#yes we celebrate today
Day 21
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Merry Christmas!!
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roseandbee · 7 months
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Happy Halloween 🎃
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opens-up-4-nobody · 3 months
#so my mom's wake thing was today and that was a lot. not in an emotional sense but in a im standing here talking for 3hrs#to ppl i dont kno or barely kno. ya kno? but it was good bc so many ppl showed up to talk abt her#so many people. my mom made a huge impact on the school system. so many ppl relied on her. she encouraged at least 2 ppl to get their#master. for one person to specilize in helping the dyslexic after her experience advocating for 3 dyslexic daughters. she wrote and was#awarded a 10000 dollar grant for special needs and intervention curriculum. which will affect so many lives.#everyone loved her. she's gonna get a track meet named after her and a scholarship created in her honor.#she was an amazing person and she affected a lot of lives and im glad she was my mom. and she raised at least one jem in my littlest#sister who is so sweet and is a great teacher. god but there was some weird stuff too. were pretty sure her old boss was in love with her.#and there were some weird comments abt her being a strong woman or this woman doing so much and its like hm y do i detect a note of sexism#y not say she was an amazing person? y the surprise? weird comments about how pretty i looked. which yes i looked great lol. my funeral fit#was cute. we did bright colors bc it was a celebration not a dower event. and im sure it was ment well but it was a lil weird. and then#everyone was telling my grandma what a great job she did raising my mom and like god fuck off she didn't do jack. my mom was great despite#her terrible mother. ugh. but altogether it was good that everyone was able to express their love for her. it was def a day that was for#them mostly. i mean partly for us but mostly for them. none of us even cried. ay but we have 2 more parties in her honor#bc everyone loved her so much we have to do one in her hometown too. plus a personal friends get together. ugh. im so tired#i wish i wasnt the most awkward. eye contact avoidant person in the room but like ya kno. what can ya do?#unrelated
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chiropteracupola · 7 months
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make your dreams a reality and get a shirt with daniel hagman on it :]
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liviusofpella · 9 months
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fuckyeahkagepro · 10 months
Ayano no Koufuku Riron - cover + PV by NIJISANJI
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Happy Valentine’s Day you all have to look at the cookies I made for my research design class
Love is real, hope everyone has a nice day:) 💖 - L
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justatallstick · 11 months
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onceuponaneverafter · 7 months
happy one month of ACFTL!!
i can't believe time has gone so fast! how has it been a month since the release day? and three weeks since i read the book??
anyway, i hope you all have a happy ACFTL 1 month anniversary, i'm spending today by doing homework, rereading TBONA (so i can reread ACFTL soon) and working on another post to celebrate some more 💗
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aroceu · 6 months
you know what. i love who i am and the person i've become and not taking my life or the people around me for granted. i love being kind and always trying to be good and communicative and forgiving when i make mistakes as much as other people. i love working on myself and learning who i am and accepting things and people as they come. i love surrounding myself with people who make me better and who i can also make better and choosing love in every place, communally or politically or privately. i know who i've been before and i also know who i am now and i love growing and changing and loving the people in my life every day and no one (especially the haterz) can take that away from me
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singsweetmelodies · 7 months
Shipping real people is so gross TF get a life
sending anon hate is so gross TF get a life
#anon#listen babes i have to wake up at 6am on mondays and i am NOT a morning person#so you decided to fuck with exactly the wrong person today#could i just delete this? oh yes and in fact i almost did#i have no need or desire to justify myself to you 🤷‍♂️#but like i mentioned... i am NOT a morning person. in fact i hate everyone and everything in the mornings#and you've just given me the chance to take it out on you xx#so here goes#the thing about rpf is that it gets a really bad rep but in all honesty it's not *that* different to any other fandom culture#i say this because rpf = real person FICTION. it is inspired by the versions of public figures that we get to see on our screens#(exactly like other fanfic/shipping is about fictional characters portrayed by actors)#in neither case do the characters we are 'shipping' actually exist - and most people are perfectly aware of that#(YOU anon are probably not! but let me tell you this: the versions of celebrities *we* get to see are their public selves and#almost certainly not the same versions as who they are behind closed doors and with no cameras. AND THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT)#it's still a character of sorts who people are taking inspiration from. and as long as it's never brought to the attention of the real#real person in question; then there is absolutely NO harm to it#let people find joy and inspiration wherever they want; anon!