#yes i know dean and cas are each other's best friends but it doesn't count cause they're in love
mlobsters · 8 months
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supernatural s8e5 blood brother (w. ben edlund)
let's see what sort of bad takes i can have today!
SAM I don't know, Dean. I mean, you did try to kill his mother. DEAN I was trying to kill Crowley, okay? Who happened to be wearing Kevin's mother at the time. Well, there's a difference. SAM Apparently not to Kevin. Oh, I know. Maybe because – oh, yeah – it's his mother.
i'm here for the bickering but not whatever replacement-wife-dog drama is actually going on underneath
benny feeling like ruby 3.0 (meg briefly held 2.0)
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DEAN Hey, the trail is dead, but the room is paid for. You got some research to do, and I got some personal crap I got to take care of. That's all. SAM What does that mean – "personal"? DEAN Did you have a stroke? Vocabulary? Personal, as in my own grown-up personal – I don't know – crap. SAM Damn it – DEAN What, Sam? Last I counted, you took a year off from the job. I need a day.
the affront at dean having something private, which they're the ones that have surrendered their privacy in order to be insane about each other, and when they start hiding things everything goes to shit. sigh
objectively, i can only imagine the bond dean would have made with benny after being basically in war with him for a year without breaks. like lifetime, cumulatively, spent time in the trenches fighting with sam even might be less than the amount of time they're telling us he and benny were killin stuff together, so i'm gonna give that.
of course doesn't deal with the conflict caused by failure to communicate with sam which truly is evergreen
BENNY Oh, your work here is done, Dean. You already saved the day. You know, I got my, uh, deal, and you got – what'd you call it? A family business?
yes, that's it. family business!
CASTIEL Well, I think we're clear for the moment. It does present a curious curl in the metaphysics, doesn't it? If you murder a monster in monster heaven, where does it go?
great minds
DEAN Listen to me, you undead blood junkie, I'm the one with the mojo. I'm the one with the plan. Cas... we're gonna shove your ass back through the eye of that needle if it kills all three of us. BENNY Obviously, I'm less than comfortable with that.
fair, benny, fair
these prompts for sam's little flashbacks are so goofy. i am going to sit outside and use my laptop boop boop. oh, an ice machine..... 🎶 memory, all alone in the moonlight 🎶
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remember when it was cheerfully bright while also a little hazy, and i had a dog? and i fixed things for a living? and was normal?? dreamy
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BENNY Boarded, burned, and buried at sea. My nest – that's how we fed… How we always fed. We kept a tight little fleet, maybe a half-dozen boats. Nothing ostentatious, just pleasure craft. I must have circled the Americas ten times during my tour. A few of us would act as stringers and patrol the harbors, looking for the right-size target – fat, rich yachts going to far-off ports.
they said eat the rich 💁
DEAN Vampire pirates? That's what you guys are? Vampirates. BENNY You know, all the years we ran together, I can't believe nobody ever thought of that. DEAN What do you mean? It's like the third thing you say. BENNY No, it isn't.
dean bringing the awkward as ever
BENNY Anyway…our father – he was a jealous god. He kept the family together but kept us apart from the rest of the world, always at sea. I always did what was best for the nest… till I met her.
fits right in with the family, daddy issues all around
deleting the text before sending it to sam 😔 so close and yet so far
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hey, benny's lady was in the expanse
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the expanse s1e6 rock bottom - athena karkanis as octavia muss
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SAM A friend? Dean, you don't have any – all your friends are dead. DEAN That's not what I called to talk about!
they're kind of hamming it up but it's just sad. everything about this
SAM (on phone) I get the separate-lives thing, but this is a hunting thing, and we need to find that line –
separate lives since when
BENNY’S MAKER But she meant everything to you. If that's all I could salvage from my wayward son – the woman he defied his maker for – I wanted someone to remember you by.
lol wayward son
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AMELIA You come from nowhere, you appear to be going nowhere, and you've, quote, "seen a lot of stitches." It's all pretty solid creepy.
that was cute but there's something about how she's playing this that gives me strong natalie portman in garden state vibes? is she manic pixie dream girling? it's weirding me out.
AMELIA I used to – have someone, I mean. But that's over now. It's gone. You know what that's like, don't you?
maybe so!!
and now sam's freakin out because dean's in trouble and he's not there to help, so is this when he learns the lesson that he actually does want to stay with dean? since the almost-heart-ripped-out incident wasn't enough. oh, not if benny and dean take care of things and sam's got no saving the day to do. may get to hear the 'go hunt with benny instead' argument after all
music swells after dean kills benny's monster lady, okay. benny sounding ready to die, okay.. flashback meteors of black goo shapeshift into dumbass leviathan okaayyy
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that was a nice effect with the little slowmo going for a weapon, dean shaking his head, situation defused
BENNY I can see you two have a lot to talk about.
dean's in troouuble. if you want sam to stay with you, you can't be hiding stuff, man.
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dawittiest · 2 years
society if both charlie and kelly survived and were forced to hang out because they’re dean and cas’s respective best friends. rowena is also there because i think she may actually be sam’s best friend
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Something About This Angel ~ Part 2
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Pairing: Castiel x Reader
Warnings: mention of blood, love confession, sad, kiss
Word Count: 2.6k
Here is the first part of Something About This Angel if you haven't read it yet. (click on the title)
Y/n's pov:
I was at a hunt with Sam, Dean and Castiel.
Since that special day where Cas and I came closer we've been weird around each other. But not the kinda weird Cas would be when being around other humans. No. This weird was nice in some sort of way. Tho I liked watching Cas trying to figure out how normal people act. Well, perhaps Sam, Dean and I aren't the best rolemodels for him.
But since that day, the day Cas healed me and we stopped arguing something changed. I can't stop thinking about it. About Cas' hand on my, the closeness of our bodies and that feeling it gave me for a moment. Ever since that I looked longer and closer in his eyes, wanting more of them each time. Just a few moments more to look into them. Into this ocean blue. And perhaps I was hoping to jump into them and swimming inside this ocean of a blue angelic heaven just for me.
But as soon as I got lost I snapped out of it each time. I couldn't allow those thoughts. I'm a hunter. A human. A nobody... Cas never recognised me, not really. And even if he did. I was nothing to him. Just the sister of Sam and Dean Winchester, the sister of those two who always mattered. I tried to deny the truth and lie to myself about it. I tried to tell myself he might care. But not even the lies could make the pain of this undeniable horrible painful truth stop.
We arrived at the motel. All we knew was that there were people going missing and soon time later being found dead. Hearts missing each time.
"I'd say we slip up. It's a big town and only a matter of time before an other innocent person goes missing," Dean says.
"Alright why don't Dean and I go check out a few spots of places where the killings happened,"Sam said." Y/n and Cas you could talk to the families and try to find out what the pattern of those werewolves is" We all nodded.
In the killings were three young blond girls, all around 18. The only person that was different was a guy. Sam still thought that there was a connection between the victims.
"Do you want me to sap us to the place?" Cas asked me. I shook my head.
"No we'll take the bus"
About fifteen minutes later we arrived at Mr and Mrs Johnson's House. We didn't get anything. The girl, Veronica, was a normal eighteen year old Christian. Next, we went to the Hutsons living where Jazz died. Again, no clue about the killings. The girl was an atheist, she went on parties a lot. Then we went to the Hawkins. Their daughter Laura was an introvert with not many friends. Last, we went to the Clarkson's house. Apparently Mike was a normal guy who played football at school and had a girlfriend.
"This all doesn't make sense," I said while eating my fries in the small diner of the town.
"Sam and Dean doesn't have any clue either. The only thing that they mentioned was seeing a girl, Lora Moore, before each killings."
"Wasn't that the girlfriend of this Mike?"
"Yes. But it probably means nothing. She was working at the one shop where two killings happened and apparently her dad works in the office next to the park where the other two victims died"
"Yeah well nothing can turn pretty fast into something,"I said and ate another fries. "Do the victims know her?"
"I don't think so... But it might be that they all go on the same school"
"Right. We should check the girl out."
"Sam and Dean are already on it. You can rest for a moment now," Cas said. His voice had an intensity as if he cared. But why should he. He doesn't. Never did.
"I don't need rest. I'm trying to find out more about the girl," I said, paid my food and went back to the motel.
20 minutes later.
"Dean called. The girl is clear. But they're onto something. They think they know who did the killings" Cas said and sat on the chair next to me.
"Mh yeah I don't think so," I mumbled understand my breath. "Get this, Lora Moore was Mike's girlfriend until they broke up. She caught him cheating on her with Laura who was known as the slut of the school which is why she didn't have friends. And Jazz was accused of having an affair with Mike shortly before he and Lora broke up. And Veronica wasn't the nice Christian that would never dare sinning. All just an act for her dad the priest. In reality she went on parties instead of babysitting the neighbours kids. And Mike got caught kissing her a few times before and after Lora broke up with him. And there was another girl Chloe who he was having an affair with. I'm pretty sure Lora will try killing her tonight."
" So you think this Lora was killing them. But Sam and Dean would've known if she was a werewolve. "
I called Sam. No answer. Then I called Dean.
" Hey y/n look we have no time we fount out who the werewolve is. See you back at the hotel in a few hours ", Dean said.
" No Dean listen you're wrong it's Lora... Dean?... Dean?? "he already hung up.
" Damn it, "I mumbled underneath my breath. "I'm going."
"You can't. We should wait for Sam and Dean."
"There's no time Cas! I'm going" I said and walked out the motel. Chloe was meeting friends at the club where Lora worked at each Friday night, today. I went there and spotted her outside on the parking lot. She was saying goodbye to friends before going to her car. Nobody was around. Suddenly Lora jumped out and attacked her. I shot her with a silver bullet, but only hit her arm so she ran off.
"Go inside your car and drive home! Go!" I screamed at the girl before running after Lora. I came into a forest. It was dark and I forgot my torch. I was stumbling around in the darkness when I heard a voice.
"I knew sooner or later one of you would come for me. It was surprising that the other two hunters fell for my trick. There stumbling around in the forest right now, searching for this werewolve that apparently lives there"
"Why do you want to kill all those people?"
"Because I can," Lora appeared in front of me. I pointed my gun at her. "I was a nobody. People would play with me and hurt me and I had to accept it just like that. But that night I got turned I finally was strong. I could fight back. And oh lord it feels so good to take revenge"
"You know that there's another way. You don't have to do this," I said. Lora bursted out laugh.
"Shouldn't you be the one who understands me the most? Y/n Winchester. Oh I heard a lot about you. Everyone talks about your brothers. But I heard a lot about you. You are kinda like me-"
"I'm nothing like you!" I screamed, but got grabbed on my shoulders and pushed against a tree. Lora began to cut into my skin on my head with her nail. Blood ran down my cheeks.
"Yes you are. We are both just pieces in other people's games. We're nobodies. And nobody cares for us. I wonder if people noticed if you were gone" she pushed the gun away and pushed me on the ground before going on top of me and grabbing my neck. "I always wondered what a Winchester heart would taste like."
"You don't actually think you could kill one of us do you?" I said breathless and tried to catch some air.
"Not one of the other two. But you are the weakest. Which is why they often leave you behind and go alone on hunts. Don't you want revenge on them? I could simply turn you" she was cutting my neck. The pain was making me wanting to scream but I neither could because of the lack of air nor wanted I to give her the pleasure of my visual pain.
"No thanks I don't need that. I let my anger out by killing little morons like you are" I smirked but soon Lora would take a harder grib on my throat and cutting even deeper into my skin.
"All tough on the outside and a broken human inside. You are just like I was. A sad little girl that gets fooled by everyone and who nobody cares about. It's sad. No matter how hard you'll try you will always stay this weak little girl"
"I don't need your pity. Go to hell"
"Oh I will. But first will you after I ate your heart" Lora showed her teeth and was about to kill me when there was a shot and she fell on the ground next to me. I looked up. Castiel was holding a gun and stared at me.
After a moment of awkward staring I stood up and went out of the forest. Cas was following me.
"Are you okay?" he was asking but I didn't answer. Cas called my name but I kept walking. Then, I hand grabbed mine and forced me to stop. Cas looked at me for a moment before sapping me into the motel.
I looked around before looking back at him. He wasn't speaking, just intensely looking at me. With his right hand he grabbed my cheek. With his left he touched my waist and pulled me closer to him. A warm soft feeling appeared on my cheek and flashed the pain away.
Those blue eyes never lost hold of mine. They kept focus on me. I was feeling my heart beat inside my chest as I got lost in those ocean eyes again.
"Now tell me what's wrong," Cas deep voice whispered. My eyes kept switching between looking into his eyes and onto his lips. I wondered how they tasted. Perhaps sweet like caramel. Were they as soft as pillows in a Queens bed. I wanted to get a taste of them.
I was lost of words and unable to move. It was hard to breath in the presence of this angel that could turn my whole world and emotions upside down. He never stood this close to me and I wasn't daring to move in any way that could cause him step away from me.
"You don't believe what she said do you?" Cas asked. I had to fill my lungs with air as all oxygen had vanished around me, unable for my lungs to reach it.
"Y-you heard it? What she said?" I asked hoping he didn't, afraid of him maybe reading my thoughts and knowing it was mostly him I was thinking about. That he was the one that I wished I was nobody for.
"I heard most of it, yes. And it's not true"
"It is" both of us were whispering. Were we too scared that anyone could hear us? Was it more private this way? More intense? I couldn't get enough of this deep angels voice that felt like, in this moment, it was only for me. That I was the one this voice was dedicated to. And all that belonged to it. What would I give to kiss those lips just for one time.
"You're not nobody" Cas' face felt like moving closer or perhaps it was me leaning forward. I got hypnotised by those blue eyes.
"Who am I if not that" I didn't even know what I was saying. Words left my mouth without me thinking. I just wanted to stare into those eyes longer and hoped his hand that was still on my cheek would never leave that spot.
"You're a hunter. A Winchester"
"And nothing besides that"
"That is not true y/n. You are someone who cares for others and who would die for them. People mea something to you."
"And what does that matter if I mean nothing to them. Lora was right. I'm a piece in their game. Just the sister of Sam and Dean. A broken human"
"I never saw you as broken. You are the strongest person I know. You keep fighting for what you believe is right. You don't care about what people think of you. You made me rebel against my own kind and showed me what humanity can be like. Through you I see it in ways I never saw it before "
" What ways? " I asked without even knowing why I did or what I was expecting. I looked down onto those lips again and could've sworn they came closer. Suddenly those lips I was hoping to feel on mine a few seconds ago touched mine and the feeling was softer and sweeter than everything I ever imagined. If this is what heaven tasted like I never wanted to let go.
"I never thought that love could be such a great thing. Through you I see its not the weak human thing I expected it to be. Y/n my love for you is what would make me rebel against my own kind a thousand times more and beyond that just so I could spend another moment close to you " I was breathless and stunned,overwhelmed from all kind of emotions.
