, wanting to know every detail about you since he deems you as a wonderful person. He'll have the tendency to follow you around, maybe even memorize the route you take to get home. It's all for your sake though! Sometimes life might throw a curve ball at you and some random stranger could potentially try to harass you. Makoto is just making sure nothing brings you harm.
What does set him apart from a standard yandere is that Makoto will not resort to violence at all. He is a passive man and believes there are other ways to stop/prevent conflict. The closest a person like him can get to being violent is a glare towards the individual, which comes off as uncharacteristic for him. Startling those around him, even yourself.
Makoto just loves you to pieces and often daydreams about the possibilities that could come your way. It gets borderline delusional as his way of referring to you in his fantasies slips or he almost goes in for a kiss whenever you come up to him. He gets back to reality when he's reminded that unfortunately, you're not his and it scares him to think about the chance that he will miss the opportunity to do so. That is something he can't afford.
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Hinata Hajime
Compared to Makoto, Hajime is more likely to take a step back and delve into his behavior. It's something that catches him off guard, almost concerning him to some degree. Was there something wrong with him? Or was it you? That last question brings him an unpleasant feeling of guilt; no, he couldn't bring himself to blame you. This is all his own doing. Hajime is left frustrated with his yandere tendencies which stems from the fact that he is highly confused on what this means. He isn't the most experienced with relationships, so that might be a reason why. Eventually though, he decides not to worry too much on it and let it happen.
Hajime takes a more direct approach when it comes to rivals/potential threats, showing that he could potentially get aggressive if the situation needs it. He isn't afraid to call out that person on their behavior and demand them to give you more respect. When it comes to rivals though, Hajime is irritated. He can be deemed as a possessive yandere, having low tolerance towards those who show high interest in you. Sure, he's okay with you talking with friends, but the second one of them gets too friendly is where he draws a line.
Funnily enough, he won't be upfront with his feelings toward you; being more keen on hiding them away until he reveals it himself. Before that happens, Hajime is in some form of denial for a while. Deep down he is absolutely certain, but it's hard to just be blunt about it even with his direct attitude. A little embarrassing to admit is how he'd like to put it. However, he won't show any form of harsh behavior towards you. It hurts his heart to see you upset, especially if he is the cause.
What Hajime definitely keeps away from you is his more violent nature. There's a line that he's drawn for those who arrogantly believe they can take you and Hajime isn't afraid to get hostile. Murder is something he won't do, but leaving a few bruises and a broken nose/black eye will suffice. He has patience, which he gives himself kudos for but it is excruciatingly difficult to keep it together when people present themselves as threats to him. Hajime sighs to himself in order to calm the growing irritation.
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Naegi Komaru
Similar to her older brother, Komaru can be seen as the typical yandere with a high obsession with their darling. What sets her apart from Makoto is the fact that she seems more delusional than he is. Everything that could fuel those misconceptions, brings her to the conclusion that the two of you are meant to be. It reminds her of all those romance mangas she has read about in her spare time. If it happened in there then it could happen between the two of you!
She is extremely clingy and seeks to be by your side almost all the time. Komaru desperately wants to know everything about you from your favorite foods to the little habits you have. Showing off her feats is something else she finds enjoyment in; wanting to hear praise from you. It fills her with so much happiness when you compliment her! Oh, and do not worry, she will be your personal cheerleader and give you lots of confidence boosts. Just... Don't leave her, okay? Part of the reason why Komaru is so clingy is because of the fear that her being so ordinary will cause you to lose interest in her. But that shouldn't be the case right? Because you love her just as much as she does for you. It's just insecurities...
Komaru is only slightly more confrontational than her brother, but seems to chicken out last second. She sees that it's easy for others to do so, but when it comes to it, things are more intimidating. That is unfortunate because she wants to be there for you no matter what. What kind of girlfriend would she be if she couldn't defend you? So she does her best to fight for your honor (without fighting physically though). Knowing you are who she's fighting for gives her more courage and it is silly to admit that Komaru imagines the thought of having some sort of extravagant display of affection from you for her deeds. Again, purely because of what she's read.
