thelonesomepianist · 3 days
Can we be friends?
Of course..!
You made my day with this message ♡
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thelonesomepianist · 4 days
I haven't gotten into much poetry so I can't say I have any favourite poets. But I would like to get into it.
Oh but Sylvia Plath was an amazing poet! Her poems were quite spontaneous and abstract... Such as Lady Lazarus.
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thelonesomepianist · 4 days
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What is your favourite flower, Monsieur Liszt?
Roses! Red roses.
Ah, but to be frank all flowers are nice to me and a key point of their beauty resides in their variance. Of colours, shapes and perfumes! Like women! · And people in general..!
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thelonesomepianist · 4 days
I also recently got The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath.
I haven't read it but if I remember correctly it's a feminist novel? I love those. And I take it you're into poetry as well? :D
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thelonesomepianist · 6 days
Thanks for answering my question :)
As for me, I've only just gotten into literature but I really like The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde.
You have great taste :) One of the most interesting novels of all time. Superficial beauty and pleasure can't define one's life. I love Oscar Wilde, he surely was ahead of his time.
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thelonesomepianist · 12 days
What literature do you like?
I love literature in general, whether it be prose or poetry or plays, and I've always had a taste for the 19th century classics (especially those dark and moody novels); they made me acknowledge the inevitability of pain and suffering. Somewhat. For hundreds of years, writing stories seemed to be the most popular way of conveying all those emotions. But of course, classical novelists are not all about expressing the pain their characters had to endure; they provide insight on the lives of people in the past through their characters. The common theme of pain and suffering in those novels make for better character development, and sometimes even life-changing lessons, and that's the best part.
Sorry if that seemed unrelated. And obvious.
Here are some of my favourite novels:
- Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë (my absolute favourite, the ending is so depressingly poetic)
"I have not broken your heart - you have broken it; and in breaking it, you have broken mine." - Heathcliff to Catherine
- Shirley by Charlotte Brontë (seemed slightly dull at first but I eventually learned the hardships that women face in love and marriage back then)
- Middlemarch by George Eliot (women writers are the best)
- Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens
- Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
- Les Misérables by Victor Hugo (the original French version is so beautifully written)
- Notre-Dame de Paris by Victor Hugo
I could list so much more, and these are just the most popular ones, but my reply is getting more lengthy than it should.
As for the exquisite art of poetry, Emily Brontë, Emily Dickinson, and Shakespeare wrote the best poems, in my humble opinion.
Thank you for this question, and I hope you have a wonderful day or night. ♡
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thelonesomepianist · 13 days
George Sand. ♡
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thelonesomepianist · 17 days
Sometimes I feel like I should abandon my artistic pursuits and become a therapist instead... But. Arts and literature mean the world to me.
If you need any kind of emotional support or just some uplifting words, I would gladly provide them, but I might respond slightly belated.
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thelonesomepianist · 18 days
Salut Monsieur, je voulais juste dire...
I sought solace in a world graced by your music, where tall waves crash against pristine shores, and sunlight melts through verdant trees, and stars glow where fairies dance and sing.
Mon objectif ultime.. c’est d'exprimer la beauté du monde à travers la musique. I am just a humble servant of art..
You are a poet, it seems, dearest Anon. These words of yours are weighed pristinely; it delights me. Thank you for the rose.
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thelonesomepianist · 22 days
Please keep scrolling ♡
C'est la première fois que j'écris quelque chose comme ça... Mais je voulais juste exprimer quelques sentiments troublants de mon cœur. Chaque fois que je passe devant le magasin de piano en rentrant de l'école, je me souviens de... Une fausse réalité dont je devrais me défaire. Je suis une mauvaise pianiste et j'ai laissé tomber mes parents. Ils ont travaillé dur pour me payer des leçons de piano et m'ont acheté un piano, mais je n'ai jamais montré le moindre talent. J'aime pourtant le piano et je trouve que c'est le plus bel instrument. J'ai abandonné à mi-chemin l'apprentissage des Valses et Nocturnes de Chopin, et je passe maintenant mes heures d'entraînement à écouter de magnifiques morceaux que je ne pourrai jamais jouer. Je suis vraiment une perdante.
Ainsi, chaque fois que je passe devant le magasin de piano et que j'entends des gens jouer des mélodies gracieuses et techniques, je ressens une peur forte et étrange qu'ils sortent du magasin et me battent pour ne pas avoir été loyal envers le piano et pour avoir été un tel lâche. Les pianos noirs m'intimident. J'ai honte, j'ai honte. Pareil pour le dessin et l'écriture, je commence à croire que je suis nulle dans tout ce que je fais.
Parfois, j'ai juste envie de m'enfermer et de m'infliger de la douleur.
C'est tout. Et pourquoi j'ai écrit ça en français ? Eh bien, je ne sais pas. Si vous avez lu tout ça, je suis désolé de vous avoir fait perdre votre temps.
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thelonesomepianist · 24 days
Another simple drawing of Felix Mendelssohn ♡
i think imma use it as my new pfp (I'm definitely not obsessed with him)
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thelonesomepianist · 27 days
Happy birthday Herr Bach ♡
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thelonesomepianist · 27 days
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Detail of a gravestone, St Peter’s church, Heysham, Lancashire (via here)
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thelonesomepianist · 28 days
You are as beautiful as a riverside garden at night, where delicate roses unfurl their petals and silver moonbeams dance across the waters.
je m'excuse si cela a semblé aléatoire.
Ça n'est pas aléatoire, c’est spontané. Et, de la part de quelqu'un qui en a très peu, la spontanéité doit être célébrée.
Thank you for your beautiful words.
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thelonesomepianist · 29 days
Heathcliff ♡♡♡
Found this drawing by 13 y/o me when I was cleaning my room today... My art style hasn't changed much
Wuthering Heights is the greatest novel to ever grace humanity imho
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thelonesomepianist · 29 days
ok but Marius Pontmercy and Felix Mendelssohn having cinematic parallels-
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thelonesomepianist · 1 month
Liszt with different hair colours ♡
I have no idea why I drew this, it lowkey looks atrocious but it was fun I guess
Also I surprisingly forgot which texture brush I always used for hair so I had to improvise... Digital art is hard...
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