oxymoronicsoul · 3 years
Scheming Great Schemes
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Are you looking for a little mischief and adventure? What about our favourite Elfhamians planning an elaborate heist? Scheming Great Schemes shall be your new home, your fulfillment for enemies and spies and great masterminds.
✧ @oxymoronicsoul ✧
Hi everyone, I'm Riya, 22 and I'm from India . I've always loved reading YA, however these days I am trying to branch out more. But no matter what genre I am reading, I am a sucker for romance, especially enemies-to-lovers! This is my first time dabbling into writing and so far, it's been really great to meet loads of people with same tastes as mine. Can't wait to see how everyone's fics turns out for the revel!
“This is mine,” I say, anger making me reckless. “My land and my king. And I will protect them both. Say the same, go on.”
Darklina Office Romance AU
✧ @ideallyfucked ✧
Hello everyone! I go by A, and I use he/him pronouns. I’m currently 17, going into my senior year of highschool. I’ve loved writing ever since I was small, and I’ve written quite a lot of unpublished material in my life. I love all parts of the writing process, but I tend to focus on the details; specifically, though, I tend to focus in on character development. I love to see where I can take a character in a short amount of time, and how that reflects how we grow in the real world. I’m currently reading through V.E. Schwab’s A Darker Shade of Magic series, and planning on reading a lot more by her throughout the summer. Thanks for reading!
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oxymoronicsoul · 3 years
Age of Transition.
A Darklina Office Romance, set in Modern Ravka
Art by the lovely and talented @wqemzz-blog
Written for Grishaverse Mini Bang @grishaversebigbang
She knew this transition was not about becoming someone better, it was about finally allowing herself to become who she'd always been.
Ao3 Link
Here's some naughty(?) Genya & David excerpt from the fic to whet your appetites!
The man tries again, “The hardware is not functioning properly.”
“The last I checked, it was working spectacularly.” The emphasis on the last word is somehow sultry.
“Lieutenant, what I mean is, the up-time is not enough.”
“Oh, I assure you, sergeant, your uptime is more than enough for me.”
Guess who's the lieutenant and who's the sergeant? ;)
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oxymoronicsoul · 3 years
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Jurdannet Roulette- Feeling Lucky?
We’re back, Folks, with another boon for you all! During the month of June we will be hosting Jurdannet Roulette, a writer’s revel of both luck and skill, where you will be grouped with other writers based on enigmatic topics to produce a collab fic.
✧ Applications are open! ⇢ You’ll have one week to apply.
✧ The application will include:
a list of intentionally vague topics for you to gamble on.
some writing-specific questions to optimise your chances.
We will NOT be rejecting applications for this revel. All experience levels are welcome!
✧ After application week, you will be assigned a group based on your form’s answers and luck of the draw. Each group will receive their assigned category, as well as a list of prompts that fall under that category.
✧ For the following weeks, your group will choose a prompt from the assigned list, scheme up a plot for your fic, and get to writing!
Each member of the group should write at least one chapter of your planned fic.
Ideally, the plot should not extend past that (unless everyone agrees to continue the fic post-revel!).
✧ 21st-27th June 2021 is posting week, and you will hark your wares for all the Court to see!
A name/alias for your group members to call you by.
Your Tumblr username.
A Discord account (this will be the suggested platform for communication).
If you decide to sign up for our “Darker Shades” category, we will require you to be 18+. If you’re under 18, not to worry, there are still nine other categories for you to choose from!
We will ask for your age range on this form. This is a safety precaution, as we want to ensure all parties feel safe/comfortable with the people they are working with. This information will not be shared with anyone, even your group members.
Your commitment for the month of June ⇢ this revel will require you to be communicative and work well with others. 
As always, if you have any questions about the revel, you can contact us here, or any of The Living Council at their personal accounts: @slightlyrebelliouswriter23  @clockworkgraystairs @dirty-wra1th @booksandlewks​ 
-𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔏𝔦𝔳𝔦𝔫𝔤 ℭ𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔠𝔦𝔩 👑🐍
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oxymoronicsoul · 3 years
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Age of Transition (as a part of the @grishaversebigbang mini bang) is available to read on AO3 now!! Here's Alina and Aleks pulling an all nighter together, but it's not like they, y'know, LIKE each other or anything, jeez
Again, many thanks to the incredibly talented @oxymoronicsoul for writing such a beautiful story! You can read her writing, and the stories of all this year's talented writers on the mini bang AO3 folder💕
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oxymoronicsoul · 3 years
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I was delighted to be asked to join the @grishaversebigbang for 2021!! These are my character sheets for a modern au Darklina fanfic by the super talented @oxymoronicsoul for the mini bang. Figuring out their designs was a super fun challenge since I haven't read the Grisha trilogy portion of the series. The first chapter of the fic will be up on AO3 in the coming days💕
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oxymoronicsoul · 3 years
Age of Transition.
A Darklina Office Romance, set in Modern Ravka
Art by the lovely and talented @wqemzz-blog
Written for Grishaverse Mini Bang @grishaversebigbang
She knew this transition was not about becoming someone better, it was about finally allowing herself to become who she'd always been.
Ao3 Link
Here's some naughty(?) Genya & David excerpt from the fic to whet your appetites!
The man tries again, “The hardware is not functioning properly.”