" C-Cas" was all I brang out of my mouth. Those beautiful lips were so close still. I was hoping they would meet mine once again. And as if they were magnets pulling closer to each other those lips touched mine again. A soft mumbling came from the both of us. No other creature would understand it but we knew what it meant. I love you were the words we both said.
"Isn't it hilarious" I said as I pulled away to catch for air. "an outcast angel and a broken hunter"
"sounds perfect to me" Cas whispered against my lips. We were both kissing for what felt like forever. Suddenly the door opened and a wet Sam and upset Dean came into the room.
"Turns out there was no werewolve in the forest. And Sam fell into a lake. Now baby is wet." Dean complained.
"Yeah I'm fine Dean thanks for asking" Sam said and Dean rolled his eyes. "Hey what are you guys doing anyways?"
Sam and Dean both stated at me and Cas. I only now realised that Cas had still his hands around my waist and cheek. He let go fast and stood nervous.
"I was I was healing her" Cas studdred.
"Kh sure well whatever hope you used protection by whatever you were doing. I'm going to bed" Dean said in his pissed voice. Cas went on the couch and tried to not look at anyone. He must've been embarrassed. Sam looked at me for some time with a smirk. He was the one who knew about what I felt for Cas for some time.
When going to bed myself, I looked at Cas who was still watching TV. I was still trying to figure out if whether or not everything was a dream. But it wasn't. What happened today was real. And I didn't know exactly what that meant for us.
But one thing I knew for sure. Today, something about that angel turned my world even more upside down.
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apocalypseornaw · 3 years
Always be Yours- 1
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Word count 4,769.
Story Summary: Inspired by the 2 part I did of the same title. Set in season 9/10
Chapter Summary: When Dean calls to tell you Sam is in grave condition at the hospital you hurry to his side and in turn start to get pulled even deeper into the Winchesters' lives than you already were.
You were in Old Forge, New York working a simple haunting case when the night sky was suddenly lit up with what would appear to be meteors. You barely got the bones burnt before your phone started ringing. You pulled it out your jacket and felt your stomach knot in worry when you saw Dean's name flash across the screen."Hey Dean, what's up?" you climbed out the open grave and heard what was clearly baby's engine roar to life in the background "Y/N where are you?" "Old Forge New York, Why?" you braced the phone against your shoulder and started to shovel dirt back into the hole. "Those aren't meteors" you stopped working for a moment and glanced up at the sky "Then what the hell are they?" "Angels"
Your jeep moved across the pavement while you tried to control your speed so as to not get pulled over and prolong you getting to Randolph even more. From what Dean had told you the trials had went bad fast and Sam was in bad shape. You knew they were a bad idea from the moment the boys bounced the idea off of you but they had been hell bent on doing them, yeah the payoff of the gates of hell being closed forever sounded worth it but not at the price of losing one of them. As for the angels apparently Cas had been ungoing some sort of trials as well which shockingly enough had also went south so he was missing in action while every angel in heaven fell to earth. Your thoughts filled with worry for him right along with worry for your best friend and his brother. You had to get to Randolph. Sam needed you, Dean needed you.
You had just reached the outskirts of Randolph when your phone rang again. You didn't even look at the screen before answering it "Please tell me it's good news Dean" you heard him take a deep breath and braced yourself but it still hit hard when he said "They asked me about organ donation. They're already giving up on him" You ran your free hand over your face to try to calm yourself. Dean needed someone to be there for him "We won't. I'm close can you meet me outside?" "I'll be in the parking garage, I got Crowley in my trunk" You didn't even ask the how or why as to the king of hell ending up in his trunk and simply said "Ok"
You parked in the first avalible spot then climbed out and headed towards the upper levels. Baby was easy to spot so it wouldn't be a hard find. You felt your stomach drop when you walked around a corner to see Dean pinned to baby's trunk and the man holding him raise an angel blade into the air fuck that meant he was an angel.
Before you made it to him another man came out of nowhere and caught the offender's arm with that show of strength that made him an angel as well. They shared some words then the one who was attacking Dean threw a punch on the one who intervened. Dean spotted you when he took the chance to glance around and shook his head so you ducked behind the nearest vehicle so you could watch should it turn on Dean again but be out of sight. Dean grabbed the discarded blade and slammed it into his attacker's back so you stood up and ran over to him about the time he asked the one who'd intervened who he was. The other angel had gotten pretty beat up in the fight but barely glanced your way as he told Dean "Doesn't matter. You're Dean Winchester and I am here to help" then collasped.
Dean looked at you then back at the angel "Ok" "What now?" You asked and Dean dug the keys to baby out and held them out "Grab the holy oil out the backseat. We need to get him somewhere secure before he wakes up" you took the keys and unlocked the car then leaned in. There were several jugs and flasks in the back floorboard "Which one Dean?" You asked glancing over your shoulder at him. He was trying to get the angel up so he could drag him to the nearby storage room "White flask" you grabbed the flask and shoved it in your hip pocket then locked baby back before moving to grab the angel's feet. Dean noddded "Thanks"
Once you had the angel in the circle of holy oil you glanced back at Dean and he lit the oil with his lighter. As it flared to life the angel started to come around and Dean reached forward to push you behind him sliding the angel blade into your hand as he did so. You took a moment to actually look over the angel or well his vessel anyways as he climbed to his feet. Cas was really the only angel you'd ever dealt with on the regular and while you trusted him with your life you'd learned from him and the boys as well that most other angels weren't really the trust worthy kind. "You want to help?" Dean asked and the angel looked between the two of you then gave the barest of a nod. "Start with a name" Dean snarled and you gripped the blade as the angel finally said "Ezekiel"
"All right Ezekiel, how do I know you're not hunting me or Castiel like the other angels?" you hated the idea of Cas going against a fucking legion of pissed off angels but your concentration had to be on the angel currently in front of you. Ezekiel stared at Dean for just a moment before answering "Oh, I'm sure there are many angels who are. Many more are on their way here, most likely" Dean's eyes flicked towards you before asking how Ezekiel knew that. "You put out an open prayer like that.." Ezekiel started and Dean finished "I must really be desperate"
You met Ezekiel's eyes when he said "Believe it or not. some of us still do believe in our mission. And that means we believe in Castiel.." then he looked back to Dean then added "And you" "You said you were hurt during the fall?" Dean asked and you glanced over Ezekiel knowing you couldn't see the injuries he meant but the reaction was a gut one. "I was, entangling with my brother back there did me no favors but what strength I have, I offer to you"
Dean held up a finger to Ezekiel "Hold on" then cut his eyes at you "Y/N you're Sam's best friend. What do you think?" You took a deep breath and hoped you were making the right decision when you said "If he can save Sam it's worth the risk" that seemed to be all Dean needed so he pulled the vial of holy water out and splashed the circle to let Ezekiel out.
You offered the angel blade back to Dean hilt first and he hesitated "Sweetheart I wouldn't have called you if I would've known but I think you need to hit the road before the other angels get here" You shook your head "Hell no. I'm here now and I'm staying until Sam walks out this damn hospital" the slightest smirk pulled at Dean's lips before he said "I see why he likes having you around"
You walked into Sam's room between Dean and Ezekiel and stopped in your tracks. God he looked almost dead. You stood back while Dean and Ezekiel walked closer to the bed. Ezekiel touched Sam's chest and Dean asked the question that was weighing on your mind since Ezekiel said he was injured "You still able to heal things after the fall?" You let out a slight breath when Ezekiel replied "Yes I should be, but he's so weak"
Dean's phone started ringing and you cut your eyes at him when he answered and mouthed "Cas" then stepped out into the hall.
"Ezekiel?" you spoke and he looked your way "He's my best friend. These two have been here for me when I didn't have anyone. Please save him" He nodded "I'm going to try" about that time a rumbling made you look up. It was like a mini earthquake almost. "Angels?" you asked and Ezekiel walked to the window and nodded.
Dean walked back in the door and asked Ezekiel "One of yours?" "Trying to secure a vessel. We need to move" you glanced at Sam's lifeless form "If we move Sam, he dies" Dean shoved his thumb in your direction "What she said" "If we stay, we could all die" Ezekiel said. You glanced around trying to figure out a plan and spotted the markers along the board in the room. "Dean, sigils?" you grabbed one and chunked the other to him as the two of you started putting every warding sigil you knew in place.
Once you were done Dean said "long as these are up, no angels are coming in. No one's coming out. You gonna be ok with these?" you knew he was asking Ezekiel who simply said "I'll manage"
Ezekiel turned his head slightly like he was hearing something so Dean asked "What?" "They're here" Dean nodded and walked towards the door "Y/N do not open this door for anybody but me" you shook your head and motioned back to Ezekiel "Tell him that, I'm coming with you" "Like hell you are!" Dean argued but you leveled him with a look "We don't have time for this Dean. If you're fighting angels, god dammit so am I" He looked from you to Sam's still form and sighed in defeat "Fuck, come on" then pointed to Sam and told Ezekiel "Save him, you hear me?" before the two of you headed out into the hall.
You and Dean moved towards the other end of the hall with the plan in mind to keep the other angels as far from Sam as possible. Both of you started running when the windows started blowing out. Dean pulled the pin from the fire alarm so you hollered "EVERYBODY OUT! NOW!" the shaking was getting worse and a glass case of medicine exploded behind the two of you coating you both in glass.
Dean saw a woman stumble and moved to help her up about the time a man came around the corner. When he pulled the angel blade you cursed under your breath and turned to see the woman had Dean around the throat "Son of a bitch" the man backhanded you about the time the woman hit Dean and the both of you landed in a crumpled mess not far from each other, blood already running down the sides of each of your faces.
The male vessel drug you down the hall and the female vessel drug Dean then laid you both out in the middle of the hall. The female vessel stood between your feet and spoke to Dean "Let me make this easy, tell me where Castiel is or your brother's gonna wish he was dead" "Good luck getting past the warding" Dean said with a smirk and you couldn't help but share in the knowledge that Sam was protected. "But we will" the female vessel said and hauled Dean to his feet and landed a hard kick to your stomach as the male vessel broke the glass covering the emergency axe. "And when we do, I'm gonna strip off all his skin and you're gonna watch" she looked back at you "then I'll do the same to her"
"Bite me" you and Dean both growled. She punched him sending him backwards then gave you a kick that you were certain cracked a rib or two but put you near Dean who chuckled as you both pushed yourself up "Anybody ever tell you, you hit like an angel?" she kicked him in the face so you added "or a bitch.Whichever you prefer" and were rewarded with a hard backhand but it gave Dean at least a moment to catch his breath.
You both fell to your knees and you saw him catching your blood and knew what he was doing. When he held up a hand and said "Ok,wait wait" you hurried to finish the banishing sigil for him. "I'll tell you where Cas is" he was trying to keep attention on himself and off of you. When he saw you were done he added "I just have one question?" "Ask" the female vessel said so he met your eyes before saying "If heaven is locked,where do you go when we do this?" so you slammed your bloody palm down on the sigil blocking your eyes with Dean's arm from the flash of the angels disappearing.
"Y/N?" he grunted as you pushed yourself to your feet holding an arm around your mid section "I'm alive. Let's get to Sam"
The alarms were going insane when you busted in the room behind Dean "What the hell's happening?" Dean asked but you knew. Sam was dying. "This just started" Ezekiel explained waving a hand towards the machines. "and the warding..I'm afraid I'm weaker than I thought" you and Dean both started crossing out sigils as the alarms kept blaring.
"I am sorry Dean, Y/N" "No. We had a deal, ok? We fight, you save" Dean was getting angry and you couldn't blame him. You both had just gotten your asses handed to you only for Ezekiel to say he couldn't save Sam? "I would if I could. I'm just afraid it's too late"
"Are you kidding me?" Dean asked and it broke your heart to hear the slight break in his voice "Are you saying there's no way to save my brother's life?" Ezekiel wouldn't look at either of you when he said "No good ways, I'm afraid" "Then what are the bad ones?" you asked before Dean got a chance. "We're out of options here man. Good or bad let us hear them" Dean all but begged.
"I can not promise but there is a chance I can fix him from the inside" "From the inside? So what you're gonna open him up?" Dean asked but one look at Ezekiel and you put together what he meant "He wants to possess Sam" Dean looked between you and Ezekiel "You want to possess him?" Ezekiel turned his eyes from you to Dean "I told you" "No way" Dean cut him off so Ezekiel nodded "Understood. It's your call" you walked closer to the bed and let your fingertips barely brush Sam's arm and said "No it's his call" "and there's no way in hell he'd say yes" Dean finished your thought.
"He would rather die?" Ezekiel asked and you both nodded so he stood then raised his hand to quiet the machines. "I'll leave you two alone with him then" he walked past you and you swallowed back tears that threatened to spring to your eyes before Dean stopped Ezekiel "Wait"
You grimaced from the pain in your side as you turned to look at Dean who gave you a small nod before telling Ezekiel "If I consider this,just consider this. You got to give me something man. You got to prove how bad he really is" Ezekiel walked over near you and reached to lay a hand on Sam's forehead then told Dean to close his eyes and put one on his as well. A part of you wished you could see what was going on also but it only took a few seconds before Dean opened his eyes "Y/N he's giving up" the pain in his eyes told you everything you needed to know.
"How will it work?" you asked pulling your eyes from Sam to look at Ezekiel. "Mutual benefit, I suppose. I heal Sam while healing myself" "And when he's healed?" Dean asked catching your eyes as Ezekiel promised "I leave"
"We're out of options Dean" you whispered feeling so very defeated. "Even if I said yes Y/N you know it wouldn't mean squat. Sam will never say yes,not to him" "But he would say yes to you" Ezekiel offered his eyes on Dean. Dean closed his for a moment before saying "Do it"
You stepped over next to Dean and turned your face slightly when Ezekiel's grace transferred from his vessel into Sam. He sucked in a deep breath then looked at Dean "We need to go"
After Ezekiel had Sam dressed he healed Dean then you and all three of you took the stairs leading down out the hospital. You were walking next to Dean while he asked Ezekiel how it looked inside of Sam "There is much work to be done" "But he's gonna wake up right?" Dean asked giving voice to your worry. "He will" Ezekiel assured you both.
Dean nodded then you leaned up to look at Ezekiel "When he wakes up is he gonna feel you inside, triaging his spleen?" "No. There is no reason for Sam to know I'm in here at all" Dean scoffed "You're joking. No, this is too big" you agreed with Dean. There was no way you could keep a secret that big from Sam. "And what will he do if either of you tell him he is possessed by an angel?"
