theangelofthedesert · 8 months
Aziraphale was about to confess too before Metatron and his coffee came into the bookshop;
Okay, hear me out. In 2x02, when they’re talking about “how people fall in love”, Crowley talks about sudden rainstorms,
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which is an obvious reference to how he fell in love, about 6000 years earlier (poor demon thinks everyone falls in love the way he did)
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Aziraphale doesn’t get it and answers “seems a bit unlikely”. He didn’t connect the dots, he doesn’t think Crowley loves him that way. All he knows about falling in love is what he read in books. Of course he fell in love with Crowley too, but I’m pretty sure he did in ‘41 when Crowley saved his books from a bomb, and that’s a bit hard to recreate, so… balls.
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That’s his idea, you make two people dance together and they magically fall in love, which is so in-character I want to scream. Now let’s get to 2x05. We know Aziraphale always tried to avoid organizing those meetings, but he’s suddenly so excited about it he is WILLING TO GIVE AWAY HIS BOOKS. Why would he do something like that? There’s no way it’s actually to make Maggie and Nina fall in love. At that point, Muriel doesn’t even care anymore about it, they all know the truth about the miracle is about to be revealed, so there’s no point in being so persistent about Maggie and Nina’s relationship. He’s an angel; of course he cares about humans being happy, but I don’t think he cares so much about two semi-strangers’ love life that he’s willing to give away BOOKS for the off chance that the Jane Austen method will actually work on two humans he knows nothing about. So, my conclusion is, he’s organizing that night for him and Crowley. They are the ones that he hopes realize they’re deeply in love with each other, and that is something worth giving away books for. Which explains why he’s so excited but also a bit scared when he asks Crowley to dance with him.
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It explains why he ignores the fact that Crowley is trying to tell him that something important and dangerous is about to happen, just so they can have a little dance. It also explains this reaction when he sees Gabriel and Beelzebub being in love with each other
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and the way he looks at Crowley while they’re talking about them.
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I mean, I know he always stares lovingly at him, but not like that, right? That’s a face that screams “I’m so going to tell you I love you when all this is over”.
So, my point is:
Fuck Metatron.
That’s my point.
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theangelofthedesert · 8 months
My OCs made with Picrew!
This is Annie made by me and my editor:
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is Mina!
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here's the two of them together:
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And also a drawing my editor made of them<3
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I'll be posting more about them and any other characters here on Tumblr in the future!
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theangelofthedesert · 8 months
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Crowley: And I do remember, oh, very clearly, the look on your face, Archangel Gabriel. When you told my only friendto shut his stupid mouth and die. And I… did not… care for it.
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theangelofthedesert · 8 months
Can't Think Straight ~Pt. 2~
After that nightmare ended, Mom called me down to help her with dinner. I didn’t know how to cook, but I loved making desserts. I baked a batch of double chocolate brownies for the new neighbors and some carrot cake if they didn’t like chocolate. Mom made Spaghetti and Cordon bleu Chicken for us to enjoy, I only hoped they liked the food and us. A couple of hours later, the doorbell rang, letting us know the guests had arrived. Dad stood up from his chair in the living room and opened the door, while Mom and I finished with the final touches for dinner.
“Welcome to the Watson house!” Dad greeted, as cheerful as he always was around guests. “Please, come in! My wife and daughter are in the kitchen finishing dinner.”
When I went to the living room to say ‘hello’ to the neighbors, I noticed something odd. There were two well-dressed men standing right next to each other, one with a baby in his arms. I thought they were probably brothers, then I saw Mina walk in from the bathroom, with a beautiful black dress and black boots that went along perfectly.
“Hello, Mina.” I greeted, shaking her hand again, awkwardly of course. She showed me her dashing smile. Seems like she actually didn’t notice me in the window or didn’t care about it…
“Hi again, Annie.” She kept holding my hand while making a gesture towards the men next to her. “These are my parents. Carter Ross-Bell,” the blonde, blue-eyed guy raised his hand with a smile. Mina looked just like him. I wonder if she is also naturally blonde. “And Sidney Ross-Bell.” A brown-haired guy with a thick beard and green eyes waved his hand at us, he was the one holding the baby in his big arms. “That little guy is my brother, Carney.” My mind was in shock. I had never seen a gay couple in this town before, at least not that I knew of. I wouldn’t blame queer people in this town for not wanting to come out. My parents just looked at each other and blinked in disbelief, probably just as shocked as I was, then my Dad poked my back.
