#+ still have a couple more coming uo this fall
wavernot4love · 10 months
fob @ fanfest recap, post-my living vicariously through people's live updates since i cannot get over my last minute resentful decision of not being able to pull off the (admittedly 650+ total mile) drive 2 philly today and perhaps feeling devastated over having missed
- patrick: "so! i'm patrick and i know nothing about sports" and also just MASSIVELY feeling the show based on all the videos i've seen!?
- pete making a warped comparison (!?! could it get more wavernot4love coded than this)
- joe chant that he successfully heard :]
- i don't care debut of late (finally!!)
- pete being self aware about the tennis new york incident (calling fobbies "monsters" in a vaguely affectionate way... HELP)
- honestly such an expansive setlist for an event like this?? FIFTEEN SONGS!? sixteen candles? fake out? grand theft autumn? headfirst slide? HELLO
- pete doing his saturday thing??? i honestly didn't think that was a thing they did @ these sports event kinda things w shorter sets
- you could really tell they Knew they had hardcore fans there
and man i wish i could have made it but here's to hoping leg 2 comes next year because i will 100% be traveling for multiple shows again <333
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effervescentdragon · 1 year
Charlos + falling sleep together
The post-race debrief is one of the worst ones in a long time.
Carlos yells a bit. He knows he does, and it's not the first time. He yells when he's upset, but he always catches himself on time, or just on the line, not daring to cross it too much and be labeled as too problematic. There is also the whole "hotheaded Latino" stereotype he has had to contend himself with throughout his whole life, so he usually stops before it's to late. It is a horrible briefing, and he does raise his voice a couple of times.
He has nothing on Charles.
Charles is seething. Charles is furious. Charles is magnificent and beautiful in his fury, and Carlos finds himself keeping his mouth shut and his palms under his thighs, because this isn't an every-race week occurence. Charles gets upset, but he rarely loses his composure.
By the time the briefing is over, Charles is shaking.
Carlos takes one look at Charles, leaning against the wall as he waits for Andrea to finish his phone call, and turns to Caco. Before he can even make a sound, Caco rolls his eyes and says "I'm going home, don't be completely stupid," then leaves.
When Carlos approaches Charles, he doesn't even register it. He's staring down on his phone but Carlos can see he isn't really seeing it. He looks as exhausted as Carlos feels.
"Hey. Want to go for a walk?" he asks, because straightforward approach is always the best one with Charles when he's like this. His guess is confirmed when Charles raises his head and there is nothing in his face. He stares at Carlos for too long. Then, he takes a look at Andrea, and nods. "Do you need to-" Carlos tries ro ask, but Charles shakes his head.
"I'll text Lolo," he says, then does. When a message comes in, he nods distractedly and puts the phone in his back pocket and looks uo at Carlos. "Where to?"
Carlos leads him out into the Catalan night. They don't speak as Carlos leads them away from the track, which is now almost completely deserted. "We can walk to where I parked my car in the private garage," he says just to say something.
"How far?" Charles asks.
"Around three or four kilometres. Caco drove me to the track from there."
Charles only nods, exoressionless, and Carlos has nothing left to do except lead the way.
They don't talk as they walk. Too many times, Carlos thinks kf a possible thing to day, a topic to open, but it all feels like too much. The night isn't too cold but there is a slight wind, and the longer they walk, the closer they are, until the back kf Carlos' hand brushes Charles' with every step they make.
It doesn't take them long to walk to Carlos' car. It's not his Competizione, thank God. It's too distinctive to be driven around in Barcelona.
"Are you hungry?" he asks, turning on the AC. Charles shakes his head. His cheeks are flushed, and he looks somewhat more present than he did before.
"Sleepy," he says. "Take me to that stupid hotel so I can break my back some more." Carlos thinks his voice should be full of some sort of emotion but there's nothing there. He nods, and guns the engine.
Charles leans his head on the window three minutes into the drive. By minute five, his eyes are closed. By minute ten, Carlos is pretty sure he's in a light sleep.
Carlos drives carefully, slower than he would otherwise, and thinks on whether it's a good idea to go with his gut, or no.
When Charles wakes up, it's sudden. One moment, he's dreaming of gravel and fire and the next his eyes are wide open.
He's in an unfamiliar bed. Unfamiliar comfortable bed, though, which rules out his hotel room. Arthur and Lolo's, too. The sheets are dark blue, and there is a smell he recognizes all around him.
There is also a heavy, hairy arm wrapped around his waist.
He shuffles. He has a shirt and his boxers on, still. That's good.
"Lolo knows," a sleep-heavy voice says into his neck and makes him erupt in goosebumps. "Andrea approved of you sleeping on a real bed before you have to travel tonight. My apartment is small."
Carlos' voice always sounds heavier when he's just awoken, but it somehow feels much more intimate here than it does when they're on the plains and in cars and in Maranello. His arm around Charles' waist is warm. His breath kn Charles' neck is even warmer.
"Time?" he rasps, then coughs.
"Early," Carlos says. "Sleep now."
Charles contemplates getting up and leaving that moment. He doesn't knkw how long he's slept, but it should be enough to get him back to the hotel withiht passing out. He glances at the bedside table, where his phone is charging. Charles doesn't remember anything from last night, except being cold, then warm, then hot. He thinks about getting up and going back tk the real world, and the obligations, and the problems he has to start dealing with.
Charles closes his eyes and relaxes into the bed. Carlos' hand on his waist squeezes once, slowly, and then they're both already on their way back to sleep.
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plainemmanem · 2 years
- s
no reallllllll
just the casual flirting oh my fucking GOD bffr.
like ok picture this with me alright please?
you meet steve in like. peak king days. like s1 ok. and you guys do not like each other right like. not enemies or anything like that but you guys are just like. indifferent to one another ok. and you guys get paired up for something. a school project or something stupid. and the whole time, there’s just this. tension. like palpable tension. and it’s like this like. flirting and teasing and sneaking little glances and little lingering touches like every interaction is just. heated. and eventually you to FINALLY fuck. in his house, on like a random thursday night after a party. and it’s sooo good. like not GREAT, but it’s good . like good good. like. ‘i wanna do this again’ good. and then you guys sort of become fuck buddies for a minute. and it’s good . like it’s just fun . it’s casual and he gives you attention and he always calls you pretty after and hot during<3 and it’s just so flirty and tense and it’s like hnnnngh it’s just fun:)
but then he starts dating nancy yk. so he pulls away a bit. you’re still friends, he comes to you from time to time for advice. and it hurts. bc you were just starting to kind of develop feelings for him (not that you’d ever tell him) but it hurts that he would just . pass you up so easy for someone else:/ someone who’s like. perfect. and you kind of get subconsciously pissed at him. pull away a bit.
and then he and nancy break up. and the first house he goes to is yours. he’s fucking devastated. like actually about to cry sitting at the foot of your bed, head in his hands. and you feel bad for him but it’s also like. he’s using you, it feels like he’s dragging you along yk. but you really care about him at this point so you’re always there. you’re always there for him. for those next few weeks when he’s losing his friends after he lost nancy, and he just feels so helplessly alone. you’re there. you guys take turns sleeping over at each other’s places and you guys share the bed and you always wake up with him holding you:( and a couple times, a couple vulnerable nights, he kisses you, he grabs you and kisses you so soft and desperate and needy. but you always stop him. bc you know he’s just looking for someone to fill that void in him. that void that nancy left. he doesn’t actually want you. he just wants to sleep with you so he doesnt have to feel so shitty. so you stop him.
and eventually you realize. he's really not gonna get over nancy. not anytime soon. not without another bump on the head. so you find someone else. a nice guy. he's not steve. but yk, hes nice:) and he treats you well and he cares about you and it feels nice. nice to have someone care just as much for you as you do for him, no strings or ex's attached. and steves happy for you, of course he is. he has to be. he obviously cant tell you hes falling in love with you. not now, not after all this time. not after all the bullshit with nancy and you always being there for him. youre happy. and hes happy youre happy.
so he starts sleeping around. comparing all of them to you. everyone thinks hes trying to get over nance, but little do they know hes been pining after you for months. driving you to and from work, letting you come over when youre boyfriends being a dick, buying you birthday and christmas gifts hoping you'll catch the hint but you never do. you could never believe steve harrington would actually have feelings for you, its so out of the question.
so youre boyfriends being especially shitty one night, and you run to steve, like you normally do, but this time, instead of his normal "he doesnt deserve you" or "you could have anyone, anyone you wanted. you could do so much better"… he kisses you. steve kisses you again. after so long. and you cant lie, it feels good. so so so good again. and he tells you he loves you. that hes loved you for months. that hes not asking you to break up with your boyfriend, but he just had to tell you, he couldnt keep it in any longer. that hed still do anything for you. that hes gonna be here no matter what. he just. loves you . alot. and its painful sometimes. but if that means having you in his life, then thats what hell do.
and then you leave. you leave him there. in his big house. alone again. and he thinks that’s it. that’s he’s fucked everything up. that he’s never gonna see you again.
but then you’re back the next night. you look scared. scared when he opened the door… and then you tell him you broke up with him. your boyfriend.
and then he kisses you. and kisses you and kisses you and kisses you and drags you to bed:)
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escapetheshark · 1 year
Rotted Bones (Aki x Himeno angst)
Hi I wrote a one-shot pls read k thx; PG-13 for very light non-descriptive smut
The silence that filled his apartment would have been welcoming under any other circumstance but, at that particular moment, it strangled him and weighed heavy on his chest. The light penetrating the half-closed window was dim and cold, uninviting even. He rubbed at his right eye, shutting it tightly as if trying to get rid of a long-lost eyelash. Unsurprisingly, the sky was engulfed in dark clouds, not letting the sun shine through, and a cold breeze chilled his bones. Still, he sat in his foldable chair and reached for the pack of cigarettes in the pocket of his black joggers.
"This is the last one," he told himself as he lit up the cigarette, the last one in the pack. How long would it take for it to stop hurting, he wondered as he inhaled the bone-rotting chemicals. The Curse's words echoed in his mind, "two years," It had said. It was definitely too late to quit smoking, his bones wouldn't even have time to rot.
With a sigh, the young man opened up the top drawer of his dresser, where neatly folded underwear and socks were placed, and was surprised to find a piece of clothing that definitely did not belong to him, also neatly folded - a pink bra. He examined it, thinking that it had to belong to Power, his only female roommate. But how would Power's bra end up h- his hand trembled when a sudden jolt of memory attacked him.
"I'm not sleeping on your sofa!"
"Ugh fine, but at least get changed, your clothes reek!"
"Alright, I'll changeeee"
Fumbling with her undershirt, she managed to remove it and toss it on the floor, followed by her bra, which landed on the opposite side of the room. He was caught off-guard, genuinely too stunned to speak, his gaze glued to her chest and he couldn't avert it even if he tried. She was giggling furiously, teasing the man about how red his face had become.
"Aki-kun, have you never seen booooobs before?"
"I don't t-think I'v everr seen uo sso esspressiveee, hick!"
He put down the garment, holding back the tears that threatened to fall, and quickly grabbed a pair of socks and underpants, and quickly shut the drawer before rushing to the bathroom. Aki removed his earrings and carefully placed them on the sink, then removed all his clothes and looked at his own reflection for a minute, as if looking for his soul on the other side of the mirror. The steam rising from the bathtub somehow cleared his mind a little and he jumped in the bath, closing his eyes and enjoying the silence for once.
It was nice, the gentle scent of pomegranate from the body wash she had left behind. She would always get different scents, in hopes of finding one that could become her signature, "whenever you smell this, you know Himeno is coming!", she would say. I guess it worked. She stayed over so many times he could probably fill a large box with random stuff she kept leaving behind. Among his laundry, he found a couple of her work button-up shirts, a pair of Hello Kitty socks, and her baby-blue pajama top with clouds on it. There was the body wash, a dried-out mascara, her coconut lip balm...
"Your lips are dry, Aki-kun."
"It's because I smoke too much," he spat. "Dries out all of my skin."
"You know, there's moisturiser out there," she chuckled. "They're not that expensive."
"I guess..."
Silence engulfed them once more after that little interaction. They were too tired to engage in conversation after everything they'd been through, and Aki was still recovering from his injury, so talking was hard. Quietly, she reached for her pocket and grabbed a tiny tube of lip balm, applying it to her own lips before grabbing Aki by his chin and applying it to his chapped lips.
"Thanks, I guess..."
