#''who - along the entire span of history - is considered to be''
winterandwords · 1 year
Anyone who profits from your insecurity deserves your scrutiny
I am so fucking bored of "This is how to do plot structure the correct way. This is what should happen in this bit and this is what should happen in this other bit. It is correct and if you don't do exactly it like this, you're doing it wrong and that's why you hate your writing and probably every one else will hate it too. Because you're wrong and your story is wrong and no-one will like your story because of all it's wrongness. But luckily I have this thing for sale that will tell you how to make your story correct and then you will be a good writer with all the approval and validation of having bought something about it."
I'm not saying there aren't valid and valuable recognised plot structures or patterns in story telling. Of course there are. They span books and films and TV shows and plays and whatever other ways humans create and share narratives, but they're not as universal as you probably think. There are multitudes of shapes of story from different places as well as from different times in history, and often the one true way or the 'best' way is really just the way that appeals to the most profitable market right now. That's fine if it's what you're aiming for and how you want to get there, so please don't take that as me saying that it's wrong to desire or achieve mainstream success - it isn't.
Quick aside! A lot of How To Do Story Structure stuff is based on after-the-fact analysis. The examples that are often presented weren't written following that advice, those rules, whatever. Someone came along afterwards and said, "Ah yes, that fits very neatly into the thing I'm trying to explain" and decided to use it as an example. This isn't a negative point at all. It's just easy to forget sometimes that all the people writing the cool shit you love aren't sitting down with the same roadmap and following it. OK, back to the point.
I'm also not saying that it's in any way bad, unimaginative, formulaic, or any other undesirable thing to study, learn from, or even adhere to the information in educational resources or other guidelines about when stuff happens in stories. There are reasons why some kinds of stories just work. They feel familiar. I'd argue that there's a lot of value in learning those structures and methods, the ones so common they feel like the natural order of things, and then doing them for as long as you want to. Forever, if they work for you.
But also. Sometimes you'll find yourself doing those things entirely by accident because you've spent your life absorbing stories and when you sit down and try to do them on purpose, it feels weird. Sometimes you'll find yourself not wanting to do those things at all because your story is determined to be a different shape. In this house we love experimental literature and we also support embracing storytelling techniques and traditions from every culture.
By all means, learn and explore and implement and experiment and be open and grow and progress by doing as well as by studying. There's a world of incredible resources out there. Try reading a craft book or taking an online course by an author whose work you enjoy, if you're craving something more formal and structured than internet writing advice. Hell, if someone whose work you get a kick out of offers internet writing advice and it's useful to you, devour it.
But if someone is insisting they can sell you a way to create something impressive, ask yourself if you're impressed with what they themselves are creating. Take a step back and consider what they might have to gain by presenting their absolutely essential knowledge that you couldn't possibly live without as HERE'S WHY YOU SUCK. It's not necessary to tear people down in order to inform or educate them. There's nothing wrong with making an income from teaching or from creating resources. Of course there isn't. But. But.
I'm going to say it again. Anyone who profits from your insecurity deserves your scrutiny (and probably doesn't deserve your money) 💜
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funbirdnest · 9 months
Atlantis - Below the surface chapter 2
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Eichi: It's called Project-ATLANTIS.
Also known as PA. It's a colonization project that ES, which now has its sights set on national domination, put into motion after SS.
Tori: Colonization?
Eichi: Yuzuru, Tori... What do you suppose SS is in the first place?
Yuzuru: It is a historic annual idol festival with a long-standing tradition—It is the largest, most important festival in the idol industry.
... Is how I would answer—But I doubt that you'll be satisfied with such a generic textbook response, correct?
Eichi: Yes. I'm not asking for a formal definition of SS, but rather about its impact on the industry.
Yuzuru: Can you give him an answer, Bocchama?
Tori: Eep! D-Don't put me on the spot like that?! Rather, you should be concerned with demonstrating your worth in front of your master!
Hmm. The SS that was held a few days ago was unprecedentedly large-scale, wasn't it?
It spanned the whole country, and we were able to get local and underground idols to actively participate. Thanks to that, the total number of participating idols was higher than ever before.
But, as a result, almost no local idols made it past the qualifying rounds. The final round was completely monopolized by ES, or more accurately, by Yumenosaki.
Yuzuru: Yes. Some local idols made brief appearances in collaboration with Mikejima-sama. But they were the exception.
Eichi: That's right... SS was held with the pretense of an energizing collaboration with local idols all across the country.
In reality, however, it turned out to be more of a farce that only served to flaunt the strength and authority of ES, which in many ways has become the center of the country.
Ultimately, you can say that was ES's intent all along.
The local idols were mere foils—nothing more than casualties positioned to highlight our—the "main idols'"—brilliance.
Naturally, the local idols found this dissatisfying.
The most radical among them have formed what one might call an anti-ES organization, and are now rioting across the country.
Project-ATLANTIS is one measure with which to pacify these hostile anti-ES forces gathered in such places.
Yuzuru: This is quite the belated response.
Eichi: It's certainly better than doing nothing.
When ES was first established, it was falsely advertised as a "utopia for all idols." For that reason, those who did not directly benefit became quite dissatisfied.
ES was supposed to be an ideal world where "all idols" are able to shine. Then, if we really are idols, why can't we shine?
Yuzuru: It's a natural question and a natural complaint.
Eichi: Fufu. In my opinion, people just navely put their faith in ES' exaggerated advertising
Anyway, if this was the Sengoku period, it would be standard practice to suppress such criminal forces with military power.
Tori: I-Isn't it kind of mean to call them criminals...?
Eichi: I consider it an appropiate expression. ES is a nation, and the forces that oppose it are nothing more than bandits and pirates.
However, although ES continues to make strides like Oda Nobunaga, we still haven't conquered the entire country like Tokugawa Ieyasu (*).
Yuzuru: I think that's a good analogy.
Eichi: Thank you. Right now, ES is in the era of Oda Nobunaga. More precisely, around the time that the anti-Nobunaga network (**) was established.
Yuzuru: I see. That makes it easy to understand.
Tori: Er, I'm sorry, but I don't really get it.
Eichi: You studied history in school, right?
Fools learn from experience; wise men learn from history. Be sure to take your studies seriously while you still have the chance, Tori.
Because, once you grow up, you'll have no choice but to learn things on your own.
Tori: Yeah~ I know this is gonna sound like an excuse... but I haven't been able to study much at school lately.
Eichi: Is something happening at Yumenosaki?
I entrusted all matters over there to Mao, my successor. I don't think it's appropriate for graduates to intervene, so I've generally been staying away.
Yuzuru: Fufu. At present, Yumenosaki Academy is holding an election to determine the next student council president.
Bocchama is running for the student council presidency as well, of course.
Combined with idol work, this is too many irons in the fire. As such, this is a very busy point in time.
Eichi: The student council elections? Huh, this is the first time they've been properly carried out.
We—or rather, mainly Keito—created a model for the student council and then passed it down to Mao, who inherited it.
Tori: As the new president, Isara said that we should actually hold an election.
He said, "I could appoint you, but I don't have much authority, so it'd seem really forced."
If I win the election properly, then I'll be able to attain that kind of authority.
Eichi: That sounds really modern. And it feels like a natural progression.
I like Mao's way of thinking. He understands the limitations of his position—I mean that in a good way.
(*) Eichi is referring to the reunification of Japan at the end of the Sengoku Period (1467-1600). Oda Nobunaga was a feudal lord who raised war against different clans during one of the most tumultous eras of conflict in Japan. Oda set the stage for the reunification of Japan, which was achieved later by Hideyoshi and Ieyasu—the latter becoming the ruler during the beginning of a peaceful period in Japan that lasted until the arrival of Perry and the US Navy.
(**) At the end of the Sengoku era, a group of forces led by Shogun Yoshiaki Ashikaga formed an alliance to rebel against Nobunaga and his allies. The conflict ended with the defeat of the anti-Nobunaga alliance and the expulsion of Yoshiaki from Kyoto.
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st-just · 1 year
Random worldbuilding question #9!
What aesthetics are considered “advanced” or “futuristic” in your world - canvas wings, shiny chrome, smooth plastic? How has this changed over time?
Okay so realizing after the fact that I’ve got at least three different relatively thought out settings each of which have multiple cultures/groups who probably have different answers for most of these questions, so! Lets pick semi-randomly and then lose track of the question and write seven hundred words of vaguely related free verse.
In most of Abhari, to be ‘advanced’ is to be similar to the latest fashions of the Sublime Commonwealth – the Committee on Industry and Progress is almost universally considered the most important body of state below the Grand Secretariat itself, after all. To be advanced means to be godless, the harvests and tides governed by mesmerisingly complex arrays of mirrored bronze directing aether in accordance to the dictates of Universal Reason. It means rectangular fields and ubiquitous canals, and government by sexless bureaucrats in grey coats and red hats, without family name or native tongue. Schoolhouses and conscription, and architecture that’s long on geometric patterns and short on portraits or idols.
