hrtthrbromanov · 3 years
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“so, what’s our plan?… so, no plan. great”.
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hrtthrbromanov · 3 years
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hrtthrbromanov · 3 years
Hi! Hope your having a great week! Anyway can I request an idea where reader is a new avenger recruit that comes off as shy and gets teased cause they don’t know why she made the cut? But someone on the team took something that belongs to her and that’s why she was picked... her temper is awful. She ends up stabbing the person without a second thought. But she’s super sweet yet a psycho.
A/N: Thanks so much for the request, babes! I hope this is what you’re looking for. I had fun writing this! 
Summary: You’re a new recruit for the avengers, and although you’re shy, you’ve sure got a temper. What happens when someone takes something that belongs to you?
Warnings: Language, asshole Bucky and Clint
You couldn’t believe it. You were standing in front of your heroes. Well, basically everyone's heroes, but that's besides the point. You’d finally made it. Avengers recruitment, what could really make or break the rest of your life. No biggie. 
You were all broken off into groups, some with the Black Widow, some with the Captain America, but you were in the group with leaders Winter Soldier and Hawkeye, or, as they insisted you called them, Bucky and Clint. An odd pairing, sure, but the two both had the same poor, rather sad, attention span. 
You were standoffish, choosing to watch and practice alone, in the back. You didn’t like standing out, even though you knew that's what they were looking for. 
Toying with a bracelet around your arm, you slid it off, twirling it between your fingers. You nearly jumped out of your skin when you felt a hand being placed on your shoulder, and a shadow appear in front of you. 
“Whatcha got there, dollface?” 
It was the Winter Soldier- Bucky. Your heart nearly leaped out of your chest as you wracked your brain for an answer. Was there a wrong one? Is this a test? 
“Uh. Bracelet.” 
“Oh, this old thing?” It was Clint this time that spoke, grabbing the bracelet from your hands. You reached for it timidly, but he held it just out of reach. 
“H-hey! Give that back.” 
“Ruh-Roh, someone’s getting mad, huh? Buck, catch.” Clint threw it over to Bucky, who then proceeded to hold it over your head, making you jump for it like a fool. 
Unbeknownst to you, the one and only Captain America had been watching this whole thing unfold, completely abandoning his group. 
This went on for a little bit, the back and forth. You could feel yourself getting angrier and angrier, but before you could pounce, Steve called for wrap up. 
“Whoops, looks like it’s time to go. You mind if I hang on to this?” Clint said, a snarky tone in his voice. The two boys laughed as they made their way to the next room of recruitments. You stomped your foot angrily, steam pretty much coming out of your ears as you glared at anyone and everyone. 
“Hey, calm down. It was just a bracelet. I’d be honored to have my bracelet taken from them.” It was another recruit, having to put their two cents Into your business. 
“If you do not shut the fuck up, you’ll be my new bracelet when I shove my hand up your ass.” That seemed to scare them away, as they backed up slowly, hands raised in defense. 
You began to pack your stuff like everyone else, just ready to go home and blow off some steam. Slinging your bag over your shoulder, you made your way to the door. Before you made it outside, however, a voice called you back. 
“Y/N? Can I speak to you for a second?” 
It was Steve Rogers himself. What would he want with you? Nevertheless you made your way over to him, as he watched the last few people trail out of the gym, he forced a smile, resting his hand on your back. 
“Welcome to the team, kid.” 
“And this is the kitchen. We spend a lot of time here.” 
You chuckled quietly, running your fingers lightly over the kitchen counter. You were in awe the entire tour, pretty much still in shock from when you were told you had made it in. Steve had been very warm and welcoming, and so had the others you had come across while getting the grand tour. 
You hung on to every word Steve had told you, anxiously awaiting the next move. You were the quiet type, which he had pointed out many times already, but you were a firecracker. It didn’t take much to set you off, which is why you were so ready to get onto the field. However, he told you that might not be for a while.
Just as you were about to head back to your room to do a little victory dance, the team entered the kitchen, apparently getting a pre-debriefing snack. You could feel your heart pick up and your hands start to sweat as they all filed in, and you smiled. Your smile dropped, though, when you saw the two dicks who took your bracelet. 
“Hey, recruit. You okay? You look like you saw someone kick your puppy.” It was Natasha, and you quickly wiped the steamy look off your face and turned to her, nodding bashfully. 
“Y-yeah. Just still in awe, that's all.” Your voice came out a squeak, and you went to go toy with your bracelet, a nervous habit of yours, only to be reminded that it wasn’t there. You sighed and moved to the back of the room, away from everyone. 
You thought you were safe, and that they’d all be leaving soon, so you try to sneak out the door unnoticed, but you should’ve known that wasn’t possible with literal super humans. 
“And where do you think you’re going, your shyness?” Tony spoke up, making the rest turn to look at you. 
“That was a good one.” Came from somewhere in the room, to which Tony shot them a glare and a shake of the head, clearly telling them that they were ruining his creative sparks. 
“Me? Oh, I was just, uh..”
“Go on. Spit it out, doll.” It was him. Bucky. And right now, he was on your shit list, along with Clint. You shot him a dirty look, before letting out a sigh and a forced smile. 
“Just to my room, is all.” 
“Oh, come on. You don’t want to sit and talk with us? That hurts my feelings.” Clint replied, a fake pout on his face. 
You really didn’t know what to say, you were under the gaze of the most famous superheroes in the world. You just stood there, face heating up as you slowly stepped backwards. 