There is absolutely no way she could take someone's life. Sure, she gets jealous of those who are taking more of your time but that is only after she realizes that was the case. Komaru pouts and gives comments hinting of such, but also tries to keep every second of your time with her. It's desperate yes, but she believes it is necessary because again her fear of being left behind motivates her to do all this. She loves you too much to ever let you go.
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Hijirihara Takumi
As a yandere, Takumi is a strange case indeed. His fascination for murderers and killing does bring in the possibility that he would kill off any potential rivals. The question is, would it be something worth the killing? The answer is yes, because Takumi will thoroughly enjoy wiping the existence of those people from the face of the earth along with it being out of passion for you. He finds those who kill as just a last option to be dull and not worth as much praise as the one who had tried to take his life. But for Takumi's case, murder is the go-to method purely for the excitement it brings. The devotion towards you when doing so is something extra, but he nonetheless believes it makes everything even better. Motive and enjoyment, what a treat!
Takumi is not afraid to express his unhealthy feelings toward you at all. Absolutely no shame or guilt when he tells you that you're the one invading his thoughts every second of the day. He doesn't even care if he comes off as creepy because honestly, he is just speaking truths and why lie? Takumi must at least be honest in this regard so you can be aware of the effects you have on him. Adding onto having no guilt, he chooses not to care about how unhealthy this all seems. Normal forms of morality do not matter to him in the slightest, so why should he care for his love going overboard?
This man 100% stalks you in the most creepiest of ways possible. Because Takumi has a fondness towards small/dark spaces, it wouldn't come as a surprise if you suddenly found him hiding under your sink or in your closet. That is, if you were to take notice, but Takumi isn't one to keep himself concealed from you. He likes the faces you make when yelling in dismay and horror from discovering his hiding spot. It's utterly priceless. In regards to how he even got into your home, that is something he won't reveal, but it does interest him in what extra measures you'd take to lock your home up.
The interesting aspect of all this is the idea of him persuading you into being as passionate as him when it comes to murder. It will be fun he says, it will be the most accelerating experience he says. Takumi fondly imagines the two of you exterminating killers and rating their killings. He wishes to show you the passion it can bring you. Then, you can fully be an 100 in terms of murder! Oh, how he'd love that as he sheds a few tears. Of course, it may take some time to coax you; society has conditioned you to view murder as immoral, but he knows better. Takumi knows that because the two of you are destined, no law can keep him from bringing out that dark potential in you.
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Matsuda Yasuke
Unconditional exasperation is what this man feels when he pinpoints his yandere traits. It just isn't his day at all, huh? Unlike any of the yandere in this group, Yasuke is rather cold towards his darling, purely based on the fact that he is aware these emotions aren't normal nor safe. When he figured out that you were the cause, he immediately had to push you away. This was a complicated occurrence and he isn't willing to risk what might happen next. If you're stubborn enough to stick around or your expressions get the best of him... Things will change. Yasuke may be harsh towards others including you, but he'd be under immense guilt if he ever hurt you. Staying around only makes him push past the clear signs that what he's feeling is unhealthy. He grows to not care anymore eventually. You're here to stay and that's all he needs.
Yasuke is more liable, compared to Hajime, to cross lines for you. Anyone deemed a threat towards you will be taken care of. It’s just how much of a danger they pose towards you that will determine the next steps he takes in dealing with them. He’s willing to commit a crime for you. Admittedly, Yasuke feels guilt whenever he does something heinous; he still has somewhat of a moral compass within him. Though, the thought of ensuring your safety eases that guilt in a matter of seconds as he believes this will be beneficial to the both of you. It is terrifying to even consider how far he will go since he is very capable of anything he sets his mind to. Nothing is off the table if it guarantees your well-being. He would even put his own life at risk for you. He would kill for you.
