#zoe zane fashion
imzobit · 5 months
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petnews2day · 1 month
Doja Cat Brings Glass of Wine & Suitcase to Daily Front Row Fashion Awards, Honors Stylist Brett Alan Nelson | Amelia Gray, Andrew Matarazzo, Ari Fournier, Brooks Nader, Charly Jordan, Chloe Lukasiak, Cole Sprouse, Delilah Belle, Doja Cat, Elsa Hosk, Emma Brooks, George Kotsiopoulos, Harry Hamlin, Hart Denton, Henry Eikenberry, Jasmine Tookes, Jennifer Garner, Kara Del Toro, Kris Jenner, Law Roach, Lisa Rinna, Marta Pozzan, Molly Sims, Nolan Gerard Funk, Paige DeSorbo, Rachel Zoe, Sandra Lee, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Stella Maxwell, Zane Phillips | Just Jared: Celebrity News and Gossip
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/KLr6Y
Doja Cat Brings Glass of Wine & Suitcase to Daily Front Row Fashion Awards, Honors Stylist Brett Alan Nelson | Amelia Gray, Andrew Matarazzo, Ari Fournier, Brooks Nader, Charly Jordan, Chloe Lukasiak, Cole Sprouse, Delilah Belle, Doja Cat, Elsa Hosk, Emma Brooks, George Kotsiopoulos, Harry Hamlin, Hart Denton, Henry Eikenberry, Jasmine Tookes, Jennifer Garner, Kara Del Toro, Kris Jenner, Law Roach, Lisa Rinna, Marta Pozzan, Molly Sims, Nolan Gerard Funk, Paige DeSorbo, Rachel Zoe, Sandra Lee, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Stella Maxwell, Zane Phillips | Just Jared: Celebrity News and Gossip
Doja Cat wears lingerie and a fur coat while hitting the red carpet at the 2024 Daily Front Row’s Fashion Los Angeles Awards held at The Beverly Hills Hotel on Sunday (April 28) in Beverly Hills, Calif. The 28-year-old rapper was on hand to help honor her stylist Brett Alan Nelson as Music Stylist of […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/KLr6Y #CatsNews
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checkoutmybookshelf · 3 months
Little Town, It's a Shifter Village
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I'm not sure what it is about old New England towns that literally predate the US, but they're often where tbe weird stuff happens. In the case of Virtue--a little town in upstate New York--the weird stuff is that it's a shifter sanctuary, which makes the town even more insular and uncommunicative with the rest if the world than even somewhere like Stars Hollow. Most people stay in Virtue their whole lives...but Zane Bellamy didn't. He had to come back to Virtue to meet his fated mate. Let's talk Wear Wolf.
This is your SPOILER WARNING, people. There are SPOILERS below the break.
The circumstances of a meet cute can range wildly, from a random happenstance coffee shop meet to something absolutely improbable like getting kidnapped by pirates. Somehow, Zane and Victoria manage to meet under just the wildest circumstances. Victoria is a long-term substitute teacher who has a year-long contract in Virtue. Her students talk her into entering a contest for a custom coture dress, and her win brings Zane back to his hometown. But that's just the SETUP for the meet cute. The actual meet cute is Victoria goig headfirst out a bathroom window to avoid the press (literally cannot blame her for that one) and Zane diving underneath her so she doesn't break her neck on the concrete. It's actually super cute and awkward.
And of course thats where the fated mate bond clicks in for Zane. The interesting twist, however, is that Zane has face blindness-- or prosopagnosia, for those of you wanting the SAT word. Zane doesn't see and click.with faces, so it more or less doesn't matter what Victoria looks like. What he does see though, is fashion. Partly because Zane is a world-famous designer, and partly because it's how he copes with and manages the ace blindness. So it takes him less than a second to clock Victoria's "everyday cosplay," which was honestly delightful in the context of their first spicy scene and jut a lovely little marriage of character quirks. It's not a secret that shifter romances--and particularly those shifter romances written under the Zoe Chant name--are meant to be sweet, fluffy, cozy, and spicy, without too terribly much in the way of depth. But even with those genre expectations, Murphy Lawless manages to do small, clever character things like this that give me just a little bit more to hold onto.
Like, yes of COURSE the fashion designer is going to clock the first grade teacher's subtle-enough-to-pass-muster-at-an-elementary-school sexy secretary and sexy librarian cosplays. And yes of course nobody else in said first-grade teacher's life is going to notice because humanity at large is bad at nuance (and also, let's be real: the US in particular would absolutely crucify [loaded word choice is intentional] any teacher for something like that if it wasn't kept 100000000% private). So to have these two beautifully complimentary character traits mesh just reinforces the fated mates thing and goes a long way towards feeling like yes, actually, even if there wasn't a shifter and a fated mate involved, these two characters have a reason they would work well together.
The other really lovely thing that this book does that I don't think I've seen in shifter romances before is that it codifies LGBTQIA fated mates. Dion and Aaron aren't a main couple by any stretch of the imagination, but they're there, they're gay, and they are absolutely adorable fated mates. Now we just need a book where the LGBTQIA couple is the main couple. I'm...fairly sure these exist and I just haven't found them yet? I hope these exist?
Overall, this was a delightful read, and I was over here kicking my feet and screeching "WHAT" at the book when the paparazzi pictures of Zane and a younger woman popped up. I think I literally yelled "THERE IS NOT ENOUGH BOOK LEFT FOR THIS" but it turned out there was, and it was adorable. I highly recommend Murphy Lawless (both as Lawless and as Zoe Chant) if you need a cozy shifter romance read.
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ohfiendangelical · 2 years
the hollywood elite, a non-exhaustive list of entertainment industry npcs by shelby bree. 
use 'em, reference 'em, tell me all about it! the following are a collection of industry npcs i'm comfortable with anyone featuring in their own worldbuilding at will.
annalise duvoir  /     a french filmmaker/director with a fascination with fairy tales and the classic gothic. creates rich, sensual films with lush imagery, often period pieces with elements of horror and surreal fantasy. known for an eternally-in-progress series of films known as 'the folklore sequence', which are faithfully horror-tinged retellings of classic fairy tales and folktales.
zane crestridge  /     a record producer and ceo of monstrosity records, a cutting-edge label for innovative, creative musicians of all genres. a superstar of independent, diy, punk sentiment, supportive and nurturing of artistic freedom, but also willing to push artists for creative (and lucrative) breakthroughs. 
bruno kaneko  /     a multimedia artist-turned-filmmaker whose works explore countercultures of all types and the lgbt+ experience. a modern new-wave pioneer with bold, daring, and sometimes polarizing/shocking vision. known for being a pleasure to work with despite his sometimes very strange artistic process.
mckenna lance  /     a haute-couture fashion designer with a fanciful, artistic eye. a perfectionist whose reputation always precedes her and a well-known work motto of ‘no compromises.’ when not creating designs for the runway or exclusives for events, she will occasionally lend her talent to films, music videos, and magazine editorials, but only ones she handpicks - and being deemed worthy is a compliment of the highest stature. 
a.j. mack  /       an eccentric musician and producer with a good reputation on the surface, but a scumbag beneath. known as “difficult to work with, but worth it,” though the people who collaborate with him find out that the success and acclaim is not, in fact, worth the trauma. uses threats of mob and gang connections to keep victims silent.
perry jade  /     a filmmaker and writer who specializes in television with connections to both hbo and netflix. known for jumping genres at will and doing whatever he wants, with everything he touches turning to gold, even strange, unpromising premises. working with him practically guarantees critical acclaim; he is much sought-after.
zoe orleans  /     a genre-bending musician, producer, and transgender activist who works in independent pop/electronic music. beloved by internet culture fanatics and art obsessives for the arty and obscure references in her work, her output is love-it-or-hate-it but the artistry cannot be denied. (think of a figure similar to grimes, but without the technofascism and an aesthetic that constantly varies from album to album as opposed to being scifi-based.)
