pragyatripathi · 26 days
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You always have a choice to rise above 🧡
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pragyatripathi · 4 years
हे मन विहग बस तू उड़ान भर !
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Picture credit:  dreamstime.com
हे मन विहग बस तू उड़ान भर
घोर अंधकार हो
शांत ये बयार हो
तू अकेला राह में
मंजिल की चाह में
धैर्य तू छोड़ना
लक्ष्य से मुह मोड़ ना
मुसीबतें हज़ार हो
बैरी सब संसार हो
बहेलिया हो हर पग पे
कोई न हो तेरा जग में
फिर भी हे मन विहग बस तू उड़ान भर !
बस तू उड़ान भर !
 तो क्या हुआ जो पंख  तेरे कट गए
मित्र तेरे घट गए
जो घोंसला न रहा तो क्या
हौसला तू छोड़ ना
तिनके अब भी हैं जहान में
बना ले तू नया बसेरा
दूर होगा यह अँधेरा
आएगा फिर नया सवेरा
लगन लगा उड़ान में
हे मन विहग बस तू उड़ान भर !
बस तू उड़ान भर !
 अनुकूलता में बढ़ते हैं सब
ऊंचाइयों पे चढ़ते है सब
तू जग की रीत बदल
विपरीतियों में भी बढ़ता चल
सत्य का उठा हथियार
और असत्य का मिटा निशान
भास्कर को लक्ष्य कर
बस तू उड़ान भर
बस तू उड़ान भर |
 (रवि प्रताप सिंह )
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pragyatripathi · 4 years
Music in the battleground
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pragyatripathi · 4 years
Faith through phases of life...
I adored you in blissful moments,
felt your presence around,
I was proud of your clement, o my creator!
I giggled, I danced, remained immensely faithful,
I worshiped you and couldn’t be more grateful,
you answered my prayers, I trusted miracles,
feeling top of world, I walked on air,
like the fish out of water, gasping for breath,
agonized and trapped, am screaming for help,
surrounded by well wishers, still crying alone,
soaked voice remains uncontrollable, have started to drown…
everything has changed, I am thrown away,
but the faith has grown in multiple ways,
no storm on earth can shake my pride,
am the inseparable part, your divine child.
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pragyatripathi · 4 years
Faith through phases of life...
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pragyatripathi · 4 years
I'm on Instagram as @adivinechild__. Install the app to follow my photos and videos. https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=19av4c31f0cr1&utm_content=hi52bvp
Words of a quiet girl🧡
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pragyatripathi · 4 years
What does freedom mean?
freedom of speech, freedom of worship,
freedom from want, and freedom from fear,
look closely, your freedom is dependent on social acceptance;
expecting society to accept you as you are;
isn’t it dependency again?
freedom is a seed you need to plant inside,
and let it take its root and grow,
freedom is an art of loving yourself,
understanding value of your life the most,
freedom is when you are only answerable to your creator,
unaffected from judgments of people,
you’re sailing your boat amidst stormy weather,
singing your own favorite tune, fearless and strong,
knowing that you’re not here to please them all,
knowing that life is not a popularity contest,
life is simple let’s not complicate it,
let yourself bloom as you too are a nature,
be the monarch of your own little kingdom,
world is vast… it loves to interfere,
freedom begins at the moment you accept yourself,
beyond fears and unaffected from external affairs.
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pragyatripathi · 4 years
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Freedom or Illusion
74 years of Independence,
74 years of freedom
But are we really free...?
The freedom fighters have sacrificed all their dreams, their wishes, their lives for the independence of the country, for our freedom.
Today, we are slaves of our own life, this society. We are slaves to our own thoughts hindering our growth thinking what the people will say.
If the people have the freedom to speak about others, if the society has the freedom to say their thoughts for another person, then why don't a person have freedom to say, to do what they themselves wish to.
We are still stuck with the thoughts of our own, the thoughts of what the people will say, the judgements the people around will have for us.
This freedom is what we have got for the growth of our own as an individual and as a society.
This freedom is to live your life freely and do what you dream for and help yourself and the society to grow.
We all have got one life..
One life to live..
One life to love..
One life to make mistakes...
One life to create memories...
One life to be known as who we are...
One life and one chance to try to be free and free this world from the dependence of such thoughts...
Life is short and it won't give u many chances, so live your life today... Care for the ones who care for you... Show your love...
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pragyatripathi · 4 years
Join this group if you too love writing
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pragyatripathi · 4 years
Letter to women...
God has created not a single object without purpose. In this universe, each and everything...and in this context, each and every life has its own sole purpose. Underlying this unquestionable truth, please tell me how is it all right to compare women and men? We talk about women walking shoulder to shoulder with men.
Dear all women, there is a reason after creating masculine God deeply felt a need of creating feminine too. He conceived a world full of life, emotions, bonding and love and thus women came in picture. We have a role to play and for that we don’t need to put ourselves in men’s shoes or act like them. Being a woman is as important as being a man.
Nowadays, people are holding on to men and women equality. Are we endangered species or something? We have brains and we are enormously capable in our own ways. Yes equal opportunities should be given to everyone…to everyone, be it woman or man.