“Come on guys, she’s shy. Cut her some slack. She’s probably gonna go over analyze why she got in in the first place.” Your eyes cut over to Sam, and before you could defend yourself, they all started in on you. 
“You know, why did you get picked?”
“I don’t really know..” Your voice came out quiet hush, and you didn’t think anyone heard you, until Steve came to your side. 
“Alright, cut it out. Lets let her get settled before we start giving her a hard time, yeah?” “Oh, don’t be all soft, Steve. She’s fine. You're just a lady kiss ass.”
They all began to gang up on him instead of you, and while you felt bad, you were also relieved. He shooed them off as they were all called into the debriefing, and they made their way out, but two strayed from the pack, and you huffed. 
“What do you want?”
“Oh, come on, sweetheart. I think we all know why you’re here.” Bucky held up your bracelet, “Poor little girl, too shy to stick up for herself.”
“Give it back, Bucky.” You clenched your fist at your sides, and they both chuckled at the sight. “Why? What’re you gonna do? Hit me?”
You could feel the anger bubbling inside of you, the instantaneous need to just break something in half. Without thinking you walked over to the kitchen island, grabbing a knife out of its holder. You pointed it toward the two men, waving it around.
“Is this what you want? For me to prove myself or something? Fine!”
Your next move wasn’t very well thought out, as you jammed the knife into Clint's thigh. You rolled your eyes as he let out a scream, and Bucky dropped the bracelet in shock. 
“She just fucking stabbed me, dude! Oh, my god. We have to get out of here before she kills us.”
Clint hobbled over to the door, and you gave Bucky a pointed look, causing him to gulp and chase after his injured friend.
“She's crazy, dude. Fucking psycho.” 
You shrugged, picking up your bracelet and sliding it back on, admiring how much better your wrist looked with it on. 
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hrtthrbromanov · 3 years
The Fight (DRABBLE)
Summary: A snowball fight with Sam and Steve. 
Warnings: Language
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“Sam. Sam, I don’t think I’m gonna make it.” You wheezed out, eyes fluttering. 
“Man, if you don’t get your ass up and help me kick this fools ass, I’ll make sure you don’t make it.” 
You scoffed, standing up and brushing the snow off yourself, doing a little dance to get it out of your pant legs. You bent down, scooping up some snow and packing it together. You looked around the corner of you and Sam’s hiding spot, looking for any oncoming fliers. 
Just as you were about to give the all clear, Steve’s head pops up and he throws a snowball right at your head. You barely have time to register before Sam is pulling you back down. 
“What were you thinking? One more hit and you’re out. I can’t take on a super soldier all by myself.” 
“Oh, you’re being dramatic. I had him!” You said, rolling your eyes. But he was right. One more hit and you were out. Maybe challenging Captain America to a snowball fight wasn’t the best idea, but hey, if you won this thing he owed you hot chocolate, and you’d be damned if you were gonna let the team down by losing. 
Releasing a steady breath, you closed your eyes, putting all your focus and faith into this one ball. Suddenly, you strike. The ball of snow whizzed through the air, landing smack in the middle of Steve’s chest. 
“I did it! Sam, I did it!” You whooped, looking back to see Steve pouting, making you sigh. You trudged over to him, arms outreached. 
“Oh, come here you big baby. I didn’t mean anything by it-“ just as you said that, he hit you with a snowball he’d been hiding in his large hand. “You did not.” 
He burst out laughing, his hand coming up to his chest as he fell Into the snow. He thought he was hilarious. You were the one pouting this time, crossing your arms over your chest and turning away from him. 
“Baby, come on. That was funny. Sam- Sam, that was funny, right?” Steve tried pleading with you, and Sam just raised his hands in defense, choosing not to take a side. You huffed, and Steve reached for your arm, but you pulled away. 
“No. Nope, you screwed up, bud. You can suck your own dick tonight.” You were being overdramatic, but, first of all, how dare he. You began stomping away, your feet dragging in the snow when you felt a pair of padded arms wrap around your torso, and a cold cheek press against your own. 
“I’m sorry.”
“I sure hope so.”
“Hot chocolate?”
“You guys. The snow makes it look like Steve peed himself.”
“Can it, Sam.”
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hrtthrbromanov · 3 years
Thanks so much for the love on my recent fics 🥺 if i could kiss u all I would. Mwah. More on the way
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hrtthrbromanov · 3 years
Merry Christmas: Drabble
Pairing: Modern!Sam Wilson x Reader
Summary: it’s snowing and there’s no place Sam would rather be than holding his wife in his arms and sipping hot chocolate.
Warning(s): fluff cause sam deserves all the love and cuddles and sam in a sweater, yes, i thought that should be a warning cause he’s extra soft in sweaters!
Word Count: 560
A/N: i’ve been wanting to write something for sammy boy for soooo long! at least since october. anyway, i finally got around to it! expect more fics for him in the future cause i love him sm and yeah, that’s all. oh, and if ya wanna tell me what you thought and maybe even give me a rb i would love you forever, but yeah. enjoy! @xbuchananbarnes​ this is to make up for the fall fic i never finished writing for sam
(not my gif)
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hrtthrbromanov · 3 years
I Can Keep You Warm
Summary: Bucky’s going back into cryo, and you’re not taking it too well.
Warnings: Angst 
Wiping your nose on the back of your sleeve, you looked out the window, trying to stop the tears that kept falling down your face, no matter how hard you tried to protest. You weren’t doing it for you. Lord knows if it were up to you you’d be bawling right now, but this was about him. This is his day, and you wouldn’t let yourself ruin it. You already knew he was scared, and you were too. But you knew that if he knew that, he wouldn’t do it. He needed this. He said so himself. 