“Oh! These are my parents, Galena and Robert Watson.” They shook hands with Mina’s Dads. They might be still shocked, but they knew how to pretend to be nice to other people. “My brother and sister went out tonight, so it’s only going to be the six of us at dinner.” We all walked to the dining table and sat down to eat. Dad sat at the head of the table with Mom next to him on his right. I sat next to Mina and her parents sat to the left of my father, one next to the other. They had left baby Carney in the living room, sleeping.
“So, what made you guys want to move into this town?” Asked Dad. I could see he was a little uncomfortable with the situation, but he was trying to be respectful or at least pretending to be. Mom seemed to be a bit more open to the subject, so she was past the initial shock.
“Sidney got an incredible job offer here in Murkwell,” said Carter. “I work from home, so we decided to move from Kingsham to this town. Mina wasn’t as cool with the move as we thought, but suddenly this afternoon she came to the house all happy.” I didn’t realize they were from the big city, how interesting. Mina’s blonde Dad looked at her with a funny smile and then turned to me. “I just want to thank you, child. I don’t know what you did or said to her, but she feels more at home now!”
“Dad! Please, don’t say things like that!” Mina’s face turned bright red, causing her to look down, probably embarrassed. “Don’t listen to him, he’s just tired from carrying boxes all day.” She placed her hand on mine and grinned in the form of an apology.
Her other Dad laughed at her and Carter, then gave me a big smile. “They’re always like that, best not worry.” That’s when I noticed his voice, he had a British accent. “What Carter is trying to say is that it was a bit difficult for Mina to adjust to this new life, having to leave behind all of her friends and her school.” I was mesmerized by that accent, one that I had only heard on TV. Her parents were just as cool as her, just like I imagined they’d be.
“Yeah, so we’re just happy she can be friends with her neighbor on her first day here.” Said Carter, while taking a bite of the spaghetti. “Oh, my god… This is the best pasta I have ever had in my life! Galena, you must give me the recipe!” Mom’s face just lit up with a big smile and proceeded to talk with Carter about recipes, while Dad talked with Sidney about his new job. Apparently, they were going to be working in the same office, so Dad was now more comfortable with this exchange. I decided to eat quietly, until Mina called my name.
“So, tell me, Annie… What school do you go to?” She asked while she ate her food. The way she says my name still makes me feel odd.
“Oh, I go to Murkwell Valley High and I’m planning to attend Ravenwood University, is one of the best schools in the state.” She seemed a little surprised. “How about you? Do you already have a school here?”
“Yeah, and it’s actually Murkwell High!” She said with joy. There was my opportunity to get to know her better! “Cool, at least I won’t be alone in school. I start on Monday.”
“Good thing you moved in on Friday then, you’ll have the weekend to prepare for class.” I said, finishing my dinner. “Ok, I’ll go get the dessert I made. You wanna help me?” I asked while getting up. Mina nodded and we both went to the kitchen. There, I grabbed the plate with brownies, and she took the carrot cake. Everyone loved the carrot cake, leaving me and Mina to eat the brownies. She kept saying they were delicious as she finished the last one. Mom then asked us to wash the dishes while the “adults” talked in the living room.
“Well… This is a good way to spend your Friday night.” I said sarcastically while rinsing the soap off a plate. “Sorry about this.” I apologized for my mother’s request.
“Don’t worry, I usually do this at home too. The good thing is that this time I have someone to talk to while doing it.” What a positive girl, I was just about to complain some more. “Tell me, Annie… Is it serious what you have with…?” She closed her eyes, probably trying to remember something. “I wanna say… M-Mike?”
“Matt. And I actually don’t know, I mean we’ve only been going out for like three months now…” I focused on washing the dishes.
“You don’t sound too excited about that…” She took my hands between hers, forcing me to stop what I was doing to look at her deep blue, worried, eyes. “Is something wrong?”
“No! What? No! Of course not! Everything is just fine…” That sounded more like I was trying to convince myself of that statement. “I mean… What couple doesn’t have ups and downs?”
