#|| headcanon ||
xkuja · 2 months
Kuja writes a lot of poetry. Because poetry, to him, is music from words.
And music is the highest form of art.
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kingofdisrepute · 6 months
i'm drunk and in my feels which means it's SAD BEV AND ZEE HEADCANON TIME
he calls her every day following her death to hear her voice on the outgoing message and to leave messages he knows will never be heard by her... until her phone service is cut off a month later due to lack of payment and his heart is broken once more
he visits her grave weekly the first few months, then occasionally after that, then he always visits her for her birthday and death day, as well as hanukkah. he's fallen asleep beside her grave multiple times
he always takes two shots in any bar for the first round of them in salute to her
he gave the eulogy at her funeral. you can read that here (grab tissues)
he's never had another friend like her and he never will again, she is a permanent void in his life, and there's no hope of filling it. he just has to learn to live with it ok bye
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solar-pxwered · 2 years
Sanji shaves every morning with a straight razor like the genuine classic he is.
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fallenshepherd · 2 years
Small headcanon of the day:
If Azem is surprised or spooked, they'll flinch and teleport a few metres away on instinct. And then teleport back, of course.
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animentality · 6 months
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There are three kinds of LGBT headcanons:
Actual queer coding / metaphors ("Nimona is trans because her creator made her as a way to express his feelings as a trans person")
Vibes ("Link is genderless because I said so")
It's funny ("Phoenix Wright is asexual because he's the Ace Attorney")
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onebadnoodle · 4 months
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i've been rewatching ed edd n eddy and its got me thinking about what their unseen parents are like
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nouverx · 3 months
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"I want to eat you" is their love language and you can't change my mind
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chic-beyond-the-wall · 6 months
More medieval dyes for y'all!
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camilleflyingrotten · 9 months
Back on the bench
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And again, and again…
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xkuja · 5 months
Kuja would not eat a s’more unless it was presented on a plate with berry compote and gold leafing.
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kingofdisrepute · 6 months
FUN FACT: while zee has a very strong stomach around blood and gore (obvs it's his job) the opposite is true for blood and gore that belongs to him. he gets very faint and queasy when he sees his own blood or a gory injury on himself :')
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solar-pxwered · 2 years
Headcanon that gave me feels at work yesterday and I forgot to share here until now:
Sanji's hands aren't perfect like you'd think, since he doesn't use them to fight, they're scarred a lot actually but it's all from kitchen mistakes as he worked to become the best chef he could.
One scar in particular runs almost the entire length of the outside of his left thumb.
He got this when he was around 12 and absolutely insisted on fileting a rare and expensive fish Zeff had ordered. Zeff told him no because he needed more practice before he ruined such an expensive fish so he did it in secret to try and prove he could.
The knife slipped, he sliced his thumb from nail to palm and got blood all over the fish. Zeff found him crying and was quick to stitch him up. While he wrapped the wound up he told Sanji something he never forgot:
"You'd better not be crying because of the damn fish, boy. We may never waste food here, but if you ever get it in your head that a dead fish is worth more than yourself, I'll knock your skull in."
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ahfrickenfrick · 2 months
nightwing being hurt in the field, and over comms he can’t get out what was wrong, nearly in shock, and jason puts on his best batman™️ voice and says “robin, report.”
and it snaps dick out of it enough to say concussion, possible broken ribs, and a gash in his side.
no one talks about it, and then a year later, damian does the same thing to tim
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mythbringer-mayhem · 4 months
Misunderstanding - RadioApple comic
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(This is pretty messy, but eh, that's how I do comics ig)
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redactedrem · 2 months
Headcanon where after so many arguments between the batkids and Bruce over his paranoia and complete disregard for his kids privacy, the entire family had compromised with (in the healthiest way possible) downloading life360 on their phones and that's how they all keep track of each other.
Now Bruce knew that this is mostly for his benefit and is supposed to be a healthy alternative for his unhealthy paranoia and helicopter parenting, but what he wasn't expecting was for his kids to start keeping track of him.
He's putting gas in his car and Dick calls him because apparently Dick has been watching him drive around on the app? And Bruce is currently at a gas station thats right around the corner from a Taco Bell and now Dick wants him to get food for everyone since he's already there.
He's driving home from a meeting and Steph calls him because her and Duke were shopping in the area and wants to know if he can pick them up, when he asks how she knew he was on the same street, he gets a "Oh I just like to stalk everyone on the app for funsies." as an answer.
Jason calls him and he can barely get out a hello before Jason cuts him off, "Bruce why the fuck is your phone battery on 5%, charge your damn phone" which completely stuns him because why does he know that. He clears his throat before answering. "Jason, what?"
"Everyone can see each others phone batteries on '360, now charge your phone." Is all he gets before Jason hangs up on him.
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