“The last I checked, it was working spectacularly.” The emphasis on the last word is somehow sultry.
“Lieutenant, what I mean is, the up-time is not enough.”
“Oh, I assure you, sergeant, your uptime is more than enough for me.”
Guess who's the lieutenant and who's the sergeant? ;)
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oxymoronicsoul · 5 years
I miss your writing, when will I see more?
Oh my god, anon!!! Thank you for liking my words and thank you for saying this. I know I haven't been updating at all, real life kinda killed all my creativity. But I’ll try - these past few months I made efforts to start writing again but they weren't enough but after reading your message I promise to myself I’ll try harder. Sorry if this message is overwhelming, you kinda really made me realize how long I had been neglecting writing. Message me, I’d like to talk to you and thank you. Love, oxymoronicsoul
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oxymoronicsoul · 5 years
"Be a friend to yourself." - Stop picking apart every word you speak, every step you take. You have done nothing to be so harsh on yourself. Instead, encourage yourself. Remind yourself to drink enough water and smile brightly. Excerise daily and make a plan to achieve your goals. Be a friend to yourself because you only have YOU.
The year is ending. Leave every negative thought you've had this year, behind and let this be a new year for you. A new beginning. Please.
- Lessons I want to take into 2019
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oxymoronicsoul · 6 years
I'm still working on it. It's a long journey.
My life isn’t going great. But I promise to bounce back. I won’t rest till I get what I want. On the days I lose strength, I’ll come here and see this post and motivate myself. I’m posting it out here for all of you to see so that I can’t cheat myself. I’m posting it here so that when I come back after achieving what I want, I can finally say- I did it. And I know it will take time, I might fail a few more times but this time I’m giving it my all. I’m not going to let myself down this time.
- Personal Resolution.
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oxymoronicsoul · 6 years
I've been taught that life is a competition
but life itself taught me that it's not.
Life is teamwork.
You work with people,
Against the problems life gives you.
You work against the problems,
Not against people.
You can't push people away,
Harbor hatred for everyone
And still expect yourself to be happy and satisfied.
That is not the way to live.
I've learnt that during this past year.
- Lesson learnt.
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oxymoronicsoul · 6 years
“Maybe it was the sweet smile of that one stranger who sat opposite me on the bus, or that guy in my class, with eyes as stormy as turbulent clouds. Maybe it was that cute girl with twinkling eyes and dimpled cheek. Maybe the woman who sells flowers at the intersection, her hand wrinkled by age yet adorned by majestic tattoos made me think that. Or it might just have been the guy sitting next to me whose shy gaze gave me shivers. Any of these people- no, all of these people lead me to realise one thing. There is beauty everywhere in this world. You just need to look close enough to find it. None of us were made out of a single mould. There is no single standard that can define how beautiful all of the humanity is. Every face, every feature, every ethnicity is unique. And all of them should be cherished equally.”
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oxymoronicsoul · 6 years
Make no apologies for your art. As an artist, your role is to ask questions, not answer them.
- Anton Chekhov.
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oxymoronicsoul · 6 years
I have always wondered 
what people think when they read my words?
Everyone has their own story 
and everyone interprets my words in their own way.
I know that.
But is my emotion felt? By them?
The sincerity which I deem as the most important quality of a writer,
does it come through?
I just want to know what goes through people's head when they read my words. I wanna know their stories and how it relates to what I want to say.
- The connection between what I want to say and what they hear.
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oxymoronicsoul · 6 years
“You have a mighty high opinion of yourself. The fact is, you don’t love me and you haven’t destroyed me. You don’t have what it takes to do that. - Half Broke Horses. (Jeannette Walls )”
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oxymoronicsoul · 6 years
“The thing is I’m not even sure if I believe in true love. Sure I have the proof of its existence all around me. I have seen love that is sweet, gentle and rewarding. I have seen love that lasts forever. But at the same time , I also have seen enough proofs to know that love can be scheming, cunning and selfish too. It can take you to the highest highs and bring you crashing down to the lowest of lows. That tells me one thing: Love doesn’t mean loyalty. It doesn’t mean trust, respect or selflessness. So the question remains: What does love mean?”
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oxymoronicsoul · 6 years
“Do not test me; for I am a creature of infinite patience. I’ve become a gushing river from a mere trickle of rain water. I’ve smoothed out the jagged edges of the rocks surrounding me for centuries. You are nothing but a pebble in my path. Mountains couldn’t stop me. What makes you think you can? I can be calm, silent and gentle. I can quench your thirst and soothe your heart. I can be rough,unforgiving and ruthless. I can drown you just as easily.”
— r i v e r.
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oxymoronicsoul · 6 years
How do you get inspiration - is it like from your life or books u read, films,... I'm new here and l really don't know how to attract people to read my blog. I think l write okay but l don't know where to find my audience (followers) :/ Thanks for answer! :)
Hey! Firstly, thanks for taking note of my blog! Now, about your question, umm- I get inspiration from a lot of things- people around me, movies, songs, books etc. But the main thing that I believe is not inspiration but honesty and sincerity in writing. Write what you really feel about whatever subject it is. Involve yourself in that subject and let your emotions be a part of your words. This is what i feel and strive to achieve to. So according to me, if you are writing sincerely and continuously then people will take note of your blog! It will take time but believe me, they will take note of you and your words. So keep writing and best of luck!
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