"Well he'll have to understand" Dean replied but you shook your head "Dean you and I both know after Lucifer? he'll fight it" "If Sam ejects me, he will die" Ezekiel confirmed your worst fear. Dean turned to see your face and must have seen the acceptance there because he agreed "Then we keep it a secret for now or until Sam's well enough he doesn't need an angelic pacemaker or we find a way to tell him. As for him being in the hospital I'll have to figure something out. Any ideas Y/N? " before you could open your mouth Ezekiel offered to erase Sam's memories of the hospital. Dean sighed "Do it" then looked at you "We need to talk"
The two of you walked a few yards from Ezekiel before Dean turned to face you "Y/N thank you for coming" "Dean he's my best friend and I care about you both" he half smirked which was a watered down version of his usual one "Always knew you had a thing for me" you rolled your eyes knowing he always buried feelings under many layers of sarcasm. "Oh of course I always get my ass kicked by angels to get a guy's attention" he scoffed then his face sobered "Cas called before the angels showed up" your attention perked up at the mention of Cas but your heart nearly stopped when Dean told you what had happened with Metatron "He's human?" Cas, no powers and very much mortal which most of the angelic population after him? Yeah you didn't like that. "Yeah I told him to head for the bunker" Dean seemed a bit apprehensive but you quickly agreed "That sounds like the best place to be right now"
Dean nodded then offered "You could come with us too, you know?" you motioned towards Ezekiel "and how are we going to explain to Sam when he wakes up that I've popped up out of nowhere?" "Good point" he replied then smiled in earnest and added "Ya know I'm glad you're one of the few that's stuck around with us" you smiled then said "I really just stick around now for the off chance that you will one day let me drive baby" he laughed "That's not gonna happen but if you want to come to the bunker there's always a room for you" you laughed "I may take you up on it. Hit the road I'm going to take the long way around and see if I can find Cas or a trail if I hear anything I'll call. When I get that way I'll come through Lebanon" Dean glanced around then pulled an angel blade out his jacket and held it out to you "Watch your ass, you've already been spotted with me" you took the blade and tucked it away under your jacket before saying "I always knew you were bad company Dean Winchester" he half smiled before you turned to walk away while he and Ezekiel headed for baby. You hated lying to Sam but you couldn't lose him either. You sighed and resigned yourself to keeping the secret until he was healed enough to live without Ezekiel.
You drove for hours trying to get as close to Colorado as you could before forcing yourself to pull off and catch a few hours of sleep somewhere in Nevada. You didn't want to bother with a motel room so you pulled a page out of Dean's book and simply found a patch of woods to park your jeep in and locked it up with your gun close at hand before dozing off in the drivers seat.
You woke a few hours later when the sun was slowly climbing into the sky and groaned at the kink in your neck. You rotated it in a tight circle and realized your phone ringing was what had woke you up. You reached for it and barely glanced at the screen to see Sam's name before answering "Sammy?" you let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding when you heard him laugh "You know you and Dean are the only people on earth I'd ever let call me that" thank god he was ok.
"Yeah I know I'm special. What's up?" you moved around in the seat trying to stretch out your muscles. "Are you alright? Did Dean update you on everything going on?" the image of Ezekiel's grace flowing into Sam's body flashed through your mind before you shook your head and responded "Um angels fell down, Cas is human and we have a ton load of shit falling down around us due to a few thousand nukes on the loose?" "Only you could compress that much stuff into a sentence that small" you laughed "It's a natural talent"
You could hear Dean in the background asking where you were "Um Sidney Nevada?" Sam relayed the information and Dean let out a low whistle "Good lord did she turn the jeep into a fucking plane?" you rolled your eyes at him of all people calling someone out for the way they drove "He's one to talk. Anyways I'm about two hours shy of Longmont I'm going to start at the payphone Cas called from and work my way to the bunker from there. Shouldn't take but another day or so. You boys up for a little company?" "Well Kevin's still at the bunker so as long as you don't mind dealing with all of us" Sam teased and you couldn't help but smile hearing him joke around after seeing him in that hospital bed. "I think I can manage. I'll call if I find anything" "Ok Y/N. Watch your back and if you get in a tight spot.." "I'll call" you promised before you said your goodbyes and he hung up.
You opened the door and stepped out the jeep stretching out slowly. There was a truck stop a few miles up the road where you could grab a shower before heading into Longmont. You had to be careful about how you asked after Cas so if any other angel was in ear shot because if those assholes rolled like demons they already heard that you were at Dean's side in Randolph meaning they may assume you know where Cas was.
You fell into your jeep with a grunt. The road from Longmont to Lebanon had been going quietly and smoothly. You stopped at gas stations along the way and asked about someone vaguely matching the description for Cas. When you got to Norton you stopped at the last truck stop before you'd make it to Lebanon. Turned out the clerk in the store was a vessel and had assumed you knew more than you did. Luckily he was alone and from the fact that you walked away from the fight with just a bloody head told you he must have been hurt in the fall just as Ezekiel had.
You didn't try to stop and access your wounds,you simply held a bandana to your head and drove the rest of the way to the bunker. When you pulled to a stop only then did you pull the bandana away and give yourself a once over. The only reason it'd bled so much was that your head had been caught on the corner of a display case. There was a good sized gash but you'd had a lot worse and if you could just find a few spare minutes with a first aid kit you could fix yourself right up. You put the bandana back into place then climbed out to grab your bags out the back of the jeep.
You hit Dean's number on your phone and turned it to speaker as you gathered everything that you needed to wash and the weapons that needed cleaning or resupply from the stock the bunker held. "Y/N, where are you at?" was what he said in place of hello. You laughed lightly "Well I'm right outside and was wondering if someone could come give me a hand. Normally I don't have a problem carrying my own stuff but about fifty miles back I got into a bit of a scuffle with one of our winged friends" "Shit sweetheart are you ok?" you could hear him walking up the steps in the background of the call and gave a short laugh "I'm alive, he's not" then ended the call.
You didn't look up when Dean called your name so he grabbed your shoulder and turned you to look at him. He eyed the bandana "Let me see" you pulled it away and grimaced at the look on his face "Is it that bad?" he tentatively touched it then shook his head "We've all had worse. Let's get your stuff inside and we can patch you up" "Thanks Dean" you replied with a smile when he moved the bandana back into place.
"Quit moving dammit" Dean growled while he cleaned your head up. You cut your eyes at Sam "He's such a fricking mother goose at times I swear" Sam snorted at the look Dean gave you in response to being called mother goose. "Excuse me Miss I'm gonna go scrap with a fricking angel on my own" You shrugged "I walked away didn't I?"
Dean shook his head and threw down the cloth he'd been using then placed the steri-strips on your skin. "You need to just stay here with us. We could use another set of hands with everything going down and you'll have someone to watch your back" he met your eyes and barely looked towards Sam and you knew what he didn't add aloud was that he had someone else there to keep a set of eyes on Ezekiel keeping up his side of the bargain. You were held in place by those green eyes and tried to ignore the way they always seemed to pull you in. "Fine but if you two go on a hunt I go too" Dean looked over at Sam who smiled "Sounds good to me"
You sat still while Dean finished your head then looked over at Kevin who was looking a little worse for the wear "Kev? When's the last time they fed you like real food?" he grinned "Been a week or so" "DEAN!" you gasped playfully and he looked guilty for a moment before he realized you were screwing with him "Very funny Y/N" you winked at Kevin and said "Let me go get settled in a room then I'll see what I can scrounge up for you"
You stood to follow Sam who was showing you which room you could occupy and heard Dean telling Kevin to not give you any more ammunition to give him hell and laughed. Sam looked back at you and offered his arm so you took it and let him lead you down the hall. "I'm glad you're here Y/N. A lot of cards are falling and it's nice to know you're not alone" you smiled at that and said "It's nice to know I'm not alone too"
Tags: @akshi8278 @facadeformyrealblog
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Invisible String
Summary - Dean Winchester was never a man who would freely speak about his feelings and emotions. The reader, is his best friend of many years but some wrong choices and words of Dean's pushes a the reader away.
Pairing - AU Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings - Fluff (lots of fluff), angst-ish, swearing, mentions of abusive relationship, mentions of bad parenting, cheating
Square filled - Bestfriend AU ( @spndeanbingo )
Word count - 6150
A/N - This is written for @supernatural-jackles' Bi-weekly challenge. The prompts are in bold. Spn dividers by the amazingly talented @talesmaniac89 (go check her blog out) Beta'd by @mariekoukie6661 (she is a sweetheart for agreeing to take a look at this long fic. Thank you💕)
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“So what are we watching?” You asked as you slumped down on the yellow couch. You were dead on your feet after a long week of work but you just couldn't break tradition and not hang out with your best friend like every friday. Pulling the comforter close to your body, you let out a sigh of contentment. Truth be told, no matter how exhausted you were, you always looked forward to movie night.
“I picked the movie last friday, now it's your turn,” Dean handed you a bottle of beer and took a seat beside you. Your eyes sparkled with a glint of mischief, a knowing smile appeared on your face as Dean's lips curled up in disgust. “No chick flicks,” he warned.
“I get to call dibs on the movie tonight so I picked,” you paused for a second to create a dramatic effect, “The Proposal.”
“No!” Dean cried out in horror.
“Oh come on, it is not going to be that bad. Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock are in that movie.” you winked at him, making him groan and he picked up a cushion to cover his face, “Now, now don't be so dramatic.” He removed the cushion from his face and glared at you. He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by the sound of the doorbell. “Pizza's here!” He exclaimed as he got up to open the door. You turned on the tv, opened Netflix and put on the movie.
“I don't understand how we can be best friends,” Dean grumbled as he came back to the room, “you eat your pizza with pineapple on it.” “It tastes good. You should try it one day.” you said and took the two boxes of food from his hand, setting them down on the table in front.
“Are you kidding me? Even if that becomes the only food available on earth, I still won't eat it. You can't put fruits on pizza,” he said, and took a slice from his own pizza and nestled into the comforter beside you.
“Tomato is a fruit, De,” you said, biting into the slice in your hand. You heard him mutter something under his breath which you ignored and shifted your focus to the movie playing on the screen. Halfway through the movie, you yawned and snuggled into your best friend. He wrapped his warm hands around you, pulling you closer to him. “You want to head back now?” He asked softly, leaning in to kiss your forehead.
“Nuh-uh,” you said, “I want to finish the movie. I need to see if Andrew got Margaret back .” That elicited a chuckle from Dean, the vibrations of his laugh shaking your body a little.
“You're so stubborn and they are gonna find each other, it's a chick flick for God's sake,” he said, “they love each other, clearly.”
“Speaking of love, Cas asked me out,” you said, making Dean sit up straight. “What'd you say?” He asked
“Yes obviously. I need to dive back into the dating life,” you shrugged, “and Cas seems like a good guy.”
“He is but I thought you wanted to wait because of what happened with you know ‘ he who must not be named’,” he said, and you picked up the remote to pause the movie.
“I can't live in the past. I need to move on. It has been two years since I've gone on a date and it's not like I'm getting engaged tomorrow. It's just a date,” you said, messing with the loose end of the comforter.
“As you wish. I'm just looking out for you.”
“I know. You always do,” you said, giving Dean a tight hug, “and I kinda miss doing it.”
“Doing what?” “Sex,” Dean's eyebrows shot up, “oh come on, it's not like I didn't use to have sex with….him.”
“So,” he gulped, “so you m-miss doing….it?”
“Kind of. My fingers are not enough, you know what I mean right?”
“Of course, of course,” Dean cleared his throat, blush crept up his neck.
“And it's not just sex, I miss the physical touch, I miss those things that are part of a relationship,” you said, “I need this and I think I'm ready.”
“If you think you're ready, then it's fine. I just don't want to see my best friend with a broken heart again.” he said, his fingers getting entangled in your hair, as he slowly massaged your scalp.
“That feels good,” you moaned, “after that hell of a meeting with Azazel, I needed this night De. Thank you for always being there.”
“You're my best friend. I'll always be there when you need me even if you make me watch stupid romcoms.” he grinned, “Azazel creating problems again?”
“He never seems to approve of the templates and designs I make no matter how hard I try to make them loveable and on the other hand, the shitty designs made by Abaddon always gets approved.” you groan.
“Why don't you change jobs?”
“I can't. It's not that simple. Life's going good. I don't want to disrupt it by going on a job hunt.” you sighed.
“What if you start working for my company?” You immediately turned your head towards Dean and looked at him with surprise clear in your eyes.
“No.” “Why not?
“I'm a graphic designer, De. I'm not built to work in your company,” you said.
“Be my PA. I really need a personal assistant to help me keep upto date with my schedule and I'm a mess after Charlie left.” Dean said.
“But what is my job criteria? That I'm your best friend? It's like taking advantage of you. I can't do that.”
“What if you work as my PA after being interviewed for the job?” He asked. “Fine, maybe I can give it a shot,” you said.
“Awesome! Meet me in my office on Monday, ten in the morning, sharp. I don't tolerate tardiness.” he said, slipping quickly in the work mode.
“Aye, aye captain.” You giggled, but a deep frown soon appeared on your face.
“What?” “What if it messes up our relationship?”
“It won't. I know how to separate my work life from my personal one,” Dean assured.
“I guess, then it's okay,” you smiled.
“So about your date with Cas. Where's he taking you?”
“I have no idea,” you chuckled, “he said it will be a surprise.”
“That's-that's great but he should know that you hate surprises,” Dean raised an eyebrow.
“He doesn't know me very well. I'll let that pass this one time,” you told Dean.
“Fair enough,” he laughed. You yawned once more, as you tried to fight the drowsiness that was threatening to take over you.
“You want to head back home now or you want to crash here tonight, sleepyhead?” Dean smiled.
“I don't think I can drive all the way in such a state. Do you mind if I crash here?” You grinned, knowing very well he didn't mind because you crashed in his guest rooms on most of the Friday nights. He rolled his eyes as he got up from the couch.
“I'll prepare the guest room.” You sleepily nodded at him. You didn't realise you had fallen asleep but you were soon woken up when you felt your body move.
“Sorry, didn't mean to wake you up. I'm taking you to bed,” you found yourself in Dean's arms as he headed towards the guest room with you, “you looked too peaceful sleeping. Go back to sleep.” He softly murmured. Dean gently placed you in the bed, pulling the cover upto your chest as you snuggled into the warmth of the covers. Within a few minutes, you had dozed off.
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“Morning, sunshine. Pancakes for you,” Dean's loud voice woke you up from your deep slumber the next morning. You sat up in your bed, as you rubbed the sleep from your eyes, the smell of pancakes hitting your nose.
“Breakfast in bed for my girl. Listen I gotta run to the office now,” he said as he handed you the plate of freshly cooked pancakes to you.
“It's Saturday!” You exclaimed.
“I know but Benny wanted to sign the deal with our company today. It's an important one, we can't let that go out of our hands,” he made you understand, “I'll be back within a few hours.”
“Sufe fing. I wif ve here,” you spoke with your mouth full, “Sure thing. I will be here.” You repeated your words after swallowing your food.
“Maggie will drop by. If you want to leave the house before I return, give the keys to her.” He said as he went back into his room to put his suit on.
“Hot damn,” you let out a low whistle as Dean stepped out of the room in his black suit, “Go get the deal, cowboy!” Dean did a full body laugh at your words, throwing his head backwards before he bid you goodbye and walked out of the door leaving you alone in his penthouse. Finishing your breakfast, you got up and got freshened up for the day. You picked up your phone and saw three texts from Cas.