‘Futuristic’ goes a bit beyond that, and the palette to draw with is clockwork and light. Pocketwatches and orreries and everything in between, automota doing the work of couriers and carriages on immaculate city streets, or self-propelled artillery crawling along mountain passes on spidery legs. Grand, illuminated libraries where the secrets and histories of the entire world have been transcribed into a single comprehensible tongue for any member of the public to peruse. Mirrors and lamplight and eyeglasses, and endless, endless reams of paper; every page full of facts and figures, or carefully transcribed reports.
Outsider the Commonwealth, there’s more variance. The artificers and guildmasters of the Holy Illyrin Empire and its sprawling array of vassals and dependencies would, as a rule, take being called ‘futuristic’ as a grave insult, to imply that their work is in some way distinct from their august predecessors is very nearly the same thing as calling them a fraud. Every worthwhile secret of craft and artifice was discovered by ancient masters centuries ago, even if it has perhaps only been unearthed and put to use quite recently by an appropriately respectful modern disciple. To be advanced in the positive sense in to be similar to the Imperial Court, and when the seasons change aristocratic fashion filters out across the land with some delay but enough force to make up for it.
The most impressive and famous workings are full of pomp and ceremony, ancient ritual and treasured heirlooms. The fashion at the moment leans towards ostentatious luxury – floor length cloaks and gowns, proudly displayed tokens of divine favour or noble patronage, cloth of gold and magnificent jewellery, a whole language of gems and patterns to advertise how ones sabre or necklace is enchanted. The most glorious are waited upon by called and bound devils, the right to command the labour of a condemned spirit and set the terms of its parole proof of their honour and lineage.
Conversely, no genius or savant of the Free Cities would object to having their work called futuristic – the heroic figure wresting some world-changing secret from an ancient tomb or the mind of a demon or the depths of their own imagination and winning fame and fortune for it is exactly what all of them are aspiring to be. If a well-read traveller’s image of a ‘city of the future’ isn’t one of the Commonwealth’s idealized and efficient geometric grids, it is surely Celmy or Khasal, sprawling and three-dimensional, full of unmapable paths that cut across each other at nonexistant angles to create impossible shortcuts.
To be advanced is to be rich, to sit at the heart of a globe-spanning trading empire whose markets are full of spices and textiles from continents away, to live in a city that others fight for the chance to visit, where the mere fact of citizenship is enough for magnates to woo you with feasts and festivals for your support in the Assembly. Little distinction is made between a novelty unearthed in a foreign land and brought home and one invented in a workshop down the street – the fact of something being an exotic novelty makes its presence as futuristic as any truly new innovation, and as worth showing off. The aesthetic is spectacle without much thought for restraint or modesty – silver and flame, strongmen and fleshweavers, ecstatic communion or sadistic demonbinding, monumental architecture or a more efficient mill; anything at all that demonstrates a personal surpassing of ones natural state.
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Earthspark Thoughts
First off, I finally got around to watching earthspark, and I have to say while I did end up skimming most of it because I have the attention span of a toddler, it was fun. Very different from TFP, but fun.
I like the show and how it goes about its storytelling. I really appreciate that while we do see Optimus and Megatron, they aren't hogging the screen or duking it out every time we see them. It is also nice to see that both are respected and not thrown around or made dumb in order to make others characters appear more mature (I am looking at you RID).
The new cast and their unique outlooks on the world is refreshing and interesting. But I also really like that the veteran bots like Bumblebee, Elita-1, and others are also given a chance to give their input. You can see how their lives of struggle and warfare have changed them, especially when compared to the freshly forged earthsparked bots. It really makes me happy to see some humans and Cybertronians getting along in family units instead of precarious political and military alliances.
It is also neat to see how old grudges and faction ties affect the bots after the end of the war (just look at Soundwave). You can tell that a lot of hate is still present, but that old wounds are beginning to heal with the arrival of the earthsparked bots. For the veterans it is a sign of new beginnings, a fresh start on a new world with new allies.
Twitch, Thrash, and the others are such unique characters and I really can't wait to see how they will develop considering their nearly entirely human upbringing.
However on this same train of thought, there is only one thing I would really like to see happen in the show.
Don't get me wrong, I really do like that we get to see some bots actually intergrade into human culture without the weight of the sins of their people weighting them down. However, I think that the earthspark bots would do well to learn some things from Cybertron. Skills, tradition, language, art, history, and other simple things that would at least give them a taste of what their people's homeworld is like.
Not only would it help them learn about themselves and where their people originally came from, it would also allow us the viewers a chance to see some of the little things that were never given much attention in other shows because of the war. I would like to see little cultural things being taught to the earthsparked bots, things that would be alien to them. Bumblebee is already teaching them combat, but maybe the older bots who didn't grow up in the war could teach the earthsparked bots how to do more wholesome things.
I personally would like to see Megatron try and teach the earthsparked bots how to write in Cybertronian. And Elita-1 could teach them to speak the different Cybertronian dialects (she seems like the kind of bot to know a thousand languages for no good reason) Optimus could give them lessons in history, or depending on his backstory in this universe, teach them about the fall of Cybertron and the politics behind it.
It would be cool if the human kiddos could get involved too. The bots are already learning their culture, why not let them learn a little about Cybertron too? I don't know if I am just being picky or what, but I really just want to see the veteran bots teaching to earthsparked bots things about Cybertron.
Well those are my thoughts for now. Maybe I will post something else about earthspark later once I have finished accepting the fact that it exists and the TFP has been over for a decade and I should move on and enjoy the new stuff without constantly comparing it to TFP.
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Twi’s Headcanons II: The Region of Ru’aun
After making that last post about the multiverse, it only seemed right that I also do one exploring my own map of Ru’aun, its history, and its politics. It’s also definitely needed in order to understand the other non-canon places in my rewrite, so without further ado:
(Oh shit it’s 3.5k words this time lmao. Also Tumblr ate the quality again so click on the photos)
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(NOTE: The in-universe calendar used in various places here counts upwards from the birth of Irene. In my version season 1 takes place 482 years after the divine, and season 3 is 500 years later, not 900. AI stands for “After Irene” and BI means “Before Irene”. Comparable to BC & AD)
Khasia & Scalesia:
[Pronounced kah-sia and skay-lee-sia (sia as in ‘Asia’)]
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The region of Ru’aun is divided into two different subregions: Khasia in the west/northwest and Scalesia in the east/southeast. During the Great Migration Period (the time in history where humans spread across the globe) they did so in massive tribes consisting of many closely related dialects and cultures. These tribes also gave the regions their modern names, with Ru’aun deriving from the Ru’na people who settled there from Tu’la.
There, the Ru’na divided into two different cultures and ethnic identities; the Kha’shi and the Scal’isi. For many centuries, this division was just as much political as it was cultural. For over one hundred years, beginning in around 126 BI, the Khasian subregion was unified into a singular kingdom, whose capital was the growing town of O'Khasis. Meanwhile, as Scalesia was much larger then Khasia, it was home to many different kingdoms and factions throughout history, but they all had one thing in common: Khasians and Scalesians did not like each other.
It was in the central Scalesian neighboring villages of Windyr and Kalnyr, that Éiryn Shala’shaska and Shádd Um’branis (modernized to Irene and Shad) were born. While the many adventures and stories of the Divine each have varying levels of credibility, one of them is certain; it was them, along with their four compatriots, that brought an end to the Kingdom of Khasia and established a much better form of regional governance, known as the Lordship System.
Over the course of history, the animosity dividing the region slowly faded away with continued cooperation for the good of the entire region. However, the two bastions of each side; the grand cities of O’Khasis and Scálswynd (later Scaleswind; the successor to Windyr) remained sworn enemies along with their ruling houses of Ro’meave and Ronsenburg. This never changed until the 6th century AI, when Aphmau Shala’shaska and her companions convinced both lords to join the region-spanning Phoenix Alliance, which would eventually become the modern nation of the Phoenix Republic, uniting Khasia and Scalesia under a single banner.
In the modern day, this divide does still exist, but only in the accent and inherited traits of its residents, who share their cultures rather than fight to keep the other away from them.
[essentially, Khasia is the equivalent of Britain accent-wise, which is why Garroth has one, and on average Khasian people are more lighter-skinned/caucasian, and Scalesians are more darker-skinned/Hispanic-adjacent, but over the centuries it becomes a more and more mixed populace between them both.]
Individual Locations:
Scaleswind: Considered a holy city as it is the direct successor to Irene the Matron’s home village of Windyr, and also the seat of power in all of Scalesia.
O’Khasis: The largest and oldest city in all of northern Ru’aun, and the seat of power in Khasia. Before and during the Divine Era it was the capital of the Kingdom of Khasia, and was the home city of Esmound the Protector. O’Khasis is also the economic capital of the modern-day Phoenix Republic.
Brightport: the largest port city in Northeastern Ru’aun, and the third overall after O’Khasis and Vasilyr. It is also home to the Brightport Guard Academy; the alma mater of most guards/knights in the Northeast.
Meteli/New Meteli: a small village situated on the base of the (as known in the modern-day) Shalashaska Peninsula. Larger than Phoenix Drop but smaller than Brightport, it was overrun and destroyed by O’Khasian forces during the First Alliance War, but most of its inhabitants survived and relocated north where they built New Meteli.
