lyzelky Ā· 5 days
ā€œIā€™m gonna put some dirt in your eye, darling.ā€
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For my A!A girlies šŸ¤­. You canā€™t tell heā€™s not evil Toby coded.
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lyzelky Ā· 13 days
When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy! then, send to your last ten people in your notifs (anonymously). you never know who might benefit from spreading positivity ā¤ļø
hmm let me thinkā€¦
These wonā€™t be in any sort of important hierarchy, but:
1: Cooking/Eating! I love the entire process, with the exception of maybe grocery shopping and cleaning up afterwards. I love going out and trying new foods from a multitude of cultures. Next on my list is Filipino food!
2: Gardening. I love, love, love growing my own vegetables, especially tomatoes, and despite my current garden not actually receiving a lot of sun, I keep trying anyway haha.
3: DnD!! I am currently in two campaigns, one local and one long distance, and making characters and playing with my friends is always an amazing experience.
4: Video Games. Not just playing them, but making them as well. Thereā€™s that joke, ā€œI hate every single part about the film making process but the only thing I hate more is not making filmsā€ and it sums up Game Development for me a lot. Nothing gets me to geek out faster than someone talking about 3D modeling software or cool material blueprints in Unreal, lol.
5: My family. Iā€™m very fortunate to have a good relationship with them, and especially fortunate to have grown up in a family with plenty of strong women to look up to. My aunts shaped a big part of me growing up, and I still meet with some of them every week to eat dinner, go on walks, and maybe watch a movie or two. Summer is soon approaching as well, which means one of my aunts and I will go fishing for fluke nearly every Sunday. We donā€™t catch much but itā€™s nice to sit in the sun and drink in that sea air.
6: (Honorable mention goes to my friends, ofc).
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lyzelky Ā· 20 days
Thanks for tagging me @atsadi-shenanigans!
Last song you listened to: Youth by Glass Animals. I think it's a great song to begin with but something about the melody really scratches an itch in my brain.
Fav color: Mossy/leaf/olive green
Currently watching: Re-runs of Bones... I like Procedural Detective shows, ok.
Favorite flavor: For candy? Either Strawberry or Apple. For soda? Apple.
Current obsession: Minecraft, thanks to @aevallare and her diabolical rats.
Last thing googled: The release date for Lady Gaga's Disco Stick. It was for a bit, lol.
Fav season: Late spring or early fall, but probably leaning towards fall. It means I can go apple picking, wear hoodies, and of course, Halloween!!
Skill to learn: I want to learn to code very badly. I work in the art part of Game Design, but I have minimal coding experience so I cannot program my own game. If I could I have a 2d point and click game I want to make...
Best advice: Be confident! I am a naturally cautious, pessimistic person and I struggle with self-esteem a lot, but I've been trying to stop second-guessing myself all the time and go out and interact with people/things more. I'm trying to post more art and work up the courage to post the fanfic I'm writing, and just from the poking my head into the BG3 community on here and flailing around I've met so many awesome, talented people.
Tagging: uhhhh @rainbowslinkyy, @8catsinatrenchcoat and @amoremagnificentbastard, only if you want to!
Get to know you - tag game
thanks for the tag, @nerdalmighty! šŸ˜Š
Last song you listened to: Ā "soul meets body" by deathcab for cutie. i've been on a real nostalgia kick lately and i forgot how much i love this song.
Favorite color:Ā pastel teal/grey.
Currently watching:Ā supernatural. i'm finally at the point where it starts getting Real Badā„¢ and i'm having a blast laughing at the absurdity of it all.
Favorite flavor:Ā i'm not a big fan of sweets, but i'm very partial to vanilla. oh, or mint!
Current obsession:Ā *laughs in bg3*
Last thing I googled: the menu for the restaurant we went to earlier for brunch. ended up getting a nice omelette with goat cheese and peppers.
Favorite season:Ā probably fall. gotta bust out the embarrassing number of cardigans i own.
