#yesss wrap that tail of scales all around me
In League With Dragons- chapter seven
one star snapping experience
read on AO3!
This chapter is where things start to get a little violent, so heed the warnings! Nothing too gorey, but there is blood and violence in this chapter.
Both of them were up before the sun even began to peak above the horizon. Janus and Logan were the only ones of the dragons awake yet, the rest of them still sleeping huddled together.
The last remnants of the small fire that Thomas had started the night before still burned weakly, an occasional small flame sputtering to life and bathing the area in a brief flash of light before the fire sunk back down to smoldering embers.
Nico covered his mouth to stifle a yawn as he watched Thomas run his fingers down Janus’s side, glimmering gold scales flaking off under his fingernails. 
“Oh, yesss, that’sss the ssspot,” Janus sighed. “I get a back scratch, you get whatever coin they ussse. A win-win. My favorite kind of sssituation. Other than me jussst winning, of course.”
“Are you ready to leave?” Logan asked, his voice calm as ever yet the flicking of his tail giving up his impatience. 
Thomas shuddered as a cold wind swept through the barren tree branches. Winter had well and truly come, and it was only a matter of days before the first snow would fall and the dragons went south to hibernate. 
Nico had asked what Thomas did while the dragons slept, and Thomas had explained that, over the years, he had built somewhat of a more permanent shelter in the area, though it was what he called ‘nothing special.’ However, knowing how much Thomas tended to undersell himself, it was probably amazing. 
Nico shook his head at Thomas offering his hand to help him climb up. 
“I’ve got it,” Nico said confidently, right before losing his grip and slipping back down Logan's side. 
“Never mind. I don’t got it,” he amended. 
“Here you go,” Thomas reached out his hand with a grin after he finished laughing, his face red.
Nico hoisted himself up and buried his head in Thomas’s back, a welcome relief from the chill in the air. 
That was the only reason he wrapped his arms around Thomas tighter than normal, of course. The only reason he smiled a bit wider when Thomas leaned back into him, the only reason his heart beat a little faster. The cold, that was all. 
The gray sky passed with a blur, chilly fog surrounding the forest below, wealiving between the tall, thin trees, some with still a few stubborn leaves holding on despite the chill.
Logan landed with barely a sound and a nimble grace Nico had gotten used to, despite not expecting it from a dragon as large as Logan was. The morning sun hung just over the horizon, turning the sky a deep red instead of the predawn gray they had just flown through. 
Before Nico could even shift to dismount, Logan halted him. 
“Something is not right. Do not move,” he said in the dragon’s language. Nico had thought he had learned a fair amount of the odd tongue, learning the intonations and pronunciations of different words that had previously sounded like only grunts and huffs, but then Logan and Thomas murmured an exchange that Nico couldn’t pick any words out of. 
Thomas turned around to tell Nico something, but before he could even open his mouth, Logan let out an echoing roar, shaking the trees around them as a volley of arrows and darts flew over their heads, sticking in the ground below them, the roped tied onto the ends of the arrows dragging Logan down to the grass. 
Nico gasped and held onto Logan’s spines across his back as the dragon reared up on his hind legs, snapping some of the thick ropes that had pulled him down, but it wasn’t enough.
More arrows came, more darts thumped into Logan’s side as he let out a roar.
Logan inhaled, his lungs and chest expanding underneath his riders, then all at once a cloud of freezing white smoke erupted from his mouth, covering the forest in the icy mist. 
“Get down!” Nico pressed his head to Logan’s side and tried to slide off the dragon as he had done so many times before, but froze as Thomas let out a scream and toppled off, falling to the grass. 
Nico had seen it at what seemed like a slowed down pace. Thomas had turned to look over his shoulder at Nico, then, seeing he was there, had tried to put his head down, but from the left side of the ambush, a razor sharp needle no thicker than the wire frames of Nico’s glasses rotated in the air, arcing towards Thomas and landing with a thud in Thomas’s shoulder. Nico tried to let out a warning shout, but either he was too slow or everything else had been too loud. 
Maybe both.
Even over Logan’s roar he could hear Thomas’s impact far below him, a horrible thud. Nico fumbled to get down without being turned into a pincushion, and was almost safely to the ground before Logan fell to his side, throwing Nico off. 
He landed on his chest and caught himself with his arms, a sharp pain shooting through his wrist, but he ignored it and crawled to Thomas, noticing now that the grass was covered in a layer of frost. 
“Thomas! Thomas, wake up!” Nico shook Thomas and gasped as he saw the feathered tip of a large dart sticking out of his bicep. Nico put a hand on Thomas’s chest and sighed in relief when he found a heartbeat. 
“Thomas, you need to get up! Please!”
Nico screamed as someone grabbed him from behind, wrapping their arm around his throat, cutting off his breathing and lifting him off the ground. His vision began to swim with black spots, shadows creeping from the edge of his vision and slowly turning everything around him black, his thoughts swimming as his throat got crushed between his attacker’s arms. He reached up his own hands to push them away, to scratch at their arms, anything to make them let go, but all his efforts were useless.
The last thing he saw as he struggled against his attacker was Logan thrashing against the ropes holding him down, still fighting as projectiles stuck into his side, wedged between his scales. 
A trickle of sticky warmth ran down his hand as he continued to fight, but nothing he did would let the air back into his lungs. 
Nico let out one last strangled gasp before the shadow completely covered his vision and his arms went limp by his side.
He woke slowly, the light burning through his closed eyelids, worsening his throbbing head. Slowly he forced his eyes open and let out a soft groan, raising his hand to shield the sun from his face, but halted as he realized his wrists were bound together with a length of rough rope.
No! No, not again, please, not again, Nico silently pleaded as he lay nearly immobile on the dusty floor of a wooden cart. 
He squeezed his eyes shut and took a deep breath, remembering the breathing that Logan had told him about. Nico found it somewhat remarkable how, despite being a dragon, Logan knew so much about people. 
Logan! Nico took another deep, shuddery breath. What had happened to Logan? And Thomas!
Nico clenched his jaw and began the momentous effort of opening his eyes and trying to sit up, his effort further hindered by the bouncing of the cart and the fact that his ankles were also bound together with the same coarse rope around his wrists. 
Once he had completed his task of leaning his back against the side of the rickety cart, he opened his eyes despite the glaring sunlight. His throbbing head and neck protested as he looked around, trying to get some bearing of his surroundings, and shuddered when he saw the armored soldiers flanking either side of the cart. 
“It’s up!” One of the soldiers jumped into the cart and pointed their weapon, a long, lethal-looking spear at him, the tip just an inch away from his chest. 
“Watch it, then,” the soldier driving called back. 
Nico stared up at the soldier who had taken a seat, one leg crossed over the other on the bench on the opposite side of the cart where Nico sat. 
“Are you a dragon?” The soldier asked in a gruff voice. 
“A- what? No, I’m all human!” Nico replied, his voice hoarse.
“Don’t talk to it, just watch it!” The driver scolded. 
“Yes, sir!” The guard clenched his jaw after giving a small salute.
Peering over the edge of the cart, Nico helplessly watched the scenery go by- each tree passed brought him farther away from the other dragons, and-
And Logan!
Nico gasped as the last cart rounded the corner, the biggest one yet. A giant platform was set atop even larger wooden wheels, pulled by several horses, each steed much taller than Nico. 
Nico pushed back the oncoming panic as he watched the sun glint off Logan’s scales as he lay immobile on the cart, thick lengths of rope tying him down, a metal cage secured by leather straps covering his mouth. 
Stars, this is all my fault, Nico whispered to himself as he brought his knees to his chest, feeling every jostle and bump on the winding dirt road, leading him to a city full of uncertainty. 
Eventually the procession of what he now assumed to be military wagons made their way out of the forest and paused only for a moment in from of a heavy iron gate that protected the opening between two thick stone walls, a much better security than those of the smaller towns they had visited before, with half-asleep guards and a waist-high, moss covered fence separating the city from the wild. 
These greater security measures of the much-larger city would make escape even more difficult. 
Nico surprised himself, attempting to form a plan already, but he knew that was what he had to do. 
Find Thomas. 
Free Logan. 
Get out.
But how? 
How am I supposed to do that? Nico asked himself, doubt already beginning to settle in along with that familiar twisted feeling in his stomach. 
More time passed in that dusty cart as he attempted his remember which turns down the streets the cart had taken, but with every cobblestone road looking exactly the same, it was impossible. 
He only hoped that Thomas was doing better than he was. 
Then, without warning, the cart stopped and another soldier climbed in, this one looking much more experienced than the one that had been watching him thw whole way up to… wherever this was. 
Nico didn’t move as the older soldier unsheathed a small dagger from his belt and, in one swift motion, cut through the ropes that tied Nico’s ankles together. 
“Get up,” The soldier said, his voice gruff and his hands noticeably scarred as he pulled Nico to his feet, an iron grip around his arm. 
Any remaining thoughts of fighting fled Nico’s mind when he noticed the soldier still held the gleaming dagger. 
The soldier led him- well, more like dragged him- off the cart and into a tall, imposing building made of dark wood and even darker stone. As he caught a glimpse of the carvings on the heavy doors, a chill went down his spine. 
He couldn’t tell exactly what the carvings were of, but he definitely saw a skull and swords. 
Whatever this building was, it couldn’t be good.
Nico didn’t struggle, only stumbling once or twice over his own feet as the guard led him down a dark hallway into a room barren of any furniture or decoration save for a splintery wooden table and two uncomfortable looking chairs, a stern-faced woman with a high, slick ponytail sitting in the chair facing the door and narrowing her eyes at him. 
“This is one of ‘em?” The woman addressed the guard. 
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Good. Now close the door and stand outside.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
The guard pushed down on Nico’s shoulder, forcing him to sit in the chair before turning and leaving. 
“So,” the woman said, folding her hands on the table. “I hear you’ve got an interesting story. So tell me about it.”
It took a moment before his tongue stopped feeling like lead in his mouth. “About… what do you mean?” He whispered, crossing his arms around himself and peering down at his hands, where dried, crusted blood ran down his wrist. He began to scrape his skin and flick the red flakes onto the cold stone floor. 
“Why you’re here!” The woman gestured. “How did you get involved with that… that dragon! And the other one!”
“Tho-“ Nico caught himself. He didn’t want to say anything about Thomas. He stuttered for a moment trying to find the right words. 
“They found me in the woods, and I thought I was going to die, but instead, they helped me.”
“And why we’re you in the woods in the first place? No offense, but you don’t look like the kind of person who’s able to fight off all those things in there.”
Nico took another deep, shaky breath. 
“My… the place where I’m from had this… tradition. Festival. Superstition. Whatever you want to call it. Every year, on the longest day, someone is- they volunteer- or if there aren’t any volunteers, which is, like, every year, uh, someone is randomly selected. And this year, it was me.”