Pikoro Village: As one of the northernmost towns in Ru’aun, in the border area some call Gal’raun, it held a tenuous relationship with the nearby Northern Werewolf Tribe. Pikoro also held to the Old Khasian beliefs regarding Witchcraft, and the practice was outlawed in the town even though it was rather normalized in both its south and to its north, until the witch Lucinda Hawkins came to power. In the modern day, it is home to the headquarters of the Global Council of Witchcraft.
Phoenix Drop: At first a small village on the tip of the Shalashaska Peninsula, it would rise into a large city; one on par with Scaleswind, during the Lordship of Aphmau Shala’shaska (whom the peninsula was later named after). This would be in part due to the fact that it was believed she was the second coming or reincarnation of Irene the Matron. The city would also become the future capital of the Phoenix Republic far later in history, and in the modern day, it along with Scaleswind and O’Khasis are considered the three titans of middle-age Ru’aunian civilization, and the three surviving treasure troves of Phoenixian history.
Enki Islands: An island chain off the coast of Gal’rok originally named Vanirfjörd, specifically an area known in the modern day as Forskerland. That area, along with the islands themselves, are named after their most famous native: Enki the Keeper. In legend, they are also inhabited by the immortal dark-magic being known as the Demon Warlock; Enki’s greatest foe.
Phoenix Island: A large temperate island in the North Ru’aun Sea, and said to be the site of a grand city built by the Divine Warriors to be their home. Historians are conflicted over the actual existence of this island, as nothing like it is visible via satellite imagery or any other kind of searching, however it is well-documented that a similar island, home to the ruins of an old city, was also the original capital of the Phoenix Alliance. In truth, the island is kept hidden under a powerful magical illusory shield created by Enki and Esmound together, that cloaks the island and protects it from anyone who does not wield a Divine Relic. They did this because the island, along with being home to two different dimensional anchor locations, was the site where Shad was banished; and the entire island still has that magical residue practically oozing off of it to this day. They couldn’t let anyone find a way to harness it, so the island could only be reachable when it was sought out or inhabited by at least one of their worthy successors, and it thus could still harbor society while also remaining protected. After everyone else died and Aphmau left, the residents of the island were driven away by a magically-induced flood meant to make them all leave, and those people made Phoenix Drop the capital after they believed the island had sunken beneath the sea. Scientists believed this is what happened as well, but they’ve never been able to find evidence under the ocean to support it either
The Werewolf Tribes: Whereas Humans are native to Tu’la, Werewolves are the original inhabitants of Ru’aun. Those that existed during the Rising Phoenix Era (the time of MCD) were akin to giant wolves who walked on two feet and were fully intelligent. Over the centuries, they greatly evolved -mainly via cross-breeding with humans- into the Modern Werewolf; a person with a mostly human body, but also the ears, tail, teeth, senses, and instincts of a wolf, and usually along with an allergy to chocolate. The Cardinal Tribes, as they’re collectively called, were the four major Werewolf civilizations during the Rising Phoenix Era, and each held complex -though often hostile- relationships with one another. A defining factor of Werewolf culture during this time was the universal worship of the Goddess/Personification of the Moon; Lunaris; similar to the early Meif’wa worship of the God Sollus, AKA the Sun Father. Both of these gave the Sun and Moon their modern names, but are also now mostly dead religions, with incredibly few honest practitioners left. However Moon/Sun imagery is still common in Werewolf/Meif’wa households, as cultural decorations.
the Original Places:
Westagar: a large town in the southern part of Khasia. It was decimated by one of the many wars that Lord Garte and High Priest Zane of O’Khasis started in an attempt to rebuild the Khasian Kingdom, however over many years it was able to revitalize itself into a functional city once again, with the help of the Phoenix Alliance and the new O’Khasian leadership.
Vasilyr: A large port city in southern Scalesia, even beating O’Khasis’s own port for the title of largest in Ru’aun. Vasilyr has a long history of political neutrality, and has thus become a major player in terms of economics, as well as holding the third-party position in many diplomatic affairs. In the modern day, it is the capital of the small country of Vasilon.
Rivandar: a small town in Gal’raun, and a common rest stop for travelers.
Taravan: the grand former capital of the Torvan Empire, during the Rising Phoenix Era an independent city rich in both money and history. In the modern era, it is the capital of the nation of Torrva; the modern descendant-state of the Empire.
Port Raiya: a fishing village on the island of Raiya in the gold sea, first established by the Torvans and the birthplace of Kulzak the Wanderer.
Casadora: The Capital of the country that has mostly been known throughout history by the name of Corsa, though it was also known as the Tu’lian Empire during the Rising Phoenix Era. Also the crown-jewel of northern Tu’la, it has long been the seat power in the area north of the Shambaraaka Mountains, and was built up by the Torvans during their reign over the area.
Montillego (mon-tee-ay-go): The close second to Casadora, Montillego is a treasure trove of historical sights, such as the famed Montillego Colosseum, constructed by the Torvans as well. The city is also thought to be significant to Menphia the Fury, along with the Colosseum itself, making it similar to Scaleswind in that it is a holy city, and it is where many of the defining moments in the Fury’s life took place.
Portal to Yggdrasil: The Yggdrasil Forest, as it is most commonly known, is a thought-to-be Gal’rokian mythological plane of existence, home to the naturally magical and immortal race of Elves, however this legend is true. Hidden away in one of the many narrow passages of the Arctic Mountains in Gal’rok that surround the North Pole, there is a heavily magically-protected portal, accessible only via boat. If an elf or a person of elf ancestry reaches the barrier, it will open and allow the travelers through the Dimensional Veil and into the realm of Yggdrasil, but only if the person reaching out to it is of Yggdrasilian blood.
History (& The Phoenix Republic):
The Human Species first evolved into existence in the central Tu’la region, while wolves in Ru’aun evolved into an intelligent humanoid race known as Werewolves, and the same happened with a now-extinct species of feline in Jin’tal, becoming the Meif’wa race. As said in the section of Khasia and Scalesia, humans migrated north into Ru’aun roughly around 30,000 BI. Many of them continued into the rest of the world, such as the Gar’lokk, who made their home in the frigid arctic region they would give the name Gal’rok, while even more would use it as a land bridge to the regions now known as Dan’vei and Jin’tal. In Ru’aun however, the Ru’na would split into the Kha’shi and Scal’isi, each forming their own societies in the region.
This is also when humans began coexisting with the First Werewolves in Ru’aun and the First Meif’wa in Jin’tal, thus beginning the evolutionary history that shaped the modern day variant of those two species.
A focal point of early Ru’aunian and Tu’lian history was the Torvan Empire; while not the largest empire in all of history, it is still considered one of the greatest, and it shaped much of Northern Tu’la and Southern Ru’aun into what they are. Spanning that area, along with the entirety of the Gold Sea, the Torvan Empire ruled from 607 BI to 10 AI, and it’s mark left on the Ru’la border region is still seen in the modern day, with its grand cities of Montillego, Provencia, and its capital of Taravan still standing tall, and the Addonius Peninsula -which makes up the modern nation of Torrva- still bears the name of one of its greatest Emperors.
Ru’aun went through quite a lot of changes from 20 AI to 100 AI, for this period was the lives of the Divine Warriors. While it is undeniable that this group of six individuals did exist to some degree, it is greatly debated whether they were truly gods. Yet still, the Church of the Divine remains the dominant religion in nearly the entire Eastern Hemisphere (excluding Southern Tu’la) to this day, and some of their most notable endeavors include the dissolving of the Kingdom of Khasia, supposedly in the aftermath of the legendary Wyvern War, and brought forth the Lordship System to Ru’aun, where every city and village would government itself and be protected by a Guard Force relative to the town’s size. Esmound the Protector’s own sister, Princess Elandra Ro’meave, was made the first Lord of O’Khasis, and Irene also warned against the building of kingdoms via war and conquest, for a nation built upon bloodshed was comparable to a castle built upon sand; neither would ever last the test of time.
For over four hundred and fifty years after the Divine Era, the world of Ru’aun was, for the most part and excluding the general advancement of society, rather un-notable in terms of history-making events. However, beginning in the late 460s AI, this would take a drastic turn.
The reign of Lord Garte II of O’Khasis brought on a time of war in Khasia and of uncertainty in Ru’aun. Strangely, the High Priest of Irene took quite an active role in the conquest and attempted rebuilding of the very kingdom Irene and Esmound demolished, however it is more conceivable when you consider the Priest at the time was the Lord’s own son, Zane Ro’meave.
But in 482 AI, the small and inconsequential village of Phoenix Drop would gain a new Lord, one Aphmau Shala’shaska.
Shala’shaska is slightly strange, in that there was no record of her existence prior to this year, but it is likely any documentation was simply lost to history. Nevertheless, her reign single-handedly rose Phoenix Drop up from its deathbed and into the regional spotlight, growing its populace and Guard greatly. Records are mixed of how this came to pass, but even two of the four* Ro'meave children came to serve under Shala’shaska as her knights, and later a third, who previously had been mistaken for dead.
Another strange thing about this lord and her village, was that in 483 AI during the First Alliance War, she, with a large posse, as well as High Priest Ro’meave, who was accompanied by Lillian the Dark Mask of the Jury of Nine, seemingly vanished into thin air.