Skill Iā€™d like to learn: i wish i had the patience for art. i have so many stupid little ideas in my brain that i wish i could put on paper.
Best Advice: it's never too late to do something for yourself, whether it's learning something new, going back to school, etc. i took so many years off of university before i finally went back and it was the best decision of my life. i often struggle with feeling like i'm lagging behind, only just starting things other people finished years ago, but the only way you can actually fail is if you never even start.
tagging @atsadi-shenanigans and @verbenaa, if you feel like participating too!
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lyzelky Ā· 25 days
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king charles portrait was giving major ketheric and is definitely not made of human flesh
(my husband made this i am merely the vessel to preserve online forever)
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lyzelky Ā· 1 month
uhhhh title
Tagged by @8catsinatrenchcoat! Letā€™s fill this out.
Tagging @starrycereal and @tru-lyly, only if you want to!
last song: ā€œYouā€™re gonna go far kidā€ by The Offspring
favourite colour: I love any shade of green, but in particular olive or leaf green. Blue is a close second, particularly azure or cobalt.
currently watching: Re-runs of the mentalist for the 500th time, Dungeon Meshi, Psycho Pass.
sweet/savoury/spicy: Savory!
relationship status: Single šŸ„²
current obsession: Iā€™m coming down from my BG3 hyperfixiation but I still have some art and fics I want to write for it, so Iā€™m taking a short break from it so I donā€™t burnout. Otherwise I was most recently obsessed with Psych, and I always will talk about Dragon Quest.
last thing you googled: some very uninteresting directions to a band venue, otherwise some fact checking stuff for a character Iā€™m making for an upcoming DnD one-shot.
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lyzelky Ā· 2 months
`āœµā€¢.Āø,āœµĀ°āœµ.ļ½”.Event Intro .ļ½”.āœµĀ°āœµ,Āø.ā€¢āœµĀ“
Welcome to the Baldur's Gate 3 Summer Creativity Event.
The idea is to bring the community together to create works around a summer theme!
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FAQ: How does it work? Create a work (art, writing, embroidery, song, anything) based on Baldur's Gate 3 with a summer theme. This blog will share them through the summer. (June through August)
Do I have to follow certain prompts: A list of prompts is below, but fitting in one of them isn't required, as long your work is appropriately summer themes.
How will you share the works? Either @ the blog or submit your post! There will also be an AO3 collection (coming soon). Please don't just tag with a hash tag because that will be very hard to share.
Are there any ratings guide lines? Nope! Just tag appropriately please!
Who can participate? Anyone 18+ since there is not interest in policing who submits what content.
Who's running this thing? Just me, @tragedybunny
Anything else? Please share so lots of people can participate.
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AO3 Collection coming soon!
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Prompt list:
Ocean / wavesĀ 
Sun / Sunburn
Heat / Humidity
Beach / Sand / Sandcastles /Sea glass
Ice cream
Calimshan and Amn
The Sea of Fallen Stars (pirate region on forgotten realms)
Festival / County Fair
Summer flowers / night blooming flowersĀ 
Beach Party
Bonfire / campfire stories
Swimming/ water / first time swimming in the ocean
Summer storms
Fruits / summer harvest / summer refreshments
Boats / sailing
Snorkeling / Scuba diving
Camping (for fun this time)
Summer Love
Dividers by @ / saradika-graphics
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lyzelky Ā· 2 months
5 Favorite Songs at the Moment
Tagged by @raccooncrimes, this is my first tag chainmail thing so apologies if I fuck up the format, lol.
Tagging uhhh... @atsadi-shenanigans, @justsenair, @asterordinary, @tru-lyly and @instantly-panicked only if y'all want to.
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lyzelky Ā· 2 months
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Astarion has mid charisma for a reason, but he tries all the same. Ft. our beloved durge. Saw this original comic (below) by Sarah Andersen and I knew I had to make an edit.