Nico paused and closed his eyes. 
Breathe in, breathe out, he could hear Thomas saying. 
“So I was- they took me out to the woods and left me there for a dragon to eat. But Lo- this dragon found me instead, and didn’t eat me.” 
Nico finished his story and looked up at the woman, her previously stone-faced expression turned to raised eyebrows and a frown. 
“You’re from one of those little cult towns, aren’t you! Those little backwards towns who are too afraid to fight the dragons and just pray instead! Damn cowards.”
Scratching at his hand, another one of his nervous habits, Nico said, “The people in my town may have done… less-than-great things to people, but they’re not cowards.”
The woman nodded again, never once taking her piercing gaze off him. 
“Now, which town, exactly?”
“Ember’s Valley. Towards the… south, I think.”
“Mhm. Very well. Now, care to tell me why you, your… friend… and that dragon were in our territory?”
Nico wasn’t sure what the woman was implying with the way she said ‘friend,’ but Nico didn’t like it no matter what she meant. 
The woman pursed her lips as she waited for Nico to answer. 
“My friend and I wanted to purchase supplies for winter.” 
Why did he feel like such a liar, even though he was telling the truth? 
“Mhm. And the dragon? How did you come across such a creature? And riding on its back without getting eaten? How did you manage that?” 
This time, Nico knew exactly what she was implying. 
How could she get her own dragon? How could she use a dragon for her own gain? 
“The dragon didn’t know we were there. Its scales are so thick, it didn’t notice us. It’s like an ant crawling over your foot. It just so happened to land near your city, which we saw when he- it- flew over. What city is this, by the way?” 
“Why, this is Redfell!” The woman pursed her lips. “It’s been such a long time since we’ve had visitors from outside the wall.”
Nico didn’t know it was possible, but somehow, his heart sunk even lower into his chest. 
Even in his small village, miles away from the next, he knew about Redfell. The notorious fortified city, famous for their powerful militia and dragon-slaughtering weapons. 
Nico forced a grin. “Well, I’m sure it’s a lovely place. I’ve heard many stories.”
“Oh, it is! Now, just a couple more questions. How did you meet that friend of yours?”
“Well, I kind of just found him one day and he decided to tag along.” 
Another lie, another secret prayer that it wouldn’t come back to haunt him. 
“I see. Well, I think you’ll be alright. Now, you said you wanted to purchase winter supplies? Why don’t you just stay here? We’ll set you up, nice and neat, and perhaps you could even give us some insight on that dragon of yours.”
“Oh, I couldn’t, I don’t think-“
“No, no, I insist! Now, come along,” the woman said with a smile. 
But her grin seemed more like a snarl, like teeth bared right before a predator pounced.  
Despite his shaking legs, Nico pushed himself up to follow the woman and her saccharine smile. The heavy wooden door opened with her touch and the guard outside snapped to attention. 
“Maam, may I escort the prisoner?” He saluted. 
The woman laughed. “No, no, he isn’t a prisoner, he’s a guest! Isn’t that right- er, I’m afraid I hadn’t caught your name!”
“Nico. Nico Flores.”
Despite the woman laughing that he wasn’t a prisoner, he sure felt like one. And telling her his name had felt like the final click of a lock. 
The woman put her hand on his shoulder, though not in the comforting way Thomas had. Instead, her grip felt like iron, like she would crush his shoulder if he tried to shake her off. So he let her drag him down countless twisting dark hallways, attempting to memorize the route, but to no avail. 
He walked silently, watching the woman and glancing at the occasional passing guards, until he heard a voice call his name. 
“Nico! Nico!”
He whipped around to find the outrace of the echoing, frantic shouts, and gasped as the woman turned the corner. 
“Thomas! Where are you taking him!?”
The woman just laughed. “Oh, he’s not what he says he is. He’s probably lied to you about everything! But don’t worry,” her grip tightened as he struggled to run towards Thomas, just a few feet away yet it seemed like such an insurmountable distance. “He’ll be treated just fine.”
“No! Let him go, he’s done nothing!” 
“Nico! Listen to me, I’ll be okay. I’m in-“
“That’s enough,” the woman snapped. Addressing the two guards flanking Thomas, she ordered, “secure him. Take him away. Now!”
It was a wonder the woman didn’t comment on the thumping of his heart, the only noise that filled Nico’s ears, echoing and ringing. He hadn’t thought the situation could have gotten worse, but as he watched Thomas struggle as he was dragged down the hall by the two guards, he realized that things could, in fact, get worse. 
Much worse. 
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
for mermay, indruck, 5, sfw? poison could refer to a love potion of some kind, or maybe a blue-ringed octopus (or other poisonous sea creature) mer?
Here you go!
Even with his future sight warning him this would be awkward, Indrid twitches his tail nervously as Juno, the volunteer checking him in to the venom donor clinic, frowns at her intake form. 
“See, trouble is, because today’s a mer donor day, most of them give their donations from barbs. You’re gonna have to give from your fangs right?”
“Yes.” Maybe he should just cut his loses, come back on one of the Naga days, and hope no one tries to kill him.
“Volunteers gotta go through special training for milking fangs, so you may have to wait until one of them is available.”
“I do not mind waiting. I came to donate, and I have no urgent engagements. Is there somewhere I can be out of your way?”
Juno smiles, “We got some nice sunny rocks--hold that thought. Duck, you just get here?” She calls this to a human in khaki clothing. His black hair is streaked with grey--matching Indrid’s tail--and his smile is so bright Indrid wants to bask in it.
“Yep! Thacker got to the station a little early so I could clock out sooner. Seems like you got somethin’ I can help with.”
“Sure can. Duck, this is” she glances at the form, “Indrid. He’s a mer, but he needs to donate via fangs.”
“Roger that.” The man holds out his hand, “Nice to meet you, I’m Duck. It’s a nickname.”
Indrid shakes his hand, his visions having taught him this is the correct way to reciprocate the greeting. 
“How long can you be outta the water?”
“Quite some time.”
“Great, in that case we’ll just go to the normal milkin station rather than me luggin things down here. Right this way.”
Indrid slithers up the beach behind him, drawing perplexed stares from humans and distrustful ones from the other mers. Duck holds open the flap on a tall, tan tent and Indrid heads inside. 
“You ever given venom before?”
“No. I, I am only recently back in the area. When I heard about the program I knew I could be of help.”
“Sure can. Sea krait, right?” Duck gestures to the silver and black of his tail. 
“Yes” Indrid smiles; most people just say snake.
“You reptile cousins can really fuck a human up. And who knows, your venom might be one of the kinds they can engineer multiple anti-vemons from.”
“I would like that. I like humans, and wish to help you. It is not your fault so very many things can kill you.”
Duck raises an eyebrow, “what happens if a King Naga bites you? Or even another venomous mer?”
“....I die. Ah, I, ah, see your point.” He smiles, sheepish, “apologies, although I wish to help humans, most of them prefer to stay far away from me, and so my manners are not always what they should be.”
“No harm done. Here,” he steps up onto a short stool, holding out a half circle of plastic filled with strong, astringent liquid, “put this in your mouth and bring your fangs out; we learned we have to disinfect them right before we milk.”
“PHeelphhh” Indrid winces as the liquid stings his senses. 
“I know, it ain’t pleasant. Won’t be much longer.” The human stretches a thin sheet of rubber across a shallow circle, checks his watch, and then steps back onto the stool, “okay, when I say open, open your mouth wide so I can slide that one out and get this one in position. Don’t bite down until I say to.”
Indrid nods, opens his mouth when commanded. Even with the disinfectant in his noses, Duck’s scent is overwhelming from so close up; sweat, sunscreen, soap, and something woody that must be his deodorant. He bites down when Duck says, drops of venom pattering into the container. The human keeps one eye on the time, explaining that he doesn’t want Indrid to exhaust all his venom accidentally, thus rendering him vulnerable or unable to hunt. 
“Aaaand done, go ahead and put those fangs away.” Duck removes the collection jar, labels it and puts it in a fridge as Indrid stretches his jaw, tensed from giving such a prolonged injection bite. 
“Now, we always give donors a thank you; come pick what you like.” He swings open a second fridge. Indrid cocks his head, studying the packs of what he knows to be sushi and the different types of fruit. Flicking out his tongue, he scents something delicious, and picks up a bottle of pink liquid.
“I will have this Guava Juice.” He pops the cap and dips his tongue in for a taste, then for a second and a third. A charming noise enters the air, like a bird who long ago gave up on being dignified. Duck’s laughing. 
“Sorry, wasn’t expectin that to be so cute.”
Indrid blushes; that’s not a word generally applied to him. 
“Thank you for the juice. And for acomodating me.”
“Any time. Welcome to come back the next time we host a drive.” The human holds the door open for him, waves as he slithers down the sand, sipping his juice. 
“Hello, Duck.”
Duck doesn’t even turn around before he replies, “Nice to see you back, Indrid.”
This marks the fourth venom donation day the mer has come to, and he always gets paired with Duck. Duck doesn’t mind one bit; Indrid might be alarming to look at, not the elegantly finned, otherwise humanoid creature most people expect a mer to be. His scales appear on his arms and shoulders, and there’s even a patch of them on the back of his neck. His eyes are blood red, his smile wide and a little alarming even without the fangs showing. He’s also sweet, in an odd way, and takes genuine interest in Duck’s wellbeing and daily life. 
Honestly, Duck wouldn’t chatting with him at a time when he isn’t jamming venom collection jars into his mouth. But asking to hang out with a patient is weird enough without the added difficulty of that patient needing to be in the water most of the time. 
They go through their usual routine, Indrid helping himself to a mango juice this time before waving goodbye. 
Two days later, Duck is checking on tree specimens when he senses red eyes on his back.
“You do not want to touch that trunk, there is a very large spider in that knot.”
“Just a prescient voice in the trees?”
“Yes. I am a very helpful tree.”
Duck turns in the direction of the river, one that feeds directly into the sea, “You know I ain’t gonna be mad if you wanna talk, right?”
“Of course, it was merely an attempt at a goof.” Indrid comes into view, peeking out from the bushes on the shoreline, “I was curious about your work and wanted to see you in action.”
“Afraid there ain’t much of that. What you’ve seen is kinda the gist of what I do.”
“I find it fascinating all the same. May I continue watching?”
Duck smiles, “Sure.”
Indrid turns out to be excellent company, in that he’s quiet for large stretches of time only to ask Duck about the exact thing he wants to talk about. It’s not until Duck is wrapping up and readying to head inland to the ranger station that Indrid asks an entirely new kind of question.
“You are a long way from home, aren’t you?”
He nods, “Spent decades in my home town, feelin like I couldn’t leave, like I had a responsibility to stay. When the chance to work out here, to try to preserve this fuckin amazin ecosystem, popped up, I decided it was time for a change of scene.”