“He’s gonna be okay, Y/N.” 
It was Sam. Man, how you wished you had the strength to fight him on that. You knew that’d he be alright, of course you did. But were you gonna be alright? Maybe it was selfish, but you just wanted him home. With you. Before you could speak you had to cough to clear your throat, sounding groggy from the lack of use. “I know. I just don’t know if I’ll be, you know?” 
“It’s not forever. He’ll be out before you know it.” Sam tried to give you a reassuring smile, but all it did was make you choke out another sob. He rushed over to you, sitting down and pulling you into his side. 
“I don't want him to go.”
“I know, I know. But let's not think of that right now. Let's go spend what time we have left with him, yeah?” he offers, and you nod, standing up on shaky legs. The walk to the prep room is a blur- You remember none of it, other than the warmth of Sam’s hand in yours. 
Walking into the room, your eyes immediately find his. You gave him a weak smile, trying to desperately wipe the red out of your eyes to no avail. 
“Hey, babydoll.”
You took hesitant steps toward him, and the nurse taking his vitals gave you a sad once over before moving out of your way to go explain what was going to happen to Sam. when you got close enough he reached for your hand and you let him, wasting no time throwing yourself into his chest, finally letting it all out and soaking his tee. 
“I’ll miss you. I’ll miss you so much.” You cried, balling the fabric of his shirt in your hands, just letting him hold you. He kissed the top of your head repeatedly, trying to calm you down. 
“I know, baby. I’ll miss you too.”
“I’ll write to you every day, and you can read them all when you come home, okay? And- and I’ll have all of your favorite things ready for you, and we can watch that old timey movie you like and everything. Okay? I’ll wait for you. I promise I will.” You rambled on and on, not wanting to accept that the time was almost up. 
“Okay. It's okay, doll. You stay out of trouble for me, yeah? I wanna hear about everything you get up to when I get back. So have some fun, but be good. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Mr. Barnes? They’re ready for you.” It was the nurse again, standing patiently by the door. You looked up at him, your eyes wide, as if to ask ‘Just five more minutes?’ but you knew you couldn’t do that. You knew he was ready. You pulled yourself away from him, wiping your tears and smiling at him as he stood. 
He nodded at Sam and took your hand as you followed the nurse into the next room. He brought your hand up to his lips, kissing each knuckle before letting go. He looked back at you one last time before stepping into the machine. The dreaded machine. 
You couldn’t hear the doctor explaining anything. It was all constant droning in your ears as you watched him. You wished you had listened, and maybe time would’ve gone a little bit slower. 
‘‘Y/L/N? Y/L/N?’’ the doctor called to you, and you snapped out of it, looking over, giving a sullen nod. “It's time.” the tears started to form again, and you just let them. You looked back to Bucky as they shut him in, and he mouthed an ‘I love you’. 
They flipped a switch and suddenly he was being frozen in front of you, and you decided you changed your mind, that you couldn’t let him go through with this. You rush up to Bucky, trying to open the sealed doors. 
“Please, please. I was wrong. I can’t live without him. I can’t let him do this. Please.” You sobbed, falling to the ground when the door wouldn’t open. 
“He’s already cold, Y/N.”
“But if you let me hold him, I can keep him warm. I just want him back, please.” 
Sam pulled you to your feet, and held you to his chest. 
“He’ll come back. He always does.”
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hrtthrbromanov · 3 years
Royal Goats
Summary: You and Bucky sneak his goats into T’challa’s palace.
Warnings: None
“Hold him still, doll.”
“I am holding him still. Why don’t you move your damned feet, and maybe we’d actually get somewhere before we’re 80. Oh, wait-”
“Ha ha, very funny. Will you keep it movin’ before we get caught?” 
You bit your tongue to keep from laughing as you shuffled down the palace corridors. You held back a groan as tiny hooves were shoved into your side. 
“Here, Buck. Hold him while I open the doors.” You pass off the goat you’ve been holding to Bucky, walking up to the main doors, where T’Challa’s throne sat just inside. No one said this would be a good idea, but you’d be damned if it wasn’t a great idea. Taking Bucky’s goats into the palace to, I don’t know, be little kings for about 15 minutes? Sounded pretty good to you when you thought of it. It took you about that long to convince Bucky to go along with it as well. 
You rush up to the door, pushing it open and cringing when it makes a loud sound as it scrapes against the floor. Bucky pushes past you, completely ignoring the hand you put up to signal wait. 
“You oaf, do you not understand spy code?”
“No, I understood. You just looked stupid so I ignored you.” He shrugged, setting the goats down. You scoffed, getting ready to scold him when the goats take it upon themselves to hop up into the throne and you squeal excitedly instead.
Pulling out your phone, you take a few pictures, making obnoxious kissy noises to grab the goats’  attention. About halfway through showing off your incredible photography skills, you hear two voices coming down the hallway. 
“Oh, fuck. Hide!” 
You each grab a goat, scurrying to hide behind the large seat meant for a royal butt. 
“I’m telling you, brother. The white boys are multiplying. It’s bad enough they all look the same, but now they’re making homes in our villages!” 
“You can’t just say that, Shuri. They’ll start asking to live in actual houses instead of their poor little dirt huts if you give them ideas” 
T’Challa and Shuri joked back and forth, making their way inside. Bucky scoffed and you elbowed him to shut him up as the sound of feet grew nearer. 