#but you probably don't understand either concept ('joy' or 'inspiration')#because your idea of 'fun' is coming into other people's private fandom spaces and attempting to bring them down#like the worst kind of high school bully except that you are even more fucking cowardly because you don't even have the grace to#say anything directly to our faces. nooooo you have to hide behind the anon function because you KNOW what you're doing is wrong#dickhead.#that is all i have to say to you!#hope you have a properly awful Monday anon - as joyless and inspirationless as you evidently are xx
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torao-chan · 8 months
man idk what to tell yall
im just. exhausted atm
#i am working overtime weekly to try and make sure i have the time off i need to a) not have a stress seizure#and b) be able to have the Paid Time Off for the Forced Time Off around the xmas holidays#and i am. so fuckin tired#i dont work a full time schedule cause I Cannot Handle It and its never more apparent then when im forced to work overtime#maybe thats why mikotos videos hitting so hard atm for me idk man#im just#im tired man#did you know#my parent approached me. about 5 years after high school#everyday. after school. she'd ask us 'how are you' and everyday. without fail. the answer would be 'tired'#or if the question was 'how was today' for once. the answer was always 'long.' or 'tiring.'#but ye. about five years after. after we got our asd & adhd diagnosis. and before we got our DID diagnosis#she approached us and apologised. something along the lines of never realising that 'tired' was the best answer we could give#because we were Exhausted#and i always look back at that and go 'what. why. what did you think of us?' 'who did you think we were?'#you never accepted anything less than the answer that made the people around us the most comfortable#of course we were exhausted#Tired was Always the Best Answer we could give Without Lying#what about your child who refused to hang out with friends optionally. who refused out of school commitment options. who refused to do any#thing for their birthday. their celebrations. their anything and everything optional choice was Nothing#what on earth made you think We Weren't Exhausted#fuck man. we had Annual Seizures from Unknown causes (hint; it was Stress and Exhaustion. A N N U A L L Y)#idk#mikotos video has me Tired in a way We Already Were#and working overtime recently hasnt helped#im tired man.#im Tired#personal
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a-moth-to-the-light · 3 months
Comeback Celebration: Revisiting The Book of Us: The Demon
So, this was the album that made me pay attention to Day6! Though it was their next album, Negentropy, that put them on my favorite artists list, The Demon is definitely a standout album from 2020. After that album, I became enough of a fan to start exploring their past tracks--during which time I experienced, of course, the obligatory listening to "Shoot Me" for three days nonstop phase.
The Demon was a huge emotional statement that met a lot of people exactly where they were at in 2020, I think, and I was one of those people. I'm super picky about albums--though I love lots of songs every year, not many albums are cohesive enough for my taste. The Demon, though, was an album I loved listening to all the way though. It managed to be both a bitter, exhausted blur & a collection of wildly catchy songs that could each stand on their own. In celebration of Day6's return, let's take a look at The Demon again--it's been a while since I've heard some of these tracks!
1. Day and Night
This isn't my favorite Day6 song, but it's definitely top five. I think it was my favorite track from this album right from the beginning--though "1 to 10" was tough competition--and it's definitely still my most-listened track from The Demon. Actually, I bet it's my most-listened track from Day6 as a whole.
Listening again, it's wild just how comforting I find the melodies. Two lines in, and I already feel like I'm coming home from a long trip. The harmonies are wonderful, and I'm obsessed with Sungjin's performance here. I think what I love most about "Day and Night" is that, even as it manages to be genuinely sonically cheerful, pulling itself together into a friendly, upbeat mask, the signature Day6 angst still shows through. (Come to think of it, that's also what I love most about my actual favorite Day6 song, "everyday we fight".) The vocals seem all-to-frequently on the verge of bursting into a full-on wailing ballad, but they're always reined back in, as if the speaker is reminding themself--no, you're singing a cute pop song, you can't be sad. Maybe it's that push-and-pull I find comforting--there's just enough overwhelming emotion hidden in this song that my own emotions can find an outlet, without really having to delve into how crappy I feel. It's like the perfect amount of escapism? Though, at this point, it might just be that I know this song like the back of my hand, and that's what I find comforting--I really did live off this one for a couple of years.