“Meet me at 7.” “At the Season's 52.” “I'm looking forward to this.”
A smile crept onto your face, as you read the texts from him. “I need your help,” you shot a text to Ruby, “I've a date tonight. I don't know what to wear.” You waited for her to text back but instead of getting a text, you got a call from her.
“He finally asked you out?” She screamed from the other side of the phone.
“What do you mean “finally”?” You wondered.
“Oh come on, Y/N. How long have you two known each other?” “Uh-two months.”
“Two-wait, two months? You don't have a date with Dean?” She asked.
“No! Why would you think that?” You exclaimed, “Cas asked me out.”
“Cas? As in Castiel Novak? Dean's friend? And Dean's okay with it?”
“What's with the twenty questions, Ruby?” You said, annoyed at her questions, “And yes. Dean's fine with it. Why wouldn't he be? He is dating Lisa, in case you didn't remember. Now will you help me? I need a dress for tonight.”
Ruby agreed to go on a little shopping spree with you to find the perfect dress. Handing over the keys to Maggie, the housekeeper, you shot a text to Dean letting him know you were leaving his house. You waited for some time but he didn't text you back. You shrugged it off thinking he was probably busy with the meeting. Your whole afternoon was spent with Ruby as you tried to find a good dress for the date. She made you try on what seemed like a hundred dresses of different colours and style until a green bottleneck dress finally caught your eyes.
“This is a beautiful dress! You gotta try it on,” Your friend insisted.
“You sure? Look at the price - it's too expensive,” you pouted.
“Do you want to get laid tonight?” Ruby quirked her eyebrow.
“Yeah-I mean no….maybe,” you stutter.
“That dress - Cas won't be able to take his eyes off you tonight,” she smiled.
“Fine, if you insist.” Needless to say, the dress was a perfect fit but it was all for nothing.
Tapping on the hardwood of the table, you let out a frustrating sigh. Tears pricked at your eyes as you took a sip of the drink.
“Ma'am do you-are you going to-”
“Please bring the check. I'm done here,” you said, barely managing to keep your tears at bay. The waitress nodded and walked away from your table. You dialed up your best friend’s number and waited for him to pick up.
“Dean,” you said, sniffling a little as he picked up his phone after the third ring. “Y/N, you okay?” Dean asked.
“Yeah, yeah. Can you,” you cleared your throat, “Can you pick me up? I'm at Season’s 52.”
“Sure,” you heard shuffling on the other side, “I'll be there as soon as possible.”
“Okay,” you replied.
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“He just didn't show up,” you sniffled as Dean drove yourselves back to his house.
“Maybe-maybe he had his reasons,” Dean said, throwing a worried glance at your way.
“Reasons?” You scoffed.
“Cas is a good man. This is very unlike him,” Dean said.
“Am I-am I not good enough, Dean?” “Y/N, you know that's not true. You're pretty, smart, a little badass - you are a good person with a kind heart,” Dean smiled.
“Then why? Why didn't he show up? He could have left a message. I'm telling you Dean, I'm so over men now. All men are the same,” you looked at him, “except you.”
“Thanks, sweetheart. That is good to hear.”
“I sure do know how to choose,” you grumbled.
“Y/N, it's just one bad date. So what? Cas is not the only man in the whole world. You'll find someone,” Dean said, pulling into his driveway.
“I don't think so. Maybe he was right,” you opened the door of the car to step out.
“Alistair. Maybe he is right. Maybe the problem is me,” you said, tears pooling in your eyes. Dean grabbed your hands and pulled you back into the car.
“No. He is not right. Alistair will never be right. He was an abusive and manipulative son of a bitch. Listen to me, you are not the problem, sweetheart,” he said, “those men just don't understand you.”
“Is that why no one sticks around?” You turned around to face him with wet eyes.
“I did and I will always be there for you,” he said, his hands cupping your face.
“I know, De,” you leaned into his touch as his thumb gently caressed your cheeks. You opened your mouth to speak but were cut off by three harsh taps on the car window. Dean immediately opened the door and stepped out.
“Lisa.” He said.
“Unbelievable, Dean!” Lisa exclaimed. You couldn't see her face but you knew she was furious.
“It's not what it looks like,” Dean whispered.
“You just up and left me in the morning and now when I get back to talk things out, I find you cozying up to her. I'm done with you!” She yelled back. You shrunk back into your seat when you heard her scream. Dean didn't even tell you that he had broken up with her. You wondered why he hid it from you.
“I already said we were over Lisa, just go back home,” Dean said and brought his hand down his face.
“Three years of relationship meant nothing to you! Why?” Lisa shoved Dean, making him stumble back a little.
“I don't owe you an explanation, okay?”
“You cheating asshole-” “I didn't cheat on you, Lisa. I-I'm just not in love with you anymore,” Dean said, making her scoff.
“Have a nice life, asshole!” Lisa said and you heard her retreating footsteps. You stepped out of the car and saw Dean standing against the car, with his face buried in his hands.
“Hey, you okay?” You rubbed his arm gently.
“Yeah. I'm sorry you had to hear that,” he sighed.
“Why didn't you tell me you broke up with her?” You asked.
“It wasn’t important.” “Not important? You let me ramble all the way from the restaurant to your house but not once did you tell me you broke up with her,” you said.
“Y/N, I'm fine. Can we drop this now?” He snapped at you, “I'm sorry.”
“S’okay,” you gave him a sad smile, “I've an idea.”
“Does this idea include booze?” “What do ya think?” “I'm in.”
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“What time is it?” You groaned as bright light hit your eyes. The throbbing pain in your head increased as you opened your eyes, trying to focus on the human figure standing in your doorway.
“You got wasted last night, sweetheart,” Dean grinned.
“Stop talking. Just stop talking,” you groaned and nestled deep into your covers.
“Aspirin. You will need these,” he kept the medicine on the nightstand, and walked away, “Breakfast is ready.”
“Morning, how's the hangover?” He gave you a cheeky smile as you walked into the dining room a few minutes later. Dean had his laptop opened in front of him, a cup of coffee beside the electronic device. “You're enjoying this too much, aren't ya? How come you're not hung-over?” You grumbled, “I'm hungry.”
“Here. I made waffles because my heartbroken, hung-over best friend needs her comfort food. Dig in,” he said and pushed a plate of waffles towards you, “I didn't drink much.”
“I thought we were drinking because you had a breakup.” “I told you already I'm not feeling miserable. See there's this girl I like who is not Lisa. I'm thinkin’ of asking her out so I did what I had to do. I ended things with Lisa,” Dean said.
“How come you never told me about this girl?” You narrowed your eyes at him. “‘Cause I wasn't sure how I felt but two days ago I saw her and I just knew that she is the one I want to be with,” he smiled.
“You're such a sap.” You giggled, “she must be very special.”
“She is very special. I have never met a girl like her,” he said, staring at you, “now, eat up.”
“Mhm,” you moaned, taking a bite of the waffles on your plate, “you know, you should give up your business and open up a coffee shop. You make excellent waffles.”
“Sorry sweetheart, no can do. People at work will miss me too much,” he chuckled, “you do remember you are interviewing for the position of PA tomorrow?”
“Yep but I don't know if I will get it or not. I have heard the CEO of the company is kind of a shithead,” you grinned.
“Oh really?” Dean looked at you with amused eyes, “You're terrible.”
“Yeah, so I've heard.” You laughed.
He shook his head at you, “Listen, I have a favour to ask.” “Shoot.”
“I would like it if you could accompany me to Sam and Jess’ anniversary party tonight,” he said.
“Tonight?” “Yeah. I know it's very sudden but it completely sli-”
“I'll go with you but I thought you told me that after what happened with your Dad last time, you wouldn't be attending another family gathering,” you said.
“Uh-huh. Sam insisted that I attend this party,” he replied.
“Fine I'll be there with you at the party to save you from John Winchester,” you giggled.
“You'll be my knight in shining armour tonight.” He chuckled.
You went back to your apartment to get ready for the party. Dean had told you that he would be picking you up at six that evening. As you touched up on your makeup, you heard three knocks on your door.
“Good evening, Y/N,” Dean smirked, looking dapper in a black two-piece suit.
“Good evening, Dean. I'll be out in a minute,” you blushed when you saw his eyes travel all over your body.
“You look beautiful, sweetheart,” he said.
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“De-” you snaked placed your hand over his, as you both sat inside the Impala with her engine turned off.
“I can't do this Y/N. I can't face John Winchester again, not after the crap he pulled last time,” he gritted out the words, his knuckles turning white as he held the steering wheel tightly, staring off at the direction of his house.
“Why are you here?” He looked at you in surprise. “I-Sam asked me to be here,” he said.
“Exactly. Your little brother asked you to be here so you will go into that house and attend your brother's party. It's up to you if you want to make any small talk, I'll be there with you but Dean you can't avoid your father forever-”
“I'm not avoiding him,” Dean said.
“Yes, you are. Now go in there, ask him why he did that, demand answers from him,” you said.
“I-okay, let's go. Just don't leave my side tonight or someone might get hurt,” he said.
“You're not going to punch your Dad,” you mumbled, “even though he deserves it.” He chuckled at your words as you two stepped out of the car.
“I'll never get used to the fact that you grew up in a mansion,” you smirked.
“It's not a mansion. It's a….big house,” he smiled.
“Yep, whatever you say.” As soon as you stepped through the door of the mansion, Dean was immediately pulled into a hug. “I thought you wouldn't show up,” Sam said, letting go of his brother, “Hey Y/N.”
“Almost didn't,” the older Winchester replied as you gave the younger one a small wave. “He showed up, didn't he? What about Mom?”
“Mom and Dad are in the living room. Last thing I saw they are not speaking to each other even when they are in the same room. I just want everyone to act civil till the party's over,” Sam said, “Drinks are in the kitchen.”
“So kitchen first, living room later. Keep John out of my sight and everything will be perfect,” Dean patted his brother's shoulder and made his way towards the kitchen, taking you with him. Pouring himself a glass, he handed you one.
“Dean,” a deep voice came from the doorway, making Dean stand up straight. “Sam had one job. Dad.” He looked at John and gave him a curt reply.
There was a moment of awkward silence as no words were exchanged between the father and the son. You could feel Dean trying his level best to keep himself from screaming at his Dad. You put a hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him down.
“I know you don't want to see me right now-” “You're right and you may leave now,” Dean said and turned his back towards his father.
“Son. You have to understand, it was a long time back and I didn't know what was going through my head. I-” John sighed.
“You what? You had a perfect family here. A wife, two sons. And all this time, you knew about Adam but you said nothing. You kept up with the charade of the perfect husband and father when in reality you were neither of them,” Dean gritted out.
“Dean. Maybe I was not the perfect husband but I did everything for you and Sam,” the older man said in a harsh tone.
“Really? You did everything? You were nothing but an absent father. I was there to take care of Mom and Sammy while you were away on your so-called business trips when actually you were plowing another woman's field,” Dean growled at his father.
“Dean!” His father snapped back.
“Mr. Winchester you should leave now,” you said, trying to diffuse the situation before it got out of hand, “John, please.”
“This is family matter Y/N. You have no right to get involved in this,” John retorted.
“Don't speak to her like that. She is more family to me than you ever were,” Dean said and stalked towards his Dad, “so you can leave now. I'm sure as hell Mom is not talking to you so you can get the hell out of this house now, John.”
“Dean-” “Now,” Dean growled.
“I would do what he says, John,” you said. John scoffed, turning around and got out of the house. Dean plopped down on one of the chairs in the kitchen, gently rubbing his temples.
“You sure you're okay?” “I need a stronger drink,” he murmured.
“I saw Dad leave. What happened?” Sam came into the kitchen and asked as he looked at his brother.
“I told you to keep John away from me. You had one job,” Dean snapped and stormed out of the room, grabbing a glass of drink with him.
“He just needs some time to cool down. John came to talk to Dean and-”
“Yeah I understood. I'm gonna check on Mom. This party was a mistake,” Sam said and left the kitchen leaving you standing there alone.
You squeezed your eyes shut as you finished up your drink. You were angry at John too. He had hurt Dean, your best friend. He was a liar and you hated liars. You needed to go find Dean. You placed the empty glass on the counter and made your towards the door but you stopped dead in your tracks when you saw him.
“Cas,” you said, “I didn't expect you to be here.”
“Yeah well, Sam is a good friend so he invited me over.” Cas gave you a smile.
“Oh.” You nodded.
“We should probably address the elephant in the room,” he gave an awkward laugh.
“Huh? Oh you mean how you stood me up last night?” You glared at him.
“Well you didn't tell me that you were looking for only a one night stand? I would have backed out sooner. I like you Y/N but I don't do one night-”
“Wait, hold on. Who told you I was looking for a one time, no strings attached thing?”
“Dean told me,” your jaw dropped onto the floor at his confession, “I'm sorry Y-”
“S’okay.” You brushed him off, “I need to have a word with Dean, have you seen him?”
“I think he was talking to Kevin over there,” Cas pointed you towards another room.
“Thanks and it's okay, Cas. We're cool.” You said and almost ran your way into the other room.
“I'm telling you man, you deserve someone better than Y/N. She is clingy and she doesn't take no for an answer. I can give you her number but-” Dean turned around and his eyes locked with your wet ones. You shook your head at him, a look of betrayal evident on your face. You heard him call out to you as you turned on your heels and ran towards the door. “Excuse me, Kevin,” Dean said and went after you but by that time you were already out of the house. “Y/N!” He called, as you pulled out your phone to call for an uber.
“Fuck you!” You exclaimed, “I'm clingy, I don't take no for an answer. Is that what you think of me? All this time while you pretended to be my best friend, is this what went through your head?” Tears were running down your face now, “how many times was I there for you when you needed me and this is how you repay me?”
“I didn't mean to say it like that. You are my best friend Y/N-”
“You are a fuckin’ liar! You told Cas that I was looking for a person to keep my bed warm for only one night. Why? You know what, I don't want to talk to you right now. Leave me alone,” you said.
“No, please,” he took a step towards you. “Don't you dare make a move!” You screamed, “You lied to me and I hate liars more than anything. You are no better than your Dad. I hate you! I regret that I ever thought of you as my best friend.” You heard shuffling behind you and turned around to see him leaving. A sob tore from your throat. Standing there alone on the porch of the Winchester mansion, with your smudged makeup, you waited for the uber to show up.
It took you one hour to finally reach your house. Your phone was getting blown up by messages from the Winchester brothers and Ruby. You broke down in tears as soon as you reached your house. You crawled underneath the covers without bothering to get out of your dress or to remove your makeup. Your body shook as you continued to sob loudly into the pillow. The same man, who acted as your rock when you had left Alistair, gave you shelter in his house when you showed up in the middle of the night because your ex-boyfriend was drunk and was on a rampage, was the one who continued to spew lies about you behind your back. Your trust was shattered just like your heart and you didn't know how to piece them back together. The crying had tired you out and in no time you slipped into a deep slumber with Dean's words haunting your dream.