miranda jones  /     a showrunner and occasional filmmaker who deals in b-list television for young adults, teens, and your cousin or mom with bad taste, often for the cw or netflix. reliant on the rabid fans that pop up around her shows, but highly resentful of these fanbases. cancelled for queerbaiting on her shows twice a week. highly successful despite the trashy quality of her work. tumblr loves to hate her and hates to love her.
not quite blacklisted! the following are industry npcs i am open to exploring with or maybe even lending to others, but require special permissions and plotting. 
angelo amerigo  /     a highly secretive, artful filmmaker and producer whose cult of personality is just as strong as his horror-based work. creator and owner of morbidmasque pictures, a production/distribution company created to put out his works (and the works of others he finds promising) with minimal industry interference. strongly dedicated to his art and willing to do anything for it, even bending and breaking the laws of ethics and morality if he sees fit. 
the libertines, aka les excentriques  /     a collective of three los angeles counterculture diy artists: dorian 'puck', faye 'nyx', and dominic 'manticore.' well known on the hollywood scene for their unique, occult-influenced parties, they use their connections and acclaim to nurture their art. dorian is a multimedia artist, ranging from painting to photography to independent filmmaking; dominic is a poet and a creative stylist; faye is a model, set designer, and writer (often for pagan counterculture magazines).
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austinelsons · 4 years
𝚆𝙷𝙾: austin nelson and @crhqstarters​ 𝚆𝙷𝙴𝙽: tuesday night, september 8th. 𝚆𝙷𝙴𝚁𝙴: the view
TRUTH BE TOLD, AUSTIN WASN’T THE BIGGEST FOOTBALL FAN. but he had zoe to root for on the sidelines and before his injury, he was gladly whooping for zane out on the field. without zane out there it felt kind of lame, but he turned up along with the rest of the school and showed his titan pride. it was after the football games when things got fun. austin was about seventy percent certain his dad would kick his ass if he knew he was out post game indulging in a drink or two on a school night. but what richard didn’t know about what austin was getting up to wouldn’t hurt him. from what he’d heard, his dad was kind of a menace himself in high school when it came to these events. the view was pretty desolate for a tuesday night beyond the select people who’d been asked either by himself, or zoe, or whoever to join them up at there. it was dark, but cloudy, so most of the light came from either cellphone flashlights or headlights while someone’s vehicle blared music. by no means was anyone wasted, but celebratory drinks and joints were being passed about in typical lima fashion. as he weaved his way through the darkness from one conversation near a vehicle trunk to the next, he stumbled. whether it be austin catching his foot on a rock or the passerby ‘accidentally’ bumping his elbow, it sent the contents of his red solo cup spilling onto both himself and the other, “nice going.” he scoffed, “care to fucking watch it next time?”
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ebookups · 4 years
Our most loved romance authors
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Fans of romance may agree with us that these three authors could quite possibly be the most loved writers today.
Susan Stoker
Susan Stoker’s series are famous for adapting the classic damsel-in-distress scenario to the modern day. Her heroines are victims of spousal violence, sex trafficking, terrorism, you name it — but there’s always a valiant hero there to save the day. And while it might seem to contradict the rules of feminism for the men to be constantly rescuing the women, we’re actually grateful for a series that promotes men protecting their partners, when so many romances blur the line between abuse and love.
Must-read: Rescuing Rayne (Delta Force Heroes #1)
As a flight attendant, Rayne Jackson’s whole life is up in the air — with the exception of the occasional down-to-earth tryst. One particularly memorable night was with Keane “Ghost” Bryson, a rugged, reticent Delta Force member. Of course, Rayne doesn’t know that, since Ghost kept his true identity hidden from her. But when their paths cross again under the most dire of circumstances, Ghost must put everything on the line to protect Rayne: not just his secrets, but his life.
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Lauren Willig
The final historical romancer on our list, Lauren Willig has been writing since 2005. Her speciality is the Napoleonic era, and her works take particular inspiration from The Scarlet Pimpernel — another historical novel written by a woman almost exactly a century before Willig herself started writing. However, don’t worry about her work being derivative. Willig is most definitely one of a kind, and the rich history and complex characters in her books make for top-notch romance.
Must-read: The Secret History of the Pink Carnation
With a frame narrative reminiscent of Susanna Kearsley, Willig tells this story through Eloise Kelly: a 21st-century American college student who goes to England to finish her dissertation. There she finds much more than academic motivation in the form of the “Secret History of the Pink Carnation” — a book about England’s most cunning spy during the Napoleonic Wars, and the thrilling romance that involved them.
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We’ll round off this list with some good old-fashioned… erotica! Zane has been a prominent author in the erotic romance subgenre since 1997, when she started writing steamy stories for her own entertainment. Over two decades later, she’s now the publisher of Strebor Books with Simon & Schuster, and her works have been turned into a TV series and even a feature film.
Must-read: Addicted
Zoe Reynard is a successful businesswoman, a loving wife, a devoted mother… and a sex addict. No matter how she’s tried, she’s never been able to shake her “fatal attraction.” Now, as Zoe confesses to her therapist, she delves into her sizzling sexual history and dark childhood. But her romance with her husband is still front and center — hence what makes this a genuinely gorgeous work and not just a salacious romp (though it has that going for it, too).
For lots more love and romance, check out www.ebookups.com.
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silverncrimson · 4 years
The Atonement of a Daughter
( s e l f   p a r a }
May 10, 2020 / Mother’s Day 10:30pm Cemetery
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It was eerily quiet that night. And it would have been creepy under any other circumstances, given the location, but at this very moment Diamond wasn’t afraid. She couldn’t muster that particular emotion at this time as her entire being was already overwhelmingly flooded with another. 
That of sorrow...or remorse. Either worked, really.
She had stopped by the cemetery once already that day to visit her mother’s grave, but she’d been with her brother and sister the first time around and while she’d readily agreed to go with them...it had honestly been something she’d wanted to do on her own. It was the first time she’d actually come to visit since her mother was brutally killed all those months ago - and before today, she hadn’t been able to bring herself to go. To see the place where her mother was buried, put to rest for eternity, forever. Going with Marcel and Logan earlier in the day had been tough, to say the least, but she hadn’t been able to fully express herself like she’d wanted to - she hadn’t wanted to break down in front of her older siblings. They’d likely seen her cry enough as it was, and it was clear that they had needed this visit just as much as she did, and she hadn’t wanted to ruin it for them by breaking down completely.
But now here she was, kneeling in front of her mother’s tombstone, the flowers she and other two had brought earlier laid out around her. Diamond’s head was bent, chin all but touching her protruding collarbone, and her eyes were closed as she sobbed her heart out, the only sound present in the cemetery currently. Her chest heaving violently as she gasped through her tears...finally, after all these months, allowing herself to properly grieve. 
“Mama,” she choked out watery, sounding remarkably like the young, wounded child that she was, despite her age of twenty-one. She reached out to lovingly caress the grass beneath her - it was the closest she’d get to touching her mother ever again, and acknowledging that broke her heart into a million pieces all over again. “Oh, mama...I m-miss you so - so much. Just...So much. We all do - all of us - Uncle Zane, Uncle Billie, S-Sloan, Zoe, Marcel, Alex and Logan...and m-me...Just, all of us,” she cried, unabashedly letting the tears run down her face in a heavy, steady stream and onto the soil below. “It’s been so hard without you...We’ve all been so lost...”
Opening her eyes, which glistened in the darkness of the night with her tears, her hazel eyes took in the words on the tombstone, from her mother’s name and date of birth...to her date of death...
She quickly snapped her eyes shut again with a wet-sounding grasp, and her mind was quick to flash back to the night that her mother was murdered brutally before her eyes. Before her family’s eyes. The shock that had gone through her body as it registered in her brain what had happened; the scream that had tore itself from her throat. The pandemonium that ensued around her...
