smellyrottentrees · 4 days
It’s done!
Am’asy: ESFJ-T
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San’ary: ENFP-A
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Arroti: INTJ-A
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Jalur: ESFP-A
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Khet: INFJ-T
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Yetova: ESTP-A
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At some point I want to do MBTI of my characters to better characterize them for those of you that don’t live inside my head with me. It’s gonna take a while since it’s a long test but hopefully it’ll be fun.
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smellyrottentrees · 5 days
At some point I want to do MBTI of my characters to better characterize them for those of you that don’t live inside my head with me. It’s gonna take a while since it’s a long test but hopefully it’ll be fun.
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smellyrottentrees · 5 days
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San’ary and Khet.
Khet has a very, very dark past. He tells Naru about it not for his own well-being, but because he knows Naru idolizes him, and he doesn’t want Naru to do so blindly. He knew there was a risk it would alienate the boy from him completely, but he isn’t one to hide the truth if he thinks it could affect someone’s future.
I really like illustration type pieces like this. Makes it seem like an old show or something.
Another thing I really like is how I included Khet’s grey hairs. They are born not of age but of high-intensity stress over long periods of time. Bro has been through it.
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smellyrottentrees · 8 days
Akasyr’s jewelry tour 💅✨
Because if I’m going to scream into the void, I’m going to scream about the things I like.
Akasyr has lots of jewelry. More than what’s pictured below. But these are His favorite pieces as they appear in my drawing of Him from May 2024.
1. The armband
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Composition: large pearls, cowrie shells, jade beads, fluorite pieces, and chrysocolla.
This piece of jewelry is one of a set of identical armbands Akasyr handmade for the other members of the maritime alliance (the various ocean and river deities). It is used to identify one another beyond the water. He began making them for His friends within the alliance initially, but it later expanded to the rest of them when others saw and asked Him to make pieces for them as well. They are not usually worn in water as they may mildly limit mobility and wear down.
2. The bracelet
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Composition: large pearls, jade beads, cowrie shells, and rose quartz pieces.
He and His partner Sharisa have matching bracelets. He made them when they were courting, to express His affection for Sharisa as He does not speak. Rose quartz is a very common symbol of affection in numerous cultures. He made it to resemble many of His other pieces because at the time they were created, He did not wish to advertise their relationship to others.
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*another picture of the bracelet and armband as worn by Sharisa.
3. The waist beads
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Composition: small pearls, jade beads, cowrie shells, shark teeth, carnelian and chrysoprase pieces.
Akasyr once had a shark as a pet. He was very fond of it, until it passed on. He collected the teeth and made various pieces of jewelry with it. The carnelian is said to help maintain good energy flow.
4. String of pearls and gold ring
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Composition: very small pearls, gold and sapphire.
The string of pearls was cast into the river by a woman betrayed by her lover, and later found by Sharisa, who takes turns with Akasyr and a few other friends wearing it. The sisterhood of the traveling pearls, if you will.
The ring is suspended on a gold chain around His neck as Akasyr’s fingers are webbed. There is an inscription on the inside of the ring, “a love as eternal as the ocean itself”. It was a gift from Sharisa when they made their partnership official.
That’s it for now.
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smellyrottentrees · 10 days
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His unusually stiff posture is intentional. Observe the flared gills, puffed chest, and a glare that could freeze hell over. Drifts don’t have body hair to fluff up, so they do all this instead to intimidate. Akasyr has a rather unfortunate resting face anyway, but when He gets pissed off it’s best to keep one’s distance. Drifts have larger than average hands and feet to accommodate their need to swim, as well as broad shoulders and very large claws. They’re pretty lethal, but one has to be when one lives among sharks, crocodiles, dolphins, and every other variety of scary marine animals. Another cool fact: all His jewelry has meaning. If you wanna know the meanings, let me know and I’ll make a separate post about it.
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smellyrottentrees · 23 days
May 9, 2024: 170,000 words milestone
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smellyrottentrees · 23 days
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An unofficial promotional poster. Although Arroti is a cow-like god, His symbol is actually a tiger. The monkey, of course, is Yetova. I’m not so impressed with this one but I also don’t hate it, or y’all wouldn’t get to see it.
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smellyrottentrees · 24 days
Title: Ga’avan the Mighty
Genre: High fantasy/epic fantasy
Important Characters: Am’asy, San’ary, Jalur, Yetova, Arroti, Khet, Kys’so
Setting: Fantasy world, climate/geography similar to South and Southeast Asia
POV: 3rd person and 1st person
Target Demographic: New adult (not to be confused with YA)
Comparisons: The Odyssey, Circe/The Song Of Achilles (modern retelling-type energy)
Indie or Traditional Publishing: Traditional, ideally
What would you like to know most about my work-in-progress novel?
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smellyrottentrees · 26 days
My main character (Am’asy)’s first line of dialogue:
“I can relax when I am dead. A soldier must always be ready.”
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smellyrottentrees · 26 days
I meant for this to be a writing blog but I don’t know what sort of content you put on a writing blog without infodumping and revealing all your spoilers, so. All you get for now until I figure out what to say and how to market my book to the public is just weird obscure drawings of people you don’t recognize.
(If you know what I should put on here, please tell me. I want to share my work with others but don’t know how.)
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smellyrottentrees · 28 days
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Some more info:
You are welcome to interact with posts no matter how old they are! Unless, of course, it’s something time-sensitive like a poll.
Please ask questions! I need nothing more than an excuse to infodump. I may become vague if I feel a certain topic contains spoilers, but I will make it clear that is the case if it is so.
Don’t be afraid to say hi! I’d love to make writer friends, especially in the high fantasy and mythological genres. And if you also make art for your writing, all the better!
I don’t reblog many things unless I have my own input to add, but feel free to reblog my work, especially if you have a comment or addition to something I’ve said.
If you want to see art unrelated to my story, as well as process photos, check out my insta under the same name.
OC Boundaries
Fanart: YES, with credit.
Shipping: Only canon, do NOT ship with your OCs.
Kinning: I would strongly prefer if you did NOT.
Fanfic/writing: I would prefer if you did NOT. Or, at the absolute least, TELL ME about it if you do it and keep it SFW!
Drawing your OCs with mine: I would prefer if you did NOT.
NSFW of my characters?: DEPENDS. You can only draw as NSFW as I draw—look through my feed for guidelines, or ASK. I am not opposed to TASTEFUL artistic nudity or violence.
Cosplaying: DEPENDS—with credit and permission, most likely I will say yes.
Headcanoning: Go right ahead, as I understand headcanons are sort of just theories? Or plausible situations you’d like to believe are true. TELL ME your headcanons, you might end up being right.
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smellyrottentrees · 28 days
The quality of the uploads on here is so much better than insta. Holy shit, man, I never thought I’d see the day that my followers could experience my art in full HD.
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smellyrottentrees · 28 days
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Nasee and Varasy, April 2024.
If you know the post this is referencing, good.
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smellyrottentrees · 28 days
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Khoram and Arroti, March 2024.
I will love this one forever. The sheer romance. The utter devotion. Goddess, I can hear Him murmuring. Because He worships Her as the mortals do. He would do anything for Her.
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smellyrottentrees · 28 days
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Am’asy drawing Arroti, February 2024.
I think this one is so cute. I want to do more pieces in this “movie” style.
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smellyrottentrees · 28 days
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Doodle page 2, January 2024.
Nasee, Yksi, and a blackbuck.
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smellyrottentrees · 28 days
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Naru, Jalur, Khet, January 2024.
I finally drew the trio together.
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