The whole idea behind writing this note is please don’t sacrifice your feminism to get success…succeed as a woman. Because if you leave your feminism, all the gentleness will go from homes and the homes will also just be a place to discuss political and marketing issues. The definition of home will change.
God has created us to spread love and compassion. Let’s blossom as women. Let’s plant this seed in our own minds and then the world will accept us as we are. Let’s fall in love, nurture and be compassionate. Let’s be the change and we will witness the whole world doing the same.
As we are not created like the animal that only jumps over food, let’s weave a beautiful compassionate world together.
-Pragya Tripathi
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pragyatripathi · 4 years
A fairytale...
Once upon a time, there lived a fairy,
powers of wind, in the wand she carried,
moulding wind, into her magical sphere,
she often wondered bout earthly peers,
“how do they feel, what magic do they hold?”
“how about livings, so much secrets to unfold”
planned a tour for quenching her roar,
enough she heard amusing chitter- chatter.
a tiny reporter landed on earth,
nature around as always praise worth,
seeing a man walking heavy steps,
she folded hands in greeting manner,
“I’m wind fairy from magical world,
what power you hold, would you like to unfurl?”,
the man laughed his heart out,
gasping in shock what she asked about,
“power nonsensical what you meant on earth,
possessions set you in this beautiful hearth,
flesh and blood makes it battleground,
births confound in this merry-go-round”
then, the man walked away annoyed n frowned.
little fairy sat on mound,
was thrilled much but, disheartened now,
“angels told me a different story,
earthy men were worship worthy,
how could it be so wrong all the while,
the man wasn’t seem, speaking lie”
a sudden lighting, filled the place,
she witnessed emerging a bearded sage,
incredible vision took her aback,
though an angel, she couldn’t understand,
the sage swirled his magical hands,
made him surround with base elements,
wind, fire, water and sand,
whirled around on his mighty command,
“O little fairy, what you trusted was right,
angles’ tale can never be denied,
would like to correct as you’re mislead,
An earthy life is a blessing indeed,
just like oyster-shell, hides pearl inside,
all men carries a celestial concise,
seeing just oyster-shell, they find it trash,
who peeps inside, knows the precious life.
a precious life is where God resides,
then, you see a man, worshipped worldwide.”
overwhelmed fairy bowed before sage,
started back, feeling happy n amazed.
-Pragya Tripathi
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pragyatripathi · 4 years
Oh yeah
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pragyatripathi · 4 years
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pragyatripathi · 4 years
तू प्रण कर के हठ कर तो सही,
डगमगाते कदम आगे रख तो सही,
हिम्मत कर और आगे बढ़,
रास्ते अपने आप निकलेंगे।
ठान ले, आखिर अब तो तू जान,
अटल सत्य को पहचान,
ये विधि का विधान, है बड़ा बलवान,
नष्ट कर मायाजाल का पाश,
वक़्त की महत्ता को मान। 
चक्रव्यूह ये विराट, लालसा का प्रमाण है,
खोल दे कपाट, तेरे भीतर विहान है,
तीव्र कर हथियार, तूने आप लगाई हथकड़ी,
मोह माया में किसीने, क्या तर पाया ये संसार है,
मस्तिष्क का दरिया मरोड़, जिसका तू महावत है,
डांवाडोल नौका संभाल, जाना अब उस पार है।। 
                                             -प्रज्ञा त्रिपाठी
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pragyatripathi · 4 years
The little birdie...
Seven wonders of world n we are proud,
take a moment to count the wonders around,
don't forget to put in that little birdie,
a flawless creation of 'marvel crowned',
do you notice the zeal, how obedien',
in tune to nature and never refrain,
finding motive is a lifelong puzzle,
always on track never noticed it dull.
distraction happens on smallest hurdle,
storm strikes eveready for battle.
weeping on failure is a human thing,
parted from pasts its nesting for spring.
-Pragya Tripathi
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pragyatripathi · 4 years
Hello! Who are you?
you do sound like my opponent,
I wasn't expecting you at the moment
you should have knocked at the door,
Dear God! I couldn't expect more,
Go away, just go away...I was dancing on my own beat,
and now here you are, I can feel the heat,
Mr. Mood Swings, I know you very well,
I just hate it to accept,
whenever you come you seize my brain
I feel helpless n dark,ready to drain
my heart screams but no one hears
I feel so numb unable to bear,
I beg you for my life just leave me alone,
why so cruel, don't know what have I done,
wanna blow me down try as much as you can
'a divine child' no one can ban.  
-Pragya Tripathi
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pragyatripathi · 4 years
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"An unsaid connection"
A breathtaking mystery,
amazes with its magnificence
but do you feel the pain hidden in silence
oh moon! you are not just a charm for me
looking at you stirs tides of emotion inside
feels like you too want to sit by my side,
you too have been quiet since ages
you too have been going through phases
i know, you too feel lonely up there
alone in city of stars,is not fair
we are miles away but magically pulled
you soothe my soul n hey you're doing good
you shine holding on... makes a big difference
that's why the world admires you with reverence,
wait for my arrival just like that
let's keep smiling-on as we are going thru stages
our day will come when are free from cages
then tell me bout heaven n I'll explain you hell,
things would be the same...does it ring a bell?
any distance can be crossed if heart is pure
ages may pass but will meet for sure.
-Pragya Tripathi
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