Maybe he should send the box to Himeno's family. After all, it contained things that belonged to her. Every time he cleaned the house, he'd find something new. Sometimes he'd open his kitchen cabinets and see that silly mug she always used to drink coffee out of whenever she was around. Sometimes he'd come across that magazine she was reading in the balcony while smoking her cigarette in the morning after staying the night. He would find more pieces of her clothing anytime he did laundry or searched his drawers. Every day, he would randomly come across something of hers and every day he would cry one less tear when thinking of her, as he neatly folded away everything that remained of her into a plastic box he kept under his bed. "I'll send this to her sister," he told himself every day.
Himeno's sister would occasionally send him letters and he would reply back much later, always starting his own letter with an apology for the delay, but it's just that work has been insane and he can't bring himself to focus on anything for longer than a few minutes. Most of the time, the girl just described very trivial things in a few sentences, maybe in the way she would have written to Himeno herself. She'd started university in Osaka, made a couple of friends and she was learning to drive, too. Aki liked to imagine Himeno doing these mundane things. Maybe in another life she would have had long hair up in a French-style braid, she would have two good eyes and no eyepatch, she would have worn pretty sundresses in the Summer and maybe she would work part-time in a bakery or a pharmacy to help out her family with money.
"I'm not really drunk," she confessed, her expression completely shifting in a millisecond. "I just needed an excuse-"
"An excuse to act weird? Come on Hime, we all know you," Aki laughed. He felt tipsy but nowhere near drunk. She definitely had a few drinks, but he'd seen her in much worse shape.
"Did you feel anything," she asked, her voice suddenly cracking as her face glowed red. He nodded, leaving her wide-eyed. "I did," he simply responded. He wasn't sure if her air conditioner was broken or what, but he suddenly felt quite hot. A weird sensation pooled at his upper thighs, all the way up to his stomach and he wasn't sure why: maybe he was drunker than he thought he was, maybe it was just the effect of having an objectively attractive woman lying next to him wearing only panties and a little tank top. She was no Makima, sure, but she- she was better, actually.
"Can we do it again?"
His question caught her completely off-guard, even more so when he closed his eyes and shifted so their faces were barely an inch away from one another. Just like that, his lips were on hers and they felt a lot softer than she would have imagined. Maybe the coconut lip balm actually worked, she mused, kissing back. Aki's hand found its way to the crook of her neck, gently holding her in place as he deepened the kiss as much as he physically could.
"A-Aki," she breathed loudly, her head spinning and her heart about to burst. Before she could say anything else, he had her pinned down as he straddled her waist. He hovered over her for a minute before meeting her lips again.
The little tank top she wore that night somehow found its way into his wardrobe. He folded it neatly and it soon joined all the other tokens in his box under his bed and once again he promised himself he would send the box with all of his former partner's belongings to her family. Slowly, however, other things started to find their way inside the box, things that didn't necessarily belong to Himeno, but reminded Aki of her. The pair of earrings he got when she dragged him to get his ears pierced. A funny lighter she had gifted him once with a picture of a cartoon character with huge boobs. A copy of her favourite record. Soon, the box was overflowing with memories of her. There wasn't even a body left to bury or burn, her grave was nothing but an empty piece of land with a tombstone adorning it, yet she had left so much of herself behind, in his home and in him. Aki himself felt like a grave of sorts, but not in a somber way. He carried so much of Himeno inside his heart that he was a living altar for her life.
"Don't die on me, Aki. I want you to cry for me when I die."
She had gotten her wish, he realised. He could die now.
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Just a place to scream and cry
I haven't posted here in a long time. The death of our son tooks its toll on my husband and I. We drank too much, we cried together and we fought to keep our love strong. This year we will celebrate 44 yrs of loving each other. Was it easy? Hell no! Was it worth it? Hell yes! We adore our three kids still living. We adore their families and their lives. However, they think we pushed them away. No, let me be truthful. They think I pushed them away by drinking myself into oblivion. I didn't mean to push them away. I just had to hide away from the pain. Their father was the same. I don't understand the difference between our drinking but whatever. His is acceptable but mine is not. Two years after Matthew's death we knew we could no longer live in our apartment. Matthew died there, I found him and his father tried to revive him. We were in absolute HELL. In 2019 we moved from our apartment and into our camper on a nearby lake. I needed the sun and my husband, Dick, needed to fish. We met new friends and started to rebuild our lives. We were still drinking too much but we loved each other more. We hung onto each other because that's what we do. The kids weren't happy with our decision. Then when we decided to head to Florida for the winter months well, that pissed everyone off. No one understood that my health was failing in Ohio. I had lung cancer in 2009. The doctors removed most of my left lung and I ended uo with asthma. It's all good because I survived. After Matthew died, I became very ill and ended up in the hospital where I was expected to live. The Ohio winters are hard on me because I can't get outside. The cold messes with my asthma and it hurts to breathe. After back surgery in 2007, I am considered to be a fall risk so walking on snowy or icy sidewalks is not good for me. Florida meant I could get well again. The trees, the lakes/ocean and nature started healing us. Now in 2023, I stopped drinking to the point of oblivion. I have a drink or two at night but I no longer need oblivion. I am not sure our kids will ever forgive me.
Generally we leave Ohio on November 1st and travel to Florida. We primitive tent camp throughout Florida and return April 1st. It's wild and crazy and inspiring. It's also healing. We came back early, February, because our granddaughter was hospitalized for Anorexia Nervousa. She is the daughter of our youngest daughter. However, once we were back we needed a place to stay. Our son was like no way but our youngest daughter said we could stay with her. We went each day to stay in the hospital with our granddaughter until her mom and dad could come in the early evening. We did this for about a week. While we were there my husband kept asking why no one was speaking to us. My daughter's oldest daughter was instructed to spy on me and tell if I was drinking. So, one night I had three drinks. It wasn't but a couple days later we were asked to leave. We had to get permission to come back to our camper because it was late February and the campground doesn't open until April 1st. We had electric but no water. It really wasn't much different that primitive tent camping, just a lot colder. I haven't told anyone how upset their dad is...he was/is devastated by the kids attitudes. We always had our kids backs...no matter what kind of BS they got into they knew we loved and supported them (sometimes literally). I wiped out my 401k buying groceries, paying rent, paying bills and attorney fees, weddings and more. But this is all forgotten by them. It hurts a lot but I don't have any regrets. We were damn good parents. What I do hate is how much they have hurt their father.
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Snippet from Chapter One!
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A/N: This scene takes place seven years after the prologue. It’s a small snippet from the first draft of chapter one and im actually really proud of it! even though the chances of this scene making it to the final book are quite small have some platonic Maliah x Evangeline vibes!
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“Mona rouge,” my rose. Maliah’s soft voice echoes through the drafty passageway. The hair at the back of my neck stands straight in anticipation. We only have an hour until the housekeeper ensures all the slaves in the East Wing are tucked away in our quarters.  
I reach the end of the passage after what feels like years, careful that my footsteps are quick and silent. The warm glow of her candle illuminates her electric green eyes and the gentle waves of her chocolate brown hair framing her face. 
“I see you’re still insisting on learning that useless language,” I smirk. The only people who speak Beltainian are the folk of the Mountainlands. 
Maliah sighs in feigned exasperation. “Come here, you,” she whispers, pulling me into an embrace and resting her head on my shoulder. I inhale her flowery scent that brings me back to the Harvestime I last saw her. But now it is stronger, as if I am standing in a beautiful garden, the flowers all around me. 
And the world falls into place. She is not a Feniscian and I am not a slave. There are no evil masters or cruel mothers. There is just Maliah and Evangeline. Evangeline and Maliah. Anything else is unimaginable.
When she pulls away, I manage to get a good look at her in the already waning candlelight. Her hair is a couple inches longer, as it is every summer when she returns home from school at Terrinsvale. She’s taller now, too. A hair's length away from being as tall as me. I glance down at her arm, and realize what makes her scent so much more noticeable. Her trachetti. Gone are the small orange and yellow buds that covered her arms last year. They have blossomed into gorgeous daffodils and marigolds. I look down at my own arms, my dark skin scarred and bruised. No trachetti in sight. All Seliors used to have them. Divine vines and small flowers illustrated on our arms and legs, every kind for every type of magic, that grew into adulthood. Now only the Feniscans do. 
Not noticing my brief change in mood, Maliah’s lips spread into a grin and she jumps to the floor, pulling me down with her. To my surprise, my feet do not come in contact with dirty and cold cobblestone, but instead a comforting smoothness, soft under my legs. She had laid out a plush baby pink blanket complete with a hand woven basket filled to the brim. 
When I look closer I notice that the basket is embellished with an intricate design of a raven, its wings spread mid flight, carved into a hexagon of wood. The crest of Terrinsvale. On any other day, this might have bothered me, as a reminder that Maliah and I are worlds apart. But today it doesn’t. Because she is finally here. 
“So, what have you learned up there in magic land?” I tease. 
“Mo et eschâdaté presceliaš uo Selioriane bastogúeÿ ou megicæ Fenisçi,” Maliah declares. “I am very proficient in Seliorian history and Feniscian magical studies,” she translates. 
I scoff, disbelieving. 
“What do you have against Beltainian?” She giggles, taking two glass bottles of ketch out of the basket.  
I grab a bottle. “Unless you want to frolic in the Beltainian Mountains or move to the Highlands, it’s useless.” I take a long swig, letting the sickly sweet drink coat my mouth with the taste of lime and honey and warm my throat on its way down. Ketch is a staple in our country Evordine, but I’d only ever been able to drink it when Maliah sneaked it from some non compliant kitchen maids.  
She considers this, taking a sip from her own bottle. “By that logic, singing songs is useless. Telling stories is useless. Smelling flowers and admiring the sunset? Completely pointless.” She smiles. “Where’s your sense of wonder, Evangeline?”
I don’t know where the burst of irritation came from, but I need to get it out. “Well, it’s not like I have much time to wonder, Maliah. When you’re off gallivanting in Terrinsvale, I’m here working, cleaning, scrubbing, and serving, while sleeping on a hard floor every other night and not being paid a single treschae of money. So forgive me if I don’t have time to appreciate a nonsensical language, especially when there are much more important things.” 
My annoyance immediately turns to guilt as I take in Maliah’s shocked face. But she carefully turns her expression neutral, always the picture of composure. “More important things?”
“I, um . . I just meant that . . . ” I trail off, feeling small. 
She sets down her bottle of ketch and flops down on her back on the blanket. “I find the language fascinating, although it does seem a tad frivolous. Especially when I could be learning to someday lessen your circumstances.”
I lie down on my back next to her, my overworked shoulder bones instantly relieved by the soft velvety blanket. Maliah alone is powerless when it comes to the enslavement. There have been a couple Allean rebellions east in Criosk and Brissavine which the Feniscian Delegation promptly disbanded. I’m not sure I want to know what happened to those slaves.                
“And how are your parents treating you?” I turn to my side facing her. Master and Mistress might be cruel to me, but never to their daughter. 
Maliah moves so that her head rests on her hands. “Mother is, well, Mother. She wants me to return to the estate in Vartsmith so I may remain closer to the school during Harvestime.”
I immediately sit up, the ketch I drank and the sight of the candle flames dancing across the ceiling make me dizzy. “Return to Vartsmith? But you just got here!” 
“Father is already going back in two weeks time. I was barely able to convince him to let me stay at the Plantation.” 
I sigh and flop back down. “Three months before our separation resumes,” I muse.
“Already thinking about me leaving?” She raises an eyebrow. 
This manages to get a smile out of me. “I’m sure you’ll leave me the moment you meet some rich and handsome boy back at school and fall hopelessly in love. The son of a wealthy lord, no doubt. I hate him already.” 
Maliah laughs at that. A light, melodic sound, quietly echoing in the narrow corridor. I missed that laugh. “One Harvest until then,” 
“One Harvest until then,” I echo.
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amythecinnabunny · 3 years
38 66 Jukebox. Muhahahah!!!
38. Grief Fic  
66. It’s Not You, It’s My Enemies  
I wanted to do it canon-verse but then I remembered an old arc I had planned for the hold on au and since I've completely scrapped it and it fits these two, I figured I could beat you to tears with it :>
Okay so for those of you who aren't aware of the hold on au, it's a Julie Dies au and the general consensus is that it's way more hurtful and angsty than it needs to be. I concur. The true angst, however, can be found in the several things I've scrapped, such as this next bit.
It'll be set in Come Back, I Still Want You, after they rescue the boys from Caleb.
So unlike the ridiculously long slow burn in the fic, Julie and Luke actually act on their very obvious feelings and I mean since they're both dead and none of them know what any of their unfinished business is, there's nothing stopping them, right? WRONG
Julie trades places with the boys but that's not all Caleb wants. Caleb wants to actually fully properly get rid of Julie and if he can't get her to cross over, he'll find other ways to get rid of her . . .