“Hold on, what is this in my seat?” T’Challa exclaimed, leaning forward to examine a wet spot where Sweetpea, the goat, had drooled. 
“Oh my god.” You gasped, quietly, and Bucky placed his hand over your mouth to keep you quiet, all while wrestling the goat he held in his other arm. You tried to steady your breathing so as to not give yourself away, and to calm your nerves. Okay, so you admit, maybe this wasn’t the greatest of ideas. 
“Shuri, is this another one of your tasteless jokes? To make it seem like I peed?”
“Now, brother-” 
“No, I will have none of it.” 
“None of it, I say. Come, let us go gather the supplies for you to clean this mess up.”
Shuri sighed, defeated. You also sighed too, into Bucky’s hand, and out of relief. Though, you did feel bad for letting her take the fall, but better her than you, you reasoned with yourself.
Footsteps could faintly be heard walking away from the two of you and you both visibly relaxed, looking to each other with a grin. You were about to come up with a witty quip, when a loud bleat echoed through the palace hall. 
You froze. 
“Who’s there?”
You and Bucky slowly, and shamefully, came out of your hiding spot to face T’challa and his sister. 
“I can explain! Bucky-”
“Me? No, you were the one with the wise idea.”
You elbowed him and the goat in your arms took that as a sign to wriggle free, dropping to the ground. It skidded its way back over to the chair, hopping up and you cringed. 
“That is what left that spot? You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“Well it’s not pee. So you’ve got that going for you.”
“Out.” With one hand holding the bridge of his nose, and the other pointing out the palace doors, T’challa sighed, exasperated. You and Bucky nodded, quickly making your way out. You were both silent on your walk back to his hut, until you looked each other in the eyes and both burst out laughing. 
“Oh, we’re in deep shit.” Bucky chuckled, wiping a tear from his eye. 
“You mean you’re-”
“Don’t start.”
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hrtthrbromanov · 3 years
The Lights
Summary: You and Tony put up your very first Christmas tree together (DRABBLE)
warnings: fluff, angst(?)
“Okay, sweetheart, and I’m telling you it looks better this way.”
“Hey, I don’t need the sass, Y/N.” 
You and Tony were currently putting up the tree for your guys’ first Christmas together. It was going smoothly.. Until it got to the part where you actually had to decorate the thing. You wanted to put time and thought into it, and somebody thought it’d be funny to stick beer bottles into the tree. You finally got him to start pulling his own weight and hang the lights, to which he childishly threw them on. 
“Tony, I’m serious about this! Do you not care about our first Christmas?” You pouted. You knew you were probably a little dramatic, a little spoiled, but this meant a lot to you. You wanted to make sure this was special, because you planned on having many more with him. 
He sighed, dropping his end of the lights and walking over to you, arms outreached, inviting you to cling to his chest so you didn’t have to throw your tantrum alone. “Of course I care, baby. I’ve just.. Never had to care about the little things. But it is important to me. You’re important to me. You’re my baby. You know that.”
“I know..” 
“Now, come on. Let's finish this tree so I can tell you about my sexy elf fantasy.”
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hrtthrbromanov · 3 years
Bucky’s Rudolph
Summary: You seem to know about what Bucky needs more than he does, and you’ll go out of your way to prove that. Or: You get Bucky a dog for Christmas.
Warnings: Fluff, language
“Please, Buck. It’ll be good for the both of you.”
“You’re kidding. You have to be absolutely out of your goddamn mind to even suggest getting a dog to me.”
You groan, letting your head fall back on the couch cushion behind you. You’d been egging him on about this for weeks, and now that it was getting closer to Christmas, you’d been more than insistent. You’d even gone as far as to deny him of sex, and that didn’t go over well for either of you. 
“This is the last time I'm telling you, doll. We are not getting a damn dog.” 
You knew he was serious, but you also knew that once a dog was in front of him, he’d never leave it alone. Just last week Sam had brought his boxer to the compound, and Bucky had fallen in love instantly. It made you a little jealous, honestly. But you knew better than anyone that he needs a little distraction like that. Something he could get up to trouble with. Maybe even a buddy to go on his runs with him, because god knows you weren’t. 
“Okay, okay. I get it. Just trying to help.” You sigh, deciding to stop the pestering for now. He looks over to you, reaching over to grab your hand. You put on an exaggerated pout, hoping he might buy it. Instead he rolls his eyes and stands up, walking toward the front door. 
You turn quickly in your spot on the couch to look at him as he opens the door. He gives you a look, as if he was warning you or something, and called over to you, “I’m going out with Steve for a little while. Please, for the love of god, don’t do anything stupid.”
You scoff as he shuts the door behind him. You were hurt, truthfully. You knew for a fact that whatever he and Steve got up to had to be ten times dumber than what you did on your own. Besides, you had never done anything dumb in your life. You’d show him that. 
The little bell chimed as you opened the door. You were greeted by the welcoming sounds of the yips and mewls of cats and dogs. You nodded to the woman behind the front desk, signing your name on the sign-in sheet, and helping yourself to the back where the animals were kept. You cooed at the dogs whining for your attention, smiling out of pure adoration of them all. Now you were upset with yourself for coming alone, because it was going to be hard to just choose one. 
“Aren’t you a handsome boy.” You stop in front of a cage containing a red-nose Pitbull. Funnily enough, his name was Rudolph. He pressed his face up to the front of the cage, huffing and puffing his way to you. You sigh, dropping to your knees in front of him, pushing your hand through to pet him. 