He shivers as Indrid’s tail pets his ankle and the mer sighs, “I am glad you did.”
Indrid becomes a regular work companion after that. Sometimes he arrives with helpful information, like which paths might have tourists in need of assistance or where Duck can find the specimen he’s looking for, other times he comes just to talk or listen. These days, Duck finds himself hoping for the glimpse of silver and black in the water that announces his friend’s presence, and enjoying the appreciative looks he spies Indrid giving him when he thinks his back is turned. 
So when something slithers in the bushes behind him, he simply calls out, “What’d you think of those cookies Juno brought in yesterday?”
“I do not know of what you speak, human.”
He whirls, finds a King Naga staring him down. This is probably bad, probably the reason rangers are required to carry a machete or hatchet, but he doesn’t want to be wrong and hurt someone just because they startled him.
“Can I, uh, help you with anythin, sir?”
“Yesss, you can. Be a nice human and stay where you are. I hate having to chasssse my food.”
“Uh” he steps backwards, keeping one eye on the fanged mouth, “that ain’t necessary. Know plenty of places you can get food, if you want.”
“Meager portionssss. And not half assss tempting.”
“Look man, I don’t wanna fight, so please just back off.”
The naga hisses, winding closer at an alarming speed. Then there’s a burst of movement and a flash of silver.
“You stay away from him.” Indrid rises as tall as he can, his body between Duck and the threat. 
“Mind your own busssiness, ssseagoer.” 
“Someone trying to make a meal out of my friend is most definitely my business.” 
“Sssso be it.” The naga lunges. Indrid pushes Duck out of the way and catches his opponent, the force of the strike sending them both sliding down the incline towards the river. The naga outweighs Indrid by a considerable amount, keeps pinning him down only for the mer to wriggle free at the last moment.  Duck knows the agreement is humans stay out of Naga/merfolk conflicts, but there’s no way in hell he’s going to sit by and let Indrid get killed for his sake. 
Right as he locates a large, hopefully sturdy branch, there’s a tremendous splash. The naga thrashes in the water as he’s pulled downstream. Indrid is underwater, holding his opponent in such a way that, the next time he strikes, he has to put his head beneath the current. Right into Indrid’s waiting grasp. The mer keeps his head trapped as his tail whips back and forth. It’s only when the naga is mostly limp, and Duck afraid he’s just witnessed a murder, that Indrid releases him. The half-drowned creature drags himself onto the shore, slithering away without a second glance at Duck. 
“And, and do not come back!” Indrid pants from the shallows, struggling to pull himself back onto the sand. Duck hurries down to him, and Indrid reaches out his hand, concerned, “Are, did, did he hurt you.”
“No, not a fuckin scratch. ‘Drid, pretty sure you just saved my fuckin life.”
“Oh good.” Indrid’s smile is bright, even as his eyes grow blurry, “it is nice to end things with a worthwhile deed.”
Duck sees the puncture wounds in the merman’s arm the instant before he passes out.
Indrid wakes up, which is in and of itself a surprise. As is the fact he’s half submerged in water. Rolling over with a groan, he discovers he’s still on the beach where he fought the naga. His bandaged arm aches but is intact, someone has thoughtfully placed a pillow under his head, and there’s a small tent just up the incline. Sound asleep in a sitting position outside the tent is Duck. 
He wriggles and crawls his way to the human, arms giving out as he reaches him, which means his head lands in Duck’s lap.
“Huwhazzat? Oh fuck, ‘Drid, you’re up.” Instead of pushing him away, Duck cradles his head and pets his hair, “thank fuck, I was so fuckin worried. Dani said it might take a few days for you to recover but I couldn’t stop worryin.”
“Duck? How long have you been here looking after me?” 
“Since you got bit. So three days ago. Sarah got some anit-vemon down for you, and Dani swam up to bring you extra medicine just in case. Oh, and Barclay brought you food, I been tryin to get it into you when you were a little bit awake.”
Indrid manages to sit up, curling his tail around them, “You did not need to do all this for me. I knew the risks when I came to your aid. You did not need to save me in return.”
“Fuck need, I wanted to. You, you mean so fuckin much to me.” Duck strokes his cheek, runs his fingers up his tail, “I missed you so much the last three days, realized how so often the part of my afternoon was you comin to talk to me.”
The futures take an odd turn and Indrid shakes his head to clear them, certain he’s seeing wrong. 
“And, uh, and I wanted to ask, uh, when you’re feelin better do you, uh, wanna have dinner with me. Like, uh, on a date?”
“Yes, so very much” Indrid drapes his arms around him, resting their foreheads together.
“Mind if I get a little kiss to tide me over?”
Indrid dips his head down, planting a chaste kiss on his lips before rubbing their cheeks together with a purr, “Apologies, but my kisses must be close mouthed. I’d hate to nick you with a fang.”
“Fine by me.” Duck kisses his shoulders, rubs his tail, “any kind of kiss from you is a goddamn blessin. Besides” he murmurs in Indrid’s ear, “sure we can figure out lots of other things to do together.”
“Absolutely” Indrid purrs, “but for now, would you care to join me for a swim?”
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ldybluerse · 4 years
The Nice and Accurate Tale of Beauty and the Beast
Chapter Four: Beauty and the Beast Good Omens AU
“Follow me,” Crowley tried again.  Aziraphale watched Crowley walk...uh...slither… towards the castle beyond the wall they just came over.  He hadn’t expected the wall, much less there being a full castle beyond it.  How had he not found it sooner?  How had he not sensed it?  He may have been derelict in his duties but not to such a degree that he would have missed this.  Aziraphale had yet to get back to his feet, and Crowley had not offered him a hand, despite depositing him so unceremoniously on the ground.  Rather rude of him if you asked Aziraphale.  “Why should I do anything you say?  You just kidnapped me.”
“Not kidnapped, captured.  Besides, you followed me this far, when you weren’t my prisoner,” Crowley countered as he slithered back towards the Knight, extending one of the black taloned hands to help him up.  Aziraphale stared at the hand that could easily wrap around his whole head.  The palm was a normal looking enough, a human-looking palm, spreading out into five long and slender digits.  Around the second knuckle of each finger began a gradient to black snake scale like the Naga’s lower half, before ending in claws.  Each claw an obsidian blade, one alone being longer than one of Aziraphale’s hands.
He was hesitant to put his fastidious hand in range of those claws, it did not look like it would take much to slice him open.  He looked past the hand towards the face of Crowley.  While the Fallen had a hint of annoyance in his eyes, or perhaps fear, there wasn’t malice.  Plenty of curiosity and interest and that interest seemed to be aimed towards the Favoured.  He did not see a reason to fear Crowley (besides the obvious of him being a cursed Fallen that was forsaken by the Matriarch), therefore, Aziraphale closed the distance and put his hand in the palm of the larger male.  With the utmost care, he was helped to his feet by Crowley.  Not even the faintest of scratches were received from the dangerous-looking helping hand.   Well, he was not ready to follow just yet.  Aziraphale kept his eyes on Crowley as the Fallen made a circle around him, leaving distance between their bodies despite the circling motion leaving that long Naga tail around him.  Aziraphale adjusted his clothing; making sure his coat, vest, sash, shirt, and trousers were all situated just so.  Dusting off any dust or dirt that may have happened due to the “rough ride” over the wall.  Even going so far to adjust the collar of his shirt twice, as he fixed Crowley with a look that said he was not amused.  The long serpentine lower half was still imprisoning him when he finished, but for an odd reason, Aziraphale was not worried about it.  He was caged in, but he had a feeling he only needed to ask and the “cage” would let him out.  How far that release was, he did not know yet.  He was not sure if Crowley was really going to keep him prisoner or if this was all an act.
“Now, will you follow me to your room?”  Crowley had likewise not taken his eyes off the Knight.  Watching his fidgeting fingers dance across his body to make adjustments to his clothing.  Inspecting every inch that he could.  Despite wearing pauper’s clothing the fabric was just slightly too nice and just a little too clean.  Too ironed, not a fold out of place.  Crowley doubted most would notice such subtleties, humans didn’t pay attention to such things unless it was far more flashy.  The Fallen had spent a long time watching humans, he was well aware of how they moved and dressed.  
“Room?  I thought I was a prisoner,” the sassing contest was on-going, Aziraphale was not sure if he really minded that they were being so straight forward with their banter.  These were not the carefully cultivated words that sounded pleasant enough but were just there to hide the sharp truth that stabbed at one’s sense of self.  The meaning of the words was not hidden, the biting nature clear when needed but the bites were closer to soft nips that tickled over harming.  
“Would you rather your stay be in the dungeon?  I can arrange it,” it might have been a threat but honestly, Crowely could not remember if the castle had a dungeon.  He never needed one and had no desire to go poking about dungeons.  He supposed there should be dungeons, it was a castle, but it was not a human castle and before the time of the Fallen, there wasn’t exactly a need to go locking each other up.  Now he would have to go and see if there was a dungeon, might be a good place for supplies; if dry and not dank.  Human dungeons are supposed to always be dank, right?  It had been some time since he heard about human dungeons; what story was that again?  Didn’t it have something to do with an enchanted rose?  Or was that the one where the girl ate an apple and died?
“Not particularly, no.  Thank you for not locking me in one.”
“Do you think it's appropriate to thank me?”  Crowley began to slither towards the huge doors of the castle once more.  This time Aziraphale followed, his pink light guiding his way, it was too dark to see much beyond the small magicked light.  That wouldn’t do, with another snap expanded the pink light so he could see more as they walked… moving towards the dark castle entrance.  With the light he could see more of the perfectly manicured landscaped.  Large lush plants, that were certainly out of season, healthy and green.  Not a wilted leaf in sight.  It was much too late in the Autumn season for flowers and some of the plants that were growing out here, they should be dormant.  
Crowley looked back as the light brightened but quickly looked away to hide the blush of embarrassment.  Of course, the Knight would need more light, it is not like he had eyes like Crowley’s that could see in the dark.  Once he threw open the front doors, Crowley drew his hand up as he snapped.  Lights flickering to life across the whole castle, giving more light then what the other was producing.
“I think it is always appropriate to thank someone when it needs to be done.  And thank you for the light,” This time it was Aziraphale’s turn to snap to end his little glow orb.  Intertwining his fingers below his stomach as they entered the marble floors of the foyer.  His eyes snapped to the symbols created in the floor by solid gold inlays.  The subtle details in the architecture, the architecture itself, the designs in pillars and tiles… how perfectly clean everything was.  How pristine.  Aziraphale recognized it all, but it still took him a moment to place it because it was… different.  Unrecognizable in its recognition.  
“This is… this was the old palace.  Where it all started…” Aziraphale stopped in the middle of the grand room.  The ceilings soaring high overhead, giving Crowley plenty of space to stand at his increased size.  Aziraphale assumed that is what Crowley counted as standing for a snake-man.