Given that I scrapped this idea early, I never quiet figured out how Caleb would accomplish this. I just knew he would and I'd deal with that issue later.
They're trying, and I mean they're really trying hard to make it work but Caleb is relentless. If he can't have the boys, Julie can't either.
Everyone's scrambling to find a way to save Julie but there's nothing. They even out the existence of ghosts to the world, but no one can offer a solution. (Carrie has several nervous breakdowns, not unlike the one she had the day Julie died)
Julie tries to end things with Luke. Maybe he'll take it easier if they're not together when it happens, right? I mean, WE know that's not true, but SHE doesn't. She tries to say that Caleb will go after Luke just to hurt her even more but Luke isn't buying it. Still, it hurts like a bitch when that's almost the last interaction they ever had. Lots of angst about this, trust me.
Julie gets one last interaction with everyone, in the studio, and they all leave her alone with Luke in the end. The whole thing is reminiscent of the day Julie died and even though she's a ghost and she was with him since then, the day has always haunted him. If he slept, he was sure he'd have nightmares about it.
The fact that it's so similar is tearing at his heart. Julie's not sickly and confined to a bed with heart monitors and respirators, but he can tell she doesn't have the energy she used to. She's fading away. Again.
And just like last time, Luke reminds her that she's loved, by him most of all.
They lean in for a kiss, just one last kiss, but their lips never meet. And just like that, Luke is alone in th dark room. Julie's left him for the second time and there's not a single chance she's coming back now.
Both of her deaths because of Caleb, and both of them unable to be stopped.
Luke breaks down completely when Alex and Reggie return, sitting on either side of him, Reggie where Julie was just a moment ago.
They sit together like that for hours maybe. The rest of them want to rush in and soothe the boys, but Willie's the only one who can see them. Without her, they're just ghosts. Ordinary phantoms without Julie.
Luke doesn't pick up his pen for months, at least. It's a further few months before he even touches his guitar. Maybe Echo of You, wink wink
They don't perform again, but they do strike against Caleb. The whole thing set in motion almost a year ago by Julie herself, from the first time she visited the Hollywood Ghost Club. It doesn't take much to convince the club to rise against Caleb.
Julie was beloved by all who had ever met her, lifer and ghost alike. To stand by and accept what Caleb has done doesn't sit right with them.
So they strike against Caleb. They strike hard and fast, without any warning. In all his arrogance, Caleb never saw it coming. They free the club, rendering Caleb powerless. And without his magic from stolen and trapped souls, Caleb doesn't survive Reggie.
For a while, after the drive of destroying Caleb leaves, the boys become empty shells of themselves. Willie brings Alex back to himself first. Flynn, Carlos and Ray eventually return Reggie. But Luke? Luke's lifeline was pretty much Julie.
Luke spends his days wandering Hollywood, meeting ghosts who are now enjoying their afterlife, ghots who are free to search for their unfinished business, ghosts who are eager to finally cross over. He smiles at them and chats with them. But Luke spends his nights in Julie's room or the studio. Reggie and Alex never stop trying to engage him, but nothing really seems to pique Luke's interest.
He plays the songs he wrote for her. He teaches himself to play the piano, just to hear her sound again. He listens to their recorded songs, just to heatlr her voice again.
And then one day, Luke accepts the fact that Julie's never coming back. Never. And that night, Luke lays his head on Julie's pillow and for the first time since he died, Luke falls asleep. And quietly, alone in her bedroom, he crosses over.
They spend weeks searching for Luke, refusing to accept what they all know to be true. Even on days when Luke wasn't seen at all, they could always soon hear the guitar, or the piano, or the band's songs. But for weeks, the studio has been silent. Luke didn't just uo and leave. Even if he could somehow turn his back on them, he would never turn his back on the notebooks filled with his and Julie's overlapping handwriting. He would never turn his back on Julie. So, with hearts heavier than on the days of Julie's deaths, they visit Luke's grave. He's really gone now. Alex and Reggie cry the most.
A month or so after, Ray gets to cleaning out the studio. It's collected far too much dust. He's thinking of renting the space out. There's a couple of young kids putting up posters, looking for a space to keep their instruments and host band practice.
Ray struggles and it takes him weeks to even clean out one area of the studio. This was where Rose and Julie spent most of their time and now, within nearly two and half years of each other, he'd lost them both.
When he finally gets to the loft, it's somehow worse. Sunset Curve things are coated in even more dust. Ray trips and sends several items falling to the ground below. He heads back down and starts picking the various items up. He drops them all when he catches sight of one of Luke's notebooks.
Their handwriting is all over it, like passing notes in class, song lyrics in between.
We're okay, right?
We're together, aren't we?
Ray hugs the open notebook to his chest and he cries, but it's not the exhausted tears of the family left behind. It's relieved tears of finally having a sign that everything is okay. Or it will be. It'll never hurt less. Never. But that's okay. They're okay. They're together.
And that's all either of them ever wanted. Right?
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pasteldaze · 4 years
hello! I was wondering if you could do a Bakugou x Reader (if requests are open ofc❤️). Maybe Bakugou said something he didn’t mean to the Reader, and she like leaves the middle of class to go to the bathroom to cry- and like some of the girls go to comfort her/ask if she’s doing fine. But that doesn’t help- so Bakugou ditches class and goes to comfort her in the girls bathroom, and the other girls are like “cUtE”. Sorry if this made no sense but I thought it would be cute 😳. love your writing!
A/N: Hi, thank you for requesting, this was my first request. I made this a pining one with a fluffy ending. I'm not sure if this is what you were looking for but I hope you like it 😊.
Bakugou X Fem! Reader
💥 So you and Bakugou have been friends since childhood, you were the only one who ever put up with his bullshit and tried to stop him bullying Midoriya.
💣You got into class 1A with Bakugou and Izuku and you became a part of the Bakusquad, being the closes to him with Kirishima.
💥 The whole class knows about your crudh on Bakugou, except the dense idiot himself.
💣 It all started during a small break in class, you walk up to the bakusquad hanging around Bakugou's table.
💥 The group seem to be teasing him about something. As they haven't noticed you walking up, you decide to listen in to the conversation.
💣 "Come on Bakubro, we've all noticed how close you two are, we know you like eachother" Kirishima says smiling at his best friend, making Bakugou get more agitated.
💥 "I've already told you, I don't like her" He stated annoyed by his friendgroup. He does like Y/N but he can't let them know.
💣Kirishima glances up and notices you but you hold a finger to your mouth in order to make him stay quiet.
💥 "You don't have to hide it, we already know" Kaminari says, pestering the explosive blonde.
💣 "It's fine, if he doesn't want to admit it, he doesn't have to" he says nervously looking at you.
💣 A faint gasp from you makes the whole group turn around at the same time, if you weren't heartbroken you would have thought it was funny.
💥 "Wait Y/N" Bakugou shouts as you run away. He stands uo to go after you but Mina stops him.
💣 "No you've done enough, give her some time" she says and runs off to find you, along with Uraraka and Momo who had overheard. They follow you to the bathrooms where you have locked yourself in one of the stalls.
💥 "Come out Y/N, we know you're in there" Mina days knocking on the stall door "No I-I'm fine I j-just need some ti-ime" you say hiccuping through tears.
💣 "Y/N we're friends, we are here for you" Momo states softly "I can give you a hug if you come out" Uraraka says leaning against the sinks.
💥 You walk out of the stall, wiping your eyes. "It's fine, I should have known he didn't like me, I was stupid to think I had a chance" you say sadly.
💣 Uraraka pulls you into a hug while momo lets your hair. "Don't say that, he's judt an idiot eho doesn't realise what's in front of him" Mina says apologetically.
💥 "r-really?" You ask looking up, still slightly teary eyed "of course, anyone would be lucky to have someone like you, now let us fix you up and head back to class" Momo states wiping your eyes.
💣 Once you are all set up and feeling better, you all leave the bathroom. Walking back to class you see Bakugou storming towards you and the girls take a protective stance.
💥 "Hey I was looking for you" he gruffly says, his amber eyes only locked on you. "Look Bakugou, leave her alone right now" Uraraka says glaring at him.
💣 "I WASN'T TALKING TO YOU ROUND FACE!" he shouts and the girls start bickering with him. "ENOUGH!" You shout getting everyone's attention.
💥 "I just came to talk to you" Bakugou grumbles. "I don't think this is a good idea..." Momo says. "Look guys, head to class I'll be there soon, this probably wont take long" You sigh "Are you sure?" Asks Mina "Yeah" and with that the girls walk to class.
💣 "Look Bakugou it's fine-" "I didn't mean it" he says cutting you off. "You don't have to say that out of pity for me, I understand" you say, tears beginning to swell once again.
💥 "I'm Not okay?! I just didn't want them to think I was weak, I have a reputation to uphold" he growls out. "I get it, your reputation is more important than others feelings" You say sourly
💣 "WHAT NO THAT'S NOT EHAT I MEANT STOP OUTTING WORDS INTO MY MOUTH SHITTY WOMAN!!" He shouts, making you step backwards slightly. He notices this and lowers his voice.
💥 "Look I was just hiding how I felt because I was scared that you'd reject me, I DAMNIT I don't want you to leave me idiot" he says looking at the ground.
💣 You sigh and lift his head to look at you "You should know I wouldn't let anything get between us, especially something like that, it's just what you said really hurt me" you say trying to keep the tears from falling.
💥 "I know...I-I...I'm sorry okay?!" He says angrily, not at you but at the situation he created, he wishes he had just admitted to it. "I know" You say looking at the floor. "We can just forget about it, go back to how it was" You say sadly anf go to walk away.
💣 "Wait! What if I don't want it to go back to how it was! Look, I know I fucked up but I can't lose you, not now, not ever" He says. "What are you talking about Bakugou?" You ask.
💥 "I'm- I'm-I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU OKAY?!?!" He shouts only to lower his voice. "I just..I want you to be mine" he says, showing a vulnerability that he has only ever shown to you.
💣 He takes your shocked silence as rejection. "Look It's fine if you don't feel the same way, I'm not exactly easy to deal with-" but you cut him off by pulling him to you and placing yoir lips on his.
💥 "mmph" His shocked responce before he realises that you (his childhood crush) is kissing him. He pulls you in close and kisses back.
💣 Once you lose breath you break apart. "W-What?" Cue confused Bakugou "I'm in love with you too idiot, that's why I was so upset" you say suddenly feeling shy.
💥 "Don't call me an idiot, shitty woman!" He says reverting to his tsundere self, making you giggle. His eyes visably soften to hear you giggle again.
💣 He pulls you into his chest in a hug "Gou out with me? Be mine?" He asks "Of course" You say hugging him back.
💥 "Of course you will, I'm the only one good enough for you" He says arrogantly. You shove at his chest "You just ruined a perfectly good moment" you say rolling your eyes. The two of you walk hand to hand back to class.
💣 The class were glad to see you two as a couple because it was infuriating them bbecause you two were so dense.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Yo @lavander-cherry here. It took longer than I expected. Hope is not shit.
Tumblr media
"Angel?" You hummed, acknowledging his presence on the room.
You didn't know for sure if this was going to be a horrible idea or a pleasant one... well, better now than never.
The man lifted one of his eyebrows at you as he stared you down on your bed reading a book.
"No greetings brat?" He said mockingly, already expecting at least a excuse or even a simple hug of yours. He had a... quite troublesome and unpleasant day, so having your sweet scent and touch on him would be appreciated.
Instead you just blow him a kiss woth a smile and continue on your reading.
He stared a little longer before slowly making his way to dress in his night clothes... maybe when he come back you would be willing to give him what he deserve it.
Yes, deserve it. He had to attire precepts bullshit all the damn day he deserved some comfort reward.
When he came back, he cleared his throat to catch your attention from that damn book of yours.
Honestly? You didn't even know what you were reading. You were just texting how long would your stubborn and arrogant boyfriend of yours would give in to ask nicely for once for cuddles.
That was your plan, and it seemed to be working as you looked from the side of your eye the frow it was forming in his forehead at you not even looking up at him.
You stiffed a giggle of yours and looked up at him, pretending to be confused.
"Already going to sleep my devil?" You asked innocently.
"I pretend to at least." He groaned out in frustation. Maybe if he went to bed you would go as well.
You sighed sadly before closing your book, marching the supposed page you were reading, and getting up on your feet.
"Where are you going?" He asked in confusion but his tone of voice still serious as ever.
"To the living room." You pointed "If you're going sleep I'm not going to bother you while reading this." You lifted your book, showing him your point before taking some steps towards the door.