Bucky was going to kill you, you knew that much, but you also knew you couldn’t leave without Rudolph. You’d calmly explain to him that you coincidentally found him on the street, and that you simply couldn’t leave him out in the cold. He’d understand. 
He was just afraid, and you understood that, you really did. He was afraid that if it turned out he couldn’t take care of a dog, then he wouldn’t be able to take care of you. He was a family man at heart, and you’d show him that that was the farthest thing from the truth, even if you had to take it slowly. 
After some time of reassuring yourself this was the right thing to do, you made your way back up to the front desk with confidence, ready to bring Rudolph home. As soon as you sat down to do the paperwork, your phone rang. The lady behind the counter threw you a concerned look as you groaned, bringing the phone up to your ear. 
“Hey… Bucky.”  You hoped - no, prayed he didn’t hear the cringe in your voice, and the sound of frantic barking in the background. 
“Hey, babydoll. I’m almost home, and I was gonna stop and grab us a bite to eat. What sounds good?”
Your eyes widen as you search your brain for an answer, not wanting him to go home to find you gone. He would be smart enough to put the pieces together, and it’d be worse that way. 
“Um, you know that Italian place on 83rd? Their fettuccine sounds so good right now.”
You can practically hear the cogs turning in his head as he tries to remember just what you were talking about, and you knew he’d remembered when he let out a long sigh. 
“You mean that place that takes 45 minutes just to take your damn order? Alright, doll, but-”
“Great, thanks. Bye, love you!” Ending the call as quickly as you can, you shut your phone off to prevent any further distractions. You turned your attention back to the paperwork, breezing through it to get it done and over with. 
You returned the finished papers to the front desk, and this time the lady led you back herself. You made your way over to Rudolph, excitedly bouncing up and down on the balls of your heels, waiting for her to bring him out. 
She opened the cage door, and out came Rudolph, jumping with joy. The lady placed the lead over his head and you grabbed it from her, nearly getting knocked down when he jumped up on you, sniffing you with vigor. 
“Oh, yeah. He’s gonna love you.” 
“This way boy, come on.” You lead Rudolph through the hallway of your apartment complex, trying to get him to focus on getting to your room on time. He was currently trying to bite at your shoestrings, as you tripped down the hall. 
“Yeah, Sam. She’s just not here. Well, no I haven't tried calling her yet I thought I call you first because- Because you’re supposed to know everything, asshole!”
You froze. Shit! He’s home. You thought, tugging on the dog to keep him from rounding the corner. You pressed yourself up against the wall to stop yourself from being seen, but just as you were about to peek around the corner, your phone rang. 
Oh, fuck. Maybe if I just ignore it he’ll go away. Coincidences happen all the time, right? 
“Baby? Is that you?” 
I guess not. 
You make your way around to face him, head hung in shame and leash dangling from your hands. You could hear the audible gasp Bucky let out when he saw the big, jolly dog. “You did not.” he mumbled in disbelief. Before you could answer, Rudolph bounded up to him, jumping into his arms. “Hey, buddy. Did she kidnap you? Hey, don’t sniff there.”
“I'm not a kidnapper, Bucky!” You huff, stomping. “I just, uh, found him somewhere. Yeah. His name is Rudolph.” You tried to explain, but he wasn’t listening. He was too busy talking to his new pal. A small smile crept up on your face. 
“Rudolph, huh? Well aren’t you just a sweetheart. Not as tough as you look. Guess that makes two of us.” He giggled. Actually giggled, and your heart melted. “Come on, let's get you two trouble makers inside.” He finally looked to you, nodding for you to come on. He opened your door and in went Rudolph, excitedly sniffing everything in his sight. Before you could go in after him, though, Bucky stopped you. 
“Thank you, trouble.” He wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his hands inside your jean pockets, pulling you into him. He looked up, and just so happens, all thanks to a gag gift from Tony, a mistletoe dangled from your doorway. 
You leaned in, kissing him slowly until a smile broke out against his lips. “Told you I wouldn’t do anything dumb.” And you didn’t.
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hrtthrbromanov · 3 years
Golden Boy
summary - Its been a long, long time. 
word count -  3033
Warnings - smut, fluff, maybe angst if you squint? 
Notes - Hi! I cannot write smut, so I’m deeply sorry about that. I just wanted to try my hand at it. However, if you do have any requests for future works please let me know ! I’d be more than happy to write it. 
Two years. 
It's been two years since the incident in Lagos. Two years since the team split. Two years since you've seen him. 
You run your palms nervously up and down your thighs, the friction doing little to subside your nerves. Your mind was spinning, thinking of everything that could happen. Everything that could go wrong. You were pissed, sure, but just the thought of seeing him again made you cram whatever petty thing you wanted to say to him in the far corner of your mind.
‘What if he doesn't want to see me too? What if we can't put this past us? What if-’ 
“We're here.” 
Your debilitating thoughts stop at once. You stand, forcing yourself over to the window.  Everything was so beautiful. So advanced. You can't wrap your head around it all. You thought pointing out everything you saw was a good way to ground yourself and quell the anxiety, but once you felt the jet lowering to the ground, your nervous habits got to you again, and you have to will yourself to not wring your hands raw. 
“It's going to be okay, Lady Y/N.” A firm hand was placed on your shoulder as Thor offered you a few words of encouragement. You smile up at him, tight lipped and nostrils flared, still not convinced. 
“Yeah, what's the worst that could happen? They call you a traitor, turning their backs on you and never speak to you again?”
You turned to face the talking raccoon, scrunching up your face in confusion. “I really should've skinned you a long time ago.” You retorted, tugging at his ears as he pawed at you in protest. “Cut it out, you're gonna give me tetanus, you rat.” You giggle, briefly forgetting about your impending thoughts. 