I have this feeling that if you ever caught Yasuke executing one of these murders, he would be forced to take the initiative in surpressing that memory. It is not ideal to him, but he cannot have you freaking out over this slip up nor leave you with the trauma he had caused. He attempts to soothe your anxiety as you struggle in his grip; he is not going to hurt you but the sedative might do so if you keep squirming. After that ordeal, Yasuke deems it unsuitable to have you away from him in fear of your memory coming back. He will just have to ensure you are within a distance where he can’t lose sight of you, making sure he is someone you heavily rely on. Yasuke will have to admit, a dark, twisted part of himself does enjoy the idea of you depending on him. You are someone so unfortunate, so hopeless. Of course you need him to assist you. You should put your faith in him completely.
That is part of the reason why Yasuke would be a terrifying yandere. The dependence on him and how you are completely unaware of his true nature. Why should you be wary anyways? Yasuke is a very intelligent man who is also very skilled in his field of expertise and despite being so cold, you can tell with every interaction you have, his concern is genuine. He is just rough around the edges is all. However, the only reason why you are absolutely oblivious to everything is all because of his interference. Yasuke is the reason why you can’t remember him murdering the person who threatened you. He is the reason why the only recollection of those events are fuzzy, which makes you wonder why you have sudden flashes when the smell of blood comes to you. “That never happened. It was just a nightmare you had.”
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Akamatsu Kaede
Oh dear... No offense to Kaede, but she is a pushy yandere, though she means well. She just wants to see you at your best and doesn't really see the harm her assertive nature can bring. It only gets worse as a yandere, though. When facing her feelings, Kaede is both ecstatic and anxious at the same time. Jumping into action is what she wishes to do in order to pursue you but there is the worry that she will potentially drive you away. Of course, she can't have that! Kaede would be devastated if she were to be the reason why you avoided her. So the next best thing is to be a positive figure in your everyday life. Almost any chance she gets, Kaede is there to give you healthy reminders or lend some assistance. It gets suffocating at a certain point in time since it seems there's no chance to be alone. Anytime you try to speak about this to Kaede, she seems distraught and explains that it was only because she cares so much. Which then leads to being unintentionally guilt tripped.
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Any person who gives you trouble will be earning an earful from the pianist. Kaede does not tolerate anyone who talks ill about you at all and it only gets worse if they try to hurt you. There actions leave a foul taste in her mouth. No matter how many times you assure her it's okay, she will not budge from the topic until that person apologizes. Kaede is stubborn like that, making you fear that someday it will bring more trouble towards the two of you. Or maybe... Some might see it better to avoid you due to her nature. She sticks by you, going wherever you go, leading to others having to deal with Kaede's attitude if they were step out of line. It gets troublesome for them to interact with you, so why bother?
As soon as that happens, Kaede is there to assure you that if they were truly your friends, they wouldn't have ditched you like that. What cowardice. She will also try to keep you away from sulking too much about the subject and chat about something else to lighten your mood. Seeing you happy makes her happy. Besides, it leaves an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of her stomach to see you so upset. It must be fixed. She must bring your spirits up; keep you happy. Once again, if you try to call her out, your arguments will be shot down. As a person who cares for you, why are you upset that Kaede is cheering you up? Do you not wish to feel better? She's just doing what any good friend would do! You'll only feel awful for brushing off her acts of kindness.
Kaede can have her moments of delusional thinking. She daydreams of the day the two of you will go on a romantic date and you'll finally confess. Heck, sometimes she forgets that you haven't and fondly calls you by nicknames. She tries to play it casually once her mind is taken down from the clouds, but she grows bitter. Kaede is slowly growing impatient from waiting for you to make the first move. Was she not obvious enough? Should she give you a nudge? Maybe you're searching for the perfect moment to tell her. She is becoming more anxious everyday, thinking about what you might do. Sooner or later, Kaede will reach her limit and all her feelings will burst out.