You heard him sighing in annoyance before he passed through you and quickly closed the door.
"Read in here." He demanded, you again had to hold back your laughter before singing a 'okay then' while returning your spot on the bed.
He sitted besides you and took a glance at what was so much more interesting than him apparently.
He immediately scoffed the moment he saw you were just reading about Kanji. Who the hell read it Kanji for fun? At this hour of the night no less?!
You catched his scoff and looked uo at him in wonder.
"Something wrong Kai?"
"Why. The hell. Are you reading this?" He spoke through teeth while pointing with his palm at the book in your hands.
"This is a old book I have, just wanted to feel a bit nostalgic about my times on school." You sweetly smiled up at him lying.
"You're sick." He said darkly which you only giggled and returned your 'attention' to the book.
"You're the one who plays shogi here mister."
"Excuse me?" He spoke in offense "Shogi is useful to something at least different from that... thing."
Couple of nerds...
"So then you play your shogi, and I stay with my Kanji. Okay?" You smiled up at him, giggling at the way his eye twitched.
He was this close to ripping that thing from your hands.
He sighed a bit more loud than normal, truly hopping that you catched the hint.
You didn't apparently when you only turned one page.
That's it. He didn't even care anymore. Fuck his mysophobia, fuck his dignity, fuck everthing. He needed attention.
He snapped the book from your hands abruptly making you yelp in shock.
"Kai what the-?!"
"Asshole." He groaned, towering over you, hands both on the mattress as his eyes were inches away from yours, making you feel like a prey in his hold and hot glare.
Ah shit. Your plan had gonned wrong.
He surprised you with a sweet yet passionate kiss in your lips murmuring lowly after he gained his breath back.
"Stop reading that useless book." He trailed his kisses to your jaw as his voice only lowered "and..." he nuzzled his covered noze in your neck before miserably falling down in your lap.
"Give me affection." You sweared your jaw could hit the floor from the way it had oppened in surprise.
Chisaki Kai. Overhaul. The man who was know as fearless and cruel, the one who had his mysophobia increased to a hole new level... was in your lap, demanding attention.
Holy shit. You definitely wasn't expecting that...
Your train of thought was interrupted when a low growl came from him as he miserably tried again to catch your attention placing kisses in your covered belly as his hands drawed circles on your thighs.
"Woah. Rough day my love?" You hesitantly placed your hand on his dark brow hair and scratched slightly on his scalp.
You gulped down your 'awws' when he let out a sound similiar to a purr... he had already suffered enough the poor man.
"Only now that you notice?" He asked sarcastically, irritation clearly on his voice.
You lifted your hand slightly away from his head but his own gloved one jerked in their dkrection and grabbed before putting in his head again while groaning.
"Move your hand away. Go ahead. I dare you." He said sternly but not even making you fear slightly since he only nuzzled in you even further, sighing in bliss.
Lesson learned: a touch starved Chisaki is the best thing.
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imagine-loki · 4 years
*TRIGGER WARNING: Mention of Feared Domestic Violence/Abuse (Without Actual Occurrence)
Imagine being informed that your upcoming arranged marriage will be to Loki. You nod along, not knowing squat about him other than that he’s the younger prince of Asgard and very handsome... or so you hear. You’ve never met him yourself.
You gather a couple of your closest friends as your culture’s equivalent of a pseudo-bachelorette-party sleepover to celebrate. Inevitably, someone asks, “So, who’s the lucky prince?”
When you tell them, your friends’ excitement turns into horror. Sorrow, even. “Prince Loki? Oh, you poor thing!”
You don’t understand why. What’s so bad about him?
“Haven’t you heard? Oh, (Name), dear, he’s so mean!” Your friends explain that they’ve heard awful rumors about how cruel and heartless Prince Loki is. They tell you through-the-grapevine stories detailing the things he’s supposedly said and done to others.
You hate to admit it, but you’re not excited for your wedding anymore.
You’re terrified.
“But... If he’s so bad, why would my parents let me marry him?”
Your best friend holds you. “I’m not sure. Maybe they just don’t know?”
You don’t sleep that night.
In fact, you sleep very little in the weeks leading uo to your wedding day.
The day you’ve dreamt of your whole life, only for your parents to marry you off to an unfeeling man for a lifetime of hurt feelings... if you’re lucky.
None of your questions about the rumors are answered. Not that they’re ever asked, either. You don’t want to start trouble.
You see Prince Loki as you walk your way to the altar. He’s even more beautiful than you imagined!
He smiles softly at you, and you begin to suspect the rumors were just... rumors.
The wink he gives you as he holds your hand makes you wonder, though.
Night falls, and you’re ready to vomit. What if he really is some insensitive barbarian, and this becomes your first glimpse of it?
“You’re exhausted,” Loki says simply.
You look at him from across the room, not replying. What should you say?
Your new husband comes close and asks if you’ve slept lately.
You shake your head.
“Would you like to rest tonight? You need it.”
You’re not sure if you feel relieved or offended. Then again, it could be a trick. If he can get you to slip up and do something foolish now... You don’t want to go there.
“Lie down.” Loki’s silky voice is polite and inviting, perhaps to assure you he wasn’t going to do anything underhanded.
You notice his head is already on his pillow. Maybe he means it. As you follow his lead and close your eyes, he gently brushes a few strands of your hair out of your face before draping his arm around you.
He sees you flinch at every movement.
“You’re frightened of me, aren’t you?”
You silently nod, your eyes still closed.
Loki sighs. “I know what people say about me. I’ve heard the rumors myself.” You feel him gently stroke your back. “None of it is true, though, I assure you.”
“So... You didn’t actually throw your servant over your balcony because the painting she cleaned became crooked?”
“Of course not. She panicked and apologized profusely, but I helped her straighten the painting and told her it was nothing to worry about.”
“And slitting the cook’s throat because the soup was too salty...?”
“Is a lie,” he finished. His voice sounds like it’s beginning to break. “I didn’t drown that child in the fountain for running around in the gardens, either. I would never, I swear it. I led him on his way off the premises to find his parents. I’m not the ruthless savage they say I am.”
You open your eyes. Loki’s are swimming in tears, you notice. “Who started those rumors? Why would they say all that if none of it was true?”
“I haven’t a clue.”
Your heart breaks for him. These awful rumors have clearly hurt him, and it’s even worse that he’s never been given the benefit of the doubt or even a chance to defend himself.
Everyone has just... assumed.
You can’t help yourself. You reach over to gently wipe away Loki’s tears as they start to fall. The gesture seems to produce even more, so you wipe those as well.
It’s likely the most kindness he’s seen in a long time.
Caught in the moment, you move closer to him and lightly kiss his lips. A part of you is still cynical about it all, but what would it hurt to give him a chance?
Loki’s thumb traces delicate doodles against your back, his beautiful green eyes gazing into your own with what you can only describe as awe. “I promise to be the best husband to you that I can be, (Name).” He gives you a chaste kiss. “You have my word.”
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chappedandfadedvds · 4 years
Nov 29th, Sunday 09:07
What the fuck?
This was way too early for surprises.
It took Jens a full minute to figure out why he was staring into Robbe’s sleeping face as he woke up by a quiet thud outside his room. Probably Lotte, he really should get up, and check on her, if only he wouldn’t be still so tired, 
If Jens remembered correctly the four boys only had went to bed at around two, maybe even three in the morning. All of them falling into Jens’s bed, barely able to retrieve another blanket of his mom’s room before squeezing close to fit next to each other. In the truest sense of the word. It wasn’t that he hadn’t a large bed, but four of them did seem one too many. His best friend also definitely had a leg thrown over him, locking him in place.
Robbe was a cute boy, Jens had to admit, even if he always had somewhat known that, as he watched his best friend breathing calm and even, the blanket pulled up right under his chin. Sander’s hair stuck out just enough to be visible behind, while he had his face buried in Robbe’s back. Jens was almost worried that the older boy may not get any air at all. Almost.
Preferable he wouldn’t have to get up, as he enjoyed the warmth of the bed, buried under his blanket, Lucas’s arm around him. Jens definitely had to wake his boyfriend in order to get out of his embrace. Perhaps even Robbe. Usually they weren’t sleeping entangled around each other, but the little space they had to work with wasn’t leaving many options.
So he turned slowly onto his back, trying his best to do it as silent as possible. He managed to slip his leg out from under Robbe’s, the boy luckily completely still and unbothered. But of course Lucas stirred beside him, a deep yawn on his lips, as he hardly was able to blink his eyes open. Not loosing any time though to search for him and only settle once he found his gaze.
Jens wasn’t sure if Lucas always had been a light sleeper, or if the younger boy had sadly adjusted to him waking often at night. Because his boyfriend always noticed him moving and definitely leaving the bed, even if each person slept on their side, under their blanket, without them touching. If Jens opened his eyes, usually so did Lucas.
„Shh.“ Jens gestured for the other boy to stay quiet while he also pointed over his shoulder to the couple occupying the other side. Hopefully at least his friends could sleep in, if it wasn’t granted to the two boys half awake now. There was even more noise coming from downstairs, just faintly, but in the silence of his room, it was certainly audible. 
Lucas gave him a biref nod of mutual understanding while he pulled his arm away to allow for Jens to climb over him and out of bed. It wasn’t graceful as he stumbled off the mattress, loosing his footing and just able to balance himself in time, three staps across towards the door.
When he turned back he found Lucas grinning and blowing him a kiss, right before he shifted over, closer to Robbe, or more precise further away from the edge of the bed. Trying to get at least a little more rest.
Jens grabbed one of the freshly washed socks from a pile of folded, but not yet stowed away clothes on his drawer. To be honest he probably, as always, would wear piece after piece without them ever having seen the inside of his closet. Why put it away, if one takes it back out the next day anyway? Okay, maybe he was just too lazy.
Glad to have sneaked out successfully, he closed the door behind him and went downstairs, only to find a very busy girl, pulling out a pan from the cupboard, as the counter was filled by fruits and plates and bread and eggs and milk.
„Morning, what are you uo to?“
„Breakfast. I’m making fried eggs and a fruit salad.“ Lotte explained much too energetic for his tired brain, but he pulled himself together and went to aid her with her mission. Jens was a little cross with his sister, she knew exactly that this wasn’t okay.
„I told you not to use the stove when no adult is around. I don’t want you to burn and hurt yourself.“ He tried to use a tone his mom always used to rebuke them for shit they had done. It only was semi-sucsessful as she looked at him unchanged.
„I just wanted to surprise you all with breakfast.“
„I know. And that is really nice of you. Still. No adult, no stove. Wake me next time, understood?“ Lotte watched him as she considered his words carefully. There had been rarely situations til now where the dynamic between them had to shift. Usually she would run upstairs to complain to their mom, but that wasn’t an option. So the two of them remained staring at each other expectantly for a good while until Lotte broke it off. 
Jens released a breath he hadn’t been aware he had held over the past minute or so. Though he certainly had been afraid that she may wanted to test how far she could go, now that it was just the two siblings at home. He knew, he would have.
„Understood.“ Lotte pursed her lips, clearly not happy to surrender to Jens. Thank god. He was too tired to argue with her on a sunday morning. 
„How about I take on the egg duty and handle the stove, while you prepare the fruits? Oh and do you want the bread toasted?“ His little sister had first squinted at him warily, before she nodded at his suggestion. Jens was simply pleased to see her immediately brightening up when she eagerly began to arrange the fruits for some odd reason, that he wasn’t going to question. Instead he took the pan from her other hands and turned on the heat.