Morning came way too quickly. You woke up to Ruby knocking on your door along with Dean calling your phone. Your eyes were red and swollen as a result of crying all night long.
“What happened? Who's ass do I need to kick?” Ruby barged into your house as soon as you opened the door as saw you had been crying.
“....Dean.” “Dean? Dean Winchester?” Her eyes widened in surprise which later turned to anger when you told her everything that had happened the day before. Ruby was furious and if Dean was there in the room, he would have been a dead man.
“Oh Y/N,” Ruby cooed as she pulled you into a hug, “I didn't know it was this bad. Sam called me to check on you because you left his house in a hurry. I'm gonna kill Dean Winchester.” You held onto her tightly as sobs racked through your body. She gently caressed your head while cursing the green-eyed Winchester.
You were miserable but what you didn't know is that your ex-best friend was also losing his mind over the incident. The guilt was eating him up alive and he didn't know how to fix it. Sam had punched him in the face and kicked him out of his house when he had told him what happened.
“Tell her the truth or don't ever talk to me again,” Sam had threatened his brother. With red eyes and a swollen cheek, Dean went into his office the next morning. He hoped that after the interview he would get a chance to apologise but you never showed up.
“Okay, Mr. Winchester, that was the last interviewee,” Jody poked in her head into the room. “That was the last? What about uh-Y/N L/N?” Dean asked.
“Uh-she dropped out - called us early in the morning to let us know she won't make it to the interview,” Jody smiled, “I need your decision fast.”
“Decision?” “Who we are hiring for the position of the PA,” she said.
“Sure. I'll let you know. You can go now Jody. Close the door on your way out,” Dean said.
He sighed as he dialed your number, “It's Y/N L/N. She can't get to her phone now. Please leave a message.”
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“Y/N, sweetheart I'm sorry. You shouldn't have dropped out of the interview. I know you won't ever forgive me but I'm sorry.” You sniffled as you heard his voice message. He had left you exactly fifty-three texts, twenty three missed calls and seventeen voice messages - all had the same words, ‘I'm sorry’ but you couldn't forgive him.
“Stop listening to that asshat,” Ruby grumbled and snatched your phone from you. “I-I just can't understand why he did that? I thought he was my friend,” you sniffled.
“I'm sorry Y/N,” Ruby took a seat beside you and wrapped you in a comforter, “I brought ice cream with me. I heard they work wonders on a broken heart.”
“And you brought my favourite flavour. Thanks!” You hugged but were interrupted by the sound of your doorbell.
“Stay here. Let me check,” Ruby said and went towards the door. Opening it, she stared at a disheveled, sad Dean Winchester.
“Give me one good reason to not kick you out right now,” Ruby glared at Dean.
“I need to talk to her. Please,” Dean’s voice cracked at the end.
“No you won't. She is miserable and I won't let you break her even more,” Ruby challenged, “Now get out.”
“I don't care if I have to fight you but please let me see her,” he pleaded.
“You are one stubborn, lying piece of shit,” Ruby grumbled.
“Why are you here?” the two heads turned immediately towards you.
“I wasn't sure you wanted to see me but I had to see you,” Dean said.
“And why exactly?” Ruby snapped.
“Ruby. It's okay. Let him in. I need to hear him out.” Dean gave Ruby a side eye and let himself in.
“Y/N,” She started. “I'll be fine," you assured her.
“If you need me to kick him out or kick his ass, just call me,” she glared at Dean once more and left your apartment.
“She's scary,” the green-eyed man said. “Well she has to. She just saw her friend with a broken heart,” you threw him his words back.
“I can't tell you how sorry I am,” Dean said, his head hung in shame.
“Why?” He looked up at you, “I don't know,” he replied, making you scoff.
“You don't know? Well maybe because you actually thought of me to be clingy and the girl who doesn't take no for an answer,” you seethed, “and you even lied to Cas about me. You framed me as some whore who doesn't do relationships. Fuck you, Dean! You knew better than anyone how long it took me to get over Alistair. How could you do this to me?”
“I don't know,” he whispered, “It's just I lied to them because I didn't want them to be with you.”
“It's my life! I get to decide who I want to have sex with and who I want to date,” you hissed.
“Well I couldn't let you make those decisions because I didn't want you to choose them. I wanted you to choose me.” he blurted out. You sat there dumbfounded as you heard his confession, "What? Why?"
“Because...I love you,” Dean muttered.
“You love me?” “Yeah.”
“What are you, a kindergartener? Next thing I know you will be pulling my pigtails,” you sassed.
“I'm sorry. You know I'm bad with feelings-” “So you decided to lie?”
“Yeah.” “You're terrible, you know that,” you said.
“So I have heard,” he shrugged. “Come here you idiot,” you beckoned at him. He went towards you and sat down beside you.
“I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I was just-” “What? You were just fending off the boys?”
“Yeah. At first I was scared that I was falling for my best friend and you knew me, you knew all my horrible secrets, the thoughts that are inside my head which keep me up at night and I was scared that you wouldn't feel the same. I broke up with Lisa for you because whenever I closed my eyes at night I wanted it to be you with me, not Lisa.” You were stunned at his confession. Dean never talked about his feelings, he was extremely good at hiding his feelings so hearing him blurt out about how he felt, surprised you.
“Dean,” you said. “No. I need to say this,” he said, stopping you, “I don't know if you feel the same. Even if you did, I don't think I have a chance after the stunt I pulled yesterday. But sweetheart, you mean everything to me, I swear to never hurt you again. I was planning on asking you out after the party but Kevin had asked for your number so I told him all those lies about you but sweetheart I know what I did….said is unforgivable but please I need you. I need my best friend back.” He looked at you, locking his teary eyes with yours.
“I don't know whether to kiss you or hit you,” you said, wiping away the single tear that rolled down your cheek. “K-kiss me?” Dean’s eyes went wide.
“You are the most horrible person I have ever met. I hate you, Dean but I hate me more that I decided to fall for this horrible person that I call my best friend. Kiss me, before I change my mind,” you said and that's all Dean needed before he crashed his lips into yours. It was a harsh kiss but one filled with longing and love. His hands sneaked to the back of your head, his fingers entangled with your hair as your hands held on to his biceps.
“I'm sorry for hurting you,” he said after he let go of your lips. You sat there with his hands cupping your face, your foreheads touching. “Next time, talk to me,” you whispered.
“I will,” he kissed your forehead, “So Y/N L/N, can I take you out for dinner tomorrow night?” “Definitely Dean Winchester, but mind you I'm tough to impress,” you smirked.
“I have plans, special plans for a special girl. I will make you mine,” he said before he leaned in to capture your lips with his once again.
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lucisfavoritedemon · 3 years
Rebellious Soul: Chapter 5
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Pairing: None
Summary: Y/N is having a hard time coping with the fact that her friend is gone and now her best friend is back, but there is a new player in town. The ultimate leader of the Rebels, Commander Ruby. Will Y/N be able to defeat Eve or will she give up the fight to mourn the loss of Dean?
Warnings: Mentions of torture.
Word Count: 1324
A/N: I realised that what I had posted, and what I had written were two completely different things. So I went through an edited this chapter, along with Chapter 6. I have major plans for those two chapters, and I got away from my original thought process. Also, as you may have noticed, this is loosely based off hunger games, but it's with a twist. I hope y'all are enjoying this series so far. Thanks for the understanding and patience.
"I thought that the Colt was just a legend?" I asked looking between Gabriel and Charlie.
"Well supposedly, but there are more facts out there proving that it exists more than there is proving it doesn't. When thinking about stuff like this, I go with the facts."
"Alright then. I guess I should round up my gear and head out. The faster I can find my guy the better. I have a feeling it won't be long before Eve figures out what we're planning."
"Good idea. Why don't we head out together that way we could both hit our people and both know with having to relay the information to multiple people? That way Eve doesn't find out as quickly."
"I agree. Gather everyone interested and let's head out in ten. I have to speak with Sam before we leave."
"Sounds like a plan."
Gabe and I headed off in different directions. I hadn't seen Sam since we heard about Jessica. It was hard for him not knowing whether she's alive or not.
"Hey Sam. How's everything?"
"Better. At least getting there."
"I feel so bad for what happened to Jess. I'm sorry she got dragged into this."
"Don't be. She knew the risks just like everyone else. Trust me you didn't do anything. Ruby told me what you did for her, and that is the kindest thing anyone has ever done for me. I never expected you to give up this opportunity to get revenge on Eve for Dean."
"Did you not hear what happened? The theories at least?"
"No. I haven't really wanted to listen to what people have to say about the matter. He's gone and I can't have him back. It hurts because we were close. We grew up in this together. He was like a brother to me."
"I know Sam. I wish there was more I could do to help you cope other than the fact that we are going to get him back. I don't care what anybody says, Ruby promised a rescue and amnesty for all of them. Including Dean."
"What does everyone say happened to him exactly?"
"That Eve had taken him hostage. Tortured him in unimaginable ways. Using him as their poster child to rid the world of Rebels. She won't stop till we are all dead or worse under her spell. Killing us off is her main goal, and she has the biggest inside man we had. She has the means of destroying us if she truly wanted to."
"I know Dean is our biggest and best weapon we had against her. He was building a case file on how to kill her. Said that he was doing it for someone special. I could now only assume that's you."
"Why me though?"
"Because you would want revenge. He knew your father died. Apparently he also knew how, and it's not how you think it happened."
"I knew he was killed, but I never told anyone because no one would believe me. They all knew I hated Eve from the moment I first saw her. She is clearly nothing but evil, and I will stop at nothing to defeat her. We have everything we need except the weapon to kill the thing that can kill her."
"What is that?"
"A special gun that can kill almost anything with a single bullet. We need the gun to kill a Phoenix. It's ashes are the only thing strong enough to kill her."
"You're not talking about the Colt are you?"
"Afraid so. Do you happen to know someone who might know it's whereabouts?"
"Yeah, but I would save him as a last resort." Sam warned.
I knew perfectly well who he was talking about, but this was a chance to get the upper hand on Eve. I wasn't going to let him tell me otherwise. I couldn't risk Dean's life on a last resort situation. He was our last resort.
"I'm sorry Sam, but this is that type of situation. I'm going to do whatever it takes to get Dean back. For all of us, not just me. He meant something to everyone, which is why this betrayal is the worst we have ever seen."
"I know, it's just, he is bad news. I wouldn't go to him unless no one else truly knows the whereabouts of the Colt."
"Fine. But if no one else does, or even if they hesitate for a second we move to him, got it?"
"Yeah now go and save Dean. For all of us."
Gabe, Ed, Harry, Michael, Castiel, and I all headed out in search of our first lead given to us by Gabriel and Cas who have known this person, well rather Angel, for a long, long time.
"Balthazar. We are here for knowledge on a weapon we seek the location of!" Gabe yelled through the thick of the forest.
As I have stated before each creature lives in a designated section of the world. If ever caught out of their designated area, they were immediately killed off. This was a beautiful lush forest that looked like a Heavenly paradise Perfect for the majority of it's heavenly inhabitants.
"Ah, Gabriel and Castiel. What brings you two traders back home, and with humans too?"
"Enough Balthazar. We need to know the location of the Colt."
"Ooh, temper. I say, is this how you got daddy to give you your favorite toys? Well that tone doesn't work on me Mikey." Balthazar spat.
I had to agree with the Angel, Michael was being a little too straight forward.
"Balthazar? We seek the location of this weapon for a good reason. Please will you help us?" I asked kindly, gaining a gentle smile.
"I wish I knew, but sadly I don't. Maybe if you five hand over the girl I will suddenly remember."
"He's lying." Gabe simply stated.
"How do you know?"
"He only wants Y/n because it will earn him and the others a spot at the big kids table. He doesn't really know where the weapon is. I say we move on."
"I agree. Let's head out."
"Okay, you got me. I really don't know where the weapon is. I'm only in charge of the Angelic weapons. The rest go through Crowley. He will definitely know where this weapon you are seeking for is. I swear."
"I know. Sadly Crowley knows everything about this gun." I whispered walking away.
I knew exactly where to find Crowley. We had a few talks here and there, but I have never asked him for a favor as big as this one.
"Crowley! We need to talk! It's about the Colt."
"Hello darling. It's about time."
"I know it has been a while, but I need you to pull in that favor of mine. You know the freebie before you start charging?"
"Yes I know what freebie means. Why do you want this Colt so bad? It doesn't even do anything."
"It's important."
"You want to kill Eve don't you? Well sorry to break it to you, but sadly she is one of the four beings this won't work on. Been there, tried that."
"We know it doesn’t work on her, but it will work on the thing that can."
"Oh. Well in that case here."
Then the gun appears in his hands and he tosses it to me. I looked at the gun in awe. It was the most beautiful thing in the world. Now all we needed was to get to the Phoenix mountain without being caught by Eve and her stupid henchmen.
"One last thing. Well really two. Don't let her know I'm working alongside you and two DON’T miss your target! Kapeesh?"
"You got it. Don't let Eve know and don't miss."
"Good." As quickly as he appeared he was gone again.
Now all we needed was to find these Phoenixes and find Eve. Things were starting to go in our favor.
SPN Tag list:
@atc74 @bella-ca @canadianspnhunter @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog @ericaprice2008 @impala-dreamer @impalaimagining @katymacsupernatural @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @mamaredd123 @masksandtruths @mirandaaustin93 @muchamusedaboutnothing @our-jensen-ackles-love @roxyspearing @sea040561 @snffbeebee @spnwaywardwitch-blog @squirrelnotsam @torn-and-frayed @winchesterprincessbride
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verobatto · 4 years
Destiel Chronicles
Vol. LV
It was a love story from the very beginning.
The Monster At Your Door
Hello my dear fandom! This is another meta from my Destiel Chronicles.
I want to say thank you to my friend @agusvedder , she made the gifs for this analysis, thank you girl!
And thanks to @destielle for editing this! 
This season doesn't have a lot of Destiel in it and was mostly Dean-centric.
So you will see me talking about how our hunter perceives himself as a monster.
Brothers and Sisters
In episode 10x04 ‘Paper Moon’ we saw Kate and her sister, two female werewolves, as mirrors of Sam and Dean.
Kate, the one who was trying to save her sister (Sam), and the little one Tasha, becoming a real monster (Dean).
After getting to know about Tasha and Kate's story, and Kate trying desperately to get her sister back, the Winchesters decide to help her. But there was a little piece of dialogue  between Sam and Dean that caught my attention…
SAM: Right, but how can you possibly blame Kate for fighting for her sister? We do it all the time.
DEAN: Well, yeah, and that's worked wonders for us.
The ultimate effort to save Dean Winchester at the end of the season will cause a huge cosmic consequence we all know: Amara. So, this quote here that could be read as very Winchester like is kind of a premonition of what is about to come next season.