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Saihara Shuichi
The Ultimate Detective is painfully aware of where this was going and it frightened him to an extent. It was only the beginning so it didn't terrify him yet; what he could potentially be capable of. Now there was what he will decide to do. Shuichi doesn't like the fact that he's hiding this from you, since he can tell you're part of the reason why this was happening. But could he say? You'd obviously push him to the side and never want to see him again. It would destroy him if such a thing were to occur, so he keeps to himself. Shuichi deeply cares for you, which makes it even more difficult to hide the truth from you. In the meantime, his obsession only grows as he makes sure to gather information on you. His excuse is in order to provide safety for you in the long run; knowing so much about you gives him a sense of ease.
Shuichi, because of this dilemma, always feels like he owes something to you. His thoughts are anything but what someone should think of a person they deeply cherish, but that's the thing—he knows that underneath it all he loves you. Why is it such a complicated mess? Why does it feel like he's suffering in doing so with all these unhealthy thoughts? Shuichi is too hard on himself. He seems to apologize more when it comes to you, and if you were to tell him that he doesn't need to... Well, it brings a sense of relief for one. Then he wonders to himself how he managed to have someone like you around him. Validation from you is one of the things that takes his self degrading beliefs down a notch.
He is a little insecure when it comes to rivals, but that's only if they pose as someone who Shuichi deems leagues above him. It's rare to ever show or voice out the smallest form of envy he feels towards those people. He believes it's silly and childish to do so. It'll only make him seem like they are complaints more than anything. Besides, maybe they are better than him... What finally gets Shuichi out of his brooding is the fear of losing you. Yes, it is true that maybe you deserve someone who isn't afraid or hesitant to use their talent and far stronger than him, but what if just once he'd like to be a first choice? He'd do so much for you because you're worth everything to him.
This man would not resort to murder at all. The image of your hatred filled face brings so much anguish to him that he wouldn't bare to be able to look at you in the eyes. Apart from that, there are other ways to keep people away. So many people often forget due to his compliant demeanor that Shuichi is highly intelligent and that leaves him at an advantage. He looks into so much from the people he's particularly nervous about when hanging around you. If they are labeled as a threat in Shuichi's eyes, they'll be facing severe consequences based on their records. They'll always be four steps behind Shuichi. There is guilt, but he knows it was all for you and maybe one day you'll understand once he explains to you.
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Headcanons if Matsuda and Rantaro had a s/o that was shsl scholar?
My S/O is smarter than yours ~ Mod Eri
Yasuke Matsuda
He has every bit of respect for you, his Ultimate Scholar… although there is much more of you worthy of so, your Ultimate Neurologist isn’t quite familiar with respect.
You need time to study? Fine with him, he needs time to read manga and be his sarcastic, lonely self.
No one matched him in intelligence and wit until he met you, and he most definitely hated you at first
You refused to let him reign dominance over you, ever, and his hobbies were downright laughable to you
An Ultimate Neurologist? Reading manga? Don’t you have anything better to do?
Yeah, no shit. I don’t have time to indulge the insults of some fake scholar.
You quickly proved him wrong, especially considering you won for your team’s decathlon the next day, but he wasn’t about to let you know that.
When you do end up together, he learns to become used to the lines of red thread hung on your walls, books upon books of psychology and works of literature piled beside your bed. You’ve become so apt in these fields that you were deserving of the title, one Yasuke envies.
His talent resulted from a trial and error, a desire to save his mother from neurological ruin. She passed, and his reason to care dissipated along with her spirit. Your scholarly duties enticed you through your own will, and you nurtured it with a valuable reason to continue.
If anyone belittled you for it, he shut that down so fast faster than Hajime Hinata can whine about his talentless self because no one was about to insult you, that was HIS job
Hey. You think your shit talent is better than hers? How about you prove it then?
... Quite a divide between you come the Izuru Kamukura project.