__ __ __
tagged: @odi-et-amo85, @tayspots
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red-elric · 4 years
furuba but it’s kimi instead of tohru :))
- so those of you who have read my one furuba fic (hey read my furuba fic) know that i kinda have some hcs for kimi’s family life? summarized: bio mom left when she was a kid bc her dad was cheating; she has a step mom, dad still cheats and the step mom knows about it but is okay with it as long as the dad tells her she’s his favorite; step mom and kimi have this passive aggressive relationship where they’re both trying to prove they’re the dad’s favorite, meanwhile dad’s a gaslighting piece of crap. anyway in this au, step mom and kimi get into a fight and step mom tries to kick her out, which only works bc kimi got fed up and decided to leave anyway (dad wasn’t around at the time, or he would’ve tried to calm things down prolly). kimi stubbornly ends up living in a tent bc she’s way too proud to ask anyone for help (and she doesn’t have many friends), shigure and yuki find her, etc etc etc
- tohru DOES exist, but her grandfather’s health issues aren’t as severe, so she stays living with him in ignorance of the sohma family curse. the whole drama w kyo and kyoko and everything still happened with her, and the kyoru is like kind of a side story happening in the background (with some shenanigans about whether or not tohru found out about the curse somehow maybe) but it’s KIMI TIME in this au
- i feel like it’s really important to mention that kimi’s first instinct, when shigure yuki and kyo turned into animals in front of her for the first time, was to whip out her phone and vague tweet ‘sohma yuki is a RAT!!!!’ she gets sworn to secrecy by the sohmas right after, but the talk of the school the next day is ‘what the hell did the prince do to get called out by kimi???’ she gets ‘harassed’ by the prince yuki club about ‘besmirching the prince’s good name,’ which obviously turns into kimi harassing the prince yuki club right back (i imagine she plays the whole thing off as a ‘lovers’ momentary spat,’ from which they ‘worked out and made up very quickly and enthusiastically o3-’)
- kimi still isn’t in yuki and kyo’s class! she’s also much, MUCH more difficult for either of them to deal with, and weirdly, yuki and kyo sort of.... end up spending a lot more time together than they do in canon? they kind of come to a truce of ‘kimi and shigure are way too difficult to deal with,’ at least at home, and they don’t have a tohru buffer to lean on this time. kimi has like. next to no interest in yuki or kyo, so honestly their relationships dont develop that much. HOWEVER, when she meets kagura and the prince yuki club (and any time she interacts with them), she tends to hang ALL OVER kyo or yuki with the specific intent of pissing off the girls, because she really likes to start shit like that
- kimi’s a business oriented girl. she wants SHIGURE to be her SUGAR DADDY. shigure joked along with her flirting at first, but quickly realized that she might actually be serious, so now he’s kind of afraid of her??? in that, he avoids being caught alone in a room with her and will occasionally beg kyo or yuki to help him (they never do--shigure deserves the harassment).
- kyo and yuki don’t have a big three dynamic with kimi the way they do in canon with tohru. you know who are the other two to kimi’s big three??? MOMIJI AND HARU. momiji is DELIGHTED by kimi, and the two of them co-conspire often in all sorts of things. they plan family trips, prank other sohmas, and gossip like NOBODIES business. kimi and haru, on the other hand, both have a certain ‘unstoppable chaotic force’ energy, and they get along quite well too. the three of them being so close helps a lot with filling in the gaps where kimi doesn’t quite fit the shoes of being a kind, loving heroine like tohru; kimi has the force of personality to point out when the sohmas and their family situations are being ridiculous, and momiji and haru are kind and loving enough to provide comfort and support to a lot of the family.
- yuki at whatever point in the story: i think... i should accept the offer to be the student council president. it’d be good for my character development and self confidence and whatever. / kimi from the next room over: YUN! omg we can spend so much more time together now! takei asked me to join the student council as a secretary JUST this morning :))
- kimi and kakeru are friends at the beginning of the story! kimi has a crush on him and he’s a) oblivious and a dick about it and b) gay (my au my rules it’s fuckin endgame yukeru in this bitch. komaki is his beard and she’s fully aware of that lahfkdsjflkdshfksdjflkds). kimi HATES that she has a crush on this wimpy eboy and and it’s a point of tension between them :)) especially once yukeru endgame starts being more and more obvious
- at the beginning of the story, kimi...... doesnt take momiji seriously as a potential romantic partner. big big part of her arc is recognizing that the tall, traditionally attractive boys arent always the best romantic options, though, and she does eventually start to fall for him :)) and THEN he grows like eight inches in a month and she starts calling him an investment lahfkdsjfksdhjfdshfksjlkfsjl
- the beach akito/kimi/momiji confrontation is CHARGED because MOMIJI is there and he’s in DANGER and kimi gets fuckin PISSED because that’s HER friend, her boy, her ONE. akito talks shit and kimi talks fuckin shit back and they get in a full on catfight. they’re screaming at each other, clawing at each other. kureno has to physically pull akito away; kimi only doesnt chase after them because momiji is hurt. this is a major moment in kimi’s slow realization of her feelings for momiji :))
- kimi and rin, once rin makes up with haru and is able to relax a little, become a seething, curse fighting TEAM. on the other hand..... the argument of ‘the curse WILL break, eventually’ ends up working on kimi, even though she feels strange about it. she cares about kyo, to an extent, but it’s a lot easier for her to give up on him than it was for tohru in canon, for obvious reasons.
- when his curse breaks, momiji has someone to tell :,))
- tohru visits shigure’s house one morning to tell kyo about her feelings. akito stabs kureno, runs to shigure’s house, and has a conversation with tohru (who she has never met before lahfdlsfjdskfjdfksl) screaming about ‘oh are you some bitch here to confess to kyo?? guess fuckin WHAT he belongs to me, to us, he’s getting locked up in the spring, fuck you’ but uhh tohru has had a lot of offscreen development and whatnot and she ends up getting thru to akki. and then she falls off a fuckin cliff lhfkdsjfkdsjflksjfdlks you know how the story goes. anyway kimi had spent the night at momiji’s house and comes back to the WEIRDEST mood layfldskdsjfieuwfjkdskhggkdasjflkdsjlkjflkds
- oh and for good measure: uo goes to college instead of following kureno, akki and shigure get couple therapy. yukeru are gay, momiji and kimi live happily ever after. the end :))
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gotemsayingw0w · 4 years
It started as an innocuous statement. She might as well have been telling him about the weather or the grocery list. As Tohru Honda sat at the chabudai table early one Fall Sunday morning, bent over her computer screen furiously reading its contents, she turned to her boyfriend, Kyo, and said "I think we should probably get married soon."
Kyo Sohma chuckled into his cup of coffee. "Okay," He responded. "Let me know when you have some free time and I'll try to pencil you in." He assumed she was joking given the glib manner in which she had made the comment.
Tohru nodded, still entirely focused on the computer screen. "Yeah…maybe later this week..." Her voice trailed off. "I don't think either of us have to work on Thursday."
Kyo turned his whole body towards her, but she didn't look up from the screen. Her lips were pursed, a delicate finger pressed to her chin. In the reflection of her reading glasses he saw her scrolling through an endless page of dense text. He watched her for a minute, both waiting to see if she would continue her comments and to appreciate just how adorable she looked right in that moment. Occasionally, she stopped scrolling and mouthed the words on the screen, following along to the important information she gleaned from whatever text she was reading.
"You want to get married," Kyo summarized. "On Thursday. When we have the day off."
She nodded vaguely and mumbled "Did you have something else you wanted to do on Thursday?" Finally, she stopped scrolling entirely and pressed her finger to the screen. "Aha! Found it."
His curiosity got the best of him and he sidled around to her side of the table, gently nudging her over with his knee. On the screen was information about requirements for applying for a loan. Scanning the page further, the information specifically covered how one could apply for a housing loan in their ward of the country. Tohru grabbed a notebook from the floor next to her and jotted down the information on the screen.
"You want to get married on Thursday and then what?" Kyo asked. "Buy a house on Friday?"
"No, I think it takes much longer for the paperwork to process," Tohru responded, finishing her notes and closing the laptop. "The house would probably have to wait until the summer at least." She pulled off her reading glasses and neatly folded them on top of her notebook. "What do you think?"
Kyo just raised his eyebrows and smirked. He had no idea how to respond, seeing as his girlfriend had just quickly whipped together their future plans within the span of a few short minutes. It wasn't the first time, of course, that they'd talked about marriage or buying a home. It was just the first time anything had been said in such a conclusive manner.
They were true adults now in the eyes of the law. Their ward of the country asserted that both eligible parties must be at least 20 before applying to be married lest they have the approval of their parents. And seeing as Tohru's parents were dead and Kyo's only biological parent would rather see him dead, they didn't have the luxury of asking permission.
The assumption was that marriage was on the horizon, but neither of them were really in any hurry. Their lifestyle was essentially that of a married couple, especially now that they were living together far from home. They both worked full time, both were contributing members of society. Marriage would come one day soon, certainly, but no one was rushing it.
In fact, both Kyo and Tohru asserted on their last visit home that they'd like to be settled in a home of their own before getting married or even thinking about children. It may have been unconventional, but they were determined to save enough money to buy a permanent residence in their new, coastal town.
Three years ago they moved away, nearly five hours from where they both grew up. Kyo was working as a martial arts instructor at a local dojo, owned by a dear friend of Kazuma's, and Tohru initially worked at an elementary school before taking over as the dojo's scheduling and billing consultant. While initially they lived with Kazuma's friend, Takahashi, they scrounged up enough money after three months to move into a glorified shoebox.
Their apartment was small, but it was their home. The single bedroom meant that they couldn't have guests as often as Tohru would have liked (much to Kyo's delight). The kitchen had just enough counter space to hold a rice cooker or chop vegetables, but certainly not both. The main area served as a living room, dining room, guest room, and craft room. It was cheap and it was functional, but more than anything it was theirs. From the shrine in the bedroom to the immaculate kitchen to the photographs of them and their friends on the wall, they had made this shoebox their home and, in the process, saved as much as they could of their wages.
In truth, they could have afforded a bigger apartment. They maybe even could have afforded to buy a small house when they first moved here, given the Sohma family's strange and gratuitous allowance awarded to the Zodiacs (even the cat didn't have to be forgotten financially). But that money was in an account neither Kyo or Tohru wished to touch. They never talked about what they'd use it for, though Kyo had it in his head that he wanted to save it for his future children, but they both wanted to save their own money and put it towards their future. It meant working a lot and living a frugal lifestyle, but it was all theirs.
Tohru was the one in their relationship who budgeted and handled bills. Kyo knew the very basics of finances, but Tohru, who was running the finances in the Honda household by the time she was in middle school, seemed to enjoy it. And she was good at it. Once Yuki taught her how to use a computer to pay all of her bills and track their expenses, she became an amateur accountant. She was meticulous and methodical, carefully keeping tabs on every receipt, every bank account balance, and every bill that was due.
As their savings grew, Tohru and Kyo began informally looking for a home to buy. It wasn't a very serious search, they simply went for walks around the neighborhood pointing out houses for sale and debating what they wanted in a home. Yuki had also sent Tohru a real estate website where she could look at local listings and compare the average prices with her budget. It was April now, and, since January, Tohru had been actively researching homes and the home-buying process.
But now her gears had shifted. They had decided to buy the house first and then worry about marriage, children, and the rest of their lives. Curious as to what changed, Kyo asked her about her shift in mindset.
"When I was at the bank on Friday, the teller was asking about you," Tohru explained. They'd grown quite fond of the local store personnel in their new town and Tohru was always making friends wherever she went. "He said that it is a great time to buy a home, but we'd have an even better chance of getting a good loan if we're married."
"Sounds kind of ridiculous," Kyo commented.
Tohru nodded. "That's what I thought, but when I started looking at loan applications online and doing my research, he's right. Joint household accounts are more likely to get a better rate.
"So then I started looking into getting married and it's really not a lengthy process. It would take us maybe two hours maximum to do it and then, after a few weeks, we could look for a house and apply for a loan." Kyo nodded, taking this all in. "Plus, with our lease ending this summer, it's a good time."
Kyo pondered this new information and tried not to laugh. It was so like her to view something as serious as marriage in such a practical light. She was never extravagant, nor did she like to be the center of attention. In her mind, they were essentially already married, the only thing that was missing was some paperwork and his last name.
Kyo didn't romanticize the idea of a wedding either, really. It seemed like an expensive excuse to wear clothes he hated and be around his family. The only thing about marriage that really mattered to him was Tohru. It was the idea that Tohru Honda could become Tohru Sohma, declaring to the government and everyone else that she was truly his. And for her to wear a ring on her finger so that there would be no doubt.
But he also knew that while it may have been their marriage, it wasn't entirely about them. He would never hear the end of it if they got married at the municipal office without telling Uotani or Hanajima. He knew that, while Shishou would never say anything, it would mean the world for him to be there. And, one day, Tohru may look back and wish that they'd done something special, even if it wasn't traditional.
"Do you really just want to fill out the paperwork and that's it?" Kyo asked. "No ceremony, no ring, nothing?"
She pondered this, once again adorably pressing her finger to her lips. "Well, I think I'd probably like a simple ring," she said. "But I'm not sure about the rest. Having a traditional ceremony is so expensive and I'd really hate to inconvenience everyone with such a long, drawn out process."
Kyo chose not to address the fact that, if they did have a traditional wedding, the entire Sohma family would be over the moon rather than 'inconvenienced.' "But what about Uotani and Hanajima? What about the rat and Shishou?" Kyo asked. "You don't want them there?"