They returned to history a full fifteen years later in 498 AI, and by that time, Levin Shala’shaska, Aphmau’s eldest son, was Phoenix Drop’s lord. Shala’shaska and her compatriots then set out into the North Ru’aun Sea and supposedly discovered a beautiful forested island, where they began building the capital of the Phoenix Alliance. I say supposedly, because from all rights and accounts, the island shouldn’t exist. But it very clearly does, and could not have been confused with one of the many in Scandovia.
This is also the same year that King Ramón III of the Tu’lian Empire launched an invasion on the city of O’Khasis in long-awaited retribution for the believed assassination of his wife, Queen-Consort Isabela. After the successful invasion, the king grew power-hungry and continued into the region, prompting war with the Phoenix Alliance. Over the next three years, the Alliance grew exponentially, and by its victorious end of the War For Ru’aun, it encompassed nearly the entire region.
Various religious figures have believed that the multitude of strange-to-downright-impossible claims of things that happened during this period of time are proof that Chancellor Shala’shaska and her comrades were the mythicized Second Coming of the Divine; part of a prophecy where Shad the Destroyer would rise again and the Divine Warriors would be reincarnated to stop him.
While the timeline in the story does match, the theory is heavily criticized on all accounts, notably by the international community from the perspective of Phoenixians believing the forerunner of their country was founded by gods. But that is just one of many ways the belief is debated, even amongst the Church of the Divine itself.
For many generations, Ru’aun flourished and progressed under the peace and cooperation brought on by the Phoenix Alliance. This unity was the cause of never-before-thought-possible levels of interconnection in politics, trade, and culture. The Alliance also brought on a sense of unified camaraderie across Ru’aun over the centuries, and over that time, it evolved from a simple trade/defense alliance into a loose confederation, and in 1498 AI; one thousand years since its founding, the Phoenix Alliance was united into a singular nation; the Phoenix Republic.
The Republic, sometimes also referred to as Phoenixia (fin-icks-ee-uh) spanned an impressive amount of land; nearly all of Ru’aun. It is also considered one of the oldest still-standing countries in the modern world, and the longest-standing Democratic one, as it has operated since creation with an elected Assembly and elected Chancellor as government and head-of-state. It is also very diverse, containing all of Khasia, nearly all of Scalesia, and the native Werewolf lands.
A large part of that land is also made up of the Dark Forest (formerly “Cursed Forest”). When it was first officially claimed as Alliance protected-land during the War For Ru’aun, Chancellor Shala’shaska merely stated that: “The area known as the Cursed Forest shall forever be under the full protection of the Phoenix Alliance. It is not to be invaded, chopped down, or otherwise disturbed, and will only be entered under the most dire of circumstances. Immediate authority over the forest’s land and matters concerning it shall henceforth fall to Lady Lucinda Hawkins.”
Hawkins, the founder of the Global Council of Witchcraft, held that position until her death, but failed to specify a replacement before then. Under the Republic government, the forest is considered a National Park under the protection of the relevant Ministry, but many things are unknown about the forest, due to its history of people entering but never coming out, and Council of Witchcraft’s own investigation confirmed that the forest has incredibly old and incredibly powerful enchantments and curses on it, prompting the Ministry to declare it dangerous to enter without the proper precautions. This has spurred many theories, both in genuine and joking manners amongst Phoenixian citizens of what could have put those spells on the forest, and whether it was inhabited by cryptids or supernatural entities.
Over the years, the Phoenix Republic held a large place on the growing World Stage. The city of Nahakra was one of the centerpieces of the Industrial Revolution, and since the early 20th century, the Republic has firmly established itself as the most powerful nation in the world, closely followed by the Kingdom of Brusava.
In the modern day, specifically the 2020s AI, the Phoenix Republic continues to be a global superpower, with a territory spanning most of the Ru’aunian region, and several metropolitan centers such as its capital of Phoenix Drop, along with Scaleswind, O’Khasis, Brightport, South Towers, and Pikoro City. It is well known for its diverse populace of all types of humans, Werewolves, and Meif’wa, with an overall population of over two-hundred-million people. Its dominant religion is the Unified Church of the Divine, and it continues the mission set forth by Chancellor Shala’shaska of remaining a beacon of light for those oppressed or threatened, and is one of the largest asylum-granters of refugees and immigrants around the world.
But when a large group of friends all end up living as neighbors on the same street in the suburbs of Phoenix Drop, no one could have possibly imagined what would become of their lives, who they were descended from, or what had been truly threatening all life on Earth ever since the Second Coming of the Divine, all those years ago.
[this is basically where the beginning of my still-very-rough idea of how a Mystreet rewrite would go, with the Demon Warlock and The Void being the primary antagonist/threat.]
[*three of the four Ro’meave children including my OC, who is the older half-sister of the brothers within my rewrite.]
Modern National Borders:
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Equivalence to IRL countries:
Phoenix Republic - Combo. of UK, Ireland, USA, & Canada
Torrva - Combo. of Italy & Greece
Torvan Empire - Combo. of Roman Empire & Ancient Greece
Vasilon - Combo. of Switzerland & Monaco
Baronnia - France
Scandovia - Combo. of Sweden, Iceland & Norway
Norstenland - Combo. of Germany & Denmark
Rakosia - Combo. of Scotland & The Netherlands
Brusava - Russia
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
i'm glad you enjoyed brandon F
little note about the uniform thing, the reason why he drags on a bit on that is cause he's a reenactor, 18th century uniforms are his insane obsession. he even jokes about it in the video i sent, saying "i'm finally back to my insufferable self!" when talking about the muskets
i don't blame him tbh, after watching his content for a while i had the realization that 18th century isn't like the romans, whose equipment we deduce through archeology, old sources and guess work.
like, the actual documents that standardized 18th century uniforms still exist and are not hard to access, i realized that after Brandon noted that his source was the fucking British Royal Library in London. ( i mean ffs there's literally photos of Napoleonic era vets heres a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npSru7xEzX8)
and i honestly think its relevant, because if a million dollar historical production didn't want to put in the effort to go to a library and get the official documents. then what else they weren't bothered to get right?
but Brandon doesn't just do historical reviews he also talks a lot about the history in general. like, why fight in lines? what were marines in the 18th century? the history of tactics. and what role did cavalry play in line warfare? for example
heavens bless people of utube that manage to get hyperfixated on one topic for basically their entire life and then proceed to make stuff about it for us to watch, right? it's a delight to listen to someone who actually enjoys the subject and their subject therefore basically guarantees the authencity of what they put out
oooh but yes, the concept itself of what we actually get to know about things in what manner is fascinating in on itself. so since i was small i had been very fascinated by chinese mythology and mythology somewhat comes along with other parts of the culture and so on. and you know how the chinese culture is one of the oldest in the world?
as a result i've somewhat grown accustomed to the numbers that are typical to the span of chinese history and now whenever i go look into the history of my own country i'm actually stumped over how recently certain things happened! then again you wouldn't believe how oppressed or manipulated slovaks had been across history. ain't that right -glares at hungary-
to what extent we know which culture's history is so wild. the ability for certain historical things to simply last is absolutely incredible (such as military uniform documents or musical pieces of 18th century). fun fact! there's still messages written in stone by the soldiers of the roman empire on slovakia's territory. right near Danube, i think, p sure i visited that
thank fuck for reliable sourcing and also thank u for that vid that's gon come in handy for clothing references at Some point, i can feel it
and you are absolutely correct, yes! it Is relevant! as mister Brandon has said, there's of course a certain leeway allowed when it comes to more kid oriented stuff, but i'll admit! i was surprised to learn that serious historical productions apparently put less effort into these kind of things than the sea beast did (i don't usually watch those kind of things, i'm very fantasy/sci-fi and cartoon focused)
this kind of muddling of history that may seem "insignificant" to money grabbing bastards really screws up the perception of the eras for people who don't really have the time or the drive to look into things themselves. it's annoying
oh while we are on this history stuff, i saw this originally in utube shorts, but Apparently they are making a netflix movie or smth about Cleopatra and they made her black?? which is weird, considering that Cleopatra was greek and all that stuff. like don't get me wrong, yes give silenced/less known cultures like black folk more space to present themselves and who they are but like don't do it in a way that heavily skews the history? why are you going out of your way to create misinformation that could heavily impact understanding of history by taking out an already famous (not poc) person instead of Actually making the space for historically important black people. like maybe why not make a movie about that one super rich king from the southwestern coast of Africa (i think) that crashed the egyptian economy twice by being just too damn generous. that would be SO much more helpful to black peeps' history than shoving a black person into the place of a white one
i swear films nowadays either lack soul, heart, spine or brain like 98% of time
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Just a little character description of a Batfam OC I’ve been working on, nothing to see here.
Just so y’all know this is a draft character desc.