“I am groot.” 
“Yeah, what he said. Suck it, Y/N.” Rocket hisses, pulling away from your assault. You went to reply, but before you could you felt the ground shudder below you. ‘We've landed.’ You realize. You quickly smooth down your suit, going over yourself one last time. ‘Whatever happens, happens.’ you reason with yourself. You felt a gush of wind rush past you as the doors of the ship opened, revealing tall, eccentric buildings, complemented with a deep blue sky. 
You hold your breath as you step out of the ship, unsure of what to expect. You let out your breath when the palace came into view. Your heart thudded in your chest when you made out a huddle of people right in front, no doubt waiting for you. Taking it a step at a time, you made your way over. As you neared the group you could make out Rhodey, Bruce, Natasha, Bucky, and Steve. 
“Two fossils in one place? I didn't know this was a paleontologist convention.” 
As if on cue, they all turned to face you and you could've sworn the world stopped for just a second. You didn't know what to do so you just stood there, offering a meek smile. 
“Who you calling fossil, dollface?” 
Bucky was the first to approach you, his arms open and a grin you missed so much on his face. You threw your arms around his neck as he encased you with his, squeezing nearly all you had left in you out. The hug ended all too soon as another pair of hands was pulling you two apart. 
“Share some with the rest of us, hog.” 
It was Nat. Your smile only grew upon seeing her. She pulled you into her, her hand going to cradle your head. “It's been too long,” she mumbled into your ear. You nodded against her, pulling back slightly to take in her face. 
“Hey, Y/N.” 
A small but unmistakable voice called from behind you. You pull away from Natasha's embrace to greet Bruce. He looked as nervous as you felt. “Now here's a face I haven't seen in a while. How you doing, big man?” You attempted to ease him as you took him in your arms. 
“I've had better days,” he said, the reply muffled by your shoulder. He patted your back as a friendly gesture after you escape from his hold. His expression became softer, as if he were more sure of himself now. 
“I hope you weren't thinking you could skip me.” 
You turned to Rhodey to see his smug grin. You grabbed his hand in yours as he clasped a hand on your back. “Now why would I have such a thought,” you chuckle as he stepped back.  
This left one person. The one person you haven't heard speak since you set foot in Wakanda. You knew he wanted to say something, to scoop you into his arms and say sorry, how he wished it'd never had happened, how he shouldn't have let you go. You could feel his eyes burning a hole into your head. Mustering all the courage you had, you turn to face him. But before you could say anything, a booming voice sounded from behind you. 
“Bruce and friends! Come look at my ship!”
You could hear Rocket bickering with Thor about how it was his ship, not Thor's, and how he was just some homeless pirate who needed to take a hike. You roll your eyes as everyone made their way over to take a closer look. Everyone but Steve. You two stood there, neither one of you making a move to speak. The silence wasn't normal for you two, uncomfortable even, so you said the first thing that came to your mind when looking at his face. 
“So, did you just not have razors, or were you going for a new look?” 
Steve breathed a sigh of relief, followed by a chuckle soon after. He stood up taller before he spoke, “You know, I thought I'd look cool, but now, I just feel.. old.” It was nice falling back into your silly exchanges, especially after such a time apart. The ache in your heart slowly dissipated as you looked into his eyes. You grin, tilting your head to the side, “Well, it's about time. You're only 70 years too late.” 
Steve threw his head back as laughter erupted from his throat. As his laughter came to a stop, he was the one to pull you into a hug. You melt into his arms, taking in his scent as you bury your nose into his chest. You missed this. You missed him. 
You held each other in silence for what seemed to be an eternity until he said it first.
“I missed you.”
“Getting all sentimental on me now, old man?” 
“Y/N..” he chuckled at your attempt to minimize your feelings, though, by his eyes, you could tell it was no joke to him. 
“I know, I know. I.. I missed you too, Steve. Man, I have thought about this moment for a long, long while. I-I don’t even remember everything that I wanted to say.” You were stumbling over your words, emotions getting too thick, it’s evident in your voice. 
“Hey,” Steve ran his hands up and down your arms to soothe you, “we don’t have to talk about this. Not right now, at least. Let’s just catch up. Enjoy being back.” He smiles, and this time you could see the genuine happiness and relief in his eyes. He was gorgeous without even trying, and you’d punch him later for it. 
“I’d like that. Thank you, Steve.” Your breathing finally evened and your words flowed once again. He never pushed you, and for that, you were grateful. 
“But I do have to ask..” 
“I know, I’m sorry, but it’s just been eating at the back of my mind. According to Rhodey, you left a note on the fridge six months ago saying ‘brb’?” He used air quotes to punctuate your silly informalities. 
You laugh softly, looking down, “I called up some old friends, told them I needed a getaway, traveled the galaxies for a bit..” 
“And Thor?” 
“You know, we just got him a whole, I don’t know, two hours ago, but man has he eaten literally everything in the ship.” 
You two share a laugh as you looked over to see Bucky berating the raccoon as he tried to pry his metal arm from his body. 
“Should we leave them to it?” Steve looked back to you. His eyes fluttered over your face, taking in every detail. He left deliberate glances to your lips with no attempt to act on anything. You roll your eyes playfully, “Yeah, we’ve got a lot of catching up to do.” 
“It’s so beautiful.” 
You and Steve had made your way into the palace, now standing in a room high above the colony. You were looking out of the windows, which touched from floor to ceiling, still stunned by the advancement of Wakanda. 