Tohru frowned and it was clear to him that this thought hadn't crossed her mind. "I guess Uo-chan and Hana-chan would be pretty upset if I got married and didn't tell them…"
"Yeah, they'd probably try to kill me," Kyo chuckled, imagining Uotani's blind yankee rage. "Plus, think about how upset Ayame and Mine will be if they can't make you a dress or furisode." Her brow furrowed as his words sank in. "Aaaaand think about our future children one day. They'll be so disappointed when they hear that all their parents did to get married was ask a government official nicely."
Tohru nodded and said, "You're right, you're right. I didn't think about all of those things."
"So…" he said, waiting for her to decide on an alternative plan.
She raised her eyes towards the ceiling and thought for a minute, before turning to him, a gleam in her eye, as she said "I have an idea."
"This is the most pitiful wedding I've ever seen." Fanning her face with a stack of pamphlets, Arisa Uotani sat slumped in a plastic chair in the local municipal office.
"It is...fairly grim," replied Yuki Sohma, equally uncomfortable in the stifling heat.
"Would the two of you please shut up?" Kyo asked. He wasn't happy about it either. The tiny office where the three of them were currently stuffed was humid, a sheen of condensation glistening on the window, nearly blinding him as the late afternoon sunlight poured into the room.
A month ago he had suggested inviting the two of them. What an idiot he was. He should have taken Tohru's idea and ran with it. Two hours, some signatures, and absolutely no family or friends at their wedding? Thinking about it now, it was the absolute dream.
"I'm just saying, you at least could have added some nice, romantic touches," Arisa insisted. "Flowers, maybe? A tuxedo?"
"How about a bride?" Yuki added, chortling to himself.
"I'm here, I'm here!" Tohru shouted, running into the room with Hanajima and Kazuma behind her. Kyo tried to ignore just how close the damn psychic was standing to Shishou as he rose to greet them.
"Tohru, please tell me this is a joke, right?" Arisa asked though she looked pointedly at Kyo as she spoke.
"We've been over this, Yankee," Kyo said, through gritted teeth. He grabbed Tohru's hand as she sat down in the chair beside his.
"Really, Uo-chan," Tohru insisted, grabbing her friend's wrist with her free hand. "This is what I wanted."
"It's lovely, Tohru-kun," said Kazuma. And even though Kyo could tell he was being dishonest, he appreciated the sentiment. He stole one more glare at the Yankee before turning around.
"Did you remember everything to bring?" Kyo asked, his tone softening as he spoke with Tohru.
She held up the large shoulder bag as proof. "I didn't forget a single thing," she responded, her smile sweet. "Did you bring everything you needed?"
He responded by holding up his ratty gym bag and she giggled. They waited a few more minutes before the marriage registrar joined them. They'd met with Daisuke a few weeks ago to go over what they wanted. He winked as he walked into the tiny office.
"Hello there," He responded, greeting the room. "Thank you all for coming, but we'll need the room for a few minutes before we're ready for you. There is a lovely balcony just outside the backdoor. How about you wait for me there?"
Arisa and the rat grumbled, but obliged. Kazuma, who had been let in on the plan last week, turned to Kyo and Tohru, his eyes already wet. "See you in a few minutes," he said, before ushering the rest of them through the door.
Daisuke sat at his desk and smiled warmly at Kyo and Tohru. "Okay, you two. Do you have all of your paperwork?"
Tohru pulled a pink file folder out of her bag. Inside was both of their birth certificates, signed marriage contracts, and her letter of intent to change her name. She handed everything to Daisuke and he gave her a new ID card with the family name Sohma listed where it used to say Honda.
"You know," Kyo said, a wicked grin on his face. "We can just leave now and never see the rest of them again." Tohru frowned at him in response and he said "Okay, okay, sorry. Just checking to see if you were coming around to my idea. Clearly the answer is no."
"If you leave that means I will have to take care of your friends," Daisuke reminded him. "Everyone vetoed that idea last week."
Kyo groaned, but nodded. "Fine," he said, though the sarcasm dripping in his tone was clearly forced. "I'll go change. But just know you had the option."
Tohru narrowed her eyes at him, but he waved her off. He grabbed his gym bag and went into the hall to the bathroom. Once the door closed, Tohru reached into her back and grabbed the wrapped box she had prepared for Kyo. "You'll hold on to this for after, right?" She asked. Daisuke tucked in under his desk and nodded. Tohru grinned and rose to go to the bathroom to change. "I'll see you in the lobby!"
Out on the back balcony, five individuals sat facing the ocean in the rapidly dimming autumn sunlight. Arisa and Saki sat together on one bench with Kazuma and Yuki sitting together on the other.
Arisa's patience was rapidly depleting. She blew a few loose strands of hair off of her face before saying "You know, if they make us wait any damn longer, we're all gonna be sitting here in the dark."
Daisuke joined them on the balcony. "They're coming, I promise. Kazuma-dono, you can go ahead inside."
Arisa grumbled under her breath "dammit, why does he get to go inside? The three former classmates sat outside, not talking, but each waiting as patiently as they possibly could. For Saki and Yuki, that meant slight fidgeting. For Arisa it meant continued cursing.
After a minute, Kyo joined them outside. He came and stood next to Daisuke, smirking at three of the closest friends he's ever had (God, that's bleak, he thought) and their vaguely annoyed faces. "You guys better fuckin' smile, it's a happy day."
They stared at him, dumbfounded, and under their scrutiny, Kyo strongly resisted the urge to loosen his tie or untuck his shirt. As they continued to stare, clearly shocked he was wearing a suit and even more shocked that he was grinning ear to ear.
"Damn," Yuki said, clearly the most shocked out of the three of them. "You actually look...decent." Arisa and Saki nodded. "Who knew you would ever wear a tie after graduation?"
"Last time it's ever fuckin' happening," Kyo insisted.
"What about for any of our weddings, jackass?" Asked Arisa.
"I'm sending Tohru as my proxy," he replied with a smirk. "Now would you shut the hell up? She's comin' out soon."
As he said those words, the door to the municipal office opened and Tohru emerged wearing a Western-style white dress. It wasn't extravagant, but its silhouette hugged tightly to her chest and flared out with a tulle skirt just above her knees. Her hair, presumably curled by her beloved Hana-chan earlier in the day, was held in a loose updo by a gold hair clip that had belonged to her mother. When she had called Ayame and Mine to ask if they had anything in storage they could send her to wear, a week later a package with Kyo's black suit and Tohru's handmade custom dress arrived on their doorstep. Tohru cried the moment she opened it and Kyo actually teared up a bit, too.
But it was nothing compared to either of their crying now. The second she stepped out onto the small, concrete portico, and caught his eye, she started weeping. Shishou, standing at her left, handed her a tissue he'd been holding in his robe. He was crying, too. And seeing the both of them, tears openly flowing, made Kyo lose it as well. He couldn't help it as a tear rolled down his cheek, hitting the lapel of his blazer. Followed by another and another. And the second she came to stand next to him, they both were a snotty, weepy mess.
Shishou returned to his seat next to Yuki, and Yuki, knowingly, put his hand on Kazuma's forearm.
As the sun set, casting deep pinks and bright oranges through the clouds above them, Kyo Sohma and Tohru Honda exchanged their wedding vows. They held tightly to each other's hands the entire time, not even bothering to look at Daisuke or their meager audience as they repeated the traditional Shinto vows wearing Western clothing. They exchanged simple, matching gold wedding bands, giggled as they heard sobs from their friends, and laughed through their tears when Yuki offered Kazuma the sleeve of his shirt to cry into.
And ten minutes after they walked outside, they swore to one another that they would be together until the end of time. Always supportive. Always patient. Always respectful. Always in love.
"Yes, I promise." Chikaimasu.
They entertained Kazuma's idea of having dinner altogether at a local restaurant. Before leaving, in the brief moment they had alone, Kyo reminded Tohru that they could ditch everyone else and just head home. But she gently kissed him as she loosened his tie and reminded him it was just a meal they had to get through before they could be alone.
They were eating a nicer yakiniku restaurant, naturally suggested by Hanajima even though neither Kyo nor Tohru really preferred it.
Kyo suffered through what felt like the longest meal of his life. Everyone at the table insisted on 'saying a few words on their behalf.' Some of the speeches were brief, especially the psychic's and the rat's. But Arisa spent roughly 15 minutes rambling and, at times, yelling through her tears about how proud she was. Kazuma, who had actually prepared a small speech, started crying and struggled to get through it without taking several crying breaks.
Yuki, Saki, and Arisa ordered several rounds of sake before their meal was even ordered and continued to get drunker (and, as expected, more weepy) as the evening went on. They ordered several course's worth of food and then Yuki presented a cake he had purchased to celebrate the occasion. They were presented with gifts, mostly sentimental ones aimed at Tohru from the three twenty year olds, but also an unreasonably large check from Kazuma, which Tohru spent approximately 30 minutes insisting they couldn't accept. Yuki brought a canvas tote stuffed with cards and gifts from the rest of the Sohma clan.
When the check was finally paid, Kyo stood before everyone else, grabbing Tohru's hand as he did so, and announced "Well thanks, everyone, but it's getting late."
"That's rude," Yuki muttered drunkenly.
"Shut up," Kyo retorted as Tohru stood next to him. "I just sat through a long-ass dinner with you and didn't complain the whole time. You're welcome."
"Plus, we'll see you in the morning for breakfast!" Tohru exclaimed, stepping around the table to give each person a hug. "Are you sure you can get back to the guesthouse by yourselves?"
"Yep," Kyo responded. "They're sure. Shishou, thanks for dinner. See you in the morning. Bye."
As he pulled Tohru out onto the street, he couldn't help but stop to kiss her deeply. She giggled as she did so, eyes tearing up once more. "That was a long dinner," she admitted after pulling away. She reached for his hand and gently tugged him in the general direction of their home. "Come on, husband, let's go home."
They ascended the four flights of stairs to their apartment and unlocked the door. For an unknown reason, Kyo felt his nerves ignite. It wasn't because it was their first night as husband and wife, no, they'd crossed the intimacy bridge years ago. It was truly the first night of the rest of their lives.
"I have something for you," He said as he slipped off his wildly uncomfortable shoes.
"I have something for you, too!" She exclaimed. "I was going to give it to you earlier, but we didn't really have a chance." She reached into her bag and removed the gift. "Here, take it with you to the bedroom and I'll meet you there. I just want to take my hair out in the bathroom first."
He entered their room and pulled the box he had for her out from under a stack of shirts in his dresser. He carefully hung the blazer in the closet along with his tie while he waited for her and then sat on the bed, sliding her present in front of him and leaving the one she'd wrapped next to him.
Tohru emerged from the bathroom after a few minutes, out of her dress and wearing a simple white silk yukata. She had it tied loosely around her waist, the neckline dipping deliciously low and the hem ending just at the middle of her thighs. Her hair, previously set in curls and tied back, floated loosely around her face, traces of curls still visible at the very ends. She wore a set of ornately woven lace stockings, which ended just where the yukata began. A light, pink blush crept across her cheeks as she sat across from him. Kyo felt all of the air forced from his lungs. She was a vision.
He quickly shoved the gifts aside. "Gifts later," he begged and she smiled as she grabbed his hands.
"Gifts first, please," She requested. And though his entire body screamed in protest, he didn't deny her.
"Fine," he agreed, trying to focus his gaze away from her cleavage and whatever the hell was under that yukata.
She placed her long, thin package in his hands. "You first," she insisted. He carefully unfurled the ribbon and tore through the wrapping paper. As he unwrapped the gift she hurriedly explained "I got you one practical gift and one silly gift, but if you don't like them…"
He bopped her on the head with the lid of the box before he looked inside. "Oh, would you hush. I already love them."
"But you haven't seen them!" She exclaimed and shoved the box back into his hands. He pulled the larger gift out first. It was a simple, nondescript book with a soft leather cover. As he opened the cover to see the lettering she took his hand and said "Really, it's silly. It's okay if you don't like it."
He ran his fingers over the raised lettering of the inside cover. Kyo and Tohru Sohma. As he read it, he felt the backs of his eyes sting and his throat close. When he turned to the first page and saw the first picture taken of just the two of them, a tear ran down his cheek.
"I didn't even know this picture existed," he said, choking on his words.
It was the two of them at one of the shrines in Kyoto. They were standing together, Kyo balancing his arm on the top of her head and smirking. Tohru had a wide grin, her eyes not looking at the camera, but rather laughing at whatever he had been saying then. They both had a faint blush painted on their cheeks.
"Hana-chan took it," she explained, also tearing up. "I didn't think you ever saw it. I held onto it. Actually, I kept it under my pillow when we lived with Shigure-san."