“Yes, well… they moved on.” Crowley left the words “I didn’t” unsaid.  
“They?  Which they?”
“All of the “they”.  There is no one here and hasn’t been for a long time.”
“Except you.”  
Apparently Aziraphale saw to say what Crowley didn’t feel needed too.  “Finders keepers,” Crowley gave a devilish smile, proving that being left behind hadn’t hurt.  It hadn’t.  
Aziraphale gave him an unimpressed look in return.  “This was made before they decided “less is more”,” Aziraphale walked towards one of the columns to touch, “And before it was decided that everything needed to be white...”
Crowley just nodded and continued down the hall towards the East.  “I suppose, then again, it was made before the need to distinguish between good and evil with blacks and whites.  Fallen and Favoured.”
Aziraphale admired the work as they moved down the hall.  There was very little around; a piece of art here and there.  No unnecessary furniture cluttered nooks, there were no tables to display vases.  Even the statues were limited, he could see a few in passing that he would have to go back and look at later, but there was so little.  Everything was also spotless.  Aziraphale figured he could run one of Michael’s white gloves across the floor and it would not have a smudge of dirt on it.  He had not known Fallen to be so clean, on the opposite actually, they tended to look (and smell) as if they had just dragged themselves up from the depths of some bog somewhere.
“Here, this is your room.  Feel free to explore if you want.  Go wherever you want, except the West Wing.”
“Well, that is an odd stipulation for a prisoner “go about where you want except this one spot”, should I not be more confined?”
“Um.. uh…ngk..” Crowley was all tongue-tied and stumbling over his words for an answer.  “Yeah, well, I am a Fallen.  Can only do things wrong, so, I’m keeping prisoners wrong.”  
Aziraphale smiled, a genuine smile, because the silliness of it all was, dare he think, sweet.  “Am I really a prisoner then?”
Crowley stumbled over some more nonsensical sounds before nodding, “Yeah.  Definitely.  You won’t be able to leave the wall.  No easy exits.”
“Mmm,” Aziraphale made a non-committal sound as he looked around the room.  A little stark, similar to the rest of the castle in that there was little decorating done but it was clean and comfortable looking.  It was certainly the space for a welcomed guest, certainly not where one should keep a prisoner.  “This is lovely, thank you.”
“You really do enjoy thanking your captors, don’t you?”
“This is the first time I have been captured, I would think that normally the answer is no.  Yet, here we are in a unique arrangement of sorts, therefore, I think it calls for unique protocols of manners.”
“Yesss.  Have a good night,” Crowley began to slither back the way they came.
“What is in the West Wing?” The words came rushing out of Aziraphale, he wanted to keep the conversation going.  It was nice to talk to someone.  He was surprised by just how much he wanted to continue talking to Crowley.  
“What?” Crowley looked back at him.
Aziraphale was struck by the beauty that was this pose; red curls tumbling over freckled shoulders.  Gold eyes slightly big, no hostility but confusion.  A small frown forming on his lips.  Crowley must have been a beautiful Favoured once because he was a beautiful Fallen now.  
“Oh… yes… why...why is the West Wing… I mean to ask, why am I not allowed in the West Wing?”  He watched Crowley’s eyes go even bigger before the Naga looked away from him.
Crowley did not have an answer for that.  Not a good one.  “Um… yes… well.  You aren’t allowed there.”
“Yes, you said that.  I want to know why.”
“Because, um…because,” Crowley wasn’t going to tell the truth as to why the other was not allowed in the West Wing.  “It’s forbidden.”
“Forbidden?” Aziraphale’s doubt was almost palpable.  “But why is it forbidden?”
Crowley made some noises, “It just is.”  He silently begged the other to drop the topic.
“How can something “just” be forbidden?  There has to be a reason for it,” Aziraphale smirked some, the banter was so refreshing.  The stumbling and unease he was putting the Naga through were also enjoyable in how innocent in made the other look.
Crowley avoided looking back at Aziraphale as he spoke, “You are a Favoured, you should be used to things “just” being something without explanation.  It is what is expected of you.”
That took Aziraphale a moment, he did not sense any venom in Crowley’s voice but it was a biting remark that stung.  “Have a  good night Crowley,” Aziraphale shut the door behind him.  The remark hurt more than it should, coming from a stranger.
Crowley watched the door for several long moments before slithering off.  He realized he hadn’t wanted the conversation to end so soon, just for the topic to change.  It was nice talking to someone for the first time in...forever.  It really had not been forever but it had been a very long time since he spoke to anyone besides his plants.  It certainly had been a long time since someone spoke back to him.  It was...nice.
The Naga went through the halls of the West Wing, and out to the greenhouse that was connected.  It was one of the few places in this world he felt comfortable in.  The clear panels of glass let him see the stars high above on nights like this one while he cared for his plants.  If one could call what Crowley did to the plants, care.  It is better defined as psychological torture, putting the fear of Crowley into them ensuring that they “behaved”.  Everything was just as lush and beautiful as the grounds between castle and wall, but in here it was warmer, more temperamental plants survived with a lot less yelling and threatening.  It was also a place where a snake could sun himself during the day.  A heavy sigh was the only sign of his poor mood, but his plants already knew what was in store when he was in such a mood.  
The greenhouse once held many thousands of species of flower, now there was mostly one species but thousands of variants.  Roses of every color, pattern, and size grew around the greenhouse.  He enjoyed the color, the inherent warmth of that color, the sense of life in a castle full of emptiness.  Not a single petal littered the floor, nor were any brown or wilting at the edges.  All perfect and lovely in bloom.  He checked here and there, completely lost in his thoughts as he tended the blooms.  The roses knew well enough to not even get a thorn out of place that Crowley might accidentally slither into.
“NGK!  How can I be so stupid?!  I didn’t even get his name!”
The gay panic continues some.  Don’t worry Aziraphale and Crowley, we are also wondering how you both can be so smart and so stupid at the same time.  But it’s okay, we love you for it.
I am sorry this chapter took longer to get out, I blame Thanksgiving and all the other holiday "fun" going on.
I would like any opinions as this is a new writing style for me (I am trying to mimic and blend the narration styles of Good Omens and Disney's Beauty and the Beast). I also have spaces in writing so sometimes I forget what I wrote and repeat. Some repetition I think is important for the style I am going for but I do not want it to become overly annoying and redundant.
I also never intended this to be as long as it is already, I thought it would be a short and cute prompt but my brain has decided "NAH!" and plotted things out to a certain degree. This also means trying to figure out the right blend between Good Omens and Beauty and the Beast, how to progress things in the slow, steady, and (mostly) stable way of Good Omens or the wham, bam, thank you ma'am way of Beauty and the Beast (seriously, what is the timeline?! Look dandelions...now it's snowing. We fell in love and will most certainly live happily ever after when we just met a week ago. -I love Beauty and the Beast but it is not above criticism-). If you ask me, Good Omens is the more healthy and beautiful love story.
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ssecarthepython · 5 years
A Long Desire
In the jungle wandered a girl from the village, not straying to far away, but away from the one who had angered her. She stared at the village and was really at a loss, sad, tired, and bombarded with terrible thoughts to where her mind was tormenting her. Yet from the trees above, someone who was familiar with her was stalking and watching her every move. The head finally peered out as it dropped right in front of her, with a friendly and genuine smile.
Kaa: Oooh, what have we here?
Girl: *closes her eyes and covers them up with her hands* Oh, it's you... was completely unaware that you lived here. Sorry to disturb you, I think I should be going now.
Kaa: *pulls a hand down and wraps his tail around her wrist* Aww, it's a pleasant surprise to see you again. Would like to see that pretty little face of yours. *kisses and licks her hand*
Girl: Uuh, uh... *tries to use the other hand to yank the other back, his tail tries to crack an eye open but she quickly covers them back up* Surprise indeed. And I think my decision is quite clear like my memory, I should be going home.
Kaa: Oooh, that silly little mind getting all worked up. Don't you get tired of the anxiety? Plus the passion between ones curiosity against ones will, will soon give in. *hissed into her ear while touching the front of her neck, kissing the back of it tenderly*
Girl: *gasps and moans slightly, trying not to give in* Curiosity?...No, I-I shouldn't... this is bad.
Kaa: Oh no, why would it be such bad thing? I've been watching you since our last encounter, little one. You left me for that jealous boyfriend of yours, he broke your heart didn't he? I made you feel so good didn't I?... Now that I recall, I only put you to sleep. I think I can smell the change of your desires. *slips his tail between her thighs and slowly grinds his underbelly scales up her front*
Girl: Aaauugh... I... uh... mmmf... *is hesitant on moving her hands as her legs clench together*
Kaa: Yeesss, that's it. Don't resist, that's a good girl. Yesss... I won't push your precious little mind too hard. Fill free to look into my eyes when you're ready to except my invitation. I'll be sure to excite and tease you a bit longer. *opened her lips up and closed his eyes, passionately kissing and sucking on her tongue*
Girl: *Was completely shocked and overwhelmed with how far this went so fast. She really did trust him, and she had been dying to be touched and feel pleasure for years. Out of curiosity she peaked an eye open to look at him, noticing his eyes were closed. Her hands leapt out and hugged his head to hers, embracing his touch all around her.*
Kaa: *Noticed she had given in, and smiled deviously. He removed himself after their makeout session and held her up with his girth. Using his tail to prop her chin up.*
Girl: Kaa...
Kaa: Yesss...
Girl: *opens her eyes up* I love you
Kaa: I love you too, darling. *pulsed his eyes to bring her into a trance as his coils caress her skin under her clothes* Just look into my eyes my dear, as before. Look into the array of colors displayed in my beautiful eyes. The more you listen, the more your thoughts drift away. I'm the one who should be thinking for you right now. Hmm... let's get you into something more comfortable, now shall we?
Girl: *Felt her clothes being pulled at as she obeyed and was helped to remove her clothes one piece at a time. She lay bare naked before him. Her soft body and smooth features glowing in the moonlight against his strong yet silky coils, glistening in the moon rays.*
Kaa: *He bound her wrists up as he smiled at her* You've been such a good girl. Mmm, yesss... very obedient. I think we both deserve a little treat. *Smacked his lips and flicked his tongue down to her lower region. Kissing and touching her lower lips. He could feel how wet she was getting and proceeded to lick inside.*
Girl: *She was out of breathe, no one had ever touched her there, let alone enjoy themselves to her privates. Unable to think much she moaned and whined, growing louder when he tasted a trigger point. She wiggled and writhed, unable to resist like when she had her eyes covered. Feeling so helpless and aroused, she came close and was on the brink of losing her mind. A pure virgin experiencing what she had only dreamed of.* Kaa... oh Kaa... I'm coming... I'm finally coming...