It’s not perfect 😭🤚
Name: River Morris (Wayne)
Age: 22
Power: Phoenix/hand to hand
Occupation: vigilante/adopted daughter of Bruce Wayne
Favorite song(s): the entire newsies soundtrack, the entire bring it on soundtrack, who is she by: I monster, I think I like when it rains by: WILLIS, She’s so nice by: Pink guy, Apocalypse by: cigarettes after sex, Rats by: Penelope Scott
Appearance(physical): short dark brown hair (kinda mullet style but diff yk?) dark forest green eyes. MUSCLE FUCKING MOMMY BRO 😍😍🥵🥵🥵 basically super buff hot woman, has a septum 🥵. She has got a burn scar covering quite a bit of her right eye because of the extensive “phoenix” training she endured, along with a good sized burn scar spanning across her upper back slightly in the shape of wings from her past. When she becomes Phoenix she does actually grow wings but they are literally made of fire, they are no longer flesh/bone because of a certain someone (👀) she also gets horns to match her fae heritage, she got to keep those 🙄.
Appearance(behavior): River as a civilian or in this case one of Bruce Wayne’s adoptive children is genuinely a kind and loving person which the batfam especially Bruce are extremely proud of considering her and all the other robins pasts, how they could keep their humanity though all they went through was honorable, doesn’t really have beef with anyone other than the villains of course (although Damian did eat her last instant ramen). She enjoys painting/drawing and is often found engrossed in a novel in the library. Her favorite food is instant ramen and she has a personal vendetta against people who eat the shrimp flavor, she is closest with Jason Todd and Cassandra Cain. If you can’t find any one of the trio you could probably find them all talking a nap together in Rivers room because she has a huge pile of random blankets and pillows in her room that she created specifically for this situation. She is VERY protective of all her “siblings” she is the 2nd oldest tied with Jason, (dick is still the oldest 🙄🤚) when Jason died she got extra protective and is always keeping tabs on each person at all times because she has a crippling fear of failure and takes losses very personally. Based off her past she actually was selectively mute for the first 3 years of living with the batfam but with some therapy and reassurance she broke out of her shell and the first words she said to them were “I love you guys” 🥺(my baby). She likes to help Alfred cook food (probably cause she is the only one who is not a liability in the kitchen).
Backstory: Rivers mother is a jungle fae and her father works for a mob gang, her mother and father were never kind to her, they were told they would make an extremely powerful offspring so they came together for the benefit of both of their sides. Rivers mother took her for the first years of her life, training her in the ways of the fae and how they fight/work, she grew up with red and orange wings (ombré) her mother found out about a special prophecy stating that River would grow to be one of the most powerful fae in a history, but to do that she would need to say goodbye to her wings. Her mother was a bit of a sadist in the fact that she slowly burned rivers wings from the base when she was 10, she now has a permanent burn scar in the shape of wings spanning her upper back. Her mother than believed that she needed to do nothing more so while they waited for rivers father she abused and neglected her to “teach her the importance of strength” because “pain is weakness” and rivers mother believed there was no room for weakness in her life. When rivers father took her he was no better, teaching her how to become an assassin deadly enough to topple governments like it was nothing, while training with her father she unlocked the power to access her phoenix, in true Author fashion it’s incredibly painful 😁🤚 basically because burn scars kinda make the skin more taught and less flexible, when she moves a certain why in a sudden movement these scars can “snap” basically the scars tear and transform into flame style wings while her tears (cause imma tell you rn there will be tears) turn into scorching embers and she has completed the “transformation” mind you her scars are actively bleeding and the blood is like trailing down her back but she’s unfazed like a badass (self projecting there, Oop- 😨). River doesn’t necessarily like transforming into phoenix (for obv reasons) so she doesn’t do it often but the batfam actually isn’t aware of her powers they are only informed on her “special training” which landed her the spot on the team.
Some references I created to give a better visual cause I’m that type o’ gurl
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argentnoelle · 2 years
look we all talk about what supernatural didn’t do but what it did do was:
• create an entire, fully realized species of agender characters with unique powers, species, culture and history, with a plotline about this spanning 12 seasons, encompassing everything from heroes to villains to people just trying to muddle along
• and this is just. accepted, in the show. not made a big deal of at all. specifically by Sam and Dean, the real pov characters who started the whole thing off. And the Winchesters never try to make Cas human or more like them [ok, Dean has some issues but those are Other Issues Entirely]. any fitting in stuff is specifically stuff so that Cas can get by better/stuff he wanted to learn himself/stuff that could help him be a better hunter.
• this is great of course. it’s what makes everything about SPN so good to me. but sometimes I think that the very fact that SPN made such a non-issue about this led to a lot of people watching the show seeing angels and just going “so. angels are brothers and sisters just like in an American Family[tm]. i get it.”
• consider: as of this writing, of more than 27,000 SPN fics on ao3, there are only 66 fics posted under SPN tagged “cultural differences” & only 73 fics tagged “Enochian-speaking Castiel.” that’s... literally... his first language...
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dane-ffxiv · 2 years
Prompt #17: Novel
It was common for children to take up reading when corralled indoors, especially with dreadful weather. In Koharu's case, it almost felt like punishment. Even though she loved to read, she thrived on days she spent away from home. It was very much filled with furniture, mementos, and a family, but she wasn't part of the picture. She felt like a ghost, quietly haunting the halls as she came and went. No concern for her safety, or even curious of where she'd run off to.
In the city, she also wasn't well-received among others. Kids were shallow, after all. Always hammering down nails that stood out from the rest. But they were things out of her control. They'd often make fun of her horns, tail, and given name. 'Koharu' was unique, its meaning and origin from a place most people never knew existed. The sentiment was lost on her and she came to resent it.
Everything considered, it wasn't the life most children of seven summers deserved.
Over time, she had come to appreciate the hours of reading tomes in the comfort of her bed. It was the perfect vessel to carry her along to each setting those stories took place. Fairytales and other works of fiction were her favorites. The further she strayed from reality, the better.
Koharu quickly devoured each tome, her usual pace averaging five or so per week. She rarely read the same one twice, a habit picked up knowing she only borrowed them for a limited amount of time. But one left such an impression on her that she read it over a dozen times.
It was the story of a woman who lived multiple lives spanning across history. At some point, she remembered her previous life and found a way to make it better. It started with learning new skills, becoming rich, and rising to power. Everything one could dream of and work towards, and it was entirely possible with all the experience she accumulated.
But after being born as an average girl with an average, loving family, she realized everything she worked towards meant nothing. Sure, having money, opportunities, and skills were valuable. But she neglected the things she deemed replaceable: friends, family, and most importantly, love.
She lived her life alongside her loving family, established plenty of lifelong friendships, and met the love of her life. Continuing on to start a loving family of her own, everything else fell into place. Once she reached the end of her life, she peacefully passed for the last time. Ending the long cycle of being reborn.
Despite the tome being far beyond reading comprehension for someone of her age, Koharu felt as if she understood the contents of the story completely. Of course love and friendships mattered. They were the root of all good things. Yet she still watched children playing together, couples walking hand in hand, and families exploring the city. This logic rang true, unless applied to her. She would never have a family who cared for her or friends who embraced her features and differences. She especially wouldn't find someone to love her.
It was a sad way to carry herself, but it was all she knew. She quietly hoped for something different. If that were the case, no one would shame or belittle her if it failed to come true.
She wanted to live like the woman in that tome. If she managed, maybe this star would grant her that wish. So, in an attempt to recreate herself and forge a new path, she abandoned her given name and took on the one belonging to that character.
Her name was Dane.
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risingsouls · 2 years
🦎+ any off the wall headcanons/theories about Saiyans? If you’re still doing this, that is!
Momo Talks About Shit So She Doesn't Fall Asleep At Work || Open!
[Gotta try and think of something I don't think I've touched on or that would be considered off the wall here 🤔.
I don't know if it's off the wall, but I looked up Planet Vegeta because I kinda remember Super trying to change stuff between the Saiyans and the Tuffles, so I was going to write about that, BUT I didn't find it (or missed it because in really tired), so I'm going to talk about some salt and my personal HCs concerning the Saiyans' conquest of what would become planet Vegeta.
Basically I'll start with how I don't care for the new(?) timeline they've adopted for this. According to the wiki, King Vegeta (present Vegeta's father), led the attacks that defeated the Tuffles in Age 730, King Cold discovered the Saiyans that same age or in 731 (the wiki says both? It's weird), and it was only four years later that Frieza destroyed the planet and most of the Saiyan race. So like not only is a lot mashed up into only five years without even mentioning the other smaller details of that time period in Saiyan history, it just feels...meh to me? Like I don't want to say rushed necessarily because a lot CAN happen in five years, but it lacks a fullness and intrigue to the Saiyans that I think just a bigger time span allows their history to have. Matters that caused strife internally and externally for the Saiyans are allowed to fester until we get to the point just before their destruction. Not to mention that does erase the part that they were conquering planets to some degree before King Cold came along, but I'll get into that.
To start with my own HCs here, I'll begin with I HC it was the FIRST King Vegeta who conquered the Tuffles, not the third, King Vegeta we know, and claimed the planet for the Saiyans, which would obviously be quite a while before canon now has it. I still maintain that they migrated to the planet likely because of a civil war and eventually took over that planet for their own. King Vegeta I, therefore, was the one to begin transforming the Saiyan race into the beginnings of what we see of the Saiyans when the planet is destroyed. Obviously, the Cold Empire will influence the way things work, too, but that's probably an entirely other post.