“What do you mean by that?” Her voice sounded so comforting and soft; it was like talking to my best friend. “Is Matt not good to you?”
“No, of course he is. He’s wonderful. It's just that…” I tried to reply but I…I couldn’t even find the words to describe how I was feeling. 
“It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me, I was only trying to make you feel better…” Mina was about to continue washing the dishes, until I grabbed her arm and took us upstairs to my room, where I closed the door.
“Sorry, sorry… That was a little impulsive of me, I just don’t want my parents finding out about my issues with Matt” I shrugged. “I don’t want them to hate him over something as insignificant as this.”
“It doesn’t seem that insignificant if you have this reaction to it” Mina sat on my bed and tapped the spot beside her. “Let me hear all about it.” Then I went on to tell her all about the relationship, even though I had only met her a couple of hours ago.
I told her that, sometimes I think he doesn’t pay that much attention to me. He’s always hanging out with his teammates and the cheerleaders… And I know I shouldn’t be that type of girlfriend that wants her boyfriend to only be with her, but I just can’t stop thinking about it. “What if he is embarrassed of being with me?”
“Girl, the guy I saw today wasn’t embarrassed of you. Maybe he just doesn’t know how to show his feelings…” Mina tried her best to cheer me up, but the doubts wouldn’t go away that easily. She then sighed and took my hand very gently. “Look, I have been in your place before. My girlfriend and I used to be very private about our relationship until I decided to come clean with my friends about us…”
“Wow, slow down… Girlfriend?” My reaction was probably a little too high-pitched, but again, gay people weren’t that common here, or at least I didn’t know anyone like that.
“Oh, yeah, she lives in Kingsham so right now we are keeping a long-distance relationship and hoping to make it work” Mina looked so happy while talking about her… Of course, someone as beautiful and cool as her would be with someone. “Her name is Lux. Her actual full name is Luciana but she hates it.” She laughed, probably thinking about her.
“I... Hope you can make it work.” I meant it, but the way I said it sounded almost as if I was disappointed which surprised me. “So, you’re...?”
“Gay? No, no...” Said waving her hand. “I’m Pansexual. That means gender doesn’t play a part when I like someone. I go by the person’s personality when I get into a relationship, mostly.”
What she was saying made sense, but I just couldn’t imagine that possibility, most likely because of my little-to-no exposure to people outside of this town. I tried my best not to offend her by asking stupid questions, but it seemed like she was ready to have this conversation as she had in the past with other people. I had never met such an interesting person before.
Already had this part written out so now I have to start writing again for the next part u_u so once I get it done + edited I'll be back :))
Can't make any promises tho, I'm lazy as hell lol
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theangelofthedesert · 8 months
Can't Think Straight ~Pt. 1~
I always thought of myself as a normal person. Just a regular 17-year-old girl going to school and trying not to fuck up her life. A girl with a few-but good friends, good grades, excellent parents, and an awesome boyfriend. Like I said, I always thought I was normal, just like anyone else. But…There’s this thing, this…feeling, like there’s something wrong. Most of the time I choose to ignore it, as long as I can move on with my day as usual.
Everything was going according to my schedule: Wake up. Take a shower. Have breakfast with my family. Go to school. Do homework with my friends and finally, hang out with my boyfriend. Until the point where I saw a moving truck parked in the garage of the house next to mine, which normally isn’t something weird but…
“Oh, new neighbors!” said  my boyfriend, Matt. “We should go say hi, Annie.” The thing about this town is that it’s so small, every time someone new moves in everyone finds out and tries to investigate every little detail about them, which leads to gossip around the town. Only a few families that have lived here for generations are the ones that still stay in Murkwell Valley for the rest of their life. That was the case of my family. The Watsons have lived in this town for 10 generations and the current Watsons have no intentions of leaving. My parents: Robert and Galena Watson, had dated since high school and, according to them, always thought of getting married once Dad finished college. By the time they were my age, they had already planned their whole future together; and they always make it a point to remind me that I should do the same.