And then her mind starting flashing through all the memories she had of her mother, inconveniently skipping through all the good stuff, and going right into the bad ones - the far less happier times. When it was just her and her mother in the house. Her other siblings had all moved out by then, and as the youngest, she’d been left with Zaeliana...and the two constantly butted heads. They’d had several heated arguments to be sure, mostly over Diamond’s future and her academics. Diamond had been a highly intellectual child, and had even skipped several grades in her elementary years, and so her school work always came first. She took pride in being smart, despite the severe bullying she’d underwent in her classes. Her mother had been very proud of her youngest daughter’s excellence, as well; so proud, in fact, that she pushed and pushed Dime to be even better, to be the best, unknowing that it was doing nothing but embittering the teenager. It was study, study and study some more, and even for a genius child, it was too much. And yet Diamond had done everything her mother had asked of her, out of love and respect...up until the prospect of modeling came about and that was where the two really butted heads.
At the very reminder of all the words said between mother and daughter, Diamond flinched in guilt and gave another choked sob, bowing so that her forehead touched the grass. She repeated ‘I’m sorry,’ over and over into the dampening soil beneath her, guilt eating away at her heart as she remembered being so mad at her mother for refusing to hear her out, that she’d screamed ‘I wish you were dead!’ at the top of her lungs, and the look of shock and hurt on her mother’s face that followed. Still to this day, those words haunted Diamond. Especially now that her mother really was dead. After all, it had been so unlike Diamond, saying something so spiteful and terrible. She had never before raised her voice so loudly or so hatefully at anyone like that ever before, and never since. Of course, the resentment for her mother still lingered back then, up until Diamond actually left the family estate at 18 and headed to college, where she rebelled against her mother full force, by running off and becoming a model anyways. Even keeping it secret for over a year, before she’d come clean to the family.
To say that her mother hadn’t been happy about the news would have been an understatement, but looking back now, Diamond knew that her mother had only been concerned for her; after all, the fashion industry was a harsh one, and the thought of Diamond wasting all of her amazing potential on a dream that might not happen, or happen briefly but come crashing down, worried her. And while Zaeliana had come around in the end, even showing up at her runway shows in New York on occasion, the tension had always remained between them...mostly on Diamond’s end.
Biting at her wet, tear-soaked lips, Diamond’s entire being shook as she wept her remorse over her mother’s cold grave. “I’ve been s-so unbelievably ungrateful to you all th-these years, even resented you, for trying to control my life, or what I perceived as you trying to be controlling...I t-took you and your guidance for g-granted and and I’m so sorry, Mama. I’m sorry I was such a spoiled brat, and - and so quick and eager to leave you the second I got the chance, and I’m sorry I ignored you for so long after I moved out. Deceiving you...and I’m sorry that I lied to you, that I’m still lying to everyone else about everything...and I’m sorry I’ve avoided coming around to visit you for so long...I’m so sorry!”
It was an atonement of her guilt that she had desperately needed to make since January, but she’d been unable to. Every time she’d thought to come and visit her mother’s grave, she’d instead go out and party, drowning herself in drugs, alcohol and sex, to help numb the pain that was always there these days. Too painful for her to face. 
She was - is - a terrible daughter. Sister. Niece.
Person. A terrible, terrible person.
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“Y-You...you were right to worry about me,” her breath came quick and erratic, her wet face glinting in the moonlight from where it’s still firmly pressed to the grass. She shakily situated herself so that she was laying, fetal position, curled atop the now healed mound of dirt and grass that had been moved in order to place her mother six feet under it, before being put back. The smell of earth filled her lungs as she tearfully confessed, “I love my job and I wouldn’t trade it for anything, but...I’m not okay, mama. I’m not and I haven’t been for a very long time...I’m a mess. I’ve made such a mess of everything.” Perhaps that was a little exaggerated, in retrospect, as not everything in her life was affected by her drug addiction or her alcoholic tendencies, or the fact that she was practically starving herself, despite her family always mentioning food at every damn turn, like they knew she wasn’t eating or something. It’s nearly impossible to avoid food when with them, and honestly, that was one of the only reasons she hated being around them so much. It always made her anxiety skyrocket, and now that she has agreed to move in with Logan...It was going to be a nightmare. As much as she absolutely loved her sister, the fact remained that Diamond had no desire whatsoever to eat anything, and Logan loved to cook...It was going to be hell. Because seriously, how the fuck was she going to be able to hide anything from Logan now?
So yes, while her plethora of problems didn’t affect everything in her life (just yet), the fact remains that her family had no idea about any of it, or at least, the scope of it. Sure, she often hung out with Marcel and Logan at the nightclubs, or ran into them, but..they hadn’t exactly seen Diamond at her worst. They’d seen her drunk, and even high, but who wasn’t one or either of those things at Genesis or Eden? They didn’t know how bad it really was for her.
And honestly? That elated and made her feel like absolute shit, in equal measure. Glad that they didn’t know the severity of her addictions or eating and Bipolar disorder - that the Diamond they saw was the one she wanted them to see; the put-together baby Washington who liked to have fun and who was always super happy; the one who swore up and down to their faces that she was still taking her meds every day; the one who had a promising and rapidly rising career ahead of her. When in fact, reality was far harsher. Her life wasn’t all about haute couture and glitter, and fancy heels like she pretended it was. It was a bit darker than all that, and she said nothing to make her family believe otherwise. She didn’t want them to be ashamed of her, or outright disgusted of her for her piss poor decisions.
At the very thought of her family hating her, she gave a loud whimper that sounded a great deal like that of a wounded animal, and she reached up to grasp at her chest, where the pain was nearly cripplingly. The thought of losing any more of her family was a painful one - whether it was from death or by her own folly, it didn’t matter. Them hating her was a constant thought and fear that did nothing for her often overwhelming depression, which just so happened to feed off those types of thoughts.
“What if they hate me?” she shuttered into the ground, thin body wracked with anxious sobs, “What if - Mama, what if they’re so ashamed of me that they just...th-throw me in rehab and forget about me?” She couldn’t be abandoned by her family...that would break her. She already lost her mother, and it hurt too fucking much, knowing that her family suffered the loss of such a great woman. But to lose the others as well...it was unthinkable.
Of course, deep down passed all of her overwhelming anxieties and self-doubt and her immense shame, Diamond knew her family would never desert her. That they loved her with every fiber of their being. But of course, her mind was a dark, dark place most days and that knowledge was rarely, if ever, acknowledged upon.
Finally, after was seemed like hours but in reality had only been a half-hour at best, the young model began to feel the sorrow that had been burdening her heart for so long begin to lift, and her sobs soon turned to hiccups, and quieter gasps of air. Her tears kept coming, but she knew it would be a long, long time yet before those went away. Pushing herself up into a kneeling position once more, with her long legs coming to fold underneath her, she was able to breathe a little easier, her guilt feeling lesser than it had when she’d first collapsed onto the grave. That said, Diamond was now beginning to become a little more aware of her surroundings and realizing just how late it was, and how...cold she felt. And how utterly stupid she was for being out this late by herself. She’d left the dinner party at the estate early, claiming she needed to go back to her now old apartment to pick up a few things she’d forgotten to pack up. It was a terrible excuse, but being inside the Washington estate again after so long, and without her mother there with them all, had been great but also way too emotionally overwhelming. She couldn’t stay there any longer. Instead of going to the apartment, though, she’d detoured a bit back to the cemetery, to visit her mother. Just one-on-one.
It was stupid, being out so late at night - especially by herself - but she hadn’t cared at the time. Now, as the chilly Chicago breeze picked up and rustled the leaves of the trees nearby, the creepiness of the night began to set in. She now remembered, some weeks ago, promising Marcel and Logan to never come to the cemetery by herself again...whoops. That was definitely a promise broken, not that she was going to be telling them about it. This visit would be strictly kept between her and her mother only.