And then, this scene… it points us at how Dean is really feeling inside.
KATE: But she can be saved!
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DEAN: [blunt, but in despair] No. Tasha's in too deep. You don't ever come back from that, not ever.
How disturbingly painful it must be for Sam knowing his brother is losing faith in winning his battle against the mark.
There’s another interesting dialogue, now between the two sisters, where we can dissect the foreshadowing of Sam trying to get through to Dean in the last episode of this season.
KATE [pleading] T., I can help you get better.
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TASHA [sneering evilly] Oh, I am better. And smarter and stronger… and awesome. I'm a freakin' superhero.
KATE Who kills innocent people? No, that's not you. You were a good kid.
So, Sam will try to save the innocent and good side of his brother, with all his power.
Because even if Dean perceives himself as a monster that can't be saved, Sam will always try to convince him otherwise. Just like Castiel…
You are a role model
Episode 10x09 ‘The Things We Left Behind’ is a beautiful episode that talks about GUILT. Not just Dean's guilt (we all know about that one, right?) But also Castiel's GUILT and his REGRETS.
Castiel visits Claire Novak, because he knows he hurt her a lot by possessing her father. So he tries to help her. But, because his PEOPLE TALKING SKILLS are ‘rusty’, he’s not able to communicate it the right way. So he helps her to escape instead.
In the middle of this episode we have this cute scene:
Dean watching TV, reflecting that innocent side I was talking about first, and Sam staring at him with sadness in his eyes, being worried about the mark. This situation points out their priorities.
Back to Castiel and Claire. There’s a very meaningful scene in which Cas talks about his experience as a human and what he has learned in that time…
CLAIRE: You’ve changed. The Castiel I met? He was crappy. Like super stuck-up and a dick and you just wanted to punch him in his stupid angel face.
CASTIEL: I don’t think I was THAT bad.
CLAIRE: You totally were. And now you’re just … I don’t know. Nicer. And kind of a doof. No offense.
CASTIEL: Yes, well, um… Before, I was very self-assured. I was convinced I was on this righteous path. Now I realize that there is no righteous path. It’s just people trying to do their best in a world where it’s far too easy to do your worst.
This is amazing because Castiel is shouting out the important insights he has gained from being a human. This is character development at it’s best. Cas is not the same Castiel that possessed Claire's dad. She says he is nicer. Castiel has changed, for good. But the guilt of taking her family away from this girl is eating him up inside.
And it’s the same thing that eats Dean up inside as well.
Dean sees an opportunity to stay alone with Castiel on kind of a date with him. Both of them sitting in front of their burgers. We know Cas doesn't have to eat. So the scene is very cute and comfy.
The question whether or not ketchup is a vegetable and Dean answering Hell yes is demonstrating that Claire and the hunter are very alike.
This date is also a chance to put back the dot on the I again. Because… remember Cas and his ‘female in the car’? Well… our hunter needed to reinforce his ownership over the angel. 
But mostly… the guilt needs to be put on the table:
DEAN: (...) All right, so spill. What’s with the family reunion?
CASTIEL: I don’t know. I’ve just been … thinking about people.
[Dean glances around, then switches their plates, taking Cas’ burger and setting his empty plate in front of Cas.]
Okay, pause here, sorry but this is extremely cute… and Dean looking around like an innocent kid, it’s such a beautiful scene that I adore.
CASTIEL: No problem. I’ve helped some, but I’ve … I’ve hurt some.
DEAN: So you’re having a midlife crisis.
CASTIEL: Well, I’m extremely old. I think I’m entitled.
It’s so amazing each time Castiel reminds us he is an ancient creature that decided to spend his days with us…
DEAN: Cas, listen to me. There’s some stuff you just got to let go. Okay? The people you let down, the ones you can’t save … You got to forget about them. For your own good.
CASTIEL: Is that what you do?
Okay, here Dean is sensing Cas is feeling guilty, a territory he knows very well, so he tries to help him and give him advice, an advice Dean doesn't follow himself. And Castiel knows that too well. Because he can read Dean Winchester like a book. And we all know he won't let go Charlie's death.
And then… this jewel…
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Dean is not used to receiving compliments. But Castiel is always calling him nice things. Because Cas sees the good in him, he knows DEAN IS SPECIAL. So Dean, Cas’ TFW teacher, is a role model for him. Of course he is. 
Look at Dean's flustered face, he has to avoid Castiel's tender gaze because he is feeling awkward. It looks like a don't say things like that to me on our date, bro- face.
One of my fave scenes ever.
Let's go with another one…
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As I said, Castiel reads Dean like a book. So he knows when Dean is lying. He just knows Dean is not feeling well. And again, Dean is… enraptured by this. By how well Cas knows him. Look at his face… if I was telepath, which I'm not (yet) I would say, Dean ponders whether kissing him or not in that moment. It’s like… stop flirting with me or I will kiss you, bro. He even checks out Cas and stares at his lips. Gah!
Then, coming back to reality… Dean needs to know if Cas will kill him bc he is terrified of becoming a monster again:
DEAN: If I do go dark side, you got to take me out.
CASTIEL: What do you mean?
DEAN: Knife me. Smite me. Throw me into the freakin’ sun, whatever. And don’t let Sam get in the way, because he’ll try. I can’t go down that road again, man. I can’t be that thing again.
Dean is asking something impossible for Cas to do. As we will find out in one of the last episodes from this season. Castiel would never hurt Dean, even if he goes dark side.
Two Faces
After Dean is losing control, turning into the monster he was so afraid of becoming, killing Randy and those gangsters… nothing will be the same anymore. This bloody scene is a premonition of the end of this season, when Dean will eliminate the whole Stein family.
Episode 10x10 starts with this image:
Cracks in the mirror which are reflecting how Dean is feeling inside: broken.
This is an episode where light and shadow play a big role in the visual narrative, we can see Dean's face divide in one half lit and the other half drowned in shadows. Those halfs represent his two faces, his inner fight between ‘our’ Dean and the monster brought by the mark.
This episode was directed by Misha, so when we see Cas telling Dean he’ll be sending emojis… that wasn't OOC, that was just Misha 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
Now, the important part of this episode is Claire trying to convince Dean to come by saying: ‘Castiel seemed to trust you, a lot’.
That was the signal for Dean. You drop Cas’ name, count Dean in!
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But now let's jump to episode 10x11 because the game of the two faces is represented here again in the form of two Charlies, a good and an evil one. They are a metaphor for the way Dean feels inside, in fact the whole episode is a mirror of it.
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The parallel between Dark!Charlie and Dean is blatant, because Dark!Charlie is seeking for revenge, just like Dean will after Charlie's death.
Charlie had to release her darkness to win a war, the same thing will happen to Dean. In order to win the war against a whole family (Stein) he will have to release the monster inside of him. At the end of the episode Dean and Dark!Charlie are having a fight, a fight between good friends as a foreshadowing of the Destiel fight in episode 10x22.
To conclude:
The monster inside Dean is on the threshold of being released. The episodes we were talking about showed us a lot of examples, mirrors of and parallels to that.
The symbolisms of two faces and broken mirrors were very interesting.
The synergy of light and darkness is also a foreshadowing for the next season with the appearance of God (light) and Amara (darkness).
The Destiel burger date was too cute, and Dean not knowing how to react to Castiel's compliments was even cuter. To Cas Dean will always be special and a role model, that's why he will be incapable of harming Dean in any way.
Hope you like this chronicle, see you in the next one!
Tagging @metafest @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weirddorkylittlediana @michyribeiro @whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @thewolfathedoor @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @foxyroxe-art @authorsararayne @anonymoustitans @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @wildligia @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-is--endgame @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
@shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @nerditoutwithbooks @mikennacac73 @justmeand-myinsight @idontwantpeopletoknowmyname @tenshilover20 @teddybeardoctor @pepevons @helevetica @isthisdestiel @dizzypinwheel @jawnlockwinchester @horsez2 @qanelyytha @imjustkipping
If you want to be added or removed from this list just let me know.
If you want to read the previous metas From season 10, these are the links...
Buenos Aires March 31 2020 10:03 PM
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swiftlymoniquesblog · 5 years
A Christmas Like No Other- Sam x Reader (Requested)
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Requested by @cigarettesandcoffeetalk: Can we get a cutesy sam x reader like they've known each other a while and are very flirtatious with each other but she insists it's platonic even though they both like each other. I think it's cute and I'd write one but nursing school doesn't give me time thanks love your account!
Warnings: Pining, FLUFF!
Word Count: 2342
A/N: I got carried away with this one! This is my longest single post ever plus the first-holiday one! Since Sam doesn’t like Halloween, here is a Christmas one!
As always, master and prompt lists are found in this post. Tag list requests are open for all works or single works. Feedback is greatly appreciated!
Xxx Monique
It’s the day after Thanksgiving, or Black Friday as others know it, and the buzz of Christmas is already floating around the Bunker. You had invited other hunters that you knew were close by and decided to have a decorating party. Sam and Dean thought it was pretty silly to go to this extreme to decorate for Christmas, considering they never had a traditional Christmas celebration, but because they knew how much you loved this time of year, they went along with it, helping out in any way they could. Guests had started showing up and everyone was asked to bring their favorite decorations. Sure, holidays weren’t typically celebrated by hunters, but you wanted to make this year special. 
“So, Bobby brought a tree, Donna and Jody have lights, tinsel, and ornaments for the tree, Jack found a box of stockings with more lights and tinsel, and Cas found a train to run under the tree. Anything else?” You ask Sam as he was tacking some decorations on the wall above you. 
“Yeah, did you find a mistletoe? Maybe I can finally kiss those pretty lips of yours.” The younger Winchester joked to you, wiggling his eyebrows as he looked down at you.
“Yeah, you wish, Winchester.” You scoff, rolling your eyes at him.
You had Sam had been best friends since you moved into the Bunker roughly five years ago. At first, things were intense and quiet between you two, making things awkward and uncomfortable. You hated being anywhere near him because he never spoke to you or hardly acknowledged your presence until you finally demanded him to “buck up, be a man, and acknowledge me you friggin’ twit!” And since that day, after a year of the awkwardness, Sam made an effort to make sure you knew he cared about you. When you two were around one another, there were conversations about what house was better in Harry Potter, who would the other date in the Potter Universe, what kinds of spells would be the most fun or difficult to cast, if Quidditch was considered safe, and the various types of animals to adopt as pets. Dean had dubbed you two, Potter nerd 1 and Potter nerd 2. Then, you and Sam had been making all sorts of healthy foods to snack on and have as meals, to which Dean would argue and whine about like a child. He’d huff, grab Baby’s keys, and drive off to the nearest diner for his usual burger/beer/pie get up. 
Things between you and Sam only grew closer with each passing day. You two would try to spend as much time together as possible but nothing more ever came from that. Everyone assumed and constantly asked if you two were dating because you were so alike and were always with one another, but you were just the best of friends. The flirting only starting happening within in the last year. Sam was normally not a flirt but he found a certain confidence that you never knew he had. Anytime he would flirt and make jokes about dating or kissing, anything like that, you would just roll your eyes and blush. 
“Like what you see?” Sam said flirtatiously as he caught you staring at his exposed stomach that was revealed by his shirt, as he reached a little higher to string some lights outside. 
You felt your cheeks redden up and you looked away from him.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You said. 
“Yeah, okay (y/n/n). Hold the ladder so I don’t break my neck.” Sam says overly dramatic and turns to face the ladder. You stand at the bottom, hands on both sides, as he takes one step at a time, and slowly comes closer to you. You have to look away once more because his perfectly toned ass was striaght in your view. 
“Oh sorry, was my ass in your way?” Sam smirked as he could tell you were staring at him.
“Whatever.” You say, rolling your eyes once again. 
“You know, if you keep rolling your eyes, they’ll get stuck like that.” He points out and pokes your cheek.
“That’s impossible.” You say.
“Maybe, but it did make you smile.” He says with a proud little smile on his face that made your heart flutter. You had to admit, but never to him, that you had a crush on him, especially within the last year. Sam was your rock; you could talk to him about anything and everything. But what made you fall for him was the fact that he was there for you whenever you needed him. It could be two in the morning and you could’ve just had a nightmare and he’d be in your room in an instant to check up on you.
“Hey, it’s okay. You’re okay. You were just dreaming. I got you. I’m right here.” He would hold you in his lap and rock you until you fell asleep, snuggled face in his stomach. And he loved every minute of it.
Just like you, Sam would never admit he had real feelings for you. He had a hard exterior, much like Dean, but when you were around him, he could let his walls down and let you see the vulnerable side of him. Why he liked you so much, was because you were always honest with him and even when he was a complete jerk to you, you’d call him out on it and would stay by his side, regardless of what he said to you. You knew he never meant it and would apologize profusely when he came back around. Your loyalty was one of Sam’s favorite things about you. Even when Dean would give him space, you wouldn’t. You forced him to talk about whatever was going on but after some cooldown time. Yes, Sam loved you one hundred percent and he didn’t care who knew it, as long as it wasn’t you. Your friendship was too important to risk losing so he’d bury his feelings for you for the sake of staying in your life.
“Alrighty guys, I got some hot cocoa all fixed up; who wants some?” Donna said, coming into the main room from the kitchen.
“Ooh, me!” You yell and jump up, rushing into the kitchen with her. 
Sam smiled fondly at you as he watched your childlike behavior and a few people took notice of him.
“Why don’t you just tell her?” Jody said, coming to stand right by the taller man.
“What are you talking about?” He says, looking over to the Sheriff. 
“You love y/n. Everyone here can see it, Sam. She’s your best friend and by the looks of the way she interacts with you too, she loves you too.” Jody explains but Sam just shakes his head. 
“I could never be with y/n. Come on, Jods, you know everyone I get close to gets hurt or freaking dies! I can’t lose her. I won’t lose her.” 
“So, you’re going to spend the rest of your life being miserable because you can’t be with the woman you love? Seriously, Sam? You are a college graduate; you can’t be that dumb.”
“Look, Jody, I’ve been in love with y/n since the day I met her but I love her too much to let her get that close to me. And in a way, I think she knows that. She knows my history with relationships so we’ve never crossed those lines before.” 
“I give up. But don’t you dare hurt that girl or I will hurt you.” Jody said.
“Of course not. I love her too much. I’d kill myself first before it ever comes to that.” 
“What? Why the sad faces?” You say coming back into the room two cups of cocoa in your hand, one for you and one for Sam. You had tons of whipped cream on yours to which Sam couldn’t help but smile. He walks to you and takes a bit of the whipped cream on his index finger and then swipes your nose. 
You gasp and yell, “SAM! Oh my gosh!” 
“Hey y/n, you got a little something on your nose,” Dean said, looking confused at you.
“Tell me about it.” You say and just before you turn away to wipe the cream away, Sam grabs your wrist and has you turn to look at him. He leans down and licks the cream off your nose, the feeling of his tongue on your nose sent electric waves through your body. 