Me? I don’t even know what to study in college, how the heck am I supposed to think about getting married right now? I don’t know if Matt is planning for us to have a future together either. Dad always talks about the way Mom looked the first time he saw her: long dark-brown hair, hazel eyes, and a beautiful smile. He says he just knew he had to marry her. Mom remembers Dad as a tall, black haired bad-boy with gray eyes and that it was love at first sight. Dad says I look just like Mom, but with some of his facial features. My sister, on the other hand, looks exactly like Dad, and my brother looks like Mom. I’m more like a combination of the two of them. That being said, Matt and I have only dated for like 3 months and my parents act like he is the one who will carry me to the altar.
“Ok, let’s go just to say hi, then we can go home.” I said, a little tired. I just wanted to go to sleep after the hard day I had at school with all the preparations for the school’s Pride Dance for the anniversary of its founder, and college counseling to help with choosing the right major; but Matt was too nice to just ignore the new people next door. We started walking towards the truck, when we saw a fluffy dog running in our direction trying to get away from its owner. 
I kneeled and grabbed the runaway dog. As I was trying to look for its tag among all the fur, a girl’s voice caught my attention.
“Hey! That’s my dog!” When I turned to look at her, I went into shock. The girl looked my age but had bobbed, curly, colorful hair, with the right side shaved off. She also had a little piercing on her nose, sky-blue eyes and pale skin. The word that came to my mind was “beautiful”. I had never seen a person that looked like that in this town, since everyone is VERY catholic, we're usually not allowed to dye our hair or pierce our skin. She looked so cool. “Sorry, I was returning from a walk to calm his energy, but it seems he needed a longer walk”
“Oh, don’t worry, I was just catching him for you” I said as I laughed awkwardly and scratched my head. “That’s a beautiful dog,” I added. For someone who is leader of the welcome committee at school, I suck at social interactions with new people, but since I pretty much already know everyone here, I don’t have the necessity of introducing myself that often.
She smiled at me and then looked at the dog. “Yeah, he is pretty cute. It’s a Finnish Spitz, aka a domestic fox,” She laughed “The downside to the breed is its energy.” Once the dog was secured with its leash, she got up and waved at us. “Hi! You must be our neighbors” The girl extended her hand at me. “I’m Minerva, but my friends call me Mina!” She smiled as I grabbed her hand. “And you are…?” She’s so formal.
“Oh! My name is Annabelle, but I go by Annie” Her eyes looked so deep, yet so soft as they gazed back at me. A strange thought came to my mind, but quickly disappeared when Matt shook her hand.
“I’m Matt, Annie’s boyfriend.” Her smile dropped for a second, but came back again as she looked at me. What was that about? “Welcome to Murkwell Valley, Mina.” 
“Thanks for the welcome. It’s nice to know the neighbors are friendly” She kept her eyes on me with a big smile. “And thank you, for catching my dog, I owe you one.”
“Oh, I was just worried that it would run onto the street and get hit or something, you don’t owe me anything” I said, while playing nervously with the edge of my sweater sleeves. She then continued to insist, saying her conscience wouldn’t allow the savior of her ‘precious baby’ go unrewarded. “Ok then, you can pay me back by coming for dinner at my house.” I suggested, but quickly added “-you can bring your family, of course. That way our parents can meet and talk before the other neighbors organize a welcome party and make things awkward by asking a bunch of questions” Her face lit up and nodded. “Great! Dinner at eight, hope you can make it.”
“I’ll tell my parents right away. See you later, Annie.” For some reason, the way she said my name left me feeling weird, as I saw her jump back to her house being followed by her dog. Well, that interaction didn’t go as badly as I imagined. Maybe there’s hope for my awkwardness after all. I’m actually glad we ran into each other, and I hope to get to know more about her…
“What a sweet girl, I hope you can make friends with her!” Matt brought me back from whatever I was thinking, into reality. I shook my head to clear my mind and looked at him. “What happened? You spaced out for a second there.”
“Sorry, I must be mentally beat after today. Volunteering to help Ms. Matisse grade papers was seriously a terrible idea” Matt giggled as he took my hand and walked me back to my house. “You can come to dinner too if you want, babe.” I said hopefully.