“I couldn’t agree more.” 
You could feel Steve’s presence behind you now. Even from behind, you could feel his eyes rake over your body. He was trying to memorize every curve, every muscle, every ripple in your skin. 
You turned to face him, as he didn’t seem as infatuated with sightseeing, more so interested in you. You tilted your head to the side as you caught the longing look in his eyes. “I was talking about this place. Wakanda.” You quirk an eyebrow at him. 
“That may be what you’re talking about, sweetheart, but I was talking about something twice as stunning.” 
“Always such a charmer, Steven?” You rolled your eyes at his sickeningly sweet attempt to woo you. You didn't want to admit it, but even after all this time he still had hold of your heart. 
The wind was pulled from your lungs as he grabbed a hold of your waist and pulled you flush against his body. Your eyes found his as he studied you more intently now. His grip on you not letting up, as if he was afraid you’d run or disappear. 
His face was closer now, his breath fanning your face as he spoke, “I miss you. I want you.” His voice came out as a low grumble, vibrating your entire body. 
“And as much as I miss you, I think I want the old cap back. What do you say we get rid of that bear growing on your face? Don’t get me wrong, it’s sexy, but..” 
“I get it, I get.” Steve chuckled as he pulled back, but not before placing a faint kiss to your lips, the feeling lingering just a little longer as he turned away, making his way to the bathroom. 
You stood there for a second, watching him disappear into the bathroom as you contemplate your next move. Once you realized he wasn’t going to come back for you, you hastily made your way after him, eager to be close to him again.
Steve’s body hovers over the bathtub, adjusting the temperature of the steady flow pouring into the tub. You move to stand behind him, your fingers running up his sides and he shivers, leaning  into your touch a bit. Your lips find their way to his neck, placing careful kisses along the curve of it, all the way down to his shoulder. 
“You gonna let me take care of you, Cap?” Your voice comes out soft, and you’re almost embarrassed because of it. But you knew it didn’t really matter, because you knew he loved it. He turns to face you, grinning like the cocky shit he’d become as he caged you in against the bathroom sink. 
“S’that what you want, sweetheart? To take care of your captain?” You shiver as his hands slide their way up your shirt, caressing your skin lightly. You roll your eyes, biting down on your bottom lip, trying to hide the smirk that desperately wanted to escape. You knew what he was getting at, and honestly, two could play that game.
“Yes, captain.” Your response doesn’t take any thought, and neither does his next move as he pulls your shirt over your head, flinging it into the corner of the room. You give his shirt the same treatment, and he chuckles as you struggle to pull it over his broad shoulders. He gives you some help, taking it off the rest of the way. You let your eyes travel down his chest while your hands go up it, and his hands find their way to the clip of your bra. Your back arches as he unclips your bra, letting it slip down your arms and onto the floor. He audibly growls and you laugh, pushing him back a little. You begin to wiggle your way out of your pants, never breaking eye contact with him. “Come on, Steve. I’ve never known you to be this slow. You can keep up, can’t you?” You tease him, giggling as you watch his eyes grow darker. Stepping out of your pants, your panties are the next to go. You can feel the nerves bubble in your chest, but it just makes this moment all the more exciting. 
You saunter over to the bathtub, stepping in and lowering yourself down slowly. You quirk an eyebrow up at him, silently telling him to get on with it. You settle yourself into the water, hissing at the feeling of the warmth that covered your aching body. Before you know it, the water was rippling once again as his much larger body made its way into the tub with you. You watched him for a second before scooting down towards him, and he didn’t hesitate to pull you into his lap.
“Missed your pretty face..” Steve nuzzles his nose into your neck and you giggle, bringing your hands up to run your fingers through his hair. You shift so you’re straddling his lap, your hands resting on his broad shoulders, pushing him back gently to rest against the wall. You let your hands travel to his beard, smirking as your fingers tangle themselves in it. You reach for the clippers resting on the side of the bathtub, tilting your head as you eye him, curiously. 
“I don’t know if I actually want it gone so soon.. It’s startin’ to grow on me. Maybe just a little trim.” 
“Maybe… Maybe you let me take what's mine first.”
“Just as impatient as always.. Relax, golden boy.” He snorts at that, letting his fingers run up your sides, occasionally dipping below the water. You just hum, running the razor carefully over the hairs of his face. Before you could make a move, you felt his hands on your hips, hoisting you out of the water. Your yelp of surprise turned into a quiet whimper when you felt his hardening member graze the inside of your thigh. “S-Steve..” He shushes you, his half lidded eyes running over your form, causing you to shiver in his hold. “It can wait. I need you, babydoll.” His voice comes out in a thick, slurred drawl. You roll your eyes, setting down the blade. 
“You’re lucky I don’t knick you with that.” Your threats are empty, of course, and he knew that too. It was all in good fun. The fun was cut short when the breath was knocked out of your lungs as he thrusts into you with no warning. You whimper, hands flying up to his shoulders as your nails dig into his skin. You bite your lip to hold in a moan as he slowly pulls back out. 
“Nuh-uh, none of that. Want to hear you. Hear how much you missed me.” his thumb comes up to your mouth, pulling on your lip until you release it. He then takes that as a go ahead to resume, lifting his hips up and pushing back into you. He lets his head fall back against the wall with a thud, his mouth falling open. “Fuck, baby. You’re so tight. You been savin’ this pussy for me?” he growls, taking on a brutal pace, making the water slosh up and over the side of the tub. 