After wiping at her sopping face with the sleeve of her over-sized sweater, she brought her hand to her lips before reaching down and pressing it solemnly to the ground, right where she imagined her mother’s head would be, “I love you so much, Mama, and I miss you every damn day you’re not here with me - us...I promise you, I’ll come by and visit more often, okay? We’ll have more talks, and I’ll tell you everything that you’re missing - the not-so-great stuff, but especially the good stuff.” Again wiping at her leaking eyes, Diamond slowly got to her feet, brushing off the dirt that had gotten on her bare knees as they dug into the ground. With a brief, wan smile, she blew the grave site a kiss and gave it a wave, “Goodnight - I love you,” she said in finality, before reluctantly turning away and walking back the way she’d come, now more than ever eager to get home.
To crawl into bed, and maybe - just maybe - cry some more to herself until she was actually able to fall asleep.
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tabloidtoc · 5 years
Star, April 15
Cover: Paris Jackson tells all 
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Page 1: Jennifer Lopez’s heartbreak -- Alex Rodriguez cheated with Zoe Gregory, aka Robbin Banx 
Page 2: Contents, Duchess Kate Middleton
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Page 4: Justin Bieber taking a break from making music to deal with his mental health issues 
Page 5: Brad Pitt tried to bond with Ad Astra costar Tommy Lee Jones but got the cold shoulder, Melissa McCarthy makes sure that her daughters with Ben Falcone have a normal upbringing without excess, Emilia Clarke is Game of Thrones costar Kit Harington’s sober coach
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Page 6: Courteney Cox’s private pain about the many IVF attempts and lost pregnancies she endured before she and ex-husband David Arquette had daughter Coco, inside Mariah Carey’s tantalizing tell-all, Spot the Stars -- Cuba Gooding Jr.,J. Cole, Matthew Morrison, Pharrell, Isla Fisher and Jay-Z and Tina Knowles and Angela Bassett and Sacha Baron Cohen, Tamron Hall and Carla Hall 
Page 7: Fame with A.J. Benza -- Amy Schumer is twisting the truth about her husband being on the autism spectrum to make her jokes work, Kanye West scamming celebs at his Sunday services, Kate Beckinsale deleted her Instagram account because of all of the mean Ariana Grande trolls who blame Kate for Ariana’s split from Pete Davidson 
Page 8: Star Shots -- Christie Brinkley and Ashley Graham, Jaimie Alexander on the set of Blindspot after tearing her ACL and MCL, Rachel Weisz and Daniel Craig with their baby daughter and Rachel’s son Henry
Page 9: Nicole Kidman and Noah Jupe on the set of The Undoing, Keri Russell 
Page 10: Hilary Duff and Matthew Koma and daughter Banks, Maya Rudolph at Disneyland, Elle Fanning soaking up the sun in Miami with a mystery man 
Page 12: Kids’ Choice Awards -- JoJo Siwa, Chris Pratt gets slimed, Jason Sudeikis 
Page 13: Joey King, Candace Cameron Bure and Jodie Sweetin, Jennifer Hudson, Will Smith 
Page 14: Nick and Kevin and Joe Jonas channeled Miami Vice while filming a music video, Lucy Hale shot scenes with costar Zane Holtz on the set of Katy Keene
Page 15: Jessie James Decker, Nicole Scherzinger 
Page 18: Fergie, Prince Charles
Page 19: Rita Ora, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Kiefer Sutherland films a video for his new song Something You Love 
Page 20: Normal or Not? Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb, Molly Sims 
Page 21: Arnold Schwarzenegger,  Natalie Portman and daughter Amalia, Denise Richards 
Page 22: Fashion -- Best of the Week -- Lupita Nyong’o 
Page 24: Hot Sheet 
Page 26: Jenna Dewan and Steve Kazee ready to marry 
Page 28: Rosie O’Donnell upset Elisabeth Hasselbeck when she confessed she had a crush on her, Alanis Morissette’s surprise pregnancy at age 44, Love Bites -- Christina Anstead is expecting her first child with husband Ant Anstead, Nikki Bella and Artem Chigvintsev are dating, Rob Kardashian and ex Blac Chyna have a wonderful relationship, Daphne Oz is expecting a girl, Sophie Turner admitted she’s experimented with women 
Page 30: Cover Story -- Paris Jackson -- my side of the story 
Page 34: Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman will cash in on being busted in the college admissions scandal with a television special 
Page 36: Wendy Williams’ dark past 
Page 38: What celeb’s go-to selfies say about them -- Ariana Grande, Kylie Jenner, Darren Criss 
Page 39: Lea Michele, Nick Jonas, Demi Lovato, Zac Efron 
Page 40: Burning Questions -- For the first time in WWE history the main event at WrestleMania 35 will be a women’s match, Mel B admits to a tryst with Geri Halliwell
Page 41: Cardi B admitted to robbing men, Phaedra Parks’ ex husband Apollo Nida is getting out of jail a year early, Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg reenact Titanic’s iconic flying scene to promote the upcoming season of Martha & Snoop’s Potluck Party Challenge 
Page 42: Wicked Whispers -- Kathie Lee Gifford is in a pit of despair, home sellers caught Scott Disick slamming the family’s cherished framed photographs and art work while touring their multimillion-dollar Calabasas mansion, Vanessa Lachey, Mandy Moore, Lady Gaga sang Madonna songs at a karaoke marathon at a pal’s exclusive Hollywood Hills bash 
Page 43: Sharon Osbourne orders industrial-cleaning pros to her mansion at least 3 times a week because her husband Ozzy Osbourne leaves the place a heavy-duty disaster, Blind Item 
Page 44: Double Takes -- Karlie Kloss vs. Romee Strijd 
Page 45: Melissa Saint-Amand vs. Rumer Willis 
Page 46: Style -- rain wear -- Yara Shahidi 
Page 48: Karlie Kloss 
Page 52: Entertainment -- Double Shot at Love with DJ Pauly D and Vinny 
Page 53: 2019′s Sharon Tate and Manson movies, Q&A with Erika Girardi of RHOBH 
Page 62: Parting Shot -- Mandy Moore’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame ceremony with Sterling K. Brown and Justin Hartley 
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locktobre · 6 years
could you make a list of barbie characters' last names/surnames you came up with, please?
