philosophybits · 7 months
Happiness and the absurd are two sons of the same earth. They are inseparable. It would be a mistake to say that happiness necessarily springs from the absurd discovery. It happens as well that the feeling of the absurd springs from happiness.
Albert Camus, The Myth of Sisyphus
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feuervogel · 2 months
Some selected quotations
In effect, German authorities took the position that support for Palestinians must be understood as support for indiscriminate violence against Israelis. Moreover, they explicitly adopted the view that calling for an end to the war necessarily equates to denying Israelis the right to defend themselves in the face of such attacks.  Accordingly, just as explicitly pro-Palestinian protests were shut down, police often also suppressed calls for “ceasefire” or to “stop the war.” And in response to South Africa’s charge at the International Court of Justice that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza, the German government rushed to insist that this “accusation has no basis whatsoever,” and authorities within Germany have often treated the accusation as hate speech. 
These politics of supporting Israel while demonizing migrants as the source of antisemitism in Germany unites the far right with the right, center, and significant parts of the left, twisting the crucial fight against bigotry into a legitimizing ideology for xenophobia. And when it ends up directly harming Jewish people, the absurdity is impossible to ignore.
German authorities have increasingly institutionalized this agenda, appointing “antisemitism commissioners” at all levels of government. As celebrated Russian-American Jewish writer Masha Gessen noted in a widely-circulated New Yorker essay published early November, most of these commissioners are not Jewish — but many of their targets are. Indeed, according to our documentation at Diaspora Alliance, almost a quarter of all known censorship and cancellation cases in 2023 had Jewish targets.
Read the whole thing.
Oh god I just got to this one, what the entire fuck
In response, German journalist Sebastian Engelbrecht took to national public radio to suggest that Germany itself is now being subjected to antisemitism by virtue of its support for Israel. Strike Germany, he argued, sought to “erase Germany from consciousness” in a manner akin to the historical effort to physically erase Jewish life.
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fieriframes · 5 days
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[I rather like the smell of absurdity in the morning.]
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hobgobknowsbest · 6 months
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darkacademianew · 1 year
This is absurd.
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rachaelmayo · 7 months
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Here's a bit of silliness for this fine evening, from back in 2005. I do not recall precisely what prompted this sequence - probably the idea of the squinchy-squinchy noise, and the question of exactly what gaseous composition is exhaled by something that requires methane for its metabolic processes. I speculated that they exhale something inflammable, as well. FOOMP.
Ink and Prismacolor markers.
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dalestromberg · 11 months
Suppose you swallowed an eraser
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I wrote a book. I'm selling it for $0.00 this month (July 2023). It's not exactly a book of gonzo shitposting, but I think it vibes pretty well with the gonzo shitposting milieu of Tumblr. 
So you might like it. If you don't like it, I shall accept full responsibility. DM me for an abject apology. 
If you want a free copy of MELANCHOLIC PARABLES, get it here before 31 July 2023: 
If you click that link and it isn't free anymore (because it isn't July 2023 anymore), instead grab this other short fiction chapbook of mine (THE GALOOFUS) for free anytime: 
(Or grab both.) 
(Grabbing both potentially entitles you to two (2) abject apologies. DM me.)
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I do not disagree with the idea that Conservatives should strive to be respectful in political discussions but "respectful" merely means civil. It does not mean that I am obligated to show respect for, or take seriously every idea that enters into the public conversation. For the Conservative to take certain ideas seriously would mean for him to concede philosophical ground to his opponent.
I take my opponent seriously as a human being, but I do not and I cannot take seriously everything that he proposes. He longs for me to do so because once I concede that an idea that I once denounced as absurd is at least a reasonable alternative (even if I still maintain that it is wrong) I have lost half the battle. Defending a world view means not only maintaining that certain ideas are correct and others are incorrect, it also means successfully framing the discussion philosophically so that we appreciate precisely how correct or incorrect various ideas are.