Kaa: *Secretly he had been coiling around her the whole time, now stopping to squeeze and play with her breasts. After receiving her statement, his coils wrapped her neck and tugged tightly. His tongue gave a long vibrant hiss as he drank to his hearts content as she cummed into his mouth. He smacked his lips and licked away what he could, now loosening his hold to tuck in her numb arms. Cocooning her back into his grasp.* Sweet, delicious, snack. Made you tired now didn't it? *chuckles* I only want you to do one thing for me. *whispered enticingly* Sssssleeeep.... yes, please go to sleep... You're thoughts are mine, and so is your trust in me. Trust in me and shut your eyes. I promised to make you feel so good, you didn't stand a chance. I love it when my prey is powerless and pacified. You look so delicious to me. Mmm, sleep soon... yesss, sleep. Sleep for me, your body is exhausted, go to sleep... I'll make sure to keep you close forever.
Later on the next morning, the villagers searched all around for the girl. Knowing of how upset she was with her boyfriend. Word got out that she might have wandered off in the night. There was no sight of her, yet they were forced to low and behold her clothes lying on the jungle floor. And above where no one could see, she was safe and sound. Kaa lie asleep with his new bulge squirming giddily, he would occasionally get up and sing her a lullaby to fall back to sleep.
Kaa: No need to worry, my dear. This is all just a dream, from which there is no waking. *giggled and rested to sleep off his new meal*
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paladin-andric · 5 years
Blackheart, Chapter 24: Shattered Memories
“A gorgeous day, is it not?”
Basilrin lay in the fields of the park. Wind swept across the grass as the clear skies bathed the area in sunlight.
“Indeed it is,” his brother answered politely, staring off into the sky. Basilrin could sense he appeared...anxious.
“Is something the matter? You seem restless...or bored!”
All around them, the people of the city were crowded around the two dragons, all gazing at them in awe and admiration. The family lived in the caverns below the city, which were off-limits, at is was considered their “residence” and therefore private property.
That didn’t stop several “dragonchasers” as they were called, from delving into the caverns without permission to see them. The family of dragons were welcoming, but as they broke the law, the city guard were less amused.
As such, it was a rare treat to get to see the large and powerful beasts up close, and when they lounged in the park, many cityfolk visited to see them.
Most numerous among their admirers were the kobolds, who, for reasons relating to their very existence, were inexplicably drawn to seek out and serve dragonkind.
Julroul hesitated. His eyes narrowed just enough for Basilrin to notice, radiating awareness of something that no one else could notice.
“Are you...cold?”
Basilrin frowned. “Of course not. It is sunny and warm!”
“I feel a chill in the air.”
His brother closed his eyes and focused, hard. He blocked out the rest of his sense as best he could and felt every inch of the wind in the air, lightly breezing across his form.
The air was indeed quite warm, but...he could feel it. A tiny sting of coolness across the end of each gust of wind.
Something he wouldn’t have noticed if he wasn’t looking for it.
“...I suppose the wind is cool. What of it?”
“That is not the wind. Something is different. Surely you can feel it?”
Basilrin tried again. He closed his eyes and focused.
“Mmm...no. I do not follow. What is different?”
Julroul smiled. “I do not know, but...it excites me, for some reason.”
It was after that remark that everything changed.
Before Basilrin could ask what his brother meant by such an odd statement he noticed something truly bizarre.
Everything was getting darker.
The various people around the pair noticed as well. A koutu looked up at the sky and frowned.
“Huh? It’s getting dark? But it’s midday…”
The dragon looked up and, sure enough, that was the case...at least partially.
The people of the city seemed to think the sun was setting, or the sky was getting dark, but Basilrin could tell what was really happening.
His draconic senses, superior to all others, honed in on the strange and near-unnoticeable patterns in the sky. Slowly they were wrapping around the entire skyline in a sphere, and began to grow in size.
Mist was starting to form above them, building in intensity.
As soon as he noticed that, the dragon could feel the air growing colder, ever colder around him. This was what Julroul had been talking about.
“What in the world…?”
Someone in the crowd had uttered it, though Basilrin was thinking the same thing himself. As he focused, he noticed something else. Something far in the distance, that the crowd surely couldn’t made out.
“Something is very wrong,” he spoke hurriedly, rising to his feet, “We should-”
“Do nothing!”
The voice had come from nearby, but it was...all wrong.
The distorted, otherworldly voice immediately set Basilrin on edge. As he turned his gaze to the person it belonged to, he realized his instincts were all too reliable.
The creature was very large, at least by “normal” standards. Compared to the dragons of course, he was still small. He wore armor that looked scorched by flames and had nasty, pointed edges all over. His helmet had horns...or perhaps, they had openings for the beast’s own. He was outrageously large and stocky, and in between the gaps of his gnarled armor, the dragon could see purple skin and black eyes. The beast also had a spaded tail to top it all off.
“D-demon!” someone in the crowd screamed, the others quickly joining in with terrified cries of their own. They all backed up, hiding behind Basilrin for protection.
“Good eyes,” the demon spoke mockingly, “But unneeded.” He looked over at the two dragons, a predatory glint in his eyes. “You pair, however…”
“Begone!” Basilrin snarled, putting himself in front of the frightened crowd, “Crawl back to the hellscape you came from!”
“Eheheh...not an option. This place will be my home, now...as it will many others. This land belongs to the Underworld, but we are not adverse to letting you live under us. Now, rejecting me is a dire mistake, dragon. I will give you one last chance to change your tune. We are looking for champions, and dragonkind would make mighty warlords indeed. There is so much power you could have in exchange...”
Basilrin lunged forward, slamming his claw into the ground the demon stood on, smirking in satisfaction as he smashed the earth with murderous strength.
As he lifted his claws however, he found...nothing.
“A fair attempt,” the demon offered, several yards away, “But even your kind cannot match our might. Perhaps a demonstration will show you who you should strive to please…”
The demon gestured wildly, but before Basilrin could even move to stop the fiend, it was already over. The demon’s arms rose into the air, and Basilrin felt a sudden, intense pain in his feet. A boiling, blistering pain.
The dragon looked down, disbelief overwhelming him as he saw fire emerging from the earth itself, coating the entire area in a sea of flames.
It didn’t kill him, or even wound him. It hurt, certainly, but it took more than fire to kill a dragon.
The same couldn’t be said for the others.
He turned to see that massive crowd behind him, so varying in appearance and size and manner...being utterly consumed. The fire rose up to their heads. The wolf and birdfolk, the kobolds, the insects and lizards and everyone in between...all were being enveloped.
Their screams of agony were cut short as they collapsed into the flames, cries dying out as they breathed their last.
Basilrin could barely comprehend the terror and fury coursing through him. As the hellfire died out, sinking back into the soil, all that remained was the now barren soil...and the charred corpses of all the citizens that had been happily watching the dragons just moments ago.
The young dragon was hardly even an adult. He had lived a sheltered, innocent life during his very short stay on this world. In his time being raised by his mother and father, and growing alongside his big brother, he had not seen so much as a scuffle.
He knew of death, understood it...but he had never witnessed it.
“You...you MONSTER!” Basilrin screamed, lunging out towards the demon. Anger and heartache overwhelmed his rational senses, and he ignored the gestures the demon made as he closed in.
With a flick of a finger, the demon cast another mighty spell. Suddenly Basilrin was no longer flying towards the demon, but away, further and further. He slammed into the ground and rolled along it with the speed he was launched with, leveling several trees as he kept going.
He finally slammed into one last tree, knocking it over as he came to a stop. He groaned as pain filled his body. To be tossed aside so effortlessly, he, a mighty dragon…
“Wow…” Julroul muttered, breathless.
“Indeed. Incredible, isn’t it? And it could all be yours…”
“You...you could truly give me such power?”
The demon grinned. “Indeed. All you need to do is let me give you my gift, and you will have the world at your mercy…”
Basilrin snarled as he climbed back to his feet. “Hah, as if we would ever join you…”
“Yes, give me the power!” Julroul cried, “I want your strength!”
“W-what?!” Basilrin shook his head. “What are saying, brother?!”
The demon’s grin widened. “I knew you had it in you. Come here, and receive my power…”
“He just slaughtered everyone!” the younger dragon bellowed, “Get back, brother!”
“Do not tell me what to do, whelp.”
Basilrin blinked, having trouble believing his brother’s now cold and distant tone. “B-brother?!”
“A worthless bond. All my life I knew I was destined for greater things. You and father blathering on and on about peace and love...soft things, you are! It is why we pathetically submitted to the humans...no more! I will make them pay! I will crush all who oppose me!”
“Brother...this is not who you are! I know it to be so!”
Julroul grinned as he stepped forward and leaned down to the demon. “You have forgotten what you are, ‘brother’. For so long I knew I was superior to humans, yet they thought they could order us around?! With a flex of a claw, we could crush dozens without a thought. It is time they understood and respected that.”
The demon worked his magic, dark mists flowing from his hands and into the dragon. As the corruption flowed into him, his thoughts only darkened further and further…
“Mmm...yesss...I will show them their place...they will kneel...they will ALL kneel!”
Julroul snarled and growled as his mind slipped, becoming more feral and guided by instinct. His new dark, base way of thought made what were once inklings at the back of his mind full-blown wishes and fantasies.
“Gaaah...yes...no more kneeling, no more submission! I will show them what happens when you strike out against your betters!”
“Brother, get a hold of yourself!” Basilrin pleaded, “He is controlling you somehow! Fight, you must fight it! Reclaim your true self!”
“This IS my true self,” Julroul answered with a laugh, “I have only been hiding it, to placate my weak family.”
“Yes, embrace it!” the demon shouted, “Show them who you REALLY are!”
“Yesss,” Julroul hissed, mind unraveling, “Who I am...who I am…”
His body began to warp just as his mind had, swelling in size. Basilrin watched in shock as he grew past the size of their parents, and kept going. Not soon after, his scales changed. The once vibrant green began to dim and darken, growing to a pure black and becoming reminiscent of jagged glass in shape.
Not soon after, the color left his eyes as well, the blue and gold bleeding away until only pure white remained. His irises and pupils left him as well, giving his visage a new blank look about them. Soon, even his brother could no longer read him.
A coating of mist enveloped him, the same, purple mist that seemed to emanate from the demon. It was at that moment it all came to a stop. The demon lowered his hand as the ritual came to a close.
It seemed that somewhere along the way, he did truly change. While his evil urges and dark thoughts had already been there, merely teased out into acceptance, his desire to be a ruler and master were quickly thrown away as the now demonic looking dragon dropped to the ground and lowered his head in submission.
“Master Helical...your servant thanks you.”
His voice now carried that same distorted, unholy tone the demon possessed.
“A mere taste, my slave. Your new power will grow as you embrace its use.”