There’s a ton of them so I guess I’ll just go by movie? I don’t have them for every character (some characters I don’t think about that much or haven’t gotten around to) but I guess I do have most of them
This took me like an hour to put together so I hope you’re happy askdjndg
Eric Lovelace
(Hansel & Gretel) Kane (gingerbread boy and peppermint girl)
Wilhelm, Rapunzel Beaumont
Frederick, Stefan, Tommy, Katrina, Lorena, Melody Von Brandt
Swan Lake
Marie, Odette Fournier
Daniel von Sommerstern
Princess and the Pauper
Genevieve, Anneliese Beaumont
Dominick Von Brandt
Julian Bauer
Erika Schneider
Nick & Nack Schumacher
Bertie Marchand
Elina Fairchild
Dandelion Cottonwood
Dahlia Elwood
Laverna (& Lucinda) Fairbairn
Nalu Kai
Linden Summerfield
Magic of Pegasus
Brietta, Annika Morgenstern
Aidan McGowan
Barbie Diaries
Courtney Frye
Dawn Smith
Kevin Chapman
Raquelle Adams
Regan George
Tia Hall
Todd White
12 Dancing Princesses
Tanzer (the royal family)
Derek Schumacher
Island Princess
Peter, Danielle, Antonio, Rita, Gina, Sofia Miranda
Marissa, Rosella Rosales 
Ariana, Luciana Sternberg 
Diamond Castle
Ian & Jeremy Stafford
Christmas Carol
Freddy Stahlbaum
Evan, Vanessa, Makena Gardner
Ashlynn Oglethorpe-Portokalos
Violet Stewart
Myron O’Hare
Mermaid Tale
Hadley Summers
Calissa, Eris Pelagia
Fashion Fairytale
Marie-Alecia “Alice” Delacour
Delphine Leroux
Jacqueline DeVille
Raquelle Blair
Fairy Secret
Graciella Valentino
Zane Farfalla
Princess Charm School
Isabella, Reginald, Sophia Belvedere
Nicholas Lachance
Portia Sommerlund 
Princess and the Popstar
Frederic, Tori, Meredith, Trevi Renée
Amelia Billingsworth (her married name)
Rupert Oxford
Keira Taylor
Liam Fiore
Emily Lavigne
Nora Morozov
Pink Shoes
Natasha & Katerina Volkoff
Hailey Stahlbaum
Vera, Siegfried Rosales* (subject to change, depending on headcanons)
Albrecht Lovelace* (subject to change, depending on headcanons)
Hilarion Wildgrube
Pony Tale
Jonas Pennington
Pearl Princess
Nereus, Lorelei, Lumina Luna (the royal family)
Caligo, Fergis Pelagia
Delphin Marina (the royal family)
Cora Sands
Secret Door
Adrienne, Terrance, Alexa Faust
Kieran Tanzer
Romy Sharon
Nori, Nola Flutterby (I hc them as half-sisters)
Princess Power
Wiggins (the royal family)
Drake Dunbar (Baron von Ravendale)
Madison & Makayla Marvin
Rock ‘N Royals
Anne Dunbar
Courtney Sommerlund
Genevieve Corcoran
Aubray van Horne
Edmund Winthrop
Olivia Lachance
Rayna Duquesne
Zia Bellamy
Marcus Drummond
Sloane Levin
Stevie Morozov
Chadwick Chevalier
Reginald Rutledge
Spy Squad
Lazslo Marvin
Patricia Dubrovna
Zoe Oxford
Renee Peterson
Star Light Adventure
Constantine Woolsey
Barbie Shepard
Sheena & Kareena Innumera
Puppy Chase
Gretchen Roach (modern/interpretive dance girl)
Leilani Groves (fire dance girl)
Lindsay Gordon
Maggie Devlin (Irish step girl)
Dolphin Magic
Isla Beckett
Marlo Majors* (subject to change, depending on headcanons)
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tasksweekly · 7 years
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There’s a masterlist below compiled of over 160+ Greek faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever character or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Betty White (95) 50% English, and some Welsh 25% Danish 25% Greek - actress and comedian.
Olympia Dukakis (86) Greek - actress.
Rika Dialina (86) Greek - actress and beauty queen.
Mary Chronopoulou (84) Greek - actress.
Xenia Kalogeropoulou (81) Greek - actress.
Marinella (79) Greek - singer.
Patricia Field (75) Armenian / Greek - designer, stylist and fashion designer.
Martha Karagianni (77) Greek - actress.
Agnes Baltsa (72) Greek - singer.
Anna Panayiotopoulou (70) Greek - actress.
Katiana Balanika (68) Greek - actress and singer.
Arianna Huffington (67) Greek - author and actress.
Marina Sirtis (62) Greek - actress.
Marilu Henner (62) Greek / Polish - actress, writer, and producer.
Rita Wilson (60) Pomak Bulgarian / Greek - actress, singer, voice actress, activist, and producer.
Aphrodite Jones (58) Greek, English, Scottish - author, reporter, and television producer.
Lisa Zane (56) Greek -  actress and singer.
Elizabeth Perkins (56) Greek / English - actress.
Amy Sedaris (56) Greek / English, Scottish - actress, voice actress, author, screenwriter, singer, and comedian.
Gabrielle Carteris (56) Greek / Ashkenazi Jewish - actress.
Nia Vardalos (55) Greek - actress, screenwriter, director, and producer.
Emmanuelle Béart (54) Sephardi Jewish, Ashkenazi Jewish / Belgian [Walloon], Greek - actress.
Eleni Rantou (53) Greek - actress.
Gia Carides (53) Greek / English - actress.
Sophia Aliberti (51) Greek - tv personality.
Valeria Golino (51) Italian, Greek, Egyptian - actress and director.
Melina Kanakaredes (50) Greek - actress.
Ana Gasteyer (50) English, German, Greek, Romanian - actress.
Katerina Lehou (50) Greek - actress.
Melina Kanacaredes (50) Greek - actress.
Marianna Toumasatou (49) Greek - actress.
Smaragda Karydi (48) Greek - actress.
Jennifer Aniston (48) Greek /  Scottish, Italian or Arbëreshë/Albanian, English, possibly Irish - actress.
Maria Nafpliotou (48) Greek - actress.
Eleni Menegaki (47) Greek - actress and tv personality.
Tina Fey (47) German, Northern Irish, English / Greek - actress .
Sofia Milos (47) Swiss-born Greek/Italian - actress.
Patricia Kara (45) Greek - actress, model, and tv personality.
Victoria Haralabidou (45) Greek - actress.
Andrea Savage (44) 75% Ashkenazi Jewish 25% Greek - actress, writer, and producer.
Rebekah Elmaloglou (43) Greek, possibly Turkish / English - actress.
Angie Harmon (42) English, with small amounts of German, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, remote Dutch / Greek - actress .
Trish Stratus (41) Greek, Polish - WWE wrestler.
Tina Kandelaki (41) Georgian, Greek/Pontic/Pontian Greek / Armenian, Turkish - journalist, public figure, television presenter, and producer.
Zeta Makripoulia (39) Greek - model, actress, television presenter and fashion designer.
Katia Zygouli (39) Greek - actress and model.
Karina Smirnoff (39) Greek, Russian, Jewish-  dancer.
Maria Menounos (39) Greek - actress, television hostess, journalist, and wrestling personality.
Lindsay Hartley (39) Ashkenazi Jewish / Greek, Italian - actress and singer.
Lindsay Armaou (38) Greek / Irish - actress and singer.
Aggeliki Daliani (38) Greek - actress.
Gloria Votsis (38) Greek - actress.
Mena Suvari (38) Estonian, English, German, Greek - actress, fashion designer, and model.
D’Arcy Carden (37) Turkish, Greek / German, Ashkenazi Jewish - actress and comedian.
Kora Karvouni (37) Greek - actress.
Hannah Simone (37) Indian/ Italian, Greek Cypriot, German - host, actress and model.
Vaso Laskaraki (37) Greek - actress.
Clio-Danae Othoneou (37) Greek - actress and musician.
Elena Paparizou (35) Greek - singer, songwriter and tv personality.
Kelly Clarkson (35) Greek, English, German, Irish, Scottish - singer.
Maria Kanellis (35) Greek - pro wrestler, singer and model.
Mina Orfanou (35) Greek - actress.
Zoe Kazan (34) Greek (paternal grandfather), English, German - actress and screenwriter.
Denise Vasi (34) 50% Dominican 25% Greek 25% Puerto Rican - actress and model.
Katerine Avgoustakis (33) Greek, Belgian - singer.
Karima Adebibe (32) Moroccan Berber, Irish, Greek Cypriot - actress and model.
Kalomira (32) Greek - singer.
Georgia Salpa (32) Greek / Irish - model.
Orianthi (32) half Greek - singer.
Lauren Lapkus (32) Lithuanian / Greek, Serbian - comedian and actress.
Marie Avgeropoulos (31) Greek, possibly other - actress and model.
Marina and the Diamonds (31) Greek / Welsh - singer.
Alice Greczyn (31) French, Japanese, and Polish, with smaller amounts of Chinese, Korean, German, Irish, Native American, Scottish, English, Greek, Hungarian, Turkish, Swedish, and Czech - actress and model.
Tonia Sotiropoulou (30) Greek - actress.
Sammi Giancola (30) Italian, Greek - tv personality.
Tracy Spiridakos (29) Greek - actress.
Tulisa (29) Greek Cypriot / Irish - singer and actress .
Sasha Grey (29) English, Greek, Polish, Irish, Scottish - actress.
Lianne La Havas (28) Greek / Afro-Jamaican - singer and songwriter.
Chelsea Tyler (28) English, German, Italian, Polish, Greek, Welsh, Scottish, African-American, unconfirmed Cherokee Native American, French - singer.