You nod vigorously in response, nails raking down his chest. “Yes, sir. Waited for you.” You whine, bouncing up and down to meet the powerful thrusts of his cock. “That’s right, babydoll. This pussy is mine. And mine only.” his eyes are dark as he watches where you connect. 
His mouth goes to your neck, kissing you gently, a nice contrast to everything else. Bringing your hands up to his face, you pull him away from your neck and up to your face, capturing his lips in a deep kiss. He wastes no time sliding his tongue past your lips, yours immediately submitting to him. 
Suddenly, you cry out into his mouth as you feel his thumb on your clit, flicking harshly. “Steve, steve please.” your hand goes to his wrist, holding it in place to chase that feeling. He smirks against your lips, pulling away. 
“Use your words, princess. What do you want, huh?”
He’s driving you mad, and in any other instance you’d leave to finish off yourself just to spite him, but you need him. “Please let me cum, steve. M’so close.” you pant, grinding against him. He gives you what you want, pushing on your clit just a little bit harder, sending you over the edge. You squeeze around his cock, taking him with you. He moans, holding you in place as he cums deep inside of you and you squeal. 
“Steven! You know i don’t use birth control, you dumbass!” You quickly pull off of him, stepping out of the tub. You grab a towel, wrapping it around yourself. You turn around to glare at him, head tilted as if to wait for an explanation. 
He laughs, stepping out after you. “Just doing what I should've done a long time ago, doll. Gotta make you mine. We’ll work out the details as time goes, but I want this with you. I don’t want to leave again.” Your face softens as you nod, walking into his arms, laying your head on his chest. “I want it too. Whatever it is. Promise we’ll stick together this time? No matter what?”
“I promise.”
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hrtthrbromanov · 5 years
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Captain America: The Winter Soldier | dir. Joe & Anthony Russo, 2014
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hrtthrbromanov · 5 years
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hrtthrbromanov · 5 years
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au where everyone lives to salute america’s ass ™ (please click for better quality i hate tumblr compression)
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hrtthrbromanov · 5 years
Sweet, Sugar, Candyman
Pairing: Bucky x Reader x Steve
Summary: Reader performs Candyman and knows how to persuade the two men to join her on stage. She makes it one hell of a show, one that Bucky and Steve can’t forget. Bucky takes her to his bedroom, Steve joins quickly after.
Warnings: Smut (Male receiving, female receiving, vaginal sex, anal sex, M/M and F/M), roughness? As in; someone is going to be a bit demanding. ;)
A/N: Oh my god. My first threesome. I feel like I can finally say that I wrote some filthy smut. Oh, also, thanks @cametobuyplums @thamuddagirl @tranquil–heart for all the thirsty conversations that inspired this fic.
Do not read this if you are under 18.
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Nervously you check yourself one last time in the mirror. Waved long hair, thick red lips, contoured face, navy tight dress. It was your typical 40’s look, or at least, that’s what you tried. You had to, to make your performance in front of the New York SHIELD Agents and Avengers an absolute success.
“Y/N, fifteen seconds”, someone informed you. You nodded firmly, hands lowering your dress one last time. This is it. Now or never.
“Now, give her a big applause…. Y/N!” The sound was muffled. Adrenaline rushed through your body, maybe even more than it did on mission. Missions you were familiar with, performing in front of a live audience you’re not.
Quickly you find your place, a big smile on your face, hands on your hips. The moment the beat started playing, the curtains disappeared and the crowd cheered. They have never seen you like this. The only version of you they ever saw was serious and to the point. Sure you liked a joke, most of the times you enjoyed a dark one better than the innocent ones.
“Before we start”, you begin, wiggling your eyebrows. “I need two strong men.” You smirk while you search the crowd, a few hands are in the air. Some jokingly, some serious. A chuckle leaves your mouth as you take a few steps forward. You spot Steve and Bucky in the crowd. Gotcha.
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hrtthrbromanov · 5 years
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sambucky + character development
“You have to remember, the last time I saw him he was trying to kill me, so that’s usually not a good sign to start a friendship off of.” It’s gonna take some time to develop the trust.
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hrtthrbromanov · 5 years
friday breaktime - steve rogers x reader [soulmate!AU]
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Word Count: 5.8k (i worked so hard on this my head hurts)
Warnings: Some language, I’m sorry I couldn’t help myself. There isn’t too much. A load of angst, a load of fluff, it’s a rollercoaster and I ain’t sorry
A/N: Welcome to Day Seven of Hello Spring by @ibwhellospring! Additionally this is also my entry to @moonbeambucky‘s 5k challenge - congrats on 5k lovely and a cheers to the next 5k! You deserve it. I ran with this one and I sincerely apologise for the delay on this. I would really appreciate some feedback on it though because I think I like it but I’m not sure. I love you all. Lots.
Prompt: “Are you in?” (i took some creative license with this)
my masterlist is in my bio and tags in a reblog! feedback is more than appreciated!!
Friday breaktime was special. Everybody waited for Friday breaktime.
Everybody except you.
Every Friday breaktime, in the middle of the morning, it was time to talk to your soulmate. It wasn’t as if you’d all been told this by the teachers, or that it was compulsory, or that it happened in all schools across the nation. It seemed to just be an unspoken rule in your own school, passed down to the new years as they came through. You sat in different corners of the playground, some people liked to find their own space, some people sat in circles and giggled with each other as they talked, some people on the tarmac of the playground, on the grass of the field, on the wood of the benches.
By this point, you’d had seven years to get used to these Fridays and somehow, experience did not make them easier to bear.
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