The demon turned his gaze to the other dragon, who felt very small all of a sudden. “Kneel.” What was once his brother turned to face him, his maw now bearing a blank, wild looking grin.
“Join us! Feel the might, the sheer power coursing through you, and discard all other thoughts…”
“Never!” Basilrin cried defiantly, “Murderer, I will never submit to the likes of you!”
“I see.” The demon turned to the other dragon and nodded. “Slave.”
The beast, now looking like a dragon made entirely of shadow, stepped up to Basilrin, that unnaturally wide grin seemingly plastered there for good.
The much smaller, green dragon shook his head, beginning to step back. “Brother...I know you are still there, somewhere. I cannot hurt you. I shall not.”
That grin, though it already appeared too wide, only grew wider as his words.
“But I can hurt you.”
That was the only warning he needed. Basilrin threw himself out of the way as his brother lunged forward with blinding speed. He only just cleared the larger dragon as he slammed his claws to the ground, causing the earth itself to shake.
Basilrin righted himself just in time to avoid yet another lunge from Julroul, who seemed remorseless in his attempts to kill the smaller dragon.
“Stop this!”
Julroul laughed as he continued swinging, the other dragon just barely moving out of the way each time.
“Come to your senses! I am your brother!”
“I know. You are also dead.”
Another swing. Basilrin backed up, holding a defensive stance.
“Please, stop this!”
There was no answer as the larger, corrupted dragon lunged at him again. This time he actually grabbed onto Basilrin’s leg as he leapt away, but the smaller dragon slipped free before any harm was done.
There was no way for him to win this. His brother was so much more powerful now. A single, well placed swing from those claws and…
Basilrin shook his head. He couldn’t do this. Not only did his brother massively outclass him, but his heart wasn’t in the fight. He didn’t want to hurt Julroul...but his brother seemed all too gleeful about cutting him down.
He kicked off, launching himself into the increasingly dark sky and looking back at his brother fearfully as he flew away.
“I...I will get help!” he cried, “I will purge you of their influence! I promise!”
Julroul moved to pursue, crouching low to launch himself into the air, but the demon raised his hand.
The dark dragon looked at the creature in confusion.
“Let him come crawling back with others. Then we will have more to swell our ranks.”
Julroul got out of his crouching stance and stood up. He turned to the demon and bowed deeply.
“As you wish, master.”
Many days and nights had passed since then. Basilrin did indeed make good on his promise, and returned with the rest of his family to seek out Julroul.
They found him, and he managed to push them all aside, even slaying his mother in the process. Aurelio was badly wounded by him, and so he and Basilrin retreated back to their caves.
It was there they lay, despair overwhelming them. Aurelio couldn’t get up and Basilrin fearfully crept out into the park to find what little there was left to forage for.
Basilrin had nearly given up all hope...until he spotted a certain, familiar dragon flying towards the academy one day.
“...and that is how all of this started!” Basilrin finished.
Razorwing sighed. “My goodness. This evil...it has ruined everything. Even dragons aren’t safe from the destruction.”
“The true extent of the darkness’ might is frightening,” Charles noted, “I can only imagine what would happen if we don’t stop it…”
“What’s been keeping them in the city, anyway?”
Alexander scratched at his face as he asked the question. “I mean, we’re damn lucky they’re not moving out, but...why aren’t they?”
“The corruption,” Andric answered.
“That’s right,” Leianna agreed, “They can’t go without it.”
“What are you talking about?”
Lexius stepped forward. “You know by now that the demons and their minions spread the corruption wherever they go, correct? You can see it in the sky, the stone and the very earth in this city.”
Alexander nodded. “Of course.”
“Well, they had to work to make it that way, and if they have plans of world conquest, they’ll need to do this a million times over.”
The knight shrugged. “I’m...not following.”
Andric chimed in again. “Think of it like this: Imagine a priest or magician’s magic. The more they use, the more they exhaust themselves. Use too much and they need to wait until they regain their energy, correct?”
“I get that.”
“Well, if they leave the area they’ve corrupted for untouched ground, they’ll begin to die. They subsist on the evil as much as they spread it. A sort of balance, like how humans and trees need one another for air.”
“Well, why don’t they make more? They did a damn good job of it here.”
The paladin gestured toward the cave exit. “The entire city’s been corrupted, and only a few demons have actually crawled out of the hole that is their homeland. The ones that have obviously used up all their dark energy corrupting the city and sealing it in a fog of darkness. Hell, they still need to work on the park, it’s still pure, mostly. While the fog and the corruption in it is ever so slowly growing on its own, it’ll be ages before it can swallow all the land around it like that.”
“So the demons are...recharging?” Alexander probed.
“Correct. Also gathering more of their ilk. Once a demonic army is assembled, they’ll be able to spill out into the kingdom and quickly corrupt the land, claiming more and more for themselves.”
“So we’re on a time limit,” the knight said knowingly.
“Indeed...which is why we should hurry and kill that abomination!”
Alexander sighed. “Right...off we go, than! Tourthun, Basilrin and Aurelio! We’ll need all of you to beat that thing, even if it isn’t immortal anymore. I can’t imagine my blade would do much against something that large…”
Tourthun rumbled quietly. “...whatever is needed to stop this, I will do.”
Aurelio nodded. “I shall fight to my last. It is...the least I could do.”
“Perfect!” Basilrin shouted, “Let us be off!”
The group left the caves, preparing for the confrontation with the monstrosity that had kept them trapped here for all this time. Once the way was clear, civilians could flee and the army could be brought in. Soon enough, the final battle would truly begin.
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Tag list: @thereisnothingwrongwithbeingmad, @lady-redshield-writes, @paper-shield-and-wooden-sword, @sheralynnramsey, @tawnywrites, @writer-on-time, @oceanwriter, @zwergis-spilledink, @fluffpiggy, @elliewritesfantasy, @homesteadhorner,  @laurenwastestimewriting, @elaynab-writing, @the-ichor-of-ruination, @disheveledcorvid, @reya-writes, @bexminx
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I’m curious Sir Pentious, since you’re a snake and you’ve admitted to killing people before. Have you ever had to kill someone by constricting them with your tail?
“Hmmm. My tail, you sssay?” He cocks his head from one side to the other in thought, tongue flickering out of his mouth in an inquisitive fashion. “Yesss, there have been times where I’ve chosssen to conssstrict people, though I can’t ssssay it’s a preferable method for me. The only times I’ve done it are when sssomeone actually managed to catch me off guard or they attacked me when I’m down on the sssstreets and not in the safety of my ship or ssssome other armed machine. I can think of at leassst one encounter where some idiot tried to leap out of an alleyway trying to sssstab me in the gut with a shiv, and my firsssst instinct was to wrap my coils around him as tight as I could. Or another time a bunch of “asssasssinsss,” He pauses to flash some air quotes while rolling his eyes, “tried to ssssneak into my ship and attack me with their own pitiful attemptsss at engineering their own gunsss and bombs, and one of them got close enough to get wrapped up in my coils.”
He pauses for a moment to chuckle to himself, a malicious glint entering his eyes. “Admittedly, I do quite enjoy the feeling of crushing their bones. Their lungsss. Ssssomething about the feeling of being able to feel the bending, the creaking, the inevitable sssssnapping of their ribcages, the bones in their arms, their hipssss, their legsss. Not to mention the soundsss of their own pathetic struggling as their windpipes struggle for air but find none, their limbsss trying to flail and their heartssss pounding from within their chesstss.” He chuckles a bit harder, and his tail slowly starts to swish back and forth, as if relishing the thought. “Eventually if I choosssse to squeeze hard enough, I can even crush their ribcage entirely. Have the bonessss cave in to sssskewer their lungs and have them sssstart to choke on their own blood, and that’sss usually the part that kills them long before they can actually ssssuffocate from my coils alone.” At this he lets out a bit of a sigh, and his grin suddenly drops. “Unfortunately, it’s a bit too much of a risky indulgence for me. Once I coil around ssssomeone, trying to sssslither at all would basssically be the equivalent of hopping around on one foot, and unlesss that unlucky demon happens to be the only attacker in the room, consssstriction is way too slow for me to dissspatch of victimssss effectively without opening myself to attack. That, and I don’t essspecially like the idea of letting any foolsss trying to kill me off getting that close to me to begin with. If my grip loosens on them, they could eassssily stab me, rip out my scales, or go for any one of these and causssse some real damage.” He moves to wave a hand over the many smaller eyeballs that line his golden underbelly, all of them flickering up to watch his hand as he does so. “Sssso I don’t find it to really be worth the risk most of the time.”
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kenpaisworkshop · 5 years
Sinquest: “Midnight Snack”
Characters: Tomis the Warlock, ( @tomis-jb), Ken’pai the Mechanist ( @rumongray) Guest Appearances: Nakhti the Arms-Master, Shir the Brawler Content Warning: NSFW, Explicit sexual content, M/M, M/M/M/M, Tentacle sex, scent play
Written by: @rumongray
A follow up to this comic by @tomis-jb
Dextrous fingers worked the small screwdriver as Ken'pai closed a small panel, finally satisfied that he'd cleaned the construct of the sand it had accumulated from a recent trip to Chazin. Back at his workshop, he felt safe, for sure, but there was something about being away from the guild keep that put him at ease in a different way. Maybe it was the fact that when he stayed still, he toiled with the trouble of his life becoming stagnant, and he couldn't see his smaller achievements for what they were. Maybe he had a sense of wanderlust...he often thought that, were he not a lizard-man, he would gladly travel around the world and see new sights, hopefully with a warlock traveling at his side.
No...his mind decided it needed to be honest with itself: he was bored, and he was distracting himself.
He sighed. No sense in stopping now.
Grabbing a small tool, he looked over the construct for points that needed a better seal. He grabbed a small bulb at the end of the tool, used for activating its alchemical reactions. He stopped short, distracted by a strangely pleasant smell that began wafting into his nostrils.
He sniffed the air a bit, trying to determine its source, but the answer came to him all too quickly. Several purple, glowing tentacles wrapped themselves around over his back, entwining and binding his arms. He gasped sharply, his yelp of shock silenced by another tentacle covering his mouth entirely. Heat flashed over his face as his reptilian eyes narrowed in panic.
Tomis's voice soothed and dilated the lizard-man's eyes.
“Hello Scales! Working late?” The Warlock queried, a smirk hidden from behind a wooden mask, “Is this another one of your sleepless nights?”
The tentacle at his mouth lifted, gently wrapping around Ken'pai's snout almost as if it were petting him. “Ssssleep?” He jested, “You don't ssseem to be partaking in it either...”
Another tendril grasped the bridge of Ken'pai's goggles, slowly lifting them off his head and placing them gently on the table. The others around his back wormed their way into his shirt, caressing his scales and sending a pulsing wave of shivers with every wriggling movement.
“Yes, well, that's because I'm here to bring you a cure!”