Natasha Negovanlis (27) Macedonian, Irish, Métis- actress, singer, writer and YouTuber.
Dimitra Papadea (26) Greek - singer.
Melia Kreiling (26) American / Greek - actress.
Christina Klein (26) German and Greek - singer.
Cleo Wattenström (25) Ethiopian, Greek - tattoo artist and model.
Hannah Stocking (25) Greek, Polish, possibly English - internet personality.
Alexa Nikolas (25) Greek - actress.
Olympia Valance (24) Greek / Serbian - model and actress.
Cristine Prosperi (24) Greek, Italian - actress.
Adèle Exarchopoulos (23) Greek / French - actress.
Ivi Adamou (23) Greek Cypriot, Bulgarian - singer.
Betty Cantrell (22) Greek / German, English, Scottish, Irish, Dutch - beauty pageant titleholder.
Ariel Winter (19) Greek / English, German - actress and singer.
Elena Kampouris (19) Greek / English, French - actress.
Olivia Kate Iatridis (?) Greek, Inuit - actress.
Chrisoula Christou (born in 1962) Greek - actress, director, radio producer and photographer.
Dimitra Papadopoulou (born in 1962) Greek - actress, writer and director.
Angeliki Papoulia (born in 1975) Greek - actress and director.
Angela Ismailos (?) Greek - director.
Elda Panopoulou (?) Greek - comedian.
Eva Simatou (?) Greek - actress.
Jack Angel (86) Greek - voice actor.
John Aniston (84) Greek - actor.
George Chakiris (82) Greek - actor and singer.
Chris Sarandon (75) Greek - actor.
Paul Cavonis (75) Greek - actor.
Tony Orlando (73) Greek, Puerto Rican - singer.
Thaao Penghlis (71) Greek - actor.
Bob Costas (65) Greek / Irish, German - sportscaster.
Dennis Boutsikaris (64)  Greek / Jewish - actor.
Tchéky Karyo (63) Turkish Jewish / Greek- actor and musician.
David Sedaris (60) Greek / English, Scottish - humorist, comedian, author, and radio contributor.
Alexander Payne (56) 75% Greek 25% German - director, screenwriter, and producer.
Elias Koteas (56) Greek - actor.
Art Alexakis (55) Greek / English, German, Irish, remote Scottish, remote Welsh - musician.
Ralph Macchio (55) 75% Italian 25% Greek - actor.
John Stamos (54) Greek / Ashkenazi Jewish, German, English, Irish - actor, producer, and musician.
Michael Chiklis (54) 75% Greek 12.5% English 12.5% Irish - actor and producer.
Hank Azaria (53) Greek Jewish - actor, voice actor, comedian and producer.
Greg Dulli (52) Irish, Greek, French - musician.
Costas Mandylor (52) Greek - actor.
Dino Stamatopoulos (52) Greek - writer, producer, and actor.
Billy Zane (51) Greek - actor and producer.
Ant (50) Greek - comedian.
George Eads (50) Greek / English, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish - actor.
Criss Angel (49) Greek - magician and illusionist.
Hugh Jackman (49) 62.5% English, 25% Scottish, 12.5% Greek - actor and singer.
Ben Mendelsohn (48) Ashkenazi Jewish, Greek, Scottish, English, Irish, German - actor.
Dave Bautista (48) Greek / Filipino - professional wrestler, mixed martial artist, and actor.
Hugh Jackman (48) 62.5% English 25% Scottish 12.5% Greek - actor, singer, and producer.
Zach Galifianakis (47) Greek / Scottish, English, Welsh, French Huguenot, Irish - actor, writer and comedian.
Pete Sampras (46) 75% Greek 25% Ashkenazi Jewish - tennis player.
Alex Kapranos (45) Greek / English - musician.
Jason Mantzoukas (45) Greek - actor.
George Stroumboulopo (45) Greek / Ukrainian - tv and radio personality..
Greg Vaughan (44) Greek, English, German, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish, Scottish - actor and model.
Peter Andre (44) Greek Cypriot - singer, songwriter, television personality, businessperson, and presenter.
Demetri Martin (44) Greek - comedian, actor, artist, musician, writer, and humorist.
Jason Mantzoukas (44) Greek - actor.
Alex Dimitriades (43) Greek - actor.
Chris Diamantopoulos (42) Greek - actor and comedian.
Alexis Georgoulis (42) Greek - actor and producer.
Steve Zissis (41) Greek - screenwriter and producer.
Gilles Marini (41) Italian, Greek - actor.
Andy Milonakis (41) Greek - actor, writer, rapper, streamer, and comedian.
Sebastian Arcelus (40) Uruguayan / Italian, Greek, European Royal, Serbian/Montenegrin, Russian - actor and singer.
Vitor Belfort (40) French and Greek - MMA fighter.
Mark Philippoussis (40) Greek / Italian - tennis player.
Rami Malek (36) 87.5% Egyptian 12.5% Greek - actor.
Danny O’Donoghue (37) 75% Irish 25% Greek - singer.
Steve Angello (34) Greek / English, French - disc jockey, producer, and record label owner.
Theo James (32) Greek (paternal grandfather), English, Scottish, 1/16th German - actor.
Chris Trousdale (32) Greek / Irish - actor.
Julian Edelman (31) German,Ashkenazi Jewish, Greek, Irish, English, Scottish, Polish, Belgian - football player.
Mark Ballas (31) Greek, Mexican [including Spanish] / English, Irish - dancer, choreographer, musician, and actor.
Matt Di Angelo (30) Greek, Irish - actor and singer.
Dimitri Leonidas (29) Greek Cypriot / Welsh, English - actor.
Ryan Pinkston (29) Greek, English - actor and model.
Jordan Gavaris (28) Greek, other - actor.
Kim Cesarion (27) Afro-Guadeloupean, Greek - singer.
Nick Kyrgios (22) Greek, Malaysian - tennis player.
Charlie Rowe (21) English, Scottish, 1/8th Ashkenazi Jewish, 1/8th Greek, 1/16th French, some Manx - actor.
Thanasi Kokkinakis (21) Greek - tennis player.
Dylan Lee (19) Greek, Finnish, English, Russian, Irish, French, 1/2048 Powhatan Native American - model.
Sam Pepper
Milo Yiannopoulos
Andrea Tantaros
Jessica Chastain
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imzobit · 5 months
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fashion trend
0 notes
July’s Five Fashion Finds
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Photo by Suzy Hazelwood from Pexels entitled Spool of Purple Thread Near Needle, Thimble, and Measuring Tape.
For this week’s post, I have rounded up my favorite internet finds on the subject of fashion, from this month. I have included an article that touches upon fashion media, a video that sums up a few decades of fashion in a convenient short length format, a nostalgic glance back at the infamous of the show Gossip Girl, a noteworthy ad campaign, and an informative discussion about fashion during the “Space Age” and more. I hope that you enjoy these finds, my takes on their content, and the insights provided by the creators of the content discussed here.  
1. Chantal Fernandez, “How Hearst Makes It Work,” published by The Business of Fashion on July 23, 2019.
           In this article, Fernandez breaks down the many challenges that print publications are facing today, and strategies that may be used to contend to these issues now and in the future. Ultimately, I do feel that both digital and print media can co-exist, because both offer benefits to consumers. Below I have weighed the pros and cons of each form of media.
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Photo by Bia Sousa from Pexels - entitled Woman Wearing White Coat Holding Books
Benefits of Print:
In my opinion, print still possesses traits that cannot be replicated in the digital experience. Personally, I have noticed that when I read articles purely online, I can tend to forget about what I have read. I comprehend and remember news stories better when I am physically holding the printed material. Online there are many distractions such as pop ups, videos that automatically blare once you get onto a page, and links to other articles, that I feel interfere with the comprehension and the focus on the material. Online articles can be convenient, but I feel it is harder to recall specific online articles we have read because the internet is very saturated. Personally, I tend to recall only those that have some form of analysis, such as those I read in The Business of Fashion, that require the reader to mentally take part in the article, so to speak.