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lyzelky Ā· 2 months
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Made a sculpt of my Tav, didn't want to fight with fibermesh in Zbrush for the hair, so I stuck with a bit of a janky solid sculpt for that. Anyway if you're curious about her, you can check out this write-up ~here~.
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lyzelky Ā· 2 months
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lyzelky Ā· 2 months
would love to hear more about your tav, if youā€™re willing to share :)
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Another ask!! Yes!! Of course!!! Here are some new sketches as well!
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I am in the process of writing a fic, so I don't want to reveal too much without spoiling some plot points I have planned. Regardless, here are some basic character facts: Age: about 23-24 Height: 5'5 Weight: ~150lbs Body Type: She has a sturdy build, especially for tieflings who I think tend to be a bit more wiry/lithe, and has a bit of pudgy-softness to her form. Skin Color: Golden, like Dammons, but she has a pale chest and belly. Hair Color: Golden brown with reddish highlights Eye Color: Hazel-green Char Stats: STR: 10 DEX: 12 CON: 17 INT: 8 WIS: 11 CHA: 15 She's got one-braincell syndrome, but boy can she take a punch. Upon waking in the nautiloid, she hits her head pretty good and realizes shortly after that she has no memory of her personal life. Whether this is due to injury, the tadpole, or something else is something that ties into her character arc. Relating to this, she does have a name! Tav is a moniker given to her by Shadowheart very early on in the story. Her real name will be revealed as the story progresses. Her amnesia seems to obscure only her personal history; She has intact "common knowledge" about cities, recent world events, races of Faerƻn, etc. Basically things most people would know, etc. She is a tiefling (Asmodeus), but has some unusual features. Her horns are initially filed down to the base, and her nails have been trimmed so she no longer has the typical claws we see on other tieflings in bg3. As time passes in the story, she does regrow her horns, which is why you might see my depictions of her with varying horn lengths. Due to her amnesia, she is unsure of what line of work she once occupied, but it's apparent she's a proficient martial fighter. She develops a slight father/daughter relationship with Zevlor after saving the grove from the initial goblin attack, and it's his influence that guides her towards becoming a Paladin. This vocation suits her for a variety of reasons, mainly due to the fact that she's inherently selfless, often to a fault. I would list her positive traits as being: kind, self-sacrificing, charismatic, courageous, enduring and practical. I would list her negative traits as being: Reckless, stubborn, naive, dense, tactless (compulsive truth-teller), and overconfident, although this stems more from her naivete rather than arrogance. In short: She's a good aligned, folk-hero paladin, aka Astarion's antithesis (at least in the beginning). I think it's an interesting dynamic to explore that relationship and contention between the two of them, and how ultimately they're good for each other. Hope you didn't mind my rambling! Let me know if there's anything else you're interested in.
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lyzelky Ā· 2 months
Reblogging to say that I did make a post about my tiefling headcanons, you can find it here. Happy reading!
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Tav realizes she likes Astarion's fangs a little too much. For reasons yet undisclosed, Tav isn't too familiar with her tiefling instincts, but she's starting to learn the hard way. I have several headcanons about tiefling culture/biology, (maybe I'll write them up one day) one of which being that tieflings have a hardwired attraction to a nice set of fangs.
(NSFW filth from here onwards)
While tieflings mostly share similar sexual dimorphism characteristics with humans, one of the differences is that males tend to have more pronounced fangs than the females. Every tiefling is different and has their own preferences regarding gender/orientation, but during a tieflings heat/rut cycle, bigger, sharper teeth = better mating bite. Astarion isn't a tiefling, but well, I don't think Tav minds too much. ((Also sidenote: while the terms rut/heat usually refers to an affliction for males/females respectively, the terms are more or less interchangeable and not bound by gender/orientation/sex. Informally the terminology changes depending on whether the afflicted wants to breed or be bred. I'll let you guess which one Tav is, LOL))
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lyzelky Ā· 2 months
I recently received a request for my tiefling headcanons, (also mentioned in this comic) so I put together a ramshackle biology guide for them. It's not 100% faithful to DnD or BG3 lore, but I borrowed enough from them that it's pretty interchangeable.