As mentioned, I also maintain that the Saiyans were already conquering planets before King Cold found them (which i believe is at least in the Z anime?) using the tech left behind by the Tuffles. Not for the same reasons necessarily. Iirc it was originally that they were searching for strong warriors to fight? And I'm sure that doubled as some kind of money making/take what they could use sort of venture. It was this lifestyle that caught King Cold's attention and led to them eventually working together. This was during King Vegeta I's reign.
While the Saiyans could absolutely accrue plenty of disdain for the Colds in four years or so, I feel like the bigger time span not only breeds disdain for the Colds and perhaps even the Saiyan monarchy, but it also allows more room for complacency, which I think we do see in the Saiyans when it comes to their position in the Empire (the OG Father of Goku movie I believe exemplifies it, as well as just different comments from Vegeta and others throughout the series). They're getting to fight like they love and are getting paid for it, so I think a lot of them were just like 🤷‍♀️ about it. Frustrated with how things worked in some ways, and i think this was worsened when Frieza took over (I HC that happens sooner too, but it's not a big detail I'll get into) , but overall complacent to just keep doing it. Not to mention I think they were very aware of how powerful Cold and his ilk were, so I doubt they were raring to start many rebellions, especially in the early years.
I dunno. I just think they originally set up a really interesting story for the Saiyans and I feel like recent content has just...diluted and made what little of their history we get far less interesting than it could have been. Making the Saiyans' sovereignty (or at least a more established, unified one it sounds like) and their alliance with the Colds so short sort of shoots out a lot of opportunity to really expand on Saiyan lore and present what I feel was the original intent for the Saiyans. Plus like...why make Vegeta the fourth of his name if his father was the one that apparently made the Saiyan race what we saw? Like sure you could have kings before that, but since they were apparently not well-established and spread out in different, likely autonomous clans, it doesn't feel like it fits?
Plus, the short time frame makes it too easy to allow the Saiyans to just be the victims when that's not REALLY the full story. They absolutely ARE but, originally, it felt a lot more complicated (no, this is not me letting the Colds off for SHIT; its contending that thr Saiyans aren't squeaky clean even prior to joining the empire). And they seem to want to KIND OF address that in more recent chapters of the manga but....not really. I think a lot of what they've done with the Saiyans' history lately has made them a lot less interesting as a race and makes their situation feel...too standard? Uncomplicated as I said? Which simplifying shit is definitely Super's MO but you know. I don't know how off the wall this is but HERE. 🤣🤣]
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solxproperties · 2 months
Affordable Real Estate Options in Marbella Malaga
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Finding an affordable home in Marbella Malaga, especially in  Luxury Property Marbella Malaga, might seem like a luxury reserved for the wealthy. But what if we told you you could find a new home within your budget in a prestigious location with a peaceful environment, fresh local produce, and pleasant climate conditions?
While it may sound too good to be true, we speak sensibly.
Costa del Sol embodies everything you've ever dreamed of. Transitioning to this area means shedding worries about exorbitant real estate prices—property costs here are notably lower than the average. The timing couldn't be better to invest in real estate in Costa del Sol. Seize the opportunity! Here's why.
Ending the Wealth Tax in Andalucía
Spain recently announced discontinuing its wealth tax, making residency in this region more appealing to global investors. The Wealth Tax was originally implemented to tax individuals with substantial wealth.
With the new law, all taxpayers will be exempt from the wealth tax. Spain anticipates a surge in visitors exploring the breathtaking Andalusia region.
Before the abolition of the wealth tax, Spain remained more cost-effective than many locations in Northern Europe. 
It's a prime destination for investment—expect exceptional returns! Homes for sale near me Marbella Malaga offer a range of opportunities suitable for various budgets and preferences. Despite being relatively affordable, the region boasts a fair share of luxury properties, designer boutiques, and exceptional cuisine.
A Stylish and Cosmopolitan Destination
Costa del Sol is an area many aspire to call home. Andalusia is an amazing region that also displays kindness and goodwill. There's always something to look forward to, including regular festivals and delicious tapas.
Costa del Sol offers a vibrant cultural scene, with art galleries, museums, and theaters increasing the local experience. The area's rich history and architectural wonders, like Granada's Alhambra, add a special beauty to daily living. Anyone who likes the outdoors, history, or cuisine will find something to enjoy on the Costa del Sol. Enjoy the region's way of life, where meals outdoors and relaxing walks along the beautiful path become regular aspects of your days. Complete your dream of owning a luxury property, Marbella Malaga, a reality, and immerse yourself in the beauty and warmth of this stunning region.
The proximity to civilization is notable even along the seaside. The main highway spans the entire southern coastline, facilitating easy travel for those willing to explore beyond the beach. Accessing Malaga, the bustling city center, is a breeze via bus. Malaga Airport's strategic location makes it convenient for visitors to arrive, potentially enticing them to consider a permanent move!
 Moreover, everyday conveniences are readily available without venturing into the city. The area boasts numerous English—and Spanish-speaking schools, hiking trails, dining options, retail stores, and expansive beaches. How would you enjoy your time by the sea? Imagine chilling on the beach, sipping sangria, and admiring the sunset with loved ones. Behind years of careful financial planning, isn't it time to invest in yourself? Flip to a place where you can relax and savor simple joys. Costa del Sol awaits with real estate choices tailored to your budget in Marbella, Malaga. Take advantage of this opportunity! Experience the lifestyle you've always desired in Costa del Sol. If you're searching for "Homes For Sale Near Me Marbella Malaga," look no further. The stunning properties in this region offer not just a home but a gateway to a Mediterranean paradise.
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vietnamnorthtosouth · 4 months
My Son Complex, Hoi An, Vietnam
February 24, 2024
My Son, an ancient religious site of the Champa
The Champas are one of the officially-recognized 54 distinct, ethnic groups in Vietnam.  They are of Malayo-Polynesian stock, with Oceanian features and Indianized culture, believed to have originated from Borneo, Indonesia.
Champa, one of the oldest Indianized kingdoms in Southeast Asia, became prosperous through maritime trades.  The Champa's adapted a number of foreign religions -- Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam -- in the course of their history, and their sea-faring commerce influenced their culture, art and traditions. 
Their kingdom, which spanned most of central Vietnam, gradually disappeared from the political map of Southeast Asia after its steady defeats against the southward-expanding Vietnamese, who progressively nibbled away the Champa empire, absorbing it entirely by the 17th century.
Between the 4th and 13th centuries a unique culture which owed its spiritual origins to Indian Hinduism developed along the coast of contemporary central Vietnam.
My Son, Vietnam’s most important Champa Kingdom site, consists of a complex of many works of architecture, including Hindu temples, tombs, towers, and sculptures of Champa civilization, some devoted to Hindu gods and goddesses including Shiva (a trinity of Hindu Deity) who is considered the protector of the Kings of Champa.  The site was used to hold religious ceremonies for the kings of the ruling dynasties of the Champas, as well as a burial place for the Cham royalty and national heroes. 
The site was partially destroyed by U.S. carpet-bombing during the Vietnam war.  The Viet Cong were known to have taken sanctuary at those sites. Some of the bombed structures have been restored, restoration work on some structures is ongoing, and other structures are still in ruins.
Some describe the My Son complex to be Champa civilization’s counterpart to the grand temple complexes of Indian-influenced civilizations such as Angkor Wat in Cambodia, Ayutthaya in Thailand, and Borobudur in Indonesia.  That may perhaps be true in terms of historical significance but, having visited the Angkor and Borobudur complexes, and now the My Son complex, I would say that that proclaimed parity is quite a stretch, at least in terms of grandeur. 
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A Champa Dance Performance at the My Son Complex
Before starting a tour of the My Son Ruins, we attended a dance performance at the complex. These dances have a lot of similarity to the Indian dances, reflecting the continued lingering influence of the Indianized culture.
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The My Son Ruins
The My Son Ruins, consisting of temples dedicated to Hindu God Shive (a trinity of Hindu Deities), are now being restored.
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...above a fully restored temple, clearly identifiable by the newer-looking bricks on the left side (no idea why they did not accelerate the weathering look using the readily-available chemicals as is typically done at many restoration sites elsewhere in the world).
It appears that the Indian Government is underwriting much of the restoration work, according to the several signs posted around the complex.
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borldwuilding · 1 year
The Kingdom of Four & the Black Spire
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Located in the northern central part of the plains on the continent of Vuorlan lies the Kingdom of Four and the Black Spire. Surrounded by absolutely towering walls, the Kingdom of Four spans about 2,000 miles (3,220 km) in diameter, with a total area of about 4,000 sq/mi (10,360 sq/km). The kingdom began its sudden and unusual construction in the late 12th Era, and took nearly 1,000 years to complete. It consists of a large outer wall that stands about 950 ft (290 m) tall, with towers in the cardinal directions. Almost equally tall walls split the largest outer circle into four sections, before coming to meet a ~500 ft (152 m) tall inner perimeter - who’s towers and own four dividing walls run diagonally to the outer perimeter’s. At the very center lies the Black Spire - by far the world’s largest and tallest building, and thought to be likely the tallest point in the world, rivalling Mt. Gezralahdnat.