Rantaro Amami
The supportive boyfriend, admires your talent like no other
He teases you from time to time regarding your talent, but knows how much it means to you, eventually backing up
Will definitely help you write study cards, and will be there to help you study even if he has no clue what you’re talking about
Hey. Every time you get a question right, how about I give you a little gift? Sound good?
Huh? Gift? You sure liked gifts.
I take one piece of clothing off each time.
Well, you couldn’t refuse.
No complaints come from him when you find yourself too busy doing scholarly things, but wished from time to time that you would relax rather than tiring yourself out. He understands what is at stake, but his heart sinks whenever he finds you losing sleep over it.
Sometimes, if he’s lucky, he’ll get the chance to tag along during your research. The idea of exploring new places with you is fascinating, and if it interests him and helps you immensely, he will gladly accompany you.
If you decide to not mind your physical appearance, he will go through lengths to make sure you’re at least steering away from the path of a hermit. That means brushing your hair while you study, only halting when you let out the most satisfies of grunts, or forcing you to take a shower while reading to you outside. Quite an unorthodox situation he supposed, but desperate times called for desperate measures.
Waits outside for you until you finish class, utterly fascinated with what you discovered that day. The smile that forms is one he loves to see because he knows that smile is reserved to but two things: your love for knowledge and him.
He’s quite fine with sharing.
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mercy-of-the-ashes · 3 years
Doctor’s Orders
Fandom: Danganronpa
Genre: Romance, Erotica
Pairing: Yasuke Matsuda x Reader
Rating: M
Warning(s): Sexual content, language
Author’s Notes: Haiji, Hifumi (I’ll share his stories here soon), Koichi, and now Yasuke! I confess I love Yasuke Matsuda! I’ve been in denial for a long time, but I’m finally embracing my crush on him.
*Warning: There’s a major spoiler for DR0.*
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 4 years
Gay Danganronpa x Male Reader Smut Requests
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ESpTAs
by CitrusKix
28 characters.
100 chapters.
A whole lot of gay smut.
Let’s do this.
Words: 893, Chapters: 1/101, Language: English
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types, New Dangan Ronpa V3: Everyone's New Semester of Killing, Super Dangan Ronpa 2, Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Dangan Ronpa 3: The End of 希望ヶ峰学園 | The End of Kibougamine Gakuen | End of Hope's Peak High School, Dangan Ronpa Zero
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Underage
Categories: M/M
Characters: Reader, Naegi Makoto, Kuwata Leon, Togami Byakuya, Hagakure Yasuhiro, Fujisaki Chihiro, Ishimaru Kiyotaka, Oowada Mondo, Hinata Hajime, Kamukura Izuru, Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko, Tanaka Gundham, Soda Kazuichi, Komaeda Nagito, Nidai Nekomaru, Matsuda Yasuke, Asahina Yuta, Mitarai Ryota, Great Gozu, Munakata Kyosuke (Dangan Ronpa), Sakakura Juzo, Izayoi Sohnosuke, Saihara Shuichi, Oma Kokichi, Momota Kaito, K1-B0 (Dangan Ronpa), Amami Rantaro, Gokuhara Gonta, Shinguji Korekiyo
Relationships: Naegi Makoto/Reader, Kuwata Leon/Reader, Togami Byakuya/Reader, Hagakure Yasuhiro/Reader, Fujisaki Chihiro/Reader, Ishimaru Kiyotaka/Reader, Oowada Mondo/Reader, Hinata Hajime/Reader, Kamukura Izuru/Reader, Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko/Reader, Tanaka Gundham/Reader, Soda Kazuichi/Reader, Komaeda Nagito/Reader, Nidai Nekomaru/Reader, Matsuda Yasuke/Reader, Asahina Yuta/Reader, Mitarai Ryota/Reader, Great Gozu/Reader, Munakata Kyosuke/Reader, Sakakura Juzo/Reader, Izayoi Sohnosuke/Reader, Saihara Shuichi/Reader, Oma Kokichi/Reader, Momota Kaito/Reader, K1-B0/Reader, Amami Rantaro/Reader, Gokuhara Gonta/Reader, Shinguji Korekiyo/Reader
Additional Tags: Reader-Insert, Self-Insert, Smut, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ESpTAs
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celamoon · 1 year
4:49 pm - Matsuda x reader
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The preparation for divorce was surprisingly easy. Matsuda kept his things while you kept yours, and there’s not much. Not. Not much. The custody battle, however, was a living nightmare for both of you.