He smiled at her. "I would say that's really dorky and embarrassing, but I would have done the same thing if I knew it existed, honestly."
She giggled and sidled up to his side as he flipped through the rest of the book. He knew the rest of the pictures well, pictures from graduation with, thankfully, the rest of their friends cropped out. Pictures of them on the day they had moved. Pictures of them in their new home. Candids of them eating or cooking together.
He closed the book and kissed her sweetly on the lips. "I love it, thank you." She smiled and wiped her tears with her hand. As she did so, he caught the gleam of her wedding ring in the dim light and his heart constricted once more. "I have an idea, actually."
"An idea?" She asked.
"Yeah, hear me out," He insisted. "I got you a practical gift and a silly gift, too. But I only want to give you the silly one tonight because it really goes with your gift. We can do practical tomorrow."
Tohru smiled and nodded. "I agree. Only mushy for tonight." She reached for the box next to him and he presented it to her. It wasn't nearly as neatly wrapped and the only damn wrapping paper he could find in their apartment had pumpkins on it, but whatever. She gently unwrapped it and lifted the lid. Inside was a slightly thicker book, bound with a beige canvas cover.
She opened it and, just like he was minutes ago, was struck by the raised letter on the first page. She immediately devolved into sobs, resting her head on Kyo's shoulder as she read it over and over again. The Sohma Family.
There was a single page with a picture and a small note written in calligraphic handwriting. It was a picture of them, in their wedding garb prepared by Ayame, taken with Tohru's phone three weeks ago when they'd first received a package. They were standing in the apartment against the living room wall, phone propped up across the room. It certainly wasn't a conventional wedding picture, but they certainly didn't have a conventional wedding. Beneath the picture was the date they had planned for their wedding and those same words she had printed in her book. Kyo and Tohru Sohma.
"Did you write this?" Tohru asked through her sniffles, running her fingers across the words.
"Hell no," Kyo responded, laughing. "I asked Hanajima to do it for me. She wanted me to pay her. I sent her a gift basket with food instead."
She beamed at him, eyes red, but sparkling. "Kyo-kun, that's even more sweet that you asked her for help. I love it. But why is the rest blank?"
Kyo rapped her on the head with his knuckles. "Dummy," he said, his voice affectionate. "That's for us to fill up for the rest of ever. With kids or cats or goblins we find outside. It's the Sohma family."
She kissed him sweetly on the lips, shuffling into his lap as she did so. "Thank you. I really, really love it." She kissed him once more and then pressed her forehead to his.
"Okay, can I open my last present now?"
Tohru's brow furrowed. "I thought we said tomorrow?"
"No, no," Kyo responded, gently untying the sash on her yukata as he pressed his lips to her jawline. "Not what I meant." She giggled as she shrugged out of her robe, revealing the elaborate, see-through lingerie that Ayame had sent her a week later.
"Okay, okay, I suppose you can, husband," she teased.
He pressed his lips to her breast and hummed in appreciation. "Happy wedding, Mrs. Sohma."
Author's Note: I got married in March right before my state shut down! My husband and I didn't want to ever get married (we've been together for 6 years), but then he needed health insurance and I had it, soooooo we did it. I started working on this piece right after we officially got married, but it was a WIP for a long time.
For some reason, I hardcore headcanon these two not having a fancy or traditional wedding. Neither Tohru nor Kyo like being in the center of attention and Tohru is so frugal. Idk it just makes sense to me. I know it is definitely not the usual "Marriage of Tohru and Kyo" and I really do love pieces where the wedding is elaborate, Shinto or Western. But for me, this is how I imagine it. Please enjoy!
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ae0nx · 5 years
Link to Part 1 here
So just to start it off again... I just wanna reiterate...
When I think of the True Form Arc, I think three simple points are vital to be shown:
Kyo’s true form is to be revealed to the audience and to Tohru
Kyo’s past with Kazuma and his mother/(partly)father
Tohru still accepting Kyo and declaring her love need for them to be together and share each other’s pain and joy
Also, if you’re more invested in my review of the 2019 version, scroll further down as most of this is gonna be the 2001 rewritten bits recap. Sorry?
- Again, I really appreciate that the 2001 version left us with that pre-transformation cliffhanger. It’s a really great separation and keeps us on the edge of our seats. Plus, gives the horror and effects of Kyo’s transformation much needed time. I love the 2019 version too but it could’ve been excellent with a WHOLE episode dedicated to Kyo’s true form transformation rather than just half of one... Plus, aren’t these events are supposed to take course during an entire night leading into morning? 
I can’t decide which iteration of the Kyo transformation I like the most. I just know that the manga version doesn’t live up to the animated versions...
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They’re both pretty horrifying and scary and look incredibly painful. I’d probably give it to ‘19 cos Kyo had tears in his eyes as he was transforming which hurt my heart and also just cos you know it’s in high def andddd the transformation isn’t a cloud, it’s fire embers. This is great gore-y content and I’m a little desensitised cos I had to watch/read this scene three times in one sitting so... 
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I loveeee Tohru’s resilience. Kazuma’s here saying soliloquies and philosophical questions and Tohru just takes off after Kyo! And the manga and ‘19 version definitely wanted to highlight this message to the upmost: Tohru’s love is so STRONG. And BADASS. But, a part of me also loves the time ‘01!Tohru takes to evaluate the situation cos in all fairness... it is a very shocking reveal (if Tohru wasn’t already shocked enough from them turning into animals)
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I like how in ‘01 anime we don’t get the inner monologue of Tohru evaluating what she saw. It leaves the whole notion of Tohru chasing after Kyo a little more mysterious as to whether she will or not. And the silence says it all anyway. Only the sound of the falling rain... I like it better. I tend to lean towards scenes with more action and less dialogue as someone who apparently learns better through visuals rather than dialogue. 
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Akito appearing like a fuckin ghoul out of nowhere is still ridiculous haha but I have to give kudos to the ‘01 English VA Chad Cline. He definitely elevates the scene when he says this one sentence:
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- I also like that this event (and also Akito) feeds into Tohru’s insecurity of not truly being a part of specifically Kyo and Yuki’s world. Not truly understanding them. She’s been living with them for almost a year by now(?) and I’m sure she felt because she knew the worst secret of them already there couldn’t have been anything even worse. And in a way, she feels cheated? ALSO KYO JUST TURNED INTO A FREAKIN ALIEN CAT MONSTER. I know Tohru’s very much aware that she still has much to learn about them but she couldn’t have predicted this. And it kinda puts her on the level of being an outsider once again. I like that it concentrates on Tohru’s own feelings towards her place rather than just her feelings towards Kyo. 
...I’m gonna get into some heavy 2001!Shigure defending, so I’m sorry if you don’t favour this iteration - stick with me for a sec lol
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I’m ignoring all the ‘it’s not accurate, it’s not real’ chants in my head because... LOOK HOW DEJECTED HE LOOKS.
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2001 gave me everything I wanted from Shigure as a character. Yes, he’s very interesting and conniving and fun as he was originally depicted. But... this Shigure has emotions and is fully showing them! That’s all I FUCKIN WANT. I just want him to show that even though he’s making these dangerous moves and manipulating people for his own benefit, that he has a conscious that is eating away at him and eventually will break. It may be too early in the story for an event like this to take place but I do appreciate that it’s shown. I get very frustrated with the fact that Shigure stays somewhat the same throughout the course of the manga but I guess the only person who does stay the same in the story is the narrator...
- I don’t know if the director of the 2001 version knew that they only had one season to translate Fruits Basket somewhere in the making of these three episodes, or even before. But, it definitely shows with the choices they make with the inclusion of Shigure, Uo, Hana, Kagura and Yuki in the search for Kyo. It’s almost as if they read future arcs and felt to just mash an iteration (or bastardisation) of it to try and conclude the whole story... which was quite a desperate move.
I also like the way this scene closes.
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I actually really like this moment from Kagura! She’s actually being mature! And rational... and sort of letting go of Kyo at the same time. I do think if Fruits Basket ‘01 was given another season, it would’ve been fleshed out (obviously) but it’s such a great moment. Again, these are all signs that the end was nigh and they felt they had to tie up all the character arcs that were involved very quickly and I don’t necessarily blame them for trying. It just made them look a bit silly when looking from a 2019 view.
- But yeah, Yuki being involved is a no-no. He felt the most out of place when it comes to ‘characters that should’ve not been involved’. He makes a point when he finds Kyo about how they should both stop running away but it’s not fully fleshed out enough before this event for me or anyone else to care about. It’s kind of unfortunate cos I quite like the concept of Yuki being there especially tying in to how Yuki comes to a realisation of himself and Tohru’s relationship. 
- Also, are Yuki and Kagura tight like that? Lol for him to go rushing after Kyo basically cos she asked? mmmm.... 😓
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This is actually my favourite moment from the 2001 version of the True Form Arc! It’s visually stunning and haunting and just... interesting. I like that they included the cats. Cats that would normally gravitate to Kyo but are now taking the voices of haunted figures of his past. Whether it’s in his head or not. 
In general, I felt Kyo’s mental anguish in the ‘01 version was a lot more artistically styled and creative. Very creepy and even more sad.
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I do like that Tohru went to her mother’s grave for comfort/guidance before finding Kyo. I probably would’ve included a scene like that myself in the 2019 version as it adds a preliminary to Tohru’s future conflict between her love for her mother and her love for Kyo. AND it also adds time between the night Kyo transforms and the eventual sunrise when she finds Kyo. How far is Kyoko’s grave from the Sohma house? Lol
But yep, Uo and Hana being there was irrelevant but it’s pretty funny that Hana’s waves were used as a last minute explanation as to why they felt they had to attend Kyoko’s grave. But, I guesss the writers wanted to use this as a moment of Uo and Hana letting go of their ‘daughter’ to let her become a woman (reminds me of Yuki’s comment of how he saw Tohru as a woman when she ran after Kyo) and go after her man. It’s a conclusion... but it’s meshed with so many other themes and conclusions that it ALL DOESN’T MATTER. Plus, I don’t really like this as a thing; Uo and Hana will always be Tohru’s surrogate parents. ALWAYS.
Anyway, look at this beautifully depressing visual that ‘01 gave us for THREE EPISODES *sips wine*:
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But seriously, while the visuals are so drastically dark compared to rest of the ‘01 season and are dragged out for sooooo longg, it is a very beautifully, depressing design. I love the way that all background music is edited out. Everyone is crying. Everyone is confused. The sound of rain is a constant throughout it. Honestly? It almost broke me cos the heaviness of it is exhausting, haha. And I have to commend it on pure shock value cos ‘01 Fruits Basket was barely dark until this arc. I think that’s what essentially made me adore it when I first discovered the ‘01 anime. I hadn’t read the manga so I didn’t know any better, but the darkness and pain in this arc is so beautifully shown and I feel like people forget that when critiquing the ‘01 version.
They jam packed a whole lot of character arcs in here when really the story should be focused on Kyo and Tohru’s reaction to Kyo. And I honestly, don’t blame them. It’s just too much at once that you don’t get to appreciate any arc at all because it’s not pushed to it’s full potential. It’s mostly just a feeling of sadness... that you later equate into genius...  because it’s sad? Which, I guess, could be seen as manipulatively clever? But now that we have the 2019 version, I think people will be more likely to decipher the bad from the good. Like, I have :)
- BACK TO 2019 VERSION: Wow, Kyo, really took out a whole cliff, huh?
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I honestly got impression from the manga that Kyo did push and injure Tohru enough for her to get a huge amount away from him but not so far that she fuckin DIVES INTO A LAKE. My God, this was a bit dramatic lol
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Ouch... that wound looks worse in the anime than the manga...
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QUEEN TOHRU. I love everything about this.
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You guys know I LOVE a good parallel and look at this couple meeting each other’s needs and taking their first steps. I can’t. I’m going to be crying into my wine soon. Nothing needs to be said about this scene, except excellence in ALL AREAS.
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I can’t get over Kyo’s face in this moment. I just- MY HEARRRTTTT. GOD TAKE ME. PLEASE. Couples that cry together, stay together. Omggg.
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Even if we can’t agree on much when it comes to 2001 vs 2019, we can both agree that Tohru stays being an ethereal goddess. OUTFIT APPRECIATION. LIFE APPRECIATION. I’m so tired. haha.
So in conclusion, I think 2001 succeeded at showing all the three main points of the True Form Arc. I just think it got the message of this being a Kyo/Tohru centric tail a bit misconstrued because they wanted to make this a general zodiac tale of them finding freedom and release through Tohru. And it definitely takes away from the Kyoru centric storyline that runs through the True Form Arc. And while I think the True Form Arc could’ve used another episode in the 2019 version, it’s quite clear that 2019 wins this battle in all areas of it being a more whole and complete yet emotional and stunning version of the True Form Arc.