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Little is known about the Kingdom of Four and the Black Spire. Bordered by the Holy Kingdom of Io on the north and the Northern Tribe Confederation to the south, the kingdom’s history is well recorded, but remains shrouded in mystery. It’s leader and creator is known as Lord Qaugrohqsay, which in the Nymauti language means “Infected Lord”. He appeared one day on the plains as a towering and imposing figure clad in black and gold armor, followed by a army of unusual individuals who while often classified as demons remain a unknown race even to the present day. Even the joint effort of the Holy Kingdom and the Confederation, the first and only time the two countries have ever put aside their differences, did not stop Lord Qaugrohqsay from beginning his construction. Even early into the kingdom and spire’s building, Qaugrohqsay’s forces were unusually aggressive and vicious - and Lord Qaugrohqsay himself was known to be unstoppable on the field. Eventually, the two kingdoms had to relent, and hold their ground nervously.
(Cont. Under the Cut)
Luckily for them, the Kingdom of Four did not spread or show interest in spreading beyond its established walls. Once built, Qaugrohqsay and his followers disappeared behind its walls, where they remain living a defensive and isolated life behind their kingdom’s towering black walls. Outsiders are not allowed in or near the border, and nobody is known to have ever left or escaped its walls. The Holy Kingdom of Io has several permanent towns dedicated to the surveillance of the Kingdom of Four, including markers that indicate how close they are allowed to get to the tower before what level of retaliation. 
On the south, the Northern Tribe Confederation is much more lax. The many hunter-gatherer tribes who wander the Confederation’s vast landscape have grown comfortable with their unusual neighbor, and tend to entirely disregard their proximity to the tower. While they largely know better not to push their luck or act hostile, the tribes are known to camp where the Holy Kingdom might consider ‘dangerously close’ under the knowledge that someone (the Kingdom of Four’s border guards) will have an eye on them. Even the adolescents who have the gall to play chicken with touching the black stone walls are known to be let off much easier by the Kingdom’s unusual guards than if the same were to occur from a civilian of the Holy Kingdom. Some tribe members cite being able to communicate with the guards along the wall, albeit replies are always short and give no further information.
The guards and those who live within the walls, from what outsiders may see, appear to be similar to Nymauti demons in general shape, size, and structure - but are more aligned elementally than Nymauti demons might be. Scholars make ties to the rough understanding of what the kingdom looks like from preliminary aerial surveys - each section behind the walls contains its own entire ecosystem that absolutely differs from its neighbors, in a manner that breaks conventional laws of the world.
On the outer perimeter lies the ‘state’ of Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring. In the inner perimeter, the ‘state’ of Fire, Wind, Water, and Earth. Each ‘state’s’ residents appear elementally attached to their location of residence. Immigration and emigration between the ‘states’ is a lengthy process which includes attuning to their new element before moving. The domains are sustained through magic, and their system is self-sufficient and does not require outside input or assistance. While the outside world may know basically nothing about them (in part thanks to their impressive and expansive defensive system against scrying and other invasive magics), the civilians of the Kingdom of Four are more up-to-date with the happenings outside of their domain, albeit they treat it rather like laxly due to how disconnected it is from them. They live out otherwise rather normal lives under the ever watchful eye of their kingdom’s strange and unusual ruler.
Lord Qaugrohqsay himself is an enigma to even his people. Thought by scholars outside the wall to likely be some form of lich, his civilians generally suspect the same - in the rare and fleeting moments in which Qaugrohqsay is seen outside of his hulking armor, he appears as a ancient skeleton infested by a writhing mass of worm-like tendrils that have taken root in his ribcage. His form under the armor is only known to people outside the kingdom through early records of combat against the strange being, when a lucky blow managed to shatter part of his helmet. Those who work within the giant structure of the Spire will see him on occasion outside of his armor when he chooses to leave the highest levels, though he is not known to be particularly social or speak to many outside of his closest and highest ranking officials.
The reality is that Lord Qaugrohqsay is not a lich at all, or even a undead. Lord Qaugrohqsay is, by technicality, just the worm-like entity. The skeleton is a long-forgotten king of a equally forgotten kingdom in whom the worms are simply controlling like a puppet with a mix of manual effort and magic. What Qaugrohqsay is, or where he came from, is a mystery perhaps even to himself. He is what historians would likely classify simply as a ‘monster’ if they had the chance to study him - a creature who is definitively unlike others, and who may easily have a ‘unnatural’ or unusual event that caused its creation.
Qaugrohqsay does not make a move on either kingdom that surrounds him - for now, he is content within his walls, watching over a strange ecosystem of his own creation. But not even his closest know what his long term goals are, if there are any.
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5 Ways a Kitchen Remodeling Loan Can Help Improve Your Home and Your Credit
Kitchen renovations are frequently the most satisfying and profitable home improvement projects. Creating a dream kitchen seems to be the most popular home improvement project. This could be because kitchens are the most used rooms in our homes or simply the most noticeable.
However, remodeling a kitchen can be too expensive. Besides changing the countertop, cabinets, and fixtures, there are also appliances that should be considered. So, this is where kitchen remodeling loans come in.
Such a loan offers finances to fix your kitchen. A good kitchen remodeling can significantly improve the entire house’s outlook and overall home value. Yes, this loan can also greatly impact your credit.
Our article takes a look at the five ways a kitchen remodeling loan can improve your home and your credit.
What is a Kitchen Remodeling Loan?
A kitchen remodeling loan is a personal financing used specifically for kitchen renovations. It's a loan where you get the money all at once and then pay it back with interest.
Loan amounts will mostly range from $1,000 to $100,000, and repayment terms are usually between two and seven years. The rates range from 6 to 36%.
These loans don't require collateral. Therefore, your credit score and income are used to decide if you can get one and the annual percentage rate. 
The following is how a kitchen remodeling loan can help your home and your credit.
1. Kitchen Remodeling Loans Improve Your Credit Standing
In addition to making your kitchen look better, you can also improve your credit score with the remodeling loans. When you have a good credit score, there is a greater chance that the loan company you applied with will trust you again. They use this information to determine if you are a good consumer when it comes to credit payments. 
With a good repayment history, you can increase your credit score, especially when you have no delay or credit dispute on your account.
The Fair credit reporting act, or FCRA, is a law that handles or protects important consumer information. With this law, lending agencies have the ability to check your account to see if you are eligible to receive a kitchen remodeling loan. But, this will only happen if you give them consent to do so.
If there is a data breach or access to your data without your consent, it violates the fair credit reporting act regulation. In such instances, you can have the case handled by an experienced FCRA attorney that will work tirelessly to ensure justice for your case. Usually, the lawyer will examine the documents and assess who is liable for the damage done to you. 
Due to your lawyer’s thorough analysis of the case, there is a high possibility that the person involved in this case will be held accountable. Because of this violation, the person or agency carrying out the illegal information acquisition may be charged or penalized under FCRA. 
2. Loans for Kitchen Remodeling Improve Design
If you want to beautify your kitchen without spending a lot or breaking the bank, the kitchen remodeling loan is for you. Because of this renovation, you can make your kitchen more beautiful by imitating the trendy designs you want for your kitchen.
Among the most frequent kitchen designs are:
L-Shaped Kitchen: Cabinets on two connected walls shaped like an L.
Island Kitchen: Cabinets along the outside walls and an island in the middle.
Peninsula Kitchen: Cabinets run perpendicular to one another without a wall behind them.
Galley Kitchen: Storage cabinets aligned along walls to resemble a corridor.
U-Shaped Kitchen: U-shaped cabinets span the length of three walls.
Combining the elements mentioned above is also possible; for example, a U-shaped kitchen might also feature an island. You may have something a little out of the ordinary if your kitchen is an unusual shape or doesn't conform to the standard layout choices. Your kitchen can be anything you want it to be as long as it suits your needs.
3. Kitchen Renovation Loans Can Cover Appliances 
One of the things that make a kitchen beautiful is the appliances it has. Many appliances have improved and make kitchen work easier. Your home can be more enjoyable if you have the right kitchen appliances. In addition, they can increase your home's resale value.
Here is the list of the essential equipment in the kitchen:
Rice cooker
Microwave Oven
Electric Stove
Because of the kitchen remodeling loan, it is easy for you to have new appliances. But, always remember that your credit report must be good to avoid being denied for a loan.
4. Kitchen Remodeling Loans Help in Future Loan Applications
One of the best things about a kitchen remodeling loan is that it improves your credit history. This is due to your correct payment deeds with your credit provider. Here are the things you need to consider to facilitate your loan again. 
You must ensure you do not have a credit dispute on your account. If there is a mistake on the part of the credit agency, it’s necessary to take care of it with your FCRA lawyer immediately.
Always make sure that you don’t have delayed payments in your account.
You must also update your credit information. Always check your credit report regularly to avoid inconvenience in your future loans.
When you finish your kitchen remodeling loan with a good payment history, you have a greater chance of getting a loan without difficulty from any loan provider you want.
5. Improve Comfort With a Kitchen Remodeling Loan
The kitchen is one room where no one wants to feel uneasy. An out-of-date kitchen can increase moments of discomfort. So, just in case you can't afford the sudden expenses for the construction, there is a kitchen remodeling loan that you can apply for. 
