#Ant Man and the Wasp Quantumania spoilers
spaacedusty · 1 year
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they’re looking for mr conqueror :) 
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thisloveisredx · 1 year
kang sitting in his chair? 10/10
kang screaming? 10/10
kang crying? 10/10
kang monologuing? 10/10
kang fighting? 10/10
that suit? 10/10
kang? will return
Jonathan Majors? ate
crumbs left? nope
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thepunkmuppet · 1 year
the way jonathan majors played kang was sO different to he who remains, and even the other kang variants who we only saw briefly, in the best way possible. he was just so…. sad?? he always looked on the edge of tears, holding it in, so clearly repressing memories and feelings both when he was soft and calm with janet and when he was an all powerful dictator. it was such a multilayered performance, the way he acted with his face… just this completely unhinged and all consuming SADNESS that could so quickly turn into murderous rage. truly a beautiful performance, i was blown away by how much emotion I could see in those eyes even as he tried to kill our protagonists or burn down a village. just awesome. would love to see this variants backstory, because he has so clearly Seen Some Shit.
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thatmexisaurusrex · 1 year
Just Sam and Bucky, seething after Scott finally decides to tell them about the potential danger the universe is in.
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thena0315 · 1 year
2 Biggest Langdyne Moments in Quantumania
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Spoiler below  ↓
"Hope, are you real?" "I'm real." "Then let's do this."
"You came back. I love you, Hope." "I love you, Scott."
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iseathegalaxy · 1 year
many thoughts on quantumania, but first things first, majors owned the movie, he made it his every chance he got, with every acting choice he made, absolute star of the show and so I am incredibly excited to see where we go with kang from here onwards
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Things I Loved About Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania
1. Cassie Lang: Cassie is in that teenage phase of "if I see something wrong I have to Do Something otherwise I will Explode from the injustice of it all" (especially because her dad's side of the family is incredibly encouraging of anti-authority ingenuity) and I have a feeling she'll go far, good for her
2. Ant Man: Scott Lang has that "I punched Thanos's warship in a battle for the fate of the world" Avenger-trauma lingering about him, and he just needs his daughter to be safe and his life to somewhat make sense please (kind of heartbreaking how he has his priorities in iron-solid lockdown, what with how many times he's been on this rodeo)
and once again, there's a reason why an Avenger is an Avenger--don't think I'll be forgetting that "doesn't matter what you do to me as long as it's not to anyone else, never again" mindset that is so, so fucking signature of a "punch back harder" Avenger grit
3. Wasp: Hope van Dyne has the Avenger Thing too, she's just zeroed in on Scott and her family (like Scott's zeroed in on Cassie) so once everyone else is safe, of course Hope jumps back in for Scott and makes sure the world-killer doesn't escape (seeing a bit of her mother's big-picture vision and her father's personal loyalty, in her)
4. Those Two: kind of ridiculous how Hope and Scott have found a life partner to balance their family-saving/world-saving priorities with (I mean come on, that shot of them in the black void? infinite possibilities shrinking down into one the moment they find each other? because there's only one path forward they can take, the two of them in perfect sync, anchoring the other--yeah that's drift compatibility)
5. The Grandparents are Badass: Janet is a traumatized action hero and she should probably go to therapy, but she's still a badass. She's got the rebel leader "necessary sacrifices" mindset, which I feel is balanced out by the rest of her family. Hank Pym's mad-scientist-from-Spy-Kids reenactment was honestly so epic, I loved it so much. His hearing aids being a pivotal part of his special Cavalry Call ability was awesome.
6. I enjoy giant humanoid battle movies: tl;dr Scott Lang is an Avenger and I thought he would die in this movie but he didn't so! yay me! I'll be looking forward to seeing his human jaeger fighting style on screen again (yes I love Pacific Rim, what of it)
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frunbuns · 1 year
I watched Quantumania yesterday, and it honestly is not as bad as people make it out to be. It wasn't amazing, and it lacked a bit of the charm the other 2 movies have, but it was still funny. It had some of the general issues mcu movies seem to have, but it was far from awful.
I usually prefer that they stick to smaller things like they did before, that they don't go too big. That's something I really liked about the other ones, but I guess the quantum realm really is their area.
The story was a bit,,,, yea,,, sometimes. Idk how to articulate my feelings
I like that they've seemingly kept up their thing with their nice and healthy family dynamics thing, though I did miss seeing Maggie and Paxton. It was cute how Cassie called Hank and Janet her grandparents though. They really are a family ☹️❤️
The way they recast Cassie was shitty as hell, but Kathryn did a solid job
I love how much of a team Scott and Hope are though. The way she's just there when he needs her. Amazing. I love them so much
I love Hope. She's badass as always.
Kang was pretty good. Great performance. I liked it. He was cool
Luis, Kurt and Dave were missed
I genuinely have no words for Darren. I don't know how to articulate my thoughts about modok. I don't even know where to begin except what was that?? 😭😭
As someone who has felt like my interest in these films have vaned a bit, it was actually fun. And I do love the ant squad. A lot.
I could watch it again.
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highspeednerd · 1 year
this was literally Scott walking down the street thinking about everything he just did at the end of Quantumania
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antvnger · 1 year
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((You got that right!! NOBODY messes with his kid. Nuh uh!))
((I told my friend Friday night after I watched the movie that everyone talks about how you don’t want to see this person angry or that person angry, but tbh no one would want to see Scott angry because someone touched Cassie. Like that’s what the others should fear because it’s terrifying, and we saw evidence of that in Quantumania.))
((I said it once and I’ll say it again. Momma Bear ain’t got nothing on Ant-Dad.))
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togrowoldinv · 1 year
I saw Quantumania tonight! It was pretty good. I have a couple new fics in the works with characters from it!
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thepunkmuppet · 1 year
why did quantumania get me actually excited for loki season 2.
I feel like I’m getting my hopes up - I was absolutely ECSTATIC about season 1 in the run up, only to be blatantly queerbaited and met with nothing but god awful writing and low-key (HIGH KEY) transphobia.
honestly, my hopes are not high. season 1 had its moments, the set design, music, cgi, SOME of the acting and SOME of the world building was stunning, but for the most part especially from a character-writing perspective we all know it was a pile of steaming garbage but like,,,, the bar is in hell. the only way we can go is up?????
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thena0315 · 1 year
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Looking forward to seeing these two lovebirds again on the screen
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lukreziaaa · 1 year
“A lot has changed about my life. We literally saved the world. But right now, the only job I want
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is being a dad.”
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simmerandcry · 1 year
in my feelings about the Lang family!!!! Cassie lang!!!!! her and Scott and their matching head tilts!!!!!!!! goodbye!!!!
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I dunno why it got bad reviews. I mean, I get the spy kids stuff and Darren was kinda goofy once the mask came off but- yaknow, apart from that, I think it was mostly frickin dope
Exactly! I don’t know if the critics watched the same movie as the rest of us, but whatever. I don’t listen to critics. Red Tomatoes gave it a poor score and another critic thing gave it the worst score any MCU movie got which I find hard to believe because Endgame and a few others were far worse. But audiences gave it at least 84% rating.
I give it 5 ⭐️ and the highest rating I can possibly get. Superb.
To those reading this, don’t listen to the critics. The movie is epic. Go see it for yourself.
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