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intellectualpoaching · 8 months
The absurd is only too necessary on earth. The world stands on absurdities, and perhaps nothing would have come to pass in it without them.
Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov
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dedalvs · 1 year
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I got this amazing book for Christmas from @thisallegra called Animal Land Where There Are No People (you can buy it here). It was published in 1897 in Scotland, and, essentially, the mother of a four year old drew all of these creatures that her daughter dreamt up. She included her descriptions of them, and then drew them based on how her daughter said they should look. It is priceless. These are some of my favorites. The descriptions, in order:
The Booba: This is a funny little animal. It makes no noise and runs.
The Ginniwits: This beast is larger than any table and is always there.
The Kank: This animal lives in a forest, eats hay, comes every morning up to the front door. It's a kind little animal. It can do everything and that's all.
The Joox: This animal's name is Joox because it is not a bear. It growls and eats cabbages and beans.
The Weedle: This animal has such dainty little ways of pulling up potatoes.
The Burkan: A nasty biting thing. There's none more about it.
The Jumma: This animal likes chocolate and rabbits. It is a little bit blingey.
The Melly: This creature is so surprised and eats toffee.
(And, no, "blingey" is not a word, and I suspect it's pronounced [ˈblɪn.dʒi], rhyming with dingy, as in dingy and dark.)
This is a small sampling. This book is an absolute treasure, and reconfirms my belief that four year olds are brilliant.
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authorbettyadams · 17 days
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If a human is deliberately ingesting a non-fatal toxin it can be dangerous to interfere.
Betty Adams Books
#SciFi #ShortStory #HumansAreSpaceOrcs #EarthisSpaceAustralia #HFY
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philosophybits · 2 years
To my thinking it's a good thing sometimes to be absurd; it's better in fact, it makes it easier to forgive one another, it's easier to be humble. One can't understand everything at once, we can't begin with perfection all at once!
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Idiot
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shifting---patterns · 4 months
Between Existence and Self-Destruction: In Search of Meaning and Action - An Essay
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An individual state leading to a deep loss of meaning and a sense of the world's meaninglessness can be caused either by a series of fateful events leading to a strong sense of melancholy or by sudden insights into the insignificance of one's own existence while facing the universe's indifference.
In his 2000 essay "Melancholy and the Act", Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek explores the complex connections between melancholy and action in human psychology and the social context. He challenges the conventional idea of melancholy as a purely passive or paralyzing state, arguing instead for a more profound analysis of this emotional condition. Žižek claims that melancholy is a special form of pain and sadness, often considered a state of stagnation and powerlessness. Contrary to this common perception, he argues that melancholy contains an unrecognized potential for action.
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According to Žižek, melancholy can be an internal catalyst that stimulates individuals to look beyond existing limits and norms, developing new perspectives. The crux of his argument lies in the idea that, paradoxically, melancholy involves a kind of activity. It can be a source of creativity, leading people to engage more deeply with their suffering and derive new insights and energy. This process can result in transformative actions, whether on a personal level through self-reflection and self-overcoming or on a societal level through the pursuit of change and innovation.
This realization can lead to a profound alienation from one's own existence, potentially extending to thoughts of suicide. It often arises from the incompatibility between expected outcomes or the meaning of life and the actual chaotic nature of existence. This discrepancy can cause deep uncertainty and frustrate the search for a concrete life purpose.
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Romanian philosopher Emil Cioran often grappled with the question of whether life is worth living in his writings. The depressions and insomnia he suffered from an early age strongly influenced his first book, "On the Heights of Despair," published in 1934. Cioran was obsessed with the idea of suicide, critically engaging with it in his aphorisms and essays. He argued that contemplating suicide is necessary for leading a better life. By confronting suicide, we confront the profound suffering associated with existence. This humility enables us to change the deepest aspects of ourselves.
