peachyymichi · 2 months
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Saw an illustrator post that with the Olympics ahead it's a good time to make sports illustrations for your portfolio and I thought why not give it a go! Soon after I saw the post Mihō Nonaka posted of her fabulous newly dyed hair on her Instagram and it was just a sign to draw her Referenced two photos she has posted on her account to draw this because I liked the pose in one but wanted the Japan uniform. I loved watching her and Alberto Ginés Lopez do sports climbing at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Anyway, something a bit different hope you like it! Let me know your thoughts!
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peachyymichi · 2 months
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Happy Easter and Transgender Day of Visibility! 🐰🏳️‍⚧️
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peachyymichi · 2 months
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"Looking Over Falls Park" 2024
The sketch of a photo I've wanted to illustrate for the longest time has finally turned into now a full painting! (You can find the sketch in my feed) Really debated whether to do it digitally or paint it traditionally with acrylic paints but ended up doing it traditionally! Overall, I really love it. I did my best with the tools and rusty traditional skills I have. Like the leaves could be better, but my paints weren't opaque enough, so most just kinda blended x3 I'm still debating whether to actually submit this to the RUA exhibition, actually.
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peachyymichi · 3 months
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The urge to draw my OC and Angel Dust together once I fell in love with Angel Dust watching Hazbin Hotel was very strong so I had to manage to make a quick drawing of them when I had the time between other stuff. So yes forgive me for how rushed it looks and the anatomy being wonky, it was done very quickly! They have some similar lore and I just think they'd be great friends. So here is Angel helping my OC, Ángel put makeup on before going on stage 💕 Hopefully, I get to share more about my OCs soon but as I grow their stories keep evolving slightly as I keep knowing more about the world x3
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peachyymichi · 4 months
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"Fameliars al Pont Vell"
Finally, first drawing post of 2024 😅 but as you can see, this isn't the type of rendering I normally do! So it took me a bit longer to finish (I already take a bit longer than some people draw, but this one even more 😅) So for people who don't know, Ibiza does have some folklore (shocking, the island existed before people deemed it a party island) and we have these mythical beings, a type of "elves"/"pixies" called Fameliars that are "born" by correctly plucking a small plant that only grows underneath the Pont Vell (old bridge) of Santa Eulalia del Rio on the night of Sant Juan (Saint John's) and put it inside an opaque black jug/bottle and if done correctly a Fameliar will appear inside! If you let it out, it will demand food or work, but you need to know how to put it back inside the jug cause if not, chaos will ensue! That's the short version of the myth 🤗 I've loved these lil gremlins since I was told about them in school when I was really little and when I got the idea of drawing the bridge with then having fun under it I had to do it x3 I'm really proud of how it turned out and I hope you all like it!
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peachyymichi · 8 months
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Illustration I did based on a real scene I passed one day when walking back from my abuela's house in Ibiza.
Don't know if I prefer the lineart around the window or not. Let me know!
I also think it could make a cute postcard for Ibiza, so I did a little mockup of one. Bit different to the usual postcards for my little island.
I had thought about doing this illustration in traditional with acrylics maybe but I just went ahead and did it digitally. May still go do one in the future who knows! I did do a sketch when I was still in Ibiza and didn't have my laptop and stuff to do it digitally tho so if you want to see that it's over on my instagram under the same username as here!
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peachyymichi · 9 months
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A kind of #meettheartist idea I had while I was in Ibiza for the summer. But it's just me who when they go back to Ibiza for the summer I don't have my laptop or drawing tablet to draw with and hardly make myself sit down to sketch because I am hardly ever in the house. So it's just my Ibiza clothes and what is in my bags x3
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peachyymichi · 1 year
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Since the longlist for @foliosociety Folio Book Illustration Award 2023 is out I'll go ahead and share my submission for this year!