“Ehm… I think I’ll pass. The boys invited me to a pre-game party to prepare for this year’s Battle of Murkwell Valley High. Lots of schools from different towns are coming to challenge the current winning team. Us. I even heard a school from the big city is coming.” The big city was actually the state’s capital, Kingsham, but we in the town call it that because there’s only small towns around it and no other city. Matt left a kiss on my forehead and smiled, “Besides, you can start getting to know your new neighbor. You have been a little sad since Holly went to see her mom for the holidays.” I appreciated Matt’s attempt of making me feel better, but I had forgotten Holly left since I had too many things to do, and meeting Mina just now had also cleared my mind of any thoughts. Matt wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in for a kiss. As our lips touched, all the weird thoughts in my mind cleared out, except for one, preventing me from totally enjoying my boyfriend’s embrace.
“Ok, I’ll try to be her friend.” I said with a big sigh because I knew he wouldn’t let the situation go until I caved in. “I love you, babe.” He let out a nervous laugh, probably because he still wasn’t ready to say it back, even when he said it was fine that I said it first.
“I… should go. Gotta help mom with some things before I go to the meeting” I thought it was a party? Whatever, I’m not gonna say anything. He let go of his embrace and quickly grabbed his thing and left. I stood outside the door until I saw Matt leave the street of my house, then I went back in, just to find my parents in the living room watching a movie. I went past them, leaving a kiss on their cheeks and walking towards the kitchen, where my food was in the fridge, waiting for me to reheat it since I got out of school late.
Once I was done washing my plate, I stayed in the living room, chatting with my parents about school and other stuff for a few hours. They asked if Matt had already invited me to the dance, to which I said yes, knowing full well that he didn’t want to come in the first place because he thought it was boring and a waste of time, even though he was aware I was one of the people organizing the damn thing. Nevertheless, I felt that if I said anything he wouldn’t pay attention, like he does when I try to tell him how I feel. 
Later in the day I went upstairs to get ready for dinner. I told my mom as I was going up that I invited the new neighbors over to get to know them, she didn’t seem to mind and started to cook dinner for more people. Gotta love her ability to adapt to a change of plans. On my way to my room, I said ‘Hi’ to my brother, who had his door open and just waved at me; and to my sister, who only responded by closing her door. 
When I was in my room, I quickly took a shower and started to look in my closet for possible options to wear tonight. I narrowed it down to two dresses. One was pink with white flowers on it, the other one was red with black details at the bottom. I decided the pink one was too girly, so I grabbed the red dress and got changed.
As I was putting on a red bra, I noticed the window in the house next to mine had the lights turned on. When I took a closer look, I realized it was Minerva’s room, since I could see the jacket she was wearing today hanging by the door. My face suddenly turned red at the thought of that girl watching me change. I dressed as fast as I could, then I went to see if she was in her room, but Mina wasn’t there.
Since I was already dressed for dinner, I just sat down next to the window while I analyzed the things I saw in her room. There was a shelf with a lot of books, some boxes with the labels “make up” and “winter clothes”, her bed with blue sheets and her laptop on top of it. Multiple band posters were already up on the walls and some weird plushies adorned her desk. She clearly had a busy morning setting up her room. I also saw her dog’s bed in the corner with the word “Zero” stitched to the front, but as I was looking at it, the door opened. Her dog walked in like it owned the place, then Mina walked in wearing just a towel around her body and another on her hair. My face lit up red again, making me throw myself to the ground so she couldn’t see me. 
Once the awkwardness went away, I decided to take a quick look, just to see if she’d noticed me on the window. I slowly raised my head, hoping she didn’t notice how creepy I was being, just to find her looking at dresses like I was doing moments ago. That’s when I realized she was just as nervous as me to have dinner tonight, even if it was with our whole family. I figured making friends was probably difficult for her. Mina looked just as nice as she was this afternoon, the only thing different was the fact that she was still wearing only a towel. Just as that thought crossed my mind, she turned her head around towards the window, forcing me to close the drapes in panic. I don’t know if she saw me or not, but I wouldn’t blame her if she changed her mind about coming to dinner…
This is gonna be a long story that I hope I can continue to update and not leave unfinished like all of my other works lmao With the help of a dear friend serving as my editor, I'll make sure to write a few chapters in advance to keep posting regularly <3
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theangelofthedesert · 8 months
Deceiving Appearances
There I was again, in front of another psychologist that pretended to help me due to my parents’ request, who couldn’t take any more of my erratic behavior of the past two weeks, behavior that included disobedience to anything I was ordered, whole days of self-isolation, hunger strikes, the silent treatment to everyone and sudden outbursts of rage and aggressiveness. The problem was that I didn’t remember anything previously mentioned, some days I didn’t even remember getting out of bed in the morning, all was blank in my mind. Without any other option, I ended up agreeing to the therapy doctors recommended, who didn’t know what to do with me either.