I would go into what happens at the end of episode 26 in the ‘01 version but it honestly kinda angers and frustrates me? And I’m mentally exhausted soooo, I might go into it some time next week before the next 2019 episode drop. Also, I’ll tie up some thoughts of the ‘01 version of Kyo and Kagura’s date. This was fun! Only took half a day to organise my thoughts, ahaaaa.
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neekpie · 5 years
The plot line of every Hallmark movie...
Type one: Highschool Crush
Pretty Girl returns to hometown after living in NYC or LA or something for business
Pretty Girl runs into her old highschool love interest
They flirt and stuff blah blah but Pretty Girl is strict and plans on going back to LA or NYC for work
They fall in love, and HS Love Boy loosens Pretty Girl uo, while Pretty Girl teaches Love Boy to be a little more serious at times
Pretty girl decides to stay in hometown last minute to stay with Love Boy
Type Two: Single Parent
It’s Christmas! Which means this random single dad with an annoying daughter lives in a random aesthetically pleasing town!
And of course, Sweet Woman is single and stumbles upon this town, needing a place to stay. She meets Single Dad and Annoying Daughter, and they invite her into their humble abode for as long as she needs! How convenient!
Little girl immediately ships her dad and this random woman, and thinks of Sweet Woman as like a mother.
Sweet Woman and Single Dad get closer and fall in love, but sadly Sweet Woman has to go home right before Christmas!
Single Dad and Annoying Daughter are sad she’s gone. It doesn’t feel the same without Sweet Woman!
But luckily for them, Sweet Woman surprises them and comes back on Christmas Day! Yayyy and then they kiss in the last 2 minutes of the movie.
Type Three: The Grinch
Aw, man! Abnoxious Blonde is OBSESSED with the Christmas season! But she meets Grumpy Dude, and he hates Christmas. Bummer!
She continues to pester to boy dude and constantly asks why he doesn’t like Christmas. He’s annoyed with her (I mean, so are all the viewers tbh)
He eventually loosens up around her a bit, but Grumpy Dude still doesn’t like Christmas.
One day they hang out at the night in the snow (that doesn’t fall quite realistically), and Abnoxious Blonde keeps talking about good ol’ Christmas.
Grumpy Dude finally tells Abnoxious Blonde his big secret why he doesn’t like Christmas... His mom DIED on Christmas when he was a kid and he was devastated!
She’s soooo sorry for him, and then other crap happens and they kiss and are all of a sudden the cutest Christmas couple ever!
Type Four: The Gay One
Just kidding. That has never happened. Haha, you thought!
Type Five: Prince or Billianaire
Random Lady stumbles upon a gentleman whom she instantly loves. She doesn’t know he’s a billianaire/prince though! And he can’t tell her now, he likes having a friend that doesn’t treat him different because of his status.
They fall in love, big surprise. But one day prince/rich boi gets a phone call from his father, and his secret is rEvEaLeD! Random Lady is SHOOK!
She can’t believe it! How didn’t she know? She can’t be with him anymore.
Her super supportive Pinterest bestie thinks otherwise. They meet in a cute coffee shop and talk over tea, and bestie convinces Random Lady to go get her man!
Random Lady does so, and they end up together! Aw, how sweet.
Type Five: Competition!
These two are business rivals. But he’s a total flirt. She can’t stand him.
Fancy Pants Gal likes to do things old fashioned. She likes to get work done, but Dude Bro is always ruining things for her. They probably are both fighting over what to do with a property or a garden or something like that.
Fancy Pants wants to win this property because she believes in the tradition and meaning of it. Dude Bro just needs to do it cuz he’s getting paid.
There’s tension, that’s for sure. They flirt and he tries to loosen her up, but she is not having it.
Eventually, they become frenemies. When it comes to the point where someone has to win the property, Dude Guy wins, and Fancy Pants tries to convince him to not ruin this property for the poor town who wants to keep it.
He gives in. They kiss. The town is happy. That’s it.
Feel free to add more! Every movie usually has like the same plot line and it’s fun to make fun of.
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tornadotori123 · 5 years
Inktober : Prompt 1 is RING ~
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I can’t draw so I wrote a one-shot instead.
Kyo and Tohru from Fruits Basket. My babies <3</p>
The air was still, making the hot day even more sweltering. Kyo tapped his fingers against the wooden porch impatiently waiting for the time to pass. Sweat formed on his brow as he stared into the setting sun. Taking his dirty shirt, he wiped his forehead and sighed loudly.
“The one day she’s late. That ditz.” He huffed and stood up. He figured he could take another shower and be nice and clean for his and Tohru’s date. His pocket felt like it weighed twenty tons as he made his way upstairs. The velvet box felt weird as he turned it over and over in his palm. Multiple times today he questioned whether tonight was the night to ask Tohru. Over the past month he just couldn’t find the right time. They both had been rather busy with the move and settling in. On top that Tohru was homesick and had been calling Uo and Hanajima every night and Kyo didn’t have the heart to interrupt that. He gingerly set down the ring box underneath a clean pair of black jeans on the bathroom counter. The shower needed to be cold, he was sure of that. It was too humid and hot for a regular temperature shower.
As he ran shampoo through his hair, he heard the door open downstairs. His heart hammered in his chest. Please don’t come in here, he begged to the universe. Concentrating on getting the shampoo out of his hair, he skipped conditioner and scrubbed quickly with Tohru’s soap, he realized but too late. A soft knock at the bathroom made him jump out of skin.
“Kyo-kun, I need to get in there so please leave some hot water.” Tohru’s voice came through a crack in the bathroom door. She sounded tired.
“Lucky for you I didn’t use hot water.” Play it cool idiot, he told himself. Tohru’s giggle set his cold skin on fire. Her laugh made his world stop turning every time and he loved it. Then he realized in his haste he forgot to grab a towel. He hadn’t heard the door shut, “Tohru?”
“Mhm,” she answered. Kyo peeked out of the shower curtain. She was leaning against the wall with her eyes closed. Her dress laid at her feet and her brown hair stuck to her face from the sweat. Kyo felt his face heat up.
“C-could you please hand me a towel? I forgot to grab one.” He stuttered. Tohru opened her eyes and smiled at him.
“Of course, Kyo-kun.”
Did she not realize she was standing there in almost all her glory with him in there as well? They had seen glimpses of each other, they lived in the same house after all. They loved each other. But the way her black and white bra clung to her body and those panties had Kyo blushing like a mad man. Then he remembered the ring box. It was underneath his jeans but if she even moved them just a little, she would see it.
“Tohru, get in. I’ll get my towel.” Kyo wasn’t sure if that would help anything. Tohru hummed in agreement. Well that was easy. Kyo closed his eyes and stepped out of the shower, only assuming Tohru’s eyes were closed as well.
“You missed some soap Kyo-kun.” Tohru told him. That means, he opened his eyes and Tohru was staring and smiling at him. His Tohru was too shy for this. Right?
Kyo stumbled backwards slightly as Tohru reach and touched his chest.
“Maybe Kyo-kun could join me?” Kyo almost dropped to his knees right then. He couldn’t look at her in the eyes though. Her small hands outlining his biceps then across his chest.
“I’m dreaming.” Kyo mumbled to himself.
“No. You aren’t silly.” Tohru leaned against him and kissed his cheek. Kyo moved his head and brought his lips down to hers softly. His whole body felt like it was on fire. Anywhere she put her hands, his skin burned. He needed more. Sure, they had their make-out sessions and felt each other up occasionally. But something different was happening right now. He could hear Tohru’s breath hitch when he ran his lips over her collar bone and fumbled with her bra. Was she going to stop him? If she kept moaning like that he didn’t know if he could stop.
Tohru moved back against the bathroom sink pulling Kyo against her. As she kissed his neck, he suddenly remembered the ring underneath his jeans, which were precariously sliding closer to the edge of the sink. He grabbed her by the waist and picked her up. Swiftly he threw his jeans to the floor, careful that the box landed underneath them. He slowly placed her on the counter, taking in her soft creamy thighs.
“We have a dinner reservation Tohru,” Kyo breathed huskily against her ear.
“I’m not that hun—” her stomach growled just as she was protesting. Tohru pouted and Kyo took in her bottom lip with his mouth. His tongue slid over hers and they both groaned at the sensation shooting through their bodies. Kyo pulled away from Tohru’s mouth, even though he didn’t want to. He could see the fire that replaced her usual softness. They both wanted it. Kyo had to make the right steps first. He started talking himself down from cloud nine.
“Shower. Now.” Kyo demanded, running his hands along Tohru’s clothed breast. He felt her shudder underneath his hand. “You aren’t making this easy. We are already running late,” Kyo whispered in her ear.
“Okay Kyo-kun.” Tohru agreed quietly while running her hands over his shoulders. Kyo kissed the top of her forehead. “We have all the time in the world Tohru.” Kyo stepped back from her and held his hand out. He helped her down from the bathroom counter. “But not for this dinner reservation. We should’ve left thirty minutes ago.” Kyo winked at the blushing Tohru. He wrapped a towel around his waist and made sure to grab his clothes carefully. He heard Tohru slip into the shower and then she squealed.
“Its cold Kyo-kun!”
“I told you I didn’t use any hot water ditz.” He laughed and left the bathroom.
Dinner had gone off without a hitch. Except that Kyo was sweating bullets the whole time. Now the couple was walking back to their little home and he could hear his heart in his ears. Do it soon, he scolded himself. The stars were twinkling above them, and the moon was in the shape of a smile. Mocking him, he decided. Tohru was humming contently beside him and his anger subsided quickly.
“Tohru?” Kyo asked softly, grabbing her hand. Tohru stopped and looked at Kyo.
“Is something wrong Kyo-kun?” She asked turning around completely to face him. Her yellow sundress blew in the night wind. Those yellow ribbons she wore fluttered around her face. It was like a dream.  
“No nothing’s wrong. I-uhm…” Kyo didn’t know what to say. He could feel his face heating up. Tohru squeezed his hand and smiled sweetly at him.
“You can tell me Kyo-kun. I can wait all night if you need me to.”
Finally, he looked her in the eyes and grinned. She always knew the right things to say.
“I have something for you.” With his free hand he reached into his pocket. No turning back now, he told himself. Tohru’s eyes widening, frightened him at first. Then her tears started. He didn’t think he had done anything wrong but stopped getting down on his knee. “Tohru, are you alright? I’m sorry I shouldn’t have…” Kyo’s words started to jumble when he saw Tohru nodding her head vehemently.
“Oh, I’m sorry I interrupted.” She hiccuped and slid to her knees on the rocky road.
“Tohru Honda. I don’t know what was pulled up there to make us meet. But you really are the love of my life. The one person who loved me even though I was cursed. A monster. Please. Will you marry me? So, we can have all the time in the world together?” “O-of course Kyo-kun. Yes!” Tohru wrapped her arms around Kyo’s neck and cried into it.
“Tohru you’re supposed to let me put this on. Jeez woman.” Kyo laughed and wiped Tohru’s eyes. She shakily held her hand out to him. The ring slipped on easily. It shimmered in the falling moonlight.
“I love you Kyo-kun. We’ll be together forever.”
“I love you Tohru. I don’t know what I did to deserve you but thank the heavens because you are everything I’ve always wanted.” Kyo pulled Tohru close to his body and held her tightly.
“Kyo-kun isn’t allowed to cry. I just stopped,” Tohru whined and squeezed him tighter.
“You better not tell anyone I’m crying.” Kyo demanded and kissed her head. He did feel the tears slipping down his cheeks but only smiled wider.
He wished he could pause time. The woman he has loved for what feels like lifetimes will be his and only his forever. Their souls had probably have danced this dance before and he thanked the universe for twisting that red ribbon of fate between them. Their love was endless. Going on and on like the ring on his now fiancé’s tiny finger. The future was brighter the moment he laid eyes on her. Now he will never have to see another day without her beautiful smile. She was his favorite onigiri in the fruit basket. Kyo would always choose her and she would choose him even if no one else would.
“Now let’s get home Kyo-kun. We had something to finish.” Tohru grinned and kissed his lips quickly. She turned and started running for the house. Kyo laughed and started chasing after her. He easily gained on her. Grabbing her hand, the two ran up the mountain path, paving their way to eternal happiness. The moonlight was dancing in between their shadows and the summer breeze carried their laughter into the hills, up to the heavens, weaving in and out of the stars. The universe sighed happily, content with the pair of souls helping settle it just a little more in place.
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