With this loan, you can get the budget you wish to make your kitchen look the way you want. Once you have the loan at hand, you can ensure that the contractor or builder you hire follows your desired hygienic and comfortable setup for your kitchen remodel.
Bottom Line
For the majority, the kitchen is usually the most favorite place in the house, where they spend a lot of time. Therefore, having a proper kitchen has a huge impact on the improvement of the whole house. 
In case you can't afford to design your kitchen to be what you want, you can get a kitchen remodeling loan. This will help you refashion your kitchen spaces to look and feel better.
Apart from its good effect on the house, this loan also helps increase your credit score and improve your credit report. But of course, you should always consider your loan provider and choose wisely. Ensure you go with the provider whose repayment method allows you to pay the monthly installments comfortably.
Guest Contributor: Daniel Martin
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warriorcatsamino · 1 year
Gray Wing’s Passage
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If you have been scrolling at all recently through any Warrior Cat based Social Media or just looking through the fandom in general, you have probably noticed a reoccurring theme. Most influencers in this fandom and even your average artists and writers have been creating artwork, stories, videos and more celebrating the 20th anniversary of Warriors. As of 2023, Warrior Cats is officially 20 years old with the first book ever of the series “Into the Wild” being published January 21, 2003. In that span of time, 6 other arcs; The New Prophecy, Power of Three, Omen of the Stars, Vision of Shadows, The Broken Code and A Starless Clan have been written and released. Similarly countless super editions such as Firestar’s Quest, Skyclan’s Destiny, Yellowfang’s Secret, Tallstar’s Revenge, Crookedstar’s Promise, Bluestar’s Prophecy, Moth Flight’s Vision, Hawkwing’s Journey, Crowfeather’s Trial, Squirrelflight’s Hope, Leopardstar’s Honor, Onestar’s Confession and many more have been published. Countless novellas also, such as Redtail’s Debt, Tree’s Roots, Leafpool’s Wish, Spottedleaf’s Heart, Pinestar’s Choice, Goosefeather’s Curse, Mapleshade’s Vengeance, Tawnypelt’s Clan, Ravenpaw’s Farewell, Dovewing’s Silence, Hollyleaf’s Story have been written. You may have noticed however that I am leaving out an entire section of Warriors books, having to do with the clans’ history. Don’t fret! I haven’t forgotten and in fact, that arc and subsequent stories are the topic of the piece above.
For those unfamiliar, alongside the main series arc, the Erins published another arc that is considered to be a sequel to the main series. This set of 6 books aimed to tie up missing threads about the clans’ history and was the first books (other than field guides) to speak of the clans origin. The arc I’m hinting to is the ‘Dawn of the Clans’ arc. The first DOTC book, The Sun Trial, was released March 5, 2013, and followed a protagonist never before mentioned in previous books. This protagonist is actually the subject of the piece above; his name is Gray Wing. For context, I will give a quick summary of Gray Wing’s backstory and personality. ⚠️ Spoilers ahead for DOTC and similar novellas and super editions along with some of the field guides ⚠️ According to the Warriors Wiki, “Gray Wing was a member of Windstar's camp in the forest territories. He was born in the Ancient Tribe to Quiet Rain alongside his brother, Clear Sky. When Half Moon spoke of a new home, Gray Wing chose to stay behind; however, after his younger brother Jagged Peak left to follow the group, Gray Wing joined them on the journey. He stayed with Shadowstar's group on the moor and adopted his brother's orphaned son, Thunder. Realizing his brother had changed, Gray Wing cut ties with Clear Sky. Gray Wing and Turtle Tail became mates and he adopted her kits, Sparrow Fur, Pebble Heart, and Owl Eyes. Gray Wing was chosen to lead the group after Tall Shadow, though he decided to co-lead with her following his asthma he developed from a fire. Gray Wing eventually stepped down leading the group following a battle with Clear Sky, and mourned Turtle Tail's death deeply. He helped defeat One Eye and Slash by drawing out battlestrategies, and once his mother died, he left the pines to the moor and became mates with Slate, who had his kits, Black Ear, White Tail, and Silver Stripe. Due to his asthma, Gray Wing passed away after renaming the group to Clans. He ascended to StarClan, watching over his kin, and gave Windstar, Thunderstar, and Blackstar one of their nine lives.”
The scene depicted above, which actually has a speedpaint on YouTube (if you are interested, you can find the link here) was commissioned by a user called TheHeatRush on YouTube. It portrays Gray Wing’s passage to Starclan after his untimely death due to asthma. Honestly, Gray Wing’s death was extremely tragic as not only did he leave his mate who recently had his kits; he also left his brothers, nieces, nephews and adopted children behind. It’s kinda strange actually, as Warriors has kinda a questionable history with adoptions. In POT, when it is revealed that Squirrelflight adopted her sister’s kits, she is treated with disgust and hatred by most of the cats closet to her. Adoption in the main series is almost treated as being taboo and strange, with Thunder preferring to go with his biological father despite he [his father] abandoning Thunder at a young age. But, me and the rest of the team would love to know YOUR thoughts on this matter! Can you believe that Warriors is 20? What’s your opinion on the DOTC arc? What’s your thoughts on Gray Wing? Do you think this series treats adoption correctly? Leave all your thoughts, opinions and feedback in the comments below. Did you like the art style of this piece? If you did, consider leaving a like on the original post on Amino. Supporting the original artist directly benefits this account! This is by motivating more creators to allow us post their work which gives us more content to share with you all. On a similar note, do you want more Warriors centered content? I would recommend joining the Warriors Amino where we have a fun and active community that creates art, writing and more based on the battle cats you know and love! 
Original Post linked here.
Original Artist linked here.
~ 🍵🥔
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maaya-fine-jewels · 2 years
Typical Motifs Found in South Indian Jewelry
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So, what is it one mean by the term jewelry? In the most generic sense, it is a decorative ornament crafted out of precious metals, covered with exquisite gems, and adorned by men and women. While that may be a way of seeing things, it certainly is not the end of the story. The journey of jewelry in Indian spans over 5000 years and numerous cultures and traditions. It is imbibed with literature, rituals, myths and legends, symbols and icons, chronicles, and so much more. While it is next to impossible to put into words the entire history of jewelry in India, today, we will attempt to give you a sneak peek into some of the typical motifs found in South Indian jewelry and the story behind it.
1.    Parrots
Now, who does not like parrots? These beautiful birds have been a constant companion of Hindu mythology in India for centuries. They were often linked with Kama, the God of love, and his companion Rati. History says Kama used to ride a parrot carrying a bow and arrow crafted out of sugarcane and flowers, respectively. Moreover, the bird in itself is often granted the highest honor and is associated with fertility. Its green feathers symbolize the earth after rain, and the red feather is seen as a mark of unfulfilled desires. While all this may sound far-fetched in today's all-practical world, it did, however, give birth to the ever-popular parrot kasu motifs that are quite common in South Indian jewelry. Its color and symbolic connection to fertility make it a favorite choice among brides in the region.
2. Mango
There is hardly an Indian present who does not know about the fruit mango. Its tasty is unparalleled, so much so that it is considered the king of fruits in India. But did you know that in South Indian jewelry, there is a special connection with mangoes? For ages, the mango tree has been associated with myths and legends in Indian society. They are considered a sign of fertility and long life. Its leaves are believed to hold protective powers and are, therefore, still used in numerous Indian rituals. They can also be found at the entrance of a household. To top it all off, ripe mango is considered to be a favorite of Lord Ganesh and is connected with the signs of attainment, love, and perfection. Considering all of these factors, mango motifs or mango mala or manga malai have become a trend in South Indian jewelry, especially among brides-to-be.
3. Peacock
We all know about the leader of birds in India – the peacock. This gorgeous bird species is known for its iridescent blue neck and bright green tail feathers with eyespots. They are considered a symbol of beauty and elegance along with the blossom of new love. Moreover, it is also considered the mode of transport of Kartikeya or Murugan, the God of love, wisdom, war, and victory. However, this symbolism did not stay restricted and eventually made its way to the world of South Indian jewelry. Today, the peacock motif has become a perfect addition and go-to option for a diamond necklace set.
4. Flowers
The connection between flowers and jewelry is everlasting. Flowers were prevalent even before the use of precious metals. They signified a bonding between man and nature, its flora and fauna. To this day, there is hardly any ritual or practice that is prevalent in India that does not involve the use of flowers and plants. They are considered the purest form of offerings to the almighty. As a mark of this continued Indian faith system, intricate flower motifs have become extremely popular in the southern part of India. One of the common choices that fall under this is the jasmine bud necklace, locally referred to as Mullai arumby malaii, which depicts the tender buds of the flower.
5. Rudraksha
The motif inspiration to make the list is the rudraksha. Since the beginning of days, the rudraksha bead has been associated with Lord Shiva. It is believed to hold the lord's creative energy and grants the wearer the same. Not just that, the bead is often considered to be the third eye of the deity. Its auspiciousness and beauty make it a perfect motif choice for jewelry in more ways than one.
While countless other motif designs can be found in South Indian jewelry, these few certainly rule the market. So much so that they can be found in a diamond jewelry store in New Jersey. Therefore, all you got to do is rush to your nearest outlet and take your pick.
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