“How are you feeling today, Alex?” the psychologist’s voice came to my ears. “Are you feeling alright?”
I didn’t answer, just nodded my head. I had agreed to come to the appointment, but they didn’t say I had to talk to him. The psychologist continued to watch me attentively, studying every move of my hands, the shaking in my legs and the nervous twitches in my face. I couldn’t even look at him in the eye, his presence was intimidating.
“Don’t worry, anything you say stays between you, me and these four walls.” His voice was calm and comforting, but not enough to sooth me. “I’ll ask you a few questions, is that okay?” I nodded again. “Very well. Do you remember what you did yesterday morning?”
“I… Uhm, got up from bed and…” I didn’t remember anything else from that morning, but I knew my parents found me in the neighbor’s backyard playing with his dog.
I was going to tell this to the doctor, when a sudden force came over me, preventing me from speaking. “I don’t know, I’ve been under too much stress due to finals at school. Maybe that’s why I don’t remember.” I didn’t say that. The doctor just wrote something in his notepad, looking back at me without noticing that subtle accent that came out of my mouth.
What’s happening to me?! My ability to talk was gone and I could only see the situation as it were a scene from a movie. I tried to move my hands to let the doctor know about my situation, but a couple of seconds after I thought of that, my body responded again. The confusion and fear didn’t make themselves wait, paralyzing me for a moment.
Before I could say something to the man in front of me, a voice from deep inside my mind talked in a calming tone:
“Don’t be afraid, nothing bad is happening” it assured me and in some way it ended up soothing me.
After hearing that, the appointment with the doctor flew by due to not being able to pay him attention. Thousands of thoughts were running through my head, but the voice hadn’t talked again to answer my questions.
“Finally, I wanted to ask you…” The doctor kept on writing something on his notepad without looking at me. “Have you ever heard voices in your head?” His question made my body tense up.
“Tell him no!” Yelled a different voice to the first one, taking me by surprise. It was the voice with the accent, but now inside my head.
“Uhm… Nope, never” I tried to feign confusion to not raise suspicions and it seem to fool the doctor.
“Okay, I think we finish for today” the psychologist got up from his chair and extended his hand for me to shake it. “I hope to see you here again, Alex”. I tried to answer, but my voice was taken once again, together with the ability to move.
“Thanks, doc. See you later…” The accent, there it was again, but the doctor still didn’t notice.
Once I was out of the hospital, the control over my body came back, leaving me with a sensation of dizziness and not knowing what to do. Meanwhile, the two voices in my head kept on talking between them, maybe without knowing I was listening because one of them let slip out:
“Another psychologist fooled. The parents should already know that they won’t accomplish anything that way.” It was the voice with the accent again.
I decided not to think about it. Maybe it really had been my imagination driven by the fatigue I felt due to school, but in a certain way, it was nice knowing I shared my loneliness with someone else. That afternoon I came back home and acted as if nothing had happened.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a short story I wrote during the pandemic to get extra credit in my university lol hopefully you'll like it and forgive any grammatical errors, english is my second language. Also, this work is inspired by someone I love dearly (⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠。⁠)⁠ノ⁠♡
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theangelofthedesert · 9 months
New beginnings
I'm gonna start posting bits and pieces of my writings here bc I have nowhere to publish them for now lmao. If someone finds this blog by accident then buckle up and enjoy the trip!
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theangelofthedesert · 9 months
hi neil!
i’m a 17 year old author and im publishing my first childrens book this year (around christmas). do you have any advice on motivation? i’m terribly scared it won’t do well. you’re my biggest literary inspiration and i thought you might be able to help.
i write and illustrate out of pure passion, however i’m hard on myself when it comes to my audience reach.
love, bri
It's fine if books don't do well immediately. And some books will never find their audience. What you do, is not worry about the book you have coming out, and instead you work on the next one.