IMPORTANT: I tried to keep most things as clinical as possible to avoid Tumblr-geddon, but anything vaguely NSFW in the comic has is written in pink text for your convenience.
((CW: Clinical (Non-Graphic) descriptions of Heat/Rut cycles, menstruation, no A/B/O)) I'm also going to copy over all the text from the panels into text format on here so y'all can just read them if you want.
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Text version below!
Tieflings possess a variety of features that hearken back to the Hellish influence in their bloodline. Often these traits are animalistic in nature, though in extreme cases may appear more akin to aberrations.
Common features include glowing eyes, horns, clawed fingers and toes, and tails.
Tieflings are inclined to be left handed or ambidextrous.
Less common traits include hooves, paws, or talons for feet, wing like appendages, goat-like ears, a forked tongue, etc.
A Protruding Brow ridge and cheekbones are more common among males. They are considered attractive by some and less so by others, and it seems to crop up in those who are closer to their Infernal sire (I.e, the direct child of a cambion).
Tieflings possess raised ridges on various parts of their body. They can range from boney and firm to soft and fleshy, with the intensity and abundance of ridges varying per individual.
The eyes of a tiefling born to two tieflings will almost always have infernal coloring. In this regard, the scelera should be jet black and glossy, and the iris vibrant and produce a strong glow.
The eyes of a tiefling born to humans can either have infernal or mundane coloration. The pupil is usually oblong, but other shapes have been known to occur.
A child born to one tiefling and one human has an equal chance of inheriting either trait.
In both cases, the pupil functions like a catā€™s would; narrowing in bright light, and dilating in darkness or while in a state of heightened emotion.
Male tieflings typically have longer fangs than Females. Males are are considered to be more attractive the longer their fangs are.
This attraction is perhaps more hardwired than cultural, as most female (and some male) tieflings are on the receiving end of a bite during their heat.
It is not uncommon to see some tieflings with filed teeth, especially in places where discrimination is common.
The shape of The tail tip (Often referred to as a ā€˜spadeā€™) manifests in a variety of forms, with some sporting tufts of hair or even fins.
Tiefling Parents might take their newborn to a fortune teller to predict their childā€™s lifeline based on the spade and other distinctive features. (Longer tail = Longer life, Thin Tail = Weak Constitution, etc.)
Long tails are typically seen as more attractive, but itā€™s usually down to a matter of preference.
Although their tails are not prehensile, having a dexterous tail is often seen as a sign that someone is more skilled in bed.
Like humans, tieflings endure a 9-month gestation period, and all other developmental markers remain the same despite most tieflings living upwards of 200 years.
Tieflings differ slightly in regards to ovulation and fertility. Unlike humans, tieflings will experience either a heat or a rut that is the primary driver of their breeding cycle.
Females typically experience their first heat at around 16-18, with males experiencing their first rut at around 18-20.
Unlike a human menstruation cycle, females will go into heat every 2-3 months for 1-2 days at a time, after which menstruation will last for about 4 days.
A rut occurs at roughly the same frequency, but can be triggered early by heat pheromones.
Many tieflings use potions, herbs, or magic items to mitigate their heat/rut cycle, but long term usage is not advised.
During this period, the afflicted experiences heightened arousal and an instinctual urge to breed. Fertility is increased during this period.
Increased production of pheromones signals potential mates that one has entered heat/rut.
Scent glands along the hips, jawline, tail and neck become highly sensitive.
ā€œTail flaggingā€ may occur, in which the tail lifts and inches over to the side to provide ā€œeasier accessā€.
Heat and Rut Symptoms
A tiefling usually experiences a variety of symptoms in the days leading up to their heat or rut. Primarily the afflicted will notice:
- Increased Fatigue
- Increased body temperature
- Increase in appetite/thirst
- Increased sensitivity to olfactory and tactile senses.
- Mood swings that include irritability, aggression, and anxiety, especially if in an unfamiliar or dangerous location.