Benefits of Digital Content:
           However, digital content also has benefits, despite these cons. Digital content from many sources is easier to manage, because you can have so many different sources stored on one portable device, which I will admit does save one’s back from carrying around too many books and magazines. Additionally, the various forms of media within the digital realm makes it more multi-dimensional, which can hold a reader’s attention. Finally, related links that pop up, while sometimes an annoyance or a distraction, can be helpful if one wants to find related articles to read afterwards, which can enhance one’s knowledge of a particular subject.
2. Zoe Hong- Fashion History:1900-1920
I personally am a huge fashion of fashion history related videos on YouTube. I was surprised and glad to see that one of favorite YouTube fashion content creators published a video on fashion history. I find this video to be a brief, but highly effective summary of fashion from the  1900-1920. I particularly liked that Hong drafted a timeline for the content she discussed. I feel that it can be difficult to sum up more than one decade of fashion in a short video, but based on my experience of being in a fashion history course, this video really touched on all of the important people and significant developments. I also  highly recommend the books that she featured within this video, which she includes in the video’s description.
3. Lynn Yaeger, “A Vogue Editor’s Guide to the Best Fashion on Gossip Girl,” published on Vogue.com on July 22nd, 2019. (Edited by Anny Choi).
           When I think about what may have inspired my love of fashion, there are a few things come to mind. For one, I had a penchant early on for dress up, and I was one of the more extreme appreciators of this activity. Another factor that I feel contributed to my love of fashion was the film Titanic, for which the costumes held my attention just as much, if not more than Leonardo Dicaprio. Finally, one of the biggest influences on my love of fashion was the television series Gossip Girl. While the drama on the show was fascinating, the clothes to me were the centerpiece. I particularly felt drawn to the wardrobe of Blair Waldorf. I loved the mix of modernity and classic pieces in her wardrobe, and seeing the playful or strategic styling of her looks. I will forever be influenced by her more ladylike looks. Lynn Yaegar of Vogue.com discussed her favorite fashions, and those of her fellow editors, from the original series, on the heels of the announcement of the series having a future reboot. Additionally, the article then features a curation of modern pieces that can emulate these original GG looks.
4. Gucci’s Fall 2019 Ad Campaign
To  begin, Alessandro Michele always has fantasy, over the top, entertaining qualities to his work for Gucci, as discussed by Alyssa Vingan Klein on Fashionista.com. The shoot highlights the construction process of garments, as detailed by Vingan Klein. A fashion presentation within a fashion presentation, is also part of what makes this advertisement, as Alyssa Vingan Klein describes, a “...somewhat educational-- story through it’s ad imagery….” Mekita Rivas of Refinery29 explains that this presentation depicts the fashion industry, prior to the ambush of fast fashion and the influence of content from the digital realm, with specific focus on following the ready-to-wear industry “... from the 1950s to the 1980s….”
          Additionally,  Rivas details that in a Gucci Press Release, the brand states that part of the goal of these advertisements was to help gain appreciation for the processes that go into making a collection. Personally, I feel that this campaign is an important reminder that fashion is a serious business that like any involves a lot of players, steps, and attention to detail in order to function and fulfill tasks. For an industry that is often not recognized for its significance, and the hard work that goes into its finished products, I am glad that Gucci has created a campaign with this consideration in mind, as detailed by Rivas and within the brand’s press release. I also feel that this advertisement campaign reminds consumers that while the designer’s are often the ones credited with a fashion product, there are many people involved in making garments. In today’s world, where online shopping is common, consumers may forget how many are employed in making the garments they wear.
Source: YouTube, Gucci’s YouTube Channel
5. Dressed: The History of Fashion podcast, “Space Age Fashion: an interview with Sara Jean Culbreth,” published on July 23rd, 2019
On this podcast episode, hosted by Cassidy Zachary, April Calahan, and featuring Sara Jean Culbreth, there is a discussion about fashion during the time of Space Age excitement. Pierre Cardin is a major player included within the discussion of this contest. Additionally, there is a major component of the discussion that revolves around the transitional phase of the coexistence of haute couture and ready-to-wear. It is interesting to ponder the significance of each and the tug of war between the two. For another work that goes into discussion about haute couture and ready-to-wear, check out the book The Battle of Versailles: The Night American Fashion Stumbled into the Spotlight and Made History by Robin Givhan.
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Source: Cardin, Pierre. Dress, 1968, France, steel plates that were polished and wool crepe in black,. The Museum at FIT- Fashion Institute of Technology, New York, The Museum at FIT Collections, The Museum at FIT.
         Note: To view and read the contents detailed here, click on the linked contents (in bold) within each example’s title or content (example 4).
Works Cited:
Example 1:
Fernandez, Chantel. “How Hearst Makes It Work.” The Business of Fashion, 23 July, 2019, https://www.businessoffashion.com/articles/professional/how-hearst-makes-it-work, Accessed 27 July 2019.
Example 2:
“Fashion History: 1900-1920,” YouTube, uploaded by Zoe Hong, 21 Jul, 2019, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViNDmCX3DOw&t=223s, Accessed 21 Jul. 2019.
Example 3:
Yaeger, Lynn. “A Vogue Editor’s Guide to the Best Fashion on Gossip Girl,” Vogue, Condé Nast, 22 July, 2019, https://www.vogue.com/article/best-gossip-girl-fashion-vogue-editors-favorite-looks?verso=true, Accessed 27 July 2019.
Savage, Stephanie, and Josh Schwartz, creators. Gossip Girl. 17th Street Productions and Alloy Entertainment, 2007-2012.
Titanic. Directed by James Cameron. Performances by Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, and Billy Zane, Twentieth Century Fox, Paramount Pictures, and Lightstorm Entertainment, 1997.
           Example 4:
Vingan Klein, Alyssa. “Gucci Tells the Rich Behind-the-Scenes Tale of its collection for the Fall 2019 Ad Campaign,” Fashionista, Breaking Media Inc., 15 July, 2019,  https://fashionista.com/2019/07/gucci-fall-2019-ad-campaign, Accessed 27 Jul. 2019.
Rivas, Mekita. “Gucci’s FW ‘19 Campaign Is a Tribute to the Heyday of Ready-To-Wear,” Refinery29, 15 July, 2019 , https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2019/07/237900/gucci-fall-2019-campaign-ready-to-wear, Accessed 27 July 2019.
“Gucci Prêt-À-Porter: The Fall-Winter 2019 Campaign,” YouTube, uploaded by Gucci, 15 July, 2019, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqOQBsikFts&t=61s, Accessed 27 July, 2019.
           Example 5:
Calahan, April, Cassidy Zachary, and Sara Jean Culbreth, narrators. “Space Age Fashion: an interview with Sara Jean Culbreth,” Dressed: The History of Fashion, iHeartRadio, 23 July, 2019, https://www.dressedpodcast.com/podcasts/space-age-fashion-an-interview-with-sarah-jean-culbreth.htm.
Givhan, Robin. The Battle of Versailles: The Night American Fashion Stumbled into the Spotlight and Made History. New York, Flatiron Books, 2015.
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darkshadowbeauty · 7 years
Here’s my hopes and Theories for Triles in Season 4
What I want is for Tristan to be somewhat better. Like obviously they're going to the prom together and he'll be on his feet. Idk if that is a surprise for Miles, like maybe they thought he wouldn't be able to dance but he surprises everyone and they both win prom kings?
But that was one theory. I was hoping that he'd be in leg braces. You know? I know I’ve said it a million times lol. But like he'd have all his other traits, but his walking and maybe his reading and speech would be a little off, almost like Jesus in The Fosters. But if we don't get that I'd at least like the leg braces. Like he'd have to get his walking back in order and that means severe physical therapy, that I'd like Miles to be a part of. I'd like to see them working together, but still letting Tristan shine.