I sadly did not go through to the longlist but I can't wait to look through the people that did and see their interpretations of the book 🤗
I had a lot of fun working on this illustration based on an excerpt of the book "Fliers of Gy" by Ursula K Le Guin even though I only had a few days to think and create it because I didnt realize about the competition being on 😅
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peachyymichi · 1 year
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Last Friday 3rd of March 2023, I got to go to my first ever show in years, first-ever non-music artist show ever, and first ever meet and greet. I got to go see someone I have watched for MANY years who brought me a lot of comfort, and I even got the privilege to meet him in person. Since this would be my first time meeting such an important person to me, and I don't know if I'll ever get the chance again, I wanted to create a drawing to give to him since we were allowed to bring small gifts. I based the drawing on the concept of his show but put him in front of Belfast's City Hall since that's where I'm based and where the show was. I didn't get to tell him all I would have liked to, but I got to hear him say my drawing was cute and that I was talented. Something I'll keep in my heart from now on and try and remember for days I feel like an imposter I'm the art world, that I'm not doing great, that I should give up. Thank you @danielhowell for the most amazing day 🧡
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peachyymichi · 1 year
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The last drawing of 2022! Pokemon themed!
This was inspired by a Sharla In Japan video in which she goes to the Chansey Park in Japan. Looking at many photos I got this composition and drew my friends in it! Some have already said how much they like it including Sharla!
Happy New Year!!
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peachyymichi · 1 year
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Finally sharing here the illustration I created for the Folio Book Illustration Award 2022 by The Folio Society. A bit different from my usual stuff! You had to create an illustration based on "The Masque of the Red Death" by Edgar Allan Poe, whether about the story in general or a specific part. I chose a specific part while also being inspired by a scene later on. From some other entries, I saw mine looked a bit different since I liked the idea of a one-coloured room and focused on when Death was closer to the prince in the blue room. The research I did just for this was crazy, I know too much about what dead people have worn inside their coffins now for years.
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peachyymichi · 2 years
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A very rushed comic I had made just in time for the "Comic Strip World Championships 2022" presented by Oulu Comics Center on the theme of "Birds" This is a little comic of something that was happening this summer while I was in my other home. Hope you like it!
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peachyymichi · 2 years
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Wow! Another post? I know I know. This was just a random idea I had one day. I'm pretty sure I dreamed it tbh. I loved ballpits as a child (I probably still do but haven't had an opportunity to enter a ballpit in years due to age obviously) and I remember sometimes just... laying in it. Doing nothing. I wonder if I was didsociating then too. Who knows. So, I drew my OC Aubrey in a ballpit. The drawing ended up reminding me a lot of an album or single cover for some reason so I ended up doing a quick edit. I'll probably go back and do a proper edit for it in the future with a better font and all. But it does look like a cover my OC Hunter (Aubrey's boyfriend) would have for one of his albums or singles from a photo he took of Aubrey
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peachyymichi · 2 years
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Long time, no post! Haven't had time to be on my phone since being in Ibiza because of spending time with family and always being out.
But finally I'm posting this drawing I did months ago now basically. This image of Ashnikko taken by Vasso Vu really reminded me of Aoba Seragaki somehow so, that's what I drew!
I did trace the shoes in the sketching process because I couldn't get them for the life of me. I need to practice drawing shoes!
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peachyymichi · 2 years
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My dad's birthday was this Monday and I managed to create a greeting card for him (and managed to print it myself and send it in time) that I've had the idea to do for a while. This is my second greeting card (I've done a Winter Holidays one before if you haven't seen it) and I really like it! I thought it turned out pretty good considering it's not something I've done a lot.
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peachyymichi · 2 years
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“Chickens sitting on a tree”
or my dad’s title of this piece,
“Hen Party”
This one's a bit different from what I usually do but it's one I've had as an idea in my head for a long time. And I didn't want to do it in my usual style either but a kind of painterly approach. But I didn't really feel like actually painting it so digital painting was the way to go (I may still actually paint something similar in the future for a change who knows!) This is based on a set of photos I took of my granny's chickens in a point where they used to just roam about the backyard. Seems they liked to climb and sit on trees, who knew. I really enjoy doing this illustration altho it drove me crazy at some points x3 and this may be a piece you may be able to buy for when i finally set up a store which I am seeing on actually doing after summer
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peachyymichi · 2 years
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This is my final book cover that I submitted for the Penguin Cover Design Awards 2022, children's category. “Murder Most Unladylike” by Robin Stevens. Although the last couple days it brought me a lot of stress trying to fix ideas I had originally and having a document I didn't seem to understand how to export from correctly, I had a lot of fun doing this book cover 💕 Next time I do one, I should definitely take less time with it, especially if it's a proper job but I took a lot of time in the planning stage since I had the time 😅
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