Those in heat often feel the urge to retreat to someplace familiar and safe, and often engage in ā€œnest-makingā€ behavior.
This consists of surrounding oneā€™s self in paraphernalia associated with loved ones (Often clothes, pillows or bed linens). A partner will often assist in prepping the nest and gifting appropriate items in a show of support and affection.
Those in rut without a partner tend to withdraw into a solitary location, and often experience bouts of aggression and irritability.
Those with a partner often become exceedingly territorial or possessive, especially if said partner is in heat or is pregnant.
When seeking out a partner, gifts may be given as a show one is a good provider; this is more of a ceremonial practice than a biological one. Gifts often include jewelry, fine clothing, rare artifacts etc.
That's all for now! Let me know if you liked it or not or want more. Feel free to use this stuff for your own stories/fanfics/art whatever, but I'd appreciate if you linked back to this post or my blog if you do. Thanks!
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lyzelky Ā· 2 months
pls teifling headcanons šŸ„ŗ
Omgomgomg my first ask! Sorry for the wait! I have something good cooking up for you, so keep an eye out tomorrow for a new post!
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lyzelky Ā· 2 months
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Obligatory Catstarion post, with an additional cameo of my Tav as a cat. Big One-Orange-Braincell energy from her, lets be real. Also smashed together a quick animatic of Catstarion bringing her a "gift" in the morning, isn't he a little shit the best? If you're curious about my Tav, there's some more artwork on my blog like this one.
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lyzelky Ā· 2 months
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A companion comic to this one; Tav likes Astarion's fangs, Astarion realizes he really likes seeing her in his shirt with his bite marks on her neck.
Big fan of the trope that Astarion is a little too possessive over the things he cares about deems important, partially because he's a selfish little creature, but mostly because he didn't have anything to call his own under Cazador. ((Also featuring a showboating Wyll, and a skeptical Lae'zel; I love them both so much, they're such dorks.))
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lyzelky Ā· 3 months
I'll fill this out at some point
30 Questions for Your Tav! [ Ask Meme ]
[ Send in a number for a question to be answered! What is your Tav like? Who are they as a person? ]
Your Tav as a Companion
1. What would your Tavā€™s greetings be (at different levels of approval)? 2. Describe their tent setup! Whatā€™s on the outside? The inside? 3. What would their character quest be titled? Why? 4. What would your Tavā€™s romance scenes look like? How many would they have? 5. Describe their idle animations! 6. How would the player go about meeting them in Act 1? What is their introduction? 7. Describe their arc. How would a player help resolve it? What choices can be made? Can your Tav be turned down a dark path, or pulled to a lighter one? 8. After Act 3, what does their life look like? What are they talking about at the reunion party?
Back to Basics
9. Whatā€™s the significance behind your Tavā€™s name? 10. Does your Tav have a last name? Is there a meaning behind it? 11. What is your Tavā€™s go-to comfort food? 12. Does your Tav have any tattoos or scars? Why? 13. What is your Tavā€™s main color palette? Why do they choose those colors? 14. Where are they from? What was home like? 15. Is your Tav more likely to fight/flight/freeze/fawn? 16. What do they do for fun, when not adventuring? What are their hobbies? 17. Do they have any enemies outside of the main plot? Any friends? 18. Where/with whom do they feel safest? 19. What is their MBTI Type?
Deep Dives
20. What is their relationship to touch? Do they shy away from it? Do they need it to feel present? 21. Describe a defining moment from their past, which makes them who they are today! 22. How is your Tavā€™s relationship with their family? Their parents? 23. How does your Tav act in situations of stress? In moments of peace? 24. What does your Tav consider to be their own biggest character flaw? 25. What is something they would die on a hill over? 26. Give us one of your Tavā€™s secrets! 27. What is the worst thing theyā€™ve ever done/said to someone they love? 28. Describe a smell that reminds your Tav of childhood. 29. What fears keep them up at night? 30. What does your Tav want more than anything?
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