 I also want him to rethink the Miles cheating thing. Like not too much...but like for him to have doubts. I mean I know that anyone who goes through a cheating scandal and takes the person back, has had doubts (I feel that Zaya will probably go through this too). Like maybe he'll get agitated if he sees Lola and Miles together. Like that's normal for some people. I still want Triles together, I do, but I need for Tristan to really think about this since we didn't see him come to the conclusion.
 Maybe coming to the play and seeing it made him forgive Miles. And listening to his reason. Because I watched him watch Miles as he gave his reason for doing what he did. But it seems like he came to the conclusion before he spoke to Miles. I suppose he wanted confirmation from Miles on who he wanted to be with, hence the "Who do you want to be with?" question. 
Off topic really quick, I'd also like for him to talk to Lola. Like I want some form of approach. Like he'd thank her for being Miles’ rock while he couldn't. He's not happy about the cheating and the pregnancy, but her being there for Miles and making sure he didn't relapse means more to him then the cheating. And he also sees her as a strong person for going through with the abortion and wanting to talk about it online. He’d respect her for that.
But in a Tristan fashion he'd let her know that NOTHING will happen between her and Miles again now that he's back. Like I need things to come full circle this season. I want to understand from Tristan's mouth why he chose to forgive Miles. Most people probably wouldn't and some would see reason. I'd like to know why he forgave him and how he came to that conclusion. 
I was also wanting to see some after effects of Tristan’s TBI. Like in The Fosters the character Jesus had problems with his speech, walking, reading, and it appears that he’s having sexual performance issues. Like I’d like to see Tristan go through that. It would be interesting for his character and to see how Miles stands by his side through all of it.
 So okay here’s how I’m gonna label it.
For issues with Speech: Like okay say he’s like 90% healed from his TBI. But maybe he has speech problems. Since Tristan loves to talk, it would be a challenge for him to speak. Like he can but maybe he has stuttering problems and he gets agitated when he can’t say things right.
 Problems with Walking: Okay as I’ve said before the leg braces thing would be awesome. Because let’s say he has everything back but the correct use of his legs. So he has to use the leg braces and work extremely hard in physical therapy. To which he ends up walking and dancing at prom almost like how Quinn did in season 3 of Glee. Like it would shock Miles and it would be such a fantastic journey for Tristan.
Okay so reading: Now we know that sometimes it can be tough to read. Now with a brain injury it can be even more difficult. So I’d like to see him have issues with his reading. Like the words would be blurry and jumbled to him.
Sexual Performance and Insecurities: Okay so this could pose as a problem too. So what if he’s close to fully recovered and he can’t have sex with Miles? Now I know that would royally upset anyone if they couldn’t have sex or in Triles case, make love. I’d like to see that pose as a slight, not huge, but slight problem.
 Like for example: Miles and Tristan are making out on Miles bed (still wondering why we haven’t had a proper make out session since season 13) and maybe Tristan can’t feel anything. Which prompts maybe a discussion about the whole cheating thing. Now while it can be the insecurities of the past infidelity, it can also be the TBI.
That’s something that would be fantastic to watch. All I know this that whatever happens, I want them to be happy and healthy. I would also like to see Zoe make Tristan her VP. Ooh that could also tie into the whole can’t read, talk well, or needs use of the leg braces. I can totally see that. Him not wanting to have help, when he knows he needs it. It’s so Tristan, he’s headstrong and would prefer to do things himself. But he has to know that he has the help of his family (still wish Owen would’ve come back. Katie came back for Maya) his boyfriend Miles, his best friend Zoe, and the rest of the gang (Winston, Frankie, Hunter, Maya, Zig, Grace, and Jonah).
I also would love to see either a Prom-Posal or an actual proposal. I think it would be unique for there to be a same sex engagement on the show. Plus, it means that Triles and their senior class would come back for the wedding. And it also means a glimpse of Triles when Frankie and Hunter are seniors. Anything to keep Triles on the show for a little longer.
 Well that’s my hopes, wants, and theories for our boys in Season 4. Man I can’t believe it’s their last season. It seems not too long ago that they had just met. I’m gonna be even more sad when they leave than when Ziley (Riley and Zane) left because these two actually lasted. We saw the ups and downs (more downs than ups, but still entertaining), the romance, and the love. It’s gonna be hard when Triles graduates. But there’s always fanfic and making fanvids. Oh and btw I will be doing two Triles videos soon. I’ve found two songs that fit them perfectly and can’t wait to make them. I’m debating on whether or not to make them soon or wait until Triles graduates so I can come full circle. Hmmm decisions, decisions. 
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steelbcnes · 7 years
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pre-law student!!! wants to save the world, find justice, etc etc
forensics and psychology double minor bc she wanted to be able to help piece together a crime herself lmao like if she’s in court she wants to be able to understand the evidence she’s given as well as the thought processes of her clients, she seeks out to understand people and circumstance and i have a lot of thoughts abt this
father is an officer for the scotland yard. mom’s an event planner, her faves are weddings and amelia loves helping out. she essentially got her mother’s bossiness and way of leading people and her father’s taste for action and justice — but overall the bones are a solid middle class family who just all inherently seem to seek out change in the world
edgar (26) is still an investigative journalist who wants 2 change and help educate the world. hopes to eventually win a pulitzer. dramatic af and recovering near-alcoholic. married to a lovely woman named rachel and has one son with a daughter on the way
(still normal: amelia loves her nephew more than almost anything in life, is perpetually posting pictures and videos of cute stuff he does in a thread she has going on twitter dedicated to him. beginning w his first day of preschool and catching up 2 the first time he caught a fish. 10/10 would be my fave thread on twitter)
imogen (17), high school senior and wannabe marine biologist. plans on saving the whales. super intimidating but super sweet and way smarter than most of her family. whoops
known for throwing peace signs in pictures when she’s drunk, eventually became a habit sober and isn’t ironic anymore but at least it seems like it is. loves the what in tarnation meme, unironically enjoyed glee, still loves elvis. normal amelia may not be, but modern amelia loves conspiracy theories and welcome to night vale/x-files kinda shit
her fashion is SO V FEMININE. heels and skirts and dresses and she loves fashion ok (helps w alice’s girlband’s Look). also loves tattoos like she has a bunch scattered all over her from this between her shoulder blades to a spanish phrase her mom always said on her ribs to smth on her ankle, back of her neck, and just around her hip bone. a couple ear piercings but nothing too out there otherwise tbh
the kind of activist who is the one getting in heated debates during class and attending marches and potentially shoving fliers in your face bc everyone else is too afraid to do it. like arguably the image of an angry feminist except she’s so dang friendly most of the time
bubbly as fuck, still has all these insecurities about not being enough. of anything. and honestly just so passionate that it’s like arguing with the sun, she just doesn’t know what to do with all that energy. amelia is honestly the sun and i love her sm
bc her dad’s an officer he was insistent on her taking self-defense classes, plus amelia kinda just liked the energy release of going to those or the occasional boxing class. boxing or exercise in general helps her destress and like……god knows she has enough stress to go around lol. so she has definitely gotten in a bar fight w someone who tried to touch her ass w/o her permission
is so Extra, the type to always have her nails done
boys are disappointing and she lowkey prefers girls on her bi spectrum yet…..here she finds herself…..always dating said disappointing boys
except for rn, currently w that snarky ass radio host on campus
always has 10mil things on her plate to do she stresses herself out too much, just needs a nap
would offer her left arm for $3 and/or to pet a dog #justcollegethings
i hate her her insta bio is “i am the law(yer)”
leaves sticky notes everywhere so she doesn’t forget things. like she’s so methodical abt how she handles things she just tries to handle too much lmao
primary character inspirations: buffy summers, caroline forbes, zoe hart, haley james scott, rachel zane, a lil bit of vmars and laura hollis from carmilla
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shophouseofz-blog · 5 years
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imzobit · 5 months
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fauk leather
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