“There. All gone.” He says in a soft tone and holds eye contact with you. Your heart was racing and you could hear it beating in your ears but he stepped around you and left you to think about what had just happened. 
“Come on y/n, Bobby has the tree up!” Jack yelled, coming to see you and pull you into the living area where the very tall tree stood in a corner. There was already a red skirt underneath and all the decorations were out. For the next few hours, the room was filled with chatter and holiday music playing in the background; everyone working together to decorate the tree. Alas, after a good three hours, the tree was finished. Everyone took a step back to look at it before you made a rather corny joke. 
“Hey Cas, would it be weird if we asked you to sit up there?” Everyone besides him and Jack laughed, not understanding that some traditions have angels on top of trees.
“That was a really bad joke, y/n,” Dean said.
“Yes, but that’s what I’m good at; telling bad jokes.” You shrug. 
“And that’s why we love you,” Sam said, looking right at you, smiling softly. 
This boy HAS TO STOP making me blush like this! You think to yourself. Damnit, Sammy.
You shake your head at him and rush outside, tears escaping in the process. You couldn’t handle it anymore. Just being around him, caused you to not be able to breathe anymore. You stood outside, in the front of the newly decorated Bunker, where Sam had put up lights from earlier, and began thinking everything over. There is no way Sam likes you, is there? You and he have been best friends for four of the five years you knew each other and then he started flirting with you like crazy. What could that even mean? He’s not normally known to flirt but lately? He was relentless and you couldn’t think straight. That was what you were afraid of; getting too close to him. You loved him so much but knew his track record with women and knew not to get too close. Yet, he wouldn’t let up on flirting so maybe he was okay with it? A relationship with you wouldn’t be anything like he had experienced before, you knew that much, but to get him to go along with a relationship, well that was the hardest thing you were going to do.
“Y/N!” You hear him call you so you quickly wipe your eyes, so he couldn’t see how upset you were. When he reached you, you turned from him, not wanting to see that considered puppy dog look. 
“Were you crying?” Damnit, he knew.
“No.” You say and sniff. 
“You’re a horrible liar.” He chuckles and you couldn’t look at him. 
“Would you look at me?” Sam puts a hand on your cheek for you to look up at him.
There they were; those puppy dog eyes. “Why did you run?”
“Because I can’t be around you.”
“And why is that?” 
“I can’t say.” 
“You love me, don’t you?” He asks, in all seriousness. Your mouth opens and closes like a fish, trying to come to terms with what he was implying. 
“Wha-what? No, pshhhhht. No, what are you? What are you talking about?” 
Sam takes this as a way to finally make his move. He smirks as he steps closer to you and looks down at you. 
“You know exactly what I’m talking about.” And before you could say a rebuttal, his lips slammed down on yours. You instantly kissed him back, stretching up on your tiptoes to gain better access to the much taller man as he leaned down closer to you. He held you close to him as his lips continued to devour yours. You felt a pang of throbbing in the back of your head because your mind was starting to go into overdrive. This was what you’ve been waiting for, for four years and you never wanted to stop. At some point, Sam had lifted you to his level so you both could reach each other better, his tongue pushing past your lips effortlessly, as you continued letting all your feelings out for one another. When you finally broke apart for air, you both had a difficult time catching your breath. 
“Let’s go inside, it’s freezing out here,” Sam said, rubbing his hands down your arms before wrapping an arm around your shoulders to lead you back inside. 
“Well, we were wondering what happened to you two,” Jody smirked at Sam, knowing exactly what happened. 
“Yeah, Sammy was eating y/n’s face,” Dean said causing you to hide behind Sam in embarrassment. 
“Dean.” He said in a warning tone but squeezed your shoulder so you could stand next to him. 
“It’s about damn time, you idjits,” Bobby said.
“Well excuse me for wanting to make sure this one wasn’t going to be like the others,” Sam says defensively.
“Come on, Sammy, this is y/n we’re talking about. She’s nothing like the other girls you’ve been with.” Dean said. 
“It’s true. She’s got a whole army of hunters behind her.” Jody added. 
“You guys are right. I’m just glad we both are finally together.” Sam said, looking above his head to see a mistletoe and he smiled at you as you said, “Me too.” And he leaned down to kiss you once more, under the mistletoe. 
Forever Tag List: @juju-la-tortue @grace15ella @marvelfansworld @simpleb00x @forever-trapped-in-my-dreams @fandom-princess-forevermore
Requested by @cigarettesandcoffeetalk
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phantomwarrior12 · 5 years
Trickster Gets Tricked
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Prompt: I know It's not from the bingo, but could I get Reader and Gabriel both complaining to Balthazar about how their - presumed - unrequited feelings until he can't take it anymore that he takes one from Gabe's book and trick them into confessing to each other?
Truth or Dare with Balthazar
Word Count: 4,616
Warnings: Swearing (it’s Balthazar, we expect nothing less), snark, and sneaky angels 
Summary: Sometimes love just needs a little nudge from an angel with a short temper.
A/N: Hey folks!
It’s been like three months, but I did it! I finished this wonderful prompt from a glorious Anon and I combined it with a prompt from the lovely @unleashthemidnight! Thank you so much for this prompt, I enjoyed writing it very much! Also, this is my first time writing Balthazar, so please, be gentle. xD
This is my second submission for the @gabriel-spn-bingo, and requests are still open! So, send them in! :)
Please leave a like/comment and let me know your thoughts!
~ Phantom
"Hello, darling."
"Balthazar, this is a surprise." You smile, abandoning the dated lore book in front of you.
"Yeah, an unwelcome one." Dean grumbles, reclining against the back of his chair with his arms crossed.
"Dean, always a pleasure." The angel retorts with a smile, moving past the eldest Winchester to give you a hug.
"What brings you to Kansas?" You give him a tight squeeze, one that pales in comparison to the angel's.
"Oh, I was in the, uh, general vicinity and I heard Cassie was hanging about."
"What did you do this time?" Chiding arch of the eyebrow.
"Absolutely nothing, I just need a few moments with dear old Cas and I'll be on my way."
"Heaven forbid you actually stay in one place." All eyes turn to the hunter hovering over his laptop.
"Yes, heaven actually doesn't forbid that. Some nonsense about angels not being allowed to leave heaven?"
"That's because heaven is short on both angels and grace, the only thing keeping it in the sky." Castiel supplies, descending the stairs with Sam and Gabriel close behind him.
"Cas! Gabe! It's been some time," the blonde angel flashes a grin and beckons his brothers closer.
"Balthazar," Castiel greets with a nod.
"Little brother," Gabriel smiles, clapping him on the shoulder.
"How long's it been?"
"The last time we met, I believe you refused to help us fight Michael." Castiel provides with a meaningful arch of the eyebrow.
"Something I helped with, by the way," Gabriel supplies, slipping past his brothers to stand near you.
"Yes, well, a man can only fake his death so many times."
"Tell that to Gabriel," Sam snorts lightly, taking a seat beside his brother and exchanging an amused smirk.
"Uncalled for, Samsquatch."
Balthazar rolls his eyes, before turning to face you, "did you know that Cas, here, tried to kill me once?"
"I'm sure it came up at some point." You offer a warm, amused smile.
"No, it did not come up." Castiel interjects pointedly, leveling a stern gaze on his brother.
"You always leave out all the best stories, Cassie." Balthazar returns smugly, absently flinging an arm around your shoulders, very visibly, in front of Gabriel, "but, it's a story for another time. For now, Cas, I have some news on that thing you wanted me to check in on."
He doesn't miss Gabriel's meaningful stare, a silent warning to keep his hands off of you.
"Of course."
"Thing?" Dean queries from the table, brows knit together in confusion.
"Some heavenly business." The blonde angel smiles, giving you a quick wink before starting from the room.
"Don't be such a stranger," you remind him, returning to your chair, Gabriel sliding protectively into the seat beside you.
"Of course, darling. I'll come visit again."
"You better."
You're in the kitchen, searching for chocolate and some cocoa before bed.
"Where's an archangel when you need him?"
"I'm no archangel, but the angelic aura is close enough."
You jump, spinning to face the smug angel by the door, "Balthazar, do you ever knock?"
"To enter the kitchen? Never." He pushes off the wall and strolls across the dated tiles. "What are you looking for so late at night?"
"Some hot cocoa before bed," you return shortly, turning back to rummaging through the cabinets.
"And the comment about needing a certain archangel?" There's a suggestive hint in his tone, coupled with an expectant tilt of the head and a smug expression.
You pause, meeting the angel's eyes with something akin to embarrassment, "He snaps up good cocoa, okay?"
Balthazar's grin widens, noting the pink flourishing across your cheeks as you divert your gaze back to the cabinet. You don't reach for anything, it serves more as distraction than anything else, and Balthazar knows that look.
"Oh, oh, you're in love with him."
"I'm not in love with him!" The response is too quick and Balthazar knows he's struck the right nerve.
"Oh, please. You two are practically fucking whenever you're in the same room."
Your head snaps to the left, jaw slackened as you scramble for a response. You can find nothing better than an indignant, "Balthazar!"
"I've seen the looks you two throw at each other, the longing, yet reluctant gazes when the other isn't looking. I'd say it's romantic if it weren't so pathetic."
You smack his arm, the pink turning to a deep red the more he talks, "Shut up! Gabriel doesn't think of me like that."
"Balthazar," you square your shoulders, shoving stray fantasies and fuzzy feelings aside in favor of silencing the cocky angel beside you, "I just want some cocoa. I don't want to be psycho analyzed."
"I don't need to psychoanalyze you, love. It's written all over your face."
Your shoulders slump and your chin drops to your chest, "Fine. Yes. I'm fond of Gabriel. Happy?"
"Ecstatic." A rush of air collides with your face and the angel is gone.
"Dick," you grumble, turning back to the counter, only to discover a fresh cup of cocoa sitting in front of you. You drum your fingers on the counter, tensing your jaw before picking it up, "Okay, less of a dick."
You're nearly out of the kitchen when you take a sip and your face sours. The cheeky bastard had slipped whiskey into the mix, not exactly a bonus when you wanted to sleep, but not enough of a deterrent to keep you from drinking the remainder of the cup when you reach your room.
You're not sure what will come of your reluctant surrender, but you'll take it as it comes, for better or for worse.
"You're my brother, and I love you, but if you don't get to the point--"
"--Gabriel, for dad's sake, will you sit down and listen to me for once?"
Gabriel narrows his eyes, but reluctantly sits back down, a scowl etched into every inch of his face, "What?"
"You know your little flirtation with Y/N?"
"It's not a flirtation, Balthazar. We're friends."
"Oh God," Balthazar scrubbed at his eyes, "you're both in denial."
"Denial? What the hell are you going on about?"
Balthazar shoots to his feet, hands slamming down onto the table in exasperation, "She's in love with you, you bloody idiot!"
"Castiel, help me out here." Balthazar pinches the bridge of his nose, praying that their brother can help him get through to the archangel.
"Do not involve me in this," Castiel returns, eyes still glued on the book in front of him.
"Well, he's obviously not listening to me. He'll listen to you, though. Help me out, Cas!"
"There's nothing to make me understand, Balthazar. Y/N and I are just friends. Do I like her? Yes. Am I going to force her to become romantically involved if she obviously doesn't see me like that? No." Gabriel stands, pushing the chair back.
"Gabriel, I spoke to her. I know that she's interested in you. Why can't you see it?"
"Because he doesn't even like him." Castiel supplies from across the room.
"I thought you weren't getting involved," Gabriel folds his arms, the scowl now directed at his other brother.
"That was before we were addressing your emotional traumas," Castiel closes the book and folds his hands, gazing back at the two expectantly.
"We are not addressing my emotional traumas." Gabriel points at Castiel before turning back to Balthazar, "She's not in love with me, and that's the end of it. Now, both of you, drop this."
"I didn't say that she was in love with you."
Gabriel doesn't turn, already half way to the door, "Drop it!"
Balthazar's shoulders slump as he watches Gabriel's form retreat, heaving a dramatic sigh.
"You're not going to drop this, are you?" Castiel observes, settling against the back of his chair.
"Absolutely not. Those two are going to end up together. I'm tired of their eye-fucking in front of me." He sinks into the chair across from Castiel, "How on earth do you deal with it?"
"I tend to ignore human responses."
"Fair enough. Now, how are we going to get them together?"
"This is your problem," Castiel re-opens his book, paging through for the marked page.
Balthazar reaches across the table and slams the book shut, "No, it's your problem too, Cas. We need to come up with something."
Castiel levels an annoyed look on Balthazar, "How is it my problem?"
Balthazar hesitates for a moment, scrambling for a reason. Castiel pushes his hand off the book and reopens it, only for his brother to narrow his eyes and snatch out from under his hands.
"Because you want to see Gabriel happy. Who knows, maybe she'll fix some of that emotional trauma you mentioned. In any case, I can't do this without you. You've always been his favorite, he'll listen to you."
Castiel's shoulders sag, head tilting in a manner that Balthazar can only interpret as defeat and reluctance combined into one exasperated glare.
"Fine. I'll help you, but if this backfires--"
"--yes, yes, you're in the clear." Balthazar waves off his concerns and grins triumphantly. "Where do we start?"
"If we're going to do this, we need to consult Dean."
"Why? What would the hairy ape know about getting an archangel and a human together?"
"He knows human customs and traditions better than either of us."
"Fair enough, let's talk to the cranky Winchester."
"Come on, Y/N! It'll be fun!" Dean follows you back and forth in the kitchen, constantly stepping in the way of whatever dish you need to make yourself some supper.
"I am not going to play truth or dare. It's a kid's game."
"Aren't we all kids at heart?" Dean nudges your arm playfully.
You pause, leveling an unamused glower on the eldest Winchester, "Not when you're a hunter. Where have I heard that particular line before?"
"Okay, okay, mock away. But, we can still have some fun! After dinner, we'll all play in the war room, Balthazar even roped Cas into playing. You don't want to be the spoilsport, do you?"
"Maybe I do." You turn away, checking the water on the stove.
"Gabriel's gonna play." Dean adds in a singsong voice, stealing a glance your way.
You tense and it takes everything you have to keep your voice from cracking, "Is he now? Why would that matter to me?"
Dean's smile fades and he really doesn't want to get into it with you, "Because, we'll have all three angels, so, come play with us. Please."
You turn and Dean adopts a pleading look, puppydog eyes that might even give Sam a run for his money. It's not the look that makes you cave, it's the archangel strolling past the doorway, pausing just long enough to flash you a warm smile.
You swallow the lump in your throat and allow y/e/c to drift back to Dean, "All right. I'll play."
"Great! I'll bring the beers after dinner!"
"Drunk truth or dare is the best truth or dare, Y/N." Dean strolls out of the room with a victorious bounce in his step and you shake your head.
"I hope he realizes angels can't get drunk off beer."
"So? Did she go for it?" Balthazar all but pounces on Dean the moment he rounds the corner.