2. Zombie
This is the least exciting track off the album, but I think that's kind of the point. Day6 songs are big and dramatic, like, all the time (which is, of course, why I stan them). So the most impactful emotional statement of this comeback was just... making the title track this kind of dull, soft number. Don't get me wrong, though, because I do actually like this song! The chorus is iconic--I would recognize it anywhere--and that Coldplay-esque electric guitar is gorgeous. Funny enough, I remember "Zombie" being softer & quieter than it actually is. Maybe I remember singing it to myself, a half-whisper without the instrumental, more than I remember the actual song?
3. Tick Tock
Now this is what exhaustion sounds like. This song has a bunch of beautiful vocal moments going on--I think they're what makes this album so listenable, even in its darkest moods. When the vocals aren't there, though, and you're just left with that plodding guitar? And that incessant drum, too, forcing you into a pace just slow enough to be uncomfortable? That's atmosphere, that's for sure. No wonder I loved this song in my junior year of high school--it totally understood me in my silence, silence and barely getting by, dreading every day that I had to put one foot in front of the other.
4. Love me or Leave me
I was not expecting this, of all things, to be Day6's #3 song on Spotify. Like, I listened to it as much as the next guy for all of 2020... and a lot of 2021... but I don't know, it was never my favorite from the album? And I definitely don't like it more than "Better Better" </3
... Okay, I did forget how delightful this instrumental is. The house influences are meshed in so perfectly, especially in the prechoruses. It's fun because it's dance music, but it's also fun because it's inventive in some very exciting ways, and the melodies make my heart feel like it's going to explode!! Yeah, I guess I kind of get it...
The only thing I remembered about this song is that the guitar tastes like dirt--which I was definitely right about, like damn that's an interesting texture! The instrumental is... unpleasantly exciting? (Shoutout to the video-game-shooting noises, whatever those are.) "STOP" is also super singable--I'm surprised I didn't remember how delightful these vocal parts are! I've developed more of a taste for rock music over the years, which might be why I'm enjoying this one so much on revisiting--it might be my new favorite from the album, actually!
6. 1 to 10
This remains a classic, straightforward angst track! There's plenty of lovely belting in the verses and the chorus, reminding me that I'm human and need to breathe.
7. Afraid
Isn't there a Reddit poll somewhere that says this is the best Day6 song ever? I see why it sticks with people--it's loud, but all the layers don't turn the sadness to anger, instead they turn it to this all-consuming, desperate hope instead. The chorus is this expansive, energetic, living thing, and some of its life rubs off on me--what am I going to do with all this sadness? Make it into courage, I guess.
Wow, this was fantastic--I remembered The Demon as a solid album, but not this compelling. I remember this album as The Burnout Album; in my memory, it's static, forever in quarantine. Revisiting The Demon, though, I was fully invested in lipsync karaoke for at least half of these tracks. I think it's the vocal performances that fill each song with energy and motion, and they give the album its cohesiveness, too--they make The Demon's world flow together into this strange pop-rock landscape that's consistent, if only in that it can't seem to settle comfortably anywhere. Pop-rock usually tries to find a happy medium between the two genres, taking the most compatible parts of each, but The Demon seems to pick the least compatible parts and pull them together (quite impressively, I think) by sheer force of will. I'm really in love with all the creativity in this album, the variety of influences it draws from; and, looking back, I definitely see that chaotic spark in it, the one that got me sooo obsessed with Negentropy in 2021, even if The Demon's mood is a lot darker.
My Ranking: STOP >> Day and Night >> Tick Tock >> Love me or Leave me >> 1 to 10 >> Afraid >> Zombie
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moonmoonthecrabking · 5 months
today isn't australia day, it's invasion day. this isn't a day to celebrate "community" or "patriotism" or whatever. it's a day of loss and massacre.
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messywitch · 1 year
i decided to learn how to make hellenic calendars so that's what i've been doing. the good thing is that i'm almost done with 2023-2024 and i did indeed learn a lot
the bad part is that i decided to learn this at like 10 pm yesterday and i've been hyperfocused on this since that moment and i actually was NOT doing this. but anyway at least i have it I GUESS
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o-wise-corvid · 2 years
Dathomiri Word of the Day
Sūn Ē mo’clān. (pr: Soon ee mah-clane.): I am thankful. (Literally: My heart(s) remember.)
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Tag list: @alexeithegoat @thesitharts @crc-jedi-knight-serushna @hotshot9 @smoooothbrain @gran-maul-seizure @foreverchangingfandomsao3 @herbalina-of-yesteryear @justalittletomato @stardustbee @storm89 @by-the-primes @ohboi
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