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theangelofthedesert · 5 years
Well... Damn :'v
one taught me love
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one taught me patience
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one taught me pain
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and one is gonna fucking put me in cardiac arrest
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theangelofthedesert · 5 years
Avengers: Sad, depressed, almost ready to give up
Scott Lang:
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theangelofthedesert · 5 years
Fluffy/Blushy Sentence Starters
aka “I can feel my cheeks blushing from just thinking about what I want to say to you”
“I like the way your hand fits in mine.”
“You have something in your hair, umm… Do you want me to get it out?”
“It’s nice that your voice was the first thing I heard today.”
“You can call me whenever you want… Even if you don’t have a reason to.”
“I’m bad at texting first, so I always end up hoping you will.”
“This movie is really scary, but you’re into it so I’m trying not to cover my face the whole time, but- WHAT IS THAT?”
“Wait, don’t pull away… Not yet.”
“You look really cute in that sweater.”
“Half the time I get too embarrassed to say anything.”
“No, it’s fine.  I can wait until you’re done talking to them.”
“No, like…. It’s just, I can’t believe you’re actually wearing my clothes.”
“You’re a big piece of inspiration for this, honestly.”
“God, you always make me blush so damn much.”
“I’ve been trying to get ready for like an hour and a half, because I know you’re going to look so good and I need to try and match up.”
“Would it be too cliche if we matched clothes a little?”
“First second I saw you and I couldn’t get over how beautiful you were.”
“I wanted to say “I love you” for the first time without stuttering, but that failed.”
“Could you hold my hand?”
“You can’t leave without letting me hug you first.”
“I really love holding you, darling.”
“That pet name was so gushy, but it was also so cute.”
“Aw, you’re blushing like a rose.”
“Your lips are really warm.”
“I can’t get over how a few months ago I wanted to learn your name and now you’re having breakfast with me in my sweater.”
“No, mom, don’t tell him/her I said that about him/her!”
“My friends get so annoyed by how much I talk about how sometimes.”
“Wanna, like– I mean, if you’re not busy… We could get lunch? Or even just coffee if you don’t have a lot of time?”
“Wow, I didn’t think you could make me smile this big.”
“You don’t need to leave so soon.”
“You look so comfy, and cuddle-able.”
“Quit smiling at me, I can’t stop messing up my sentences when you look at me like that.”
“You’re hiding under the blanket because you’re blushing?”
“You make me so happy.”
“Don’t give me that puppy dog face.  How am I supposed to say no to that?”
“You made these cupcakes for me?”
“I look forward to holding you close in bed soon.”
“Let’s share my coat, since you’re so cold.”
“I can’t believe I got the first date, let alone a year.”
“You make me feel so damn gushy.”
“How do you always manage to look so captivating?”
“Would you mind if I kissed you?”
“Are you sugar personified or something?”
“I know I’ve kissed you like, ten times, but just like another ten, please.”
“You’re the perfect height for me to rest my chin on your head.”
“I would’ve had breakfast ready, but you were sleeping on my arm, and I didn’t want to wake you.”
“Is it cold outside or are you just blushing?”
“Yeah… Huh? Oh, sorry I was just thinking about my girl/boyfriend.”
“I’m so in love with her/him, I don’t know what do do.”
“I remember practicing how to ask you out to the mirror.”
Writer’s choice
Send a name and a sentence xx
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theangelofthedesert · 5 years
otp: *literally just stand beside each other*
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theangelofthedesert · 5 years
Sadly u.u
How do kisses actually feel?
Reblog if you’ve got 1001 OTPs and root for them to kiss every second and read about prolly a hundred kisses per day in fanfiction and live for the ones that make your heart skip but have never been kissed yourself
(and consequently wondered if maybe saliva exchange wouldn’t be gross)
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theangelofthedesert · 5 years
Having your heart stop because a family member almost saw the fanfic you were reading is a fandom rite of passage
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theangelofthedesert · 5 years
That shit is gooood
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that smile when you think about him and him and her and her and them, actually all of your ships
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theangelofthedesert · 5 years
people who read fanfiction in public are underrated heroes
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theangelofthedesert · 5 years
Same bro, same
angst with a happy ending is my favourite honestly like yes bitch give me emotional conflict but dont completely ruin my soul you know
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