Matsuda wants your daughter a surprising amount for someone who was barely home.
“You can’t stop me from seeing her.”
“You can’t just try and be part of her life after being absent for so long.”
“She’s my daughter too.”
“Your daughter that you’ve neglected? That I’ve raised? That you only bring up to improve your public image? Go to hell, Yasuke.”
“It’s Matsuda now that we’re divorced.”
“Go say that to your side chick who calls you a nickname.”
“She’s a friend.”
“Not what it looked like when I got that video of you making out with her at your birthday.”
“Don’t fucking say that to me. We’re divorced.”
“God. First you say divorced then you say divorcing!”
“Then how about you make a decision? Share the fucking custody with me!”
“I’m not sharing custody with an asshole who doesn’t have time to visit his kids until it’s to torture me!”
“You’re fucking obsessed with me.”
“No.” You grumble, smacking the back of his head. “You’re fucking obsessed with me.”
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forbidding-souda · 3 years
last updated: feb 22
Future Arc
Chisa Yukizome -
Yandere hcs
Finding out their S/O is a demon
Relationship headcanons
Seiko Kimura -
With a boyfriend NSFW headcanons
Yandere hcs
Relationship headcanons
Ruruka Ando -
Yandere hcs
Sadistic but soft spoken S/O
With a boyfriend with ADHD
Relationship headcanons
Miaya Gekkogahara -
Yandere hcs
Sadistic but soft spoken S/O
Relationship headcanons
Yasuke Matsuda -
With a calm S/O
Isshiki Madarai -
NSFW headcanons
Despair Arc
Natsumi Kuzuryuu -
Dating HCs
Finding out their S/O is a demon
Cyromancer S/O
Killer Killer
Ted Chikatilo -
Dating HCs
Mikan Tsumiki X Chiaki Nanami -
Tucking their hands beneath the other person’s shirt, just to watch them break the kiss and gasp in surprise at the sensation of cold/warm hands on their skin ||| A kiss that tastes of the food/dessert they are eating ||| Staring at each other’s lips for a moment before moving closer, as if drawn together by some unseen force
Mikan Tsumuki X Chiaki Nanami X Reader -
Relationship HC
Chihiro Fujisaki X Kiibo -
Celestia Ludenberg X Gundham Tanaka -
Kirigiri Kyoko x Gundham Tanaka -
Kaede Akamatsu x Kokichi Ouma -
Komaeda Nagito x Gundham Tanaka -
Kaede Akamatsu x Mahiru Koizumi -
The Imposter x Teruteru Hanamura -
Celestia Ludenberg x Kirumi Toujou -
Korekiyo Shinguuji x Izuru Kamukura -
Kazuichi Souda x Shinguuji Korekiyo -
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu x Gundham Tanaka -
Chihiro Fujisaki x Kazuichi Souda -
Leon Kuwata x Kaito Momota -
Rantarou Amami x Nagito Komaeda -
Nagito Komaeda x Kirigiri Kyoko -
Mukuro Ikusaba x Aoi Asahina -
Makoto Naegi x Ishimaru Kiyotaka -
Seiko Kimura x Gundam Tanaka -
Gundham stands up for her to Ruruka and Izayoi
Ouma Kokichi x Nagito Komaeda-
One person has to bend down in order to kiss their partner, who is standing on their tip-toes to reach their partner’s
Mukuro Ikusaba x Sayaka Maizono -
Teruteru Hanamura x Rantarou Amami -
Nsfw headcanons
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