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Simultaneously, it reminds us that our peculiar human ability to contemplate suicide elevates us above everything else in nature or heaven. Cioran believed that failure governs the world, similar to the capricious God of the Old Testament. Despite his pessimism, actual skepticism, and nihilism, Cioran remained joyous in a peculiar way. It is not a pessimism that can be traced back to simple origins, as individual origins themselves are questionable.Most people go about their daily routines without being aware of the profound absurdity and randomness of their lives. They live in a system of cause and effect that provides a certain predictability and security. These people rarely experience their lives as a tragedy.
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French writer and philosopher Albert Camus notes that most human actions are based on a logical error that ultimately leads to a loss of meaning. This loss of meaning can lead to self-doubt and a deep sense of meaninglessness that weakens motivation for personal endeavors.
The idea of suicide as a response to the absurdity of life, however, is considered by Camus, in contrast to Cioran, as a surrender to the incomprehensibility of the world. He argues that a stronger and more authentic stance is to be aware of the absurdity of life and still choose to live. Suicide is seen as an admission of the inability to understand or endure life. Camus uses the metaphor of Sisyphus to illustrate how one can confront the absurdity of life. Sisyphus is condemned to roll a rock up the hill, only to see it roll down again repeatedly. Despite the apparent futility of this task and the absurdity of his existence, Sisyphus finds happiness and joy in this act. He rebels against the absurdity by despising it but simultaneously accepts it.
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In the intricate web of existential musings we find a rich tapestry of perspectives on the human experience—ranging from the transformative potential within melancholy to the contemplation of suicide as a confrontation with life's inherent suffering, and finally, the defiant acceptance of the absurd. As we navigate this intellectual terrain, one overarching theme emerges: the profound beauty inherent in the struggle for meaning and the authentic experience of human existence.
Žižek urges us to reconsider melancholy not as a paralyzing force, but as a catalyst for innovation and societal change. Cioran's dark fascination with suicide invites us to confront the depths of our suffering, recognizing that in such confrontation lies the potential for profound transformation. In contrast, Camus advocates for a resilient defiance against the absurdity of life, finding joy in the very act of rebellion. Ultimately, these philosophical perspectives converge on a shared insight: that life's inherent absurdity need not lead to despair or resignation. Instead, the human spirit possesses the remarkable capacity to extract meaning from the seemingly chaotic and random nature of existence. In the daily struggle, in the pursuit of understanding and compassion, lies the essence of our shared humanity.
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As we grapple with the existential questions posed by these philosophers, let us not merely dwell on the challenges and uncertainties but embrace the beauty of our collective journey. In the face of life's absurdities, we discover the resilience to persevere, the courage to confront our deepest fears, and the capacity to find solace in the shared human experience. The pursuit of meaning, in all its complexity, becomes a testament to the indomitable spirit that propels us forward, even in the shadow of existential uncertainty. In this view, it is crucial for people to continue living despite the absurdity of life and become aware of human conditions to develop compassion for the suffering of others.
Despite the apparent absurdity of life, beauty lies in the daily struggle and in the moments of genuine experience that human existence has to offer.
Davis Jahn
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confessmau · 3 months
fat people can still be fatphobic. Garroth fat-shaming zane doesn't automatically invalidate all fat garroth headcanons-
see i hear you, but the whole thesis of my post was that it was weird how whenever the fandom discusses diversity and representation we tend to focus more on common headcanons, especially for popular characters, instead of the actual canon. not that all fat garroth headcanons are invalid because of one mystreet episode.
it isn't the only case of aphblr double standards, and i love me a fat garroth headcanon, (espcecially mcd y'all are doing the lord's work.) it is also objectively funny that our fandom's current pick for a chubby character canonically noticed his brother was a little out of shape and immediately defaulted to medieval torture to "fix it".
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hobgobknowsbest · 6 months
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tempestbee · 4 months
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But if Dada dies here, it will some day appear on another planet with rattles and kettledrums, pot covers and simultaneous poems, and remind the old God that there are still people who are very well aware of the complete idiocy of the world.
-Richard Huelsenbeck
Dada is nothing, nothing, nothing.
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