Even more tentacles reached lower on the lizard-man's body, with one caressing his slowly growing bulge, and two others snaked into his trousers, loosening and opening the front.
“Does this 'cure' involve my current restrained position?” His face grew flush from arousal. “...if so, I like it already!”
“Mmmm...” Tomis hummed contentedly, “...this, and much more!”
He slammed a hand down on the worktable next to Ken'pai, leering over his captive. The tentacles responded in kind, pulsing more intensely as the Warlock leaned in close to Ken'pai.
“Also...I don't intend to use my hands tonight!”
With that, he pushed off, away from the table and stood back, spreading his arms. The tentacles writhed with exceptional dexterity, quickly removing the Mechanist's shirt and pants, letting them drop to the floor of the workshop. Soon, they coursed all over Ken's body. They twisted around his arms and legs, pulsing up and down his inner thighs. More slid around his torso, sending a tingle across his chest and up his spine. Another spiraled its way around his tail, stimulating the sensitive scales there that Tomis had a fondness for biting.
Tomis raised a hand, and the tendrils around Ken's extremities lifted the reptile up off of his chair. The human grabbed it, pulling it behind himself to sit down, draping his arm around the back.
“You relaxed almost immediately, Scales! That was quick...what's wrong, lonely?”
Ken'pai moaned, struggling to pull the words from his brain. “W-well...you were gone for awhile...but I didn't expect you back ssso...”
“Soon? Heh, well to be honest things went smoother than expected.”
“Just got in tonight, actually, so I stopped by the workshop. Y'know...tradition!”
Ken'pai let out a mixture of a chuckle and an ecstatic shudder. “The 'welcome-back fuck'...wouldn't missss it for the world...”
“Well, I hope for both our sakes that you weren't too lonely. You're one of the few who can keep up with me, so you'd better deliver tonight...it was a long ride back.”
“I'll...do my...aaahhhh...”
Every tentacle pulsed at once, before sliding over each and every scale of the lizard-man's body. Tomis had said he wouldn't use his hands, but if he hadn't said that, Ken'pai may have already lost, overtaken by the rapture from his friend's power. Tomis wasn't actually touching him, no, but his magics made it feel like he was. He felt a tongue draping up his neck, rolling up behind his right horn. He smelled a combination of skin and musk from the tentacle that rested on his face, his tongue thirsting for Tomis' member. Tiny sparks emulated the biting of teeth on his scales...
He dared not close his eyes, lest the illusion become too real.
“For someone so cold-blooded, you sure heat up nice, Scales. I haven't really even touched you yet.”
Ken'pai knew he was already being toyed with, and was well accustomed to the human's manipulative charms. He focused on the sound of his voice, the way it hummed into his ears, his brain translating sounds into words, and into meaning. He imagined writing them down, and mused on the idea of doing so later, in reality.
Another tentacle slid to the underside of the base of his tail. He squirmed.
“Hmm...let's have a look,” Tomis suggested, resting his masked chin on one hand.
Ken's living bindings swirled from a focal point on the floor, slowly rotating the lizard-man's nude, suspended body until his underside was facing the Warlock. He leaned forward, elbow resting on his knee as he surveyed the situation.
The tentacle nudged the edges of Ken's hole, teasing it as the human often would.
“Right here, Ken?”
Everything came to a sudden stop, the tendrils becoming rigid and almost unfeeling.
“Focus!” The human commanded.
“Yesss! Right there! Right there, Tomisss! Pleasssse!” The reptile whined.
“That's what I thought.”
Like one of Ken's machines, everything slowly started up again, sensitive areas once again exploited for both their sake. Tomis was taking a much more active role now, turning his head to get better angles at one of his favorite performances. The writhing dance of a lizard-man at his mercy.
The tentacle writhed its way inside, forcing Ken'pai to cry out in pleasure. His back arched, thrusting his cock into the air like a towering piston, stabbing the empty air with each and every pulsing, wriggling push into his backside. He didn't know how Tomis did it, but it always felt like the real thing, no matter what his mind told itself. It pumped in and out, and he could almost feel the human's skin slapping against his rear.
Tomis smiled, sending one more tentacle around Ken's waist, coming to a stop just beneath his balls. It gently wound its way around them, twirling around his shaft once, then running along the underside of his dick. Its pulsations matched the rhythm of Ken's accelerating heartbeat as it rubbed up to the tip, curling up and over it. The tendril then rolled from side to side, and then front to back, driving Ken'pai mad as it played with the head. One more sudden flick, and the lizard-man's head snapped back.
His eyes closed. Tomis grunted in response, the sounds dissipating into echoes in Ken'pai's mind.
There you go, Scales...drift off. The Warlock's voice throbbed in Ken's head.
The illusion took hold. The world reconfigured itself like one of his constructs being re-purposed.
When the lizard-man's eyes opened again, the room around him was a dark, brownish, greyish blur. He had vague memories of his workshop, but the only thing he could see in crystal clarity was Tomis.
Naked. Mask-less.
Inside him.
Smiling. Grunting. Sweating. Thrusting. Pushing himself inside of Ken. Pulling Ken back onto him.
“Yeah, been awhile. Sorry about that. I missed you. I thought about you a lot while I was gone.”
The reptile grinned, the Warlock's promise of going hands-free clearly broken. He gave in to the pleasure, ignoring the haziness that clouded the edges of his vision as his friend pounded into his backside. He felt something push against his lips, and he flicked a forked, wanting tongue to invite it inside. Its taste shifted, forming into something...familiar. As he gazed up, he saw Tomis above him, grinning ear to ear, grinding against the roof of his mouth. He glanced behind the human, only to see that there was another Tomis, still grazing against the lizard-man's prostate.
“Always so...good at that Scales...” The Tomis at his mouth grunted.
Both Warlocks thrust harder and faster, Ken trying his best to keep up. His tongue instinctively lashed around the cock in his mouth, suckling as if he were lost in the desert, desperate for water.
Always the lusty lizard, eh Ken'pai? That's what I'm talking about!
Another nude Tomis coalesced to Ken'pai's right side, pushing his cock into the reptile's scaly hand. Ken stroked it just the way he knew Tomis liked, only slightly distracted by the dick in his mouth, pressing ever further into his throat. A fourth one emerged from the background, stroking his cock rapidly over the reptile's face, just below his eyes.
Then the voices started to overlap. No...not voices. Desires. Wants.
“So good...” “You're one-of-a-kind...” “Fuckin' hot, you're the fuckin' best...” “I need you...” “Take it...” “All I want...” “Getting me close...” “Someday, we'll...” “I'm gonna...” “Yeah, I'll tag along...” “Fuck yeah I'm close, Scales...” “Special...to me...” “Gonna fill you up...” “All over you...” “Drink it all...” “Gonna wash that face...”
In an almost eerie sense of unison, all four Warlocks gave loud, elated grunts. The cock in his mouth throbbed sharply, firing Tomis' seed deep into the back of his throat. As he used his tongue to milk every last drop, another load shot deep inside of his asshole, its warmth dripping out and onto the floor. Tomis pulled out of his mouth as Ken turned his head to face the Warlock masturbating over his face. Two more rounds of cum spilled onto him, one on his chest, and the final one over his snout, rolling down and dripping off of his chin.
The lizard-man broke, surrendering fully to the pleasure, grunted so loudly that Tomis thought he was almost in pain...almost. Ken'pai thrust his own cock into the air, letting loose a concentrated stream of semen that cleared at least a few feet before splattering onto his face, neck and chest, and even after it was all said and done, his member twitched for at least another minute or two.
Tomis looked at his tentacle-bound, vacant-minded friend, covered in sticky fluids, a forked tongue hanging limply out of the side of his mouth as he panted in rapture.
He whistled. “Ken'pai, you sure are full of surprises.”
Ken's mind cleared up a bit, finally leaving the fog behind and remembering the situation. His workshop...Tomis had snuck in and...the tentacles still held him fast. Once he shook the last bit of mist from his head, he started to ask himself why Tomis hadn't released him yet.
The Warlock moved in, his mask keeping the warmth of his breath to himself as he whispered.
“That's one. And no, you're not finished yet. You gotta give me at least a few more.”
“I...” Ken rasped, “I don't...know if I...can...”
“Ohh, of course you can. I know you can take it, I know your limits.”
“I don't...think even...I know my...”
“Ken, tell me...”
The tentacles writhed again, smearing their juices over his scales. His cock remained as rigid as ever, it's heightened, and almost painful, sensitivity driving him mad as the tendril resumed its playful flicking of the head. He gasped, almost choking on saliva and sputtering out a mild cough.
Tomis leaned closer.
“...how was he?”
“How was...who...?”
The smirk was once again obscured by a wooden mask.
“That...that crocodilian lizard-man we ran into. What as his name...?”
His memory was a haze. Ken had a very feint idea of who Tomis was talking about, but his name was just beyond his reach, past the ecstasy and the heat that throbbed in his head and coursed all throughout his body.
“Oh yeah!” The human snapped his fingers, “...I think his name was...”
He turned away from his toy, glancing back with a twinkle in his violet-tinged eyes.
Ken'pai's eyes widened as the entire world fell away from him.
His mind was in no state to resist the Warlock's power, magical or otherwise. Suggestion sparked off the neurons of his brain. It invaded its way deep within and entrenched itself.
Deep down, it was something Ken'pai really wanted, whether he knew it or not.
But Tomis clearly knew.
The scene's pieces and parts slid into place. Sand beneath his feet, a table in the center. A sturdy chair set against the walls of a tent, lanterns playfully casting shadows for all to see. Thick, scaly hands held Ken's wrists, as his legs rested on powerfully large thighs, a colossal member pushing up into the underside of his tail.
It was the smell that did most of the convincing. His mind didn't even try to tell him otherwise, the scent of the giant scaly body holding him was overwhelming his senses, pushing him to the edge with hardly a word or even a single movement.
Nakhti was here.
“Of course I'm here. I managed to run into you when those bandits attacked, but they weren't exactly what I would call true warriors. I'm glad you weren't hurt.”
“That...yeah...I remember, they...”
The crocodile's head lowered, pressing against Ken'pai's.
“I will always be there to protect you, Sient.”
“Of course...”
His hands moved to Ken'pai's waist as he slowly lifted the Mechanist, preparing to insert himself.
So how was he, Scales?
That voice again, pulsing through his mind.
Big...yeah, that's what I figured.
Tomis took a moment to admire his handiwork. The tentacles were doing a fine job of copying the sensations Ken was feeling in his euphoric daydream. A few wrapped around his legs and held him up,  acting like a “chair” for Ken's legs to straddle, as others held his waist, lifting him over a third tentacle. Realizing that one might not be close enough to simulate Nakhti's girth, Tomis summoned a second tentacle and had them tightly twist together, forming into one larger tendril.