"She's in. She wouldn't even consider it until Gabriel walked by. Nice timing  Cas." Dean claps his friend on the shoulder with a broad grin.
"Yes, well, Gabriel wanted to retrieve some book from the library."
"What book?" Dean frowns slightly.
"You don't want to know." Balthazar interjects, holding up a hand to silence Castiel. "Doesn't matter, but what does matter is that Gabriel and Y/N get together tonight."
"All right, let's just agree that we start them off slow. A few funny dares, but nothing too serious and we mix it up so they don't feel like targets. Then, we venture near the romance side of things, truths that are cute, but not outright romantic." Dean glances between them, "and then the dares turn a little more...intense. Maybe a kiss? Something small, but not too insignificant."
"Bloody hell, that's your plan? We'll be here all night!"
"We don't want to rush them, Balthazar! They'll spook and then we're back to square one. We do this my way, or not at all."
Castiel holds his hand up to cut his brother short, "Dean's right. He knows Y/N better than any of us. We need to do this right the first time, because we won't get a second chance."
The blonde angel glances between the two before folding his arms across his chest and heaving a sigh, "This was my idea to begin with."
"Solid idea, poor plan." Dean returns, almost triumphantly, "just play it cool, and those two lovebirds will be thanking us in the morning."
"Are we ready to get this party started?" Dean claps his hand and slides into the chair beside Sam.
"Reluctantly, yes." You lean against the back of your seat, vaguely aware of how closely Gabriel's sitting.
"Why are we doing this again?" Sam asks, looking towards his brother for an explanation.
"Because we never do anything fun. Mom and Jack are out, Michael's dead and Gabriel is alive. I'd say we've earned a night off to drink beer, play games and tell stories."
"Yeah, I'm with Samsquatch, can I leave?"
"Gabriel, optimism, please."
The archangel narrows his eyes but reclines in his chair, sliding an arm across the back of your seat.
"Come on, Gabe, it could be fun." You nudge him lightly, offering a teasing smile.
"How on earth did they get you on the bandwagon?" He questions, returning your smile with a knowing tilt of the head.
Your smile falters and you know he can see the reluctance in your eyes. "I was promised booze," you look to Dean, "gimme."
Dean rolls his eyes and slides a bottle of beer across the table into your waiting hands. You start to pop the cap off, stopping only when Gabriel snaps his fingers the cap disappears. He receives an approving smile and nod from you before you take a sip.
"If you're all done with your petty protests, I was promised a night of confessions and adventures." Balthazar gazes around the table, "Shall we begin?"
"We most certainly shall!" Dean leans forward, "Balthazar, truth or dare?"
 "Dare." the angel returns confidently.
"I dare you," Dean glances around the room slowly, green eyes settling on the empty glass and pitcher of what appears to be water next to Sam. He leans forward, snatching up the glass, filling it up halfway before popping open a beer and pouring it in. "To drink this."
"Really? A watery beer? That's the best you can come up with?"
"I can add some more stuff? There's hot sauce in the kitchen." Dean starts to stand, only for Balthazar to slide the glass away.
"Fine, I'll drink the bloody water beer."
The blonde angel sniffs at the glass, expression turning sour when reality hits him. His eyes slowly lift from the glass, a sick look gripping hold, "That wasn't water, was it?"
"Nope." Dean settles against the back of his chair, a smug smile spreading across his lips. "Go on. Drink it."
Balthazar's eyes dart between the cup's contents and Dean before reluctantly lifting it to his lips and chugging it. He coughs and sputters and slams the glass back down, eyes watering, nose wrinkling and a laughing Winchester receiving the darkest look he can muster without vomiting.
"What the hell did you pour in there?" You try to hide the amusement in your voice, but the way Balthazar scowls at you tells you that you didn't do it well enough.
"All right, that's going away." Gabriel snaps his fingers, the pitcher vanishing.
"You couldn't have done that sooner?" Balthazar snaps, conjuring up his own glass of water to wash away the vile taste in his mouth.
"I didn't know until now," Gabriel shrugs, watching his brother down another glass of water.
"No more vomit-worthy dares, Dean."
"That's half the fun, Y/N."
"Well, I'm not cleaning it up and unless you want to, I suggest you find less sickening dares."
"So, Balthazar, still looking forward to an evening of adventures and confessions?" Sam arches an eyebrow, a mischievous smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
"Samuel, I will not hesitate to smite you."
"Balthazar." Castiel reprimands sternly, leveling something akin to disapproval on his brother.
"You indulge them far too much, Cas."
"I do not."
"Anyway, Balthy, you're up." You interject, noting the tension steadily rising.
"Fine," he heaves a sigh and snaps away the glass of water, "Sam, truth or dare?"
"Truth," Sam answers quickly, noting the disappointed look in the angel's eyes.
"Sissy. How many lovers have you had?"
Sam's nose scrunches up, confusion and discomfort evident in every inch of his features, "Seriously? That's your question?"
"Just answer it, Sam." Dean nudges him before taking another sip of his beer.
"I don't know...serious or flings?"
"Serious, because Dad only knows how many one night stands you Winchesters have had."
"In that case, two or three."
"That's it?" Balthazar leans forward, gazing at the larger Winchester skeptically.
"If I didn't know better, little bro, I'd say you're looking to become his next lover." Gabriel supplies with a smirk.
"Absolutely not," Balthazar snaps back, folding his arms across his chest.
Gabriel leans closer to your ear, hot breath fanning across warm skin, "He's into Samsquatch."
You giggle, ignoring the curious looks as you clear your throat and look to Sam, "You're up."
"All right. Cas, truth or dare?"
"Cas isn't taking any chances." You laugh, watching the blue eyed angel fold his hands in front of him.
"Who's your favorite brother, Gabriel or Balthazar?" Sam settles back in his seat, watching Castiel glance between Balthazar and Gabriel.
"I don't have an answer." Casteil returns shortly, blue dropping to the table.
"Just answer the question, Cassie." Balthazar interjects, leaning forward.
"You're both my brothers and I love you very much. Don't make me pick." Cas looks to Sam pleading.
"You gotta answer it, Cas."
The angel's shoulders sag in defeat, "Fine. Balthazar."
"Wait, what?!" Gabriel leans forward, something akin to hurt in his eyes.
"Balthazar has fought by my side on countless occasions. I trust him with my life."
"What about me? I took you two on field trips out of Heaven!"
"Yes, but you were always more of mentor than a brother to get into trouble with." Balthazar supplies, clapping Castiel on the shoulder, "Wars form many bonds, Gabriel, mine just happens to be stronger with Cas."
"I call b.s. What the hell, Cas?" Gabriel narrows his eyes at his brother.
"Let it go, feathers." You smile, patting his shoulder, "Sam put him in an awkward position. He knows not what he says."
"Moving on. Cas, you're up." Dean slaps the table and grins.
"Very well. Dean, truth or dare?"
"Dare." There's a mischievous grin playing at the corner of Dean's lips.
"I dare you to ask Gabriel a truth."
"That...isn't how the game works." Sam frowns.
"We can make an exception." Balthazar offers, "you know, given that Cas is new to this game."
"Cas is the only exception." Gabriel clarifies.
"All right then, Gabriel, I have to ask you a truth." Dean smirks, rubbing his hands together.
"Ask away, Dean-O." Gabriel reclines in his chair, a confident grin etched into his features.
"If you had to pick one human in this room to spend the rest of eternity with, who wouldn't be and why?"
"Y/N." Gabriel answers without missing a beat.
Gabriel hesitates, cautiously glancing between your expectant eyes and Dean's smug look, "Because you two knuckleheads would drive me insane, obviously. Plus, Y/N is more fun," warm honey flickers to you, "she's got the best sense of humor."
A hint of pink flourishes across your cheeks and you divert your eyes to the table in front of you.
"Well, that got sickeningly cute." Balthazar rolls his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Shove it, Balthy." Gabriel narrows his eyes at his little brother, smile fading.
"No family drama." Dean interjects pointedly, "Gabriel, you're up."
"Y/N, truth or dare?" Gabriel smirks.
"Wow, play it safe, why don't you?"
"Can you blame me? It's you." You scoff lightly, leveling an amused look on the archangel.
"Fair enough. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?"
"Disneyland." You settle against the back of your chair.
"Seriously?" Dean arches an eyebrow, "Disneyland?"
"Leave me and my inner child alone, Dean." You stick your tongue out at the eldest Winchester, who holds up his hands in mock surrender.
"You're up, sugar."
"Everyone's been picked, so, Balthazar, truth or dare?"
"Someone didn't learn his lesson," Dean mumbles to Sam.
"It's Y/N, she isn't a sadistic bastard like you." The blonde angel narrows his eyes at Dean.
"Play nice." You chide, "I dare you to...remain silent for the next five minutes."
"Oh please, that's simple." Balthazar scoffs.
"Prove it." You smirk smugly, propping your chin on your fist.
"Fine, I nominate Dean to go next on my behalf."
"...that's uncharacteristically nice of you." Gabriel frowns slightly, exchanging a concerned glance with you.
"Oh please, its because I want something to entertain me while I sit here in silence." Balthazar rolls his eyes and settles against the back of his chair, arms folded.
"Fair enough."
"All right, Y/N, truth or dare?" Dean leans forward with a smug smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.
"I don't trust you, so truth."
"Oh, come on! I'm not that bad!"
"You made Balthazar drink vinegar beer!" You gesture to the angle beside you, who nods his head.
"And it tasted like rubbish!" He remarks in the back of your mind.
Your eyes snap to his, a stern look etched into your features, "Talking includes telepathy, Balthazar!"
He scowls and Gabriel snorts beside you.
"That includes angle radio, too!"
"He says he doesn't like this game." Castiel remarks, glancing between his brother and you.
"Tough, he said he wanted to play. Y/N, what's it gonna be? Still playing it safe?" Dean interjects, ignoring the glower from the blonde angel.
"Fine, dare."
A wicked grin slips across Dean's lips, "I dare you to sit in Gabriel's lap for the next five minutes."
"No!" You protest a little too quickly for them not to notice the red flourishing across your cheeks.
"Oh, come on, sugar. It won't be that bad." Gabriel chuckles lightly, sliding out his chair a little.
You turn your glare to Gabriel, "I will burn you with holy oil."
"You most certainly will not." Castiel protests, leveling a stern gaze on you.
"Relax, Cas, she's joking." Sam assures him, hazel drifting to you. That's when he notices the serious expression, "Oh, she most definitely wasn't joking..."
Balthazar tries to hide his laugh, but fails miserably until the back of your hand connects with his shoulder, "You're next, Balthy." His smile fades and they can almost see his wings tuck a little closer around him, as if they could see the celestial plane.
"All right, all right, the only wings getting fried are the Kentucky kind we're getting for lunch tomorrow. Y/N, sit your ass down on Gabriel. Gabriel, behave yourself."
"Don't I always, Dean-O?" The archangel rolls his eyes, and he gestures you closer.
"No, you don't." You retort, slowly easing yourself onto his lap, yelping in surprise when he winds his arms around your waist, and pulls you all the way against his chest.
Crimson burns your cheeks and you scramble to collect yourself, trying to ignore how suddenly self-conscious you are about where his hands rest, thumb gently rubbing a patch of skin beneath your flannel.
Dean arches an eyebrow, but smiles, "Looks good to me, you're up."
You huff, "Sam, truth or dare?"
"I dare you to dare me to get off Gabriel's lap."
"That's not how the game works, Y/N." Dean jumps in, "Cas is the only exception."
"Fuck off, Winchester." You stick out your tongue, "Fine. Sam, I dare you to smack your brother."
"Hey!" Dean's promptly silenced when Sam swats his shoulder with a laugh, "Sam!"
"What? It was a dare." The youngest Winchester grins, leaning away when Dean smacks him back.
You smirk slightly, jolting when the archangel's fingers move to rest on your hips, "Sam's up." You try to hide how aware of the angel's hands you are, but you realize he can read every thought tearing through your stumbling brain--not that he would.
"Right, Y/N," Sam turns his attention to the archangel, "truth or dare?"
Dean nudges Sam under the table, and Sam sits up a little straighter, shooting his brother a pointed look, "I dare you to sit in Gabriel's lap for twenty more minutes."
"Seriously? They got to you, too?" You roll your eyes, arms folding across your chest as Gabriel's hands snake around your waist.
Sam shrugs meekly and sinks into his chair, avoiding your gaze.
"Unbelievable. You're all unbelievable." You throw your hands up in defeat.
Balthazar gestures to himself, confusion evident.
"Don't play innocent with me, you're probably the instigator."
"Well, you're not wrong." Dean snickers.
"Can't say I'm surprised." You return evenly, narrowing your eyes at the angel beside you.
"Why's that?" Gabriel questions suddenly, leaning around you to gaze upwards.
The color drains from your face and you redirect your attention to the table in front of you, "No reason."
"I think there's a very good reason." Dean returns.
"Shut up, Dean."
"Y/N, what's he talking about?" Gabriel's voice drops, and he gently turns your frame enough for him to catch a clear glimpse of your face.
"It's nothing."
"Sugar." There's a shadow of concern in glistening gold as he tilts your chin towards him.
"I don't want to talk about it, Gabe."
"Why not?"
"I'm just--"
"All right, five minutes are up and I've watched about as much of this bloody soap opera as I can stomach." Balthazar interrupts abruptly, pushing to his feet, "Gabriel, Y/N is in love with you. Y/N, the archangel is head over heels for you. Now just fucking kiss already, you're making me sick."
Your jaw slackens, frozen in the archangel's arms and suddenly you're too scared to meet his gaze. You jolt when his fingers brush against your jaw, turning you to face him. 
"Is that true?" Disbelief grips hold and you can read it in every inch of his features.
You nod slowly, "I guess, yeah. I didn't know how to tell you--"
You're swiftly silenced by his lips pressed against yours, tugging you close and every nerve ignites when his fingers tangle in your hair.
"Wow, that was easier than I thought it'd be." Dean remarks after a moment.
"That's what happens when you're direct," Balthazar's lips curl upwards into a self-satisfied smirk.
"Great, now that they're making out, what do you propose we do?" Sam arches an eyebrow.
"Leave." Gabriel snaps, pulling back long enough for you to catch your breath.
"How about you two leave and get a room?" Dean retorts, waving towards the door.
"What do you say, sugar?" Gold finds y/e/c.
"Let's go." You lean closer, pressing a line of soft, sensual kisses down his jaw and it's all the incentive he needs to snap his fingers and the two ot you disappear.
"Well, that's a job well done," Balthazar claps his hands together, collapsing back into his chair, glancing around expectantly, "Who's next?"
Taglists are open! Send me an ask/message!
Gabriel Squad:@thewhiterabbit42 @erisunderthemoon @stuckoutsideofthebox @nuvoleincielo @lyselkatz @high-church-of-the-holy-dick
SPN Forevers: @heaven-hell-imagines  @currentlyfangirling99 @bofa-deans-nuts @emiwrites3reads @a-mess-of-many-fandoms
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