“Hmm...you'll need something to do with your hands...”
The warlock removed his hooded cloak, leaving only the mask on his head. He stepped forward, standing directly in front of Ken'pai. The human held his hands behind his back, a way for him to make sure he kept his word.
Ken felt Nakhti's cock slowly press inside him.
“Hold on to me, Sient.”
The Mechanist wrapped his arms around the back of Nakhti's neck, oblivious to the fact that it was actually Tomis he was bracing onto. The Warlock's mask was only inches from his friend's face, a front-row seat to the painfully incredible pleasure that sent tremors through Ken'pai's body. At this close distance, Ken heard distinctions in the voices...they melded together into a strangely fitting aural phenomenon.
You fit me well, Scales. “You fit me well, Sient,” Nakhti comforted, pulling the lizard-man down the entire length.
The twisted tentacles writhed their way deep inside the lizard-man, matching the Warlock's heartbeat. Ken'pai panted for air, his breath huffing against Tomis' neck, bringing a wonderful sense of satisfaction to the human's ego. He smirked. The illusion was clearly so believable that, even this close up, Ken couldn't see his friend just inches from his face.
Ken'pai moaned, dipping his head forward and burying his snout in Nakhti's wide chest. That scent...that marvelously powerful, musky, masculine scent. It smelled like power and pleasure...of old leather, scales, and sex. Of command, control, and climax.
That's it... “That's it...”
Watching the lizard-man freely start to ride the tentacles, Tomis decided to have a bit more fun with his powers. Focusing his magics on the two tendrils inside of Ken'pai, he forced the two to split apart at the end, and start thrusting alternatively, brushing against his prostate over and over and over again.
“Ah...aaahh...! Nakh...it's...ssssso...” Ken groaned loudly.
That's it, Scales, let go! Do it!” “That's it, Sient, let go! Do it!”
Ken'pai shuddered again, firing another thick stream of cum back onto his own chest as the tentacles fired their own load deep inside his cavity. His body, along with everything around him pulsed, the edge of his vision becoming dark before he forced himself to blink, keeping him conscious in his current notion of reality.
“That's two now, Ken. You're doing pretty good. Just a bit more.”
Tomis channeled the tentacles to slowly lower Ken'pai onto his work table and brought them back, away from Ken, giving the reptile a moment to catch his breath. Nakhti's musk eventually drifted away into the desert air, the crocodilian fading from his mind. If he weren't so enraptured, Tomis wondered if Ken would shed a tear at the idea.
“By the way...” Tomis mused, “...I wonder how...Shir is doing?”
“Shir?!” Ken gasped.
In his weary state, Ken lay spread-eagle on the table in an almost pathetically lewd display as his mind brought the previous scene right back to him. He lay on the table in the center of the tent, as its flaps opened. A tan-scaled lizard-man entered, his snout covered by a scarf. He pulled down his trousers and pressed his entire body down against Ken's, hands grasping his wrists and keeping them pinned to the table as he leaned in close.
“Shir...I...missed you...”
“I missed you too, but I will always return, you know that.”
Shir pulled down the scarf, lovingly nibbling on Ken'pai's neck.
“I'll always be here...with you.”
“Even if the world should fall to nothing but a barren desert, we will walk its sands together, you and I...”
“Yeah...I'll be...with you...”
Shir pushed Ken'pai's legs apart, his dick entering him slowly, with gentle care for his lover. Teeth bit down on the Mechanist's neck once it had buried itself fully to the hilt. This time there was no pain to speak of, holding himself deep inside for a moment. He then pushed harder in an attempt to go deeper inside Ken than anybody had ever done before.
Tomis chuckled. “A bit more...loving with Shir, eh? I can do that.”
The tentacles holding Ken's wrists were joined by a larger mass of tentacles that tightly covered his torso, to simulate the weight of another lizard-man's body pressing down against his own. Tomis forced them to move all at once; slow, rolling motions that gave Ken'pai a feeling of closeness, comfort, and safety. Of companionship...and in a strange way...love.
“Shir...” Ken'pai moaned.
“I am with you, chinir.”
Shir pumped into Ken'pai, his speed building as their heartbeats began to match in rhythm with the thrusts. His tongue licked its way to Ken's mouth, the Mechanist reaching out to meet it with his own. They danced together, swapping saliva with each other as that familiar heat started to burn over Ken's scales once again. His cock throbbed, titillated by the feeling of Shir's body pressing it between his and Ken'pai's.
Tomis called back one of the tentacles around Ken's wrist, moving it down to his member instead, gently wrapping around it and stroking it in tandem with the one grinding into his hole.
“Me...too...chinir... I am close.”
“Yes...come. Come with me...we come together, chinir!”
“Yeah...yeah...Shir...you're so...aaahhh...!”
Another round of semen pumped from Ken's member, dribbling down onto his stomach. His legs had lost most of their feeling, and he could feel his arms falling just as heavy as the orgasm sapped him of all the strength he had. His chest rose and fell sharply, each breath never seeming like it was giving him enough air to recover his stamina. It was too much too quickly, and he felt his vision slipping into an inky black darkness...
That voice again. Piercing though and startling him awake.
Ken'pai...what do you really want?
“I...” he muttered, weakly.
Who do you really want?
“I don't...I can't think...I...”
A purple tendril slapped against his face.
“A...tentacle...I was in...my workshop, and then...Tomis...”
Reality finally started to claw its way back into Ken'pai's mind. The smell of machinery and oil flew through his nostrils and into his lungs. The sounds of crickets outside his window chimed in his ears. The feeling of being held aloft by Tomis' magics finally returned, as he found himself in the waking world once again.
Suspended by the tendrils, Ken'pai looked downward, seeing the Warlock seated on the couch that he kept in his workshop. Still wearing his wooden mask, Tomis was now stripped to the waist, his bare chest arousing the lizard-man to become erect one more time. His arms draped over the back, and his pants were unbuttoned, his cock on full display in the dim light of the workshop.
“Say it,” Tomis ordered.
“Say who you really want.”
“Oh...you. Of coursssse. It'sss alwaysss you.”
“Of course,” Tomis said, his grin obscured, “you gave me three already. I think you have one more in you...but now it's your turn to put in some work.”
The tentacles lowered Ken'pai to the cold floor of the workshop, finally releasing him completely. His legs felt like jelly, and visibly shook as he struggled to stand up straight. Despite this, he wasted no time in climbing onto the couch, straddling the Warlock and leering down on him with a toothy smile. This was what he really wanted, in the end. Just the two of them, no magic between them other than the heat of the moment.
“Let'ssss do this,” Ken'pai nodded.
“Get to work then,” Tomis commanded, “no hands, remember?”
“R-right...” Ken stuttered, forgetting about that small detail.
Wanting to match the Warlock's restrictions, Ken rested his hands on his thighs, lowering himself onto Tomis' cock and lining it up with his hole. He wiggled his hips, trying to get the point of entry just right, and also to tease the human a bit.
“Right there,” Tomis chimed in.
The lizard-man nodded. “Yeah.”
Ken sank down, moaning as the human's dick finally entered him. He'd been waiting for this the entire moment, and despite everything, it was still just as good as he expected it to be and more. He did admit, the tentacles were nice, but there was no mistaking the real thing, although Tomis' powers certainly blurred those lines rather well.
“Fuck yeah,” the human sighed.
There was no adjustment period needed now, and Ken'pai set to work, rocking back and forth on top of Tomis. He heaved out shaky breaths of pleasure, a small amount of drool rolling from the corner of his mouth.
Soon, Tomis started to get more into it himself, grasping the back of the couch and using it to brace himself. He thrust upward into the reptile, grunting much like Ken'pai had imagined earlier. He enjoyed watching the show, the Mechanist was certainly finding his own groove as his body bobbed up and down, picking up speed.
“Sssso good...”
Ken'pai leaned down, his snout pressed up against Tomis' mask. Using his teeth, he lifted it up until it was resting on top of the Warlock's head, but he didn't have much of a chance to see his face, as the human immediately leaned in and bit down hard into the lizard-man's neck. It was real. It was real this time. Real teeth biting into real scales as a real cock pressed against his real walls...
The reptile slammed down onto Tomis over and over again, skin and scales slapping together as the couch pitched and squeaked. Ken forced the Warlock to almost punch his prostate from the force he was exerting.
“Fuck yeah, Scales! Take that shit!”
Ken dug his nails into his thighs to keep his hands in place. After a few more seconds of pounding, Ken pressed down as far as he could, grinding on Tomis and letting his member explore every single area of his insides.
“I'm close...say it,” Tomis demanded.
“Close! Say it better!”
Another flick of his prostate drove him up to the edge himself.
“Fuck me...daddy! Fuck me!”
Like a piston shifting into a higher gear, Tomis pumped harder and harder into Ken'pai, his fingernails scratching into the back of the couch. His grunts started low, but their volume increased with each and every thrust, until finally he was almost shouting his pleasure into the lizard-man's ear.
“F...fuck!” Tomis shouted.
One final stab into Ken'pai's colon brought forth the culmination of the entire evening. Tomis' cock trembled and shook, it twitched before his seed exploded inside of Ken's hole, the excess drizzling out from the bottom.
The warmth reaching deep within pulled Ken off the edge himself. For a fourth time, Ken loosed his seed, this time onto Tomis' chest instead of his own. After the final throb of his cock, the lizard-man felt a sudden, intense shiver that rolled from the top of his head, down his spine, and all the way to the base of his tail. His tongue drooped out of his mouth, and he had a difficult time pulling himself off of Tomis, but managed somehow, rolling to the side and sitting next to the Warlock with an exhausted--and satisfied--look on his face.
“And that's...four. Damn, Scales...you did it. You broke your record!”
“Well...I had...a good...motivator...”
The Warlock leaned over, lapping up some of the juices from Ken's chest before rolling his tongue over the lizard-man's cock. Slurping what he could, he swallowed and licked his lips, lifting back up to meet his friend's gaze.
“That was good, Ken'pai. Good shit. You'd better get some rest though.”
Tomis gave a smirk. “Because tomorrow, you'd better believe I'm going to use my hands.”
Ken'pai grinned from ear to ear, his head falling back against the couch. Tomis stood up, scooping his shirt off the ground and moving to collect the rest of his belongings.
“That tired even me out, Scales...I'd better head to bed.”
Tomis heard the reptile's voice trail off and glanced back, and sure enough, Ken'pai's eyes were closed, his breathing deep and natural.
He waved his hand in front of the Mechanist's face.
The lizard-man was well and truly out like a light, snoring gently.
Glancing around, Tomis caught sight of a nearby blanket. He seized it with his left hand, pulling it up and draping over Ken'pai's naked body, making sure to cover him as best as he could.
“I guess...one hand is okay,” he nodded, before leaving Ken'pai's workshop for the night.
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